ry atm b with - nebnewspapers.unl.edu · ried the dearest fellow in the world ... guest however...

V in w H HEALTH CAME AFTER 70 Up to that Time the Jtitijre Was in Constant trend of Ucntli Ex Chief Justice B 1 Peters of the Kentucky Court of Appeals haB just celebrated the 5th anniversary of his birth at his iume In Ml Sterling In an interview he said in speaking of his age and his health I was an invalid when I can first re- member ¬ and I continued to bo one un ¬ til I had lived out nearly the allotted epan of raane life The-- doctors told me when I was a boy that I would have to be very careful or I would never live to mans estate After I was grown jthey said my time on earth won limited No medicine they gave me afforded any relief to my apparently worthless stom- ach ¬ and I concluded that I would ex ¬ tend my law practice into the moun- tains ¬ ofIventucky so that I could make a living and at the same time be on horseback and in the open air as much as possible For thirty years I rode over the mountains in all kinds of weather and isubsisted on the most meager diet jCornmeal mush was my staple article f food and whenever I could get fresh itnilk I would drink that I could eat no meat and but few vegetables Af- ter ¬ I had reached the age of 70 my stom ¬ ach trouble disappeared and sinee then and up to the Tast few jwtrs I have fteen a well man I subsist now chiefly on Jersey cream and cornmeal mush Fortune Feekinjc Era i eras ts Many a poor family that seeks the West- ern ¬ wilds In the hope of winning a fortune 1b preserved from that Insidious foe of the emigrant and frontiersman chills and fever by Ilostetters Stomach Bitters So effec- tually ¬ does that incomparable medicinal de- fense ¬ fortify the system against the com- bined ¬ Influence of a malarious atmosphere and miasma tainted water that protected bj- - it the pioneer the miner or the tourist provided with It may safely encounter the danger I dont see how a girl that wears bloomers can read what the Rev Dr Kittredge Wheeler said about bloomer jgirls in his sermon last Sunday and not blush for shame The trouble Is that the bloomer girl never reads sor Imons and never blushes Chicago Tribune Winter Time Table St Paui Dec 1 No trains were taken off by the Groat Northern Railway in making up its winter schedule but changes jwere made in the leaving time of several of them the most important being the Pacific coast train which leaves here at 1 p m two hours earlier than heretofore giving closer connections with eastern lines than ever before and reaching Montana ad coast points in daylight Jibways wife seems to have him pretty well under control Yes the only time Jibway is not under the in- fluence ¬ of his wife is when he is under the influence of liquor Indianapolis Journal The use of nails Hair Eenewer pro- motes ¬ the growth of the hair and restores its natural color and beauty frees the scalp of dandruff tetter and all impurities The Langson Railroad in Tonkin Iwhich was to open a conquered prov- ince ¬ for an expenditure of 500000 bled the French treasury to the tune of 43G7790 V We will forfeit 1000 if any of our pub- - Ashed testimonials are proven to be not genuine THE PISO CO Warren Pa This is indeed a shirt waste re- marked ¬ the young lady who received her favorite garment from the laundry in a disreputable condition Louis- ville ¬ Post Tasca nSp 29f pSl Is Hoods Sarsaparilla because it cures the severest cases of hcrofula salt rheum dyspep- sia ¬ and rheumatism If you are a sufferer try Sarsaparilla The best In fact the One True Blood Purifier Hnnrlc E5Ilc cure Liver His easy to xwcHJ a fins take easy to operate 25c P ENSIONS PATENTS CLAIMS JOHN W MORRIS WASHINGTON D G tiuiupM Mucuaor u a jtulaiqu inuwUL o jrs m last wax 15 adjudicating cuuu tty OPMBRBNKENNESS CbiL DROLSTEPHENSIEBA2lXOKie ilBESIiBaBg fcrt CUSES WHERE AH ftf FAILS M Best Cobgh Syrnp Testes QooO Use Ed m urns BOM or oncruta w w Hi W A CRUSHER FOR WIFEY A Distressing Example of a Young Husbands Absence of Mind She is a North Side girl says the Chi ¬ cago Tribune and she has recently mar ¬ ried the dearest fellow In the world She is fully aware of the latter fact nor does she hesitate to mention it to her friends Indeed so recent is her mar ¬ riage that some of her acquaintances have not yet bad a chanco to meet the most charming of his sex Brief as the time has been however it has yet been long enough for her to discover that her husband is absent minded The other day she was expecting a girl friend to lunch with her and make the acquaintance of this paragon The guest however failed to make her ap ¬ pearance though a careful search of the husbands pockets failed to reveal the note of- - invitation It was a rainy day and late in the af ternoin the now despaired-of-gue- st made her appear ance wet and disheveled What on earth is the matter eric the bride You poor thing you ar dripping wet and you have missed mee ing Fred Im awfully sorry replied the gues but Ive had the queerest adventurt I was on my way here in plenty of time it was raining hard and the wind wr so high that I almost lost my footing n I stepped from the South Side car an tried to cross the street You poor girl Fred came home oi purpose to meet you I was afraid hi would forget it but he didnt Im awfully sorry Yes as I was ii danger of being blown away a gentle- man ¬ came to my rescue and taking my umbrella escorted me to the other side of the street That was kind Fred is always do ¬ ing something just that