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  • 8/14/2019 Rock County 4-H


    Rock County 4-H


    February 2010

    Phone: 608-757-5690Fax: 608-757-5581

    4-H is a community of young people across America learning leadership, citizenship and life skills.


    You are one of over 1600 youth and 600 adults in Rock County whochoose to be part of the Rock County 4-H Program. It is because of your participationthat this organization continues to be successful in its many endeavors. Keep up the goodwork and continue to share your experiences with neighbors and friends and encouragethem to get involved with you!

    We realize that families have lots to do, but we encourage you to read the Cloverpatchand get involved in the county wide project meetings and activities.

    Check these out Have you considered participating in the Communication Arts Festival on

    February 22 at Rotary Gardens? Check out the public speaking opportuni-ties, posters, writing and, new this year, Public Service Announcements.Please note there was an error on the registration form for Cloverbuds.They can enter the poster and Division H, Cloverbud 4-H Pledge Speaking

    Contest. Register today! Theres also the Pre-fair Cat Show on February 27. This show is open to

    all 4-H members. The registration is available at our website, (click on projects), or at theUWEX Office.

    There is also the Jr. Council Volleyball Tournaments coming up in Marchcheck and see if your club will have a Jr. and/or Sr. Team and sign up. Itslots of fun.

    The Horse & Pony project is having some important meetings to welcomemembers and explain all the opportunities that are coming up.

    There are also rabbit, poultry, cat and mechanical science project meeting

    coming up. Check them out.These are just a few of the things to do on the county level and we know your club hasmany opportunities as well. So make the best of your 4-H involvement and get involved!

    If you dont find what you are looking for in the Cloverpatch, check out our website, or call us at 757-5690..

  • 8/14/2019 Rock County 4-H


  • 8/14/2019 Rock County 4-H


    contact the UWEX Office for an applicationform and return it to the UWEX Office byMarch 1. If you have questions contact Sue at757-5690.

    Volunteer Tax DeductionsA number of tax benefits are available for vol-unteers under the general charitable deductionof the Internal Revenue Code. Volunteers maydeduct unreimbursed, outofpocket expensesdirectly related to a charitable organizationsuch as 4-H if they itemize deductions for2009. Detailed information is available in IRSPublication 526, or check out the IRS websiteat Click on Forms and Publica-tions then Publication number then scroll

    down to Publication 526.

    Full HouseRock County 4-H offers open enrollment so newmembers may join any time during the year. Ifyour club does not have room for new members,please call the UWEX Office so we can con-sider this when doing club referrals for newfamilies. If your club is closed, you need to be

    consistent and not allow anyone else to join forthe remainder of the current 4-H year. Clubscannot choose or vote on whom can be mem-bers!

    Attention NEW Leaders!Wisconsin 4-H

    Youth Protection ProgramIn 2010, we will again be complying with theWisconsin 4-H Youth Protection Program.Leaders who completed the Leader Applicationform and attended a leader orientation sessionneed only to re-enroll with their club this year.(Please Note: All returning leaders MUST com-plete a Leader Re-Enrollment form!)

    NEW leaders will need to complete a Leader

    Enrollment form and a leader application form.They must also attend a leader orientation ses-sion. The remaining schedule for 2010 is:

    Thursday, February 25 1:00 p.m.

    Saturday, March 6 10:00 a.m.Monday, March 29 7:00 p.m.

    All sessions will be held at the courthouse.New leaders may sign up for a session on theirLeader Enrollment form. PLEASE NOTE: thisyear, the fee for the required Department ofJustice records check is $7.00, and that feewill be collected at the orientation session.

    Leaders, please be sure you complete all the

    requirements to be in compliance!

    4-H Camp Staff Applicants Needed!Any 4-H member 14 years old or older (as ofJanuary 1, 2010) who enjoys camp, likes to workwith younger members AND is willing to make4-H Camp Staff a priority is encouraged to ap-ply for the Rock County 4-H Camp Staff Team!

    PLEASE NOTE: 4-H Camp this year is Satur-

    day, August 14 to Tuesday, August 17. YouMUST be available on those dates in order tobe on the Camp Staff Team!

