rticles entral's 'hor eastern€¦ · tax provisions.-b. r, stansell and john con-,nellhey were...

-ple's Journal, MARKET REPORT. Corrected weekly by the Ieath, Bruce Morrow Co. 11'11ODUCB. Cotten. .8.. Co te ......... ...... ...............8.4 Chlckans-Hanp..... . .2 Fryers...................121 to 20 Butter.....................................1.......12 BQee wax.......................................2 Hams............. ....... NOTICE. Obituary notlee in this paper will be charghed for at the rate of one cent a word for all such matter running over 100 words. Correspondents are enjoined to send in their communleations so as to reach this office not later than Saturday. Correspondents are requested to make their contributions of general interest, short, pointed and giving all the news. No poetry need be sent for publication. The price of this paper Ws 01.00 per year in advance. Address all inatter litended for this oftice to: THE PEOPLE'S JOURNAL, Pickens, S. C. THURSDAY, FEB. 27, 1902. Local and Personal. -Dr W. F. Austin will be in Pickens Mar. 4th and 5th. -W. M. Hagood of Easley was here on business Monday. -Milk cows for sale. W. R. Lynch, Sunny Dale, S. 0. Born unto Mr. and Mrs Flem Kelly on Feb. 23rd a daughter. -Heath-Bruce-Morrow-Co., in- vite your attention to their adver- tisement in this issue. -.Mrs Nancy Roper, on the the John Ferguson place, has a nice young milk cow and calf for salo. -The County Auditor may now breathe a little, the time for ma-. king returns expired March 20. -The Pickens county delegattion came up from Columbia Saturday, the legislature having .adjourned that day. -W. M. Jones, a sturdy and re- liable farmer of the Table Moun- tain section, was here on business last Wednesday. -From every section come com- plaints about the fearful condition of the roads. The question saems tabbe growing serious, -The small-pox patients have all about recovered. No deaths resulted, and the disease appears to be thoroughly checked. -Frank B. Morgan, Central, and J. 0. Jennings, Pickens, are petit jurors, from this county, in the United States court which con- venes at Florence, March 4, -Fifteen applicants presented themselves for examination for teachers certificates on 21st inst, Of these 10 were whit. and 5 col- ored. -The Liberty township singing associationwill meet with Ruhamah church on Sunday march the 9th, 1902. Every body is invited to come and bring all of their song books and a well filled basket. -Married on the 13th inst,at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. Augustus Ferguson, Mr. John K . Masters to Miss Angeline Ferguson. Both of Greenville Co. A. L. Eders, N, P. officiated. -This is the time when agents for nearly everything under the sun seek to make acquaintance with the people and dispose of their goods by sample. They have thus learned to evade the county license tax provisions. -B. R, Stansell and John Con- ,nellhey were sent up last week by Comm Iissioner Lewis for working in distillery; Lee, James and Foster McKee were also sent up for in- timidation of witnosess and con- efiracy and Tom A. Hughes was discharged on preliminary hearing charged with removing and sell- ing, all in violation of internal re- venue laws. -Married Monday the 17th inst. at the home of J. P. Hyde, Magis- trate, Mr. James Smith to Miss Nettie Hudson. The guests pres- ent were, Mr. J. P. Smith, brother of the groom, Dr. WV. M, Long, Mr. IHouston Craig and Mr. Wmn. H. Cantrell. After the ceremony, they left for Greenville to spend a few days with frieds. J. P. Hyde, Magistrate, performed the cere* mnony, -It is always a matter of regrel to us that a communication must lIe over for a week before being print. ed, but this is unavoidable when it is not mailed in time to reach thiu office by Monday. We appreciati what the correspondents are doing and subscribers appreciate it. We want to give the news from ever) section and invite short, well writ ten articles on matters of genera interest and we urge every contrib, utor to have matter intended foi publicationthere not later than Bat urday, if possible, certanly not la ter than Monday. AN AT HOME, Mr. and Mrs, J. 0, Striblin1 gave a delightful "At Home" par ty last Tuesday afternoon, fron three o'clook. in honor of Mr ani Mrs. 3. Q. Stribling, Jr'., at theil lovely home "Sleepy Hollow"', I1 was a happy ingathering of th' friend. and4 relatives of the youi~w o04ple, and the guests gvestly en WYATT AIKEN FOR 0N. GRESS. Wyatt Aiken who, for eighteen ba years, has been official court sten. LI ographer for the eighth judicial Pc circuit Is in the race for congress, F. from the third district, to the fin. tr( ish. Mr. Aiken was roared on a 4 farm in Greenwood county and has up been identified with farming from rev his boyhood days. He did good Th service in the Spanish American ris war not only by volunteering as a the private soldier but by his activity sta in helping to raise a company from ust his section to which successful of. It fort he gave his personal attenticn, us time and influence, He is well wo known in Pickens county among do whose people ho. has many staunch the friends, ths PICKENS COUNTY EXHIBIT. P" I Miss Havilene Tompkins in Sun. the day's issue of Greenville News has *VQ this to say of the Pickens county WO exhibit at the Charleston exposi. fro tion which shows that our exposi- pr, tion commissioners did some real gin good work for which they deserve ol credit: bul "Pickens county has the most to characteristic exhibit. No effort has been made at decoration, but Of. the choicest thinga grown, found tai or manufactured are sot forth in a 3 matter-of-fact way that is very at- BoI tractive after the yards of colored stal calico, roses of corn cobs, fringes of oats and colums of cornstalks that have come down to us in a never ending )rocession since the I notable exhibit of Arkansas in we 1881, at the Cotton Exposition of wa Atlanta. an LIBERTY. The snow has about disappeared ne but mudholes are very much in wh evidence. for It has bewn a hustling time the till past week to keep firewood, as the in snow was not expected and many in of the people were not prepared for it along the vood line. s5 Fari work for February has Br been a short metre. cot The policeman scooped in a pr gainbling outfit Saturday after- noon, out of.fifteon they brought no nine. Liberty seems to have a fair Mi share of professionals in the art, do both bleached and unbleached, a.nd it seems that color (100 not cut wa any special figure as they gang to- thi gether. The unbleached part of I this assembly took leg bail how. mc ever and made good their escape. on J. S. O'Dell and wife, of Rome, I Ga., visited their father, A, O'Dell do, last week . 