rr, ans , lift' ent i on rip 1/drawer 3... · kan-ab had ;'joine

'.,. ........ i VIlC;; I. :>-:>U:>u , ans , ., .. " ., I ,. ent on · scout . Trt In 'T.ragJd Truck RaJ Shattering tragedy hung I Provo today, as families, friend mourned the death of f.hree day ' afternoon in. the which c)p.imed a total of On an Explorer,Scout eX]>edlticlfl historic Mormon cross on met tragedy when the steep hill as .the driver attern backwards off a steep emba listed 12 dead, 26 injured and of the truck. This have ing the driver, who wa3 listed David Nieisen, address of Explorer Post 36 of the Killed from Provo were: Dr. Merlin J. Shaw, 51, bi Ward, assistant professor of of the expedition. . . . Dr. H. Darrel Taylor, 45, and professor of languages a 'V. A. "Bill" Creer, 3!\ tractor and one of the fathel1 Joseph William Lloyd Erickson, 1840 N. 150 E. Gordon Henry Grow, 15, son cer Grow, 1600 E. 8th N; · Randy Wayne Miller, 14, ,Miller, 416 E. 2200 N. -of the· Manavu LDS on at . ByU. and leader -'\ leader in the grOup · Gary . Lynn Rasmussen, I Rasmussen , 2225 N. Gary Lynn Christ:msen, son of Mr. Negro Students Louis G. Christenl;en, 2159 N. 2;p0 E. , - i r of and Mr:s, LaVoir "Red" .1. a 0' 'II II :a e . Also by the . U nite. I ternational , .. kIlled were. . I. , 'I ' . ' Dorothy Han en, 24, Salt ke CitY't · . Fier fOI' . tbe · R "'. I' ., B . DeseretNews. . " I I,,'. · oun .. n a Randy Hall, 13, son of Mr. nd Mrs. gene Mr Ha11. . I 'I 1 . . Ogden. · 1 _ - , I 'I' t- I I . _ . : . , ·1 'I ,. ' , . Robert ook, age of Mr. a d Robert ' Ala. (UPl T"De· later ' iIi tile day. Salt CIty. ' : . . . ! flant Goy. George C. alIace spurning' a LIsted by UDited Press Inte attonal JDJured were stood .damantly in doo aYI Ill. from President Provo boys, two boys and a man and a girl _ from SaJt day' .• nd , refused to. l ------------ I Citv, and a bo\- from Negro students 10 I I/irls .. :e;c In the c,!. .. TIlt: two .\ ., . 1. ' . partly'. 9!l . udY . . I Wec!Desda.,.' 1teeomIac .e.;.POD.h7 eIoad7 . Willi . .eat- ae. afterwooa .Dd ·e ·u ..... ·c ! _otre,. or . 11I-.:... . '-Iac temperatureS .. :: Bli1a . ted ." ,,· , 18-"'.. Lo .. tordp, c.i-47 •. m.u rr , lift' •• rip,. ' Ins ·1st I . \- 1 ," . " a . Baftle;:: ' l ute ·chan e D d I dpartY as :'hltchhikers" from salt to their assigned eo , _ nlure . City. !nteqding to Join ---=-+--- .... 1--+-----..: .... : .... ---+ · -. .. oth r party lit Hole-Io.The.Rock 'I . . P · dUd ' . e United listed' 10 J& I \ ( .1 nne n . er from sr Lake _U_s_e_o_f_ . ........ -+-.:,..r....;...--.---..,,.....:;.. H \IV T k ' e list of follows: I I Ken n government. the two NelO'OeL \l'lvian .Malone .nd A: ' Hood, leCt tile of \he histone ;0 a,s!'l;Zue:! the . unIversity. . Wallace, standllig In the . ro · wa.y of Foster AUdi .torium ' lllere the Negroes norinaUy would reg- ister, three tim,s ' refused • _ tlce . 'DepartInent : .ttorney', . re- eo .. 1 rue R Chase Allred. 2200 N. · 55O E.; J?a id Daley,' 15. son of Mr . .• I' . - By STEVE SMILANICH M . ' MaxlDaley, 445 E. 2200 Ii·;' G ·f . I I ' . . d Unltd ·Presa Interaation.l Re ' Jr., 11 •. son ; oi J.1r. . u at ,. , Prov ·o Lea' ers and Mrs.' Reed AUeD, 586 .. . . j ESCA=. _Utah (UPIl-B<>?, 23 N.; Clyde Asb,ton. 14, ' afo " t 'i HERALD S · T 'A ' FF· , Scouts from three Utah · communl- of I' •• nd Frank AshtQD . WASHINGl'ON (UP!) . Me . ties left here Monday 475 E: 1700 N.· Ronald Bens<1D: dent today . \ -! ' . . Irror rle mormng on first . leg of an H. , 00, ·of Mr . • nd Mrs. I Simon .\Iabama National · EYEW · ·I' TN ' ESS ceo NTS OF ., " and nver tnp was ·Be on, 630 ,E . 2320 N.; Nonoin Of C . - e t to be the hlghhght of lhell' sum· Bos ani. 14, son of Mr .• nd Mrs: I1rt , S. ;¥cNanara . . . . ' J' . omr:nunl y mer vacations. ,. , Dea Boshard. 321 E. r{.; Army lie may '. EXPL ' OZRE · .S ' COUT ·., G · EOY Hours later, baltered youtJ:!s Ron ld Clark. 16. , son of force ·admlsslon\ of . . ' limped Into • local store ·to notify Ve -r Cl.rk, 360 E. alSO N.; to the Univers!tY quest to .diiut them. · ., . Miss Malone . and :Hood .. a t quietly In a: car , a . few' fe,et wllh as the drama was enacted. . ;f\ U.S,. DepdtY. AttY. IGen. Wallace .the j (OV- ernment Dtends to students ' ter .ID. day. ;. Kafunb ch asked .... W&\1ace . to e COn s ld e I' hi de- termined sitlon- -and aUo the students t enter he said -\ Ire carrie a proClamation : nrodam'altipD the Prest lit of .tlie United tates · . Y' calling for obedience to a I ' and gnel gripped .uthoritles that. their trUc.k had Coi in, IS, son ;of Mr. aDd · The -.' ) lOOay 111 . the s overturned . , desolate Ha Id Colvin, 595 I By RAY .nd ELAYNE SCRW tragic 111 a truck taln road. ki1llng 12 persons, Ave; Allen Creer. · 14, 'son' of Mr. ' court orderinj: the 'Wt l rolled . . J : , .re'used .to b\lt!ge: ' . (Editor's Nole: R.y Sehw.n., Her.ld · editor, .nd his claimed .12 lives near Es· . The tragedy which elKled andfMrs. Bill Creer, \100 E. 1900 wife, Elune, wbo ecUta the · Her.ld TV seeUoD, were OD ne.·. .. . . . long-planned trip for 46 ScQuts, N.; Jed Daley, 14 • . son of Mr (Ion In ABUmo"D7, .bout .n )IoQ,. IIrln from' r. nrulteb ; Prevo city olflClalS. CIVlC . leaders and girls occurred ab9ut and, Mrs. Max Daley, «5 E. they beard of the tneedy Monda., whicb Idllfjd 1% people -ch .urch. leaders sdloo:' offiCialS 35 miles southeast of here · when N.;· Dennis 14, Ison of inJUred neuli two dosen others-mOd of p.rt -;r- .n IIlII'toreCt" the which h.a 5 their truck plunged down a pre· Mr! and Mrs. Earl Davu"l806 .N. plorer Seout expeditioo from Pro ... Mr .• Dd Ma. Schwan& toudled the en t I r el commuDity. clpitoos mountainside In a "no 500 E.; Da\,:4 Hall. is. and &0 P.npUcb; where they Ber.k1 u+e ·foUowlne Crlp- - all but Ihrer!ol the. fatal· land." . Tr. Hall Jr .. 16, sons ·of ·}lr. pine bewitnCIII .ccounll.) . ". :! . I 1y Injured: : . . 1 . Eight Scouts, two university -pro- an . Mrs. Tracy Hall. 1711 When we got over to PanguItch . ,.f· .Maxo r Veri. G. s.ald fessors, • contractor and a wom· La bert Lane; Tom Heal: · 15, we went to ·the hospital. Two Provo, (soD 1t1r •• nd 10 rs ... J. , city and the an reporter were killed when the· son !>f Mr. and Mrs. Ward Heal,... . I . tors from RiclJfield .nd two from Sylvester Clarytl. told ofl beiDg saddened by this truck and its . conl;ents 285 E. 2100 . N.; Charles Pope, . qJPI . Kan-ab had ;'joine<\ the Panguiu:h pidned In'the Wrec!'age for 45 }he . eX [Provo With down on top of ·them aCler dump- MI superintendent 'for gresslonal He saId he was on ·band .. u · he "baf 2fWed he would for weeks -:- 1 to "prevent · . ca- trance because I it is Illeg . aoc% unwarranted." · :. .. . Edwin Guthman, a spok . man . Alabama," }be order said. for the Justice, said It the tbat tbe Negroes ouid secretary Uto use such l of be ·registered today. I of the .Unltfd "They be the . les as lie . may deem · neces· door he{o e whlch - the . go ernor , I stood," said. " .. Hospital st.ill. TlJ.ey started bring- utes. were . too. cit. admlD.lstralion express the Iring t1!em out oC its open bed. . . ant View Ward: 2135 N. . (!u\hng sp.ce ing in the Injured kids at .pproxl· They Were 4Yi n g and 1 passljd out. deepest to When Garfield Coun.ty deputies .; Bryan , RoundY. 14, son flight by, ,about $250 1 .mI1. HERALDJNG The "'I e mately 8 p.rn: •. '. I was pinned ' In' the and a loss at tbjs tune, he at the scene Cour hours of r. abc! Mrs .\JCJ1mer Rouad lion, It '1'as learned ttay. '. n ! I . '. Outside al cf.owd was ,a!herlng, couldn't·! breaU., but I:m J:live. said. :, Cter the aCcfdent they found the ' 1 " _. y. I). house bco\'lffilt ee .' qUiet. solemn.faced - 'many with Moan. I'm 'J1bey tried jack Ben E. Lewu; president ol the dead and -rDJured' pinned beneath 340 .. 900 N.: Kilmer Roundy, voted u1l'anim.?usly 0 trim hy . ·It·'.s · bu · ,d,·d st ,. 5 .' r , . . ':\' tears In !:beir eyei as they w.t:cb- up the truck we were s!lnd East Sharon .Stake of the Church the truck IUld buried pnder th('i . 1 N. j .Roger Sheffield, about 7 per the' $jl." bill on _ 'cd the statibn wagons, .mbulaoe- .Dd It WOllkl;n't hold the 1 ol. Jesus ChrISt of L.tter • day camping equipment and · ru T 14, ?n of r . nd Mrs . Loftus the requeljlect or es and cars the injured. don't know hOt'lfIey ever got, me SaJ?ts, said the tragedy "comes as boats. . ) Shellekl, 410 E.,I980,N.; Norman manned space flight .cti'1t1es or On . Whl· W O·ld Ou 'r Best .; . 'MallJ. I'm Alrlebt out." t a great shock to the 01 the Young David Hall oC Provo. one Ski. . and Mrs: thE- fiscal year July I. 'l"be door<of; • .treatment room , M,. Coujsin .. Dead' ! area. They were . aIl fiDe young of the injured. described the acci. Juli s Sklu. 1847 .• .-soo E.. ,!,he subcommittee s ·· I was opened; aDd JeNell' Blennan We talked David Hall. Ion men outstandlng leaders. We dent: "The truck. wouldn ' t shirt fSe NINE PROVOANS, P.,e 4) dations· now go to the fu Ho. . ' Y- of:M) East Haven. Salt Lake lCity of" the , H; J;iaUs. Provo. shall. and mourn their and started rolling backwards aDd .j Space which 1 really only 0 e story for Central U\&? in was wheeled i!l, She wanted to "Someone.pulIed me out. think passing, . e.veryone st.rted screaining. Ev; A cident Third l to, en.$>rse, the paoei J the Herald · today-the ! sa dest story we've ever h ; to telephone her mother. '; Mamm., It Was my brolber. We-started up Dr. J.C. Moffitt, superintendent eryone got tossed .round but 1 , , lion. . J ' corqpile. . I... ' I'm· all rig'ht." ,she JObbed. the hill. TIfe] · couldn't ma.ke It. Provo . said th.t was luclcy." W t" Ut h Most tpe k It took the combi ed recourses of nearly the e tire ,truggled to on, "I . was lying 'There W.l stop Sign-I I think school offICials are grie( stricken As the truck headed up roug,h '. rs In a 'I place in I, the Apollo news stat! on the Herald, plus the United Press \ right next to Dorothy, lUosen, tbe-re who't Illy - thF and extend sympathy and .coDdoI· road carved out of the mountain- H H" t put a mn OD' the 1 . tional, but we have you perhaps the most C Ie- (Reporter {Or the News) wouldn't ablft' l We BUrted rolUng ellCes.:' slde, llts 21·year old driver, Ernest I way IS ory ' cuts were · mad 'e nensive coverAge you will -Fitld anywhere. \ _ .. • nd. sbe wu ·.ilSping. IShe. w.s b. c k .Qd t]TeryOOe started . William K. Wother9pOOn, man· S. Ahlborn of Provo. tried to shift development of the H·l . 1ne. T t dying and Iltnew It. I tried mouth .cre.ming.- ' ei were thrown ager 01 the <l!arrber of gears and the Vthlcle began roll. CITY (UPl) ' _ Still to pe. lleard' from . ..-re the ' IHerald Spom Editor Ray Schwartz and his v;i!e ere to mouth and It be-lped around and ldn't ataild up. Commerce, termed 11 i. "g re at IDg backwant.' Then the brakes y's .ccident which claimed of APProPriatiOD an hour from Panguitch, whim they hear the . for , .while, but wu 'too long. Some kid.: goCi thrOWn CH:.". My failed .nd the truck spilled · over the 'ves of 12 persons •• Committee. The space cotbmJttee. news. They. to to get pictures and;E She' dled on the w.ay III the hospit- cousin la deid , tbougJC (ftaOOy "The Cltlz.enS ·ol ·Provo. a( first the edge of the road throwing t5 Ian was tile {bird worst In Utah merely recommends to 100ngress the most gripping on-the-$pot stox:ies \ you will ever .1. O!hera having • lunl Han 01 OJrden) lsa our familY. can't Couldn't believe tlJat it waJI'true," puscngers before It: high ay . 1 \. tile ceiling OD spending: The· lIP- I United Pret\8 flew a rErter to the e. . ' to 'I to be happy even!l2Ioirgb me my said •. "DOW they are The Scout. .nd their compan· · worst was in 938 . Herald staffers combed for. pic and 9bitu :ea . help too:, I c:ouldn It wn brother, HaU· Jf'.l Ions were beaded for . Hole-In·the whe 25 were killed. in bus- meDd.t .ctual amount or. mOIl· CJf the · deceased_ One statr spent 08t of the nig tat · .. terrible, 1-' I ! It. wu onl1 six away We extend our . heart felt . sym. Rock 011 the River ... here train crash .- involving a ey to by Co0t: eu .. " i' ...' . Ext", bloQd .nived .t the from R.ndy and he', dea a d patby to liIe re!attves and fnend, they planned .! to ineet • second I District bus. The appropnatlons · eomnutllee the patrol. o«ice. 10 hosPit&l. .6own Iii from Salt Lake I'm not..I al those who ldlIed," he sald; cootin&eD1 Of tioy, who had hi( the 948 two c:roaKOUDtrY buses 1IIUalJ.y .,cuts deeper than the com· gathenng informatIon came -In.- .:' I·;\';. . ': 1" -l' . B his G. Marion r1Ye!' farther ' IIOrIb.. Together: the In '.foocl. County . 1dl1iDi mlttee responaibk for the It's t!te saddest atQry I e have ever had to , W,,- .. ae (lee HE "fI'lWEBS. Pile I) (Be. LEADEBS. P .... It (8M DEAD,_ INroBED, P.,. 4-) 1 atkm reQUeltt.. . DeeWf dolII&'. ADd .. ___ ....:.. .... l .... :. _ ·, ,.:: .', " ., ' .. I " .: I· " I : i ' i', · . '. .. ,

