role of ledearship,role of management and role of

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  • 8/6/2019 Role of Ledearship,Role of Management and Role Of









  • 8/6/2019 Role of Ledearship,Role of Management and Role Of



    Leadership is the art of getting others convinced to do

    something what you want to be done.

    Leadership is the process of influencing people toaccomplish goals.

  • 8/6/2019 Role of Ledearship,Role of Management and Role Of


    Role of leadership

    1] To develop team work:

    y The responsibility of a leader is to create a friendly work-environment

    2] To act as representative of the work-group:

    y The leader of a work group is to expect to act as a link

    between the group & top management.

    3] To act as a counselor of the people at work:


    The leader is expected to guide and advise the concernedsubordinate

    4] Time management:

    y The leader function is to check the timeliness completion atdifferent stages of work

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    5]Proper use of power

    The leader can use power like reward power, coercive power, or expert

    power, formal or informal power to stimulate positive response from his

    subordinates.6] As a motivator

    Motivation and inspiration energizes people, not by pushing them in the

    right direction as control mechanisms do, but by satisfying basic human

    needs for achievement, a sense of belonging, recognition, self esteem.

    7] As a teacher:Leader should facilitate the learning of subordinate.

    8] As Empowered:

    Everyone in the organization must be granted the power to make thedecisions that they are most capable of making and must be included

    in making decision that directly affects their job.

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    9] As Visionary

    y A visionary leader is skilled in the art of helping the organizationto come to a joint vision and promoting and perpetuating thisshared vision.

    10] Defining the task:

    y This sets a clear objective allowing the group and

    individual to have a collective goal.11] Controlling:

    y The leader needs to exercise self control, but also needs toimplement effective control system on the group and

    individuals.12] Evaluating:

    y Continual evaluation of individual and group performanceis essential for developing and maintaining standards and


  • 8/6/2019 Role of Ledearship,Role of Management and Role Of


    13] Organization:

    y Efficient allocation of people, time and resources benefits

    the task14] Directing:

    y The leader provides specific instruction and supervisingtasks accomplishment.


    y Leader also explain decision, seeks suggestion, andsupports progress.

    16] Delegating:

    y The leader gives responsibilities for decision makingproblem solving to subordinates

    17] Coordinating:Coordinating includes all the activities that enable workgroup members to work together harmoniously

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    According to, Joseph massie,

    Management is the process by which a co-operative groupdirects action towards the common goals.

    According to, James lunde,

    Management is principally the task of planning,co-ordinating, motivating and controlling the efforts ofothers towards a specific objective.

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    y According to KOONTZ, Planning is deciding in advance-what to do, when to do and how to do, bridges the gap fromwhere we are and where we want to be. A plan is a futurecourse of action.

    y Planning is necessary to ensure proper utilization of humanand non human resources. It is all pervasive, it is anintellectual activity and it also helps in avoiding confusion,uncertainties, risks, wastages etc.

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  • 8/6/2019 Role of Ledearship,Role of Management and Role Of



    y The term staffing may be defined as the managerialfunction of hiring and developing the required personnelto fill in various positions in an organization.

    y This function involves the determination of the size andcategories of staff requirement.


    The staffing function focuses on maintaining andimproving the manpower in an organization

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    Directing is said to be a process in which the managersinstruct, guide and oversee the performance of the

    workers to achieve predetermined goals. Directing is saidto be the heart of management process.

    It is very important to maintain a productive workingenvironment, building positive interpersonalrelationship, and problem solving.

    Direction has the following elements:

    y Supervision

    y Motivation

    y Leadership

    y Communication

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    y Controlling is a four step process of establishingperformance standard based on firms objectives,measuring and reporting actual performance, comparingthe two, and taking corrective or preventive action as


    y experience According to Brech, Controlling is asystematic exercise which is called as a process of

    checking actual performance against the standards orplans with a view to ensure adequate progress and alsorecording such as is gained as a contribution to possiblefuture needs.

  • 8/6/2019 Role of Ledearship,Role of Management and Role Of


    ROLEOFRESEARCHyAll registered nurse should be able to do following

    1. Read and interpret the report of research in their ownnursing

    2. Indentify the area of nursing where research is needed,field.

    3. Collaborate intelligently with researcher whose workbrings them in to contact with nursing, assist them asmuch as possible and particularly when patients areinvolved.

    4. Discuss with patient on any research in which they arebeing asked to participate.

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    In an addition nurse teacher should be able to do:

    1. Use research finding as a basis for deciding what to teach and

    incorporate research finding into their teaching.2. 2. Use research finding as a basis for deciding how to teach,make use of psychological theories to learning and techniquesof educational assessment.

    3. Plan and supervise students project work in a way which will

    help the students to develop the ways of thinking, questioning,observing, analyzing, and testing which are elements ofresearch.

    4. Have information about resources available to carry outresearch (financial, human, mechanical) and be able to decidenursing research priorities so that the most effective out of this

    resources.5. Initiate and facilitate research in areas where research is

    needed.6. Monitor the progress of research project to ensure that the

    work being carried out is consistent with the agreed objectives.