    All applicants (except those in college) MUSTattend the Initial Selection Workshop, whichwill be held Tuesday, March 23 at 6:00 p.m. inthe Craig Center at the fairgrounds. If youcannot attend that workshop, you are not eligi-ble to be on the 4-H Camp Staff Teamno ex-ceptions!

    Applicants who make it through the SelectionWorkshop will be considered on the team butnot yet part of the starting lineup. The teammembers selected to go to 4-H Camp are theStarting Lineup and they will be selected inJune.


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    4-H Volleyball TournamentsCraig High School, Janesville

    The annual 4-HVolleyball Tournament plannedand organized by the Jr.Council will be held on March7th and 21st at Craig HighSchool in Janesville. Junior

    teams will play March 7 and senior teams will

    play March 21. Teams should report no laterthan 11:00 a.m. Playing will begin at 11:30 a.m.Registration packets for this event were mailedto club leaders and are available at the UWEXOffice. The registration deadline isFebruary 15.

    Childrens Christmas BenefitThanks You

    The members of the Childrens Christmas Bene-fit Committee would like to thank all the clubs,

    leaders, parents, members and friends thathelped to make this years benefit anothergreat success. The many gifts of food, toys,clothing and cash donations were greatly appre-ciated. This event continues to have a hugeimpact on people and families in Rock County.THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

    Bowling Bonanza Huge SuccessThe Jr. Council Bowling Bonanza held at Rivers

    Edge was a huge success. Eighty members be-tween the ages of 6-18, representing 14 clubs,enjoyed an afternoon of bowling. Jr. Councilprovided soda and door prizes that werehanded out throughout the afternoon and fourgrand prizes were given at the end of theevent. Thanks to the parents and leaders thathelped at the event.


    Criteria for selecting the Starting Lineup in-clude: Number of scheduled training sessions at-

    tended; Active participation in training and planning

    activities; Number of registered campers.

    The required training sessions for the 4-HCamp Staff Team are: Tuesday, April 27 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 25 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 22 - 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, August 3 - 6:30 p.m.

    All sessions will be held in the Craig Center.Check your calendars nowif you cant committo ALL of these sessions, you may not make theStarting Lineup. You will be allowed one EX-CUSED absence, but more than one excusedabsence MAY eliminate you from consideration,as may any unexcused absences. We NEEDcamp staff members who are 100% committedto their counselor position and are willing tomake it their FIRST priority in 4-H. If thatdescribes you, PLEASE apply!

    Descriptions of the available positions and anapplication is available on the Rock County 4-Hwebsite,, under 4-H Calendar andNewsletter. All youth wishing to be on the 4-H Camp Team MUST apply, even if you havebeen a camp counselor before or CIT in thepast. Applications are due to the UW Exten-sion Office by March 12th.

    Special Projects

    And Activities

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    Wisconsin 4-H ScholarshipsThe Wisconsin 4-H Foundation and generoussponsors are pleased to provide educationalscholarships to outstanding Wisconsin 4-Hyouth in order to show their appreciation for4-H youth accomplishments as a result of their4-H experiences, and to support their futureeducational goals.

    Minimum Requirementsapplicant must: Have been a Wisconsin 4-H member for at

    least one year Have a high school graduation date of June

    2010 or earlier Be enrolled or planning to enroll in a univer-

    sity, college or technical school during the2010-2011 school year

    Have a current grade point average of atleast 2.0 on a 4.0 scale (high school or col-legiate level)

    Meet other eligibility requirements specificto individual scholarships.

    Scholarships are available in Agriculture, Ani-mal Sciences, Horse and Pony, Leadership, Fam-ily/Home/Health, and Natural Resources/Environmental Education.

    Scholarship Application process:Scholarship applications can be obtained at theUWEX Office or by calling the Wisconsin 4-HFoundation (608-262-1597) or [email protected], or on the internet Applications are available onthe website in either Word or editable AdobeAcrobat formats.

    Recipients of Wisconsin 4-H Foundation schol-arships will be selected based on their 4-H in-volvement, scholastic achievement, and futureeducational and career goals.

    The application deadline is FEBRUARY 26th.Please note: The application and all other ma-terials must be POSTMARKED by February26th or they will not be considered! E-mail andfax copies will NOT be accepted.