nice for same body or other But what do you think I thanked him for his kindness and was reaching for my umbrella when raising his Jiat he walked off with the umbrella over him Why he must be crazy Did you call after him Oh yes but he didnt seem to hear and I had to take refuge in a drug store after the rain had taken all the curl out of my feathers and ruined my new boa Finally the storm abated and I came on here I thought perhaps your husband could help me to trace the man He was toll with gray eyes and a light beard cut pointed and Listen to me a minute Gertrude said the bride her face crimson What kind of an umbrella was the one you lost Navy blue silk with a silver handle and my monogram on why that is it Where on earth did you of all people get it Fred brought it in when he came home to luncheon sobbed the bride He told me to save his life he couldnt remember where he bad gotten it DRINKS ETHER BY THE QUART And TJiereby Greatly Pnzzlcs tlie Iedical Profession There are many ether drunkards in tiie world bu the palm in that line is easily borne off by John Becker a shoe laster of Cincinnati Becker attained the habit of ether drinking some time ago and now he sometimes puts away as much as a quart a day of the poi- son ¬ Ether is a powerful anaesthetic having a similar influence to that of chloroform It is rarely administered internally owing to its deadly influence but when it is found necessary it is generally in the form of Hoffman drops a solution composed of seven parts of alcohol to one of ether A dose in this form is lifteen drops Ether is also highly inflammable and when a person acquires a habit of drinking it the breath and even the exhalation from the pores of the skin fill easily become ignited by fire and cause serious consequences Becker purchases it in six ounce bot- tles ¬ paying for the same 40 cents and he makes five and six trips a day to the drug store where he is accustomed to buy the drug He takes it to his room and goes on an ether jag sleeping for hours until the effects wear off when he again replenishes his bottle Sometimes when his money is plen- tiful ¬ he buys it in pound packages then he remains in his room and sleeps I the hours away and dreams a dream i that would do justice to an opium fiend The lack of money sometimes puts a stop to his protracted sprees As j soon as he straightens up sufficiently he goes back to work at the factory and labors industriously to accumu ¬ late money to resume his habit Dur ¬ ing his sprees he eats nothng He just J sleeps his existence away l The Same Old Sarsaparilla Thats AVers The same old sarsaparilla as it was made and sold 50 years ago In the laboratory it is different There modern appliances lend speed to skill and experience But the sarsaparilla is the same old sarsaparilla that made the record 50 years of cures SmV ifc Xel1 we re much in the Ja Bwliop and the raspberry Doubt-- RSf Jod have mafe a better berry doubtless also He never did Why dont we XlxS the7sarfaparilla We cant We are using the 22 -- Ji that cured the Indians and the Spaniards t has not been bettered And since we make sarsaparilla compound out of sarsaparilla plant we see no way of improvement Of course if we were making some secret chemical compound we might But we re not Were making the same old sarsaparilla to cure the same old diseases You can tell its the same old sarsaparilla because it works the same oia cures Its the sovereign blood purifier and its Ayers ill MODES FOE WINTEfi FUR OUTFITS OF STRIKING COMBINATIONS Some Hints for Women in the Selec- tion ¬ of Cnt and Material for New Gowns Elaborate Costumes and Amazinc Contrasts for Street Wear Cold Weather Clothes New York correspondence atm b 1 fffBlu- v51JN JgIu EEPER and deeper Into the purses of fashionable women go the designers of furs Last winter it seemed as if the slashing and snip ping of costly skins had reached the limits and now though the same sort of extrava- gance ¬ is repeated it does not make as much of an impres sion as it did a year ago for two rea- sons ¬ One is that we have become hardened to the expensive shredding process and the other is that the fash ¬ ion now is to combine two furs in one garment a style that is carried out with such striking effect that there is little room for considering the wasteful pro- cesses ¬ by which the garment was put together Even in the simplest acces- sories ¬ of fur notional rules are laid down for exquisite dressers Thus it is decreed that the muff should match a collarette but should contrast with a large cape or fur coat If then your fur outfit is no larger than that shown in the first small pic- ture ¬ its two parts must be of the same fur In this ease it was chinchilla the collarettes high wired collar being faced with almond green satin and the muff being lined with the same ma- terial ¬ In this costume a coquettish trick was effected by veiling the satin of the collar with the deep lace frill of the dress collar Thus though the lace was not attached to the collarette the distracting and ultra stylish combina- - FASHIONABLY tion of lace and fur was attained Of course if Madam permitted her lace of a similar mesh to her collar to show at one end of the muff it would be entirely accidental or at least quite as much so as the arrange ¬ ment of her neck lace over the satin lining of the collar in which she was to no little pains before her mirror Three handsomely furred women are shown in the next picture At the right were a rich collarette and muff