road to success

" Road to Success " King Abdullah Scholarship Program Dr. Faiza M. Aljohani ce Dean of the English Language Institute King Abdul-Aziz University Dr. Faiza Aljohani

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General Lectures


  • 1. "Road to Success"
    King Abdullah Scholarship Program
    Dr. Faiza M. Aljohani
    Vice Dean of the English Language Institute
    King Abdul-Aziz University
    Dr. Faiza Aljohani

2. Motivational Quotes
Your life is in your hands, to make of it what
you chooseJohn Kehoe
The secret of getting ahead is getting started
Mark Twain
Let others lead small lives, but not you. Let others argue over small things, but not you. Let others cry over small hurts, but not you. Letothers leave their
Jim Rohnfuture in someone else's hands, but not you.
Dr. Faiza Aljohani
3. Road to Success
The aim of this presentation is to acquaint students with scholarships to continue their education a broad with tips on maximizing their new college experience and to prepare them to assume important roles in their future
Dr. Faiza Aljohani
4. Elements of Success
Four elements of success.
Opportunity, support, initiative and competence Your country provides you with the first two and you provide the second two.
You are the pride of our country, take advantage of the opportunity and support you are given, and become the best student possible.
Dr. Faiza Aljohani
5. Learning To Live in a New Country
No matter what city you come from, you will find the country you are going to unfamiliar at first.
Much will be new to you: the look of the people, their clothes, the houses, the smells, the countryside, the cars; the sound of another language all around you; the sense of living among strangers whose behaviour you dont understand.
You may miss the food you are used to and the comfort of the friends and family you lived among at home.
Dr. Faiza Aljohani
6. Learning To Live in a New Country
Like many other students, you may find these changes very upsetting and confusing.
You could feel hopeless, frustrated or even angry. Or your reaction could be to withdraw from your new surroundings, by spending most of your time with other students from your own country, or by staying in your room (or even in your bed!).
Dr. Faiza Aljohani
7. Learning To Live in a New Country
If you are very distressed by the feelings you have in this new place, you are probably undergoing culture shock.
All overseas students have some of these feelingsthey are quite normalbut most
learn to overcome them in the first weeks and months of their stay.
Dr. Faiza Aljohani
8. Coping with culture shock
You can overcome these feelings little by little as you get to know your new environment. Learning about a new culture is an important part of the education you will receive there, and worth the effort you put into it.
There are many ways you can find out about the country you are going to, and learn to feel
at home there:
Dr. Faiza Aljohani
9. Coping with culture shock

  • Remember, that when people behave in a way you dont understand, there is usually a reason for what they do. Although their behavior might be unacceptable in your culture, it is almost certainly acceptable within their own culture and according to their personal standards.

10. You will need to observe people, listen to them and ask many questions. 11. It is important not to judge people before you understand their values and customs.Dr. Faiza Aljohani
12. Coping with culture shock
Its a good idea to learn to laugh at the mistakes you will make from time to time. People will be happy to help you if you are relaxed and ready to learn.
Find ways to meet as many people as possible. Join clubs, go to sight-seeing.
Be ready to talk.
Dr. Faiza Aljohani
13. Coping with culture shock
Your physical surroundings will become familiar to you as you find your lecture rooms and the Uni-Centre. Use a map, and explore a little further each day.
Every University has Student Equity and Diversity Liaison Officers (SEDLOs) and Counselors who would be happy to help you with any problems you have settling in to your new life and meeting people .
Dr. Faiza Aljohani
14. Language
When you arrive at your University one of the first and most difficult problems you may face is language.
Dr. Faiza Aljohani
15. The spoken language

  • Even if you have spent many years learning English in your home country, you will probably find that you dont understand much that people say there. You may have difficulty expressing yourself in English, too, when you want to tell people who you are, how you feel and what you need. This is normal. But why is it so difficult to