0. R. Parsons, of Sewanee, Ga,, paid his old training ground a fly. ing visit yesterday. Misses Ida and Floride Calhoun, rot of Clemson, and Miss Louise an< Smith, of Chicora. Greenville, visi- dai ted the latter's father, J. P. Smith, and family Saturday. ab< 5, 0. Stewart, of Clemson, visi- pre Led his father, S. D, Stewart, Sat- str urday. pci T. A. Pond, of Greenville, and an< H. P. Cloyd, of the McCormick bei Machine Co., stopped at the Brown prc~ House yesterday. Liberty hath thi charms, ble Feb. 24, 1902. C ing gre OOL ENOY. 10e A son of Mr. John Burgess died yoi at the Monaghan Cotton Mills in Greenville and wos burried at to Oolenoy church the 21st inst. sa Mr. A. D, Chastain had two dogs tv to go mad recently, ono of them all bit a turkey and a chicken and wi tried to bite one of the family. ar< Other dogs were bitten. we Owing to the bad weather, Miss th< Ida Hendricks' school at Rock is so- suspended this week. of Mr. Mark Williams and son, of - Dacusville, Were looking up beef eai cattle in this section this week. A. sta C. Sutherand, of Pumpkintown, the sold them a loti lin Mr. J1. W. Sutherland has recer, all tly completed on eli to his house and will add other improvments. dloi He has one of the prettiest loca- s~i tions in the up country and a nice moh dwelling with ample room for ins boarders. Why don't more of our kel citizens who have the room adver- ] tise for summer boarders? It cer- the tainly would pay. S. hi Feby 21-1902. do A mbler Notes. On the 9th of February, a Sun- day School was organized at Oole,. noy church. Rev A. S. Whitmire ... was re-elected superintendent. On the 16th intt., an infant son inl( of Mr. and Mrs. G. WV. Sutherland thi died suddenly, aged five months, *8t and was buried the following day in at Oolenoy cemetery. a Our people have been hou sod up for several days lately. 0ld far. Y mers say this will be a good wheat cr yathe conditions have been fa- vorable, as r Roads are almost beyond travel Wi in this section, c The celebration of WVashington's m birthday with us has been post- n poned till some time ini the futrure when the weather clears up. v [ Capt Ragadale who has charge d -of the county convicts is in this sec-. tion is doing somie road repairing,. r , D. 8, b NOTIcE OF DISSOLUTION. The firm of 14. Hendriokm & Son, G hasii 4ssolved (I# the tuerobantile at b##Soess, N~o business will be done i e iht1 f themA lhgaftna *. . . Vineland Dots. Health of this community to very d, pneumonia Is still raging. cile the little girl of C. H. Car- nter is Ill with pneumonia. W. Pace Is also sick with lung Jarpenter, Jones & Co., finished ginning last week and sold the ults of their labor for 84cts. is shows that cotton is on the a considerably, which will lead farmers to plant more of the pie product this year and as tal receive 6c for it next fall. has always been a mystery to why the people of this county rk so hard to raise cotton and not raise enough corn to supply home demand, for the reason 6t cotton looks cheaper at 6cts a and than corn at $1.00 a bushel. notice in every papor where people want a commissioner in ry section. I think two or three Aid be acceptable in our section m the condition of the roads at sent. I have read that the en - ears in building roads took the English system for an example I think Pickens county failed Lake pattern. V. D. Jones is now in possession his fathers commission as cap- n, which his father received the it day of July 1863, from M. L. hiljan. commander in chief of Le at that tiuo. Shorty. Norris Items. Ve are having some very bad ither. The snow of the 14th a about thirteen inches deep I is not all off yet. Plhers are several cases of sick- is around here. Capt. Whiten, o lives near, has been quite sick several days. This is the first e Captain has I een compelled to :e his bed on account of sickness twenty years. drs. Mary Cannon, of Georgia, nisiting her mother Mr. T. H. )ck this week. Mrs. Brock's idition does not seem to im- >ve much. he farmers cannot do much iv but keep good fires. )n account of the bad weather 3s Mullikin's school was suspon. 1 last week. [he Southern has erected a nice iting room and frieght depot at 8 place. dr. H1. B. Bowen shut down et of his machinery last week account of bad weather. dr. Pickens and family are vn with measles. School Boy. Major Dots. ['he health of our town and sur-- inding is good, the weather cold I we have had snow ini abun- ace. ['he town of Major is blessed >ve some towns. First, the tty place, broad and shady eets and fertile lands with good >le whose deeds of kindness I good looks make it a place of Luty and the sojourner here feels ud to abide in the town. And s is not all. We have two ecksmith shops and a never-fail. bank, one church with an ever- enU Sunday schoel. We are king for big things from it and .i may hear from it again. Jur bank is without limitation a bard working man and we r no wonder there is not an enmp- house in town. But we welcome who desire to move mn if they II comply with the rules whioh ~: "truth and honesty and a rker", and none can object to he. We know nothing of the -called. hard times often spok~en in other places, Another good thing is w hen a Ididate comes here he has to y so long to find out which side| p line he is on (the Anderson e is near by) that we find out about him. is to the soldiers horne--we i't see how the legislaturo can o us one; there is not enough noy for the colleges and these tituitions of learning must be >t up, soldier or no soldier. [lere is a proposition : If it takes legislature forty days to do a le, how long would it take it to much. tours for good luck. eb. 20. VIM. Lenhardt Section. 