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'.,. ........ i VIlC;; I. :>-:>U:>u , C~a~oD:

ans , ., .. "

. , I ,.

ent on ·scout .Trt In 'T.ragJd Truck RaJ

Shattering tragedy hung I Provo today, as families, friend mourned the death of f.hree day 'afternoon in. the which c)p.imed a total of

On an Explorer,Scout eX]>edlticlfl historic Mormon cross on met tragedy when the steep hill as .the driver attern backwards off a steep emba listed 12 dead, 26 injured and of the truck. This wo~ld have ing the driver, who wa3 listed David Nieisen, address of Explorer Post 36 of the

Killed from Provo were: Dr. Merlin J. Shaw, 51, bi

Ward, assistant professor of of the expedition. . .

. Dr. H. Darrel Taylor, 45, and professor of languages a

'V. A. "Bill" Creer, 3!\ tractor and one of the fathel1

Joseph William Erick~n, Lloyd Erickson, 1840 N. 150 E.

Gordon Henry Grow, 15, son cer Grow, 1600 E. 8th N;

· Randy Wayne Miller, 14, ,Miller, 416 E. 2200 N.

-of the· Manavu LDS on at .ByU. and leader

-'\ leader in the grOup

· Gary . Lynn Rasmussen, I Rasmussen , 2225 N.

Gary Lynn Christ:msen, son of Mr. Negro Students Louis G. Christenl;en, 2159 N. 2;p0 E. , - i r

~ie:;tl~1~i;U~~ ~~~e~.30n of r.~. and Mr:s, LaVoir "Red" .1. a 0' 'II ~a II:a C· e . Also I~st~d by the . U nite. PreS~ I ternational ' ~ ' , .y ~ . ., . .

kIlled were. . I. , 'I ' . ' Dorothy Han en, 24, Salt ke CitY't· . Fier fOI' .tbe · R "'. I' ., B .

DeseretNews. . " I I,,'. ·oun .. n a Randy Hall, 13, son of Mr. nd Mrs. gene Mr Ha11. . I 'I 1 . .

Ogden. · 1 _ - • , I 'I' t- I ~{t I . _ . : . , ·1 'I ,. ' , . Robert ook, age ~nlisted,-s of Mr. a d ~rs. Robert' TUSC~, Ala. (UPl T"De· ~y later ' iIi tile day. ~k, Salt La~e CIty. ' : . . . ! flant Goy. George C. alIace ,!~nace, spurning' a LIsted by UDited Press Inte attonal JDJured were stood .damantly in • doo aYIIll. or~r from President

Provo boys, two boys and a man and a girl _from SaJt day ' .• nd , refused to. l ------------ I La~!e Citv, and a bo\- from Negro students 10

I c·;;c~r.-. £e'~e~al I/irls .. :e;c In the c,!. Ala~!rul . . TIlt: two

.\ .,

.1. ' .partly'. 9!l.udY . ~ . I ~ Wec!Desda.,.' 1teeomIac

.e.;.POD.h7 eIoad7 . Willi . .eat­ae. afterwooa .Dd ·e ·u ..... ·c ! _otre,. or Ulimdenhowen~ . 11I-.:... .

'-Iac temperatureS .. :: Bli1a. ted • ." ,,· , 18-"'.. Lo .. tordp, c.i-47 •. :·m.u

· WedDeada~ 7~7t.

rr ,

lift' •• rip,.

'Ins· 1st I . \ - 1 ," . " a . Baftle;::'

lute ·chan e · of' . s~a~~ ~~l '~~

D d I I· d:· partY as :'hltchhikers" from salt to their assigned eo , _nlure . La~ City. !nteqding to Join ah·; I ,·._w~!lIt;--an--,-, ---=-+---....1--+-----..:....:....---+ · -. .. oth r party lit Hole-Io.The.Rock 'I . .

P· dUd ' . e United p~ess listed' 10 J& I \ (

.1 nne n . e r ~~ ~~ from sr Lake C~ty . ~~d _U_s_e_o_f_. -~-........ -+-.:,..r....;...--.---..,,.....:;..

H \IV T k ' e list of inj~red follows: I I Ken n

government. the two NelO'OeL \l'lvian .Malone .nd Ja~e;' A: ' Hood, leCt tile SC~ne of \he histone ~fr?ntaticn .~?"~ ;0 ~"ir u"~nll~rlcs. a,s!'l;Zue:! eUlie~bY. the . unIversity. • .

Wallace, standllig In the . ro · wa.y of Foster AUdi.torium ' lllere the Negroes norinaUy would reg-ister, three tim,s ' refused • J~ _ tlce . 'DepartInent :.ttorney', . re-

eo .. 1 rue R Chase Allred. 2200 N. ·55O E.; J?a id Daley,' 15. son of Mr . .• b~ I'. -

By STEVE SMILANICH M . ' MaxlDaley, 445 E. 2200 Ii·;' G ·f . ~ I

I ' . . d Unltd ·Presa Interaation.l Re ' ~en Jr., 11 •. son ;oi J.1r. . u at ,. , Prov··o Lea ' ers and Mrs.' Reed AUeD, 586 . ~. . .. . . j ~ ESCA=. _Utah (UPIl-B<>?, 23 N.; Clyde Asb,ton. 14, 'afo " t • 'i

HERALD S· T' A' FF·E· , Scouts from three Utah · communl- of I' •• nd M~. Frank AshtQD . WASHINGl'ON (UP!) . Me . G· f· ties ~ub.ilanl left here Monday 475 E: 1700 N.· Ronald Bens<1D: dent KeDD~ today . \ -! ' . . Irror rle mormng on th~ first . leg of an H. , 00, ·of Mr . • nd Mrs. I Simon ~ .\Iabama National ·

EYEW· ·I'TN' ESS A· ceo NTS OF ., " and nver tnp ~at was ·Be on, 630 ,E . • 2320 N.; Nonoin a~thoriZed Defe~se Of C . - e

t to be the hlghhght of lhell' sum· Bos ani. 14, son of Mr .• nd Mrs: I1rt , S. ;¥cNanara

. . . . ' J'. omr:nunl y mer vacations. ,. , Dea Boshard. 321 E. l~ r{.; Army .~ps lie may '. EXPL'OZRE· ~ . S' COUT·., G· EOY Hours later, ~wo baltered youtJ:!s Ron ld Clark. 16. , son of force ·admlsslon\ of . . ' limped Into • local store ·to notify Ve-r Cl.rk, 360 E. alSO N.; to the Univers!tY

quest to .diiut them. · .· ., . Miss Malone . and :Hood .. a t

quietly In a : car, a . few' fe,et wllh as the drama was enacted. . ;f\

U.S,. DepdtY. AttY. IGen. NicJlolaa~ Katzenb~told ' Wallace .the j (OV­

ernment Dtends to regi!lt~tbe students ' ter .ID. ~, day. ;. Kafunb ch asked .... W&\1ace r~