    Thank you4-H Achievement Program Committee!Thanks to the efforts of the 4-H AchievementProgram Committee, we enjoyed a wonderfulprogram on Saturday, January 9th! Committeemembers were involved in designing the invita-tions and program cover, ordering awards, as-signing presenters, decorating the facility andproviding refreshments. A BIG thank you to

    Kathy Heider, Center 4-H; Kelli Viele, Magnolia4-H; Lauren Metcalf, Milton 4-H; Sarah Goif-fon, Newark Beloit 4-H; Ashley Revels, Porter4-H and Marissa Sayre, Porter 4-H. Theawards results booklet is available on the RockCounty 4-H website at

    4-H Music and Drama County FestivalMay 15

    UW Rock County Campus, JanesvilleHere's your clubs opportunity to shine on stageat the 2010 4-H Music & Drama Festival. Youwill again be performing on stage at the WellsCultural Center on the UW Rock Campus.Please mark your calendars and join all clubsand groups participating in this fun opportunityto share your talents. Updated Music andDrama Guidelines will be distributed to clubchairmen at the February Sr. Council meeting.Registration deadline is April 26.


    & Cultural Arts

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    Deadline forCommunication Arts Festival!

    Dont delay. Our deadline is February 12th.

    All posters, creative writing and Public ServiceAnnouncement entries are also due then. PublicService Annoucements will be pre judged forcontent and youth will be scheduled to performthe night of the festival.

    New families get involved with this event! Itsfun to have the opportunity to be creative andlearn to speak with ease in front of others!One correction, cloverbuds are eligible to doposters and Class H (not Class G) See the reg-

    istration in last months newsletter or online


    Knitting & Crocheting ProjectMembers & Leaders

    If you have questions or need help with knittingor crocheting projects contact Jane Pennycook(knitting), 752-3274 or Charleta Affeldt(crocheting), 365-6423. Remember the wintermonths are the best time to work on these pro-jects.

    Home and


    Foods Revue 2010 RegistrationMark your calendar for Saturday, March27th! Foods Revue will be held at theCraig Center at the 4-H Fairgrounds. Allmembers enrolled in the food project are

    eligible to enter. This is a fun way to de-sign your menu, place setting and themefor a meal presentation. Registration in-formation is at the end of this newsletterand available at the workshop on February6th at the Janesville Courthouse. The reg-istration for Food Revue is due March 5th.

    If you have any questions about this event,contact Deb or Michelle Bader, Foods Re-vue Superintendents.



    Beef Project Members Steer IDThe Rock County 4-H Fair is once again requir-ing identification of market animals is order tobe eligible for exhibit at the 2010 County Fair.Steers must be identified by April 1 utilizingcounty ID tags. Individuals who have identi-fied steers for State Fair may use the StateFair ID. We are again asking Vo-Ag instruc-tors and project leaders to assist with theidentification. Contact your project leaders tomake arrangements for identification. Tagsand ID Forms will be available at the UWEXOffice. Contact Randy Thompson at 757-5699if you have any questions.

    Joint Beef & Pork ProducersAnnual Dinner/Meeting

    The joint meeting of Beef & Pork ProducersOrganizations will be held on Saturday, Febru-ary 20th at the Craig Center, 4-H Fairgrounds.The social hour will start at 6:00 p.m. and din-ner will be served at 7:00 p.m. Cost is $5.00

  • 8/14/2019 Rock County 4-H


    per person. Reservations can be made by con-tacting the UWEX Office by February 15.Beef & Pork project families are encouragedto attend and support the organizations. TheBeef & Pork Producers have been and will con-

    tinue to be very supportive of the countiesyouth livestock programs.

    Rock County Ag Scholarship ProgramApplications are now available for the 2010Rock County Ag Scholarship Program. Thescholarship program is open to 2010 graduat-ing high school seniors and students currentlyenrolled in a college or technical school pro-gram. Applications are available online at theRock County 4-H Program website, high schoolguidance departments, Vo-Ag Instructors orthe UWEX Office.

    Each year 12 to 14 local scholarships are pre-sented through the Ag Scholarship program.Scholarships are sponsored by the variouscounty producer groups, Agribusiness Counciland Agribusinesses. Scholarships range inamounts from $250 to $500. Although specialconsideration may be given to students pursu-ing a career in Agriculture, the program isopen to all local students intending to furthertheir education.