16. understand English at first? 17. You will find that natives speak very fast. You can ask people to speak more slowly; they will try to make it easier for you. The main thing is to relax. 18. Dont try too hard to understand every word at first. And remember you dont have to speak fast to be understood!Dr. Faiza Aljohani
19. Understanding Language
One of the largest inhibitors for students is often mental block. While listening, a student suddenly decides that he or she doesn't understand what is being said. At this point, many students just tune out or get caught up in an internal dialogue trying translate a specific word. Some students convince themselves that they are not able to understand spoken English well and create problems for themselves.
Dr. Faiza Aljohani
20. Tips for being a good listener
Listen for main ideas. The main ideas are the most important points the speaker wants to get across. They may be mentioned at the start or end of a talk, and repeated a number of times. Pay special attention to statements that begin with phrases such as "My point is..." or "The thing to remember is..."
Ask questions. If you are not sure you understand what the speaker has said, just ask. It is a good idea to repeat in your own words what the speaker said so that you can be sure your understanding is correct. For example, you might say, "When you said that no two zebras are alike, did you mean that the stripes are different on each one?"
Give feedback. Sit up straight and look directly at the speaker. Now and then, nod to show that you understand. At appropriate points you may also smile, frown, laugh, or be silent. These are all ways to let the speaker know that you are really listening. Remember, you listen with your face as well as your ears!
Dr. Faiza Aljohani
21. The spoken language

  • The English accent may be new to you. Many international visitors find that Australians, for instance, do not speak as clearly as American and English people do, and their vowel sounds are very different from theirs. You will soon begin to recognize the words you know.

22. You will meet lots of new words. The words used in everyday living, the words peculiar to a particular state, to university life, may not yet be in your vocabulary. You will learn them quickly because you will hear them every day and because you will need to use them. This is the best way to learn to speak fluently. 23. Nativesspoken language is very informal and contains a lot of slang, that is, words and expressions with a special meaning for a small group of people.Dr. Faiza Aljohani
24. The spoken language
Natives often use abbreviations too, that is, shortened forms of words, even just initial letters. Ask people to explain any words you dont understand.
The slang used by the students of the University will soon become familiar to you.
Its fun to use these words and when you do you will feel you belong.
Anxiety may be a problem for you too. But this is normal and the more you learn the easier it will become to relax.
Dr. Faiza Aljohani
25. Written language
At university, in your reading, you will also find many words that are not in your English vocabulary. You may be unfamiliar with some of the grammar. There are some suggestions that may help you to improve your understandingand increase your vocabulary.
Dr. Faiza Aljohani
26. Written language
You can also talk to the staff at the Learning Resource Centre. This service is free and available to all students seeking help with their language and academic skills.
Dr. Faiza Aljohani
27. Body language
People express themselves with more than speech: facial expressions, hand and shoulder gestures, nodding, and bowing all add extra meaning to what we say.
Some of this body language is just part of the individual personality, but other movements have special meanings in different cultures.
Dr. Faiza Aljohani
28. Body language
Generally, people of the west like to look people in the eye when they greet each other, and from time to time while speaking to them. This might be impolite or insulting in your culture but Americans & Canadian believe it is both polite (to show they are listening) and
sincere (to show they honestly mean what they say).
It is rude to stare at people, however, that is to keep your eyes fixed on someone for too long, whether you are speaking with them or not. Take note of what people do and you will soon know what to expect and how to act.
Dr. Faiza Aljohani
29. Body language
Americans often talk to people in an informal way, but they do not stand very close to others or touch them much during conversation. It is not an insult in the west if you are handed something with the left hand. No special meaning is attached to left and right hands there.
Dr. Faiza Aljohani
30. Getting To Know People
While you are at the University you will meet many foreigners. You may be surprised to find what a mixture of different people you will meet.
The first Europeans arrived to settle in America or Australia only some 200 years ago but since that time new settlers have come from all parts of the world.
Dr. Faiza Aljohani
31. Directness
Discussing issues, events and ideas openly with other individuals is considered quite proper in the West . They might bring up in conversation issues you would consider sensitive or embarrassing or rude; try not to be offended.
Dr. Faiza Aljohani
32. People in the West are also quick to get to the point, particularly in business situations. They do not spend a lot of time on polite social talk before getting down to business. They may also voice disagreement openly, whether with friends, teachers or employers.
Dr. Faiza Aljohani
33. Asking questions
Americans, for instance, ask a lot of questions, some of which may appear to you to be uninformed and elementary. Try to be patient in answering them. The students there may not know much about your country or your way of life. They are sincerely interested in learning about your country and culture and in trying to find out what you are like.
Dr. Faiza Aljohani
34. Making friends

  • Overseas students can have difficulty getting close enough to make friends. Why?