. to e COn s ld e I' hi de-termined sitlon- -and aUo the students t enter . bec'a~ he said -\ Ire carrie a proClamation r~ :

nrodam'altipD the Prest lit of .tlie United tates · . Y' calling for obedience to a f~rai ·

I ' Shoc~ and gnel gripped Pro~o .uthoritles that . their trUc.k had Coi in, IS, son ;of Mr. aDd · The Presi~nt

-.' ) lOOay 111 . the ~ake ~ M~nday s overturned ~n . , desolate ~un· Ha Id Colvin, 595 . ~. I -:-----'-----r-.:....,-:+--··H~-~· :··~;)ml)ina'tiOl\J By RAY .nd ELAYNE SCRW tragic Ii1ish~ 111 w~ a truck taln road. ki1llng 12 persons, Ave; Allen Creer. ·14, 'son' of Mr.'

court dec~ee orderinj: the 'Wtl ~eD' rolled. . J : , ~. •

Walla~e .re'used .to b\lt!ge: ' . (Editor's Nole: R.y Sehw.n., Her.ld · editor, .nd his ~~:~e:. claimed .12 lives near Es· . The tragedy which elKled th~. andfMrs. Bill Creer, \100 E. 1900

wife, Elune, wbo ecUta the · Her.ld TV seeUoD, were OD ne.·. .. . . . long-planned trip for 46 ScQuts, N.; Jed Daley, 14 • . son of Mr (Ion In ABUmo"D7, .bout .n )IoQ,. IIrln from ' r.nrulteb; ~n Prevo city olflClalS. CIVlC . ~d leaders and girls occurred ab9ut and, Mrs. Max Daley, «5 E. they beard of the tneedy Monda., whicb Idllfjd 1% people ~nd -ch.urch. leaders an~ sdloo:' offiCialS 35 miles southeast of here · when N.;· Dennis ~ D~vis, 14, Ison of inJUred neuli two dosen others-mOd of the~ p.rt -;r- .n tEx~ ' IIlII'toreCt" the gr~ef , which h.a 5 their truck plunged down a pre· Mr! and Mrs. Earl Davu"l806 .N. plorer Seout expeditioo from Pro ... Mr .• Dd Ma. Schwan& ~ toudled the en t I r e l commuDity. clpitoos mountainside In a "no 500 E.; Da\,:4 Hall. is. and &0 P.npUcb; where they pbOD~ ~. Ber.k1 u+e ·foUowlne Crlp- - ho~e .ol all but Ihrer !ol the. fatal· land." . Tr. Hall Jr .. 16, sons ·of ·}lr. pine bewitnCIII .ccounll.) . ". : ! . I 1y Injured: : . . 1 . Eight Scouts, two university -pro- an . Mrs. Tracy Hall. 1711 When we got over to PanguItch . ,.f· i · .Maxor Veri. G. ~~on s.ald ~~e fessors, • contractor and a wom· La bert Lane; Tom Heal: · 15,

we went to ·the hospital. Two ~ Provo, (soD ~ 1t1r •• nd 10 rs . .. J., city and the admllllstr~tion I.~ an reporter were killed when the· son !>f Mr. and Mrs. Ward Heal,... . I .

tors from RiclJfield .nd two from Sylvester Clarytl. ~ told oflbeiDg gr~atly saddened by this ~ew~. truck and its .conl;ents hurtl~d 285 E. 2100 . N.; Charles Pope, W~SHlNGTON .qJPI . Kan-ab had ;'joine<\ the Panguiu:h pidned In'the Wrec!'age for 45 ~in- }he ~le .eX [Provo With ~ts down on top of ·them aCler dump- MI superintendent 'for gresslonal ~hcomiUee

He saId he was on ·band .. u · he "baf 2fWed he would ~ for weeks -:- 1 to "prevent · . ca-trance because I it is Illeg . aoc% unwarranted." · :.

.. . Edwin Guthman, a spok . man . Alabama," }be order said. for the Justice , ·Departmen~ said

It f~het/.uthoril:led the repti~tedly tbat tbe Negroes ouid secretary Uto use such lof be ·registered today.

I arm~ :· forces of the .Unltfd "They ~ill be tak~n.-tlir the . les as lie . may deem · neces· door he{o e whlch- the . go ernor

, I stood," said. " ..

Hospital st.ill. TlJ.ey started bring- utes. "Otbers~ were . pinn~ too. cit. admlD.lstralion express the Iring t1!em out oC its open bed. . . ant View Ward: 2135 N. . (!u\hng th~ . sp.ce ing in the Injured kids at .pproxl· They Were 4Ying and 1 passljd out. deepest sympath~ to ~ ~ho ,~ave When Garfield Coun.ty deputies .; Bryan , RoundY. 14, son flight hu~~ by, ,about $2501 .mI1. HERALDJNG The "'I e mately 8 p.rn: •. '. I was pinned ' In' the m.id~ and s~e:ed a loss at tbjs tune, he at the scene Cour hours of r. abc! Mrs.\JCJ1mer Rouad lion, It '1'as learned ttay. '. n ! I .

'. Outside al cf.owd was ,a!herlng, couldn't·! breaU., but I:m J:live. said. :, ~ Cter the aCcfdent they found the ' 1 " _. y. I). house spac~ bco\'lffilt ee . ' qUiet. solemn.faced - 'many with Moan. I'm .Uv~ 'J1bey tried jack Ben E. Lewu; president ol the dead and -rDJured' pinned beneath 340 .. 900 N.: Kilmer Roundy, voted u1l'anim.?usly 0 trim hy . ·It·'.s· bu· ~a·. ,d,·d st,. 5.' t~,1 r· r,. . ':\' tears In !:beir eyei as they w.t:cb- up the truck ~t we were o~ s!lnd East Sharon .Stake of the Church the truck IUld buried pnder th('i . 1 N. j .Roger Sheffield, about 7 per ~fn5 the' $jl." bill on _ 'cd the statibn wagons, .mbulaoe- .Dd It WOllkl;n't hold the j~ck . 1 ol. Jesus ChrISt of L.tter • day camping equipment and · ru T 14, ?n of r . • nd Mrs . Loftus the admlni~tratlol1 requeljlect or es and cars unlo~d the injured. don't know hOt'lfIey ever got, me SaJ?ts, said the tragedy "comes as boats. . ) Shellekl, 410 E.,I980 ,N.; Norman manned space flight .cti'1t1es or On .Whl· W O·ld Ou'r Best .;

. 'MallJ. I'm Alrlebt out." I· t a great shock to the ~Ie 01 the Young David Hall oC Provo. one Ski. . ~.o; ~ .~ and Mrs: thE- fiscal year ~tart.ing July I. 'l"be door<of; • . treatment room , M,. Coujsin .. Dead' ! area. They were .aIl fiDe young of the injured. described the acci. Juli s Sklu. 1847 ~ .• .-soo E.. ,!,he subcommittee s ·· ~m n~· I

was opened; aDd JeNell' Blennan We talked ~th. David Hall. Ion men an~ outstandlng leaders. We dent: "The truck. wouldn ' t shirt fSe NINE PROVOANS, P.,e 4) dations· now go to the fu Ho. . ' Y-

of:M) East Haven. Salt Lakel City of" the ,H; T~C)' J;iaUs. Provo. shall. ~~s th~ and mourn their and started rolling backwards aDd .j Space ~mmittee, which i~ • 1 ~here'a really only 0 e story for Central U\&? in was wheeled i!l, She wanted to "Someone.pulIed me out. ~ think passing, . e.veryone st.rted screaining. Ev; A cident Third l p~ to, en.$>rse, the paoei

J s~. the Herald · today-the ! sa dest story we've ever h ; to

telephone her mother. ';Mamm., It Was my brolber. We-started up Dr. J.C. Moffitt, superintendent eryone got tossed .round but 1 , , lion. . J ' corqpile. . I... '

I'm· all rig'ht." ,she JObbed. f>b~ the hill. TIfe]· couldn't ma.ke It. ~ Provo . ~ity ' Sc~la, said th.t was luclcy." • W t" Ut h Most ~f tpe red~ctionr k It took the combi ed recourses of nearly the e tire ,truggled to ~ on, "I. was lying 'There W.l • stop Sign-I I think school offICials are grie( stricken As the truck headed up • roug,h ' . rs In a 'I place in I, the Apollo pro~fam news stat! on the Herald, plus the United Press I~-a- \ right next to Dorothy, lUosen, tbe-re who't Illy - thF ~ and extend sympathy and .coDdoI· road carved out of the mountain- H h · H" t put a mn OD' the moon~y 1 . tional, but we have broug~ you perhaps the most C Ie-(Reporter {Or the ~scret News) wouldn't ablft' l We BUrted rolUng ellCes.:' slde, llts 21·year old driver, Ernest I way IS ory ' Addltlo~al cuts were · mad ~ . t 'e nensive coverAge you will-Fitld anywhere. \ _ .. • nd. sbe wu ·.ilSping. IShe. w.s b. c k .Qd t]TeryOOe started . William K. Wother9pOOn, man· S. Ahlborn of Provo. tried to shift development of the H·l . 1ne. T t ~ dying and Iltnew It. I tried mouth .cre.ming.-' ei were thrown ager 01 the Pro~ <l!arrber of gears and the Vthlcle began roll. L.~KE CITY (UPl) ' _ Still to pe. lleard ' from . ..-re the ' IHerald Spom Editor Ray Schwartz and his v;i!e ere to mouth b~atbing and It be-lped around and ldn't ataild up. Commerce, termed 11 i. "g re at IDg backwant.' Then the brakes y's .ccident which claimed ~ws of I ~e .H~ APProPriatiOD Qn .~cation, an hour from Panguitch, whim they hear the . for ,.while, but I~ wu 'too long. Some kid.: goCi thrOWn CH:.". My tr~edy.". failed .nd the truck spilled · over the 'ves of 12 persons oear1 E~ •• Committee. The space cotbmJttee. news. They. s~ to Partg~itch, to get pictures and;E o~ She' dled on the w.ay III the hospit- cousin la deid , tbougJC (ftaOOy "The Cltlz.enS ·ol ·Provo. a( first the edge of the road throwing t5 Ian was tile {bird worst In Utah merely recommends to 100ngress the most gripping on-the-$pot stox:ies \ you will ever ~ .1. O!hera _~ having • lunl Han 01 OJrden)lsa our familY. can't Couldn't believe tlJat it waJI'true," puscngers before It: high ay bi~ory, . 1\. tile ceiling OD spending: The· lIP- I United Pret\8 In~ernat.io~iu flew a rErter to the e. . ~ 'to bre~tb ~ ' I :-Vlh~ to be happy even!l2Ioirgb me ~ my Woth~D said •. "DOW they are The Scout. .nd their compan· · worst aCcl~~ was in 938 proprlation~ . co~uee J~' Herald staffers combed ~rpvo for. pic and 9bitu :ea . help too:, ~ I c:ouldn t· It wn brother, (Tra~ : HaU· Jf'.l ~made sa~dened. Ions were beaded for . Hole-In·the whe 25 were killed. in • bus- meDd.t ~ .ctual amount or. mOIl· CJf the · deceased_ One statr spent 08t of the nig tat · .. terrible, 1-' I ! It. ~ wu onl1 six ~ away We extend our . heart felt .sym. Rock 011 the cplo~ado River ... here train crash .- involving a ey to ~ a1Ioc;~ted . by Co0t:eu.. " i ' ...' .