    The application deadline is March 1, 2010.Award winners will be announced at the re-spective high school awards programs. Pleasecontact Randy Thompson at 608-757-5699 ifyou have questions.

    Wisconsin State Fair Dairy PromotionBoard to Award $1,000 Scholarships

    The Wisconsin State Fair Dairy PromotionBoard will award $1,000 scholarships to threestudents who will be third-or fourth-year col-lege students pursuing dairy-related or foodscience degrees at one of Wisconsins four-year universities during the 2010-11 academicyear. Two additional $1,000 scholarships will beawarded to high school seniors, who will be afirst-year college student during the 2010-11academic year. Students studying in a two-yearprogram are also encouraged to apply. Inter-views will be scheduled with each finalist, withthe scholarship recipients to be announced atthe 2010 Wisconsin State Fair. The applicationand additional information is available Theapplication deadline is April 1.

    Fair Oaks Farm Dairy Tour PlannedDont miss it! Rensselaer, Indiana

    April 10Dairy Project members and leaders are youinterested in seeing a dairy operation with

    30,000 cows? If you are then you need to readon about the Dairy Tour being planned byRachel Gerbitz, LaPrairie 4-H, to Fair OaksFarms in Rensselaer, Indiana.

    Fair Oaks Farms is a unique, high impactshared experience not to be missed, producingmemories not to be forgotten. Fair Oaks has30,000 cows on 10 farms. The 3 1/2 hour tourhas new experiences such as a carousel parlor,touring a Cheese Plant and a 4D movie. There

    will also be a bus tour of the farm.

    Plan to attend this exciting tour on Saturday,April 10. 4-H members and leaders 7 years oldand up may attend. We have room for 40. Ifmore than 40 sign up, preference will go todairy project members. .


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    Come to Scoopie Night!

    Dont miss the Horse and Pony projectsScoopie Night on Wednesday, February 10,4:00-8:00 p.m. at the Milton Avenue Culvers inJanesville. Ten percent of all sales, counter ordrive-up, will go to the Horse and Pony projectfor educational events. We will need 2-3 youthto help serve in one-hour shifts. We will alsoneed EVERYONE to come to Culvers that dayand support our project! To sign up to help orfor more information, contact Jenna Elliott at362-5896.

    Horse and Pony New MemberInformational Meeting

    Are you in your 1st or 2nd year as a Horse andPony project member? Then this meeting isjust for you! Mark your calendars for Wednes-day, February 17, 7:00 p.m. at the Courthouse.This meeting will cover the specific informationyou need to know about safety, different stylesof riding, tack (equipment) and show attire.

    ANY Horse and Pony project members are wel-

    come to attend but we REALLY want to see the1st and 2nd year members! Hope to see youthere!


    The tour cost is $15 per person. Meals, snacksand transportation are included.

    We will be meeting at the Kmart parking lot inJanesville at 7:00 a.m. on April 10, to take a

    coach bus to Rensselaer, Indiana and returningto Janesville around 6:30 p.m.

    Please send your money with the registrationform to Rachel Gerbitz, 2014 E MH TownlineRd., Milton, WI 53563 by March 5. If you havequestions contact her at 608-868-2847 oremail [email protected].

    Registration information is available under

    Cloverpatch Monthly Newsletter.

    Honor Show Feed ClinicMarch 20

    Walworth County Fairgrounds, ElkhornThis clinic is open to all swine, beef and sheepmembers and will include animal nutrition,proper care & management, show day prep andmuch more. Featured speaker is Bryan Vaughn,

    Honor Show Chow Ambassador from Ohio.Questions, call 262-878-5720.

    Horse and Pony Project CommitteeThe Horse and Pony Project Committee meetsthe first Thursday of every month at 7:00 the courthouse. The next meetings areThursday, February 4 and Thursday, March 4.All Horse and Pony project and Horseless

    Horse project leaders and parents are invitedto attend all Project Committee meetings.

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    Poultry ProjectMember & Leader Meetings

    March 13 10:00 a.m. CourthousePlan to attend to learn more about what youcan do in this project from our guest speaker,Jordan DeLong. Bring questions to learn moreabout your project animals.

