s tress management

Stress Management Katharine Arseneau, Sarah Rouse, Mat Wong & Jena Guimond

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S tress Management. Katharine Arseneau, Sarah Rouse, Mat Wong & Jena Guimond. Outline. What is stress ? Common stressors Physical symptoms of stress Long term stress. What is stress?. A natural reaction to everyday events, too many things to do - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Stress Management

Katharine Arseneau, Sarah Rouse, Mat Wong & Jena


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Outline• What is stress?

• Common stressors

• Physical symptoms of stress

• Long term stress

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What is stress?

• A natural reaction to everyday events, too many things to do

• Body’s resources are being used to deal with the feelings of stress (not for healing)

• Four dimensions: -Feelings -Thoughts -Physical -Behaviours

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1. Not having enough time

Rank priorities by importance and tackle the time-sensitive ones first. Always tackle

unpleasant tasks first to get them out of the way.


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Time Management Activity

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2. Unhealthy lifestyle


Tips- A nutritious diet, regular exercise and getting enough sleep are all key to

remaining healthy.

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3. Taking on too much

Steps to cope- Embrace a comfortable amount of tasks and invest all energy

and attention into these tasks


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4. Interpersonal Conflict



Steps to cope- Be honest and respectfulTry to compromise

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5. Holiday Pressure


Steps to cope- Focus on spending time with family,

rather than spending money.

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6. Money Issues


Steps to cope- A balanced budget is an excellent way to

save money.

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7. Serious illness, death


Steps to cope- Don't ignore your feelings! Take time off work to deal with the emotions. Spend time with a strong support system.

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8. Neglecting to see the humour in things


Steps to cope- Harness the benefits of a good laugh with family and friends. Laughter lowers blood pressure and reduces stress.

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9. Particular situations that cause stress

http://www.corporatewellnessmagazine.com/upload/articles/0B1D5D9E8E011DB05E8F383EC94428B1-main.jpgSteps to cope- Try to avoid the

situations in question. Find something that soothes and calms you when you're feeling angry, afraid, sad and irritable.

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10. Major life changes


Steps to cope- Welcome change as a positive challenge

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Why be stressed?• Stress is a natural

reaction to stimuli

• Maintains body homeostasis

• Keeps us aware of surroundings

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Physiological Stress• Stress is a reaction from the activity

of the sympathetic nervous system• Stimulates the nervous, endocrine,

immune systems

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Nervous System• Peripheral and Central

nervous systems relay messages to the brain and hormone producing glands

• When a stressor is present the brain becomes more active

• The brain becomes too focused and becomes unable to comprehend other sensory information

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Endocrine systemResponsible for a quick release of many hormones, specifically: -Corticotrophin-releasing factor (CRF) -CRF stimulates pituitary gland and releases Adrenocorticotrophin (ACTH) -ACTH stimulates adrenal glands,

releases epinephrine and cortisol

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Immune System• Short term stress increases

effectiveness of immune system

• Long-term chronic stress reduces effectiveness of immune system

• Irregular development of T-cells

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Long Term…

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Long term• Immune System• Digestive System • Cardiovascular System • Musculoskeletal System • Reproductive System• Other Issues

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Immune System

• Open to more illnesses • Increase severity of pre-existing illness• Why ?

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Digestive System

• Slow stomach acid• Stimulates colon • Gas problems

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Cardiovascular System

• Raised heart rate• Long term issues

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Musculoskeletal System

• Muscles • Aches • Twitches

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Reproductive System

• Logistics problems• Mental problems

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Other Symptoms

• Skin problems• Hair problems • Vulnerability to cancer

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LONG TERM STRESS• The difference between normal stress and chronic


Symptoms: (several times a week)• Being overwhelmed • Mind racing• Inability to concentrate• Nervousness

Consequences:• Weakened immune system• Develop irrational fears• Increasing dependence on substances

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How to deal:• Take one hour a day to do a relaxing activity like: -swimming (recreational) -walking -reading(before bed) -going to the gym -write in a journal• Create a realistic schedule to follow• Support from friends/family• Having fun

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BREATHING EXERCISEMorning Breathing:• Try this exercise when you first get up in the morning to

relieve muscle stiffness and clear clogged breathing passages. Then use it throughout the day to relieve back tension.

