rockabye, baby

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  • 8/9/2019 Rockabye, Baby








  • 8/9/2019 Rockabye, Baby










    TIME: 1956.


  • 8/9/2019 Rockabye, Baby


    Act One. Scene One.

    A cell with white walls and tiled floor. A shoulder-length window, stage left. A door,

    stage right. A small recess stage left where there is a toilet and washbasin, but are

    unseen by audience. A hard mattress is on the floor. No bedding or pillows. The door

    is locked unless nurses enter or leave. Stella is pacing up and down lower stage. She isclothed in a drab grey smock and is bare footed. Her hair is cropped and her eyes have

    a tendency to stare vacantly now and again. She stops suddenly and stretches out her

    arms as if she were being crucified. She stares out at the auditorium. Then suddenly

    she laughs loudly, waves her arms wildly as if she were trying to fly, and runs about

    the cell. Then she stops and puts her right hand to her ear.

    Stella: Theyre coming. I can smell them. (Moves to the edge of the stage and

    lowering her hand peers at the auditorium.)I can smell their fear. It oozes from

    their pores like urine. Cant you smell it? Cant you? (Puts her hand to her

    ear again.)I can hear them. Theyre on their way. The nurses are coming.

    The nurses are coming. (Lowers her hand and moves backwards until she is centre

    stage where she stands looking at the door.)Come on my beauties. Come on. (Akey rattles in the door. The door slowly opens and Nurse Russell enters followed by

    Nurse Monroe who locks the door behind her. Nurse Russell has a small tray with a

    plastic bowl, spoon and mug on it.)

    Monroe: Back against the wall. (Watches Stella as Nurse Russell places the tray

    on the floor. Stella has moved backwards to the wall where she stands staring.)Dont

    move until weve gone. Understand? Dont move. (The nurses movebackwards towards the door, but keep their eyes on Stella at all times. Stella

    smiles.)What you smiling at? (Stella continues to smile. Nurse Monroe moves

    towards Stella, but Nurse Russell touches her arm.)Whats she smiling at?

    Russell: Leave it.

    Monroe: Why should she be allowed to smile after what she did?

    Russell: Just leave it be. She often smiles like that.

    Monroe: She should weep for what shes done. Someone should make herweep.

    Russell: If any marks are found on her, her fatherll create havoc.

    Monroe :( Stares at Stella who stares back as she smiles.)My father would have

    abandoned me if I did what she did. He wouldnt care what happened to

    me. (Pause. Looks at Stella.) Stop smiling like that.

    Stella :( Moves forward towards the tray. The nurses back away and watch.)Theresroom in my world for you. (Stoops down and picks up the bowl. She takes the


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    spoon and stirs. Then she sniffs the bowl.)Where have they laid her?

    Russell: Laid whom, Stella?

    Monroe: Whats she on about now?

    Stella :( Stirs with the spoon again.)Ive not seen her since winter.

    Russell: Who havent you seen, Stella?

    Monroe: Why do you converse with her? She talks utter nonsense.

    Russell: She may say something about what she did.

    Stella :( She sniffs the bowl again.)Take this chalice from me! (Throws the bowl

    against the wall. The nurses move back and stand cautiously watching.)Poison!

    Theyre trying to poison me now. Im not to be touched by order of the


    Russell: That was a waste, Stella. What was wrong with it?

    Monroe: Let her starve to death. She should have been hanged and left

    hanging until she rotted.

    Russell: Theres no more food now until lunch. (Stoops down cautiously asNurse Monroe watches. She picks up the mug and offers it to Stella. Stella takes the

    mug in her hands and sniffs it.)Its just water. Nothing more. (Stella walks to the

    window with it.)I should make you clear up that mess.

    Monroe: Make her do it. Ill bring the mop and bucket.

    Russell: Against regulations. Shed use the mop as a weapon.

    Monroe: Just let her try.

    Russell: Dont you remember what happened to Nurse Davis last month?

    Monroe :( The nurses move back towards the door.)Davis shouldnt have turned

    her back on her.

    Russell: Easy to say now. She thought Stella was looking away from her.

    Monroe: Never turn your back on her they told us.


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    Russell: Stella looks as harmless as a child does and that can be


    Monroe :( Gets out the key.)Im not deceived by her smiles and beauty. As

    far as Im concerned, shes just a child killer.

    Russell: They were her own children.

    Monroe: She still strangled them. Shes still a child killer.

    Stella :( Raises the mug upwards as if it was the Holy Grail.)Is it blood or water?

    (Looks upwards towards the mug. The nurses watch uneasy.)If its water then I

    maybe purified. But if its blood, I am damned.

    Monroe: Drink the bloody water.

    Russell :( To Monroe.)Easy now. Why are you getting so angry?

    Monroe: Murderers like her should be hanged. Shes a killer. Dont you

    see her like that? (Moves forward as if she wanted to study Stella at close

    range.)Look at her. Look at her eyes. Arent those the eyes of a killer?

    Russell: Shes been locked away for the safety of others and herself.

    What more can be done about it?

    Stella :( Sips from the mug.)Glug, glug, drink from the mug; let the demons

    run! (Throws the mug across the cell. The nurses move out of the way.)Has my

    bridegroom come yet?

    Russell: Why did you throw away your drink, Stella? Now youll get

    thirsty before lunch.

    Monroe: Let her die of thirst for all I care.

    Stella: He said hed come by cockcrow. Has the cock crowed yet?

    Monroe: I wonder if this job is worth it at times. The likes of her make

    me doubt it has any value. Waste of money and our time her being kept


    Russell: We dont make the laws. Were supposed to obey them.

    Monroe: What point does it serve to keep her alive?


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    Russell: Because to hang, you must be aware of what you have done, and

    that it was wrong, and you are guilty of that crime. She has no

    understanding of any of that.

    Monroe: So what? She still killed those children. Theyre dead now. Sheshould be dead, too. (Pause. Looks at Stella.)Why did you kill your


    Russell: Leave it. It serves no purpose.

    Monroe: Leave it alone be buggered. Why should she be allowed to do

    that and live?

    Stella: Your lover has kissed my cheek.(Points at the nurses.)

    Russell :( To Monroe.) If you cant handle it on this wing, youd be best off

    out of it. Go elsewhere.

    Monroe: I can handle it. Its just that it makes me angry to see the likes of

    her walking about as if nothing had happened and all was fine and dandy.

    Stella: Kissed me until my cheeks flushed with joy.

    Russell: Whose lover was it, Stella?

    Monroe: You shouldnt encourage her. She deserves no encouragement.

    Stella: And crept into my bed last night. (Smiles.)

    Monroe: What fool of a jury had her down as a lunatic?

    Russell: Does she look sane to you?

    Monroe: More reason to put her down.

    Stella: Have you seen my love? (Moves suddenly towards the nurses. They back

    away.)Where is he? Where?

    Monroe: Back off!

    Russell: Back against the wall, Stella.

    Stella :( Stops and looks at her hands.)These are my children. See how theysleep? (Looks at Monroe.)Look at them, Blondie. See them sleeping? (Shows


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    her hands to Russell.)See them, Brunie? Sleeping babes. My sleeping babes.(The nurses watch cautiously. Stella bring her hands together as if she were about to

    pray.)What do you fear, my babes? Mummys here to watch you.

    Rockabye babies on the tree top. (Swings her hands back forth.)When the

    wind blows, the babies will rock. When the arms break, the babies willfall and down will come (Pause. Looks at Russell.)What will come down,

    Brunie? What?

    Russell: Cradle and all, Stella. Cradle and babies.

    Monroe: Watch her.

    Stella :( Holds out her hands towards Russell. Russell moves backwards slightly.)Do

    you love my babies, Brunie? Dont you want to hold them and cuddle


    Russell :( Cautiously takes Stellas hands in hers. Monroe stands by to pounce if

    necessary.)Theyre lovely babies, Stella. Lovely babes. Let them sleep,

    now Stella. Let them rest.

    Stella :( Removes her hands from Russells hands and holds her hands against her

    breast.)Theyre asleep, Brunie. See them?

    Russell: Yes, Stella, I see them.

    Monroe: If youre not careful, Marylyn, shell drag you into her mad

    world and everything will be muddied by her evilness.

    Russell: Let her be.