of sable The collarette was much longer in front and back than on the shoulders and was lined with rose pink silk At the opposite side of the group was a seal cape cut in one with its high collar which was faced with Persian lamb In front were stole ends A bigger strain on the pur- chasers ¬ pocketbook will come from the garment in the middle of the illus- tration ¬ than from either of the others It was of grebe feathers having a deep Ipointed piece of seal both in front and If i A KOVEIi CAPE CUT FBOJI DRESS GOODS back and ending in a high grebe cel ¬ lar Grebe makes a very desirable trimming for or part of a fur gar ment because of its current high favor and general becomingness Many women that cannot afford a new heavy coat or cloak have put their money into a dainty shoulder cape with high 5 collar of seal and grebe Sucn a cape will go on over the last years slightly shabby seal cape and the eltect will so freshen the latter as to be about all the it need3 The more sensible grebe capes are arranged with the feathers set on a yoke ninl collar of seal because the feathers are too delicate to be put where they will mi against the cheeks As they would on the inside of the collar But for Just this reason some woman with a taste attuned to extravagance will like all the more the pictured cape last de- scribed ¬ Though in cloths the jacket has ¬ the cape very pretty capes are now and then seen and tho one that the artist selected for the next picture was strikingly pretty It was made of dark woolen goods which was also the material of the dress and right here it should be said that when ff SAVED TO CORRECTNESS TJISTIXCTIOX BY A FINE cape and dress are of the same stuff there is no danger of the cape being considered in the least out of style particularly if it is of unusual con- struction ¬ This one was particularly novel the tabs and slashed revers and collar being of white cloth finished with dark gray stitching The hem BEFUURED TEIO handkerchief renovating out- stripped was ornamented with stitching and silver gray satin was used for lining Elaborate costumes and amazing con- trasts ¬ are occasionally seen upon the streets and when skillfully planned may not be decried yet a majority of women are opposed to them to judge by the abundance of severe tailor and dark colored costumes on the prome- nade ¬ Smooth cloth in billiard green in sapphire in stone gray and in all the browns is worn and if there is any elaboration at all it is in braiding Silks are tabooed entirely for street wear by the women that set the fashions for the multitude and only women that have nowhere else to wear their empire velvet coats etc appear with them in the shopping portions of town In those streets where the walk means the constitutional or the little trip to morning call or class street dresses while still of tailor severity show a touch of elaboration Very smart coats are half closed over brilliant silken waistcoats gold braid gives a military touch scarlet flashes the silk petticoat affords a dazzling contrast revers are faced with white satin white kid appears for binding and facing and velvet coats in brilliant colors elaborated with rich fur combine with stunning hats to remind the beholder that Miladi is on the street merely to get somewhere else Bj- - this finely drawn distinction the final pictured costume becomes a street dress with which none can find fault Made of bottle green cloth its skirt opened on each side to show a panel of plaid silk a navy blue ground with scarlet lines The side and front breadths of cloth were decorated with steel buttons A like effect was pro- duced ¬ upon the bodice by giving to it a front of the silk over which were bias crossed bands of the dress goods one of those surplice suggestions re- sulting ¬ that are very desirable when attained in a new way The belt was green draped satin the collar cloth and the huge bow at the throat was plaid silk Copyright 1896 Bicycle Brake A new bicycle brake consists of a friction disk attached to the rear hub against which another disk is pressed by the action of the rider in back ped ¬ aling We know a man who can worry while be is busy Gen Miles Unique Decorations General Miles and family have just settled in n fine new residence on Rhode Island avenue in Washington and have for the first time unpacked their beautiful collection of Indian hangings rare animal skins and exquisite em- broideries ¬ the work of the Indian wom- en ¬ The Interior of their new home Is inexpressibly fascinating Theseatrange things brought from the Western wilds bring up thoughts of hunters and trap- pers ¬ dusky red men and brave army officers and the contrast to tho Oriental splendor of the diplomatic residences or the gorgeous furnishing In ry style of the homes of many Df the millionaire Senators is as de Ightful as possible Hale and Hearty s the condition in which every human being was undoubtedly intended to be and whenever this is not the case there must be something wrong Probably in a majority of cases the trouble is in the blood which has become impoverished or impure by reason of hereditary scrofula taints or from some other cause In case there is scrofula in the blood there will frequently be erup- tions ¬ of the skin though sometimes the disease assumes a different form In fact a very large proportion of diseases are caused by this inherited taint That the cause is in the blood is proved by the fact that scrofula salt rheum rheuma- tism ¬ catarrh and other like diseases