• From a standing position, bend forward from the waist with your knees slightly bent, letting your arms dangle close to the floor.

• As you inhale slowly and deeply, return to a standing position by rolling up slowing, lifting your head last.

Hold your breath for just a few seconds in this standing position.• Exhale slowly as you return to the original position, bending

forward from the waist.

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Some types of stress are good for you.

True False

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Answer: False

• There are hundreds of research studies done on this topic, the consensus used to be that some stress is good stress, the most recent studies show that stress, in general is a detriment to your overall health.

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• Question 2:

If you get too stressed, you can catch a cold.

True False

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Answer: True

• Chronic stress (relatively long periods of stress) is proven to significantly repress your immune system, therefore giving viruses more opportunity to cause harm

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• Question 3:

Unless you really don't enjoy animals, pets can lower your

blood pressure as effectively as medication.



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Answer: True• In a major study done in New York city, it was

proven that pet owners have significantly lowers stress levels for these reasons:

-encourages exercise -improves mood -staves off loneliness -creates unconditional love

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• Question 4:

Working long hours is the main cause of burnout.

True False

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Answer: False

• Other factors, such as lifestyle, personality, and job factors, all contribute to burnout. Learn about these risk factors to safeguard yourself from burnout

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• Question 5:

Stress can make your hair fall out.



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Answer: True

• Stress actually can cause your hair to stop growing, then fall out. However, stress doesn't cause all baldness.

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• Question 6:

It’s better to have a greater number of friends, even if some of these friends are competitive with you or emotionally distant.

True False

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Answer: False

• According to new research, the larger the social circle, the more chances there are of stress levels being elevated

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• Question 7:

Stress can make you ‘worried sick’


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Answer: True

• While anxiety does have its benefits, excessive anxiety can lead to chronic stress, which is associated with a host of health problems, including the common cold.

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• Question 8:

Stress can contribute to weight gain

True False

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Answer: True

• There are several ways in which stress can contribute to weight gain. One has to do with cortisol, a stress hormone. When we’re under stress, the fight or flight response is triggered in our bodies, leading to the release of various hormones.

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• Question 9:

Those with more money are generally happier and

experience less financial stress.

True False

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Answer: False• Having more money doesn't automatically mean

having less stress. Research shows that, beyond the poverty level, more money doesn't mean more happiness. And while those with more money do have more options, they often commit themselves more financially so that their actual level of financial freedom is the same as those at lower income levels

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• Question 10:

Drinking alcohol will help you de-stress.

True False

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Answer: False• Alcohol is a depressant, which means that it

slows down the brain and the central nervous system’s processes.

• Ultimately creates a pause in the thoughts of stress, resumes after the alcohol has worn off

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References• Andrews, L. (2012) 5 Myths About Stress, Debunked. Yahoo

Health. Retrieved from health.yahoo.net• Dumitru, V. M., & Cozman, D. (2012). The relationship between

stress and personality factors. Human & Veterinary Medicine, 4(1), 34-39.

• HealthlinkBC (2010) Stress Management: Breathing Exercises for Relaxation. British Colombia Health Link. Retrieved from http://www.healthlinkbc.ca

• Jansen, A. S., Nguyen, X. V., Karpitskiy, V., Mettenleiter, T. C., & Loewy, A. D. (January 01, 1995). Central command neurons of the sympathetic nervous system: basis of the fight-or-flight response. Science (New York, NY), 270, 5236, 644-6.

• May, R. W., & Casazza, S. P. (2012). Academic major as a perceived stress indicator: Extending stress management intervention. College Student Journal, 46(2), 264-273

• Olsén, M., Lönroth, H., & Bake, B. (1999). Effects of breathing exercises on breathing patterns in obese and non-obese subjects. Clinical Physiology, 19(3)

• Scott, E. (2012) Stress Myth test. About stress management. Retrieved from http://stress.about.com