    Monroe: Shell draw you in and youll drown in her dark waters.

    Stella: Goodnight babies. Goodnight. Goodnight babies. Goodnight.(Stella rocks her arms back and forth and walks to the window. The nurses watch a

    few moments then they go to the door and go out locking the door behind them. Stella

    stares out of the window. The light fades slowly as she lowers her arms until her

    hands swing at her side.)

    End of Scene One.

    Act One. Scene Two.An hour later. Mr Frankels room. Large room with a table and two chairs one each


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    side of the table and two other chair along the wall each side of the door. There is a

    filing cabinet along the wall, stage left. There is a door, stage right. There is a large

    window at the edge of the stage seen only by the actors. Frankel is a tall thin man with

    a smart suit and clean cut, dark hair. He is sitting looking through papers on the table.

    There is a knock at the door.

    Frankel: Come in. (He looks up as the door opens and Stella enters flanked byMonroe and Russell. Stella is handcuffed by the hands in front. Monroe closes the

    door and moves Stella forward with a slight shove to her back.)Ah, Stella. Come

    and sit down. (Stella stands looking at the table.)You can sit down, Stella.

    Monroe: Mr Frankel said sit down. (Stella stands looking at Frankel. Monroe

    and Russell move Stella and sit her down.)Do as Mr Frankel says.

    Frankel: How are you today, Stella? (Stella stares at Frankel, but says nothing.)I

    know you can speak Stella because Ive heard you speaking.

    Russell: Speak up, Stella. Mr Frankel is talking to you.

    Stella: Has he spoken to you?

    Frankel: Who?

    Stella: The King.


    Frankel: You two nurses can leave if you wish.

    Russell: Weve been told not to leave her with anyone unattended.

    Frankel: Stella will be all right, wont you, Stella?

    Stella: He said hed speak to you.

    Russell: Shes liable to be aggressive, Mr Frankel.

    Monroe: Not the type of woman to be alone with.

    Frankel: I think she may be less intimidated if we were alone.

    Russell: I dont think it would be a good idea, Mr Frankel.

    Frankel: All right, all right. Then if you could just sit by the door out ofher sight, it might help. (The nurses go and sit down.)Right, Stella. What did


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    the King say?

    Stella: Are those eyes of yours really that colour?

    Frankel: Who is the King?

    Stella: Those coloured eyes can be distracting.

    Frankel: Who is the King, Stella? (Pause. Sits forward.)Anyone I know?

    Stella :( Lifts her cuffed hands to her face.)My babes are trying to sleep.

    Frankel: Can you remove the handcuffs?

    Russell: If you want us to, but you must take responsibility for any

    trouble or damage she does.

    Frankel: Ill take responsibility for everything. Now can you release her

    hands from the cuffs? (Monroe gets up from the chair and with a key removes the

    handcuffs. She takes the handcuffs with her to the chair and sits down.)Good. Now,

    Stella, is that better?

    Stella :( Stella rubs her wrists.)Poor babes.

    Frankel: What happened to your babies, Stella?

    Stella: Theyre twins. Can you see it? (Raises her wrists.)Identical twins.

    Monroe: She often talks of her hands being her babies.

    Frankel: So I gather, Nurse Monroe. (Looks at Stella.)Do you love your

    babies, Stella?

    Stella: They cry a lot.

    Frankel: Do they make you angry?

    Stella: My babies are the type of babies that cry a lot.

    Frankel: What happened to your babies?

    Stella :( Stares at her wrists and continues to rub them.)I wash them regularly.They get dirty so quickly, dont they?


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    Frankel: Did they make you angry, Stella?

    Stella: Eat, drink and damn well poo they do. And do you know what

    David, theyre so time consuming. Time just goes when youre washingand changing them. (Pause. She stops rubbing her wrists and looks at Frankel.)

    Frankel: How did you cope with two twin babies?

    Stella: I wanted them to be princesses. David thought it unlikely.


    Frankel :( To Russell.)Does she talk of her babies at all?

    Russell: Only like she is now. Not in any past tense. Just as if she were

    talking of them now.

    Frankel: And have you heard her talk about this David?

    Monroe: Her husband. He committed suicide last year.

    Frankel: Oh, right. (Pause. Looks at Stella.)How is David?

    Stella :( Puts her hands under the table.)Ive put them to bed.

    Frankel: Who?

    Stella: The babes. They need their rest.

    Frankel: How is David?

    Stella: I can almost imagine maggots in your eye sockets.

    Frankel :( Sighs.)How is your husband, David, Stella?

    Stella: Squirming around feeding on your eyeballs.

    Monroe: Listen to what Mr Frankel is saying, Stella!

    Stella :( Turns her head and stares at Monroe.)Isnt it past her bedtime?

    Frankel: I asked you about David. Do you know David, Stella? (Stellalooks round at Frankel and smiles.)You do remember him, then?


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    Stella :( Laughs suddenly.)Shes a bad girl isnt she? Should be put to bed

    without her supper, shouldnt she, David?

    Monroe: Listen to Mr Frankel, Stella. Hes doesnt have time to waste onyou.

    Frankel: Its all right, Nurse Monroe, I can manage. (Pause. Looks at Stella

    who is still smiling.)Stella I want you to listen to what I am saying. No

    going off the question and talking at about other things, Understand?

    Stella: Understand? (She stops smiling. She breathes in deeply.)I understand

    that your daughter is very rude and is up way passed her bedtime.

    Russell: I think this is going nowhere, Mr Frankel. Stella only has certain

    moments of lucidity and they are rare.

    Frankel: Has she ever said anything to you about anything connected with

    her crime?

    Russell: No. Not yet.

    Frankel: And how often has she had her lucid moments?

    Russell: Now and again, she is coherent and reasonable.

    Frankel :( Looks at Stella who is staring at him.)And do these moments come

    just like that or does something trigger them off?

    Russell: They just come unexpectedly. Nothing seems to trigger them off.(Looks at Stella who turns round and stares at her.)She does have moments when

    shes as lucid as daylight.

    Stella: Are they both your daughters? (Turns round quickly and stares at

    Frankel.) Must they be here?

    Frankel: Theyre here to keep an eye on you, Stella. No need to worry

    about them.

    Stella: Children can be so tiresome, cant they?

    Frankel: Were your daughters tiresome?


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    Stella: They dont appreciate what you do for them, do they?

    Frankel: And do they make you angry?

    Stella: I was an actress.

    Frankel: Did you harm your daughters?

    Russell: She talks about her acting. She is often talking about it.

    Monroe: It is best forgotten, I think.

    Frankel: Stella, did you harm your babies?

    Stella: I was an actress of Shakespearean drama.

    Frankel: Youre not listening to me, Stella. I need you to listen to what I

    am saying.


    Stella :( Rises suddenly from the chair. The nurses rise also and attempt to hold her,but she goes to the window and stares out. The nurses stand just behind her. Frankel

    rises from his chair, goes, and stands next to Stella.) Do you like my garden,David?

    Frankel: The grounds are lovely.

    Russell: We ought to handcuff her, Mr Frankel.

    Monroe: She should be restrained.

    Stella: My garden is a place of peace and solitude.

    Frankel :( To the nurses.)No, leave her be. It will be all right.

    Russell: She can become very violent.

    Monroe: She almost strangled a nurse a while ago.

    Frankel: There are three of us here. We should be able to take care of a

    woman between us.


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    Stella: David loves the garden. He says it soothes him.

    Frankel: Do your babies like the garden?

    Stella :( Lifts her hands and stares at them.)Now youve woken them, David.Why must you speak so loud?

    Frankel: How is David now?

    Stella: My babes are such a handful.

    Frankel: Do they make you feel stressed?

    Stella: I was Ophelia.

    Frankel: Did you harm your babies?

    Stella: Hamlet was such a fool.

    Frankel :( To Russell.)Has her father visited recently?

    Russell: Last month.

    Frankel: And what was his opinion of her state of mind?

    Russell: He was unhappy about her state, but I think he hopes shell

    recover soon.

    Frankel: That maybe some time off, if at all.

    Stella: Do you know what the flowers were?

    Frankel: Flowers?

    Stella: In the painting. What the flowers symbolized?

    Frankel: What painting? (Pause. Stella sighs.)Which painting?

