romance book

Katie MacAIister You Slay Me ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Writing a book is neer an entirely solitary en!eaor" #$ic$ is one reason I o%%er &y t$anks an! a''reciation to (atty Woo!#ell %or casting $er eagle eye oer t$e )renc$ use! in t$is book* I+! also like to t$ank t$e #on!er%ul 'eo'le at NAL, &y #itty e!itor" Laura Ci%elli" e!itorial !irector Claire -ion" #$o rea! t$e book #$ile Laura #as a#ay" an! 'ublis$er Kara Wels$" #$o gae t$e OK to let &e try so&et$ing ne# #it$ t$is series* I #oul! also like t o t$ank C$ristine )ee$an %or $er %rien!s$i'" su''ort" an! %or being t$e ins'iration %or a karaoke.singing !e&on in Ne#%oun!lan! !og %or&*

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Katie MacAIister 

You Slay Me


Writing a book is neer an entirely solitary en!eaor" #$ic$ is one reason I o%%er &y t$anks an!a''reciation to (atty Woo!#ell %or casting $er eagle eye oer t$e )renc$ use! in t$is book* I+! also like

to t$ank t$e #on!er%ul 'eo'le at NAL, &y #itty e!itor" Laura Ci%elli" e!itorial !irector Claire -ion"#$o rea! t$e book #$ile Laura #as a#ay" an! 'ublis$er Kara Wels$" #$o gae t$e OK to let &e try

so&et$ing ne# #it$ t$is series* I #oul! also like to t$ank C$ristine )ee$an %or $er %rien!s$i'" su''ort"an! %or being t$e ins'iration %or a karaoke.singing !e&on in Ne#%oun!lan! !og %or&*

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suc$ as t$is are sai! to $ae been use! by 'o#er%ul &ages to raise t$e !e&on 'rinces*/

I !i!n+t t$ink $is eyes coul! o'en any #i!er" but at t$e #or! demon, t$ey all but 'o''e! out o% $is

$ea!* /De&on 'rinces1/ $e aske!" $is oice a $oarse #$is'er*

I s$i%te! t$e case again an! leane! %or#ar!" s'eaking 7uickly" a#are t$at a %aint note o% !es'eration

$a! tinge! &y oice* /You kno#" Satan+s big guns* T$e $ea! $onc$os o% 2ell* T$e !e&on lor!s*

Anyone can raise a !e&on" but it takes a s'ecial 'erson #it$ s'ecial 'o#ers to raise a !e&on lor!*/

Antoine blinke!*

/Yea$" I kno#* I t$ink it+s a bit out t$ere" too" but you+! be sur'rise! #$at 'eo'le beliee* Een so"

it+s a %ascinating sub3ect* I+e &a!e 7uite a stu!y o% !e&ons9 not t$at I beliee t$ey really e4ist outsi!eo% &an+s i&agination9an! %oun! t$ere are #$ole cults reoling aroun! t$e i!ea o% !e&ons an! t$e

 'o#er t$ey #iel! oer &ortals* I $ear! t$ere+s a grou' in San )rancisco t$at is trying to get a !e&onelecte! into 'ublic o%%ice* 2a $a" like anyone #oul! notice1/

T$e bunking sto''e!* Antoine stare! at &e #it$ a blank look in $is eyes* I !eci!e! &y little %orayinto 3oke lan! #as 'robably 'us$ing t$e Anglo.)ranco boun!aries* Not to &ention t$at t$e &inutes

#ere ticking by at an alar&ing rate* /Yea$" #ell" I !on+t guarantee t$e use%ulness o% t$e ite&s; I 3ust!elier t$e&* So" i% eeryt$ing is in or!er" !o you t$ink I coul! go1 I+& su''ose! to get t$is a7ua&anile

to its o#ner at %ie" an! it+s alrea!y 'ast t$ree* T$is is &y %irst 3ob as a courier" you see" an! &y uncle9 $e+s &y boss9tol! &e t$at i% I scre# u' t$is !eliery" I+& o%% t$e 'ayroll" an! since a ery stu'i! 3u!ge

in Cali%ornia or!ere! &e to 'ay &y e4.$usban! ali&ony 3ust because Alan" &y e4" is a la0y slob #$olikes to $ang aroun! t$e beac$ an! ogle t$e %ake.boobe! girls rat$er t$an get o%% $is sur%er ass an! #ork

%or a liing like t$e rest o% us" it+s kin! o% i&'ortant t$at I kee' t$is 3ob" an! to kee' it &eans t$at I $aeto get t$e a7ua&anile to t$e #o&an #$o boug$t it %ro& 8ncle Da&ian*/

Antoine looke! a bit stunne! until I nu!ge! t$e $an! t$at $el! &y !ocu&ents; t$en $e 'urse! $is li'sas $e s$ot &e a 7uelling glare* 2e no!!e! to#ar! &y case* /You #ill o'en it* I &ust e4a&ine t$e ob3ect

an! ensure it &atc$es t$e 'ictures 'resente!*/

I sti%le! yet anot$er sig$ o% %rustration as I %is$e! t$e keys out o% &y bag be%ore unlocking t$e case*

Antoine+s glare turne! to an o'en &out$e! look o% #on!er as I 'eele! back t$e 'rotectie %oa&

 'a!!ing an! lai! o'en t$e so%t linen clot$ t$at #as #ra''e! aroun! t$e a7ua&anile* "Sacrefutur du

bordel de !ieu#" 

/Yea$" it+s 'retty i&'ressie" isn+t it1/ I looke! %on!ly at t$e !ragon* It #as about si4 inc$es $ig$" all

coile! tail" glea&ing scales" an! glittering e&eral! eyes* It #as one o% t$e %e# !ragons I+! eer seen!e'icte! #it$out #ings*

Antoine reac$e! out to touc$ t$e gol!en !ragon" but I 7uickly #ra''e! t$e linen back oer it* /Sorry 9look but !on+t touc$*/ 2is nostrils %lare! !ra&atically* I $urrie! to soot$ $is ru%%le! %eat$ers* /Not

een t$e <.ray guys got to touc$ it* I% you+ll take a 'eek at t$e a''raiser+s aluation o% t$e 'iece" I t$inkyou+ll see #$y it+s better not to*/

2e glance! at t$e a''raiser+s s$eet an! s#ore un!er $is breat$ be%ore bran!is$ing $is sta&' on &y 'ass'ort an! t$e !ragon+s !ocu&ents* /All is in or!er* You &ay continue*/

I close! u' t$e case" locke! it" an! tucke! t$e keys back into &y neck 'ouc$" giing Antoine a

c$eery s&ile as I slung t$e bag containing &y clot$ing onto &y s$oul!er* /T$anks*/

/One &o&ent9"/ $e sai!" sto''ing &e #it$ an u'raise! $an!* I $el! &y breat$" #orrie! $e #as

going to insist on so&et$ing t$at #oul! kee' &e %ro& &aking &y a''oint&ent #it$ M&e* Deau4ille*

It #oul! be 3ust &y luck t$at Antoine #oul! !eci!e I nee!e! a %ull bo!y searc$*

I trie! to look innocent an! %rien!ly an! not in t$e least like so&eone #$o #oul! s&uggle so&et$ing

into t$e country in a conenient bo!y caity* /2&&1/

2e glance! aroun! 7uickly" t$en ste''e! closer to &e" $is oice !ro''ing* /You are an e4'ert in

!e&ons but you !o not beliee in t$e&1/

I s$ook &y $ea!" not #is$ing to get into a '$iloso'$ical conersation #$ile t$e clock #as ticking*

/I+& not really an e4'ert9I+e 3ust stu!ie! a %e# &e!ieal te4ts about t$e&*/

/De&ons are ery ba!*/I s$rugge! an! e!ge! si!e#ays* /Not really* Accor!ing to t$e te4ts I+e rea!" t$ey+re actually rat$er

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stu'i!* I t$ink 'eo'le %ear t$e t$oug$t o% t$e& because t$ey !on+t kno# $o# to control t$e&*/

2e leane! closer" t$e stale o!or o% cigarette s&oke clinging to $i&" &aking &y nose #rinkle* /An!

you !on+t %ear t$e&1/

I s$ook &y $ea! again" e!ging een %art$er a#ay*

2is !ark eyes lit %or a &o&ent #it$ a !ee' re! lig$t" &aking $i& su!!enly look a #$ole lot &ore

o&inous t$an a si&'le custo&s ins'ector* /You s$oul!"/ $e sai!" an! t$en turne! a#ay" gesturing t$e

ne4t 'erson in line to $is table*

/2oo" I guess t$ere+re #eir!os all oer t$e #orl!"/ I &u&ble! to &ysel% as I 'us$e! &y #ay t$roug$

t$e cro#! to#ar! t$e e4it" care%ul to kee' bot$ $an!s on t$e $an!le o% t$e black case* My clot$ing an! 'ersonal ite&s I coul! a%%or! to lose" but t$is 3ob #as &y c$ance9&y only c$ance o% getting a$ea!

since t$e co&'any I #orke! %or #ent belly u'* I% I &esse! t$is u'" I=! be 3obless again* Wit$ noune&'loy&ent bene%its le%t" an! a beac$ bu& to su''ort" I $a! to $ae #ork" so&et$ing t$at #oul!

allo# &e to lie #$ile 'aying Alan t$e $uge #a! o% &oney t$e court !eci!e! I o#e! $i&*

Men* 5a$>

It took &e anot$er %i%teen &inutes to %igure out t$e signs in t$e air'ort concourses an! %in! #$ere t$e

ta4is #ere* 5et$" 8ncle Da&ian+s secretary" sai! Orly $a! signs in Englis$" but 5et$ lie!9not only #as

t$ere no Englis$" but also not$ing I sa# #ritten on t$e signs &atc$e! t$e $an!y little '$rases in t$e $rench for $rancophobes book I $a! boug$t to get &e t$roug$ t$e ne4t !ay an! a $al%*

/8&*** bon%our" I sai! to a bore!.looking ta4i !rier #$o stoo! leaning on $is car an! 'icking at $isteet$* "&arle'-vous anglais" 

+Won"/ $e sai! #it$out sto''ing t$e teet$.'icking*

/O$* 8&* Do you kno# i% any o% t$e ot$er ta4i !riers parle' anglais Kno#e'-vous i% le ta4i

!riers parle' anglais" 

2e gae &e a look t$at s$oul! $ae s$a&e! &e" but I #as beyon! being as$a&e! o% going to )rance

#it$out kno#ing a single #or! o% )renc$ e4ce't #$at I %oun! in t$e gui!ebook* I $a! a 3ob to !o9I 3ust #ante! it !one*

/Look" I+& !oing t$e best I can" OK1 I #ant to go to t$e :ue *** O$" 3ust a sec9let &e look in t$e book****/ I $ugge! t$e black case to &y c$est #it$ one ar& #$ile I roote! aroun! in &y bag %or t$e

)renc$ gui!e* "(e veu) aller a la Rue Sang des nnocents." 

T$e ta4i !rier sto''e! 'icking $is teet$ to gri&ace* /T$at is t$e #orst )renc$ I $ae eer $ear!" an!

I $ae $ear! &uc$ ba! )renc$*/

/You do s'eak Englis$>/ I sai!" sla&&ing &y gui!e s$ut* /You sai! you !i!n+t> An! I can+t $el' it i%

#$at I sai! #as #rong* T$at+s #$at t$e book sai!*/

/It #asn+t &uc$ #rong" but your accent** */ 2e s$u!!ere! !elicately" t$en #it$ a s#ee'ing bo#"

o'ene! t$e !oor to $is ta4i* /?ery #ell" I #ill take you to t$e :ue Sang !es Innocents" but it #ill costyou*/

/2o# &uc$1/ I aske! as I sli! into t$e backseat" still clutc$ing &y case* I $a! t$e euros 8ncle

Da&ian $a! gien &e" but I kne# t$ey #ere only enoug$ to coer &y $otel bill %or t$e nig$t" t#o&eals" an! &inor inci!entals like t$e ta4i ri!es*

T$e ta4i !rier tosse! &y bag into t$e ot$er si!e an! sli! be$in! t$e #$eel* /T$e 3ourney #ill cost

you t$irty.si4 euro" but t$e ri!e #ill cost you &ore*/


2e s&ile! at &e in $is rearie# &irror* /5y t$e ti&e #e arrie at t$e :ue Sang !es Innocents" you

#ill kno# $o# to say t$ree t$ings in )renc$* Wit$ t$ose t$ree t$ings" you #ill be able to go any#$ere

in (aris*/

I agree! to $is ter&s an!" since I #as early %or &y a''oint&ent #it$ M&e* Deau4ille" $a! $i& #ait

%or &e #$ile I ran into t$e $otel #$ere 5et$ $a! booke! &e* I c$ecke! in" !ro''e! &y bag on t$e be!" 'ulle! a co&b t$roug$ &y curls so I looke! less like a cra0e! #o&an an! &ore like a 'ro%essional

courier" an! !as$e! back !o#nstairs to #$ere :ene an! $is ta4i #ere #aiting %or &e*

At %ie &inutes to %ie" t$e ta4i 'ulle! u' ne4t to a si4.story crea&.colore! buil!ing #it$ $ig$

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arc$e! !oor#ays an! #in!o#s grace! by intricate black &etal grilles*

/Wo#"/ I breat$e! as I leane! out t$e #in!o# to 'eer u' at t$e $ouse* /W$at a gorgeous buil!ing* It

looks so*** )renc$>/

:ene reac$e! back#ar!s t$roug$ $is #in!o# an! o'ene! &y !oor* I grabbe! &y t$ings an! got out

onto t$e cobblestone street" &y &out$ still $anging o'en as I stare! u' at t$e $ouse*

/You see t$at all t$e $ouses $ere are ol! &ansions* It is a ery e4clusie neig$bor$oo!* lie Saint.

Louis itsel% is only si4 blocks long an! t#o blocks #i!e* An! no#" you #ill 'ay &e e4actly t$irty.si4euro" an! recite %or &e 'lease t$e '$rases I $ae taug$t you*/

I !ragge! &y eyes o%% t$e $ouse an! s&ile! as I $an!e! :ene $is &oney* /I% so&eone annoys &e" Isay" *oule'-vous cesser de me crac+er dessus pendant ue vous parle'" 

/Will you sto' s'itting on &e #$ile you are s'eaking"/ :ene translate! #it$ a no!*

/An! i% I nee! $el' #it$ anyt$ing" I say" (ai une grenouille dans mon bidet." 

/I $ae a %rog in &y bi!et* Yes" ery goo!* An! t$e last one1+

/T$e last I s$oul! resere %or any guy #$o $its on &e #$en I !on+t #ant $i& to, u as une tite afaire

muter les plaues des egouts." 

/You $ae a %ace t$at #oul! blo# o%% t$e coer o% a &an$ole* /ui, tris bon. You #ill !o* An! %or

your &eeting #it$ t$e i&'ortant la!y" bonne chance, e$1/

/T$anks" :ene* I a''reciate t$e lessons* You 3ust neer kno# #$en you nee! to tell so&eone t$ere+san a&'$ibian in your bi!et*/

/One &o&ent* I $ae so&et$ing %or you*/ 2e rustle! aroun! in a s&all bro#n bag %or a secon!" t$en

 'ulle! out a battere! car! an! $an!e! it to &e #it$ t$e air o% so&eone 'resenting an ob3ect o% greatalue* /I a& aailable %or $ire as a !rier* You 'ay &e" I !rie you aroun! (aris" s$o# you all o% t$e

sites you &ust see* You can call &e on &y &obile nu&ber anyti&e*/

/T$anks* I !on+t kno# t$at I+ll be in (aris long enoug$ %or a c$au%%eur to !rie &e aroun!" but i% I

eer nee! a !rier" you+ll be t$e one I call*/ I salute! $i& #it$ t$e car!" t$en tucke! it a#ay in &y#allet*

2e !roe o%% #it$ a %rien!ly #ae an! a %aint 'u%% o% black e4$aust* I turne! back to t$e i&'ressie buil!ing" s7uare! &y s$oul!ers" an! a%ter a 7uick look aroun! to &ake sure no one #as #atc$ing &e"

ste''e! into t$e !oor#ay to 'ress t$e bu00er labele! DEA8<?ELLE*

/I a& con%i!ent"/ I &uttere! to &ysel%* /I a& a 'ro%essional* I kno# e4actly #$at I a& !oing* I a&

not at all %reake! out by being in a !i%%erent country #$ere t$e only t$ing I kno# $o# to !o is co&'lainabout %rogs an! insult 'eo'le* I a& cool" cal&" an! collecte!* I a&*** not being ans#ere!*/

I bu00e! again* Not$ing $a''ene!* A 7uick glance at &y #atc$ con%ir&e! t$at I #as t#o &inutesearly* Surely M&e* Deau4ille #as in1

I bu00e! once &ore" leaning on t$e bu00er t$is ti&e* I trie! 'utting &y ear to t$e !oor" but coul!n+t$ear anyt$ing* A glance at a #in!o# s$o#e! &e #$y9t$e #alls o% t$e buil!ing looke! to be at least

t$ree %eet t$ick*/Well" $ell"/ I s#ore" ste''ing back so I coul! look u' at t$e buil!ing* I kne# %ro&. t$e instructions

8ncle Da&ian $a! gien &e t$at M&e* Deau4ille #as on t$e secon! %loor* T$e re!.an!.crea& !ra'esisible t$roug$ t$e slig$tly o'ene! #in!o#s !i!n+t &oe at all* Not$ing &oe! any#$ere on t$e

secon! %loor*** or on any o% t$e %loors" %or t$at &atter* Since it #as a 'leasant @une eening" I e4'ecte! 'eo'le to be arriing $o&e" bustling aroun! !oing t$eir eening s$o''ing" strolling !o#n t$e street"

ga0ing u'on t$e Seine" an! so %ort$" but t$ere #as no &oe&ent at all in t$e $ouse*

I looke! !o#n t$e street" t$e $airs on t$e back o% &y neck slo#ly stan!ing on en!* T$ere #as no

&oe&ent on t$e street eit$er* No 'eo'le" no cars" no bir!s *** not$ing* Not een a %lo#er bobbe! in t$eslig$t bree0e %ro& t$e rier* I looke! be$in! &e* T$e cross street #as t$e :ue Saint.Louis en l+%le" a

 busy street #it$ stores an! restaurants" an! lots o% s$o's* It $a! taken :ene ten &inutes to naigate acou'le o% blocks because t$e tra%%ic an! s$o''ers #ere so !ense" but #$ere I stoo!" t$e noise o% sai!

tra%%ic an! s$o''ers #as o!!ly %iltere!" as i% t$e #$ole o% :ue Sang !es Innocents #as s#at$e! incotton #ool" leaing it an oasis o% stillness an! silence in a city kno#n %or its lieliness*

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/T$e #or! creepy !oesn+t een begin to coer t$e situation"/ I sai! alou!" 3ust to $ear so&et$ing*8nease ri''le! t$roug$ &e as I $el! &y case tig$tly" giing Mine* Deau4ille+s bell one &ore long

ring* T$e skin on t$e back o% &y neck tig$tene! een &ore as I notice! t$at t$e !oor to t$e buil!ing#asn+t s$ut 'ro'erly*

/So&eone &ust $ae been in a rus$ to leae t$is &orning"/ I tol! t$e !oor" trying to ta&' !o#n on

t$e &a3or case o% t$e #illies t$e silent street #as giing &e* /So&eone #as 3ust late %or #ork" an! t$ey

!i!n+t 7uite close t$e !oor* T$at+s all* T$ere+s not$ing %orebo!ing in a !oor t$at $asn+t been s$ut all t$e#ay* T$ere+s not$ing eerie in t$at at all* T$ere+s not$ing cree'y about a street*** O$" cra'* 2ello1/ I

 'us$e! t$e !oor o'en an! took a ste' into a tiny $all* T$e entrance narro#e! into a !ark 'assage beyon! a bro#n.'anele! stair#ay t$at le! u'#ar!* /Anyone $ere1 I+& looking %or M&e* Deau4ille*


I e4'ecte! t$e last notes o% &y $ello to ec$o u' t$e stair#ell" but strangely" &y #or!s #ere &u%%le!"

as i% t$ey $a! been absorbe! into t$e #alls" %iltere! by t$e sa&e strange e%%ect t$at ke't t$e street

outsi!e as 7uiet as a to&b*

/I #oul! $ae to t$ink o% a to&b"/ I gru&ble! to &ysel% as I care%ully close! t$e !oor be$in! &e"turning to start u' t$e stairs to t$e secon! %loor* +T$ere are ti&es #$en it absolutely !oes not 'ay to

$ae a goo! i&agination*/

T$ere #ere t#o !oors in t$e tiny $all stretc$ing t$e lengt$ o% t$e secon!.%loor stairs* One bore asiler 'late #it$ t$e #or! DEA8<?ILLE #ritten on it in a %ancy scri't &at screa&e! e4'ensie* T$eot$er !oor" I assu&e!" #as a secon! entrance to t$e a'art&ent* I ste''e! u' to t$e &ain !oor" one ar&

$ol!ing t$e case tig$t to &y c$est" t$e ot$er u'raise! to knock* @ust as &y knuckles #ere about to touc$t$e glossy oak o% t$e !oor" a #ae o% !rea! an! %orebo!ing" a sense o% so&et$ing being ery" ery

#rong s#e't oer &e* T$e sensation #as so strong" I ste''e! back#ar!s until t$e coolness o% t$e 'aneling see'e! t$roug$ t$e t$in cotton o% &y !ress* I clutc$e! t$e case an! struggle! to breat$e" &y

c$est tig$t #it$ !rea!* T$e %eeling o% unease t$at $a! set in as soon as :ene le%t s#elle! into so&et$ing&uc$ &ore %rig$tening" leaing &e #it$ goose bu&'s on &y ar&s an! a #arning oice in &y $ea!

s$rieking at &e to leae t$e buil!ing t$at ery secon!" i% not sooner*

So&et$ing $orrible $a! been in t$at a'art&ent* So&et$ing *** unnatural*

/I a& con%i!ent"/ I groun! out t$roug$ &y teet$" an! %orce! &y %eet %or#ar! to t$e !oor* /It+s 3ust an

eccentric collector" not$ing eil* T$ere is not$ing to be a%rai! o%* I a& a 'ro%essional* I can !o t$is*/

T$e !oor s#ung o'en at t$e %irst brus$ o% &y $an! against it*

I stoo! %ro0en in t$e !oor#ay" t$e skin on &y back cra#ling #it$ $orror as I looke! !o#n t$e s$ort

$all into #$at &ust be t$e liing roo& o% t$e a'art&ent* Tiny little &otes o% !ust !ance! la0ily in t$elate a%ternoon suns$ine t$at strea&e! t$roug$ t$e tall arc$e! #in!o#s" s'illing in a

ruby 'ool on a car'et o% !ee'er re!* A bou7uet o% %res$ %lo#ers sat on an anti7ue table bet#een t#o o%t$e #in!o#s" t$e s$ar' scent o% it !etectable een %ro& #$ere I stoo!* T$e ceilings #ere $ig$" crea&.

colore! to co&'le&ent t$e #alls" t$e e!ges scallo'e! #it$ intricate &ol!ing* Along

one #all I coul! see a $ig$ly 'olis$e! anti7ue !esk #it$ a re! u'$olstere! &atc$ing c$air sitting be%oreit at an angle" as i% its occu'ant $a! arisen 3ust a &o&ent be%ore*

Eeryt$ing #as loely" beauti%ul" e4'ensie" 3ust e4actly #$at I e4'ecte! in t$e a'art&ent o% a ric$

#o&an #$o lie! in an e4clusie area o% (aris*

Eeryt$ing e4ce't t$e bo!y" t$at is* Sus'en!e! %ro& a c$an!elier" a #o&an+s bo!y #as !ouble! oer"

$anging %ro& $er $an!s tie! be$in! $er back" $er bo!y s#inging slig$tly aboe a black circle o% as$t$at $a! been !ra#n on t$e loely re! car'et" a circle inscribe! #it$ t#ele sy&bols* T$e !ea! #o&an

#as M&e* Deau4ille; o% t$at I #as sure*

"(ai une grenouille dans mon bidet," I sai!" an! #is$e! %erently t$at t$e #orst o% &y 'roble&s

#ere %rogs*

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I $o'e I get &a3or bro#nie 'oints %or not racing screa&ing %ro& t$e $ouse as soon as &y eyes caug$tsig$t o% t$e !ea! bo!y o% t$e #o&an I $a! co&e $al%#ay aroun! t$e #orl! to &eet* I $o'e #$oeer

controls t$e kar&a scale re#ar!s &e %or not getting t$e $ell out o% Do!ge #$ile I coul!" because

ste''ing into M&e* Deau4ille+s a'art&ent #$ile $er bo!y s#aye! gently in t$e #ar& a%ternoon sun#as t$e $ar!est t$ing I+e eer !one*

OK" I a!&it it; I #$i&'ere! a little bit" an! I le%t t$e %ront !oor a3ar because so&et$ing in t$e

 'ri&itie 'art o% &y brain #as insisting on an easy esca'e route 3ust in case t$e bo!y s$oul! su!!enlys'ring to li%e an! try to grab &e in t$e best $orror.&oie styleB" but t$e #$i&'er #as s&all" an! I

sto''e! it as soon as I reali0e! it #as co&ing %ro& &y &out$*

/Get a $ol! o% yoursel%"/ I sai! sternly" %linc$ing at t$e soun! o% &y oice in t$e !ea! a'art&ent*

T$en I %linc$e! at t$e #ay t$e #or! dead rolle! aroun! in &y &in!* /I% s$e+s really !ea!" s$e can+t $urtyou* O$" s$oot" if s$e+s !ea! *** 8ck* I su''ose I s$oul! &ake sure s$e+s really !ea!*/

It took #$at see&e! to be $ours to trael t$e seen ste's nee!e! to cross t$e s$ort $all* I si!le!aroun! t$e as$ circle" un#illing to !isturb it" un#illing to touc$ t$e bo!y* Surely s$e coul!n+t $ae

surie! being strung u' like t$at1 Surely t$e lack o% &oe&ent #as in!icatie o% !eat$1 Surely I coul!get by #it$out c$ecking to &ake sure s$e #as really !ea!1

/(oo'"/ I sai!" an! set &y case !o#n care%ully on a beauti%ully e&broi!ere! anti7ue c$air* I s$u%%le!%or#ar!" care%ul not to touc$ anyt$ing as I sto''e! !irectly in %ront o% t$e bo!y" &y toes 3ust brus$ing

t$e outer e!ge o% t$e as$ circle* I took a !ee' breat$" 'us$e! !o#n t$e $orrible %eeling t$at I s$oul!n+t be !oing #$at I #as about to !o" an! leane! %or#ar! to %eel %or a 'ulse on M&e* Deau4ille+s neck*


Startle! by t$e &an+s oice be$in! &e" I 3u&'e! 3ust as I reac$e! %or M&e* Deau4ille" sen!ing &e

 'lu&&eting to#ar! t$e bo!y" &y ar&s cart#$eeling &a!ly* I screa&e! een as I trie! to t#ist a#ay%ro& $er" but it #as a $an! on t$e back o% &y !ress yanking &e back#ar!s t$at ke't &e %ro& 'lunging

into t$e circle*

"Ne la touche' pas#" 

/2u$1/ I rubbe! t$e goose bu&'s on t$e su!!enly col! %les$ o% &y ar&s as I blinke! at t$e &an #$oloo&e! be%ore &e* /I+&*** u$*** sorry" non parle' )renc$*/

/A&erican1/ t$e &an aske!" $is nostrils %laring as i% $e s&elle! so&et$ing*

/Yea$"/ I ans#ere!" still rubbing &y ar&s* I looke! %ro& $i& to t$e bo!y" t$en back" t$e reali0ation

%las$ing t$roug$ &y $ea! t$at I #as alone in an a'art&ent #it$ a stranger an! a !ea! bo!y" #$ic$ 'robably &eant t$at $e #as ***

/I !i!n+t kill $er"/ $e sai! 7uickly" ei!ently rea!ing &y &in! be%ore turning a#ay to look at t$e bo!y*

I use! t$e &o&ent to e4a&ine $i&* I+& not e4actly an i!iot9i% I %in! &ysel% in a roo& #it$ a

&ur!er icti&" t$e big" tall" !ark.$aire!" e4tre&ely $an!so&e guy !resse! in black #$o 'ositielyreeks o% !anger an! #$o &ysteriously 'o's u' out o% no#$ere is naturally going to be on t$e to' o% &y(otential Mur!erer List*

W$ic$ &eant I $a! to get &ysel% an! &y !ragon out o% t$ere be%ore Mr* Killer !eci!e! to en3oy a!ouble.$ea!er*

I gri&ace! 3ust as t$e &an turne! back to &e* So&et$ing %las$e! !ee' in $is !ark green eyes* /Are

you un#ell1 You aren+t going to o&it on &e" are you1/

/T$at #asn+t on &y list o% 'lanne! actiities %or t$e a%ternoon" no" but i% you really insist" I su''ose Icoul! try %or a $airball or so&et$ing*/

2is $ea! ti''e! to t$e si!e %or a &o&ent as $e e4a&ine! &e %ro& toes to nose* /I+e neerco&'letely un!erstoo! A&erican $u&or* T$at was su''ose! to be a 3oke" yes1/

/Yes" it #as*/ O$" brilliant" Aisling" 3ust brilliant* 2ere you are tra''e! in a roo& #it$ a &ur!erer ina %oreign country" an! all you can !o is &ake 3okes #$en #$at you nee! to be !oing is running a#ay as

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%ast as you can* I took a !ee' breat$ an! e!ge! to#ar! t$e c$air t$at $el! &y case* 2e &oe! back#ar!s a ste'" e%%ectiely blocking &e o%% %ro& t$e e4it* (anic" $el! rat$er tenuously at bay" rose

#it$in &e* It 7uickly beca&e clear t$at I nee!e! to !istract t$e $an!so&e green.eye! &ur!erer so Icoul! esca'e*

2is eyes glittere! !arkly at &e in a #ay t$at si&ultaneously scare! t$e cra' out o% &e an! &a!e &e

#ant to t$ro# &ysel% on $i&* /A$* Yes* A 3oke* I t$oug$t t$at is #$at it #as*/

Distraction" girl* Don+t get caug$t u' in a 'air o% 'retty eyes" not #$en t$ey likely belonge! to acol!.bloo!e! killer* /8&* I #as 3ust going to c$eck an! &ake sure M&e* Deau4ille #as really !ea!*/ I

close! &y eyes %or a &o&ent" a#are o% 3ust $o# !a&ning t$at soun!e!* /T$at is" I #ante! to &ake sures$e #asn+t still alie* Not t$at I #ant $er to be !ea!" you un!erstan!* I 3ust #ant to &ake sure t$at s$e+s

not* O$" cra'" it+s all co&ing out #rong*/

/You #ant to &ake sure t$ere is not$ing you can !o %or $er"/ t$e !ark &an sai! neutrally" $is oice9 

a se4y blen! o% an Englis$ accent an! so&et$ing t$at soun!e! aguely Ger&anic to &y ears9o!!ly%lat* It soun!e! 3ust t$e #ay you+! e4'ect so&eone to s'eak i% $e sus'ecte! you o% being a !erange!


/Alt$oug$ t$at really is an o4y&oron* I &ean" #$at killer isnt !erange!1/

T$e brilliant green eyes consi!ere! &e %or a &o&ent* /Is t$at a r$etorical 7uestion" or !o you #is$%or an analysis o% t$e &in! o% killers1/

I groane!* /Sorry" t$at 3ust kin! o% sli''e! out* Don+t you t$ink one o% us s$oul! *** you kno#" c$eck$er1 To &ake sure s$e+s not 3ust graely #oun!e!1/

2e looke! back at t$e bo!y* I looke!" as #ell* /You !on+t beliee s$e+s really !ea!1/

I $a! to a!&it $e $a! a 'oint* T$e bo!y #as too still" t$e $eay silent at&os'$ere o% t$e a'art&ent

$ouse" street" 'ossibly t$e #$ole #orl!B al&ost s&ot$ering* I kne# #it$out een t$inking about it t$att$ere #ere only t#o liing beings in t$e a'art&ent" an! t$e bo!y t$at $ung by $er $an!s #asn+t one o%


T$e &an cocke! $is $ea! again" t$en #$irle! aroun! an! close! t$e !oor t$at #as still stan!ing

o'en* )ear %lare! to li%e #it$ t$e &oe&ent* 2e #as going to kill &e> I looke! aroun! %rantically %or a

#ea'on" s$rieking #$en $is $an! cla&'e! !o#n on &y ar&*

/W$at is t$e &atter #it$ you1 You look like you+re going to 'ass out*/

/Me1 Not$ing+s t$e &atter #it$ &e* I+& %ine* Alt$oug$" no# I co&e to t$ink o% it" I $ae a $orrible

&e&ory 'roble&* I can+t re&e&ber #$at 'eo'le look like* Or soun! like* Or t$e t$ings t$ey sai! to &e"or*** or*** anyt$ing* So anyone #$o #as #orrie! about #$at I &ig$t $ae seen or $ear! #oul! really

$ae not$ing to #orry about at all* 5ecause o% &y &e&ory 'roble&* It+s 'er&anent" too*/

2e gae &e a long" curious look" t$en &a!e an annoye! noise an! let go o% &y ar& as $e s7uatte!

!o#n to stu!y t$e as$ circle* /I tol! you I !i!n+t kill $er* I+& not going to $ar& you* Your %ear o% &e issenseless*/

W$at is it about scorn o% any sort t$at &akes your braa!o %ire u'1 My c$in li%te! at t$e arroganttone in $is oice* /Yea$1 W$o sai! I #as a%rai! o% you1/

/I can s&ell your %ear* W$at !o you &ake o% t$is1/

2e gesture! to#ar! t$e as$ circle* I glance! to#ar! it an! crosse! &y ar&s oer &y c$est" trying to

sni%% t$e air aroun! &y ar&'it region #it$out it being obious I #as !oing a 5O c$eck* /It+s an as$circle" inscribe! #it$ t$e t#ele sy&bols o% As$tarot$* W$at !oes %ear s&ell like" e4actly1/

2e %ro#ne! at t$e circle but !i!n+t touc$ it* /Se4y*/

I blinke! a cou'le o% ti&es* Like t$at #as going to &ake &e t$ink better1B /W$at1/

2e straig$tene! u' an! turne! to#ar! &e" an! once again I #as ery &uc$ a#are t$at I #as alone inan a'art&ent #it$ a !ea! #o&an an! a &ysterious &an #$o #as &uc$ too $an!so&e %or &y 'eace o%

&in!* /It brings out t$e 're!ator in &e*/

My eyes #i!ene! as $e leane! to#ar! &e" $is eyes a &es&eri0ing green t$at see&e! to suck &e into

t$eir cool !e't$s* T$ere #as so&et$ing about $i& t$at &a!e eery ato& #it$in &e a#are t$at $e #as a&an" an! I #as a #o&an" an! t$ere #ere certain %un!a&ental !i%%erences bet#een us t$at &y bo!y ery

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&uc$ #ante! to e4'lore" regar!less o% t$e %act t$at $e &ig$t be a &ur!erer* /Oy*/

2e no!!e!" t$e t$ick black o% $is las$es e&'$asi0ing t$e 'urity o% t$e green irises* /An! because o%

t$e &asculine nature o% &y reaction" you %eel t$reatene! on a %e&inine leel* T$us you &ake 3okes as a

!e%ense #$en ot$ers &ig$t %eel it ina''ro'riate to !o so*/

/Are you saying t$ere+s a guygirl t$ing going on bet#een us1/ ?arious 'arts o% &y bo!y #ere

 'lea!ing %or 3ust suc$ an eentuality" but I %ir&ly tol! t$ose 'arts to be$ae t$e&seles" an! re&e&bert$at t$e &an t$ey #ere lusting a%ter #as 'robably a &ur!erer* /Are you saying t$at I+& a%rai! becauseyou+re a &an an! I+& a #o&an" an! not at all because #e+re stan!ing in %ront o% a #o&an #$o #as

7uite obiously &ur!ere!1/

2is li's 7uirke!* 2e looke! back to#ar! M&e* Deau4ille* /No" I a& not saying t$at* Is t$is circle

close! or o'en1/

I looke! !o#n* It looke! #$ole* /Looks close! to &e* 8&* W$o are you1/

2is ga0e %lickere! aroun! t$e roo&* /I &ig$t ask t$e sa&e 7uestion o% you*/

/You &ig$t"/ I sai!" #atc$ing as $e gae t$e circle a generous bert$* 2e sto''e! on t$e ot$er si!e o%

t$e bo!y" in %ront o% a gol!.an!.scarlet couc$ t$at &atc$e! t$e t#o ot$er c$airs in t$e roo&" %ro#ning

!o#n at it* /5ut I aske! %irst* So" #$o are you1 Not t$at you $ae to tell &e" but I e4'ect t$e 'olice are

going to #ant to kno#" so I t$oug$t you &ig$t 3ust #ant to 'ractice your alibi on &e*/

2e gae &e anot$er one o% $is i&'atient looks" t$en reac$e! into t$e breast 'ocket o% $is black

leat$er 3acket an! 'ulle! out a #allet" %li''ing it o'en to %las$ an o%%icial.looking i!entity car! at &e*/Drake ?ireo* Inter'ol*/

My &out$ $ung o'en in %ly.catc$ing 'osition %or a cou'le o% secon!s be%ore I reali0e! it* /Inter'ol1T$e one t$at+s like t$e international Scotlan! Yar!1 You+re a !etectie1/

/O% a sort*/ 2e starte! to close $is #allet*

/Wait a &inute"/ I sai!" care%ully skirting aroun! t$e circle an! M&e* Deau4ille* /I !i!n+t 3ust %all

o%% t$e stu'i! #agon* I #ant to see t$at u' close*/

2e #ae! it to#ar! t$e couc$ as I &oe! oer ne4t to $i&* /I% t$e circle is still close!" $o# !i! t$e

!e&on esca'e1/

T$ere are ti&es #$en a girl 3ust $as to $ae a goo! goggle* T$is #as one o% t$e&* I stare!" goggle.

eye!* /W$at is it #it$ eeryone in t$is country" you+re all !e&on.obsesse! or so&et$ing1 W$at !e&on1W$at are you talking about1/

2e &a!e a tc+ noise in t$e back o% $is t$roat* It e4'resse! all sorts o% annoyance an! i&'atience"

#it$ 3ust a s&i!gen o% an i&'lie! eye roll* /I a& asking you #$at $a''ene! to t$e !e&on t$at #as

su&&one! by #$oeer !re# t$e circle* I% t$e circle is close!" as you say it is" t$en it #oul! bei&'ossible %or t$e !e&on to leae" an! yet t$e 'roo% is be%ore our eyes*/

I looke! at #$ere $e #as 'ointing $is #allet* 5et#een t$e couc$ an! t$e #all t$ere #as a blacks&u!ge on t$e %loor" as i% so&eone $a! rubbe! c$arcoal on it* I looke! at it %or a &o&ent" t$en back at

Drake" unsure o% #$et$er $e #as totally an! co&'letely &a!" or i% I #as* I !eci!e! t$at since I+! kno#n

$i& t$e least a&ount o% ti&e" $e got to be* /You+re serious" aren+t you1 You really t$ink a !e&on $asso&et$ing to !o #it$ t$is1 I+ll a!&it t$at #$oeer kille! M&e* Deau4ille !i! so in a &anner t$at&akes it look like t$e ritual !estruction o% a !e&on" but t$at !oesn+t &ean t$at t$ere #as an actual

!e&on inole!*/

One glossy black eyebro# cocke!* /:itual !estruction1 2o# so1/

I gesture! to#ar! t$e bo!y" 'lease! t$at all t$ose years s'ent on &y little $obby %inally $a! a 'ayo%%*

/T$e Circle o% As$tarot$ beneat$ $er %eet #it$ t$e t#ele sy&bols o% su&&oning" t$e #ay t$e bo!y is

$ung %ro& $er $an!s boun! be$in! $er" an! I+& #illing to bet i% you ben! !o#n an! look at $er c$est"you+ll %in! so&et$ing &a!e o% siler 'iercing $er $eart* In ot$er #or!s" s$e #as &ur!ere! in t$e style

o% t$e %irst o% t$e T$ree De&on Deat$s" only t$is #o&an #as not a !e&on" #$ic$ really is no sur'rise"since !e&ons are not$ing &ore t$an %iction*/

Drake looke! a&use!* /You !on+t beliee in !e&ons1/

/I+ll take no %or %ie $un!re!" Ale4* De&ons !on+t e4ist outsi!e t$e &in!s o% so&e 'retty t#iste! an!

con%use! 'eo'le*/

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2is nostrils %lare! again* I% I #eren+t so conince! $e #as stark" staring &a!" I+! $ae a!&itte! to&ysel% t$at $e een !i! a nostril %lare #ell* /Are you trying to tell &e t$at !es'ite t$e ei!ence be%ore

us" you !o not beliee t$at a !e&on #as recently calle! to t$is a'art&ent1/

I 'urse! &y li's" slo#ly &oing a#ay %ro& $i&* No 7uick &oe&ents; eeryone kne# t$at #as t$ekey to kee'ing !angerously &a! 'eo'le cal&* Slo# an! easy #as t$e 'lan* /OK" you kno# #$at1 I+&

going to 3ust scoot oer to t$e !esk #$ere t$e '$one is an! call t$e 'olice* You can !o your !etectie

stu%% #$ile I+& calling*/

/I+e alrea!y calle! t$e 'olice* T$ey s$oul! be $ere in %our &inutes* W$y !o you $esitate to tell &e

#$at $a''ene! to t$e !e&on1 Di! you $ae so&et$ing to !o #it$ Aurora Deau4ille+s !eat$1/

I sto''e! be%ore t$e !esk" trying to %igure out #$et$er I coul! &ake it to t$e !oor be%ore $e grabbe!

&e* My ga0e !ro''e! to t$e case sitting on t$e c$air* :ats* I #oul!n+t be able to &ake it #it$out t$ea7ua&anile* /No" I 3ust got $ere* I+& a courier* I #as su''ose! to !elier a 'ackage to $er* I !on+t kno#

anyt$ing about !e&ons or #$o #oul! #ant M&e* Deau4ille !ea!* 5ut as #e+re on t$e sub3ect" 3ust#$at are you !oing $ere1 I assu&e you aren+t $ere in a 'ro%essional ca'acity" because i% you #ere" t$e

$o&ici!e s7ua! #oul! be $ere" too* So" i% you !i!n+t kill $er" you &ust $ae seen #$o !i!* S$e !oesn+tlook like s$e+s been !ea! too long*/

/S$e !oesn+t loo+ like s$e+s been !ea! long1/

I 'ointe! to #$ere M&e* Deau4ille+s ar&s #ere boun! be$in! $er back* /:igor $asn+t set in yet* I%

you look at t$e angle bet#een $er ar&s an! $er back" you+ll notice it +s closing as rigor starts to take$ol!* T$at &eans s$e+s eit$er been !ea! %or &ore t$an t#ele $ours" an! rigor is #earing o%%" or it+s 3ust

setting in" #$ic$ &eans s$e+s been !ea!*** o$" &aybe %i%teen &inutes* 5ut I !on+t $ae to tell you t$at9 you+re a co'*/

/I s'eciali0e in %in!ing lost ite&s" not e4a&ining &ur!er scenes"/ Drake sai! abru'tly* /2o# !o youkno# so &uc$ about t$e stages o% !eco&'osition1/

/T$e Detection C$annel* I+& a!!icte! to a reality %orensic &e!icine s$o# on it* It+s really interesting*T$ey !o auto'sies an! stu%%* Do you kno# #$at $a''ens to bones le%t e4'ose! to t$e ele&ents1/

/Yes" t$ey turn bro#n*/

/T$at+s rig$t* I t$oug$t you sai! you !i!n+t #ork $o&ici!es1/

2e scanne! t$e roo& again" like $e #as looking %or so&et$ing $e &isse!* 2e also totally ignore! &ylast 7uestion" #$ic$ *#as %ine #it$ &e" because I+! rat$er $e ans#ere! t$e i&'ortant one* /I arrie!

s$ortly be%ore you !i!" %ie &inutes at t$e &ost* My business #it$ $er is none o% your concern* S$e#as !ea! #$en I entere! t$e a'art&ent*/

/T$en you &ust $ae $ear! &e ringing t$e bell*/


/You !i!n+t let &e in>/ I sai!" a #ee ta! bit &ore 'etulantly t$an I #oul! $ae like!" consi!ering $e#as still t$e nu& sus'ect %or t$e &ur!er*

2e ti''e! $is $ea! back like $e #as s&elling t$e air* /Woul! you $ae i% you #ere in &y 'lace1/

/I su''ose not* So" #$y #ere you &eeting M&e* Deau4ille1/

2is bro#s 'ulle! toget$er in a %ro#n as $e turne! to %ace &e %ully* /I t$ink a &ore i&'ortant7uestion is #$y you insist on lying to &e* You are a Guar!ian" an! yet you !eny t$e %acts* You !eny

t$at a !e&on $as been $ere* I can %eel t$e ery air soile! by its 'resence" yet you !eny it1/ 2e s$ook $is

$ea!" &oing slo#ly to#ar! &e* /W$y a Guar!ian seeks to lie about so&et$ing so si&'le as a !e&onsu&&oning is beyon! &e* You #ill e4'lain yoursel% no#*/

I took a cou'le o% ste's back" to#ar! t$e !esk* /See" t$is is #$ere you+re con%use!* I+& a courier9I

 3ust tol! you t$at* I !on+t $ae any ki!s" &y o#n or anyone else+s" %or #$o& I+& acting as a guar!ian*/

2is %ro#n !ee'ene!* /W$at1/

/I+& a courier* 0-o-u-r-i-e-r. It &eans so&eone #$o trans'orts ob3ects* T$at+s &y 3ob* At least it was.

T$ere+s no telling $o# 8ncle Da&ian is going to react to &y %irst !eliery going to 'ot like t$is" but I

$ae a %eeling I s$oul!n+t be 'lanning on a raise an! a 'ro&otion any ti&e soon*/

Drake &oe! aroun! to t$e %ar si!e o% t$e circle" $is eyes 'u00le! as t$ey #atc$e! &e* /You s&ell as

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i% you are telling t$e trut$" but you kno# about t$e sy&bols o% As$tarot$* You kne# t$e circle #asclose!" an! not een I can tell i% a circle is o'en or close!* In a!!ition" you are %a&iliar #it$ t$e rituals

%or !estroying a !e&on* Only a Guar!ian #oul! kno# suc$ t$ings* W$at ga&e are you 'laying1/

I s'rea! &y $an!s to s$o# $i& t$at I #as innocent o% #$ateer it #as $e sus'ecte! &e o%* /W$at isit #it$ you telling &e I s&ell1 I took a s$o#er t$is &orning> As %or t$e rest o% #$at you sai!" I+& 3ust

trying to !o &y 3ob*/

/W$ic$ is to !elier #$at1/

I s$rugge!" un#illing to tell $i&* Des'ite $is ba!ge an! clai&s to t$e contrary" I !i!n+t kno# $e

didnt &ur!er M&e* Deau4ille* T$e intriguing air o% !anger t$at surroun!e! $i& certainly &a!e itsee& 'ossible" not to &ention all t$at ! about !e&ons an! t$eir guar!ians* An! t$en t$ere

#as $is obsession #it$ s&elling t$ings***/* It+s 3ust a s&all statue* Een i% you+re not a $o&ici!e co'"s$oul!n+t you be" like" you kno#" e4a&ining t$e bo!y an! stu%%1/

/I a& 7uestioning a sus'ect"/ $e sai!" &oing to#ar! &e* T$e cal& 'art o% &y &in! en3oye!#atc$ing $o# $e #alke!" a sort o% 'o#er%ul gli!e" coile! strengt$ i&'lie!" but not obious in $is %lui!

&oe&ents* /A statue o% #$at1 W$at is it &a!e o%1/

/Metal* It+s o% a creature" not$ing s'ecial" not$ing i&'ortant"/ I lie!*

2is $ea! li%te! again" an! I coul! $ae s#orn $e #as scenting t$e air* /Gol!* T$e statue is o% gol!*/

I ran %or t$e c$air" 3ust barely beating $i& to it* /You kno# #$at1 I t$ink I nee! to see your ba!ge

again* You+re not !oing t$is 7uestioning t$ing rig$t at all* You s$oul! be asking &e &y na&e an! #$ereI+& staying an! #$et$er I kne# M&e* Deau4ille an! stu%% like t$at" not babbling on about !e&ons an!

#$y so&eone #oul! use t$e Circle o% As$tarot$ to su&&on one o% t$e !e&on 'rince+s legions" an!#$at t$e s&all" insigni%icant statue I broug$t is &a!e o%*/

/)or so&eone #$o 'ro%esses not to be a Guar!ian" you a''ear ery learne! in !e&on lore"/ $e sai!in sort o% a lo# gro#l t$at sent s$iers o% &ingle! t$rill an! %ear !o#n &y s'ine* Wit$ a &oe t$at #as

too %ast %or &e to %ollo#" $e grabbe! &y ar& an! $aule! &e u' to $is c$est" one $an! cla&'e! be$in!&e" t$e ot$er grabbing &y $air an! 'ulling &y $ea! back* /?ery #ell* We #ill 'lay t$is ga&e as you

!e&an!* W$at is your na&e1/

/Aisling"/ I sai! be%ore I reali0e! #$at I #as !oing* My bo!y9traitor t$at it is9t$oroug$ly en3oye! being s&oos$e! u' against $i&" %ully a#are o% t$e long $ar! lines o% $is bo!y* A%ter seeral secon!s o%

nu&be! be&use&ent" t$e sane si!e o% &y &in! regaine! control* /2ey> W$at !o you t$ink you+re

!oing1 You can+t &an$an!le &e like t$is> Let &e go>/

/You #is$e! %or &e to ask 7uestions9I a& si&'ly granting t$at #is$* W$ere are you staying1/

/T$e 2tel !e la )e&&e Sans Tete* Let go o% &e>/

/Not yet* Di! you kno# M&e* Deau4ille1/

/No" I tol! you I #as a courier* Sto' $ol!ing &e like t$is" it+s not at all (C*/


/(olitically correct* Let &e go." 

2is eyes narro#e! on &e* /A Guar!ian #$o clai&s s$e is not a Guar!ian" an! yet #$o un!erstan!s

t$e ste's nee!e! to su&&on a !e&on* W$at a 'u00le you 'resent &e* I beliee it is a 'u00le #ort$inestigating*/ Instea! o% releasing &e" $e burie! $is $ea! in &y neck an! !re# in a !ee' breat$*

/W$at on eart$ are you !oing1/ I s$rieke!" beginning to struggle in earnest !es'ite t$e urge to go allgirly on $i&*

/Me&ori0ing your scent*/

/W$at1/ I s$rieke! again" t$en reali0e! t$at it #asn+t 3ust &y o#n oice t$at #as ec$oing aroun! t$e

roo&9 'olice sirens outsi!e t$e #in!o#s #ere gro#ing stea!ily lou!er*

Drake 'ulle! $is %ace out o% &y neck 3ust long enoug$ to gie &e a look t$at le%t &y knees #eak*

T$ere #as so&et$ing !i%%erent about $is beauti%ul green eyes* T$e 'u'ils #ere slig$tly elongate! rat$er

t$an roun!" al&ost like a cat+s eye" but not 7uite as !ra&atic* It #asn+t 3ust $is eyes" t$oug$* It #as t$e#ay $e touc$e! &e" t$e #ay $e s'oke" t$e #ay $e *** scente! &e* T$ere #as so&et$ing not 7uite $u&anabout $i& t$at $a! &y $eart racing* I un!erstoo! t$en #$at $e &eant about &y %ear o% $i&9it #as

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!e%initely se4ually c$arge!" but beneat$ t$at #as a baser e&otion9t$e %ear o% being consu&e!" !e.stroye! by a being #$o #as &uc$ &ore 'o#er%ul t$an I*

Wit$ a gentle touc$ t$at belie! t$e t$reat in $is oice" $e tucke! a stran! o% $air be$in! &y ear an!

sai!" /T$e 'olice are $ere" Aisling; t$us I &ust bi! you a!ieu* I !o not kno# %or #$at 'ur'ose you are!enying t$e trut$" but I a!ise you to be a bit &ore circu&s'ect #it$ t$e )renc$ 'olice* T$ey are not

kno#n %or t$eir tolerance o% t$ose #$o !ally #it$ t$e !ark 'o#ers*/

2e leane! %or#ar! an! brus$e! $is li's against &ine" t$e #ar&t$ so 7uickly #it$!ra#n t$at $e #asgone be%ore I 'ulle! &y #its toget$er*

/W$at1 2ey> You can+t kiss &e> An! #$at !o you &ean to be &ore circu&s'ect1 W$at !ark 'o#ers1W$ere are you going91 No> Sto'> T$at+s &ine>/

I lunge! %or#ar! but #as too late* Drake snatc$e! u' &y case an! s'un aroun!" racing out t$e !ooro% t$e a'art&ent be%ore I stu&ble! %or#ar! t$ree ste's*

8n%ortunately" t$e t$ree ste's #ere !irectly into t$e circle* Instinctiely I reac$e! out to kee' &ysel%%ro& careening into t$e bo!y* W$at I grabbe!" t$oug$" #asn+t M&e* Deau4ille* It #as a siler ob3ect

t$at I sus'ecte! $a! been 'lunge! into $er $eart" an ob3ect I $a!n+t seen because o% t$e #ay $er bo!y#as $unc$e! oer* T$e cool &etal sli! easily out o% $er bo!y as I staggere! to t$e si!e" a#ay %ro& $er*

I stoo! staring at t$e #ea'on in &y $an! %or one $orri%ie! &o&ent* It #as long" #it$ a t$ick cure! bla!e s&eare! al&ost to t$e $ilt in bloo!* I recogni0e! #$at it #as %ro& seeral o% t$e te4ts I+! rea! on

!e&on lore9it #as a sea4" a &e!ieal single.bla!e! !agger t$at #as co&&only use! in t$e ritual!estruction o% beings o% a !ark origin* T$is sea4 $a! a bone $an!le an! a''eare! to be &a!e o% siler* It

#as sai! t$at only siler 'iercing a !e&on+s $eart coul! !estroy it*** #$en cou'le! #it$ t$e t#ele#or!s" o% course*

/A real lie e4a&'le o% one o% t$e De&on Deat$s"/ I &ur&ure!" t$e reality o% t$e !eci!e!ly unrealsituation being !rien $o&e by t$e col! #eig$t o% t$e sea4 in &y $an!* I #as 3ust t$inking about

&aking a sketc$ o% t$e arrange&ent o% sy&bols so I coul! co&'are t$e& #it$ a book back $o&e #$ennoises in t$e $all $a! &e ga#king in sur'rise* A nu&ber o% 'olice&en 'us$e! t$roug$ t$e !oor" all

talking at once* T$ey sto''e! an! looke! at &e in e7ual sur'rise" t$e look 7uickly turning to one o% 'ro%oun! sus'icion as t$ey sa# t$e !ea! #o&an ne4t to &e *** an! t$e bloo!y sea4 in &y $an!*

I sig$e! as I raise! &y $an!s in surren!er" t$e 'olice s#ar&ing %or#ar! to surroun! &e* W$at #asturning out to be t$e longest !ay o% &y li%e $a! 3ust gro#n a #$ole lot longer*

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2i* I+& Aisling Grey" in roo& t#enty.t$ree* Are t$ere any &essages %or &e1/

T$e $otel clerk on graeyar! !uty looke! u' %ro& $is &aga0ine an! gae &e a &artyre! sig$ be%orereluctantly setting !o#n $is &aris 1atch an! $oisting $is bulk out o% t$e c$air* /It #ill re7uire &e to

c$eck"/ $e sai!" $is oice ric$ #it$ accusation*

I gae $i& a %eeble s&ile as an a'ology* A%ter s'en!ing t$e #$ole nig$t e4'laining to t$e 'olice oer

an! oer an! oer again #$o I #as an! #$at I #as !oing at M&e* Deau4ille+s a'art&ent $ol!ing t$e!ea!ly #ea'on t$at $a! been use! to kill $er" &y /be a goo! A&erican abroa!/ &uscles #ere all #orn


/Yes" t$ere is one*/

T$e clerk looke! at &e* I looke! back at $i&* Neit$er one o% us blinke!* W$en t$e roo& starte! tos#i&" I !eci!e! to gie in* /I+& sorry" it+s si4 in t$e &orning" but accor!ing to &y internal clock" it+s

t#o in t$e a%ternoon" an! I+e 3ust s'ent t$e last t$ $ours #it$out slee'" #$ic$ &eans I+& &oret$an a little bit %u00y aroun! t$e e!ges* Coul! you &aybe get t$e &essage %or &e1 So I coul! rea! it1 I%

it isn+t too &uc$ trouble1/

2e sig$e! an! s$a&ble! oer to t$e ol!.%as$ione! #all o% 'igeon$oles t$at sere! as t$e $otel+s

roo& !irectory" 'lucking a yello# &essage s$eet %ro& t$e s7uare labele! 23. Wit$ an een bigger sig$"$e gae it to &e" t$en stoo! looking at &e as i% I #ere going to !e&an! so&e ot$er e4traor!inary act*

/T$ank you"/ I sai! 'olitely" an! glance! at it* It #as a &essage %ro& 8ncle Da&ian !e&an!ing t$atI c$eck in an! tell $i& $o# t$e !eliery $a! gone* I cru&'le! u' t$e note an! turne! to#ar! !ie little

eleator t$at t$e tiny but eccentric 2otel !e la )e&&e Sans Tete #$ic$" I %oun! out at t$e 'olicestation" &eans /$otel o% t$e $ea!less la!y/B boaste!*

+T$e li%t" it is not &arc$ing"/ t$e clerk calle! out a%ter &e" #it$" I coul!n+t $el' but notice" ani&&ense a&ount o% satis%action* Wit$ %ie roo&s on eac$ %loor" &y roo& #as on t$e %i%t$ %loor* My

s$oul!ers sagge! a bit at t$e t$oug$t o% !ragging &ysel% u' %ie %lig$ts o% stairs" but &ere #as no $el'%or it*

Ten &inutes later I colla'se! on &y be!" $aing %irst rallie! enoug$ energy to kick o%% &y san!als

an! 'eel %ro& &y bo!y t$e !ress t$at $a! been lig$t an! gau0y #$en I+! 'ut it on" but #as no# 3ustli&' an! bloo!staine!* I %igure! t$at being grille! nonsto' by t$e 'olice %or &ore t$an t#ele $ours

#oul! $ae sent &e i&&e!iately to slee'" but I en!e! u' tossing an! turning %or a long ti&e #$ile t$e

eents o% t$e !ay ran t$roug$ &y $ea! like an annoying song re%rain t$at re%uses to sto'*

/O$" t$is is ri!iculous* I+& so tire!" I can+t een see straig$t" an! yet &y &in! #on+t s$ut u'"/ I sai!"

sitting u' an! clicking on t$e lig$t ne4t to t$e be!* I caug$t a gli&'se o% &ysel% in t$e bat$roo& &irrorisible t$roug$ t$e o'en !oor9t$e skin aroun! &y eyes looke! bruise!; &y $air" nor&ally cute an!

curly" rese&ble! bro#n stra# sticking out o% &y $ea!; an! &y skin coul! $ae !ouble! %or t$eun!erbelly o% a %is$* A sic+ %is$*

/:ig$t" s$o#er %irst" t$en co%%ee" lots an! lots o% co%%ee" %ollo#e! by so&e e47uisite )renc$ %oo!"an! t$en" a%ter I+e gat$ere! &y strengt$" I+ll call 8ncle Da&ian*/

T$e 'ale %ace staring back at &e in t$e &irror %linc$e! at t$e #or!s* T$e only #ay I coul! 'ossiblyi&agine &y !ay getting any #orse #as t$inking about #$at &y uncle #oul! $ae to say to &e*

/I take t$at back"/ I sai! out lou! a &o&ent later as I !i! a little s'in" looking at eery 'ossible s'otin t$e s&all roo& %or a !ark blue canas bag* /2aing &y luggage stolen out o% &y roo& can &ake &y

!ay #orse" too* Well" $ell*/

T$e bag #as gone* T$e $an!%ul o% c$ange I+! t$ro#n on t$e table be%ore leaing %or M&e*

Deau4ille+s #as still t$ere" as #as t$e airline &aga0ine I+! %ilc$e! %or t$e article on %un t$ings to see in(aris" so I kne# I #as in t$e correct roo&* 5ut &y bag o% clot$es an! sun!ries1 Gone" goner" gonest*

T$e only t$ings I $a! #it$ &e #ere &y &oney" :ene+s car!" a s&all co&b" &y 'lane ticket" an! &y)renc$ '$rasebook* T$e 'olice $a! con%iscate! &y 'ass'ort" isa" an! all t$e a7ua&anile !ocu&ents* I

coul!n+t leae t$e country" let alone go $o&e*

A titter o% se&i$ysterical laug$ter burst %ro& &y li's* I t$oug$t seriously about 3ust letting &ysel% go

an! $aing a goo! ol!.%as$ione! nerous break!o#n" but reali0e! t$at once I starte!" I 'robably#oul!n+t be able to sto'* Since I $a! no i!ea i% t$e )renc$ loony bins #ere at all nice 'laces" it #as

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 'robably better i% I ski''e! t$e #$ole break!o#n t$ing an! 3ust staye! sane* /S$o#er"/ I tol! &ysel%*/Sanity" s$o#er" t$en %oo!* An! s$o''ing* C$ea' s$o''ing* hen I+ll call 8ncle Da&ian*/

My !ress #as still li&' #$en I #ent !o#nstairs an $our later" but at least I #as clean" &y $air #as

co&be!" an! I+! #as$e! out t$e #orst o% t$e bloo!stains* I %ollo#e! &y nose to t$e s&all roo& in t$e base&ent o% t$e $otel #$ere &eals #ere sere!" sto''ing by t$e rece'tion !esk to in%or& t$e

&anage&ent t$at &y bag $a! been stolen %ro& &y roo&*

T$e #o&an in c$arge !i!n+t look ery $a''y #it$ &e #$en I tol! $er t$at" an! I en!e! u' #astinganot$er t#enty &inutes by $aing to tra&' u' t$e %ie %lig$ts o% stairs to acco&'any $er #$ile s$e

e4a&ine! t$e roo& %or signs.o% a*

/You &ust $ae le%t t$e !oor o'en #$en you le%t"/ s$e %inally !eci!e!* /A stranger &ust $ae entere!

an! taken your bag* T$e $otel is not at all liable %or !a&ages in suc$ a situation*/

I 'roteste! &y innocence" but s$e $a! &a!e u' $er &in!" an! I #as too e4$auste! to argue #it$ $er*

To be $onest" I kin! o% #on!ere! i% t$e 'olice $a!n+t taken it* T$ey certainly $a! t$e ti&e to sneak inan! grab it #$ile I #as being 7uestione!* /I% so&eone turns &y bag in" #ill you let &e kno#1 T$ere+s

not$ing aluable in it" it+s 3ust &y clot$es an! cos&etics" but rig$t no#" t$ey+re all I $ae*/

S$e sni%%e! an! returne! be$in! t$e s&oot$ #oo!en !esk t$at sere! as rece'tion" giing &e a

!is'araging eye* /T$ere are &any s$o's in t$e :ue !es Mille Dces* You #ill #is$ to aail yoursel% o%t$e& be%ore you return to t$e $otel" yes1/

I brus$e! at &y still.!a&' !ress an! bare! &y teet$ in #$at I %erently $o'e! #as a grin* /A%rai! I+ll bring !o#n t$e tone o% t$e neig$bor$oo!1 Yea$" I+& going s$o''ing" !on+t #orry* Later* A%ter I $ae

so&e break%ast*/

I le%t $er 'ursing $er li's as i% s$e+! like to re%use &e a!&ittance to t$e !ining roo&" but break%ast

#as inclu!e! in t$e 'rice o% t$e roo&" so I trotte! !o#nstairs to a c$eery #$ite#as$e! roo& t$at looke!out oer a 'etite little gar!en* I took a table in t$e corner an! concentrate! on consu&ing as &uc$

ca%%eine an! %oo! as one 'erson coul! $an!le in a $al% $our*

5y t$e ti&e break%ast #as %inis$e!" I+! co&e to seeral !ecisions* )irst" I #asn+t going to call 8ncle

Da&ian* Not 3ust yet* My stint in t$e 'olice station $a! &a!e it 7uite clear t$at alt$oug$ t$ey !i! not$ae enoug$ ei!ence to c$arge &e" t$ey consi!ere! &e a sus'ect* (robably t$e only sus'ect because

Drake $a! so coneniently ski''e! out*

I !re# circles on t$e tableclot$ #it$ &y s'oon" &y! &in! going oer t$e eents o%

t$e eening one &ore ti&e* A lot o% t$e 'ast t#ele $ours #as a !ulle! blur" &ost o% it consisting o% &esitting aroun! in a s&all" airless roo& #aiting %or a translator to s$o#* T$en @ean.5a'tiste (roust" a

s&all" bal!ing &an #$o #as t$e $ea! o% t$e cri&inal inestigation !e'art&ent arrie!" an! t$ings began to $a''en* A call #as 'ut in to t$e A&erican E&bassy* My %inger'rints #ere taken" as #ere

sa&'les o% t$e bloo! on &y !ress* (eo'le aske! &e 7uestions" so&e in Englis$" so&e in )renc$* Ie4'laine! #$o I #as" s$o#e! &y 'ass'ort an! isa" an! t$e inoice %or t$e a7ua&anile*

/W$ere is t$is aluable arti%act1/ Ins'ector (roust aske! in a so%tly accente! oice* Eeryt$ing about$i& #as 7uiet" %ro& $is &il! bro#n eyes to t$e neutral tones o% $is bro#n 'ants an! 3acket* I kne#"

$o#eer" t$at you !on+t get to be t$e $ea! o% a 'olice unit #it$out $aing a ra0or.s$ar' &in!*

/It #as stolen* @ust be%ore t$e 'olice arrie!*/

Ins'ector (roust looke! !o#n at a notebook anot$er 'olice&an $a! gien $i&* /A$" yes" by t$e &an

you clai& #as an agent o% Inter'ol*/

/I+& not clai&ing it; $e is* 2e sai! $e #as an Inter'ol !etectie* 2e een s$o#e! &e $is ba!ge"alt$oug$ I !i!n+t get a goo! look at it* I #as *** u$ *** !istracte!*/ 5y t$e nonsense about !e&ons" but I

#asn+t about to tell Ins'ector (roust t$at*

2e looke! at &e #it$ sa! eyes* /You are a#are" Mile* Grey" t$at Inter'ol !oes not $ae !etecties1/

I stare! at $i&" &y $an!s su!!enly going cla&&y* /T$ey !on+t1/

/No* Inter'ol is an organi0ation !e!icate! to t$e s$aring o% in%or&ation bet#een countries only; t$ey

!o not $ae a 'olice %orce o% t$eir o#n*/

2e #aite! 'atiently to see #$at I #oul! say* I !i!n+t say anyt$ing but /O$*/

T$at+s not all I #as t$inking" o% course* My brain #as #$irring about &a!ly" angry at Drake %or

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stealing &y !ragon an! %ooling &e" %urious #it$ &ysel% %or $aing ignore! 8ncle Da&ian+s stricturesabout security* I see one !ea! bo!y an! #$at !o I !o1 I t$ro# a#ay eeryt$ing I kno# about

sa%eguar!ing t$e a7ua&anile* Da&n Drake* It #as all $is %ault* Well** * &ostly $is %ault*

I !i!n+t say any o% t$at to Ins'ector (roust" t$oug$* I ans#ere! $is 7uestions" t$en t$e sa&e 7uestionsaske! by ot$er &e&bers o% $is inestigation tea&* Oer an! oer again" I ans#ere! t$e 7uestions" until

I kne# t$e& so #ell" I starte! ans#ering t$e& be%ore &y interrogators $a! t$e c$ance to ask t$e&*

5ut I neer once tol! t$e& t$at I $a! %rogs in &y bi!et* I #as o!!ly 'rou! o% t$at %act" too" #$ic$ 3ust goes to s$o# you $o# !erange! you can get #$en you !on+t $ae any slee' #$ile being sus'ecte!

o% a &ur!er you !i!n+t co&&it* T$e trut$ is" I #as certain t$at I #as going to be tosse! into so&e !ark"!ank"! 3ail cell an! le%t to rot t$ere until t$e 8*S* E&bassy #as noti%ie! o% t$e $orrible eents

t$at $a! oertaken &e" but to &y sur'rise" t#ele $ours a%ter I #as taken to t$e 'olice station" M*(roust strolle! into t$e interie# roo& an! announce! I #as %ree to leae*

/)ree1/ I aske!" blinking" &y oice roug$ an! $oarse %ro& talking so long* I #as a bit groggy %ro&lack o% slee' an! %oo!" but I !i!n+t t$ink I #as 7uite to t$e 'oint #$ere I #as $allucinating* Yet* /)ree

as in I can leae1 Walk out o% $ere1 You+re not c$arging &e #it$ &ur!er1/

Ins'ector (roust &a!e a sort o% a $al%.s$rug t$at I+! seen seeral ti&es !uring t$e course o% t$e nig$t*

Alt$oug$ $e+! been a#ake t$e nig$t t$roug$" as #ell" $e !i!n+t look as i% $e #as t$e least bit trouble!

 by lack o% slee'* /You say you $a! not$ing to !o #it$ M&e* Deau4ille+s !eat$" so I $ae no groun!sto c$arge you* 8nless t$ere is so&et$ing else you+! like to tell &e1/

I s&ile! at t$e 7uestion in $is so%t bro#n eyes* /I !i!n+t kill $er" $onest* I !on+t kno# #$o !i!" unless

Drake &ur!ere! $er" an! $e says $e !i!n+t" but t$en" $e lie! to &e about being an Inter'ol agent" an! $estole &y !ragon" so $o# &uc$ o% #$at $e sai! can I really beliee1 5esi!es" $e+s too $an!so&e* I !on+t

trust $an!so&e &en like t$at* T$ey t$ink t$ey+re go!+s gi%t to #o&en" an! t$ey go aroun! grabbing youan! kissing you an! s&elling really nice" an! &aking your legs turn to &us$ #$en you+re 'ulle! u'

tig$t against t$e&" not to &ention %illing your $ea! #it$ all sorts o% really #icke! t$oug$ts about #$at

you+! like to !o to t$e& #it$ a s&all bo#l o% ice crea& an! your tongue* Well" not your tongue" &ytongue* An! s'eaking o% t$at" 3ust $o# !i! $e kno# t$e a7ua&anile #as gol!1/

Ins'ector (roust #atc$e! &e silently %or a &o&ent" gently ta''ing a 'encil against $is c$in*

/)rancois" &y !rier" #ill take you back to your $otel* I beliee you are in nee! o% slee'" Mile* Grey* I%

you can t$ink o% anyt$ing else t$at #oul! $el' us" you #ill 'lease contact &e at t$e nu&ber on t$ecar!*/

I looke! !o#n at t$e #$ite car! t$at $a! so&e$o# &ateriali0e! in &y $an!* It #as at t$at 'oint t$at I

reali0e! I #as not only babbling al&ost inco$erently" but I truly #as being release!" as #ell* No ratty!a&' 3ail cell %or &e" #oo.$oo>

/You+ll let &e kno# i% you ca'ture Drake" #on+t you1 +Cause &y uncle is going to kill &e i% I !on+trecoer t$at a7ua&anile* 2e+s going to say it+s &y %ault t$at Drake stole it" an! t$at $e+ll $ae to

rei&burse M&e* Deau4ille+s %a&ily i% I !on+t %in! it" an! you kno#" I 3ust $onestly !on+t t$ink I coul!

eer &ake t$at &uc$ &oney" not #it$ Alan9$e+s &y e4.$usban! an! a beac$ bu&9 leec$ingeeryt$ing o%% &e* So you+ll tell &e1 I% yon %in! Drake1 Or &y !ragon1/

A gri& little s&ile 'laye! aroun! Ins'ector (roust+s li's* /You &ay rest assure!" &a!e&oiselle" i% #e

&eet u' #it$ a &an calling $i&sel% Drake ?ireo" I #ill noti%y you i&&e!iately*/

/2e !i!n+t beliee &e"/ I sai! so%tly to &ysel% as I sat in t$e sunny $otel !ining roo&" t$e re&ains o%

eggs an! croissants littering t$e 'late be%ore &e* I c$ecke! t$e tiny co%%ee'ot" 'oure! t$e last bit o% itinto &y cu'" an! trie! to %orce &y brain into so&e %ruit%ul t$inking* T#o t$ings #ere obious9I $a! to

clear &y na&e #it$ t$e 'olice be%ore t$ey #oul! let &e $ae &y 'ass'ort" an! I nee!e! to %in! Drakean! get &y !ragon back* Surely t$e A&erican E&bassy coul! $el' #it$ t$e %or&er*

/Ste' one" buy ne# clot$es* T$en go to t$e A&erican E&bassy an! t$ro# &ysel% on t$eir &ercy*/ Ilooke! in &y neck 'ouc$* T$e &oney I $a! le%t #as &eant to last only t$roug$ t$at &orning" no &ore*

5ut I $a! &y 'lane ticket* Since 8ncle Da&ian only use! cas$ to buy suc$ t$ings" it &eant I coul!

cas$ t$e ticket in* T$at s$oul! kee' &e %ro& staring* T$e $otel bill #as anot$er &atter* I kne# t$at5et$ $a! 'ai! %or t$e %irst nig$t #it$ t$e co&'any cre!it car!9&aybe I coul! 3ust tell t$e $otel to bill

t$e rest* It #as #ort$ a try* Wit$ t$e $otel an! &oney %or %oo! an! a c$ange o% clot$es taken care o%" I

coul! concentrate on t$e t#o issues at $an!9'roing to t$e 'olice t$at I #asn+t guilty o% anyt$ing ot$ert$an $aing e4tre&ely ba! luck" an! getting t$e !ragon back* I+! #orry about $o# I #oul! get $o&e

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/)irst t$ings %irst"/ I sai! as I &arc$e! oer to t$e lobby '$one* I 'ulle! out t$e grubby car! :ene t$e

ta4i !rier $a! gien &e an! !iale! t$e cell.'$one nu&ber on it*

Ten &inutes later" :ene 'ulle! u' o''osite t$e $otel" a grin on $is %ace t$at %a!e! #$en $e took in

&y ru&'le!" bloo!staine! !ress* /You look as i% you $ae 3ust isite! a %oie gras %actory* W$at $as

$a''ene! to you1/

/It+s a long story" #ay too long to tell you $ere* Di! you &ean #$at you sai!1 You+! be &y !rier %ort$e &orning %or %i%ty euros1 No li&it on t$e nu&ber o% sto's an! stu%%1/

:ene got out o% t$e car an! o'ene! t$e back !oor %or &e" $is blue eyes narro#ing as I %ingere! &yneck 'ouc$* /You #ill stay in (aris" yes1 No !ries to Marseilles or Cannes1/

I gae $i& a #ry grin* /I !on+t kno# anyone in Marseilles or Cannes" #$ereas I kno# t$ree 'eo'le in(aris9 you" a ery ba! &an na&e! Drake" an! Ins'ector (roust o% t$e cri&inal inestigation

!e'art&ent* I 3ust $ae to $o'e t$at Drake $asn+t le%t (aris*/

/Ins'ector (roust1/ :ene s'uttere!" but $e !i!n+t sto' &e as I cli&be! into $is ta4i* /You $ae $a!

!ealings #it$ t$e 'olice1/

/I sai! it #as a long story* I% #e+re go on t$e %i%ty euros %or t$e &orning" t$en #oul! you 'lease take&e %irst to a nice but c$ea' s$o' so I can get out o% t$is grungy !ress1 My bag #as stolen" an! I !on+t$ae anyt$ing else to #ear* I 'ro&ise I+ll tell you all about yester!ay #$ile #e+re on t$e #ay*/

2e s$ot &e a look t$at containe! at least a !o0en 7uestions" but t$en got back into t$e car" %li''ingo%% t$e ta4i &eter* /I #ill take you to La (o&&e (ur%iee* It is a s$o' run by t$e #i%e o% &y cousin*

5ert$il!e #ill gie you a s'ecial 'rice*/

/S'ecial soun!s goo! as long as it+s c$ea'* O$" be%ore #e go t$ere" I nee! to s#ing by an! cas$ in

&y 'lane ticket* Is t$at on t$e #ay1/

2is !ark ga0e &et &ine in t$e &irror* +Won* 5ut I #ill &ake it in our 'at$* No# you #ill co&&ence

#it$ your story* I a& ery &uc$ looking %or#ar! to $earing it*/

5y t$e ti&e I+! cas$e! in &y 'lane ticket %eeling a cou'le o% t#inges o% guilt about t$at since I

!i!n+t 'ay %or it in t$e %irst 'laceB an! isite! t$e s$o' :ene reco&&en!e!" I $a! &a!e it t$roug$ &osto% t$e story* T$e last bit #as tol! as I stoo! in a curtaine! !ressing roo&" trying on a cou'le o% su&&er

out%its" ans#ering :ene+s 7uestions #$ile I trie! to !eci!e bet#een a ery c$ic beige linen sleeeless

tunic an! &atc$ing 'ants" or a se4y HJs.looking !ress #it$ big re! 'o''ies on it*

/W$at !i! Ins'ector (roust say #$en you tol! $i& about t$is &an #$o stole your !ragon1/ :eneaske!*

I 'arte! t$e curtains an! !i! a little t#irl in %ront o% #$ere $e sat #aiting %or &e* /W$at !o you t$ink"too girly1 I kin! o% like t$e 'o''ies" but t$e ot$er out%it is &ore so'$isticate!*/

2e !i! t$e Gallic s$rug I+! seen earlier* /It is ery nice as #ell* W$y !o you not take bot$1/

I !i! a little &ental arit$&etic* T$e t#o out%its #it$ acco&'anying un!er#ear #oul! eat u' al&ost a

7uarter o% &y &eager %un!s* Still" I #as in (aris" buying aut$entic )renc$ clot$es**** /W$at t$e $eck" I+ll

 3ust eat c$ea' %or a %e# !ays* T$e ans#er to your 7uestion is not$ing* Ins'ector (roust !i!n+t see& tocare anyt$ing about Drake* To be trut$%ul/9I !i! a s'in in %ront o% t$e &irror" en3oying t$e #ay t$e!ress %lare! out9/I !on+t t$ink $e beliee! &e about Drake*/

:ene !i!n+t say anyt$ing* I turne! back to $i&" &y $an!s s'rea! in %ront o% &e* /I+& telling t$e trut$"

:ene* I kno# it soun!s %antastic" but it+s t$e trut$* You beliee &e" !on+t you1/

2e stoo! slo#ly" #aing to $is cousin+s #i%e" #$o #as arranging a !is'lay in t$e s$o' #in!o#* /You!o not $ae t$e air o% a &ur!erer* I beliee you* 5ut I a& not t$e one you nee! to conince" e$1 You

&ust conince t$e ins'ector t$at you are telling t$e trut$*/

/Easier sai! t$an !one* I !on+t kno# $o# to go about 'roing I didnt !o so&et$ing*/

I #aite! #$ile :ene s'oke ra'i!ly to 5ert$il!e" #$o took t$e linen 'antsuit an! &y staine! !ress" 'utting t$e& bot$ in a tote bag*

/It is !i%%icult" yes" but t$ere is no nee! %or you to !erange yoursel%* I #ill take you #$ereer younee! to go" yes1 An! #it$ &e $el'ing" #e #ill sole t$is little 'roble& o% yours*/

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I 'ai! 5ert$il!e" t$anke! $er" an! ste''e! out into t$e sunny @une &orning* /I a''reciate t$e $el'9Itruly !o9I+& 3ust at a loss as to $o# to start 'roing t$at I+& innocent" an! #$ere to look %or Drake*/

:ene &use! as #e strolle! !o#n t$e street to #$ere $e+! 'arke! $is ta4i* (aris on a sunny su&&er

&orning #as a !elig$t9i% you !iscounte! t$e blare o% $orns" t$e ariety o% &usic s'illing %ro& s$o's#it$ !oors %lung #i!e o'en no t#o s$o's see&e! to $ae t$eir ra!io tune! to t$e sa&e stationB" an!

t$e air $eay #it$ t$e s&ell o% gasoline* Still" it #as (aris" an! een t$oug$ I #as $aing t$e #orst ti&e

o% &y li%e" I #as !eter&ine! to e&brace t$e City o% Lig$t*

/Me" I t$ink in or!er to %in! out #$o kille! M&e* Deau4ille" you nee! to kno# #$o !re# t$e &agic

circle on t$e %loor* Once you %in! t$at 'erson" you #ill 'roe to monsieur inspecteur t$at you !i! not!o t$e cri&e*/

I coul!n+t kee' a little giggle %ro& sli''ing out at t$e sly look :ene gae &e* T$e lack o% slee' #as!e%initely &aking &e silly* /T$is isn+t so&e sort o% &ystery story" :ene* I+& not 5u%%y t$e ?a&'ire

Slayer* I+& not een Miss Mar'le* I+& 3ust an e4tre&ely tire! A&erican #$o is 'robably t$is close to being sent to t$e guillotine %or a &ur!er s$e !i!n+t co&&it* An! een i% I !i! &anage to %in! out #$o

kille! M&e* Deau4ille" &y uncle #ill kill &e %or losing t$e a7ua&anile*/

/Sto' $itting your biscuit9#e #ill %igure it all out*/

I blinke! at $i&* I see&e! to be !oing t$at 7uite a bit lately*B /2u$1 Sto' $itting &y biscuit1 W$at biscuit1/

2is $an!s !ance! in t$e air as $e trie! to e4'lain* /Yes" yes* Sto' $itting your biscuit* Sto' beingangry at yoursel% because you cannot 'rocee!*/

/O$* Sto' beating &y $ea! against a #all1/

2e &a!e a %ace" 'ulling out $is keys to unlock t$e car !oors* /My e4'ression is &ore elegant" but

yes" t$e i!ea is t$e sa&e* As %or t$e situation #it$ M&e* Deau4ille an! t$e &an #$o stole your!ragon" $o# !o you kno# t$e t#o t$ings are not relate!1/

I 'ause! as $e o'ene! t$e !oor" staring at $i& as &y tire! brain $as$e! t$at i!ea oer* /Drake sai! $e!i!n+t kill M&e* Deau4ille* I kno# $e lie! about t$e ot$er t$ings" but $e*** $e 3ust !i!n+t see& like a

&ur!erer* An! besi!es" i% $e #as" $e coul! $ae kille! &e t$e secon! I #alke! into t$e a'art&ent" an!

