role of youth in nation

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Post on 05-Apr-2018




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  • 7/31/2019 Role of Youth in Nation


    Role of Youth in Nation's Building

    Instead complaining on the topic, Why India is Still an Underdeveloped

    Nation? I thought it would be better to discuss the role of youth in nations building.

    According to me, Youth is that spark which needs no ignition. Youth is that

    clay which can be molded in either shape one wants. In my belief, this is the sole reason

    for both exploitation and utilization of youth in the destruction and construction of any

    nation respectively.

    It is a fact that, the nation s building is highly dependent on youth. Youth is that

    powerful resource, which can either construct or destruct the whole nation as already

    said. According to everyone, youth should step forward to take up on the responsibility

    in developing the nation. Yes, I agree that, youth is not given a proper chance to prove

    their potentials in countries like ours, but, The young , according to Pearl S. Buck, (a

    Nobel Laureate in literature) do not know enough to be prudent, and therefore

    they attempt the imposs ible, and achieve it, generation after generation.

    Isnt this single quotation of her is sufficient to motivate the whole nation? Or do we still

    need motivational quotes like the one above to recall our own potentials to attempt the

    impossible and achieve the success? It seems highly surprising that, we, the youth fail

    to display the same enthusiasm in nations building which we often display

    for getting ahead in traffic? Have we really forgotten our responsibility towards our

    nation or that we are knowingly skipping the tasks to achieve development? It is

    observed that, the youth who always fight for enjoying their rights, never wish to take up

    the pains of responsibility.

    According to me, Indian youth is socially responsible and moreover is working

    dedicatedly to see India attain the developed status. Many educated youth had already

    realized the necessity of utilizing their skills for the betterment of the society but at the

    same time, the youth is also misguided to a larger extent by some evil sources making

    them irresponsible towards the society they live in. It is pathetic but true that, due to

    many a-problems that exists in todays world, youth is highly attracted and/or fancied

    towards evil sources. As a result, a huge destruction is occurring all over. It is true that,

    youth is highly amendable, but one must show the guts to take up the challenge to guide

    the youth to a correct path as Swami Vivekananda and other eminent persons did in the

    past. But, speaking frankly, one must never wait for any as it damages the power of self-

    confidence and courage.

  • 7/31/2019 Role of Youth in Nation


    Luxuries, evil habits and societal commitments also gain youths attraction to a greater

    extent. In search of the above three, the youth is losing its identity and goals in no time

    as said by one of my friends. I already stated that, I am not against self-prosperity, and I

    always feel happy for the youth who is self- reliant in nature. (In my article, How to

    Achieve Personal Freedom, I stressed the necessity of self -reliance.) And of course, I

    am completely aware of the Indian Society and Culture, where more number of parents

    doesnt wish to see their children working, as they think that, at least their children must

    not suffer. It is one point of view, where parents think of their childrens growth in eve ry

    aspect and on the other hand, the youth (to a greater extent in India), which is

    dependant on their parents, will never wish not to work towards attaining self-reliance.

    It not only showcases the laziness of the youth but also the irresponsible behavior

    towards their country.

    It always hurts me, when I see some youth taking wrong steps and/or directions to

    attain luxuries viz., by corruption, dowry, all kinds of malpractices like treachery,

    plagiarism, etc., It sounds true, as said by my friends grand father that, Modern

    Education ruins Moral Education. People, at the present date are completely

    neglecting the ethical values and ruining the moral education they had had learned in

    their childhood. This may be the reason why, people (World has 6.66 billion population

    among which 27% constitutes youth) are residing mostly in many-an-old age homes,

    orphanages, homes for the destitute, juvenile homes, individual families, and jails.

    Youth must take necessary steps and find new methods or revive old methods to avoid

    the above problems.

    Evil habits, is a hip in todays world. It is impossible for anyone to escape from these

    until and unless they are self-confident to control themselves. Self-Controllability is the

    only measure to save oneself from evil habits. Drugs, Alcohol, Smoking, undesirable

    sexual activities etc., also hinder nations building. If the youth gets addicted to any of

    these activities, one can easily predict that, the destruction has started not only as the

    person but also harms the nation which needs young blood to run and/or construct it.

    One has to realize the necessity of being healthy in almost every aspect of life.

    The statistics prove that, India stands second in the most populous nations, third in

    corruption, fifth in unemployment, twelfth in poverty, etc., It seems funny but true that,

    even after sixty years of independence, the country has a tremendous growth only in the

    population and not in all aspects and/or sectors to an expected level. Isnt that making

  • 7/31/2019 Role of Youth in Nation


    us feel ashamed of? What should be done in order to attain the development is a million

    rupee question (which has no answer, try to find it). Please dont start listing that, the

    government must be changed, there are no good leaders etc., as said by Aparichit, first

    of all, we must try to be good citizens and question oneself that, what I have had given to

    my own country? One has no right to criticize who has not taken up the responsibility of

    nations building.

    Youth in order to make his/her country developed, has to sacrifice not only their lives by

    protecting their country at the borders but also has to protect from internal threats, and

    make the society a healthy place to live. It is possible only, if the youth realize to stay

    healthy by sacrificing selfishness, laziness, evilness etc., and by thinking dedicatedly for

    the growth of nation. In my conclusion, as an Indian youth, who is proud of its rich and

    varied heritage, take an oath whole-heartedly that, I will strive for the development

    of my country and my people and in their well being and prosperity alone,

    lies my happiness. I will be happy if every youth who loves his/her country take a

    similar oath and strive hard to keep up the promise till the last breathe.