    Stella :( She turns round suddenly and peers at the nurses.)Who has taken my

    painting? (Grabs Frankels lapel and there is a struggle and the nurses grab her andafter a short skirmish Stella is apprehended.)

    Frankel: Dont get too rough with her.


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    Russell: I knew she should not have been released from her handcuffs.

    Monroe: We know her better than you Mr Frankel.

    Frankel: Just let her sit down again. (The nurses sit Stella down again and

    handcuff her. Stella sits breathing deeply.)Now, Stella, what has upset you?

    Stella: My babes are now going to keep me awake. (She shakes her

    handcuffed hands.)These babes are such little devils.

    Frankel: Should we leave her be awhile? (Pause. The nurses sit down again.)

    Stella: And you are no help, David. You take no heed to my words about

    them. I need my space.

    Frankel: Are you angry with them?

    Stella: Space. I need my space.

    Frankel: Have you any idea where your babies are now, Stella?

    Stella :( Lifts her hands and kisses them.)Hush. Hush. They need to sleep.

    Russell: I think it best we leave it there for the day, Mr Frankel.

    Frankel: All right. (Looks at Stella.)But keep me informed if she becomes

    lucid at anytime.

    Monroe: She can be quite uncooperative when she wants.

    Frankel: You will keep me in touch with her progress, wont you?

    Russell: Yes, Mr Frankel. Well let you know if shes lucid at anytime.(Nurses rise and lift Stella from the chair. Stella stands between them. She stares at

    Frankel as if she not seen him before.)Goodbye, Stella. (Stella makes no reply. Sheis led from the room. Frankel sits down again. Light fades.)

    End of Scene Two.

    Act One. Scene Three.

    Frankels room later that morning. Frankel is sitting at the table writing. There is a

    knock at the door.Frankel: Come in. (Door opens and Russell enters and closes the door behind


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    her.)Ah, Marylyn, come and sit down. (Russell sits down opposite Frankel.)I

    asked you here to talk about Stella. (Puts down his pen and looks at

    Russell.)Ive read her medical report and the notes left by Mr Dowes, but I

    wanted to hear from someone who deals with her on a daily basis.

    Someone who may be able to shed some light on Stella, which thesereports and notes may not do in the same way.

    Russell: Ill do what I can to help you, Mr Frankel.

    Frankel: Good. (Pause. Looks at the notes before him.)Has she ever said

    anything to you about the murder of her two twin girls?

    Russell: Not about the murdering of them.

    Frankel: She doesnt mention them being dead?

    Russell: No. She always talks about them as if they were still alive. She

    talks to her hands as you saw this morning.

    Frankel: Does she do that often?

    Russell: When she talks about her babies, she frequently does refer to her


    Frankel: I see. (Puts the notes down and leans forward on the chair.)And she talks

    about her husband, David in the present tense?

    Russell: Yes. She refers to most men as David.

    Frankel: Yes, I noticed. Why did her husband commit suicide?

    Russell: I think the whole drama became too much for him. He was quite


    Frankel: Were they close do you think?

    Russell: They say they were.

    Frankel: They?

    Russell: People at the trial. They said they were close.

    Frankel: And the twin babies were ten months old?


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    Russell: Yes.

    Frankel: And she strangled them?

    Russell: Yes.

    Frankel: I would have thought she was have smothered them. Less


    Russell: She was an actress. Perhaps she wanted to be dramatic.

    Frankel: Do you think she was aware of what she was doing?

    Consciously aware that what she was doing was wrong and would lead tothe babies death?

    Russell: They say not.

    Frankel: They?

    Russell: The psychiatrists who dealt with her before the trial. They said

    she was not aware of her actions. That she was not of a sound mind at the

    time of the murders. This is why she is here and not hanging from a rope.

    Frankel: And is that what you think should have happened to her?

    Russell: Not for me to say. Im no doctor of the mind.

    Frankel: You must have an opinion, Marylyn, surely?

    Russell: If she was unaware of her deeds then, no, she shouldnt hang.

    That is why she is here after all.

    Frankel: Thats right. (Pause.)Do you believe in capital punishment?

    Russell: Why?

    Frankel: I just wondered.

    Russell: Ive doubts about it. I think it solves nothing.

    Frankel: It may bring solace to the relatives of those murdered.


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    Russell: You mean revenge?

    Frankel: I was thinking of justice.

    Russell: And what is that?

    Frankel: Some people think capital punishment is justice. An eye for an

    eye and so on.

    Russell: What has that to do with this case? They were her own babies

    she murdered. She is both murderer and relative of the victim. Perhaps

    she even grieves for them?

    Frankel: I doubt it. She would have to acknowledge they were dead firstand then she would have to accept that she murdered them. She would

    then have both the grief and the guilt.

    Russell: Wheres this leading us? What has this to do with me?

    Frankel: Can you trust Monroe?

    Russell: What do you mean trust?

    Frankel: Has she any compassion for Stella?

    Russell: I shouldnt think so. But then few here have. Except for her

    father no one I know of here would care a hoot if she dropped dead


    Frankel: And you? Do you have any compassion for her?

    Russell :I try to have compassion for all the patients here. But it isnt

    easy with some of them.

    Frankel: And Stella? How does she affect you?

    Russell: She makes me uneasy.

    Frankel: Do you think shes dangerous?

    Russell: Shes attacked a nurse. She attempted to attack other patients. Id

    say that was dangerous.


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    Frankel: And how do you think she came to be as she is now?

    Russell: Ive no idea.

    Frankel: She is said to have been a good actress.

    Russell: Yes. Shakespearean actress. And dancer too.

    Frankel: She was quite well known.

    Russell: Yes in the area in which she worked. She never did film work.

    She preferred the stage.

    Frankel: Did you ever see her on stage?

    Russell: No. Not my sort of thing.

    Frankel: I saw her once in Hamlet. Ophelia she was. Very good.

    Russell: And now shes here. On a different stage. But maybe still the


    Frankel: Yes. Maybe the actress as you say. However, this stage is a

    lonely one. The audience is very hostile. The fellow actors are hostile and

    equally dangerous. Macbeth would have a field day here.

    Russell: Maybe shes Lady Macbeth?

    Frankel: Or maybe shes still Ophelia.

    Russell: Then well have to make sure she doesnt drown wont we.

    Frankel: Yes. (Pause.)Monroe seems to take a dislike to Stella.

    Russell: She has her reasons.

    Frankel: Which are?

    Russell: You will have to ask her that.

    Frankel: Yes, of course. (Pause. Russell looks at Frankel.)Maybe I should see



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    Russell: Yes, if you think she may be of help.

    Frankel: Do you think she can be of help?

    Russell: In her way, she may.

    Frankel: I doubt she can help either Stella or me. Shes too prejudiced.

    Too subjective in her outlook.

    Russell: Thats how she is.

    Frankel: Nonetheless, Ill talk with her. It may shed light on her if not


    Russell: Is that all, Mr Frankel?

    Frankel: For now, Marylyn, yes. Could you ask Monroe to come along

    when she has a moment?

    Russell :( Looks at Frankel and smiles.)Yes, of course. (Turns to go.)

    Frankel: Oh, and Marylyn

    Russell: Yes? :( Stops and looks at Frankel.)

    Frankel: Thank you for your help.

    Russell: Thats all right. (Smiles and turns away. She walks to the door and

    stops.)Anything to oblige, Mr Frankel. (Goes out the door.)

    Frankel :( Looks at Russell as she goes out the door. Then peers out of the windowin thought. Light dims.)

    End of Scene Three.

    Act One. Scene Four.

    A few minutes later. In Stellas cell. Monroe is standing by the door. Stella is looking

    out of the window. Monroe locks the door and moves into the cell a few paces and

    stops.Monroe: When Nurse Russell returns, youre having a bath. (Looks at Stella


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    as she moves forward a few steps more.)And I want none of your nonsense like

    last time.

    Stella: Is that wheat or corn out there in the fields?

    Monroe: What?

    Stella: Is that wheat or corn in the fields?

    Monroe: I dont know and I dont care. Are you listening to me?

    Stella: Youre unhappy. I can tell. (Looks away from the window and stares atMonroe.)

    Monroe: What do you expect having to look after the likes of you. Its

    enough to depress anyone.

