ruthenian observer

 1 The Ruthenian Observer EDITION #059 PERSENBURG, 01 DECEMBER 2015 ANNO II  Ruthenia among the big 20! The expected November, month of the Foundation, came calm, as expected. The first big news came on 06 November and was the honorable mention to the Kingdom  by a research based on active pages in English in the group "  Micronations &  Alternative Policies ", on Facebook and Ruthenia appears in 15th position!  Springtime of Nat ions The next highlight of the month was the mention to the Kingdom of Ruthenia by the  blog "Springtime of Nations ". The blog is known by their articles about separatism, autonomy, indigenous rights, interethnic conflict, balkanization, and micronationalism. The subject of the article was the general disapproval of micronationalists to possibly fraudulent measures from the Government of Liberland.  Armistice Day in Ruthenia On 11 November, the day that the end of the First World War and the fight and the values defended by soldiers in several wars through the ages is celebrated, His Majesty’s  Office requested to the General Assembly that the day was included as a holiday in the official calendar. Confirmation came through the Law 009/2015.  Advertising Visit !

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The Ruthenian ObserverEDITION #059 PERSENBURG, 01 DECEMBER 2015 ANNO II


Ruthenia among the big 20!

The expected November, month of the

Foundation, came calm, as expected. Thefirst big news came on 06 November and

was the honorable mention to the Kingdom

 by a research based on active pages in

English in the group " Micronations &

 Alternative Policies", on Facebook and

Ruthenia appears in 15th position!

 Springtime of Nations

The next highlight of the month was the

mention to the Kingdom of Ruthenia by the blog "Springtime of Nations". The blog is

known by their articles about separatism,

autonomy, indigenous rights, interethnic

conflict, balkanization, and

micronationalism. The subject of the article

was the general disapproval of

micronationalists to possibly fraudulent

measures from the Government of


 Armistice Day in Ruthenia

On 11 November, the day that the end of

the First World War and the fight and the

values defended by soldiers in several wars

through the ages is celebrated, His

Majesty’s  Office requested to the General

Assembly that the day was included as a

holiday in the official calendar.

Confirmation came through the Law



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 Stay Strong, France!

On Friday, November 13, Paris suffered a

terrorist attacks in the bloodiest day of the

country after the end of World War II. In

support to the French, His Majesty

addressed a speech in support of the

Western civilization and the fight against

terrorists. The government created a special

 poster in support.

 A Year of Ruthenian Pride

On 19 November, the Kingdom of Ruthenia

celebrated his first year of existence. The

government issued a series of

commemorative posters and a new grand

coat of arms was officially presented to the

 public. In the speech of His Royal Majesty,

the most seen so far, he said in a phrase that

 became famous: " Ruthenians should be

 proud to be Ruthenians". The Libertian and

Badakhshani governments promote

activities to commemorate the anniversary

of Ruthenia. The Duke of Libertia and the

Crown Prince of Badakhshan gave speeches

and several honors and honorary patents

were distributed by His Royal Majesty, the

King, to the biggest supporters and friends

of Ruthenia around the world. Also, a gift

from Mr. Maxim Himisinets, the Leader of

the Democratic Republic of Birlastan,arrived to His Majesty.  The stamps and

cards in addition to the letter, were archived

in the Royal Treasury.

Greetings came from the Empire of Pavlov,

Republic of Lostisland, the Holy Empire of

Reunion, the Principality of Aigues-Mortes,DeWaCo States, the Principality of

Lorenzburg, the Grand Duchy of

Lundenwic, the Kingdom of Ruritania, the

State of Drakonberg, the Grand Duchy of

Flandrensis, the North American

Confederation, the Consulat of Surland, the

Grand Duchy of Petroburg, the Rajahnate

of Namayan, the Aerican Empire, the

Sovereign House of Mithras, the Republic

of Fitberland, the Empire of Abeldane, theIndependent State of Kaleido, the Republic

of Latitudia, the Democratic People’s

Republic of Amyria, the Republic of Stuart,

the Principality of Hashima and the UEGG,

among several others.

 Mourning in the Royal HouseThe Royal House, on 21 November,

announced that His Grace, Michael von

Goëtzën, the Count of Bihar, grandfather of

His Royal Majesty the King and father of

Her Royal Highness, the Duchess Denise,

died. The Royal Court establishes a week of

mourning for his death.

Ruthenian-Pavlov Friendship

On 22 November, the Household of His

Imperial Majesty, the Emperor of Pavlov,

announced that 2016 shall be the year of

 Pavlovian-Ruthenian Friendship. As such

many festivities and other activities shall be

 planned, precise planning and list ofactivities shall be released at a later time.

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Because of mourning established in the

Royal Court, the government has remained

silent on the subject, despite having already

 begun to advertise about this initiative.

Return to the Orient

On the occasion of the one year of

Ruthenia, the Badakhshan, Brazilian

micronation with Persian tradition which is

governed by the King of Ruthenians

witnessed an unexpected event. The

 predecessor of our Oscar of Ruthenia as

Emperor, Jaffar Sheri returned to

Badakhshan and was rehabilitated by the

new government, assuming the title of

" Founding Father of the Nation". The

friendship between Jaffar Sheri and Oscar

of Ruthenia is well known.

The Voice from Libertia

Among the Ruthenians, the speech of His

Royal Highness, the Duke of Libertia on 19

 November, was very well received. He said:

“ Ruthenians and Libertians, what really

 seperates both is the demonym, we and our

brothers are identical, we work for a single

objective. One libertian has the total right

to be proud of being a ruthenian as well!

 Because Ruthenia is a great and glorious

micronation, has my great friend, King

Oscar said: "Yes, you ruthenian can be

 proud of yourself.” it couldn't be the purest

of truths”. The Duke of Libertia remains as

one of the most charismatic and beloved

figures of the Kingdom.


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