safe use of ultrasound in medical diagnosis


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The onus for ensuring the safety of a diagnostic ultrasound scan has shifted from the manufacturer to the person performing the scan. This means that sonographers and other practitioners need to be knowledgeable about how ultrasound interacts with tissue, and how this changes for different scanning modes and machine settings. In the third edition of this book, world-leading experts in these areas have provided contributions addressing these topics. Written at a level intended to be accessible to readers from all backgrounds, this book covers the basic concepts important for the safe use of ultrasound and points the interested reader to the extensive literature on these topics. Margin notes emphasising the main “take home messages” are designed to make this an easy to use reference for those who need to be concerned with medical ultrasound safety.


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The Safe Use of Ultrasound in Medical Diagnosis3rd Edition

Edited by Gail ter Haar

We should like to acknowledge the support of the British Medical Ultrasound Society, the European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, and the National Physical Laboratory (UK). Without their generosity this revision would not have been possible.

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The British Institute of Radiology

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© 1991 The British Institute of Radiology

© 2000 The British Medical Ultrasound Society & The British Institute of Radiology

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First published 1991 (978-0-905749-28-0)

Second edition 2000 (978-0-905749-42-6)

Third edition 2012 (978-0-905749-78-5)

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Contributors iv

Preface v

Chapter 1 IntroductionGail ter Haar


Chapter 2 The propagation of ultrasound through tissueFrancis A. Duck


Chapter 3 The acoustic output of diagnostic ultrasound scannersAdam Shaw and Kevin Martin


Chapter 4 Ultrasound-induced heating and its biological consequencesCharles C. Church and Stanley B. Barnett


Chapter 5 Non-thermal effects of diagnostic ultrasoundJ. Brian Fowlkes


Chapter 6 Radiation force and its possible biological effectsHazel C. Starritt


Chapter 7 Bio-effects—cells and tissuesGail ter Haar


Chapter 8 The safe use of contrast-enhanced diagnostic ultrasoundDouglas L. Miller


Chapter 9 Epidemiological prenatal ultrasound studiesKjell Å. Salvesen


Chapter 10 Safety standards and regulations: the manufacturers’ responsibilitiesFrancis A. Duck


Chapter 11 Guidelines and recommendations for the safe use of diagnostic ultrasound: the user’s responsibilitiesGail ter Haar


Glossary 159

Index 163

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Dr Stanley B. Barnett, MSc, PhD11/147 Darley St. West, Mona Vale, NSW 2103, AustraliaE-mail: [email protected]

Dr Charles C. Church, MSc, PhDNational Center for Physical Acoustics, University of Mississippi, MS 38655, USAE-mail: [email protected]

Professor Francis A. Duck, PhD, DSc3 Evelyn Rd, Bath BA1 3QF, UKE-mail: [email protected]

Professor J. Brian Fowlkes, PhDDepartment of Radiology, University of Michigan, Medical Science I, 1301 Catherine, Room 3226C, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-5667, USADepartment of Biomedical Engineering, University of Michigan, 3315 Kresge Research Building III, 204 Zina Pitcher Place, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-0552, USAE-mail: [email protected]

Dr Kevin Martin, BSc, PhD, FIPEMDepartment of Medical Physics, University Hospitals of Leicester, Infi rmary Square, Leicester LE1 5WW, UKE-mail: [email protected]

Dr Douglas L. Miller, PhDBasic Radiological Sciences Division, Department of Radiology, University of Michigan SPC 5667, 3240A Medical Science Building I, 1301 Catherine Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USAE-mail: [email protected]

Dr Kjell Å. Salvesen, MD, PhDDepartment of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Clinical Sciences, Lund University, Box 117, SE-221 00 Lund, SwedenE-mail: [email protected]

Mr Adam Shaw, BA, MA (Cantab)Acoustics and Ionizing Radiation Division, National Physical Laboratory, Hampton Road, Teddington TW11 0LW, UKE-mail: [email protected]

Dr Hazel C. Starritt, PhDMedical Physics and Bioengineering, Royal United Hospital, Combe Park, Bath BA1 3NG, UKE-mail: [email protected]

Dr Gail ter Haar, MA, PhD, DScInstitute of Cancer Research, 15 Cotswold Road, Belmont, Sutton SM2 5NG, UKE-mail: [email protected]

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The Safe Use of Ultrasound in Medical Diagnosis

It is an oft observed fact that safety sessions at congresses are seldom well attended, and that the sneaky insertion of a lecture on a safety-related topic into a specialist session may be regarded by some as the opportunity for a coffee break, but the fact remains that the safe use of diagnostic ultrasound is the responsibility of the person conducting the scan. In order for appropriate judgements to be made, the practitioner must be knowledgeable about the hazards and risks involved in performing an ultrasound examination, and this book aims to provide this basic knowledge. Leading world experts in the fields of ultrasound physics, biology, standards and epidemiology have contributed chapters, written at a level that is intended to be accessible to everyone, whatever their background. Each chapter is extensively referenced to allow readers to delve deeper into a topic of interest if they so wish.

Ultrasound has an unprecedented safety record, but that does not mean that we can be cavalier about its use. What is evident from the information presented in this book is that there are many gaps in our knowledge about ultrasound safety. Many of the studies on which we base our information and recommendations have been carried out in animal models whose relevance to the human is not fully understood, ultrasound exposure conditions which have little relevance to diagnostic ultrasound pulses, or on scanners that are no longer in common clinical use. While this is useful information, it must always be interpreted with care.

It must be remembered that “absence of evidence of harm is not the same as absence of harm” (Salvesen et al., 2011). It is never possible to prove a negative, all we can do is to use increasingly more sensitive tests and assays. It is for these reasons that professional societies continue to support committees whose remit is to inform and educate users about the safe of ultrasound, so that ultrasound imaging can continue to enjoy its reputation as a technique whose benefits far outweigh any potential risk.

The publication of the third edition of this book would not have been possible without the generous support of the British Medical Ultrasound Society, European Federation of Societies for Medical Ultrasound and the National Physical Laboratories to whom I am extremely grateful.

Gail ter HaarLondon, November 2012

ReferenceSalvesen KÅ, Lees C, Abramowicz J, Brezinka C, ter Haar G, Maršál K. 2011. Safe use of Doppler ultrasound during the 11 to 13 + 6-week scan: is it possible? Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol, 37, 625–628.


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The Safe Use of Ultrasound in Medical Diagnosis

The decision by the British Medical Ultrasound Society (BMUS), the European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology (EFSUMB) and the UK National Physical Laboratory (NPL) to sponsor the revision of this publication on the topic of the safety of diagnostic ultrasound in medical practice at this time is entirely appropriate. In England alone, over two and a half million obstetric ultrasound scans (about four for every live birth) are performed every year (Department of Health, 2012). Many of these are carried out using the new generations of ultrasound scanners, which have the potential to produce significantly higher acoustic outputs than their predecessors (see Chapter 3). Ultrasound imaging has become more sophisticated and new techniques such as tissue harmonic imaging, pulse coding and contrast-enhanced imaging are becoming more common, bringing with them not only increased diagnostic capabilities, but also uncharted waters as far as safety considerations are concerned. This is not unusual; we have a track record of safety studies lagging behind clinical applications—there are, for example, no epidemiological studies concerned with the use of pulsed Doppler techniques. This state of affairs is not to be condoned, and there is now considerable effort being put into understanding the way in which an ultrasonic beam interacts with tissue in terms of its heating potential, and the probability of inducing mechanical effects such as acoustic cavitation, so that there is more chance of predicting and preventing the occurrence of an unwanted bio-effect.