    Stella: I can tell a persons unhappy by the aura surrounding them.

    Monroe: Im not interested about you or what you can tell. Just tell me

    why you murdered your babies?

    Stella: Your aura is very dark.

    Monroe: Didnt you hear me? Why did you murder your babies?

    Stella :( Moves towards Monroe. Monroe moves back towards the door.)Your

    father came to me last night.

    Monroe: My father?

    Stella: He crept up to me and made me jump. Hes always doing that. He

    thinks its funny. But it isnt.

    Monroe: You know nothing about my father.

    Stella: He kissed me and hugged me and we made love.

    Monroe: Youre being disgusting now.

    Stella: I told him wed wake the babes but he didnt listen. And then they

    were awake half the night and I got little sleep. (Pause.)Your father is not a

    considerate man. He thinks of nothing but himself.


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    Monroe :( Sighs.)Youre annoying me with your lies and filth.

    Stella: Wheres your sister?

    Monroe: My sisters in Scotland.

    Stella: Shes kind. Why arent you kind?

    Monroe: You dont know my sister. You know nothing about my family

    or me.

    Stella :( Smiles. Moves forward towards Monroe.)And to think we sacrificed so

    much for you girls. So much. Such time. (Reaches out her hand. Monroe leans

    against the door anxiously.)I only wanted to act a few more years, but Davidwas so concerned about having babies that he made me give up my career

    just when it was really going well. (Pause. Looks at Monroe and tries to touch

    Monroes hand. Monroe leans as hard against the door as she can.)Where is the

    justice in a man like that? Why doesnt he see how much it means to me?

    Monroe: Keep away from me. Get back against the wall.

    Stella: And you girls take his side in these matters. You really are selfish


    Monroe: Back!

    Stella :( She stands still. Slowly she looks at her hands and kisses them.)Quiet or

    youll wake them. (Monroe looks apprehensively as Stella moves backwards.)You

    must not shout at them like that or theyll grow up to hate you.

    Monroe: Back against wall. (Moves away from the door enough to unlock

    it.)Stay away from the door until Im outside. (Unlocks the door.)Youll pay

    for this. Ill make sure they hear about this. (Goes out the door and locks itbehind her. Stella moves to the window and looks out. She puts her hands behind her

    back and they are wrapped about each other like two sleeping babes. Light fades.)

    End of Scene Four.

    Act One. Scene Five.

    Later that day. Stellas cell. Stella is sitting on the floor in the corner by the recess.

    She is naked except for the smock over her shoulders.

    Stella: And on the ninth hour, the sky darkened. Curtains were torn down

    and the dead rose up and walked about the town. (Pause.)Oh, my lovecome, kiss me, and let all our vows be forgotten. (Lifts her head.)Let my


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    arms and yours be as one as we hold each other tight, and embrace as

    lovers torn apart for many years, and feel as they feel on seeing the other

    once more in their arms.(Embraces herself beneath the smock,)Oh. My babes,

    suck not too hard. (Puts her hands over her breasts.)Suck gently my twins. (A

    key is heard in the lock of the door. The door opens and Monroe and Russell enter andlock the door after them.)Gently now, my sweet ones. Gently feed.

    Monroe: Whats she up to now?

    Russell: Shes taken off her smock.

    Monroe: See what I mean? Shes getting worse by the day.

    Russell: Wait. (Pause.)Listen.

    Stella: Where is your father? Where is he when I feel so tired?

    Monroe: I feel sick of all this. I want only a decent wage and none of this

    makes up for the poor money I receive.

    Russell: Stella.

    Stella :( Looks at the nurses. Lowers her hands and pulls the smock around her

    tightly.)What have I done?

    Russell: Its your bath time.

    Stella: Have I done wrong, Mummy? (Moves until she is kneeling.)

    Monroe: Bath time, we said. Now get ready and stop this nonsense.

    Russell: Put your smock back on, Stella. (Stella holds the smock against her

    front.)Over your head. Put it over your head.

    Stella :( Holds the smock tightly against her front.)You wont drown me will

    you? I cant swim. The waters are deep. The water is cold.

    Monroe :( Goes over and puts the smock over Stellas head as Stella becomes

    childlike.)Like this, you were told. Now stop wasting our time and do as

    youre told.

    Russell: Not so rough with her.


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    Monroe: Id be rougher still if I thought I could get away with it.

    Russell: Wheres your compassion?

    Monroe: I have none for her. None I can give to her at all.

    Russell: Shes a patient not a prisoner.

    Stella: Will I drown?

    Monroe: I wish you would drown. Save us all the time we waste on you.

    Russell: Thats not fair.

    Stella: Dont put your daughter on the stage. Mrs Thingamajig. Dont put

    your daughter on the stage.

    Monroe: Fair? Fair? Was it fair to strangle two babies?

    Russell: Who made you judge and jury, Jane?

    Monroe: My conscience. My conscience is my guide.


    Stella :( Takes hold of Monroes hand and brushes it against her cheek.)You have a

    baby, too? (Monroe pulls her hand away.)I think its unwell.

    Monroe: Move. We havent time to waste hanging about here. (Russelltakes one arm and Monroe the other and they move towards the door. But just as they

    get near Stella pulls herself free and runs across the cell to the window.)This is the

    last straw.

    Russell: Patience, Jane. We just need a little patience. (Holds Monroes

    arm.)Try to see her as a human being and not some animal ready for


    Monroe: I see only the animal.

    Stella: I dont want to drown.

    Russell: You wont drown, Stella, You wont drown. (To Monroe.)Why are

    you here? This is not the job for you if you cant find a little compassion.


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    Stella: Please dont let me sink beneath the water.

    Monroe: Some of us here think things have gone too soft with the likes of

    her and those like her. They should be made to pay for what theyvedone. Not pampered like spoilt children.

    Russell: Compassion not hate. Understanding not condemnation. (Goes tothe window. Stella gazes at Russell with a childlike expression. Monroe sighs and

    follows her. They each take an arm and lead Stella towards the door again. Stella goes

    passively this time.)The modern way is best. Enlightenment and not back to

    the dark ages.

    Monroe: It wont work. It never will. These people are mad. Theyre not

    like the rest of us. Theyve given up our civilized manners to behave likeanimals and wild beasts.

    Russell: Jane, Jane. Stella here is a human being. Shes not an animal.

    Not some wild creature that needs to be put down or destroyed because

    shes become different.

    Stella: Dont let them drown me, Mummy.

    Monroe: Have it as you like. I just dont like it the way its going. And Ihate her and her ways and her voice and her eyes and that silly bloody

    smile of hers. (Pause. She looks at Russell. Then she looks at Stella.)We must act

    as we do for the sake of the innocent and defenceless.

    Russell: Frankel wants to see you.

    Monroe: Whats he want to see me about?

    Stella: If I should die in some awful field

    Russell: Ive no idea. Youll have to see. (Monroe shrugs her shoulders.Russell opens the door and all three go out. Light fades.)

    End of Scene Five.

    Act One. Scene Six.A few hours later. In Stellas cell. Stellas hair is damp from her bath. She is clothed

    in a different smock and is walking up and down the lower stage. She holds her hands

    behind her and is murmuring. Suddenly stops and runs to the edge of the stage and

    peers out.

    Stella :( In a whispering voice.) Secret. Do you promise not to tell? Can Itrust you? (Pause. Looks across the auditorium.)One shouldnt make promises


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    one cant keep. It disappoints so many people. Shatters so many illusions.

    Spoils so many dreams. (Pause. Looks behind her. Stares at the door. Turns and

    looks at the auditorium again.)Blondies a bitch. A self-opinionated, self-

    serving, virginlusting screwed up bitch. (Pause.)But, the Brunie, ah, there

    you have one who wants to be fair. (Breathes in deep and slowly releases thebreath.) Wants to be fair to me and all and sundry. (Pause.)Brunie. Brunie

    the fair. Brunie the Christian. Brunie the lover of all. (Laughs.)Ive lost all.