$e !i!n+t* 5ut $e did call t$e co's* T$at+s !e%initely a 'oint in $is %aor*/

:ene 'atte! &y $an!* /2e &ig$t not $ae kille! t$e ol! #o&an" but #$at #as $e !oing t$ere1/

/I !on+t kno#* I aske!" but $e ea!e! t$e 7uestion*/ My eyes o'ene! #i!e as so&et$ing occurre! to

&e* Yea$" yea$" you 'robably t$oug$t o% t$is $ours ago" but $ey> I+! been u' all nig$t* Cut &e a littleslack* /Do you t$ink $e !re# t$e circle1 2e !i!n+t act like $e !i!* In %act" $e 7uestione! &e about

#$et$er or not it #as co&'lete" 3ust be%ore $e #ent o%% about !e&ons being su&&one! by t$e circle*/

/De&ons1 T$e circle #as to attract !e&ons1 You &ean t$e little !eils1/

I got into t$e car* /Well*** kin! o%* Tec$nically !e&ons are t$e serants o% t$e !e&on lor!s" #$o aret$e &ain #arriors o% 2ell" eac$ res'onsible %or arying nu&bers o% legions* T$e legions are &a!e u' o%

!e&ons" greater an! lesser" all o% #$o& are boun! to t$eir lor!s9 serants" i% you #ill" #$o& t$e!e&on lor!s can call" an! #$o can be su&&one! by &ortals #$o inoke t$e &aster+s na&e* T$e

!e&ons t$e&seles are an interesting grou'9accor!ing to &y researc$" t$ere are seeral !i%%erentty'es o% !e&ons" eac$ #it$ s'eci%ic abilities an! leels o% co&'etence* One book I rea! clai&e! t$at

not all !e&ons #ere actually eil; so&e #ere si&'ly &isgui!e! or &isc$ieous*/

:ene s$ot &e anot$er look oer $is s$oul!er as $e sli! be$in! t$e steering #$eel*

I grinne!* /It+s &y $obby* I stu!y &e!ieal !e&on te4ts* T$ey+re really interesting" an! o%%er 7uite aninsig$t into $o# t$e &e!ieal &in! !ealt #it$ t$e conce'ts o% $eaen an! $ell" but unlike Drake" I !on+t

 beliee !e&ons actually e4ist*/

2e &a!e a reliee! &oue* /I a& $a''y to $ear so* I t$ink" $o#eer" you $ae t$e ans#er to t$e

7uestion you aske! earlier9$o# to %in! M* Drake t$e !ragon t$ie%, T$ere is a strong occult society$ere in (aris* No !oubt so&eone in it #ill $ae $ear! o% $i& an! #ill kno# $o# you can %in! $i&*/

T$at &a!e sense" but*** /I $ae no i!ea i% $e+s still in (aris or not* )or all I kno#" $e coul! $ae taken

&y !ragon an! run*/

:ene s$rugge! again an! yelle! so&et$ing t$at soun!e! like an obscenity out t$e #in!o# to a &an

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on a bike #$o !as$e! in %ront o% $i&* /It is" 'er$a's" t$e only lea! you $ae" yes1/

/Yes"/ I agree!" %eeling like I #as a $un!re! years ol!* My #$ole bo!y %elt %ragile" as i% one touc$

#oul! s$atter &e into a ga0illion 'ieces* /It is t$e only lea! I $ae* I really s$oul! go to t$e A&erican

E&bassy" but I got t$e %eeling %ro& t$e 'olice last nig$t t$at t$ey #oul!n+t be &uc$ $el'* I su''ose Icoul! call t$e& later" a%ter I c$ase !o#n &y nebulous lea!* Any i!eas on $o# I get in contact #it$ t$e

!ark si!e o% (aris1/

As it turns out" $e !i!* We starte! out by isiting occult bookstores" but t$e 'eo'le t$ere !i!n+t see&to kno# too &uc$* We sto''e! %or an early lunc$ brea!" c$eese" an! slice! $a& %ro& a s&all s$o'B"

t$en $ea!e! into t$e Latin uarter" #$ere :ene sai! $e kne# o% a s$o' t$at catere! to t$e #itc$ tra!e*

A s$ort #$ile later I #as negotiating &y #ay !o#n a street &a!e !ark by narro# alleys an! tall

 buil!ings* T$e air s&elle! o% s'ices an! incense an! so&et$ing eart$y t$at I coul!n+t 'in'oint* :ene$a! !ro''e! &e o%% a block a#ay" giing &e !irections to t$e s$o' be%ore $e !as$e! o%% to take care o%

a 'rearrange! a''oint&ent*

/I #ill 'ick you u' rig$t $ere in an $our" yes1/

/Yes"/ I sai!* /An! t$anks" :ene* I+! be lost #it$out you* Literally>/

/@ust re&e&ber #$at I taug$t you to say i% anyone annoys you"/ $e sai!" #agging $is %inger at &e*

I cleare! &y t$roat an! trie! on a little sneer t$at :ene sai! #oul! go %ar* "&ardonne'-moi, mais

ave'-vous un pore-epic coince entre lesfesses" 

2e cackle! an! #ae!" one $an! on t$e $orn as $e !roe t$roug$ t$e cro#!e! streets*

/Yea$" rig$t" like +E4cuse &e" but !o you $ae a 'orcu'ine #e!ge! bet#een your buttocks1+ is going

to sae &e %ro& being curse! or #$ateer it is #itc$es !o*/ I looke! at t$e !irections on t$e sli' o% 'a'er :ene gae &e an! starte! o%% !o#n a !ark little alley na&e! :ue !+Ebullitions sur les )esses !e

Diable" #$ic$ :ene in%or&e! &e #it$ no little &irt$ #as translate! as /boils on t$e buttocks o% t$e!eil street*/

Coul! &y li%e get any stranger1

/Yes* yes it can"/ I sai! a %e# &inutes later as I ste''e! into a sur'risingly #ell.lit s$o'* A%ter

isiting all t$e !ark" &urky occult books$o's" s$o's t$at see&e! to t$rie on !irt an! t$e &erest $int o%sunlig$t t$roug$ gri&y" un#as$e! #in!o#s" Le Gri&oire To4i7ue +T$e (oisonous Gri&oire/B #as a

 'leasant c$ange* )lo#ering 'lants line! #in!o# bo4es beneat$ t$e s$o'+s t#o clean>B #in!o#s" an!

t$e insi!e #as not only brig$t an! c$eery" but also s&elle! 'leasantly o% %rankincense* T$e #all

o''osite t$e !oor #as %ille! #it$ t$e big glass 3ars I associate #it$ ol!.ti&e a'ot$ecary s$o's" eac$labele! #it$ a iolet tag* To t$e rig$t #ere books an! #$at looke! like a large! section; to t$e

le%t" a s$ort"!.'e''er.$aire! #o&an #as seate! be$in! a long #oo!en counter" rea!ing a 'a'eran! si''ing co%%ee*

"Bon%our," I sai!" &in!%ul o% :ene+s #arning o% co&&on courtesies* "&arle'-vous anglais" 

T$e #o&an looke! u'* 2er eyes #ere a 'ale" 'ale blue" t$e kin! o% blue you see on Siberian $uskies*

/Yes" I !o" alt$oug$ I !o not $ae &uc$ o''ortunity to s'eak it* You are A&erican1/

/Yu'*//2o# !elig$t%ul* I a& A&elie Merllain*/

I set &y tote bag on t$e %loor" reac$ing oer to s$ake $er $an!* /Aisling Grey*/

/I a& &ost 'lease! to &eet you* 2o# can I $el' you1/ A %at black Wels$ corgi #a!!le! oer an!starte! nosing in &y bag* A&elie scol!e! $er* /Cecile> T$at is ery 'oor &anners to s$o# a isitor*/

/O$" t$at+s OK"/ I sai!" 'ulling &y bag out o% t$e !og+s reac$* I set it on t$e counter" ben!ing !o#n

to 'at $er" but t$e little beast sna''e! at &e*

/Cecile>/ A&elie 'ointe! to a s&all &aroon !og be! an! or!ere! t$e !og to it* /My a'ologies* S$e isery el!erly an! %eels t$at gies $er t$e rig$t to be surly*/

/No 'roble&* I #as #on!ering i% you #oul! $a''en to kno#9/

/Te$"/ s$e interru'te!" brus$ing at t$e counter #$ere &y clot$es $a! s'ille! out o% t$e tote bag*

/Dragon scales* T$ey get eery#$ere" no1/

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I stare! at $er* Wit$ &y &out$ o'en* /I beg your 'ar!on1/

/Dragon scales"/ s$e sai! a little lou!er" brus$ing so&et$ing o%% t$e counter* S$e tugge! at &y gau0e

!ress t$at #as 'eeking out o% t$e bag" 'ulling it out an! s$o#ing &e t$e neckline* /2ere" you see1

Dragon scales* T$ey are all oer your !ress*/

I looke!" &y &out$ un%ortunately still $anging o'en* T$ere #as a slig$t iri!escent 'o#!er on t$e le%t

s$oul!er an! neck o% t$e !ress* /8& *** !ragon scales1/

/Yes* You &ust $ae been #it$ a !ragon recently*/

I blinke! a cou'le o% ti&es" but you kno#" I t$ink I+& going to gie u' on blinking as a turboc$arger

%or &y brain* It !i!n+t see& to be #orking* /Dragons as in t$e big %ire.breat$ing creatures #it$ #ingsan! an aersion to saints na&e! George" those sorts o% !ragons1/

A&elie snorte! an! 'us$e! &y !ress back into t$e bag* /Don+t be ri!iculous* W$at sort o% !ragon !oyou kno# #$o #oul! #alk about in $is ani&al %or&1 2e #oul! be ca'ture! i&&e!iately an! 'ut to

t$ose $orrible tests t$e scientists so loe*/

/I !on+t kno# any !ragons"/ I sai! $astily" #on!ering i% (aris $a! beco&e a city o% lunatics* )irst

!e&ons an! no# !ragons1 Maybe &y na&e #as Alice an! I $a! sli''e! into Won!erlan! #it$out

kno#ing it*

/I% t$at is your !ress" you &ost certainly !o kno# at least one !ragon"/ s$e sai! s$ar'ly" %ro#ning at&e* /W$ere is your 'ortal1/

I starte! to blink" but !eci!e! to go %or t$e suae look instea!* I raise! &y eyebro#s an! leane! one$i' against t$e counter* /My 'ortal1 W$at 'ortal #oul! t$at be1/

/T$e 'ortal t$at you guar!* You are a Guar!ian9it is not !i%%icult #$at I ask* W$ere is your 'ortal1/

/Wit$ t$e !ragon1/ I guesse!*

2er %ro#n !ee'ene!* /T$at is not at all #ise* Dragons are not to be truste! #$en it concerns 'ortals*Too &uc$ te&'tation" you un!erstan!* W$at se't is $e %ro&1/

/W$o1/ I aske!" totally an! co&'letely lost at t$is 'oint*

/T$e !ragon #$o& you le%t guar!ing your 'ortal* W$at is $is na&e1/

I sai! t$e only na&e t$at ca&e to &in!" t$e na&e t$at $a! been on t$e ti' o% &y tongue since Ientere! t$e s$o'* /Drake ?ireo*/

2er %ro#n !isa''eare! as $er bro#s s$ot u'#ar! in a look o% $orror* /Drake ?ireo1 You le%t a

#yern in c$arge o% your 'ortal1 Merci%ul go!!ess>/

T$e roo& s'un* Seriously" t$e roo& starte! to s'in rig$t be%ore &y eyes* I clutc$e! t$e counter an!$el! &y breat$" but it !i!n+t $el'*

/Do you $ae a c$air1/ I aske!" sure I #as going to %aint*

S$e #ae! &e aroun! t$e long counter to #$ere a secon! stool stoo!* /You are e4$auste!* Co&e" sit


I allo#e! $er to 'our &e a cu' o% co%%ee" 'raying t$e ca%%eine #oul! kee' &e sane until I coul! go back to t$e $otel roo& an! colla'se* Maybe t$e slee' !e'riation #as &aking &e $allucinate1 T$ere#as no ot$er reasonable e4'lanation %or #$y I #as in a city #$ere 'eo'le inoke! !e&ons an! talke!

about !ragon scales as casually as I #oul! t$e #eat$er*

/T$ank you* No" black is goo!* No#" &aybe #e coul! take t$is slo#ly* I+& a little tire! an! not

t$inking ery #ell* )irst o%%" !o you kno# Drake ?ireo1/

A&elie s$ook $er $ea!* /Not 'ersonally" alt$oug$ I $ae $ear! o% $i&" o% course* All t$e #yerns

are kno#n in our co&&unity*/

/So $e lies $ere1/ 2o'e rose #it$in &e* All t$e cree'y 'aranor&al stu%% asi!e" i% s$e $a! $ear! o%$i&" t$at &eant $e &ust be local*

S$e 'urse! $er li's* /No" I beliee t$e &ain lair o% t$e green !ragons is in 2ungary* 5ut $e is a

%re7uent isitor to (aris" i% t$at is #$at you are asking*/

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I sti%le! t$e nerous little giggle t$at #ante! to co&e out* /T$is is 'robably going to soun! reallysilly" but are you trying to tell &e t$at Drake" Drake ?ireo" about si4 %oot t#o" !ark $air" green eyes"

gorgeous oice is a *** #ell" a !ragon1/

A&elie !i!n+t s&ile as I e4'ecte!* Instea!" $er eyes narro#e! as s$e e4a&ine! &e* /Drake ?ireo isnot 3ust a !ragon* 2e is a #yern* T$e green #yern*/

/Wait"/ I sai!" s$aking &y $ea! an! gri''ing t$e counter so I #oul!n+t %all oer* /Isn+t a #yernanot$er na&e %or a t#o.legge! !ragon1 One #it$ #ings an! a barbe! tail1/

/Yes"/ s$e sai! slo#ly" $er blue eyes gro#ing !arker* /It is also t$e na&e %or t$e lea!er o% a !ragon

se't* 2is na&e e4'lains t$at*/

I rubbe! &y %ore$ea!* /You+e lost &e*/

/Drake9a &o!erni0ation o% t$e Latin draco, &eaning +!ragon*+ *ireo is also Latin* It &eans +green*+Only #yerns are allo#e! to use t$eir se't color as a na&e*/

/Can #e go back to t$e 'art about Drake being a &yt$ical creature #$o breat$s %ire an! consu&esirgins an! all t$at1 5ecause I 3ust can+t see& to #ra' &y brain aroun! t$at i!ea* 2e #as *** 2e #as so

&asculine* Gorgeous* Se4y as $ell* 2e !i!n+t look at all like a big scaly li0ar! #earing a $u&an suit*/

/I&&ortals !o not nee! to #ear $u&an suits* T$ey can c$ange %or&"/ s$e sai! a bit scorn%ully" t$ensu!!enly leane! %or#ar! an! 'lace! bot$ $an!s on &y $ea!" $er %ingers touc$ing &y te&'les* I #astoo tire! to be alar&e!" too e4$auste! to be scare!* 5esi!es" $er touc$ #asn+t un'leasant* S$e $u&&e!

a so%t little song" $er %ingers gently stroking &y te&'les*

/You !o not un!erstan! o% #$at I s'eak" an! yet I %eel in you great 'o#er" great 'ossibilities"/ s$e

sai! !rea&ily" $er eyes close! as s$e continue! to stroke &y $ea!* /You are untouc$e! by t$e !ark 'o#ers" an! yet you #ere born to $arness t$e&* You are a #yern+s &ate" an! yet $e !i! not clai& you*

You are a 'u00le t$at $as no en! an! no beginning*/

/W$oa"/ I sai!" &y &uscles all sti%%ening at t$e #or!s /#yern+s &ate*/ /Let+s 3ust take a ste' back

%ro& t$at i!ea" s$all #e1/

S$e release! &y $ea! an! &oe! oer to t$e stool" $er bro#s 'ulle! toget$er in a 'u00le! %ro#n*

/Look" all I #ant to kno# is #$ere I can %in! Drake* 2e stole so&et$ing %ro& &e*/

S$e no!!e!* /T$e green !ragons are t$iees* T$at is t$eir skill* 2e is t$eir #yern9$e #oul!

naturally be a ery talente! t$ie%* An! you kno# $o# it is #it$ !ragons*/

I raise! &y eyebro#s*

/T$ey $oar! treasure*/ A %aint s&ile curle! $er li's*

/8&*** I t$ink I+& 3ust going to let t$at one go* Do you kno# #$ere Drake lies1/


My s$oul!ers slu&'e!*

/5ut I kno# #$ere you can %in! $i& &ost eenings*/

I sat u' straig$t* /W$ere1/

/T$e sa&e 'lace you can %in! anyone o% conse7uence9 G 6 T* It is a club on :ue !e la Gran!e (est 9+t$e street o% t$e great 'lague*+/

/Soun!s like a loely neig$bor$oo!* G 6 T *** gin an! tonic1/

/Goety an! t$eurgy"/ s$e ans#ere!* /5lack an! #$ite &agic*/ 2o# %itting*B

/T$anks %or t$e co%%ee* An! t$e in%or&ation"/ I sai! as I gat$ere! u' &y t$ings" kno#ing I #as closeto t$e en! o% &y energy *** an! &y sanity*

S$e #atc$e! &e #alk all t$e #ay !o#n t$e lengt$ o% t$e counter to t$e !oor be%ore s$e s'oke u'*/Aisling" a #or! o% #arning %ro& one #$o #is$es you #ell*/

I cocke! an eyebro# at $er* Anyt$ing &ore #oul! $ae taken too &uc$ energy*

/Do not close your &in! to t$e 'ossibilities* To !o so #ill not only !eny you your rig$t%ul 'lace in

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t$is #orl!" but it can also &ean great !estruction to t$ose you loe*/

I glance! out t$roug$ t$e o'en !oor to t$e street outsi!e %ille! #it$ suns$ine an! $a''y" !ragon.%ree

(arisians* /Don+t tell &e9t$e %ate o% t$e #$ole #orl! rests on &y s$oul!ers1/

/(er$a's"/ #as all s$e sai!*

I looke! back at $er" su&&oning u' t$e last o% &y strengt$ %or a s&ile* /T$anks" but I+e got enoug$

on &y 'late rig$t no# #it$out #orrying about a bunc$ o% stu%% t$at !oesn+t een co&e close to being

real* Maybe I+ll see you again so&e ti&e*/

/O% t$at" you can be sure"/ s$e sai!* /I #oul! not #is$ to &iss your entrance into t$e Ot$er#orl!*/

I #ent out into t$e #ar& sunny street #it$out saying anyt$ing else* T$ere #as 3ust not$ing le%t tosay*

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An! t$en I sai! to $er" :ac$el" you+re out o% your eer.loin+ &in!* T$ere+s no #ay in $.e.!ouble.

toot$.'icks you+! %in! me $ookin+ u' #it$ a %aery" es'ecially one o% t$e unseelie court" no &atter $o#

#ell $ung $e is* Ya 3ust neer kno# #it$ t$e&" !o ya1 I $ear! about a #itc$ in uebec #$o crosse!one o% t$e unseelie 'rinces" an! s$e en!e! u' #it$ t$ree breasts* Can you i&agine #$at s$e goes

t$roug$ trying to %in! a bra t$at %its1/

I 'ause!" sur'rise! not by t$e #or!s9I+! $a! t$e #$ole !ay to co&e to gri's #it$ t$e %act t$ateeryone in (aris #as ei!ently eit$er on !rugs or su%%ering %ro& &ass $y'nosis I coul!n+t 7uite %ace

t$e alternatieB9but by t$e Te4as !ra#l t$at s'oke t$e&* So%t" rat$er eerie &usic 'ulse! #it$ an al&ost 'al'able beat t$roug$ t$e club" &usic as s&oky as t$e air t$at surroun!e! &e* I 'eere! t$roug$ t$e

!e't$s to t$e bar" a long 8.s$a'e! #oo!en structure t$at sat in t$e center o% t$e roo&* Nearest &e a 'er%ectly nor&al.looking #o&an in 3eans an! a T.s$irt #as c$atting #it$ a tall blon!e in a slinky black

!ress* Neit$er one o% t$e& looke! cra0y" !es'ite t$e sub3ect o% t$eir conersation* I !ragge! &y eyes

 back to t$e #aitress as s$e $ea!e! oer to a s&all table in t$e %ar corner o% t$e roo&" taking a &o&entto gie t$e roo& a s#ee'ing glance as I %ollo#e!* W$at I sa# s$ocke! &e9eeryone looke! so

nor&al> T$ere #eren+t any o!! creatures lurking about or 'eo'le #earing 'ointy #itc$+s $ats an!

leaning oer crystal balls* No tarot car!s" no rune stones" no caul!rons or crystals or 'entagra&s* Noteen one &agic #an! #as in ei!ence* Wit$out reali0ing I $a! been so tense" I %elt t$e &uscles in &y

s$oul!ers rela4* I !on+t kno# 7uite #$at I e4'ecte! %ro& t$e Goety an! T$eurgy club" but it wasntnor&alcy* Dark" s&oky !ance clubs" $o#eer9o$ yes" t$ose I kne#*

/T$anks"/ I sai! to t$e #aitress as s$e #ae! to#ar! a table an! s$oe! a s&all &enu in &y $an!s*

/You #ill 'lease to rea! t$e rules* Englis$ is on t$e be$in!"/ s$e sai! in a $eay )renc$ accent*

/:ules1 O$" like t$e coer c$arge an! stu%%1 Sure*/ I %li''e!+ t$e &enu oer" an! t$e sane #orl! I so!es'erately clung to 7uickly took a nose!ie*


* No su&&oning &inions o% any %or&" 'ersuasion" or origin*

* No #ar!s are to be !ra#n #it$in t$e club" eit$er 'rotectie or ot$er#ise*

* Gla&ours are strictly 'ro$ibite!* No e4ce'tions #ill be allo#e!*

* (atrons #$o s7uas$ i&'s #ill 'lease scra'e u' t$e &ess an! !e'osit t$e re&ains in t$e i&' bucket*



/Ooookay"/ I sai!" #on!ering %or t$e &illiont$ ti&e t$at !ay #$en li%e #oul! return to &y 'reiously sc$e!ule! 'rogra&* I glance! u' at t$e #aitress* S$e #as clearly #aiting %or so&et$ing*

/Er*** I agree1/

T$at #as ei!ently it" because s$e no!!e! an! $ea!e! to#ar! t$e bar*

I sat back" leaning against t$e c$air as I took a %e# !ee' breat$s" struggling to co&e to gri's #it$

so&e ery 'ro%oun! t$oug$ts* A&elie #as rig$t* W$at I t$oug$t #as unreal $a! turne! out to be eryreal* Een si4 $ours o% slee' back at &y $otel $a!n+t been able to #i'e a#ay t$e kno#le!ge t$atSo&et$ing 2a! C$ange!* W$et$er it #as &e or t$e #orl!" I !i!n+t kno#" an! at t$at &o&ent" I !i!n+t

care* All I kne# is t$at I $a! been sucke! into a #eir! ersion o% Won!erlan!" but t$at !i!n+t &ean I

coul!n+t $ol! &y o#n* So !e&ons #ere real" an! !ragons looke! like $an!so&e &en #it$ scru&'tious

 bo!ies an! !rool#ort$y oices" an! %aeries $a! &a&&ary %etis$es* So #$at1 I #as still &e" an! I #as a 'ro%essional* /I a& con%i!ent* I a& sel%.assure!* I a& in control9/

/Are you1 2o# ery nice %or you* I+e neer been in control* I+e %oun! t$e #orl! is 3ust so &uc$nicer i% you let it go by #it$out bot$ering too &uc$ about it*/

A young #o&an #it$ &asses o% #aist.lengt$ curly blon! $air sto''e! in %ront o% &e" $er blue eyest#inkling #it$ !elig$t* /Di! I startle you1 I+& so sorry* I !i!n+t &ean to" but I $ear! you s'eaking

Englis$" you see" an! it+s rare #e see A&ericans in G 6 T" let alone A&erican Guar!ians" so I t$oug$t I

#oul! say $ullo* 2ullo>//2i"/ I sai!* /Er ** * you+re Englis$1/

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/Yes" Wels$ actually" alt$oug$ I can+t s'eak t$e language* May I1/ S$e gesture! to#ar! t$e c$airo''osite &e*

/Sorry" 'lease !o*/

S$e sat" arranging $er !ia'$anous skirt care%ully aroun! $er as s$e s&ile! a nice" nor&al"

 'leasant s&ile* I coul!n+t $el' but #on!er #$at s$e #as *** #oo! ny&'$1 Water s'rite1 Sacri%icial


/My na&e is O'$elia* No#" !on+t laug$" Mu& #as a S$akes'earean sc$olar*/

I s&ile! in return" rela4ing* S$e coul!n+t be anyt$ing unnatural. S$e #as too nice* /I t$ink O'$elia is

a 'retty na&e* I+& Aisling*/

/2ullo" Aisling* As %or t$e na&e" it coul! be #orse9 &y sister is na&e! (er!ita* T$at+s $er oer

t$ere" talking to t$e ?ene!iger* You look a bit lost* Is t$is your %irst ti&e1/

/In )rance" in (aris" an! in t$is club" yes"/ I sai! #it$ a nerous laug$* /Does it s$o#1/

/Only #$en you s&ile"/ s$e ans#ere!* /Well" #$at can I tell you about G an! T1 You+e rea! t$erules" so you kno# t$at t$is is a neutral groun!* (racticers o% bot$ t$e lig$t an! !ark 'o#ers are

#elco&e $ere because eeryone agrees to 'ut t$eir !i%%erences asi!e #$ile in t$e club* It really is a

 'leasant 'lace" alt$oug$ you $ae to #atc$ out %or t$e satyrs a%ter t$ey+e $a! a %e# !rinks* T$ey get a bit grabby*/

/Grabby1/ I aske!" &aking a silent 'ro&ise to &ysel% rig$t t$en an! t$ere* No &atter #$at #eir!

t$ings 'eo'le sai! to &e" no &atter $o# &any %antastical conce'ts #ere t$ro#n &y #ay" I #oul! becal& an! 'ro%essional* I #oul!n+t ga#k" I #oul!n+t stare" I #oul!n+t %reak* 5ra0en it out" t$at #as going

to be &y &otto* Later" #$en I $a! ti&e to sort t$roug$ t$ings" no !oubt eeryt$ing #oul! beco&e clear*

Yea$" like thats going to $a''en*

O'$elia #iggle! $er $an!s in a recogni0able boob.grabbing &otion* /Grabby* Ot$er t$an t$e&" t$erest o% t$e regular cro#! are %airly #ell be$ae!* We $ae to be9t$e ?ene!iger #oul!n+t allo# any

 breac$ o% t$e rules*/

/T$e ?ene!iger1 8$***/ Alrea!y I #as regretting &y 'ro&ise to 'lay it cool" but I #as in too !ee' to

go back to being clueless*

/You really are ne#" aren+t you1 T$e ?ene!iger is t$e &ost 'o#er%ul &age in )rance* 2e+s a tyrant"

really* It+s not rig$t one &an $aing so &uc$ 'o#er" but t$ere+s not &uc$ any o% us can !o about it* T$e#or! *enediger is actually Ger&an9I t$ink it &eans +&an %ro& ?enice"+ not t$at Albert is ?enetian"

 but $e clings to t$e ol! #ays* Albert Ca&us is $is na&e" alt$oug$ &ost o% us 3ust call $i& t$e?ene!iger* So &uc$ easier to re&e&ber" you see*/

I !i!n+t see" but I+! 3ust s#orn to bra0en t$is t$roug$* I #as sure t$at later t$ere #oul! be ti&e to$ae t$at 7uiet nerous break!o#n I $a! conte&'late! earlier*

O'$elia ei!ently sa# &y con%usion" because s$e gae &e a sy&'at$etic 'at on t$e s$oul!er* /@ustre&e&ber t$at $e+s t$e one 'erson in all o% )rance #it$ enoug$ 'o#er to kee' eeryone in line* You !o

not #ant to cross $i&*/

T$at soun!e! &ore t$an a little o&inous* I looke! curiously at t$e &an stan!ing ne4t to t$e #o&ans$e 'ointe! out as $er sister* 2e #as !resse! in a long nay %rock coat #it$ &atc$ing 'ants an! a beauti%ully e&broi!ere! gol! est* It #as a strangely elegant" ery ol!.#orl! ense&ble* 2e #as &i!!le

age!" 'robably early to &i!.%i%ties" going bal! #it$ $is s$oul!er.lengt$ black $air caug$t back in a 'onytail* 2e looke! 'olis$e! an! &o!erately narcissistic" but certainly not like t$e &ost 'o#er%ul &age

in )rance*

I !i!n+t blink oer t$e t$oug$t o% a real &age" eit$er" #$ic$ says a lot about $o# #ell I #as

 bra0ening* T$at or I #as co&'letely insane an! totally out o% touc$ #it$ reality ***

/So" #$ere is your 'ortal1/

/O$* 8&* Well" I+& 'ortal.less*/ 2er eyes o'ene! #i!e in stark sur'rise* /)or t$e &o&ent"/ I a!!e!7uickly" not #anting $er to t$ink &e careless* W$ere e4actly !i! t$ese 'ortals lea! to1 An! !i! I really

#ant to kno#12er eyebro#s resu&e! t$eir 'reious 'osition* /Close! it" !i! you1 You &ust be a ery 'o#er%ul

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Guar!ian i% you can close a 'ortal to Aba!!on*/

/Actually" I+& not really a9/

/Well" that #as interesting* )eelie" you+re not going to beliee #$at t$e ? tol! &e about t$at i&'outbreak in ?ersailles*/ A #o&an #$o #as clearly O'$elia+s i!entical t#in but #it$ s$orter $airB

grabbe! a nearby c$air an! s#ung it aroun! to our table" setting $er glass o% #$ite #ine !o#n an!

%las$ing &e a brig$t s&ile* /2ello" I+& (er!ita* You+re a Guar!ian1 (lease! to &eet you*/

/T$is is Aisling" (er!y* S$e+s A&erican" an! s$e close! u' a 'ortal*/

(er!ita looke! oer t$e ri& o% $er #ineglass #it$ %rank astonis$&ent* /You !i!n+t> Go!!ess aboe> I

!on+t t$ink #e+e eer &et a Guar!ian o% your sort o% caliber*/

/O$" I can 3ust about guarantee you t$at"/ I sai! #it$ a laug$" an! #oul! $ae cleare! u' t$e

&isun!erstan!ing 3ust #$at was a Guar!ian1B but at t$at &o&ent a tall" $an!so&e" green.eye! !ragon.snatc$ing *** er*** !ragon #alke! into t$e club* I stoo! u'" #aing a#ay t$e #aitress #$o ca&e oer to

take &y or!er* /O$" $e is going to be so sorry $e eer tangle! #it$ &e>/

/W$o1/ bot$ O'$elia an! (er!ita aske!" craning t$eir $ea!s to see #$o I #as glaring at*

/A ery nasty &an #it$ lig$t %ingers"/ I gro#le!" grabbing t$e $an!bag I $a! 'urc$ase! a%ter &y

long na'* /2is na&e is Drake ?ireo*/(er!ita starte! to stan! u'" but gae a yel' at &y #or!s" $urrie!ly sitting back !o#n*

/Drake1/ O'$elia aske!" $er eyes $uge* 5ot$ sisters grabbe! &y ar& as I starte! 'ast t$e&*

/Go!!ess $el' you>/

(er!ita tugge! at &y sleee* /Aisling" you !on+t #ant to &ess #it$ $i&* 2e+s ba! ne#s" ery ba!

ne#s* 2e+s t$e green !ragon+s #yern" you kno#*/

/I kno#"/ I sai!" giing t$e& bot$ a s&ile* It #as nice to %eel t$at so&eone #as in &y corner***

#$ateer t$at #oul! en! u' being* /5ut $e !oesn+t scare &e* Muc$*/

/5ut***/ (er!ita glance! at O'$elia" t$en back to &e" $er oice a $us$e! #$is'er* /W$at !o you #ant

#it$ $i&1/

/2e stole so&et$ing o% &ine"/ I ans#ere!* T$e sisters 3ust stare! at &e* I re&e&bere! #$at A&elie$a! sai! about t$e green !ragons being t$iees* Ei!ently no one #as sur'rise! by t$e ne#s t$at Drake$a! robbe! &e* I straig$tene! &y s$oul!ers" 'atte! (er!ita+s $an! until s$e release! &y sleee" an!

sai!" /Don+t #orry9I+& not going to !o anyt$ing stu'i!* I+& 3ust going to &ake $i& gie it back*/

I t$oug$t t$eir eyes #ere going to bug rig$t out o% t$eir $ea!s as I stor&e! o%% to t$e %ar cure o% t$e

 bar" #$ere Drake stoo! #it$ $is back to &e as $e c$atte! #it$ t#o re!$ea!e! &en*

/Well" i% it isn+t (u%% t$e Magic Dragon"/ I sai! to Drake+s back* I !i!n+t s'eak lou!ly" but t$e secon!

t$e #or!s le%t &y &out$" a $us$ %ell oer t$e entire club* Een t$e &usic sto''e!" as i% by &agic*

An! #$at a !isco&%orting t$oug$t that #as*

Drake+s s$oul!ers sti%%ene! at &y #or!s* 2e slo#ly turne! aroun!" $is eyes s$ining #it$ a brilliantgreen lig$t in t$e s&oky !arkness o% t$e club* )iguring a best !e%ense #as a strong o%%ense" an! not

#anting to a!&it t$at all o% a su!!en eeryone+s #arnings about #yerns #ere scaring t$e be3esus outo% &e" I took a ste' %or#ar! an! 'oke! $i& in t$e c$est* /You $ae so&et$ing o% &ine" Drake* I #ant it

 back* Now." 

/Aisling*/ 2is oice #as 3ust as #on!er%ul as I re&e&bere! it" !ee' an! ric$" an! as so%t as elet

 brus$ing against &y skin* I s$iere! at t$e un!ilute! e%%ect o% it at close range* /I $a! not e4'ecte! to

see you $ere*/

I 'ulle! &ysel% toget$er enoug$ to gie $i& a !isguste! snort* /I+& sure you !i!n+t* I #ant &ya7ua&anile back*/

2is eyes narro#e!* 2is nostrils %lare!* T$e air o% !anger t$at surroun!e! $i&9so 'al'able" I coul!

al&ost touc$ it9t$ickene!* T$e 'eo'le surroun!ing us surre'titiously &oe! back seeral 'aces as i%

t$ey #ere e4'ecting trouble* I #is$e! I coul! 3oin t$e&* I %elt as i% it #ere $ig$ noon" an! I+! 3ust

ste''e! into t$e &ain street o% To&bstone" &y trusty si4.s$ooter at &y si!e*

2is oice s#e't oer &e again" !ee' #it$ #arning* /You are a ery goo! actress* I actually beliee!

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your act earlier* I s$all not &ake t$at &istake again*/

I li%te! &y c$in" &y insi!es 7uaking* I #as about to 'ick a %ig$t I kne# I coul!n+t #in* So&eti&es I

truly a& an i!iot* /It #asn+t an act* I+e $a! a ery in%or&atie !ay* I+e learne! about !ragons an!

Guar!ians an! i&'s an! %aeries" but all t$at is irreleant* I #ant &y !ragon * back" Drake* We bot$kno# you $ae it* So" %or t$at &atter" !o t$e 'olice* I% you !on+t #ant &e to call t$e& u' an! tell t$e&

#$ere to %in! you" you+ll gie it back to &e*/

A s&ile %lirte! #it$ $is li's* Dangerous li's" I re&in!e! &ysel% as &y $eart starte! beating %aster* 2e&ig$t be a !ragon" $e &ig$t be so&eone #$ose na&e instille! %ear in ot$er 'eo'le" but boy $o#!y" $e

sure turne! &y crank* /Are you by any c$ance t$reatening &e1/

I li%te! &y c$in een $ig$er* /Only i% you inten! on &aking t$ings $ar!*/

2is ga0e rake! &e as $e took in t$e 'retty 'o''y !ress* "hings are alrea!y $ar!" s#eet$eart*/

My knees al&ost &elte! at t$e !ouble enten!re" but I sti%%ene! t$e& an! re&in!e! &y libi!o t$at $e

#as a t$ie% #$o $a! cruelly stolen &y a7ua&anile an! le%t &e at t$e &ercy o% t$e gen!ar&es* /I !oubtyou+re going to !ie %ro& $auling a little #oo!"/ I sai!" 'ur'ose%ully &isinter'reting $is state&ent* /Let+s

stick to t$e 'oint" s$all #e1 You $ae &y !ragon* I #ant it back*/

/I a& i&&ortal" Aisling9I cannot !ie* You" $o#eer" are re%res$ingly &ortal*/ As $e s'oke" $is

%ingers sli! aroun! &y neck until $is $an! #as gri''ing &e in* a $ol! t$at #as bor!erline strangling*

T$e silence in t$e club #as so t$ick" you coul! $ae cut it #it$ a 'iece o% toast*

/You can $u%% an! 'u%% an! breat$e %ire on &e all you #ant" Drake"/ I sai!" &y oice $oarse as $is%ingers slo#ly s7uee0e! t$e air %ro& &y #in!'i'e* I ke't &y c$in u'" &y ga0e %ir&ly on $is* /I+& not

going to back !o#n* I a& not a%rai! o% you*/

/No1 We s$all see about t$at" s$all #e1/ 2e &oe! closer" an! eery nere in &y bo!y screa&e! a

#arning" but I 3ust stoo! t$ere as $e 'ulle! &e to $i&" $is ar&s $ar! as steel be$in! &e" $is &out$s#oo'ing !o#n to clai& &ine* One 'art o% &y &in! 'roteste! t$e %act t$at $e #as kissing &e in %ull

sig$t o% eeryone in t$e bar; t$e ot$er 'art %elt a &o&ent o% %ear %lare to li%e as I un!erstoo! t$e truerelations$i' bet#een a !ragon an! $is %ire*

2eat burst t$roug$ &e t$e secon! $is li's touc$e! &ine" t$e %la&es o% $is !esire scorc$ing &e"licking along &y skin until it starte! in%ernos #it$in &e* (in'ricks o% s#eat %or&e! along &y bro# an!

s'ine as $is %eer consu&e! us" #ra''ing &e in a searing cocoon o% %ire t$at stri''e! t$e air %ro& &ylungs* 2is tongue touc$e! &ine" an! t$e $eat t$at s#e't t$roug$ &e starte! to boil &y bloo!* My %les$

caug$t %ire* S&oke %ro& &y bo!y an! t$e incan!escent s$i&&er in t$e green eyes be%ore &e obscure!&y ision* I #as !ying" burning %ro& t$e insi!e out" Drake+s %ire setting eery ato& #it$in &e alig$t*

@ust as I kne# I #as literally going to burst into %la&es" so&et$ing &iraculous $a''ene!* A !oor#it$in &y &in! o'ene!" a !oor  !i!n+t kno# #as t$ere" one tucke! a#ay in t$e !ark recesses o% &y

consciousness* T$e !oor o'ene!" an! su!!enly I $a! leas$e! t$e %ire" controlle! it" c$ange! it %ro& a!estructie ele&ent t$at #as &eant to consu&e &e into so&et$ing t$at a!!e! %uel to t$e !esire t$at

%lare! bet#een us* I turne! t$e %ire back on Drake an! began to kiss $i& in return" reeling in t$e 'o#er t$at #as %lo#ing t$roug$ &e as i% I #ere a con!uit* 2e 3erke! but !i!n+t sto' t$e torturously

#on!er%ul touc$ o% $is &out$*

Eeryone #as still #atc$ing us" I kne#" but t$at !i!n+t sto' &e %ro& leaning into Drake an! rubbing&y $i's against $i&" %itting all &y so%t cures to t$e $ar! 'lanes o% $is bo!y* I #ante! $i&" all o% $i&"

$is %ire an! $is bo!y an! $is soul" rig$t t$en an! t$ere" an! I $ate to i&agine #$at #oul! $ae

$a''ene! i% Drake $a!n+t $a! t$e strengt$ o% 'ur'ose to 'ull back %ro& &e* 8nable to look a#ay9letalone thin+  9I stare! into $is eyes" seeing t$e %lickers o% our s$are! %ire in t$eir e&eral! !e't$s

&ingle! #it$ so&et$ing t$at looke! ery &uc$ like sur'rise" sur'rise t$at 7uickly c$ange! intos'eculation* Slo#ly" ato& by ato&" t$e %ire $e+! starte! #it$in &e !ro''e! !o#n to a si&&er*

/I beliee t$at roun! goes to you"/ $e sai! so%tly" $is oice t$ru&&ing t$roug$ &e" t$reatening to stirt$e ne#ly banke! e&bers*

I untangle! &y %ingers %ro& $is $air an! took a ste' back#ar!s" e4tre&ely a#are o% t$e oyeuris&t$at I $a! 'ai! no &in! a &o&ent ago* /Yea$" #ell" &aybe you+ll t$ink t#ice about &essing #it$ &e

again"/ I sai! #it$ braa!o I !i!n+t %eel" gritting &y teet$ oer t$e s$akiness o% &y oice*T$e &an O'$elia $a! na&e! t$e ?ene!iger a''eare! at &y elbo#* I turne! to %ace $i&" grate%ul to

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$ae so&eone else to concentrate on* 2e !i!n+t look at all t$e tyrant sort" as t$e sisters clai&e!" nor 'articularly 'o#er%ul* Sel%.assure! an! con%i!ent" yes" but a tyrant1 2ar!ly*

/Drake" you #ill !o &e t$e $onor o% intro!ucing &e to your co&'anion*/

It #asn+t a 7uestion; it #as a co&&an!* An! #it$ it a #ae o% $is 'o#er #as$e! oer &e" &aking

&e gas' %or air* Maybe tyrant #asn+t suc$ a ba! !escri'tion a%ter all* As I caug$t &y breat$" I coul!n+t

$el' but notice t$at #it$ $is #or!s" li%e in t$e G 6 T returne! to nor&al* T$e &usic resu&e!* (eo'lestarte! talking again* Waitresses %loate! t$roug$ t$e cro#! #it$ trays o% !rinks an! %oo!* T$e #ae o% 'eo'le s#elle! aroun! us again" leaing us an islan! o% t$ree*

/Aisling Grey" &ay I 'resent Albert Ca&us" better kno#n to t$e i&&ortal co&&unity as t$e?ene!iger* Aisling is ne#ly arrie! in (aris*/

T$e ?ene!iger &a!e an o!! sort o% %or&al bo# oer t$e $an! I reluctantly $el! out* /I bi! you#elco&e* It is a !istinct 'leasure to &eet you" Aisling* It is not o%ten &y $u&ble 're&ises are grace!

 by a #yern+s &ate" es'ecially not one #$o is also a Guar!ian*/

/Do I $ae a great big 4 'ainte! on &y %ore$ea! or so&et$ing1/ I aske!" rat$er 'eeis$ly" true" but I

really $a! been t$roug$ a lot in t$e last t#enty.%our $ours* /I !on+t een kno# #$at a Guar!ian !oes"let alone #$y you 'eo'le t$ink I+& one" but t$is I !o kno#9I a& not anyone+s &ate" especially not

Drake+s" so you can 3ust get t$at i!ea rig$t out o% your $ea!*//You #it$stoo! t$e !ragon+s kiss"/ t$e ?ene!iger sai! &il!ly" but as $is 'ale gray eyes settle! on &e"

I s7uir&e! unco&%ortably* An aura o% 'o#er surroun!e! $i&" a leas$e! 'o#er not unlike #$at I %elt#it$ Drake" only t$e ?ene!iger+s #as *** harsher. Less re%ine!* Cru!er an! &uc$" &uc$ &ore scary*

/Only a &ate coul! !o t$at* It is clear to eeryone #$at you are*/

/I+& gla! so&eone t$inks t$ey kno# #$at+s going on" because I sure !on+t"/ I gru&ble!*

2e &a!e anot$er little bo#* /As I sai!" you are #elco&e at Goety an! T$eurgy* I a& in your !ebt %or 'roi!ing &y 'atrons #it$ suc$ an entertaining s$o#* It $as been a ery long ti&e since #e+e $a! t$e

o''ortunity o% seeing a #yern clai& $is &ate*/

I blus$e! at $is re%erence to our little s&ooc$y session" but !i!n+t $ae ti&e to set $i& straig$t be%ore

$e &oe! o%%*

/I a& so not clai&e!* I+& not a &ate" eit$er"/ I calle! a%ter $i&* 2e ignore! &e* I turne! back to

Drake" !rea!ing t$e look o% &ocking assure!ness t$at I kne# I #oul! see in $is eyes* A &an like $i&9 one #$o kno#s $e+s !ro'.!ea! se4y9coul!n+t $el' but gloat oer t$e %act t$at $e $a! really rattle! &y


I gritte! &y teet$ an! raise! &y eyes to $is" but $e #as looking at &e #it$ a 'u00le! e4'ression t$at

#as JJ 'ercent gloat.%ree* 2is bro#s 'ulle! toget$er in a little %ro#n* /You are telling t$e trut$* Youtruly !o not un!erstan! #$o you are*/

/On t$e contrary" I kno# e4actly #$o I a&* It+s you guys #$o see& to be con%use!* In case you nee!it s'elle! out to you" I+& a robbery icti&* I a& also a &ur!er sus'ect" t$anks to you* Since you are

res'onsible %or bot$ situations" you+re going to %i4 t$ings" starting #it$ returning &y !ragon*/

2e turne! to#ar! t$e bar an! signale! t$e barten!er* /W$at #ill you $ae to !rink1/

/Dragon+s bloo!"/ I sna''e! in!ictiely*

2e ti''e! $is $ea! as $e consi!ere! &e" $is slo# s&ile turning &y legs to &us$* /:eally1 Guy" t#o

Dragon+s 5loo!s*/

I stare! o'en.&out$e! as t$e barten!er returne! #it$ t#o #ine glasses %ille! #it$ a li7ui! so !arkre!" it #as al&ost black* /You+re ki!!ing" rig$t1 T$at+s not really *** er*** bloo!1/

/No* It+s a beerage %aore! by &y kin!" $o#eer*/

I sni%%e! at t$e glass* It !i!n+t s&ell like anyt$ing ot$er t$an s'ice! #ine* I took a s&all si'" gas'ingas li7ui! %la&es burne! !o#n &y t$roat" 7uickly #ar&ing &y sto&ac$" t$e $eat %ro& t$e #ine %lo#ing

out t$roug$ &y eins to eery 'oint in &y bo!y* /2oly co#"/ I croake!" blinking back t$e tears t$at%or&e!* /T$at+s 'otent* W$at+s in it1/

/You !on+t #ant to kno#"/ $e sai!" gras'ing &y elbo# an! steering &e to an e&'ty table in a !arkcorner* /No#" 'er$a's #e can !iscuss #$at you !esire o% &e*/

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I sat" a#are o% a !istinct sense o% loss #$en $e re&oe! $is $an! %ro& &y ar&* To !istract &ysel%%ro& t$e un#ante! te&'tation $e 'ose!" I li%te! &y glass again" t$is ti&e 3ust !i''ing t$e ti' o% &y

tongue into t$e li7ui!*

/O$" great" no# &y tongue+s gone nu&b* I% I %in! out t$is $as so&et$ing $ar&%ul in it" you+re goingto be $istory*/

2e grinne!* /Not$ing $ar&%ul*/

I rela4e! an! took anot$er si'" brace! %or t$e roar o% %ire t$at %loo!e! &y bo!y*

/Not to !ragons" t$at is* I+e neer $ear! o% a &ortal !rinking it an! suriing*/

T$e %ire %ro& t$e !rink see'e! into &y bloo!" 'ooling lo#" in &y groin* /You kno#" it+s not so ba!t$is ti&e* Maybe I+& getting use! *** 5hat do you mean no mortal has survived drin+ing it" 

2e s$rugge!* /@ust #$at I sai!*/

I set t$e glass !o#n care%ully* I $a! a notion t$at i% it s'las$e! oer onto t$e table" it #oul! eat rig$t

t$roug$ t$e #oo!*B /Do you &ean to tell &e t$at you let &e !rink so&et$ing 'oisonous an! you !i!n+t bot$er to #arn &e1/

/You aske! %or it* It #oul! $ae been ru!e o% &e to !eny you #$at you #ante!*/

/Yea$1 An! i% I aske! you to $el' &e 3u&' o%% t$e Ei%%el To#er" #oul! you !o it1/

2e !i! t$e cute $ea! ti' again* I gritte! &y teet$ an! %oug$t t$e !esire to grab $is $ea! an! kiss $i&*

/Are you likely to ask &e to $el' you 3u&' o%% t$e Ei%%el To#er1/

/No" but9/

/T$en it !oes not &atter #$at I #oul! !o* W$y $ae you soug$t &e out1/

I breat$e! $eaily t$roug$ &y nose %or a %e# secon!s" trying to get a gri' on t$e anger an! lust an!%rustration t$at #ere all &i4e! u' insi!e &e* /I* Want* My* Dragon* 5ack*/

/It+s not yours" t$oug$" is it1 You tol! &e you #ere 3ust t$e courier" !eliering it to M&e* Deau4ille*S$e is t$e rig$t%ul o#ner* W$at rig$t !o you $ae to it1/

/More t$an you $ae>/ I sna''e!* /I #ant it so I can return it to $er %a&ily* Go! only kno#s #$yyou #ant it*/

2e si''e! at $is !rink* /It+s 'retty* I like it* It+s &ine no#* 5esi!es #$ic$" it is t$e Ani&a !i Luci%er* Icannot relin7uis$ it to anyone #$o !oes not a''reciate its true $istory*/

I %ro#ne!* /T$e what o% Luci%er1/

"6nima. It+s Italian* T$e na&e &eans t$e +bloo! o% Luci%er*+ T$e a7ua&anile is one o% t$ree ob3ects

kno#n as t$e Tools o% 5ael*/

T$at coul! &ean anyt$ing or not$ing9t$e %olks !uring t$e Mi!!le Ages #ere a#%ully %on! o%giing i&'ressie" !rea! na&es to innocent ob3ects in or!er to increase t$e 'erceie! alue o% t$e

ob3ect* I $a! a su!!en" a#%ul t$oug$t* /It+s not*** u$ *** a %a&ily relic" is it1/

2e raise! $is eyebro#s*/It $as green eyes" like you* I t$oug$t &aybe it #as a %a&ily $eirloo& t$at so&eone sol! an!*** O$"

neer &in!*/ I %elt stu'i! een saying it" noting in a !istant 'art o% &y &in! $o# %ar I+! co&e since t$e&orning be%ore #$en I $a! no i!ea t$at suc$ t$ings+ as !ragons really e4iste!*

Drake leane! back in $is c$air" $is %ingers rubbing along t$e to' o% $is #ineglass* It #as a strangelyerotic &oe t$at $a! &e s7uir&ing in &y c$air* I took anot$er si' o% &y !rink" e&bracing t$e %ire t$at

roare! t$roug$ &e*

/W$at !o you kno# about !ragons1/

/T$ey+re big" scaly" %our.legge! creatures #it$ #ings #$o terrori0e! s&all illages until a irgin #aso%%ere! u' as a sacri%ice*/

2is grinne! again* /I !o &iss t$e irgins*/

I $a! an al&ost oer#$el&ing urge to kick $i&*

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2is grin !ee'ene!" but t$ere #as so&et$ing serious in $is eyes" anot$er #arning* /T$e &osti&'ortant t$ing you s$oul! kno# about !ragons is t$at t$ey 'rotect #$at is t$eirs* A !ragon #oul!

neer" un!er any con!ition" 'art #it$ any o% $is treasure*/

"Never is an a#%ully unco&'ro&ising #or!"/ I sai!" &y $eart sinking* I kne# it #as going to be$ar! getting t$e a7ua&anile %ro& Drake" but t$e look in $is eye tol! &e it #as going to be $ar!er t$an I


/Not as unco&'ro&ising as I"/ $e sai!" $is eyes !ancing #it$ silent laug$ter*

I took a !ee' breat$ to lessen &y al&ost oer#$el&ing !esire to 'unc$ $i& in $is obstinate but se4y

 3a#* /W$ile #e+re on t$e sub3ect o% 'ig$ea!e! &en *** !ragons *** #$ateer you are" let+s $ae a little!iscussion about #$at you #ere !oing at M&e* Deau4ille+s $ouse* I kno# t$at story about you being

#it$ Inter'ol #as a bunc$ o% bull" so !on+t een bot$er trotting t$at out again*/

/I #as #it$ Inter'ol9%or a bit* T$ey see&e! to take e4ce'tion to t$e %act t$at I #as using t$eir

resources to organi0e &y rare.arts ac7uisition 'rogra&*/ I stare! a 7uestion at $i&* 2e #ae! it a#ayas i% it #ere no &atter* /T$ey coul!n+t 'roe t$e c$arges" but once you $ae been tarre! #it$ t$e brus$

o% international t$ieery" it is $ar! to regain t$eir trust*/

/T$at goes #it$out saying* Di! you !ra# t$e Circle o% As$tarot$1/

/W$y #oul! I #ant to !o t$at1/ $e aske!" neatly aoi!ing t$e 7uestion* /W$at !i! t$e 'olice say toyou1/

I s&ile!* I #as on to $i& no#* 2e use! 'roocatie 7uestions to !istract &e #$eneer I #ante!in%or&ation %ro& $i&" but t#o coul! 'lay t$at ga&e* /Not &uc$* Di! you !ra# t$e circle1/

2is eyes !arkene!* /I% I !i! not kno# #$et$er it #as o'en or close!" is it likely I !re# it1 W$at$a''ene! to t$e !e&on t$at #as su&&one! by t$e circle1/

I groun! a#ay a %e# &ore layers o% toot$ ena&el oer $is nonans#ers* /I $ae no i!ea* Des'itestu!ying a %e# &e!ieal &anuscri'ts on t$e sub3ect" I+& $ar!ly a !e&on e4'ert*/

/You are a Guar!ian" een i% you are untraine!* It is in your nature to control !e&ons* Surely youcoul! %eel t$at one $a! been 'resent on t$e scene1/

I re&e&bere! t$e %eeling o% !rea!" t$at so&et$ing #as ery #rong as I a''roac$e! Mrrie*Deau4ille+s !oor* /Maybe"/ I sai!" !eter&ine! not to be !istracte! by $is 7uestions* /I% you !i!n+t !ra#

t$e circle" #$o !i!1/

2is ga0e %lickere! a#ay %ro& &e* /W$at &akes you t$ink I #oul! kno# t$at1/

/Call it a $unc$* Do you kno# #$o !re# t$e circle1/

2e s$rugge! an! si''e! $is #ine*

/Look" I kno# you+re all $ot on t$is big" ba!" 'o#er%ul !ragon kick" but t$is is i&'ortant* T$e 'olicet$ink I kille! M&e* Deau4ille" but t$ey can+t $ol! &e" because t$ey !on+t $ae any 'roo% t$at I !i!"

an! I !on+t $ae t$e ti&e to #ait aroun! until t$ey reali0e t$at I+& not guilty* I $ae to %igure out #$o!i! kill $er so I can get &y 'ass'ort back an! go $o&e* So #oul! you sto' 'laying t$e &ac$o ga&es

an! ans#er &y 7uestion1 &lease" 

/I !o not see t$e a!antage to &e to gie you #$at you #ant* (er$a's i% you $a! so&et$ing to barter

%or t$e in%or&ation" I &ig$t be #illing to gie it to you*/

I cla&'e! &y teet$ toget$er to kee' %ro& calling $i& eery na&e I coul! t$ink o%* /I $a! a aluable

anti7uity" but you stole t$at*/

/Yes"/ $e sai! cal&ly* /W$at else !o you $ae1/

2is ga0e caresse! t$e lo# neckline o% &y !ress" #$ere t$e u''er slo'es o% &y breasts s#elle! aboeit* I groun! &y teet$ so&e &ore" t$e sane 'art o% &y brain not #anting to &ake t$e bargain $e #as

$inting at" but not seeing any ot$er c$oice* We #on+t go into #$at t$e insane 'art #ante!* /I $ae &e*/

2is eyes s$i%te! to &y breasts" blatantly ogling &e no#* Des'ite t$e e&barrass&ent o% $aing to

o%%er &ysel% as a barter" &y breasts tig$tene! at t$e t$oug$t o% #$at it #oul! be like to $ae $is $an!s

on t$e&* Or $is &out$*

/T$at is true"/ $e sai! in a se4y !ra#l ric$ #it$ innuen!o* /2o#eer" I a& not sure t$at #$at you

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o%%er is #ort$ t$e 'rice you ask*/

)ury rose #it$in &e" %ury like not$ing I+e %elt be%ore* It #as all I coul! !o to kee' %ro& t$ro#ing

t$e re&ains o% &y !rink in $is %ace* /You arrogant" conceite!" egotistical" 'resu&'tuous9/

2is eyes glittere! !angerously as $e leane! %or#ar!" sto''ing &y #or!s #it$ t$e #arning in $is

glance* /You really !o not $ae t$e slig$test i!ea o% #$o I a&" !o you1/

I leane! %or#ar! as #ell" until #e #ere al&ost nose to nose* I &a!e t$e &eanest eyes 'ossible at

$i&* /I kno# you+re a nasty little t$ie% #$o stole &y !ragon*/

Anger roare! to li%e in $is eyes* I s#ear a %aint curl o% s&oke !ri%te! out o% $is le%t nostril* /Mate or

not" you go too %ar" Aisling*/

I stoo! u'" took a big s#ig o% t$e Dragon+s 5loo!" allo#ing its %ire to gie &e t$e strengt$ to #alk

a#ay %ro& t$e &an I #ante! si&ultaneously #ante! to t$rottle an! kiss* /)ine* 5e t$at #ay* You kno#"o% course" t$at I+& going to !o #$ateer it takes to get &y a7ua&anile back*/

2e incline! $is $ea! in ackno#le!g&ent* /You are %ree to try*/

I gae $i& a s$ar' no! in return an! starte! to leae*

/Aisling"/ $e sai!" sto''ing &e as $is oice caresse! &y %les$* I s$iere! again" rubbing t$e goose

 bu&'s on &y ar&s a#ay as I turne! back to look at $i&* 2e #as so $an!so&e" so !a&ne! $an!so&esitting t$ere t$at it al&ost took &y breat$ a#ay* /You !o un!erstan! t$at #$en I say t$at I #ill 'rotect

#$at is &ine" I &ean eeryt$ing" not 3ust treasure*/

O$" yes" $is &eaning #as crystal clear* ?arious 'arts o% &y bo!y #ante! to celebrate t$e look o% 'ossession in $is beauti%ul eyes" but I a& &a!e o% sterner stu%%* I li%te! &y c$in an! gae $i& as

!is!ain%ul a look as I coul! &uster" turning on &y $eel as I sai!" /In your !rea&s" !ragon boy>/

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I t$oug$t o% stor&ing out o% t$e bar on t$e e4it line to en! all e4it lines" but I caug$t sig$t o% O'$elia

an! (er!ita on t$e o''osite si!e o% t$e roo& an! !eci!e! I coul! use a little a!ice* As I starte! to#ar!

t$e&" I notice! a strange '$eno&enon9rat$er t$an $aing to 'us$ &y #ay t$roug$ t$e !ense t$rong o% 'eo'le as I $a! #$en I #ent oer to Drake" t$e cro#! 'arte! be%ore &e* It #as al&ost as i% t$ey #ere

inti&i!ate! by &e" a%rai! o% &e" &oing res'ect%ully out o% &y #ay*

It #as also as i% no one #ante! to touc$ &e*

I 'lastere! a %rien!ly s&ile on &y %ace an! ke't it t$ere #$ile t$e :e! Sea o% club.$o''ers 'arte!

 be%ore &e*

/So" #$o+s ga&e %or a !rink1/ I aske! as I sto''e! ne4t to O'$elia an! (er!ita* T$e t#o #o&en

looke! at &e like I $a! an e4tra $ea!* /I kno# I sure coul! use one*/

I 'lo''e! !o#n in &y c$air an! gae bot$ sisters a brig$t s&ile* O'$elia glance! at (er!ita* (er!ita

 blinke! at &e*

/W$at1/ I aske!" #on!ering i% I $a! so&et$ing $anging out o% &y nose or an e7ually e&barrassing


/You !i!n+t tell us you #ere also a #yern+s &ate* I $ear! t$at t$e !ragons #ere*** you kno#"!i%%erent* Do#n t$ere* So !i%%erent t$at t$ey $urt #o&en #$en t$ey !o it* 5ut you+re $is &ate" an! you!on+t look like you+e su%%ere!"/ (er!ita %inally sai!" $er oice 3ust barely aboe a #$is'er* I leane!

%or#ar! to $ear $er oer t$e lo# t$rob o% &usic* 5ot$ #o&en 3u&'e! back#ar!s in t$eir c$airs*

I sat back in &ine" %eeling &ore t$an a little $urt by t$eir reaction* Da&n Drake an! $is s$o#.o%%

kiss* T$e %irst nor&al 'eo'le I &eet" an! $e &akes t$e& t$ink I+& a %reak* I caug$t t$e #aitress+s eye asI sai!" /I+& not a #yern+s &ate* All t$at is nonsense* As %or t$e ot$er stu%%" I #oul!n+t kno#" alt$oug$

Drake looks 'retty nor&al to &e" i% broo!ing" se4y" &!rool guys are #$at you callnor&al* 2i* Can I $ae anot$er one o% t$ose Dragon+s 5loo! !rinks1 T$anks* As I #as saying" Drake is

$aying a bit o% %un at &y e4'ense" not$ing &ore*/ OK" OK" I !i!n+t 7uite beliee all t$at9t$e kiss #es$are! $a! so&et$ing ot$er t$an 3ust attraction going %or it" but I nee!e! ti&e an! 7uiet to t$ink about

#$at $a''ene!* 8ntil I %igure! it all out" !enial #as going to be &y best %rien!*

T$e sisters #atc$e! #it$ 'urse! li's as t$e #aitress $urrie! back #it$ a glass o% t$e %iery #ine* Isaore! a si' o% it" rolling it aroun! in &y &out$" #on!ering #$at sort o% s'ices #ere use! to gie t$e

#ine suc$ $eat* I $a! to a!&it t$at I #as gro#ing to en3oy t$e %las$ %ire t$at blaste! t$roug$ &e #it$

eac$ si'*

/Are you sure1/ O'$elia aske!" !oubt clearly ei!ent in $er eyes* /It looke! to us as i% Drake $a!

gien you $is %ire" an! you #it$stoo! it* Only a &ate #oul! surie suc$ a test*/

/Well" I+ll be t$e %irst 'erson to a!&it t$at $e+s 'robably t$e c$a&'ion kisser o% all Euro'e" but 3ust

 because #e $ae a little attraction t$ing going on" !oesn+t &ean t$at I+& a !ragonette* No#" #$at I #antto kno# is $o# you can !e%eat a !ragon*/

5ot$ la!ies blinke! in sur'rise at &e*

/De%eat9"/ O'$elia s7ueake!*

/9a !ragon1/ (er!ita %inis$e!*

I no!!e!*

/De%eat Drake1/ t$ey sai! toget$er*

I glance! oer O'$elia+s s$oul!er an! across t$e roo& to #$ere I coul! see Drake still sitting at t$e

table I $a! le%t* T$e t#o re!.$aire! &en $a! re3oine! $i&" one o% t$e& s'eaking ai!ly" $is $an!s#aing in t$e air as $e e&'$asi0e! so&e 'oint* Drake #as #atc$ing &e" $is e4'ression unrea!able at

t$is !istance" but I !i! see as $e li%te! $is glass in a silent toast* I li%te! &y o#n" !raining t$e contentsin a bra0en s$o# o% !e%iance*

/2ooooaaaaa$"/ I gas'e!" clutc$ing &y neck #$en t$e al&ost %ull contents o% t$e glass set %ire toeery &olecule in &y bo!y* Tears strea&e! !o#n &y %ace as I struggle! to 'ut out t$e in%erno #it$in

&e" an! it #asn+t until I o'ene! t$at &agical !oor in &y &in! t$at I gaine! enoug$ control oer t$einternal bla0e to allo# air to enter &y lungs again*

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/OK" t$at #as stu'i!"/ I #$ee0e!" #i'ing tears o%% &y c$eeks* O'$elia an! (er!ita sat silentlystaring at &e" t$eir o#n glasses sto''e! $al%#ay u' to t$eir &out$s" t$eir eyes $uge*

I glance! beyon! O'$elia to Drake to see i% $e notice! &y un%ortunate reaction* 2e #as s&iling*

Da&n* I looke! back to &y table&ates* /2oo> 2as a bit o% a kick" t$at !rink !oes* W$ere #ere #e1 O$"yea$" you guys #ere going to tell &e $o# to best a !ragon*/

(er!ita set $er glass o% #ine !o#n* /We #ere1 Aisling ** */ S$e glance! to $er sister*

O'$elia+s ga0e sli! o%% &y %ace as I looke! at $er" too* /W$at (er!ita is trying to say is t$at #e !on+tkno# $o# to !e%eat a !ragon*/

/You !on+t1 :ats* I #as $o'ing you+! $el' &e* Drake $as a s&all statue t$at $e stole %ro& &e" an! Ireally nee! to get it back* I+! be $a''y to 'ay %or any $el'"/ I $inte! broa!ly*

5ot$ #o&en #ere s$aking t$eir $ea!s be%ore I $a! %inis$e! s'eaking* /It+s not t$at #e #oul!n+t liketo $el' you"/ O'$elia sai!*

/5ut #e can+t"/ (er!ita a!!e!* /We+re not strong enoug$ to take on a !ragon" es'ecially a #yern"!ouble es'ecially t$e green #yern*/

A little %ro#n tugge! at &y eyebro#s* /(o#er%ul1 You &ean you t#o are ***/ I #ae! &y $an!

aroun! t$e roo& in a ague &anner*/We+re Wiccans" !i!n+t you kno#1/ O'$elia aske!*

(er!ita no!!e!* /(agan" o% course* We #oul! neer con!one any &agic t$at #as tainte! by a !ark


/O% course"/ I sai!" con%use!" but un#illing to a!&it it* I %elt stu'i! enoug$" like I $a! ste''e! into

t$e &i!!le o% a ga&e #$ere eeryone kne# t$e rules but &e*

/(eo'le #$o !ally #it$ t$e !ark 'o#ers are no better t$an t$ose t$ey use"/ O'$elia sai! so&e#$at


(er!ita no!!e!* /Worse" since t$ey $ae a c$oice*/

W$ateer* I #asn+t about to get into a &eta'$ysical !iscussion o% t$e rig$t an! #rong o% lig$t an!

!ark &agic* /So I take it you !o kno# so&eone #$o is 'o#er%ul enoug$ to take Drake on1/

T$e sisters e4c$ange! anot$er glance* I coul! rea! t$e reluctance in t$eir eyes*

/(lease"/ I sai!" allo#ing t$e !es'eration I %elt to cree' into &y oice* /T$is is ery i&'ortant to &e*

Drake see&s to t$ink t$e #$ole t$ing is a ga&e" but i% I !on+t get t$at statue back" I+& neer going to

get $i& to $el' &e*/

/2el' you1/ O'$elia aske!" looking as con%use! as I %elt* /I t$oug$t you sai! $e stole so&et$ing o%yours1/

I sig$e! an! brie%ly e4'laine! about t$e &ur!er an! &y isit #it$ t$e 'olice* /T$ere is a c$ance &y

uncle &ay not %ire &e outrig$t i% I !on+t $ae t$e !ragon a7ua&anile to $an! oer to $i&" es'ecially i% I

tell $i& t$at not een t$e 'olice coul! recoer it" but t$ere+s no #ay I+ll be able to get Drake to tell &e#$at $e kno#s about t$e &ur!er unless I $ae so&et$ing $e #ants" #$ic$ &eans I nee! to get t$e

 blaste! t$ing back so I can %orce $i& to tell &e* T$at+s t$e only #ay I+& going to be able to clear &yna&e*/

/5ut you+re $is &ate"/ (er!ita sai!* /W$y !on+t you 3ust ask $i& to $el' you1/

I ran &y %ingers along t$e ste& o% t$e #ineglass an! !eci!e! I $a! to s$oe &y 'rotectie !enial

asi!e %or a %e# &inutes* /I !on+t kno# e4actly #$at is going on bet#een &e an! Drake" #$at it &eansto be a #yern=s &ate" but I !o kno# t$at $e+s not going to $el' &e unless I bribe $i& to !o it* An!

since I !on+t $ae anyt$ing o% alue/9I ignore! t$e %aint blus$ t$at arose #$en I re&e&bere! $o# $escorne! t$e o%%er o% &y bo!y9/I $ae to %irst ac7uire so&et$ing $e #ants* Since t$e a7ua&anile is

rig$t%ully &y res'onsibility" t$at see&s like t$e logical t$ing to use* T$e 'roble& is" I !on+t kno# $o#to go about taking so&et$ing a#ay %ro& a !ragon* T$at+s #$y I aske! you i% you kno# o% so&eone

#$o !oes*/

(er!ita 'urse! $er li's" sli''ing O'$elia an unrea!able look* /T$ere+s only one &an 'o#er%ulenoug$ to !o #$at you ask*/

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I raise! an eyebro# in silent 7uestion*

/T$e ?ene!iger"/ (er!ita sai!*

A little curl o% %ear s$iere! !o#n &y s'ine as I glance! oer to #$ere t$e ?ene!iger $el! court att$e o'en en! o% t$e bar* I re&e&bere! t$e touc$ o% $is 'o#er" t$e %eeling t$at $e coul! easily

oer#$el& &e" an! t$e s$ier gre# to !rea!* /8&*/

/O% course" $e #ill !e&an! a 'rice %or $is serices"/ (er!ita 'ointe! out*

/O$1 I $ae a little cas$"/ I sai! slo#ly" ignoring t$e %act t$at I $a! s'ent al&ost all o% it* I #as eryuneasy about t$e t$oug$t o% turning to t$e ?ene!iger* T$ere #as so&et$ing about $i& t$at !i!n+t %eel***

rig$t* Drake" %or all $is arrogance an! &a!!ening attitu!e" at least %elt like $e #oul!n+t c$e# &e u' an!s'it &e out*

W$ic$ is 'robably t$e stu'i!est t$ing I+e eer t$oug$t* O% anyone in t$e bar #$o 'ose! a t$reat to&e" Drake #as nu&ero uno*

(er!ita laug$e!* O'$elia 3ust looke! #orrie!* /T$e 'ay&ent t$e ?ene!iger #ill ask o% you isn+t oneo% &oney"/ O'$elia sai! so%tly" $er %ingers #orrying a na'kin* +Truly" you !on+t #ant $is $el'* 2is

 'o#ers are***/ S$e looke! at (er!ita %or $el'*

/Dark"/ (er!ita sai!* /Do not enture !o#n t$at 'at$" Aisling* As one #$o $as seale! a 'ortal" you$ae triu&'$e! oer t$e !ark $or!e* Do not no# gie yoursel% to one #$o #ill !a&n you*/

I !i!n+t say anyt$ing %or a &o&ent* I !i!n+t 7uite kno# $o# to tell t$e& t$at I #asn+t a 'racticing

Guar!ian" $a!n+t seale! a 'ortal" an! %or t$at &atter" !i!n+t really kno# #$at t$ey #ere talking about*Instea! I gae in to t$e #orry nagging &y &in! #$eneer it t$oug$t about t$e ?ene!iger* An i!ea t$at

$a! slo#ly been gro#ing in &y &in! eery since &y conersation #it$ Drake &ig$t be t$e ans#er to&y 'roble&* /You+re rig$t* I can !o t$is #it$out $i&* T$anks %or all t$e a!ice" la!ies* I greatly

a''reciate it*/

/W$at are you going to !o1/ O'$elia aske! as I gat$ere! u' &y bag" e4tracte! a cou'le o% euros %or

t$e !rink" an! stoo! u'*

/I+& not sure yet" but I+& boun! to t$ink o% so&et$ing* It #as loely &eeting you bot$* I $o'e to see

you again soon*/

T$ey e4c$ange! glances again" O'$elia being no&inate! to s'eak as I starte! to leae* /You+re not

going to !o anyt$ing ras$" are you1/

/:as$1 Me1 T$e 7ueen o% circu&s'ect1 Don+t be silly"/ I sai!" s&iling reassuringly at t$e&" t$en

#it$out a single glance to#ar! t$e corner t$at Drake !o&inate!" $ea!e! out into t$e nig$t to raise &y%irst9an! $o'e%ully last9!e&on*

I kno# #$at you+re t$inking; Aisling su&&oning !e&ons1 T$e #o&an #$o 3ust a %e# $ours be%ore#oul! $ae laug$e! $ersel% $ysterical i% t$e sub3ect $a! been raise!1 Well" nee!s &ust as t$e !eil

!ries an! all t$at* I #as $esitant to beg t$e ?ene!iger %or $el'" so I $a! to !o so&et$ing &ysel% to gett$e a7ua&anile back" an! since eeryone ke't telling &e I #as a Guar!ian" I %igure! I &ig$t as #ell

start acting like one*

I 3ust #is$e! I kne# e4actly what a Guar!ian #as*Once I returne! to t$e $otel" I 'lace! a ery e4'ensie international call to 5et$" &y uncle+s

secretary" #$o also $a''ene! to be &y closest %rien!*

/5ell an! Sons"/ 5et$ ans#ere! t$e '$one in $er best 'ro%essional oice* I glance! at t$e clock* It

#as ,J" #$ic$ &eant it #as 3ust a%ter t$ree in t$e a%ternoon in Seattle*

/2ey" c$icky" it+s &e*/

/Aisling1 Girl" #$ere $ae you been1 Darien is going out o% $is $ea!* We got a call earlier %ro& a

 'olice&an in (aris #$o says you #ere inole! #it$ t$e &ur!er o% M&e* Deau4ille* W$at on eart$ isgoing on1/

I 'ulle! a 'illo# be$in! &e as I sat back on t$e be!" s$u%%ling t$e &any '$one &essages t$at #ere#aiting %or &e #$en I returne!* T$ere #ere si4 &essages %ro& 8ncle Da&ian I tosse! t$ose a#ay9I

#asn+t rea!y to %ace $is #rat$ until I $a! t$e a7ua&anileB" t$ree %ro& t$e 8*S* E&bassy saying t$eynee!e! to get in touc$ #it$ &e regar!ing &y status in (aris as an un!esirable so &uc$ %or* $el' %ro&

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t$at 7uarterB" an! one %ro& so&eone na&e! Wart #$o clai&e! t$at once I $a! a taste o% $is %orke!tongue" I+! neer go back to !ragon again* hat &essage I set asi!e to burn* /5et$" i% I tol! you #$at

#as going on" you #oul!n+t beliee &e* 2onestly" t$is $as been t$e #orst cou'le o% !ays o% &y li%e" an!%rankly" it !oesn+t look like it+s going to get better soon* W$at !i! t$e 'olice tell 8ncle Da&ian1/

/Not &uc$* I got t$e i!ea t$ey #ere %is$ing %or in%or&ation about you &ore t$an t$ey #ere telling

$i& anyt$ing* W$at $a''ene!1/

I gae $er a brie% su&&ary o% t$e eents*

/Goo! golly" Miss Molly" you really $ae been busy* W$at can I !o1/

T$at+s #$at I like about 5et$9s$e !oesn+t #aste ti&e $as$ing oer useless stu%%* S$e gets rig$t tot$e 'oint*

/)irst" you can tell &y uncle t$at I !i!n+t kill anyone" an! I+& going to !o eeryt$ing in &y 'o#er toget t$e a7ua&anile back %ro& t$e &an #$o stole it*/

/Da&ian sai! t$e 'olice &entione! t$at you clai&e! it $a! been stolen*/

/Yea$" #ell" t$ey !on+t #ant to beliee &e" an! consi!ering t$e guy #$o stole it" I !on+t entirely

 bla&e t$e&* 5ut it #as stolen" an! I+& going to get it back*/

I !i!n+t tell $er t$at I 'lanne! to use t$e statue to te&'t Drake into $el'ing &e" but $ey" internationalcalls #ere e4'ensie* I coul!n+t &ention eeryt$ing" no#" coul! I1

/I+ll tell $i&* Is t$ere anyt$ing I can !o $ere1/

/Yea$* I nee! to you to !ro' by &y a'art&ent an! grab a transcri'tion o% one o% t$e &e!ieal te4ts I

rea! last su&&er*/

/T$is is $ar!ly t$e ti&e %or a little lig$t rea!ing" As$*/

/Don+t I kno# it*/ I gae $er instructions on #$ere to %in! t$e transcri'tion an! rea! t$e $otel+s %a4

nu&ber o%% t$e in%or&atie broc$ure t$at I $a! 'icke! u' in t$e lobby* /)a4 &e t$e c$a'ter onsu&&oning a !e&on" +K1/


I sig$e! an! rubbe! &y eyes* Des'ite t$e strengt$ t$e %iery Dragon+s 5loo! $a! gien &e" I #as

 bor!ering on e4$austion* /I !on+t $ae ti&e to e4'lain t$e $o#s an! #$ys no#" 5et$* @ust %a4 &e t$ec$a'ter*/

I s'ent a %e# &ore &inutes reassuring $er t$at I $a!n+t lost t$e #its re&aining to &e an! %inally $ung

u'" colla'sing on t$e be!" aslee' een be%ore I coul! turn o%% t$e lig$t*

T$e !rea& starte! so&eti&e aroun! !a#n* I t$oug$t at %irst I #as !rea&ing about #alking into a!arkene! G 6 T" but 7uickly I reali0e! t$at I #as back in M&e* Deau4ille+s a'art&ent" a so%t" silery

lig$t %ro& t$e streetla&'s s$ining t$roug$ t$e o'en curtains !oing little to 'ierce t$e !arkness* T$e air#as &usty an! #ar&; t$e %lo#ers on t$e table I+! seen be%ore #ere still scenting t$e roo&* In t$e center

o% t$e roo& t$e circle o% as$ re&aine!" but t$ank%ully M&e* Deau4ille+s bo!y #as &issing*

/W$at a& I !oing $ere1/ I aske! alou!*

A s$a!o# se'arate! itsel% %ro& t$e #all an! resole! itsel% into Drake+s %or&* 2e gli!e! to#ar! &e"t$e lig$t casting t$e lines o% $is %ace into $ars$ relie% #$ile t$e rest o% $is bo!y re&aine! in s$a!o#* /I

calle! you $ere*/

/You+re a !rea&"/ I sai!" unsure i% I really #as !rea&ing" or i% I $a! so&e$o# been trans'orte! to t$e

scene o% t$e &ur!er* /You+re not real*/

/No1 (er$a's not* Or 'er$a's t$e line t$at !ii!es reality an! %antasy $as beco&e blurre! in your


2is $an!s sli''e! u' &y bare ar&s* I looke! !o#n at &ysel%" sur'rise! by t$e touc$ o% $is $an!s on

&y bare skin* I #as #earing an absolutely gorgeous crea&.colore!!.lace negligee" one t$ate&'$asi0e! &y goo! 'oints an! $i! t$e ba! ones* /No# I kno# t$is is a !rea&* I !on+t o#n a

nig$tgo#n like t$is*/

I sli''e! e%%ortlessly into $is ar&s #it$ 3ust t$e slig$test tug o% $is %ingers on &y s$oul!ers* 2e #as

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#earing a black silk s$irt t$at %elt like cool #ater beneat$ &y $an!s*

/(er$a's t$at 'articular go#n is 'art o% my %antasy"/ $e a!&itte! #it$ a roguis$ s&ile" $is %ingers

!ancing along t$e e4'ose! %les$ o% &y back" trailing %ire #it$ eery touc$*

I leane! closer to catc$ t$at elusie" s'icy scent t$at see&e! to cling to $i&* /Are you saying t$at

t$is is real" t$en1/

/It+s as real as you #ant it to be" s#eet$eart"/ $e &ur&ure! against &y collarbone" $is li's caressing

&y skin* I% I t$oug$t $e $a! &agic %ingers" $is li's #ere can!i!ates %or t$e 2ou!ini 2all o% )a&e*

/:eally1/ I breat$e!" allo#ing &y %ingers to !o a little #alking o% t$eir o#n* 2e groane! as I sli! &y

$an!s !o#n t$e silken contours o% $is c$est* /T$en &aybe you+! like to talk about #$y you #ere atM&e* Deau4ille+s last nig$t1/

2is c$uckle #as a bit rusty" as i% $e !i!n+t use it ery &uc$* /You !on+t gie u'" !o you1/

/Not #$en &y %ree!o& is at stake*/ I s#irle! &y %ingers lo#er" oer $is belly* 5eneat$ t$e &aterial

o% $is s$irt" $is sto&ac$ contracte!* /Di! you $ae an a''oint&ent #it$ $er1/

2e !iscoere! t$e s#eet s'ot be$in! &y ear* I arc$e! into $i&" &y &in! t$reatening to co&'letely

gie itsel% oer to t$e 'leasure o% $is &out$ on &y %les$* /Not #it$ $er" no*/

It took eery ounce o% #ill'o#er to kee' &y &in! on t$e 7uestions I #ante! so !es'erately %or $i&to ans#er* /Di! you !ra# t$e circle1/

/Dragons can+t su&&on !e&ons"/ $e #$is'ere! into &y neck 3ust be%ore $e sucke! &y earlobe into

$is &out$* My knees buckle!* 2is ar&s tig$tene! be$in! &e" $ol!ing &e u' as I let &y $an!s !ri%tlo#er" oer t$e tig$t %ront o% $is black 3eans* 5eneat$ t$e 0i''er $e t#itc$e!*

/Do you kno# #$o !i! !ra# it1/

2e breat$e! a groan into &y ear* /I% you touc$ &e t$ere again" t$is !rea& #ill beco&e &ore real

t$an you can i&agine*/

I #as te&'te!9o$" $o# I #as te&'te!* My %ingers $oere! 3ust in %ront o% $i&" but I nee!e!

ans#ers" so #$en sanity sank t$roug$ all t$e !esire an! nee! an! lust t$at #ere s#irling t$roug$ &y brain as t$ey trie! to blot out rational t$oug$t" I 'aye! attention to it* I reerse! &y $an!s an! sent

t$e& u'#ar! instea!" &a''ing out t$e terrain aroun! $is rib cage* /T$e circle1/ I aske! again*

2is teet$ scra'e! gently along t$e cure o% &y ear" $is breat$ $ars$ an! $ot on &y skin* /No" I !o

not kno# #$o !re# it*/

T$ere #as a slig$t in%lection on t$e #or! +now. 2e &ig$t not kno# %or certain" but I #as #illing to

 bet $e $a! a goo! i!ea o% #$o #as res'onsible %or t$e circle" 'ossibly %or t$e &ur!er" too*

/W$o !o you91/

2e cut o%% &y 7uestion by kissing &e* 8nlike t$e kiss in t$e bar" t$is ti&e I kne# #$at to e4'ect"an! I reele! in t$e $eat $e 'oure! into &e" allo#ing it to %lo# bet#een us like a co&'lete! circuit* I

&elte! against $i&" $is %ingers !igging into &y be$in! to 'ull &e tig$ter* 2e #as arouse!" $is bo!yaggressie an! $ar! against &ine" $is %ingers eery#$ere in touc$es t$at beca&e 'rogressiely &ore

insistent* I tugge! t$e tail o% $is s$irt out %ro& $is 3eans an! sli! &y $an!s un!er $is s$irt to %eel t$e&uscles o% $is back*

2e &oane! into &y &out$" a &oan I %elt all t$e #ay !o#n to &y toenails*

/You cannot touc$ &e like t$at an! e4'ect &e to re&ain in control*/ T$e #arning in $is oice #as

$eate!" as $eate! as &y bloo!" #$ic$ I s#ore #as about rea!y to boil as $is li's &oe! !o#n &y 3a#

to &y neck" 'ressing $ot kisses into &y %les$* /I% you !o it again" I #ill not be res'onsible %or #$at$a''ens*/

A s$ier o% 'ure !esire ri''le! !o#n &y s'ine as $e bent &e back#ar!s an! licke! t$e alley

 bet#een &y breasts* I clutc$e! $an!%uls o% $is $air" trying to !eci!e #$at I #ante! to !o9gie in tot$e !esire t$at #as roaring t$roug$ &e like $is %ire" or re&ain %ully in control o% t$e situation" not to

&ention &y li%e*

/W$at t$e $ell9t$is is 3ust a !rea&"/ I sai!" &y oice s$aky as $is &out$ &oe! in $ot circlesaroun! one satin.coere! breast* /T$at &akes t$is not$ing &ore t$an a %antasy" an! I re%use to %eelguilty about %antasies*/

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Drake li%te! $is $ea!" $is eyes glo#ing green in t$e %aint lig$t* /I+& so gla! you re%use to %eel guilty*)antasies s$oul! al#ays be encourage!" es'ecially #$en t$ey inole &e*/

/Arrogant !ragon* Too &uc$ talking"/ I &ur&ure! as I tugge! on $is $air until $is &out$ #as #$ere

I #ante! it* I clai&e! it" #elco&ing t$e %las$ o% !ragon %ire t$at %ille! &e #$en &y tongue rubbe!alongsi!e $is* My $an!s sli! !o#n t$e sleek &uscles o% $is c$est" 'ausing %or a &o&ent to tease t#o

i&'u!ent ni''les*

2is breat$ing #ent c$o''y as I slit$ere! !o#n $is c$est" kissing a 'at$ along $is collarbone" t$en!o#n t$e &i!!le o% $is c$est* I ac$e! to touc$ $i&" kiss $i&" taste $i&" &y bo!y tig$t an! gat$ere! as

i% %or a lea'" but our stan!ing 'osition #as too a#k#ar! to &aintain %or long*

I kisse! &y #ay back u' to $is 3a#" nibbling on $is earlobe %or a &o&ent be%ore gro#ling into $is

ear" /In &y %antasies t$ere+s a long" #i!e c$aise #$ere I can co&%ortably %rolic u'on your bo!y* A re!elet couc$* Wit$ gol! tassels*/

/So&et$ing like t$is1/ $e aske!" s#ee'ing &e u' into $is ar&s an! turning to t$e long" #i!e re!elet c$aise bearing a nu&ber o% silk 'illo#s #it$ gol! tassels t$at #as $i!!en in t$e s$a!o#s* 2e lai!