    June 19 - 10:00 a.m. Sales Arena, Fair-grounds Discussion on Pullorum testing andState forms that you must have for the fair.We will also discuss fair week and preparingpoultry for the fair. MARK THIS DATE ONYOUR CALENDER AND PLAN TO ATTEND.


    Annual Poultry ProjectPhotography ContestIf you are a 4-H or FFA poultry project mem-ber and are interested in photography heresa contest for you. The 2nd Annual RockCounty Poultry Project Photography Contest isplanned and organized by Jordan DeLong,Bradford 4-H.

    Grade Divisions: Beginner, grades 3-6; Junior,grades 7-9; and Senior, grades 10 and up.

    Rules are: Members may enter 3 photos;prizes will go to different people so no oneperson wins all the prizes in that age division;photos must be taken of domesticated showpoultry only; all photos must be unframed/unmated and 8 x 10; all photos will be judgedon quality, clarity and composition (the bird(s)should be the main subject; and all entriesmust have your name, address, phone numberand grade just completed attached to theback of the photo. Prizes may include chicken

    feed, feed scoops, incubators, feeders, wa-ters, watering cans and more!

    Entries may be handed in during poultrycheck-in on Tuesday, July 27, in the poultrybarn. Entries may also be mailed before July25 to Jordan DeLong, 11631 E. Creek Road,Darien, WI 53114. If you have questions con-

    tact Jordan at 608-676-4907. Check out theflyer at the Rock County 4-H website at under projects

    Rabbit Project MeetingFebruary 4 6:30 p.m.

    Craig Center, FairgroundsProject members and leaders are encouraged toattend this fun and informational meeting tolearn more about the project from a judgespoint of view. Discussion will be held on select-ing your rabbit, proper grooming techniques andshowing your rabbit. If you have any questions

    contact Donna Jones at 883-2837.

    RABBIT FUN DAY-JUNE 12Mark your calendars, bring your rabbits andjoin us for a fun-filled ROCK COUNTYRABBITFUN DAY on Saturday, June 12, 2010 for4-H (including Cloverbuds) and FFA members atthe Craig Center at the Rock County Fair-grounds in Janesville, Wisconsin.


    9 a.m. 11 a.m.: Classes will be provided ongrooming, toe nail cutting, tattooing, handlingyour rabbit and showmanship; and entries takenfor rabbit fun show and breed identificationand showmanship contests.11 a.m.: Rabbit Fun Show, Showmanship Con-test and Breed Identification Contest start.

    Rabbit Fun Show Details: The cost to enterthe rabbit show is $2.00 per rabbit. At the

    time of entry, each exhibitor will complete ashow entry form and remark cards.


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    Lakeland Rabbit Breeders ShowFebruary 14

    Walworth CountyFairgrounds, Elkhorn

    Contact Cindy Stelloh at 262-363-4186 for ad-ditional information.

    53rd Annual Badger Breeders ShowWhat: Open and Youth Rabbit ShowsWhere: Jefferson, WI (County Fairgrounds)Dates: March 6 & 7

    Please Come: All interested youth are encour-

    aged to attend. Youth may enter animals in theYouth Division the morning of the show. It is agreat learning experience for them. BadgerClub members will be available to answer ques-tions. There will be equipment and breedingstock of top quality for the youth to look atand buy if they wish. If you have questions,contact Theresa Christen at 608-849-9890.

    Dog Project Orientation MeetingFebruary 18 - 7:00 p.m.Craig Center, Fairgrounds

    The Dog Project Orientation is an importantmeeting and will be held at the Craig Center atthe Fairgrounds. Please do NOT bring yourdogs to this meeting! Dog project training ses-sions will begin on Thursday, March 4 at theCraig Center. If you have any questions, pleasecall Ann Sellnow at 290-2453 or 882 6578.


    Assistance will be provided to exhibitors toassist in this process. The breeds of rabbitseligible to be shown are those breeds recog-nized by the American Rabbit Breeders Asso-ciation. This is a non-cooped show. Exhibitors

    must furnish their own carrier/cage, and eachcage/carrier must have a solid leak proof bot-tom. All animals must be permanently ear-marked in the left ear. Awards will be givenout for Best in Show, Best of Breed, BestOpposite Sex, and class placings from firstto third; and participation ribbons.