During the early 1990s a change was made by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the USA that has affected all those using ultrasound for medical diagnosis. Output levels had been set in the 1980s simply on the basis that such conditions had been in use before, with no evidence of hazard. The change allowed intensities previously reserved only for peripheral vascular studies to be used for all studies, including first-trimester scanning. No epidemiological or other evidence was then, or is now, available to support the assertion of safety at these higher exposures. The FDA change resulted in the widespread availability of high specification pulsed Doppler and Doppler imaging modes for uses in addition to cardiovascular applications, including obstetrics. Recognizing the difficulty of establishing resilient safety management for this change, the FDA decided to pass the responsibility for safe management to the user. Manufacturers

Chapter 1Introduction

Gail ter Haar Institute of Cancer Research, Sutton, UK

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1 Introduction

are now able to use higher exposures than before, provided that the equipment displays “safety indices”. These, the thermal index (TI) and the mechanical index (MI), have been designed to inform the user of conditions which might give rise to safety concerns during any scanning session. For those using ultrasound equipment, these changes in philosophy are of central importance to their clinical practice. The management of safety has become a partnership between manufacturers, whose responsibility it is to design and make safe equipment, and the users whose responsibility it is to understand how to operate the equipment safely. The primary purpose of this book is to inform users about the principles and evidence on which this safe practice depends.

Two biophysical mechanisms, heating and cavitation, have become central to safety judgements. In order to assist those using diagnostic ultrasound equipment to make their own judgements on safety, the two safety indices mentioned above were introduced. The TI gives an approximation to the greatest temperature rise which could occur in exposed tissue. This tissue warming (a more realistic word to describe what may happen than “heating”) results from the energy deposited in the tissue by ultrasound absorption. The highest local temperatures occur in bone in vivo, since this tissue absorbs the ultrasound waves most strongly. The theory for MI describes the resonant behaviour of gas bubbles in liquids, which could cause damage from “inertial cavitation”. Gas bodies are essential precursors to this process and there is no experimental evidence that inertial cavitation occurs at diagnostic ultrasound levels in their absence. However, there are two situations in vivo where gas bodies may be exposed to diagnostic ultrasound. These are during the use of gas-bubble ultrasound contrast agents, and when ultrasound exposes tissue which naturally contains gas, such as the lung or intestines. These are discussed in Chapters 5 and 8.

When considering the safe use of ionizing radiation, the use of the ALARA (as low as reasonably achievable) principle is widespread and entirely appropriate. It is often brought up in the context of the safety of ultrasound exposures. Here it should be used with caution. If the assumption is correct that heating and cavitation are the two prime mechanisms by which hazardous bio-eff ects can be brought about, then, at exposure levels that lie below the thresholds for their occurrence (see Chapters 4 and 5) there is no reason for keeping exposures low, provided these thresholds are not exceeded. However, where exposure levels have the potential to move above the threshold then it is entirely appropriate to invoke the ALARA principle in an att empt to minimize potential hazard. At exposures below the thresholds, the risk/benefi t judgement depends on uncertainties about the validity of these thresholds, and also about uncertainties of the existence and eff ects of other bio-eff ects mechanisms.

A problem that has bedevilled the study of ultrasound bio-eff ects is the lack of a consistent method of describing “dose”. There are no separate units to describe the level of ultrasound exposure incident on tissue (kerma would be used to describe this aspect of an X-ray beam) and the ultrasound “dose” to the tissue (here units of Gray are used for X-rays). A problem arises in ultrasound dosimetry, with ultrasound fi elds being described in terms of pressure or intensity, neither of which give a measure of energy deposition. Either “free-fi eld” or in situ values are given. In situ values have been “derated” to account for tissue att enuation

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Introduction 1

(see Chapters 2 and 3). Often, the precise nature of the parameter quoted in the published bio-eff ects literature is not given. This situation has led to problems of interpretation of much of the early safety literature in terms of its relevance to diagnostic ultrasound exposures. However, more rigour is now being applied (and, increasingly, required by professional journals) and we can look forward to more clinically relevant safety studies coming out of research laboratories.

The intended readership of this book includes all clinical users of diagnostic ultrasound, including sonographers, radiologists and obstetricians, together with those using ultrasound in other clinical areas such as general practice, cardiology and vascular studies. It is also intended to provide fundamental information about ultrasound safety to those in clinical training. In addition, the book should be of value to clinical and research scientists engaged in the development of new ultrasound diagnostic methods. The book has been structured to aid interpretation of the “on-screen” labelling which is now used very widely on ultrasound scanners (see Chapters 4–6), to inform the user of the current status of bio-eff e cts research (see Chapters 7–9); and to review the regulations and recommendations regarding use of diagnostic ultrasound (see Chapters 10 and 11).

The BMUS and EFSUMB have Safety Committ ees. One of the functions of these Groups is to ensure that their members are kept informed about issues of safety. This book arose originally, in part, as a result of an awareness of this responsibility. This revision has been co-sponsored by BMUS, EFSUMB and NPL. Another eff ective vehicle for circulating and updating safety information is the internet. The websites of the BMUS and EFSUMB Safety Committ ees provide a valuable resource containing safety statements, tutorial articles and literature reviews. The American Institute for Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM) also publishes safety related information on their Website (, as does the World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology (WFUMB;

Ultrasound has an enviable record for safety. Nevertheless, modern scanners are capable of warming tissue in vivo, applying stress to tissue and, under some circumstances, damaging fragile structures adjacent to gas. It is essential that in the enthusiastic search for greater diagnostic effi cacy the pre-eminent place gained by ultrasound as a safe diagnostic mode is not prejudiced. It is the responsibility of all those engaged in the diagnostic use of ultrasound to ensure that this is so.

AcknowledgementThis chapter is a revised version of Chapter 1 in the second edition. The contribution of Francis Duck to that chapter is acknowledged.

ReferenceDepartment of Health. 2012. htt p://

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The Safe Use of Ultrasound in Medical Diagnosis

Summary• Ultrasonic waves in the frequency range 1–20 MHz are widely used for medical

diagnostic applications.• Exposure is usually given in terms of peak rarefaction pressure, total acoustic power

and acoustic intensity.• In situ exposure may be estimated using simple tissue models.• The two main bio-effects mechanisms are heating and mechanical processes.• The most likely tissues to experience heating are bone and adjacent soft tissues.• The most likely tissues to experience mechanical damage are those adjacent to gas: at

the lung surface, in the intestine and with contrast agents.• Non-linear acoustic effects are particularly significant during propagation through

fluids such as water and amniotic fluid.

2.1 IntroductionThe term ultrasound describes a mechanical wave, similar in character to audible sound, but at frequencies greater than 20 kHz, or 20,000 cycles per second. For medical applications frequencies typically above 1 MHz are used. These are at least 100 times more rapid than the oscillations that can be detected by the ear. In this chapter, a description is given of the way in which waves of this frequency travel through the body, emphasizing those aspects that may be important when making considering judgements about the safe management of diagnostic uses of ultrasound.

Particular emphasis will be given to the propagation characteristics in the frequency range between 1 MHz and 20 MHz. At such frequencies, practical use is made of these waves in clinical medicine for diagnostic, therapeutic and destructive purposes, and therefore their propagation characteristics are of particular interest and have been most fully studied. From a knowledge of the wave velocities and of the degree to which tissues

Chapter 2 The propagation of ultrasound through tissue

Francis A. DuckUniversity of Bath, Bath, UK

Ultrasound describes

mechanical waves above

20 kHz

Frequencies between

1 MHz and 20 MHz are

used for diagnostic ultrasound

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absorb, scatt er and refl ect ultrasound, it is possible, in principle, to predict the manner by which ultrasound propagates within, and interacts with, the body. This chapter has two parts. In the fi rst, a general overview is given of ultrasonic wave propagation, and of the properties of body tissues that aff ect it. In the second, this knowledge is used to describe what may happen to a pulse of ultrasound as it travels into tissue, so sett ing the biophysical basis for the later discussions of ultrasound safety.

2.2 Ultrasound wave propagationUltrasound is propagated in a manner identical to that of audible sound, through the displacements of the molecules constituting the medium in which the wave is travelling. It is thus a fundamentally diff erent wave phenomenon from electromagnetic waves such as radio waves, infrared radiation and X-rays. The ultrasonic wave may propagate in the same direction as the displaced particles, in which case it is called a longitudinal compressional wave. Alternatively the particles may oscillate transversely, perpendicularly to the direction of propagation. Such a wave is termed a transverse or shear wave. Though shear waves can propagate in solids, and may therefore travel in calcifi ed tissues such as bone or tooth, they are of litt le relevance in soft tissue, which can barely support them at ultrasonic frequencies.

