science quiz bee 2015.pptx

Science Quiz Bee 2015 Rufino S. Almaden Quiz Master EASY ROU!

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Post on 08-Jan-2016




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Science Quiz Bee20

Rufino S. AlmadenQuiz Master

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1. Refraction is t"e #endin$ of li$"t. %i&e fore'am(le) a fis" mi$"t nearer to t"e surfacet"an it reall* is. +"* is t"is so,

a. This phenomenon is not true.

b. Because light travels at a diferent speed on

water.c. Because light bounces of the ocean oor.

d. Because the sh moves too ast.

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2. +"at "armful $as is #ein$ released-"en en$ines #urn fossil fuels,

a. itro$en

#. ar#on Mono'idec. Sulfur

d. O'*$en

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/. !urin$ ancient times) (eo(le #elie ed

t"at t"e solar s*stem is .

a. eocentric



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. 6"otos*nt"esis is t"e (rocess #* -"ic" (lants manufacture t"eir o-n food.At -"at form do t"e (roducts of ("otos*nt"esis stored,

a. Bul#s

#. 4ruitsc. Root cro(s

d. Starc"

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5. 7"e size of a (lanets or#itdetermines t"e num#er of in a(lanet8s .

a.Years 9 entur*

#.Mont"s9 Year

c.!a*s9 Year

d.3ours9 !a*

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:. A c"emical #ond is an attracti e force t"at"olds atoms to$et"er. +"at t*(e of c"emical#ond -"ic" refers to t"e electro alent or

electrostatic attraction #et-een (ositi e andne$ati e ions,

a. r*stal %attice

#. o alent Bond

c. ;onic Bond

d. 6olar o alent Bond

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<. +"at re(resents t"e ratio of t"e solute(er &$ mass of t"e sol ent,

a. Molarit*

#. Mole fraction

c. omalit*

d. Molalit*

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=. 7"e follo-in$ are "ormonal effects on t"e"uman #od* e'ce(t for .

a. 3un$er


c.Mood s-in$s


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>. +"en Ronaldo loo&ed at "imself in t"e mirror) "eloo& taller t"en "e e'(ected. +"* is t"is so,

a.7"e mirror -as conca e.

#.7"e mirror -as taller.c.7"e mirror "as not"in$ to do -it" it.

d.7"e mirror -as con e'.

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10. 7"e mo ement of a #od* launc"ed in s(ace -it"out its moti e (o-er) and tra elsfreel* under t"e action of $ra it* and air resistance alone is called .

a. Uniform circular motion

#. 6ro?ectile motion.

c. Rectilinear motion

d. 3orizontal motion

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1. +"at is t"e difference #et-eent"e sound and t"e s(eed of li$"t,

a. %i$"t is 1< =:0 m(" faster t"an sound.

#. %i$"t is < 0 m(" faster t"an sound.

c.Sound is < 0 m(" faster t"an li$"t.d. Sound is e ual t"e s(eed of li$"t.

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2. +"at is it man fells -ei$"tless in t"e moon,

a.Because man8s mass decreases -"en on t"e moon.

#.Because man8s olume decreases -"ile on t"e moon.

c.Because t"ere is no air on t"e moon.d.Because t"e moon8s $ra itational (ull is lesser t"ant"e eart"8s.

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/. Rustin$ is an e'am(le of -"att*(e of reaction,

a. Osmosis

#. A$itation

c. O'idation reduction

d. Electrol*sis

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. +"en an electron of an atom mo esto a "i$"er ener$* le el -"at "a((ens,

a. Ener$* is maintained.

#. Ener$* is released.

c. Ener$* is a#sor#ed.

d. 7"e atom #ecomes a ne- element.