3now to the depth of fifteen hem has fallen in this section; s is by several Inches the heavi- fall we have had In this section years. If a good covering of w will do our little sorry look- wheat any good, I think sure- this will be sufficit.nt for a good >p. Nir. R. F. Lenhardt has planted, usual, a Jarge crop of onions, th this crop he is generally suo isful. Mir. Silas Rloe, of Pelzer, has >ved to Mr. J. B3. Mauldin's farm ar here. Mr. Lawrence Perry and mother sited Mr. Henry Holoombe and ughter last Sunday. Miss Olive Williams, of Green- lle, Is with her unole Mr. B, D, mahardt. Mr. Thomas Granger, from near reenville, visited Mesirs Berry d Henry Hloloomb. thiB week. Misses Cora and Maggie Ch ap. an. nf the Mdioeo aston. vtitta4 Six Mile. News is a little scarce here, though aix Mile school house wasi consumed by fire last Tuosday at 12 o'clock; the furniture was all saved. Our farmers are at the same old trade hauling guano. Our general health is somewhat improved; measles has about played out though there are sone old people to have it yet. 0. H. C. Smith. formerly of this county was visiting in this section last week; lie is looking well for a his age; his wife died last Novem- ber. v.Mr. Smith draws a pen- sion of fifty dollars a year for & wounds received in the Confeder- ato army during the war. le lives in Banks county, Georgia. a Why can't South Carolina do the same for her old soldiers? I, for one, had to bid farewoll to wife and children to put myself up ( as a target for the yankets to shoot at and they hit me too, but still I can get no pension be- cause [ make $100.00 worth of pro- duce on my land-gross income at k that. Rev. W. C. Soaborn preached an interesting sermon last Sunday 01 at Six Mile; his text was Luke tl 20th chapter, 25th verse. ct Robert Holcombehas been haul- th ing lumber from A. D. Mann's saw mill to Norris crossing with traction engino; lie hauls four or th five thousand feet at a load. This hi is 14th of February,Valentine Day, also ground-hog day-tlioy will come out of their dens Fob. .14 and if they can see their shadows in the sunshine, thoy will go back in their dons to stay six weeks longer, as much as to say wintor has not v broken. But it is cloudy day, ald G I guess they are out to stay. Why this is f cannot tell, unless naturo has so fixed it. The saow, to-day measures :18 inches in my yard. Wheat is looking up a little and will look better after the snow molts, as old w farmers say snow is good for wheat. Fob, 14 Turkey Knob. The heaviest single fa4l ot snow, perhaps for the last fifty years, tl greets us this morning measuring on a level from 14 to 15 inches. y This in some measure stops the progress of the agriculturist for a while. The preparation for crops has d been carried on with unutisual zeal k up to this time. Most of the stub- S ble land has been turned and most of the briars and brush cleared off, P and a general disposition is mani- L fested on all sides to work the sur- li face of mother earth to the best possible advantage for a full crop. The wheat and rye crops are badly winter-killed, and perhaps one-half of thenm may be plowed and planted in other erops, corn, cotton, peas and sorghum cane. Health in our section is reason- ably good. Our Post Master has been looking ugly for some days but is improving. WVell, your corps of reporters is adding vim and "get-up'' to theg Journal; hope they will continue bi and broaden out their communica- tions so as ,to include general topics, especially such topics as are of benefit to young farmers ofa the country, as I suppose a large 1 majority of Journal readers are persons engaged m agricultural pursuits. Supposes they give us briefly for two or three weeks the best inodes of planting corn, then1 a short article or tw~o on cotton, then an idea on sorghum cane c peas and p:>tatoes, etc, and how to thin cotton, the easiest mode of CC cultivation, etc. Tnis would b)0 c more beneficial than to know who C has visited whom, at leant so li thinks- Feb, 14th Rustic. Prater Prattles. We are having some very disa- greeable weather again. The heavist snow fell hero last Friday and Friday nght, that has fallen et in several years., the rabbit huns ters around here were very much P dIisaplointed its they failed to find J3 any rabbits during this snow. Mr. A. B. Riggins and familyF have been having a severe tussle P with the measles, but are much im- proved. Calvin, the second son of W. F. Tompkins had a norrow escape about two weeks ago. lie started to Liberty with a load of shmngles, as he was going down the hill af- ter he crossed the Gassaway bridge, a block of shingles fell off the w agon, which frightened the mules, causing them to runaway, Calvin, fell off and the hind wheel of the at wagon ran over his head, breaking 2 his jaw bone twice, besides bruis- n ing him up considerably, He is improving as fast as can he ex- pected, Dr. W. A. Sheldon is at-, tending him, e Misses Ada Goudelock, and Lu- a ha Durham acoompanied by Mir. z Perry Durham, visited friends in Anderson Saturday and Siunday22rd and 23rd inst, They reported a very enjoyable time. Mr. S. M. Boron had the misfor- tune to lose his only horse last week. Mrs. Nix died last Sunday the " 16th at her homne near Praters and a wan buried the day following at Bethlehemi chnrch. WEST ENDN+ '*ADRUG STORE. AREENVILLE, 8. 0., Prescriptions filled promptly nd satisfaction guaranteed. lost up-to-date line of toilet rticles in the city. entral's tore. Are you prejudicod? Are you 'en to conviction? Many peoplo ink it inpossible to fine a First- i1ss General Store in a town of is NiZ Don't you believo it ! Becauso you can be convinced cro is a First-chtss Genoral Store re by callling on Ross Eaton, Central, S. C. Whorm you will find a fine and It ried Stock of Dry Goode, lDress *oods and Groceries. L. ROSS EATON, Contral, S. C. )uld be a good time to buy some Heavy Winter Shoes, CANS, FLANNELS, A lot of Childrons' Union Suits, 1(h5)kin, onlly 15c. Lot of Misses Unio, Suits, worth ic to closs the lot a 200. A. lot of Ladies Union Suits eas- y worth 50c to close at 38c. Men's Heavy Fleeco Lined Un- 3rwoar. Heavy work shirts to ep the cold out. EIV MY LINE OF SWEATERS! Lots of Loadod Shells, Shot, owder, &c., for the Bird Hiunters, ots of good things to eat. Full ie of groceries at all times. Call to ace them early and ofe n A. M. MOR RIS, Pickens, S. C g£''ome 'Phone No. 24. feb22tf. FEWELRY ... FALL SPECIAL. C. Wh~len you make p)resents, ve tasty ones, purchasers .iy good articles. 