The longitudinal wave is therefore of primary importance for medical applications of ultrasound. In a longitudinal wave, individual molecules or particles in the medium oscillate sinusoidally about a fi xed location, moving forward and backward along the direction of propagation of the wave energy (Figure 2.1). As the particles move forward they become closer to those ahead, so increasing both the local density and the local pressure in the medium. Following their maximum forward displacement, the particles return towards and beyond their equilibrium location, resulting in a slight density reduction, and a reduction in local pressure. The diff erence between the ambient pressure (approximately atmospheric pressure) and the local pressure as the wave passes is called the “acoustic pressure”. This may be a compression (pressure above ambient) or a rarefaction (pressure below ambient). The greatest value of the acoustic pressure is of considerable importance when discussing aspects of safety concerning mechanical hazard. In particular, the “peak rarefaction pressure” is strongly related to cavitation events (see later). In diagnostic scanners these acoustic pressures can reach more than 2 MPa at the transducer face, or about 20 atmospheres. Referring to the rarefaction pressure, this means that the tissue is being pulled apart with a strength equal and opposite to about 20 atmospheres compression. The reason that it does not usually rupture is twofold. First, tissue, like water, can withstand this stress under many conditions. Second, the stress lasts for a very short time: at 1 MHz the rarefaction lasts only 0.5 μs, and this period becomes progressively shorter as the frequency increases.

The distance between one compression (or rarefaction) and its immediate neighbour defi nes the wavelength, λ (Figure 2.1). At any particular frequency, f, the wavelength, λ, can be calculated from a knowledge of the velocity c (see below), using the expression λ = c /f. At 1 MHz the wavelength in soft tissues is typically between 1.5 mm and 1.6 mm,

Longitudinal waves are much more important than shear waves in soft tissues at diagnostic frequencies

The ultrasonic wave consists of compressions and rarefactions

Adjacent compressions are separated by one wavelength, typically 0.1–1 mm in soft tissues at common diagnostic frequencies


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2 The propagation of ultrasound through tissue


whereas at the same frequency the wavelength in bone is between 3 mm and 4 mm, because the wave travels about twice as fast in bone as in soft tissue (Table 2.1).

Under very specifi c circumstances a standing wave can also be generated. This occurs when part of the energy in a longitudinal compressional wave is refl ected back and interacts with the incoming wave, forming an interference patt ern. Although such an arrangement can be generated in the laboratory, it is rare for conditions that may give rise to standing waves to occur in an ultrasonic fi eld within the body. Moreover, for pulsed ultrasound, interference only occurs transiently, and very close to the refl ecting surface.

2.2.1 Wave propagation speed

The speed at which an ultrasonic wave propagates is controlled by the mechanical properties of the medium. For liquids and soft tissues the speed of the wave, c0, depends on the compressibility and the undisturbed density ρ0. Solids support both longitudinal waves and shear waves, whose speeds depend on the elastic moduli of the solid. However, simple equations are diffi cult to apply directly to biological solids, including bone. This is partly because the mechanical properties of some tissues depend on direction, and

Standing waves are rare in vivo

Wave speed depends

on density and elastic properties

Figure 2.1. A diagram representing the progression of a longitudinal compressional wave moving forward by about half its wavelength. The time delay between each wave and the one below it is about λ /6c0, where c0 is the speed of the wave. The dots represent the particles, which do not progress with the wave, but oscillate about an undisturbed position.

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The propagation of ultrasound through tissue 2


consequently so do their ultrasonic properties. This dependence on direction is termed anisotropy.

Values for the wave speed of ultrasound through selected tissues are given in Table 2.1. This table gives representative estimates of the speed with which ultrasound propagates in the range from 1 MHz to 10 MHz, at body temperature, in normal adult human tissues. Tissues from a particular organ, for example the liver, have a range of properties that may depend on age, sex, disease state, perfusion and even dietary habits. An increase in either water or fat content leads to a decrease in wave speed. Both fatt y breast and fatt y liver tissue have a lower wave speed than comparable normal tissue. Foetal tissues also have slightly lower speed than comparable adult tissue, but this is because of their higher water content. The presence of collagen, particularly in tendon, skin and arterial wall, gives rise to slightly higher speeds than in other soft tissues.

2.2.2 Specifi c acoustic impedance and interface refl ections

When the particles of the medium move in response to an ultrasonic wave (Figure 2.1), there is a particle velocity associated with this movement. (This is quite distinct from the speed with which the wave travels.) Oscillations of particle velocity, v, and acoustic pressure, p, in a plane progressive wave are in phase: that is, the particles move fastest when the acoustic pressure is greatest. p and v are also proportional, and the constant of proportionality p/v is called the specifi c acoustic impedance, Z. A simple analysis shows that the acoustic impedance is equal to ρ0c0. Knowledge of the acoustic impedance of a particular tissue is not, of itself, of great importance. The signifi cance of this quantity is demonstrated only when considering the refl ection and transmission of an ultrasonic wave as it passes across a boundary between two materials with diff erent Z, or when small-scale variations in Z result in scatt ering. Acoustic impedance diff ers litt le between diff erent soft tissues, and between soft tissues and water. The greatest diff erences occur at the interface between soft tissue

Speed through tissue depends on fat, collagen and water content

Changes in specifi c acoustic impedance control transmission and refl ection at interfaces

Table 2.1. Representative values for some acoustic properties of tissues at body temperature. Note that these are representative values only, and there are very wide variations of tissue properties for bone and soft tissues: Blood and amniotic fl uid are better characterized. Values taken from Duck (1990), ICRU (1998) and Verma et al. (2005).

Cortical bone

Non-fatty tissue fat Blood Amniotic

fl uid

Propagation speed (m s⁻1) 3635 1575 1465 1584 1534

Characteristic acoustic impedance (106 kg m⁻2 s⁻1) 6.98 1.66 1.44 1.68 1.54

Att enuation coeffi cient at 1 MHz (dB cm⁻1) 20 0.6 1.0 0.15 0.005

Att enuation coeffi cient frequency dependence n/a 1.2 1.0 1.2 1.6

Non-linearity coeffi cient, B/A n/a 7.0 10.0 6.1 n/a

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2 The propagation of ultrasound through tissue


and bone where about one-half of the incident intensity is refl ected, and at the interface between soft tissue and gas, which refl ects almost all the incident wave. This second example is also interesting in that it is a so-called “pressure release interface” which causes the pressure wave to change phase. The compression in the wave is refl ected as a rarefaction, and vice versa. The refl ection process does not depend on the frequency of the wave, the same fraction being refl ected from a plane soft-tissue/bone interface at 10 MHz as at 1 MHz.

2.2.3 Attenuation, absorption and scatter of ultrasound by tissue

Thus far in the discussion, no mention has been made of energy loss in the tissue through which the ultrasonic wave passes. This energy loss, or att enuation, gives rise to energy deposition in body tissues. The att enuation of a plane sound wave at a single frequency is described by the expression

px= p0e⁻2ax (2.1)

where the initial acoustic pressure amplitude p0 has decreased to px after a travelling a distance x (see Figure 2.2). α is the amplitude att enuation coeffi cient, with units of neper per centimetre, Np cm⁻1. The relative reduction in amplitude or intensity is often expressed on a decibel scale, when the value is 8.68α dB cm⁻1.

The att enuation depends on the frequency of the wave. It is greater at higher frequencies. For soft tissues the dependence on frequency is approximately linear. It is common therefore to give values of the att enuation coeffi cient for tissue in units of decibel per centimetre per megahertz , dB cm⁻1 MHz⁻1.

Both absorption and scatt ering contribute to the reduction in acoustic pressure amplitude when an ultrasonic wave propagates through tissue. Therefore the total att enuation

Attenuation is described as

an exponential loss of pressure amplitude with


Figure 2.2. A diagram showing the alteration in amplitude with depth of an ultrasound pulse propagating into tissue. This example is for a 3 MHz beam, focused at 70 mm, propagating through tissue with an attenuation coeffi cient of 0.5 dB cm⁻1 MHz⁻1.

Attenuation coeffi cient of

tissue depends linearly on frequency,


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The propagation of ultrasound through tissue 2


coeffi cient α can be expressed as (αa + αs), where αa is the absorption coeffi cient and αs is the scatt ering coeffi cient. For soft tissues, att enuation is strongly dominated by absorption in the low-megahertz range, with scatt er losses contributing no more than 10% to the total att enuation (Duck, 1990). For calculations involving energy loss the appropriate property is the att enuation coeffi cient for intensity, 2α.