    All that I cherished has gone. All gone. Gone. Gone, gone, gone. (Thesound of a key in the door. The door opens, but Stella is not aware. Russell and

    Monroe enter and close the door behind them.)A huge chasm as opened and I

    have fallen down and down and down like some aged Alice in a

    wonderland of mixed up dreams and memories and nightmares.(Pause.Monroe and Russell stand and watch. Stella lifts her hands to her face. She takes her

    right hand in her left and squeezes the wrist tightly.)Why doesnt my baby

    speak? Why doesnt she cry or make a sound? (Looks at her right hand now

    limp in her left hand.)David? David? Baby is not crying. (She shakes her right

    hand.)Wake up. Baby wake up. (Kisses her right hand.)So cold. (Kisses her right

    hand again.)Breathe in my air. Breathe my baby. (Holds her right hand againsther cheek.)

    Monroe: Why did you murder your babies? (Stella turns slowly and stares at

    Monroe.)We all want to know. We all need to know why.

    Stella: Hush. Youll wake her. (Holds her right hand against her breast tightly.)

    Russell: Its time for your walk in the grounds, Stella.

    Monroe: Let her tell us the truth first.

    Russell: The truth is nothing to do with us. Were here to care and


    Monroe: Frankels after the truth. Hes hoping itll boost his career.

    Russell: I dont care about Frankel. I care about her. (They both look at Stellawho is still caressing her right hand.)

    Monroe: Dont you want to know how she murdered her babies? How she

    managed to strangle them both?

    Russell: No.

    Monroe: Not a little curious how she could do such a thing?


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    Stella: Youre a bitch, Blondie.

    Monroe: Oh, so she can speak when it suits her. Not to tell the truth.

    Russell: Whether or not she murdered her babies is no concern of mine.My concern is Stellas welfare and how I may help her to recover.

    Monroe: Oh, of course, silly me. To think that murdered babies are of any


    Stella: Who stirred your dark waters?

    Russell: Are you a nurse or a judge?

    Monroe: The babies were innocent victims.

    Stella: Who stirred their finger in your foul frigidity?

    Monroe: Shut up, you murderer of babies.

    Russell: What did Frankel say to you?

    Monroe: Nothing to do with you what he said. What he said was for my

    ears alone.

    Russell: Frankel didnt think you were an asset to this asylum.

    Monroe: Didnt he? Funny how he never mentioned that to me.

    Stella :( She puts her hands behind her back and walks to the corner where the alcove

    is and sits down.)One for the time it takes for hands to count the time. Two

    is for the held out arms that want to fly away. Three is for the Trinity, the

    Father, Son and Spirit; four is for the eyes that stare up from the grave(Laughs suddenly. The nurses run over to where Stella is sitting, pick her up, and hold

    her between them.)

    Russell: Calm down, Stella or therell be no walk.

    Monroe: This is madness. This is insanity let loose upon the world.

    Russell: Jane please be tolerant for a few minutes at least. (Pause. Stella

    stops her movement. Monroe sighs.)This woman here is human. Shes not

    some abstraction from a textbook of criminal cases; shes real. Shes like


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    you and me and all here and out there in the world.

    Monroe: Shes not like me.

    Russell: Then look at her closely. (Pause. Russell lifts Stella chin gently andturns her face towards Monroe.)Look deeply at her.

    Stella: Blondie has a dark, dark, soul.

    Monroe: Its not what she looks like its what shes done that matters.

    Stella: Brunie loves to kiss and hold.

    Russell: Whats done is done. Shes still here. Shes fragmented. Shes abroken woman. She needs mending. Putting together again.

    Monroe :( Stares at Stella.)She would have hanged. If she had been deemed

    sane, she would have hanged by the neck until dead.

    Russell: And that would have made you happy?

    Stella :( To Monroe.) Why are you so sad?

    Monroe: Justice would have been served. A wrong would have been


    Russell: A death would have been added to two others. Thats no justice.

    Stella :( To Monroe.) I see tears in your eyes my child.

    Russell :( Places her finger on Stellas lips.) Shush, Stella.

    Monroe: Then what is justice in this case?

    Russell: Justice is indefinable. It just is. One feels justice like the

    presence of God in ones life.

    Monroe: I want concrete justice not abstract theories. I want to see justice

    done. I want to see results. I want the hurt taken away. (Pause. Looks at

    Russell.)We all do. We need to see wrongs righted. Need to balance out

    the wrong with the right until all is equal.

    Russell: And whos to judge? You? Me? The outer world? The rich? Thepoor? The wise?


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    Monroe: All can judge. All can see justice done.

    Stella: My mummy would tell me stories at bedtime to help me sleep.

    Russell :( Looks at Stella.)Yes, Im sure she did, Stella. Now, lets go for

    that walk in the grounds.

    Monroe :( Takes Stellas other arm.)Youll never understand me.

    Russell: No. No, I probably wont. (They lead Stella to the door. Monroe

    unlocks the door.)And Ill never under stand why Stella did what she did,

    but thats how it is. Thats part of the way of life.

    Monroe: And you just accept that? You dont want to know more?

    Russell: Im not here to know, Im here to care.

    Monroe: I cant accept that. I have to know why. I have to know why she

    killed her babies.

    Stella: Babies are asleep. Dont wake them.

    Russell: We wont, we wont wake them, Stella.

    Monroe: And here shell rot and well be none the wiser why she did

    what she did. None the wiser what happened that day. And no one seems

    to care. Its all brushed under the carpet, she dumped in here out of the

    way, and all is forgotten.

    Russell: Her father hasnt forgotten. And nor have I and nor have you.

    Monroe: Ill never forget, never forgive. (Russell and Stella go out the door.Monroe follows. The door closes. Silence.)

    End of Act One and Scene Six.

    Act Two. Scene one.

    Late afternoon a few days later. In Frankels room. Frankel is sitting at his table. He is

    reading some papers. There is a knock at the door.

    Frankel: Come in. (The door opens and Russell, Stella and Monroe enter. Monroe

    closes the door.)Oh, good. Sit down, Stella. You nurses sit by the door. (Thenurses go and sit by the door, but Stella, who is handcuffed, still stands looking at


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    Frankel.)I said you can sit down, Stella. (She sits. Frankel looks and speaks to

    Stella.)Thats right. Now, Nurse Monroe has informed me that you were

    very rude to her late this morning. Is that right?

    Stella: The flowers smell lovely dont they?

    Frankel: Did you hear what I said, Stella? Were you rude to Nurse


    Stella: I forget what they symbolized.

    Frankel: Forgot what symbolizes what?

    Stella: The flowers.

    Monroe: Its a waste of time, Mr Frankel. Shell not say anything about it


    Frankel: We must try to reach through this fog surrounding her mind at

    the moment. If we dont well never reach her and shell drift off never to

    be reached at a later stage.

    Stella: What did they symbolize? Do your daughters know?

    Frankel: Were you rude to Nurse Monroe?

    Russell: I dont think youre reaching her, Mr Frankel. Maybe we should

    tease it out of her slowly.

    Frankel: How do you suggest?

    Russell: May I talk to her?

    Frankel: By all means. (Russell gets up and stands by Stellas chair.)

    Russell: Stella. What flowers are you talking about?

    Stella: The flowers in my picture. The ones floating in the stream.

    Frankel: What stream?

    Stella: The stream Im drowning in.

    Monroe: I wish you would.


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    Russell: (To Stella.)Is that the Millais picture?

    Stella: Flowers are all about me. Im looking up at the sky. My babies are

    going to drown too, if Im not careful.

    Russell: Hold them up. Lift the babies above your head.

    Stella :( Lifts her cuffed hands upwards.)And the flowers smell so lovely.

    Frankel: And where is this leading us, Nurse Russell?

    Russell: Its conversation. Its a means to open her mind up.

    Monroe: She can go on like this for hours. She often does. Talks like an

    excited child at times. Full of nonsense. Full of babble.

    Stella :( She leaps out of her chair and rushes at Monroe who is sitting by the

    door.)Witch! Shes putting spells on me! (She lashes out at Monroe with hercuffed hands. Monroe defends herself as best she can, but is knocked to the ground

    before Russell and Frankel can come to her rescue. There is a struggle as Russell and

    Frankel try to hold Stella away from Monroe.)Burn the damned witch! Set her

    alight! (Russell and Frankel mange to hold Stella back while Monroe gets to her feet

    and glares at Stella.)Your daughter, David is beyond control. Shes a witchnow.

    Monroe: Shes mad. Shes an absolute maniac.