35. Everyone seems to be in such a hurry its hard to talk to anyone for very long. 36. It is important to realize that they themselves have many acquaintances they can talk with casually, but only a small number of true friends. 37. It takes time before a speaking relationship turns into friendship. 38. The students you see may have known each other in high school before coming to the University.Dr. Faiza Aljohani
39. Making friends
When people know your stay is limited, at first they may hesitate to commit themselves to friendship. And you may also seem very different to them until they get to know you.
You mustnt give up, however. If you are open and friendly, and keep on trying you will succeed. Not everyone would make a good friend. You need to find people you like; probably theyll like you too. And once you have made a good friend, new opportunities for friendship will open up.
Dr. Faiza Aljohani
40. Get involved
In the beginning, when you are hoping to make friends, dont worry if your English doesnt seem good enough. Join in the conversation anyway and in the effort to communicate, you may find a friend. In the effort to share ideas and friendship with a few words, interest and caring can begin. Dont be afraid to make language errors; nobody is going to laugh at you.
Dr. Faiza Aljohani
41. Get involved

  • Tell Native students where you are from, and tell them about your country.

42. Usually people are interested to know how things are done in other countries. 43. If someone shows an interest, answer his or her questions; dont be hesitant or shy. 44. Living in a college can offer opportunities for friendship. If you live off campus, plan to eat on campus now and then. If you have the opportunity to be a teaching assistant or to work part-time (if this does not interfere with your studies) consider doing this. Go to student gatherings and watch and gradually you will find yourself a participant.Dr. Faiza Aljohani
45. Get involved

  • Sometimes lecturers or other University staff can become or can open up friendships with their families or with other people in the community.

46. Become involved in student activities, perhaps initially through the international students organizations of your country. If you are invited to a college or faculty party, go and meet the members of staff and other students. 47. There areCommittee for International Students (ICIS)that canplan recreational events and provides services to all international students and their families. Take advantage of these opportunities and you may experience friendship which you will treasure all your life. Dr. Faiza Aljohani
48. Customs and culture
The following notes about Westerncustoms will help to guide you in practical situations.
Dr. Faiza Aljohani
49. Greetings
People usually shake hands firmly the first time they meet. How do you do? is the formal greeting at a first introduction, and other formal greetings are Good
morning , Good afternoon and Good evening. Usually young people just say
Hello or Hi, often followed by How are you?. People appreciate it if you use
their name, for example, Hi, Petty.
Dr. Faiza Aljohani
50. Punctuality

  • You are expected to be punctual or on time. If you have an

51. appointment at 10.30 am with the dentist, be there at 10.30, no later. 52. If you are invited for dinner at 7 oclock, be there at 7.00 (not earlier, however) or within ten minutes after 7.00. If you cannot keep an appointment or if you cannot avoid being late, it is extremely important that you telephone immediately and explain. 53. If you are late and you have not telephoned, you may find the person you are meeting to be abrupt and even unpleasant. Dr. Faiza Aljohani
54. Social invitations
Invitations should be answered as soon as possible. When you receive an invitation,
formally through a note or informally by telephone, you will be expected to respond
quickly and honestly. On a written invitation, RSVP means Please reply, and you should do so as soon as you know whether or not you will attend. It is also wise
to get the persons telephone number, so you can call and notify them if you must change your plans or are delayed
Dr. Faiza Aljohani
55. Social invitations

  • While appointment times for social affairs are more flexible than business appointments, you should try to arrive as close to the appointed time as possible, particularly if you are invited to dinner. Under normal circumstances a person who extends an invitation to you and takes you to a restaurant or a theatre pays for the meal and/or tickets. However, since students are often short of money, an invitation may merely mean wed like you to join us, suggesting that you would be expected to pay for yourself. If you are in doubt, ask. Going Dutch means that each person pays his or her part.

Dr. Faiza Aljohani
56. Social invitations

  • You may receive an invitation to a barbecue and be asked to bring your own steak.