8 Pickens keeps silver goods rid jewvelry; your presents aid purchases awvait your se- :ction. icely Rolled Plate Lace Pins, Color- ed Settings, .05 >hd Gold Brooches, Beautiful Pat. terns, 2.25 oiled Plate Neck Chainus, With Set. tings, .15 ,cst Gold-Fil led Lorgnette Chalins, 2.50 lack Silk Fobs, (Gold-Plated Slides, .15 01(-Filled WVatchi Chains, Plain and Patterned, 8.00 ollari 11uttons1, separabh.e( tops5,.6 aLlar Uttons, 1-I10 gold, .25 off iuittons, colledi Settings, pair .05 uff Buttons, Gol-Fiiled, pair 2.50 k Gold Shell Rlings, sets and pat- terns, .75 !ellworth Bratceet, 3 heart silver fin. a ellworth Biracelet, 3 heart goldl fin-L ishi, .5i0 erling Silver Braelet, Chain and Nethersole, 1.50 s Any ar-ticle in Jewelr-y pro- ired on short notice. Roger-s 1847 silver goods:- atterns, Vesta, Columbia, crkshire and Shell Satin. orbcs Silver Co's., Quadr-u- le P'late Tableware. Youris for trade, V H PICKENS, EASLEY, S. C Tax Notice. Office of COUNTY TREASURER, Pickens County, S. C. i'ick ens S. C., Oct. 1at 1901. rhe Trreasurer's office at P'hkensr court house, uith Carolina,, will be 'opened on Monda, the th day of October, l96M1 for the purpose of col. ~ting th folilowing naImedI tnXes for the fiscal Lovy for State tax, 5 mille6. '"ordina ry Coun t . tax 6 ilila. "(" onsdtt tonal shool tax, 3 mill,, ""Past indebted ness, 2 mills. rotal levy for State and County taxes 15 miill. ey efor iteret on e'ik e i. mRlabonds' Levy for interest on Pickens..bndfo urricane Township,2 mills. d od o Levi for interest on eckens R. Rt. bonds for i tos 'Towns hi~,34mls Special levy for cho District .o 9 2 mi .: "6"4"6 " "464 PI tax One D~ollar and commutation Road ax Is twe dollars and is colleetable at same me from all those who are liable accordlag to Books eloses on December 81st, 1001, ty added after that time,' ltespectfuill 8 . .'n Ar A'N Ostebrad dagsreautster l'ioftens County, Now is the TO BEGIN TO LOOK AFr'TE] PLOWS, PLOW STOCKS, SINI HAMES, TRACES AND FA We are well supplied with thoso I We have received another big shi Its a caution the way thoso sho< however, as they aro known to be money. We have a few overcoats left t( of Harness, Bridles, Saddles, Bugt Hardware of every description. Shingle Mills, Shingle 18ills suppl See us before buying your (4u nothing but the bost. Our wotto has been inl the past, "BEST G( PRICQES,' Your patronage respi FOLGER & T 3ig Shipment of runks just reeeive( EASTERN SEE[ And Carde FOR EARLY P is worth all it costs to have a seeds, we have in stot 4arden and Fa Hoes, Rakes, s-hovcs, Spades [ooks, Mattocks, Plows and PIm turners made, \W'hcel Harromvs' lachines, and Furniture of all kii A Nice, N(-w\, ce IATS, SHOES, DRYGO( New Goods Coming in and Anything * and About a 1 lome 15 \ We invite all to come an No trouble to show -mm 0 PLOW TIME And we are better p)repared low Shapes, Iron and WVood Plov hain~s, all kinds of Disc P'lows, uano Distributors, Cotton Plant< WVe have made extremely lI oods, and it will pay you to call FERTIL Big lot of Fertilizer on ha nore to come. Avoid the rush vant. Heavy Cr Large shipmien t of FlIou r, 11 rrive. We are better p)repared t: oth for credit and cash, and can ee us. Yours truly, Heath- Bruce-I 3nie Price C We have just changed the pr-ice ou'should not fail to call and see uts ind. Our prices are fixed to STAY em one cent. ....Look at thes Men's Vici Kid Dress Shoo that, w $2,00 now going at . . Ladies Dress Shoes that sold for 8: Men's Rtock land Calf Dress Shoe I 80118 for $1.50 but wou sold for $1.8 An excellent ushoc for mten's every generally solls $L..:5 to *1,50, our Merricks Six Cord Spool Thbread I pool we now offer for 4c. 9 balls of s< egular 6c calico for oc a yard. All cc * a yard. A big lot of fresh garden et for 10c. 17 lbs Standard granulated sugar 12 lbs good kog soda for 25o, 10 lbs of splendld green coffeoc fe Georgia Ribbon Oane syrup, at 4( Trennessee ho rso made melasseo at CGenuine home miade molasses at 'a We will deliver goods to any p~art la pr'oduce, Your. tr'uly, MCRAIG BR limol3. t YOUR- ILE TREES, BACK Mrn, RMING IMPLEMENT. 5oods and the prices are igM. pmnent of e Eih.ocem." '1 soll, it is easily undorstood the best shoes made for t >go for a song, Big *took :ios andi Wagons to go cheap. 0ltJig, Elmory wheelo i0s. ana and Acid-wo handb is to be in the future an A )ODS AT REASONABLU wctfully solicited. 'HOR NLEY. I, all sizos. Prices 50c to $7.00. POTATOES n Seeds LANTING. COOd ,ar-dnii. Besides the k the,( necce;ssary rming Tools! Foirks, BLush llooks, Briar v S tock, Best Steel Beam lIon 1K ing Stoves, Sewing ids, P)rctty Styles. In Stock )of IDS AND CLOTHING Going out l'veriy Day. * Everything. or Farm11. 1 look through our rom1S. hrough our stock. . McFALL. 'IS HERE! o0 meet your wvants in Steel bStocks, Trace and \Vagon D isc [Harrows, Cultivators, rs, Side 1Harrows, &c. wx prices on this class of nd inspect our line. IZE RS. nd for corn and cotton and m~d comeI andi get wvhat you DCerues. 'feat, Sug~ar, Coffee, &c., to man ever to meet your wvants nake it pay you to come and Viorrow Co. 'nah St~4ore. onl our) ent iro line of shotes ancd when in nood( of anything of the and wVo will not (Ideviate.s from e Prices.... e sold1 strict,1y for . $I.86: 3.00) now g')ing at $ 1,71, Fiat gonerailly >now going at ,$ 1.21 day woar that hat wo shave always sold 5o a wing thread for 50. 1000 yar du lore and indigo bluo calico for od ,)ust received, 50 a paper ot for *1,00. r$1.00, o por gallon, ~33c per galloii, Oc" " of the tow n 1)rOmlptly, l ting OTHERS