Ext", bloQd ·h~s .nived .t the from R.ndy and he', dea a d patby to liIe re!attves and fnend, they planned.! to ineet • second I District bus. The appropnatlons · eomnutllee the hl~hw~y patrol. o«ice. 10 Pro~o, heckm~ ~m ·~. "i;. hosPit&l..6own Iii from Salt Lake I'm not..I don~ ~~1e' · j al those who ~ere ldlIed," he sald; cootin&eD1 Of tioy, who had hi( the 948 two c:roaKOUDtrY buses 1IIUalJ.y .,cuts deeper than the com· gathenng informatIon ~ ~ came -In.- .:' I·;\';.

~" : . ~ ': 1" -l' . ~'Red ~s B his G. Marion HlDdde')'; ·~. r1Ye!' farther ' IIOrIb.. Together: the In '.foocl. County . 1dl1iDi mlttee responaibk for the I~' It's t!te saddest atQry I e have ever had to ~, ~-, W,,-.. ~ ~utt ae (lee HE "fI'lWEBS. Pile I) (Be. LEADEBS. P .... It (8M DEAD,_ INroBED, P.,. 4-) 1 atkm reQUeltt.. . , ~ DeeWf dolII&'. ADd ~ ..

___ ....:.. .... l .... :._·, ,.:: .', " ., ' .. I " . : I· " I :· : i ' i', · . ' . .. ,


. Pa~guitchHospi }~.9 qare "01',1 n1" ' -.\ ~k.~ . -;A~ iolaB Soutb- , I

ern :Utah. ~1Ptt.l -: 10 01 Jta IS . ·1Mfa ~w11111n lutel Iutd '

· ~" PbiIIdan" uri e I; 1 blood. ~ali4 ·~~beds ·, or 24 ' lu- ' · . ~'T1 . broucbt In Mo~ay night

· ~ &I!e JIole.lD·!JJe.Roi:k crash I · ~' t" " I( ' I

'. \At .~. ~ay, only t~o 01 the ~urecI. w~~' .still at - Panguitch', . 's~'K~ pw,ens; superlDtendeot.

1F)v. were at UtH VaHey ' HOI- , " P~aJ. r .itJl . aD ' ambulance from '

o RlchlIeId due ··In zqomenWUY aDd-o _/pICe WeI 'a( lDjuted ' iom:Pan-

~ . "~Ir.,' ~ II.i . ' . . ' . · ' .I '.- : .. ·~,eIlC1 Ald . . . jDf. JohnICook. Salt-Lake ·City. a

lliember CIt, the party 'wbidi suffer­ed 12 falalltl~ and 26 Injured. was

· able to ,t,e lOme Tirst aid at · .ceDi:' aDC( 1 walked into the hos·

': ' piUl.1aId Mr. Owens, 'Several oth· . , ~s were &bIe to walk In-after' :. Deiq tranSport-ed by ~Iances : aDd can from the crash sccne. add

were'. '~ated tor minor injuries. · :E/ibtee.n · were admitted; leV­

ual in very serious cOnditioll. · ,When pot!l'ied 01 the -tragedy. Dr. William Ml\SOn~ Panguitch. stayed

• a, the hospital p~ariog for the multiple 'emergency wbile the oth· . ~ - . er PaD&ultch physician. Dr. Sims ~

I·Mobil ized

E. DugginS', went out to the scene. ' ~-I.:...-.. ---· Tw .. more doctors we~e f~d in' 'MOM, I'M OK' .- JeNeil Univers ' t' . f Ut h K/lDab and two new in 1rom Pro- ' ,. ' I Y 0 a • V<). A' dor.e'n or 10 nurses were coed from' Salt ~ke C,ty sits in whe!!l chair to telephonE

· rOunded uP; three 01. them· senior h.er · mo~her fror,n · t1'!~ Panguitch Hospital after her I\Ul"SeI wilb the . bloodmobile. rescue from the crash' scene. Miss Bierman W8.5 one of

Several " coD~alesceDt patients ' fiVe ' girls .riding in 'the wrecke'd truck. . . ,,'ere discharged ~to make way for I .

· the gravely injured, and cftra beds were brougflt ·up (rom the hospital basement. •

'Doctors. nurses and Sl,lperinteild· ent worked arouod the clock . .• ,

Tbe first, ' patient frOm Hole·in· the·Rock was adm1tted at ' 8:30 p, m •. the last at 2:30 . :' m ; this mornini. .1 I ..

. Wta~her C;ool' ! ! }'ol1uJl.at~y. said' S~tinte6dent

Owens. the : weather had been · cloudy aod ' cOol at scene oi the · a~idCllt. so the injur¥ :did not \

liuUer fr6m dehydration although • iii ;, ~~rtare8- . I . j , Swhe had lain in or near the 1- r

wreckage for an hour imd a half. J .} IODly two patients remained at ~ ...

Panguitch at noon ' today. Belva . Barlow. 1025 E. '-5otb S .• I Salt Lake . CitY. wbo sutfered a hip IDJury.

· wu acbeduled to leave soon for a S~( Lake ~spital. . ..

Still at uie hospital in grave con· · dition wu Marvin PorsCbatis. 923

Laird Ave'l Salt Lake lCitYI Y,:I1O

.~ered ~ injuries. ! .r

Utah Obituaries

5 I· d I 1 AlLY HERALD 5 ' "lUre" . TUES~Y~;;;;' I~ \

Hospital ~ere < . \ I . Five 01 the Hole-in&Jloelt Ha. If '.' Mast Fi~t g,' s~ : I:' crash victims were under' treat.. -lIJeflt a{ Utah Valley Hospital tJib To Mark Tragea 1 -' morning. their condition ranilDi . j "\ from good to "fair" . . Prow " and 1.ftab . County I I

Steven TaylOr. '12. ' S85 -. East we~ into a period of mourn- 1\ ' 1' Sagewood. whose fathe.r Darrell . inc today ' for the ruDe Boy Wn& killed in the crub was IOinI t Scouta and ' leader. wbo per- I'

into sqrgery at press time 'for a II Jsh~ M~ay evening . ·oo a \ fractured femur. His motber ia to Hole-ln-the-Roc~ ; by .• I Barbara Boshart! Taylor. I~' ! pping ita flags to half mast. ~l

Brtgbam Young Universfly AI.- I!I County Commissiorier I G. • soclate Professor of AiroDO~ R. . I arion Hin~ ' ln~ i t r d ~ ~se All.red.44. S65 E. 2200 N.. I \If .Toop 176 of Pleasant . j Provo. wu in "good cooditioll" iew ' to lower .. the countY's , 1 following 'surgery for a broken ag at the Ctty-O>unty Build- !

pelvis and internal bleeding. He g to half-staff. ScouU Randy suffered POSSible other Injurte&. wson and Michael ' East-Prof. Allred is .the busband of .ViI'- oQd with a dIstri<1 lCOut &inia Birt! All.red . . ·cW. Douglu Larsen. lo ... ~

J. Lee Chlvin. 16. ion of Mr: red the flag,' I, )

and Mrs. Harold A. Colvin" S95 .. '!'he-' ProV<' CitiY Colllmission ~ .East SpruCe. ~\'O, was in l fair ed th~ City Attorney Tom . urs e. drs. Cl~ Henr.\' of th<! Panguitch ' Hos-condition foUo-.. g sui'ge~ ooa aylor drdt a ·proclamation · . Clark, Illon of Mr. ,arid :'Irs. J. SYh'es~el' Clark Provo badly injured ri t leg . ' at flags in the city be flcw.'U Ident sc. e1f€: . ' I' ~ ._ _ _'i • __ .. • ' . .

