safe lifting/back safety training presented by rita gagnon occupational health outreach coordinator...

Safe Lifting/Back Safety Training Presented by Rita Gagnon Occupational Health Outreach Coordinator Benefis Health Systems 406-731-8328

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Page 1: Safe Lifting/Back Safety Training Presented by Rita Gagnon Occupational Health Outreach Coordinator Benefis Health Systems 406-731-8328

Safe Lifting/Back SafetyTraining

Presented byRita Gagnon

Occupational Health Outreach Coordinator Benefis Health Systems406-731-8328

Page 2: Safe Lifting/Back Safety Training Presented by Rita Gagnon Occupational Health Outreach Coordinator Benefis Health Systems 406-731-8328

Risk Factors Involved with Manual Handling Tasks:

• Bending at Trunk• Excessive Exertion or force• Twisting the trunk• Reaching out

Functions of The Spine• Providing support• Protection of cord (information super hi-way)• Providing Flexibility (flexion, extension side and rotation)

Page 3: Safe Lifting/Back Safety Training Presented by Rita Gagnon Occupational Health Outreach Coordinator Benefis Health Systems 406-731-8328

Anatomy of spine• Vertebral bodies, (cervical, thoracic, lumbar)• Discs (provide cushion & flexion)• Core Muscles• Erector Spinae (extend the back attached behind the

spine) enable us to stand and lift objects• Abdominals (flex spine located in front of body) for

bending forward and arching lower back. When weak increases the curve of the lumbar spine

• Obliques attached to sides of spine for rotation

Page 4: Safe Lifting/Back Safety Training Presented by Rita Gagnon Occupational Health Outreach Coordinator Benefis Health Systems 406-731-8328

Causes of Back Pain

• Poor Posture• Poor Physical

Condition• Tension & Stress• Impact Trauma• Repetitive Trauma• Incorrect lifting

Page 5: Safe Lifting/Back Safety Training Presented by Rita Gagnon Occupational Health Outreach Coordinator Benefis Health Systems 406-731-8328

Forces to Spine with Incorrect lift

Page 6: Safe Lifting/Back Safety Training Presented by Rita Gagnon Occupational Health Outreach Coordinator Benefis Health Systems 406-731-8328

Planning AheadAsk yourself these Questions First!!

• How are do I have to carry this load?• Is the path clear of clutter, cords, slippery areas, overhangs, stairs,

curbs, uneven surfaces?• Will I encounter closed doors? Ask someone to hold it open or

place a wedge under to keep it open.• Once it is lifted will it block my view?• Can the load be broken down into smaller parts?• Would gloves improve my grip or protect my hands?• Will this load need to be moved again? If so, place it on a platform,

table or hoist device.• Do I have enough room to turn my feet instead of twisting my hips

or shoulders?• Can I lift this load safely or is it a two-person lift? Test the weight by

lifting one of the corners. If it is too heavy or awkward STOP! Ask for help or use mechanical lift or hand truck.

Page 7: Safe Lifting/Back Safety Training Presented by Rita Gagnon Occupational Health Outreach Coordinator Benefis Health Systems 406-731-8328

Reducing the RisksKeep it close and Keep the

curves!• The closer a load is kept to your

power zone the easier it is to keep the natural curves of your back. When the spine is in the natural curves the vertebra, discs, ligaments and muscles are in their strongest and most supportive position

Page 8: Safe Lifting/Back Safety Training Presented by Rita Gagnon Occupational Health Outreach Coordinator Benefis Health Systems 406-731-8328

Staggered Stance• Lifting with the feet close together and in

line with each other makes it more difficult for you to use your legs to help with the lift.

• Staggering your stance encourages the legs to become involved and reduces the demands on your back. Simply stepping toward a load with a staggered stance moves the center of gravity closer to the lad and minimizes the demands of the lift.

• If you feel your weight shifting forward onto your forward leg you have successfully transferred this weight demand from your back to your stronger legs.

• Grip ** front knee, high hand, far corner, ** back knee, low hand, near corner

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Feet First

• Feet First• Moving your feet first gets

you closer to the load and reduces the amount you have to reach. The farther you reach the more you have to lift your upper body as well as the load. Moving your feet first also helps reduce the risk of twisting while you lift.

Page 10: Safe Lifting/Back Safety Training Presented by Rita Gagnon Occupational Health Outreach Coordinator Benefis Health Systems 406-731-8328

Team Lifting

• If the weight shape or size of an object makes the job too much for one person, ask for help.

• Ideally, workers should be of approximately the same size for team lifting

• One individual needs to be responsible for control of the action to ensure proper coordination. If one worker lifts too soon, shifts the load or lowers it improperly, either they or the person working with them may be injured.

• Walk out of step

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Two Persons and Long Load






Page 13: Safe Lifting/Back Safety Training Presented by Rita Gagnon Occupational Health Outreach Coordinator Benefis Health Systems 406-731-8328

Use Mechanical lifts whenever possible.

• The best way to avoid a back injury is to reduce the number of lifts you have to perform. Hand trucks, push carts and forklifts are great engineering controls that reduce your exposure to lifting hazards.

• What devices are available in your workplace to reduce your exposure to lifting hazards?

Page 14: Safe Lifting/Back Safety Training Presented by Rita Gagnon Occupational Health Outreach Coordinator Benefis Health Systems 406-731-8328

Minimize Stressors of Carrying

• Keep the weight of the load acceptable• Keep load as close to body as possible• Use both hands in a power grip (rather than a pinch grip)

to hold the load• Width (side-to-side) The width of the load should be

about as wide as the person’s torso.• Height of the load The height of the load should allow the

handler a clear view of the travel path.• Distance over which the load is carried Carrying

distances should be minimized.• Frequency with which the task takes place Attempt to

decrease frequency and bundle tasks.

Page 15: Safe Lifting/Back Safety Training Presented by Rita Gagnon Occupational Health Outreach Coordinator Benefis Health Systems 406-731-8328

• The easiest way of carrying a load like a crate or a box is holding it by the front corners,

• The arms straight, at hip height, so that it does not interfere with the movements of lower limbs.

• Loads to be carried to the side of the body (suitcases, grocery bags, brief cases, etc.) should be equipped with suitable top mounted handles, “should be as slim as possible and should clear the ground when the carriers’ arm hangs by their side.”