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  • -ple's Journal,MARKET REPORT.

    Corrected weekly by the Ieath, BruceMorrow Co.11'11ODUCB.

    Cotten. .8..Co te ............... ...............8.4Chlckans-Hanp..... . .2Fryers...................121 to 20Butter.....................................1.......12BQee wax.......................................2Hams............. .......

    NOTICE.Obituary notlee in this paper will becharghed for at the rate of one cent a word

    for all such matter running over 100words.Correspondents are enjoined to send

    in their communleations so as to reachthis office not later than Saturday.Correspondents are requested to maketheir contributions of general interest,short, pointed and giving all the news.No poetry need be sent for publication.The price of this paper Ws 01.00 per yearin advance.Address all inatter litended for this

    oftice to:THE PEOPLE'S JOURNAL,

    Pickens, S. C.

    THURSDAY, FEB. 27, 1902.

    Local and Personal.-Dr W. F. Austin will be in

    Pickens Mar. 4th and 5th.-W. M. Hagood of Easley washere on business Monday.-Milk cows for sale. W. R.

    Lynch, Sunny Dale, S. 0.Born unto Mr. and Mrs Flem

    Kelly on Feb. 23rd a daughter.-Heath-Bruce-Morrow-Co., in-

    vite your attention to their adver-tisement in this issue.-.Mrs Nancy Roper, on the the

    John Ferguson place, has a niceyoung milk cow and calf for salo.-The County Auditor may now

    breathe a little, the time for ma-.king returns expired March 20.-The Pickens county delegattion

    came up from Columbia Saturday,the legislature having .adjournedthat day.-W. M. Jones, a sturdy and re-

    liable farmer of the Table Moun-tain section, was here on businesslast Wednesday.-From every section come com-

    plaints about the fearful conditionof the roads. The question saemstabbe growing serious,-The small-pox patients have

    all about recovered. No deathsresulted, and the disease appearsto be thoroughly checked.-Frank B. Morgan, Central,

    and J. 0. Jennings, Pickens, arepetit jurors, from this county, inthe United States court which con-venes at Florence, March 4,-Fifteen applicants presented

    themselves for examination forteachers certificates on 21st inst,Of these 10 were whit. and 5 col-ored.-The Liberty township singing

    associationwill meet with Ruhamahchurch on Sunday march the 9th,1902. Every body is invited tocome and bring all of their songbooks and a well filled basket.-Married on the 13th inst,at the

    residence of the bride's father, Mr.Augustus Ferguson, Mr. John K .Masters to Miss Angeline Ferguson.Both of Greenville Co. A. L. Eders,N, P. officiated.-This is the time when agents

    for nearly everything under thesun seek to make acquaintancewith the people and dispose of theirgoods by sample. They have thuslearned to evade the county licensetax provisions.-B. R, Stansell and John Con-

    ,nellhey were sent up last week byCommIissioner Lewis for working indistillery; Lee, James and FosterMcKee were also sent up for in-timidation of witnosess and con-efiracy and Tom A. Hughes wasdischarged on preliminary hearingcharged with removing and sell-ing, all in violation of internal re-venue laws.-Married Monday the 17th inst.

    at the home of J. P. Hyde, Magis-trate, Mr. James Smith to MissNettie Hudson. The guests pres-ent were, Mr. J. P. Smith, brotherof the groom, Dr. WV. M, Long, Mr.IHouston Craig and Mr. Wmn. H.Cantrell. After the ceremony,they left for Greenville to spend afew days with frieds. J. P. Hyde,Magistrate, performed the cere*mnony,-It is always a matter of regrel

    to us that a communication must lIeover for a week before being print.ed, but this is unavoidable when itis not mailed in time to reach thiuoffice by Monday. We appreciatiwhat the correspondents are doingand subscribers appreciate it. Wewant to give the news from ever)section and invite short, well written articles on matters of generainterest and we urge every contrib,utor to have matter intended foipublicationthere not later than Baturday, if possible, certanly not later than Monday.