Clyde L. AshlDn. 15. son of Mr. half stalf until Saturt!ay. ~ and Mrs. Frank D.('Ashtoo. "5 E. • . f i .

~~~nP~;'Osp'i~aSainbfadlairy~' frgOodac_ I Irror Grie '1 . ', Nat.ion.·.a .. I. Scout del' and rib injiuies. _

tured left ann. . ' . Roundy youth's . mother, T d I L d Fl· Thomas William Heal. IS. son A . Kilmer Otbo Roundy. 340 E. ver ' rage - y eo er .. yrn~' '.

Eagle Scout who ... ;th injured P ·tch t . k T U t h T • h of Mr. and Mrs . Wart! Heal. the It N ... Provo. was en route to I r Brian ROWldy. 14. ran and walked h n::d an: ~~an~P ber injured ) , c,n~ in the tragic i~ss oi ~e , 0 a . onl9 t almost four miles for help. was jl.n dd 'tio I 'I v- I ' slill in X-ray at ·press time for rntre ~jU:ed ~ere h:~~(~e~ ~ , County . said: oUlsLanding young ~e, aDd ~cir : The nati~nal ' director of health

:ttifniUed to Utah Valley Hospital ' :Our .coon.l}'. our sl.ate aDd . Da. leaders. We 01 the Utah ClfDIY and ~afe~ for Bo~' .. ~outs · of thjS afternoon from RichIieJd and UOD )OlD In the hour of bereave· 1 Commission extend our deepest Amenca. :-; ew Brunswick. N.J .• is i Hole-In-Rock

1 Destination Historic Spot

ESCALA .. '\TE I liPI 1- Hole· In· the·Rock-lh·e intende-d destination of ~Ionda~"s iIl·fated excursion­is a narrow slil in the west wall of Glt'o Canyon disco\'ered in 1879.

The localion gOl ils name and historical significance "'hen Mor­mon colonizer decided to try a short CUI into SaD Juan County by way or Es.calantc and the al· mosl complelely unexplored and un!;nown count f\' to the south and cast. " .

Wr iting in a book enlille-d " Hole· in·lhe·Rock,'· Dr. David E.Miller: professor of history at the Uni·' "ersily of Utah . nOled i. took a D'I<lnlh and a half of un ited effort

.10 construct three·quarters of a mile of road from the plateau wesl of the Colorado RiYer down t 'l lhe rivcr through Hole-in·the· Rock.


The p'rovo ¥ea scouts making lhe excursion pianne-d 10 go to Hole·in·the·Rock and jOin " 'ith an· other group coming down lhe ri,··

, er from Hilt' . From there. they planned 10 ride the C<>lorado .to

I ~~~i.~~ ~ ~~ falhers .

P nguitch after treatment there. ment wltl) the fami lies and loved . ;~mpathy." . J flYing ~ut 10 Utah thi; cvening ID .

#- -1':~~ ;~ ~:~ ~ ,.. .\'-- '. {, ' I • 'I' . l ';,r -.r· ... . .I C;/tj!r any help h,' can in the Hole-~ I .\ . ... " 1l.·the· Rpck disaster. and will ls-I : ' .,- ..... I I ! s.ue a . slatement Wednesday. '~' Esc(\\o t~ /' l , I S<:out ~)(ecutive Floyd Loveridge '

" .'. ! ,' I s;'ld todav . .t ' , " . '\ " - "fr. Lo~·e~I'lgc. scout CXe'Cutiv~

• t , •• for the Utah '" atioDai Parks ~ . ' ...... wuncil. expressed sympathy and

~...... I ~. ~?ndolence .t9 families of those " • k.lJed and wllihcd speedy recovery

\ .... j fo~. ~osc bOYS who " 'erc injur¢.

I J "';I ,/

i .~ \"3 '~\~ hare aqdxlous to help in any , o . e sa l . • t'. While most of tile group in Vie " r' .\ I a"y were Boy ' Scouts it wu .

/ '

! .' I ..... ~ - nOl a . Boy Scout officia\Jy.spon-· ; Appro ...... o\, ! . •• .. , wred mission but a ' s..'cnic tour lo(~1 iM ot I ~ ... ¥ . . conductCd by SColo\\·a . a group of ace '6<-lt , •• . Provoans 'and Sail Lakcrs. Sco~

~ l ••••• \·:a is an !organizalion which spon­sors tou~s for LOS groups. it was reported .

. JIIr. Loveridgc and Dr. C. J. Hart . chairman of h~alth and safety. noted that normally Boy ~COUls ·travel about 40 ' million

. mile- a year. seeing the country and becoming better acquainted

i I . .,Ar;z?no': \ . , . . J , ~~~ ~~~ountry . Accidents have . . .' ,/1, . ' , P09t ' . . !-, Official Boy ScO\lt tours require . ~.~ .""--' ~' -I-' . .L..- '..l~1- :.-i. .~L . ...! . I J, . ..: . • '. . .. '. a permit from Boy' Scouts 01. Sc...~.U~ lJ~ .lli\l,,tjl.h-ln the wMd. I,llpnhabJted toontry. of. southeastern Utah. 19 .-\merica ..... !Uch specifies type 0{

, persons. mne! of them fr~ Provo. met {leath ~fo!1dil~' afternoon in a tragic end tb \'eWcll' ~ be . used; qualifications an Explorer Scout expeditiOn heRded for Hq\e-In-The- Rock on the Colorado Ri~' c~ the dmer. and bans-personnel

'~ap sh<>ws approec:imate location~ of accident. ' e . nding III other than cab of an

SALT LAKE err\- _ Le.kr This year's excursion held spe· cial significance to ~he Kouts since

" Gin Lew, 4:1. 01 2055 E. 3185 S., . j. waters from Lake Powell. the lake died SWlda,; fwler.l Wednesday. being formed bchiod Glen Canyon 1 p.m .• Gardfll Heillbt.5 South LDS I Dam. soon Will cover Hie ' hottom

·W.rd Cbajlel. aaar~ "LoUie" . I . ,j . SEoClion of Hole.in·the-Rock wbere

=::G;:::;a~' ~!:r.~a~: ~ NO ;PAPER UELlV'ERY FOR AWHILE -j'xPlorer a plaque designates . where early Sollth Temple: W\Wam D«>.Norm- &out Ned Daley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Max M. aley of settlers crossed the treach~rous ••• 25. ·ol .., S. 830 E .• Sandy. Pleasant View is.-gratbful that he...is able to I k at hi" Colorado. The lake l will not : cover the gorge part of Ho!i·in·the-Rock.

I died Sunday; tuner:al WednU<!ay • . injured leg, ~lthough e wort't be able to perfonn duties . , I

2 p.m., Union Tbird ' J:l)S Wart! . as a carrier for The .Herald for ~while. Ii He was The peanut is ndt a: nut. 'qut it ' "Chapel. · Geo~e J. ~ood Jr .• 45: in Panguitch ·A substitute will de iver the belongs to the same family u the

of 1~ W, 2nd S .• . died Sunday. ~ f t ' " . -tuneral Wednesd4Y. 10 •. m .• 36 E. paper or a corqmon pea and bean. I : 7th .5. ~ Bd.:e .~rickel ~!3!tal'i -=--=-_-'-...L._ -:-__ +--=_--:_-=--:--~:-:-:-_..!.. ______ ~_-=-_______ _ 85.0( 98Z E ; 13th S .• died Monday; flir(erai ' Wednesday. 2 p.m .• Em·

" e~son LOS Wa.rt! Cbapel. DRAPER - G.n Gar1.b JOOI,

line. 01 1z1s2 Fort St.. died Sat· urday; 'funtral Wednesday. 1 p.m .. DraPer First LOs Ward Ulapel.

LOGAN-Dean W. Bom.n. !11. , .ded Sunday; funeral Wednesday.

· . 1 lp:IJI :. Lewiston First .LOS WUd.

· arm!~_peter RaJ Sevy,

0. f

- I. : .'

. . .~-

. ' &5. dl.ed SaturdaY'; fUneral Thurs l " j ' .d.y.2 p.m.; Panguitch Nortil LOS ,' .... . Ward Chapel. CarUsIe Boyter. 70.

died SuOOa>:: funeral Weiinesday. 2 1p. m .• ·Pangultch. South LDS Ward Chapel.': ,

, I ',: puGWAY, - ~ Alexander .. : ' " P~weU: 81/ d1ed Sunday: fun(>t'al .­

Wednesday, 1 p.m .• 2128 S. State. .. ' , Salt La~ 'Clty: . i'

GA.RLANn Box Eider County­Charles ,.red Bam. 9Q, died Sal· ... ~.~; ran~i was today.. .

dQd.en . livestock . · • oGDEN tUPI)~ Livestock :

pUle a!lll calves 1.000: slaugh· ter stepra and ' heifers steady to ~ higher; , cows about . stcady; bJJls ao4 vealers firm . ' Fceders »trong td ~ higher; s);\u g h t e r steers cho~e 1050·1150 Ims. 21.5G­Zl,60; lIaughier heifers choice 750

, lIOO Ib6. 21.30 • 22.00: COW" utility. l3~OO-l6.00; buMs utility and com· men:ial 17,SO·19.00; ,·ciders . good and choice 2li.OO . ' 29.00: fceders ch~ice s:;o.~ lb. steers 23.90-25.30.

lIDg's 200;' barrows and gilt's most· y l steady; U.S. 1 .. 2 195-215 Ibs,

1&;25-18.35; ', IOWI steady. mixed 1.2-3 . ~400 Ibs. 11.50-12.75.

I. Sb~ 2iXI; ,laughter lambs and ewes steady; Wt;t pe\t~ ~Dsider· ed: S1all£bter spring lambs pack· 81Dt mlxed ·cboicc and ' prim.. 96 lb!. with dry pelts 24025. ' Olher . chOice and mixed C b 0 ice' an9 prime 80-102 Ibs: wet pelts '23 .75- '

· 24.00; Jlaughter ewes package util· , , ity No. ' % pelts 6.00. '. . '1 1

ATTN P~OVO . . , "NE~ ~PRK IUPlf· - " Inves'or "

GI'OU',1 Fun~s ihcluded : ... ' IDlel'OOlltiMintal 6.32 .6.83 . MUtual l}.S8 12.52 StOcu 18:95 31.49

. · 5eleeUve 10.38 11.10 , Van ..... 1.87 'U3 it .... · .. _______ ~I · IADI4TORS REPAIRED

. ... Ga. .. Installed .8pec~)jsecl Work

'. AHLANDER'S . ~.~ .~...,_ 8. lJId-. Aft.


I ..

T.ick;tock, . tick~tock .. ~the BOURBON :that didn't watch the clock ; " J :, 1 , I' I , :'. I .

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\ , ' i ' [ , r-~"r~5::: AMERICAN ' OIL COMPANY' . I

I i 1 I


'i : DA;LY HERALD Olad, l,n·1 u. red E W' · I ' , ,I -':' , . __ ; - j ye- Itness-:, ?G~ow !Servi~esT_hur , ~..: _I Pi~rted - Under ' -Accoun~(byj I

.; ~o)i.,~,~itefUke~:~1 ~I r: :::,:: ~r~:kL Herald~!WerS I' ! ,:' ! PI~s(lnt.1V!~lew V lefl' S, (cut{- ,~~ ,' ~a~'- ' :r !

i i ' I l I 'j I .arrived In ~, '11Ie ~I 1.4

I" ~" i; ',0f.\Hdle;1 -.:Rock ,'Uishap ! ~'wo~~I-~~: :~ .t::=f.;-~~~Ij . ' _, I , I " I ',-' , - , T I . l I -1' utet came wbeII I~ ill· Ia a -liUIe' town, begall IC:OHectiDl

.' . 'i - J?int f~~1 lIe'I'Vi ell probably ,Viiil be: .eld, for the = ~ :car: walked\ t!: ~g =m~~ ~a: b~ I : seven membeIl of the Pleasant View. LDS W~d who " .. ere toward · Escalante ~ f I a ~ II y opened tbelr doors, Tbe UtaIt " ,~ kiUed" jn Monday's tra&'i~ truck ' accident Dear laJ~, I cau,bt a ride Into Iowa. luQway Patrol Ii ~lpinl to' tUc-.