are most readily cured by purifying he blood No medicine has such a ecord of cures as Hoods Sarsapa illa and yet Hoods Sarsaparilla is always ldvertisecf as a blood purifier The way to keep hale and hearty is to keep the blood pure and if it is not in a condition of purity md vitality there is no better remedy that an be used than this same great blood mrifier and strength builder Hoods Sar aparilla In the calcining of horses bones the vapors arising are condensed and form the chief source of carbonato of am ¬ monia which constitutes the base of nearly all ammoniacal salts From Now Until Spring Overcoats and winter wraps will be in fashion Tl ey cm be discarged tempor- arily ¬ while traveling in the steam healed trains f the Chicago Milwaukee St Paul Railway For solid comfort for speed and for safety no other lino can compare with tins treat railway of the West The estimated cost of the Manchester ship canal was 28750000 Nearly 80000000 was spent before the canal was ready for business Deafnoss Cant Be Cured By local applications as they cannot reach tba diseased portion of the ear There la only one way to cure deafncBS and that is by constitu ¬ tional remedieB Deafness is caused by an in flatned condition of the mucouB lining of the Eustachian Tube When thiB tubo gets in ¬ flamed you have a rumbling 60und or imper- fect ¬ hearing and when it is entirely closed Deafness is the result and unless tho inflamma ¬ tion can be taken out and this tubo roBtored to its normal condition hearing will be destroyed forever nine cases out of ten aro caused by ca- tarrh ¬ which is nothing but an inflamed condi ¬ tion of the mucous surfaces Wo will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafnoss caused by catarrh that wo cannot euro by taking Halls Catarrh Cure Send for circulars free F J CHENEY CO Toledo O Sold by Druggists 75c There are as many different defini- tions ¬ of love as there are ways to use up bread crusts Atchison Globe There Is nothing unless It be the sewing machine that has lightened womans labor as much as Dobbins Electric SoaD constantly sold since 1865 All grocers have It Have you made Its acquaintance Tit It There is an animal oil yielded in the cooking process which is a deadly poi- son ¬ and enters into the composition of many insecticides and vermifuges Mrs WlnsloWn SooTmno Bybup for Chlldron teething sotteng the gums reaiicos Inflammation tllays fain cure vlnd colic 25 cent a boula The size of the new bonnet is ap- palling ¬ to umbrella makers ITMl WT EMMtf3BfaMjteBltCjfciq Sp5XSrsHBBBKigii JfcwCy Zirfvjff Oar aW f r-i- - irTvL J r NTifeYg Ev am al UiVV irol W lk Kl V fj W Xf23tL i l tin Hm tJ MMiiIW T TRADE MARK Vn Ufc Gladness Comes With a better understanding of th nature of the many phys ¬ ical ills which vanish before proper ef- forts ¬ gentle efforts pleasant efforts rightly directed There is comfort in the knowledge that so many forms of sickness not due to anv actual dis- ease but simply to s constipated condi- tion of the system which the pleasant family laxative Syrup of Figs prompt- ly ¬ removes That is why it i3 the only remedy with millions of families and is everywhere esteemed so highly by all who value good health Its beneficial effects are due to the fact that jt is the one remedy which promotes internal cleanliness without debilitating the organs on which t acts 1 1 is therefore all important in order to get its bene- ficial ¬ effects to note when you pur chase that you have the genuine article which is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup only and sold by all rep- utable ¬ druggists If in the enjoyment of good health and the system is regular then laxa- tives ¬ or other remedies not needed If afflicted with any actual disease one may commended to the most skillful physicians but if in need of a laxative then one should have the best and with the well informed everywhere Syrup of Figs stands highest and is most largely used and gives mo2ueneral satisfaction Chicago Milwaukee SI Paul Ry Owns and operates 654 miles o thoroughly equipped road FIRST CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT It traverses the best sections of th States of Illinois Wisconsin Iowa Missouri Minnesota South Dakota North Dakota and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan For further information address CEO H HEAFFORD Ceneral Passenger Agent CHICAGO ILL PATENTS TRADE MARKS Examination and adTlee as to Patentability or InvaD Mons Send for ivventoks Guide or to Oct Paisnt Iatrick OFarrell WKliinijton VQ S C N U iufnrnm nanrii m A UUCil O MO ll0bymsU StowellCo 4SMe Mind this It makes no difference Chronic Acute or Inflammatory of the Muscles Joints rnd Bones is cured by 0OC3lS W HI Ml I U I II 1 V TBPa MLWBnm a Mils aan c I b KnSriroL O I 1 K i X IV J -- i ¬ ¬ i ¬ be a i 8n relief amrrwi Price 35 cttAOinmfl 1 II 7 s u fi t jtULHcaunra HPUP fcaA RSS ill t5Ss3 Ik Jtfi UGmEH iWMTOwtt or HUMANITY -- rz BHt tu are Co are How lfKIIVUf zxh 50 90 auua Plusz Buy Tkf a Box er asEJsmny 10 25 J - ii t in iijmhf a crucAo if i ne MeniiiK kcww wp tok ftbWWWW4 l Important Notice 111 50AuDUGGISTS The only genuine Bakers Chocolate celebrated for more than a century as a de- licious ¬ nutritious and flesh forming bever age is put up in Blue Wrappers and Yel- low ¬ Labels Be sure that the Yellow Label and our Trade Mark are on every package WALTERBAKER CO Ltd Dorchester Mass IIIHIB11IIIIII8 yjnBtwimvmmimwML SAPOL IS LIKE A GOOD TEMPER IT SHEDS A BRIGHTNESS EVERYWHERE fc j