    AN AT HOME,Mr. and Mrs, J. 0, Striblin1

    gave a delightful "At Home" party last Tuesday afternoon, fronthree o'clook. in honor of Mr aniMrs. 3. Q. Stribling, Jr'., at theillovely home "Sleepy Hollow"', I1was a happy ingathering of th'friend. and4 relatives of the youi~wo04ple, and the guests gvestly en


    Wyatt Aiken who, for eighteen bayears, has been official court sten. LIographer for the eighth judicial Pccircuit Is in the race for congress, F.from the third district, to the fin. tr(ish. Mr. Aiken was roared on a 4farm in Greenwood county and has upbeen identified with farming from revhis boyhood days. He did good Thservice in the Spanish American riswar not only by volunteering as a theprivate soldier but by his activity stain helping to raise a company from usthis section to which successful of. Itfort he gave his personal attenticn, ustime and influence, He is well woknown in Pickens county among dowhose people ho. has many staunch thefriends, thsPICKENS COUNTY EXHIBIT. P"

    IMiss Havilene Tompkins in Sun. the

    day's issue of Greenville News has *VQthis to say of the Pickens county WOexhibit at the Charleston exposi. frotion which shows that our exposi- pr,tion commissioners did some real gingood work for which they deserve olcredit: bul

    "Pickens county has the most tocharacteristic exhibit. No efforthas been made at decoration, but Of.the choicest thinga grown, found taior manufactured are sot forth in a 3matter-of-fact way that is very at- BoItractive after the yards of colored stalcalico, roses of corn cobs, fringesof oats and colums of cornstalksthat have come down to us in anever ending )rocession since the Inotable exhibit of Arkansas in we1881, at the Cotton Exposition of waAtlanta. an

    LIBERTY.The snow has about disappeared nebut mudholes are very much in whevidence. for

    It has bewn a hustling time the tillpast week to keep firewood, as the insnow was not expected and many inof the people were not preparedfor it along the vood line. s5

    Fari work for February has Brbeen a short metre. cotThe policeman scooped in a pr

    gainbling outfit Saturday after-noon, out of.fifteon they brought nonine.

    Liberty seems to have a fair Mishare of professionals in the art, doboth bleached and unbleached, a.ndit seems that color (100 not cut waany special figure as they gang to- thigether. The unbleached part of Ithis assembly took leg bail how. mcever and made good their escape. on

    J. S. O'Dell and wife, of Rome, IGa., visited their father, A, O'Dell do,last week .

    0. R. Parsons, of Sewanee, Ga,,paid his old training ground a fly.ing visit yesterday.

    Misses Ida and Floride Calhoun, rotof Clemson, and Miss Louise an<Smith, of Chicora. Greenville, visi- daited the latter's father, J. P. Smith,and family Saturday. abve much.he farmers cannot do much

    iv but keep good fires.)n account of the bad weather3s Mullikin's school was suspon.1 last week.[he Southern has erected a niceiting room and frieght depot at8 place.dr. H1. B. Bowen shut downet of his machinery last weekaccount of bad weather.dr. Pickens and family arevn with measles.

    School Boy.

    Major Dots.['he health of our town and sur--

    inding is good, the weather coldI we have had snow ini abun-ace.['he town of Major is blessed>ve some towns. First, the

    tty place, broad and shadyeets and fertile lands with good>le whose deeds of kindness

    I good looks make it a place ofLuty and the sojourner here feelsud to abide in the town. Ands is not all. We have twoecksmith shops and a never-fail.bank, one church with an ever-

    enU Sunday schoel. We areking for big things from it and.i may hear from it again.

    Jur bank is without limitationa bard working man and wer no wonder there is not an enmp-house in town. But we welcomewho desire to move mn if theyII comply with the rules whioh~: "truth and honesty and arker", and none can object tohe. We know nothing of the

    -called. hard times often spok~enin other places,Another good thing is w hen aIdidate comes here he has toy so long to find out which side|p line he is on (the Andersone is near by) that we find outabout him.is to the soldiers horne--wei't see how the legislaturo cano us one; there is not enoughnoy for the colleges and thesetituitions of learning must be>t up, soldier or no soldier.[lere is a proposition : If it takeslegislature forty days to do ale, how long would it take it tomuch.tours for good luck.eb. 20. VIM.

    Lenhardt Section.3now to the depth of fifteenhem has fallen in this section;s is by several Inches the heavi-fall we have had In this sectionyears. If a good covering ofw will do our little sorry look-wheat any good, I think sure-this will be sufficit.nt for a good>p.

    Nir. R. F. Lenhardt has planted,

    usual, a Jarge crop of onions,

    th this crop he is generally suo

    isful.Mir. Silas Rloe, of Pelzer, has>ved to Mr. J. B3. Mauldin's farm

    ar here.

    Mr. Lawrence Perry and mother

    sited Mr. Henry Holoombe and

    ughter last Sunday.Miss Olive Williams, of Green-

    lle, Is with her unole Mr. B, D,


    Mr. Thomas Granger, from near

    reenville, visited Mesirs Berry

    d Henry Hloloomb. thiB week.Misses Cora and Maggie Ch ap.an. nf the Mdioeoaston. vtitta4

    Six Mile.News is a little scarce here,

    though aix Mile school house wasiconsumed by fire last Tuosday at12 o'clock; the furniture was allsaved.Our farmers are at the same old

    trade hauling guano.Our general health is somewhat

    improved; measles has about playedout though there are sone oldpeople to have it yet.

    0. H. C. Smith. formerly of thiscounty was visiting in this sectionlast week; lie is looking well for ahis age; his wife died last Novem-ber. v.Mr. Smith draws a pen-sion of fifty dollars a year for &wounds received in the Confeder-ato army during the war. lelives in Banks county, Georgia. aWhy can't South Carolina do thesame for her old soldiers? I, forone, had to bid farewoll to wifeand children to put myself up (as a target for the yanketsto shoot at and they hit me too,but still I can get no pension be-cause [ make $100.00 worth of pro-duce on my land-gross income at kthat.