.. I' \'{hile nO'"4etinite~ ge!l1ents have n. ,mllde, it Nearly all the Scouts wen JIlftII. aWlltadJonl'PUta at the boepItal. '" appeared , at ! press-tinie ay the mass tu ral may be lien of the Churcb of JftUa, Chri.1 ' We saw Jo~e Rablee~, II, of

· neld' Friday in ' the EM haron StakebOuse. ' I of Latter-day SaUJts. ' I Salt Lake. (oae. Gl i five e1~ 'Ill ',. I MeanQme, definite uneral ' arrangemelli were an' A Red ~os. BloodmoI)i1e, on a * . I

I ' . nounced' for ,Gordon H y -Grow, 'IIOn oC Mr.~nd Mrs. D~ rouliDe triP to ~angllitc:b, w a • I ~ at PI;;I$ HOIIplt;: , S preased lDIo ael"V\c~ aDd addtUOD· 1 II were ura"" b, Ra, 1 ~ pencer Grow, .notber ovo victi.m at the illhap, ·'!:h al · blood ~as ·nowlCl ·. ~ the botpit&l, I 8cbwa~ ,01 &lie raid .taff I

: rites,l...,:"i11 be Thursday. at 2 p.m. in the 13th \'Yard Chape from . ~ Lake City, . 1 a~ were Wlee for &be Her- I' 945 t;: 7th N; ., . I" , 1 ·8Die-m.(be.Roc:tJ Ia. long befl1 '1 .Id bJ' rnDk.JUebards Pan- (

• Se~vices' for Bishop ferlin John Shaw, oishop of thj' a summer . .trip destioation ' , (or 1 JUitcb po&tmaster. ' I

j .~, anavu Ward, t .he nlnt_h rson kille.d iii the tnish,ap, ha,,~ Utab Boy SCouts: The Hole, a nar· * * row slit from the rueged moW!,

. not been ~notJnced . The body i~ at the 1 enldnS-Soff taiM dowa to the Colorado River tile party) Ibe was lookin-g I« her · Mortuary 'in Mutjray, his'\ hom.e to":D ~ . . '. wa. ,.~scovered in 187i by Mor: sister and asking {or her througtJ

6 . Bft!.o~-ilTe. o.bitua,ries of the nine acciden victim.s: mol! 'p,oneers who hacked out a badly .wollen lips. Someone told _ • \' I , ..... Igoa ~d from Escalante to u.e her tliat her sister had bei!n taken

Me!!lm John Shaw , . \ , Harvey Darrel Taylor' 'spot, " to a home aDd only then would ...... _.;. ... __ - ...... ~.-... . ! I The road iJ .till t~ primary Joyce &0 to another Pangui'l'cb Medlll John stJ~, 51, bishop of Harvey Dacrel ~ay-lor, ~, pto- route throug,b the area, and is sel- home for bad1y .need~ '~t.

the ,Malllvu liDS Ward and co- f(Ssor of modem l langyages at dom us~ except by uranium pros. The hospital h-as pressed Its · .f!Sunder 01 ~e Socotwa School Ex· Brigham' .Youag qnlverslty" was pectors, sh~p and cattlemen and ma~f{lity room into service for

,~1ions. the group 'sponsoring the I:onr Sept . . U , 191;7: tn -Pleasant groups heading for the remote bedding some more of the injured. Provo boys, Eagle Scoul trip, was born Jan. 8, 1912, In Mur· View, Weber County' i a IIOrl or campsiU! at Hole-in-the-Rock. The names of ,the dead were 15, breat.hine with diL-ray; a 'son of U1Il E, tall""rum and' J:larvey L . and Lucellt R.b~s Tbe expedition o{ the scouts this strictly guard~ from news soure· because of cracked ribs,

" Ge0P8e F . Sha.w. ", Taylor.' l' . year,.was billed as " spedal " be. es and others but the kids knew and injured H .. year~ld, Brian , : ,I' • '._ Hi married ~ildred Ottley June i HIs father has }f~~n vice presi· cause. 1pe .area will be inundated who didn't "make it," and t1Iose ~, rllll and walked \al.mo.st 0 I 10, 11937, ,i.D (~e: SA1t 'Lake , LOS dent of Brigha.m !Young Univer- be!ore ne-lOt summer by waters that C'Ould 5at in the hallway!, be. loor ~iles across d~ sand· o~an " res ,I

T~le, . . " .' . , liIty, {or the P~ 10 years. , from Lake Powell, the 186 . mile wilde-red and sUlnned. TIley Jtut· stODe Iwastelands neat HoIe-in·the--

. ," ,Pr.ovoans,


the Panguitch Ii morning and fin d

red Bo\' Scouts, . \ \ the Red Cros5 Bl. ,

give aid, . . I hers Killed;

Hurt cis Seo Trip Turns

Tragedy In Sout'he~n Uta~


i Darrell Taylor , 585 E. Sagewood ,Mr. Shaw rect!lved his B. A, 'IIld \ 'On May ;I: ' 1~, Harvey Dar· long reservoir now forming behind ter~ When they talked. Piece. of Rock iate Monday to .UlIll'DOft help, I . ' . · M. A. degrees (rom the UDlve~SllY reI l'plor married Barbara, AlIce Glen Caoyon Dam in northern whi~ paper with ~eir names on ' .. LAKE. ~HQRE, - ' ~frs . Pame

III UUIb ' and a doctor of eduulmn .Brossard . : .~m.ona . ' • had been taped to them "'ith ad. BehInd them lay bloody' I ca- 'Ab!itanap

, daughter 0(' Mr , degree 'from the UOlve'rslty of Cali- A graduate of Mesa High School I he si\'e . There W3& no place to go. tastrol'il<', : Hone Peay of Lake Shor, Taylor, 17 , and Slev~ .-\ \'e . : Dans -Sha"·. n . o~362 E_ fomia. ' He JOIned the BYU 1ac\ll. in 'Arizona. : Mr ITaylor attended Nothing to do bul wail. One boy ~ay at 3:30 p. m . , . ~ people' SWlday night'in a Salt ~ and ' r.i rf 'Ih :" . : Bch'a Barlo" , '1025 ' E . ty iA 1959 aDd was assistant pro- Anwna stite University for two Age CI . . was violenUy sid< to his stomach . sat comfortably in the back' 01 a oLa linger~g illne~. : . \ ~;\h - .. -Sa lt Lake Cit)'; Dr . J phn

. f 1 fes~ 01 religion at the trme of his yean; before serving an LOS mis. a I ms They didn't speak among them- two-tOO cattle truck 011 the way to was ·thc daug.\i ter of ~o • , C k . S!'>I S. U 5th E .. Sail Lake ceath •. , ', \ . sion to Argentin~ Upoo hlS re- I I i selves only to wonder aboue their historic Hole-ili-the-R«:li, site lof as ano Rose Huri Hone. Sh~ rna • 1 1 City : .>,Uen Hall. iZi 25th St., , Prior to joiDlDC the ~YU faculty,. turn {rom the. m~sion , he joined Provoan 82 parents . They all voice<l concern early onnon ~erois~ . . . ried George Abt>!an,\p. , ·1' O;;den: :.tar\·m Por:scha.tis, 923

_ ,Mr. Shaw taught WIth the LOS the FBlm Wash\D~n , 0 C and , about t,!leir folk& and bate(! t',o The. he,:vy truck waj; clawing up SorvivOl's. I inclUd~ sons ' a 'I ! l..lird Ave. , ,Salt Lake C!.t \·. ,Seminary program at Murr.ay HIgh served as a special agent in .Io:r- ha ve, them w'orry. a mmg precipitous dui)yay d'u~u!rs, Mrs; Max (8a r) , . Sc~.' Forest JunIor High, ~hool, gentin~ : Puerto Rico and Cltles in I Mar garet ,EffIe BIrd Crawl~y, 'Oon' t Cry Mom' about 10 miles nortHwest of lvie, Howa,d AbpLin ap, Mrs Ni k i Usted .as uninjure{\ : Oqulrrlt, Jordan, : Gra!)ite ~ the Umted States. _ 82: ot ~. N, 8C! W., Provo dIed They were real good 11 bout wait· Hole, ' and had passfl tlle t G , (Doris! Golesh Jr .. Russell A i Sam Bentcherit , ' 4i3S CherTy

.OIymp115 ' scb~\s. /. I.n 1~. be resigned from the thIS mOnlmg at th.e Eldred Sun· iog thei r turns at tile telephone.. wheII e driver Lried ' to sbitt planap, Linda Karkady , ~d pa 115

1.. Pro\'o. All active member Of 1(he LOS FBI aild receil'cd IUs B.A. aDd pltal of causes Patient .nurses telephoned for lower I gear. Sorne'lh.int! · · Abpianap. . I' , ·/'r'·t· 'D·" Howard Bitter, no address.

ChUrch, .he was named bii;bop of: M.A, degre s (rom the University Incident to a ge. the m and even some of the doc· wrong. The g.-- · stid into F 1 ' will be ' .\,;,.1 Izens I~S ' /1 , , the MAnavu Ward in September, of Ariwna. He joined thc lacully _ She was born tors helPed too. When th<oy spoke He btaked-but the brake dU~;:r;hU :~~,~ea~ 1 P . ~ . mit: ~ I, . I Joyce .Cal\·in, aboul 25 Pro\·~.

1 2. He had served a.~ a high of BYU in l l948 -af\d became as. July 9. 1880, in to their parents. the kid s criK!. 'fo hold. . Copperton LOs Ward Cha . . ~R~KA-c('aveside .ervices fran Hall. a boul 25 . no ad· · COWICllman in the West Sharon su.lant professo'r in 1950 , He re- Nephi, a daugh· una sha med , Most of t~m ...spoke Tile) massive trud began ,i.e F riends may call at the doff'Mo - II': Jacob C, Nae-t , 74, (ather ~ dreH sta,ke and Provo Stake. , W35 blsh04' cei\'ed his Ph ,D. lrom the lIni. ler 01 Edward to t11t'ir mothers . "I'm alive, reen packward6, A boy leaped tuary . 8090 S.I Slate. !\Iidval .. I 0 1 Eureka re.sidenlli, I4tlo, di¥ Chn>IJnE Kent , Brigham Young

,,. die South CollOnwood Ward vel'5Jtyof BUnois in 1956 and re- Harry Ind Mar· Mom . I' m ok. Don't Cry mom ,- and ; a ru v.le<lnesda y e"ening from 7, to 9 S l rt1 . Bell G rd C 14 l 'nIH rsity . from &948 to , 1963, . and bishop of turned':" tile BYU_ tha Jane Reid I'm all rigtlt .'· Tb 5 th n over , I i aDd from H I a ,m , ' until time r ri

U tU%I~ause .... ~1I ::S~~uI" Jeniel Pelrm a n. 20 Ea st Ha\'en F I h ' B,·rd . Sh- mar. Some of thl' oih~rs wl're not e 0 en help e~1y J . 0 ~ i. -,the South ~t.Onwood . Third Ward ormer y c urman . o! the de- • bl . had only seconds of s~rvices 'l'hursd a ~·. e iTIl\Irsda )' at, 2 p. m . !" e SI. . Salt ' Lake City.