    Russell: Calm down, Stella. Calm down. (Russell puts her arms around Stella

    and leads her off a few paces. Frankel stands unsure what to do or say.)Now, take

    deep breaths. Deep breaths. (Stella breathes in deeply, but glares at Monroe.)I

    think she needs to return to her cell, Mr Frankel.

    Monroe: You saw her attack me, what are you going to do about her?

    Frankel: Well deal with her. Well find a way to discipline her. Get her

    to realise she cant attack staff.

    Monroe: Oh, some hopes of that. Shes a fool. Shes an absolute fool.

    Nothing will be done. Shell be here until doomsday and still be the same.(Pause. Monroe breathes in deeply. Stella holds her hands tight to her breast. Russell

    is still holding her gently.)

    Frankel: It will be dealt with, Nurse Monroe. Now, best take her back to


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    her cell. And be careful.

    Russell: Are you going to drug her?

    Frankel: I may have to if this is how shes going to behave.

    Monroe: Drug her to death for all I care.

    Stella: Babies are awake. Theyll cry and cry now. (Kisses her hands.)

    Russell: Then lets go home, Stella and put them to bed.

    Stella: They need their sleep. (Rocks her hands back and forth.)

    Russell: Yes, they do.

    Monroe: Come on, back to your cell.

    Frankel: Oh, Nurse Russell. (Frankel sits at the table.)

    Russell: Yes, Mr Frankel?

    Frankel: Can you remain here; I need to discuss a few things with you?

    Russell: Now?

    Frankel: Yes, now. Nurse Monroe can manage to get Stella back to her

    cell. Cant you, Nurse Monroe?

    Monroe: Of course I can. (To Stella.) Come on, you, back to your cell. (Shetakes Stellas arm and moves to the door. She opens the door and looking back at the

    other two, she sighs. Then she pushes Stella through the doorway and out. The room


    End of Scene One.

    Act Two Scene Two.

    A few minutes later in Frankels office. Frankel and Russell are by the window at the

    edge of the stage.

    Frankel: I hope you didnt mind me seeing you now.

    Russell: No, of course not, Franz. Its just that, well, I didnt want people

    to start talking about us.


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    Frankel: Why should they? Weve been discreet and careful.

    Russell: I know, but people always have eyes where you least expect

    them to have.

    Frankel: That Monroes a cold fish.

    Russell: Yes, she is. Shes getting on my nerves with her frustrated

    attitude and mean talk about the patients.

    Frankel: They were all like that once. Cold and mean with scarcely a

    good word to be said of patient or doctor.

    Russell: Lets not talk about her. Lets talk about you and me.

    Frankel: Yes, thats much more interesting.

    Russell: Can I see you to night?

    Frankel: No, not to night Ive got a meeting with Doctor Khanbe.

    Russell: Will it last long?

    Frankel: Bound to. He rambles on so. And half the time its too abstract

    even for me to follow.

    Russell: Is it just you and him?

    Frankel: No, theres six of us. I wont bore you with the names of the

    others. Theyre all psychiatrists of different schools of thought and

    practice. Boring as hell.

    Russell: Poor you.

    Frankel: Poor you. I at least have company.

    Russell: What about tomorrow night?

    Frankel: Yes. Thatll be fine. (Kisses her cheek.)Have you recovered from

    last night?

    Russell :( Laughs light-heartedly.)Just about.


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    Frankel: It was good. I enjoyed your company.

    Russell: So you should you naughty psychiatrist. (Pause.)What about your

    wife? Will she suspect anything?

    Frankel: No. Shes too busy to notice anything. She wouldnt notice if I

    went around the house banging a drum stark naked.

    Russell: I would.

    Frankel: I should hope you would.

    Russell: Are you and your wife not happy together?

    Frankel: What is happiness, Marylyn? Can you define it?

    Russell: When Im with you, I can.

    Frankel: You may feel it, but can you define it?

    Russell: Define it? Well, I feel full, life makes sense, and everything

    takes on a different and higher meaning and I (Stops. She kisses Frankel.)

    Frankel: You may have touched on happiness there. (Embraces her to

    him.)Happiness as far as Ive defined it for myself, is the fulfilment of


    Russell: You mean lust and that?

    Frankel: No, no. More than that, Marylyn. The desire of whatever it is

    you are seeking. Whether it is God, peace, women, money, or whatever.

    If that desire is fulfilled then happiness follows. If that desire is thwarted

    then unhappiness holds sway until the desire is fulfilled if it ever is.Russell: Are you happy?

    Frankel: On many levels. With you. With my occupation. With my house

    and money

    Russell: Your wife?

    Frankel: She reminds me of an old suit I once had. I adored it for many

    years and wore it as much as I could, but eventually it became worn andthreadbare and it became unsuitable for day to day wear and II was


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    loathed to part with it. I liked it. I adored it for sentimental reasons, but

    never wore it again.

    Russell: And your wife?

    Frankel: I would be loathed at the moment to part from her.

    Russell: I see. And what about us?

    Frankel: Thats an existential question.

    Russell: And whats the existential answer?

    Frankel: We live each day to find the answer.

    Russell: I see. (Pause. She moves away a few paces.)But do you love me?

    Frankel: In as much as I know what love means, then, yes. I think I do

    love you. Do you love me?

    Russell: Thats an existential question.

    Frankel :( Chuckles. Moves towards Russell and kisses her.)What do you think

    of Stella?

    Russell: Stella? Why?

    Frankel: You seem very fond of her. I just wondered how you felt about

    her and how you think about her.

    Russell: Yes, I suppose I am fond of her. I dont know why. I think shes

    like a lost child. I feel I want to mother her.

    Frankel: She can be dangerous.

    Russell: Yes, I know. But I still want to try to find out what makes her


    Frankel: Oh, oh, oh, very dangerous ground to get onto. Beware,

    Marylyn. Thats a dangerous ground to tread on. Look out she doesnt

    pull you down into her abyss with her.

    Russell: I will. (Smiles. Kisses him.)So, where are we going tomorrow?


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    Frankel: Where would you like to go?

    Russell: Dinner?

    Frankel Yes. And then?

    Russell: Film or theatre?

    Frankel: Yes. And then?

    Russell: A walk?

    Frankel: Yes. And then?

    Russell: Thats an existential question for you to discover.

    Frankel :( Laughs mildly.)Perhaps I will.

    Russell: I had better get back to Monroe and Stella before they kill each

    other. I miss you.

    Frankel: I miss you, too.

    Russell :( Kisses Frankel and goes to the door.)What did you say to Monroe the

    other day?

    Frankel: Not a lot. She has a closed mind.

    Russell: Yes, Im afraid she has. (Smiles and goes out the door. Frankel looksout at the auditorium. Room darkens.)

    End of Scene Two.

    Act Two. Scene Three.

    In Stellas cell a few moments after leaving Frankels room. Monroe unlocks Stellas

    handcuffs and stands watching her as she walks to the window and peers out.)

    Stella: Want to go out in the grounds.

    Monroe: You dont deserve to go anywhere the way youve behaved.

    Youre like a spoilt child. (Pause.) In fact, youre more like a child than a

    child is. (Pause. Moves towards the window.)What are you looking at?


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    Stella: I want to go out. Want to look at the flowers.

    Monroe: Well you cant, so there.


    Monroe: Cant always have your own way. (Walks close to the window and

    peers out with Stella beside her.)You have to realise why youre here.

    Stella: Want to go out in the grounds. See flowers.

    Monroe: Youve lost that privilege. Youre to stay inside as a


    Stella: Sunshine. Like the sunshine.

    Monroe :( Looks at the sun and then looks at Stella.)Why did you murder your


    Stella :( Sings hymn slowly.) Morning has broken like the first morning(Puts her hands over her mouth. After a few seconds, she removes her hands and

    looks at them.)Mustnt sing that song, Mummy said.

    Monroe: Why?

    Stella: She doesnt like me singing it. Naughty girl to sing it, if Mummy

    says no.

    Monroe :( Shakes her head.)Theres no hope for you, thats for sure. (Sighs.)I

    wish youd say why you murdered your babies. That would be something

    worth staying here for. Something worth putting up with all this nonsense


    Stella: Like the first blackbird.

    Monroe: What?

    Stella: The first blackbird sang the first word. Is that it? Is that the way it


    Monroe: Ive no idea. I dont like hymns.