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5. +"at is e'am(le of cata#olism,

a. Re(roduction

#. !i$estion

c. 4ertilization

d. "romatilization

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:. +"ic" (late #oundar* is formed#et-een t"e 6"ili((ine 6late and t"eEurasian 6late,

a. on er$ent

#. !i er$ent

c.Re erse fault

d.7ransform fault

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<. +"at electroma$netic -a e issometimes called "eat ra*s,

a. amma ra*s

#. ;nfrared

c. Radio -a es

d. @isi#le li$"t

+"i " f t" f ll i $ i t

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=. +"ic" of t"e follo-in$ is not anucleotide t"at encodes $enetic(atterns,

a. Adenine

#. 7"*mine

c. *tosine

d. "romatin

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>. +"ic" of t"e follo-in$ causes adecreasin$ -ildlife (o(ulation in most oft"e (laces in our countr*,

a.%oss of limitin$ factor

#.%oss of natural distur#ances

c.%oss of "a#itat

d.%oss of carr*in$ ca(acit*

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10. +"at is most li&el* to "a((en -"en anaerosol can is "eated,

a. 7"e can -ill sta* t"e same.

#. 7"e can -ill #e deformed.

c. 7"e can -ill e entuall* e'(lode.

d. 7"e can -ill tarnis".

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!;44; U%7 ROU !

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1. A #alloon -it" a olume of 200m% at /0Cis su#mer$ed in "ot -ater to o#tain atem(erature of 50C . 4ind out -"at -ill"a((en to t"e olume of t"e #alloon )(ro ided t"e (ressure remains t"e same.a. 7"e olume of t"e #alloon -ill #ecome "i$"er t"an


#. 7"e olume of t"e #alloon -ill #ecome lo-er t"an200m%

c. 7"e olume of t"e #alloon -ill sta* t"e same

d. 7"ere is no enou$" data

2 +"at or$anelle is t"e num#er < #ased on t"e

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2. + at or$anelle is t e num#er < #ased on t edia$ram #elo-,

a. @acuoles

#. Mitoc"ondria

c. entrioles

d. %*sosomes

3 A b ll i i ll t i t X ll d th

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˙ A

˙ B˙ C

˙ D

3. A ball, originally at point X , rolls down thshown in the diagram. At which point does the bhave its maximum kinetic energy ?

˙ X

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. As indicated #* t"e "ands of t"e cloc& -it"outnum#ers) t"e real time is >9/0. -"at is t"e timeindicated in its ima$e if t"e cloc& is (laced in front

of a (lane mirrora. 29 /0

#. /9/0

c. >9/0

d. 109/0

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5. +"o -as t"e scientist "*(ot"esized t"at t"eEart" -as once made u( of a sin$le lar$e landmasscalled 6an$aea,

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:. ;n t"e color s(ectrum) -"at color t"at #endsmost,

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<. +"o -as t"e ("*sicist -"o did t"is e'(erimentset u( a#out electroma$netic induction,

=. A len$t" of a co((er -ire AB rest across a (air of

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$ (( ((arallel co((er -ire t"at are connected to a#atter* t"rou$" a s-itc" as in 4i$.1>./>. 7"earran$ement is (laced #et-een t"e (oles of a

ma$net) and a s-itc" is closed. !oes t"e -iremo e to t"e left or t"e ri$"t) or rise u(-ard) or(ress do-n-ard,

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>. Balance t"e c"emical e uation) ma&e sure toa((l* t"e (rinci(le of t"e %a- of onser ation of


Dn 3 l Dn l 2 3 2

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10. 7"e ma$netic field s"o-n #elo- #* a #arma$net is (roduced #* .

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%; 3ER ROU !

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1. +"ic" of t"e follo-in$ metals -ould #eattracted to a (ermanent ma$net,

a. %ead#. o((er

c. ic&el

d. Aluminum

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2. +"at is t"e olume of an o#?ect -"en afterdro((in$) 1<.=m% -ater in a $raduated c*linderrises to 2/.: m%,

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/. +"o -as t"e ("*sicist used t"e iron coil t"at

*ield "im to disco ered electroma$netic induction,

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/. YesF o. an -e control $ra it*,