&e gently on t$e c$aise" stan!ing oer &e %or a &o&ent" ga0ing at &e #it$ eyes t$at $a! gone a !ark

%orest green*

/E4actly like t$at" e4ce't you+re t$e one on t$e botto&*/2is $an!s straye! to t$e buckle o% $is belt* /Are you sure" Aisling1 Once #e begin" I #ill not be able

to sto'* It is t$e #ay o% t$e !ragons to 'ossess t$eir &ates %ully* You &ust be certain t$is is #$at you#ant*/

I stretc$e! #it$ t$e sensual langui!ness o% a #ell.%e! cat It #as 3ust a %antasy" not$ing but a !rea&create! by t$e %rustrate! attraction I %elt %or Drake* Surely in!ulging in a little $ealt$y brain se4 coul!n+t

 be ba!1 /Yes" I+& certain*/

I% t$ere #as a lan!.s'ee! recor! %or getting out o% tig$t 3eans" I+& #illing to bet t$at Drake broke it*

One &o&ent $e #as stan!ing oer &e" scorc$ing &y bo!y #it$ $is green.%ire ga0e; t$e ne4t $e #asnake!" $ar! an! arouse!" cra#ling u' t$e couc$ to 'art &y legs* /I can s&ell your !esire"/ $e sai! in a

lo# oice t$at see&e! to rub itsel% against &e* 2is $ea! !i''e! to kiss &y belly as $is $an!s sli! u' &yt$ig$s" s'rea!ing t$e&* /It &atc$es &y !esire" &y nee!* You are &y &ate" Aisling" but I #ill s$o# no

&ercy to you" %or tonig$t" I #ill &ake you truly &ine*/

T$e s$ier t$at s#e't oer &e $a! not$ing to !o #it$ %ear" an! eeryt$ing to !o #it$ arousal* Drake

 'us$e! t$e satin nig$tgo#n u'" kissing in t$e #ake o% t$e %rot$y lace t$at $e&&e! t$e botto&* 2is&out$ #as $ot an! aggressie on &y sto&ac$" &oing $ig$er as $e bare! &y breasts" t$e $ot bran! o%

$is bo!y singeing &y %les$ #$ereer #e touc$e!* 2is tongue s#e't oer one ac$ing ni''le" %ollo#e! by t$e gentle sting o% $is teet$ as $e tugge! on t$e ten!er %les$* I arc$e! beneat$ $i&" &in!less to

eeryt$ing but t$e touc$ o% $is &out$ an! $an!s" &y bo!y #ee'ing silent tears o% !esire as I !ug &y%ingers into t$e $eay &uscles o% $is be$in!" trying to 'ull $i& closer" trie! to &erge &ysel% #it$ $i&*

/No"/ $e #$is'ere!" $is &out$ $oering oer &y ot$er breast* I groane! as $e lat$e! t$at breast" $is$an!s an! &out$ stroking an! teasing &e into a %ren0y o% nee!* /T$e %irst ti&e" I &ust take you as a

!ragon+s &ate* A%ter t$at" #e can &ake loe as $u&ans !o*/

I rubbe! &ysel% against $i&" &y legs closing aroun! $i& in a !es'erate" oer#$el&ing #ae o% 'assion* /I !on+t care $o# #e !o it9I 3ust #ant you insi!e &e" Drake* Dee' insi!e &e* Now#7

2e rose u'" $is knees on eit$er si!e o% &y legs* I stare! u' at $i&" 'art o% &y &in! &areling at t$e

 beauti%ul" &asculine sig$t $e &a!e" t$e ot$er 'art #on!ering 3ust $o# $e e4'ecte! to &ake loe #it$&y legs tra''e! bet#een $is* 2e snake! a $an! beneat$ &e" 'ulling &y $i's u'#ar!" $is %ingers curle!

aroun! one t$ig$" 'arting &y legs 3ust enoug$ to su!!enly 'ossess &e #it$ $is &out$* I #as gro#ing%a&iliar #it$ t$e $eat o% $is !ragon %ire %laring t$roug$ &e #$en #e kisse!" but t$e $eat t$at roare! to

li%e %ro& t$is &ost inti&ate kiss $a! &e literally screa&ing #it$ 'leasure* )la&es licke! &y sensitie%les$ as $is tongue 'robe!" s#irle!" an! sucke!" leaing &e breat$less an! #rit$ing in $is gri'* 5e%ore I

coul! !o so &uc$ as catc$ a breat$" $e 'ulle! t#o %at gol! silk 'illo#s beneat$ &e" %li''ing &e oer so&y belly reste! on t$e 'illo#" $is bo!y coering &e co&'letely #it$ $is $ar! $eat*

/You are &ine" Aisling"/ $e sai! 3ust be%ore $e s'rea! &y legs an! t$rust into &e" $is teet$ biting

into t$e %les$ o% &y s$oul!er at t$e sa&e &o&ent* I #as 'inne!" $el'less" unable to &oe" Drake+s bo!y $eay on &ine as $e &oe! #it$in &e" long" !ee' strokes t$at.see&e! to touc$ eery 'art o% &e*

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T$e tension t$at $a! starte! buil!ing #it$ $is %irst touc$ #oun! tig$ter an! tig$ter as $is &oe&entrubbe! &y breasts" ac$ing an! s#ollen" against t$e abrasie te4ture o% t$e elet c$aise* I &a!e one

$al%.$earte! atte&'t to &oe" but t$e resulting gro#l o% re%usal ca&e not %ro& $is t$roat" but %ro& !ee'in $is c$est" an! I kne# t$at t$e $ol! $e $a! on &y s$oul!er #as $is #ay o% kee'ing &e sub&issie*

I+e neer been one to take 'leasure #$ere I coul!n+t gie it" as #ell" but I #as too oer#$el&e! byDrake+s 'ossession to co&'lain* 2e see&e! to sense &y co&'liance because $e beca&e &ore %orce%ul"

licking &y s$oul!er an! neck" $is bo!y 'u&'ing $ar! an! %aster into &ine" stretc$ing &e" %illing &e" 'us$ing &e beyon! #$at I t$oug$ #ere nor&al $u&an li&its o% tolerance" an! into a real& o% %la&e.

licke! ecstacy*

@ust as I tre&ble! on t$e e!ge o% an orgas& I kne# #oul! be unlike anyt$ing else I+! kno#n" Drake

tilte! &e to t$e si!e" $is &out$ on &y collarbone as $e ra&&e! into &e #it$ enoug$ %orce to knock t$ere&aining 'illo#s to t$e %loor* My bo!y e4'lo!e! in a con%lagration o% $eat an! ra'ture" &in!less o%

t$e burning %la&e t$at seare! &y %les$ beneat$ Drake+s &out$* 2is s$out o% triu&'$ rang in &y ears as#e burne! brig$t toget$er" %or a &o&ent see&ingly &a!e o% %ire rat$er t$an %les$ an! bloo!*

I !ri%te! %or a #$ile a%ter &at" not 7uite sure #$et$er I #ante! to co&e !o#n %ro& t$e $ig$ $e $a!

!rien &e to" .but eentually I re&e&bere! $o# to breat$e" an! &y brain !eci!e! to go back to #ork

again* I o'ene! &y eyes an! %oun! t$at I #as !ra'e! across Drake" t$e !a&'ness o% $is c$est an!ragge! nature o% $is breat$ a testa&ent t$at $e $a! en3oye! $i&sel% as &uc$ as I $a!*

I 'resse! a kiss to t$e center o% $is c$est" t$en sli! o%% $i&" scoo'ing t$e satin o% t$e nig$tgo#n u'%ro& #$ere it $a! lan!e! on t$e %loor #it$ t$e 'illo#s*

Drake+s eyes o'ene! as I 'ulle! it on*

+T$at #as truly t$e &ost a&a0ing t$ing I+e eer e4'erience!"/ I sai!" leaning oer to ni' $is botto&

li'* /It goes #it$out saying t$at you $ae %ul%ille! eery #il! %antasy I coul! eer i&agine* T$ank you"Drake*/

A slig$t %ro#n #rinkle! $is bro# as $e rose %ro& t$e c$aise" starkly &asculine een in $is restingstate* /It #ill al#ays be t$is #ay bet#een us* You are &y &ate*/

/I+& not sure #$at I a& ot$er t$an sate! #it$in an inc$ o% &y li%e* No #on!er you guys are i&&ortal

 9i% t$is is $o# se4 is nor&ally" you+! !ie o% e4tre&e 'leasure i% you #eren+t* As &uc$ as I+! like to

stay an! see i% I can+t rustle u' anot$er %antasy" I $ae to let &y brain get so&e slee' so it+s nice an!s$ar' to&orro#* I% you recall" I !o $ae a &ur!er to %igure out* I !on+t su''ose you+! care to o%%er &e

any a!ice about $o# to %in! t$e 'erson res'onsible %or !ra#ing t$e circle an! killing M&e*Deau4ille1/

/I $ae ans#ere! t$ree 7uestions tonig$t" an! t$at is all you are allo#e!"/ Drake sai!" tugging &eagainst $is bo!y* I &elte! against $i&" &y cures cus$ioning $is $ar! lines" $is $an!s 'ulling &e u'

against 'roo% o% $is rene#e! igor* T$e !ragon %ire s#e't t$roug$ &e" t$reatening to consu&e &e untilI returne! it to $i&*

2e 'ulle! $is &out$ %ro& &ine" ste''ing back#ar!s a#ay %ro& &e" an! I #oul! $ae %ollo#e! $i&an! clai&e! anot$er one o% $is &in!.searingly #on!er%ul kisses" but $e sli! back into t$e s$a!o#s" t$e

green o% $is eyes glittering %ro& t$e blackness %or a &o&ent be%ore it !issole! into t$e nig$t* /Look tot$e circle" Aisling* T$e ans#er you seek is t$ere*/

I a#oke to t$e ec$o o% $is !arkly se4y oice in &y $ea!" &y $eart beating &a!ly as i% I+! 3ust run u'all %ie %lig$ts o% stairs" t$e taste o% $is burning kiss still on &y li's" &y bo!y still $u&&ing #it$

 'leasure" !ee'" secret 'arts o% &e still 7uiering %ro& t$e &e&ory o% $is inasion*

/It #as 3ust a !rea&"/ I tol! &ysel%" trying $ar! to 'us$ !o#n t$e !esire to call $i& back* /A really"

really erotic !rea&" but still 3ust a !rea&* Not$ing &ore* Not real at all* @ust a %ig&ent o% youroerse4e! i&agination*/

My oice #as reassuringly soli! in t$e gray lig$t o% t$e !a#n*

/@ust a !rea&"/ I sai! again as I %li''e! &y 'illo# oer to let t$e cool linen !a&'en &y !rea& ar!or*

W$en I #oke u' t#o $ours later" I #as #earing a crea&.an!.lace negligee t$at I !i!n+t re&e&ber buying*

2ere+s a little $int %or t$ose o% you 'lanning on su&&oning a !e&on, Don+t stint on your su''lies* I%you !on+t inest in 7uality 'ro!ucts" you run t$e risk o% getting one o% t$e lesser !e&ons* T$ink runts o%

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t$e litter*

5eing in a %rugal state o% &in!" #$en I arrie! at A&elie+s s$o' t$e %ollo#ing &orning #it$ t$e

s$eets o% instructions on !e& t$at 5et$ $a! %a4e! &e" I scorne! t$e &ore e4'ensie

ite&s an! settle! %or #$at I #as sure #oul! be e7ually iable an! &uc$ c$ea'erB substitutes* A&elie!i!n+t 7uestion &e at all on &y 'urc$ases until I 'ile! t$e& on t$e counter*

/C$alk" 'uri%ie! #ater" salt" as$" a co&'ass" an! a co''er #a4 stick* Co''er1 Are you sure1/

I no!!e!* Eeryone kne# t$ose &e!ieal guys #ere &ore t$an a little bit gol! obsesse!* As long ast$e stick looke! gol!is$" t$e !e&on #oul!n+t kno# I $a!n+t use! actual gol!*

/T$is as$ is not !ea! &an+s as$"/ A&elie sai!" turning t$e label to %ace &e*

/Yea$" I kno#" but as$ is as$*/

S$e 'urse! $er li's" an! $er glance %lickere! to#ar! t$e bottle o% #ater* /2oly #ater is &ore bene%icial" I beliee*/

/It+s also &ore e4'ensie"/ I sai!" rea!ing oer t$e %a4e! s$eet* /O$" !o you $ae a co'y o% he

 Boo+ of Sacred 1agic by Abra&elin t$e Mage1 My co'y is back $o&e*/

Silently s$e 'lucke! a s&all book o%% a books$el% an! $an!e! it to &e*

/T$anks* T$at+s eeryt$ing" t$en*/

S$e eye! &e %or a &o&ent be%ore &oing to an anti7ue cas$ register* /I $o'e you kno# #$at you+re


/You an! &e bot$"/ I sai! un!er &y breat$" t$en gae $er a toot$y grin #$en s$e looke!7uestioningly at &e*

T#o $ours later I c$alke! a circle about t$ree %eet across on t$e car'et in &y $otel roo&" beingcare%ul to leae a break in t$e circle so it #asn+t close!* I %inally un!erstoo! #$at it #as Drake $a!

 been asking &e #$en $e #ante! to kno# i% t$e circle at M&e* Deau4ille+s #as close! or not*

/Too ba! I !i!n+t rea! t$e instructions on $o# to su&&on a !e&on until no#"/ I &u&ble! to &ysel%

as I use! t$e salt to retrace t$e circle #i!!ers$ins* /Maybe I coul! $ae %igure! out #$et$er or not t$at

circle $a! been use!* A$ #ell* On#ar! an! u'#ar!* Let+s see ***/ I gna#e! on &y lo#er li' as I rea! t$eslig$tly blurry %a4* I+! begge! 5et$ to co'y a c$a'ter out o% one o% t$e books I sel!o& looke! at because it consiste! solely o% reci' instructions on su&&oning arious !e&ons" so&et$ing t$at

until no# #as strictly an aca!e&ic rat$er t$an 'ractical interest*

/A!! a 'inc$ o% !ea! &an+s as$ to a tables'oon o% $oly #ater" &i4 t$oroug$ly" bake until !one" %rost

i% !esire!*/ I snickere! to &ysel% an! t$en looke! back at t$e s$eet" ta''ing it as I rea!* +Trace t$et#ele sy&bols o% one o% t$e !e&on lor!s #it$ a scribe o% gol!" %ollo#e! by t$e %our sy&bols o% t$e

!e&on you #is$ to su&&on.using t$e as$ o% a branc$ t$at $as lain across a grae* Well" I+& going #it$a co''er #a4 stick an! 'lain ol! as$ rat$er t$an a gol! scribe an! !ea! &an+s as$" but I+& sure it+ll be

goo! enoug$* No#" #$o s$all I try %or1/

I 'ulle! out t$e book I+! 'urc$ase! at A&elie+s an! bro#se! t$roug$ t$e listings o% !e&on lor!s an!

t$e !e&ons #$o &a!e u' eac$ o% t$eir legions* T$ere #ere eig$t !e&on lor!s also kno#n as t$e

 'rinces o% 2ellB" eac$ o% #$o& $a! t$eir o#n strengt$s an! #eaknesses* Since t$is #as &y %irst ti&esu&&oning u' a !e&on" I %elt t$at it #as better to go #it$ one o% t$e lesser lor!s* T$e one #$o caug$t&y eye #as calle! A&ay&on9$e #as su''ose!ly kno#n %or $is %iery" 'oisonous breat$*

/Soun!s rig$t u' Drake+s alley"/ I sai!" %li''ing t$roug$ t$e c$a'ters to %in! one o% A&ay&on+s

!e&ons* /2&&* +E%%ri3i&, one #$o 7uiers in a $orrible &anner*+ T$at !oesn+t soun! too scary* 5eatst$e 'ants o%% o% t$e !e&on #$o+s kno#n %or !ecaying in li7ui! 'utre%action*/

I !re# t$e !e&on lor!+s sy&bols #it$ t$e co''er stick" $o'ing #$ile I !i! so t$at t$e sy&bols #oul!

co&e out o% t$e rug #it$ a little soa' an! #ater" t$en use! t$e as$ to !ra# t$e !e&on E%rri3i&+ssy&bols* /All rig$t" s$o#ti&e"/ I sai!" 're'aring to close t$e circle* Accor!ing to t$e instructions" it

#as ery i&'ortant t$at t$e circle be close! 'ro'erly *** #$ic$ &eant bloo!* I took t$e 'in %ro& t$eco&'li&entary $otel se#ing kit an! 'ricke! t$e en! o% &y %inger" closing t$e circle #it$ a s&ear o%


T$e secon! t$e bloo! touc$e! t$e car'et" t$e air #it$in t$e circle began to s$i&&er* T$e $airs on t$e

 back o% &y neck stoo! on en! in res'onse" t$e $u& o% c$arge! 'o#er #it$in t$e circle so

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!isconcerting" I ca&e close to rubbing out t$e c$alk lines in or!er to !estroy #$ateer it #as t$at I $a!starte!" but I t$oug$t o% Drake an! Ins'ector (roust an! 5et$ an! een &y 8ncle Da&ian" an! kne# I

$a! to %inis$ it*

Stan!ing be%ore t$e circle" I use! t$e co&'ass to align &ysel% so I coul! call u' t$e 7uarters* I turne!%irst to t$e east* T$e book sai! to !ra# a 'rotectie #ar!" but I $a! no i!ea #$at t$at #as" so I 3ust

sketc$e! a 'eace sy&bol in t$e air* /Guar!ian o% t$e to#ers o% t$e east" I su&&on you to guar! t$is


Turning sout$" I !re# a 'eace sy&bol %or t$at !irection as I s'oke t$e a''ro'riate #or!s* /Guar!ian

o% t$e to#er o% t$e sout$" I su&&on you to guar! t$is circle*/

I re'eate! t$e 'rocess %or t$e t#o re&aining 7uarters" %inis$ing #it$ t$e #or!s t$at #oul! su&&on

t$e !e&on to &e* /I con3ure t$ee" E%%ri3i&" by t$e 'o#er o% t$y lor! A&ay&on" also calle! t$e bringero% %ire" creator o% all t$ings 'oisonous" to a''ear be%ore &e no# #it$out noise an! terror* I su&&on

t$ee" E%%ri3i&" to ans#er truly all 7uestions t$at I s$all ask t$ee* I co&&an! t$ee" E%%ri3i&" to &y #ill by t$e irtue o% &y 'o#er* 5y &y $an! t$y s$all be boun!" by &y bloo! t$y s$all be boun!" by &y

oice t$y s$all be boun!>/

T$ere #as a blue crackle o% static in t$e air; t$en a no4ious t$ick black s&oke 'oure! out o% t$e

circle* I cra#le! to#ar! t$e #in!o#" coug$ing an! $acking" t$ro#ing t$e #in!o#s o'en #i!e" leaning

&y u''er bo!y outsi!e to !rag !ee'" gas'ing breat$s o% air into &y lungs* Wis's o% black s&oke#a%te! oer &y $ea!" slo#ly !issi'ating into t$e a%ternoon bree0e t$at ca&e u' %ro& t$e Seine* Icoug$e! out t$e last o% t$e !e&on s&oke" t$en turne! back to t$e roo&" #aing t$e s&oke out o% &y

#ay so I coul! see &y !e&on*

A black !og sat in t$e circle* A large $airy black !og* One t$at slobbere!*

/A !og1/ I sai!" 'lo''ing in a sur'rise! $ea' ne4t to t$e #in!o#* /I su&&one! u' a dog" 

/I+& not 3ust any !og"/ t$e ani&al snarle!" its 'ink tongue %las$ing as it s'oke* My eyes #i!ene! as I

reali0e! t$at t$e #or!s ca&e %ro& its black li's* /W$at" are you" blin!1 I+& a Ne#%oun!lan!> T$at+slike royalty a&ong !ogs>/

T$e !og #as talking to &e1 /8$ *** you+re a Newfie You+re a !e&on #$o+s a Newfie" 

T$e !e&on sni%%e! in an irritate! &anner an! licke! its s$oul!er* /We 're%er t$e #or! Newfoundland, t$ank you*/

I su&&one! u' a 'olite !e&on Ne#%ie1 I s$ook &y $ea!* So&et$ing #as ery #rong $ere*

/De&on" #$at is t$y na&e1/

/@i&"/ it ans#ere! in a surly tone*

I close! &y eyes %or a &o&ent* O$" #asn+t t$at 3ust %ine an! !an!y* I riske! &y eternal soul tosu&&on u' a !e&on" an! I got @i& t$e Ne#%ie* /@i&1 T$at+s it" 3ust @i&1/

/Well" t$e #$ole t$ing is E%%ri3i&" but I 're%er @i&* E%%ri3i& soun!s a bit girly*/

I no!!e!* I &ean" #$at else coul! I !o1 Argue #it$ it1

@i&* I $a! a !e&on !og na&e! @i&* I looke! at t$e s$eets 5et$ $a! %a4e! &e* Maybe s$e $a! le%t out

a 'age an! I+! &isse! a ste'1

/T$is 'lace is 'at$etic"/ @i& sai!" looking aroun! at t$e $otel roo& #it$ a sneer on its !oggy li's*/You+re like" #$at" a 'au'er1/

/T$is is a t$ $otel" an! &y %inancial status is o% * no concern to you"/ I sai! absently" %li''ingt$roug$ t$e s$eets* It looke! like I $a! !one eeryt$ing correctly *** 'er$a's it #as t$e %e# s$ortcuts I+!

taken on su''lies t$at le%t &e #it$ #$at a''eare! to be t$e botto& o% t$e barrel" !e&onically s'eaking*/You+re sure you+re a !e&on1 You+re one o% t$e !e&on lor! A&ay&on+s serants1/

@i& rolle! its eyes* /An e4tre&ely $an!so&e an! i&'ressie s'eci&en o% t$e Ne#%oun!lan! bree!&ateriali0es in t$e &i!!le o% your s$o!!y $otel roo&" an! you ask i% I+& a !e&on1 O$" I can tell &y

ti&e #it$ you is going to be one long 3oyri!e*/

I t$inne! &y li's at it* /Look" I+e got enoug$ 'roble&s in &y li%e #it$out a crabby !e&on trying to

lay a guilt tri' on &e* @ust ans#er &y 7uestions*/

T$e !e&on+s %ace took on a &artyre! look* /Yes" I+& a !e&on*/

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/An! you+re one o% A&ay&on+s serants1/

Sur'risingly" it looke! a#ay an! gae an e&barrasse! !oggy coug$* /I #as*/

/Was1/ I 'ounce! on t$e #or!* /Was1 As in *** was" 

/You+re a regular Einstein" aren+t you1 Yes" #as" as in A&ay&on kicke! &e out o% $is legions because o% an un%ortunate inci!ent #$en a leiat$an trie! to &ate #it$ $i&*/ I 3ust stare! at it* @i&

&a!e an annoye! %ace* /It #as 3ust a 3oke> 5ut try telling t$at to one o% t$e 'rinces o% 2ell* T$ey $ae

absolutely no sense o% $u&or*/

/O$" great*/ My s$oul!ers slu&'e!* /You+re a !elin7uent !e&on* A 2ell !ro'out* A !e&on #it$out a


/No one aske! you to su&&on &e"/ @i& sai! #it$ !ignity* /I+& 3ust out o% %aor %or a bit* I+ll be

 back" 3ust as soon as A&ay&on can sit !o#n again*/

A little $ea!ac$e t$robbe! to li%e in t$e %ront o% &y %ore$ea! as I looke! at @i&* A sticky line o% !rool

!ribble! out o% one si!e o% its &out$ as it looke! back at &e* I coul! sen! it back to #$ere it ca&e%ro&" but to be $onest" I !i!n+t t$ink I $a! to strengt$ to see #$at else I #oul! su&&on u'* 2ar! as it

#as to beliee" I coul! en! u' #it$ so&et$ing #orse t$an @i&*

/Let+s get a %e# t$ings straig$t $ere" !e&on* My na&e " is Aisling* I+& your &aster* You #ill !o &y bi!!ing #it$out resistance" co&'laint" or un!ue s$e!!ing*/

@i& scratc$e! at its ear #it$ its back leg* /You #oul!n+t $a''en to $ae a %lea collar aroun!" #oul!

you1 I 3ust kno# I+e 'icke! u' %leas %ro& t$is !ie you lie in*/

I groun! &y teet$* I+! been !oing a lot o% t$at since I arrie! in (aris* /It+s a nice $otel in a ery

e4'ensie area o% (aris" an! t$ere are no %leas* No#" &y %irst co&&an! is %or you to lea! &e to #$ereDrake ?ireo" t$e green #yern" lies* It+s so&e#$ere in t$e city" so it s$oul!n+t be too &uc$ o% a

c$allenge %or you*/

@i& looke! aroun! t$e roo&* /I+& $ungry* You got anyt$ing to eat $ere" or !o you 'lan on staring

&e back to Aba!!on1/

I rubbe! &y %ore$ea!* T$e $ea!ac$e #as getting #orse* /T$en" a%ter you %in! #$ere Drake lies"

you can $el' &e ac7uire an ob3ect o% &ine t$at $e $as*/

@i& stoo! u' an! s$ook itsel%* Long stran!s o% slobber #ent %lying eery#$ere* /2oo" %eel like &y

 back teet$ are %loating* S$ake your stu&'s" sister* I nee! to go out*/

/A%ter you $ae sere! &e" I #ill return*** you what" I stare! at it* Weren+t !e&ons su''ose! to%ollo# or!ers rat$er t$an gie t$e&1

It #alke! oer to t$e !oor an! looke! 'ointe!ly oer its s$oul!er at &e* /Do I $ae to spell it %or to

you1 )ires o% Aba!!on" t$e sorts o% Guar!ians t$ey 'ro!uce t$ese !ays" it+s a !isgrace to t$e &e&ory o%t$e ol! ti&es* W$en I t$ink o% t$e sort o% 7uality Guar!ians #$o use! to su&&on &e u'*** Walkies> I

nee! to go #alkies> 0omprende'" 

I% t$ere+s one #or! I neer e4'ecte! to $ear a !e&on utter" t$at #or! #as wal+ies. /Wait a &inute"

#ait a &inute" t$is !oes not &ake sense> Walkies1 You+re a !e&on #$o says wal+ies No !e&on says

wal+ies; t$at+s un!e&> An! $o# co&e you kno# #$o Einstein is1/

T$e !og $a! a 3a!e! look on its %ace* /@ust $o# &any !e&ons $ae you &et1/

/Well***/ I t$inne! &y li's again" re%using to a!&it t$at I $a! been a !e&on irgin be%ore it $a! been

su&&one!* /T$at+s neit$er $ere nor t$ere* W$y !on+t you soun! like a 'ro'er !e&on1 W$y !on+t youtalk like so&et$ing %ro& one o% t$ose &e!ieal te4ts1 You+e got to be" #$at" %ie $un!re! years ol!1 A


/Closer to t$ree t$ousan!" alt$oug$ I !on+t t$ink I look a !ay oer t#o t$ou*/

/T$ree t$ousan! years1 You+re t$ree t$ousan! years ol!1/ My 3a# 3ust about $it t$e %loor ina&a0e&ent*

/A2 7uality !e&ons are t$at age or ol!er"/ @i& sai! s&ugly* /An! 3ust because I+e seen a cou'le o%

&illennia !oesn+t &ean I !on+t kee' u' #it$ t$e ti&es* T$ere+s not a lot to !o in Aba!!on once you get 'ast t$e +!oing your !e&on lor! &aster+s bi!!ing+ business* We go %or long stretc$es o% ti&e #it$not$ing to !o but tor&ent t$e lesser !e&ons" an! een t$at 'ales a%ter a %e# centuries* T$at c$ange!

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once you &ortals ca&e u' #it$ T?* 5rilliant i!ea" t$at*/

I stare! at t$e !og" &y &in! still $aing a $ar! ti&e #ra''ing itsel% aroun! t$e t$oug$t t$at @i& #as

as ol! as $e #as* /You #atc$ T?1 In 2ell1 elevision" 

I coul!n+t beliee it #as 'ossible" but t$e !e&on looke! o%%en!e! by t$e note o% !isbelie% in &y

oice* /W$at" you t$ink t$at 3ust because #e+re !e&ons" #e !on+t like to stay current #it$ #orl!

eents1 You t$ink #e !on+t like to be entertaine!1 5ere demons, not Na'is#" 

I sat in t$e &i!!le o% t$e roo&" stunne! an! trying to absorb t$e %act t$at I+! su&&one! u' a T?.#atc$ing !e&on #$ile it #an!ere! into t$e bat$roo&* T$e cras$ o% a large cera&ic ob3ect $itting t$e

%loor broug$t &e out o% &y !a0e*

/Well" t$at e4'eri&ent #as a %ailure"/ @i& sai!" e&erging %ro& t$e bat$roo& #it$ toilet 'a'er stuck

to one o% its back 'a#s* /You+ll #ant to get t$e &ai! in be%ore you go in t$ere* 2a! a little trouble #it$&y ai&* T$ere+s &ore #$ere t$at ca&e %ro&" too" so unless you #ant to e4'lain to t$e $otel about le

lac du peepee, I+! suggest you take &e out an! let &e !o t$is !*/

My &in! still reeling" I got to &y %eet*

/W$oa" #oul! you look at &y 'ackage>/ @i& sto''e! ne4t to t$e !oor" !ouble! oer as it looke! at

its groin* /I+& a !e&on stu!&u%%in> T$e babes are going to loe &e9o$ yes t$ey are> A%ter you take

&e %or #alkies" I #ant so&e %oo!* :a# &eat soun!s goo!* T$is is )rance" rig$t1 You t$ink I can getso&e $orse&eat1 8se! to loe t$e stu%%* Co&e on" co&e on* I !on+t $ae all !ay> C$o'" c$o'>/

I o'ene! t$e !oor an! let t$e !e&on out" #on!ering as I %ollo#e! a%ter it #$at I $a! !one to !eseret$is*

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You+re !oing t$is on 'ur'ose*/ I bent an! use! a 'lastic s$o''ing bag to retriee yet anot$er o% @i&+s

o%%erings le%t on t$e elety green o% t$e Tuileries* /T$is is #$y t$ey call you a !e&on" isn+t it1 You+re

tor&enting &e #it$ 'oo'*/

@i&" ignoring &e" lu&bere! oer to a s&all s$rub an! #atere! it*

I !is'ose! o% t$e bag in a 'ro'er rece'tacle* /Can #e go no#1 You+e 'oo'e! %our ti&es9you can+t

 'ossibly $ae anyt$ing le%t insi!e you*/

/O$" like I en3oy !ro''ing a loa! out in t$e o'en #$ere anyone can see1/ @i& snarle!* /W$at sort o%

a !e&on !o you take &e %or1/

/One #$o is going to $ae a 7uick isit to t$e neuterer i% you !on+t s$a'e u' an! get #it$ t$e

 'rogra&"/ I sai! t$roug$ &y teet$* /An! lo#er your oice> I tol! you t$ere is to be no talking out in 'ublic*/

@i& essaye! an in3ure! sni%%" but allo#e! itsel% to be escorte! to#ar! t$e 'at$ t$at le! to t$e nort$si!e o% t$e busy (aris 'ark*

/Wait a &inute"/ I sai!" looking !o#n on its %ront* /W$ere+s your !rool bib1/

My little !e&on in %ur 'urse! its li's an! trie! to look innocent* /W$at bib1/

I s'un aroun! an! searc$e! t$e #i!e o'en green area #e+! 3ust isite!* /T$e one I boug$t at t$e 'etstore* @i&" so $el' &e" i% you !eliberately lost it9/

/E4cuse &e" I+& a !e&on> I+& t$e !rea! serant o% a !e&on lor!> I bring %ear an! loat$ing to all

&ortal $earts> De&ons dont #ear !rool clot$s>/

/De&ons #$o slobber all oer t$e&seles !o* I !o not $ae t$e ti&e to sto' eery %ie &inutes to&o' you u'*/ I rustle! aroun! in &y bag" 'ulling out a secon! bib t$at I $a! #isely 'urc$ase! at t$e

sa&e ti&e I boug$t @i& a collar an! leas$* I tie! it aroun! t$e !e&on+s neck* /Don+t lose t$is one> No#"let+s go %in! Drake+s lair* W$ic$ !irection s$oul! #e go1/

/2o# s$oul! I kno#1 I+& 3ust a #alking !rool bib*/

I sto''e! #alking an! grabbe! @i& by t$e %u00y black ear nearest &e*. /Listen $ere" you $orriblelittle &inion o% 2ell9/

/Aba!!on"/ @i& sai!*


It gae &e an i&'atient look* /Aba!!on* Don+t you kno# anyt$ing1 We #$o sere t$e !ark &asters

re%er to $o&e s#eet $o&e as Aba!!on" not t$e ot$er #or!*/

I glance! aroun! 7uickly to &ake sure no one sa# &e talking to &y !og" t$en &a!e s7uinty eyes*/W$y1/

I s#ear @i& s$rugge!* /Na&es $ae 'o#er* T$e one you kee' tossing aroun! $as &ore 'o#er t$an

&ost* I #oul! $ae t$oug$t t$at as a Guar!ian you kne# t$at" but I %orgot t$at I+e been boun! to t$e

)orrest Gu&' o% Guar!ians* Lucky" lucky &e*//:ig$t"/ I sai!" losing t$e re&ain!er o% &y 'atience* /You $ae &a!e &e #aste t#o #$ole $ours

#$ile I ran aroun! %in!ing %oo! t$at you #oul! acce't" not to &ention un!ergoing a !etaile! tour o% t$e

Tiiileries #$ile you 'ee! on eery aailable s$rub9/

/I like to 'ee* It+s %un* We !on+t get to !o anyt$ing like t$is back $o&e*/

I ignore! t$e interru'tion" kee'ing a #ary eye out %or eaes!ro''ers* /9as #ell as !ro''e! !e&on 'lo''ies eery#$ere" #$ic$ I $a! to clean u'" so no# it+s ti&e %or you to !o t$e 3ob I su&&one! you to

!o9%in! Drake+s lair* W$ic$ !irection is it1/

A &ot$er an! $er t#o little ki!s strolle! by" t$e #o&an 'ausing to say so&et$ing $ars$ to &e* I $a!no i!ea #$at $er 'roble& #as until I looke! !o#n to %in! @i& #rit$ing in a''arent agony" &aking t$e

&ost torture! %ace a Ne#.%ie coul! 'ossibly &ake*

I release! @i&+s ear an! 'atte! it on t$e $ea! as I tol! $er" /Don+t 'ay any attention to it9it+s trying to!rie &e insane*/

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/Soun!s like a s$ort tri'"/ @i& &uttere! 3ust lou! enoug$ %or &e to $ear as t$e #o&an snarle!so&et$ing in #$at I #as #illing to bet #as gutter )renc$ be%ore s$e stor&e! o%%*

/O$" t$ank you so ery &uc$* @ust &ake &e look like t$e ty'e o% a 'erson #$o beats u' on !ogs>/

/You $el! &y ear hard," @i& accuse!*

/You+re a !e&on>/ I all but s$oute!" #anting to tear out &y $air in %rustration* /You+re use! to

eternal tor&ent" not t$at I #as $ol!ing your ear $ar!* So sto' co&'laining" sto' stalling" sto' creating

!istractions an! do the %ob brought you here to do#" 

/I !on+t su''ose you+! care to s#ing by anot$er boucherie %or a &orsel &ore o% t$at 'ri&e.age! bee%

you boug$t &e t$is &orning1/

I let t$e !e&on see in &y eyes its %ate i% it !i!n+t !o #$at I #ante!*

@i& sig$e! an! 'lo''e! !o#n in an un$a''y slu&'* /I can+t*/

Anot$er grou' o% c$il!ren #as a''roac$ing* I tugge! on t$e leas$" $ea!ing to a 7uiet area ne4t to

so&e trees* /You can+t #$at1/ I aske! #$en #e #ere %ar enoug$ a#ay so #e coul!n+t be $ear!*

/I can+t %in! t$e #yern+s lair*/

I counte! to ten to kee' %ro& strangling @i&" not t$at I #as entirely sure I coul! since it 8a9 #asn+ttec$nically a liing being an! 8b9 #as a''ro4i&ately t$e si0e o% a s&all 'ony" an! t$us strangling #it$

&y bare $an!s #oul! be !i%%icult*

T$roug$ still.clenc$e! teet$ I sai!" /5ut not co&'letely out o% t$e 7uestion* W$y can+t you %in!Drake+s" lair1/

@i& rolle! its eyes* /5ecause I !on+t kno# #$ere it is> Do I look like I $ae t$e '$one book


/You+re a !e&on* You $ae !e&onic 'o#ers* I &ay not be t$e saiest Guar!ian aroun!/9 that #as

t$e un!erstate&ent o% t$e year9/but I !o kno# t$at !e&ons $ae all sorts o% abilities" an! surely oneo% t$e& &ust be to %in! so&eone #$o is being soug$t*/

/In a nor&al situation" yes"/ @i& sai!" looking longingly at a bank o% r$o!o!en!rons* I 3erke! on t$e

leas$ to re&in! it t$at I #as #aiting* /5ut &y case is a little !i%%erent* I*** e$*** !on+t $ae any 'o#ers*/

T$e last sentence #as s'oken so so%tly" I t$oug$t I+! &is$ear!* /You what" 

It glare! at &e* /I !on+t $ae any 'o#ers" OK1 A&ay&on stri''e! &e o% t$e& #$en $e cast &e out

o% $is legions* You #ant to rub a little salt into t$e #oun!1 Go rig$t a$ea!* I+& 3ust a !e&on; I !on+t

$ae any %eelings*/

/You !on+t"/ I agree!* @i& sni%%e! an! turne! a#ay as i% tears #ere i&&inent* I re&in!e! &ysel% t$at!e&ons &ig$t take t$e %or& o% a $u&an or i% t$ey #ere 'articularly !erange!" a !ogB" but t$ey #eren+t

really $u&an* T$ey !i!n+t $ae %eelings t$at coul! be $urt #it$ &ere #or!s* /You can sto' 'reten!ingyou+re crying" because I+& not buying it* O$" gee0" #ill you sto'1 You+re &aking &e %eel like t$e

 biggest bully on t$e %ace o% t$e eart$*/

I 'ulle! a tissue out o% &y bag" #i'ing u' t$e !oggy tears t$at @i& $a! so&e$o# &anage! to


/You yelle! at &e*/

I trie! to take a !ee'" cal&ing breat$" but it ca&e out a se&i$ysterical laug$* /I% anyone eer tol! &et$at a !e&on #oul! &ake &e %eel guilty about asking it to !o t$e 3ob it #as su&&one! to !o" I+! say

t$at 'erson #as a gra!e.A lunatic*/

@i& gae &e an accusatory look*

I raise! &y $an!s in surren!er an! staggere! oer to a s$a!y benc$ to colla'se #it$ !e%eat* /I gieu'9I 3ust absolutely gie u'* I aske! Drake nicely to gie &e back &y !ragon" an! $e re%use!* I aske!

$i& a %e# 7uestions" an! $e gae &e t$e runaroun! %or ans#ers* I su&&one! u' a !e&on" an! I got a!e&on t$at+s been kicke! out o% 2e *** Aba!!on* W$y a& I trying any&ore1 I s$oul! 3ust go to

Ins'ector (roust an! sae $i& t$e bot$er o% $unting &e !o#n" because $e+s sure as $eck going to lock&e u' an! t$ro# a#ay t$e key #$en I can+t 'roe &y innocence*/

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@i& sat ne4t to &y %eet* /You #ant &e to %in! so&e balloons %or t$is 'ity 'arty you+re $aing1/

/Go a#ay"/ I &u&ble!" &y $ea! in &y $an!s as I trie! to #ork u' a %e# tears o% sel%.'ity* T$ey

#oul!n+t co&e" !a&n it* /@ust go back to #$ereer it is you ca&e %ro&" an! leae &e alone*/

/I can+t leae* You+re &y &aster" re&e&ber1/

/I+& %reeing you*/

/Doesn+t #ork t$at #ay*/

I looke! u' at t$e !e&on* /O$" rig$t" I $ae to con!uct t$e release ritual* I can+t !o it $ere* You+ll 3ust$ae to #ait until I get back to t$e $otel*/

/W$ateer* No $urry* I+& en3oying being out* As you can i&agine" #e !e&ons !on+t get aroun!&uc$* Last ti&e I #as in (aris" t$ey #ere be$ea!ing eeryone* A$" $o# I &iss t$e goo! ol! !ays*/

I sni%%le! a cou'le o% ti&es" sig$e! once or t#ice" an! gae u' on %eeling sorry %or &ysel%* I neercoul! !o it #ell* /Well" 'oo'* An! no" I !i!n+t &ean t$at as a co&&an!*/

@i& &a!e a $usky soun! t$at I took %or laug$ter* I s$ook &y %inger at it* /Don+t een t$ink o% tryingto be nice to &e9I can+t take it rig$t no#*/

/Nice1 1oi7T$e e4'ression o% astonis$&ent on @i&+s %urry %ace #as so a&using" I coul!n+t $el' but giggle*

/:ig$t* Let+s get !o#n to business" t$en* I% you can+t $el' &e %in! Drake" I+ll 3ust $ae to &anage it

&ysel%" alt$oug$ $o# I+& su''ose! to !o t$at is beyon! &e at t$e &o&ent*/

/You coul! look in t$e '$one book"/ @i& suggeste!" li%ting a big 'a# to e4a&ine it*

/Dragons !on+t list t$e&seles in '$one books"/ I sai! !is&issiely" an i!ea blosso&ing as I s'oke* I

t$oug$t about it %or a #$ile" gae it a long" $ar! look" an! !eci!e! it #as a goo! one* /Drake tol! &et$at t$e ans#er I soug$t #as in t$e circle" so I+& going to take $i& at $is #or!* Co&e on" De&on @i&*

We+re going back to t$e scene o% t$e cri&e*/

/Gie &e a cou'le o% &inutes* You+re not going to beliee #$at I %oun! I can !o"/ @i& sai!" its oice

&u%%le! as it engage! in a bit o% groinal $ygiene*

+T$e e# %actor on t$at is bor!erline o&it territory"/ I sai!" tugging on its leas$ until t$e great %urry

 black $ea! e&erge! %ro& t$e !e't$s o% its crotc$* I ignore! t$e gla0e! look in @i&+s eyes an! got to &y%eet" $ea!ing out o% t$e 'ark an! to#ar! t$e nearest Metro sto'* /Co&e on" you+ll like t$e Metro* As a

!og" you+e got carte blanc$e to s&ell strangers+ crotc$es*/

/:eally1 T$at+s so&et$ing" alt$oug$ not nearly as goo! as licking &y o#n9 " 

/W$en #e get to M&e* Deau4ille+s $ouse"/ I interru'te!" not #anting to $ear t$e rest o% t$atsentence" /I #ant you to look aroun! an! see i% anyt$ing strikes you as o!!* Drake #as conince! t$at

a !e&on #as su&&one! by t$e circle* Maybe you can tell &e #$o it #as*/

A $al% $our later #e crosse! t$e %ie.arc$e! stone (ont Marie bri!ge %ro& t$e rig$t bank to t$e 2e

Saint.Louis" an! turne! onto t$e :ue Sang !es Innocents* T$e street #as back to nor&al" I #as 'lease!to note" no longer in t$e gri' o% #$ateer it #as t$at $a! le%t it so li%eless an! 7uiet*

/:e&e&ber" you+re a !og #$eneer 'eo'le are aroun!"/ I sai! a bit nerously as #e a''roac$e!M&e* Deau4ille+s buil!ing*

/T$e #or!s demon an! stupid aren+t interc$angeable"/ @i& sai!" in a bit o% a 'out because a #o&anon t$e Metro ob3ecte! to $aing $er butt snu%%le!*

/@ust re&e&ber t$at"/ I #arne!" an! taking a !ee' breat$" 'us$e! on t$e bu00er %or t$e na&e aboeM&e* Deau4ille+s*


"(ai une grenouille dans non bidet," I &u&ble! inco$erently" 'raying t$e 'erson #$ose a'art&ent I bu00e! #oul! assu&e so&et$ing #as #rong #it$ t$e interco& an! o'en t$e !oor %or &e* Luck" %or a

c$ange" #as #it$ &e" because #it$out any %urt$er interrogation or 7uestions about %rogs" t$e !oor

clicke! o'en*

I $ustle! @i& u' t$e car'ete! stairs in case t$e 'erson on t$e t$ir! %loor ca&e out to t$e lan!ing to

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see #$o #as bu00ing t$e&* I sto''e! 3ust long enoug$ to ta' on M&e* Deau4ille+s !oor" &aking sureno one #as insi!e be%ore $urrying !o#n t$e tiny $all to t$e back !oor*

/5et it+s locke!"/ @i& sai!*

/2us$* O% course it+s locke!" but I a& not &y %at$er+s !aug$ter %or not$ing"/ I sai!" breat$ing a sig$

o% relie%* T$e lock on t$e back !oor #as an ol!er one" not a !ea! bolt* I 'ulle! out &y &a4e!.out cre!it

car! an! use! it*

/You+e got to be ki!!ing"/ @i& sai!" !isbelie% ra&'ant in its eyes*

/No'e* Da!!y #as a locks&it$* T$e best locks&it$ in Santa 5arbara* T$e t$ings $e taug$t &e #oul!

astoun! you*/

/I !oubt t$at"/ @i& starte! to say" t$en close! $is %u00y li's #$en I s#e't o'en t$e !oor #it$ a gran!

gesture* /2r&'$* You do kno# t$at #$at you+re !oing is illegal1/

/I+& sus'ecte! o% &ur!ering a #o&an I !on+t een kno#"/ I $isse!" #aing t$e !e&on into t$e !ark"

&usty roo&" c$ecking t$e $all#ay be%ore closing t$e !oor* /5reaking an! entering is t$e least o% &y#orries* T$is &ust be t$e laun!ry roo&* T$e liing roo& is to t$e le%t* Don+t touc$ anyt$ing>/

T$e !elicate tinkle o% glass $itting linoleu& #as t$e ans#er to &y co&&an!*


/Sorry* T$oug$t it #as so&et$ing to eat* W$en+s lunc$1/

/So $el' &e" i% I lie t$roug$ t$is ***/ I cre't on ti''y.toes t$roug$ a tall.ceilinge! be!roo& #it$ a%our.'oster be! s#at$e! in #$ite an! gol! gau0e" a color sc$e&e t$at #as carrie! t$roug$out t$e roo&*

An anti7ue gol! %ainting couc$ sat along one #all" a $uge ebony ar&oire o''osite* 5ou7uets o% near.

!ea! lilies #ere scattere! aroun! t$e roo&" &aking t$e &usty air een &ustier #it$ t$eir $eay!ecaying scent* T$e curtains #ere !ra#n" but t$e close! a'art&ent retaine! t$e $eat o% t$e !ay*

/Anti7ues" ery nice* T$is is #$at I call 'ro'er liing" not at all like t$e 'it o% a $otel roo& you+e been $a''y in*/

/S$ut* 8'*/ I o'ene! t$e !oor to t$e liing roo& cautiously" &y nose #rinkling #it$ t$e stale s&ello% t$e roo&* /OK" no one+s $ere* T$at+s t$e circle* Drake #ante! to kno# i% it #as o'ene! or close!*

W$at !o you t$ink1/

/You+re t$e Guar!ian* You s$oul! kno#*/

I t$oug$t &o&entarily about grin!ing &y teet$" but !eci!e! t$e !entist bills #eren+t #ort$ t$esatis%action it #oul! gie &e* I crosse! t$e roo& an! s7uatte! !o#n ne4t to t$e circle" @i& besi!e &e*

/I+& kin! o% ne# to t$e Guar!ian business*/ @i& snorte!* I ignore! t$e snort an! $el! &y $an! aboet$e circle* T$e air aroun! it tingle! slig$tly* I e4a&ine! t$e as$ circle" noting t$at t$e salt $a! sunk !ee'

into t$e %ibers o% t$e car'et #$ile t$e as$ re&aine! on to'* /I t$ink it+s close!* It %eels *** actie* 8n.%inis$e!* Al&ost as i% it+s #aiting %or so&et$ing*/

@i& nose! aroun! t$e couc$" 'ausing to sni%% t$e black &ark on t$e car'et t$at Drake $a! 'ointe!out*

/Was t$at &a!e by a !e&on1//Not any !e&on I kno#"/ @i& sai!" &oing oer to look out t$e tall #in!o#s*

I sat back on &y $eels" &ore t$an a little sur'rise! by t$e ans#er* /It #asn+t a !e&on1 Are yousure1/

T$e look @i& s$ot &e s'oke olu&es* /I &ay be 'o#erless" but I+& not totally ine't* T$at &ark#asn+t &a!e by a !e&on* Take a look at it yoursel%* It+s 3ust c$arcoal" not !e&on s&oke*/

I cra#le! oer to it" s#earing to &ysel%* I% a !e&on $a!n+t actually been su&&one! by #$oeer $a!

kille! M&e* Deau4ille" t$en so&eone #ante! it to loo+ like one $a! been calle!* 5ut t$at !i!n+t &akesense" because I $a! %elt t$at so&et$ing #as #rong een be%ore I entere! t$e a'art&ent" so a !e&on

&ust $ae been $ere* I looke! at t$e black &ark on t$e car'et %eeling totally at sea" co&'letely

oer#$el&e! by %orces I coul!n+t een begin to un!erstan!* W$y $a! I t$oug$t it #as suc$ a goo! i!ea

to tackle t$is strange ne# #orl! #$en I #as al&ost co&'letely clueless1

(ri!e" t$at+s #$y*

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/5ra0en be !a&ne!" I+& going to ask %or so&e $el'"/ I s#ore" kneeling by t$e circle to &ake asketc$ o% t$e e4act arrange&ent o% t$e sy&bols in t$e s&all notebook I+! borro#e! %ro& A&elie* Once

t$at #as !one" I stare! !o#n at t$e circle" unsure o% #$at else I #as su''ose! to see in it* Drakesoun!e! so 'ositie #$en $e sai! I+! %in! t$e ans#ers in it*

/Can a Guar!ian tell #$o !re# a circle1/ I sat back on &y $eels again as I consi!ere! t$e as$y


/An e4'erience! Guar!ian" 'ossibly* A neo'$yte like you1/ @i& sto''e! looking out t$e #in!o#long enoug$ to s$ake its $ea!* /8nlikely*/

I gna#e! &y lo#er 8' %or a %e# secon!s* /Coul! a Guar!ian tell #$at s'eci%ic !e&on #assu&&one! by t$e circle1/ I coul!n+t i&agine $o# kno#ing #$at !e&on #as su&&one! #oul! $el'

&e" but it #as t$e only ot$er t$ing I coul! t$ink o%*

@i& !i!n+t een bot$er looking &y #ay* /I% s$e coul!n+t" s$e+s not &uc$ o% a Guar!ian*/

/:eally1 2o#" e4actly1/

@i& sat an! starte! licking its belly* I aerte! &y eyes 7uickly in case it !eci!e! to gie its 'ersonal

e7ui'&ent anot$er s'it bat$* /You su&&one! a !e&on" an! you !on+t kno# $o# you !i! it1/

) gae a &ental sig$* /I really $ate it #$en eeryone ans#ers &y 7uestions #it$ 7uestions*/T$e !e&on glance! at &e be%ore returning to its belly #as$* /We+re 3ust trying to s#ing t$e scale

%ro& clueless to &erely inco&'etent*/

I ignore! t$e co&&ent an! stu!ie! t$e circle" t$inking back to t$e circle I !re# to su&&on @i&*Su!!enly I sat u' straig$t* /T$e !e&on+s si4 sy&bols> T$at+s $o# I can tell #$ic$ !e&on #as


/Gie t$e girl a cigar*/

/5ut t$is circle !oesn+t $ae anyt$ing but t$e t#ele sy&bols o% As$tarot$*/ I c$e#e! &y li' again"searc$ing %or signs t$at t$e si4 !e&on sy&bols $a! been rubbe! out* T$ere #ere none*

@i& gae a $uge &artyre! sig$* /I% you+re any sort o% a Guar!ian" you s$oul! be able to %eel #$ic$!e&on #as su&&one! by o'ening yoursel% to t$e 'ossibilities*/

/T$e 'ossibilities1/ I glance! %ro& &y %urry !e&on an! to t$e circle* /Er*** $o# !o I !o t$at1/

/W$at a& I" t$e $ea!&aster at a Guar!ian sc$ool1 I+e got better t$ings to !o t$an $ol! your $an!*/

@i& got u' an! starte! !o#n t$e tiny $all to#ar! t$e be!roo&*

/2ey> W$ere are you going1/

+To !rink out o% t$e toilet" since you see& to %orget t$at t$is &agni%icent %or& I $ae taken nee!s bot$ %ee!ing an! #atering*/

/Don+t touc$ anyt$ing else>/ I #arne!" t$en looke! back at t$e circle" &uttering un!er &y breat$

about !e&ons #$o #oul!n+t ans#er a 7uestion #$en it #as 'ut to t$e&* /O'en &ysel% to t$e

 'ossibilities* 2o# t$e $eck a& I su''ose! to kno# #$at that &eans1/

I re&e&bere! t$e !oor in &y &in! t$at $a! o'ene! #$en Drake gae &e $is %ire" an! !eci!e! to seei% I coul! !o t$e sa&e #it$out being li'.locke! #it$ t$e se4iest !ragon in Western Euro'e* /Guess it+s#ort$ a try* I can+t !o anyt$ing #orse t$an %ail*/

I close! &y eyes" &y $an!s outstretc$e! to#ar! t$e circle* A%ter a %e# &o&ents o% clearing out t$eeery!ay $ustle an! bustle o% t$oug$ts t$at &a!e u' &y &in!" I settle! !o#n to o'ening &ysel% u' to

t$e roo&* Slo#ly t$e &u%%le! noises o% (aris outsi!e t$e a'art&ent" t$e soun!s o% @i& !rinking at t$etoilet" an! t$e &usty" close! s&ell o% t$e a'art&ent all %a!e! into t$e backgroun! as t$e circle

!o&inate! &y t$oug$ts* As I s#ung t$e &ental !oor o'en" I #as a&a0e! all I $a! %elt be%ore #as aslig$t tingle aroun! t$e circle9t$e 'o#er containe! #it$in it #as enoug$ to &ake t$e $airs on &y ar&s

stan! on en!* Een #it$ &y eyes close!" I coul! see it" &uc$ clearer in &y &in! t$an #$en ie#e!#it$ &ere eyes* It #as as i% o'ening u' &ysel% $a! %li''e! on a s#itc$ t$at gae &e a tre&en!ous

clarity o% ision* I looke! !o#n at t$e circle an! sa# clearly t$at t$e si4 !e&on sy&bols #ere !ra#n#it$ salt" not as$" an! like t$e salt o% t$e circle itsel%" t$e sy&bols $a! sunk into t$e !e't$s o% t$e


/5a%a&al"/ I sai!" t$e na&e co&ing to &y &in! #it$ a surety t$at &a!e &e beliee it een t$oug$ I

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$a! not recogni0e! t$e !e&on sy&bols* +T$is circle #as !ra#n to su&&on 5a%a&al" but $e !i! notans#er t$e su&&ons*/


T$e oice #as @i&+s* I turne! blin!ly to#ar! t$e #in!o#s aroun! #$ic$ @i& $a! been sni%%ing* I

coul! %eel ec$oes o% t$e !e&on" as i% its 'resence $a! iolate! t$e roo&* /5ecause it #as alrea!y $ere*

It le%t by t$e #in!o#*/

As t$e #or!s sank into &y brain" t$e !oor in &y &in! close!* I o'ene! &y eyes" al&ost!isa''ointe! #it$ #$at I sa#* T$e colors o% reality #ere !ull co&'are! #it$ #$at I $a! 3ust seen" t$e

e!ges an! contours not 7uite so !e%ine!* @ust as I #as &ourning t$e loss o% &y su'er brain.ision"reali0ation o% #$at $a! $a''ene! struck &e* /2ey> I really am a Guar!ian> Not t$at I kno# e4actly

#$at a Guar!ian is" but I+& #$ateer t$ey are" I+& one*/

/Well" !u$"/ @i& sai!* /You t$ink 3ust anyone can su&&on u' a su'erior !e&on like &e1/

I %ro#ne!* /Accor!ing to t$e books I rea!" 'retty &uc$ anyone can." 

/T$e lesser !e&ons" yes" but not a !e&on o% &y 7uality"/ @i& sni%%e! rig$teously*

I let t$at co&&ent go #it$out t$e ans#er it !esere!* +T$e !e&on 5a%a&al le%t by t$e #in!o#"/ I

sai!" getting to &y %eet an! going oer to e4a&ine t$e #in!o#* I looke! out" sur'rise! by #$at I sa#*/T$ere+s a %ire esca'e $ere*/

/No>/ @i& sai! in &ock sur'rise*

/I+& 7uite serious about isiting t$e neutering clinic" you kno#"/ I sai!" but #it$out any $eat as Ie4a&ine! t$e #in!o#* T$ere #ere black s'lotc$es o% 'o#!er all oer it #$ere t$e 'olice $a!

%inger'rinte! t$e #oo!#ork* I unlatc$e! t$e #in!o#" 'us$ing it o'en* /One $as to assu&e t$at a!e&on &ust $ae a reason %or esca'ing t$roug$ a #in!o# rat$er t$an 3ust !isa''earing in a 'u%% o%

nasty.s&elling s&oke* Co&e on" @i&* Let+s see #$ere t$is lea!s*/

I #aite! until @i& le%t t$e a'art&ent" closing t$e #in!o# as best I coul! %ro& t$e outsi!e" $o'ing no

one #oul! notice t$at it #as unlatc$e!* T$e en! o% t$e %ire esca'e nearest &e le! to a la!!er t$at #entu'" not !o#n* I turne! an! #alke! t$e lengt$ o% t$e buil!ing to #$ere a &etal la!!er coul! be !ro''e!

!o#n $al%#ay to t$e groun!* I e4a&ine! t$e la!!er" noting t$at t$e 'olice $a! %inger'rinte! it" as #ell*(oint one %or Ins'ector (roust* /Interesting* So t$e !e&on esca'e! out t$e #in!o# rat$er t$an 3ust

going back to 2e *** Aba!!on* No# I 3ust nee! to %in! out #$en an! #$y Drake #as in t$e a'art&entan! #$et$er $e sa# t$e !e&on* Or t$e killer* I #on!er i% Drake ca&e in by t$e #in!o#" as #ell1/

/W$y #oul! $e1/ @i& aske!*

I s$rugge!* /I !on+t kno#" but t$en" I !on+t kno# #$y Drake #as $ere in t$e %irst 'lace i% $e isn+t t$e

&ur!erer* An! I+& still not sure $e+s not*/

/Are you going to stan! t$ere an! !ebate t$e issue all !ay" or can #e get !o#n1/

@i& #as 'eering oer t$e e!ge o% t$e %ire esca'e* T$ere #as a !e%inite look o% unease on its %ace*

/Scare! o% $eig$ts1/ I aske!*

/Don+t be ri!iculous* I+& a !e&on* T$e only t$ings #e+re scare! o% are t$e !e&on 'rinces an! t$e!ark &aster o% t$e& all*/

/T$at sneer !oesn+t 7uite cut it*/ I grinne! but took 'ity on @i& as I sli! t$e la!!er into 'lace" 7uicklycli&bing !o#n it* /Last ste'+s a !oo0y9be care%ul"/ I sai!" rubbing &y knees t$at $a! 'roteste! t$e

%our.%oot !ro'*

/I !on+t su''ose you+! een thin+ o% o%%ering to catc$ &e1/ @i& aske! %ro& t$e to' o% t$e la!!er*

/You &ust #eig$ at least a $un!re! an! t#enty 'oun!s* T$e ans#er is no* You+re a !e&on9youcan+t %eel 'ain* @u&'*/

/Doesn+t &ean I #ant to ruin t$is nice %or& by breaking &y legs"/ @i& gru&ble!" but it &anage! to

$ea! !o#n &ost o% t$e ste's be%ore 3u&'ing to lan! besi!e &e*

/Any i!eas #$ic$ #ay t$e !e&on #oul! $ae gone1/ I aske!" looking !o#n t$e s$a!y alley t$at rant$e #i!t$ o% t$e buil!ing* I 'eere! into t$e s$a!o#s" trying to !eter&ine #$et$er a !e&on #oul! $ae

 been likely to run t$at #ay*

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@i& !i!n+t ans#er &e*

/Look" I+& not asking you to be actually $el'%ul or anyt$ing" but you coul! o%%er &e a bit o% a!ice

once in a #$ile* I !on+t t$ink t$at #oul! kill you*/ I turne! aroun! to glare at @i& an! ca&e

#it$ t$e &il! bro#n eyes o% Ins'ector (roust* /Ga$>/

/An! bon%our to you" too"/ Ins'ector (roust sai!* 2is eyebro#s raise! a %raction as $is #ar& eyes

consi!ere! &e* /You #ill %orgie &y i&'ertinent curiosity" Mile* Grey" but I a& unable to kee' %ro&asking i% you o%ten %in! yoursel% receiing a!ice %ro& !ogs1/

I looke! !o#n at @i&" #$o #as sitting #it$ an unusually s&ug look on its %ace" &a!ly trying to co&e

u' #it$ an e4cuse %or being t$ere" but it #asn+t any goo!* My &in! $a! ei!ently gone to lunc$"leaing &e $ol!ing t$e 'roerbial bag* An! @i&+s leas$* Ne4t to t$e %ire esca'e t$at le! u' to t$e

a'art&ent o% a &ur!ere! #o&an*

One #$ose !eat$ I #as sus'ecte! o% causing*

/(oo'"/ I sai!* An! &eant it*

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/(er$a's you #oul! care to take a stroll #it$ &e1/ Ins'ector (roust aske! in a oice t$at $el! a note

o% steel beneat$ t$e 'olite eneer*

/Do#n to t$e 'olice station1/ I aske! &iserably" %alling in alongsi!e $i& as $e a&ble! to#ar! t$e

en! o% t$e street" #$ere a cou'le o% benc$es oerlooke! t$e Seine* @i& #alke! ne4t to &e" t$ank%ully

silent* I &a!e a note to buy t$e biggest $a&burger I coul! %in! in (aris %or @i& *** i% I &anage! to kee'%ro& being t$ro#n into 3ail* I coul!n+t $el' but #on!er i% t$e )renc$ still use! t$e 5astille* T$oug$ts o%t$e guillotine #eren+t een #ort$ conte&'lating*

/I $ae no intention o% taking you to t$e station* Not unless you !esire &e to !o so"/ Ins'ector (roustans#ere!* 2e strolle! along #it$ $is $an!s clas'e! be$in! $is back" 3ust as i% #e #ere t#o ol! bu!!ies

taking a lunc$ti&e #alk toget$er* /I $ae been looking %or you t$is &orning* I #ante! to s'eak to you*I see you $ae ac7uire! a !og*/

I glance! 7uickly at @i&* /Well" it*** he sort o% %oun! &e* 2e+s a stray" $o&eless" one no one #ante!"so I t$oug$t I+! take $i& in until I can %in! so&eone to take $i& o%% &y $an!s*/ Not entirely a lie" but

not entirely t$e trut$" eit$er*

/A$* Most co&&en!able o% you*/ We reac$e! t$e benc$es* 2e #aite! 'olitely until I seate! &ysel%

 be%ore sitting !o#n ne4t to &e* /You 'er&it1/I no!!e! &y $ea! #$en $e 'ulle! out a 'ackage o% cigarettes" t$en s$ook it #$en $e o%%ere! &e one*

/We are $aing ery nice #eat$er t$is #eek" yes1 So nice it see&s strange to &e t$at a isitor to (aris#oul! !esire s'en!ing $er ti&e insi!e rat$er t$an out seeing t$e &any 'leasing sig$ts t$ere are to see*/

I s7uir&e! a bit until I reali0e! #$at I #as !oing* Eit$er $e #as going to arrest &e" in #$ic$ cases7uir&ing #asn+t going to !o &e t$e least bit o% goo!" or $e #as going to 'u&' &e %or in%or&ation" an!

&y s7uir&ing &ig$t be inter'rete! as an in!ication t$at I #as not telling $i& t$e trut$* /You #ant tokno# #$y I #as in M&e* Deau4ille+s a'art&ent 3ust no#1/

/I% you #oul! not ob3ect to telling &e*/

/I kin! o% t$oug$t you #oul! be curious*/ I t$oug$t brie%ly o% lying" but &y e4.$usban! once tol! &e

I #as t$e #orl!+s #orst liar" so I %igure! t$e trut$ #oul! $ae to !o* /I #ante! to look at t$e circle t$at

#as !ra#n beneat$ #$ere M&e* Deau4ille #as $ung*/

/A$" t$e occult circle" yes* W$y !i! you #is$ to e4a&ine it1/

I sli! $i& a 7uick glance* /I t$oug$t i% I $a! a goo! look at it" I &ig$t be able to %igure out #$o

kille! $er*/

2is eyebro#s raise!* /Muc$ as I a''reciate your $el'" I &ust 'oint out t$at t$e Cri&inal

Inestigation De'art&ent $as a %ull roster o% 'olice&en an! inestigators e&'loye!* Your ti&e" 'er$a's" #oul! be better s'ent in ot$er en!eaors*/

I 'laye! #it$ t$e leas$" aoi!ing &eeting eit$er (roust+s or @i&+s eyes* /Suc$ as1/

/An e4'lanation o% #$at ties you $ae to a la!y by t$e na&e o% A&elie Merllain*/

/A&elie1/ I %ro#ne! at $i&* W$y on eart$ #as $e asking about A&elie+1 A nasty sus'icion starte! to

%or& in t$e back 'art o% &y &in!* /S$e o#ns a s$o' in t$e Latin uarter* Ot$er t$an isiting $er s$o'" I!on+t $ae any ties to $er*/

/In!ee!* An! yet you isite! t$e s$o' t#ice yester!ay*/

/T$at #as *** I #as *** I 3ust nee!e! ***/ I sto''e!" unable to tell $i& &y last isit #as to 'rocure!e&on.raising su''lies*

Ins'ector (roust looke! at &e #it$ gentle sorro#" as i% I+! let $i& !o#n so&e$o#* /I see* (er$a's

instea! o% ans#ering t$ese so troubleso&e 7uestions" you #oul! care to !iscuss your relations$i' #it$

t$e gentle&an kno#n as Albert Ca&us1/

/T$e ?ene!iger1/ I aske!" sur'rise!*

(roust incline! $is $ea!* /I beliee t$at is one o% $is aliases*/

/You+e been %ollo#ing &e>/ I 3u&'e! to &y %eet so I coul! glare !o#n at $i&*

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2e !i! t$e Gallic s$rug I #as starting to t$ink I+! $ae to learn" it #as 3ust t$at e4'ressie* /Di! yout$ink I #oul! allo# you to #an!er %reely1/

I sat back !o#n an! t$oug$t about t$at %or a %e# &inutes* /I su''ose you $ae a 'oint" alt$oug$ I

!on+t like it* I+& not guilty o% t$e &ur!er9I+e tol! you t$at*/

Ins'ector (roust 'u%%e! on $is cigarette %or a %e# &inutes as #e bot$ #atc$e! a barge !ri%t by* It #as

sur'risingly 'leasant sitting t$ere" a tran7uil an! 'eace%ul corner o% (aris* Alt$oug$ #e #erea''roac$ing &i!!ay" t$e bree0e %ro& t$e rier ke't it %ro& being too $ot" an! as t$e no#.%a&iliarcaco'$ony o% soun!s t$at #as (aris see&e! a long #ay a#ay" our little s'ot see&e! al&ost a $aen*

/I !o not t$ink you kille! M&e* Deau4ille"/ Ins'ector (roust sai! su!!enly* /I $ae e4a&ine! your&oe&ents &ost stringently" an! I !o not beliee you #oul! $ae $a! t$e ti&e to &ur!er $er an! $ang

$er bet#een t$e ti&e you arrie! an! #$en t$e 'olice !escen!e!*/

I $a!n+t reali0e! I #as $ol!ing &y breat$ until $e sai! t$at* I let it out" rela4ing against t$e back o%

t$e benc$" &ore t$an a little sur'rise! to %in! $e beliee! &e innocent o% t$e &ur!er* /T$at+s not ana!&ission t$at you beliee I+& telling t$e trut$" but I+ll take it*/

/2o#eer" I $ae not rule! out t$e 'ossibility t$at you are #orking in coo'eration #it$ t$e 'erson#$o !i! &ur!er $er"/ (roust a!!e!*

@i& &a!e a noise t$at soun!e! strangely like it #as a laug$* I tugge! on t$e leas$ as a #arning*/Well" $el*** er *** $eck* I !on+t su''ose you+! care to 3ust take &y #or! %or it t$at I !i!n+t1/

/I #oul! 're%er 'roo% absolute"/ $e sai! in a care%ul neutral tone*

I sig$e!* /I+! gie it to you i% I $a! it*/

2e continue! to #atc$ t$e rier %or a %e# &inutes* /W$at !i! you %in! in t$e circle !uring your isitto M&e* Deau4ille+s a'art&ent1/

I glance! at $i& out o% t$e corner o% &y eye* 2e looke! al&ost !isintereste!" as i% $e #ere si&'ly 'assing t$e ti&e talking about so&et$ing innocuous" like t$e #eat$er* No# I $a! to lie" or else $e+!

t$ink I #as stark" staring &a!* /Not &uc$* T$ere #as salt in it as #ell as as$*/

2e no!!e!" #aiting %or &e to go on* I %i!gete!" trying to 'ick out t$ings I coul! sa%ely tell $i&*

/W$oeer !re# t$e circle %ollo#e! t$e %or&ula %or su&&oning As$tarot$" a !e&on lor!*/

/A !e&on lor!" $o# ery unusual*/ I% $is oice #ere any &ore blan!" it #oul! be ta'ioca* /W$y

#oul! so&eone #is$ to !o t$at1/

/You got &e"/ I ans#ere!" giing a little s$rug o% &y o#n* It #asn+t nearly as e%%ectie as $is" but it%elt goo! nonet$eless*

/No" I !o not $ae you" but I coul! i% I %eel strongly enoug$ t$at you are not being entirely $onest

#it$ &e*/

I glance! at $i& again to see i% $e #as 3oking* Serious bro#n eyes looke! back at &e*

/O$* 8$***/

/)or so&eone #$o is ne# to (aris" you see& to $ae &a!e 7uite an entrance in t$e occult

un!ergroun! society t$at is so 'o'ular in t$e Latin uarter*/

O$" lor!" $a! $e seen &e 'laying kissy.%ace #it$ Drake in G 6 T1

/One &ig$t al&ost say you #ere co&%ortable in suc$ a society" as i% you #ere e4'ecte!*/

/I !i!n+t kno# a soul $ere until I arrie!"/ I sai! $onestly* I c$ance! anot$er glance at $i&* 2is le%t

eyebro# #as cocke! in outrig$t !isbelie%*

/I% t$at is so" I #oul! be %orce! to say t$at you $ae &a!e yoursel% %a&iliar #it$ certain in!ii!uals

e4ce'tionally 7uickly*/

2e had seen Drake an! &e kissing> Da&n* /8& ***/

(roust %licke! $is cigarette to t$e 'ae&ent" grin!ing it out #it$ $is $eel as $e stoo! u'* /A #or! o%a!ice" i% you #ill 'er&it it" &a!e&oiselle*/

/W$ateer turns your crank"/ I sai! as I stoo! u'" too*

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/It is an Englis$ 'oet" I t$ink" #$o sai! t$at all t$at glitters is not gol!* Me" I say t$at #$ic$ looksinnocent is o%ten t$e &ost corru'te!*/

Wit$ t$ose 'arting #or!s" Ins'ector (roust 'atte! @i& on t$e $ea! an! strolle! o%% !o#n t$e

cobblestone street to#ar! M&e* Deau4ille+s $ouse*

/Well" $o# !o you like t$at1 Was $e talking about &e" !o you t$ink1 Or so&et$ing else1 An! i% so"

#$o1 Or #$at1/

/2o# #oul! I kno#1 I+& 3ust a $o&eless stray no one #ante! t$at you so kin!ly took in"/ @i&ans#ere!* /2e 'ette! &e" you+ll notice* You coul! !o &ore o% t$at* Woul!n+t $urt you any*/

I &a!e a %ace* /May I re&in! you t$at you+re a !e&on" not a !og" an! it is co&&only $el! t$at t$oset$ings t$at #e &ortals %in! en3oyable9like 'etting9are loat$so&e to !e&ons1/

/All I sai! #as t$at you coul! !o &ore o% it"/ @i& sai! #it$ great !ignity" lu&bering oer to 'ee on anearby tras$ can*

I t$oug$t about #$at I nee!e! to !o ne4t* Een t$oug$ Ins'ector (roust sai! I #as o%% t$e $ook %ort$e actual &ur!er" it #as obious $e t$oug$t I #as inole! so&e$o#" #$ic$ #as not going to get &e

&y 'ass'ort back* I still nee!e! to %in! out #$o !re# t$at circle" an! alt$oug$ I $a! a clue in t$e na&e

o% t$e !e&on t$at #as 'resent" it #asn+t enoug$ to gie &e t$e ans#er*

/I bet Drake kno#s" t$e rat %ink*/

/I t$oug$t $e #as a #yern*/

I turne! to @i&" 'atte! it on t$e $ea!" an! een gae its ears a 7uick %on!le* /Sto' groaning" 'eo'le#ill $ear you*/

/Dogs groan #$en you rub t$eir ears"/ @i& sai! #it$ a sour look*

I grabbe! t$e leas$ an! $ea!e! to#ar! t$e (ont Marie*

+True" but t$ey !on+t &u&ble +O$" yea$" &a&a" t$at+s t$e s'ot rig$t t$ere>+ #$ile t$ey+re !oing it* Anyi!eas on #$ere in (aris a #yern #oul! be likely to kee' $is lair1/

/($one book"/ @i& sai!*

I s$ot it a look* /T$at+s 3ust stu'i!* Drake is a 'o#er%ul !ragon" a #yern" an i&&ortal* 2e #oul!n+t

 be in a '$one book like nor&al 'eo'le*/

/@ust because you+re i&&ortal !oesn+t &ean you !on+t #ant 'eo'le to call you"/ @i& 'ointe! out*

/)ine" I+ll look" but it+s a #aste o% ti&e"/ I gru&ble! as I c$ange! course to sto' by a 'ay '$one*/You coul! be trying to $el' &e by t$inking o% all t$e likely s'ots t$at a !ragon &ig$t*** Well" I+ll be


/Tol! you"/ @i& sai! s&ugly as I stare! !o#n at t$e '$one book 'age* T$ere #as Drake+s na&e" bigas li%e*

/I a& so in oer &y $ea!"/ I sai! #it$ a sig$ as I #rote !o#n t$e a!!ress* I toye! #it$ t$e t$oug$t o%

si&'ly calling $i& u'" but t$at #oul! take t$e sur'rise out o% &e s$o#ing u' on $is !oorste'

!e&an!ing &y a7ua&anile* Not t$at $e #as going to gie it to &e i% I 3ust aske! ***/Ins'ector (roust &entione! A&elie* I #on!er i% I s$oul! talk to $er* I% $e t$oug$t s$e #as so&eone

i&'ortant" &aybe s$e can s$e! a little lig$t on t$e &ur!er" or at least #$o &ig$t be likely to call u'

5a%a&al* Or I coul! go straig$t to Drake+s an! try to sneak in* Or I coul! s#ing by t$e G 6 T an! see i%O'$elia an! (er!ita &ig$t be t$ere*/


/T$ey+re sisters" Wiccan sisters* I &et t$e& at G 6 T*/

/O$* Or9an! t$is is a &uc$ better 'lan9you coul! take &e to lunc$ an! %ee! &e*/

/You 3ust $a! break%ast"/ I sai! absently" trying to t$ink #$at #oul! be t$e logical ne4t ste'* T$e

 'roble& #as" logic !i!n+t see& to be on s'eaking ter&s #it$ &e any&ore*

/T$at #as $ours ago"/ @i& co&'laine!* /I+& $ungry* T$is %or& nee!s to be %e!* $reuently." 

/You !i! t$at #ell"/* I tol! &y %urry !e&on as #e strolle! to#ar! t$e roa!* /T$at 'laintie note in

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your oice #as 'articularly $eartren!ing*/

/It+s #aste! on so&eone #$o !oesn+t $ae a $eart"/ @i& sna''e!*

I laug$e!9#$ic$ s$oul! $ae been #ort$ so&e &a3or kar&a 'oints" because &y li%e #as anyt$ing but a&using9an! 'atte! t$e big black $ea! t$at bobbe! alongsi!e &e* /(oor little !e&on* All rig$t"

#e+ll $ae a 7uick lunc$" but it $as to be %ast* I+e got to get t$at a7ua&anile back*/

We ate in a s&all ca%e" t$en %eeling 'ressure!" I gae in to te&'tation an! calle! :ene to see i% $e

#as %ree %or a %e# $ours*

/You !esire $el' %in!ing your &issing !ragon1/ $e aske!* /I #ill ai! you* I kno# a great &any

 'eo'le in (aris* W$ere are you1/

/Near t$e (ont Marie*/

/I #ill &eet you on t$e :ig$t 5ank* I can be #it$ you in %i%teen &inutes* T$en #e #ill &ake our 'lans" yes1/

/Sure" alt$oug$ I t$ink I kno# #$ere t$e !ragon is* T$e trouble isn+t going to be %in!ing it" it+s goingto be *** u$ *** liberating it*/

"6h, bon *iva la libiration#" :ene sai!" $anging u' a%ter giing &e instructions about #$ere $e

#oul! collect us*

/:e&e&ber t$e rules"/ I #arne! @i& as :ene 'ulle! u' a s$ort #$ile later* /You+re 3ust a !og* Nolaug$ing" no !isguste! snorts" no rolling your eyes" an! no talking*/

/You really are a control %reak" aren+t you1/ @i& aske! as I o'ene! t$e car !oor*

/You look tres bon to!ay* No bloo! on your !ress> T$is is goo!" yes1/ :ene sai! oer $is s$oul!er"

$is eyes #i!ening as $e sa# @i& %ollo# &e into t$e ta4i* /You $ae a 'et1/

/8$*** yea$* A stray !og* I %oun! $i&* 2ere+s t$e a!!ress %or Drake9/

/A !og1 T$at is not a $orse1/ :ene sai! #it$ a c$uckle as $e 'ulle! out into tra%%ic*

/I% I #ere a $orse" I #oul!n+t %it in t$is ratty ol! ta4i" no#" #oul! I1/ @i& aske!*

:ene &a!e an inarticulate soun! an! sla&&e! on t$e brakes* 5e$in! us" t$e s7ueal o% tires on 'ae&ent coul! be $ear!" 7uickly %ollo#e! by t$e 'rolonge! $onking o% $orns an! a great !eal o%

 'ro%oun! s#earing*

"(im#" I yelle!" grabbing its ear*

/O#> You+re $urting &e> You+re &y #itness" :ene* T$is is ani&al abuse* S$e coul! go to 3ail %or t$is"rig$t1/

:ene turne! aroun! in $is seat" $is eyes $uge as $e* looke! %ro& &e to @i&* /You *** you are not***#$at is it calle!" t$e 'erson #$o s'eaks t$roug$ a !oll1/

/?entrilo7uist1/ I release! @i&+s ear an! sat back #it$ a $eart%elt sig$" ignoring t$e soun! o% so&e

really ticke! o%% 'eo'le be$in! us* /No" I+& not* You+re not $earing t$ings" it #as @i& #$o s'oke*/

/A !og1/ :ene c$oke! an! turne! re!*/You see1/ I #$a''e! @i& on t$e s$oul!er* /T$is is #$y I tol! you to kee' 7uiet* No# you+e u'set

 'oor :ene*/

/You sai! $e #as a %rien! o% yours* W$o #as it #$o sai! +Loe &e" loe &y !og+1/

/You+re not a !og* :ene" #$y !on+t you 'ull oer so&e#$ere* I+ll e4'lain it to you t$en*/

/2o# is it t$e !og $e is talking1/ $e aske!" ignoring &y suggestion*

/@i&+s not really a !og* It+s a !e&on* It 3ust took a !og+s %or&*/

/A !e&on1/ I !i!n+t t$ink it 'ossible" but :ene+s oice #ent u' an octae* /One o% t$e little !eils1/

/A !e&on %or&erly o% t$e legions o% A&ay&on"/ @i& sai! #it$ a sni%%" turning its $ea! to look outt$e #in!o#*

/:ene" can #e 'lease get &oing1/ I 'lea!e!* /T$ere+s a $uge line o% tra%%ic be$in! us* I can e4'lain

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/You sai! you !i! not beliee in t$e little !eils" an! yet you $ae one $ere1/

/Yea$" #ell" I c$ange! &y &in!*/

:ene looke! at @i& %or a %e# &ore &o&ents" t$en s$rugge! an! turne! back to t$e steering #$eel"saying" "6 lui le pompom." 

/W$at #as t$at1/ I aske!" reliee! #e #ere &oing again" alt$oug$ i% @i& $a! !one as I aske!" I

#oul!n+t $ae $a! to e4'lain to :ene about it in t$e %irst 'lace ** * I glare! at @i& an! 'inc$e! itss$oul!er*

+To $i& t$e pompom. It &eans *** heu *** $e ate t$e cake*/

+Takes t$e cake" yes" I kno# #$at you &ean" but really" :ene" you !on+t $ae to #orry about @i&* It

can+t $urt you* It+s 'o#erless*/

/Well" 3ust tell eeryone" #$y !on+t you1/ @i& $u%%e!* /S$all I rent you so&e billboar! s'ace1

Maybe book you so&e ti&e on t$e local ne#s station %or &a4i&u& coerage1/

/You s$oul! be counting yoursel% lucky I !on+t !ro' you o%% at t$e nearest 'oun!" you big

 blabber&out$*/ I gae it a glare 3ust to let it kno# I #asn+t 'lease!* /5e 7uiet" an! sto' causing


/I+& a !e&on"/ @i& &u&ble!* /T$at+s #$at #e !o best*/

I narro#e! &y glare until it $a! laser accuracy* @i& sni%%e! again an! looke! 'ointe!ly at t$e $an!le%or t$e car #in!o#*

/2onest to (ete" #$at I $ae to !o %or you***/ I leane! oer an! rolle! t$e #in!o# !o#n enoug$ so

@i& / coul! stick its $ea! out* /O$" :ene" I t$ink I &ay be %ollo#e! by t$e 'olice* I $ate to say t$is because it soun!s so c$eesy" but !o you t$ink you can lose t$e&1/

:ene snorte!" $is eyes lit #it$ 'leasure* /T$e 'olice1 You !o not een $ae to ask" ma vieille

branche. It is !one*/

/W$at+s a vieille branche" I aske! @i& as :ene s'un t$e car aroun! a corner an! #oe $is #ay

t$roug$ tra%%ic* I !i!n+t $onestly e4'ect @i& to kno#" but I #as #illing to !o anyt$ing to !istract &ysel%%ro& t$e !eat$.!e%ying &anner in #$ic$ :ene 'lunge! t$roug$ tra%%ic in $is atte&'t to s$ake t$e 'olicetail*

/Ol! branc$* It+s slang %or +Men!*+ You ca&e to a country #it$out een bot$ering to learn t$elanguage1/

/It+s &y %irst 3ob* I+& going to take classes once it+s oer"/ I &uttere!" annoye! t$at I $a! to !e%en!

&ysel% to a !e&on*

A%ter t$at I close! &y eyes" !eci!ing it #as really better i% !i!n+t see $o# close to !eat$ I #as #it$eac$ s'in o% t$e steering #$eel* I clung to t$e ar&rest" saying" /I+& really sorry you* $a! to learn about

@i& t$is #ay" :ene* I $o'e it !oesn+t s$ake you u' too &uc$* I+& kin! o% stuck #it$ $aing a !og until Ican sen! it back*/

"Non." I o'ene! &y eyes long enoug$ to see in t$e rearie# &irror as :ene 'urse! $is li's* 2e tooka !ee' breat$" %li''e! o%% anot$er ta4i !rier #$o s#ere! into our lane" an! %inally sai!" /It is not t$e

!eal big* You $ae a !og #$o is also a little !eil" e$" &e" I !o not &in!*/

/T$at+s re&arkably acce'ting o% you* It took &e $ours to get to t$e 'oint you+re at a%ter 3ust a %e#


/I+& )renc$"/ :ene sai! #it$ anot$er s$rug* /We are su'erior" yes1/

/Absolutely"/ I sai! #it$ a s&ile" one t$at staye! on &y %ace until #e 'ulle! u' outsi!e t$e a!!ress

liste! %or Drake*

/We are $ere" an! t$e 'olice" t$ey #ill not kno# #$ere #e are"/ :ene sai! #it$ great satis%action*

/8&"/ I sai!" looking at t$e courtyar!* A 'riate courtyar!" one #it$ a %ountain* I% I t$oug$t M&e*

Deau4ille+s buil!ing sai! e4'ensie" t$is one screa&e! millionaire.

:ene #$istle! as $e took in t$e beauti%ul 'ink stone buil!ing set back be$in! t$e courtyar!* /T$is

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&an #$o stole your !ragon" $e $as &uc$ &oney1/

/I+& going to say t$e ans#er to t$at is a resoun!ing yes*/ I got out o% t$e ta4i an! gae &ysel% oer

to a %e# secon!s o% blatant ga#king* /Can you #ait" or !o you $ae to go run ric$ tourists aroun!1/

2e reac$e! %or $is cell '$one" $is eyes still on t$e $ouse* /I #ill call &y %rien! to take &y a%ternoon

a''oint&ent* I t$ink I s$oul! co&e #it$ you*/

/Gee0" :ene" I !on+t #ant to &ake you lose out on goo! 'ickings %ro& tourists*/

2e #ae! &e %or#ar!" alrea!y s'eaking into $is '$one*

/So" #$at+s t$e ga&e 'lan1/ @i& aske! as #e skirte! t$e %ountain*

I 3ust kne# so&eone #as going to ask &e t$at* 8n%ortunately" I $a!n+t yet t$oug$t o% a reasonableans#er* /Well*** I !on+t really $ae one*/

@i& groane!* /Don+t tell &e you+re 3ust 'lanning on #alking in t$e %ront !oor1/

/Er* ** &aybe* 8nless you $ae a better i!ea1/ I sto''e! in %ront o% t$e t#o large !oors an! gna#e!