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Page 1: ry atm b With - nebnewspapers.unl.edu · ried the dearest fellow In the world ... guest however failed to make her ap ¬ pearance though a careful search of the husbands pockets failed





Up to that Time the Jtitijre Was inConstant trend of Ucntli

Ex Chief Justice B 1 Peters of theKentucky Court of Appeals haB justcelebrated the 5th anniversary of hisbirth at his iume In Ml Sterling Inan interview he said in speaking of hisage and his health

I was an invalid when I can first re-


and I continued to bo one un¬

til I had lived out nearly the allottedepan of raane life The-- doctors toldme when I was a boy that I would haveto be very careful or I would never liveto mans estate After I was grownjthey said my time on earth won limitedNo medicine they gave me afforded anyrelief to my apparently worthless stom-ach


and I concluded that I would ex¬

tend my law practice into the moun-tains


ofIventucky so that I could makea living and at the same time be onhorseback and in the open air as muchas possible

For thirty years I rode over themountains in all kinds of weather andisubsisted on the most meager dietjCornmeal mush was my staple article

f food and whenever I could get freshitnilk I would drink that I could eatno meat and but few vegetables Af-ter


I had reached the age of 70 my stom¬

ach trouble disappeared and sinee thenand up to the Tast few jwtrs I havefteen a well man I subsist now chieflyon Jersey cream and cornmeal mush

Fortune Feekinjc Era ieras tsMany a poor family that seeks the West-


wilds In the hope of winning a fortune1b preserved from that Insidious foe of theemigrant and frontiersman chills and fever

by Ilostetters Stomach Bitters So effec-tually


does that incomparable medicinal de-fense


fortify the system against the com-bined


Influence of a malarious atmosphereand miasma tainted water that protectedbj-- it the pioneer the miner or the touristprovided with It may safely encounter thedanger

I dont see how a girl that wearsbloomers can read what the Rev DrKittredge Wheeler said about bloomerjgirls in his sermon last Sunday andnot blush for shame The trouble Isthat the bloomer girl never reads sorImons and never blushes ChicagoTribune

Winter Time TableSt Paui Dec 1 No trains were taken

off by the Groat Northern Railway inmaking up its winter schedule but changesjwere made in the leaving time of several ofthem the most important being the Pacificcoast train which leaves here at 1 p mtwo hours earlier than heretofore givingcloser connections with eastern lines thanever before and reaching Montana adcoast points in daylight

Jibways wife seems to have himpretty well under control Yes theonly time Jibway is not under the in-


of his wife is when he is underthe influence of liquor IndianapolisJournal

The use of nails Hair Eenewer pro-motes


the growth of the hair and restoresits natural color and beauty frees the scalpof dandruff tetter and all impurities

The Langson Railroad in TonkinIwhich was to open a conquered prov-ince


for an expenditure of 500000 bledthe French treasury to the tune of


V We will forfeit 1000 if any of our pub- -

Ashed testimonials are proven to be notgenuine THE PISO CO Warren Pa

This is indeed a shirt waste re-


the young lady who receivedher favorite garment from the laundryin a disreputable condition Louis-ville



Tasca nSp 29f pSlIs Hoods Sarsaparilla because it cures theseverest cases of hcrofula salt rheum dyspep-sia


and rheumatism If you are a sufferer try

SarsaparillaThe best In fact the One True Blood Purifier

Hnnrlc E5Ilc cure Liver His easy toxwcHJ a fins take easy to operate 25c


tiuiupM Mucuaor u a jtulaiqu inuwULo jrs m last wax 15 adjudicating cuuu tty



M Best Cobgh Syrnp Testes QooO UseEd m urns BOM or oncruta






A Distressing Example of a YoungHusbands Absence of Mind

She is a North Side girl says the Chi ¬

cago Tribune and she has recently mar¬

ried the dearest fellow In the worldShe is fully aware of the latter fact nordoes she hesitate to mention it to herfriends Indeed so recent is her mar¬

riage that some of her acquaintanceshave not yet bad a chanco to meet themost charming of his sex Brief as thetime has been however it has yet beenlong enough for her to discover that herhusband is absent minded

