run ons

“Weekended” Justin finished his project in ENSP703 first, Mr. Ramirez will collect it on Wednesday then he washed his car it was very dirty and marshy Justin took the bucket and sponge in the garage he washed the car with and soap, he dried it with a towel Justin saw clouds in

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Page 1: Run ons


Justin finished his project in ENSP703 first, Mr.

Ramirez will collect it on Wednesday then he

washed his car it was very dirty and marshy Justin

took the bucket and sponge in the garage he

washed the car with and soap, he dried it with a

towel Justin saw clouds in the sky he hoped it

doesn't rain.

Page 2: Run ons


has too many independent clauses or two independent clauses that are not

linked correctly.

Page 3: Run ons

1. Fused Sentences

2. Comma Splice


Page 4: Run ons

1. Fused Sentences

-consists of two/more independent clauses, but both the comma and conjunction are missing.

Even though Patrick rode the LRT, he was still late

for class the train had mechanical problems. He had

to walk to the next station.

Page 5: Run ons

2. Comma Splice

-consists of two or more independent clauses that

follow one another and are incorrectly linked together

only with a comma. The coordinating conjunction is


Ex:Julie writes the music, Timothy plays the guitar.

Page 6: Run ons


Justin finished his project in Enge203 first, Mr.

Ramirez will collect it on Wednesday Then he

washed his car it was very dirty and marshy Justin

took the bucket and sponge in the garage He

washed the car with and soap, he dried it with a

towel Justin saw clouds in the sky he hoped it

doesn't rain.

Page 7: Run ons

How do we correct Run-on Sentences?

Page 8: Run ons

Strategy 1 — Make two complete sentences.

Run-on: The computer is a useful tool it can be used for academic or leisurely activities .

Revised: The computer is a useful tool. It can be used for academic or leisurely activities.

Page 9: Run ons

Run-on: George didn’t study for

the midterm exams, he got failing grades.

Strategy 2 — Use a comma and a coordinating conjunction.


Revised: George didn’t study for the midterm exams, so he got failing grades.

Page 10: Run ons

Strategy 3 — Use a subordinating conjunction.

Run-on: Chris needs to participate actively and submit all requirements he wants to

pass the English class.

Revised: Chris needs to participate actively and submit all requirements if he wants to pass the English class.

Page 11: Run ons

Strategy 4 — Use a semicolon.

Revised: Please listen to Vincent; he needs a friend right now.

Run-on: Please listen to Vincent he needs a friend right now.

Page 12: Run ons

Javi was supposed to be in

Trigonometry class he was flirting with

pretty girls in the cafeteria. He wants to

pass the course, he got a failing grade.

He needed a grade of 90 in the final

exam he can pass the course.

Page 13: Run ons


Business negotiations in America usually begins and ends

with a handshake here are some hints for an effective

handshake. Use a firm grip that show confidence,

sincerity, and power. Too tight handshakes signal a power

play fingertip handshakes or a loose grip comes across as

weak or uncommitted. Use caution with people who has

arthritis an effective handshake doesn’t yank the other

person’s hand positive words and a warm tone of voice

reinforce the handshake.