&y lo#er li'* T$e courtyar! #as co&'letely !eserte!* T$ere #asn+t een a s$a!o# to be seen %lickering be$in! t$e lace net curtains t$at $ung in all t$e #in!o#s" lace curtains t$at I sus'ecte! #ere t$ere to

kee' 'rying eyes %ro& seeing too &uc$ rat$er t$an %or !ecoratie 'ur'oses* T$e t$oug$t o% Drake

 'icking out lace curtains %or $is $ouse #as 3ust too &uc$ %or &y brain to $an!le*

@i& rolle! its eyes* /T$is is a !ragon+s $o&e* You t$ink t$ey surie! %or centuries by letting inanyone #$o #ants to stroll in an! $ae a look aroun!1/

I $ate! to a!&it it" but t$at &a!e sense* Drake #oul! $ar!ly be likely to leae t$e a7ua&anile lying

aroun! #$ere I coul! easily get at it* /:ig$t* W$at !o you kno# about !ragon+s lairs1/

/I !on+t kno# any !ragons"/ @i& ans#ere!" s&elling at a large 'otte! 'lant* /T$us I !on+t kno#anyt$ing about t$eir lairs*/

/No 'eeing on anyt$ing t$at looks nice"/ I #arne!" t$en c$e#e! &y li' a little &ore as I consi!ere!t$e 'roble&* W$at #as goo! %or M&e* Deau4ille+s &ig$t be goo! %or Drake+s $ouse* /I su''ose #e

coul! sneak aroun! t$e back o% t$e $ouse an! see i% I can+t %in! us a #ay in* T$en #e+ll reconnoiter*/

/:econnoiter" yes" t$at is a ery goo! 'lan"/ :ene sai! as $e tucke! $is cell '$one into $is 'ocket* /Ilike t$at* I a& ery goo! at t$e reconnoiter* W$ere !o #e co&&ence1/

A cou'le &ore gna#s on t$e ol! lo#er li'" an! I ca&e to a !ecision* /:ene" I !on+t t$ink it+s a goo!

i!ea %or you to co&e insi!e #it$ us* Een t$oug$ Drake stole &y !ragon" an! I+& 3ust getting it back"tec$nically it is a cri&e to break into $is $ouse* I #oul!n+t #ant you to get into any trouble*/

/)en"/ :ene sai!" #aing a#ay t$e 'ossibility o% trouble* 2e ta''e! $is c$est" giing &e a kno#ing

look as $e !i! so* /I kno# t$e #ay o% t$ings $ere* You !o not* An! t$e !e&on" $e is not ery brig$t* So

#e co&&ence*/

We co&&ence!* I %elt ba! about :ene" but !i!n+t t$ink I coul! talk $i& out o% it" an! to be $onest" I

%elt &ore secure #it$ $i& along* I+! 3ust $ae to see to it t$at $e !i!n+t get $is kin!ness to &e 'ai! back#it$ trouble*

/You get to be t$e #atc$!og"/ I tol! @i& as #e a''roac$e! one o% t$e t$ree groun!.%loor !oorsrecesse! in t$e back o% t$e buil!ing* T$e back o'ene! onto a !ark" !usty alley t$at a''eare! aban!one!*

I stu!ie! t$e lock on t$e !oor %or a secon!" al&ost s&iling at it* I kne# t$is lock; it #as een easier too'en t$an t$e one at M&e* Deau4ille+s*

/Watc$!og1 W$at !oes t$at &ean1/ @i& aske!*

/5ark i% you see anyone* Or anyt$ing sus'icious* Or &y a7ua&anile* You kno#" be a #atc$!og*/

@i& rolle! its eyes* T$e lock clicke! o'en as I #orke! &y cre!! &agic u'on it* :ene 'urse! $is

li's again at t$e sig$t o% t$e !oor o'ening" but $e !i!n+t say anyt$ing as I sli''e! insi!e*

/Looks like a utility roo& o% so&e sort"/ I #$is'ere! as @i& an! :ene %ollo#e!* I cre't to t$eo''osite !oor" o'ening it 3ust a crack as :ene gently close! t$e outer !oor* Lig$t %ro& a $all#ay

illu&inate! a %e# occasional tables an! a cou'le o% green e&broi!ere! c$airs* )ro& t$e rig$t" I coul!$ear t$e %aint soun! o% conersation9 a T?" I #as #illing to bet" cou'le! #it$ t$e soun! o% crockery

clinking a co&%ortable" $o&ey soun!* /T$at+s t$e kitc$en !o#n t$ere" to t$e rig$t"/ I #$is'ere!*

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/W$ic$ #ay !o you t$ink9u' or !o#n1/

/8'"/ :ene sai!* /T$ere is less c$ance #e #ill see so&eone u'stairs i% t$e co&&on roo&s are on

t$is %loor" yes1/

/Works %or &e"/ I &uttere! as #e skinnie! !o#n t$e $all#ay to #$ere a large staircase cure!

u'#ar!" its elegant s#ee' o% !ark oak gracing an alrea!y stunning $all* /Is t$at linen 'aneling1 It looks


/Aisling>/ :ene $isse!" $al%#ay u' t$e stairs* /No# is not t$e ti&e to be a tourist*/

:eluctantly I sto''e! &ysel% %ro& a!&iring t$e beauti%ul 'aneling* /Sorry* Co&ing*/

I starte! u' t$e stairs as @i& 'ause! to sni%% t$e air* T$e soun! o% oices #as lou!er $ere" as #as t$es&ell o% grilling &eat* /)oo!>/

/You $a! your lunc$"/ I sai!" tugging on its collar* /Co&e on* I% eeryone is eating" #e can lookaroun! #it$out being seen*/

We $urrie! u' t$e car'ete! stairs" alert to anyone #$o &ig$t su!!enly 'o' out o% a roo&" but #e sa#not$ing* Well" t$at+s not strictly correct9#e sa# roo& a%ter roo& o% gorgeous %urnis$ings" art#ork t$at

looke! original an! aluableB" #orks o% art t$at s$oul! $ae been in a &useu&9but 'eo'le1 Not a

soul* T$ere #as no a7ua&anile" eit$er*/Man" I $a! no i!ea t$ere #as so &uc$ &oney to be $a! in t$e !ragon business"/ I sai! as I %ollo#e!

:ene an! @i& into a be!roo& !ecorate! #it$ an Oriental t$e&e" all black lac7uer an! brig$t blues"

greens" an! gol!s* I #as 'ositie it #as Drake+s be!roo&" #$ic$ gae &e an o!! t$rill as I looke!aroun!* T$e roo& #as absolutely breat$taking" but not as breat$taking as trie ie# seen %ro& t$e

terrace a soli! #all o% #in!o#s oerlooke!*

/Wo#" t$is is absolutely astoun!ing* W$at a gorgeous ie#* W$at a gorgeous roo&* W$at a

gorgeous $ouse*/

/5ut it is not %in!ing us your !ragon"/ :ene 'ointe! out*

/True*/ I ke't &y eyes %ir&ly a#ay %ro& t$e $uge!.gol! be! t$at !o&inate! t$e roo& an!t$oug$t about #$ere t$e lair #oul! be* /We coul! look on t$e %loor aboe" or t$e groun! %loor" but call

it a $unc$" I+& #illing to bet t$at Drake+s lair is in t$e base&ent* T$at+s #$ere I+! 'ut so&et$ing I#ante! li&ite! access to*/

/I agree &ost strong"/ :ene sai!*

/:ig$t* 5ack !o#nstairs #e go*/

We sli''e! out o% t$e be!roo& an!" a%ter listening %or a &o&ent at t$e to' o% t$e stairs" !eci!e! t$ecoast #as clear* We !escen!e! #it$ a &ini&u& o% soun! an! cre't back to t$e si!e $all* /W$ere !o

you t$ink t$e !oor to t$e base&ent is1/ I #$is'ere! to :ene*

2e 'ointe! to t$e le%t* /T$at !oor*/

I looke! at t$e !oor* It !i!n+t look any !i%%erent %ro& t$e t#o ot$ers* /W$y t$at one1/

/It $as t$e keys*/

2e #as rig$t* T$ere #as a key strung on a blue 'iece o% string $anging aroun! t$e !oorknob* Isnatc$e! t$e string o%% t$e knob" sur'rise! to %in! t$at it turne! %reely*

/Maybe t$e key is %or so&et$ing else1/ I aske!* :ene s$rugge!* @i& looke! bore!* A#are o% t$esoun!s o% $abitation in t$e kitc$en" I $urrie! into !ie roo&* /(oint one %or us"/ I #$is'ere! as I %elt

aroun! %or a lig$t* It clicke! on to s$o# us stan!ing on t$e lan!ing o% a narro# %lig$t o% stairs t$at le!!o#n#ar!* /Goo! call" :ene*/

2e looke! 'lease!* /I tol! you I #oul! be &ost $el'%ul*/

/I neer t$oug$t you #oul!n+t be" but at t$e %irst sign o% trouble" I #ant you out o% $ere* @i& an! I

can take care o% ourseles*/

/We can1/ @i& aske! !oubt%ully* I !i!n+t say anyt$ing* W$at #as t$ere to say1 I %elt 3ust as !oubting

as t$e !e&on soun!e!" but I #as !eter&ine! to kee' :ene %ro& being !ragge! any %urt$er t$an $ealrea!y #as into t$e $i!eous &ess &y li%e $a! beco&e*

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Silently" or as silently as #e coul! be consi!ering t$e #oo!en stairs cracke! an! groane! #it$ eeryste'" #e &a!e our #ay to t$e botto&" #$ere anot$er close! !oor #as set into a stone #all* T$is one

#as 'a!locke! s$ut*

/?oila"/ :ene sai!* /T$at &ust be $is storeroo&" yes1/

/I i&agine so* You+! t$ink a &an #$o $a! $un!re!s o% years to learn basic security #oul! be a bit

&ore care%ul about $is 'riceless ob3ects"/ I #$is'ere! as I use! t$e key on t$e string to o'en t$e 'a!lock* /All t$ose 'ictures an! ases 3ust sitting aroun! u'stairs" an! 3ust one lock on t$is !oor1 8ncleDa&ian #oul! $ae so&et$ing to say about t$at*/ I set t$e lock on t$e %loor" care%ully o'ening t$e !oor*

* T#o t$ings s$oul! $ae beco&e rea!ily a''arent to you by no#, )irst" I+& not t$e brig$test bulb int$e 'ack #$en it co&es to obious t$ings" an! secon! *** #ell" it+s t$e sa&e as t$e %irst*

/Woo%"/ @i& sai! as a lig$t auto&atically turne! on #$en t$e !oor to t$e lair s#ung o'en* :enesucke! in $is breat$ an! &uttere! so&et$ing I !i!n+t un!erstan!* I clutc$e! t$e !oor" blinking at t$e

sig$t be%ore us* It #as a treasure troe" 'ure an! si&'le* T$ere #as gol! eery#$ere9real gol!" not%ake gol!* Gol! 'lates" gol! goblets" gol! statues * * * Drake+s lair #as a roo& %ille! #it$ !is'lay cases

an! ornate #oo!en cabinets" all $ousing ob3ects o% gol!* /2ae you eer seen anyt$ing like t$is1/ I

#$is'ere!" #alking slo#ly into t$e roo&*

/Ar%*//Neer"/ :ene breat$e!" %ollo#ing &e* I stoo! in t$e &i!!le o% t$e narro#" lo#.ceilinge! roo&" &y

&out$ $anging o'en as I looke! %ro& case to case*

/I can+t een begin to calculate #$at it+s all #ort$**** 2ey" t$ere+s &y !ragon>/

/5o# #o#*/

I $urrie! oer to t$e #oo!en cabinet t$at %ace! t$e !oor* Eac$ one #as in!ii!ually lit #it$in" t$e

so%t lig$t care%ully %ocuse! to $ig$lig$t t$e ob3ects nestle! on t$e s$eles* On t$e to' s$el% o% t$ecabinet in %ront o% &e t#o ob3ects sat on black elet9one #as &y !ragon a7ua&anile; t$e ot$er #as a

gol! goblet si&ilarly !ecorate! #it$ a !ragon coile! aroun! t$e ste&*

/5ark" bark"/ @i& sai! be$in! &e*

/@i&" #$at+s your 'roble&1/ I aske! as I reac$e! out to o'en t$e glass.%ronte! !oor*

/I t$ink 'er$a's I a& t$e 'roble&"/ a s&oot$" silky" e4tre&ely se4y oice sai! be$in! us*

/O$" cra'"/ I s#ore" letting &y $an! !ro'*

/You are in )rance* T$e correct #or! is merde," :ene correcte! gently*

/Sorry* 1erde." I turne! to %ace Drake" trying to su&&on an innocent s&ile" not t$at it #oul! !o &e

any goo!* It !i!n+t* T$e e4'ression on $is %ace le%t &e #is$ing I+! taken &y c$ances #it$ t$e ?ene!iger*

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/A$" Drake* Long ti&e no see* We #ere *** u$*** in t$e neig$bor$oo! an! t$oug$t #e+! sto' by an!

see $o# you #ere*/

/Di! you1 2o# ery generous o% you* An! your co&'anions are1/

I #ae! &y $an! to#ar! :ene* /T$is is :ene" &y ta4i !rier* 2e !oesn+t kno# anyt$ing about #$at+s

going on*/

/Doesn+t $e1/ Drake turne! $is attention on :ene" eyeing $i& care%ully %or a &o&ent be%ore li%ting$is $an!* A %las$ o% blue like a concentrate! ball o% lig$tning s$ot %ro& $i& to :ene" leaing &e #it$

 big black s'ots bobbing be%ore &y eyes*

/W$at $ae you !one to $i&1/ I yelle! as soon as t$e s'ots !isa''eare! enoug$ %or &e to see* I ran

oer to #$ere :ene #as slu&'e! unconscious against one o% t$e cases* /My go!" you+e kille! $i&>/

/2o# bloo!t$irsty you are* I $a! no i!ea your loely e4terior $i! suc$ a cruel nature*/

I sent $i& a glare t$at s$oul! $ae burne! t$e $air rig$t o%% $is $ea!* /I+& not t$e one #$o 3ust kille!an innocent &an> You are going to 'ay %or t$is" Drake* So $el' &e" you are going to 'ay>/

Drake sig$e! an! s$ook $is $ea! in &ock sorro#* /Suc$ a sus'icious &in! you $ae* I !i! not kill

$i&* I &erely sent $i& to slee' %or a #$ile* T$e %e#er #itnesses to #$at is about to $a''en" t$e better*/

:elie% %ille! &e een as I recogni0e! 3ust $o# o&inous $is #or!s #ere* I &a!e sure t$at :ene #as 3ust out" an! #$en I #as satis%ie! t$at Drake tol! t$e trut$ about 0a''ing $i&" &oe! so I $a! &y back

to t$e case $ol!ing t$e !ragons* Drake glance! to#ar! @i&*

/T$at+s @i&*/

/2er !e&on"/ @i& sai!" strolling oer to Drake* /5ut i% you+re as 'o#er%ul as you look" I can be yours instea!*/

+Traitor"/ I #$is'ere!" taking a ste' back#ar!s* Alt$oug$ t$e &ain 'art o% &y brain" t$e %unctioning 'art" kne# I #as caug$t an! $o#" t$e little !are!eil section o% &y brain sai! t$at i% I coul! 3ust grab

t$e a7ua&anile" I coul! run %or it* True" t$e o!!s #eren+t in &y %aor" but t$ere #as still a c$ance I&ig$t be able to get by Drake i% I coul! get @i& to !istract $i& by attacking*

OK" it #as a very s&all c$ance* 5ut I !i!n+t $ae &uc$ c$oice" no#" !i! I1

I took anot$er ste' back" &y %ingers brus$ing against t$e brass $an!le on t$e %ront o% t$e case* Drake

#as giing @i& a look t$at $a! t$e !e&on backing a#ay as it &u&ble!" /It #as 3ust a suggestion*S$ees$*/

/Woul! it sur'rise you to kno# t$at I+e been e4'ecting you1/ Drake aske!" leaning back against t$e

!oor" $is ar&s crosse! oer $is c$est* /T$e 'olice #ere $ere earlier" asking &any 7uestions about you

an! &y allege! isit to M&e* Deauille+s a'art&ent* I" as an u'stan!ing business&an" naturallye4'resse! $orror an! sur'rise at accusations suc$ as you $ae ei!ently leele! against &e* T$e 'olice

see&e! ery satis%ie! o% &y innocence #$en t$ey le%t" but so&e$o#" I kne# you #oul! 'ay &e a isit*

T$e &e&ory o% &y $ig$ly !etaile!" erotic.beyon!.&y.#il!est.!rea&s %antasy about $i& t$e nig$t

 be%ore #as 'otent enoug$ to &ake &e s$ier at o!! &o&ents !uring t$e !ay" but seeing $i& in t$e%les$ took &y breat$ a#ay* I use! a %e# &o&ents to a!&ire t$e $ silk s$irt $e #ore t$e

color &atc$e! $is eyes 'er%ectlyB an! t$e &arelous #ay it caresse! t$e &uscles o% $is ar&s an! c$est"as #ell as t$e tig$t %it o% $is black leat$er 'ants* 2e really #as gorgeous" enoug$ t$at &y tongue

cleae! to t$e roo% o% &y &out$ %or a &o&ent* I engage! in a little !ecleaing #$ile s#allo#ing $ar! a

cou'le o% ti&es" &y %ingers busy as t$ey o'ene! t$e case be$in! &e" 7uickly closing oer t$e cool&etal s$a'e o% a !ragon*

/Were you1 2o# 'rescient o% you* Woul! it sur'rise you to kno# t$at I+e got &y a7ua&anile1/ I

cro#e! triu&'$antly as I #$i''e! t$e gol! ob3ect aroun! in %ront o% &e* I 'ointe! at Drake an! use!&y best !e&on.or!ering oice to say" /E%%ri3i&" I co&&an! t$ee by t$y lor! A&ay&on to attack $i&>/

@i& sat !o#n* /You $ae got to be ki!!ing*/

Drake s&ile!" a&use&ent clearly isible in $is eyes* I #ante! to screa&* W$y !i! not$ing eer go

rig$t in &y li%e1

I &arc$e! oer to @i& an! s$ook t$e a7ua&anile at $i&* /You are su''ose! to be &y !e&on" &ine to

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or!er" &ine to gie co&&an!s* I gae you an or!er* I+& in a !es'erate situation $ere* Drake is likely tokill &e i% you !on+t $el' &e esca'e* I% I !ie" no one is going to buy you $a&burgers any&ore* Now are

#e on t$e sa&e #aelengt$1/

@i& &a!e a 'outy %ace* /2e+s not going to kill you9 you+re $is &ate* Dragons &ate %or li%e; t$eycan+t kill t$eir &ate or t$eir o#n li%e en!s*/

I looke! at Drake* 2e #as still s&iling* /Is t$at true1/

2e looke! &e oer care%ully" $is eyes lingering on &y breasts* My &in! #ent o%% on a littlee4cursion re&e&bering #$at it %elt like to $ae $is &out$ on &y %les$* I s&oot$e! !o#n t$e tau'e

linen tunic #$ile I re&in!e! &ysel% t$at #$at $a! 'asse! bet#een us $a! been a !rea&" not real*** eeni% t$e nig$tgo#n had been*

/You clai& you aren+t &y &ate*/

/No" I &eant t$at i% I #ere9an! I+& not saying I a&9but i% I #ere" is it true you can+t kill &e

#it$out corking o%%" too1/

T$e a&use&ent in $is eyes turne! to outrig$t laug$ter* /T$e !e&on !oes not lie*/

/W$e#"/ I sai!" breat$ing a $uge sig$ o% relie%* /T$at+s nice to kno#* 2oo> I #as #orrie! t$ere %or a

&inute t$at you #ere going to get a bit testy oer &e $aing &y a7ua&anile back" but I !on+t $aeanyt$ing to #orry about i% you can+t $urt &e9/

/I !i!n+t say I coul!n+t $urt you9I sai! I coul!n+t kill &y &ate* As %ar as I+& a#are" you $ae not

agree! t$at you are &y &ate; t$ere%ore" #ere I to take e4ce'tion to t$e %act t$at you $ae broken into&y $ouse #it$ t$e intention to rob &e" I coul! !o so #it$out any re'ercussions*/

I clutc$e! t$e a7ua&anile to &y c$est as I s7uare! &y s$oul!ers an! sent $i& as o%%en!e! a glare asI coul! rally* /I !o not like you*/

/At t$is &o&ent I+& not e4cee!ingly %on! o% you" eit$er*/ Drake straig$tene! u'" stri!ing to#ar! &e"$is $an! outstretc$e! %or t$e a7ua&anile* /You #ill return &y treasure no#*/

I clutc$e! it tig$ter" &oing back#ar!s as $e continue! %or#ar!* /No* It+s &ine* I+e stolen it back%ro& you* I% you #ant it" you+re going to $ae to agree to $el' &e" because t$ere+s no ot$er #ay you+re

going to get it %ro& &e*/

2e backe! &e u' until I #as against t$e #all" t$e coolness o% t$e stone see'ing t$roug$ t$e t$in

linen o% &y tunic* /You little %ool" I allo#e! you to enter &y $o&e* Do you really t$ink I $ae learne!not$ing about security in all &y $un!re!s o% years o% e4istence1/

/You $ear! &e"/ I accuse!" breat$lessly a#are o% eery inc$ o% $is bo!y as $e leane! against &e" t$e

!ragon caug$t bet#een us*

2is %ingers traile! a line %ro& &y ear !o#n &y neck* It #as an o!!ly gentle touc$* /It+s calle!close!.circuit T?" s#eet$eart" an! it can be %oun! in eery roo& o% t$is buil!ing* As can t$e silent

alar&s on all t$e !oors an! #in!o#s" t$e 'ressure.sensitie %loor alar&s" an! t$e t$er&al !etectors t$atalert &e to anyone #$o enters t$e $ouse* I% you $a! gone into t$e roo& beyon! &y be!roo&" you

#oul! $ae seen t$e &onitors t$at s$o# &e #$at+s $a''ening in eery roo&*/

/You $ae t$er&al !etectors1/ I aske!" &y &in! going all girly as $e tucke! an errant curl be$in!&y ear*

/I $ae &any o% t$e&*/

/O$*/ My $eart sank as I acce'te! t$e trut$* We $a!n+t been %ooling Drake at all* See1 Not t$e brig$test bulb* /I !i!n+t see any o% t$ose*/

Drake s&ile! $is slo#" se4y s&ile at &e* /I kne# sooner or later you #oul! try to take t$e

a7ua&anile back" so I !eci!e! to &ake it easier %or you*/


2is $an!s sli! u' &y #aist" sli''ing un!er &y crosse! ar&s to $ea! %or t$e no.&an+s.lan! &a!e u'

o% &y breasts* /(er$a's I #ante! to lure you into &y $o&e* You like! &y be!roo&*/

/It+s ery*** you"/ I gas'e! as $is t$u&bs rubbe! across &y breasts* T$e %a&iliar %ire #as back in $is

eyes" a %ire t$at #ar&e! &e to &y toenails" a %ire t$at set &y #$ole bo!y alig$t" but I #as a #o&an

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!eter&ine!* I ke't a %ir& $ol! on t$e a7ua&anile as Drake 'ulle! &e tig$ter against $i&* /I t$oug$tyou sai! you #eren+t %on! o% &e1/

/I !on+t $ae to like you to #ant you"/ $e &ur&ure! as $e 'resse! $is &out$ against t$e 'ulse 'oint

in &y t$roat* My knees t$reatene! to gie #ay un!er t$e erotic touc$ o% $is tongue against &y %les$* I#ante! to be o%%en!e! by $is state&ent" but in trut$" I #as not terribly $a''y #it$ $i& at t$at &o&ent"

an! yet $e #as stirring t$ings !ee' in &y soul t$at no one $a! stirre! be%ore* I #as %ar %ro& 'er%ect" but

I #oul! not a!! $y'ocrite to &y list o% %ailings*

/Does $e $ae $is $an! on your boob1/ @i& aske!" #atc$ing us ai!ly* /Is $e co''ing a gro'e1

+Cause t$at+s #$at it looks like %ro& $ere*/

/Go a#ay>/ I %ro#ne! oer Drake+s s$oul!er at @i&* It s$ot &e a sour look but lay !o#n an! reste!

its $ea! on its 'a#s* /Drake" #$y !i! you really let &e in1/

/uestions"/ $e sai!" nu00ling &y collarbone* My s'ine #ent all boneless as t$e cool silk o% $is $air

 brus$e! against &y 3a#* W$at is it about &en+s $air t$at &akes it so se4y1 /You al#ays $ae7uestions*/

/T$at+s because you #on+t gie &e t$e ans#ers" alt$oug$ you #ere al&ost a c$atty Cat$y last nig$t be%ore #e***/

I sti%%ene! t$e secon! t$e #or!s le%t &y li's" an! not 3ust because Drake+s rig$t $an! sli! aroun! to&y !erriere* I $a!n+t &eant to &ention t$e !rea&" not since I #as still con%use! oer #$at #as real an!

#$at #asn+t* Alt$oug$ t$at nig$tgo#n #as a#%ully real t$is &orning....

/I #ill al#ays ans#er 7uestions i% you 'resent &e #it$ an in!uce&ent to !o so"/ $e sai!" kissing a

$ot" #et 'at$ !o#n to#ar! &y c$est*

/An in!uce&ent1/ I aske!" &y bloo! starting to si&&er* 2e $a!n+t ackno#le!ge! t$e !rea& $a!

 been real" causing t$at tiny little 'art o% &y &in! t$at #orrie! it $a! been reality to sig$ #it$ relie%*/W$at sort o% in!uce&ent1 Like &oney1/

/M&&"/ $e sai!" taking little nibbling bites t$at $a! &e arc$ing against $i&* 2is %ingers sli! !o#nt$e line o% buttons on t$e %ront o% t$e tunic" $is tongue snaking into t$e alley bet#een &y breasts* My

knees gae out co&'letely* /T$at+s not #$at you o%%ere! last nig$t*/

/Last nig$t1 O$" &y go!" it #as real1 W$en #e9 u$9t$at #as real1/ E&barrass&ent %ille! &e at

t$e t$oug$t o% t$e t$ings I $a! !one #it$ $i&" but t$at %a!e! 7uickly as $is &out$ &oe! oer &e* My&in! #arre! bet#een t$e !esire to gie &ysel% oer to t$e burn $e #as generating #it$in &e an! t$e

al&ost !es'erate nee! to esca'e t$e !esire $e re'resente!*

2is tongue touc$e! t$e s'ot on &y collarbone #$ere $e $a! burne! &e in t$e !rea&* /Do you really

!oubt it #as real1/

My &in! !eci!e! it !i!n+t #ant to co'e #it$ t$e %act t$at I $a! 3u&'e! t$e bones o% t$e %irst

$an!so&e !ragon I &et a !ay a%ter &eeting $i&" %ocusing instea! on #$at Drake #as !oing to &e no#*/You &ean t$at+s all it #oul! take to get you to ans#er &y 7uestions9se41 2ot" stea&y !ragon se41

2oo" you+re not going to9Are you going to91/

/I tol! you t$at a%ter t$e %irst ti&e #e #oul! &ake loe as $u&ans !o"/ Drake ans#ere!" $is tongue a

 bran! on &y 7uiering %les$*

/Wo#>/ @i& sai!* /Wis$ I $a! a ca&era* T$e black&ail 'otential o% t$is is enoug$ to kee' &e in

 burgers %or t$e ne4t &illennia*/

/@i&>/ I s7ua#ke! as Drake+s $an! sli''e! insi!e &y bra*

/Yo> :ig$t $ere* Wo#* I can+t beliee $e+s !oing t$at in %ront o% &e* T$is is better t$an cable T?*/

/Can+t you &ake $i& go to slee'" too1/ I aske! Drake*

/2e is your !e&on to co&&an!"/ Drake &ur&ure! against t$e s#ell o% &y breast*

My &in! ke't telling &e I #as stu'i! to 3ust stan! t$ere an! let $i& se!uce &e* My bo!y oerrule!

&y &in! #it$ a &a3ority ote* /O$" yea$* I %orgot t$at* @i&" I co&&an! you to close your eyes* An!turn aroun!* An! !on+t listen to us*/

/(arty 'oo'er*/ @i& gru&ble!*

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My breast $eae! a cou'le o% ti&es in Drake+s $an! as $is long %ingers stroke! t$e s#ollen %les$" $is&out$ kissing a line oer to t$e ni''le t$at #as screa&ing %or $is touc$* I #aite! until @i& obeye! &e

 be%ore I looke! at Drake*

2is eyes glittere! #it$ arousal an! #ant an! leas$e! 'o#er" an! I kne# t$at i% I !i! not sto' $i&"t$ings #oul! go &uc$ %urt$er t$an I antici'ate!* T$e !rea& &ig$t $ae been s$are! bet#een us" but

#$at #e #ere about to !o #as in!is'utably real" #it$ ery real re'ercussions*** re'ercussions I #asn+t

sure I #ante! to %ace* /T$is &ate business *** 2o# !o #e kno# i% I really a& your*** &ale1/

/Only a true &ate can surie a !ragon+s %ire"/ $e sai! as $is teet$ close! gently oer &y ni''le* I

clutc$e! $is $air an! arc$e! u'#ar!" &y bo!y an! soul on %ire" but it #as a #on!er%ul sensation" onet$at le%t &e craing &ore*

/T$at+s it1/ I gas'e!" 'art o% &y brain sur'rise! I coul! still %or& #or!s* T$e ot$er 'art #as busy!irecting t$e %ingers o% &y le%t $an! as t$ey unbuttone! Drake+s s$irt*

/T$at is #$at a !ragon+s &ate &ust !o**** A #yern+s &ate &ust also 'roe $ersel% to t$e se't*/

/8$ *** 'roe $ersel% $o#1/ I sli! &y $an! insi!e $is s$irt" &y %ingers tingling #it$ t$e $eat o% $is

skin* 2is &uscles ri''le! as I &a''e! out t$e #on!er%ul terrain o% $is c$est an! ab!o&en*

/A c$allenge is set* T$e &ate &ust triu&'$ oer it or be re3ecte!*/ 2e kisse! a burning 'at$ oer to

&y ot$er breast" tugging &y bra !o#n so $e coul! tease t$at breast #it$ long strokes o% $is tongue* 2isoice #as $ars$" roug$ like crus$e! elet* /You taste o% &y %ire* You taste o% !esire* You taste t$e #ay

a &ate s$oul! taste* Co&e to &e" Aisling* Gie yoursel% to &e again* Mate #it$ &e as &ortals !o*/

2is #or!s #ere blunt" but t$ey sent a s$ier o% 'ure arousal !o#n &y s'ine* A%ter t$e t$ings #e+!

!one in &y !rea&" I $a! no rig$t to beco&e su!!enly 'ru!is$" but Drake #as co&'letely !i%%erent %ro&any &an I $a! kno#n* It #asn+t 3ust $is 'o#er; it #as t$e #ay $e &a!e &e %eel totally an! co&'letely

%e&inine* 2e &ig$t be a !ragon in $u&an %or&" but $e #as t$e &ost &asculine 'erson I+! eer &et*

2is tongue burne! &e as it %licke! oer &y $ar!ene! ni''le" an! I al&ost sai! yes" I al&ost t$re#

caution to t$e #in! an! agree! to be #$ateer $e #ante! &e to be 3ust to taste again t$e 'ro&ise! %irein $is eyes" but t$is #as &ore t$an 3ust a %antasy9t$ere #as so&et$ing &issing t$at I 3ust coul!n+t

ignore* T$ere #as arousal in $is eyes" t$ere #as !esire an! t$e kno#le!ge t$at #e #oul! bring eac$ot$er ecstasy" but t$ere #as no a%%ection*

/You !on+t like &e"/ I #$is'ere! into $is $air" a tear sli!ing !o#n &y c$eek* Sur'rise %las$e! across

$is %ace* /An! to be $onest" alt$oug$ I really en3oye! t$e !rea&" an! #ant to !o lots an! lots o% t$ings

to you" &any o% #$ic$ inole &y tongue" I+& not*** I !on+t*** I+& not in loe #it$ you*/

2is e&eral! ga0e !i!n+t #aer" but $is eyes o'ene! #i!er" t$e !isbelie% in t$e& al&ost enoug$ to

&ake &e laug$* /You !o not slee' #it$ &en unless you are in love #it$ t$e&1/

/You !on+t $ae to say t$e #or! like it+s so&et$ing !irty*/

/W$at #e !i! last nig$t !i! not inole loe*/

I tig$tene! &y li's* /W$at #e !i! last nig$t #as not real" not in t$e sense t$at &atters* As %or loe9 

so I !on+t slee' aroun!" so I $a''en to beliee t$at 'eo'le s$oul! care about eac$ ot$er be%ore t$ey$ae se4* Lust an! '$ysical attraction are all #ell an! %ine as a %antasy" but t$ere is &ore to be $a! t$an

 3ust #il!" %iery" incre!ibly %abulous se4" you kno#*/

2is eyes gre# !ark* It #as a&a0ing $o# $is irises gre# brig$ter or !arker #it$ $is e&otions" but I

!i!n+t $ae t$e ti&e to ask $i& $o# $e !i! it be%ore $e s'oke* /You are t$e only #o&an in all o% ti&e

#$o #as born to be &y &ate" t$e one #o&an to #$o& &y li%e is irreocably linke!" t$e #o&an #$ose

!eat$ #ill bring &y o#n" an! you beliee I !on+t care about you1/

I raise! &y c$in* /T$ere+s a big !i%%erence bet#een sel%.'reseration an! true a%%ection* Since rig$t

no# 'art o% &e is so angry t$at I #ant to bean you #it$ t$is a7ua&anile" I t$ink it+s 'robably better i% Ileae* Wit$ &y %rien!s* 8n$urt*/ I a!!e! t$at last bit 3ust as a re&in!er*

2is ga0e burne! into &ine %or a %e# secon!s" t$e %la&es o% $is anger licking along &y skin* I o'ene!t$e &agic !oor in &y &in! an! e&brace! t$e %ire* 2e ste''e! back %ro& &e" an! &y entire bo!y

#aile! a !irge at t$e loss* I tucke! &ysel% back into &y bra an!" still clutc$ing t$e a7ua&anile"

 buttone! u' &y tunic*Drake raise! an eyebro# until $e looke! like $e #as t$e 'oster boy %or irony* /An! 3ust $o# !o you

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e4'ect to kee' &e %ro& taking t$e a7ua&anile %ro& you1/

/I a& a Guar!ian"/ I sai! #it$ a great big bucket%ul o% con%i!ence t$at I !i!n+t co&e een re&otely

close to %eeling* /I $ae 'o#er o% &y o#n* You &ess #it$ &e" you+ll be sorry*/

2is li's 7uirke!* /I beliee so&e!ay t$at state&ent #ill be true" but to!ay1/ 2e glance! at @i&" #$o

#as lying by t$e !oor" its back to us* /To!ay I beliee I #ill !are your #rat$*/

I+! like to 'oint out t$at I $a! no c$oice* I really !i!n+t* I+& not a iolent 'erson nor&ally" but I kne#

#it$out a !oubt t$at i% I !i!n+t !isable Drake" $e+! si&'ly take t$e a7ua&anile %ro& &e* I% I $a! t$ea7ua&anile" $e+! be 'isse! at &e" but $e+! agree to anyt$ing I aske! in or!er to get it back* So I

knocke! $i& out*

Actually" I t$ink I 3ust stunne! $i&* 2e #asn+t e4'ecting t$at I #oul! take $is &oe to#ar! &e as a

classical situation o% attack %ro& t$e %ront" but one o% t$e t$ings 8ncle Da&ian $a! insiste! t$at I !o#as take a course on sel%.!e%ense* So I knee! Drake in t$e noogies" stabbe! at $is eyes #it$ t$e %ingers

o% &y le%t $an!" an! broug$t &y rig$t $an!9an! t$e $eay a7ua&anile9!o#n on $is $ea!* 2e $it t$e%loor #it$ an astonis$e! look on $is %ace*

/@i&" u'" $el' &e #it$ :ene"/ I yelle!" not #aiting to see $o# ba!ly Drake #as $urt*

/O$" no# you #ant to recogni0e &e again9 )ires o% Aba!!on" #$at !i! you !o to $i&1/

/I #ant you to carry :ene u'stairs an! out to $is ta4i*/

/(ar!on &e" you ei!ently $ae &e con%use! #it$ a 'ack &ule* I+& a !e&on" not a %or& o%


/You+re a $uge !og #$o can 'robably benc$.'ress &e an! :ene 'ut toget$er" but !on+t #orry" I+ll be

$el'ing you* Lor!" $e+s $eay*/

Wit$ @i&+s !ubious assistance" I &anage! to !rag :ene so $e #as 'artially !ra'e! oer @i&+s back*

/O#> My back>/

/S$us$"/ I sai!" running oer to Drake" sli!ing t#o %ingers along $is 3a# to %in! $is 'ulse* It see&e!

a bit sluggis$" but not$ing too serious* T$ere #as no bloo!" #$ic$ gae &e $o'e $e #as 3ust stunne!* Iturne! $i& so $e #as on $is back" 'ulling a cus$ion o%% a c$air in t$e corner an! tucking it un!er $is

$ea! be%ore turning back to :ene* T$e a7ua&anile I stu%%e! in &y 'urse" slinging t$e stra' oer &y$ea! so it crosse! &y c$est* I 'icke! u' :ene+s legs* /Co&e on" let+s go*/

@i& groane!" but it staggere! %or#ar!* I $alte! us once #e got out o% t$e lair" s'en!ing a %e#

 'recious secon!s to sna' t$e 'a!lock onto t$e !oor* I $a! a %eeling it #oul!n+t sto' Drake" but t$e lock&ig$t slo# $i& !o#n long enoug$ to let us esca'e*

In t$e en!" I !i!n+t $ae to #orry about leaing t$e $ouse* Drake" secure in $is ability to control &e

 by $i&sel%" $a! ei!ently sent $is &inions else#$ere" because #e !i!n+t see a single 'erson as #e!ragge! :ene+s bo!y u' t$e stairs" an! #e &a!e a lot o% noise*

/2o# !o you kno# i% you+e broken your ribs1/

/You $aen+t broken any ribs"/ I 'ante! $al%#ay u' t$e stee' stairs* /Can+t you go any %aster1/

/I+& not a beast o% bur!en"/ @i& sna''e!* /I t$ink &y s'leen 3ust i&'lo!e!*/

/S$ut*** u'***/

/)ine" but you 3ust re&e&ber t$is #$en I $ae to be on !ialysis %or t$e rest o% &y li%e*/

/T$at+s *** &an" $e+s $eay" $o# &any ste's are le%t1 *** Your ki!neys" not your s'leen*/

We &a!e it to t$e to' an! took a &o&ent to catc$ our res'ectie breat$s be%ore !ragging :ene to t$es&all utility roo& an! t$e !oor I $a! %orce!* We $a! al&ost reac$e! t$e !oor #$en @i& staggere! into a

collection o% &o's an! broo&s an! ot$er assorte! cleaning tools t$at sat in a bucket" #it$ t$e result t$atall t$ree o% us #ere i&&e!iately entangle!* @i& %ell" :ene sli! o%% @i&+s back" an! I yel'e! #$en a

 broo& sla&&e! against &y $ea!*

/Sorry"/ @i& sai!*

/I+& going to get*** o#> *** you %or t$is*/ I $a! gone !o#n on &y knees" $al% %alling on :ene #$en acou'le o% broo&s tri''e! &e* I grabbe! &y 'urse %ro& #$ere it $a! %allen an! $oiste! :ene+s c$est

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onto @i&" grabbing $i& by t$e #aist to $el' !rag $i& out t$e !oor*

/You+re not relate! to t$e T$ree Stooges" are you1 +Cause I coul! s#ear t$is esca'e t$ing is one o%

t$eir routines*/

/You *** stay *** $ere *** #it$ * ** $i&"/ I #$ee0e! as #e e&erge! into t$e !ark alley" ignoring @i&+s

i!ea o% #itticis&* I 'us$e! :ene against t$e buil!ing an! %is$e! t$roug$ $is 'ockets until I %oun! $is

car keys* /I+ll get t$e ta4i* Don+t let anyone take $i&>/

/2o# a& I su''ose! to sto' anyone #it$out any o% &y !e&onic 'o#ers1/

/You+re in t$e %or& o% a !og" so start acting like one> I% anyone s$o#s u'" bite t$e&>/

/Mig$t be %un"/ @i& sai! t$oug$t%ully as I staggere! o%% !o#n t$e alley to#ar! #$ere :ene $a! le%t$is ta4i*

5y t$e ti&e I returne!" :ene #as beginning to regain consciousness" but I #asn+t about to $angaroun! outsi!e Drake+s $ouse until $e #as %ully sober" so I stu%%e! t$e )renc$&an into t$e back o% t$e

ta4i #it$ @i& an! got t$e $eck out o% t$ere" &in!lessly %ollo#ing streets until I %elt #e $a! enoug$!istance bet#een us an! t$e #yern+s &ansion* Wit$ a sig$ o% relie%" I 'ulle! into a &ultistory 'arking


T#enty &inutes later I #as trying to concoct a story t$at soun!e! belieable #it$out s'illing too&uc$* :ene &ig$t kno# about @i&" but @i& #as $ar&less* Drake #as anot$er &atter" an! I $a! a%eeling $e #oul!n+t be too $a''y i% :ene kne# too &uc$ about $is i!entity* In t$is instance" ignorance

#as &ost !e%initely bliss*

/I !i!n+t see a secon! &an"/ :ene co&'laine! as $e rubbe! $is $ea!* /You sai! $e #as be$in! &e1/

/Yea$" t$ere #as a *** u$ *** secret 'assage#ay t$at o'ene! u' be$in! you* Drake+s $enc$&anclobbere! you #$en you #eren+t looking*/

@i& snorte!*

Con%usion an! #ariness took turns in :ene+s eyes* /I !on+t %eel t$e bu&' any#$ere* I% $e $it &e on

t$e $ea!" I #oul! $ae t$e bu&'" yes1/

@i& snorte! again*

/Di! I say $e $it you1 I &eant $e karate.c$o''e! you* You kno#" #$acke! you rig$t on t$at neret$ingy in your neck t$at knocks 'eo'le out* It #as ery %ast* I+& not sur'rise! you !on+t beliee it" an!

@i&" i% you snort one &ore ti&e" you+re o%% to t$e et+s o%%ice %or a little sni''ing*/

/An! t$ey say !e&ons are nasty"/ @i& sai!" ga0ing innocently out t$e #in!o# at s$o''ers going to

an! %ro& t$eir cars*

/A$* 5ut you esca'e!1/ :ene aske!" still looking a bit con%use!*

/Yea$" #ell" I $a! to crack Drake on t$e $ea! #it$ &y a7ua&anile* At least I $ae that," I sai! as I 'atte! &y 'urse*

It %elt re&arkably lig$t %or a bag t$at #as su''ose to contain a si4.$un!re!.year.ol! c$unk o% gol!*

"1erde#" I yelle! as I %rantically !ug t$roug$ t$e 'urse* I !i!n+t $ae t$at &uc$ in it" but eene&'tying it on t$e seat ne4t to :ene s$o#e! #$at I %eare! #it$ a sick" sick %eeling in &y gut*

T$e a7ua&anile #asn+t t$ere*

I #ante! to cry* /I $a! it" I $a! it in &y $an!s" I 'ut it in &y 'urse**** O$* cra'" I &ust $ae lost it int$e utility roo& #$en you knocke! all t$ose broo&s !o#n on &e*/

/It #asn+t &y %ault* :ene #as $eay* I coul! $ar!ly #alk"/ @i& 'roteste!*

Muc$ as I #oul! $ae like! to bla&e t$e loss o% t$e a7ua&anile on @i&" I coul!n+t* I !i!n+t t$ink it

$a! 'ur'osely careene! into t$e broo&s* De&on or not" it #as obeying &y co&&an! to carry :ene

outsi!e* Losing t$e arti%act #as 3ust ba! luck*

/No# #$at #ill you !o1/ :ene aske!" a concerne! look in $is nice bro#n eyes*

T$e urge to cry #as strong" but I kne# all tears #oul! !o #as leae &e #it$ re! eyes an! a runnynose* Instea!" %eeling ery &uc$ t$e &artyre! Saint Aisling" I set &y &in! to being 'roactie*

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/I su''ose Drake &a!e it out o% t$e roo& an! $as %oun! t$e a7ua&anile by no#*/ I $a! to s#allo# back a big lu&' at t$e t$oug$t o% t$e lost !ragon" but I neer #as one to cry oer s'ille! a7ua&aniles*

/So going back to take it is out o% t$e 7uestion* W$at I nee! is so&eone #$o+s an e4'ert #it$ !ra9u$ 9/ I glance! at :ene* /9 Drake* I t$ink" i% you %eel OK to !rie" t$at I+! like to go back to La (o&&e


/W$at is t$ere to $el' you1/ :ene aske! curiously as $e sli! into t$e !rier+s seat*

/A&elie kno#s Drake"/ I %ibbe!* S$e kne# about $i&" I #as sure" an! t$at #as goo! enoug$ %or &e*(er$a's s$e kne# o% a !ragonis$ Ac$illes+ $eel* /I+& sure s$e+ll $el' &e*/

/)a&ous last #or!s"/ @i& intone! %ro& t$e backseat*

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W$at is it #it$ you an! !u&'s1/ @i& aske! as #e strolle! t$roug$ t$e !oor to A&elie+s s$o'* /T$is

 'lace looks like a re3ect %ro& a 2arry (otter knock.o%%*/

/S$$> Don+t be so ru!e9A&elie #ill $ear you*/ I glance! 7uickly aroun! t$e roo&" grate%ul t$at

A&elie #asn+t 'resent to be insulte! by &y !e&on* I unsna''e! t$e leas$ an! &a!e s7uinty eyes at

@i&* /An! 3ust #$at !o you kno# about 2arry (otter1/

/O$" 2arry+s ery big in Aba!!on* Is t$at cat+s toes I see oer t$ere1/

/E#>/ I sai!" staring in $orror at a s$el% %ull o% 3ars containing #$at I $a! assu&e! #ere a ariety o%

innocent $erbs an! suc$* /Cat+s toes1 T$at+s $orrible>/

@i& &a!e a !isguste! %ace* /Gro# u'* Cat+s toes is a %ern*/

/O$*/ I s$ot t$e 3ar @i& #as snu%%ling a sus'icious glance" t$en turne! back to t$e store* /2ello1A&elie1 It+s Aisling* Anyone $o&e1/

/I #ill be only one &o&ent" Aisling"/ A&elie+s oice calle! out %ro& a back roo&* /Cecile is 3ustreturning %ro& $er constitutional*/

/W$o+s Cecile #$en s$e+s at $o&e1/ @i& aske!" &oing its inestigation to a rack o% books*

/A&elie+s Wels$ corgi* No#" listen to &e9I !on+t #ant you e&barrassing &e" OK1 @ust re&e&ber

t$at I $ol! t$e key to any an! all %uture &eals" an! kee' your li's 0i''e! unless I ask you a 7uestion*/

@i& cocke! its $ea! to t$e si!e an! consi!ere! &e* /You+! %it rig$t in Aba!!on" you kno#* You+re gott$e !e&on lor! bossiness !o#n 'at*/

/I $ae not$ing o% t$e sort9"/ I starte! to say" t$en beca&e a#are o% A&elie stan!ing ne4t to a

curtaine! !oor#ay* I gae $er a #atery s&ile* "Bon%our, A&elie*/

"Bon%our. I see you $ae success%ully su&&one! *** a !e&on1/

I u''e! t$e #attage o% &y s&ile" 'ain%ully a#are o% t$e blus$ t$at ro!e &y c$eeks* /Yes" #ell" t$esu&&oning #ent a bit*** a#ry* T$is is @i&*/

/Yea$" $i" #$ateer" I+& not allo#e! to s'eak unless 2er 2oliness t$ere 'er&its &e**** )ires o%Aba!!on> 5aby" baby" baby>/ @i&+s eyes al&ost bugge! out o% its %urry black $ea! as Cecile #a!!le!

into t$e roo&* @i& !i! an o!! little s$i&&y to#ar! t$e sur'rise!.looking Corgi* /Are you one $ot&a&a" or #$at1 2ey" baby" #$o+s your !a!!y1/

/O$" go!"/ I sai!" slu&'ing !o#n onto one o% t$e stools t$at sat ne4t to t$e long counter*

A&elie looke! %ro& t$e !ogs to &e* /I !o not un!erstan!9t$e !e&on na&e! @i& #is$es to kno#

#$o Cecile=s sire is1/

/No"/ I sai!" &y $an!s oer &y eyes* @ust $o# &uc$ #orse coul! t$ings get1 /I t$ink it+s ena&ore!#it$ your !og* It ten!s to %orget t$at it+s not really one" as #ell* W$ic$" actually" is one o% t$e t$ings I

#ant to talk to you9@i&> T$at+s ru!e>/

@i& !i!n+t een look abas$e! at being caug$t sni%%ing Cecile+s rear* /Dogs !o it*/ I s#ear @i&

#aggle! its eyebro#s at Cecile* /2ey" $oney" you #anna sni%% &ine1//:ig$t" t$at+s it" out>/ I or!ere!" 'ointing to t$e !oor*

@i& looke! s$ocke!* /Out1 You can+t sen! &e out t$ere> I+& a aluable !og9so&eone #ill steal


/I% I+& lucky*/

"5ell#" @i& $u%%e!" an! sat !o#n ne4t to Cecile*

I turne! back to A&elie" #$o stoo! #it$ a 'u00le! %ro#n #atc$ing @i&* /I+& sorry about t$at* @i&+s a

little*** o!!*/

We bot$ ignore! t$e snort t$at ca&e %ro& @i&+s !irection*

/Yes" I beliee I un!erstan! #$at you+re saying*/ S$e #ae! to#ar! a s&all brass.%itte! co%%ee'ot*/May I o%%er you so&e co%%ee1/

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+T$anks" I coul! use it*/

/I s$oul! tell you t$at I+& not entirely sur'rise! to see you"/ s$e sai! as s$e 'oure! us bot$ cu's o%


/W$y1 O$/9I incline! &y $ea! to#ar! @i&9/you &ean because o% &y little %rien! in !og %ur1 You

#ere rig$t about ski&'ing on su''lies* You can see #$at t$e result o% that #as* 5ig.ti&e scre#u'*/

/O% t$at" I a& not entirely sure"/ s$e ans#ere!" looking t$oug$t%ully at @i&" #$o #as licking Cecile+s

ears* I 'reten!e! not to notice* /I $ae al#ays %elt t$at Guar!ians su&&on t$e !e&on #$o is &ost!esere! by t$e&* 5ut it #as not because o% t$e su''lies t$at I e4'ecte! to see you* You $ae $ear!

about t$e $a''enings at G 6 T1/

I !ragge! &y &in! a#ay %ro& t$e g$astly conte&'lation o% #$at $orrible !ee!s I $a! !one to

!esere @i& an! s$ook &y $ea!*

/T$e 'olice" t$ey #ent to t$e club an! 7uestione! eeryone t$ere*/

/uestione! t$e&1 W$y1/

S$e #atc$e! &e oer t$e ri& o% $er cu'* /It is sai! t$at t$e 'olice #ere looking %or you*/

/Me1/ I s7ua#ke!" s'las$ing co%%ee eery#$ere* /O$" I+& sorry* Do you $ae a clot$91 T$anks*

T$ey #ere looking %or &e1 Are you sure1 I+e alrea!y talke! to t$e 'olice" 3ust t$is &orning I talke! ***O$* Ins'ector (roust &entione! $e $a! been looking %or &e* /

S$e !i! t$e %e&inine ersion o% t$e Gallic s$rug as I &o''e! u' t$e s'ille! li7ui! #it$ a !is$ to#el*

/T$at is #$at I #as tol!* T$e 'olice #$o interie#e! t$e ?ene!iger re'orte!ly 7uestione! $i& &ostclosely about you*/

/O$" no"/ I sai!" staring into t$e re&ain!er o% &y co%%ee* It #as strong an! black" 3ust t$e #ay I like!it" &inute bea!s o% oil !ancing along t$e gently stea&ing sur%ace* I kne# t$at Ins'ector (roust $a! $a!

&e %ollo#e!9$e all but a!&itte! t$at9but I $a! no i!ea $e #oul! go so %ar as to bot$er 'eo'le at t$eG 6 T* My s$oul!ers slu&'e! as I #on!ere! $o# angry t$e ?ene!iger #as*

/My in%or&ant sai! t$at t$e ?ene!iger $as 'ut t$e #or! out t$at you are to be broug$t to $i&i&&e!iately"/ A&elie sai!" ei!ently rea!ing &y &in!*

Yikes> /5roug$t to $i&1 As in ki!na''e!1 Is $e t$at angry1/

2er black.eye! ga0e !i!n+t #aer one tiny little bit* /T$e ?ene!iger !oes not look kin!ly u'on

 'eo'le #$o bring t$e :au-dela to t$e attention o% t$e 'olice* Eeryone $as been tol! to look %or you*


":au-dela" I $a! a $orrible" sick %eeling in &y sto&ac$*

/It &eans ***/ 2er $an!s %luttere!.%or a &o&ent #$ile s$e trie! to %in! t$e #or!s* / +Ot$er#orl!*+ It is

t$e na&e o% our society" t$ose o% us #$o 'ractice &agic" an! t$ose o% you #$o &ani'ulate t$e !ark%orces* T$e 'olice !o not tolerate us #ell* It is 'art o% t$e ?ene!iger+s 3ob to kee' us %ar %ro& t$e notice

o% t$e aut$orities" t$us $is anger #it$ you %or 3eo'ar!i0ing our sa%ety*/

I !i!n+t 7uite kno# #$at to t$ink o% being lu&'e! in #it$ t$e !!ing grou'" but

t$ere #ere ot$er t$ings" &ore i&'ortant t$ings to #orry about" t$ings like 3ust #$at t$e ?ene!iger $a! 'lanne! %or &e* /You+re saying t$at ki!na''ing isn+t out o% t$e 7uestion1/

S$e no!!e!*

/Loely* No# I $ae t$e #$ole o% t$e (aris Ot$er.#orl! a%ter &e* You kno#" I !i!n+t t$ink &y !ay

coul! get &uc$ #orse" but so&e$o#" it $as*  al&ost $ate to ask t$is" but are you going to turn &e in to

t$e ?ene!iger1/

S$e looke! !o#n at t$e cu' in $er $an!s* /I a& a guerisseur, a $ealer* I o#e no allegiance to t$e?ene!iger" nor !o I 'ractice &agic9not t$e ty'e t$at coul! be in%luence! by $i&* So no" I #ill not turn

you in" alt$oug$ i% you #ill acce't a &orsel o% a!ice9/

I s&ile!* A!ice I #as getting great $uge gobs o% o% late*

/9it #oul!" I t$ink" be better %or you to see t$e ?ene!iger on your o#n ter&s rat$er t$an be 'resente! to $i& as a bounty *** or #orse*/

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I 'us$e! &y co%%ee asi!e" no longer able to s#allo# anyt$ing* I !i!n+t #ant to t$ink #$at #oul! be#orse t$an being !ragge! to t$e ?ene!iger as bounty* /You t$ink I s$oul! turn &ysel% in to $i&1/

2er ga0e %lickere! a#ay %ro& &e* /2e is not t$e 'olice" alt$oug$ $e seres t$at %unction in :au-

dela o% )rance*/

My sto&ac$" alrea!y #a!!e! u' into a tiny little ball" turne! to lea! an! !ro''e! to &y %eet*


/W$y is it" I #on!er" t$at t$e 'olice are so intereste! in you1/

I looke! u' %ro& &y slu&' against t$e counter* A&elie+s %ace #as one o% blan! innocence" no

e4'ression isible* /Well" it+s no secret* I% t$e 'olice are going so %ar as to 7uestion t$e ?ene!iger" you+ll 'robably $ear about it* I+&*** u& * ** kin! o% inole! in a &ur!er*+

/T$e !eat$ o% Aurora Deau4ille"/ A&elie no!!e!*

I sat u' straig$ter* /You kno# about it1/

A&elie #ae! $er $an!s in an e4'ressie gesture* /Eeryone in *audela kne# Aurora Deau4ille*S$e #as an a&ateur" one #$o $a! 'retensions but no true ability* S$e %re7uente! G 6 T" as #ell as &y

s$o' an! s$o's o% t$e Wiccans* S$e calle! $ersel% a &age" but I !o not beliee s$e een kne# #$at a

&age truly #as*//2&&* Do I take it s$e #as not #ell like! in au-deld" 

/I !o not t$ink it #as so &uc$ a &atter o% $er not being like!9s$e 'ai! ery #ell %or consultations"

%or su''lies an! &anuscri'ts* (eo'le tolerate! $er 'er$a's" but t$ey res'ecte! t$e 'o#er o% $er &oney*/

/:eally1 I t$oug$t*** I assu&e! *** I &ean" i% you+e got t$e sort o% 'o#er t$at can call u' !e&ons an!

cast s'ells an! stu%%" I+& sur'rise! you+! be s#aye! by so&et$ing so &un!ane as &oney*/

S$e laug$e!" $er eyes crinkling in !elig$t* /T$ere are ery %e# #ealt$y in$abitants o% au-delct.

Only t$e ery ol!est i&&ortals are #$at you #oul! call ric$" an! t$at is because t$ey $ae $a! ti&e toaccrue t$eir #ealt$ oer t$e centuries" rat$er t$an because o% t$eir 'o#ers*/

/O$*/ T$at &a!e %or so&e interesting t$inking* /Maybe I a& going about t$e soling.t$e.&ysteryt$ing all #rong* Maybe rat$er t$an %orcing Drake to tell &e #$o!unit" I s$oul! inestigate t$e &ur!er

like a !etectie #oul!**** Na#* I+& no !etectie* Gie &e t$e easy #ay eery ti&e* Not t$at %orcingDrake to tell anyt$ing is easy*/

/I i&agine it #oul! be ery !i%%icult i% $e !i! not #is$ to oblige you"/ A&elie agree! #it$out asking

#$at I #as talking about*

I gae $er a %eeble s&ile* /Drake is also inole! in t$e &ur!er o% M&e* Deau4ille* At least" I t$ink$e is* 2e #on+t tell &e #$at $e #as !oing t$ere" or #$at $e sa#" or #$at $e kno#s* 2e+s so !arne!


A&elie laug$e! again an! got o%% t$e stool to 'a! bare%oot oer to a beauti%ul anti7ue''e!

rose#oo! bo4 sitting ne4t to t$e cas$ register* S$e unlocke! it an! #it$!re# a s&all green ob3ect on agol! c$ain* /I beliee you $ae &ore nee! o% t$is t$an I $ae to 'ro%it %ro& its sale*/

I stare! !o#n at t$e green 3a!e !ragon* It #as about t$ree inc$es tall" $ig$ly styli0e!" obiouslyOriental in origin" t$e cure! tail o% t$e !ragon %or&ing a %igure eig$t aroun! t$e bo!y* Touc$es o% gol!

on t$e $ea! an! bo!y an! ti' o% t$e tail &a!e t$e 'iece glo# #it$ a brilliance t$at isn+t usual in 3a!e*/W$at is it1/

/It+s a talis&an* Its 'roenance is unclear" but I beliee it #as create! by one o% t$e !ragon se'ts" 'ossibly t$e green !ragons*/

/It+s so 'retty"/ I cooe!" #anting like &a! to touc$ t$e beauti%ul !ragon* My %ingers 'ositiely itc$e!

to %eel it*

/It is* It is also so&et$ing t$at I sus'ect you coul! use" gien t$e 'resent !i%%iculties you %in!yoursel% in*/

I gae in to te&'tation" allo#ing t$e ti' o% &y %inger to trace t$e sinuous cure o% t$e !ragon+s bo!y*

It %elt #ar&" not cool like 3a!e nor&ally %eels* /It+s &uc$ too aluable %or &e to acce't" A&elie"alt$oug$ I greatly a''reciate your generosity in o%%ering it to &e*/

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/It is not a gi%t I o%%er easily"/ A&elie sai!" 'ressing t$e 3a!e !ragon into &y $an!* /5ut it is one t$atI %eel is rig$t*/

/5ut" it+s aluable" an! I !on+t $ae a lot o% &oney9/

/To re%use a gi%t t$at is sincerely o%%ere! is to gie great insult"/ A&elie sai! briskly*

I looke! at t$e green !ragon* It %elt*** ibrant* As i% it $a! its o#n energy* It $u&&e! silently in &y

$an!* +T$ank you"/ I sai! as graciously as I coul!" sli''ing t$e c$ain oer &y $ea!* T$e talis&an $ung

 bet#een &y breasts" a #ar&" o!!ly co&%orting #eig$t*

A&elie no!!e! $er a''roal* /W$at is it you ca&e to consult &e about1/

I looke! u' %ro& running &y %inger aroun! ser'entine !ragon+s tail* /2u$1 O$* Well" I #as#on!ering i% you kne# #$et$er !ragons $ae an Ac$illes+ $eel* So to s'eak* So&et$ing I coul! use to

%orce Drake into telling &e #$at $e kno#s about M&e* Deau4ille+s &ur!er*/

S$e &a!e a t$oug$t%ul %ace*

/No Ac$illes+ $eel1/ I guesse!*

/None t$at I kno# o%* T$e only one #$o &ig$t $ae t$e 'o#er to %orce a #yern to !o so&et$ing $e

!oes not #ant to !o ***/ 2er oice traile! o%% into not$ing*

I sig$e! an! 'icke! u' t$e cu' o% co%%ee again* /Don+t tell &e, T$e only one #$o can get t$e u''er

$an! #it$ Drake is t$e ?ene!iger*/

S$e s'rea! $er $an!s in a gesture o% i&'otence* /2e is t$e only one*/

/Great* So no# I+& going to $ae to go cra#ling to $i& on &y belly to a'ologi0e u' one si!e an!!o#n t$e ot$er" as #ell as beg %or $is $el'9#$ic$ #ill cost &e $eaen only kno#s #$at" i% O'$elia

an! (er!ita #ere rig$t9all #$ile $e+s so 'isse! at &e t$at $e+s 'ut a contract out on &e*/


I #ae! a#ay t$e 7uestion as I cli&be! o%% t$e stool" gat$ering u' &y bag an! @i&+s leas$* /Doesn+t&atter* I t$ink i% I+& going to $ae to groel" I+ll !o it #it$out &y %urry little %rien!* I+! better get back

to t$e $otel an! %igure out $o# to !o t$e release ritual*/

@i&" #$o $a! licke! Cecile+s ears to t$e 'oint t$at t$ey #ere %rot$y #it$ !og slobber" %ro#ne! at &e

as I #aggle! t$e leas$ &eaning%ully" but t$e !e&on &anage! to !rag itsel% %ro& t$e corgi*

+Ti&e to eat1/ it aske! $o'e%ully*

/No" ti&e to go to t$e $otel an! sen! you back to your %iery little $o&e*/

@i& sat an! gae &e an o!! look* /You can+t sen! &e back* I tol! you t$at you #ere &y &aster


I sna''e! t$e leas$ on its collar* /Yes" I kno#* I+& your &aster because I su&&one! you" but you

 belong to A&ay&on" so it+s back you go*/

/Gee0" #$at !o I nee! to !o" use se&a'$ore1 I tol! you I #as unclai&e!*/

A&elie sucke! in $er breat$" an! #it$ t$at soun! I $a! t$e %irst inkling t$at so&et$ing else #asabout to go ery" ery #rong #it$ &y li%e*

/You sai! t$at A&ay&on kicke! you out o% $is legions" but t$at $e+! take you back in a bit"/ I sai!slo#ly* Wit$ &uc$ 'ortent*

@i& &a!e a %ace* /Yes" but be%ore t$at coul! $a''en" you su&&one! &e* You boun! &e to you* T$at&eans you+re &y &aster no#*/

T$e inkling turne! into a %ull.%le!ge! %loo! o% $orror* "5hat" 

@i& grinne!; I s#ear it grinne! at &e* /It+s 3ust you an! &e" s#eet c$eeks*/

/It can+t !o t$at" can it1/ I aske! A&elie #it$ &ore t$an a little bit o% !es'eration ei!ent in &yoice* /It can+t re%use to go back1 All I $ae to !o is con!uct t$e ritual" an! it+s gone" rig$t1/

S$e s$ook $er $ea!* /All !e&ons belong to a lor!; t$at is t$e nature o% t$eir e4istence* I% yousu&&one! one #$o $a! been cast out" it #oul! beco&e your !e&on* 8nless you !i! not co&&an! it

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A #il! $o'e arose #it$in &e* I looke! at @i&*

/Do t$e #or!s +My na&e is Aisling* I+& your &aster+ ring any bells #it$ you1/

My $eart 3oine! &y sto&ac$ as it turne! to a lea!en ball an! 'ro&'tly !ro''e! to &y %eet* /O$" go!*T$is &eans *** T$is &eans I+& ***/

/Yes"/ A&elie no!!e! graely* /You are no# o%%icially a !e&on lor!*/

O!!ly enoug$" I !i!n+t colla'se or burst into tears or $ae a $issy %it" or een t$rottle @i& rig$t backto Aba!!on" een t$oug$ I really #ante! to !o all t$ose t$ings* Instea! I !rank a %e# &ore cu's o%

co%%ee #$ile A&elie looke! t$roug$ $er e4tensie library %or any $el' t$ere &ig$t be in getting ri! o%an un#ante! !e&on*

/I+& a%rai! t$at s$ort o% !estroying t$e !e&on" t$ere is not$ing you can !o* I !o $ae one 'iece o%goo! ne#s" t$oug$"/ A&elie sai!*

/2it &e #it$ it9I coul! use so&e goo! ne#s"/ I sai! as I gat$ere! u' &y t$ings to leae*

/You are t$e only Guar!ian in e4istence #$o is also a #yern+s &ate and a !e&on lor!*/

/Guess I+& 3ust lucky t$at #ay" $u$1/2er li's t#iste! in a s&ile* ":uc+ is one #or! %or it" yes*/

I #ae! goo!.bye an! trotte! out to %in! a ta4i to take &e to t$e a!!ress s$e $a! gien &e*

/Metro+s c$ea'er an! $as t$e a!!e! bene%it o% crotc$es rig$t at nose leel"/ @i& sai! as I #alke!to#ar! a &ain street #$ere A&elie sai! I+! %in! a ta4i stan!*

/You are in suc$ $ot #ater rig$t no#" I !on+t t$ink you nee! to be saying anyt$ing" es'ecially on a

street #$ere 'eo'le &ig$t $ear you*/

/You+re t$e one #$o+s on t$e ?ene!iger+s $it list" an! m in $ot #ater1/

I sto''e! listening to @i&" concentrating on #$at I+! say to t$e ?ene!iger #$en I &et $i&" 'olis$ingu' &y a'ology %or t$e 'olice closing !o#n $is bar een t$oug$ t$at #asn+t tec$nically &y %aultB" an!

trying to %or& a re7uest %or $el' #it$ Drake t$at #oul!n+t inole &e selling $i& anyt$ing I #asattac$e! to" like &y soul*

5y t$e ti&e t$e ta4i 'ulle! u' outsi!e t$e %our.story buil!ing in a 7uiet neig$bor$oo! in t$e%ourteent$ arron!isse&ent" I $a! &y groeling !o#n 'er%ectly* Trees line! a street al&ost e&'ty o%

tra%%ic as c$il!ren ran u' an! !o#n" ro&'ing on t$e si!e#alks" !o!ging little ol! la!ies #it$ blackscares an! &es$ bags* T$e ?ene!iger+s gray stone buil!ing looke! like any ot$er in (aris" co&'lete to

t$e ubi7uitous black scroll #roug$t.iron railing t$at grace! t$e botto& t$ir! o% eery #in!o#* T#in#$ite )renc$ !oors #ere set back into a recesse! entrance*

/Looks nice"/ @i& sai! as I 'ai! t$e ta4i !rier* /Maybe $e can 'ut us u'1 It #oul! be a nice c$ange

%ro& t$ose !ies you like to $ang aroun!*/

I s$u!!ere!* I !i!n+t een #ant to t$ink about staying #it$ t$e ?ene!iger* I $a! a %eeling it #oul!n+t

 be at all $ealt$y* /E%%ri3i&" I co&&an! t$ee to kee' t$y 'ie$ole s$ut until I in%or& t$ee ot$er#ise*/@i&" unable to re%use an outrig$t or!er" glare! at &e* I s&ile! at it" 'atting its $ea! as I 'resse! t$e

 bu00er* /W$y !i!n+t I t$ink o% t$is be%ore1 Silence" s#eet silence*/

@i& li%te! its leg an! 'ee! on t$e si!e o% t$e entrance.#ay*

/5a! !e&on" ba!>/ I scol!e!" 7uickly straig$tening u' %ro& #$ere I #as about to try to rub @i&+s

nose in t$e 'u!!le #$en t$e !oor o'ene!* A 'retty brunette stoo! in t$e o'en !oor#ay" $er brig$t 'inkli's 'urse! in #$at I sus'ecte! #as a 'er'etual 'out as s$e looke! %irst &e" t$en @i& oer* S$e #as

#earing t$e sort o% black leat$er stra's an! %is$net ense&ble I $a! al#ays t$oug$t &eant bon!age7ueen* All t$e i&'ortant 'arts #ere coere!9 3ust barely9but t$e rest #as le%t o'en to ins'ection*


"Bon%our. &arle'-vous anglais" 

/Yes"/ s$e a!&itte! rat$er gru!gingly* /W$at is it you #ant1/

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/I #oul! like to see t$e ?ene!iger*/

2er $an! tig$tene! on t$e !oor" al&ost as i% s$e t$oug$t I #as going to %orce &y #ay into t$e $ouse*

2a $a" o$ $a* Al&ost &a!e &e laug$" t$at i!ea !i!*

/It+s i&'ortant"/ I a!!e!*

/2e+s &e!itating* Not %or anyt$ing is t$e ?ene!iger !isturbe! #$en $e is co&&uning #it$ $is


/I $ae a %eeling $e #on+t &in! being !isturbe! by &e"/ I sai! #it$ &uc$ lo%tiness" not a singleounce o% #$ic$ I #as %eeling* /My na&e is Aisling Grey*/

2er eyes #i!ene! at &y na&e; #it$out a #or! s$e ste''e! back#ar!s" #aing &e insi!e" #$ic$alternately 'lease! &e I #as s'ecial>B an! scare! t$e cra' out o% &e t$e ?ene!iger &ust really #ant to

see &e to allo# $is &e!itation ti&e to be !isru'te!B* @i& at &y $eels" I %ollo#e! $er t$roug$ asur'risingly lig$t" airy liing roo& to a loely s&all gar!en at t$e back o% t$e $ouse* (ink Li's gesture!

to#ar! a s&all #oo!en structure in t$e back o% t$e gar!en" situate! ne4t to a tall brick 'riacy %ence*/2e is in t$e ga0ebo*/

/T$anks"/ I sai!* /8& *** e4cuse &e" but #$at+s your na&e1/

Sus'icion %ille! $er eyes* S$e took a ste' back#ar!s* /W$y !o you ask1/I raise! &y $an!s to s$o# I #as $ar&less* /(oliteness* I t$oug$t it #oul! be nice to kno# #$o you


/My na&e is &y o#n"/ s$e sai!" sna''ing o%% t$e #or!s* S$e turne! on $er $eel an! &arc$e! backinto t$e $ouse" sla&&ing t$e !oor be$in! $er*

/S$ees$" #$at !i! I say1 W$y #oul!n+t s$e tell &e $er na&e1/ I aske! @i&*

It blinke! its eyes at &e*

/O$ %or $eaen+s sake *** you can s'eak again*/

T$e ans#er to t$at 'er&ission #as a ru!e gesture &a!e #it$ a big $airy 'a#* I tugge! on t$e leas$ as

#e starte! across t$e yar!* /?ery cleer" Mr* (otty'a#s* Ans#er &y 7uestion, W$y !i! t$at girl get all

 bristly #it$ &e #$en all I !i! #as ask $er na&e1/

/I tol! you once9na&es $ae 'o#er*/


@i& $eae! one o% $is &anyB &artyre! sig$s* /I% s$e tol! you $er na&e" you coul! $ae use! t$atagainst $er*/

/You+re ki!!ing*/

@i& %lare! its nostrils" not an easy %eat %or a Ne#%ie* /Do I look like I+& ki!!ing1/

/2&&"/ I sai! t$oug$t%ully as #e strolle! across t$e loely elety green la#n to#ar! a #$ite

ga0ebo* Not$ing about t$e structure #as #$at I t$oug$t o% as a tra!itional ga0ebo9a circular coere!

#oo!en !eck #it$ seats going aroun! t$e 'eri&eter* T$is buil!ing #as &a!e o% #oo!" all rig$t"

#$ite#as$e! #oo!" but t$e #in!o#s #ere stan!ar! si0e an! bore tinte! glass 'anes* T$ere #as also asoli!.looking !oor* T$e %ence beyon! t$e ga0ebo #as at least ten %eet $ig$" &a!e out o% soli! re! brick*

Ei!ently t$e ?ene!iger like! $is 'riacy een in $is backyar!*

I took a !ee' breat$ as I sto''e! be%ore t$e close! !oor" &entally running one &ore ti&e oer &ya'ology an! 'lea %or $el'* /OK" I can !o t$is* I+& a 'ro%essional* I+& in control* I $ae a !e&on" an! I

kno# $o# to use it*/

/Do you $ae a $istory o% insanity in your %a&ily1 +Cause I t$ink #$at you+re about to !o is

!o#nrig$t stu'i!*/

/Co&&ents %ro& t$e 'eanut gallery are entirely o'tional"/ I sai!" raising &y $an! to knock on t$e

!oor* T$e secon! &y knuckles struck #oo!" t$e !oor o'ene!* Slo#ly* Wit$ &uc$ creaking* I stoo! int$e o'en !oor#ay" &y $an! still raise! to knock as I ga0e! insi!e* Ei!ently t$ere #ere skylig$ts"

 because t$e close! ga0ebo #as %ille! #it$ lig$t s$ining !o#n in beauti%ul gol!en bea&s*

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Lig$t t$at caresse! t$e %igure o% a &an $anging u'si!e !o#n*

Lig$t t$at s$one o%% t$e $ig$ly 'olis$e! $an!le o% t$e sea4 t$at $a! been 'lunge! into t$e &an+s


Lig$t t$at glinte! o%% t$e bloo! 'oole! belo#" ca'ture! in t$e black.etc$e! sy&bols o% As$tarot$*

@i& 'us$e! against &y leg to 'eer insi!e* /Well" no#" t$ere+s a sig$t you !on+t see eery !ay*/

"*oule'-vous cesser de me crac+er dessuspendant ue vous parle'," I sai!" &y $eart 'oun!ing


/T$ere+s t$e s' saying"/ @i& sai! so%tly to itsel%*

"(ai une grenouille dans mon bidet#" I gro#le!*

/An! t$e %rogs*/

"as une tete afaire sauter les plaues degouts," I #aile!*

/)ace like a &an$ole coer* Can merde be ery %ar be$in!1/

"1erde#" I bello#e!*

/You can say t$at again"/ @i& sai!*

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/W$y !oes t$is kee' $a''ening to &e1/ I #aile!" #aing &y $an!s aroun! #il!ly* /W$y" #$y" #$y1

W$at a& I" a !ea! bo!y &agnet1/

/You #ant eeryone in t$e neig$bor$oo! to $ear you" kee' it u'"/ @i& a!ise!" looking oer its

s$oul!er to#ar! t$e $ouse*

"6c+#" I s$oe! @i& insi!e t$e ga0ebo an! close! t$e !oor be$in! us* /Don+t touc$ anyt$ing* O$" &y

go!" $e+s been +illed >F

/Looks like t$e sa&e setu' as t$e ot$er 'lace"/ @i& sai!" nosing aroun! t$e circle* /S&ells t$e sa&e"


I #rung &y $an!s" &y &in! #$irling like a $a&ster c$aine! to a #$eel" %orce! to run aroun! an!

aroun! an! aroun! #it$out sto'* /2e+s !ea!> T$e ?ene!iger is !ea!> :ig$t in %ront o% &e" $e+s dead#" 

/Yea$" I t$ink #e+e establis$e! t$at* Are you $ysterical1/ @i& aske!* /S$oul! I sla' you u'si!e t$e


T$e t$reat o% being sla''e! by a !e&on allo#e! &e to get a gri' on &ysel% alt$oug$ it #as a close

t$ing t$ere %or a %e# secon!sB* I took a %e# !ee' breat$s to get so&e &uc$.nee!e! o4ygen $ea!ing

to#ar! &y $a&ster.on.a.#$eel brain* /OK* I+& in control* I+& con%i!ent*//5ut are you a 'ro%essional1/ @i& aske!*

I circle! t$e u'si!e.!o#n bo!y o% t$e ?ene!iger" gna#ing on &y lo#er li' as I e4a&ine! $i&* /2e+s

$anging by one %oot* 2is $an!s are boun! to $is si!es* 2e $as a kni%e in $is $eart* O$" merde, t$is is t$eSecon! De&on Deat$" isn+t it1/

/Yu'* All t$e classic signs" rig$t !o#n to t$e su&&oning circle beneat$ $i&*/

I reac$e! across t$e circle to 'lace t#o %ingers on t$e ?ene!iger+s $an!* It #as cooling" but not yet

col!* 2e $a!n+t been !ea! long" &aybe a $al% an $our* As I took &y $an! a#ay" an ob3ect %ell %ro& $isgras'* Wit$out t$inking" I 'icke! it u'* It #as about t$e si0e o% a siler !ollar" a %lat" roun!" !ull gray.

stri'e! stone t$at #as c$ase! in gol!" a 'a'er.t$in gol!en !ragon li&ne! onto t$e back* /W$at t$e $eckis t$is1/

/You asking &e1/

/No"/ I sai! slo#ly* I turne! t$e stone oer in &y $an!s" unsure o% #$at I s$oul! !o #it$ it* It %elt

$eaier t$an it looke!" an! &a!e t$e ti's o% &y %ingers tingle* /(o#er* It $as 'o#er* Since it #as

clutc$e! in $is $an!" &ore t$an likely it #as t$e ?ene!iger+s" but t$e !ragon is t$e sa&e style as t$e oneon &y a7ua&anile an! t$e c$alice I sa# in Drake+s lair* Di!n+t Drake &ention so&et$ing about t$e

a7ua&anile being one o% a set o% t$ree1/

I gna#e! on &y li' %or anot$er &o&ent" t$en tucke! t$e stone into &y bra %or sa%ekee'ing* I% itturne! out to be not$ing" I coul! easily return it* I% it #as aluable" 'er$a's I coul! use it to c$ar&

Drake into $el'ing &e* /5esi!es" t$e ?ene!iger+s !ea!" so it+s si&'ly a &atter o% %in!ers kee'ers*/

/O$" yea$" that soun!s et$ical"/ @i& sai! !ryly*

I ignore! t$e !e&on as I 'ace! aroun! t$e bo!y again be%ore s7uatting on &y $eels to look closely att$e circle*

 being care%ul not to touc$ it* /It looks like it+s been !ra#n #it$ a &arking 'en*/

/Woo! %loor"/ @i& 'ointe! out*

/O$" yea$* At least it+s easy to see t$e !e&on sy&bols* 5a%a&al again*/

/(o'ular guy* Gets aroun! a lot* Likes !isco* )aors s$iny Italian suits #$en it !ons $u&an %or&"/

@i& sai! $el'%ully*

/2&&*/ I bit back t$e urge to run a#ay %ro& t$e !ea! bo!y" %ro& (aris" %ro& everything, an! instea!

$el! &y $an!s close to t$e circle as I close! &y eyes an! o'ene! &ysel% u' to t$e 'o#er #it$in it* T$elig$t in t$e ga0ebo as ie#e! t$roug$ &y inner sig$t #as so brilliant" it &a!e &e %linc$* Mentally I

looke! aroun! t$e roo&" but t$ere #as not$ing to see but t$e bo!y" t$e bloo!" an! t$e circle* /T$e circleis close!" but no !e&on #as su&&one!* 5a%a&al #as $ere" t$oug$*/

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/Went to groun!*/ Een #it$ &y eyes close!" I coul! see @i& nosing aroun! a %aint black s&ear ont$e #oo!en %looring* /Don+t su''ose you can %eel #$o !re# t$e circle1/

I !ragge! &y sig$tless ga0e back to t$e circle an! allo#e! &ysel% to really see it* T$ere #as

so&et$ing about it t$at %elt* ** %a&iliar* /It+s so&eone I kno#" so&eone I+e &et since I ca&e to (aris" but #$o it is *** I can+t see* I 3ust can+t see*/ A %inger o% ice c$ille! &y back" &aking &e s$ier* /I kno#

t$is, It+s so&eone #it$ a truly eil soul*/

@i& looke! to#ar! t$e bo!y o% t$e ?ene!iger an! 'ulle! a %ace* +T$at 'retty &uc$ goes #it$outsaying*/

/Darn it" I can al&ost %eel #$o !re# t$e circle* I &ust not be !oing so&et$ing rig$t* I% I can 3ustconcentrate enoug$ ***/ I 'icture! &y &agic !oor" 'icture! it o'ening as it $a! #$en I c$annele!

Drake+s $eat" #$en I %elt t$e 'o#er o% $is %ire as it burne! t$roug$ &y bo!y" giing &e strengt$" giing&e energy*

/8$ ** * Aisling * **/

/S$$" I+& concentrating*/ I e&brace! t$e !ragon %ire" s$a'ing it" &ol!ing it" turning it %ro& a %orce

t$at took li%e to one t$at create! it*

/Aisling" I t$ink you s$oul! see t$is*/

/@ust a sec9I+& al&ost !one*/ Drake+s !ragon %ire #as t$e key to &y 'o#er" about t$at I #as sure* Itook t$e s$a'e! energy I $a! !ra#n %ro& #it$in &e an! gae it %or&*

/2o# !o you like your !ea! &an" rare or #ell !one1/

I o'ene! &y eyes" once again a#are o% a ague sense o% loss as I #as con%ine! to 3ust nor&al sig$t*

T$e ga0ebo #as on %ire*

"5hat the hell" 

/Aba!!on" not9/

/Cra' on rye>/ I interru'te!" stare! at t$e %la&es licking at t$e back #all o% t$e ga0ebo* /Di!n+t I tell

you not to touc$ anyt$ing1/

/I !i!n+t !o t$at9you !i!* T$e &inute you starte! breat$ing $eay an! !oing your M&e* Aisling

stu%%" t$e %ire starte!*/

/Cri&iny !utc$"/ I snarle! as I got to &y %eet" coug$ing as t$e s&oke %ro& t$e %ire stung &y t$roat

an! eyes* /W$y !oes eeryt$ing $a''en to &e1/

/I !on+t t$ink no# is t$e ti&e to !ebate t$e catastro'$ic nature o% your li%e* No# is t$e ti&e to get out

o% $ere be%ore #e beco&e barbecue*/

/I t$ink you+re rig$t" but not only because o% t$e %ire9I+& &ore #orrie! #$at Ins'ector (roust #illt$ink* 2e &ig$t kno# I !i!n+t &ur!er M&e* Deau4ille" but $e is not going to be a $a''y ca&'er i% $e

%in!s &e $ere* O$" blast" (ink Li's>/

/Maybe s$e #on+t say anyt$ing"/ @i& suggeste! as I o'ene! t$e !oor a cou'le o% inc$es to scan t$e

gar!en*/You t$ink1/

/Na#" I #as 3ust trying to &ake you %eel better*/

/O$" you+re a big $el'*/

/All &y &asters tell &e t$at*/

T$e %ire #as gaining strengt$" t$e benc$ beneat$ t$e #all no# burning stea!ily* I s7uinte! t$roug$t$e gro#ing s&oke at t$e ?ene!iger* /S$oul!n+t #e try to get $i& !o#n1/

/It+s $i& or you" c$icky*/

/I ote &e*/

/)or once" I+& #it$ you*/

I #ae! @i& %or#ar!" sli''ing out t$e !oor an! closing it care%ully* I 'ause! %or a secon!" t$en

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turne! back an! #it$ t$e $e& o% &y tunic #i'e! t$e !oorknob clean*

/(rints"/ I tol! @i& as I s$ooe! it to#ar! t$e $ouse*

/T$e buil!ing is about go bon%ire" an! you+re #orrie! about %inger'rints1/

I s$ot it a glare* /I bet you i% I searc$e! $ar! enoug$" I coul! %in! a ! neutering kit*/

@i& looke! t$oug$t%ul* /(oint taken*/

I $esitate! be%ore t$e %lagstones lea!ing to t$e 'atio* /I #on!er i% #e s$oul! call t$e 'olice* It %eels

#rong to 3ust leae t$e ?ene!iger $anging t$ere* A%ter all" i% (ink Li's tells Ins'ector (roust I #as $ere"an! I !i!n+t raise a %uss about %in!ing t$e bo!y" #on+t $e t$ink I+& inole!1/

@i& took t$e e!ge o% &y tunic in its &out$ an! tugge! &e si!e#ays along a narro# crus$e!.stone 'at$ t$at ran t$e lengt$ o% t$e $ouse* /You !on+t t$ink you+re inole! no#1/

/Yea$" but &aybe I s$oul! call t$e %ire !e'art&ent9/

"<alte#" A &asculine oice yelle! %ro& t$e $ouse* A &an in a 'olice&an+s uni%or& stoo! in t$e

!oor#ay looking in &y !irection* 2e turne! an! gesture! to $is le%t" #$ere t#o ot$er &en ca&e aroun!t$e %ar si!e o% t$e $ouse" bot$ in 'lain clot$es* I recogni0e! one o% t$e& as being on Ins'ector (roust+s

CID tea&* T$e &an in t$e uni%or& 'ause! in t$e !oor#ay an! 'ointe! at &e* /6rrete'-vous ou vous


/@i&>/ I yelle!" s'inning on &y $eel an! taking o%% in t$e o''osite !irection" $ea!ing %or t$e non. 'olice si!e o% t$e $ouse* /2el' &e>/

/Make it a co&&an!"/ it yelle! at &e*

I sto''e! long enoug$ to bello#" /E%%ri3i&" I co&&an! t$ee as t$y soereign &aster to attack t$e

&en #$o #oul! sto' &e*** but !on+t $urt t$e& seriously" an! !on+t let yoursel% get $urt" eit$er" OK1/ be%ore !arting !o#n t$e crus$e!.rock 'at$ to#ar! t$e #oo!en %ence t$at &et t$e brick one* 5e$in! &e"

@i& starte! #oo%ing in 'ro'er !og tones* I sto''e! at t$e gate" struggling #it$ t$e catc$" su!!enly#orrie! about @i&* All I sa# o% $i& #as a giant black blur as $e 3u&'e! t$e &en* One o% t$e

 'lainclot$es !etecties #as running a#ay" talking into a $an!$el! ra!io* T$e uni%or&e! co' #as on t$egroun!" #rit$ing* @i& #as sna''ing an! gro#ling at t$e secon! !etectie*

/@i&" $eel>/ I yelle!" t$en !re# t$e gate o'en an! race! out o% it* I &a!e it t$e #i!t$ o% t$e $ouse#$en I ran into a si4.%oot.tall broa!lea% $e!ge t$at &erge! sea&lessly #it$ t$e %ront corner o% t$e

$ouse* 5e$in! &e @i& 'ante!" t$e soun!s o% yelling co&ing %ro& t$e back gar!en*


"1erde," @i& sai!*

/W$ateer* I+& going t$roug$ t$e bloo!y t$ing*/ I s$oe! &y #ay into t$e $e!ge" instantly getting

snagge! on a ga0illion little branc$es* My tunic tore" t$e c$ain $ol!ing &y talis&an got stuck on a branc$" &y $air got caug$t" $orribly s$ar' branc$es scra'e! &y bare ar&s an! %ace" but I continue!

t$roug$ it" losing only a san!al in t$e 'rocess* I #as breat$less an! coere! in leaes an! !irt #$en Ilunge! t$roug$ to t$e ot$er si!e" taking only a secon! to note t$e 'olice cars lining t$e $ouse+s !rie*

I turne! &y back to t$e& an! starte! li&'ing in t$e o''osite !irection" #i'ing t$e s&oke an! !irt%ro& &y eyes" 'lucking branc$es an! leaes %ro& &y $air" brace! an! rea!y to take o%% i% anyone so

&uc$ as breat$e! in &y !irection* @i& &u&ble! so&et$ing about ruining a beauti%ul coat as it %ollo#e!&e* I $el! &y breat$ as #e #alke! to t$e corner an! took a s$ar' le%t" but t$ere #ere no #$istles" no

sirens" no yelling" no 'olice 'oun!ing !o#n t$e 'ae&ent a%ter &e*

I looke! at @i&* It #as coere! in branc$es an! leaes" too" !irt s&u!ging its &u00le* I 'lucke! t$e

 bits o% !ebris o%% it" trying to kee' t$e s$aking t$at su!!enly s#e't t$roug$ &e to a &ini&u&*

/2eel1/ @i& aske! in a caustic oice* "<eel" 

/Sorry" it #as all I coul! t$ink o%*/ I took a s$aky breat$* /I t$ink #e+re sa%e*/

As t$e #or!s tre&ble! on &y li's" a glossy black li&ousine s'e! aroun! t$e corner" sla&&ing on its

 brakes to co&e to s7uealing $alt t#o %eet a#ay %ro& &e* I stare! in !u&b%oun!e! sur'rise as a re!.