    Rev. W. C. Soaborn preachedan interesting sermon last Sunday 01at Six Mile; his text was Luke tl20th chapter, 25th verse. ctRobert Holcombehas been haul- th

    ing lumber from A. D. Mann'ssaw mill to Norris crossing withtraction engino; lie hauls four or thfive thousand feet at a load. This hiis 14th of February,Valentine Day,also ground-hog day-tlioy willcome out of their dens Fob. .14 andif they can see their shadows inthe sunshine, thoy will go back intheir dons to stay six weeks longer,as much as to say wintor has not vbroken. But it is cloudy day, ald GI guess they are out to stay. Whythis is f cannot tell, unless naturohas so fixed it.The saow, to-day measures :18

    inches in my yard. Wheat islooking up a little and will lookbetter after the snow molts, as old wfarmers say snow is good forwheat. Fob, 14

    Turkey Knob.The heaviest single fa4l ot snow,

    perhaps for the last fifty years, tlgreets us this morning measuringon a level from 14 to 15 inches. yThis in some measure stops theprogress of the agriculturist for awhile.The preparation for crops has dbeen carried on with unutisual zeal k

    up to this time. Most of the stub- Sble land has been turned and mostof the briars and brush cleared off, Pand a general disposition is mani- Lfested on all sides to work the sur- liface of mother earth to the bestpossible advantage for a full crop.The wheat and rye crops are

    badly winter-killed, and perhapsone-half of thenm may be plowedand planted in other erops, corn,cotton, peas and sorghum cane.Health in our section is reason-

    ably good. Our Post Master hasbeen looking ugly for some daysbut is improving.

    WVell, your corps of reporters isadding vim and "get-up'' to thegJournal; hope they will continue biand broaden out their communica-tions so as ,to include generaltopics, especially such topics asare of benefit to young farmers ofathe country, as I suppose a large 1majority of Journal readers arepersons engaged m agriculturalpursuits. Supposes they give usbriefly for two or three weeks thebest inodes of planting corn, then1a short article or tw~o on cotton,then an idea on sorghum cane cpeas and p:>tatoes, etc, and how tothin cotton, the easiest mode of CCcultivation, etc. Tnis would b)0 cmore beneficial than to know who Chas visited whom, at leant so lithinks-

    Feb, 14th Rustic.Prater Prattles.

    We are having some very disa-greeable weather again. Theheavist snow fell hero last Fridayand Friday nght, that has fallen etin several years., the rabbit hunsters around here were very much PdIisaplointed its they failed to find J3any rabbits during this snow.Mr. A. B. Riggins and familyF

    have been having a severe tussle Pwith the measles, but are much im-proved.

    Calvin, the second son of W. F.Tompkins had a norrow escapeabout two weeks ago. lie startedto Liberty with a load of shmngles,as he was going down the hill af-ter he crossed the Gassaway bridge,a block of shingles fell off thewagon, which frightened the mules,causing them to runaway, Calvin,fell off and the hind wheel of the atwagon ran over his head, breaking 2his jaw bone twice, besides bruis- ning him up considerably, He isimproving as fast as can he ex-pected, Dr. W. A. Sheldon is at-,tending him, e

    Misses Ada Goudelock, and Lu- aha Durham acoompanied by Mir. zPerry Durham, visited friends inAnderson Saturday and Siunday22rdand 23rd inst, They reported a veryenjoyable time.

    Mr. S. M. Boron had the misfor-tune to lose his only horse lastweek.

    Mrs. Nix died last Sunday the "16th at her homne near Praters and awan buried the day following atBethlehemi chnrch.


    AREENVILLE, 8. 0.,Prescriptions filled promptly

    nd satisfaction guaranteed.

    lost up-to-date line of toilet

    rticles in the city.

    entral'store.Are you prejudicod? Are you'en to conviction? Many peoploink it inpossible to fine a First-i1ss General Store in a town ofis NiZDon't you believo it !Becauso you can be convincedcro is a First-chtss Genoral Storere by callling on

    Ross Eaton,Central, S. C.

    Whorm you will find a fine and Itried Stock of Dry Goode, lDress*oods and Groceries.

    L. ROSS EATON,Contral, S. C.

    )uld be a good time to buy someHeavy Winter Shoes,CANS,

    FLANNELS,A lot of Childrons' Union Suits,

    1(h5)kin, onlly 15c.Lot of Misses Unio, Suits, worthic to closs the lot a 200.A. lot of Ladies Union Suits eas-y worth 50c to close at 38c.Men's Heavy Fleeco Lined Un-3rwoar. Heavy work shirts toep the cold out.

    EIV MY LINE OF SWEATERS!Lots of Loadod Shells, Shot,owder, &c., for the Bird Hiunters,ots of good things to eat. Fullie of groceries at all times.Call to ace them early and ofe nA. M. MORRIS,

    Pickens, S. Cg£''ome 'Phone No. 24.feb22tf.

    FEWELRY ...FALL SPECIAL. C.Wh~len you make p)resents,

    ve tasty ones, purchasers.iy good articles. 8Pickens keeps silver goods

    rid jewvelry; your presentsaid purchases awvait your se-

    :ction.icely Rolled Plate Lace Pins, Color-ed Settings, .05>hd Gold Brooches, Beautiful Pat.terns, 2.25oiled Plate Neck Chainus, With Set.tings, .15,cst Gold-Fil led Lorgnette Chalins, 2.50lack Silk Fobs, (Gold-Plated Slides, .1501(-Filled WVatchi Chains, Plain andPatterned, 8.00

    ollari 11uttons1, separabh.e( tops5,.6aLlar Uttons, 1-I10 gold, .25off iuittons, colledi Settings, pair .05uff Buttons, Gol-Fiiled, pair 2.50k Gold Shell Rlings, sets and pat-terns, .75!ellworth Bratceet, 3 heart silver fin.

    aellworth Biracelet, 3 heart goldl fin-Lishi, .5i0erling Silver Braelet, Chain andNethersole, 1.50 sAny ar-ticle in Jewelr-y pro-ired on short notice.Roger-s 1847 silver goods:-atterns, Vesta, Columbia,crkshire and Shell Satin.orbcs Silver Co's., Quadr-u-le P'late Tableware.

