russian revolution 3

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Post on 18-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. THE 1905 REVOLUTION.
  2. 2. Political condition prior to 1905. 1 Russia was an autocracy. Tsar was not subject to parliament. Liberals, Social Democrats and Socialist Revolutionaries campaigned to end autocracy and demanded a constitution. They were supported by nationalists and jadidists
  3. 3. Economic condition. 1. Prices of essential goods rose. 2. Real wages declined by 20 percent. Four members of the Assembly of Russian Workers were dismissed. 10,000 workers in St. Petersburg went on strike demanding (a) reduction in the working day to eight hours. (b) increase in wages. (c) improvement in working conditions
  4. 4. Father Gappon.
  5. 5. After Bloody Sunday, a series of events that became known as the 1905 revolution. 1. Strikes took place all over the country. 2. Universities closed down. 3. Lawyers, doctors engineers and other middle class workers formed Union and demanded a constituent assembly.
  6. 6. Tsars reactions and changes after1905Revolution. Tsar allowed the creation of an elected consultative Parliament or Duma. But later took firm steps. Trade unions and committees were not allowed to work legally. Severe restrictions were placed on political activity. Tsar dismissed first Duma with in 75 days and re-elected the second Duma with in 3 months.
  7. 7. Tsar did not want any questioning of his power or any reduction in his power. He changed the voting laws and packed the third Duma with conservative politicians. Liberals and revolutionaries were kept out.