    Stella: Long ago now.


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    Monroe: Whats long ago?

    Stella: Since the first blackbird.

    Monroe: Yes, I suppose it is.

    Stella :( Kisses her hands.)Babies sleeping.

    Monroe: Yes, eternal rest.

    Stella: David gets angry if they wake him.

    Monroe: Does he?

    Stella: Yes. Gets annoyed if they wake in the night.

    Monroe: Whats he say?

    Stella: Tells me to shut them up.

    Monroe: And did you?

    Stella: No.

    Monroe: Did David shut them up?

    Stella: Babies asleep now.

    Monroe: Did David shut them up, Stella?

    Stella :( She walks away from the window and sits on the ground by her

    mattress.)Do you think of me when you go home, Brunie?

    Monroe: No.

    Stella: Blondie does. She thinks about me a lot.

    Monroe: Who murdered your babies?

    Stella: Do you and Davidmake love behind my back?

    Monroe: Did David kill the babies? (She goes and kneels by Stella.)

    Stella: You and him together?


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    Monroe: Did he, Stella?

    Stella :( She suddenly grabs Monroe and pulls her to the ground. She puts her hands

    around Monroes throat and there is a struggle.) You and him together. Behindmy back? (Monroe tries to push Stella away from her, but fails and Stella tightens

    her grip around Monroes throat.)Why did you let him do that? (Suddenly stops

    and pushes Monroe away. Monroe moves away and breathes with difficulty.)You

    girls never learn. Never listen. Men like David are always after girls like


    Monroe :( Moves to the nearest wall and leans against it.)You have to tell me the

    truth, Stella. (Breathes harder.)The truth. Tell me the truth.

    Stella: Quiet or youll wake the babies. (Moves over to Monroe and puts herfinger on Monroes lips. Monroe holds Stellas finger away from her lips.)

    Monroe: I must go, Stella. I must let you go to sleep with your babies.

    Stella :( Looks at her hands and rocks them.)Let them sleep?

    Monroe :( Voice croaky.) Yes. Let them sleep.

    Stella :( Lays her chin against her hands.)Mustnt let them wake David.


    Monroe: No, mustnt let them wake David. (Closes her eyes and lays her head

    against the wall.) Mustnt wake David. (Softer.)Mustnt wake him, Mustnt

    wake him. (Stella rocks her hands back and forward. Monroe is now silent. Lightfades.)

    End of Scene Three.

    Act Two. Scene Four.

    Early morning two days later. In Stellas cell. Stella is asleep on the mattress. The

    door opens and Monroe and Russell enter. The close the door behind them and walk

    over to where Stella sleeps.

    Russell: Shes still out cold.

    Monroe: Im not surprised after being drugged like that.


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    Russell: Mr Frankel has no choice.

    Monroe: He decided to do what he did before he consulted me.

    Russell; Why would he need to consult you? Youre just a nurse. Besides,after attacking you twice the other day he had no choice.

    Monroe: I think I know the truth about what happened.

    Russell: The truth about what?

    Monroe: The babies. I dont think Stella murdered her babies.

    Russell: How did you come to that conclusion? Did she say she didnt?

    Monroe: No. Well, not in so many words.

    Russell: Well, what did she say then?

    Monroe: She said lots of thing in a way, but it wasnt what she said

    outright, it was what she said in passing.

    Russell: What are you talking about, Jane? Either she said something or

    she didnt. Are you sure, she didnt hurt your head as well as your throat?

    Monroe: Im certain she didnt murder her babies.

    Russell: Well, if she didnt who did?

    Monroe: Her husband. I think David murdered them.

    Russell: Why would he do a thing like that?

    Monroe: He couldnt cope with their crying. It got too much for him and

    he strangled them and blamed it on Stella.

    Russell: Did Stella say that?

    Monroe: Of course not. She doesnt mention anything about that day, but

    she did talk about David and how he told her to shut them up and she


    Russell: But you dont have proof. You only have your suspicions and


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    that is rather limited. (Stella stirs, but doesnt wake up.)Besides, I thought you

    were convinced she was the murderer.

    Monroe :( Kneels down beside Stella and looks at her.)I was. (Pause.)Now Im

    not convinced. I think shes innocent.

    Russell: Theres no proof that David was there at the time.

    Monroe: He could have been there and left before Stella arrived back in

    the room.

    Russell: Why would he blame Stella?

    Monroe: I dont know. Perhaps he panicked. Perhaps he wanted to blameher. I dont know.

    Russell: The police officer who got there saw only Stella with the babies.

    She was holding one of them in her arms and David only arrived

    afterwards. And she confessed. There is a written confession.

    Monroe :( Strokes Stella head gently.)She was in no state to make any

    confession. She would have been totally in shock. After such an event,

    she would not know what she was saying.

    Russell: I think youve been sucked into believing her because you feel

    sorry for her.

    Monroe: Dont talk such rot. Im not being sucked into anything. I

    listened to her and something she said made me realise that events could

    have been different. David could have murdered them and left.

    Russell: No witnesses. Only the police officer saw anything and that was

    Stella with the dead babies. No one else was about he said.Monroe :( Gets up and walks to the window. Russell Looks at Stella.)I think he

    did it. Im convinced he did it and blamed Stella.

    Russell: But youve no proof of any of this. Its just what you believe

    happened. Anyway, Davids dead. The jury convicted her of the murders

    while of an unsound mind. There is no other evidence to support your


    Monroe: So, she stays here until she rots?


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    Russell: She tried to strangle you the other day. Shes attacked others

    since shes been here. It doesnt help her case. A jury would not see

    things any different in the case.

    Monroe: There must be a way of proving her innocent.

    Russell: I dont see how you can prove anything. Davids dead and shes

    out of her mind.

    Monroe: What about Mr Frankel? He might have a way of getting

    through to her and getting her to open up about what happened?

    Russell: He hasnt had much success up until now. Nor have the other

    psychiatrist whove seen her and talked with her. Its unlikely shell talkabout any of it.

    Monroe: But shes innocent.

    Russell: Youve changed your mind about her thats for sure. But you

    could be mistaken about what she said. She may even be putting on an


    Monroe: No, no. She may have been an actress, but even she couldnt

    have acted this mad for this long. No, shes innocent Im certain.

    Russell :( Walks to the window and stands beside Monroe.)Youre convinced

    arent you?

    Monroe: Yes.

    Russell: But I think youre mistaken. I think she did it. I think shes as

    guilty as hell, but did it while out of her mind and was not fully in control

    of her actions.Monroe: But you never heard her speaking like I did. It lit up in my mind

    like a flare in a dark ocean.

    Russell: Maybe you want her to be innocent?

    Monroe: I want the truth. I want to know the truth and now Ive got it I

    cant do anything with it.

    Russell: Maybe you should keep what you think youve found out toyourself.


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    Monroe: What? Let an innocent woman rot in here?

    Russell: Shes not innocent as far as the law is concerned. Only you have

    any doubt of her guilt. Even her father believes she did it.

    Monroe: I dont care about him. (Stella stirs. The nurses look over at her. But

    Stella doesnt wake.)I care about her. (Pause. Looks out of the window.)I thought

    you cared about her?

    Russell: Yes, I do. But only in as much as I want her to recover and get

    on with her life as such as it is and will be.

    Monroe: But shes innocent.

    Russell: It would be best to say nothing to anyone about what you think.

    Monroe: Why?

    Russell: Did might harm your job here. It might even bring doubts about

    your own sanity.

    Monroe: But thats wrong. The truth must be told.

    Russell: There are times when we think we know the truth, but there are

    times when we should keep our truth to ourselves.

    Monroe: I cant say nothing. I cant just let it go and say nothing.

    Russell: You may find that no one will believe you and you will bring

    only wonder and doubt upon yourself.

    (Pause. Stella stirs, but still sleeps. Monroe stares at Russell who stares out of thewindow.)

    Monroe: Do you mean to tell me you wont back me up? What about


    Russell: I dont see things as you see them. I dont think Franz will see it

    your way either. Nor the other psychiatrists who have seen her and talked

    with her ever since she came here.

    Monroe: But I cant say nothing. I must say something.


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    Russell: Then youre on your own. Franz will probably have you moved

    to another ward or maybe suggest you leave altogether as a bad influence

    on the hospital.