    Youris for trade,


    EASLEY, S. C

    Tax Notice.Office of COUNTY TREASURER,

    Pickens County, S. C.i'ickens S. C., Oct. 1at 1901.rhe Trreasurer's office at P'hkensr court house,uith Carolina,, will be 'opened on Monda, the

    th day of October, l96M1 for the purpose of col.

    ~ting th folilowing naImedI tnXes for the fiscalLovy for State tax, 5 mille6.

    '"ordina ry Coun t . tax 6 ilila."(" onsdtt tonal shool tax, 3 mill,,""Past indebted ness, 2 mills.

    rotal levy for State and County taxes 15 miill.

    eyefor iteret on e'ik e i. mRlabonds'Levy for interest on Pickens..bndfourricane Township,2 mills. d od o

    Levi for interest on eckens R. Rt. bonds for i

    tos 'Townshi~,34mlsSpecial levy for cho District .o 9 2 mi .:

    "6"4"6 ""464

    PI tax One D~ollar and commutation Roadax Is twe dollars and is colleetable at same

    me from all those who are liable accordlag to

    Books eloses on December 81st, 1001,ty added after that time,'ltespectfuill

    8 . .'n Ar A'NOstebrad dagsreautster l'ioftens County,

    Now is theTO BEGIN TO LOOK AFr'TE]


    We are well supplied with thoso IWe have received another big shi

    Its a caution the way thoso sho<however, as they aro known to bemoney.We have a few overcoats left t(

    of Harness, Bridles, Saddles, BugtHardware of every description.Shingle Mills, Shingle 18ills suppl

    See us before buying your (4unothing but the bost. Our wottohas been inl the past, "BEST G(PRICQES,' Your patronage respi

    FOLGER & T3ig Shipment of runks just reeeive(


    is worth all it costs to have aseeds, we have in stot

    4arden and FaHoes, Rakes, s-hovcs, Spades

    [ooks, Mattocks, Plows and PImturners made, \W'hcel Harromvs'lachines, and Furniture of all kii

    A Nice, N(-w\, ce

    IATS, SHOES, DRYGO(New Goods Coming in and

    Anything * andAbout a 1 lome

    15 \We invite all to come anNo trouble to show


    PLOW TIMEAnd we are better p)repared

    low Shapes, Iron and WVood Plovhain~s, all kinds of Disc P'lows,uano Distributors, Cotton Plant<

    WVe have made extremely lIoods, and it will pay you to call

    FERTILBig lot of Fertilizer on ha

    nore to come. Avoid the rushvant.

    Heavy CrLarge shipmien t of FlIou r, 11

    rrive. We are better p)repared t:oth for credit and cash, and canee us. Yours truly,Heath-Bruce-I

    3nie Price CWe have just changed the pr-ice

    ou'should not fail to call and see uts

    ind. Our prices are fixed to STAYem one cent.

    ....Look at thesMen's Vici Kid Dress Shoo that, w$2,00 now going at . .Ladies Dress Shoes that sold for 8:Men's Rtock land Calf Dress Shoe I80118 for $1.50 but wou sold for $1.8An excellent ushoc for mten's everygenerally solls $L..:5 to *1,50, ourMerricks Six Cord Spool Thbread I

    pool we now offer for 4c. 9 balls of s<egular 6c calico for oc a yard. All cc* a yard. A big lot of fresh garden etfor 10c.

    17 lbs Standard granulated sugar12 lbs good kog soda for 25o,10 lbs of splendld green coffeoc feGeorgia Ribbon Oane syrup, at 4(Trennessee ho rso made melasseo atCGenuine home miade molasses at 'aWe will deliver goods to any p~art

    la pr'oduce, Your. tr'uly,


    limol3.t YOUR-

    ILE TREES, BACK Mrn,RMING IMPLEMENT.5oods and the prices are igM.pmnent of

    e Eih.ocem."'1 soll, it is easily undorstoodthe best shoes made for t

    >go for a song, Big *took:ios andi Wagons to go cheap.0ltJig, Elmory wheeloi0s.ana and Acid-wo handbis to be in the future an A)ODS AT REASONABLUwctfully solicited.

    'HORNLEY.I, all sizos. Prices 50c to $7.00.

    POTATOESn SeedsLANTING.COOd ,ar-dnii. Besides thek the,( necce;ssary

    rming Tools!Foirks, BLush llooks, Briar

    v S tock, Best Steel BeamlIon 1K ing Stoves, Sewing

    ids, P)rctty Styles.In Stock )ofIDS ANDCLOTHINGGoing out l'veriy Day.* Everything.or Farm11.

    1 look through our rom1S.hrough our stock.


    'IS HERE!o0 meet your wvants in SteelbStocks, Trace and \VagonDisc [Harrows, Cultivators,rs, Side 1Harrows, &c.wx prices on this class ofnd inspect our line.

    IZERS.nd for corn and cotton andm~d comeI andi get wvhat you

    DCerues.'feat, Sug~ar, Coffee, &c., toman ever to meet your wvantsnake it pay you to come and

    Viorrow Co.

    'nah St~4ore.

    onl our) ent iro line of shotes ancd

    when in nood( of anything of the

    and wVo will not (Ideviate.s frome Prices....e sold1 strict,1y for

    . $I.86:

    3.00) now g')ing at $ 1,71,

    Fiat gonerailly>now going at ,$ 1.21

    day woar that

    hat wo shave always sold 5o awing thread for 50. 1000 yardulore and indigo bluo calico forod ,)ust received, 50 a paper otfor *1,00.

    r$1.00,o por gallon,~33c per galloii,Oc" "

    of the tow n 1)rOmlptly, l ting