$aire! &an lea'e! out o% t$e car" 3erke! o'en t$e back !oor" t$en #it$out so &uc$ as a /2i" $o# areyou" &in! i% I ki!na' you1/ grabbe! &e by &y no#.grubby #aist an! tosse! &e insi!e* I cras$e! ontot$e lus$ly car'ete! %loor" &y nose banging into a 'air o% e4'ensie" $ig$ly 'olis$e! Italian s$oes* @i&

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s7ua#ke! as it #as tosse! in be$in! &e*

/Goo! a%ternoon" Aisling*/

I %ollo#e! t$e %eet u' to legs" t$en $ig$er to #ell &uscle! t$ig$s* I kne# t$at oice* I kne# t$oset$ig$s9 sort o%*

I 'us$e! &ysel% o%% t$e %eet an! %ace! Drake" @i& leaning u' against &y back* /Drake ?ireo" %ancy

&eeting you $ere*/

Drake cocke! a glossy black eyebro#* /T$at+s 3ust #$at I sai! to &ysel% #$en I sa# you stan!ing att$e scene o% yet anot$er &ur!er*/

I 'ut &y $an!s on $is knees an! use! t$e& to $oist &ysel% u' to sit on t$e co&%y leat$er seat ne4t to$i&* @ust as I #as going to ask $i& $o# t$e !eil $e kne# #$ere I $a! been" $e sai! so&et$ing in a

language I !i!n+t een co&e close to un!erstan!ing* One o% t$e re!.$aire! &en no!!e!* T$e cars#oo'e! into !rie#ay" backe! u'" an! $ea!e! in t$e !irection #e $a! 3ust co&e %ro&*

/W$at language #as t$at1/

/2ungarian"/ Drake ans#ere!" leaning %or#ar! to look beyon! &e out t$e #in!o# at &y si!e*

/2ungarian1 Is t$at #$ere you+re originally %ro&" 2ungary1/

/Yes*/ A siren gre# lou!er" an! I reali0e! t$at #e #ere !riing !o#n t$e ?ene!iger+s street straig$t

to#ar! t$e &ass o% 'olice cars #it$ t$eir blue %las$ing lig$ts* T$e 'olice &ore or less blocke! t$estreet" one uni%or&e! co' !irecting tra%%ic aroun! t$e obstructions*

Drake gae anot$er co&&an!" an! t$e car ca&e to a $alt* Oer t$e $e!ge I coul! see t$e ga0ebo as

s&oke billo#e! out its to'* Seeral 'eo'le stoo! aroun! t$e burning buil!ing" one &an $auling a

gar!en $ose oer to it" ot$ers 3ust stan!ing $el'lessly* (ink Li's #as t$ere" clinging to t$e ar& o% one o%t$e 'lainclot$es&en*

/Di! you !o t$at1/ Drake aske! 7uietly" #atc$ing as t$e %la&es licke! u' t$e si!e o% t$e buil!ing*

/No> It #as @i&>/

/Me1/ @i& gas'e!* /I !i! not$ing o% t$e sort*/

Drake looke! at &e" $is eyes al&ost black* /You or!ere! your !e&on to set %ire to t$e ?ene!iger+s


/It #asn+t like t$at9it #as an acci!ent* I #as t$inking about your %ire" an! *** an! *** I guess it got out

o% control*/

Drake sna''e! an or!er" an! t$e car backe! into anot$er !rie#ay" turning aroun! to leae t$e #ay

#e ca&e* 2is li's 'urse!" Drake looke! at &e as i% $e #as trying to %igure &e out* I li%te! &y c$in" 'ain%ully a#are t$at &y ar& #as blee!ing" &y eyes #ere burning" an! t$ere #ere bits o% broken

 branc$es in &y $air* /I% I get your 'ass'ort back" #ill you leae1/

"5hat" I sto''e! #i'ing at a trickle o% bloo! running !o#n &y u''er ar& to stare at $i&*

/I% I get you your 'ass'ort" #ill you leae t$e country1/ Drake 'ulle! a $an!kerc$ie% %ro& $is 'ocket

an! gently #i'e! &y ar& #$ere bloo! #as bea!ing u' in a cou'le o% s'ots*/2o# can you get &y 'ass'ort back1/

2e s$ot &e a 7uelling look* /I a& t$e #yern o% t$e green !ragons* It #oul!n+t be t$at $ar!*/

/O$* Yea$* I %orgot about t$at #$ole t$ie% t$ing %or a &o&ent*/

/I beliee it #oul! be best %or all i% you #ere out o% t$e country"/ $e sai!" turning $is attention to t$e

scratc$es on &y ot$er ar&* 2is touc$ #as tentatie an! care%ul" as i% $e #ere $an!ling an ob3ect o%great alue* /I% you 'ro&ise to leae (aris" I #ill bring your 'ass'ort to you*/

I $a! to t$ink about $is o%%er %or a &inute* I% all I truly #ante! #as to go back $o&e" it &ig$t te&'t&e" but no# t$ere #ere ot$er t$ings to t$ink about" t$ings like $onor an! &y 'ri!e an! *** O$" #$o a& I

trying to %ool1 Drake #as one o% t$e t$ings" too" alt$oug$ I still !i!n+t kno# e4actly #$at I #ante! to!o about $i&* /No* I #oul!n+t go $o&e i% you gae &e &y 'ass'ort" not so long as M&e* Deau4ille+s

&ur!er is unsole!" an! no# t$e ?ene!iger*** 2ey> 2o# !i! you kno# $e #as !ea!1 2o# !i! youkno# I %oun! $i&1 2o# !i! you kno# I #as een t$ere1 O2MIGOD" you kille! $i&" !i!n+t you1/

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An! alert $i& to t$e %act t$ere #as &ore gol! on &y 'erson1 2u$.u$* /T$ank you" I beliee I+ll kee'it on* A&elie sai! it #as a talis&an against !ragons* I+& beginning to see #$y s$e t$oug$t it #as

i&'ortant I $ae it* No#" let+s get back to t$is conersation t$ing9#$ere are #e going1 I $o'e it+sso&e#$ere #e can talk" because I+& 7uite serious #$en I say t$at I $ae a lot o% 7uestions %or you*/

2is eyes glittere! !arkly* /W$at &akes you t$ink I #ill ans#er t$e&1 I $ae t$e a7ua&anile back

t$at you atte&'te! to steal %ro& &e9/

/T$e one you stole %ro& me." 

/9an! alt$oug$ your 3a!e talis&an is !istracting" it+s not aluable enoug$ to te&'t &e* W$at !o you

o%%er &e in return %or ans#ers to your 7uestions1/

W$y #as it t$at $aing 3ust a si&'le conersation #it$ Drake &a!e &e %eel as i% I #as 3uggling %ire

torc$es1 I gna#e! &y li' %or a &o&ent" t$en !eci!e! t$at o%%ering $i& t$e stone I $a! taken %ro& t$e?ene!iger #as t$e only t$ing I $a! to barter #it$* /W$at about t$e t$ir! 'iece t$at &atc$es &y

a7ua&anile an! t$at c$alice you $ae1/

2is beauti%ul green eyes #i!ene!* I grinne! at t$e look o% sur'rise on $is %ace" one t$at #as 7uickly

#i'e! a#ay an! re'lace! #it$ $is usual saoir.%aire* /You $ae t$e Occ$io !i Luci%er1/

"he what" 

/T$e Eye o% Luci%er* T$at is t$e na&e o% t$e t$ir! Tool o% 5ael* It is a lo!estone boun! in gol!* You$ae it1/

I s'rea! &y $an!s #i!e" %erently $o'ing $e+! buy &y innocent act an! not ri' o%% &y tunic to nosearoun! &y boobs* /Do I look like I+e got it1 You+! kno# i% I $a!" #oul!n+t you1/

/Yes"/ $e sai!" rubbing $is nose again* T$e ai! lig$t in $is eyes !ie! !o#n a %raction" but not &uc$*/T$en you kno# #$ere t$e Eye is1/

/Maybe"/ I sai! coyly* /5ut I !on+t un!erstan! t$e na&e* W$y is it calle! t$e Eye o% Luci%er1 An!isn+t t$at na&e you gae it Italian1/

Drake leane! back against t$e seat" $is eyes #atc$%ul* /Yes" it is Italian* T$e Tools o% 5ael consist o%t$e Ani&a !i Luci%er95loo! o% Luci%er9t$at is t$e a7ua&anile" an! t$e ?oce !i Luci%er9t$e ?oice o%

Luci%er9#$ic$ is a gol! c$alice*/

/You $ae t$at" as #ell"/ I sai!" t$inking o% t$e !ragon.ste&&e! c$alice t$at $a! sat ne4t to &y

a7ua&anile in t$e !is'lay cabinet at $is $ouse*

/Yes* T$e t$ir! is t$e Occ$io !i Luci%er* T$e ?ene!iger $a! t$at*/ 2e looke! at &e #it$ s'eculationri%e in $is eyes* /I% you $ae it" you &ust $ae taken it %ro& $i&*/

/W$o+s to say I !i!1 An! i% I !i!" #$o+s to say #$at I !i! #it$ it1/ I ans#ere! as &ysteriously as I

coul!* I nee!e! to get $i& o%% t$e sub3ect o% #$at I coul! $ae !one #it$ a s&all stone in t$e s$orta&ount o% ti&e t$at 'asse! #$ile I #as running %ro& t$e ga0ebo until $e nabbe! &e* /W$at #ere t$ese

Tools o% 5ael use! %or1/

Drake %ro#ne! %or a secon!; t$en $is bro#s rela4e! into t$eir nor&al s&oot$ lines* /I kee'

%orgetting t$at you $ae not yet !iscoere! your %ull 'o#ers as a Guar!ian* T$e Tools o% 5ael #ere

%orge! by a 'o#er%ul &age !uring one o% t$e Crusa!es* 2is intention #as to use t$e 'o#er t$e Tools#oul! gie $i& to ai! Englan!+s King :ic$ar!" but as soon as $e $a! create! t$e&" a rial &age stolet$e& an! turne! t$e Tools against $i&*/

/5ut #$at !i! t$e Tools !o1 An! #$o is 5ael1/

@i& !i! an antsy sort o% u'.an!.!o#n 3u&'* I narro#e! &y li's at it* /You &ay s'eak i% you $ae

so&et$ing #ort$#$ile to contribute*/

/Eeryt$ing I say are 'earls o% #is!o&"/ @i& ans#ere!" t$en $urrie! on #$en it sa# t$e #arning in

&y eye* /5ael is t$e %irst 'rinci'al s'irit in Aba!!on" t$e lea!er o% all t$e 'rinces* 2e rules si4ty.si4legions an! o%ten takes t$e %or& o% a &an #it$ a $oarse oice*/

/O$" you &ean 5eel0ebub* :ig$t* Gotc$a* So t$ese Tools o% 5ael ta' into $is 'o#er1/ I aske! Drake*2e no!!e!* /Wo#* I i&agine $aing access to t$e $ea! o% all t$e !e&on lor!s is 'retty 'o#er%ul stu%%*

W$at #ere t$e Tools use! %or" e4actly1 I &ean" an a7ua&anile" a c$alice" an! a lo!estone !on+t see& to$ae too &uc$ in co&&on*/

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/:itual"/ Drake sai!" looking a#ay*

+T$ink sacri%ices"/ @i& sai! #it$ &uc$ 'leasure*

My sto&ac$ turne!* /A$* OK*/

/5loo! sacri%ices"/ t$e !e&on a!!e!" as i% I !i!n+t get t$at 'art*

/Yes" t$ank you* I gat$ere! t$at*/

/O% innocents*/

/Innocents1/ I aske! it" a%rai! o% #$at its ans#er #oul! be*

@i&+s li's t#iste!* /C$il!ren*/

/(ull oer>/ I yelle! at Drake" &y sto&ac$ roiling* 2e took one look at &y %ace an! sna''e! aco&&an! to t$e t#o guys u' %ront*

I &a!e it to a s'ace bet#een t#o 'arke! cars" but 3ust barely" a#are o% Drake+s 'resence be$in! &eas I o&ite! &y lunc$ into t$e se#er* Li%e" I #as 'retty sure" coul! not get any stickier*

I a& so o%ten #rong about t$ese t$ings*

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/Say #$at you #ill about you9an! I can say a lot" !es'ite $aing kno#n you %or only a cou'le o%

!ays9you really $ae a %abulous $ouse* Is t$is all stu%% you+e stolen oer t$e years1/

Drake s$rugge! as I set a loely Grecian bo#l back onto its 'e!estal* I took t$e s$rug to &ean yes*

T$e roo& $e calle! $is library coul! $ae !ouble! %or a &useu&" so %ull o% anti7uities #as it* It gae

&e an o!! %eeling to kno# t$at $e #as ol! enoug$ to $ae seen &ost o% t$e ob3ects #$en t$ey #erene#* I &oe! oer to stan! in %ront o% a tri'tyc$ !e'icting Saint George about to stab $is lance into a#rit$ing !ragon* /One o% your ancestors1/ I coul!n+t kee' %ro& 3oking*

/No" t$at #as one o% t$e re! !ragon se't"/ $e ans#ere! in all seriousness*

I ga'e!" looking %ro& t$e tri'tyc$ to $i&* /You &ean Saint George really did slay a !ragon1/

/O% course*/ Drake #alke! oer to an ebony si!eboar! $ol!ing a ariety o% !ecanters*

/Wo#*/ I looke! back at t$e 'icture* /So #$at #as it like back t$en1 T$e Mi!!le Ages" I &ean1/

Drake gae &e a !isguste! look as $e broug$t &e a glass %ille! #it$ a !ee' re! #ine* /I #oul!n+tkno#9I #asn+t alie t$en*/

/O$" really1/ I took a tentatie si' o% t$e Dragon+s 5loo!" its no#.%a&iliar burn a co&%orting $eat"

one t$at e%%ectiely singe! out t$e last re&nants o% &y nausea*

Drake+s !iguste! look got a #$ole lot &ore !isguste!* 2e !i! t$e nostril.%lare t$ing as $e aske!" /@ust$o# ol! !o you t$ink I a&1/

/Well" let+s see****/ I strolle! aroun! $i&" en3oying t$e o''ortunity to look $i& oer #it$out

a''earing to ogle $i& #$ic$" o% course" #as #$at I #as !oingB* 2e #as !resse! in a nay suit t$is

ti&e" alt$oug$ as soon as #e arrie! at $is $ouse" $e s$ucke! t$e suit 3acket an! tie" an! rolle! u' t$esleees o% $is crea&.colore! s$irt* As I circle! $i&" I $a! to clutc$ &y $an!s toget$er to kee' %ro&

allo#ing &y %ingers to go e4'loring* /I+! say** * $&&& *** %ie $un!re! years1/

/)ie $un!re!>/ Drake snorte!*

I raise! &y eyebro#s in &ock sur'rise* /)our $un!re!1/

/I a& e4actly t$ree $un!re! an! eig$ty.nine years ol!" alt$oug$ I $ae been tol! t$at I !on+t look a!ay oer t#o $un!re!*/

I s&ile! at t$e outrage! e4'ression on $is %ace* /Sorry" I !i!n+t &ean to o%%en!* You+re rig$t9you

!on+t look t$at ol!* I+& sur'rise! t$at you+re so young" t$oug$* You+re 3ust a #i!!le bitty baby !#agon"aren+t you1/

/2ar!ly t$at"/ $e sai! #it$ anot$er !is'araging look*

I strolle! oer to a!&ire a %abulously !etaile!!.ebony.%ra&e! !artboar!* T$e !arts in it

#ere $an!.'ainte! #it$ ornate !ragons" tri&&e! in gol!" eac$ one %letc$e! #it$ 'eacock %eat$er%lig$ts* /(retty* Do you 'lay1/

/E4tre&ely #ell*/

I 'ut t$e !art I #as e4a&ining back in its iory socket* /Darts see& a little ta&e %or a !ragon al&ost%our $un!re! years ol!*/

/Any ga&e can be &a!e e4citing i% t$e stakes are rig$t"/ $e ans#ere!" #aing &e to#ar! a

c$ocolate.colore! leat$er so%a*

/I su''ose so* Are you sure @i& is going to be OK #it$ your &inions1/

/T$ey+re not &inions9t$ey are &e&bers o% &y se't* An! your !e&on #ill be %ine #it$ t$e&"/ $eans#ere! as $e sat ne4t to &e" one ar& snaking out to $aul &e u' to $is si!e* I t$oug$t o% 'rotesting t$e

 'ossessie &oe" but t$e trut$ #as" I en3oye! being snuggle! u' ne4t to $i&* An! as long as I $a! tointerrogate $i&" I &ig$t as #ell be co&%y" rig$t1 :ig$t*

I $a!n+t notice! &uc$ !uring t$e tri' to Drake+s $ouse a%ter $aing ral'$e! u' &y guts in t$e street"

 but once I arrie!" I coul!n+t $el' but be i&'resse! once &ore #it$ 3ust $o# %abulous $is $ouse #as*

Drake sent @i& o%% to t$e kitc$en #it$ (al an! Ist!n" $is t#o re!.$ea!e! bu!!ies #$o I gat$ere! alsosere! as so&e sort o% bo!yguar!s" bot$ o% #$o& @i& i&&e!iately began ingratiating itsel% #it$*

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/So" let+s get rig$t !o#n to t$e negotiating*/

Drake looke! like $e #as going to say so&et$ing" but incline! $is $ea! to#ar! &e instea!*

/)irst" t$e groun! rules, You ans#er &y 7uestions" $o#eer &any I #ant to 'ut to you" $onestly an!co&'letely* You agree to $el' &e !iscoer #$o t$e &ur!erers are o% bot$ M&e* Deau4ille an! t$e

?ene!iger* Once #e %in! t$at out" I tell you #$ere you can %in! t$e Eye o% Satan*/


/T$ere+s a !i%%erence1/

Drake si''e! $is !rink* /One o% se&antics" 'er$a's* Na&es9/

/9$ae 'o#er* Yea$" yea$" so I+e gat$ere!* Do you agree to t$e rules1/

2e set !o#n $is glass" 'ulling &e close* 2is breat$ #as #ar& on &y c$eek as $e nu00le! &y 3a#*

/Do I $ae a c$oice1/

/Lots o% t$e&"/ I sai!" s7uir&ing" alt$oug$ #$et$er it #as to get a#ay %ro& $i& or closer to $i& #as

not 7uite clear in &y &in!* T$at t$oug$t" $o#eer" &a!e &e curious about so&et$ing* /W$at*** u$ ***#$at e4actly !i! you do #it$ t$e irgins1/

/W$at irgins1/ $e aske!" $is $an! sli!ing u' &y t$ig$*/T$e ones you sai! you &isse! so &uc$"/ I ans#ere!" sto''ing t$e $an! be%ore it coul! sli!e un!er

&y tunic* T$ere #oul! be no touc$y.%eely business #$ile I $i! t$e Eye o% Luci%er in &y bra*

2e 'ulle! back a cou'le o% inc$es" une4'ecte! a&use&ent &aking $is eyes !ance* /8n%ortunately"

 by t$e ti&e I #as born" ery %e# illages #ere o%%ering u' irgins as a sacri%ice*/

/:eally1 W$at !i! t$ey gie you instea!1/

2e glance! to#ar! a cabinet t$at $el! a ariety o% 3e#ele! !aggers*

/O$* A$* Well" I su''ose gol! an! 3e#els an! aluables are better t$an a irgin any !ay" e$1/

+T$at !e'en!s on t$e irgin*/ $e ans#ere!" $is $an! trying to sli!e un!er &ine*

/Sorry" gro'age isn+t 'art o% t$e rules"/ I sai!" %ir&ly 'us$ing $is $an! a#ay* /Do you agree to t$e


2e sig$e! an! sat back" $is %ingers trailing !o#n &y bare ar&* I s$iere! at t$e $eat t$at 3ust $is

%ingerti's coul! generate* /?ery #ell" alt$oug$ I &ust #arn you" I !o not like &y #o&en !o&inant*/

I snorte! at t$at co&&ent #$ic$ #as all it !esere!B an! settle! in to get serious* /:ig$t" let+s begin

#it$ M&e* Deau4ille* W$at #ere you !oing t$ere1/

Drake si''e! at $is !rink" stalling as long as $e coul! be%ore $e ans#ere!* /I tol! you t$at t$e

?ene!iger $ire! &e* I #as at M&e* Deau4ille+s to %ul%ill t$e !uties t$at I #as $ire! %or*/

I 'inc$e! $is #rist* /We+ll be at t$is all nig$t i% you ans#er all &y 7uestions t$at easiely* No#"


2e %ro#ne! at &e* /It !oes not co&e easily to &e" t$is interrogation* I a& t$e #yern o% t$e green

!ragons* I a& not a 'erson to be treate! t$usly*/

/You+re also arrogant" !o&ineering" an! se4y as all.get.out" but t$at !oesn+t c$ange t$e rules* You

agree! to ans#er completely." 

E&eral! %ire burne! $ot in $is eyes* /You 'us$ &e too %ar" Guar!ian*/

I s&ile! an! %licke! &y tongue across t$e ti' o% $is nose* /I $aen+t een begun to 'us$ you" !ragon* No# let+s get on #it$ it*/

A tiny #is' o% s&oke !ri%te! out o% one nostril* Drake+s 3a# #as so tig$t" I #as sur'rise! $e coul!talk at all" but talk $e !i!* /I #as $ire! to retriee t$e 5loo! o% Luci%er %ro& M&e* Deau4ille* I arrie!

early" $aing been &isin%or&e! about t$e ti&e you #ere !ue to !elier t$e a7ua&anile* W$en I arrie!"s$e #as !ea!*/

Wit$out t$inking" I lace! &y %ingers t$roug$ $is" resting our 3oine! $an!s on $is t$ig$* /2&&* I%you !i!n+t kill $er" #$o !o you t$ink !i!1/

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2e tosse! back t$e re&ain!er o% $is !rink* /I assu&e! t$e ?ene!iger !i!* 5a%a&al #as one o% t$e!e&ons $e %re7uently use!* T$e &ur!er $a! all t$e signs o% being $is $an!i#ork" but %or one t$ing*/

/W$at #as t$at1/ I aske!" &y t$u&b tracing circles on t$e back o% $is $an!*

/2e #oul! neer $ae s'ent t$e &oney $e agree! to 'ay &e to !o a 3ob $e inten!e! on !oing


/O$" yea$" I see your 'oint* So #$o !o you t$ink kille! $er1/

/I $ae no i!ea*/ 2is green eyes turne! to &e* /I $a! rat$er t$oug$t you #oul! be able to tell*/

I gri&ace!* /I coul!n+t* W$en I trie! to %igure out #$o !re# t$e circle beneat$ t$e ?ene!iger" t$e

ga0ebo caug$t on %ire*/ I %ro#ne!" re&e&bering t$e 'o#er%ul %eeling o% controlling Drake+s %ire* /W$y#as I able to %eel your %ire #$en you #eren+t #it$ &e1/

2is ga0e %lickere! to t$e si!e* /You are &y &ate* One o% t$e abilities o% a &ate is to c$annel %ire*/

/5ut I s$oul!n+t $ae been able to !o t$at i% you #eren+t t$ere" rig$t1/ So&et$ing so obious t$at you

 'robably t$oug$t o% it eons ago struck &e* /You were t$ere" rig$t t$ere* You #ere at t$e ?ene!iger+s$ouse* T$at+s $o# you kne# I s$o#e! u'" $o# you kne# I $a! gone into t$e gar!en to see $i&*/

/I #as 3ust leaing #$en you arrie!" yes* I re&aine! to see #$at you #oul! !o #$en you

!iscoere! t$e bo!y" but un%ortunately Istan $a! !iscoere! t$at t$e 'olice #ere on t$eir #ay* I!eci!e! retreat #oul! be a better c$oice t$an to stay to see #$at you #oul! !o*/

/You !i!n+t &iss &uc$ o% anyt$ing ot$er t$an &e setting t$e buil!ing on %ire*/ An! %in!ing t$e Eye

o% Luci%er" o% course* /W$y !i! t$e ?ene!iger #ant you to steal t$e a7ua&anile1 W$y !i!n+t $e 3ust buyit %ro& M&e* Deau4ille1/

Drake turne! our $an!s so t$at $is %ingers #ere stroking &ine* It #as an e4tre&ely erotic %eeling" al.t$oug$ I coul!n+t %or t$e li%e o% &e %igure out #$y* /S$e #as $is rial*/


/In t$e sense t$at s$e ac7uire! an ob3ect $e !esire!" yes* S$e beliee! s$e #as t$e reincarnation o% a

great &age" but in trut$ s$e #as !eceie!*/

/An! t$e ?ene!iger1 2e really #as a great &age1/

Drake s$rugge!" $is %ingers &oing u' &y ar&*

/So t$e ?ene!iger #as trying to gat$er toget$er t$e Tools o% 5ael* Di! $e kno# you $a! t$e ?oice o%


/No* I #as going to negotiate %or t$e sale o% t$at a%ter I $a! ac7uire! t$e a7ua&anile* 2e alrea!y $a!

t$e Eye* I kne# $e #oul! gie anyt$ing to gain t$e last o% t$e t$ree*/

I 'eere! sus'iciously at $i&* So&et$ing $e sai! !i!n+t &ake sense* Drake $a! &entione! t$at $e $el!on to #$at #as $is* As ai!ly as $e reacte! to t$e sig$t o% gol!" I !i!n+t beliee %or one &o&ent t$at

$e+! gie u' suc$ a glorious 'iece as t$e ?oice o% Luci%er %or &ere &oney* I coul!n+t $el' but #on!er i%

$e $a! been 'lanning on !ouble.crossing t$e ?ene!iger" 'lanning to steal t$e Eye o% Luci%er %ro& $i&once $e $a! t$e ot$er t#o 'ieces* 5ut i% $e $a! inten!e! on !oing so" t$at #oul! &ean $e &eant to use

t$e&* 5ut %or #$at 'ur'ose1 /I% t$e ?ene!iger #as suc$ a 'o#er%ul &age" #$y #oul! $e nee! t$eTools o% 5ael* W$at #oul! t$at !o %or $i&1/

Drake laug$e! an! tugge! &e closer* I leane! bonelessly into $i&" a#are again o% t$e #on!er%ul%eeling o% $is $eat" o% t$e s'icy scent I kne# #as $i& an! not cologne" o% t$e sensual %eel o% $is leg an!

$i' 'resse! against &ine* /S#eet$eart" #$y !oes anyone #ant 'o#er1 To con7uer" o% course*/

/Con7uer #$at1/ I looke! u' at Drake" noting absently t$at $e $a! a!orable earlobes*

/Wit$ t$e 'o#er o% 5ael 3oine! #it$ $is o#n1 Anyt$ing* Not$ing #oul! be out o% $is reac$* Euro'e"

t$e Eastern 2e&is'$ere" t$e #orl!" &ortal an! i&&ortal*** it #oul! all $ae been $is*/

A s$ier o% !rea! skittere! !o#n &y back* W$at &a!e sense %or t$e ?ene!iger also &a!e sense %orDrake* 2e #as a 'o#er%ul #yern* I% $e coul! use t$e Tools to !ra# on t$e 'o#er o% 5ael" #as t$ere

anyt$ing $e coul!n+t !o" any treasure $e coul!n+t take1

/No one s$oul! $ae t$at sort o% 'o#er"/ I sai! %ir&ly*

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/No1 It is a 'oint &any #oul! !is'ute* Co&e"/ $e sai! abru'tly" stan!ing an! 'ulling &e u'*

/Co&e #$ere1 I+& not !one 7uestioning you*/

/A& I not allo#e! occasional res'ite1/ $e aske!" $is eyes %ull o% !ark laug$ter again* 2e tugge! &eto#ar! t$e !oor to t$e $all*

/W$at sort o% res'ite1/ I coul!n+t $el' but t$ink o% t$at big!.gol! be! u'stairs*

/Dinner* I+& $ungry" an! a%ter e&'tying your sto&ac$" I assu&e! you #oul! be" as #ell*/

I #as a bit as$a&e! o% t$e s&utty !irection &y t$oug$ts #ere taking as $e le! &e out to t$e $all an!u' t$e cure! staircase I $a! cre't along earlier in t$e !ay* /O$" !inner" yea$" t$at #oul! be nice** **

2ey> Your !ining roo& isn+t u'stairs*/

2is %ingers ran aroun! t$e e!ge o% t$e ar&$ole o% &y tunic* /I assu&e! you #oul! 're%er to c$ange

into so&et$ing less staine!*/

I t#itc$e! &ysel% out o% $is gras'* /O$* Yes" I #oul!" but &y clot$es9 O$" blast it>/ I stare! u' at

Drake" !is&ay %illing &e at #$at I+! %orgotten* /T$e 'olice> T$ey kno# I #as t$ere" an! t$ey &ust $aegone back to &y $otel by no#* I+& a #ante! cri&inal> (roust is neer going to beliee I+& innocent

no#* T$ey 'robably een $ae an arrest #arrant out %or &e* W$at a& I going to !o1 I can+t go back to

&y $otel or t$ey+ll arrest &e* My t$ings9//I #ill 'roi!e you #it$ #$ateer you nee!"/ $e ans#ere!" lea!ing &e !o#n t$e $all" in t$e o''osite

!irection o% $is be!roo&" I #as 'lease! to note* Well" 'er$a's not co&'letely 'lease! ***

/:eally1 Do you kee' a su''ly o% #o&en+s clot$ing an! un!ergar&ents aailable 3ust in case o%!ro'.ins1 Wait9&aybe I !on+t #ant to kno# t$e ans#er to t$at*/

Drake grinne! a grin o% absolute an! co&'lete s&ug &ale !elig$t* /@ealous" s#eet$eart1/

As a !ark" broo!ing" an! incre!ibly se4y &an" $e #as nearly irresistable to &e* 5ut 'lay%ul Drake

al&ost !i! &e in* I&&e!iately I #ent into %ull scorn &o!e* /You #is$*/

/You !on+t lie ery #ell" !o you1 As %or t$e ot$er" I $ae alrea!y o%%ere! to retriee your 'ass'ort* I%

you #ill not take it an! leae t$e country" t$ere is little else I can !o ot$er t$an 'roi!e you a sa%e$aen"/ $e sai! as $e %lung o'en t$e !oor to a roo& I $a!n+t isite! earlier* T$e roo& #as !ecorate! in

arying s$a!es o% blue an! gol!* On a ery co&%ortable looking be!s'rea! #it$ a la'is.colore! satincoer a ariety o% #o&en+s clot$ing $a! been 'lace!* /@ust to set your 3ealous &in! at ease" I $a! (%l

 'ick a %e# t$ings u' %or you #$ile I #as s$o#ing you aroun! t$e $ouse* 2e $a! to esti&ate your si0e;i% anyt$ing !oesn+t %it" let &e kno# an! I+ll $ae $i& %etc$ t$e a''ro'riate re'lace&ent* T$e bat$roo&

is t$roug$ t$at !oor"/ $e 'ointe! to a !oor ne4t to a large #ar!robe* " t$oug$t you &ig$t #ant as$o#er be%ore !inner* I% you nee! &e" t$e interco& is $ere*/

I looke! at t$e electronic 'anel set ne4t to t$e !oor* /8& *** you sai! you $ae close!.circuit T? inall t$e roo&s****/

2e no!!e! to#ar! corner* I 'eere! across t$e roo&* A s&all" unobtrusie ca&era #as attac$e! to t$eceiling" a tiny little re! lig$t glo#ing as it #atc$e! us* Drake 'us$e! a button on t$e interco& 'anel*

T$e lig$t on t$e ca&era %a!e! into !arkness* +T$e green button turns t$e ca&eras o%%*/

I looke! at t$e ca&era sus'iciously* /2o# !o I kno# it !oesn+t 3ust turn t$e lig$t o%%1 2o# !o I kno#you+re not so&e strange 'ery &an #$o likes to i!eota'e #o&en un!ressing1/

Drake laug$e! an! 'ut $is $an!s on &y $i's" turning &e to %ace $i&* /I% I #ante! to see you un!ress

 9an! I+ll a!&it" it+s a t$oug$t t$at gies &e 'ause9I #oul!n+t $ae to resort to using a ca&era to !o


I #ent all breat$less an! #eak.knee!" #$ic$ #as 'retty &uc$ &y stan!ar! res'onse to Drake#$eneer $e #as closer to &e t$an %i%ty %eet* /O$" yea$1 You+re a#%ully sure o% yoursel%*/

)or a &o&ent $is eyes #ere %ille! #it$ longing" an! I kne# $e #as absolutely rig$t* I% #e #eren+t bot$ &aking t$e e%%ort to kee' our !esires sa%ely leas$e!" #e+! be rolling aroun! t$at big be! o% $is at

t$at ery &o&ent* /Don+t be too long* I+& ery9/ 2is ga0e roa&e! oer &e* /9$ungry*/

T$e !oor clicke! 7uietly close! be$in! $i& as I stoo! in t$e &i!!le o% t$e roo& an! $ugge! &ysel%*

/I a& so out o% &y !e't$ #it$ $i&"/ I sai! so%tly*

T$e soun! o% &y oice re&in!e! &e t$at I $a! t$ings to !o" i&'ortant t$ings" t$ings t$at !i! not

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inole &ooning oer a !ragon in a &ale %or& t$at &a!e great $uge 'u!!les o% slobber gat$er in &y&out$* I c$ecke! t$e clot$ing on t$e be!" a''roing o% t$e t#o lig$t#eig$t !resses" a sleeeless silk

 blouse style! ery like &y tunic" an! a 'air o% #$ite gau0e $are& 'ants* (al got %ull &arks %or getting!arn close #it$ t$e si0e o% t$e clot$es inclu!ing a 'air o% es'a!rilles t$at %it 'er%ectlyB* T$ere #ere also

t$ree si0es o% bot$ bras an! un!ies" one o% #$ic$ #as &ine" so I a!!e! bonus 'oints to $is tally as Itrotte! into t$e bat$roo& to take a %ast s$o#er*

 6fter I t$re# one o% t$e !resses oer t$e ca&era* I #asn+t taking any c$ances #it$ Drake*

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A col!" #et nose rubbe! against &y c$eek" !ragging &e %ro& a ery erotic" ery !etaile! !rea&

inoling Drake" &e" an! a container o% yogurt* Le&on yogurt* My %aorite" es'ecially #$en consu&e!

in t$e &anner Drake #as %ee!ing it to &e*

/M&&&&* W$at1 W$o*** o$" @i&* W$at are you !oing $ere1/

/I kno# you+re $ea!ing %or %orty" but I !i!n+t t$ink ol! age #oul! be catc$ing u' to you so 7uickly*/

/2u$1/ I rubbe! &y eyes" 'us$ing &ysel% u' on one elbo# to glare at &y $airy little !e&on*

It glare! rig$t back at &e* /2ae you %orgotten t$at you got !o#n on your !i&'le! knees an! begge!

&e to stay in your roo& so as to 'rotect your c$astity %ro& t$e big ba! !ragon1/

/My knees aren+t !i&'le!"/ I sai! irritably* I #as en3oying &y !rea& about Drake* I% I coul!n+t taste

t$e %orbi!!en %ruits $e 'ose! in reality" at least &y subconscious !esere! to $ae a goo! ti&e* /An! I!i!n+t beg you" I co&&an!e!" an! t$e only reason I co&&an!e! #as because Drake ke't trying to

se!uce &e last nig$t*/

/:eally1 I !i!n+t see t$at* 2e !i!n+t een touc$ you a%ter !inner*/

I blus$e!* It $a!n+t been an easy t$ing to slee' in t$e sa&e $ouse as Drake" kno#ing $is loely"

#ar&" enticing bo!y #as slee'ing 3ust !o#n t$e $all %ro& &e* /2e !i!n+t $ae to* 2e 3ust sat t$ereoo0ing sensuality at &e" t$e rat %ink* 5esi!es" I %igure! it #as sa%er %or eeryone i% you s'ent t$e nig$t

$ere* Istan #as rea!y to gut you a%ter you trie! &ating #it$ $is leg* W$at on eart$ 'ossesse! you to !o


@i& looke! oer &y s$oul!er" a &il!ly e&barrasse! look on its %ace* /I #ante! to %in! out i% it #as as

goo! as I t$oug$t it #oul! be*/

I #oul!n+t ask" I #oul!n+t ask****

/It #as"/ @i& sai!*

/:ig$t" I+e $ear! enoug$* No# I %eel all icky"/ I sai!" cli&bing out o% be!* /I+& going to take a

s$o#er9t$en I+ll take you %or #alkies*/

/E$ *** you better take &e out no#" unless you #ant to be e4'laining to Drake #$y t$ere are so&e 'retty bo!acious 'ee stains in t$is car'et*/

/Great" 3ust #$at I nee!" an incontinent !e&on"/ I gru&ble! as I 'ulle! on t$e 'ants an! tunic %ro&

t$e !ay be%ore* I snatc$e! u' t$e leas$ an! #ae! @i& out o% t$e roo&" sto''ing by t$e kitc$en longenoug$ to ask Istan #$o #as sitting at t$e kitc$en table si''ing co%%eeB %or so&e 'lastic bags* T$e

%urious look $e s$ot @i& &a!e &e gla! I+! ke't t$e !e&on in &y roo& !uring t$e nig$t*

We returne! t#enty &inutes later #it$ &e &uttering about @i& being not$ing but a #alking 'oo'

&ac$ine" an! t$e !e&on grousing about #$o it $a! to bribe to get so&e %oo!*

/I+ll take you !o#n %or break%ast as soon as I+e $a! a s$o#er"/ I sai! once #e #ere back in &y

roo&* I 'ulle! o%% t$e tunic to'" casting a 7uick glance oer to &ake sure &y !ress #as still coeringt$e ca&era* I starte! to un!o &y bra* /Turn aroun!*/

/O$" 'lease* I+& a !e&on"/ @i& sai! #it$ a roll o% its eyes*

/I kno# e4actly #$at you are" an! I+& not getting nake! in %ront o% you* Turn aroun!*/

/You really $ae issues" you kno# t$at1/ @i& turne! its back to &e* I 'eele! o%% t$e bra" grabbe!so&e %res$ clot$ing" an! #it$ t$e lo!estone t$at $a! been un!er &y 'illo# all nig$t" $ea!e! to#ar! t$e


/@ust #$at a& I su''ose! to !o #$ile you+re taking your ti&e in t$ere1/ @i& aske! 'laintiely as I

#as about to close t$e bat$roo& !oor* /Ot$er t$an stare to !eat$" t$at is* I kno# $o# long you #o&en

can take in a bat$roo&*/

/Co&&ents like t$at are not going to &ake &e $urry* Go*** o$" I !on+t kno#" go e4'lore* @ust !on+ttouc$ anyt$ing or get into any trouble" an! i% you $ae any brains in t$at big %urry $ea! o% yours" stay

a#ay %ro& Istan>/

I &a!e &y &orning ablutions" taking t$e ti&e a%ter#ar!s to use a 'air o% &anicure scissors I %oun!

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in a !ra#er to &ake a slit in t$e !ouble.line! cu' o% &y bra" sli!ing t$e lo!estone into it* T$e stone #asso %lat" it coul!n+t be seen" alt$oug$ I $a! no !oubt t$at s$oul! Drake+s $an! go a#an!ering" $e+! %eel

t$e large roun! stone instantly* /I+ll 3ust $ae to &ake sure t$ere+s no touc$y.%eely business going on"t$at+s all"/ I sai! to &ysel% as I !i! a t#irl in %ront o% t$e stea&y bat$roo& &irror* T$e gau0e !ress (al

$a! selecte! %it al&ost 'er%ectly* I sli''e! on t$e es'a!rilles" ti!ie! &y be!roo&" an! #as about to go%in! @i& #$en t$e !oor burst o'en an! t$e !e&on !as$e! into t$e roo&" its eyes #il!*

/T$ank t$e %ires o% Aba!!on you+re !one>/ @i& 'ante!*

/W$at+s #rong1 W$y !o you look so %rig$tene!1/ My breat$ caug$t in ray t$roat as &y $eart starte!

gallo'ing* /O$" go!" t$e 'olice aren+t $ere" are t$ey1/

/No" it+s #orse t$an t$at"/ @i& sai!" turning back to t$e !oor*

My $eart settle! !o#n into its nor&al r$yt$&" t$e $orrible sus'icion t$at Drake &ig$t $ae turne!&e in ea'orating een as I !re# a breat$* /Don+t scare &e like t$at> W$at coul! 'ossibly be #orse

t$an t$e 'olice1/

/You+ll see* Co&e on*/

/I% you+re !ragging &e so&e#$ere to see anot$er !og you+e %allen in loe #it$9"/ I #arne! as I

%ollo#e! @i& !o#n t$e $all#ay" 'ast t$e big staircase an! into t$e #ing t$at $ouse! Drake+s be!roo&*

/Are you ki!!ing1 I+& a !e&on" not a t#o.ti&er* My $eart belongs to Cecile*/

/You !on+t $ae a $eart"/ I 'ointe! out* /I t$oug$t you #ere on t$e erge o% staring to !eat$*/

@i& sto''e! in %ront o% a !oor an! gae &e a scorn%ul look* +T$ere are so&e t$ings &ore i&'ortantt$an %ee!ing your %ace" Aisling*/

T$at stri''e! t$e grin o%% &y li's* I% @i& t$oug$t so&et$ing #as &ore i&'ortant t$an $aing break%ast" it #oul! $ae to be so&et$ing tanta&ount to t$e a'ocaly'se*

/Isn+t t$is Drake+s roo&1/ I aske!" looking at t$e close! !oor*

/No" #e 'asse! t$at* Go on in*/

I #ette! &y lo#er li'" su!!enly nerous* /W$at+s in t$ere1/

/I can+t tell you"/ @i& sai! so%tly*


/@ust go in*/

I gae @i& a steely glare* /I% t$is is so&e sort o% a setu' bet#een you an! Drake9/

/)ires o% Aba!!on" #ill you 3ust go in#" 

I 'ut &y $an! on t$e !oor" a %a&iliar %eeling o% !rea! s#a&'ing &e" stri''ing t$e air %ro& &y lungs

#it$ its intensity* /O$" no" not9/ I t$re# t$e !oor o'en* T$e roo& &ust $ae been t$e co&&unicationscenter t$at Drake $a! &entione! earlier" because it #as %ille! #it$ a bank o% co&'uters" &onitors

s$o#ing arious 'arts aroun! t$e $ouse an! groun!s" an! one big control 'anel lai! out like a


O$" an! one !e&on in a s$iny" suit*

I stare! s'eec$lessly at t$e !e&on in &an %or& t$at s#iele! aroun! in its c$air to look at &e* Itlooke! like a &an" a rat$er $an!so&e &an #it$ $ig$ c$eekbones an! elegantly coi%%e! blon! $air* It

een $a! a tiny" !iscreet earring* W$at t$e !eil #as a !e&on !oing in Drake+s $ouse1

/W$at is your na&e" !e&on1/ I aske!*

It s&ile!* T$e &onitor nearest it #ent sno#y* /You kno# t$e rules" Guar!ian* You !i!n+t su&&on&e" so I !on+t $ae to ans#er any o% your 7uestions*/

I looke! back t$roug$ t$e o'en !oor#ay to #$ere @i& sat in t$e $all#ay* /Do you kno# #$o t$isis1/ I aske!*

/Ye'* 5ut i% you are e4'ecting &e to tell you" I can+t* T$at+s anot$er one o% t$e rules9no narcing on%ello# !e&ons*/

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/I coul! co&&an! you to tell &e its na&e"/ I sai!*

@i& s$ook its $ea!* /Still #oul!n+t be able to tell you* You really !o nee! to rea! t$e rule book*/

I &a!e an e4as'erate! noise* @i& cleare! its t$roat* /2o#eer" not$ing says I can+t gie you a $int****T$ink about t$e !e&on you+e been c$asing*/

/5a%a&al1/ I aske!" turning to look at t$e !e&on.&an* /You+re 5a%a&al1/

T$e !e&on snarle! so&et$ing as it stoo! u'* @i& %linc$e!* T#o &onitors %lickere!" t$en !ie!*

5a%a&al1 W$at #as it !oing $ere in Drake+s $ouse*** 1 T$e 'enny !ro''e!* I stare! in $orror at t$e blon! !e&on as all t$e 'ieces ca&e toget$er in &y &in! #it$ one soli! whomp. Drake $a! lie! to &e,

$e $a! been lying to &e all t$e ti&e* 2e sai! !ragons coul!n+t su&&on a !e&on" an! yet $ere #as5a%a&al looking 7uite co&%y an! at $o&e in $is co&&unications roo&* 2e sai! $e !i!n+t kill M&e*

Deau4ille an! t$e ?ene!iger" an! yet $ere #as t$e instru&ent o% t$eir !eat$s* T$e only t$ing I coul!n+t%igure out #as #$y Drake $a!n+t $i!!en t$e signs t$at $e $a! use! a !e&on to co&&it &ur!er" but I

#as sure I+! %igure out t$at last 'u00le* :ig$t no# I $a! to get out o% Drake+s $ouse be%ore $e %oun! outI+! seen $is !e&on*

I turne! back to @i&* /Is t$ere any #ay I can get ri! o% a !e&on I $aen+t su&&one!1/

/Sure* You !ra# a circle" say t$e #or!s" an! 'oo%> 2e goes u' in s&oke*//Wor!s" #$at #or!s1/ I aske!" #ringing &y $an!s* It #as beco&ing a ba! $abit" but I !i!n+t $ae

ti&e to take &ysel% to task about it* I $a! a !e&on to sen! back to 2ell* /I !on+t $ae &y notes or t$e

 book I nee!*/

+To sen! t$e !e&on back" you nee! its t#ele #or!s" t$e ones ruling it*/

/I% you t$ink I+& going to stan! $ere an! allo# t$is Guar!ian to sen! &e back #it$out breaking $erneck" you+re as cra0y as s$e is"/ 5a%a&al sai! to @i&*

I !i!n+t nee! @i&+s #arning to guess t$e !e&on #as about to attack &e* Wit$out t$inking" I o'ene!t$e !oor in &y &in!" su&&one! Drake+s %ire" s$a'e! it" an! sent it to &y attacker 3ust as 5a%a&al

lunge! to#ar! &e" its $an!s outstretc$e! cla#s*

/T$at s$iny &aterial sure !oes burn"/ @i& co&&ente! %ro& t$e $all#ay as insi!e t$e roo& t$e

!e&on s$rieke!" s'inning in a circle" %rantically trying to beat out t$e %ire t$at eru'te! all oer its bo!y*

/uickly"/ I sai!" running to @i&* /W$ere !o I %in! t$e t#ele #or!s1/

/Eac$ !e&on $as t#ele #or!s bin!ing it, si4 t$at i!enti%y it" si4 t$at !e%ine it* 8sually t$e only #ayto get t$e& is to ca'ture t$e !e&on an! tor&ent it until it tells you*/

/8sually1/ I aske!" glancing back oer &y s$oul!er at 5a%a&al* It $a! 'ut out al&ost all t$e %la&es

on its suit*

@i& s&ile!* /Yea$" usually* T$e e4ce'tion is #$en you $ae an e4traor!inarily $an!so&e an!intelligent !e&on o% your o#n #$o !oesn+t &in! telling you t$e ot$er !e&on+s #or!s*/

/You 3ust sai! you coul!n+t $el' &e>/ I yelle!*

/I sai! I coul!n+t name $i&* T$at !oesn+t &ean I can+t gie you ot$er in%or&ation about $i&*/I grabbe! @i&+s %urry $ea! an! kisse! its &u00le" 3u&'ing back into t$e roo& to searc$ %or a %elt 'en

I coul! use to !ra# a circle on t$e crea&.colore! rug t$at grace! t$e &i!!le o% a $ig$ly 'olis$e!

#oo!en %loor*

)ie &inutes later I o'ene! t$e #in!o#s to let out t$e last #$i%%s o% !e&on s&oke* /T$at #as close"/

I croake!" rubbing &y t$roat*

+Too close* You really !o nee! to %in! yoursel% a &entor" so&eone to s$o# you t$e Guar!ian ro'es*

T$ere are bin!ing #ar!s you can use to kee' %ro& being t$rottle! #$ile you+re con!ucting t$e ritual*/

@i& %ollo#e! as I ran back to &y roo&* /I !on+t $ae ti&e to t$ink about t$at no#* I $ae to get t$e 'roo% t$at Drake &ur!ere! M&e* Deau4ille an! t$e ?ene!iger* W$ere !i! I 'ut t$at e4tra 'lastic bag1

T$ere it is*/ I s$oe! all &y ne# clot$es an! &y soile! 'antsuit into t$e bags" inclu!ing t$e san!als* I

o'ene! t$e #in!o#" c$ecking %or anyone #$o &ig$t be loitering along t$e si!e o% t$e $ouse" t$entosse! t$e bag o% &y clot$es out* /Co&e on* Drake #ill get sus'icious i% #e !on+t s$o# u' %or

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 break%ast* As soon as #e+re !one" I+ll tell $i& I nee! to take you #alkies again" an! #e+ll $ig$tail it outo% $ere*/

I %is$e! a car! out o% &y 'urse" sto''ing by t$e '$one t$at sat on t$e nig$tstan!*

/W$ere are #e going to go1 T$e 'olice are going to be looking %or you*/

/I+& a#are o% t$at"/ I ans#ere! as I 'unc$e! t$e buttons on t$e '$one* /:ene1 2i" it+s Aisling* Are

you %ree in about $al% an $our1 @i& an! I are going to nee! a ri!e* We+re &aking an esca'e*/

/An esca'e1 Yes" yes" I can 'ick you u'*/ :ene 'ro&ise! to be outsi!e Drake+s $ouse at t$ea''ointe! ti&e* /2as $e $urt you1 S$oul! I bring &y reoler1/

/No" $e $asn+t $urt &e" an! no" !e%initely !o not bring any guns* I $ae a %eeling Drake is a $ar! guyto $urt" an! $e can 0a' you* * * * Well" 3ust !on+t bring it* See you in t$irty &inutes*/

/T$at takes care o% being seen on t$e streets by t$e co's" but #$ere are #e going1/ @i& aske!*

I o'ene! t$e be!roo& !oor an! 'eere! !o#n t$e $all#ay* It #as clear* /T$e only 'lace #e can go9


/OK" but !on+t kiss &e again in %ront o% Cecile* S$e+s t$e 3ealous sort*/

We trotte! !o#n t$e stairs only to &eet Drake co&ing in t$e %ront !oor*/Goo! &orning* You look loely* (al $as a goo! eye"/

$e sai!" looking &e oer" %las$ing &e a se4y s&ile* My %ingernails bit into &y 'al&s as I trie! tokee' %ro& t$ro#ing &ysel% on $i&* 2onestly" #$at #as I t$inking1 2o# coul! &y bo!y kno# t$e trut$

about $i& an! still not care1 I #as t$oroug$ly as$a&e! o% &ysel%9$e #as a &ur!erer> 2e $a! lie! to&e> 2e $a! stolen %ro& &e> 2e #as a&using $i&sel% #it$ &e at &y e4'ense" an! still I #ante! $i&*

I !i!n+t $ae to let $i& kno# t$at" t$oug$* I raise! &y c$in an! gae $i& a cool look* /Yes" $e !oes*You #ere out1/

2is eyes9lying" traitorous eyes9%las$e! 'u00le&ent* /I $a! to get so&et$ing* )or you" as a &attero% %act*/

/O$ really1/ I turne! an! #alke! #it$ $i& to#ar! t$e kitc$en" @i& trailing be$in! us* /W$at #oul!t$at be1 Cyani!e1 Stryc$nine1 2e&lock1/

/Not$ing so e4otic"/ $e sai!" $ol!ing t$e !oor o'en %or &e* I ste''e! into t$e sunny" c$eer%ul kitc$enan! &use! on $o# a &an coul! $ae suc$ a black $eart an! yet a''ear so utterly !rool#ort$y at t$e

sa&e ti&e* 5ut t$en" $e #asn+t really a &an" #as $e1 2e #as a !ragon" an! !ragons loe! treasure

aboe all else*

Wit$ a %louris$" Drake 'ulle! a s&all container out o% a 'a'er bag* I blinke! in sur'rise at t$e sig$to% it* /Le&on yogurt* I $a! an i!ea you &ig$t like it*/

My c$eeks burne! #it$ a blus$ at t$e %la&es o% !esire isible in $is eyes* 2e $a! ina!e! &y !rea&"

t$e erotic !rea& I #as $aing about $i& 3ust an $our ago* T$e beastly &an> /T$ank you"/ I sai! t$ickly"

taking t$e yogurt an! clai&ing a seat*

5reak%ast #as !i%%icult to get t$roug$* Drake clearly #as 'u00le! by &y reaction to $i&" but $e!i!n+t say anyt$ing beyon! asking &e #$at ste's I t$oug$t #e s$oul! take to %in! t$e killer or killers*

I looke! $i& straig$t in t$e eye* /I t$ink t$e best t$ing to !o #oul! be to talk to t$e #itness*/

/Witness1/ 2is bro#s 'ulle! toget$er in a %ro#n* /W$at #itnesses1/

/T$e !e&on t$at #as su&&one! by t$e 'erson be$in! t$e &ur!ers*/

/(erson1 You t$ink it is 3ust one 'erson1/

/O$" yes"/ I ans#ere!" &y ga0e stea!y on $is*

/I su''ose t$at &akes sense* T$e t#o &ur!ers are obiously relate!*/ 2is bro#s s&oot$e!* +Talking#it$ t$e !e&on is one i!ea" yes" but I beliee a &ore 'ractical one #oul! be to s'eak #it$ T$erese" t$e

?ene!iger+s &istress* S$e #oul! be able to tell us #$o isite! $i& yester!ay*/

2&&" #$at #as #rong #it$ t$at 'icture1 Let+s start #it$ Drake $a! alrea!y a!&itte! $e #as at t$e

?ene!iger+s yester!ay" not to &ention $is 'lan !re# &y attention a#ay %ro& 7uestioning t$e !e&on $e

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$a! use!* Still" it #asn+t #ise to let $i& see I $a! %igure! $i& out* T$is #as obiously a ti&e #$en it#oul!n+t $urt to 'lay stu'i!* /Goo! 'oint* ?ery #ell" 3ust as soon as I+e taken @i& %or $is #alkies" #e+ll

go 7uestion t$e &istress*/

I $urrie! t$roug$ t$e rest o% t$e &eal" #anting not$ing so &uc$ as to get out o% t$ere be%ore &yresole cracke!* Drake #as using &e" not$ing &ore* 2e !i!n+t really care about &e* 2e !i!n+t like &e*

2e only #ante! t$e lo!e.stone; t$at+s #$y $e #as 'rotecting &e %ro& t$e 'once*

/Go out to t$e si!e o% t$e $ouse an! get &y bag o% clot$es"/ I instructe! @i& 7uietly at t$e botto& o%t$e staircase* /Take it aroun! %ront" to t$e street* I+ll &eet you t$ere*/ I glance! at &y #atc$* /:ene

s$oul! be t$ere in a cou'le o% &inutes*/

/W$ere are you going1/ @i& aske!* /You+re not going to let loose t$at !ragon %ire all oer Drake+s

$ouse" are you1/

/W$at !o you take &e %or" an arsonist1/

/Well" you !i! burn t$e ?ene!iger to a cris'9/

/We !on+t kno# t$at* I+& sure t$e %ire !e'art&ent 'ut t$e ga0ebo out be%ore $is bo!y #as torc$e!*

5esi!es" t$at #as an acci!ent* No#" go !o #$at I tol! you to !o* I+& 3ust going to leae Drake a note

t$at #ill $o'e%ully buy us a little ti&e*/

I ran u' t$e stairs to &y roo&* I le%t a note on &y 'illo# t$at si&'ly sai! I #as going to 'ursueanot$er aenue o% inestigation on &y o#n" one t$at @i& an! I #ere better 7uali%ie! to !o t$an $i&* I

en!e! #it$ a re7uest t$at $e 7uestion T$erese #$ile I #as !oing &y t$ing* I !oubte! i% it #oul!conince Drake to leae &e alone 'er&anently" but $o'e! it #oul! gie &e a %e# $ours+ $ea! start*

:ene #as #aiting by t$e ti&e I &a!e it" breat$less" to t$e ren!e0ous 'oint* I 'us$e! @i& into t$eta4i" 3u&'ing in a%ter it as I gae :ene t$e or!er to leae*

/W$ere !o you #is$ to go1 W$y are you in t$e $urry so great1 W$at $as $a''ene!1/

I tol! $i& to take us to A&elie+s* /Not$ing $as $a''ene!" e4ce't I %oun! out t$at Drake is t$e one

#$o &ur!ere! bot$ M&e* Deau4ille an! t$e ?ene!iger*/

/Drake1 2e is a t$ie%" yes" but a &ur!erer" too1 An! #$o is t$is ?ene!iger1/ :ene aske!" 'eering

oer $is s$oul!er at &e*

/Eeek>/ I screa&e!" 'ointing at t$e 'arke! car $e #as about to 'lo# us into* /Eyes %or#ar! an! I+ll

tell you*/

It took t$e lengt$ o% t$e tri' t$roug$ a &orning rus$.$our (aris to tell t$e tale o% &y e4'eriences!uring t$e last t#enty.%our $ours" but by t$e ti&e :ene 'ulle! u' to A&elie+s s$o' $e $a! t$e bulk o% it"

eeryt$ing e4ce't t$e %act t$at Drake #as a !ragon*

/I #oul! ask you to stay #it$ &e until it is sa%e %or you"/ $e sai! a'ologetically as I got out o% t$eta4i" /but #it$ %ie s&all ones running aroun!" &y a'art&ent is %ille! to t$e oer%lo#*/

/T$at+s OK" I totally un!erstan!* I !i!n+t kno# you $a! %ie ki!s" t$oug$>/

2e &a!e a #ry %ace* /W$y is it you t$ink I #ork so &any $ours" e$1 No#" be%ore you go" you re'eat

%or &e #$at it is you #ill say i% t$at &ur!ering t$ie% co&es to se!uce you #it$ $is so.$an!so&e %ace*//:ene" Drake isn+t going to9/

/:e'eat it>/

"0hat echaude craint eau froide," I !uti%ully re'eate!* It &eant /A cat #as$e! #it$ $ot #ater %ears

col! #ater"/ #$ic$ ei!ently #as t$e )renc$ #ay o% saying once burne!" t#ice s$y*B

/You %orgot to a!! t$e sneer to tell $i& you are so $ig$ aboe $i&* T$at is ery i&'ortant* A$" #ell"

you are i&'roing* Bonne chance, Aisling* I% you nee! &e" call* I #ill co&e*/

/T$anks*/ I gae in to i&'ulse an! leane! %or#ar! to kiss $is c$eek* /You+re a !oll*/

:ene looke! e&barrasse! by t$e gesture*

/S$e+s not gettin+ any %ro& Drake"/ @i& e4'laine! in an annoyingly con%i!ential tone* /S$e+s kissing

eeryone* You s$oul! $ae seen $er t$is &orning" s$e #as all oer &e9a#k>/

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/See you later"/ I sai! #it$ a #ae to :ene" ignoring t$e s7uir&ing !e&on struggling to %ree itsel%%ro& t$e t#iste! $ol! I $a! on its collar* A%ter it &a!e a %e# 'at$etic gas's %or air aroun! its tig$tene!

collar" I let go o% it an! $ea!e! %or A&elie+s s$o'* /5e$ae yoursel% an! I #on+t co&&an! you tosilence*/

/You+re assu&ing I can talk a%ter you brutally crus$e! &y #in!'i'e*/

/@i&" you $aen+t een begun to see brutal"/ I #arne! as I #alke! to#ar! A&elie+s s$o'*

/T$at+s #$at you t$ink"/ it &uttere! be$in! &e*

I #as care%ul %irst to &ake sure t$ere #ere no lounging 'olice&an on sureillance* My 8ncle

Da&ian+s #arning rang in &y $ea!, Security every place, everywhere, all the time.

Su!!enly" I #as oer#$el&e! #it$ a su!!en sense o% $o&esickness* W$at #as I !oing skulking

aroun! t$e streets o% (aris at eig$t in t$e &orning #$en I s$oul! be $o&e getting c$e#e! out by &yuncle %or allo#ing t$e a7ua&anile to be stolen %ro& &e1 W$y $a!n+t I taken Drake u' on $is o%%er to

take &y 'ass'ort an! run1 W$y #as I 'utting &y ery li%e at risk by staying in a city t$at t$e 'olice#ere 'robably scouring %or &e1 An! #$y !i! I %eel like &y $eart #as crus$e! in a ise #$eneer I

t$oug$t about Drake betraying &e1

/5ecause I+& %ool" t$at+s #$y* 5ut I+& a %ool #$o+s got to clear $er na&e" an! by $eaen" I+& going

to !o it*/ I &arc$e! %or#ar! to t$e s$o'" only to sto' an! stare %irst at t$e close! !oor" t$en !o#n at &y#atc$* /:ats* S$e !oesn+t o'en u' %or anot$er $our* I %orgot $o# early it is* No# #$at a& I going to

!o1 I can+t stay lounging aroun! $ere9Ins'ector (roust &ig$t sen! so&eone to #atc$ t$e s$o'*/

@i& 'ee! on a lig$t'ost* /W$y !on+t #e go to $er a'art&ent1 You can talk to $er t$ere" an! be o%% t$e

street so t$e co's !on+t grab you*/

/5rilliant i!ea" only I $ae no i!ea #$ere $er a'art&ent is*/

@i& no!!e! u'#ar!* /It+s aboe t$e s$o'*/

I looke! u'* T$e secon! %loor o% t$e long buil!ing t$at ran t$e lengt$ o% t$e block $el! #$at looke!

like a'art&ents9at least t$ey $a! t$e sa&e black #roug$t.iron railings at t$e botto&s o% t$e #in!o#st$at I $a! seen on eery a'art&ent buil!ing t$us %ar* /2o# !o you kno# s$e ries u' t$ere1/

@i& starte! o%% !o#n t$e street* I %ollo#e!* /5ecause" Einstein" I+& courting Cecile* You t$ink I+& notgoing to %in! out #$ere s$e lies1 2o# can I serena!e $er at nig$t i% I !on+t kno# #$ere s$e lies1/

/@i&"/ I sai! as #e turne! !o#n an alley t$at ran be$in! t$e buil!ing" /you !o reali0e t$at it+s not7uite nor&al %or a !e&on to be courting a !og" rig$t1/

@i& s$ot &e one o% its !isguste! looks* /O% course I kno#" but I+& not 3ust any !e&on* I+& a !e&on

 'lus* I+& su'erior to your aerage run.o%.t$e.&ill !e&on* T$ink o% &e as De&on, T$e Ne4t


I !i!n+t &ake a %ace at t$at t$oug$t" but it #as near t$ing* Instea! I cli&be! t$e rickety #oo!en stairs

t$at le! u' to a s&all lan!ing" 'ressing on t$e bell beneat$ t$e neatly #ritten ME:LLAIN*


/2i A&elie" it+s Aisling* I% it+s not too &uc$ trouble" I+! like to talk to you*//Aisling1 Nom de !ieu# Stay rig$t t$ere* Do not allo# anyone to see you>/

T#enty secon!s later I coul! see a %igure a''roac$ing t$roug$ t$e #aery glass t$at %ille! t$e u''er$al% o% t$e !oor* A&elie $ustle! &e into a !ank" !ark $all#ay* /uickly" I !o not #ant &y neig$bors to

see you*/

S$e gae @i& a sour look" but allo#e! it to %ollo# &e* I trotte! !o#n t$e $all to t$e o'en !oor I

coul! see at t$e en!*

/W$at a loely a'art&ent"/ I sai!" looking aroun!* It was loely" alt$oug$ sur'risingly &o!ern* I!on+t kno# #$y" but I !i!n+t e4'ect $er a'art&ent to be %ille! #it$ 'o'.art" %iber.o'tic lig$ts" neo.

5aro7ue %urniture in 'ri&ary colors" an! ery 'ricey !esigner c$airs t$at looke! e4tre&ely


/5aby>/ @i& croone!" $ea!ing %or a !og be! t$at #as %ille! to oer%lo#ing #it$ Cecile* /Da!!y+s


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A&elie #ae! &y co&'li&ents a#ay* /W$at are you !oing $ere1 No" you !o not nee! to ans#ert$at9I can guess* You are seeking s$elter" yes1/

/Yes" but9/

/You cannot stay $ere"/ s$e interru'te!* /You &ust leae i&&e!iately* I cannot $ae you $ere>/

My s$oul!ers sagge! in !isa''oint&ent* T$is #asn+t 7uite t$e #elco&e I $a! e4'ecte!*

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It is not t$at I #oul! not allo# you to stay $ere i% I coul!"/ A&elie sai! as s$e close! t$e !oor be$in!

&e* /5ut t$e 'olice" t$ey isite! &e t$ree ti&es last nig$t" searc$ing bot$ &y s$o' an! t$is a'art&ent*/

/Oy"/ I sai!" slu&'ing !o#n into a scarlet c$air* /I+& sorry about t$at* I t$oug$t t$ey &ig$t #atc$

your s$o'" but I neer in a &illion years t$oug$t t$ey+! !isturb you*/

/T$ey sai! you &ur!ere! t$e ?ene!iger*/ A&elie stoo! be%ore &e" $er $an!s $el! tig$tly" $er

e4'ression straine!*

/I !i!n+t* I s#ear to you" A&elie" #$en I arrie! at $is $ouse" $e #as alrea!y !ea!* 2is bo!y #as


S$e stare! at &e %or a &o&ent" t$en 'ut bot$ $an!s on &y $ea!* I !i!n+t kno# #$at s$e #as rea!ing

 9&y t$oug$ts or &y e&otions9but I %erently $o'e! s$e #oul! reali0e I #as innocent* /It is !i%%icult%or &e to sense your t$oug$ts" but I !o not beliee you are a &ur!erer*/ S$e #$oos$e! out a sig$ as s$e

colla'se! onto one o% t$e unco&%ortable.looking c$airs* /I $a! $o'e! you $a!n+t !one it* I kno# you#ere %rig$tene! #$en you le%t" an! t$e ?ene!iger can be ery * **/


/:ut$less* You #oul! not $ae been at %ault i% you #ere si&'ly !e%en!ing yoursel% against $isattack* T$at coul! not really be consi!ere! &ur!er*/ S$e sai! t$e #or!s #it$ 3ust a $int o% i&'lie!7uestion t$at I %elt co&'elle! to ans#er*

/I !i!n+t kill $i&* 5ut I kno# #$o !i!* I 3ust $ae to %in! so&e#$ere sa%e #$ere I can get t$e 'roo%*/

/W$o #oul! kill t$e ?ene!iger1/ s$e aske!" leaning $er elbo#s on $er knees* /W$o #oul! $ae t$e

 'o#er to kill $i&1/

I looke! a#ay* /I t$ink it+s better i% I !on+t tell you* T$at #ay" i% t$e 'olice 7uestion you again" you

can $onestly tell t$e& t$at I !i!n+t gie you any in%or&ation*/ T$at #as only 'art o% t$e trut$" o% course*I %elt so betraye! by Drake t$at I !i!n+t 7uite trust anyone any&ore* I% Drake coul! 'roe to be %alse"

anyone coul!*

S$e #as silent %or a &o&ent" t$e only soun! in $er a'art&ent t$at o% @i& sucking Cecile+s ears* /You

are rig$t* It is better i% I !o not kno#* As %or a sa%e 'lace %or you to go9/ S$e s'rea! $er $an!s #i!e*/9I cannot t$ink o% one* Most o% t$e &e&bers o% t$e :au-dela $ae $ear! #$at $as $a''ene! by no#*

T$ey kno# t$e 'olice sus'ect you o% &ur!er" an! t$ey #ill !o not$ing to 'rotect you* It #oul! not een

 be sa%e %or you to go to G 6 T no#*/

My $eart %ell at $er #or!s* T$ere #as &uc$ to be sai! %or not being a %ugitie* /I t$oug$t G 6 T#oul! be close! because o% t$e ?ene!iger+s !eat$*/

+Won" it is to be o'en* T$e ?ene!iger+s secon! in co&&an! #ill &ake sure t$at all runs as it s$oul!*It is a ery 'o'ular club" you kno#" t$e only club %or :au-dela. It &akes &uc$ &oney* S$e #oul! be a

%ool not to o'en it*/


/(er!ita Da#kins*/

/(er!ita is t$e ?ene!iger+s secon!!1 Wiccan (er!ita1/

/Yes" s$e is* T$at sur'rises. you1/ A&elie raise! $er eyebro#s" t$en &a!e an annoye! soun!* /O$" but #$at a& I !oing 7uestioning you1 My &anners $ae %lo#n to t$e cats* May I o%%er you tea1

Co%%ee1 I $ae so&e brioc$es****/

/No" t$ank you" #e+e $a! break%ast" an! s'eaking o% t$at" I a'ologi0e %or !isturbing you so early* I#as in suc$ a $aste to leae #$ere I s'ent t$e nig$t" I !i!n+t t$ink about it being so early* Are you sure

about (er!ita being t$e ?ene!iger+s assistant1 5ot$ s$e an! O'$elia see&e! to be a bit*** $ars$ #$en

t$ey &entione! $i&* I got t$e %eeling t$at being 'agan Wiccans" t$ey !i!n+t a''roe o% $i&*/

/W$y #oul!n+t t$ey a''roe1 (er!ita o#es &uc$ to t$e ?ene!iger* It #as $e #$o %irst sa# O'$elia

an! recogni0e! $er*/ A&elie %litte! about a tiny kitc$en t$at o'ene! onto t$e liing area" ste''ing into atiny 'antry*

/O$" #ere t$ey se'arate! #$en t$ey #ere babies1 I $ae a %rien! #$ose 'arents !iorce! rig$t a%tert$ey #ere born" an! s$e got $er !a! #$ile $er t#in #ent #it$ t$eir &o&*/

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/Yes" I a& sure about (er!ita* @ean" t$e ?ene!iger+s 'reious secon!" $e &et #it$ an acci!ent*(er!ita #as na&e! in $is 'lace"/ A&elie sai! as s$e e&erge! %ro& t$e 'antry* S$e set a 'late o%

 brioc$es on t$e table an! cocke! an eyebro# at &e* /W$at !i! you say about your %rien!1/

/Not$ing" really* 2a! (er!ita an! O'$elia been se'arate! %or long #$en t$e ?ene!iger %oun!O'$elia1/

2er eyebro# rose a s&i!gen* /Yes" t$ey $a!* Tea or co%%ee1/

+Tea is %ine" t$ank you* 2&&* (er!ita"/ I sai!" t$inking about t$e sisters* T$ey #ere Wiccans; &aybeI coul! a''eal to t$e& %or $el'1 (er$a's i% I 'ointe! out t$at I #as trying to bring t$e ?ene!iger+s

&ur!erer to 3ustice" t$ey #oul! take &e in 3ust %or a !ay or so until I got t$e 'roo% I nee!e!1 I #asabout to ask A&elie" but !i!n+t #$en I reali0e! t$at to tell $er #oul! be to 'ut $er in a co&'ro&ising

situation #it$ t$e 'olice* /I t$ink I kno# o% so&eone #$o &ig$t 'ut &e u' %or a cou'le o% !ays" but I!on+t #ant to tell you #$o*/

A&elie set !o#n a tray #it$ a 'ot o% tea an! t#o &ugs* S$e no!!e!* /It is better t$at you !o not tell&e* I #ill not olunteer in%or&ation" but I #ill not lie to t$e 'olice i% t$ey ask &e*/

/T$anks*/ I acce'te! a cu' o% &ilky tea" gna#ing on &y li' %or a &o&ent be%ore co&ing to a!ecision* /I% you $ae t$e ti&e" can you ans#er a cou'le o% 7uestions %or &e1 I 'ro&ise t$ey+re not$ing

t$at you can+t tell t$e 'olice I aske! about" alt$oug$ #$et$er or not you+ll #antt...!

A&elie sat on t$e yello# couc$ across %ro& &y c$air" tucking $er bare %eet beneat$ $er* /I #ill

ans#er i% I can" but you &ust not stay too long* T$e s$o'" it o'ens in an $our" an! %or &e to be !elaye!#ill !erange t$e 'olice*/

/Well" I #oul!n+t #ant t$e& !erange!9Ins'ector (roust is 'isse! enoug$ at &e* My 7uestionconcerns a set o% t$ree ob3ects calle! t$e Tools o% 5ael* 2ae you $ear! o% t$e&1/

T$e 7uick intake o% A&elie+s breat$ 'retty &uc$ ans#ere! &y 7uestion* /I $ae" but I a& sur'rise!t$at you $ae" as #ell* W$ere !i! you $ear o% t$is1/

Ti&e to 'ick an! c$oose #$at I tol! $er* /T$e ob3ect I #as !eliering to M&e* Deau4ille #as ana7ua&anile t$at I #as later tol! #as one o% t$e t$ree Tools*/


I no!!e!* I !i!n+t nee! $er to translate; t$e s$ocke! look in $er eyes sai! it all* /I $a''en to kno#

t$at t$e ?ene!iger $a! in $is 'ossession one o% t$e Tools9t$e Eye o% Luci%er9an! $a! $ire! so&eone

to ac7uire t$e ot$er t#o*/

"Nom de !ieu#" A&elie sai!" 3u&'ing u' to 'ace t$e lengt$ o% t$e couc$* "Nom de !ieu. It #asDrake ?ireo" t$e green #yern" #$o #as to steal t$e ot$er t#o 'ieces" yes1/

/Yes"/ I sai! cautiously" not #illing to tell $er too &uc$* /My 7uestion is $o# &uc$ !a&age coul!so&eone #$o use! t$e Tools !o1 Say so&eone o% t$e ?ene!iger+s 'o#er9are t$e Tools really so


"1on !ieu, t$ey are legen!ary>/ A&elie sto''e! 'acing to sit on t$e e!ge o% t$e steel an! glass

co%%ee table in %ront o% &e* /T$ey #ere lost %or &any $un!re!s o% years" so&eti&es one o% t$e t$ree

sur%acing" only to !isa''ear" but neer" in all t$e ages since t$ey #ere create!" $ae all t$ree Tools been broug$t toget$er* )or t$e& to be use!" it #oul! be une grande catastrophe#" 

/2o# ba! o% a catastro'$e1/ I aske!" t$e sick %eeling o% t$e !ay be%ore $aing returne!" &aking &y

sto&ac$ 'rotest t$e yogurt an! toast t$at $a! been all I+! been able to c$oke !o#n in Drake+s 'resence*

S$e #ae! $er $an!s in t$e air in a gesture t$at #as re&iniscent o% t$e s$a'e o% a &us$roo& clou!*/Most ba!* It is not 3ust t$e 'erson using t$e Tools" you see* T$at 'erson #oul! be !estroye! s$oul! $e

een try*/

/Destroye!1 W$y1/

S$e got u' an! starte! 'acing again" but slo#er t$is ti&e" as i% s$e #as gat$ering $er t$oug$ts*

/W$at I tell you" you are not to relate to anyone" yes1 It is &ost i&'ortant t$at no kno# t$e trut$" elset$e #$ole %abric o% :au-dela, it #ill co&e a'art*/

/T$at+s co&%orting"/ I sai! !ryly* /Go on9I #on+t breat$e a #or! o% t$is to anyone*/

/I kno# t$is only because * * * because I $ae a %rien! #$o is a Guar!ian* S$e so&eti&es tells &e

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t$ings o% i&'ortance*/ I no!!e!" silently urging $er to go on* +T$e !e&on lor!s" t$ey are not easy" youun!erstan!* T$ey struggle to rule Aba!!on as #e struggle to ac$iee greatness in our #orl!* One lor!