The other day she was expecting agirl friend to lunch with her and makethe acquaintance of this paragon Theguest however failed to make her ap ¬

pearance though a careful search ofthe husbands pockets failed to revealthe note of- - invitation It was a rainyday and late in the afternoin the nowdespaired-of-gue- st made her appearance wet and disheveled

What on earth is the matter ericthe bride You poor thing you ardripping wet and you have missed meeing Fred

Im awfully sorry replied the guesbut Ive had the queerest adventurt

I was on my way here in plenty of timeit was raining hard and the wind wrso high that I almost lost my footing n

I stepped from the South Side car antried to cross the street

You poor girl Fred came home oipurpose to meet you I was afraid hiwould forget it but he didnt

Im awfully sorry Yes as I was iidanger of being blown away a gentle-man


came to my rescue and taking myumbrella escorted me to the other sideof the street

That was kind Fred is always do¬

ing something just that nice for samebody or other

But what do you think I thankedhim for his kindness and was reachingfor my umbrella when raising his Jiathe walked off with the umbrella overhim

Why he must be crazy Did youcall after him

Oh yes but he didnt seem to hearand I had to take refuge in a drug storeafter the rain had taken all the curl outof my feathers and ruined my new boaFinally the storm abated and I came onhere I thought perhaps your husbandcould help me to trace the man Hewas toll with gray eyes and a lightbeard cut pointed and

Listen to me a minute Gertrudesaid the bride her face crimson Whatkind of an umbrella was the one youlost

Navy blue silk with a silver handleand my monogram on why that is itWhere on earth did you of all peopleget it

Fred brought it in when he camehome to luncheon sobbed the bride

He told me to save his life he couldntremember where he bad gotten it


And TJiereby Greatly Pnzzlcs tlieIedical Profession

There are many ether drunkards in

tiie world bu the palm in that line iseasily borne off by John Becker a shoelaster of Cincinnati Becker attainedthe habit of ether drinking some timeago and now he sometimes puts awayas much as a quart a day of the poi-


Ether is a powerful anaesthetichaving a similar influence to that ofchloroform It is rarely administeredinternally owing to its deadly influencebut when it is found necessary it isgenerally in the form of Hoffmandrops a solution composed of sevenparts of alcohol to one of ether A dosein this form is lifteen drops

Ether is also highly inflammable andwhen a person acquires a habit ofdrinking it the breath and even theexhalation from the pores of the skinfill easily become ignited by fire andcause serious consequences

Becker purchases it in six ounce bot-tles


paying for the same 40 cents andhe makes five and six trips a day to thedrug store where he is accustomed tobuy the drug He takes it to his roomand goes on an ether jag sleepingfor hours until the effects wear offwhen he again replenishes his bottle

Sometimes when his money is plen-tiful


he buys it in pound packagesthen he remains in his room and sleeps

Ithe hours away and dreams a dream

i that would do justice to an opium fiendThe lack of money sometimes puts astop to his protracted sprees As

j soon as he straightens up sufficientlyhe goes back to work at the factoryand labors industriously to accumu¬

late money to resume his habit Dur¬

ing his sprees he eats nothng He justJ sleeps his existence away


The SameOld Sarsaparilla

Thats AVers The same old sarsaparilla as it wasmade and sold 50 years ago In the laboratory it isdifferent There modern appliances lend speed to skilland experience But the sarsaparilla is the same oldsarsaparilla that made the record 50 years of curesSmV ifc Xel1 we re much in theJaBwliop and the raspberry Doubt--RSf Jod have mafe a better berrydoubtless also He never did Why dont weXlxS the7sarfaparilla We cant We are using the22 --Ji that cured the Indians and theSpaniards t has not been bettered And since wemake sarsaparilla compound out of sarsaparilla plantwe see no way of improvement Of course if we weremaking some secret chemical compound we mightBut we re not Were making the same old sarsaparillato cure the same old diseases You can tell its thesame old sarsaparilla because it works the sameoia cures Its the sovereign blood purifier andits Ayers




Some Hints for Women in the Selec-tion


of Cnt and Material for NewGowns Elaborate Costumes andAmazinc Contrasts for Street Wear

Cold Weather ClothesNew York correspondence

atm b

1 fffBlu- v51JN


EEPER and deeperInto the purses offashionable womengo the designers offurs Last winterit seemed as if theslashing and snip

ping of costly skinshad reached thelimits and nowthough the samesort of extrava-gance


is repeatedit does not make asmuch of an impres

sion as it did a year ago for two rea-


One is that we have becomehardened to the expensive shreddingprocess and the other is that the fash ¬

ion now is to combine two furs in onegarment a style that is carried out withsuch striking effect that there is littleroom for considering the wasteful pro-


by which the garment was puttogether Even in the simplest acces-sories


of fur notional rules are laiddown for exquisite dressers Thus it isdecreed that the muff should match acollarette but should contrast with alarge cape or fur coat