57. This seems strange to most international students but it is an acceptable way to entertain. Buy a steak at the supermarket (they come neatly packaged), put it in a bag and give it to the person who greets you when you arrive at the party. You could bring a vegetarian alternative if you wish. 58. If you are asked to bring a plate this means bring a plate of food as a contribution to the meal dont just bring an empty plate! Groups often have meals where everyone brings a prepared cooked dish, salad or dessert to put on the table. 59. A dish from your country would be greatly appreciated at such a meal.Dr. Faiza Aljohani
60. Saying thank you

  • It is always polite to send a thank-you note to your host. It is not necessary to take a gift to your host, especially if you go only for dinner or a short visit. Although a bottle of drink or a box of chocolates is always appreciated. If you are invited to a party celebrating someones birthday, or for Christmas, take a small gift.

61. It is never necessary to give an expensive gift, but a small souvenir from your country would be received with delight. Thank you is a phrase used often in the West. 62. Even when a person is only doing his or her job (such as a sales assistant in a shop), it is customary to say thank you.Dr. Faiza Aljohani
63. The use of names
Here are a few guidelines on the use of names:
First names are more readily used in the West.
It is acceptable to automatically use the first name of someone of approximately the same age as you or younger.
People older than yourself are often addressed by their titles, Mr (pronounced Mister) for men, and Ms (pronounced Mizz) for women until the individual requests that you use his or her first name, or until you get to know the individual better.
Dr. Faiza Aljohani
64. The use of names

  • Some women prefer either Mrs or Miss as rather than Ms.

65. Men and women will be confused if you use Mr, Mrs, Miss or Ms with a given name, as is the custom in some countries. 66.These titles are used with the last or family name. Thus, it is incorrect to call Miss Barbara Jones Miss Barbara. 67. If you have any doubts about what to call someone, simply ask, What shall I call you? If people seem unsure what to call you, tell them the name you prefer.Dr. Faiza Aljohani
68. The use of names
The use of nicknames is very common. A nickname is not the persons real name but a name given by friends (usually) because of some physical characteristic or behaviour pattern, or it may be a short form of his or her real name. Someone whose name is Andrew, for instance, might be given the nickname, Andy. Someone who has very red hair might be called Blue.
Being called by a nickname is not uncomplimentary; in fact, it is often a sign of acceptance and affection.
Dr. Faiza Aljohani
69. Tips for Students
The limits of dealing with people of the opposite sex.Islam does not ban gender mixing in normal environments.
What is forbidden in Islam is that a man and a woman sit together in a closed environment, or have inappropriate conversation . All you need to remember is to stick to your religion and adjust to your learning environment.
Dr. Faiza Aljohani
70. Tips for Students
Furthermore, in order to get into many countries on the stay abroad you will require a visa of some type, even if you are just visiting. This is usually an insert, stamp or sticker which is placed in your passport and the duration of its validity varies from place to place. If you do intend to work or study in the country to which you are traveling, however, you should organize your visa even further in advance as this can take longer to process.
Dr. Faiza Aljohani
71. Tips for Students
As well as your passport you should ensure that you have at least one other form of identification with you. This may be a drivers license, birth certificate or any other form of ID which is acceptable worldwide. As with passports, bring at least two copies of all forms of identification in case of loss or theft.
Dr. Faiza Aljohani
72. Tips for Students
You should also find out where your embassy is in the country to which you are travelling as this will come in very handy for genuine emergencies. For example if you need to return home urgently or lose important documents or passports, your embassy should be able to help you out pretty quickly.
Dr. Faiza Aljohani
73. Going home
You may be surprised to learn that you can suffer another culture shock when you return to your own country. You have changed during your stay here, while the people and customs at home may have remained the same. Your friends and family may want you to be exactly as you were when you left
Dr. Faiza Aljohani
74. Going home
you may have difficulty accepting the rules now you have become accustomed to a new lifestyle; at first you may feel that you dont belong anywhere. Knowing that you might face these feelings, it would be a good idea to attend a Returning Home Workshop or talk with your SEDLO before you leave for home.
Dr. Faiza Aljohani
75. Finally, Remember
You were born with potential.
You were born with goodness and trust.
You were born with ideals and dreams.
You were born with greatness.
You were born with wings.
You are not meant for crawling, so dont.
You have wings.
Learn to use them and fly.
Dr. Faiza Aljohani
76. Thank you
And non-stop to the top
[email protected]
Dr. Faiza Aljohani