!o&inates oer t$e ot$er seen; t$at is t$e #ay it $as al#ays been* T$e lor! 5ael $as long been!o&inate" but recently t$e signs s$o# t$at anot$er lor! is trying to to''le $i& %ro& 'o#er* In or!er to

&aintain $is 're&ier role" t$e lor! 5ael" $e calls in $is ar&ies" $is su''ort" yes1 2is !e&ons" t$e&ortals $e rules" all o% t$e& $e calls to $is ai! to kee' t$e usur'er %ro& gaining $is 'o#er*/

/OK"/ I sai!" &ore t$an a little 'u00le!* /5ut #$at !oes a battle to be king o% t$e $ill in Aba!!on$ae to !o #it$ t$e Tools1 5ael can+t use t$e& since t$ey+re &eant to ta' into $is 'o#er*/

"/ui, but t$e 'o#er" it can %lo# bot$ #ays" you see1/

A lig$t !a#ne! in t$e &usty !arkness o% &y brain* /O$" I get you* You &ean t$at i% so&eone tries to

use t$e Tools to !ra# 'o#er %ro& 5ael" 5ael coul! %li' t$e s#itc$ an! suck 'o#er %ro& t$at 'ersoninstea!1/

A&elie no!!e!* /Yes" but it goes !ee'er t$an t$at* 5e%ore $e took all t$eir 'o#er" 5ael #oul!co&&an! $is serant to use $is abilities to %ee! $i& 'o#er %ro& t$ose #it$in t$e serant+s reac$* So it

#oul! be t$at not only t$e 'erson #$o use! t$e Tool #as !raine! by 5ael" but too eeryone #it$ t$e

reac$ o% $i&* )or so&eone o% t$e ?ene!iger+s strengt$" t$at #oul! &ean eeryone in t$e *au-delh

#oul! $ae been !raine! in or!er to %ee! $is &aster*/

/5ael is t$e ?ene!iger+s &aster1/ I aske!" !istracte! by t$at t$oug$t*

/Was"/ s$e ans#ere! #it$ a #ry t#ist to $er li's*

/A$*/ T$at #oul! go a long #ay to e4'laining t$e uneasy %eeling I $a! aroun! $i&* /An! t$is

!raining" I take it t$at it+s not a goo! t$ing1/

S$e laug$e!* It #asn+t a $a''y laug$* It raise! goose bu&'s on &y ar&s* /It is !ea!ly" t$e 'rocess*/

/Erg* OK" so t$e i&'ortant t$ing $ere is to not allo# t$e t$ree Tools to %all into anyone+s $an!s"rig$t1/

/T$at is so*/

Anot$er t$oug$t struck &e* /Can so&eone use 3ust t#o o% t$e t$ree Tools1/

/Not to !ra# 5ale=s 'o#er* It is t$e t$ree toget$er t$at can ta' into 5ael+s strengt$" a9#$at is itcalle!9 triu&irate* @ust as t$ere are 'eo'le #$o bon! #it$ t#o ot$ers in or!er t$at t$e su& o% t$eir

 'o#er be greater t$an t$e in!ii!ual 'arts" so it is #it$ t$e Tools* Se'arate" t$ey can !o little e4ce'tsu&&on 5ael* Toget$er***"/ S$e" s$u!!ere!*

/2ell on eart$"/ I %ille! in t$e blank %or $er*

S$e stare! at &e #it$ e&otionless eyes* /Literally*/

An! lining u' to take t$e %all %or 5ael #as Drake* Eit$er t$at" or $e seriously t$oug$t $e coul! kee'%ro& being sucke! !ry" but t$at #as 3ust as !istaste%ul a t$oug$t" %or it &eant $e 'lanne! to rule using

5ael+s 'o#er* It all ca&e !o#n to t$e lo!estone* No &atter #$at else I !i!" I $a! to &ake sure it !i! not%all into Drake+s $an!s* W$ic$ &eant* * *

/I% I kno# #$ere one o% t$e Tools is" i% I $a! access to it" coul! I !estroy it1//You1/ S$e s$ook $er $ea!* /A 'o#er%ul &age" 'ossibly" but not a Guar!ian*/

/Wait a &inute" I+& con%use!* I t$oug$t you sai! t$at Guar!ians co&&an! t$e !ark 'o#ers*/

/No" I sai! you &ani'ulate t$e&" an! so you !o* 5ut co&&an!1 Only t$ose o% Aba!!on" or one #$o

seres suc$ a &aster" can co&&an! t$e !ark lor!s*/

/Obiously I nee! a little $el' un!erstan!ing e4actly #$at it is a Guar!ian !oes" because I t$oug$t it

#as all about su&&oning !e&ons*/

S$e s&ile! again" but t$is #as a #ar& s&ile* /I t$ink you $ae !one &agni%icently consi!ering t$at

a %e# !ays ago you #ere 3ust a naie tourist*/ I gri&ace!" an! s$e laug$e!* /It is true t$at Guar!ians&ay su&&on !e&ons as t$ey nee!" but t$at is not t$eir 'ri&ary role* A Guar!ian is e4actly t$at9t$e

kee'er" t$e #atc$er o% a 'ortal to Aba!!on* Eac$ Guar!ian is assigne! a 'ortal to ten!*/

/Ten! $o#1/ I aske!" #on!ering i% t$ere #ere any 'ortals in Seattle* /I $ae a %eeling you !on+t

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&ean cut t$e grass an! 'ick #ee!s" rig$t1/

S$e looke! t$oug$t%ul* /In a #ay" t$at is not so 'oor a co&'arison* A Guar!ian &onitors t$e 'ortal

s$e is assigne!* S$e #atc$es %or unusual actiity" %or in$abitants o% t$e !ark #orl! #$o cross oer* A

 'ortal" it is like a !oor#ay" yes1 T$roug$ it t$e !ark creatures" t$ey can co&e #it$out being su&&one!*So it is t$at Guar!ians &ust #atc$" an! 'reent t$e !ark 'o#ers %ro& using t$e 'ortal*/

/Kin! o% a 'aranor&al !oor&an1 OK* W$ere !oes t$e !e&on.raising co&e into it1/

/It is &ore %or t$eir abilities to sen! !e&ons back t$at Guar!ians are kno#n* Not only &ust t$ey#atc$ t$eir 'ortals" t$ey also &ust take care o% any occurrences o% !ark beings #$ic$ leae t$eir !ark

#orl! an! enter ours*/

/Like !e&ons" you &ean1/

/Yes" !e&ons an! t$eir serants" as #ell as ot$ers suc$ as incubi an! succubi" !o''elganger" sirens"%uries" #ere%olk9/

I $el! u' &y $an! to sto' $er* /You+re &aking &y $ea! s'in* I $a! no i!ea all t$ose creatures #erereal" but let+s go back a ste'* You sai! !e&ons an! t$eir serants9I t$oug$t !e&ons were serants1/

/T$ey are" but t$ey t$e&seles co&&an! serants o% t$eir o#n" suc$ as i&'s an! ot$er lesser

creatures*/I #ante! to ask #$at t$e ?ene!iger !i! #it$ t$e scra'e!.u' bits o% i&'s t$at 'eo'le !e'osite! in t$e

i&' bucket" but %igure! it #as 'robably better i% I !i!n+t kno#* +T$at soun!s like a lot o% #ork* I+& not

saying I can+t !o it9alt$oug$ I $aen+t !ie slig$test i!ea #$at &ost o% #$at you+re talking aboutconsists o%9but $o# !o 'eo'le go about %in!ing a 'ortal1 2o# !o Guar!ians *** #ell" beco&e


/You are born to it" 3ust as you are born to be a #yern+s &ate*/

I &a!e a %ace at t$at co&&ent* O$" $o# I loe! kno#ing I #as born to be t$e &ate to a !ragon #$o 'lanne! on clai&ing a !e&on lor!+s 'o#er to rule t$e #orl!*

/:egar!ing %in!ing a 'ortal" it is &ore a case o% t$e 'ortal %in!ing you* Most Guar!ians #$o $aenot yet %oun! t$eir 'lace in t$e :au-dela beco&e inole! in an unguar!e! 'ortal* An! !o not #orry

t$at you !o not yet un!erstan! all t$ere is to kno#* You $ae not %oun! a &entor* Once you %in! $er"t$ings #ill beco&e &uc$ clearer*/

I !i!n+t bot$er to tell $er t$at I #asn+t entirely sure I #as #illing to sign on %ull.ti&e as a Guar!ian* Icoul!n+t t$ink about t$at no#; %irst I $a! to sae t$e #orl! %ro& Drake an! 5ael* Su'er Aisling to t$e

rescue* All I nee!e! #as a big re! ca'e an! a 'air o% blue tig$ts*

+T$anks %or t$e e4'lanation* I% you !on+t &in! &e looking t$roug$ your '$one book" I+ll get t$e

nu&ber o% t$e 'erson I t$ink &ig$t be able to 'ut &e u'" an! t$en @i& an! I #ill be out o% your $air*/

A&elie looke! #orrie!* /T$is 'erson" it is so&eone you trust1/

I !i! a $al%.s$rug* /No &ore t$an I trust anyone* Is t$ere a 'articular 'erson you #ant to #arn &eagainst1/

S$e sai! not$ing %or a %e# &o&ents" staring at t$e &ug o% tea in $er $an!s* /It is not so &uc$ a 'erson about #$ic$ I #ant to #arn you" &ore t$at you s$oul! not be !eceie! by a''earances* You are

untraine!" true" but you are a Guar!ian* You are a #yern+s &ate* Your instincts &ay be burie! an!untrie!" but t$ey are t$ere #it$in you" s'eaking to you i% you #oul! 3ust $ear t$eir #or!s*/

/Sage a!ice in!ee!"/ I sai! #it$ a s&ile as I stoo! u'*

S$e ti''e! $er $ea! back to look u' at &e* /Tell &e t$is i% you can #it$out it $ar&ing you9you$ae a 'lan" yes1/

/O$" yes" I $ae a 'lan*/

A %aint %ro#n tugge! $er bro#s !o#n* /5ut to !o #$at1 To e4'ose t$e &ur!erer" or to !estroy t$e

Tools o% 5ael1/

/Certainly t$e %irst" an! $o'e%ully t$e last" alt$oug$ i% I can+t !estroy one o% t$e tools" at t$e eryleast I can &ake sure it en!s u' so&e#$ere no one #ill %in! it*/

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/T$at is not so easy as you t$ink* (eo'le #ill searc$ %or it*/

/Yea$" I kno#* 5ut I+& $o'ing to %in! a s'ot #$ere no one #ill %in! it* T$anks %or ans#ering all &y

7uestions" an! I+& ery sorry about t$e 'olice bot$ering you* Wit$ luck" t$ey #on+t !o so again*/

I aaile! &ysel% o% A&elie+s '$one book be%ore leaing t$e sa%ety o% $er a'art&ent* S$e o%%ere! to

let &e use t$e '$one" but %earing a '$one ta' or recor!s o% #$o #as calle!B" I t$anke! $er an! $ea!e!

o%% to %in! a !istant 'ay '$one*

/I !on+t see #$y #e coul!n+t stay t$ere"/ @i& co&'laine! as I &arc$e! !o#n t$e street to#ar! ano'en &arket* /We coul! $ae $i!!en i% t$e 'olice ca&e*/

/We coul!n+t stay t$ere because it #oul!n+t be rig$t to ask A&elie to lie %or us to t$e 'olice* 5esi!es"I !on+t t$ink Cecile+s ears coul! stan! u' to &uc$ &ore sucking* An! #$ile #e+re on t$e sub3ect" t$at+s

really !isgusting" you kno#*/

/Don+t knock it until you+e trie! it"/ @i& ans#ere! sullenly*

We #oe our #ay t$roug$ t$e early.&orning s$o''ers at t$e out!oor &arket" %in!ing a 'ay '$one ina busy ca%e* I calle! t$e nu&ber I+! #ritten !o#n %ro& A&elie+s '$one book" #on!ering as t$e '$one

 bu00e! in &y ear #$at t$e o!!s #ere o% %in!ing your &issing t#in*

"6llo" /O'$elia1/ I aske! cautiously" not able to tell i% it #as $er or $er sister* /T$is is Aisling Grey*/

/Aisling1 (er!y" it+s Aisling> No" s$e+s on t$e '$one #it$ &e* Aisling1 Yes" it+s &e* W$ere are you1

You #oul! not beliee #$at+s being sai! about you9/

/O$" I bet i% I trie! $ar!" I coul! beliee"/ I ans#ere!" s&iling a 3a!e! little s&ile o% one #$o kno#s

t$e 'olice %orce o% one o% t$e #orl!+s largest cities is a%ter $er* /Listen" I+& about to ask a really big%aor %ro& you" but I !on+t #ant you to %eel 'ressure! into saying yes*/

/As i% you een $ae to ask"/ O'$elia scol!e! &e* /W$ateer it is" you kno# #e+ll say yes*/

/I nee! a 'lace to stay %or a !ay or t#o" so&e#$ere &y *** er *** !og an! I can lie lo#*/

/We+! be !elig$te! to $ae you"/ (er!ita ans#ere!" $aing 'icke! u' an e4tension* /Absolutely


/Yes" !elig$te!"/ O'$elia 'arrote!*

/T$at+s ery generous o% you" but you s$oul! bot$ un!erstan! t$at** * er9/ I looke! aroun! to &ake

sure no one #as stan!ing near enoug$ &e to oer$ear* /9I+& a #ante! #o&an* T$e 'olice #ant to talk

to &e" not t$at I+e !one anyt$ing #rong*/

 /We $ear! you &ur!ere! t$e ?ene!iger"/ O'$elia sai! e4cite!ly*


 /Well" #e !i!> S$e s$oul! kno# t$at" s$oul!n+t s$e1/

/Yes" but you !on+t 3ust say it so bal!ly* You ease into suc$ t$ings9/

/Maybe #e can !iscuss t$is later1/ I interru'te!" nerous at being on t$e street" e4'ose! to anyone#$o looke! &y #ay* /An! *** I $ate to ask t$is" but I nee! to &ake sure* You+re not*** u$ *** 'lanning on

telling t$e 'olice about &e1/

/Merci%ul Go!!ess" as i% #e #oul! !o suc$ a t$ing>/ O'$elia gas'e!" $er oice %ille! #it$ $onest


/I+& ery sorry to $ae !oubte! you" but I 3ust can+t be too care%ul any&ore* I% you really !on+t &in!

$ousing a %ugitie" I+! be eternally grate%ul*/

/Woul! you" in!ee!1/ (er!ita aske!* /Eternity is a terribly long ti&e*/

/Er* * * yes*/ I looke! aroun! t$e ca%e again* A &an near t$e !oor #as eyeing &e* /Can you gie &eyour a!!ress1 I+ll be oer as soon as 'ossible* I+& a bit nerous about being out #$ere t$e 'olice &ig$t

see &e*/

O'$elia gae &e t$e a!!ress an! tol! &e t$ey #oul! be #aiting %or &e* /5u00 t$ree ti&es* We+ll let

you in t$en*/

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/Will !o* An! &any t$anks>/

/O$" !on+t t$ank us no#"/ O'$elia laug$e!" so&e#$at cry'tically*

I rang o%% an! retriee! @i& %ro& #$ere it #as &ooc$ing o%% a kin!ly ca%e 'atron an! $is s&all!aug$ter" a'ologi0ing in ba!ly &angle! '$rasebook )renc$ %or &y !og*

/W$y #as t$at little girl calling you #a.#a1/ I aske! as #e $ea!e! %or a ta4i stan!*

/It+s ouah-ouah. It &eans +!oggy*+ S$e like! &e* Eeryone likes &e" eeryone but you* Do you kno#

t$e )renc$ $ae a '$rase, avoir du chien. It i&'lies so&eone #$o $as c$ar& an! se4 a''eal" #$ic$&akes absolute sense since it literally &eans +to $ae !og*+ W$at !o you t$ink about t$at1/

/I t$ink you $a! better cla& u'* No talking in t$e ta4i or in %ront o% (er!ita an! O'$elia* T$ey+rekin! o% #eir! about t$ings like !e&ons an! stu%%*/

/I t$oug$t you sai! one o% t$e& is t$e ?ene!iger+s lieutenant*/

/S$e is"/ I sai!" sto''ing to stare in $orror at a ne#sstan! be%ore !ragging @i& %or#ar! to t$e ta4i

stan! !o#n t$e street*

/2ey> W$ere+s t$e %ire1 You+re c$oking &e>/

/S$$$> So&eone #ill $ear you*/ I sto''e! abru'tly an! bent !o#n to %uss #it$ @i&+s collar* /T$ene#s'a'er $a! &y 'ass'ort 'icture> :ig$t on t$e %ront 'age>/

/Ooo$" cool* Let+s get a co'y %or &y scra'book*/

/You !on+t $ae a scra'book" an! #e are not getting a co'y* Co&e on* T$e sooner I get o%% t$e street"

t$e $a''ier I+ll be*/

We &a!e it to t$e a'art&ent on t$e :ue (ont$ieu" #$ic$ sur'rise! &e by being 3ust a %e# ste's a#ay

%ro& t$e C$a&'s.Elyse+es an! all t$e lu4ury s$o's* T$e sisters+ a'art&ent #as t#o %loors aboe anu'scale bakery* A%ter being bu00e! in" #e took t$e eleator u' an! #ere a!&itte! i&&e!iately into an

a'art&ent t$at le%t &y 3a# $anging aroun! &y knees* A&elie+s &o!ern taste in art an! %urnituresur'rise! &e" but t$e glorious Louis <T? anti7ues o% O'$elia an! (er!ita+s a'art&ent le%t &e

s'eec$less* 5eauti%ully #orke! (ersian rugs !otte! an inlai! 'ar7uet %loor" t#o!.crea&.satine&broi!ere! 5aro7ue c$airs co&'le&ente! t$e &atc$ing rose.colore! couc$" a $uge bro#n &arble

%ire'lace !o&inate! one #all" #$ile an intricately &ol!e! ceiling bearing a !etaile! :ococo &ural%oug$t #it$ t$e &useu&.7uality ta'estries on t$e #alls to $ol! t$e eye* T$ey #ere all so gorgeous" so

elegant" an! not at all t$e sort o% t$ings #it$ #$ic$ 'agan Wiccans #oul! be e4'ecte! to surroun!t$e&seles*

/W$at a beauti%ul 'lace you $ae"/ I gas'e!" trying to look eery#$ere at once* I %elt incre!ibly

gauc$e s$o#ing u' #it$ &y !e&on an! &y 'lastic bag o% clot$ing*

/It+s $o&e"/ O'$elia sai! #it$ a s$rug* /Co&e" let &e s$o# you to your roo&* I $o'e you !on+t &in!slee'ing in our #orkroo&* /

/Not at all"/ I sai!" &y eyes $uge as s$e 'ause! to 'oint out t$e bat$roo& t$e tiles lining t$e s$o#erunit %or&e! a loely Turkis$ &osaicB an! se'arate toilet be%ore s#ee'ing into a #ell.lit roo& !one in a

 'retty!.green %loral 'attern* T$e be!s'rea! &atc$e! t$e $an!.knotte! rug" #$ic$ &atc$e!

t$e u'$olstery on t$e ar&c$air ne4t to t$e #in!o#" %ra&e! bet#een lace an!!.green&atc$ing curtains* On t$e %ar #all #as a large bookcase t$at containe! a nu&ber o% books" seeralglass 3ars like A&elie+s t$at I assu&e $el! t$e sisters+ Wiccan $erbs an! suc$" a ariety o% can!les" a set

o% aro&atic oils" a cou'le o% c$alices" t$ree !i%%erent.si0e bells" an! seeral ite&s in bone t$at I !i! notrecogni0e* I turne! back to t$e rest o% t$e roo&* It #as %e&inine" lig$t" attractie" an! &a!e &e %eel

een &ore like an interlo'er* /I can+t t$ank you enoug$ %or being so kin! to &e" an! I $o'e t$at I #on+t$ae to stay $ere &ore t$an a !ay" or t#o at t$e &ost* I nee! to *** er *** con!uct a ritual" i% you !on+t


/Well" you are a Guar!ian"/ O'$elia sai! #it$ a kno#ing s&ile* /We #oul! be sur'rise! i% you !i!

not 'ractice your arts* O$" but you cannot !o it to!ay>/

/I can+t1/ I s$ot a 7uick %ro#n at @i& as it sni%%e! aroun! t$e bookcase*

/No" t$e roo& $asn+t been cleanse! yet*/I looke! aroun!* It #as cleaner t$an &y a'art&ent back $o&e" &uc$ cleaner* T$is a'art&ent looke!

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like !ust #oul!n+t !are settle any#$ere* /O$1/

/Yes" in!ee!* We #oul! neer allo# you to #ork in an uncleanse! roo&*/

/A$"/ I sai!" gat$ering t$e cleansing #as so&e sort o% Wiccan ritual* /5ut I+& not going to be !oingt$e sort o% &agic t$at you an! (er!ita !o" so t$e cleansing isn+t necessary9/

/It is"/ O'$elia sai! %ir&ly" &oing oer to t$e be! to 'ull out &y clot$ing stu%%e! into t$e bag* S$e

s$ook out t$e !resses an! $ung t$e& in a rose#oo! ar&oire" saying as s$e !i!" /We #oul! neer be

able to lie #it$ ourseles i% so&e negatie energy %ro& t$e uncleanse! roo& inter%ere! #it$ yourritual* (er!ita #ill cleanse it tonig$t" #$en t$e Moon Go!!ess blesses us #it$ $er lig$t*/

I gae in* W$at c$oice !i! I $ae1 I #as going to $ae to #alk ery care%ully as it #as since I #oul! be su&&oning a !e&on into t$eir $o&e" an eent I $a! a %eeling t$ey #oul! not be terribly $a''y

about" but I $a! little c$oice* I $a! t$oug$t to !o t$e ritual t$at nig$t #$ile (er!ita an! $o'e%ullyO'$eliaB #oul! be at G 6 T" but it looke! like 5a%a&al #oul! $ae to #ait until t$e %ollo#ing !ay*

(er!ita returne! %ro& !oing so&e grocery s$o''ing #$ic$ &a!e &e %eel een &ore guilty since I$a! little &oney le%t to rei&burse t$e&B an! sat !o#n #it$ O'$elia to $ear &y story* I tol! t$e& about

%in!ing t$e ?ene!iger=s bo!y" reassure! t$e& I !i!n+t kill $i&" an! si!este''e! t$e issue o% Drakealtoget$er* I truste! A&elie 3ust as I truste! O'$elia an! (er!ita" but in t$e #ake o% Drake+s betrayal"

&y %ait$ in &y ability to !eter&ine #$o #as trust#ort$y an! #$o #asn+t #as s$aken* It #as 3ust better"I tol! &ysel%" to not inole t$e& t$at !ee'ly in t$e situation*

/T$e ? got #$at $e !esere!"/ (er!ita sai! as I conclu!e! &y tale* I stare! at $er %or a &o&ent"sur'rise! by t$e strong e&otion in $er oice* T$ere #as al&ost a gloating ele&ent to it* S$e &ust $ae

notice! t$e 7uestion in &y eyes because s$e a!!e!" #it$ a lig$t laug$" /T$at soun!s terribly #icke! o%&e" !oesn+t it1 5ut t$e trut$ is" $e #as not a nice &an* More t$an once $e %ell icti& to $is !esires an!

use! t$e !ark 'o#ers to gain t$at #$ic$ $e #ante!* O$" yes" a !agger in $is $eart #as a 3usti%ie! en!%or t$e likes o% $i&*+/

/(er!y" t$at+s a bit $ars$" surely1 No one !eseres to be &ur!ere!"/ O'$elia gently c$astise! $ersister* S$e no!!e! to#ar! &e* /You %orget our guest is t$e one #$o !iscoere! t$e ?ene!iger+s bo!y*

I+& sure Aisling #oul! 're%er to %orget t$at $orrible e4'erience*/

/I***/ I c$e#e! &y li' %or a &o&ent" trying to t$ink o% $o# to ask #$at I #ante! to ask (er!ita

#it$out it soun!ing o%%ensie* /I #as tol! t$at you #ere e&'loye! by $i&1/

2er c$in li%te! in c$allenge to &y 7uestion* /Yes" I #as" but t$at !i! not &ean I #as blin! to t$e

&an+s sins*

5y using t$e !ark 'o#ers" $e #ronge! not only t$e 'eo'le #$o &ake u' t$e Ot$er#orl!" but t$e

Go!!ess an! nature itsel%*/ S$e sli! a 7uick glance to#ar! a %retting O'$elia* /T$at is #$y I took t$e 'osition* We $a! $o'es t$at #e #oul! be able to bring t$e ?ene!iger back into t$e lig$t" but $e ***/ 2er

li's t#iste!*

/2e &ocke! $er an! re%use! $er o%%er to ba'ti0e $i& into t$e Ol! :eligion"/ O'$elia #$is'ere!"

 'lacing $er $an! oer $er sister+s an! giing it a s7uee0e* /2e #as a ba! &an" (er!y" but $e is goneno#* 2e is 'aying %or $is sins* T$e Go!!ess $as seen to t$at*/

/Yes"/ (er!ita sai!" collecting $ersel%* S$e leele! a %ir& blue.eye! ga0e at &e* /2e #as a ery ba! 'erson" but $e #ill not taint (aris any &ore* T$e Go!!ess+s #ill $as been !one" 3ust as it #ill be !one toeery &e&ber o% t$e Ot$er#orl! #$o ignores t$e True (at$ an! gies t$e&seles oer to t$e !ark


I #as &ore t$an a little unco&%ortable #it$ t$is sort o% talk" #$at #it$ t$e !e&on I+! su&&one!lying #it$ its big $airy butt on &y le%t %oot* /Er*** yes"/ I sai! neutrally" un#illing to co&&it &ysel% to

anyt$ing &ore* @i&" #$o& I $a! co&&an!e! to silence in or!er to reliee it %ro& t$e te&'tation o%&aking a snarky co&&ent in %ront o% t$e sisters" rolle! its eyes at &e* I searc$e! &y &in! %or sa%e

to'ics o% conersation*

/Aisling $as a ritual s$e #is$es to con!uct"/ O'$elia sai!" saing &e %ro& resorting to inanities like

t$e #eat$er* /I tol! $er you &ust %irst cleanse t$e #orkroo& be%ore s$e can 'er%or& it*/

/I !on+t #ant to be any trouble"/ I sai! 7uickly* /I% t$ere+s so&e#$ere else" so&e#$ere 7uiet I can !o


/We use &agic only in t$e #orkroo&"/ (er!ita sai!" s$ooting $er sister a 7uestioning glance* /It

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/It soun!s loely" but9/

/ +Min! t$e T$ree%ol! La# you s$oul!" t$ree ti&es ba! an! t$ree ti&es goo!"+/ s$e 7uote!*

An! so it #ent* I sat t$roug$ seeral lectures on t$e sins o% being so&eone #$o !allie! #it$ t$e !arks'irits" all t$e #$ile e4tre&ely a#are o% t$e soulless !e&on #$o alternate! bet#een rolling aroun!

 begging O'$elia to rub its belly" an! &ooc$ing in t$e kitc$en* 5y t$e eening I #as e4$auste! #it$

trying to kee' &y tongue be$in! &y teet$* I 'lea!e! an all.too.real $ea!ac$e an! esca'e! to &y be!roo&" @i& in to#* I sur'rise! &ysel% by %alling aslee' in a na' t$at laste! until #ell a%ter !inner*

W$en O'$elia #oke &e" I %elt re%res$e!" &y &in! &a!e u' as to #$at course it #oul! take*

/You &ust co&e #it$ &e to G 6 T"/ O'$elia insiste!" s&iling a #inso&e s&ile t$at #oul! $ae&elte! t$e $eart o% a &isant$ro'e* /(er!y is alrea!y t$ere" but I kno# s$e+! #ant you to get out" too*/

/Consi!ering &y %ace #as 'lastere! across t$e ne#s'a'ers o% (aris t$is &orning" I !on+t t$inkclubbing is t$e #isest c$oice o% $o# to s'en! t$e eening*/

/Don+t be silly* No one #ill $ar& you t$ere9it is neutral groun!"/ O'$elia sai!" o'ening t$e#ar!robe to see #$at I $a! suitable %or an eening out* /5esi!es" (er!y is in c$arge no#* No one #oul!

!are cross $er*/

T$at state&ent &a!e &e s$ier* +To be $onest" I 3ust !on+t t$ink I+& u' to sociali0ing tonig$t" butt$ere is so&et$ing you can !o %or &e" i% you #oul!*/

S$e turne! a#ay %ro& t$e #ar!robe" a !isa''ointe! 'out ei!ent* /I% I can" you kno# I #ill*/

/Ot$er t$an Drake" are t$ere any ot$er #yerns in (aris1/

2er 'out %a!e! as a 'u00le! look re'lace! it* /Wyerns1 Yeeees *** )iat 5lu is $ere* 2e is. t$e blue

#yern" alt$oug$ I !o not reco&&en! you $ae anyt$ing to !o #it$ $i&* 2e is not only !e'rae! an!i&&oral; $e is a 'syc$ic" too* All t$e blue !ragons are" but $e is t$e &ost 'o#er%ul*/ 2er oice !ro''e!

to a t$roaty #$is'er* /It is sai! t$at $e uses $is 'o#ers to &ake #o&en !o *** !o *** unnatural t$ings#it$ $i&*/

/Soun!s like 7uite t$e guy* T$e blue !ragons are 'syc$ics" t$en1 T$at+s t$eir trait1 Are t$ey kno#n%or t$eir strengt$1/

S$e gri&ace! an! absently straig$tene! a 'icture on t$e #all* /All t$e !ragons are strong*/

/2&&*/ T$e 'lan I $a! been &ulling oer since I le%t A&elie+s soli!i%ie!* /Do you kno# #$ere )iat

5lu lies1/

S$e no!!e! reluctantly* /Yes" but I counsel you not to see $i&" Aisling* )iat is &uc$ !i%%erent %ro&

your #yern*/

I reac$e! 'ast $er an! 'ulle! out t$e %anciest o% t$e !resses (al $a! boug$t %or &e* /All t$e better> I%

you tell &e #$ere $e lies" I+ll be ery grate%ul*/ Stricken by t$e !isa''ointe! look in $er eyes" I a!!e!"/An! i% I %inis$ u' #it$ $i& 7uickly" I 'ro&ise I+ll !ro' by G 6 T an! say $i*/

T$at c$eere! $er u'*

An $our later" @i& an! I #alke! u' t$e s$allo# stone ste's o% an elegant buil!ing in t$e ery c$ic

(lace !e la :esistance* T$e Ei%%el To#er #as 3ust a %e# blocks a#ay; t$en again" so #as t$e (arisse#er &useu&*B /I !on+t kno# #$y I+& sur'rise! by suc$ a lu4urious a!!ress"/ I sai! as I 'resse! t$e

 bell beneat$ a gol! engrae! na&e'late t$at rea! si&'ly 5L8* /5y no# I s$oul! kno# t$at !ragonse7ual #ealt$*/

+T$is isn+t 3ust #ealt$"/ @i& sai!* /It+s an attitu!e* You s$oul! a!o't it*/

I #as a bit sur'rise! #$en rat$er t$an so&eone using t$e interco& to %in! out #$at I #ante!" t$e!.siler.!oor in %ront o% &e o'ene!*

/8$" $i* Bon%our. &arle'-vous 9/

"/r#" t$e &an in %ront o% &e interru'te!" sni%%ing t$e air 3ust as Drake $a! !one* It %las$e! t$roug$&y &in! t$at t$e )renc$ #or! %or /gol!/ #as or, but be%ore I coul! e4'lain &y gol! #asn+t aluable" $e

grabbe! &y ar& an! 3erke! &e insi!e t$e a'art&ent $ouse" t$e !oor sla&&ing be$in! &e #it$ a gri&%inality*

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2ey>/ I yelle!" s7uir&ing out o% t$e gras' o% &y ca'tor %or a secon! be%ore $e grabbe! &e again*/You le%t &y !e& *** &y !og outsi!e> Let go o% &e> You can+t 3ust !rag &e aroun! like I+& a sack o%


T$e &an" blon! an! &uscle.boun! an! looking 3ust like t$e sur%er ty'es &y e4 $ung aroun! #it$"

cla''e! a $an! oer &y &out$ an! $aule! &y struggling sel% into a s&all eleator* I trie! kicking $i&in t$e s$ins" but $e 3ust t$re# &e against t$e #all o% t$e eleator an! leane! against &e" all but

s7uis$ing t$e breat$ out o% &e* I+& not a s&all #o&an" but t$is guy #as big an! broa! an! !i!n+t see&to be bot$ere! at all by t$e %act t$at I #as cla#ing at $is back*

T$e eleator 'inge! its arrial at a %loor" t$e !oors o'ene! #it$ a rus$ o% air" an! %or a %e# secon!s I#as air.born as Muscle 5oy 3erke! &e %or#ar!* /Co&e"/ $e sai! in $eaily accente! Englis$*

I !ug &y $eels in" raking bot$ sets o% %ingernails !o#n t$e ar& t$at cla&'e! tig$tly aroun! &y #rist" but it !i! no goo!* I #as $aule! into an a'art&ent" an! #it$out anot$er #or!" tosse! onto a blue elet

sectional couc$* W$ile I #as %ig$ting &y #ay out o% a nest o% elet 'illo#s t$at sere! as t$e back o%t$e couc$" Muscle 5oy rattle! o%% so&et$ing in a li7ui!.soun!ing language*

I &anage! to get to &y %eet" an! stoo! glaring at t$e back o% &y ab!uctor until t$e 'erson $e #ass'eaking to ste''e! %or#ar! into t$e roo&* I sucke! in &y breat$ at t$e sig$t o% $i&9Drake #as

$an!so&e in a !ark" se4y" se!uctie sort o% #ay" but t$is &an looke! like a Greek statue co&e to li%e*Curly blon! $air brus$e! $is s$oul!ers" 'ure blue eyes9a true blue" not a %iltere! blue like you see in

&ost blue.eye! 'eo'le9glittere! brig$tly" a!orning a %ace t$at #as so beauti%ul" it al&ost &a!e &e#ant to #ee'* T$e rest o% t$e &an #asn+t ba!" eit$er" alt$oug$ I only $a! a c$ance to notice t$at $e #as

a %e# inc$es taller t$an &e be%ore $e gli!e! %or#ar! #it$ $is $an!s outstretc$e!*

"0am, :enal!o !i! not $urt you1 2e !i! not kno# #$o you are* You &ust %orgie $is ery 'oor

&anners* We $ae been in (aris too long; $e begins to be$ae like a )renc$&an*/

/Actually" t$e )renc$&en I+e &et $ae all been e4tre&ely 'olite an! ery $el'%ul" not to &ention

loa!e! #it$ &anners"/ I sai! #it$ great !ignity" straig$tening &y !ress* W$ere Drake #as all $eat an!s&ol!ering sensuality" t$is &an ra!iate! coolness9literally* T$e a'art&ent $a! t$at silent s#is$ o% air

t$at in!icate! e4'ensie air.con!itioning" col! al&ost to t$e 'oint o% seeing your breat$* I coul!i&agine t$is &an+s !ragon %ire #as o% t$e %rigi! ariety" a blue %ire t$at burne! col! rat$er &an $ot*

2e took &y $an!s in $is" kissing t$e back o% eac$* Een $is $an!s #ere cool to t$e touc$* I assu&e!t$is #as )iat 5lu" t$e #yern o% t$e blue !ragons* 2e certainly oo0e! con%i!ence an! 'o#er*** an! I

un!erstoo! e4actly #$y O'$elia $a! #arne! &e against $i&* 2e looke! like t$e ery #orst sort o%rogue*

/You are %ortunate" t$en" %or #e $ae %oun! (aris to be a city %ille! #it$ barbarians"/ $e sai!" #aing$is $an!s to#ar! t$e #in!o# be%ore gently 'ulling &e !o#n onto t$e elet couc$ ne4t to $i&*

I glance! 7uickly aroun! t$e a'art&ent* It #as*** blue* Eeryt$ing in it #as blue9t$e ceiling" t$e#alls" t$e car'et" all t$e %urniture* T$ere #ere arying s$a!es %ro& &i!nig$t blue t$at #as al&ost black

to a 'ale #as$e! blue t$at re&in!e! &e o% an early s'ring &orning* I turne! &y" attention back to t$e

A!onis sitting ne4t to &e* /I take it you are )iat 5lu1/

2e 'ut $is $an! on $is c$est an! &a!e a courtly bo#* /I a& S%iatatoio. !el )uoco 5lu" t$e #yern o%

t$e blue !ragons" an! I a& ery &uc$ at your serice* 2o# &ay I be o% $el' to t$e &ate o% &y

estee&e! co&ra!e Drake ?ireo1/

I %ro#ne!* /2o# !o you kno# #$o I a&1 An! $o# !o you kno# I+& Drake+s &ate" not t$at I $ae

any intention o% %ul%illing t$ose !uties een i% I !i! beliee I a& #$o $e says I a&" but een i% I #as"$o# is it you kno#1 A& I like &arke! so&e#$ere1 Is t$ere a big re! neon sign oer &y $ea! saying

+Wyern+s Mate+ #it$ an arro# 'ointing to &y $ea!1 Di! so&eone tattoo it on &y %ore$ea! #it$out &ekno#ing it1 2o#1/

)iat c$uckle!* It #as a se4y c$uckle as c$uckles #ent" but gorgeous as $e #as" it $a! not$ing onDrake+s !ark" sultry laug$* /I kno# #$o you are because I &ake it &y business to kno# #$at goes on

#it$ t$ose #$o are i&'ortant to &e* I $ae seen you #it$ Drake* I $ear a ru&or t$at Drake $as %oun!$is &ate" an A&erican #$o is a Guar!ian* I $ear also t$at t$e 'olice are searc$ing %or t$is #o&an" an!

t$at Drake $as lost $er* An A&erican Guar!ian s$o#s u' on &y !oorste' #it$ a !e&on* W$o else

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coul! you be but $is &ate1/

/O$"/ I sai!" &ore t$an a little reliee! t$at $e $a!n+t bro#se! t$roug$ &y &in! 'ulling out bits o%

#$ateer in%or&ation intereste! $i&* I $a!n+t %orgotten O'$elia+s #arning t$at t$e blue !ragons #ere

note! %or t$eir 'syc$ic abilities* /I su''ose it !oes &ake sense" t$en*/

/Also"/ )iat sai! #it$ t$e Italian ersion o% t$e Gallic s$rug" /I bro#se! t$roug$ your &in! 'ulling

out bits o% in%or&ation t$at intereste! &e*/

/Sto' t$at>/ I yelle!" 3u&'ing u' to &y %eet* /Sto' barging into &y $ea!> You+re not allo#e! to !ot$at*/

/5ut" cam," $e 'roteste!" 'ulling &e back onto t$e couc$ ne4t to $i&" $is ar& !ra'e! casually oert$e back in t$e %irst 'osition o% t$at ole.ti&e &oe guys $ae* /It #as so easy> You !i! not.$ae een

one &in! guar! u' to kee' &e %ro& your t$oug$ts* I assu&e! you &ust #ant &e to rea! t$e&*/

/W$at+s a &in! guar!1/ I aske! sus'iciously" slu&'ing a#ay %ro& $is ar&*

2e s$rugge! again* /It is t$e barriers so&eone suc$ as yoursel% 'uts u' to kee' 'eo'le %ro& $er&in!*/

Instantly I enisione! a $ig$ brick #all surroun!ing &e" a brick #all #it$out !oors*

/No"/ )iat s$ook $is $ea! as $e took &y $an! in $is" rubbing $is t$u&b oer &y knuckles* 2is $an!s#ere so cool" t$ey see&e! to leac$ t$e $eat %ro& &ine* /I can still get in because you $ae not seale!

your &in! %ro& &e*/

:ats* 2e #as rig$t* T$e #alls #ere o'en aboe* I rearrange! &y &ental 'icture to %or& a tall to#er#it$ s$uttere! #in!o#s t$at I coul! o'en or s$ut* I s$ut t$e& all" an! i&&e!iately I #as a#are o% t$e

 brus$ o% $is &in! against &ine as $e teste! &y ne# barriers*

/It #as not #ise o% &e to say anyt$ing"/ $e s&ile! a bit rue%ully" $is ringers still rubbing oer &ine*

/No# I $ae !one &ysel% out o% t$e 'leasure o% isiting suc$ a c$ar&ing &in!" but t$ese t$ings" t$eyare best not !one so easily*/

I sai! not$ing" too #orrie! t$at i% I !ragge! &y attention %ro& kee'ing t$e s$utters in &y &in!close!" $e+! be able to breac$ &y !e%enses*

)iat leane! %or#ar!" $is %ingers a cool #$is'er as t$ey !ance! along &y c$eek* /It is t$e t$rill o% t$ec$ase" you un!erstan!" cara. I% t$e 7uarry gies u' too easily" t$ere is no 'leasure in t$e $unt*/

I &entally arrange! iron bars to $ol! t$e s$utters close!" 'ulling &y $an! %ro& )iat+s as I sai!" /I

!on+t su''ose #e coul! !o t$is #it$out all t$e se4ual innuen!o an! $unter !" coul! #e15ecause I+e $a! a long !ay" an! &y !e&on is outsi!e 'eeing on #$o kno#s #$at" so i% #e coul! ski'

all t$e se!uction bit" I+! be grate%ul*/

2e laug$e! an! #it$!re# $is %ingers %ro& &y %ace" leaning back against t$e 'illo#s #it$ an al&ost%eline grace* It #as t$en I notice! $e #as also !resse! in blue" but a blue t$at $a! an intricate black

 'attern s#irle! t$roug$ bot$ t$e s$irt an! &atc$ing 'ants* /I $o'e Drake a''reciates t$e &ate $e $as been grante!*/

/I !oubt $e !oes" but t$at+s neit$er $ere nor t$ere* 8& *** !o you t$ink so&eone coul! let @i&9t$at+s

&y !og9in1/

)iat+s eyes narro#e!* 2e 'us$e! brie%ly at &y &in!* /W$y !o you nee! your !e&on1/

I s&ile!* +Trust &e" I !on+t nee! it" it+s a big 'ain in t$e9it+s a big 'ain*/

2e 'us$e! at &y &in! again* /T$en #$y !o you #ant it to be allo#e! into &y $o&e1/

I broa!ene! &y s&ile until it 'ositiely ra!iate! innocence* /Not %or any ne%arious 'ur'ose* It+s 3ust

t$at it+s %oreer getting itsel% into trouble" an! I !on+t like t$e t$oug$t o% #$at it+s u' to out on t$e streets#it$out &e*/

)iat #atc$e! &e silently %or a %e# secon!s* /?ery #ell" it is !one* No#" #$at 'ay&ent #ill you gie

&e %or granting your re7uest1/

My s&ile %a!e!* /5oy" you !ragons really !o kno# $o# to !rie a bargain* I o%%er you &y gratitu!e")iat* I a''reciate you allo#ing @i& into your $o&e* I% t$at #ill satis%y you9/ 2is %ace #as an

un&oing &ask" but $e !i!n+t say no* /9t$en can #e get to business1 I #ante! to s'eak to you about a

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 business 'ro'osition*/

2is $eay blon! eyebro#s rose in sur'rise as $e #ae! a langui! $an! to#ar! &e* /5usiness1 0ara,

I a& intrigue!* (lease 'rocee!*/

I $a! to #atc$ &y ste' $ere" or else I &ig$t not %in! &ysel% leaing t$e !ragon+s lair at t$e en! o% our

&eeting* /I kno# o% t$e location o% an ob3ect t$at Drake coets* It+s boun! in gol!"/ I a!!e!" 3ust to

&ake sure I $a! $is attention* I nee!n+t $ae #orrie!" $is eyes #ere glittering #it$ ai!ity* T$ey!ro''e! to &y breasts* 2is nose t#itc$e!* I $eae! a &ental sig$ an! 'ulle! u' t$e gol! c$ain"e4'osing t$e 3a!e !ragon* )iat+s eyes !arkene! at t$e sig$t o% it* /T$is isn+t t$e ob3ect I+& talking about"

t$is is a talis&an gien to &e* As you can see" it+s not ery aluable" not #ort$ stealing*/

/Drake &ig$t not $ae t$oug$t so" but I !o not agree"/ )iat &ur&ure!* I 7uickly tucke! t$e talis&an

a#ay" a little #orry o% %ear skittering !o#n &y back at t$e !angerously %lat tone in $is oice*

/:egar!less" t$e ob3ect I $ae in &in! is #ort$ a great !eal &ore* It+s 'riceless" you &ig$t al&ost


/W$at is it1/ $e aske!" $is oice s$ar' een t$oug$ $is bo!y #as rela4e!*

I s$ook &y $ea!* /I can+t tell you #$at it is" only t$at Drake is !es'erate to $ae it" an! I+& t$e only

one #$o kno#s #$ere to %in! it*/

/W$y are you o%%ering me suc$ a 'ri0e1/ )iat aske!" $is %ingers la0ily tracing a ser'entine 'attern ona 'illo#* /W$y !o you #is$ to kee' an ite& o% #ort$ %ro& your &ate1/

/I+& o%%ering it to you because you+re t$e only ot$er #yern in t$e area*/ )iat sti%%ene! at t$at* I$urrie! to s&oot$ oer t$e insulte! look t$at %las$e! t$roug$ $is eyes* /5ut &ore i&'ortant" I #ant t$e

ob3ect to be sa%e" to be in t$e 'ossession o% so&eone #$o is strong enoug$ to kee' Drake %ro& gettingit" an! %ro& eeryt$ing I+e $ear!" you are*/

2is bo!y rela4e! as $e incline! $is $ea! in a grace%ul gesture o% ackno#le!g&ent" $is %ingersstroking t$e elet 'illo# in a #ay t$at #as e4tre&ely sensual* /It is true" #$at you say* I a& ery

 'o#er%ul* 5ut I still !o not un!erstan! #$y you !on+t #ant your &ate to $ae t$is &ysterious ob3ect"an! since you $ae #it$!ra#n access to your t$oug$ts9/ I %elt $i& brus$ against &y &in! again" but

&y s$utters $el! tig$t* /9I &ust ask you to e4'lain*/

I stoo! u'" taking a little stroll aroun! t$e roo& an! a!&iring t$e ob3ects )iat $a! c$osen to !is'lay

on t$e occasional tables an! #alls* T$ere #as less gol! scattere! about t$an at Drake+s $ouse" an! &oreo% an e&'$asis on ery ol! 'aintings" but still" t$e %urnis$ings an! art#ork screa&e! serious collector*

/My reason.%or kee'ing it %ro& Drake is &y o#n* I 3ust #ant reassurance t$at i% I tell you #$ere to %in!t$e ob3ect" it #ill be sa%e in your lair #$ere Drake can+t steal it back*/

5e%ore I coul! blink" $e #as t$ere in %ront o% &e" one e4tre&ely 'isse!.o%% #yern* I took a ste' back as $e leane! to#ar! &e" $is eyes black" $is oice a lo# $iss* /You insult &e* Guar!ian* My lair is

sa%e %ro& all intru!ers" no &atter $o# 'o#er%ul t$ey &ig$t be* I a& il drago blu. No one takes #$at I$ol!>/

/My a'ologies"/ I sai!" a!o'ting #$at I $o'e! #as a sub&issie" noncon%rontational 'ose* T$e lastt$ing I nee!e! #as to 'iss o%% t$e 'robably only 'erson in (aris #$o coul! kee' t$e Eye sa%e %ro&

Drake* /I &eant no insult* I 3ust nee!e! to be sure* You+e conince! &e t$at #$ateer I gie into yoursa%ekee'ing you #ill kee' sa%e*/

)iat straig$tene! a s&all icon on a &arble s$el%* /An! #$at it is you #ant in e4c$ange1/

I s&ile!" 'lease! #e #ere to t$e bargaining 'oint #it$ &e in suc$ a strong 'osition* /Once I tell you

#$ere to locate t$e ite&" I #ill nee! your $el' to leae (aris*** to leae $rance. T$e 'olice $ae &y 'ass'ort an! ot$er t$ings" an! alt$oug$ I %ully e4'ect t$at t$ey #ill see t$e error in t$eir t$inking" it

coul! take so&e ti&e* In e4c$ange %or you taking t$e ite& into your custo!y9an! giing &e your#or! you #ill neer allo# anyone else to $ae it9you #ill get &y 'ass'ort an! t$ings back" an! $el'

&e get out o% t$e country*/

A calculating look %ille! $is eyes as $e leane! one elbo# on t$e s$el%* /I a& no t$ie%* )or t$at you

#oul! !o better to ask your &ate*/

I took a !ee' breat$* /Does t$at &ean you can+t $el' &e get out o% t$e country1/)iat consi!ere! &e %or a &o&ent* /T$e &atter is insigni%icant* It is #it$in &y 'o#er to see to your

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esca'e* I a& curious" t$oug$" #$y you ask so little %or an ob3ect you clai& is 'riceless*/

I s$rugge!* /T$at+s all I nee!*/

2is li's narro#e!* /So you say" but I t$ink t$at you are not telling &e t$e entire trut$* I !o not like to be %oole!" cara, not een by a #o&an I #oul! en3oy taking* You co&e $ere 'resenting to &e t$e gran!

e4'lanation" but you s$iel! your &in! %ro& &ine" you insist on your !e&on being 'resent" an! you

re%use to tell &e &uc$ about t$is ob3ect* I #as not born yester!ay*/

@i& c$ose t$at &o&ent to stroll into t$e roo&" its leas$ trailing be$in! it* /2ey" nice !igs> Is t$atMing !ynasty1/

/@i&"/ I sai! #arningly as it 'ut its 'a#s onto an ebony table to e4a&ine a grace%ul C$inese ase*

)iat ste''e! to#ar! &e" an! &y early.#arning syste& #ent into i&&e!iate :e! Alert &o!e* In a

&o&ent bet#een t#o breat$s" t$ings $a! c$ange!" going %ro& &e $aing t$e u''er $an! to )iat 'osinga ery tangible t$reat to &e*

/Maybe you 3ust nee! a little ti&e to t$ink about it"/ I sai!" si!ling aroun! $i& to#ar! @i&* /T$ere+sno $urry* I can gie you until*** u$ *** to&orro# at lunc$ti&e* I+ll 3ust be on &y #ay no# so you can

t$ink it oer*/

/You #ill gie &e as long as I care to take"/ $e ans#ere!" all &ale arrogance an! 'o#er seet$ing 3ust belo# t$e sur%ace* Dragons> 8nreasonable" eery last one o% +e&* /As %or your leaing" t$at is 7uite outo% t$e 7uestion" cara. You are $ere" in &y $ouse an! in &y 'o#er* Drake &ig$t $ae been %oolis$

enoug$ to let you sli' out o% $is gras'" but I assure you I #ill not* You #ill oblige &e %irst by $an!ingoer t$e talis&an you #ear*/

It #as #orse t$an I t$oug$t* T$e $ar! look to )iat+s eyes tol! &e t$at t$e ti&e %or negotiation #asoer* /@i&1/ I aske! 7uietly" backing u' to#ar! $i&*

@i& sig$e!* /I su''ose you #ant &e to !o &y trusty si!ekick t$ing again1/

/I% it+s not too &uc$ trouble"/ I ans#ere!*

"0ara 9"/ )iat sai!" s$aking $is $ea!" starting to#ar! &e*

/W$en1/ @i& aske!*

/No#>/ I yelle!" #$i''ing aroun! to grab t$e Ming ase" t$ro#ing it to t$e le%t o% )iat* 2e lunge!to#ar! it #it$ a s$riek #$ile @i& an! I !as$e! to t$e rig$t" out o% t$e roo& an! !o#n t$e $all to#ar!

t$e !oor* T$e blon! be$e&ot$ na&e! :enal!o #$o !ragge! &e t$ere stu&ble! out o% a si!e roo&* @i&

%lung itsel% on $i&* I continue!" yelling @i&+s na&e as I t$re# o'en t$e !oor an! ran out o% t$ea'art&ent" racing !o#n a #i!e stone s'iral staircase* ?oices s$oute! a%ter &e" but I !i!n+t #ait aroun!

to see #$at t$ey #ante!* I lea'e! !o#n t$e ste's" &y $eart 'oun!ing" &y breat$ caug$t in &y t$roat* A

 black s$a'e lunge! 'ast &e as I t$re# &ysel% to#ar! t$e street !oor*

/You * * * $ae *** t$e *** stu'i!est * * * i!eas * * * so&eti&es"/ @i& 'ante! as #e 3u&'e! !o#n t$e %ront

stairs" running 'ell.&ell into t$e busy street*

/No *** argu&ent"/ I gas'e!" 'ausing %or a &inute to %in! a likely $i!ing area* A glance oer &y

s$oul!er con%ir&e! &y %ear9t$ree &en" :enal!o inclu!e!" #ere !as$ing out o% t$e a'art&ent a%ter


/T$is #ay"/ @i& s$oute!" running to#ar! a s&all buil!ing t$at bore a blue an! #$ite sign t$at rea!


/W$at is it1/ I &anage! to ask as I ran to#ar! t$e buil!ing*

/Se#ers"/ @i& yelle!" running un!er a barrier &eant to kee' 'eo'le %ro& entering #it$out 'aying* Iran u' to t$e turnstile" grabbing a #a! o% euros an! t$rusting t$e& at t$e atten!ant" scattering a'ologies

 be$in! &e as I aulte! oer t$e &etal bar* I s'rinte! into t$e buil!ing a%ter @i&" 3ust barely sto''ing

&ysel% #$en $is cry o% /Stairs>/ #arne! &e o% t$e staircase 3ust insi!e t$e !oor* I 'oun!e! !o#n t$e&etal stairs a%ter $i&" #ell a#are o% t$e soun!s o% yelling be$in! &e* No !oubt )iat+s !ragon s7ua! $a!

 by'asse! t$e ticket.seller" too*

/W$y t$e se#ers1/ I yelle! !o#n a !i&ly lit staircase* As I turne! on eac$ lan!ing" I coul! see @i&+s

 black s$a'e $urtling !o#n t$e stairs in %ront o% &e*

I tosse! anot$er a'ology oer &y s$oul!er as I 'asse! a %a&ily o% %our #$o #ere taking t$e stairs at

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a &ore se!ate rate" t$e #$ole %a&ily looking in sur'rise as @i& yelle! back" /Water> T$e blue !ragonele&ent is t$e air* T$ey $ate #ater>/

T$e s&ell $it &e as I cleare! t$e last ste's an! lunge! t$roug$ t$e $eay &etal !oor at t$e botto&*

We #ere in a $uge stone tunnel lit by #eak lig$ts t$at glo#e! out o% t$e cure! ceiling" a long ista o%tunnels o'ening be%ore us* T$e s&ell #as a#%ul9!on+t let anyone tell you t$e (aris se#ers !on+t s&ell

like a se#er" because t$ey !o9 but I !i!n+t $ae ti&e to !o &ore t$an #rinkle &y nose be%ore @i&+s

oice calle! back to &e %ro& a tunnel to t$e le%t* I ran a%ter $i& !o#n a stone.line! tunnel* Aboe &e"lig$ts #ere set into t$e stone at regular interals* Do#n t$e center o% t$e cure! ceiling ran a $uge blue

#ater 'i'e" #$ile seeral s&aller 'i'es snake! ne4t to it !o#n t$e lengt$ o% t$e tunnel* I ke't to onesi!e as I ran a%ter @i&" t$e center o% t$e %loor consisting o% a steel grate t$at sat oer a roaring rier o%

#ater* Se#er #ater*

/:eally1 W$y !o t$ey $ate #ater1/

/It+s o''osite t$e&9#ater an! air" eart$ an! %ire* One cancels t$e ot$er* T$e !ragon se'ts eac$ clai&an ele&ent"/ @i& calle! back to &e*

/)ascinating* I can+t beliee I+& !oing t$is"/ I gru&ble! as I turne! a corner" glancing be$in! &e as I

!i! so* At t$e %ar en! o% t$e tunnel one o% )iat+s &en a''eare!" s'otte! &e" an! yelle! so&et$ing oer

$is s$oul!ers*

/W$at t$e $eck1/ I sto''e! as I turne! aroun!* T$e antec$a&ber #e #ere in $el! $uge black

#oo!en balls *** an! I !o &ean $uge* One o% t$e& #as seate! u' against t$e o'ening o% a tunnel" t$e ball al&ost co&'letely %illing it* Ot$er balls o% lessening si0es #ere c$aine! to t$e #alls" t$e s&allest

 'robably about %our %eet $ig$" t$e biggest about si4teen*

/Co&e on" #e !on+t $ae ti&e to a!&ire t$e se#er+s balls"/ @i& sna''e! as it took o%% !o#n anot$er

roun! 'assage*

/W$at are t$ey1/ I yelle!" one $an! clutc$ing at t$e stitc$ in &y si!e*

As I 'asse! a narro# o'ening in t$e si!e o% t$e tunnel" so&et$ing 3erke! &e si!e#ays* /T$ey cleant$e se#er o% !ebris* I% you #ant &e to 'lay tour gui!e" I can"/ @i& sai! as it s'at out t$e $e& o% &y

!ress it $a! use! to 'ull &e a%ter it* /Or #e can esca'e t$e blue !ragons* C$oice is yours*/

/Esca'e"/ I sai!* We ran* An! ran* An! ran* It %elt like #e ran !o#n &iles an! &iles o% se#er" 'asse!o'en #ater%alls o% se#er #ater 'ouring into anot$er c$annel" 'ast nu&erous $uge 'ieces o% &ac$inery

use! to kee' t$e se#ers clear" !o#n narro# stone 'at$s littere! #it$ !ea! leaes an! e&'ty 'lastic

 bottles t$at $a! been caug$t in t$e se#ers screens*

We ca&e to anot$er 3uncture* @i& lea'e! oer a &etal railing inten!e! to kee' 'eo'le out o% a tunnel*

I lurc$e! less grace%ullyB a%ter t$e !e&on" al&ost %alling #it$ sur'rise as I lan!e! on a narro# stonele!ge* 8nlike t$e ot$er tunnels o'en to t$e 'ublic" t$is one $a! no grating oer t$e #ater &at rus$e!

t$roug$ it at a tre&en!ous rate* 5e$in! &e" a &an yelle!*

/)aster>/ @i& crie! as it race! across a #oo!en 'lank about %our inc$es #i!e t$at $a! been set across

t$e o'en c$annel*

/You+re ki!!ing &e> I+& not crossing t$at>/ I ca&e to a screec$ing $alt at t$e %li&sy bri!ge" glancing

 be$in! &e* :enal!o &ig$t be bulky" but I+ll gie it to $i&9$e $a! a s'rinter+s s'ee!*"1erde#" I yelle! as I s$u%%le! across it" &y lo#er li' caug$t bet#een &y teet$ in an e%%ort to kee'

%ro& screa&ing* :enal!o #as al&ost u'on &e #$en I ste''e! o%% onto t$e ot$er le!ge* @i& #ascla#ing at t$e 'lank een as I s'un aroun! to $el' it t$ro# t$e bri!ge into t$e #ater* :enal!o screa&e!

#$at soun!e! like an Italian obscenity as $e lunge! to#ar! t$e 'lank*

2e &isse! it by inc$es* I stoo!" 'anting" &y back against t$e cure! #all o% t$e tunnel" staring

across nine %eet o% o'en" torrential #ater to #$ere :enal!o stoo! 'acing back an! %ort$" glaring at &e*2e #asn+t een breat$ing $ar!" !a&n $i&>

/W$at+s #rong" a%rai! you+ll get #et1/ I taunte! $i&" %eeling a little 'ayback #as in or!er*

:enal!o gro#le! so&et$ing an! looke! %or all t$e #orl! like $e #as going to try to ault oer t$e

o'en #ater" but eac$ ti&e $e got near t$e e!ge" $e+! back u' again*

/Di!n+t your &ot$er teac$ you anyt$ing1/ @i& aske! as $e turne! to#ar! t$e %ar e4it* /It+s not s&artto bait a !ragon*/

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:enal!o ke't 'ace #it$ us as #e ran !o#n t$e tunnel" snarling an! s#earing t$reats at us #$en #e!as$e! o%% into a si!e tunnel t$at $e coul!n+t reac$*

We ran !o#n &ore tunnels" so&e o'en" so&e #it$ grates" until I lost any an! all sense o% !irection*

 Not to &ention ray breat$*

/@i&" I $ae to sto'"/ I gas'e! as #e entere! yet anot$er 3unction t$at $el! &ac$inery* So&e sort o%

engine #it$ big re! gears sat ato' #$at looke! like a s&all rail#ay $an!car" be$in! #$ic$ a s$ar'.

si!e! black ten!er #as attac$e!* 5ot$ $a! &etal #$eels s$a'e! to &oe along &etal tracks*

/Can+t sto' unless you #ant t$e& to get us"/ @i& sai! as it cra#le! un!erneat$ t$e cou'ling o% t$e

t#o cars* I sat on t$e cou'ling &ec$anis&" s#inging &y e4$auste! legs oer it" 'ausing %or a &o&entto suck air into &y lungs* /I !on+t care* T$ey can $ae &e* I 3ust #ant to sto'* My $eart+s going to


/@ust a little %art$er"/ @i& urge! &e as it scra&ble! oer a railing &arke! #it$ a re! #arning sign &at

rea!, DANGE: > INTE:DIT A8 (85L)C* I !i!n+t nee! to un!erstan! )renc$ to kno# #$at t$at &eant*

@ust as I o'ene! &y &out$" I $ear! t#o &en calling to eac$ ot$er in t$e tunnel #e $a! 3ust co&e

%ro&* I sla&&e! &y &out$ close! an! $aule! &ysel% oer t$e #aist.$ig$ railing" sti%ling a screa& o%

sur'rise as I %ell about %our %eet* We #ere in a s&all #ell" ei!ently so&e sort o% unuse! oer%lo# ale

i% t$e re! &etal ca' beneat$ our %eet #as anyt$ing to go by*

I !i!n+t nee! to be #arne! to be 7uiet as #e crouc$e! !o#n" &aking ourseles as %lat as 'ossible*

5ecause o% t$e &ac$ine cars stan!ing in %ront o% us" unless )iat+s &en #ere rig$t ne4t to us 'eering!o#n into t$e #ell" t$ey #oul!n+t see us* I sat #it$ &y ar&s aroun! @i&" &y &out$ 'resse! u' against

its $eay coat to &u%%le t$e soun! o% &y gas'ing #$ee0e %or air* A &o&ent later t$e &en entere! t$etunnel intersection" calling to :enal!o* I !i!n+t risk stan!ing u' so I coul! 'eer out at t$e&" but een

t$oug$ I !i!n+t un!erstan! a #or! o% #$at t$ey #ere saying9t$e blue !ragons see&e! 're!o&inatelyItalian in origin9t$e angry tones o% t$eir oices le%t &e in no !oubt t$ey #ere not $a''y ca&'ers*

A%ter a consultation lasting about a &inute" t$ey le%t" eac$ taking a !i%%erent tunnel out o% t$e area*

/T$ink t$ey+ll co&e back1/ I #$is'ere! into @i&+s %urry ear*

/Don+t !o t$at" it tickles"/ @i& co&'laine!" butting its $ea! against &e to rub its ear* I rubbe! it"

scratc$ing be$in! t$e ears t$e #ay I kne# it like!*

/We $ae to leae"/ I sai! so%tly" a#are %ro& t$e ec$oes o% ot$er tourists talking an! calling to oneanot$er t$at soun! in t$e non#ater tunnels traele! ery #ell*

/No> I %igure! #e+! stay $ere until t$ey starte! calling you t$e+ ($anto& o% t$e Se#ers*/

I socke! @i& on t$e s$oul!er an! $oiste! &ysel% out o% t$e #ell #it$ an au!ible grunt* /I+& too ol!

%or t$is* I #ant to go $o&e* Let Drake $ae t$e Eye* Scre# t$e #orl!* I 3ust #ant a $ot bat$ an! a niceco&%y be!*/

/Sel%is$" sel%is$" sel%is$"/ @i& sai!" 3u&'ing ni&bly out o% t$e #ell* /T$is #ay*/

I turne! aroun!* /O$" no# you+re an e4'ert on t$e se#ers1 W$at &akes you t$ink you kno# t$e #ay


@i& #alke! oer to a corner an! no!!e! to#ar! a s&all blue sign t$at rea! A?EN8E 5OS8ET* A 'ainte! re! arro# 'ointing u' #as nestle! u' against a line o% &etal gri's set into t$e #all* /O$* Isu''ose t$at lea!s to an e4it1/

/T$at+s t$e i!ea*/

A cou'le o% tourists #an!ere! in as I #as in t$e 'rocess o% !ragging @i& u' t$e gri's* It coul!n+t

&ake it on its o#n" an! a%ter I su&&arily re%use! its re7uest to carry it u'" I en!e! u' &ore or lessgiing it a 'iggyback ri!e as I !ragge! us u' t$e ertical 'at$* W$at t$e tourists t$oug$t" I can only

i&agine" but I sure $o'e t$e little girl #it$ t$e ca&era sen!s &e a co'y o% t$e 'icture s$e took 3ust be%ore I s$oe! t$e &an$ole coer asi!e an! e4$auste!ly cra#le! onto t$e still sun.#ar&e! 'ae&ent

o% Aenue 5os7uet*

/:e&in! &e"/ I sai! as I $eae! &y bo!y out o% t$e 'at$ o% an onco&ing car* I kicke! t$e &an$ole

coer back into 'lace an! colla'se! on t$e groun! bet#een t#o 'arke! cars" @i& sitting on t$e si!e#alk#atc$ing &e as I !ouble! oer" gas'ing %or air" co&'letely &in!less o% t$e stares I #as receiing %ro&

 'eo'le #alking by* /:e&in! &e about t$is eening i% I eer again get t$e brig$t i!ea to go isit a

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#yern in $is !en*/

/Do you t$ink you+re likely to be t$at stu'i!1/ @i& aske!" sotto oce*

I slu&'e! back against t$e bu&'er o% t$e car be$in! &e" &y eyes close!" too #i'e! out to &oe*/You neer kno#" @i&* You 3ust neer kno#*/

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T$e unsettling reali0ation t$at I $a! no i!ea $o# &uc$ o% &y t$oug$ts )iat $a! rea! be%ore I erecte!

&in! barriers ke't &e on tenter$ooks until t$e ta4i I+! $aile! !ro''e! us o%% at O'$elia an! (er!ita+s

a'art&ent* I #asn+t sure i% )iat $a! been able to tell #$o #as o%%ering &e s$elter" but I $a!n+t t$oug$t$e $a!9at least" I $o'e! $e $a!n+t* An! since no one #as #aiting %or &e outsi!e t$e !oor or insi!e t$e

a'art&ent" I tucke! t$e keys O'$elia $a! gien &e into &y bag an! slunk o%% to t$e tile! bat$roo& to

#as$ o%% t$e stenc$ o% t$e se#ers*

It #as s$ortly a%ter nine #$en I e&erge! %ro& t$e bat$roo& in a 'lu&e o% 3as&ine.scente! stea&"

sore an! scra'e! %ro& cra#ling in t$e #ell" not to &ention !ragging a $uge !e& Ne#%oun!lan!.suit u' t$e si!e o% a #all* 5ut at least I #as clean*

I le%t O'$elia an! (er!ita a note e4'laining t$at I #as too tire! to &ake an a''earance at G 6 T t$atnig$t" an! a%ter taking @i& %or $is eening #alkies in a nearby 'ark" cra#le! into be! an! sli''e!

al&ost i&&e!iately into a !ee'" !rea&less slee'*

At least it starte! out !rea&less*

/I a& so not !oing t$is"/ I sai! as I #alke! into a 'ool o% lig$t* I $a! no i!ea #$ere I #as ot$er t$ant$ere #as t$e %aintest sense o% a tall" arc$e! ceiling aboe &e an! a long narro# s'ace t$at rese&ble!

t$e insi!e o% a Got$ic cat$e!ral" but I kne# Drake #as so&e#$ere in t$e s$a!o#s* I s'un aroun!"su!!enly a#are t$at I #asn+t in t$e crea&.an!.lace nig$tie $e $a! !rea&e! &e into %or t$e last t#o

!rea&s* T$is ti&e I #as #earing a ery tig$t re!.an!.black %la&enco !ress" co&'lete #it$ ru%%le!sleees" lo#.cut bo!ice e4'osing a %air 'ortion o% &y boso& an! all o% &y back" an! a slinky" $i'.

$ugging skirt t$at clung to &y t$ig$s be%ore %laring out to o'en into black an! re! ru%%les* It #as a eryse4y !ress" &uc$ &ore !aring an! se!uctie t$an anyt$ing I+! eer #orn*

T$e tango &usic see&e! to co&e %ro& no#$ere an! eery#$ere as Drake sauntere! out into t$ecircle o% lig$t" cla! al&ost co&'letely in black* T$e lig$t source aboe us s$o#n !o#n on $is black

satin s$irt" turning it to li7ui! ebony as it ri''le! across $is c$est an! ar&s* 2e sto''e! an! $el! out $is$an! %or &e* Wit$out t$inking" I !i! a t#irl to#ar! $i&" clas'ing $is $an! an! continuing to turn until I

#as %lus$ against $i&" our $an!s locke! toget$er in t$e s&all o% &y back" t$e bloo!re! sas$ at $is #aist&atc$ing &y !ress e4actly*

/I !on+t tango"/ I sai!" breat$less as I al#ays #as in $is 'resence*

/No# you !o*/ 2is oice" !ee' an! ric$ an! %ille! #it$ all sorts o% erotic uns'oken 'ro&ises" stroke!

!o#n &y s'ine #it$ a touc$ t$at le%t &e s$iering * ** but #$et$er it #as #it$ %ear or arousal" I #asun#illing to a!&it*

I t#irle! a#ay" Drake %ollo#ing &e" our bo!ies co&ing toget$er in a sensual !ance t$at $a! noc$oreogra'$y ot$er t$an t$e nee! to be near eac$ anot$er* T$e tango &usic !e&an!e!" #e !ance!; $is

 bo!y aske!" &ine ans#ere!" &y legs &oing in an! out an! aroun! $is" &y %oot sli!ing slo#ly u' $iscal% in a caress t$at al&ost !i! &e in* We &oe! toget$er" s#ee'ing a sultry" sensual line !o#n t$e 'ool

o% lig$t" &y skirt caressing $is legs as #e !ance! #it$out #or!s" #it$out een touc$ing" 3ust a breat$a'art an! yet boun! tig$ter by our &utual 'assion t$an &ere contact alone coul! 'ro&ise* I s#ung

aroun! $i& to t$e le%t" $e s'un to t$e rig$t" our bo!ies &eeting again" &oing o%% in anot$er !irectionas t$e 'ulse o% t$e &usic !roe us $ar!er* My eyes neer le%t $is guttering green ga0e as $is $an!s sli!

aroun! &y #aist" $ol!ing &e sus'en!e! in a &o&ent so %ille! #it$ tangle! e&otions t$at I coul!n+ts'eak; t$en it 'asse! an! #e s#aye! into anot$er s#ee'ing 'ass t$roug$ t$e 'ool o% lig$t" our $earts

 beating an i!entical r$yt$&*

/W$y !i! you leae &e1/ Drake aske! as $e bent &e back#ar!s oer $is ar&" $is %ace s$a!o#e!*

/W$y !i! you run %ro& &e1/

I sli! !o#n $is t$ig$" s#ung &y leg t$roug$ $is" an! !i! an a&a0ing little turn t$at rubbe! &ost o%

&y back against $is* 2e caug$t &y ar&" s'inning &e until &y ision blurre!" slo#ing &e to sto' #it$&y back 'resse! against $is c$est" $is %ingers !igging into &y $i's as $e !irecte! us in anot$er 'ass

t$roug$ t$e lig$t* /You kno# t$e ans#er to t$at" Drake* I !on+t $ae to !e%en! &y actions to you*/

2is breat$ #as $ot on &y neck* O!!ly enoug$" !uring t$e #$ole o% our !ance" I $a!n+t %elt een a

#is' o% $is %ire" but su!!enly it consu&e! &e" raging t$roug$ &e until I reali0e! t$at #$at I %elt #asn+t

$is !esire" but $is anger* I s'un to %ace $i&" rubbing &y breasts against $is satin c$est as #e !ance! aline o% intricate %oot#ork t$at #oul! $ae" $a! it been real" 'robably le%t &e #it$ at least one brokenankle*

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/I !on+t un!erstan! you* I+e trie!" but it+s i&'ossible* I !on+t kno# #$at you #ant %ro& &e*/

2e s'un &e out#ar!* I t#irle! back to $i&" #ra''ing $is ar& aroun! &y #aist as I turne!* /Woul!

t$e sa%ety o% t$e &ortal #orl! be too &uc$ to ask1/

2is %ire rage! t$roug$ &e" setting &y soul abla0e* I e&brace! it" o'ening &y ar&s to let t$e %ire %lo#

 back to $i&*

/I !on+t kno# #$at you+re talking about" Aisling" but #$ateer ga&e you+re 'laying is a !angerous

one* W$o is 'rotecting you1/

I s&ile! as I !i! a 'roocatie ste' aroun! $is bo!y" t$e %ingers o% one $an! trailing 3ust aboe t$e

slas$ o% re! at $is #aist as I circle! $i&* /I !on+t $ae to tell you anyt$ing* We &ay $ae so&e strange&eta'$ysical tie" an! #e &ig$t $ae $a! in!ulge! ourseles in t$e last !rea&" but t$at !oesn+t &ean #e

are &eant to be toget$er" nor !o I $ae to listen to anyt$ing you say*/

/You #ill ans#er &y 7uestion"/ Drake gro#le!" t$e !ee' soun! t$ru&&ing in &y bloo! %or a

&o&ent be%ore &erging #it$ t$e %ire #it$in &e" gro#ing $otter until it burne! #it$ a #$ite %la&e*

I laug$e! an! arc$e! &y back #$en $is bo!y got all bossy #it$ &ine in ti&e to t$e &usic* /T$is

&ay be your !rea&" but it !oesn+t &ean I #ill !o anyt$ing I !on+t #ant to !o*/

/We $ae &ate!* You #ant &e een no#*//T$at !oesn+t &ean #e+re going to !o anyt$ing*/

Outrage sti%%ene! $i& against &e* /Are you re%using &e1/

I !i! a slo# s$i&&y t$at le%t us bot$ breat$less* /Not re%using outrig$t" 3ust !elaying* In %act" I nee!

to be going back to slee'* I $ae a big !ay a$ea! o% &e to&orro#" one t$at inoles &aking sure t$at

you 'ay %or t$e cri&es you+e co&&itte!" so you &ig$t #ant to get so&e rest" too* I $ae a %eelingyou+re going to nee! it*/

/Is t$at a t$reat1/ 2is eyes #ere %ille! #it$ so &uc$ e&otion" t$ey al&ost glo#e! green*

/A 'ro&ise"/ I #$is'ere! against $is li's*

T$e &usic ca&e to a reluctant sto' as I t#irle! one last t#irl aroun! t$e leg $e %orce! t$roug$ &ine;

t$en I backe! a#ay* I #asn+t entirely sure t$at I coul! break o%% a !rea& t$at $e $a! initiate!" but I#asn+t about to stay in $is little nocturnal %antasy #$ile $e con!ucte! an erotic t$ir! !egree*

/Goo! nig$t" Drake* T$ank you %or t$e !ance* An! t$e slinky !ress* Maybe anot$er ti&e #e can !o

t$e ru&ba1/

+T$is isn+t oer" Aisling* You+re a %ool i% you t$ink it is*/

You+re cra0y i% you t$ink I !i!n+t notice t$at not once !i! $e !eny !oing anyt$ing #rong* (art o% &e#ante! to stay an! argue it out #it$ $i&" to try to reason #it$ $i&" to &ake $i& a!&it #$at $e+! !one"

an! #ring a 'ro&ise %ro& $i& t$at $e+! turn $i&sel% in to t$e 'olice; t$e ot$er 'art #as soun!ing#arning bells an! counseling &e to run like cra0y %ro& $i&*

Instea! I !ri%te! back#ar!s into t$e s$a!o#s" leaing $i& stan!ing by $i&sel% in t$e lig$t" a&ysterious %igure in black" $is %ace $aunte!" $is eyes !ark #it$ s$a!o#s*

I #oul! not %all in loe #it$ a &ur!erer* No &atter $o# &uc$ $e #rung &y $eart*

I #oke #it$ t$at resolution ec$oing in &y $ea!* T$e clock at t$e si!e o% t$e be! s$o#e! it #as only

t#o in t$e &orning* I beat u' t$e 'illo# until it #as so&e#$at co&%ortable" an! I lay a#ake %or a longti&e t$inking oer #$at I $a! to !o* An $our into &y conte&'lation" (er!ita cre't into t$e roo& #it$ a

cone o% ce!ar.scente! incense an! con!ucte! t$e ritual cleansing by t$e lig$t o% t$e &oon* It #as astrangely unsettling e4'erience" one t$at le%t &e #on!ering 3ust $o# rig$t t$ings #ere in &y $ea! t$at I

sus'ecte! t$e t#o #o&en #$o #ere risking t$eir o#n sa%ety by 'rotecting &e*

/All rig$t" you an! I are going to $ae a talk*/

/Goo!y gu&!ro's* I+& slobbering at t$e t$oug$t*/

I 'ulle! out a %res$ !rool bib t$at O'$elia $a! kin!ly 'urc$ase! %or &e t$e !ay be%ore" an! tie! it

aroun! @i&+s t$ick neck* We $a! !one a 7uick #alkies97uick because I #as nerous about being ont$e streets #$ere so&eone &ig$t recogni0e &e" an! yet $esitant to $ae eit$er O'$elia or (er!ita take

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t$e !e&on out %or &e since t$ey &ig$t %in! out it #as a !e&on9an! $a! our break%ast #it$ t$e sisters*O'$elia o%%ere! to run any o% &y erran!s as s$e #as out !oing $er o#n" but I coul!n+t t$ink o% anyt$ing

I nee!e! until a%ter s$e+! le%t*

S$e also aske! t$at I #ait to con!uct &y !e& ritual until a%ter s$e returne!" so s$ecoul! #atc$* I gnas$e! &y teet$ a bit at t$e !elay" #anting to get t$e !e&on+s interrogation !one so I

coul! turn t$e in%or&ation oer to t$e 'olice as soon as 'ossible" but t$ere #asn+t &uc$ I coul! !o* S$e

an! (er!ita #ere taking a big risk by 'utting &e u'; !elaying t$e su&&oning o% 5a%a&al %or a %e#$ours #as t$e least I coul! !o in return*

/I #as being sarcastic rat$er t$an literal"/ @i& sai! sna''is$ly as I tie! on t$e !rool bib*

I #i'e! u' its &oist %le#s #it$ t$e !irty bib* /You !on+t $ae so&et$ing caug$t in your teet$" !o

you1 I $ear! t$at toot$ 'roble&s can &ake a !og !rool e4cessiely* Maybe I s$oul! take you to a et1/

/You coul! brus$ &y teet$ instea!* A goo! o#ner brus$es $er !og+s teet$* Cecile says A&elie

 brus$es $er teet$ %or $er eery nig$t* S$e $as a s'ecial !og toot$brus$ an! eeryt$ing* So&e 'eo'le

care %or t$eir 'ets*/

I sat in t$e 'u!!le o% sunlig$t t$at #as #ar&ing t$e e!ge o% t$e be!* /Sto' trying to !istract &e* Youare a !e&on" not a 'et* I #ant to talk to you" an! I co&&an! you to ans#er &y 7uestions* 2onestly*/

@i& &uttere! so&et$ing un!er its breat$ an! looke! a#ay*

/W$at 'o#ers !oes a Guar!ian $ae ot$er t$an taking care o% 'ortals an! su&&oning an! releasing


/W$ateer 'o#ers s$e nee!s*/

/T$at+s no ans#er"/ I sai! #it$ a %ro#n*

@i& 'oute!* /It+s t$e trut$" an! t$at+s #$at you aske! %or*/

W$y coul!n+t anyone in t$is city e4ce't A&elie o%%er in%or&ation #$en I aske! 7uestions1 I sig$e!an! trie! again* /Gie &e a s'eci%ic list o% 'o#ers a Guar!ian $as ot$er t$an t$e 'ortal an! !e&on


/S$e can !ra# #ar!s an! curses" can con!uct &in! 'us$es on &ortals" !e'en!ing on t$e leel o% $er

training" an! can recogni0e Ot$er#orl! entities no &atter #$at t$eir !isguises*/

+T$at !i!n+t $urt to &uc$" !i! it1/ I aske! as I t$oug$t oer @i&+s list* It &uttere! t$at it $urt a lot*

/Let+s start at t$e to'" #ar! an! curses" #$at are t$ose1/

/War!s are &agic in sy&bol %or&* Most" but not all" are use! %or 'rotection* Curses are anti.#ar!s"

!ra#n t$e sa&e" but #it$ t$e intention o% !oing an action to so&eone else rat$er t$an t$e !ra#er*2a''y no#1/

/Nig$ on ecstatic* W$at+s a &in! 'us$1/

@i& sig$e! a t$roaty sig$* /:e&in! &e to &ake &y ne4t !e&on lor! so&eone #$o kno#s $is 3ob* A

&in! 'us$ is 3ust #$at it soun!s like9you #ant so&eone to !o so&et$ing" you gie t$e& a little &in! 'us$ to &ake t$e& !o it*/

/O$* So&et$ing 'syc$iclike1 ES( an! all t$at1/

++Not t$e s'oon.ben!ing kin!* It+s 3ust you reac$ing out #it$ your &in! an! conincing t$e ot$er

 'erson t$ey really #ant to !o #$at it is you #ant t$e& to !o* Min! 'us$" get it1/

/Got it* Kin! o%* No# t$is recogni0ing beasties an! suc$" you &ean like !e&ons1/

@i& no!!e! an! starte! licking its s$oul!er*

I %ro#ne!" going back oer eeryone I+! &et since I su&&one! u' @i&* /I% t$at+s so co&&on" #$y is

it t$at bot$ #yerns recogni0e! t$at you #ere a !e&on" an! yet A&elie !i!n+t until I tol! $er1 An! %ort$at &atter" O'$elia an! (er!ita !on+t kno# #$at you really are" eit$er*/

/W$o sai! it #as co&&on1 Only t$ose &ortals #$o $ae t$e ability to control t$e !ark 'o#ers can

recogni0e beings #$o originate in t$e Ot$er#orl!* Sa&e goes #it$ t$ose beings t$e&seles" like t$e


/A$* So A&elie as a $ealer an! O an! ( as Wiccans can+t see you as you really are1/

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/Yes* Are you !one #it$ t$e 7uestions1 5ecause it+s 'ast ti&e %or &y s'it bat$" an! it+s going to take&e at least $al% an $our to take care o% &y 'ackage*/

I /E#" e#" e#>/e! &y #ay out o% t$e roo& an! le%t $i& to $is groo&ing* I s'ent a %e# &inutes

&aking u' a list o% t$ings I+! nee! %or t$e !e&on su&&oning in bet#een #atc$ing (er!ita as s$e 'uttere! aroun! on a goo!.si0e balcony* Most o% t$e s'ace #as taken u' by %lo#er bo4es an!

containers %ille! #it$ arious 'lants9$erbs" s$e+! tol! &e earlier as s$e #alke! by #it$ a #atering can*

/)inis$e! alrea!y1/ s$e aske! as s$e ca&e in #it$ a $an!%ul o% so&et$ing green an! lea%y*

I no!!e!* /I t$ink I+& going to $ae to go out* I nee! a cou'le o% books t$at I kno# A&elie $as" as

#ell as !ea! &an+s as$*/

/You+re #elco&e to c$eck our library"/ (er!ita sai! as s$e rubbe! a stalk o% 'lant bet#een $er $an!s*

/I+& sure I sa# so&e !ea! &an+s as$ in t$e #orkroo&*/

/:eally1/ T$at #as a sur'rise* I+! t$oug$t I rea! so&e#$ere t$at !ea! &an+s as$ #as only use! in

su&&oning g$osts an! !e&ons* /T$anks" I+ll go look*** er*** in a %e# &inutes*/ A%ter @i& #as !one #it$its groin #as$ing*

(er!ita set $er bruise! leaes in a #oo!en bo#l* /Dill"/ s$e e4'laine! as I #atc$e! $er crus$ t$e&

#it$ a 'estle*

/So&et$ing %or lunc$1/ I aske!*

S$e %ro#ne!* /No" !ill is a great 'rotector against !e&ons* I t$oug$t t$at as you #ere bringing one

into t$e $ouse" I #oul! use it to 'rotect eery roo& but t$e #orkroo&" 3ust in case*/

/Er***/ Dill #as !e&on+s bane1 I t$oug$t brie%ly o% @i&* 2o# on eart$ #as I going to e4'lain &y

!og+s su!!en inability to leae &y be!roo&1 /2o# e4actly !oes t$e !ill 'rotect you %ro& a !e&on1/

/De&ons $ate it"/ s$e ans#ere!" still grin!ing a#ay #it$ t$e 'estle* /T$ey can+t stan! to be in t$e

sa&e roo& #it$ it*/

T$e !oor to &y be!roo&" #$ic$ I+! le%t cracke! so @i& #oul!n+t $ae to get t$e !oorknob all

slobbery" o'ene! an! &y !e&on on %our legs strolle! into t$e roo&" &aking a beeline to &e as it!ro''e! its leas$ at &y %eet*

I #atc$e! closely %or a &o&ent" but @i& !i!n+t see& to be !isturbe! by t$e !ill (er!ita #as settingaroun! t$e a'art&ent in little 'ots* In %act" I !oubt i% it een notice!* So &uc$ %or 'rotection*

/I+ll 3ust go see i% you $ae any !ea! &an+s as$" t$en be out o% your $air %or a little bit*/

(er!ita &a!e 'olite noises about not &in!ing &e un!er%oot* I s$ot @i& a #arning look to be$ae

$i&sel%" an! #ent back into &y sunny be!roo&" sto''ing in %ront o% a glass.%ronte! bookcase* T$ere#ere a lot o% Wiccan books" a cou'le o% 2erbal s" books on &agick" books on t$e origins o% #itc$cra%t"

an! t$e like* /Not$ing I can use"/ I sai! to @i& as it %ollo#e! &e back into t$e roo&* /W$ic$ !oesn+tsur'rise &e because *** 2&&&*/

/It !oesn+t sur'rise you #$y1/ @i& aske!" s$arking t$e be! to rub itsel% along t$e e!ge o% t$e&attress* @i&" I $a! !iscoere!" loe! to $ae its back scratc$e!*

/5ecause t$ey !on+t $ae anyt$ing to !o #it$ t$e !ark arts* Is t$is #$at I t$ink it is1/ I 'ulle! out atiny olu&e" about t$e si0e o% &y 'al&" t$at $a! been tucke! be$in! a larger book* /T$e

Steganographia. Well" I+ll be*/

/O$" t$at* Yea$" I sa# t$at yester!ay"/ @i& sai!" soun!ing bore! as it continue! s$arking t$e be!* /I

t$oug$t you 're%erre! t$e :iber (uratus. Isn+t t$at #$at you use! to call &e1/

/Yes"/ I sai! slo#ly" %li''ing t$roug$ t$e book* /5ut it+s o!! t$at Wiccans s$oul! $ae a book o% t$issort*/

/Not i% t$ey $a! anyt$ing to !o #it$ t$e ?ene!iger"/ @i& sai!" still rubbing itsel% along t$e be!*

/T$ink you coul! get &e a brus$1 I #ant to look &y best i% #e+re going to see Cecile*/

/T$e ?ene!iger***/ I+! al&ost %orgotten t$at (er!ita #orke! %or $i&* /O% course" i% s$e #orke! %or

$i&" s$e &ust $ae $a! so&e skills #it$ t$e !ark 'o#ers" !on+t you t$ink1 2ence t$e Steganographia." 

/W$at I t$ink is t$at I nee! brus$ing"/ @i& sai! 'ointe!ly* +

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/2&&1 O$" yea$" I su''ose you !o* You+re looking a bit ratty*/ I sli! t$e book back into its s'ot an!&ake a 7uick c$eck o% t$e s$eling $ol!ing t$e arious 'ots o% $erbs an! suc$* No !ea! &an+s as$*

/Co&e on"/ I sai!" sna''ing on @i&+s leas$ an! grabbing &y 'urse* /Let+s &ake t$is %ast* T$e least

a&ount o% * ti&e I $ae to s'en! out on t$e streets" t$e $a''ier I+ll be*/

/Call :ene"/ @i& suggeste!*

I #as about to say I #oul!n+t bot$er :ene %or so&et$ing so triial" but ret$oug$t &y strategy* Wit$

:ene sering as &y !rier" $e+! kee' $is eye 'eele! %or t$e 'olice *** t$at #as assu&ing $e+! #ant to!rie a %ugitie aroun! (aris #$ile s$e !i! $er s$o''ing* /Maybe I s$oul!n+t get $i& inole!*/

/Are you ki!!ing1 2e+! loe it"/ @i& sai! so%tly as I o'ene! t$e !oor* I signale! %or it to be 7uiet"t$en 'ulle! :ene+s car! out" e4'laining 7uickly to (er!ita t$at I #as going to use a %rien! to !rie &e

aroun!* I #atc$e! $er out o% t$e corner o% &y eye as I !iale! t$e nu&ber" #on!ering 3ust $o# !ee' int$e ?ene!iger+s business s$e $a! beco&e* A Wiccan #$o $a! a #ell.use! co'y o% t$e Steganographia

#as !e%initely an o4y&oron*

Kin! o% like a Guar!ian #$o #as also a !e&on lor!*

)i%teen &inutes later @i& an! I !escen!e! t$e stairs" 'eering u' an! !o#n t$e street %or signs t$e

a'art&ent #as being #atc$e! be%ore !as$ing into :ene+s #aiting ta4i*

"Bon%our," I sai! breat$lessly" grunting #$en @i& 3u&'e! into t$e ta4i an! lan!e! on &e* /Get o%%&e>/


:ene t#iste! aroun! in $is seat an! glare! at &e* /5e%ore #e go" I &ust %irst lecture you*/


/You sai! on t$e '$one you !i! not #is$ to !erange &e i% I beliee! t$ose stories in t$e 'a'er about

you* Me" I a& o%%en!e! you #oul! t$ink t$at>/

I %luttere! a $an! at t$e #in!o#* /:ene" I+& sorry" t$e last t$ing I #ant to !o is o%%en! you" but I

#ante! to gie you an out i% you #ere unco&%ortable #it$ t$e t$oug$t o% !riing aroun! so&eone #$ois #ante! by t$e 'olice*/

:ene snorte!* /You !o not $ae %ait$ in &e" e$1/

/I $ae a lot o% %ait$" I 3ust !on+t #ant you getting inole! in so&et$ing t$at you+ll regret*/

2e &a!e a ru!e gesture out t$e #in!o# at t$e 'erson be$in! us #$o #as yelling at $i&" turning to

%ace t$e %ront* "=uand les poules auront des dents." 