The processes by which ultrasonic energy is absorbed by tissues are complex, and not fully understood. The frequency dependence diff ers from that of a simple liquid like water, for which att enuation over this frequency range depends on the square of the frequency. Representative values for some tissues are included in Table 2.1, which gives both the att enuation coeffi cient at 1 MHz and its frequency dependence. As a rule of thumb the average att enuation coeffi cient in soft tissue at any frequency is often taken as being 0.5 dB cm⁻1 MHz⁻1. The fraction of the input energy that is deposited in soft tissue, up to specifi ed depths and for beams at 2 MHz, 3 MHz, 5 MHz and 10 MHz is shown in Figure 2.3.

The scatt ering of sound from tissue is anisotropic (depends on direction) and arises from small-scale variations in density and/or bulk compressibility, and hence in sound velocity. In the low-megahertz range there is strong coherent (i.e. in phase) forward scatt er with generally weak scatt ering in all other directions. Only the very low-level backscatt ered component contributes to pulse-echo imaging, and this constitutes a vanishingly small fraction of the incident energy. The integrated backscatt ered energy from soft tissue may be as low as 50 dB below (that is, 0.00001 of) the incident energy, which implies that essentially all of the energy entering the body is deposited in the tissue.

Figure 2.3. The fraction of the acoustic power leaving the transducer which is deposited in soft tissue up to a particular depth, depending on frequency. An absorption coeffi cient of 0.5 dB cm⁻1 MHz⁻1 has been assumed.












0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14Depth into �ssue, cm

2 MHz

3 MHz

5 MHz

10 MHz

Both absorption and scatter contribute to attenuation: in soft tissue, absorption dominates

For most diagnostic beams, 90% of the power is deposited within the fi rst 5 cm of tissue

Essentially all the acoustic power incident entering through the skin surface is absorbed in the body tissues

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2 The propagation of ultrasound through tissue


Att enuation in bone is much greater than in soft tissue. Att enuation coeffi cients in the range 10–20 dB cm⁻1 have been reported at 1 MHz for cortical and skull bone. Att enuation in trabecular bone is highly variable, probably due to the contribution from scatt er.

2.2.4 Beam structure and frequency content

In practice, a number of other characteristics of beams of sound are signifi cant for the complete description of the transmission of ultrasound through tissues. The structure of a beam of ultrasound close to its source can be highly complex (Humphrey and Duck, 1998). Of particular practical interest are the beams from the pulsed transducers that are widely used in medical diagnostic applications. Such sources emit very short pulses, being typically only two or three cycles, about 0.5 μs, in duration. The energy in these pulses of ultrasound is contained in a band of frequencies extending both above and below the resonant frequency of the ultrasound transducer that forms the source.

Diagnostic beams are also focused. This is done to reduce the beam width in order to improve imaging resolution. Focussing has the additional eff ect of increasing the acoustic pressure and intensity (see below) in the focal zone. The degree of focussing is weak, however, giving an increase in pressure amplitude of no more than about a factor 7, equivalent to a gain in intensity of about 50. In tissue, this increase is reduced because of att enuation of the tissue lying between the transducer and the focus.

2.2.5 Acoustic power and intensity

The total acoustic power emitt ed by the transducer is of central importance when considering its safe use. Acoustic power is a measurement of the rate at which energy is emitt ed by the transducer measured in watt s: that is, joules per second. Acoustic powers in diagnostic beams vary from less than 1 mW to several hundred milliwatt s. All this power is absorbed by the tissue, and, as a result, the temperature of the tissue is raised slightly. Although the power is delivered in very short pulses, it is more relevant to heating to average out the eff ects and to consider only the average power over many seconds.

Whilst acoustic power is important, it is also relevant to describe how that power is distributed throughout the beam and across a scanning plane, so that local “hot-spots” may be quantifi ed. This variation in “brightness” is measured as acoustic intensity, which is obtained by averaging the power over an area. The practical unit of measurement is milliwatt per square centimetre, mW cm⁻2. The area may cover the whole beam, or a very local part of the beam. A commonly quoted intensity is the “spatial-peak temporal-average intensity, Ispta”, which is the greatest intensity in the beam, where the beam is “brightest”. For an unscanned beam, such as that used for pulsed Doppler or M-mode, this will be in the focal zone: for a scanned beam, it may occur much closer to the transducer, particularly for sector scan formats.

Acoustic power and spatial-peak time-average intensity only give information about energy deposition when averaged over extended periods of time. Other acoustic quantities are used when it is necessary to describe the magnitude of the pulse itself; for example,

Diagnostic pulses are

typically shorter than

1 μs and contain a

spectrum of frequencies

Focusing increases the

intensity by up to 50 times,

excluding attenuation


Acoustic power is a measure

of the rate of energy fl ow

Maps of acoustic intensity describe

the spatial distribution of


Bone attenuates much more than

soft tissue

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when considering mechanical eff ects which might result from the interaction of a single pulse with tissue, rather than a series of pulses. The most fundamental of these is the peak rarefaction pressure, pr. The two other quantities, which are also used to describe the magnitude of the pulse, are the mechanical index, which is calculated directly from the peak rarefaction pressure (see Chapter 10), and the pulse-average intensity which describes the “brightness” of each pulse.

2.2.6 Estimates of in situ exposure

It is not generally possible to measure the acoustic fi eld within the body directly. This diffi culty has meant that alternative methods have been developed to give estimates of acoustic quantities such as power, acoustic pressure and intensity within the tissue during scanning, so-called “estimated in situ exposure”. Ideally, a numerical model would be used to predict pulse wave propagation through body tissues, taking account of all absorption, scatt ering, refraction and non-linear processes, and recognizing that the body tissues form a three-dimensional distribution of varying acoustic properties. The extreme complexity of this approach has led to a practical simplifi cation, which is used at present whenever “estimated in situ exposure” is required.

All calculations are based upon measurements of the acoustic pressure in water. The tissue is modelled with uniform, homogeneous att enuating properties, with an att enuation coeffi cient of 0.3 dB cm⁻1 MHz⁻1. The selection of this value for att enuation coeffi cient, which is lower than the average for soft tissues alone (see Table 2.1), is justifi ed by the view that it safely takes account of propagation through both soft tissue (with a slightly higher loss) and fl uids (with lower loss). On average this method should overestimate the local exposure. Whilst this may be generally true, it must also be emphasized that in situ exposures estimated using this very simple model can only be taken as gross approximations to actual exposures.

2.3 Non-linear propagation effectsThus far the discussion has assumed that the ultrasonic wave is governed by linear laws of acoustic propagation. This may be a poor approximation to what actually happens when ultrasonic pulses travel through tissue. So-called “fi nite-amplitude” eff ects occur, the terminology coming from the need to describe theoretically waves apart from those with vanishingly small amplitudes. These eff ects are of practical importance when considering exposure measurement, and the biophysical eff e cts of ultrasound (Duck, 2002). An initially sinusoidal pressure wave of fi nite amplitude does not retain its sinusoidal waveform as it propagates. The compressions in the wave travel forward faster than the associated rarefactions partly because the speed of sound depends on density. This results in a distortion of the wave, in which the compressions catch up on the preceding rarefactions, ultimately forming a pressure discontinuity or shock. A comparison between the pulse-pressure waveform at two distances from a transducer is shown in Figure 2.4. This shows the distortion in wave shape, which has been caused by several centimetres travel through water, with its accompanying acoustic shock separating the highest amplitude rarefaction and compression. The amount of non-linear distortion increases with several factors: the

Rarefaction pressure, mechanical index and pulse-average intensity all describe the size of the ultrasound pulse itself

Very simple models are generally used to estimate in situ exposure

0.3 dB cm−1 MHz−1 allows a safety margin for estimated in situ exposure for many situations

Non-linear propagation causes waveform distortion and acoustic shock formation

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Figure 2.4. Two pressure pulses measured in water at the focus of the same 3.5 MHz diagnostic transducer, (a) one at low amplitude and (b) the other at high amplitude. The high-amplitude pulse shows strong waveform distortion and acoustic shock (an abrupt change from rarefaction to compression).