from li53 to 19M. He also served partme1\l 01 languages, Mr. TIY' ried Jost'h M<: . \ a e to telephone. 11Ie truCk w'ent ove r I JO.{oot i ------- M unt Plea sant CemeU!r)'. ' J ' R b' 7- M in the Germu .Austrian mis" jo~'I ' Jor was,. rull pror~or of mod. K a~' Crawley SP<'nce Grow and Ward Hea l of L I anu,e. ~er. 5 ,0 tnden • SurvivillC are his WidOW', ProVO; e m languages at the time of h!s Ju ly 7. 1898. in Pro \'O flew down . I saw . w':<I ba~ent back .... ·ards . p,' M h :<If. Naef was born :'lardl • Dr., Sah uke City . three ' lOllS , and . three da\l~ters , ~cath . He Was .Explorer leader ' lD i' .Mrs. Crawley Nephi. The mar. H.eal ~n~ ~~ tOld .~ with tears In Wh.en 'tom He al ,a former , rovoq n ' $ ot er If' ill :'o10un\ Pleasaol, a r.:: f>C Jo~ce ~ablger, S110 Minden Mra, Heidi Ann Shaw Birch , Varol the PI~asant Vlev: Ward , I rlage .. " 'as laU!r solemnl~ n . the hIS e) es .. ~pence S S?n IS dead . aid ~arrier and son of ~1r, I r I . J cob ·aDd. Marie Hunsaker l :-;iI'~ l: D:-.. Salt Lake City. E.dward Sh~w, Merlene Shaw, Da. SurvIVIng are hIS widow, Provo ; ~tanu LDS "~mple . He died ~Oll . Spe. nce IS Just ,..-alktng a round Mrs , : Ward Heal, 780 :-<, 1150 Dies in Bountifu I H ; married Hettie Mills . in) 19~1 : Ernest Stephen Ahlborn, II. 4S5 vid Owen Shaw, GeOrge Glade lhre< s~.s and two daugthecs , 16. 1943 . o\,er there . ~me0nt: ought to' go Provo, recovered conSCIOusness, , . 6 e later dJed. He ma rn~ )1iy Ea st I95/) :\ol1.h. P'rovo


~ . _ l ,_- _ . . ' Stephen Bl'OS$ard, Margaret Lu. :<I rs .Cr awley mO\'ed to Pro\'o in tht Social Hall .. then continued_ was bleeding (rom a bead cut Wednesda; a{ 2 plm. in the Uni I n"vmg a re hIS ..... idow. BtU Uni\·ers ity. Shaw, ' aJt<l liene ,Shaw'.' James .. I.{aryey . . Susan ' Jane ' l_ Educated in the Xephi schools , OHr to hIm . He POtnted towHds was 'pnder a tangle oi melaL Fune r al servic~s will be~e BJ' I. ' - .' .'. I! Byrdie Ste\-ens , Brigham Young

'W'II' ' A C , celie ' a,nd DanierLouis Taylor, 'aU I l~13 and had resided here since . " :\Iy_ son Tammy ta lked the Grow lacerkuons and breatbed, ,,; dI Mortuary Chapel', . Bountiful '{ r IG (dew; sons and daustl1l'fts, \ ' I !am ,reer . of Provo; IUs parents, Pro\'O, ;lInd Shc and ~\ husband owned .nd boy Into maklOg lhe trip . Tomm)' ficul iY." . Mrs. Melvie Smilh CaUister. -.; E h Nod and Mrs. u-Iand r-~Ufl- r---------~---. ,. . . ' I three SIsterS. Mrs. Harvey :'>1. operated the Third Ward Grocery and Bryan1 Roundy " 'e-re the ones He lcral4'led out from the er of !Ilr~. ' Will iam E. I Eteanop r y) Sanderson , bo~ of E~rek~

"'iWam A. Creer, 3?, 01 300 E, IMolUemu l Johnson. Mn. Reed I store in Pro\'O until their retire. "'",,0 wcnt for help: ' expl.ined age-and passed out again . Berrett of Provo. }'Irs, CaJlist~ , I r.Crs . Jlarold (BcatrK.~) V/en~I, ~ml Chapel Of ll1i . N".Provo, who had accom- I Betty l Rosenberl! . • nd .Janlce mentinl94l. l !tir . Hea l . Hi~besl fr iend, Gordon G 90, died Sund ay in . lh(' I BountifI SaltLakeCily;:'Ir.; . J ohn( Rub)'l Memor:lies ! paaied iii. iOD ,,!-,~D on ~h" Explor· Taylor. An acth'~ me nibe r o! the LD6 Rancher. Help lj, IlIo' dead. At wale ot 13. TPm- Hospilal of causes

l inCIdent U, a' . Elder, ~I~rma~ ,O~~s, .Calif :; !I.~

' cr ~" ex~I~,on, " s " "'I' -- ChW'Ch. ~rs_ Cr .... 1ey had been a I I\~lp IfilS foUfld in t.lI@ I'@I'~ my 'and Gordon, son 01 ~. and She l\' i6 born Feb 13 J8i3 In ('M I and Ronald Karl aDd :\I~ 85 EAst. 300 s-uo the ., V1e~.;'l1Ie _,was Gory Lynn ~hlistense'n Re1iel Society tucher ror '-S )'urs lof nnchers w!'o were woriring on ~Irs , D, S!)(.'ocer Grow, lim E, Centerville. a daugh~r of willi'al" , Wilbur CHelenl l\eubalf~n. ill of" fR 3~ only supenlClaDy ~ur"'. !4QDda¥ and IO'orked in the Primary, a renee . and th<oy took tht cwo 8th ~ had both " ed Ea&I Reed and ~Elaner Fe Ish ar ~Il Garo .. n~ :. Naudme ~ ae.c. Hoi.

I ,wu 'AUeo'. 161b bIrthday. GarY Lynn Cbr stensen, 14, ' .... as Sur"ivin~ are three som and Prol'O boys to the nearest lele· a,,·a~~. recel\ I e Smith . Her father . wasl the I fin;t l""ood~ Calif. 18 . grandchild!"{'fl;

· . Mr, CrHr w .. born In. Provo borD Sept. 18, 1943 Tn Provo, SOD three daugpters , Mlli . J ,R, (Lyla) phonc wh~re th!'y telephoned to I . . ". president of the .stake in DavIs ',ve g :eal-g-randCh~ldren:'broth~rsl '. J-dJ", 1tl4, _ 01, ~nn A, aDd 01 Louis G. and Wllma Pee Daley. Pro\'o : ~lrs •. Dean (Della) Crl>orge :'!iddlcton. ,!le r iff o! Gar· , A ,dozen pcrsons "ere <M:ai! :10 Counly. She aUended school n aDd SISters , Ray !\aa, :.trs. VtTa · Thelma Greer Creer. lie _""~.$ fr.d." Cbri6(e8~. wile reside at ~I.;e ~ eo"'an. Lay1Dn: Mn. J , R. (!\Iu. fl~1d CQunty . AC{'oroing to Paul t.h~Ge - man). bund!! . In Center.i1le knd at the old Uni\·er· . linlne and :.trs. flora franks , all · Ual~from P~vo Ul8b Schoo ! 2SO E. , Provo . - •. gare\) :\fcKell, Spanish Fork: Lt. Blac,leburn,of t.h~ HII: "-"Y ?atro!. lian~D'e by the terrifIC impact .lty of DeserEf,. ' of Salt Lake Cit)', and LeRoy a~ ed botli BYU aadUDiver-I, He wai ',radualed from the Cen· !.,and J . , Cra ... ~)' and ' RMd E. It 101. som .. thlng 01. mir.c :e ot t.be crash. . I She married Rus.;eU 1\ . Calli$_ I :--Oa<.'LOgden . \

· .1I.y ~ Utah . . , I Ira! JUilior HlP tlIi . . d Crawlt:.>', both or Salt Lake . City , they even lound an)'one . He SAid , TloI(eaty IlIOn " 'ere InJured tu of Fillmore on April 28, 18911 Friends nuy caU at Ul~ ",,1m : · _API ~vo ~n.tractor, he was a .... uuId bave beea a ~ I::m:r~~r , aDd Clinton T. CraWley, l'ortil " ~ aff~ is Msolate, .... oith popu- 0a:e 01 the injured , Kiim"r Otho He'di<!d III 1933. Jolley ;\Iortuary in Payson \\'«1- ,' .. . r-.;Ha~ pilot dunng ~,~ War U. at Provo ilich &hi. {all' HolI)""ood, Call(; a erandson latlOD {e\\ and far between . They I Round~, :wJ E . 1900 ~ . , ... a~ COD ' SurVl\ors bt-sl'd~ \t ~ u _ ,tt Ilrsday evenlng from 7 to e and

e was a member 01 the LD6 --.- . , . Q - -._,_ .... .. , -' • .. ' •• '" ""IT( Th --' ' _ Churcb ' -'G- .-.- 1 -E- '10- . "'hom she reared Harold CralOi could have .... alked for mi~ and lIClO • " You mtlSt go for &eip - -- ... _--=iid ...... ~ .. " u' ..... ay pnor to stc\'ice s ., azy Wlll all' lIP rer Scou< lA P , • IO'aiLed {or d belo ' rul" " I" ~ _ . . are fOW" Ir ren and e I

He 1 married lCa11lluD Jen.en In tbe Pleasaru VIew Ward ' ey" f'()\'O; 13 other ,randchilodren ... ay. re .1" In. any.. , IIC told hiJ lOll, Bri ,1., erelt.grand /'eD' t .ute ~t ----=--=--=-==== Provo .Ju., ~4" 1~. . . I ' ~ SurvivlIlg besides bi.' p~ects ,are ~ ,re~l-grandchildrin : a ..ro~r, on:iore s tation wa on have ~ )'OUD' Heal, ,, lIIabal' S,mith P~rri:, ld ~ . . • I Sw:vi~g besIde. hlJ widow are (our brotbers, William, Oayid, pM ~ Ludl..l,,~oce E. Bird .. and litters to tak R th~ kida to the 1 was 10 scared! T y 1(:1111, Ida., and Clara ,s estern Union VIe .,. WiHia.m Allen. onel daUih. Paul and ' .rames · two sister. rovoc' ~ ean ~eswo, Son- . rt f ... _ ~- it I later told ilia fatber, "We leveland of CenterJille . I 1; ~r Robin ' aDd bI t ' EI ' lid K t.b and he ' ora, alif. 1l!'PO rom uoc...,51> a . Il.. ' ud wallt do tIirt I - " A I k 1 , . ': I ' ,_._pareD 5,' I ar: a , .:r y; d lli t :: .- Funeral aervices "ill ~ COIl' NoW here Is Sheriff George Mid. ' .. The)' eventu: I . Friends m,~ ~all W~e~ y' ",5 5 Rate Hike

' . . , ', aref t., ." an s., ducted Frida), at Z m in til dletoo or Garlield County 14'00 was ~ . . - . I a 'rom 1 p .m. : ti~e of lervlC , . . '

Oon"( all, •• Gull luo",ol .. , • . iut ""ill b. h, ld W~dnuday a1 1 p. m. in Ike Spc"",h Fo,k 10th Wcl"d S'O)~. Hou,.. Friend. may ("011 at Our Chap~1 of M.mor iu . !>po",j.h F o r~. TV4~CY from 7 to 9 p . m . ct\d w.anudoy prior 10

urYi(-~ . In ; c t .noC'' ~ WIll i: .. if\ ~ ;:: .: :-.

i,h fg" Com. ,ery. I fu~rol . " ( 'Io IUt W ill b. h.fd for

_ .--.-1 _ """' _'-'00.

'.'e< N,choI_. ~lurdoy at 11:00 o. !". "I tit. Mo_i< tempi. ill MOSino. ', i.nd, may call at Our Chapel "f "'omo";.. Mortuary &em 6 .... p.m. fridoy' and III "'. "'olOnic Tvnple .' "'olln~ 30 -mm­ute. pria~ to H"'ic.... Infernwnf in

- iJ,e "'I, Oli .. 1 Com.t.ry, ~It lob City. 1 Joseph William Erlc;kson Ej}::ry 01 olProEvo llld Mrs. ~ Berg or. a,,;ng Roo. m ~ha~1 P:" the first or one Or the first <>In. tb "~~er:e~e:eugh' He aro~e lDtevlll rmCeent te

Wili. ~ m the Cent -iW

YORK CUPIl-A ' 10· r , I: '- I enl liCalante, r ..... B ' r • ce the u_ Id"W V'._ rrlWl I' me I'Y . l et ,- . . I Joiepil William Erickson. 16, ~_ I vo, ",.,U lS~ 'erl G. Dixoo of .... on scene . • ..., sa, e to .c:alan\e, wbere Police sum- I ; l b ' wcreue ID teegraph ,rat

, was born Marcb 30, 1947 ~ Ray!. , , th~ Provo nurd Ward offlciatlng, had trouble jaclclng up the t,ruck , roo the lbigbway patrol , ciaD OF THA..'I/KS 'I. ~a requested .by Wesl ' mood, Alberta, canada, tbt aoa of l Randy l'Wayne Miller ' tr~s. m~ ~ a.t ~.e momary ~~g::~~~as ~ ;:~:~1.~ To y called his {.tiber M'oa- IWe d~ire lOexJress our Jnce . o~. the comp~y .announ 1'-----------.-

Lloyd StevellS and Doaar West ' 'I n '0 U . a; e,.enlnl from C'Ouldn't breathe and still smi1~. day ' about 7 p. m. Then b rode apPreciation to Ithe ' many frI. '-. . .~ , Eric~lIOfl. The family now reSIde • . Randy Wayo.e Miller, 14, was 6 10 I and Frida? pnor to serv· I hope he .ma it. I radi~ fur bac WIth the rescue party ~ and relatives ".bo assist~ ,lit ~ y ,eatel'l1 .Umon saId. It ~ad .• I'd ~\ at ~S40 N_ 150 E., Provo ~rn Scpt. 28, 1948 in Provo, the ~ces . . Inte~nt 14,11 be In the Pro- help. r . called {o helicopters INt tbe ay, but within a mile fI: tilt way during the nt illne" II d !1l1 Federal Communlc.,oDl -