2e 'ut $is %oot on t$e gas* I clutc$e! @i& as #e #ere t$ro#n back#ar!s* /It &eans #$en %e&alec$ickens $ae teet$* It is your '$rase %or to!ay" but it also e4'resses #$at I t$ink o% your so %oolis$


Ei!ently I #as %orgien i% $e #as giing &e anot$er '$rase to #iel! !uring &y ti&e in )rance* I

s&ile! an!" #$ile #e !roe to t$e Latin uarter" gae $i& t$e latest on #$at $a! been $a''ening sinceI last sa# $i&*

/It is goo! you calle! &e* I #ill #atc$ #it$ eyes &ost igilant to be sure t$e 'olice !o not see you"/

:ene tol! &e as I !ragge! an un#illing @i& out o% a 'et s$o' #e+! sto''e! at to get a brus$* @i&!eci!e! any store t$at $a! big o'en bins o% !og cookies #as &ore or less $eaen" an! $a! to be %orcibly

conince! to acate t$e 're&ises* /We #ill sere t$e reconnaissance on t$e :ue Ebullitions sur les)esses !e Diable* I% #e see t$e 'olice" hein, #e #ill leae* I% not" I #ill !ro' you o%% an! 'ark !o#n t$e

street" yes1/

/Soun!s like a 'lan"/ I agree!* An! t$at+s e4actly #$at #e !i!9:ene !roe u' an! !o#n A&elie+sstreet a cou'le o% ti&e" but #e !i!n+t see any 'olice cars" or strange &en across %ro& $er s$o' #$o

a''eare! to be rea!ing ne#s'a'ers" or #o&en sto''e! in %ront %ussing #it$ a baby carriage" or any o%

t$e ot$er &any ruses co's take #$en on stakeout* T$ere #ere a lot o% 'eo'le on t$e street" but none o%

t$e& #ere loitering* It #as nearing &i!!ay" an! 'eo'le #ere $urrying along to t$e s$o's or %or an earlylunc$* :ene let &e out about a block a#ay" %ollo#ing slo#ly be$in! as I strolle! u' an! !o#n t$estreet" #atc$ing %or anyone #$o &ig$t be intereste! in &e*

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On &y t$ir! stroll 'ast A&elie+s s$o'" $e gae &e t$e all.clear sy&bol an! 0oo&e! o%% to ourren!e0ous 'lace a cou'le o% blocks a#ay*

/O'eration A&elie is go"/ I tol! @i& 7uietly as I turne! on &y $eel an! $ea!e! back %or Le Gri&oire

To4i7ue* As I a''roac$e! t$e !oor to t$e s$o' I !i! a %inal scan o% t$e street" but no one #as 'aying t$eleast a&ount o% attention to us* /W$e#* Looks like %or once luck is #it$ us*/

I 'us$e! t$e !oor o'en an! #alke! rig$t into Ins'ector (roust*

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/(ar!on &e *** O$" $oly merde" I sai!" getting a goo! look at #$o& I $a! careene! into* )or a

&o&ent I 3ust stoo! in stunne! sur'rise; t$en &y %ig$t or %lig$t instincts kicke! in an! I turne! to run*

Ins'ector (roust+s $an! cla&'e! !o#n on &y ar&" sto''ing &e !ea! in t$e !oor* /Mile* Grey" #$at a

 'leasant sur'rise* I #as 3ust $aing a little c$at #it$ M&e* Merllain about you* Ma!a&e !eclare! t$at

s$e $a! no i!ea o% #$en you &ig$t sto' by $er s$o'" an! yet $ere you are* 2o# ery ti&ely your isitis*/

My $eart sank to &y s$oes againB as I turne! back to %ace $i&" %le4ing &y ar& e4'eri&entally* 2is

gri' #asn+t 'ain%ul" but it #as e4tre&ely soli!* T$ere #as no #ay I coul! get a#ay %ro& $i& unless Ior!ere! @i& to attack" an! I $esitate! !oing t$at" not only because it #oul!n+t look goo! %or A&elie" but

also because !es'ite t$e %act t$at $e #ante! &e in 3ail" I kin! o% like! Ins'ector (roust* At t$e eryleast" $e #as $onest #it$ &e*

/A&elie #as telling t$e trut$"/ I sai!" brie%ly allo#ing &y eyes to &eet $ers as s$e stoo! lookingery #orrie! be$in! Ins'ector (roust* /S$e kno#s not$ing about &y 'lans* I su''ose you #ant to $ae

a c$at #it$ &e" too*/

/T$at #oul! be &ost agreeable"/ $e sai!" gesturing to#ar! t$e !oor #it$ $is %ree $an!*

So&e$o# I !oubte! i% agreeable #oul! be a !escri'tion t$at I #oul! use* I s$ot a #arning look to@i& as #e le%t t$e store* It raise! its eyebro#s but ke't silent*

/I+& innocent" you kno#"/ I sai! in a conersational tone as Ins'ector (roust #alke! &e !o#n t$esi!e#alk in t$e o''osite !irection o% #$ere :ene #as #aiting %or us* I %igure! I $a! a &inute at best

 be%ore $e &arc$e! &e into o%%icial custo!y* No# #as as goo! a ti&e as any to %ill $i& in on a %e#%acts* /I !i!n+t kill t$e ?ene!iger any &ore t$an I kille! M&e* Deau4ille" an! you yoursel% a!&itte! I

!i!n+t kill $er* I !o" $o#eer" kno# #$o !i! kill bot$ o% t$e&" an! I+& in t$e 'rocess o% gat$ering 'roo%you can use to conict t$e &ur!erer*/

/It is t$e 3ob o% t$e 'olice to gat$er 'roo%" &a!e&oiselle" not you* I #ill be gla!" it is true" to $earyour t$oug$ts on t$e &atter* I a& &ost intereste! in #$at you $ae to say about your a!entures at M*

Ca&us+s $ouse*/ 2e cocke! $is $ea! as $e glance! at &e* /It #as you #$o set %ire to t$e ga0ebo" #as itnot1/

/Yes" but t$at #as an acci!ent" I !i!n+t &ean %or it to $a''en* I #as 3ust a little careless #it$*** u$***

&atc$es*/ I 'ulle! on &y ar&* 2e !i!n+t loosen $is $ol! at all" 3ust ke't #alking &e !o#n t$e street"

@i& trailing be$in! us* I c$e#e! on &y li' %or a &o&ent" re&e&bering #$at @i& $a! sai! earlier* O% allt$e 'o#ers a Guar!ian $a!" t$ere #as only one t$at coul! !o &e any goo! in t$is situation* I% I coul!

%igure out $o# to !o a &in! 'us$ on Ins'ector (roust" I &ig$t be able to get a#ay %ro& $i& an! &akeit back to :ene* I glance! at Ins'ector (roust %ro& t$e corner o% &y eye* 2e li%te! $is %ree $an! an!

gesture! to so&eone" 'robably $is !rier 'arke! !o#n t$e street* It #as no# or neer* /You #ant to let&e go" !on+t you1/

2e looke! at &e" clearly startle! by &y state&ent* /I beg your 'ar!on1/

I curle! &y %ingers into %ists an! o'ene! t$e !oor in &y $ea!" ignoring t$e e&bers o% Drake+s %ire

t$at al#ays see&e! to be t$ere" instea! 'icturing Ins'ector (roust releasing &y ar&* /You #ant to let

&e go* You !on+t #ant to $ol! on to &e* You kno# I+& innocent" so t$ere is no reason #$y I s$oul! not 3ust #alk a#ay*/

2is bro#n eyes looke! a bit #ary* /Ma!e&oiselle" are you un#ell1/

I took a !ee' breat$" $el! t$e &ental 'icture o% Ins'ector (roust releasing &e" an! in%using &y#or!s #it$ as &uc$ o% &y #ill as I coul! &uster" sai!" /Let*** &e*** go*/

So&et$ing gae" a barrier t$at #as t$ere" t$en #as gone" an! #it$ its absence t$e 'ressure o%Ins'ector (roust+s $an! on &y ar& also !isa''eare!* I looke! !o#n" sur'rise! t$e &in! 'us$ #orke!*

2e #asn+t $ol!ing on to &e* I took a ste' a#ay" glancing u' at $i&* 2is eyes #ere a bit %lat" as i% $e#ere t$inking so&e !ee' t$oug$ts* A$ea! o% &e" a car a''roac$e!* I took a %e# &ore ste's a#ay %ro&

Ins'ector (roust* 2e !i!n+t een blink*

/It #orks"/ I breat$e! as I yanke! on @i&+s leas$* I !i!n+t $ae to yank t#ice* As t$e un&arke! 'olice

car 0oo&e! u' an! sto''e! ne4t to Ins'ector (roust" #e #alke! a#ay 7uickly" $al% e4'ecting eit$er t$eIns'ector or $is !rier to yell a%ter us" but neit$er !i!* T$e !rier &ust not $ae reali0e! $is boss $a!

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&e in custo!y* /2ot !a&n" it #orks> I can &in! 'us$> No# t$is is a skill I can use* No &ore s'ee!ingtickets" no &ore #aiting %or a table in a restaurant" at last" at long last" so&et$ing 'ractical>/

/Doesn+t #ork on !ragons" only &ortals"/ @i& sai!*

/We can+t $ae eeryt$ing"/ I ans#ere! as I turne! t$e corner" inten!ing on !oubling back to !as$

into A&elie+s s$o' 3ust long enoug$ to grab a co'y o% t$e book I nee!e!* /W$y !o you &ention

!ragons" 'articularly1/

/Signora Grey"/ :enal!o sai!" 'o''ing out o% a 'arke! car to stan! in %ront o% &e* / l  drago blu

#is$es to $ae a %e# #or!s #it$ you*/

/T$at+s #$y"/ @i& sai!*

I s&acke! it on t$e s$oul!er* /You coul!n+t $ae 3ust sai!" +2ey" Aisling" t$ere+re !ragons sitting in a

car oer t$ere+1/

/ >l drago #is$es %or you to co&e #it$ us no#" signora"/ :enal!o sai! in a lou!er" &ore aggressie


I !i!n+t een try a &in! 'us$" not #it$ @i&+s $al%.asse! #arning %res$ in &y ears* Instea! I 3erke! t$e

gol! c$ain #it$ &y 3a!e !ragon talis&an oer &y $ea!" yanking t$e talis&an o%% t$e c$ain* /Look"

gol!>/ I #ae! t$e gol! c$ain in %ront o% :enal!o+s %ace* 2e sni%%e! t$e air" $is eyes brig$tening as $e#atc$e! t$e c$ain s#ay* W$en I #as sure $e #as about to lunge at it" I t$re# it as $ar! as I coul! oer$is $ea!* /Go get it>/

8nable to resist t$e lure o% treasure9gol!" I $a! !iscoere!" generating an al&ost isceral reactionin !ragons 9:enal!o s'un aroun! an! 3u&'e! %or t$e c$ain* I ran in t$e ot$er !irection" !o#n t$e

street to#ar! A&elie+s" 'ast Ins'ector (roust" #$o #as still stan!ing on t$e si!e#alk looking !istracte!"t$is ti&e #it$ $is !rier #aing a $an! in %ront o% $is %ace* T$e !rier !i!n+t een glance at &e as @i&

an! I race! 'ast* I #as al&ost to A&elie+s !oor #$en t#o %a&iliar %igures a$ea! o% &e crosse! t$estreet to &y si!e o% t$e roa!" $ea!ing rig$t %or &e*

It #as (al an! Istan*

/W$at" everyone kno#s I+& $ere1/ I gru&ble! as I t$oug$t 7uickly* 5e$in! &e" :enal!o #as

stu%%ing t$e gol! c$ain into $is 'ocket as $e #alke! 7uickly to#ar! &e" giing Ins'ector (roust an! $is!rier #$o #as no# s$aking t$e Ins'ectorB a #i!e bert$* A$ea! o% &e (al an! Istan &arc$e! to#ar!

&e #it$ %a&iliar gri& looks on t$eir %aces*

Talk about being caug$t bet#een a rock an! a $ar! 'lace*

I !eci!e! Drake+s &en #ere t$e least o% &y #orries an! beckone! to t$e&" 'ointing be$in! &e as Iyelle!" /T$e blue #yern+s &an is trying to ki!na' &e so $e can use &e against Drake>/

Drake+s re!.$aire! !uo sti%%ene! at &y #or!s" bot$ t$eir ga0es going oer &y s$oul!er to #$ere:enal!o #as bearing !eter&ine!ly !o#n on &e* :enal!o sa# t$e& at t$e sa&e ti&e an! 'ause!*

/2e $as gol!"/ I a!!e! 'ersuasiely*

It #as all t$e urging (al an! Istan nee!e!* T$ey s'rinte! 'ast &e" t$eir eyes lit #it$ 'leasure*

:enal!o stoo! still %or a &o&ent" t$en $e turne! on $is $eels an! ran %or it*

I s$oe! @i& into A&elie+s s$o'" %ollo#ing 7uickly a%ter t$e !e&on* I $a! no i!ea $o# long

Ins'ector (roust #oul! stay &in! 'us$e!" or $o# long t$e !ragons #oul! take to reali0e t$at I $a!tricke! t$e&" but I #asn+t 'lanning on #aiting aroun! to see*

/2i" A&elie" I+& sorry about all t$is" but !o you $ae a co'y o%9O$" bloo!y $ell" t$at+s all I nee!>W$at t$e !eil are you !oing $ere1/ A s$a!o# %ell at &y %eet as Drake loo&e! u' in A&elie+s !oor#ay

 be$in! &e* 2e &ust $ae been %ollo#ing (al an! Istan" alt$oug$ I $a!n+t seen $i&* I turne! back toA&elie" unsna''ing @i&+s leas$ as I aske!" /Do you $ae a back e4it1/

/Yes"/ s$e sai! si&'ly" an! no!!e! to#ar! t$e bea! curtain t$at se'arate! t$e 'ublic 'art o% t$e s$o'%ro& t$e back*

/@i&" attack>/ I sai!" 'ointing be$in! &e*

Drake o'ene! $is &out$ to say so&et$ing" but @i&9 %or once9!eci!e! to obey &e #it$outargu&ent an! s'rang at Drake be%ore $e coul! s'eak* T$ey #ent !o#n in a soli! t$u! o% tangle! legsan! black %ur* I bolte! to#ar! t$e bea!e! curtain" 3u&'ing oer cartons o% books" $ea!ing %or t$e !oor

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 'ainte! #it$ a blue 'entagra&* I #as t$roug$ it an! $al%#ay !o#n t$e alley t$at ran be$in! t$e buil!ing be%ore I reali0e! t$at @i& #asn+t on &y $eels* I sto''e!" $esitating" unsure o% #$et$er I s$oul! risk

going back %or it" or trusting t$at @i& #oul! take care o% itsel%*

/Da&&it"/ I s#ore as I turne! &y back on t$e s$o' an! continue! to run to#ar! t$e 'arking lot t#o blocks a#ay" telling &ysel% t$at t$e 'robability o% @i&+s surial #as %ar greater t$an &ine i% I #ent

 back* A %e# tears snake! !o#n &y c$eeks" &aking &e angrier still at &ysel%* @i& &ig$t not be able to

 be kille!" but its !oggy %or& coul! be !estroye!* I #i'e! at &y c$eeks" s'inning aroun! t$e corner o% aca%e/ to t$e busy 'arking lot t$at butte! u' against it* :ene #as leaning against t$e $oo! o% $is car"

rea!ing a ne#s'a'er* I yelle! an! #ae! &y ar& as I bolte! into t$e 'arking lot* 2e ei!ently got t$e&essage" because $e !i!n+t #ait %or &e to e4'lain; $e 3ust 3u&'e! into t$e car an! 'ulle! out o% $is

s'ot" sto''ing long enoug$ %or &e to t$ro# &ysel% into t$e %ront seat ne4t to $i& be%ore $e burne!rubber getting us out o% t$ere*

/W$ere is t$e little !eil !og1/ $e aske! as I sla&&e! into t$e car !oor #it$ t$e %orce o% a $ig$ly

illegal an! co&'letely !eat$.!e%ying $air'in 8.turn*

I #i'e! angrily at t$e tears still strea&ing !o#n &y %ace* /I tol! @i& to attack Drake" but $e &ust$ae !one so&et$ing to 'oor @i&" because ot$er#ise it #oul! $ae been on &y $eels* It+s not nor&ally

ery big on $eroics*/

T$e t$oug$t o% @i& being $ar&e! by Drake &a!e &y tears %lo# %aster* W$at sort o% a co#ar! #as It$at I #oul! so 7uickly aban!on @i& like t$at1 It #as %ollo#ing &y co&&an! %ait$%ully* @i& &ig$t be 3ust a !e&on" but it #as my !e&on*

/Drake #as t$ere1/ :ene #$istle!* /We #ill &ake a !as$ing esca'e rig$t no#*/

+Turn aroun!"/ I or!ere!" 'ulling u' t$e $e& o% &y skirt to &o' u' &y %ace*

:ene looke! at &e like I $a! %rogs in &y bi!et* /W$at1/

/Turn aroun!9#e+re going back* I can+t leae @i& to Drake+s &ercy* Drake has no &ercy* 2e+ll

tor&ent @i&* I 3ust kno# it*/

:ene slo#e! t$e ta4i but !i!n+t turn aroun!* /Your bell is being rung"/ $e sai!*

I sni%%e! an! s$ot $i& a %ro#n* /I #$at1/

2e gesture! a circle on $is te&'le* /Your bell is being rung* You are not t$inking rig$t*/

/O$" I+& cra0y1 Yea$" I kno#" but I+& learning to lie #it$ it* Turn aroun!" 'lease* I $ae to get @i&*/

:ene co&'lie!" but not #it$out seeral co&&ents about t$e i&&ense lack o% #is!o& I #ass$o#ing* /It is a little !eil9you sai! yoursel% it cannot be $urt*/

/T$at !oesn+t &ean Drake #on+t &ake @i& su%%er" an! no one tor&ents &y !e&on but &e* It+s a rule I

$ae* Sto' $ere* I+ll sli' in t$e back #ay*/

/I #ill !rie aroun! t$e block* You #ill #ait %or &e $ere" yes1/ :ene aske! as $e 'ulle! u' at t$e en!

o% t$e alley* We bot$ 'eere! aroun!* No one #as isible*

/Yes*/ I got out o% t$e car" leaning in t$roug$ t$e o'en #in!o# to gie $i& instructions* /)ie

&inutes* I% I !on+t co&e out*** go $o&e* You #on+t be able to $el' &e*/:ene gunne! t$e engine* I 'ulle! back as $e #ae!* /Me" I !o not aban!on &y %rien!s" 3ust like you"


2e #as o%% be%ore I coul! #arn $i& not to $ang aroun!* I slunk !o#n t$e alley to A&elie+s !oor an!

use! &y trusty cre!it car! to get in t$e locke! !oor" &aking &y #ay silently t$roug$ t$e back roo& to

t$e curtain o% bea!s*

A&elie stoo! at t$e o'en %ront !oor" looking out* T$ere #as no one else in !ie s$o'* S$e turne!#$en I #$is'ere! $er na&e*

/Aisling>/ s$e gas'e!" closing t$e !oor 7uickly*

I sli! t$roug$ t$e bea!s* /W$ere+s @i&1 Di! Drake take it1 W$at !i! $e !o to it1 O$" lor!" I neer

s$oul! $ae le%t @i& alone #it$ $i&*/

/Cal& yoursel%9your !e&on #as not in3ure!"/ A&elie sai!" glancing nerously oer $er s$oul!er*

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/You &ust leae* It is not sa%e %or you $ere* Drake an! t#o o% t$e green !ragons are 3ust outsi!e*Ins'ector (roust is out t$ere" too" alt$oug$ $e a''ears to be in so&e sort o% a !a0e*/

/Oy"/ I sai!" backing t$roug$ t$e bea! curtain* /W$ere+s @i&1/

/It ran o%%* W$ere" I !o not kno#* I assu&e! it #oul! %ollo# you* 2ere9you #ill nee! t$is* Drake

le%t it %or you*/

/T$anks"/ I sai!" snatc$ing t$e !ragon talis&an s$e tosse! to &e" 7uickly &aking &y #ay aroun! t$e

 bo4es to !ie back !oor* /I% you $a''en to see @i&" #oul! you tell it to co&e $o&e1 It kno#s #$ere #elie* An! t$anks %or eeryt$ing else" too*/

I !i!n+t #ait aroun! to $ear anyt$ing else* I #as at t$e en! o% t$e alley 3ust as :ene ca&e roaringaroun! t$e corner*

/M* Drake" $e is in t$e street" s'eaking to t#o &en in suits"/ :ene sai! as soon as I o'ene! t$e car!oor* I got in" :ene taking o%% een be%ore I coul! close t$e !oor 'ro'erly* /T$ey are t$e 'olice* I kno#

t$ey are9t$ey $ae t$e look o% 'olice* We &ust get you out o% $ere i&&e!iately*/

I slu&'e! back in t$e seat" #orrie!" !e'resse!" angry" an! irritate! at t$e sense o% loss t$at I

connecte! #it$ Drake+s su!!en a''earance* I stare! out at t$e streets" #atc$ing %or any sign o% a big"

lost Ne#%oun!lan!* :ene s$ot &e a 7uestioning look #$en I !i!n+t res'on! to a co&&ent about @i&"

%inally settling back to !rie &e to O'$elia an! (er!ita+s a'art&ent #it$out %urt$er !e&an!s %orconersation*

I sent u' a little 'rayer t$at @i& #oul! $ae t$e co&&on sense to return to t$e a'art&ent as #ell* I% it!i!n+t*** I s$ook &y $ea! #earily* I !i!n+t #ant to t$ink o% #$at trouble &y !e&on coul! get into

#it$out &e to kee' an eye on it*

Call &e stu'i!" but I &isse! t$e big galoot*

/I+& so sorry you lost your !og" Aisling* Woul! you like &e to ring u' t$e ani&al.control 'eo'le1T$ey #ill let you kno# i% t$ey %in! @i&*/

/No" it+s OK"/ I tol! a sy&'at$etic O'$elia* I $a! returne! $o&e to %in! t$at @i& $a!n+t %oun! its #ay back yet" but t$at #as no sur'rise* I #as in a ta4i" an! 'oor @i& #as $oo%ing it*

T$ree $ours later" $o#eer" I $a! 'ace! eery s7uare inc$ o% t$e a'art&ent" no !oubt !riing bot$O'$elia an! (er!ita nuts" alt$oug$ bot$ #ere too 'olite to tell &e* I %elt a#%ul" not 3ust guilty about

leaing @i& to %en! %or itsel%" but '$ysically !raine! an! !e'resse!" as i% a $orrible black clou! $anging

oer &y $ea! #as leec$ing into &y bo!y* T$e a'art&ent" at %irst so brig$t an! loely" #as no#

o''ressie an! bleak" a 'rison rat$er t$an a $aen* (er!ita an! O'$elia $a! o%%ere! to searc$ t$e streets%or @i&" but I kne# t$at #asn+t necessary* @i& #as a s&art !e&on; i% it #as at all 'ossible %or it to &ake

its #ay $o&e" it #oul!*

/I 3ust %eel so $el'less"/ I sai!" sto''ing be%ore O'$elia to %ret" trying to 'us$ !o#n t$e rising sense

o% '!en !es'air* /(oor @i& is out t$ere all by its *** $i&sel%" %acing #$o kno#s #$at $orrors*Maybe $e+s been 'icke! u' by iisectionists> Maybe so&eone #ill !o a <undred and /ne !almatians

on $i&>/ I 'ace! 'ast (er!ita as s$e c$o''e! u' &us$roo&s %or !inner*

/A $un!re! an! one Dal&atians1/ O'$elia aske! $er in a 7uiet oice*

/Skins"/ (er!ita ans#ere! succinctly*

I #ae! &y $an!s aroun!" !rea! %illing &y &in! at t$e $orrible t$ings t$at coul! be $a''ening to

@i& at t$at ery &o&ent* /E4actly> @i& $as a loely coat> So&eone &ig$t #ant $i& %or it* Or %or ***%or *** o$" I !on+t kno#" so&et$ing a#%ul* So&eone &ig$t #ant to use $i& as a stu! !og" rut$lessly

 bree!ing $i& again an! again an! again* Alt$oug$ to be $onest" $e 'robably #oul!n+t ob3ect to t$at too&uc$" but !a&&it> 2e+s my !og> 2e !oesn+t get to $ae %un unless I say $e !oes>/

O'$elia set so&e a''les in cinna&on to si&&er" co&ing aroun! t$e long &arble counter t$atse'arate! t$e !ining area %ro& t$e kitc$en* S$e 'atte! &y $an!" but it !i!n+t &ake &e %eel any better* In

%act" I %elt #orse" al&ost sick to &y sto&ac$ #it$ #orry* /Aisling" i% t$ere is anyt$ing (er!y or I can!o" any s'ell #e coul! 'er%or&" you $ae but to ask*/

I s#allo#e! back a lu&' o% uns$e! tears an! trie! %or a s&ile* /T$ank you" O'$elia* T$at+s ery

generous o% you" but I+& a%rai! s'ells*** #ell" 3ust t$ey #oul! be a #aste o% ti&e*/ I $a! a %eeling t$at i%(er!ita+s !ill #as suc$ a %ailure as an anti.!e&on 'rotection" t$eir $erb.base! s'ells #oul! be

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ine%%ectie" as #ell* /I+ll 3ust $ae to $o'e t$at $e+s lying lo# %or a #$ile until it+s sa%e to co&e $o&e*/

S$e 'atte! &y ar&* /You+re !istraug$t* (er$a's it #oul! be best i% you !i!n+t con!uct your !e&on

ritual tonig$t* You can+t %ocus i% you+re so u'set* An! !i!n+t you say you nee!e! a s'ecial book1/

/O$" t$at+s all rig$t* I+ll use (er!ita+s* It+s a bit !i%%erent %ro& t$e one I+& %a&iliar #it$" but I+& sure it

#ill be OK* You !on+t &in! i% I use your book" !o you1/ I aske!" !es'erately trying to !istract &ysel%

#it$ triialities*

(er!ita o'ene! $er &out$ to say so&et$ing" but a 7uick look at O'$elia le%t $er s$aking $er $ea!*/No" 'lease use t$e book* I !on+t &in! at all*/

I s7uas$e! !o#n all t$e #orry" an! sick %ear" an! a $orrible sense o% !rea!" an! or!ere! &y &in! to%ocus on #$at #as i&'ortant* +T$ere+s no ti&e like t$e 'resent* I% you bot$ are %ree" I+ll 3ust go in an!

raise &y !e&on" ask it a %e# 7uestions" an! sen! it back* Do eit$er o% you $ae a ta'e recor!er1/

/5etter t$an t$at" #e $ae a !igital i!eo ca&era"/ O'$elia sai!" running %or a closet* /We+ll %il&

your !e&on> O$" t$is is so e4citing>/

/T$at #oul! be #on!er%ul"/ I sai! in a oice t$at !ri''e! unease* T$e t#o sisters %ollo#e! &e into

t$e be!roo&" ne#ly cleanse! an! sa!ly @i&.less* I took t$e Steganographia %ro& t$e s$eles an!

t$u&be! t$roug$ it* I #as aguely %a&iliar #it$ t$e book" $aing rea! t$e translation an! !eco!ing9 

 'art o% t$e book $a! been #ritten in a nu&erical co!eB a cou'le o% years ago* I %oun! t$e !e&on lor!+ssy&bols an! sat !o#n to !ra# a circle o% as$ &a!e by 'a'er I $a! burne! earlier*

/I $ae no i!ea i% t$is #ill #ork or not #it$out t$e 'ro'er e7ui'&ent"/ I #arne! bot$ #o&en*O'$elia sat on t$e be! be$in! &e" %il&ing &e as I !re# t$e circle #i!!ers$ins #it$ salt* I sto''e!

$al%#ay aroun! t$e circle" al&ost oer#$el&e! #it$ !es'air t$at #elle! u' %ro& !ee' #it$in &y $eart*W$y #as I bot$ering1 W$y #as I #asting &y ti&e1 I+! 3ust e&barrass &ysel% in %ront o% O'$elia an!

(er!ita #$en I coul!n+t su&&on 5a%a&al* T$ey+! kno# I #as a %ake" a liar" so&eone #$o coul!n+t een 'er%or& a si&'le !eliery #it$out &essing it u'* I+! %aile! in t$at" 3ust as I %aile! @i&* Een Drake #as

!isguste! #it$ &e*

I %oug$t back a sob an! %inis$e! t$e circle" arguing #it$ &ysel% t$e #$ole #$ile I trace! t$e t#ele

sy&bols o% As$tarot$* 5y t$e ti&e I $a! !one t$e si4 sy&bols %or 5a%a&al" I #as ery close to 3ustrolling &ysel% u' into a ball an! in!ulging in $ysterical tears* Only t$e stea!y re! lig$t blinking on

O'$elia+s !igital recor!er ke't &e %ro& giing in*

I 'ricke! &y %inger #it$ a 'in (er!ita gae &e" t$en close! t$e circle #it$ &y bloo!* Not$ing

$a''ene!* T$ere #as no sense o% t$ickening air as t$ere #as #$en I $a! su&&one! @i&* T$ere #as notingle #$en I 'asse! &y $an! oer t$e circle* It #as 3ust a circle* I %ro#ne!" consulting (er!ita+s book"

trying to recall eeryt$ing I $a! !one #it$ @i&*

/Is so&et$ing t$e &atter1/ O'$elia aske! %ro& be$in! &e*

/Er*** no" I guess not"/ I sai!" closing t$e book* I $a! !one eeryt$ing t$e sa&e* Maybe t$e !i%%erence#as because As$tarot$ #as a !i%%erent lor! t$an @i&+s %or&er one1 I s$rugge!" too u'set an! !is'irite!

to care ery &uc$* I stoo! an! calle! t$e 7uarters" a#are not o% t$e sense o% so&et$ing #aiting to becalle! %ort$" but instea!" a !rea! see&e! to 'ress in on &e %ro& all si!es*

/I con3ure t$ee" 5a%a&al" by t$e 'o#er o% t$y lor! As$tarot$" also calle! t$e kee'er o% t$e $or!e" toa''ear be%ore &e no#* #it$out noise an! terror* I su&&on t$ee" 5a%a&al" to ans#er truly all 7uestionst$at I s$all ask t$ee* I co&&an! t$ee" 5a%a&al" to &y #ill by t$e irtue o% &y 'o#er* 5y &y $an! t$y

s$all be boun!" by &y bloo! t$y s$all be boun!" by &y oice t$y s$all be boun!*/

One secon! t$e circle #as e&'ty; t$e ne4t a $an!so&e blon! !e&on stoo! #it$in it" #atc$ing &e#it$ a s'eculatie ga0e in its s&oky gray eyes*

5a%a&al $a! arrie!*

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T$e !e&on $a! c$ange! clot$es %ro& t$e last ti&e I+! seen it; no# it #as #earing scarlet 'leate!

 'ants #it$ a brig$t yello# s$irt an! a0ure tie* ?ery c$ic" ery 'ri&ary colors*

/Eer t$e %as$ion 'late" I see"/ I sai!" taking a ste' back*

It s&ile! an! &a!e &e a little bo#* /You calle! &e" o$ &aster1/

I staggere! oer to a c$air* T$e !es'air s#a&'ing &e increase! #it$ t$e 'resence o% 5a%a&al"

!raining &e '$ysically until I %elt like a #ell.#rung li&' rag* 5e$in! &e" O'$elia an! (er!ita stoo!" but I coul!n+t s'are t$e& een a glance* I $a! a $orrible %eeling t$at i% I !i!n+t kee' &y attention

%ocuse! on t$e !e&on" it #oul! break %ree o% &y control* /5a%a&al" I co&&an! t$ee to ans#er &y7uestions* Were you at t$e &ortal Aurora Deau4ille+s $ouse #$en s$e #as kille!1/

T$e !e&on s&ile!* /I $a! t$at 'leasure*/

/Were you t$ere at t$e be$est o% t$e 'erson #$o kille! $er1/

/I #as*/

My s$oul!ers slu&'e!* /Were you t$e tool %or t$e !eat$ o% Aurora Deau4ille1/

5a%a&al rubbe! its $an!s" t$e o'en en3oy&ent on its %ace &aking &y nausea increase* I clutc$e! &ysto&ac$" %ig$ting t$e urge to o&it* /Not t$e !eat$" no* I strung t$e &ortal u'" t$oug$* T$at #as %un*/

My sto&ac$ lurc$e!* I gritte! &y teet$* /Were you 'resent at t$e $ouse o% t$e &age na&e! Albert



/Were you t$ere at t$e re7uest o% t$e 'erson #$o kille! $i&1/

/None ot$er*/

/Were you t$e instru&ent o% Albert Ca&us+s !eat$1/

/No* I $ear! you set %ire to $i& later* Classy style you $ae" Guar!ian*/

5e$in! &e" O'$elia gas'e!* I ignore! t$e !e&on+s atte&'t at 'roocation" %ig$ting #ae a%ter #ae

o% nausea* My oice cracke! as I aske!" /W$o su&&one! you" 5a%a&al1/

T$e !e&on+s grin gre# #i!er* /Drake ?ireo" t$e green #yern*/

My $eart turne! to stone" %racturing into a &illion 'ieces* I kne# Drake #as guilty9I $a! eer sinceI+! %oun! 5a%a&al lounging aroun! in $is $ouse9but to $ear t$e con%ir&ation o% it !estroye! a 'art o%

&e I $a!n+t kno#n e4iste!* 5lackness s#a& be%ore &e* I clutc$e! t$e ar&s o% t$e c$air an! %orce!&ysel% to breat$e slo#ly* I% I 'asse! out" I+! lose control o% t$e !e&on" an! #$o kne# #$at $orrors t$at

#oul! unleas$* /W$o kille! Aurora Deau4ille1/

/Drake ?ireo*/

(ain stabbe! t$roug$ &e* I turne! &y &in! %ro& it* /W$o kille! Albert Ca&us1/

/Drake ?ireo*/

Wetness streake! &y c$eeks* I li%te! &y $an! to brus$ a#ay t$e tears an! %oun! &y %ingers staine!re!* I #as #ee'ing bloo!* /W$o or!ere! you to $ang bot$ Aurora an! Albert1/

/Drake ?ireo"/ t$e !e&on ans#ere! glee%ully*

/W$y1/ I aske!" &y oice soun!ing like t#o rocks rubbe! toget$er* My &out$ #as so !ry" I coul!

$ar!ly s#allo#* /W$y !i! Drake su&&on you1/

/2e nee!e! &y $el' to con!uct t$e &ur!ers an! esca'e un!etecte!*/

I close! &y eyes an! s#aye!" !es'erately trying to $ang on to consciousness* /W$at !oes Drakeinten! to !o #it$ t$e Tools o% 5ael1/

5e$in! &e" so&et$ing glass cras$e! to t$e %loor* I $o'e! it #as t$e s&all bu! ase t$at #as ne4t to(er!ita rat$er t$an t$e i!eo ca&era*

5a%a&al bu%%e! its %ingernails on its s$iny yello# s$irt* /2e #ants to rule t$e &ortal #orl!" o%

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It #as enoug$* I coul!n+t stan! any &ore* Wit$ eac$ #or!" anot$er little 'iece o% &y soul #as torn

%ro& &e* I gritte! &y teet$ an! !re# t$e sy&bols o% eanescence* T$e !e&on !i!n+t say anyt$ing" 3ust

grinne! as I s'oke t$e #or!s t$at #oul! !is'erse it back to its origin* Wit$ t$e %inal co&&an!" its%igure blinke! out as i% a 'lug $a! been 'ulle!*

/I can+t*** can+t***/ Wit$out looking at t$e sisters" I lea'e! to &y %eet an! race! %or t$e bat$roo&" 3ust barely &aking it to t$e toilet be%ore losing &y lunc$*

W$en I returne!" O'$elia #as stan!ing be%ore (er!ita" $er $an! on $er sister+s* /(lease (er!y" 'lease

!on+t !o it* It+s #rong* You +now it+s #rong* You kno# #ell t$e 'enalty !e&an!e! o% t$ose #$o callu'on t$e !ark &asters*/

/I+& sorry" )eelie" but I $ae to* T$e Tools o% 5ael are not to be use! lig$tly* I cannot allo# Drake9/

A &oe&ent o% a#areness by O'$elia sto''e! (er!ita %ro& %inis$ing $er sentence*

/Aisling" are you all rig$t1/ O'$elia ca&e %or#ar!" $er $an!s outstretc$e!* /You 'oor !ear" #$at a$orrible e4'erience you+e $a!* Di! you kno# it #as your &ate #$o kille! t$e ?ene!iger an! t$e ot$er

#o&an be%ore t$e !e&on tol! you1/

I looke! 'ast $er to #$ere (er!ita stoo!" $er %ace gri&* /W$at can+t you allo# Drake to !o1/(er!ita starte! to say so&et$ing" s$ot $er sister an unrea!able glance" an! t$en s$ook $er $ea!* /I

&ust leae no#9I+& late* I $ae to o'en G 6 T* I #ill***/ S$e 'ause! at t$e !oor" looking back at us*

O'$elia &oe! to stan! close to &e" a co&%orting $an! on &y ar&* (er!ita+s eyes #ere $ar! an!!eter&ine! as s$e looke! at us* /I #ill s'eak #it$ you later about t$is*/

I #asn+t sure #$ic$ one o% us $er #or!s #ere &eant %or" but be%ore I coul! ask" s$e le%t t$e roo&*O'$elia+s $an!s %luttere! at $er sister+s back as s$e le%t* /You+ll $ae to e4cuse (er!y9s$e $as been

un!er a great !eal o% strain since t$e ?ene!iger #as kille!" an! s$e*** s$e #as *** Well" to be $onest" s$ean! Drake ?ireo #ere *** #ere *** %rien!s be%ore you ca&e*/

/)rien!s1/ I blinke! a cou'le o% ti&es #$ile t$e e&'$asis s$e 'lace! on t$e #or! sank into &y %u00y brain* /O$" you &ean friends. I !i!n+t kno#*/

/I+& sorry* T$at #as tactless o% &e to blurt it out like t$at* I 3ust #ante! you to un!erstan! #$y (er!yis so u'set*/

I #ae! $er a'ology a#ay" rubbing t$e back o% &y neck as I sank onto t$e be!* T$e %eeling o%sickness an! !es'air still clung to &e" but it $a! lessene! #it$ t$e !e&on+s !isa''earance* /It+s all rig$t*

Drake &ig$t t$ink I+& $is &ate" but it !oesn+t &ean I $ae to acce't t$at role* An! #e+re not***together." 

S$e looke! reliee!*

I scoote! u' until &y back #as against t$e #all* /To ans#er your 7uestion9yes" I kne# Drake #as

res'onsible %or t$e !eat$s* I %oun! 5a%a&al at $is $ouse* I kne# t$ere coul! be only one reason t$e!e&on #as t$ere* It #as 3ust a bit o% a s$ock $aing it con%ir&e!*/

O'$elia curle! u' ne4t to &e* I close! &y eyes" t$e nausea still $ol!ing &e in its gut.#renc$ing gri'*

/2o# $orrible %or you to be !eceie! by a &an you are so boun! to* W$at are you going to !o no#1/

I rubbe! &y $ea!* A $ea!ac$e #as blosso&ing to li%e" &aking it !i%%icult to t$ink clearly* /I $a! 'lanne! to take #$ateer ei!ence t$e !e&on 'roi!e! to t$e 'olice" but no# I+& not so sure* T$ere

#as not$ing it sai! t$at I coul! o%%er as 'roo% 'ositie" an! i% I trie! to e4'lain to Ins'ector (roust 3ust

#$o 5a%a&al #as" $e+! lock &e a#ay in a loony bin*/

/(er$a's i% you #atc$ t$e i!eo" so&et$ing #ill occur to you"/ s$e o%%ere!" setting t$e i!eo ca&erane4t to &e* /I &ust go an! &ake sure (er!y is all rig$t" but t$en you an! I #ill brainstor& a solution to

t$is 'roble&* T$ere &ust be a #ay #e can &ake t$e 'olice un!erstan! 3ust #$o is be$in! t$e &ur!ers*/

I t$anke! $er" lying 7uiet %or a %e# &inutes until I %elt like I coul! &oe #it$out &y $ea! s'litting

o'en9or o&iting again* I sat u' an! %li''e! on t$e i!eo ca&era" #incing #$en t$e !e&on+s oiceca&e out 3ust as lou! as i% it stoo! be%ore &e*

"5ho +illed 6urora !eau)ville" 

"!ra+e *ireo." 

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I #atc$e! t$e recor!ing all t$e #ay t$roug$" t$en sto''e! it an! t$oug$t about eeryt$ing t$e !e&on$a! sai!* T$ere #as so&et$ing t$at it &entione! t$at bot$ere! &e" so&et$ing t$at #as raising a re!

%lag" but &y tire!" ac$ing brain coul!n+t 'in it !o#n*

/Well" s$e+s o%%"/ O'$elia sai! %i%teen &inutes later as s$e !ragge! t$e ar&c$air oer to t$e be!*/S$e+s ery u'set" but !eter&ine! to kee' G 6 T o'en until t$e ?ene!iger+s #ill is rea! ne4t Mon!ay*

2e 'ro&ise! to leae it to $er" you kno#" as a &ark o% $is res'ect" an! an ackno#le!g&ent o% $is !ebt

to $er*/

/2is !ebt1/

/(er!y $as #orke! %or $i& %or al&ost a year* S$e+s a ery 'o#er%ul Wiccan" an! s$e $as !one &uc$to teac$ $i& o% t$e Go!!ess+s 'o#er*/

I rubbe! &y %ore$ea!* T$e $ea!ac$e #as increasing in its intensity* /No# I really a& con%use!" an!not too 'rou! to a!&it it* I t$oug$t t$e ?ene!iger #as a &age*/

S$e no!!e!*

/Isn+t a &age so&e sort o% a &agician1 A #i0ar!1 Woul!n+t t$at &ean $e kne# &agic1/

A %ro#n crease! $er bro#* /Do you not $ae any &ages #$ere you are %ro&1/

I &a!e a $al%.s$rugging &otion t$at co&&itte! &e to no 'articular ans#er*

/I t$oug$t t$ey #ere eery#$ere" but I guess not* A &age !oes in!ee! kno# &agic" $e+s a &aster#i0ar! in %act" but it+s !ark &agic t$at $e 'ractices* You &ig$t $ae gat$ere! t$at (er!y an! I %eel

strongly t$at it+s our !uty to s'rea! t$e #or! about &e Go!!ess+s loe to t$ose #$o &ake use o% t$e!ark 'o#ers/9I &a!e a little gri&acing &oue* I $a! been on t$e receiing en! o% (er!ita+s lectures

about t$e 'o#er o% Wicca &ore t$an once in t$e last t#enty.%our $ours9/an! s$e %elt 'articularly t$att$e ?ene!iger coul! be turne! %ro& $is 'at$ o% !estruction i% only $e #oul! e&brace t$e :e!e*/

/5ut $e !i!n+t"/ I sai!*

/No" an! it #as only last #eek t$at s$e %inally a!&itte! t$at not$ing #oul! turn $i& %ro& t$e !ark

 'at$* T$at+s 'art o% t$e reason #$y s$e %eels so ba!9s$e $a! inten!e! on resigning $er 'osition"%eeling it #as #rong to stay #orking %or $i& #$en $e e&bo!ie! eeryt$ing #e $ol! ab$orrent" but no#

*** no# s$e %eels s$e $as to stay on" at least until a ne# ?ene!iger a''ears*/

I close! &y &out$ %ro& #$ere it $a! been $anging o'en" trying to at least a''ear as i% I $a! a %e#

#its le%t* /T$e ?ene!iger is a*** u$ ***/

/It+s a 'osition #it$in t$e Ot$er#orl!" yes* You !on+t $ae t$e&1 No" you #oul!n+t" not in t$e States*Eeryt$ing t$ere is a !e&ocracy*/ S$e s&ile!* /2ere #e stay #it$ t$e ol! #ays* T$e ?ene!iger is a

 'osition o% 'o#er" a 'erson #$o controls t$e Ot$er#orl! o% eac$ country*/

/Soun!s kin! o% like a 'aranor&al Ma%ia*/

S$e !i!n+t laug$ as I e4'ecte! $er to* Instea! s$e looke! trouble!* /I+& a%rai! t$at+s an accurate

co&'arison* T$e ?ene!iger9t$e one #$o !ie!9long $el! )rance in $is gri'* No one c$allenge! $i&" because o% t$e 'o#er $e $el!* T$ose #$o #ere %oolis$ enoug$ to cross $i& once neer !i! so a secon!

ti&e* It #as a irtual !ictators$i'* Our only $o'e o% aoi!ing t$e sa&e %ate is i% t$e ne4t ?ene!iger #ill

 be one o% our o#n*/

I coul!n+t kee' &y sur'rise %ro& s$o#ing at t$at co&&ent* /A Wiccan1 A Wiccan can be a?ene!iger1/

S$e no!!e!* /)e&ale ?ene!igers aren+t co&&on" but t$ey aren+t unkno#n* All t$at is nee!e! toac7uire t$e title is t$e ability to beat t$e ot$er as'irants*/

/2o# &any 'eo'le are t$ere #$o are likely to try %or t$e 3ob1/ I aske!" #on!ering i% (er!ita $a!

#ante! t$e ?ene!iger gone not because o% $is $istory #it$ 5ael" but because s$e #ante! $is 'osition ***

 but t$at #as stu'i!* Drake kille! t$e ?ene!iger; 5a%a&al a!&itte! as &uc$*

/:ig$t no# t$ere are %e# 'eo'le in )rance #$o $ae t$e 'o#er nee!e! to control t$e Ot$er#orl!*/

/T$e #yerns are 'o#er%ul"/ I sai! slo#ly" &y &in! t#isting an! turning as it trie! to #ork t$roug$

a conolute! t$oug$t*

/Yes" but t$ey are too boun! to t$eir se'ts to eer beco&e a ?ene!iger*/

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/Does (er!ita91/  $esitate!" un#illing to 'ut &y t$oug$ts into #or!s* I !i!n+t #ant to o%%en!O'$elia #it$ &y 7uestion" but I $a! to kno# t$e trut$* All o% it* /Does (er!ita $ae t$e 'o#er to

 beco&e t$e ne4t ?ene!iger1/

/(er!y1/ O'$elia+s nose scrunc$e! as s$e t$oug$t about t$e 7uestion* /I su''ose s$e !oes* S$e+s aery 'o#er%ul Wiccan* O$>/ 2er eyes #ent roun! as s$e clutc$e! at &y $an!* /You !on+t t$ink s$e

inten!s to !o it" !o you1 5eco&e t$e ?ene!iger1 I $a!n+t t$oug$t s$e #oul!" but you &ay be on to

so&et$ing* It is 3ust t$e sort o% c$allenge s$e #oul! en3oy* S$e &ig$t 3ust !o it*/

Eery bell an! siren t$at co&'ose! &y &ental #arning syste& #ent into :e! Alert !ouble oerti&e*

O'$elia+s innocent act rang %alse" co&'letely %alse* T$e 7uestion #as" #$y !i! s$e #ant &e to t$ink(er!ita $a!n+t consi!ere! t$e 3ob o% ?ene!iger1

T$e ans#er to t$at #as easy9s$e $a! to kno# I #as beginning to sus'ect (er!ita+s &oties* S$e#oul! naturally be e4'ecte! to coer u' t$e acts o% a !early beloe! sister*

An! #it$ t$at t$oug$t" a lig$t clicke! on in &y $ea!* I sa# it all" sa# t$e #$ole 'lan" eac$ 3igsa# 'iece o% it %itting s&oot$ly into t$e ne4t* All t$ose kno#ing looks bet#een t$e t#o o% t$e&"

(er!ita+s co'y o% t$e Steganographia, (er!ita+s lectures about 'eo'le #$o ta''e! into t$e !ark

 'o#ers" O'$elia telling &e t$at (er!ita $a! $a! a relations$i' #it$ Drake9it all ca&e into %ocus as I

sat #atc$ing O'$elia #ring $er $an!s #it$ 'reten! #orry* Een t$e ague so&et$ing t$at bot$ere! &e

in #atc$ing t$e i!eo o% 5a%a&al !ro''e! into 'lace9Drake $a! tol! &e t$at !ragons coul!n+t su&.&on !e&ons* 2e &ig$t $ae been lying" but t$inking back" I #as o% t$e &in! $e $a! been telling t$etrut$* T$at &eant t$at so&eone else $a! to $ae su&&one! 5a%a&al* O'$elia 'rattle! on about $o#

#on!er%ul it #oul! be #it$ a Wiccan in c$arge #$ile I #on!ere! i!ly i% s$e kne# t$at I #as %a&iliar#it$ t$e %act t$at a !ragon coul!n+t su&&on a serant o% Aba!!on*

/W$at are you going to !o1/

I starte!" !ra#n out o% &y o#n !ark &using by $er 7uestion* /About Drake1/

S$e no!!e!*

I leane! back against t$e #all" #ra''ing &y ar&s aroun! &y knees* I kne# #$at t$e solution to t$e

 'roble& o% t$e &ur!ers #as" but as yet" I $a! no i!ea $o# to 'roe it* /I su''ose I+& going to $ae to$ae it out #it$ $i&*/

S$e sucke! $er breat$ in" $er blue eyes #i!e #it$ sur'rise *** an! 'er$a's a s&i!gen o% 'leasure* /A

c$allenge1 You+re going to issue a c$allenge to $i&1/

I no!!e!* 0hallenge #as a goo! #or! %or #$at I #ante! to !o*

/2o# e4citing> I+e neer seen a #yern c$allenge!*/

/Yes" #ell" t$ere+s a %irst ti&e %or eeryt$ing* A c$allenge &ig$t suit ery #ell*/ I sli! a glance $er#ay* /It #ill allo# &e to reeal t$e trut$*/

/T$e trut$ is goo!"/ s$e sai! #it$ a rig$teous no!* /I !o $o'e I can $el' you* May I be your secon!1(er!y #on+t a''roe" but you are &y %rien!* I can+t turn &y back on you #$en you+re about to

un!ertake so&et$ing so terri%ying as c$allenging a #yern*/

A tiny %ro#n gre# until &y bro#s #ere 'ulle! toget$er" t$e a#%ul sus'icion bouncing aroun! &y$ea! t$at t$ere &ig$t be so&et$ing &ore to a c$allenge t$an I $a! su''ose!* /E$9/

S$e 3u&'e! u' %ro& t$e c$air" turning to t$e cabinet o% su''lies* /I &ust cast a s'ell o% clarity oer

you* Or no" 'er$a's one o% 'rotection #oul! be best1/

/(rotection1/ I aske!" getting a bit &ore #orrie!*

/No one $as eer c$allenge! a #yern an! lie!"/ s$e tosse! oer $er s$oul!er as s$e rustle! aroun!t$e s$eles* /(rotection #oul! be best" alt$oug$ clarity *** O$" #$y can+t (er!y be $ere to $el' &e1 S$e

#oul! kno# #$at to !o*/


S$e turne! aroun!" $er ar&s %ull o% 3ars o% $erbs" can!les" an! ot$er su''lies* /I+ll 3ust #$i'so&et$ing u' %or you 3ust as soon as #e return %ro& G 6 T*/

/We+re going to G 6 T1/ I aske!" no# seriously #orrie! an! &oing straig$t into 'anic lan!*/W$at*** e$ *** #$at e4actly !i! you &ean no one $as eer c$allenge! a #yern an! lie!1 You #ere

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talking about so&et$ing a long ti&e ago" rig$t1 2un!re!s o% years ago1/

/Go!!ess" no> @ust last year so&eone c$allenge! one o% t$e #yerns9I beliee it #as Drake"

alt$oug$ I #as isiting &y &ot$er at t$e ti&e* (er!y #oul! kno#* S$e #as still liing #it$ Drake t$en*

One o% t$e Ger&an &ages accuse! $i& o% stealing a ery aluable ring" an! c$allenge! $i&* Drakekille! t$e &age" o% course*/

/2e !i!1/ I s7ueake!*

S$e set $er t$ings !o#n on t$e table ne4t to t$e bookcase* /T$at is t$e #ay o% !ragons* It+s one o% t$ereasons (er!y an! I $ae #ante! t$e ?ene!iger to see t$e True (at$" so $e #oul! 'ut $is %oot !o#n

about t$e iolence t$at see&s to %ollo# t$e !ragons*/ S$e !ri%te! to#ar! t$e !oor" $er $an!s !oing t$eusual grace%ul %lutter t$at acco&'anie! $er conersation* /I+ll 3ust go get c$ange!* Will you be rea!y in

t#enty &inutes or so1/

I no!!e!" too !u&bstruck to s'eak* Drake kille! a &an #$o c$allenge! $i&1 I stoo! u' slo#ly an!

#alke! to t$e #ar!robe" o'ening it to look at t$e %ace t$at stare! out o% t$e &irror $ung on t$e insi!e!oor* My li's stretc$e! into a suitably gri& s&ile* /Out o% t$e %rying 'an" Aisling" an! into t$e %ire ***


/Are you sure t$is is a goo! i!ea1 Ins'ector (roust close! t$e club !o#n once9#$at i% $e co&es

 back1//(er!y #on+t allo# $i& entrance"/ O'$elia sai!" %li''ing a clu&' o% $er gol!en ringlets oer $er

s$oul!er* Des'ite &y insecurity at t$e situation" s$e s'oke in a co&%orting tone o% oice as #e stoo! att$e to' o% t$e t$ree ste's t$at le! !o#n to t$e club 'ro'er*

I looke! be$in! us at t$e !oor t$at le! to t$e street* T$ere #as no !oor&an" not een a bouncer inatten!ance* /2o# can s$e kee' $i& %ro& co&ing in1/

/War!s"/ O'$elia sai!" tugging &y ar& as s$e !escen!e! into t$e club* /Di!n+t you %eel t$e& #$enyou ca&e in1 Co&e on" #e+ll get a table an! $ae (er!y $el' us #it$ t$e #or!ing o% your c$allenge*/

I looke! aroun! t$e club as I obe!iently %ollo#e! O'$elia* It looke! t$e sa&e as t$e last ti&e I #ast$ere9 s&oky" cro#!e!" &usic 'ulsing at al&ost a subconscious leel* It #as also #yernless*

Well" al&ost*

"0ara," )iat crie! as a grou' o% 'eo'le bet#een us 'arte!* /I $a! $o'e! t$at I #oul! %in! you $ere*/


O'$elia sto''e! an! glance! back at &e curiously* I &a!e brie% intro!uctions* /A #or! o% #arning"

)iat9i% you or any o% your goon s7ua! een looks like you+re t$inking o% ab!ucting &e" I #ill screa& bloo!y &ur!er* I kno# %or a %act t$at G 6 T is a neutral territory" an! anyone #$o iolates t$at

neutrality #ill be in ery $ot #ater*/

)iat laug$e!" $is blue eyes unrea!able* /A$" cara, you $ae suc$ %ire* You truly are #ort$y o% being

a #yern+s &ate* Drake !oesn+t !esere you*/

/No" $e !oesn+t"/ I sai! !ryly*

/As %or iolating t$e rules o% G 6 T9/ 2e s&ile!* /9#$o is t$ere to sto' &e %ro& !oing #$ateer

I !esire #it$ you1 T$e ?ene!iger is !ea!* No one $as clai&e! $is ti!e*/

/We #ill sto' you"/ O'$elia sai! su!!enly" 'us$ing $er #ay in %ront o% &e* /Aisling is &y %rien!*(er!y an! I #ill sto' you %ro& $ar&ing $er*/

)iat !is&isse! O'$elia+s !eclaration #it$ a %licker o% $is eyes* 2e li%te! &y c$in #it$ one cool%inger" taking a long &o&ent to stu!y &y %ace* /So !eter&ine!" so %orce%ul* 5ut still &ortal*/

/S$e &ig$t be &ortal" but s$e is c$allenging Drake ?ireo"/ O'$elia tru&'ete!* /It is not eeryone

#$o $as t$e courage to !o so*/

As it $a! t$e nig$t I $a! calle! Drake (u%% t$e Magic Dragon" t$e entire roo& #ent silent*

:es'ect !a#ne! in )iat+s eyes as $e consi!ere! &e* /So" t$e Guar!ian 'lans to c$allenge $er &ate

%or control o% t$e se't*/

/No"/ I sai! 7uickly" s$aking &y $ea! to a!! e&'$asis* /It+s not like t$at9/

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/Yes" s$e is"/ O'$elia cut in" #aing a $an! at &e to s$ut u'* /S$e #ill c$allenge $i&" an! #$en $e%ails" s$e #ill rule in $is 'lace*/

/5ut" I !on+t #ant9/

/Yes" you !o"/ s$e #$is'ere!" turning so )iat coul!n+t $ear #$at s$e #as saying* +T$at+s $o# a

c$allenge is con!ucte!* Ostensibly it+s %or control o% t$e se't" but t$e loser &ust abi!e by #$ateer

ter&s t$e #inner sets* I% you &ake one o% t$e ter&s t$at Drake &ust turn $i&sel% in to t$e 'olice" $e#ill $ae to !o so #$en you beat $i&*/

"f  beat $i&"/ I 'ointe! out*

S$e #ae! t$at a#ay* /You #ill triu&'$* You #ill $ae &e an! (er!y in your corner*/

I #atc$e! as s$e turne! back to )iat" #on!ering i% I s$oul! tell $er t$at I kne# t$e trut$ about $er


/We are about to %or&ali0e t$e ter&s o% t$e c$allenge* I% you #ill e4cuse us"/ O'$elia sai! #it$ lo%ty

arrogance" 'us$ing )iat asi!e to stri!e to#ar! t$e back o% t$e club*

/I #ill see you later" cam," )iat sai!" i&buing t$e #or!s #it$ a !ark 'ro&ise t$at #as ec$oe! in $is


/Not i% I see you %irst"/ I &ur&ure!" #ary o% outrig$t insulting $i&* I #as beginning to see t$e %ollyin t#eaking a !ragon+s tail*

/T$is #ay9(er!y+s o%%ice is in t$e back*/ O'$elia #as #aiting %or &e at t$e entrance to a !ark $all

t$at le! to t$e bat$roo&s* We #alke! 'ast t$e bat$roo&s" turne! a corner" an! $ea!e! %or t$e t#oleat$er.stu!!e! !oors t$at o'ene! o%% to eit$er si!e o% t$e $all#ay* One o% t$e !oors bore!.

yello# cri&e scene ta'e*

/T$at+s t$e ?ene!iger+s o%%ice* (er!y sai! t$e 'olice $ae seale! it" but s$e $as t$e ?ene!iger+s

solicitor #orking on releasing t$e business 'a'ers to $er"/ O'$elia sai!" no!!ing to t$e !oor on t$erig$t* S$e o'ene! t$e !oor o''osite* +T$is is (er!y+s o%%ice* It+s s&aller" but it+s9 Go!!ess aboe" no>/

I looke! at t$e bo!y $anging in t$e center o% t$e roo&" abstractly noting t$e %act t$at #$oeer kille!(er!ita $a! use! a roug$ ro'e as t$e bin!ing t$at tie! $er %eet an! $an!s toget$er be$in! $er back* 2er

 bo!y #as sus'en!e! si!e#ays in &i!air" t$e sa&e roug$ ro'e #ra''e! aroun! $er #aist seeral ti&es be%ore it #as attac$e! to a $ook in t$e black bea& t$at crosse! t$e ceiling*

/T$e T$ir! De&on Deat$"/ I sai!" not een looking at t$e circle !ra#n beneat$ t$e slo#ly rotating bo!y* I !i!n+t $ae to* I kne# #$at it #oul! s$o#*

O'$elia $it t$e %loor in a !ea! %aint*

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I stoo! in t$e o'ening to t$e $all#ay an! searc$e! t$e club %or a %a&iliar %ace" #is$ing &ore t$an

eer t$at @i& #as #it$ &e* I nee!e! so&eone trust#ort$y" so&eone #$o #oul!n+t take one look at

(er!ita+s !ea! bo!y an! run screa&ing to t$e 'olice" but $o# #as I to tell #$o #as #$o1

T$ere #as a slig$t antici'atory rustle to t$e cro#! o% 'eo'le !ri%ting aroun! t$e club as eeryone

 'ause! an! looke! at t$e %ront entrance* Drake sauntere! !o#n t$e ste's in a s$o# o% &asculine grace"Istan an! (al in tig$t #ing %or&ation be$in! $i&* I ste''e! back" into t$e s$a!o# o% t$e !i&ly lit$all#ay" not #anting Drake to see &e* 2e #as t$e last 'erson I #ante! to call u'on %or $el' #it$


Een as I scanne! %or so&eone %a&iliar" t$e cro#! ri''le! again as )iat a''roac$e! Drake #it$

langui! grace* T$e t#o &en e4c$ange! c$eek kisses; t$en )iat leane! in to say so&et$ing 'riate toDrake" $is $an! gesturing to#ar! t$e $all I stoo! in* Drake li%te! $is $ea! as i% to s&ell t$e air* I

ste''e! %art$er back into t$e s$a!o#s" retreating to (er!ita+s o%%ice*

O'$elia &oane! as I 'atte! $er c$eeks in t$e a''roe! /ague assistance to #o&an #$o $as %ainte!/


/(er!y1/ s$e &u&ble!" $er eyelas$es %luttering*

/No" it+s 3ust &e"/ I sai!" looking u' #$en t$e !oor o'ene!* /An! Drake an! )iat" an! (al an! Istan"an! I t$ink t$at+s :enal!o an! anot$er one o% )iat+s bullies in t$e $all" alt$oug$ it+s a little $ar! to see

#it$ eeryone in t$e #ay*/

T$e t#o #yerns stoo! silent in t$e !oor#ay" bot$ staring #it$ a''arent sur'rise at (er!ita+s bo!y as

it slo#ly turne!*

/W$o1/ O'$elia s$rieke!" 'us$ing &e back as s$e got to $er %eet* S$e 'ointe! a %inger at Drake"

$uge tears rolling !o#n $er c$eeks as s$e stabbe! t$e air in %ront o% $i&* /It+s $i&> 2e kille! (er!y> 2ekille! $er 3ust as $e kille! t$e ot$ers> 2e kille! &y *** &y ***/ S$e !issole! into $eart.#renc$ing sobs"

$er $an!s coering $er %ace*

I $el'e! $er to a c$air" glancing back at t$e t#o &en #$o blocke! t$e !oor#ay* /8nless you #ant

eeryone in t$e club to troo' in $ere an! $ae a look" I suggest you set your &en as guar!s at t$e en!

o% t$e $all an! close t$e !oor*/

Drake no!!e! at $is &en" #$o i&&e!iately le%t* )iat #as slo#er to sen! $is &en o%%* but eentually$e !i!* T$e !oor close! #it$ a so%t click t$at #as t$e only soun! in t$e roo&* O'$elia #as sobbing

silently into $er $an!s" $er bo!y s$aking as s$e #e't* I s7uatte! ne4t to $er" o%%ering #$at co&%ort Icoul!*

Drake circle! (er!ita+s bo!y" $is brig$t green eyes noting eeryt$ing" I #as sure* )iat leane! backagainst t$e !oor as i% kee'ing intru!ers out" but $is eyes gae $i& a#ay* T$ey #ere coolly

s'eculatie *** t$e eyes o% so&eone truly sur'rise! by #$at $e sa# be%ore $i&*

I cleare! &y t$roat" t$e noise unusually lou! in t$e close con%ines o% t$e roo&* /Drake" you+e been

accuse! o% &ur!ering (er!ita* Di! you !o it1/

2is ga0e &et &ine oer t$e slo#ly rotating bo!y* /No &ore t$an I kille! Aurora or t$e ?ene!iger*/

I s&ile! a sa! little s&ile* W$y $a! I e4'ecte! I #oul! get a straig$t ans#er out o% $i&1 I turne! to)iat* /You $aen+t been accuse!" but you #ere $ere #$en O'$elia an! I arrie!" so you $a!

o''ortunity* Di! you kill $er1/

/I !o not kill #o&en"/ )iat sai! sti%%ly* 2is s$oul!ers &a!e an o!! sort o% 3erky &otion o% !enial*

/Well" not o%ten !o I kill t$e&*/

/2o# reassuring t$at is* Can I ask anot$er 7uestion1/

/I% it #oul! 'lease you"/ )iat ans#ere!*

I stoo! u' an! yelle! at t$e to' o% &y lungs" /W2Y CAN+T ANY O) YO8 D:AGONS ANSWE: A


I+ll be t$e %irst one to a!&it t$at I &ig$t $ae been s$o#ing a #ee bit o% stress #$at #it$ 'eo'le

trying to ki!na' &e" an! arrest &e %or &ur!er" an! steal t$ings %ro& &e" but is t$at any reason %orDrake to &arc$ oer an! sla' &e as i% I #ere $ysterical1

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ecstacy oertook $i&" an! %or a &o&ent" %or t$e breat$less" en!less lengt$ o% ti&e it takes to 'ass %ro&one secon! to anot$er" $is %or& s$i&&ere! bet#een Drake t$e &an an! Drake t$e !ragon* 2is li's

close! on &y collarbone" an! I 3erke! against $i& as a %ire $otter t$an anyt$ing I+! %elt yet burne! t$eskin beneat$ $is &out$* I &oe! against $i&" s'un into anot$er orgas&" &y bo!y tig$tening aroun! $is

until $e arc$e! $is back an! roare! $is triu&'$ to t$e $eaens*

/We are sick 'eo'le"/ I sai! later" a%ter breat$ $a! returne! to &y lungs an! reason to &y &in!* I

unlocke! &y legs an! sli! !o#n $is t$ig$s" arious an! sun!ry 'arts o% &e &aking &e a#are t$atDrake like! to 'lay $ar!er t$an I #as use! to*


I straig$tene! &y 'o''y !ress be%ore &anaging to gat$er enoug$ courage to look $i& in t$e eye*

/W$at else #oul! you call $aing t$is sort o% a reaction to %in!ing a !ea! bo!y1/

2is eyes #ere $ot" re&nants o% $is !ragon %ire still isible as $is ga0e licke! !o#n &y bo!y* /I

#oul! call it %ate!* It #as ineitable t$at #e #oul! &ate again*/

I %usse! #it$ brus$ing out t$e ne#ly &a!e #rinkles in &y !ress* /Yea$" #ell" I $ae anot$er #or!

%or it" but as it+s not co&'li&entary to eit$er o% us" I+ll kee' it to &ysel%*/

2e retriee! t$e s$irt I $a! torn o%% $i&" giing it an o!! look* Luckily only a %e# o% t$e buttons

#ere ri''e! o%%* /I take it t$is &eans you loe &e*/

I goggle! at $i&" a goo! ol!.%as$ione! /W$at t$e $ell are you talking about1/ goggle* /Not een

close" !ragon boy>/

One ebony eyebro# rose as $e turne! to retriee $is tie* I %linc$e! #$en I sa# t$e scoring &y nails

$a! le%t on $is back*

/You sai! you engage in se4 only #it$ &en you loe* You re%use! &e in t$e last !rea&* T$us" you

&ust no# be in loe #it$ &e*/

My %ace %lus$e! as I a!3uste! &y u''er story" #$ic$ $a! been !islo!ge! in $is 7uest %or gol!* /W$at

$a''ene! a %e# &inutes ago #as an e4ce'tion to t$e rule* It #as 'urely a '$ysical reaction to t$e stresso% %in!ing (er!ita+s bo!y* Li%e asserting itsel% in t$e %ace o% !eat$ an! all t$at* I+& sure 'syc$iatrists

$ae a na&e %or it*/

Drake sli''e! into $is s$irt* /So !o I9!esire* It $a! not$ing to !o #it$ (er!ita an! eeryt$ing to !o

#it$ our bon!*/

I turne! to look in t$e ot$er !irection" unable to %ace t$e kno#ing rea!, s&ug &aleB look in $is eyes*

/O#> W$at t$e !eil1/ I touc$e! t$e si!e area on &y collarbone $e $a! kisse!* It #as t$e sa&e s'ot $e$a! burne! in &y %irst !rea&* T$e skin #as ten!er" ery ten!er* I trie! to look !o#n at &ysel%" but t$e

sore s'ot #as u' too $ig$ to see* I glare! at $i& as $e tucke! $is s$irt into $is 'ants* /W$at !i! you !oto &e" bite &e1 Are you 'art a&'ire" too1/

2e buckle! $is belt" giing &e a look t$at #ent a long #ay to cooling t$e still.burning %ires !ee'#it$in &e* /We &ate!* I &arke! you* It #asn+t a bite*/

/You &arke! &e1/ I sai! in !isbelie%" s'inning aroun! to see i% t$e ?ene!iger $a! a &irror

any#$ere* 2e !i!" I !iscoere! a%ter a %e# &o&ents o% searc$ing in $is to'&ost !esk !ra#er* /You&arke! &e like I #as your laun!ry1 Or a co# you+! bran!1 T$at sort o% a &ark1 O$" &y Go!" you !i!&ark &e> O#> It $urts>/

2e took t$e &irror %ro& &e" gently touc$ing t$e burn t$at stoo! out on t$e rig$t si!e o% &ycollarbone* It #as cure!.e!ge! triangle #it$ a line t#iste! aroun! t$e t$ree si!es" a sy&bol t$at bore

an enor&ous rese&blance to t$e cure! !ragon+s tail on &y a7ua&anile* /It #ill $eal*/

I 'us$e! a#ay %ro& $i&* /T$at+s all you+re going to say" it+ll $eal1 I+& going to be le%t #it$ a big ole

$erkin+ burne! $ickey on &y collarbone" an! all you can say is it+ll $eal1 T$anks a #$ole $eck o% a lot"Drake* I% you !on+t &in!" I t$ink I+! like to return to t$e roo& across t$e $all #$ere eeryone is

 'robably #on!ering #$at $a''ene! to us*/

/T$ey aren+t #on!ering"/ Drake sai! #it$ an arrogant look t$at &y 'al& itc$e! to re&oe %ro& $is

$an!so&e %ace* 2e grabbe! &e as I stor&e! t$roug$ t$e !oor" kee'ing &e %ro& 'lo#ing into Istan

an! one o% )iat+s &en" #$o #ere stan!ing in t$e $all* Istan starte! to grin" but looke! a#ay #$en Iglare! at $i&* )iat+s &an outrig$t s&irke!* 5e$in! $i&" in t$e o'en !oor#ay o% (er!ita+s roo&" O'$elia

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stoo! clutc$ing a bo4 o% tissues as )iat an! :enal!o lo#ere! (er!ita+s bo!y to a blanket on $er !esk*Drake+s oice gro#le! into &y ear* /Aisling" &uc$ as it !istresses &e to say t$is" #e &ust talk*/

I 3erke! &y ar& out o% $is gras'* /W$at #e 3ust !i! c$anges not$ing" !ragon* Nothing# T$ere #ill be

no talking"/ I sai! lou!ly" turning to sto&' into t$e ot$er roo&* I #ent to O'$elia an! 'ut &y ar&aroun! $er* /You OK1/

2er c$eeks #ere still #et" an! $er c$in 7uiere!" but s$e &anage! a no!* S$e 'lucke! at &y sleee"$er eyes %ille! #it$ 'ain* /(lease" Aisling" !on+t let $i& get a#ay #it$ t$is* Don+t let $i& kill anyoneelse*/

/Don+t #orry"/ I sai!" leeling a look at Drake t$at #oul! gie $i& so&et$ing to c$e# oer %or acou'le o% !ays* /T$e 'erson #$o kille! (er!ita #ill be 'unis$e!* I s#ear t$at*/

+T$ank you"/ s$e #$is'ere!" an! #ent to 'ieces again* I le! $er back to $er c$air an! let $er sob out$er agony*

/We #ill not" o% course" in%or& t$e 'olice o% t$is &atter"/ )iat sai! as :enal!o coere! (er!ita+s bo!y* /T$is #ill be taken care o% by t$ose in t$e :au-dela" 

/Agree!"/ Drake sai!*

"Not agree!"/ I sai!" &arc$ing oer to #$ere t$e t#o o% t$e& #ere #arily #atc$ing eac$ ot$er* /Wecan+t kee' a &ur!er %ro& t$e 'olice9t$ey+ll $ae to kno# about it* I 3ust #ant to #ait a !ay" until I$ae t$e 'roo% to conict t$e 'erson #$o kille! $er an! t$e ?ene!iger an! 'oor M&e* Deau4ille* T$en

#e+ll contact t$e 'olice an! tell t$e& eeryt$ing*/ I %ingere! t$e burn &ark on &y collarbone* /Well"al&ost eeryt$ing*/

)iat %ro0e as $is eyes %ollo#e! &y $an!+s &oe&ent* 2is eyes narro#e!* /You &ate! #it$ $i& 3ustno#1/

I %iste! &y $an!s to kee' %ro& 'unc$ing out $is lig$ts* I+& not nor&ally a iolent 'erson" but t$e last%e# !ays #ere enoug$ to &ake a sinner out o% een t$e 'urest o% saints* /I !on+t t$ink everyone in t$e

club $ear! you* Maybe i% you use! a &icro'$one" t$en t$e #$ole o% t$e Ot$er#orl! coul! kno# t$einti&ate !etails o% &y se4 li%e*/

)iat+s li's 7uirke!* Drake looke! bore!*

/You &istake &e"/ )iat sai!* /I a& not sur'rise! t$at you #ere in t$e ot$er roo& &ating #it$ Drake

 9it is t$e #ay o% !ragons to seek t$eir &ate in ti&es o% strong e&otions* I a& &erely sur'rise! t$at

you $a! not !one so be%ore t$is* I% I $a! kno#n t$at you $a! not yet &ate! #it$ $i& #$en you #ere in

&y a'art&ent" I #oul! $ae been !oubly care%ul t$at you not esca'e &e*/

/You #ere in $is a'art&ent1/ Drake aske! in a elety so%t ru&ble* It sent s$iers o% a''re$ension

!o#n &y s'ine* /W$en #as t$is1/

/None o% your business* T$e 7uestion is" #$at are #e going to !o #it$ (er!ita until to&orro#1/

O'$elia &oane! so%tly* One o% t$e blue !ragons #as 'atting $er on t$e back as s$e clung to $iss$oul!ers an! sobbe! into $is c$est*

/Sorry" O'$elia" I !i!n+t &ean t$at to soun! callous" but it is su&&er" an!*** er *** #it$out getting too

gross" t$ings are going to start going stinky really soon i% #e !on+t get so&e ice or so&et$ing*/

)iat sai! so&et$ing I !i!n+t un!erstan! to Drake* Drake ans#ere! in t$e sa&e language* T$ey bot$turne! to look at &e*

/W$at1/ I aske!" looking %ro& one to t$e ot$er*

/We agree! t$at you $ae a 'oint"/ Drake sai!* 2e li%te! $is $ea!" an! (al sna''e! to attention* /Io#n a butc$er s$o' not too %ar %ro& $ere" one t$at $as a&'le col! storage* We can &oe t$e bo!y t$ere

until suc$ ti&e as it can be turne! oer to t$e 'olice*/

(al no!!e! an! sli''e! out o% t$e roo&" 'ulling a cell '$one %ro& $is 'ocket as $e le%t*

/You o#n a butc$er s$o'1/ I coul!n+t $el' but ask $i&* /Isn+t t$at a long #ay a#ay %ro& gol! an!


Drake grinne!* My knees trie! to &elt" but I locke! t$e& in 'lace* /I like &eat"/ $e tol! &e*

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/Is t$at #$at you #ante!1/ s$e aske!" a #orrie! cast to $er eyes*

/It+s 'er%ect* I !on+t $ae to c$ange a #or!* You sai! eeryt$ing I #ante! to say* No#" $o# !o I !o


S$e !abbe! at $er eyes" braely blinking back t$e tears* /You &ust &ake an announce&ent to as

&any &e&bers o% t$e Ot$er#orl! as is 'ossible* I #oul! suggest you use t$e &icro'$one*/

I looke! to t$e re!.lit area #$ere a ban! nor&ally 'laye!* Tonig$t t$ere #as recor!e! &usic" but t$e

soun! e7ui'&ent #as still set u' %ro& t$e last gig* Drake an! )iat ca&e into t$e roo&; )iat in anelegant stroll" Drake #it$ a se4y" coile!.'o#er sort o% gli!e t$at &a!e arious !ark" secretie 'laces in

&y bo!y #ant to stan! u' an! c$eer*

/Looks like eeryone is $ere* I+ll 3ust go get t$eir attention*/

/Let &e" let &e"/ @i& aske!" al&ost !ancing* I &a!e a %ace" #$ic$ it took %or 'er&ission because itran across t$e club" snaking in an! out o% 'eo'le until it 3u&'e! onto a tall" $ig$.backe! c$air in %ront

o% t$e &ic*

I e4cuse! &ysel% t$roug$ t$e cro#!" o%%ering a'ologies to t$ose 'eo'le #$ose !rinks @i& $a! s'ille!

in its &a! !as$" %inally &aking it oer to t$e ban! area* @ust as I arrie!" @i& %igure! out $o# to turn on

t$e cor!less &ic*

/La!ies an! gentle&en" !ragons" #i0ar!s" Wiccans" %aeries" %ello# !e&ons" an! citi0ens o% Aba!!onan! t$e Ot$er#orl!" #elco&e to t$e Goety an! T$eurgy Starlig$t Lounge* )or &y %irst nu&ber" t$at

ti&eless classic by t$e Oak :i!ge 5oys9+Elira+>/

I snatc$e! t$e &icro'$one a#ay %ro& @i& 3ust as* it #as crooning t$e o'ening lines* T$e silence in

t$e roo& #as al&ost !ea%ening as I looke! out at a sea o% astonis$e! %aces* /8$*** $i* E4cuse &y!e&on" it+s a bit gi!!y a%ter !ining a la !u&'ster* 8&* )or t$ose o% you #$o !on+t kno# &e9an! t$at+s

&ost o% you9&y na&e is Aisling Grey*/

Seeral 'eo'le gas'e! at &y na&e* I sucke! on &y lo#er li' %or a &o&ent" unnere! by $aing t$e

co&'lete an! total attention o% so &any 'eo'le* /I*** u$*** $ae an announce&ent" so i% you+ll 3ust bear#it$ &e a &o&ent*/ I s&oot$e! out t$e #rinkle! s$eet o% note'a'er" glancing u' to locate Drake* 2e

leane! against t$e #all" a !rink in $is $an!* /In accor!ance #it$ t$e la#s goerning t$e Ot$er#orl!" I"

Aisling Grey" Guar!ian o% t$e 'ortals o% Aba!!on" !o $ereby issue a %or&al c$allenge o% transcen!enceto t$e one #$o is &ate! to &e" Drake ?ireo" t$e #yern o% t$e green !ragons*/

T$is ti&e t$e #$ole roo& gas'e!* I !i!n+t #ait %or t$e e4cite! c$atter to start; I 'lo#e! a$ea!" een

t$oug$ Drake+s unconcerne! e4'ression #as #orrying &e greatly* W$y #as $e looking bore! #$en I 3ust announce! t$at I #as going to battle $i& %or control o% $is se't1 Di! $e t$ink I #as t$at

ine%%ectual1 T$at clueless1 Well" OK" I 'robably #as" but it #as still e4tre&ely insulting t$at $e s$oul!let eeryone else kno# $e #asn+t in t$e least bit stresse! oer our u'co&ing battle* /I c$arge you"

Drake ?ireo" to &eet &e $ere" to&orro#" at t$e ti&e o% t$e &oon+s 0enit$" #$en I #ill !e%en! &yc$allenge #it$ &y bo!y* S$oul! &y 'o#er 'roe stronger" you #ill i&&e!iately turn yoursel% in to t$e

 'olice an! con%ess to t$e acts o% &ur!ering Aurora Deau4ille" Albert Ca&us" an! (er!ita Da#kins*2o# say you1/

Drake !i!n+t ans#er rig$t a#ay" #$ic$ #as goo! because t$e 'eo'le in %ront o% &e burst into startle!

conersation" so&e 'eo'le clai&ing Drake+s innocence" ot$ers &aking cru!e co&&ents about $o# I#as going to !e%en! a c$allenge #it$ &y bo!y" an! still ot$ers alrea!y starting t$e #agering on t$eoutco&e* )inally Drake ste''e! %or#ar!" $is eyes so !ark" t$ey looke! black* /I" Drake ?ireo" #yern

to t$e green !ragon se't" #ill acce't your c$allenge" bo!y to bo!y* I agree to your ter&s an! o%%er &yo#n, S$oul! &y 'o#er 'roe stronger" you #ill surren!er yoursel% %or 3u!g&ent by t$e #ill o% t$e

green !ragons*/

I #as &ore t$an a little sur'rise! at $is #or!s" $aing assu&e! t$at $e #oul! ask %or &e to reeal t$e

location o% t$e Eye o% Luci%er rat$er t$an agree to take #$ateer 'unis$&ent t$e se't $an!e! out %orso&eone #$o c$allenge! t$eir beloe! #yern* I !i!n+t een #ant to &ink about #$at t$at #oul!

consist o%9as long as it coul!n+t be let$al" I #oul! 'robablyB surie*

/2o# say you1/ Drake %inis$e!*

/I agree to your ter&s"/ I sai! #it$ an atte&'t at a 7uelling look at t$ose 'eo'le #$o s#ar&e!%or#ar! aroun! Drake to s$o# $i& su''ort*

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W$ic$ 'retty &uc$ le%t &e" O'$elia" an! @i& alone*

/T$ank you"/ O'$elia sai!" $er eyes s$iny #it$ tears again* /Let &e 3ust get &y t$ings an! #e can

go $o&e*/

S$e &oe! o%% t$roug$ t$e cro#!* @i& looke! at &e" its li's 'urse!* +T$ink you+re going to beat


/Are you ki!!ing1 Een #it$ t$e Eye o% Luci%er" I coul!n+t beat $i& at c$eckers*/

@i& t$oug$t about t$at %or a &inute as I continue! to #atc$ t$e cro#! o% 'eo'le aroun! Drake*/Kin!a o!! you c$allenging $i&" t$en" $u$1/

/Not really* T$e 'ur'ose o% t$e c$allenge is to !ra# t$e &ur!erer out into t$e 'ublic eye* I $ae $ig$$o'es it #ill !o 3ust t$at*/

@i& s$ook its %urry black $ea!* /2e &ust $ae bonke! t$e brains rig$t out o% your $ea!" Aisling* Inor!er to get Drake to turn $i&sel% in %or t$e &ur!ers" you $ae to beat $i&*/

/T$at #oul! be true i% Drake #ere guilty o% t$e &ur!ers"/ I sai! #it$ a 'inc$ on its s$oul!er %or t$e bonking co&&ent* /5ut since $e+s innocent" t$e 'oint is &oot* Co&e on" !e&on &ine" O'$elia is

#aiting* We $ae &iles to go be%ore #e slee'*/

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@i& an! I ca&e in %ro& !oing $is! #alk to %in! O'$elia sitting at t$e tiny!.#$ite.

tile kitc$en table" sobbing oer a tea'ot*

/O$" O'$elia" !on+t"/ I sai!" %eeling utterly $el'less to sto' $er tears*

@i& stoo! in t$e !oor#ay" sni%%ing* /De&on #as $ere* 5a%a&al1/

/Yes" I su&&one! it to ask it 7uestions about t$e &ur!ers*/ I s7uatte! !o#n ne4t to O'$elia* /2ere"

let &e 'our you a cu' o% t$is #on!er%ul tea you &a!e* T$en #e+ll get you tucke! into be!*/

/It+s not %air"/ s$e sai! soggily" clutc$ing a !a&' na'kin* /(er!y $a! so &uc$ to lie %or> Eeryone

like! $er *** eeryone but Drake* 2e s'urne! $er once $e !iscoere! s$e #oul! not #ork &agic %or $i&*2e t$re# $er out* 2e+s eil" Aisling" ery eil* I kno# $e+s your &ate" but you s$oul! kno# t$e trut$

about $i& be%ore you co&&it yoursel%*/

/I !o kno# t$e trut$ about $i&* W$y else #oul! I c$allenge $i& so 'ublicly1/ I aske!" 'ositiely

oo0ing innocence*

@i& coug$e! a coug$ t$at starte! out a snicker* I ste''e! on one o% its 'a#s*

/You+re so goo! to &e"/ O'$elia sni%%le!* /You !on+t kno# #$at a co&%ort it+s been to $ae you take

u' t$e banner o% 3ustice %or (er!ita* I !on+t $ae een $al% t$e * 'o#er s$e $a!* I #oul!n+t stan! ac$ance against Drake" but you9you are a 'o#er%ul Guar!ian" $is &ate" t$e one 'erson $e cannot

!estroy* You can !e%eat $i& an! %orce $i& to a!&it to t$e &ur!ers*/ S$e s$iere!" rubbing $er ar&s as

i% s$e #ere c$ille!* /2e+s so %rig$tening" $is eyes so !ark an! col!* I !on+t kno# $o# you stoo! beingaroun! $i&*/

Drake1 Col!1 Dark1 My stea&y" se4y" brig$t.eye! bringer o% %la&es1 /M&&* Well" you #on+t $ae$i& to #orry about any longer* I su''ose I really s$oul! start t$inking o% t$e %uture*/

/T$e %uture1/ s$e aske!" acce'ting t$e cu' o% tea I 'oure! %or $er*

/Yea$" #ell" I assu&e I+& going to $ae to stick aroun! $ere once I take oer as #yern %or t$e green

!ragons* Can a #o&an be a #yern1 Woul! I be a #yerness1/

/Wyernette1/ @i& aske!* /2o# about Wyernina1/

I turne! a gi&let eye to &y !e&on* /Go to be!" @i&*/

/Yeees"/ O'$elia sai! slo#ly as @i& le%t t$e roo&* /A #o&an can be a #yern9t$e re! !ragons+

#yern is a #o&an9but I assu&e! you+! #ant to go $o&e a%ter it #as all oer*/

/2o&e1/ I sai!" 'inning a brig$t s&ile on &y %ace* /W$y #oul! I #ant to go back to a &un!anecourier 3ob #$en I $ae t$e o''ortunity to rule a !ragon se't $ere1 In %act" I+& t$inking I &ig$t 3ust

take oer as ?ene!iger" too*/

/W$at1/ O'$elia c$oke! on $er tea* I 'atte! $er back $el'%ully be%ore taking a seat an! 'ouring&ysel% a cu' o% tea* /You #ant to be t$e ?ene!iger1 5ut9but9/

/Yea$" #ell" I kno# you sai! t$at t$e #yerns are too boun! u' in t$eir se'ts to be ?ene!iger" butt$at+s #$ere I+& 'er%ect %or t$e 3ob* I !on+t $ae any ties to t$e green !ragons" so I+& sure I+ll be able to

!o bot$ 3obs 3ust %ine*/ I ble# on &y tea be%ore taking a si'* /8nless you kno# o% a reason #$y Icoul!n+t1/

2er ga0e !ro''e! to t$e tea'ot* /No" I kno# o% no reason* I 3ust assu&e!9you soun!e! as i% you!i!n+t #ant to be #yern" an! no# you are talking o% taking on a role o% great res'onsibility9/

/T$e i!ea kin! o% gre# on &e"/ I sai! #it$ anot$er c$eery s&ile t$at I %elt %ar %ro& %eeling* /I $aeyou to t$ank %or t$at" too* I% you $a!n+t &entione! so&et$ing about (er!ita taking oer as ?ene!iger" I

neer #oul! $ae t$oug$t about it*/

/(er!ita ***"/ s$e sai!" $er li's 7uiery*

I stoo! u' an! took t$e cu's to t$e sink* /I+& sorry9 t$at #as cruel o% &e* Let+s get you into be!*You+e $a! a $eck o% a !ay*/

S$e allo#e! &e to escort $er to $er be!roo&* I locke! u' t$e a'art&ent" turne! out t$e lig$ts" an!$ea!e! %or &y o#n roo& #$ere @i& #as lying in t$e &i!!le o% t$e be!* /About ti&e> I t$oug$t you+!