If then your fur outfit is no largerthan that shown in the first small pic-


its two parts must be of the samefur In this ease it was chinchilla thecollarettes high wired collar beingfaced with almond green satin andthe muff being lined with the same ma-terial


In this costume a coquettishtrick was effected by veiling the satinof the collar with the deep lace frill ofthe dress collar Thus though the lacewas not attached to the collarette thedistracting and ultra stylish combina- -


tion of lace and fur was attained Ofcourse if Madam permitted her lace

of a similar mesh to hercollar to show at one end of the muffit would be entirely accidental or atleast quite as much so as the arrange ¬

ment of her neck lace over the satinlining of the collar in which she wasto no little pains before her mirror

Three handsomely furred womenare shown in the next picture At theright were a rich collarette and muffof sable The collarette was muchlonger in front and back than on theshoulders and was lined with rosepink silk At the opposite side of thegroup was a seal cape cut in one withits high collar which was faced withPersian lamb In front were stoleends A bigger strain on the pur-chasers


pocketbook will come fromthe garment in the middle of the illus-tration


than from either of the othersIt was of grebe feathers having a deepIpointed piece of seal both in front and

If i


back and ending in a high grebe cel ¬

lar Grebe makes a very desirabletrimming for or part of a fur garment because of its current highfavor and general becomingness Manywomen that cannot afford a new heavycoat or cloak have put their moneyinto a dainty shoulder cape with high

5 collar of seal and grebe Sucn a capewill go on over the last years slightly

shabby seal cape and the eltect willso freshen the latter as to be aboutall the it need3 The moresensible grebe capes are arranged withthe feathers set on a yoke ninl collarof seal because the feathers are toodelicate to be put where they will miagainst the cheeks As they would onthe inside of the collar But for Justthis reason some woman with a tasteattuned to extravagance will like allthe more the pictured cape last de-


Though in cloths the jacket has ¬

the cape very pretty capesare now and then seen and tho onethat the artist selected for the nextpicture was strikingly pretty It wasmade of dark woolen goods whichwas also the material of the dress andright here it should be said that when




cape and dress are of the same stuffthere is no danger of the cape beingconsidered in the least out of styleparticularly if it is of unusual con-


This one was particularlynovel the tabs and slashed revers andcollar being of white cloth finishedwith dark gray stitching The hem






was ornamented with stitching andsilver gray satin was used for lining

Elaborate costumes and amazing con-trasts


are occasionally seen upon thestreets and when skillfully plannedmay not be decried yet a majority ofwomen are opposed to them to judge bythe abundance of severe tailor anddark colored costumes on the prome-nade


Smooth cloth in billiard greenin sapphire in stone gray and in allthe browns is worn and if there is anyelaboration at all it is in braiding Silksare tabooed entirely for street wearby the women that set the fashionsfor the multitude and only womenthat have nowhere else to wear theirempire velvet coats etc appear withthem in the shopping portions of townIn those streets where the walk meansthe constitutional or the little tripto morning call or class street dresseswhile still of tailor severity showa touch of elaboration Very smartcoats are half closed over brilliantsilken waistcoats gold braid gives amilitary touch scarlet flashes the silkpetticoat affords a dazzling contrastrevers are faced with white satinwhite kid appears for binding andfacing and velvet coats in brilliantcolors elaborated with rich furcombine with stunning hats to remindthe beholder that Miladi is on the streetmerely to get somewhere else

Bj-- this finely drawn distinction thefinal pictured costume becomes a streetdress with which none can find faultMade of bottle green cloth its skirtopened on each side to show a panelof plaid silk a navy blue ground withscarlet lines The side and frontbreadths of cloth were decorated withsteel buttons A like effect was pro-duced


upon the bodice by giving to ita front of the silk over which werebias crossed bands of the dress goodsone of those surplice suggestions re-


that are very desirable whenattained in a new way The belt wasgreen draped satin the collar cloth andthe huge bow at the throat was plaidsilk

Copyright 1896

Bicycle BrakeA new bicycle brake consists of a

friction disk attached to the rear hubagainst which another disk is pressedby the action of the rider in back ped ¬


We know a man who can worry whilebe is busy

Gen Miles Unique DecorationsGeneral Miles and family have just

settled in n fine new residence on RhodeIsland avenue in Washington andhave for the first time unpacked theirbeautiful collection of Indian hangingsrare animal skins and exquisite em-broideries


the work of the Indian wom-en


The Interior of their new home Isinexpressibly fascinating Theseatrangethings brought from the Western wildsbring up thoughts of hunters and trap-pers


dusky red men and brave armyofficers and the contrast to tho Orientalsplendor of the diplomatic residencesor the gorgeous furnishing In ry

style of the homes of manyDf the millionaire Senators is as deIghtful as possible