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frequency and amplitude of the wave; the non-linear coeffi cient of the medium; and the distance travelled by the wave.

As a result of the distortion caused by the non-linear propagation of the wave, its frequency content is altered and energy passes from the fundamental frequency into harmonics (overtones). The propagation of such shocked waves is associated with additional energy absorption, which enhances, sometimes signifi cantly, the propagation losses and deposition of energy. Eventually the phenomenon of acoustic saturation occurs. This describes the condition where, as the wave amplitude at the transducer is increased, none of this additional wave energy arrives at some distance away from the transducer, because all additional acoustic energy leaving the transducer is lost through the process of excess energy absorption. In practice, the generation of acoustic shocks is common when ultrasonic pulses generated by medical imaging systems propagate through water. It is predicted that severe waveform distortion and perhaps full shock generation may also occur within the fl uid spaces in vivo, because of their low att enuation. Examples include propagation within urine in the bladder or in the amniotic fl uid within a pregnant uterus. Propagation through soft tissue inhibits the formation of high levels of harmonic because of greater absorption losses.

Non-linear eff ects are signifi cant in discussions of ultrasound safety for two main reasons. First, all estimates of acoustic exposure within the body are based on measurements in water, in which non-linear eff ects are strong, and no correction is applied when estimating in situ exposure. It has been predicted that acoustic saturation can limit the eff ectiveness of the present Food and Drug Administration limits for the control of ultrasound exposure (see Chapter 10), particularly for longer focal depths and higher frequencies (Duck, 1999). The second reason is that harmonics can enhance the deposition of energy in tissue, which may in turn increase warming and radiation forces.

2.4 Mechanisms for effects on tissueThe preceding sections have presented in outline the main important processes that occur during the propagation of an ultrasonic wave through tissue. As a result of a variety of absorption processes, energy is deposited in the tissue. The response of the tissue will depend in part on the mechanism for this deposition, and thus on one of several alternative properties of the beam. It is conventional to consider two broad categories: thermal eff ects and mechanical eff ects. Broadly, mechanical eff ects can best be predicted from knowledge of individual pulses, whilst thermal eff ects can best be predicted from knowledge of energy fl ow over an extended time period. In addition, as will be detailed below, the tissue response is modifi ed considerably by the presence of bone, gas and fl uid spaces.

2.4.1 Heating

Acoustic energy may convert to heat, transferred into the tissue by a variety of absorption processes. The rate per unit volume at which heat is produced, dQ/dt, is equal to 2αaI, where αa is the amplitude absorption coeffi cient (which increases with frequency) and I is the intensity of the wave. The initial rate of temperature rise is equal to 2αaI/C where C is

The two main bio-effects mechanisms are heating and mechanical processes

Distorted waves are rich in harmonics, resulting in increased attenuation

In non-linear beams in situ exposures can be underestimated and bio-effects may be accentuated

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the heat capacity of the medium. Subsequent heating depends on the width of the beam. Broader beams can cause higher temperatures for a given peak intensity than do narrow, more highly focused beams. The steady-state temperature also depends on the thermal conductivity of the tissue and on the eff ects of blood perfusion. An “eff ective thermal conductivity” is commonly used in calculations to allow for convective heat loss due to blood fl ow. However, perfusion becomes important only in the wider parts of the beam, away from the focal zone.

Tissues with higher absorption coeffi cients can get warmer than those with less absorption. So, the surfaces of calcifi ed bone absorb energy strongly, and heat more than soft tissues. Transmission into the bone, and hence its increase in temperature, may be reduced for angles of incidence other than those near normal. Foetal bones absorb energy more strongly than the surrounding foetal soft tissue, and this diff erence becomes greater as the foetal bones calcify. A 30-fold increase in absorption coeffi cient has been reported as the foetal bone matures (Drewniak et al., 1989). Adjacent soft tissues can experience secondary heating from thermal conduction into the tissue from the bone.

2.4.2 Mechanical effects: cavitation and radiation pressure

When a gas bubble in a liquid experiences the variations in pressure of an acoustic wave its size is driven to change, expanding during the period of decreased pressure and contracting during the compression half-cycle of the wave. This behaviour is termed acoustic cavitation. For low values of peak acoustic pressure, oscillations in bubble radius largely follow variations in pressure. As the peak acoustic pressure increases, the bubble becomes unstable as it contracts, collapsing catastrophically under the inertia of the surrounding liquid. Such cavitation is therefore termed “inertial” to distinguish it from stable or non-inertial cavitation. The term acoustic cavitation is also used to refer to the creation of bubbles in a liquid by an acoustic fi eld at nucleation sites, such as microscopic impurities, surface roughness on the container or even small-scale local density variations.

Complex mechanical forces are exerted on the surrounding fl uid, on any surface adjacent to the bubble, and between one bubble and its neighbours. Biologically, probably the most important of these are the shear forces exerted at the bubble surface. Mechanical forces of this sort are associated with both non-inertial and inertial cavitation, although clearly they are signifi cantly higher in the latt er case. Chemical action is also possible. The adiabatic conditions associated with extremely rapid bubble compression during inertial cavitation result in very high instantaneous temperatures within the bubble. These can result in the creation of highly reactive free-radical chemical species.

It is highly improbable that either form of cavitation can be generated at diagnostic levels within soft tissues or fl uids in the body, in the absence of gas-fi lled ultrasound contrast agents. However, there are two conditions when the presence of gas may result in mechanical trauma to adjacent soft tissue, caused by a cavitation-like process: at the surface of the lung, and in the intestine.

Acoustic cavitation occurs

when bubbles are driven by an

ultrasonic fi eld

Bio-effects of acoustic cavitation

arise from shear forces, and free-radical formation

Gas in lung, intestine and

contrast materials increases the likelihood of mechanical

damage to tissue

Primary bone heating is

markedly higher than soft tissue

warming. Tissue adjacent to bone

will experience secondary warming

Tissue warming depends on

acoustic intensity and beam size,

and on tissue absorption

coeffi cient, perfusion and thermal


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Finally, tissues may experience a range of other forces from the passage of an ultrasonic wave (see Chapter 6). In particular, a radiation stress is exerted within tissues and fl uids as the pulse propagates, and also at interfaces where there is a change of acoustic impedance. When exerted within a liquid this force causes acoustic streaming, and the fl uid moves in the direction of the pulse propagation. This radiation stress is of much lower magnitude than that associated with bubble activity, but exists universally and does not require the presence of gas bodies.

2.5 The passage of an ultrasonic pulse through tissueBased on the preceding discussion, and at the risk of some minor repetition, we are now in a position to follow what happens when a real ultrasonic transducer generates a series of acoustic pulses, which then propagate through tissue. The pulses are generated by a broadband piezoelectric transducer. Such transducers are inherently poor in their effi ciency of transferring electrical energy to acoustic energy, and as a result heat is dissipated in the transducer: it warms up. It is probable that the greatest tissue heating during diagnostic ultrasound arises from this cause (Calvert et al., 2007), and it should be considered seriously when thermally sensitive tissues lie close to the transducer, as in ophthalmic scanning.

The penetration of the pulse into the tissue depends on the eff ectiveness of the acoustic coupling to the tissue. For skin-coupling the att enuation coeffi cient of the dermal and sub-dermal layers may also have a strong eff ect, since it may be high depending strongly on hydration, and fat and collagen content. The acoustic pulse contains a broad spectrum of frequencies centred approximately at the resonant frequency of the piezoelectric source. The amplitude and intensity of the wave reduces with distance at a rate of about 0.5 dB cm⁻1 MHz⁻1; for a 3.5 MHz wave, the amplitude will be reduced by one-half, and the intensity by a factor of four (−6 dB) after travelling about 4 cm, mostly due to viscous and relaxation absorption processes. The remaining energy is scatt ered, eff ectively spreading the beam, and this scatt ered energy may undergo further scatt ering interactions. An extremely small fraction of the energy returns to the transducer.