1 .~ , Hel

would have beeD I a Iltb 5O~ 01 Milton Delos and Faye tIair 0 City Ceme~ery . cra , .he was taken back ~ Pan· paSsing 01 our ~loVed m ~.JlI~D to recommend repeal of, · l!r~d at . Provo. High School next Miller who reside at 410 E, 2200 N. ~~~~~~;_~if:~ h~:\ h~~ gui ,H~ was ' flDdiAg . it~' eas- and grandmother,. For the· bea ~ t I 10 per ceDI ~cl.se tax OC IF · fall: A ... '10th srader duriog. the He ,,·as. grad~ated. f~om tbe. C;:eD- G 'd H G' It wa, a horrible mess-the worst l.Dg~ diffIcult "0 breath , I Uful Clowers. 'the expressiOns I g a:u. If the rate IDC!ease.ls ~

a ographcr workihg iD 'produc- would ha.ve ~Q a sophomoN at Go/'dQn Hen Grow, IS w tl\roogh the war but ne\'er saw U Valley HolPilA:i toda;j after. II'bi, took part_~t the ~ervic ,a ~1!1 public- would pay DO m,ore ~or ' past -=bool year hI' was active a. al JunIor High this )lear and . or on enry row I thing I've eve!' seen _ I've hetn awas ~ed~ to 1M; t en to sYIDyathy, the assisJiance o~ e ~f1! ed. !Ild

tilt tax _lS repeal ,

uon~oI tbe yearl>ook. I . Provo HIgh tillS {all, He was a bord AIlrK 16 1948 ' P : a.s anything this terrible: The injured he oke up {rom an em Ul5ted otber acts of kindneso we . j,. ' ~If~ams, the company said. ~e . He was a carrier (of:

Tlle Daily me~r 01 the LOS Church <rlcas- 01 D. Spcoc:er'and Art~ Li~;~ros:.n were loaded Into station ,wagons, sle. , . at !lis patent's be alter ally exten~ our lthan~ .. . " .:::~ tax date. from W Id

Her d and an Explorer Scout ia ant Ylew Ward ) and lUI Explorer . He was an Eagle Scout t th ' and state road commission carry- be~ returDed to Provo, " 1 . 1Jle Lowry and Lulu an ' r I" . ' t~e fleasan't' Vi~ Ward. l. Scout. .. ' - . ' - I ~ge 01 12 and an Explorer S:out a~ ails . One trud was used before I Mf' Hea! and lr1r. Grow flew faIllily . '1" - Ii' ''festem

Un\OO officials .sa ,d e 1b~ Eri~!i!'O {amlly ba4 moved SiJr~~~lDg beSIdeS his paren~s are the time ai' his death . got there. but that ",'as all. I don't dOW\, to Bryce Canyon aiCllOrt . in .. ~.! • 1 fIrm would use added revellfe to here from Canada' two yean aio two SlSlera. LInda Marie and Vicki Th 'd t " h' k h the Grow plane , * t· • -corplete a modernlutlon 0-~ -"0' tat. Mr Eric~n could finish I Ucen; ODe brother Kevin Rotiert . k'II"; ~I eD In which he WIS tin ' anyl ing more. could have . At Pal1l:uitd! Hospitw said Mr I 'l"dditiooal , Obituaries 1 gram, ~c1uding micro",'ave cor:-

, . th ' , I "" oecurred 30 years to the day been done. The Idds were badlY , . . I ..... 8 1 mtl icar ate I ....... ' his education ' at, BYU. ' r~ grandparents. Mr. and .Mrs aIt . il 'sh cl ' C'fUShed. The girl (tne reporter Hear. today, "kids were la)ll)1g all - roe . - t Ions sy rna va ~e to ' ~uJvivhl' the bOy besides his B. M. Hair. Lindon, and ~lrs·. Hen: thee~ifea~. a;ra':dfa~ ~imed for the paper) died en route to oved the ball on stret.c:herj; and l" . . . *' na ional defense. I' parebt. are tbree brotbers,j R311dy, f letta Miller, Provo ; and a great- Grow {or ,,'hom be er , ~Ory the hospital but 5h~ was hurt cots.! the lVora bciAg cared Cpr im· I I ' - ' ,

. Tominy ud Leil;. ' four r 5isters, grandmother, Mrs. Mabel Haycock, Go~on Henry w::as DtU;; ; t bad." mediately, Six physiclan. aol1 leV'

Jl¢i~ ADA V~yro 01 T~r, AI. Salt Lake City, ' . BY Higb School and a,,~ e~a:e eral nursea pad beeo lJl<Xilli~, !lert~, Canad:-, peat', .wooa, ·and been a 10lh ender lhis fai! , He amo g them , Dr,. Nepbl ~f3rl'" Kalbleea; aUo lDl'ee grandpareats, . Lyn' n " . was a teacher - ia tbe Aaronic Victims Insured and /Dr. Ro~ PbIllip.5, no,vn l d~ Mr

f Mrs. A, p. ' Eri.c!CSOP. of Louis Merrell Priesthood. Moollay e~~D~ i1U eme['8e1lCY

Leth ridge, Canada, aDd Mrs, Ion a ' , ~ , Surviving besldes the Before Expedition treabnent. We 01 Raymood. Canada. , LYOD Louia Merrell was bolll III are two brothen D id ~~ _: . F4rtunately, fresh blood wu

1 __ • I .Provo Jan . 16" 1943 tlle son 0( e.n ' Ihree sist~ aKI an G S.U,T L.o.KE CITY (UPll _ avapable . . A bloodmobile gatbering

G . I ' LaVol,r (Red) and 'iJ . I G " • area row bloOd Sucday had ·'ayed 1 ver ary Lynn Rasmussen - son Merrell wh ' .,oDIe .reger· 'J!Iomlsto, Gina and Linda. all of Members of the Escalante tour .. . ... . .0 . " I . Spruee Ave 0 resl~e at 62S E. Provo ; and two gralldpareo(J , Pat- were iDsured for $5,000 e a c h Olgbt lD P~~tdt. Add!uonal

, Gar>' Lynn RasmusseD, 15, was He " 'as g;ad f eel t ' ., riareb and Mrs. H. G. Lind 01 Twio against accidental depth, Donn R. ~as :own ~~ ~: • born! !etJ: U), 19408 ia Provo, the tral1unior Hi~al rom ,the ~en. Falls . Amott, treasurer of Soc 01 w • e , .rovo .. rs c $5" . 9 51 . ~ ill 4fu!y ~nd Ruth Johanson With bODors' , Sc~ this lIPpnll .1 Funeral 9Crvice. ·will lie Thurs- School Expedition • .aid today. ' bee nlibl, ~ Dr, . 8' ~a.smuSlien wb4! relide aI , 2225 N, He was: ~ . ~ . t oay at 1 p. m . in tbe 13tb Ward He said the . polley, Iasu~ by 0 ope~allng ~ f'~ Provo, . , men:lber 81 th PI orer ~t ~ a Chapel .... in' Bi!illop Edwin R, Tri\·ele.... Insurance Ce. .lso pro- 1.::-.... IUI_.as.SOCI_a_Ie_· ___ .... _ • . I.' I. . ' . t· .. /

He, would have bee? a 5Op/JO' W",ra. 1 e, l easant VIew ·1A./S Firmage olficiatintl , Frleads may vided lJIjury beoetita. ~r~ 4t provo Hlill this f,t) ; bav· Survillin . are I h' call Wednesday from 6 to 8 p, m. ing ~ust graduated , from I C¢IItral brothers ';'dt ~ j~ parenta, thn:e at the Be~ Mortuary, aDd Tbun· There is no law wblch reserves . ~~ J,!niOI' High. .' . ' and on~ s:ste3r ! ' J ayne ~ Phil. day after l2:30 p. m . at the Relie( the papacy to cardln~ , but sln<:e If repaid ill days the total'

, ~ Explgrer Scoot, he had quali. grandmatber ~l r eanne; . also a Society room 01 the 13th Ward. 1318, wtlen Urean VI was elected, 1 I tied t<?f bis Eagle badge and woWi erson 'of Ma~' Id" Matilda Gree· Burial " 'jll be In the Eaat l.awo nooe but a <;'cardinal has be-t-n cost will be 83~, Phone, for · bav~ received this next lSunda}; . _ Ie. . M<;norlal Hills cemetery. ei.;<:(ed popt' . prompt,· courteous se ~,.vice! I He [ l"11 a eartiex: 10r .Tijt DaiJy r:----+-----.... -.;...--..:~==~--... ,-----------------H·

· ·?~~O~::::~iO~,: 1 " ~ 'N N. 0 ~ N C I N G . aerv\.De iA Swedetl, and David E " ' . wbo llelt Monday by plane 'lor Lon· A .MW ~vice fo, : Ut~h Co~nty. Ap,lI_n" krvica

• doll. to .ewe la the BritlJII ,J,fWion, , C.nN,: h~,1 a~cfecf a S!"aU Ap, pliance ,..aIr ".-rtme, nl , 'Gut MIl W 100,,,,, etIIf aUe~. th . -.-- .. -__ In bis dJurch meeU!Ii (rom .. , etr ..,.wlnl ttouaeh.ld .,pliance .. rvlee, Fact_ry jibe time· ~ w .. ordaiDCd i deacOD aut~,orl.--1 ,aenilee on "'ott m .. kM, •

· at ~ IICf ot,u. . I , . ' . Th. Most ' DlKrfmlnating .

.. ~::~::;::S ; .' ~~fr~'AN CE SERVlc'E. -CENTER jtohbo~k a~n~fi;;~i Beesley Monume~t .eae l,:randpamlt, Mrs. HjlrM Jo- ,314W,C~NTER . I "ovo - . FR3-0811 1&41 Soutb State and·Vault Co. I .

I ..... ., SaM Lake ~.' r" 0&"" C •• GO ' , I :;', f . ." r ~_.~~~--!'~---..;..;..-~---------.J . ___ .. _______ A __ -_l_-. 1 ."",!,,~5.0 •. • s.u.Le_SL.-_.p.Il.' ."_' .. -:t.$ ......

.t' ! l'



" of Provo- ' / '' 230West Center. St :et . .. . FR 3 ·6273 I

,/ .:, , .

. 1 'J-:,

/1 WUUam aalph Hoover flJ· Deral service. 14'111 be bcld 10

.~ Berg Drawing room CIiaP,e1 r esday ·il a .m . Friends mly · aU at the Mortuary {rom 6 ~o 8 p.m , _ Monday and _Tuesday pril?r to .services. Interment ;n fjrvvo City ·Cemetery. 1

, 1!, Eio~a Percla BWlD~ll Bta~e fnn~l'al services will be held ~n .Ithe Vineyard Ward Cl)a~l Wednesday at 2 p, m, Frientls may call Tuesday III S"rg

' Mortuary in Pro\'O (rom 6 ~ 8 p.m. and ~l the Vineya/"d Ward Chapel after 12 :30 Wed­nesday. IntC'rmenl will , be I n Provo Oity Cemetery ,

I · · --I Gordon Henry' Grow lune .1

'/serv1ces will be held' Thurs!rlly ·2 p.m. at tile Provo 13tb Wal1i GIIapel. Frie.nlls may call ' at

· the Berlt Mortuary In PI'CfiO

I Wednesday evening.6 to 8 p.iu, and .t The- ReUef Society ~m at the 13th Ward Olapel 945


700, North .. ner 12:30. tTlt r·

\m.eut will be. iD the East La "II

Memorial Garden, · , . .,' , ,

, I , .j


Provo .and Dallas

on Continental Trailways' Silver Eagle Thru·Bus!

~ . ,

No onl e\$e'~$ \0 luke. elIlnal , " becau$e etI the Silver Uill yoII.

, ..... ipt· tllfII to )'Our dutilll: tion wilh aa bus or b'n'" chanies! S4 take till nt'llesl bill

, OIl the rOld. , • wit!\. Ill. smoothest rld .... .- with hi· level ac.nie view .:. ,.elininl stlts."rui 100111 .nd .ir ~ditioniIJl!