rizal quiz bee average


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1. On August 20, 1882 Rizal’s first article he wrote abroad was published in the Manila newspaper. What was the title of the article?

a. Amor Patriob. Las Dudasc. Revista de Madrid

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2. What was name of the Manila Newspaper where Rizal’s first article he wrote abroad was published?

a. El Imperialb. Diarong Tagalogc. El Libera

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3. In 1882, a group of Filipino students in Madrid was established and their meetings were usually held at the house of Pablo Ortiga y Rey. What was the name of the group?

a. Madrid El Progressob. La Solidaridadc. Circulo Hispano-Filipino

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4. The article “Las Dudas” was written by Rizal in November 1882. What was the name/signature he used for this article?

a. Dimasalangb. Laong-Laanc. Joseng Batute

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5. Rizal wrote an article in November 1882, which he intended for publication in a Manila newspaper, but it was not published because the newspaper stopped its circulation. What was the article he wrote?

a. Las Dudassb. Amor Patrioc. Revista de Madrid

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6. Rizal recited a poem on one of the meetings of Circulo Hispano-Filipino, to save the association from disintegration in October 4 1882. The poem means “They ask me for verses!” what was the poem?

a. Me Piden Versosb. Un Recuerdo A mi puebloc. Felictacion

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7. To pay the fees for his examination in June 17 1884, Rizal pawned which item?

a. Necklaceb.Watchc. Ring

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8.Which examination did Rizal obtained an “excellent” grade?

a. Surgical Clinicb. Greek and Latin

Literaturec. Philosophy

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9.What year did Rizal finished his Degree of Licentiate in Medicine in Central Universidad de Madrid?

a. 1884b. 1883c. 1885

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10.In August 1884, Rizal came to know of this guy who was from Nagcarlan, Laguna and was gypped in Madrid. He lost all his cash and was fooled. Who is he?

a. Pedro Paternob. Pedro Tobinc. Pedro Pateros

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11.Teodora Alonso feared that Rizal could no longer return to the Philippines as opined by both his friends and enemies in the country. She admonished not to meddle with things which would give her displeasure. She told her son not to fail to comply with the duties of a good Christian too many letters from her or she was already very old and…what?

a. Very sickb. Could not see very well c. Could no longer write

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12.January 1, 1885, Paciano begged Rizal to wait for the opportune time to return to the Philippines. He also told Rizal that their parents will meet him outside the Philippines. Where would they meet Rizal?

a. Singaporeb. Tokyoc. Hongkong

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13.Rizal wrote to Paciano in about his pension in March 1885. He also told his brother about his going to England or Germany to get his specialization on what field?

a. Surgical Clinicb. Opthalmologyc. Medical Clinic

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14.What year did Rizal finished his Degree of Licentiate in Philosophy in Central Universidad de Madrid with grade sobresaliente?

a. 1884b. 1883c. 1885

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15.To earn $12 a day, Rizal asked his parents permission to cure patients in town were there were no doctors. What kind of patients was he planning to cure?

a. Beri-beri Patientsb. Cholera Patientsc. Polio Patients

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