    Showmanship and Breed Identification Con-test Details: These contests are free.Awards will be given out to the winners. A

    food counter will be available throughout theday. All proceeds will be used to fund futurerabbit fun day events.

    SOMETHING NEW THIS YEAR!! We will behaving a raffle at the show, so we encourageall exhibitors and interested persons to do-nate items for the raffle. Proceeds from theraffle will be used to help cover the costs ofhosting this FUN DAY, and to fund futureRABBIT FUN DAYS AND CLASSES.

    For further information, please contact LynnGalbraith-Wilson at 608-758-0866.

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    Rock County 4-H Cat Project Booklet you re-ceived or it is available at return it to Rock County UWEX, Attn. CatProject, 51 S. Main St. Janesville, WI 53545,

    the entry deadline is February 12-dont miss it!If you have questions contact Judy Karstaedt,365-2441, Sondra Austin, 754-0134, BonnieWehrle, 365-2938 or Angie Stefanczyk, 931-7143.

    Volunteers Needed ForPre-Fair Cat Show!

    Volunteers are needed Friday, February 26 at6:00 p.m. at the Craig Center on the fair-grounds to help set-up for the Pre-Fair CatShow. All those who help will also be able todecorate their cages at this time. In addition,members can earn BONUS Cat Cash by helpingwith set-up OR clean up on February 27th!

    4-H Shooting Sports CertificationWorkshops

    In order to offer any 4-H Shooting Sports dis-ciplines (archery, air pistol, air rifle, .22 rifle,shotgun, muzzleloading, hunting) 4-H leadersmust be certified in the discipline at an ap-proved 4-H Shooting Sports CertificationWorkshop AND complete the Wisconsin 4-HYouth Protection Program (see article in theLeadership section of this newsletter.) The4-H Shooting Sports Certification Workshop

    schedule will be updated periodically over thenext several months and can be found Currently, the ONLY certificationworkshop listed for 2010 is March 5 and 6 inAppleton. Please refer to the website listedabove for more information.


    Cat Project Member & LeadersCounty Cat Project MeetingFebruary 16 7:00 p.m.Craig Center, Fairgrounds

    Come and join cat projectmembers from around thecounty to learn more aboutproper grooming of your cat.Bring your helpful tips andquestions and join the fun.

    If you did not receive the Rock County 4-H CatProject Booklet at the January meeting, it isavailable at If you have questionscontact Judy Karstaedt at 365-2441, Sondra

    Austin at 754-0134, Bonnie Wehrle at 365-2938 or Angie Stefanczyk at 931-7143

    Important Cat Project DeadlinesYour cats shots must be current by February6 if you want to show your cat in the Pre-FairCat Show on February 27. Shots must be cur-rent by April 3 for you to show your cat at theFair Cat Show on April 24. Be aware of theseimportant deadlines!

    Pre-Fair Cat ShowFebruary 27

    (Note earlier date this year)Craig Center, Fairgrounds

    The Rock County 4-H Pre-Fair Cat Show will beheld in the Craig Center at the fairgrounds.Check-in time is 8-9:30 a.m. and the showstarts at 10:00 a.m. The entry fee $10 for onecat and $15 for two cats, and entries are lim-ited to 2 cats per member. ALL 4-H mem-

    bers, including Cloverbuds, are welcome toparticipate. You need not be a member of thecat project to show your cat in this show! Youcan also enter the Cage Decorating Contest andDress Your Cat Contest, as well as the PosterContest, Photo Contest and Showmanship!

    To enter, please complete the entry form in the



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    Mechanical SciencesProject Meeting

    There will be an orientation meeting for ALLmembers, leaders and parents in Rocketry,Bicycle, Models, Aircraft and Small Engineson Thursday, February 18 at 7:00 p.m. in theCourthouse. The 2010 project calendars willbe distributed and important information onrules, fair book changes and procedures willbe discussed, so plan on attending!

    PLEASE NOTE: If you do not attend thismeeting, you may not receive the projectcalendars and information on the yearsevents, including fair judging! It is VERYimportant for everyone to attend! Mark thedate NOW!