Hale and Heartys the condition in which every human

being was undoubtedly intended to be andwhenever this is not the case there must besomething wrong Probably in a majorityof cases the trouble is in the blood whichhas become impoverished or impure byreason of hereditary scrofula taints or fromsome other cause In case there is scrofulain the blood there will frequently be erup-tions


of the skin though sometimes thedisease assumes a different form In facta very large proportion of diseases arecaused by this inherited taint That thecause is in the blood is proved by thefact that scrofula salt rheum rheuma-tism


catarrh and other like diseasesare most readily cured by purifyinghe blood No medicine has such aecord of cures as Hoods Sarsapailla and yet Hoods Sarsaparilla is alwaysldvertisecf as a blood purifier The way tokeep hale and hearty is to keep the bloodpure and if it is not in a condition of puritymd vitality there is no better remedy thatan be used than this same great bloodmrifier and strength builder Hoods Saraparilla

In the calcining of horses bones thevapors arising are condensed and formthe chief source of carbonato of am ¬

monia which constitutes the base ofnearly all ammoniacal salts

From Now Until SpringOvercoats and winter wraps will be infashion Tl ey cm be discarged tempor-arily


while traveling in the steam healedtrains f the Chicago Milwaukee StPaul Railway For solid comfort forspeed and for safety no other lino cancompare with tins treat railway of theWest

The estimated cost of the Manchestership canal was 28750000 Nearly80000000 was spent before the canal

was ready for business

Deafnoss Cant Be CuredBy local applications as they cannot reach tbadiseased portion of the ear There la only oneway to cure deafncBS and that is by constitu ¬

tional remedieB Deafness is caused by an inflatned condition of the mucouB lining of theEustachian Tube When thiB tubo gets in¬

flamed you have a rumbling 60und or imper-fect


hearing and when it is entirely closedDeafness is the result and unless tho inflamma ¬

tion can be taken out and this tubo roBtored toits normal condition hearing will be destroyedforever nine cases out of ten aro caused by ca-


which is nothing but an inflamed condi ¬

tion of the mucous surfacesWo will give One Hundred Dollars for any

case of Deafnoss caused by catarrh that wocannot euro by taking Halls Catarrh CureSend for circulars free

F J CHENEY CO Toledo OSold by Druggists 75c

There are as many different defini-tions


of love as there are ways to useup bread crusts Atchison Globe

There Is nothing unless It be the sewing machinethat has lightened womans labor as much as DobbinsElectric SoaD constantly sold since 1865 All grocershave It Have you made Its acquaintance Tit It

There is an animal oil yielded in thecooking process which is a deadly poi-


and enters into the composition ofmany insecticides and vermifuges

Mrs WlnsloWn SooTmno Bybup for Chlldronteething sotteng the gums reaiicos Inflammationtllays fain cure vlnd colic 25 cent a boula

The size of the new bonnet is ap-


to umbrella makers


EMMtf3BfaMjteBltCjfciq Sp5XSrsHBBBKigii JfcwCy ZirfvjffOar aW f r-i- - irTvL J r NTifeYgEv am al UiVV irolW lk Kl V fj W Xf23tL

i ltin Hm



Vn Ufc

Gladness ComesWith a better understanding of th

nature of the many phys ¬

ical ills which vanish before proper ef-


gentle efforts pleasant effortsrightly directed There is comfort inthe knowledge that so many forms ofsickness not due to anv actual dis-ease but simply to s constipated condi-tion of the system which the pleasantfamily laxative Syrup of Figs prompt-ly


removes That is why it i3 the onlyremedy with millions of families and iseverywhere esteemed so highly by allwho value good health Its beneficialeffects are due to the fact that jt is theone remedy which promotes internalcleanliness without debilitating theorgans on which t acts 1 1 is thereforeall important in order to get its bene-ficial


effects to note when you purchase that you have the genuine articlewhich is manufactured by the CaliforniaFig Syrup only and sold by all rep-utable


druggistsIf in the enjoyment of good health

and the system is regular then laxa-tives


or other remedies not neededIf afflicted with any actual disease onemay commended to the most skillfulphysicians but if in need of a laxativethen one should have the best and withthe well informed everywhere Syrup ofFigs stands highest and is most largelyused and gives mo2ueneral satisfaction

Chicago Milwaukee SI Paul Ry

Owns and operates 654 miles othoroughly equipped road



It traverses the best sections of thStates of

Illinois Wisconsin IowaMissouri Minnesota

South DakotaNorth Dakota and the Upper

Peninsula of Michigan

For further information address


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iufnrnm nanrii mA UUCil O MO ll0bymsU StowellCo

4SMeMind this It makes no difference

ChronicAcute orInflammatory

of the Muscles Joints rnd Bones is cured by



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The only genuine Bakers Chocolatecelebrated for more than a century as a de-


nutritious and flesh forming beverage is put up in Blue Wrappers and Yel-low


Labels Be sure that the YellowLabel and our Trade Mark are on everypackage

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