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neer !u&' t$e #et blanket*/

/S$$> S$e+ll $ear you*/

/Na#" t$e #alls are t$ick* So* Drake+s innocent**** Do I get to guess #$o !i! kill Deau4ille an! t$e?ene!iger an! (er!y1/

I s$oe! &y !e&on oer so I coul! sit on t$e be!" too* /It+s not t$at $ar! to %igure out #$o* It+s 3ust

getting t$e 'roo% t$at+s going to be !i%%icult*/

@i& eye! &e %or a cou'le o% secon!s" t$en got o%% t$e be! an! #ent to curl u' on t$e 'ile o% blanketsI+! arrange! as its be!* /I !on+t su''ose you+! care to len! &e a cou'le $un!re! euros1/

I 'ointe! at t$e #all* It turne! its back to &e so I coul! get into t$e nig$tgo#n (er!ita $a! lent &e*/You are not going to bet on &e* Or against &e* No betting #$atsoeer* Got t$at1/

@i& $u%%e! an! settle! !o#n %or t$e nig$t* /You sure !o kno# $o# to take all t$e %un out o% li%e* 5etyou een &a!e Drake use a con!o&*/

I sig$e! to &ysel% an! a!!e! STDs to &y list o% t$ings to !iscuss #it$ Drake at a later !ate*

Des'ite t$e eents o% t$e !ay" I $a! trouble getting to slee'" %inally !ri%ting o%% aroun! t$ree in t$e

&orning* I $al% e4'ecte! t$at Drake #oul! co&e an! se!uce &e in a !rea&" but $e !i!n+t* I #oke once"

&y bo!y 3erking #it$ t$e re&nants o% a non.!ragon !rea&" t$en rela4e! into t$e soli!" co&%orting $eatat &y back* Drake+s scent tease! &y nose* An ar& lay $eay oer &y sto&ac$; $ar!" &uscle! t$ig$s

s'oone! tig$tly be$in! &ine* T$e %aintest breat$ o% air ru%%le! t$e $air at &y neck* I !ri%te! !ee'er into

slee'" not sure #$et$er t$is #as yet anot$er ty'e o% !rea&" or 3ust a %antasy &y &in! $a! arrange! tolull &e into security*

I a#oke alone to %in! t$at so&eti&e !uring t$e nig$t O'$elia $a! been ki!na''e!*

/2o# coul! I $ae been so #rong1/ I aske! @i& as I 'ace! !o#n t$e lengt$ o% t$e a'art&ent* /2o#

coul! I $ae been so stu'i!1 O'$elia #asn+t guilty o% anyt$ing &ore t$an being a bit s$allo# an! tryingto 'rotect (er!ita* 2o# coul! I t$ink s$e #as guilty o% &ur!er1 Tri'le &ur!er1/

/You $a! &e conince!"/ @i& sai!* /It+s al#ays t$e s#eet" innocent ones t$at you $ae to #atc$ out%or*/

/Yea$" #ell" because o% &y stu'i!ity" t$at s#eet" innocent one is in t$e clutc$es o% so&e eil 'erson*You+re sure it #as 5a%a&al you s&elle! in $er roo&1/

/Absolutley* 5a%%ie an! I go #ay back* 2e #as t$ere" all rig$t*/

/Drat it all* T$ere goes &y #$ole big 'lan* 2o# can I 'roe s$e #as guilty o% t$e &ur!ers i% s$e+s

 been ki!na''e!1/

@i& got to its %eet an! 'a!!e! oer to t$e bo#l o% #ater I $a! set !o#n %or it earlier* /You kno#" you

neer !i! e4'lain to &e e4actly #$en you s#itc$e! %ro& t$inking Drake #as t$e killer to belieing $e#as innocent*/

/My conersation #it$ 5a%a&al $a! a lot to !o #it$ t$at* So !i! so&et$ing O'$elia sai!"/ Ians#ere! absently" looking out t$e #in!o# at a rainy @une (aris &orning*

/W$at #as t$at1/

/S$e tol! &e (er!ita #as Drake+s girl%rien!*/

@i& raise! its eyebro#s* /An! you !i!n+t beliee $er1 2oney" #e nee! to $ae a little talk about!ragons an! t$eir se4ual !rie*/

/Don+t be stu'i!"/ I sai!" #atc$ing t$e rain run !o#n t$e #in!o#* /I kno# Drake+s $a! girl%rien!s be%ore" but I $a''en to kno# (er!ita #asn+t one o% t$e&*/

/:eally1/ @i& ti''e! its $ea!* /2o# !o you kno#1/

/T$e nig$t I %irst &et $er s$e &a!e a co&&ent about !ragons being !i%%erent se4ually* T$ey+re not*S$e+! $ae kno#n t$at i% s$e $a! sle't #it$ Drake*/

/So" t$at ol! saying about being $ung like a !ragon isn+t true1/ @i& aske! #it$ a leering lilt to its


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I turne! aroun! to glare at it* /I !i!n+t say t$at* I+& 3ust saying t$at t$ere #as not$ing unusual in t$egroinal region* Not$ing ot$er t$an an *** er*** abun!ance*/

@i& $oote!* I ignore! it as I stoo! in!ecisiely in t$e &i!!le o% t$e liing roo&* /W$o #oul! #ant to

ki!na' O'$elia1 An! #$y1 An! #$at a& I going to !o about getting $er back1/

/W$o says saing $er is your res'onsibility1 Last ti&e I looke!" you #eren+t t$e Lone :anger" an!

I+& sure as s$ootin+ no Tonto" een i% I a& t$e e4tre&ely cool si!ekick ty'e*/

/I 'ut $er in t$is 'osition* I $ae to $el' $er"/ I sai! obstinately*

/Call t$e co's*/

/I can+t> Een i% I $a! so&e#$ere else to stay" &y %inger'rints are all oer t$is a'art&ent* T$ey+! li%tone 'rint" %igure out it belonge! to &e" an! bla&e &e %or $er ki!na''ing* 5esi!es" I !on+t t$ink t$is is

an or!inary ki!na''ing* 5a%a&al #as in $er roo&9t$at &eans it $as to be so&eone connecte! #it$ t$eOt$er#orl! #$o use! t$e !e&on to nab $er*/

/Too ba! you can+t ask 5a%%le $i&sel%" but $e+s 'robably still in t$e 'o#er o% #$oeer su&&one!$i&*/

/I su''ose it #oul! be #ort$ a try to su&&on it" alt$oug$ I !on+t $ae any $o'e t$at I coul!* It

#oul! be incre!ibly stu'i! o% #$oeer #as using 5a%a&al to release it so it coul! be 7uestione!*/ I 'ace! t$e lengt$ o% t$e a'art&ent" &y &in! back to being a $y'er $a&ster on a #$eel as it %or&ulate!an! !iscar!e! arious #ays to %in! O'$elia* /I coul! $ire a 'riate !etectie** ** No" I !on+t kno# any"

an! !on+t $ae enoug$ &oney* Maybe I coul! o%%er to 'ay )iat+s &en1 You sai! t$ey #ere goo! track.ers* Maybe t$ey coul! %ollo# $er trail9/

/You+! $ae to $ae a #$oooole lot o% treasure to get t$e& to !o t$at*/

/(oo'>/ I kicke! at t$e loely anti7ue ar&c$air as I 'asse! it* /OK" $o# about t$is9I get Drake to

%in! $er %or &e* 2e+s s&art" $e+s got lots o% contacts in (aris" an! I 3ust bet you $e+s likely to kno# allt$e s'ots so&eone &ig$t $ae $i!!en O'$elia*/

/2e+s also t$e one you+e issue! a %or&al c$allenge to" #$ic$ &eans no contact until t$e c$allenge begins*/

/Is t$at a real rule" or are you 3ust trying to annoy &e1/ I aske! as I 'asse! @i&*

/Woul! I !o t$at1/

/In a $eartbeat" not t$at you $ae one* All rig$t t$en *** &&& *** #$at i% you track $er scent9/

/I+& not a bloo!$oun!>/ @i& 'roteste!*

/You+re a !og* You can %ollo# a trail" can+t you1/

It gae &e a look o% 'ro%oun! censure* /In (aris1 City o% a &illion s&ells1 No*/

I t$oug$t %or a &o&ent* /W$at i% I su&&on u' anot$er !e&on1 Coul!n+t I or!er it to %in! $er %or


/Not i% s$e+s been taken by anot$er !e&on" no* I tol! you" you nee! to learn t$e rules* We can+t rat on

eac$ ot$er t$at #ay* It+s a brot$er$oo! t$ing bet#een t$e !e&on lor!s* Only a !e&on t$at #asunclai&e!9not 'art o% a !e&on lor!+s legions9coul! s7ueal on anot$er !e&on" an! t$e only !e&onst$at aren+t in a legion are like I #as be%ore you su&&one! &e, cast out an! 'o#erless*/

I re%use! to gie u'* Guilt lay $eaily on &e* I $a! !ra#n O'$elia into t$e situation; it #as becauseo% &e t$at s$e $a! been snatc$e!*

@i& #atc$e! &e 'ace %or a #$ile" t$en %inally sai! in a tone $eay #it$ !isgust" /You &ortals"al#ays !oing t$ings t$e $ar! #ay* I s$oul!n+t $el' you" I 3ust kno# I+& going to lose &y union car!

oer t$is" but $ae you consi!ere! t$at nestle! u' against your 'erky breasts is one o% t$e &ost

 'o#er%ul lo!estones kno#n in all t$e ages o% &an1/

My $an! #ent to &y breast* /T$e Eye1 W$at about it1 A&elie sai! it coul!n+t be use! #it$out t$eot$er t#o Tools*/

@i& 'ut its &artyr %ace on* /S$e sai! it coul!n+t be use! by itsel% to !ra# t$e 'o#er o% 5ael* It !oes$ae 'o#er o% its o#n" t$oug$* Surely you+e %elt it*/

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I touc$e! t$e stone t$roug$ t$e gau0e !ress an! &aterial o% &y bra* It+s true t$at I $a! notice! aslig$t #ar&t$ connecte! #it$ t$e stone" but I assu&e! it #as 3ust &y bo!y $eat #ar&ing it* I reali0e!

no# t$at t$e 'leasant %eeling $a! not$ing to !o #it$ &e" an! eeryt$ing to !o #it$ t$e energy o% t$elo!estone itsel%* /8$ *** sure I $ae* O% course* W$at !o you take &e %or" an i!iot1 Don+t ans#er t$at"

 3ust go on* W$at can t$e stone !o1/

/You+re t$e Guar!ian9you s$oul! kno#*/ I &a!e a sni''ing gesture #it$ &y %ingers* @i& got t$e

&i&e an! $urrie! on #it$ a &ore $el'%ul ans#er* /W$at is t$e stone %a&ous %or1/

I t$oug$t* /It+s one o% t$e Tools o% 5ael*/

/An! #$at !o t$ose !o1/

/Asi!e %ro& causing t$e !estruction o% t$e #orl! as #e kno# it #$en t$e !e&on lor!s take oer1/

@i& no!!e!* +Ta' into 5ael+s 'o#er*/

/:ig$t* An! #$o is t$e one being #$o can tell you #$at 5a%a&al #as or!ere! to !o #it$ O'$elia1/

I blinke!* /8&***/

/2is !e&on lor!> A !e&on can+t tattle on anot$er !e&on because t$ey are bot$ serants" but a !e&on

lor! is not boun! by t$at rule* 2onestly" it+s like talking to a bo#l o% 'u!!ing* Let+s &ake an e%%ort $ere"

Aisling* I can+t be $el'ing you out all t$e ti&e9I $ae &ore i&'ortant t$ings to !o*//Like lick your genitals1/


/Can #e get back to t$e 'oint o% t$is catec$is&" assu&ing t$ere is one1/

/W$ere #as I1 O$" yea$" t$e ans#er #as As$tarot$* So" gien t$ose t#o %acts" you get***/ @i& #ae!

a 'a# in an e4'ectant gesture*

I gna#e! &y li'* /M&& *** I !on+t see t$e connection* As$tarot$ is 5a%a&al+s lor!" but t$e Eye !ra#s

on t$e 'o#er o% 5ael*/

@i& sig$e!* /W$o+s t$e %irst 'rince o% Aba!!on1 W$o+s t$e 'ri&ary s'irit1 W$o+s t$e big !a!!y o%

t$e Ot$er#orl!1/

It took a #$ile" but I %inally got it* /5ael is* So you+re saying I can use t$e stone to su&&on 5ael an!

use $i& to %orce t$e trut$ %ro& As$tarot$1/

/Gie t$e girl a banana>/

I sat !o#n #it$ a t$u&'* /T$ere+s 3ust one 'roble& #it$ t$at i!ea*/

@i& cocke! its ears* /:eally1 I t$oug$t it #as 'retty %ool'roo%" &ysel%* W$at+s t$e 'rob1/

I starte! laug$ing* I coul!n+t $el' it" t$e ery t$oug$t o% #$at @i& #as suggesting #as lu!icrous*/You #ant &e" t$e 'erson #$o su&&one! u' t$e only !e&on #$o+! been kicke! out o% 2ell" to con3ure

u' t$e &ost 'o#er%ul !e&on lor! aroun!" t$e one so 'o#er%ul" $e 'lans on oertaking t$e &ortal#orl!" an! ask $i& nicely i% $e #ill %in! out %or &e #$at anot$er lor!+s !e&on $as !one #it$ O'$elia1/

@i& &a!e a %ace* /W$en you 'ut it like t$at" I guess it is asking %or trouble*/

I sig$e! an! stoo! u'" $ea!ing %or t$e '$one" 'unc$ing in t$e no#.%a&iliar nu&bers* /8n%ortunately"

it+s also t$e only c$oice I $ae* 2i" :ene" it+s Aisling* Are you u' %or a little e4cite&ent tonig$t1 I $aea %eeling I+& going to nee! a bo!yguar!" an! since you o%%ere! #$en you broug$t &e $o&e yester!ay"

I+! like to take you u' i% you+re still #illing*/

/5ut yes" o% course> I #ill be $a''y to guar! you* I a& ery !angerous" you kno#1 No one &esses

#it$ &e* T$ey use! to call &e t$e :a&bo be%ore I #as &arrie!* W$en !o you #ant &e1/

I 'ut &y $an! oer t$e &out$'iece* /W$at ti&e #ill t$e &oon be at its 0enit$1/

@i& %lo''e! oer on its back* /W$at !o I look like" he /ld !emons 6lmanac@ 2o# about a tu&&yrub1/

/T$e ne4t !e&on I su&&on is going to be %alling oer itsel% to be $el'%ul to &e"/ I #arne!"

uncoering t$e '$one* /:ene1 2o# about eleen at t$e @ar!in !u Lu4e&bourg" sout$ entrance1 I &ig$tnee! you %or seeral $ours* Is t$at going to be OK1/

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"/ui. E$ *** #$at is it #e+re going to !o1/

/O$" not$ing &uc$* @ust c$allenge a #yern" su&&on a !e&on lor!" an! %igure out #$o t$e

&ur!erer is* 5ring your gun"/ I sai! 'it$ily" an! $ung u'*

/So it+s going to be anot$er one o% t$ose 'lans" is it1/ @i& aske!* /A nons'eci%ic" #inging it" seat.o%.

t$e.'ants sort o% 'lan1 T$e kin! #it$ guns1/

/I% you+re not 'art o% t$e solution" you+re t$e 'roble&"/ I tol! it" $ea!ing %or &y be!roo&*

/W$at are you going to !o1/ @i& aske! as it %ollo#e! &e*

/:ea!* Kee' 7uiet unless you $ae any !e&onic insig$ts to #$ere O'$elia $as been taken*/

I 'lucke! t$e co'y o% t$e Steganographia %ro& t$e bookcase an! sat !o#n to bone u' on !e&onlore*

)our $ours later I t$re# t$e book onto t$e be! in !isgust*

/Don+t tell &e9t$e butler !i! it an! you $a! &oney ri!ing on t$e se!uctie neig$bor1/

I sig$e! an! gat$ere! u' &y san!als" #alking oer to t$e #ar!robe to e4a&ine &y scanty belongings#it$ an eye to #$at #as best suite! to t$e eening+s actiities* /I #is$ it #as t$at easy* I rea! all t$e

sections 'ertinent to !e&ons" an! I 3ust !on+t un!erstan! $o# a !e&on I su&&one! coul! lie #$en Ior!ere! it to ans#er &y 7uestions $onestly*/

/T$at+s because it+s i&'ossible"/ @i& sai!" stan!ing u' an! s$aking" a %lurry o% !og $air %loating

!o#n to t$e %loor* I &a!e a &ental 'ro&ise to ti!y u' t$e roo& later* /I can+t lie to you unless you or!er&e to !o so*/

I 'ause! in t$e act o% sli''ing into &y no#.clean linen 'antsuit* It #as t$e &ost !igni%ie! out%it I

$a!* /Are you sure t$ere+s no #ay1 No circu&stance t$at #oul! allo# you to lie1 5ecause 5a%a&al #aslying #$en $e sai! Drake &ur!ere! eeryone" I kno# $e #as* I coul!n+t $ae9/ I #ae! &y $an!

aroun! aguely* /9#it$ Drake i% $e #as a &ur!erer* I #oul! $ae %elt t$at sort o% eilness in $i&"#oul!n+t I1/

/You &ean #$ile you #ere busy 'laying ri!e t$e !ragon1/


/You kno#" $i!e t$e %orke! tongue1 2oar! t$e treasure1 2e$ $e$ $e$*/

I s$ook a san!al at $i&* /You nee! your brain #as$e! out #it$ soa'* I+& serious* I+& too ne# to all

t$is Guar!ian stu%%* So&eti&es I !on+t t$ink I $ae a ery goo! gras' on it all*/

"Sometimes" @i& $oote!* /So&eti&es like &aybe &in!.'us$ing Ins'ector (roust into lan!1/

/I calle! $is o%%ice #$ile you #ere AWOL* W$oeer ans#ere! t$e '$one sai! $e #as OK" so t$e

&in!.'us$ t$ingy &ust $ae #orn o%% 'retty 7uickly*/

/2o# about #alking into a rial !ragon+s lair #it$ a 'o#er%ul lo!estone t$at any !ragon #ort$ $isscales #oul! kill to get $is $an!s on stu%%e! !o#n your bra1 Or &aybe su&&oning u' a !e&on t$at lies

#as an e4a&'le o% you $aing a gras'1/

/T$ere are ti&es #$en I !on+t like you"/ I sai! sti%%ly* /Ans#er &y 7uestion9#oul! I or #oul!n+t Ikno# i% Drake $a! kille! t$ose 'eo'le1/

@i& s$rugge!* /T$at !e'en!s on $o# tig$tly boun! you t#o are*/

/We+re not boun! at all* A little %ling co&'ose! o%*** o%*** una!ulterate! lust is not bin!ing in any #ay"s$a'e" or %or&*/ @i& &uttere! so&et$ing as I buttone! u' t$e tunic an! ran a co&b t$roug$ &y $air* /I

 3ust $ae to assu&e t$e ei!ence is %alse* 5a%a&al lie!*/

@i& s$ook its $ea!* /I% you aske! &e a 7uestion" I coul! ea!e t$e trut$ a bit" but not outrig$t lie*/

I glance! at t$e clock as I ste''e! into &y san!als" grabbing &y 'urse be%ore $urrying out o% t$eroo&* /I !on+t un!erstan!**** O$" co&e on" let+s go &eet A&elie* We $ae a cou'le o% $ours to kill" an!

s$e &ig$t kno# so&et$ing*/

/2el.lo> You+re like t$ree eggs s$ort o% a 'otato sala!" sister* You kno# eeryone is #atc$ing $ers$o' 3ust $o'ing you+ll s$o# u' again* Muc$ as I #ant to see &y beloe! Cecile an! !o t$at t$ing #it$

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$er ears t$at &akes $er go all s7uirrelly on &e" I can !o #it$out s'en!ing anot$er !ay on t$e run %ro&t$e 5rot$ers 5lu*/

I s&ile! an! o'ene! t$e !oor to t$e a'art&ent* /T$at+s #$y I+& not going to t$e s$o'9you are" &y

little carrier 'igeon*/

/)ires o% Aba!!on" #$at a& I" your slae1/ @i& groane! as it %ollo#e! &e out* /W$y !on+t you lo'

o%% &y goo!ies an! call &e Lassie #$ile you+re at it*/

I &et A&elie an $our later at t$e sout$ si!e o% t$e @ar!in !u Lu4e&bourg" one o% t$e %e# 'arks t$atallo#e! !ogs* @i& an! Cecile ca&e #it$ $er" @i& strutting alongsi!e t$e crotc$ety Corgi" 'erio!ically

giing $er ears an! $ea! a s#i'e #it$ its $uge 'ink tongue* I &a!e a &ental note to $ae a talk #it$@i& about t$e 'ro'riety o% ear.sucking in 'ublic*

/I #as not %ollo#e!"/ A&elie sai! by #ay o% a greeting* /We took t$ree Metros an! #alke! t$roug$t$e s$o' o% a %rien! to leae by t$e alley* No one coul! %ollo# &e*/

I gae $er a little $ug an! inite! $er to s$are &y benc$*

/E$*** Cece an! I are going to go c$eck out a loely stinky s'ot I %oun! #$ile I #as on t$e run

yester!ay* We+ll see you in a bit"/ @i& sai! as it nu!ge! Cecile to#ar! a lo# bank o% s$rubs*

/Don+t go too %ar9#e &ig$t $ae to get out o% $ere 7uickly"/ I #arne! be%ore turning back toA&elie* /W$y !o I %eel like #e+re going to be

S$e laug$e!" s$aking $er $ea!* /I #ill a!&it" to &e it #as at %irst &ost !isturbing" but I see no# t$at

t$e !e&on is not a true !e&on" hein It is unepetite !e&on* Cecile" s$e see&s to like it" so I say ouf,

an! let t$e& be*/

/M&&* I $ae a %eeling I+& going to $ae a sulky !e&on in loe #$en it+s ti&e to leae (aris*/

/Leae1 A$* You $ae sole! t$e 'roble&s $aunting you1/

/Not yet" but I $o'e to soon* You+e 'robably $ear! about &y c$allenge" $u$1/

A&elie gae &e a 'itying s&ile* /Yes" I !i!* T$at #as not so #ell !one o% you" #as it1/

I t$ink it #as t$e e4'erience an! kno#le!ge s$e $a! t$at &a!e &e %eel like I #as being calle! on t$e

car'et by &y gra!$ool 'rinci'al* I s7uir&e! a tiny bit an! stare! !o#n at &y $an!s* /8& *** #ell" I$a! t$is 'lan" you see1 I %igure! it #oul! bring t$e &ur!erer out into t$e o'en i% I c$allenge! Drake an!lost* It+s obious t$at Drake $as been set u' as t$e %all guy" an! I 3ust kin! o% stu&ble! onto t$e scene

an! &esse! eeryt$ing u'* 5ut t$en &y c$ie% sus'ect u' an! got $ersel% ki!na''e! by t$e !e&on

5a%a&al" an! no one kno#s #$ere s$e is or $o# I can %in! out" an! I can+t ask Drake %or $el'" becauseit+s against so&e rule to talk to t$e 'erson you+e c$allenge!" an! I !on+t trust )iat any %art$er t$an I can

s'it" an! een i% I !i!" I !oubt i% $e+! or!er $is &en to track O'$elia because I !on+t $ae any gol! le%t

e4ce't t$e bit on t$e talis&an you gae &e" an! t$at &eans I+& le%t #it$ $aing to 'ull out (lan 5"#$ic$ bet#een you an! &e" I+! rat$er not !o*/

A&elie gae &e an o!! look* /T$at #as a great !eal you sai!*/

I sig$e!* /Yea$" #ell" it+s been kin! o% a roug$ last cou'le o% !ays*/

/O'$elia Da#kins $as been ki!na''e!1//So&eti&e last nig$t" I t$ink* S$e #as t$ere #$en I #ent to be!" an! gone t$is &orning* @i& says $er

roo& s&ells like 5a%a&al" so t$at can only &ean so&eone con3ure! u' t$e !e&on an! $a! it snatc$$er*/

A&elie !i! a 'retty goo! i&'ression o% Drake+s $ea! ti'* /You are a ery linear t$inker" are you


I s&ile! at t$e 'raise* /I try*/

S$e s$ook $er $ea!* /It #ill not bene%it you* You $ae &uc$ learning to un!o be%ore you can ste'into t$e role you #ere &eant to take* A Guar!ian !ra#s $er 'o#er %ro& $er un!erstan!ing o% t$e

 'ossibilities" not in linear or!er* You &ust s$ake yoursel% o% t$e !esire to see only t$ose t$ings t$at can

 be arrange! to &atc$ #$at you kno#" an! learn instea! to e&brace all t$e 'ossibilities t$at e4ist*/

/T$at soun!s strangely like a 7uantu& '$ysics class I once took"/ I sai! #arily*

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S$e gae a one.s$oul!ere! s$rug* /uantu& t$eory is 3ust anot$er #ay 'eo'le $ae o% or!ering t$at#$ic$ cannot be or!ere!*/

/A$* As I %aile! &iserably in t$at class" I t$ink I+ll 7uickly c$ange t$e sub3ect to so&et$ing I can

t$ink about #it$out $aing to lie !o#n in a 7uiet roo& #it$ a col! #et clot$ oer &y eyes* You !on+t$a''en to $ae any i!ea o% #$y so&eone #oul! #ant to ki!na' O'$elia" or #$ere t$ey #oul! take


S$e s$ook $er $ea!* /You !o not see" an! yet it stares you rig$t in your eyes* Do you $ae yourtalis&an1/

/Sure*/ I 'lucke! it out %ro& #$ere it reste! bet#een &y breasts*

S$e took it %ro& &e" $ol!ing $er $an! o'en %lat to s$o# it resting on $er 'al&* Slo#ly s$e close!

$er $an! oer it" t$en $el! u' $er ot$er $an!" also close!* /No#" tell &e" #$ic$ $an! $as t$e talis&an1/

I touc$e! $er le%t $an!" t$e one t$at I $a! seen $ol!ing t$e talis&an* S$e o'ene! $er $an!* It #as


/8$ *** #ell" you &ust $ae 'al&e! it to your ot$er $an!" alt$oug$ I !on+t 7uite see $o# since your

$an!s neer &oe!9/

S$e o'ene! u' $er rig$t $an!* It" too" #as e&'ty*/No#"/ s$e sai!" ta''ing &e on t$e %ore$ea!* /Close your eyes an! o'en yoursel% u' to t$e

 'ossibilities* Tell &e #$ere t$e talis&an is*/

I %elt a little silly !oing t$is in t$e &i!!le o% a busy 'ark" but I sense! s$e #as trying to s$o# &eso&et$ing i&'ortant" an! since I $a!n+t !one too #ell trying to &u!!le t$roug$ t$ings on &y o#n" I

%igure! it #as to &y bene%it to learn* I close! &y eyes" 'us$e! a#ay all t$e noises an! !istractions t$atsurroun!e! &e" s$oe! !o#n all t$e #orry an! 'anic an! con%usion t$at %ille! &e" s7uas$e! een t$e

%aint burn t$at #as &y %eelings about Drake" an! o'ene! t$e &agic !oor in &y &in!* I 'icture! t$etalis&an" re&e&bering #$at it %elt like" $o# it %elt beneat$ &y %ingerti's" isuali0e! t$e s&oot$"

cure! lines o% t$e #ar& 3a!e touc$e! $ere an! t$ere #it$ cool gol!*

I o'ene! &y eyes* I kne# #$ere it #as* /It+s in &y $an!"/ I sai!" blinking in sur'rise at t$e $an! t$at

reste! on &y t$ig$* I turne! it oer" o'ene! &y %ingers" an! stare! at t$e talis&an resting on &y 'al&*

/2o# *** I !on+t un!erstan!* It #as t$ere all along" but I coul!n+t see it or %eel it1/

/T$at is because you !i! not consi!er all t$e 'ossibilities" only t$e one you beliee! to be true* Inor!er to be a great Guar!ian9an! I beliee you $ae t$at #it$in your ability i% only you #ill seek it9 

you &ust learn to see not 3ust #$at you kno# to be" but t$ose t$ings t$at also &ig$t be*/

I absorbe! t$at %or a %e# secon!s* /So you+re saying t$at I s$oul! consi!er t$e 'ossibility t$at

O'$elia $asn+t really been ki!na''e!1/

A&elie 3ust looke! at &e" neit$er con%ir&ing nor !enying t$at i!ea*

/I% t$at+s so" t$en it #oul! &ean s$e !isa''eare! %or so&e reason o% $er o#n*/

S$e raise! an eyebro#*

/W$ic$ #oul! also &ean t$at i% 5a%a&al #as in $er be!roo&" it #as because ***/ Goose bu&'sri''le! u' &y ar&s* /5ecause s$e su&&one! it t$ere* An! i% t$at+s t$e case" t$en I coul!n+t $ae

su&&one! it #$en I t$oug$t I !i!* O$" $oly grenouilles 9t$at+s #$y it coul! lie to &e> S$e su&&one!it be%ore I coul!" 'robably telling it #$at I #as going to !o an! #$at to say to &e a%ter it 'reten!e! to

 be su&&one!*/ I stoo! u' an! %ace! A&elie* /T$at+s #$y t$e circle %elt !i%%erent> T$at+s #$y I #as sosick an! %eeling icky yester!ay9it #asn+t 3ust a !e'ression oer leaing @i& be$in!9t$e !e&on #as

t$ere all along* It #as t$e !e&on+s 'resence t$at I %elt>/

I s'un aroun!" $ol!ing &y talis&an to t$e sky" su!!enly %eeling as i% I #ere a $un!re! 'oun!s

lig$ter* /I #asn+t #rong> I #asn+t stu'i!> I #as rig$t about O'$elia> S$e is t$e &ur!erer" #a$ooo>/

/T$at is a ery strange t$ing you are celebrating"/ A&elie sai! #it$ a !ry s&ile*

I grinne! an! sat !o#n* /I kno#" call &e #acky" but it !oes &ake &e %eel better to kno# t$at I #asn+t

#rong about $er* I+e been #rong about so &any ot$er t$ings* 5ut I su''ose I s$oul!n+t be celebratingyet* I still $ae to !ra# $er out an! get $er to con%ess be%ore enoug$ #itnesses t$at Ins'ector (roust#ill be able to c$arge $er*/

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A&elie s&ile! an! looke! out oer t$e 'ark* Dusk #as setting in" but t$e rain $a! sto''e! so&e$ours ago" an! no# t$e so%t" #ar& su&&er air #as luring 'eo'le out to t$e 'ark*

/It+s going to be a long nig$t"/ I sai! #it$ a little sig$*

/T$e longest o% t$e year*/

I !i! a 7uick &ental calculation* /O$" t$at+s rig$t" to!ay is t$e su&&er solstice* Mi!su&&er*/

/Lit$a"/ A&elie sai!" still #atc$ing t$e 'eo'le strolling by us* /It is also t$e nig$t o% t$e %ull &oon*/

S$e sli! &e an o!! look* /You $ae c$osen #ell %or t$e nig$t o% your c$allenge*/

/(ure $a''enstance* I !i!n+t actually set it u' t$is #ay* O'$elia kin! o% 'us$e! &e into it*/

S$e s$ook $er $ea!* /You are not seeing t$e 'ossibilities" &y %rien!* 5ut co&e" #e $ae &uc$ to !oi% #e are to rea!y you %or t$e tasks you $ae c$osen to un!ertake*/

I stoo! u' #$en s$e !i!* /We !o1 I !on+t #ant you getting into trouble on &y account9/

/We #on+t go back to &y s$o'"/ s$e sai!" 'utting $er %ingers to $er li's an! blo#ing a s$rill #$istle*

/W$at #e * nee! #e $ae $ere*/

T$e s$rubs near us rustle!; t$en Cecile e&erge! at a sti%% #a!!le" @i& %ollo#ing #it$ a 'laintie note

in its oice* /5ut baby" it can #ork* I+ll lie on &y back an! you can lo#er9 O$" $i* T$is isn+t #$at itsoun!s like*/

I glare! at it #it$ t$e s7uintiest eyes 'ossible* /You are a $eartbeat a#ay %ro& an inti&ate

intro!uction to a 'air o% scissors an! so&e roug$ t#ine" !e&on*/

@i& $a! t$e !ecency to look abas$e!* It !i!n+t %ool &e" $o#eer* I ke't a close eye on &y %urry little%rien! as #e #alke! u' one si!e o% t$e @ar!in an! !o#n t$e ot$er" A&elie talking t$e entire ti&e"

lecturing &e on eeryt$ing %ro& t$e %oolis$ness o% linear t$inking to a brie% $istory o% t$e Ot$er#orl!*

/T$is is all %ascinating"/ I sai! an $our an! 'robably seeral &iles later" /but it+s not terribly

 'ractical" i% you kno# #$at I &ean* I #as $o'ing you+! teac$ &e so&e #ar!s or gie &e an i!ea o%$o# to tackle one o% t$e !e&on lor!s" so&et$ing use%ul like t$at*/

/De&on lor!s1/ s$e aske!" co&ing to a $alt* /W$at !o you nee! to kno# about &anaging a !e&on


/E$ *** #ell" I &ay $ae to su&&on one o% t$e&*/

/W$ic$ one1/ s$e aske!" going absolutely still" $er eyes large an! black un!er t$e so%t yello# glo#

o% a nearby la&'*

/5ael"/ I sai!" $ating to say t$e na&e*

S$e s$u!!ere! an! starte! #alking ery 7uickly" as i% to !istance $ersel% %ro& t$e un'leasant i!ea*

/No* You are not t$at %oolis$* You #oul! not atte&'t to bin! t$e &ost 'o#er%ul lor! in all o% Aba!!on"not you #$o !oes not een yet kno# t$e e4tent o% your abilities* It is i&'ossible #$at you say* You

cannot control een t$e s&all 'o#ers you $ae touc$e!* You are &aking t$e 3oke to &e*/

/T$is is not !oing a #$ole lot %or &y sel%.con%i!ence"/ I sai! as I tru!ge! along* I #as telling t$e

trut$* My sto&ac$ $a! knotte! u' into t$e si0e o% a 'rune* A runty 'rune* One #it$ a rotten core*/T$is is not %unny>/ A&elie su!!enly s$oute!" s'inning aroun! to 'in &e #it$ a look t$at s$riele!

&y sto&ac$ een %urt$er* /You $ae c$allenge! a #yern> You inten! on su&&oning a !e&on lor!>

T$ese are not triial eents you 'lan9t$ey coul! !estroy you>/

I &a!e a 'lacating gesture as I urge! $er %or#ar!* (eo'le $a! sto''e! to stare at $er outburst" an!

t$e last t$ing I #ante! to !o #as garner anyone+s attention a%ter $aing &y %ace on all t$e ne#s'a'ers*/I !i!n+t &ean to soun! %li'* I+& taking t$e &atter o% 5ael ery seriously" ery seriously in!ee!* 5ut you

!on+t $ae to #orry about t$e ot$er t$ing9t$e c$allenge to Drake is 3ust an e4cuse to !ra# O'$elia out

in %ront o% a bunc$ o% #itnesses* Drake #on+t &in! i% I cancel t$e c$allenge*/

S$e stare! at &e as i% I $a! c$eese gro#ing out o% &y ears* /You cannot !o suc$ a t$ing>/

/Sure I can*/

2er $ea! s$ook e$e&ently* /No" you cannot* It is in t$e rules9once a c$allenge $as been &a!e" t$et#o co&batants &ust see t$e c$allenge t$roug$ to t$e en!* One &ust be t$e ictor" t$e ot$er t$e loser*/

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I s$rugge!* /I+ll 3ust re%use to %ig$t an! let $i& be ictor* I #as 'lanning to %or%eit any#ay" t$at+s $o#I+& going to get O'$elia to s$o#* An! i% s$e !oesn+t" I $ae a little c$at #it$ 5ael an! $ae $i& bring

$er %ort$ to a!&it $er guilt*/

A&elie sto''e!" took a !ee' breat$" an! 'ulle! on &y ar& until I #as turne! to %ace $er* /You !o notun!erstan!"/ s$e sai! slo#ly* /5y t$e rules t$at goern t$e *au-dela, t$e c$allenge &ust be %oug$t*

T$ere is no losing by !e%ault* T$ere is no %or%eit* Eit$er you %ig$t or your o''onent #ill !estroy you*

T$at is t$e la#*/

I s$ook &y $ea!* /2e can+t !estroy &e* To !o so #oul! &ean $e+! kill $i&sel%" too*/

S$e 3ust looke! at &e* /Yes" it #oul!*/

I c$ill ri''le! t$roug$ &e at t$e certainty in $er eyes* /2e #oul!n+t !o it* 2e+! re%use* 2e+s not

stu'i!* 2e #oul!n+t kill $i&sel% oer so&et$ing like a little %or&ality9/

S$e sig$e! again* /You !o not un!erstan! een t$oug$ I $ae tol! you our $istory* T$e la#s t$at

goern t$e *au-dela are not ones you can break* You acce't t$e&" or you are not a 'art o% our #orl!*Drake #as born to t$e *au-dela; $e is i&&ortal* 2e kno#s t$e la#s an! $e #ill abi!e by t$e&" een i%

it &eans $is o#n !eat$* You must %ig$t $i&*/

/O$" Go!"/ I sai!" &y guts t#isting #it$ a ne# un!erstan!ing o% 3ust #$at I+! set into &otion* /W$at

$ae I !one1/

/T$at is a 7uestion you &ust ask yoursel%"/ A&elie sai! aci!ly as s$e continue! on !o#n t$e 'at$*

/)or I !o not $ae an ans#er*/

Een i% s$e !i!n+t $ae an ans#er" s$e $a! a lot o% o'inions* T$e ne4t $our #as s'ent #it$ A&elie

telling &e in e4acting !etail 3ust $o# stu'i! &y 'lan #as" but by t$e ti&e t$e &oon #as rising beauti%ulan! col! in t$e elety sky" I $a! $ear! enoug$* I glance! at &y #atc$ an! #ae! &y $an!

%or @i& to sto' s#eet.talking Cecile* /I+& sorry" A&elie" but t$ere+s not$ing else I can !o* I a''reciateall your $el'" an! your #arnings" an! all t$e in%or&ation you+e gien &e" but t$ere+s no ot$er #ay out

o% t$is situation* O'$elia $as us #$ere s$e #ants us9i&'otent* @ustice %or t$e !eat$s s$e cause! asi!e"I can+t let $er bla&e Drake %or $er cri&es* Or &e* So t$at &eans I $ae to !o #$at I $ae to !o* I% you+ll

e4cuse &e" I+e got to go to t$e sout$ entrance an! &eet &y %rien! :ene* 2e+s 'ro&ise! to be &y backu' tonig$t*/

/T$ere is not$ing I can say to &ake you see t$e %olly o% your 'lan1/ A&elie sai!" $er %ace t#iste!

#it$ #orry*

I 'ut &y $an! on $er clenc$e! %ists an! gae a gentle s7uee0e* /No* 5ut I t$ank you*/

S$e straig$tene! $er s$oul!ers an! starte! !o#n t$e 'at$ to t$e sout$* /?ery #ell* I" too" #ill be your


/You !on+t $ae to9"/ I sai! $esitantly" not #anting $er to get any &ore inole! t$an s$e #as" but

a#are o% t$e #ar& %u00y %eeling I got t$inking about $er su''ort*

/O% course I !o not* 5ut I #is$ to* It #ill be*** interesting* Cecile1 Co&e" ma petite, #e &arc$*/

/I $ae a %eeling interesting is going to be t$e least o% it"/ I sai! #it$ a &orbi! sig$*

I 3ust $ate it #$en I+& rig$t about t$ings like t$at*

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It #as stan!ing roo& only #$en #e arrie! at G 6 T* We $a! o'te! to #ait %or :ene to %in! a s'ot to

 'ark be%ore #alking to t$e nig$tclub" but een be%ore #e got to t$e buil!ing" cro#!s #ere isible

strea&ing in %ro& all !irections*

I %elt a lot like a big" ba! gunslinger co&ing into to#n as I #alke! !o#n t$e si!e#alk #it$ &y 'osse

 be$in! &e* :ene #as ri!ing s$otgun literally" alt$oug$ in t$is instance t$e gun #as a s&all snub.nose!*P $e+! tucke! into $is bro#n leat$er 3acketB #$ile A&elie an! @i& #ere on &y le%t* Cecile #as le%t tosnoo0e in :ene+s ta4i*

/I still !o not un!erstan! $o# it is t$e &an Drake is really a !ragon"/ :ene co&'laine!* We $a!%ille! $i& in on eeryt$ing" an! &uc$ to &y sur'rise" $e $a! been a&a0ingly acce'ting o% i!eas I #as

still co&ing to gri's #it$* /2e see&s so $u&an*/

/Most beings use $u&an %or&s t$ese !ays"/ A&elie e4'laine!* /So&e $ae been in $u&an %or& so

long" t$ey $ae lost t$e ability to c$ange back to t$eir true %or&*/

I &a!e yet anot$er &ental note" t$is ti&e to ask Drake i% $e #as stuck in a &an s$a'e* Not t$at I #as


I #as 3ust curious* Suc$ triial t$oug$ts #ere 7uickly !is&isse! as #e a''roac$e! t$e club*

/I a& con%i!ent"/ I sai! so%tly to &ysel% as I sli''e! a $an! into &y 'ants 'ocket to touc$ t$e Eye o%Luci%er I $a! 'lace! t$ere earlier* /I a& a 'ro%essional* I $ae 'o#er* I can !o t$is*/

/Talking to yoursel% is a sign o% &ental instability"/ @i& sai! $el'%ully*

I s$ot it a t$''e! look*

/@ust trying to break t$e tension a little* S$ees$*/

As t$ey $a! !one be%ore" t$e &ass o% 'eo'le %lo#ing into t$e club 'arte! be%ore &e" 'eo'le sto''ing

to #$is'er as #e 'asse! t$roug$ t$e narro# c$annel o% bo!ies*

/You kno#"/ @i& sai!" looking %ro& si!e to si!e as #e #alke! t$e gauntlet" /I+! say t$is #as really

cool e4ce't I $ae a nasty sus'icion #e+re all going to en! u' !ea!*/

/One &ore crack like t$at" an! you+ll %in! yoursel% in solitary con%ine&ent #it$ no $o'e o% 'arole"/ I breat$e! in an un!ertone I kne# it coul! $ear*

We #alke! u' t$e ste's to t$e club" t$e &ass o% 'eo'le closing be$in! us* I sto''e! at t$e !oor"

con%use! by t$e inisible net t$at see&e! to be strung across t$e !oor#ay*

/W$at is it1/ I aske!" 'us$ing against it* T$e net $el! %or a %e# secon!s" t$en reluctantly gae #ayan! allo#e! &e t$roug$ it* It #as like 'us$ing &ysel% t$roug$ a !ense &ass o% air*

:ene 'us$e! $is #ay t$roug$ it #it$out too &uc$ !i%%iculty" A&elie on $is $eels* /It is a #ar!" a

 'o#er%ul one" inten!e! to kee' out all creatures o% Aba!!on*/

I looke! back t$roug$ t$e !oor at #$ere @i& stoo!" %i%ty or si4ty 'eo'le be$in! it* /@i&1/ I aske!*

It trie! to ste' %or#ar!* )or a %raction o% a secon! an intricately !ra#n sy&bol glo#e! black on t$e

air" t$en !isa''eare!*@i& s$ook its $ea!* /It #on+t let &e in*/

I #ent back t$roug$ t$e !oor" %eeling no resistance as I le%t t$e club* /2ere" let &e $el' you* Maybe

i% I 'us$" #e can get you t$roug$ it* I nee! you in t$ere #it$ &e*/

As I a''roac$e! t$e !oor again %ro& t$e outsi!e" I coul! %eel t$e 'o#er o% t$e #ar! %illing t$e !oor*

/I !on+t t$ink t$is is going to #ork"/ @i& co&'laine! as I s$oe! $i& into t$e !oor#ay* Its black bo!y !istorte! as i% a s$eet o% glass blocke! its 'at$* /O#* O#* O#*/

/O$" %or $eaen+s sake"/ I &uttere!" glaring at t$e !oor* /I !o not $ae ti&e %or t$is*/

I 'ulle! t$e Eye out %ro& &y 'ocket" $el! it so it %ace! t$e !oor" an! &entally enisione! a crack in

t$e #ar!* T$e lo!estone gre# $ot in &y $an!" !ra#ing an ans#ering $eat %ro& !ee' #it$in &e9 

Drake+s %ire" t$e %ire t$at neer entirely le%t &e* I let t$e t#o bla0es 3oin toget$er into one con%lagration"t$en !irecte! it to#ar! t$e #ar! at t$e sa&e ti&e I s$oe! @i& t$roug$* T$ere #as a crack like t$un!er;

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t$en #e #ere insi!e*

A&elie stare! at &e in $orror* /Aisling *** you s$oul! not*** you s$oul! not $ae been able to !o t$at>

T$e #ar!" it #as &ost strongly !ra#n>/

T$e cro#! outsi!e t$e !oor #ent absolutely !ea! silent at $er #or!s* Eery $air on &y $ea! stoo!

on en! at t$e look 'eo'le #ere giing &e* I i&agine! it #as t$e sa&e sort o% look t$e guys running t$e

#itc$ trials gae t$e conicte!*

/@ust #ar&ing u'" %olks"/ I sai! #it$ a #eak s&ile" trying to !i%%use t$e situation*

/O$" t$at+s gonna &ake eeryone %eel better"/ @i& &uttere!*

/Co&e on" let+s get t$is oer #it$* T$e sooner eeryone $as O'$elia to %ocus on" t$e 7uicker t$ey+ll%orget about &e*/ I &arc$e! %or#ar!" &y little gang o% t$ree %ollo#ing close be$in!*

T$e insi!e o% G 6 T #as 'acke!" but still 'eo'le 'oure! into t$e club" s7uis$ing toget$er likesar!ines* We 'us$e! our #ay t$roug$ to t$e !ance %loor" #$ic$ $a! been cor!one! o%%* At one en!

Drake stoo! #it$ (al an! Istan* All t$ree #ere #earing knee.lengt$ !ark green silk tunics an! blackleggings" Drake+s tunic e&broi!ere! #it$ an intricate gol!.an!.black !ragon on t$e c$est* 2e looke!

incre!ibly $an!so&e an! absolutely !angerous* I sto''e! at t$e e!ge o% t$e !ance %loor" a#are t$at

so&eone $a! s7uee0e! %or#ar! to unsna' t$e black elet ro'e to allo# us onto t$e 'ar7uet %loor* T$e

surroun!ing cro#! #as so !ense" it #as al&ost i&'ossible to see $o# !ee' t$ey #ere" but I scanne!t$e& nonet$eless*

I !i!n+t see O'$elia*

Drake s&elle! t$e air" $is eyes glittering black #it$ antici'ation* I kne# #it$out $i& een saying it

t$at $e #as a#are I $a! &ore t$an 3ust t$e talis&an #it$ &e" 'roing &y sus'icion t$at t$e talis&an$a! in!ee! !one #ell to $i!e t$e 'resence o% t$e Eye* /You co&e to &eet &e in c$allenge* Guar!ian1/

I ste''e! %or#ar! t#o 'aces an! s'oke t$e %or&al #or!s 'er instruction %ro& A&elie* /I co&e to&eet you in c$allenge" #yern* W$o are your secon!s1/

(al an! Istan ste''e! %or#ar!* /(al Es0es o% t$e green !ragons" kno#n as t$e #ise" an! Istan?a!as o% t$e green !ragons" also na&e! t$e $unter* Na&e your secon!s" Guar!ian*/

8$.o$* O'$elia #as su''ose! to be &y secon!* /8&*** I call a ti&e.out*/ I turne! to %ace :ene an!A&elie* /Guys" t$is is 'robably going to get ugly later" so #$y !on+t you bot$ %in! yoursel% a goo!

 'lace to #atc$ an! let @i& be &y secon!*/

A&elie s'oke as s$e s$ook $er $ea!* /A !e&on cannot sere as secon!* It #ill be t$e greatest $onor

%or &e to sere you*/

:ene no!!e!* /Me" as #ell* I !o not un!erstan! it all" but I kno# you nee! &e*/

/You guys are 3ust t$e best"/ I sai!" giing bot$ t$eir $an!s a little s7uee0e be%ore turning back toDrake* /Tea& Aisling consists o% :ene Lesueur" ta4i !rier" an! A&elie Merllain" $ealer*/

/I+& t$e &ascot"/ @i& sai!" 'us$ing itsel% %or#ar!* /An! our c$eer is +Aisling rules" ot$ers !rool"+ soyou can 3ust stick t$at in your 'i'e an! blo# it out your9/

/T$ank you" I t$ink t$at #ill be enoug$*/ I glare! @i& into silence*I s#ore one corner o% Drake+s &out$ t#itc$e! as $e incline! $is $ea! to#ar! &e* /You are t$e

c$allenger" Guar!ian; by #$at &eans #ill you &eet &e bo!y to bo!y to 'roe your su'eriority an!clai& control o% t$e green !ragon se't1/

:ene ca&e %or#ar! at &y gesture" $ol!ing out a !ark blue canas bag* I 'ulle! out a roun! sisal an!

&etal ob3ect" $ol!ing it u' to s$o# $i&" turning so t$e cro#! coul! see it as #ell* /I" Aisling Grey"c$allenge you" Drake ?ireo" to a ga&e o% !arts+ Winner takes all*/

I% I t$oug$t t$e cro#! #as silent be%ore" it #as 'ositiely breat$less no#* At least it #as %or a secon!

or t#o; t$en eeryone eru'te! into co&&ent" &ost o% t$e& outrage! yells o% %oul*

Drake stor&e! to#ar!.&e" $is eyes an angry %orest green* /W$at are you !oing1/ $e aske! so%tly

#$en $e got close enoug$ to &e* /W$y are you !oing t$is1 W$y !o you &ake a &ockery o% &e1/

I clutc$e! t$e !artboar! to &y c$est" &ore to kee' %ro& grabbing Drake t$an to 'rotect it* /I+& not

&ocking you" Drake* T$is #as t$e only t$ing I coul! t$ink o%*/

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/You issue! &e a c$allenge to &eet &e bo!y to bo!y* T$at is tra!itionally !e%ine! as co&bat* W$atyou suggest is not co&bat9it is a ga&e>/

I let &y eyes caress $i& %ro& $is nose to $is toes an! back u' again* /I+& not stu'i!" Drake* T$ere+s

no #ay I #ant to try to %ig$t you '$ysically* I can+t een ar&.#restle you" I+e got girly ar& &uscles* I&ig$t be able to take you !o#n #it$ a %e# sel%.!e%ense &oes" but @an" &y instructor" tol! &e neer to

use t$e& e4ce't in li%e.t$reatening situations" an! you can+t kill &e*/

2is $an!s &a!e %ists at $is si!es as $e leane! into &e" $is breat$ %eat$ering &y %ace* /W$at you 'lanis ri!iculous* I tol! you I #as an e4'ert at !arts* You #ill lose*/

/I kno#"/ I #$is'ere! back* /An! I+! a''reciate it i% you coul! kee' t$at %act in &in! #$en your se'tis !rea&ing u' its 'unis$&ent %or &e*/

/W$y are you !oing t$is1/ $e aske! again" $is eyes losing a bit o% t$eir anger*

/It+s 'art o% &y 'lan"/ I sai!" #anting !es'erately to kiss $i&* /Don+t #orry9it+ll be oer 7uickly* I

$ae a $orrible t$ro#ing ar&* Is it kos$er %or t$e c$allenger to kiss t$e c$allengee1/

/No"/ $e sai!" a startle! look %lickering across $is %ace* /It is not !one at all* W$at 'lan1/

/@ust a 'lan I $ae* You+ll %in! out about it as soon as t$is is oer* Well" goo! luck* I &ean" bonne

chance." I $el! out &y $an!* 2e stare! at it %or a &o&ent" t$en s$ook it care%ully as i% it #ere &a!e o%glass*

Eeryone #atc$e! as I gae :ene t$e !artboar!* 2e $ung it on t$e #all" 'ulling out t$e c$ea' blue

an! yello# !arts %ro& t$e clot$ bag* Istan s$ot Drake a !isbelieing look be%ore reluctantly acce'tingt$e yello# !arts*

/OK" so $o# !o #e !o t$is1 )irst one to $it center #ins1/

Drake rolle! $is eyes" t$en grabbe! &e an! $aule! &e u' to $is c$est in t$e best arrogant"

!o&ineering #yern &anner* /You are i&'ossible"/ $e &uttere! 3ust be%ore $is &out$ !escen!e! u'on&ine" $is tongue i&&e!iately ina!ing" stroking t$e %ires t$at burne! so !ee' #it$in &e* 5e%ore I coul!

!o &ore t$an t$ink about res'on!ing" $e #as gone* It took a &o&ent %or &e to reali0e t$at t$e !ull roarI $ear! #asn+t 3ust &y bloo! 'oun!ing in &y ears9eeryone in t$e club #as laug$ing an! a''lau!ing*

/We #ill 'lay t$e QJ ga&e"/ Drake announce!" ignoring t$e still $o#ling cro#!* 2e brie%lye4'laine! t$e rules" s$o#e! &e $o# to t$ro# a !art" an! een gae &e a cou'le o% 'ractice s$ots

 be%ore #e starte! t$e &atc$ 'ro'er*

/Well" t$at !i!n+t take long"/ @i& sai! #$en Drake beat &e in recor! ti&e* My score #as still in t$e

%our $un!re!s #$en $e &a!e 0ero* /Al&ost anticli&actic" you coul! say* Too ba! about Istan* Yout$ink $e+s going to $ol! t$at #il! s$ot against you1/

I looke! oer at #$ere Istan $a! a 'rotectie $an! cla''e! oer t$e e!ge o% $is groin* I+! &isse! t$ei&'ortant 'arts" but 3ust barely* 2e glare! back at &e* I gri&ace!* /I $o'e not* I also $o'e $e !oesn+t

get a say in t$e se't+s 'unis$&ent o% &e*/

(al ste''e! %or#ar! an! $el! u' $is $an!s %or silence* T$e au!ience" #$ic$ $a! been lou!ly an!

e$e&ently !iscussing t$e outco&e o% t$e c$allenge seeral 'eo'le s$ooting &e enge%ul looks t$at

le%t &e &aking a &ental o# to be sure I $a! :ene #it$ &e at all ti&esB" lo#ere! t$eir oices enoug$so (al coul! s'eak* /5y t$e la#s o% t$e Ot$er#orl!" Drake ?ireo $as &et t$e c$allenge an! 'roe! t$eictor* T$e ter&s o% t$e c$allenge call %or t$e Guar!ian kno#n as Aisling Grey to acce't t$e 'unis$.

&ent &ete! out by t$e green !ragons*/ 2e turne! to look at Drake* Istan li&'e! %or#ar! an! grinne!

an eil" antici'atory grin*

I !eci!e! rig$t t$en an! t$ere t$at i% I eer truly !i! beco&e Drake+s &ate" Istan #oul! be t$e %irstone to go*

Drake gli!e! %or#ar!" interru'ting $is $enc$&an+s gloating look* /T$e 'unis$&ent #ill be !elaye!until suc$ ti&e as t$e se't can &eet to !iscuss t$e &atter* T$e c$allenge $as been satis%ie!*/

2e looke! at &e* I 'ut &y $an! in &y 'ocket an! %ingere! t$e lo!estone" turning to %ace t$e cro#!*I% &y 'lan %i00le! out" I+! $ae to !o t$e one t$ing I #as !rea!ing9 su&&oning 5ael* /Drake is rig$t"

t$e c$allenge $as been &et an! satis%ie!* 2e #ill not turn $i&sel% in to t$e 'olice %or t$e t$ree recent

&ur!ers t$at $ae staine! t$e re'utation o% t$e Ot$er#orl!* 2e $as no reason to !o so een s$oul! $e$ae lost" since $e is not guilty o% t$ose cri&es*/

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/You are t$e one #ante! by t$e aut$orities"/ a tall black &an sai! in $eaily accente! Englis$* /Youare t$e one #$o $as cause! &uc$ !i%%iculty to t$ose o% us in t$e :au-dela. W$y s$oul! #e not turn you

oer to t$e 'olice1/

I raise! &y eyebro#s* /5ecause I+& innocent" as #ell*/

/An! I say you lie"/ a oice calle! %ro& t$e back o% t$e roo&*

I s&ile! as I release! t$e lo!estone" breat$ing a sig$ o% relie%* I $a! counte! on O'$elia+s nee! to

#itness t$e c$allenge to bring $er out into t$e o'en* T$e t$rong in %ront o% &e s$i&&ere!" t$en 'arte!slo#ly" reealing t$e %igure o% a #o&an in black stri!ing to#ar! &e" $er blon! $ea! $el! $ig$*

T$e gas's o% $orror #ere eerie" but it #as t$e #o&an $ersel% #$o set &y skin to cra#ling*

It #as (er!ita*

/You+re9you+re !ea!"/ I sai!" &y %les$ tig$tening along &y back an! neck* /We sa# you !ea!*/ Iturne! to Drake" con%use! beyon! all con%usion* /S$e #as !ea!" rig$t1 We sa# $er1 Toget$er1 All o%


Drake no!!e!" $is eyes on (er!ita* 2e $a! t$at bore! look on $is %ace again t$at I #as co&ing to

learn #as a #arning sign* /I sus'ect it #as a setu'*/

/Well" t$at+s t$e un!erstate&ent o% t$e year"/ I sai! as I looke! at (er!ita* /W$y !i! you 'reten! to be !ea!1/

(er!ita laug$e! an! s'un aroun! #it$ $er ar&s u'" s$o#ing eeryone $o# $ealt$y s$e #as* /Me1 It

#as I #$o #as !rugge! an! &a!e to look as i% I $a! been &ur!ere!" but I a& 7uite #ell" as you all cansee* Your little 'lan to 'in t$e &ur!ers on &y serant O'$elia $ae %aile!* No# eeryone #ill $ear t$e

trut$ o% $o# you kille! t$e ?ene!iger an! Aurora Deau4ille in your atte&'t to sere your &aster 5ael*Eeryone in t$e Ot$er.#orl! #ill kno# $o# you inten! to rule t$e& by #iel!ing t$e Tools o% 5ael*/

I ga#ke!* T$ere #as 3ust no ot$er #or! %or it, I ga#ke! at $er* /You #$at1 O'$elia #as yourserant1 You sai! s$e #as your sister>/

(er!ita laug$e! again* /Eeryone $ere kno#s O'$elia is &y !o''elganger" &y serant to su&&on#$en I so !esire*/ S$e a''eale! to t$e cro#!* /Is t$at not so1/

Eery single blaste! $ea! in t$e cro#! no!!e!* /Well" 'oo'>/ I sai!" turning to @i&* /Di! you kno#O'$elia #as a !o''elganger1/

It s$ook its $ea!" looking t$oug$t%ul* /No" but I+e been a bit o%% &y ga&e eer since &y 'o#ers

#ere stri''e!*/

I looke! oer to A&elie* /A !o''elganger1/

S$e gae a little s$rug* /I t$oug$t you kne#*/

/I !i!n+t>/

/You see $o# s$e !oes not !eny t$e trut$"/ (er!ita sai!* /You see t$at s$e !oes not !are re%ute $er

!ark &aster* S$e !oes not een try to !eny t$at s$e $as in $er 'ossession one o% t$e Tools o% 5ael at t$isery &o&ent* Is t$is &inion o% Aba!!on #$o you #ant ruling you1 Will you let $er !estroy t$e

Ot$er#orl! in or!er to gain 'o#er1 S$oul! s$e be allo#e! to kill our kin! #it$out 'unis$&ent1/

T$e cro#! ru&ble! an o&inous negatie" &oing %or#ar! slo#ly until t$e s'ace on t$e !ance %loor

all but !isa''eare!* (anicke!" I looke! oer to Drake* 2e stoo! a %e# %eet a#ay #it$ $is ar&s crosse!oer $is ar&s" #atc$ing &e" &aking no &oe to inter%ere*

Drat $is !ragon $i!e*

/I !o !eny t$e trut$"/ I yelle!" t$e cro#! 'ausing as I #ae! t$e steel 'ointe! !arts aroun!* /I a& not

t$e &inion o% anyone" nor !o I #ant to rule anyone* I 3ust #ant &y a7ua&anile back an! t$e &ur!erer

o% M&e* Deau4ille an! t$e ?ene!iger caug$t so I can go $o&e* (er!ita is t$e killer* S$e su&&one!t$e !e&on 5a%a&al to $el' $er set u' t$e &ur!ers as a re! $erring to coer u' $er true 'lan to gat$er

t$e Tools o% 5ael* S$e use! $er !o''elganger sister in or!er to gie $er an alibi* S$e+s t$e one #$o trie!

to %ra&e Drake %or t$e &ur!ers because s$e kne# $e $a! t#o o% t$e Tools" an! shes t$e one #$o #ill

tear a'art t$e &ortal #orl! i% s$e is allo#e! to %ul%ill $er eil 'lan* (er!ita is t$e only one $ere trying toesca'e 3ustice>/

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/Lies>/ (er!ita s$rieke!" turning back to t$e cro#!*

/Do not listen to $er lies9s$e $as no 'roo% to back u' $er #il! accusations* We &ust take $er no#"

use t$e Tool s$e 'ossesses to !estroy $er be%ore s$e !estroys us* We &ust sto' $er>/

/You+re rig$t about one t$ing" you kno#"/ I tol! (er!ita as I 'ulle! t$e lo!estone %ro& &y 'ocket* /I

!o $ae t$e Eye o% Luci%er* T$e rest o% #$at you+re saying is a bunc$ o% co# cookies" $o#eer* An! I

can 'roe it in t$e si&'lest #ay 'ossible*/ I #aite! until eeryone #as silent" #atc$ing &e as I $el! u't$e lo!estone* /W$at say I su&&on 5ael an! #e ask $i& 3ust #$ic$ one o% us #as #orking %or $i&1/

(er!ita screa&e! an! lunge! at &e* 5a%a&al a''eare! out o% no#$ere in anot$er o% its s$iny suits*

@i& #oo%e! as it t$re# itsel% %or#ar!" $ea!ing %or 5a%a&al* I slas$e! t$e !arts into (er!ita+s ar& as s$egrabbe! &e" trying to t#ist #it$ t$e &otion o% $er bo!y so I coul! t$ro# $er to t$e groun!* We bot$

%ell as O'$elia s$i&&ere! into ie#" calle! by (er!ita* T$e cro#! surge! %or#ar! aroun! us as Istruggle! to kee' t$e lo!estone sa%e in &y $an! at t$e sa&e ti&e I trie! to !isable (er!ita* O'$elia

s$rieke! an! grabbe! &y $air" &aking &y eyes burn $ot #it$ tears* I kicke! out at $er at t$e sa&e ti&eI 'unc$e! (er!ita on t$e 3a#* S$e #renc$e! &y ar& u'" biting &y %ist in an atte&'t to get &e to release

t$e Eye* 5e$in! us" @i& an! 5a%a&al #ere locke! in battle" eac$ snarling an! s'itting curses*

:ene 'ulle! out $is gun an! ai&e! it oer $is $ea!" %iring a %e# s$ots into t$e ceiling as $e yelle!"

/Sto'> I $ae a gun>/

T$e $eay lig$ting %i4ture aboe $i& %ell" knocking $i& to t$e groun!*

/2el'* :ene*/ I gas'e! to A&elie as I %oug$t to %ree &ysel%* S$e $urrie! oer to $i&*

T$e air #as t$ick #it$ cries an! s$outs o% encourage&ent as (er!ita an! O'$elia an! I rolle! aroun!

in t$e cat%ig$t to en! all cat%ig$ts* /Aren+t you going to !o so&et$ing to $el' &e1/ I yelle! at Drake as I$ea!.butte! O'$elia into releasing &y $air* (er!ita kicke! at &y knee* I socke! $er in t$e sto&ac$*

O'$elia t$re# $ersel% on &y back" screa&ing blue &ur!er in &y ear*

Drake ti''e! $is $ea! to t$e si!e as #e rolle! aroun! at $is %eet* /W$at #ill you gie &e to $el'


(er!ita 'unc$e! &e in t$e eye* O'$elia bit &y ear* I kicke! bot$ o% t$e&" #$i''e! o'en t$e !oor in

&y &in!" an! enisione! a $ell o% a lot o% 'ossibilities" &ost o% #$ic$ concerne! bot$ #o&en co#ering

 be%ore &e* T$e lo!estone gre# $ot in &y $an! as %irst (er!ita" t$en O'$elia let go o% &e to %all a#ay"t$eir %aces coere!* I cra#le! out %ro& beneat$ O'$elia+s legs to stan! triu&'$ant oer t$e&* My nose

an! &out$ #ere blee!ing" one eye #as s#elling s$ut" &y tunic #as torn" &y kneeca' $a! been

#renc$e! si!e#ays" I #as 'anting" an! I coul! %eel one o% &y %ront teet$ loose" but I $aule! &ysel% u'*I #i'e! t$e bloo! o%% &y %ace" stare! at &y bloo!y %ingers %or a secon!" t$en bent !o#n an! !re# a

circle* I turne! to %ace east* /Guar!ian o% t$e to#ers o% t$e east" I su&&on you to guar! t$is circle*/

/No>/ (er!ita s$oute!" getting to $er knees* /No" !o not let $er !o t$is>/

/Guar!ian o% t$e to#er o% t$e sout$" I su&&on you to guar! t$is circle*/

/Sto' $er> So&eone &ust sto' $er>/ (er!ita #as on $er %eet no#" but #$en s$e turne! to#ar! &e" I

$el! t$e lo!estone u'" using it to 'rotect &e*

/Guar!ian o% t$e to#er o% t$e #est" I su&&on you to guar! t$is circle*/

/O'$elia> Sto' $er>/

O'$elia cra#le! to#ar! &e* I #ae! t$e lo!estone" an! s$e colla'se!*

/Guar!ian o% t$e to#er o% t$e nort$" I su&&on you to guar! t$is circle*/

Wit$ a cry t$at s$attere! eery glass $anging in t$e bar" t$e !e&on 5a%a&al !isa''eare! in a t$ick"

oily black 'lu&e o% s&oke*

I took a !ee' breat$* /I con3ure t$ee" 5ael" 'rince o% all t$e legions o% Aba!!on*/

/S$e #ill bring !eat$ u'on us all"/ (er!ita screa&e!" trying to lunge at &e" but $el! at bay by t$e 'o#er I #iel!e! t$roug$ t$e Eye* /Sto' $er> Do not allo# $er to say t$e #or!s*/

A&elie ste''e! into &y range o% ision* 2er %ace #as !ra#n an! 'ale" $er eyes en!lessly !ee'* S$e

#as trying to #arn &e" but I coul! not sto' to $ee! $er*

/I su&&on t$ee" 5ael" to a''ear be%ore &e no#*/ T$e air #it$in t$e circle t$ickene!*

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/No> 2e #ill kill &e> No one #as su''ose! to kno#> 2e #ill take &e #it$ $i&> Sto'" you &uststo'>/ (er!ita #as sobbing no#" on $er knees be%ore &e in su''lication* /Do not !o t$is to &e>/

/I co&&an! t$ee" 5ael" lor! o% Aba!!on" to &y #ill by t$e irtue o% &y 'o#er*/ T$e air in t$e circle

s$i&&ere!" a lo# $o#l like t$e #in! in a stor& %illing t$e club* T$e 'eo'le aroun! us stoo! %ro0en" asi% in %ear o% #$at I #as about to !o*

(er!ita stare! at it in $orror* /(lease> I beg o% you" !o not> I #ill be lost>/

/Aisling"/ Drake sai!" ste''ing %or#ar!* /Are you sure you #ant to !o t$is1/

/I $ae no c$oice"/ I sai!" kee'ing &y eyes on t$e #o&an at &y %eet* T$e air #it$in t$e circle gre#

 'earlescent" as i% so&et$ing #as %or&ing" t$e #in! $o#ling #it$in t$e club gro#ing until it #ass$rieking like a !ying ani&al* My sto&ac$ tig$tene!" &y soul sick #it$ !rea!* /S$e #ill not a!&it $er

guilt ot$er#ise* 5y &y $an! t$y s$all be boun!" by &y bloo! t$y s$all be boun!" by &y oice t$y s$all be9/

/I con%ess>/ (er!ita s$rieke!* S$e cla#e! t$e air" !ragging $ersel% to $er %eet* /I #ill con%ess all" only!o not bring $i&> 2e #ill take &e #it$ $i& i% you !o" an! I #ill be !a&ne! %or all ti&e> I con%ess"

 'lease" I con%ess>/

/You con%ess your guilt to eeryone $ere1 You con%ess to t$e &ur!ers o% Aurora Deau4ille an! t$e

?ene!iger1 You con%ess to arranging t$e cri&es so t$at Drake an! later I #oul! be bla&e!1 Do youcon%ess to bin!ing yoursel% to t$e !e&on lor! 5ael in e4c$ange %or bringing $i& t$e Tools o% 5ael1/

/Yes" yes" I con%ess it all* I t$re# sus'icion on Drake* I arrange! t$e &ur!ers to bla&e t$eOt$er#orl! so as to con%use t$e 'olice* I con%ess* I con%ess****/ S$e colla'se!" sobbing $ysterically as

s$e #rit$e! be%ore t$e circle*

/I release t$ee" 5ael" by &y $an! an! &y bloo! an! &y oice" t$y s$all return to t$y !o&inion*/

I rubbe! out a bit o% t$e bloo! %or&ing t$e circle* T$e $o#ling gre# een lou!er" until eeryone int$e club screa&e! an! clutc$e! t$eir ears* T$e air #it$in t#iste! as i% it #ere raging against &y #ill"

an! %or one $orrible &o&ent I %eare! I #asn+t strong enoug$ to sen! 5ael back" but t$e lo!estone burne! $ot in &y $an! #it$ 'o#er* Wit$ a terrible noise t$at soun!e! like a t$ousan! souls in tor&ent"

t$e $o#ling abru'tly cease!" t$e air in t$e circle slo#ly returning to nor&al* (er!ita curle! u' into a

%etal ball" rocking as s$e re'eate! oer an! oer in a c$il!is$ singsong oice" /I con%ess" I con%ess*/

I #alke! oer to Drake an! sto&'e! on $is %oot* 2ar!* /W$at #ill I gie you to $el' &e1 W$at #ill I give you1/

2e stoo! on one leg rubbing $is %oot" grinning a grin so stea&y" it al&ost &elte! &y un!er#ear* /Ineer !oubte! you #oul! !e%eat $er* You are &y &ate* You coul! !o no less*/

I 'ointe! a %inger at $i&* /You are too arrogant %or your o#n goo!* I o%%icially !e.&ate you* Goa#ay* I neer #ant to see you again* E4ce't &aybe tonig$t* Nake!* Your 'lace* 5ut a%ter t$at" no


I turne! back to t$e no#.babbling au!ience* :ene #as being 'ro''e! u' by t$e cro#!; $is $ea! #as

 bloo!y but $e a''eare! to be OK* A&elie #as %ussing oer $i&" instructing 'eo'le to bring $er #ateran! $erbs*

Drake+s &en 'ulle! (er!ita to $er %eet* S$e $ung li&'ly bet#een t$e&" $er $an!s &oing incessantlyas i% s$e #ere !ra#ing so&et$ing* I &oe! closer to s'eak to $er" but (al s$ook $is $ea!* I un!erstoo!

#$y #$en I sa# $er eyes* T$ey #ere &a!" totally &a!* S$e $a! sna''e! un!er t$e strain o% &y t$reat

to bring 5ael %or#ar! to con%ront $er lies*

I s$iere!" #ra''ing &y ar&s aroun! &ysel%" c$ille! by t$e 'roo% o% #$at 'o#er t$e Eye coul!#iel!" &y #$ole bo!y s$aking #it$ t$e reali0ation o% #$at I $a! !one to anot$er $u&an being*

War&t$ %loo!e! &e as Drake+s $an! sli! aroun! &y #aist* I %oug$t t$e nee! to lean into $i& %or a&o&ent" t$en gae in an! allo#e! $is %ire to %lo# into &y %rigi! bloo!* 2is oice stroke! &y skin like

t$e s$eerest silk* /You are not res'onsible %or $er &a!ness* S$e #alke! t$at 'at$ long be%ore you ca&e*Is it not t$e #ork o% a &a!&an to kill %or gain1/

/Yes" but*** but I scare! $er by su&&oning 5ael*/

/S$e sol! $ersel% to 5ael in e4c$ange %or 'o#er* S$e &a!e t$e !ecision to !o so" not you* T$e 'rice

s$e 'ays no# %or t$at c$oice $as not$ing to !o #it$ you*/

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T$ey #ere nice #or!s" an! t$ey &a!e a lot o% sense" but t$ey !i!n+t ease all &y guilt*

+Too ba! #e !i!n+t $ae any @ell.O"/ @i& sai! as it strolle! oer to sni%% (er!ita* /T$ink o% t$e &oney

#e coul! $ae &a!e c$arging eeryone to #atc$ you t$ree babes go at it>/

/You !o #$at I t$ink you+re inten!ing on !oing" an! you #ill be on not$ing but !ry !og %oo! %or t$e

rest o% your unnatural li%e"/ I #arne! it*

@i& lo#ere! its leg an! gae &e a sour look as it #alke! a#ay %ro& (er!ita*

/W$at #ill you !o #it$ $er1/ A&elie aske! &e" no!!ing to#ar! t$e slu&'e! %igure*

I looke! out at t$e !issi'ating cro#!* /I !on+t kno#9it+s not really &y !ecision" is it1 W$y is

eeryone leaing1 You all belong to t$e Ot$er#orl!" not &e* It+s u' to you guys to !eci!e #$at $a''ensto $er*/

A&elie s&ile! a sa! s&ile* /You $ae !e%eate! t$e one #$o #oul! be ?ene!iger* 5y rig$ts" t$at&akes you9/

/No>/ I yelle!" !ro''ing Drake+s $an! an! backing a#ay %ro& t$e&* /It+s ba! enoug$ I+& a Guar!ianan! a #yern+s e4.&ate" an! a !e&on lor!* I+& not going to be a ?ene!iger" as #ell> @i&" I co&&an!

you" clear &e a 'at$> We+re getting out o% $ere be%ore anyt$ing else $a''ens>/

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Do you #ant &e to castrate you rig$t $ere an! no#1/

/S$ees$>/ @i& %lare! its cloggy nostrils at &e an! lo#ere! its %ront %ro& t$e oerstu%%e! ar&c$air* /I$a! an itc$" t$at+s all> I 3ust #ante! to scratc$*/

/In t$e last t#o !ays you+e $u&'e! t#o 'illo#s" t$e corner o% &y be!" an! t$e acuu& cleaner t$e

&ai! le%t #$ile s$e #as cleaning t$e bat$roo&* Drake+s %urniture is nice* I+& sure $e+! a''reciate it i% it

re&aine! t$at #ay*/

@i& t$re# itsel% to t$e %loor* /My $eart is breaking" an! you #on+t een let &e get a %e# 3ollies #it$ a

stu'i! c$air* )ine* 5e t$at #ay* You can tear &e a#ay %ro& &y beloe! Cecile" but I #on+t %orget $er*Our loe #ill last t$roug$ all t$e long ages o% &ortals*/

I 'atte! @i& on its $ea!* /I neer sai! #e #eren+t co&ing back9I 3ust sai! I $a! to go $o&e an!e4'lain to &y uncle #$at all t$e %uss $as been about* An! #$it$er I go" you go* So sto' 'outing*/

/W$en I !ie" I+& co&ing back to $aunt you*/

/You can+t !ie" silly*/ I strolle! across t$e t$ick car'eting o% Drake+s 'riate stu!y an! e4a&ine! t$e

 'ainting $anging be$in! a &onstrous &a$ogany !esk* It #as a si&'le 'encil sketc$ o% a seate! #o&an

$ol!ing an urn" but t$e casual line o% it #as 'leasing to t$e eye" 'er%ect in e4ecution" as i% eac$ stroke#as set !o#n by a &aster*

/Do you like &y !a ?inci1/

Drake+s oice #ra''e! &e in a #ar& cocoon o% tangle! e&otions t$at I !i! not #ant to e4a&ine* Is&ile! at t$e #o&an* /A !a ?inci* I s$oul! $ae kno#n*/

I turne! to #atc$ $i&" &y $eart beating %aster at t$e sig$t o% $is bo!y &oing #it$ &asculine grace"$is 'o#er ei!ent in eery sleek &oe&ent* /You &ay $ae it in e4c$ange %or t$e Eye o% Luci%er"

#$ic$9/ 2is $ea! li%te! as $e sni%%e!" $is eyes burning" into &ine #it$ a %a&iliar $eat* /9you $aetucke! bet#een your loely breasts*/

I raise! &y eyebro#s" /you+! gie &e a !a ?inci %or t$e lo!estone1 A real !a ?inci1 As inLeonar!o1/

/Yes" it is real* It is also uncataloge!* It is #$at t$ey call a cartoon" a sketc$ %or 'ainting* I %oun! it inGer&any a%ter Worl! War T#o*/

I let &y s&ile go 3ust t$e tiniest bit naug$ty* /You #oul! e4c$ange so&et$ing t$at aluable %or a

si&'le stone boun! in a bit o% in%erior gol!1/

/Yes*/ 2is eyes #ere !arkening een as I #atc$e!* 2e stoo! close to &e" close enoug$ I coul! s&ell$is s'icy !ragon scent" t$e scent t$at $a! $aunte! &y !rea&s %or t$e last t#o nig$ts" but $e &a!e no

&oe to touc$ &e*

I sig$e!* Een t$oug$ &y bo!y &ig$t !is'ute t$e i!ea" kee'ing &y !istance %ro& $i& #as t$e best

%or bot$ o% us* We $a! no %uture toget$er" !es'ite $is belie% ot$er#ise* I+! &a!e &y !ecision* I 'lucke!t$e lo!estone out %ro& &y bra" #eig$ing its #ar&t$ %or a &o&ent be%ore taking Drake+s $an! an!

 'ressing t$e stone into it*

2e stare! !o#n at it in sur'rise" as i% $e neer e4'ecte! &e to gie it to $i&* Silly &an" !i!n+t $e

reali0e t$ere #as no one else to #$o& I coul! entrust it1

/You #ill tra!e1/

/No* I #ill gie*/

2is $an! close! oer t$e lo!estone" a little sensual s$ier running !o#n $is bo!y be%ore $e got

control o% $i&sel%* 2is $ea! ti''e! to t$e si!e as I kne# it #oul!* /W$y1/

/You+re t$e only one #$o #ill kee' it sa%e*/

/I $ae all t$ree Tools o% 5ael no#* I+e alrea!y tol! you t$at I #ill not gie back t$e a7ua&anile*W$at is to sto' &e %ro& using t$e&1/

/Not$ing* 5ut you #on+t* I &ig$t not be your &ate" but I kno# enoug$ about you to reali0e you $aeall t$e 'o#er you nee!* It+s treasure you seek" an! treasure you guar!* So I+& giing you t$e Eye o%

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Luci%er" no strings attac$e!* I %igure #it$ t$e t$ree Tools $i!!en sa%ely a#ay in your lair !o#nstairs" noone #ill eer be able to use t$e&*/

/You+re rig$t"/ Drake sai!" &oing closer* 2is %ingers ski&&e! along &y 3a#" $is t$u&b brus$ing

oer &y lo#er li'* I groun! &y teet$ toget$er to kee' %ro& sucking $is %inger into &y &out$* /5utonly about one t$ing9I $ae no !esire %or &ore 'o#er* T$e Tools #ill be sa%e in &y kee'ing* About

t$e ot$er t$ings you are less 'rescient*/

/:eally1/ I ste''e! back" %eeling !istance #as a goo! t$ing* /You+re not still t$inking I+& your&ate1/

/You are &y &ate* Not$ing you can !o #ill c$ange t$at" but t$at is not #$at I #as re%erring to*/

I raise! &y eyebro#s in silent 7uestion*

2e s&ile!* /My lair is not t$e roo& you sa# !o#nstairs* T$at #as &erely a sa%e* In trut$" I $ae nolair in (aris* So&e!ay" i% you ask nicely" I #ill s$o# you #$at a true !ragon+s lair looks like*/

/I+& going $o&e t$is a%ternoon"/ I sai!" backing u' een &ore* /My uncle is still a bit 'isse! at &e" but #$ateer you sai! to Ins'ector (roust #$en you $an!e! oer (er!ita !i! t$e trick9$e calle! 8ncle

Da&ian an! e4'laine! t$at t$ey $a! &a!e a &istake about &e* 2e also tol! $i& &at t$e a7ua&anile

#as gone %or goo!* 8ncle Da&ian #as less $a''y about t$at" but as I tol! $i&" t$at+s #$at insurance is


/T$at+s not all s$e sai!"/ @i& 'i'e! u'* /S$e also tol! $i& t$at s$e #oul! !o anyt$ing $e #ante!"

take any 3ob $e $a!" 3ust so long as $e ke't $er on t$e 'ayroll* It #as 'at$etic" really" t$e #ay s$egroele!* You+! t$ink a Guar!ian #oul! $ae a little &ore !ignity9/

/One &ore #or! an! you+re a eunuc$*/

@i& s$ut u'*

I trie! to #alk out o% t$ere" but &y %eet took &e oer to Drake" so I %igure! #$at t$e $eck" a girl isentitle! to a goo!.bye kiss*

/Goo!.bye"/ I breat$e!" allo#ing &y li's to 'lay oer $is*

/T$is is in no #ay oer"/ Drake breat$e! back* /You are &y &ate* You are a Guar!ian* You cannot

!eny %ate*/

/I &ake &y o#n %ate" t$ank you"/ I sai!" sli''ing out $is ar&s* I #as cal&* I #as con%i!ent* I #as a

 'ro%essional* /See you aroun!*/

2e 3ust stoo! an! #atc$e! as I #alke! out o% $is stu!y" out o% $is $ouse" an! out o% $is li%e*

/)ires o% Aba!!on" t$at #as t$e best you coul! !o1 +I &ake &y o#n %ate+1 Man" #$en I le%t Cecile"

s$e #as crying in $er kibble" an! all you !o is say +I &ake &y o#n %ate+1/

I rolle! &y eyes an! ke't #alking to#ar! :ene+s ta4i*

/You !i!n+t een kiss $i& 'ro'erly* I !i!n+t see one little bit o% tongue action going on t$ere" an! I

#as #atc$ing* :ene" get t$is girl" s$e 3ust gae Drake t$e Eye an! #alke! out #it$ t$e la&est line int$e $istory o% #o&en #alking out on &en* S$e !i!n+t een gie $i& a goo!.bye gro'e* S$e 3ust sai!" +I

&ake &y o#n %ate"+ an! le%t* @ust #$at is t$at su''ose! to &ean" any#ay1 +I &ake &y o#n %ate+1 Is t$atlike &aking yoursel% an ice crea& sun!ae1 2ey* I+& $ungry* Can #e sto' so&e#$ere an! get so&e.

t$ing to eat be%ore #e $it t$e air'ort1 I kee' telling you" you $ae to %ee! t$is %or& or else &y coatgoes all ugly* S$ees$" I $o'e &y ne4t Guar!ian at least $as $er training #$eels" +cause t$is business

#it$ $aing to tell you eeryt$ing is getting a bit ol!****/

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.J.JJ Scanne! by bo!a%on %or ri'<ri'=s #ante! list*