    Attention Rocketry Project Members!This years Spot Landing Contest rocket isthe Alpha. Alpha rockets and A8-3 engines

    will be for sale at the February 18th orien-tation meeting.

    One Alpha rocket and 3 engines will cost$10.00...what a deal! So bring your money onFebruary 18th and get your rockets and en-gines while they last!

    2010 Rock County 4-H Fair MuseumOne of the displays at the museum this year willbe Foods Revue. Committee members are busyfinding old recipes, pictures, trophies and othermemorabilia from Foods Revues of the past. Ifyou have any items from a foods revue you or afamily member participated in and would be will-ing to have it displayed at the museum for fairweek we would like to hear from you. Please con-

    tact Denise Braukhoff at 752-8838 or ShirleyBarlass at 752-1286.

    Club ChairpersonsPremium Book Pick Up

    The 2010 Rock County Fair Premium Books willbe available at the Monday, February 22nd Sen-ior Council meeting. Please pick up your clubsbooks at this time. If you cant make it on Feb-ruary 22nd, call Mary Check at 755-1470 to con-firm her hours at the Fair Office before makingthe trip to pick up your books.

    Premium Book Cover WinnerThe Rock County Fair Board is pleased to an-nounce the winner if its 8th annual PremiumBook Cover Contest. Autumn Quinn, of the Mag-nolia 4-H. Autumn will receive $25.00 and herartwork will appear on the cover of the fair pre-mium book that is distributed to over 2,300

    members of 4-H and FFA in Rock County






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    Youth in grades 6 8 who are interested inscience, engineering or technology are in-vited to attend the IW2K! (I Want to Know!)Camp at the Upham Woods Outdoor LearningCenter in Wisconsin Dells, April 24 25,

    2010. The camp will provide fun, hands-onlearning experiences for youth who are in-terested in asking questions and learningabout how things work. Camp sessions willexplore global positioning systems, engineer-ing design, environmental science, rocketry,careers in science and military applicationsof science and technology.

    The camp will begin at 10 am on Saturday,April 24 and conclude at 2:00 pm the follow-

    ing day. The camp fee of just $45 per par-ticipant includes all meals, lodging, a T-shirtand supplies. The registration deadline isMarch 19, 2010, but space is limited. Regis-trations will be taken on a first come basiswith a waiting list if necessary. Go aregistration form or contact Rock CountyUWEX Office at 757-5690.


    From theUW ExtensionStaff


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    1 4-H International Host Family Program applications due to State 4-H Office

    4 Rabbit Project Meeting, Craig Center 6:30 p.m.Horse & Pony Project Committee Meeting, Courthouse 7:00 p.m.

    5 DEADLINE: 4-H Ski Trip registration

    6 Foods/Foods Review Workshop, Conference Center, Courthouse - 8 am 1:15 p.m.State Fair Beef Identification, Elkhorn & Richland CenterDEADLINE: Cat project shots due for Pre-fair show

    10 Scoopie Night for Horse & Pony Project, Milton Ave. Culvers 4:00-8:00 p.m.

    12 DEADLINE: Communications Arts Festival Registration, Posters, Creative Writing and Pub-lic Service Announcement due to UWEX OfficeDEADLINE: Pre-fair Cat show entries due to UWEX Office

    15 4-H Ambassador Team meeting, Courthouse 6:00 p.m.

    Jr. & Sr. Council Executive Board Meetings, Courthouse 7:00 p.m.DEADLINE: 4-H Volleyball team registration/fee due UWEX OfficeDEADLINE: Reservations due for Beef & Pork Producers Annual Dinner/Meeting

    16 Cat Project Meeting, Craig Center 7:00 p.m.

    17 Horse & Pony Project New Member Informational meeting, Courthouse 7:00 p.m.

    18 Mechanical Sciences Orientation Meeting, Courthouse 7:00 p.m.Dog Project Orientation, Craig Center, Fairgrounds-7:00 p.m.