    Monroe: He wouldnt do that.

    Russell: Franz will do whatever he thinks is best for the smooth running

    of the hospital and what is best for the patients welfare.

    Monroe: I dont believe you. I want to see Frankel.

    Russell: Go see him. See what he says. But youre on your own. (Monroe

    looks at Russell and then at Stella.)And she wont back you up. Shes too farout of it to be of any use to you.

    Monroe: This is madness.

    Russell: Yes it is. So why delve too deep beneath the stone? Their might

    be things too dark and unhealthy for the unwary.

    Monroe :( Sighs. Looks at Stella again.)I will see Frankel. I will. (Gives the keyto Russell and storms out of the cell. Russell looks at the door and shakes her head.

    Speaks to Stella.) Sleep on my beautiful beast. (Says it softer.) Sleep on. Sleepon. (Stella stirs and moves her arms and legs.)Hush my baby, hush now. Hush

    now. (She smiles and then she walks to the door and goes out. Light fades.)

    End of Scene Four.

    Act Two. Scene Five.

    An hour later in Frankels room. Russell and Frankel are standing by the window

    looking out at the grounds.

    Frankel: I shouldnt worry about Monroe shell get nowhere. She has no

    influence. Even Stellas father wont want it all stirred up again.

    Russell: Not even if he thought his precious daughter was innocent after



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    Frankel: If he thought his daughter was innocent, he would have believed

    it at the trial, but he didnt. Oh, he got the the best lawyer he could afford,

    but once she confessed and the police officer told what he saw and her

    husband told his side of things, she was pretty much sunk. No, Monroes

    hasn't a chance of even raising a mild interest from any quarter.

    Russell: But she seemed so convinced that David murdered the babies.

    Monroe: I know she tried to persuade me, but I think shes been with

    Stella too long and its begun to rub off on her. I shall recommend she be

    moved elsewhere and maybe even moved to a different hospital.

    Russell: You think shell go without causing trouble?

    Frankel: Ive stressed that her reputation may suffer terribly if she persists

    with her wild accusations about Stellas innocence and the husband being

    the murderer.

    Russell: What did she say?

    Frankel: Made a number of wild threats, but eventually she quietened

    down and by the time she left here, she was almost convinced herself she

    had been wrong. Especially when I read the report of five other

    psychiatrists before me who had seen and her and listened to her.

    Russell: She seemed so sure of herself when she left me.

    Frankel: Ah, my dear, Marylyn, youre not a psychiatrist. I think

    Monroes going to see sense and Stella can be left to recover from her

    deeds in her own good time without anymore fuss.

    Russell: Are you sure?

    Frankel: Yes. (Pause. Kisses Russells cheek.)No, forget about Stella and

    Monroe for the moment. How was last night?

    Russell: It was lovely. I was fearful you might have left to get back to

    your wife.

    Frankel: What? And leave the paradise of your arms and bed for the cold

    comfort of my betrothed? No, no, that was not even on my mind once.

    Russell: And the film was very good.


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    Frankel: Yes. Delightful.

    Russell: The food at the restaurant was excellent.

    Frankel: It was ambrosia of the gods.

    Russell: And after that, it was like a dream come true.

    Frankel: Beware of what Freud said of dreams.

    Russell: What did he say?

    Frankel: Trade secret.(Smiles. Kisses Russell again.)

    Never mind Freud. Youare my therapy for happiness.

    Russell: Am I?

    Frankel: Yes. Youre the last item in Pandoras Box.

    Russell: Who's this Pandora? And what was this last item?

    Frankel: Oh, never mind all that. Youre my last hope of happiness before

    dull middle age and the cobwebs of my class completely subdue me into

    sweet old age. (Laughs. Russell laughs too.)

    Russell: Youll always be young to me.

    Frankel: You have the gift of eternal youth. (They kiss and embrace. Lightfades.)

    End of Scene Five.

    Act Two. Scene Six.

    In Stellas cell. Monroe enters and closes the door after here. She has just come from

    Frankels room. She goes to where Stella is sleeping on the mattress.

    Monroe: Stella? (Kneels down beside Stella and shakes her shoulder.)Stella.

    Stella, wake up. (Shakes Stella again. Stella stirs, but doesnt wake.)Stella, come

    on. Listen. Youve got to speak the truth. (Pause. Shakes Stella wildly. Stella

    stirs and then suddenly sits up anxiously. She stares at Monroe.)Youve got to tell

    me the truth, Stella. What happened the day your babies died?

    Stella :( Looks around the room.)Im tired.


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    Monroe: Theyve pumped the drugs into you. Listen. I want you to tell

    me what happened the day your babies died.

    Stella: Too sleepy. I want to sleep. (Monroe lifts Stella up and tries to walk her

    around the room.)Where we going? I want to sleep. (Pulls herself away fromMonroe and walks down to the edge of the stage.)Wheres Brunie?

    Monroe: Dont worry about her shell let you rot in here. What happened

    about the babies? (Stands next to Stella.)What did David do?

    Stella: David? David? Whats he been up to now?

    Monroe: Did he murder the babies?

    Stella: I cant trust him anymore. Hes here, there and everywhere. And

    the girls he goes with are enough to make me feel sick. (Becomes

    aggressive.)Whats wrong with me? Why does he go with them other girls

    when he has me? (Pause. Looks at Monroe.)You wouldnt sleep with him

    would you? Youre not his type are you? He thinks Im a fool. Thinks I

    cant smell them on him. Their cheap scent and sickly perfume clogging

    up his damned pores. I know scent. Ive had the best scent and I know

    cheap scent when I smell it. (Grabs Monroes hand.)You dont think Bruni

    sleeps with him, do you?

    Monroe :( Pats Stellas hand.)Davids dead. He committed suicide.

    Stella: Brunis not his type either is she? Cant tell with David. I think

    hed sleep with any woman who wouldDead? Davids dead?

    Monroe: Yes. He committed suicide.

    Stella: What happened to make him do that? (Begins to weep like a child.)My

    David cant do this to me. I want him to deny hes dead.

    Monroe: He murdered the babies.

    Stella :( She stops crying and glares at Monroe. She releases Monroes hand and

    holds her hands against her breast.)Dont you dare touch my babies. How

    could you even suggest such a thing? (Kisses her hands.)Sweet babies, dont

    listen to the wicked nurse. (Pause. Holds her hands and rocks them back and forth

    all the time glaring at Monroe.)Rockabye, baby, on the treetop, when the wind

    blows the cradle will rock (Suddenly claps her hands and clutches themtightly.)Of all the bars in all the world you had to come into mineIs that


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    it, Blondie? Oh, my sweet girl. So you thought you could come and try to

    sweeten me up so you and David could go on sleeping together and doing

    such awful things while his babies sleep and eat and do what babies do?

    And I have to sacrifice my acting career to feed his want of babies? And

    all the damned time hes making love to you? (Grabs Monroes uniform andholds her tight.)Im watching you Blondie. I know. I know what youre

    trying to do.

    Monroe: You didnt kill your babies. David did. (Pulls herself free of Stellas

    grip and walks a few steps away.)He murdered them and tried to blame you.

    Stella :( Laughs. Looks at her hands.)Babies are safe and sound. He cant

    harm them now. See. Theyre here. Theyre safe and sound. (Laughs wildly.

    Monroe touches Stellas arm, but Stella shrugs her off.)Leave them be! Get awayfrom my babies!

    Monroe: I want to help you. I know what happened.

    Stella :( Holds out her hands towards Monroe.)Take them. Youve taken my

    husband take them as well. Go on! Take them! (Hits Monroes face and thenseizes her by the throat and pushes her against the wall stage left. She holds her hands

    around the Monroes throat and pushes hard. Monroe tries to push the hands away and

    attempts to speak, but Stella is too strong and gradually Monroe gives up struggling

    and her eyes close. Stella releases Monroe who slides down the wall and fallssideward to the floor. Stella looks down at her. (Babies are mine. Always will be

    mine. (Door opens and Russell enters with Frankel. They look at the two women.Frankel goes out and an alarm bell rings. Russell backs out of the door and closes it

    behind her. Light fades as Stella rocks her hands back and forth.)

    End of Act two and Scene Six.


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