If there is a repetitive sequence of pulses, as in most diagnostic applications, the tissue will be warmed as a result of the absorption of acoustic energy. The temperature rise depends on the time-averaged acoustic intensity, the acoustic absorption coeffi cient, the thermal properties of tissue (heat conduction and specifi c heat), tissue perfusion (blood fl ow), beam size and scanning mode and the period of time the transducer is held in one position. The tissue also experiences a small transient force in the direction of propagation each time a pulse passes. If the pulse passes through a liquid, it will move in the direction of the pulse propagation: a series of pulses will cause acoustic streaming.

The pulse spectrum alters as the wave propagates. In soft tissue this alteration is dominated by the frequency-dependent att enuation of the tissue. As a result, higher frequencies in the pulse spectrum reduce in proportion to those at lower frequencies, so lowering the mean frequency in the spectrum of the pulse. For a pulse of very high amplitude, fi nite-amplitude eff ects also come into play and some energy is passed to

The majority of the transducer output power is absorbed in the superfi cial tissue layers

Low-level radiation stress always accompanies ultrasound wave propagation

Pulsed ultrasound transducers generate heat

The tissue is slightly warmed, and slightly stressed during diagnostic scanning

The pulse frequency spectrum alters as the pulse propagates

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higher-frequency harmonics. This latt er eff ect is more pronounced during transmission through fl uids, however, where it is the dominant mechanism modifying the pulse spectrum.

As the wave propagates farther into the tissue it may reach a clear acoustic interface between media of diff ering acoustic properties. If the second medium is bone, about half the energy in the wave is refl ected and half enters the bone. The patt ern of refl ected energy will depend somewhat on the scatt ering properties of the tissue-to-bone boundary, and the subsequent propagation of this scatt ered wave through soft tissue is diffi cult to predict. Standing waves are very unlikely to form. The remaining energy that enters the cortical bone may propagate as longitudinal, shear or surface waves, all of which are rapidly absorbed, resulting in a local temperature rise. This bone heating causes secondary heating of the surrounding soft tissues by thermal conduction.

Almost all of the incident wave energy is refl ected from any boundary between soft tissue and gas. This gas may exist within the alveoli of the lung, within the intestine or at the exit site of the beam. Also, gas bubbles may be artifi cially introduced to act as a contrast medium in blood. Such tissue-to-gas interfaces constitute very large alterations of acoustic impedance and the resulting pressure wave is, to a fi rst approximation, of equal amplitude and opposite phase to that of the incoming wave. Mechanical stress experienced by soft tissue at a tissue-to-gas interface can be suffi cient to cause permanent damage to membranes (causing lysis of erythrocytes in the presence of bubbles, for example) or to weak connective tissue structures, especially tissues with low shear strength (causing, for example, lung capillary bleeding). Were inertial cavitation to occur, extreme conditions of temperature and pressure could be locally generated, which in principle could lead to free-radical generation. This has not been demonstrated in vivo. Apart from mechanical eff ects, the interaction between the acoustic wave and bubbles can also generate heat locally, because of a general increase in absorption coeffi cient.

Another interface of interest is that from soft tissue into fl uid. Litt le energy is refl ected since the acoustic impedance change across the boundary is slight. The wave emerges into a space containing, for example, blood, amniotic fl uid or urine. Scatt er is minimal, absorption is low and fi nite-amplitude distortion processes are not strongly suppressed. The wave therefore carries frequency components through the fl uid that are substantially higher than those generated by the transducer, especially in the focal zone. When this pulse reaches a further fl uid-to-tissue boundary, much of its high frequency content will be deposited in the superfi cial tissue layers, leading to greater warming and radiation stress than from equivalent undistorted pulses.

2.6 ConclusionThe propagation of ultrasound and the mechanisms of action between ultrasonic waves and tissue are now well understood. The generation of this knowledge has been largely stimulated by the widespread use of ultrasound in the low-megahertz frequency

Bone heats preferentially, and will warm

surrounding tissues

Tissues next to a gas boundary are particularly

vulnerable to mechanical


Liquids in vivo accentuate non-linear


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range in diagnostic and therapeutic medicine. Much is still unclear, however, about the detailed interaction at a microscopic level of these interactions and mechanisms. Furthermore, the thresholds and conditions for cavitation, and the importance of fi nite-amplitude transmission within tissue, and the relevance of radiation stress still require clarifi cation.

ReferencesCalvert J, Duck F, Clift S, Azaime H. 2007. Surface heating by transvaginal transducers. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol, 29, 427–432.Drewniak JL, Carnes KI, Dunn F. 1989. In vivo ultrasonic heating of fetal bone. J Acoust Soc Am, 86, 1254–1258.Duck FA. 1990. Acoustic properties of tissue at ultrasonic frequencies. In Physical Properties of Tissue, a Comprehensive Reference Book. London, UK: Academic Press, pp. 73–135.Duck FA. 1999. Acoustic saturation and output regulation. Ultrasound Med Biol, 25, 1009–1018.Duck FA. 2002. Nonlinear acoustics in diagnostic ultrasound. Ultrasound Med Biol, 28, 1–18.Humphrey VF, Duck FA. 1998. Ultrasonic fi elds: structure and prediction. In Ultrasound in Medicine, Duck FA, Baker AC, Starritt HC (editors). Bristol, UK: Institute of Physics Publishing, pp. 3–22.ICRU. 1998. ICRU Report 61: Tissue Substitutes, Phantoms and Computational Modelling in Medical Ultrasound. Bethesda, MD: International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements.Verma PK, Humphrey VF, Duck FA. 2005. Broadband measurements of the frequency dependence of att enuation coeffi cient and velocity in amniotic fl uid, urine and human serum albumin solutions. Ultrasound Med Biol, 31, 1375–1381.

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The Safe Use of Ultrasound in Medical Diagnosis

Summary• Four important acoustic output quantities are the peak rarefaction pressure (pr), the

spatial-peak temporal-average intensity (Ispta), the temporal-average acoustic power (W ) and the temperature of the transducer face (Tsurf).

• The measurement of acoustic outputs in clinical environments requires appropriate equipment and techniques.

• In general, Ispta, W and Tsurf are greatest for spectral Doppler mode and least for B-mode. For all three quantities there is considerable variation between different transducers and machine models. Values of pr do not vary much between modes.

• Surveys since 1991 demonstrate that pr values have increased steadily. Ispta values in B-mode have shown the greatest increases and now overlap the range of pulsed Doppler values.

• Maximum mechanical index values declared by manufacturers are biased towards the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) maximum permitted level. Manufacturer declared values of thermal index are on average much lower than the FDA normal maximum level, but still significant in relation to acoustic safety in obstetric and neonatal scanning.

In the previous chapter, some of the parameters that may be used to characterize the beams and pulses from diagnostic ultrasound systems have been described. It was shown that these parameters could be used to assess the likelihood of tissue heating or cavitation during exposure. The aim of this chapter is to explain how relevant acoustic parameters can be measured for diagnostic systems and how these parameters are affected by user controls. Values of acoustic parameters and their trends for modern diagnostic systems are also reviewed.

Chapter 3The acoustic output of diagnostic ultrasound scannersAdam Shaw1 and Kevin Martin2

1Acoustics and Ionizing Radiation Division, National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, UK2Department of Medical Physics, University Hospitals of Leicester, Leicester, UK

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3.1 Acoustic output parameters

3.1.1 Acoustic pressure

A point within the ultrasound beam experiences successive cycles of compression and rarefaction during the passage of an ultrasound pulse (see Figure 3.1a).

The magnitude of the pressure changes is characterized by the peak compression and rarefaction pressures, which are the greatest values during the pulse. The peak rarefaction pressure pr can be used in assessing the risk of occurrence of cavitation or other gas- body activation events. The peak rarefaction pressure changes with position in the beam and is greatest in the focal region. Acoustic pressure is normally measured in water using a hydrophone (see later).

3.1.2 Acoustic power

Each pulse transmitt ed into the tissue medium carries acoustic energy [measured in joules (J)] which is gradually absorbed and deposited in the tissue. The rate at which energy is transmitt ed into tissue from the transducer by this means is the total acoustic power W,

The peak rarefaction pressure in an ultrasound beam is used to assess the risk of cavitation

Absorption of acoustic power in tissues causes tissue heating and radiation stress

Figure 3.1. (a) The peak compression and rarefaction pressures are the maximum and minimum values of pressure in the medium during the passage of an ultrasound pulse. (b) The intensity is related to the pressure squared and is always positive. The temporal-peak intensity is the maximum value during the pulse. The pulse-average intensity is the average value over the duration of the pulse.