    20 Beef & Pork Producers Annual Meeting, Craig Center-6 p.m.State 4-H Meats Judging Contest, UW Madison Meat Lab

    22 Junior & Senior Council Meetings, Rotary Gardens 7:30 p.m.Communication Arts Festival, Rotary Gardens 6:00 p.m.

    25 Youth Protection Program Leader Orientation, Courthouse 1:00 p.m.

    26-27 Horse & Pony Project Lock-In and Extravaganza, location TBA

    26 Jr. Council Ski Trip, Cascade MountainSet-up for Pre-Fair Cat Show, Craig Center 6:00 p.m.DEADLINE: Wis. 4-H Scholarships to State 4-H Office

    27 Pre-fair Cat Show, Craig Center, Fairgrounds

    28 Horse & Pony Project Tack Swap, Craig Center, Fairgrounds 9:00 a.m.

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    SNIP AND SEND Foods Revue RegistrationFirm Deadline March 5

    4-H Member__________________________________________Phone________________

    Address, City and Zip Code_____________________________________________________


    Class___________________________Lot No._____Grade_____Exhibitor No._____________

    I can help: ____set up ____ take photos of exhibitors ____ work at registration table

    _____ kitchen hostess (with equipment) ____ work at taste/refreshment table

    Return to: 4-H Fair Office/Foods Revue, Post Office Box 170, Janesville, WI 53547


    1 DEADLINE: Rock County Ag Scholarship Applications dueDEADLINE: ArtBeat registration due to 4-H State OfficeSDLT Committee Applications due to UWEX Office

    4 Horse & Pony Project Committee Meeting, Courthouse 7:00 p.m.

    5 DEADLINE: Foods Revue Registrations, due to 4-H Fair Office

    6 Youth Protection Program Leader Orientation, Courthouse 10:00 a.mHorse & Pony Project Open Arena and Badger Vet Day, Fairgrounds 1:00-4:00 p.m.

    7 Jr. Volleyball Tournament, Craig High School, Janesville.

    12 DEADLINE: 4-H Camp Staff applications due to the UWEX Office

    13 Poultry Project Meeting, Courthouse 10:00 a.m.

    14 Horse & Pony Project Open Arena and Vet Coggins Day, Fairgrounds 1:00-4:00 p.m.

    15 Jr. & Sr. Council Executive Board Meetings, Courthouse 7:00 p.m.

    16 Cat Project Meeting, Craig Center 7:00 p.m.

    21 Sr. Volleyball Tournament, Craig High School, Janesville

    22 Junior & Senior Council Meetings, Courthouse 7:00 p.m.

    23 4-H Camp Staff Selection Workshop, Craig Center, Fairgrounds 6:00 p.m.

    25 Bicycle, Rocketry, Models, Small Engine and Aircraft Project Meetings, Courthouse 7:00p.m.

    27 Foods Revue, Craig Center, Fairgrounds 9:00 a.m.

    26-27 4-H Art Beat South (3-5th grade), Camp Upham Woods, Wisconsin Dells29 Youth Protection Program Leader Orientation, Courthouse 7:00 p.m.

  • 8/14/2019 Rock County 4-H


    We will be meeting at the Kmart parking lot at 7:00 a.m. on April 10, to take a coach bus to Rensselaer, Indianaand returning to Janesville around 6:30 p.m.

    Rock County Cooperative Extension StaffPhone 608-757-5690 Fax 608-7575581

    Donna DuerstRock County 4-H Youth Development AgentEmail: [email protected]

    Sue FredrichRock County 4-H Program AdvisorEmail: [email protected]

    Linda MarshallRock County 4-H Program AssistantEmail: [email protected].

    Sally ReisemAmeriCorps VistaEmail: [email protected]

    Carol Jaggi

    Rock County 4-H Support StaffEmail: [email protected]

    Non-Profit Org.U.S. Postage

    PaidJanesville, WI 53545

    Permit No. 1230

    Rock County Cooperative Extension ServiceU. S. Department of Agriculture51 South Main StreetJanesville, WI 53545

    OFFICIAL BUSINESSPenalty for Private Use, $300 (604)

    Return Service Requested


    An EEO/Affirmative Action employer, UW-Extension provides equal opportunities in employment and programming,including Title IX and ADA requirements.

    ============Please make requests for reasonable accommodations to ensure equal access to educational programs as early as possible preceding the

    scheduled program, service or activity. This document can be provided in an alternative format by calling (608) 757-5696(voice) (711 for Wisconsin Relay)

    For more information visit our website