Static pressure

Peak compression pressure (pc)

Peak rarefaction pressure (pr)





Pulse-average intensity (Ipa)

Temporal peak intensity (Itp)


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measured in watt s (W) (1 W = 1 J s⁻1). This is the average power over many transmit pulse cycles. A medium which absorbs the acoustic power from the transducer of course heats up, but it is also subject to a radiation force, which is proportional to the absorbed power. This force results in stresses within the tissue [an eff ect which is now being exploited in acoustic radiation force imaging] and in acoustic streaming within fl uid-fi lled regions such as the bladder or cysts.

3.1.3 Intensity

The intensity in the ultrasound beam is a measure of the fl ow of acoustic power through a given cross-sectional area and is measured in W m⁻2 or mW cm⁻2 (see Figure 3.2). In plane waves, intensity is related to the square of acoustic pressure by the equation:

I = p2 / Z (3.1)

where Z is the acoustic impedance of the medium (see Chapter 2). Hence, intensity values can be derived from measurements of acoustic pressure.

During the passage of an ultrasound pulse, the pressure and hence the intensity, vary with time. Figure 3.1 shows corresponding pressure and intensity waves during a pulse. Note that because intensity is related to the square of pressure, its value is always positive. The peak value of intensity during the pulse is called the temporal-peak intensity Itp. An alternative and more widely used measure of intensity during the pulse is the pulse-average intensity Ipa. The pulse-average intensity is more useful as it is more immune to changes in the shape of the pulse than the temporal-peak intensity.

Intensity is related to the square of

acoustic pressure and is always


Figure 3.2. Intensity is the power W in watts fl owing through unit area, e.g. 1 W m−2.

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Intensity varies with time and position in the beam. Temporal-average intensity is much lower than that during the pulse

Where the ultrasound beam is stationary, e.g. for a pulsed Doppler beam, the pulse waveform is repeated at the pulse repetition frequency. Where the longer term eff ects of exposure to the beam are of interest, e.g. in assessing potential for tissue heating, it is useful to measure the temporal-average intensity (Ita). This is the value of intensity averaged from the start of one pulse to the start of the next (or other similar point). This value is much lower than Ipa as it includes the long “OFF” period between pulses (Figure 3.3). For scanned modes, where the beam is swept through the region of interest, the point of interest in the tissue may be exposed only once in each scan of the beam and the average must be taken over a complete scan repetition period.

As described in Chapter 2, the intensity varies with position in the beam as well as with time. Hence it is possible to specify intensity at a particular location in the beam, such as at the point where it is maximum. This is the spatial-peak value. Alternatively, it is possible to calculate a value averaged over the beam cross-sectional area, known as the spatial average value (Figure 3.4). The following are the most commonly quoted intensity parameters. • Isppa (Spatial-peak pulse-average intensity): The pulse average-intensity measured at

the location where it is maximum.• Ispta (Spatial-peak temporal-average intensity): The temporal-average intensity

measured at the location where it is maximum.• Isata (Spatial-average temporal-average intensity): The temporal-average intensity

averaged across the beam cross section (at a particular range from the transducer).

3.1.4 Free-fi eld and derated values

When acoustic pressure or intensity is measured using a hydrophone, the measurement is normally made in water, which has almost no att enuation. These are normally called free-fi eld quantities. To estimate pressure values that might exist in soft tissue in the same ultrasound beam, the measured pressure values are “derated”, by an amount that depends on the att enuation of the tissue. Most soft tissues have an att enuation of between 0.5 and 1.0 dB cm⁻1 MHz⁻1. When calculating the safety indices (next section), a lower att enuation of 0.3 dB cm⁻1 MHz⁻1 is assumed (in case some of the path is fl uid-fi lled) and the derated value of peak rarefaction pressure is denoted as pr,0.3. That is, the value pr

Pressure and intensity are normally measured in water using a hydrophone.These “free-fi eld” values may then be derated to estimate the values that would be expected in tissues, assuming an attenuation of 0.3 dB cm−1 MHz−1

Figure 3.3. The intensity waveform is repeated with every pulse-echo cycle. The temporal-average intensity is the average value over a complete pulse-echo cycle and is much lower than the pulse-average intensity.



Temporal-average intensity (Ita)

Pulse repetition period

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measured in water, is reduced by 0.3 f  z dB to estimate the value pr,0.3 that would exist in tissue, where f is the frequency of the pulse (in MHz) and z is the range (in cm) from the transducer at which the measurement was made. This is a reasonable approximation to a “worst-case” safety index, but it does not usually give the best estimate of the fi eld in real tissue. Nevertheless, in most cases where “derated” values are reported, the derating factor used is 0.3 dB cm⁻1 MHz⁻1.

The same process may be applied to values of intensity such as Ispta or Isppa. Such derated values of intensity are used by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the USA to regulate output levels from diagnostic ultrasound systems (see Chapter 10).

3.1.5 Safety indices

The pressure, intensity and power parameters detailed above describe the acoustic fi eld in water (free-fi eld) or in tissue (derated) and are related to the fi eld that the patient is exposed to during diagnosis. Such parameters were widely used to monitor the acoustic outputs of early ultrasound systems. On their own however, they were not good indicators of the risk of adverse eff ects. Current standards and regulations refer to parameters that are intended to relate more directly to cavitation and tissue heating: these are the mechanical index (MI) and the thermal index (TI) (IEC62359, 2010; see also Chapter 10). MI is intended to indicate the probability of occurrence of inertial cavitation, while TI is an indicator of the likely maximum temperature rise in tissues exposed to the ultrasound fi eld. Although these indices can provide useful information to the user, they are not perfect and are based on a set of very specifi c assumptions. A particular criticism of TI is that it ignores the self-heating of the transducer, and so greatly underestimates the temperature rise within about 5 mm of the transducer. For some applications this region may contain sensitive tissue (see later section on Measurement of Temperature). Mechanical index

MI is defi ned by: ,0.3MI rp

f (3.2)

Safety indices MI and TI are used to indicate the

risk of cavitation and the probable temperature rise in tissue exposed to an ultrasound


Figure 3.4. The values of the various intensity parameters change with position in the beam also. The highest value in the beam is the spatial-peak intensity. The average value over the area of the beam is the spatial average intensity.

Spatial-peak intensity (Isp)


Spatial average intensity (Isa)

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Here, pr,0.3 is the maximum value of derated peak rarefaction pressure (in MPa) in the beam. This is measured by recording pr at a range of depths in water and derating the values to fi nd the maximum value of pr,0.3. The centre frequency in the pulse is f MHz. The equation for MI is based on a model which assumes the presence of bubble nuclei in the tissue. It predicts that inertial cavitation is more likely at higher values of pr,0.3 and at lower frequencies. According to the theory, cavitation should not be possible at values less than 0.7. Thermal index

TI gives an indication of the likely maximum temperature rise in tissue due to absorption of ultrasound.

It is defi ned by:

degTI W W (3.3)

Here, W is the current acoustic output power from the transducer and Wdeg is the power required to raise the temperature of the tissue by 1 °C. The likely maximum temperature rise depends on the type of tissue and on the operating conditions of the ultrasound system. As temperature rise in tissue is strongly infl uenced by the presence of bone, 3 versions of TI are used to model the anatomical conditions. These are (i) TIS, which assumes exposure of uniform soft tissue, (ii) TIB, which assumes that a layer of bone is present in or close to the focal region of the beam and (iii) TIC, a model which assumes the presence of bone just under the tissue surface. American Institute for Ultrasound in Medicine and International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) standards include agreed formulae for calculating the indices for scanned and unscanned beams and for beam apertures greater than or less than 1 cm2 . These standards include a requirement that MI or TI is displayed to the user if either value can exceed 1.0 under any operating condition.

3.1.6 Transducer temperature rise

In addition to heating due to absorption of ultrasound, the temperature of tissues near the transducer is strongly infl uenced by the temperature of the transducer itself. Ultrasound pulses are produced by applying an electrical signal to the transducer. Some electrical energy is dissipated in the element, lens and backing material, causing transducer heating. Electronic processing of received signals in the transducer head may also result in electrical heating. Conduction of heat from the transducer face can result in temperature rises of several degrees Celcius in superfi cial tissues. Maximum allowable transducer surface temperatures (Tsurf) are specifi ed in IEC standards (see Chapter 10). These are 50 °C when the transducer is transmitt ing into air and 43 °C when transmitt ing into a suitable phantom. This latt er limit implies that skin (typically at 33 °C) is permitt ed to be heated by up to 10 °C. Transducer heating is a signifi cant design consideration in complex transducers and in some circumstances these temperature limits may eff ectively restrict the acoustic output that can be achieved.

Three different models are used to calculate TI to account for the presence and relative position of bone in the beam. These are TIS, TIB and TIC

The temperature of the transducer face can be raised due to electrical energy losses in the transducer, resulting in heating of adjacent tissues. Transducer temperature is limited by international standards

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3.2 The need for independent measurementModern ultrasound scanners have become so complex and have so many diff erent output combinations that it is eff ectively impossible for anyone other than the original manufacturer or a very specialized laboratory to att empt a full measurement of the output. So, with most modern scanners displaying thermal and mechanical indices (see also Chapter 10 on regulations) why would anyone else want to undertake any measurements? Of course, not all hospitals can be expected to make complex output measurements but there are several important reasons why there must be a capability within any healthcare system to make detailed independent measurements.

The fi rst is a duty of care to those being scanned and the need to ensure that equipment is “fi t for purpose”, meets all necessary standards and is properly maintained. Measurements may be needed prior to acceptance on purchase, for routine QA in compliance with local or national quality systems, or when a potential fault is reported. Software upgrades by fi eld engineers pose a special problem, since the systems are controlled by software and the acoustic output may potentially change whenever such an upgrade takes place. Report 102 from the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (IPEM, 2010) deals with QA in detail.

The second reason is to act as a check on the manufacturers. CE marking of equipment in Europe is mostly based on self-declaration by the manufacturer, and not on independent evaluation. Although the CE marking process in a company is in principle subject to audit, this essentially concentrates on management systems, not on the “correctness” of acoustic measurements. Apart from measurement problems, record-keeping lapses are always a possibility with the ongoing process of hardware and software revisions potentially leading to the output of a particular machine being substantially diff erent to that of another machine, apparently of the same make and model and revision, or to the manufacturer’s published value. It is perhaps not surprising, therefore, that manufacturers' reported output data has not always been completely reliable (Jago et al., 1995).

The third reason is to support research, for example into biological response to ultrasound or into the use of higher output modes for diagnosis, especially of the foetus, embryo or neonate, or of the brain and central nervous system. It is tempting but completely wrong, to suppose that the on-screen MI and TI is enough to somehow “characterize” the exposure. Anyone thinking about undertaking research must think carefully in advance about the output measurements required to support it: ter Haar et al. (2011) have presented guidelines for correctly reporting exposure conditions.

3.3 Measurement methods and equipmentA detailed description of how to make output measurements is beyond the scope of this book but the following sections give a description of the principles, considering pressure, intensity, output power and temperature rise. Report 102 from the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (IPEM, 2010) gives practical guidance for which measurements are suitable for QA and the maintenance of diagnostic scanners; more general advice

Independent measurements are important to make sure

the scanner meets necessary

standards, to check

manufacturers’ data and to

support research

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on sett ing up and using measurement systems can be found in Preston (1991), Lewin and Ziskin (1992), and Szabo (2004). The measurement of temperature rise is perhaps the most easily accessible measurement, with output power not too far behind. Measuring pressure or intensity distributions is a much more specialized task; nevertheless, it is logical to deal with this most complex issue fi rst.

3.3.1 Measurement of pressure and intensity Pressure

The fundamental component that allows the acoustic pressure to be monitored and measured is the hydrophone. This is essentially a high frequency microphone for use underwater that produces a voltage waveform when it is placed in an ultrasonic fi eld. The type preferred for use in diagnostic fi elds is the membrane hydrophone (available from, e.g. Precision Acoustics Ltd, Dorchester, UK; ONDA Corporation, Sunnyvale, CA; and Sonora Medical Systems Ltd, Longmont, CO, amongst others) which is chosen for its even response over a wide range of frequencies. In this type of hydrophone, the pressure-measuring element is the small central area of a polymer membrane (polyvinylidene fl uoride—PVDF), stretched across a circular support ring (Figure 3.5). The diameter of this ring (typically 80 mm) is suffi cient to accommodate the full B-mode ultrasound fi eld from a medical ultrasound probe. A small central region of the fi lm (typically less than 0.5 mm in diameter) is piezoelectrically active: it is desirable for this area to be as small as possible, since the voltage produced represents the spatial average of the acoustic pressure over this area.

The sensitivity of a membrane hydrophone increases slowly with frequency up to its resonance frequency (approximately 60 MHz for a 16 μm thick membrane). However, a more constant frequency response can be obtained by amplifying the hydrophone output in a low-noise preamplifi er with a frequency response that is deliberately matched to be complimentary to that of the hydrophone. Due to non-linear propagation eff ects which can result in the generation of high frequency harmonics in the pulse waveform, the international standard IEC62127-1 (2007) recommends that the output of the hydrophone and preamplifi er should vary by less than ±6 dB over a frequency range extending to 3 octaves above the acoustic working frequency, or to 40 MHz, whichever is the smaller.

Acoustic pressure is measured with a calibrated hydrophone connected to an oscilloscope

Figure 3.5. Membrane hydrophone (left) and needle hydrophones (right). Photographs courtesy of Precision Acoustics Ltd.

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Good quality modern membrane hydrophones will normally meet this requirement, even without a matched amplifi er.

Although membrane hydrophones off er the most faithful reproduction of the pressure waveform, they are expensive (approximately £8000 in 2011). Another type of hydrophone is the probe (or needle) hydrophone in which the active PVDF element is placed on the end of a hollow tube (or needle). The needle perturbs the ultrasound fi eld resulting in a sensitivity which varies more strongly with frequency, especially below 3 MHz. However, they are cheaper to buy (from about £1200 in 2011), and their needle shape off ers advantages in some situations. Fibre-optic hydrophones are also available in which the pressure fi eld modulates the amount of light refl ected from the end of an optical fi bre but these are more normally used in high intensity therapeutic ultrasound (HITU or HIFU) fi elds where piezoelectric hydrophones might get damaged.

Generally, the hydrophone is mounted in a water tank on a three-axis manipulator that allows it to be moved within the transducer fi eld. The signal from the hydrophone is monitored on an oscilloscope, from which pr can be measured directly. The use of a digital oscilloscope allows other pulse parameters, such as centre frequency, to be calculated in real-time if required. The hydrophone calibration should be traceable to national standards (for instance at the National Physical Laboratory). Measurement uncertainty depends on the particular application but it is typically less than ±10% for acoustic pressure parameters, and ±21% for intensity parameters (95% confi dence level). Intensity

Intensity is a measure of the rate of energy fl ow through an area. Although there are some prototype sensors for measuring intensity based on heating (Wilkens, 2010a,b; Hodnett and Zeqiri, 2009; Zeqiri et al., 2011), in practice intensity is not measured directly but is calculated from measurements of pressure using a hydrophone as described in the previous section on pressure. The basic assumption that is made in calculating intensity is called the “plane-wave assumption” which says that the instantaneous intensity, I(t), is related to the instantaneous pressure, p(t) by the relationship:

p tI t c

2( ) (3.4)

where ρ is the density of water and c is the speed of sound in water. Although this relationship is not strictly true everywhere, it is a good approximation throughout most diagnostic fi elds and is used in international standards (IEC62127-1, 2007).

The determination of temporal-average intensity, Ita, is particularly challenging for scanned imaging modes because many separate pulses contribute to the energy fl owing through a particular point. Modern, deep memory digital oscilloscopes have, however, made it much easier than in the past, since it is now possible to capture every pulse in the scanframe—even for combined modes—as long as a trigger signal can be obtained from the scanner. In the absence of such a dedicated trigger signal, it is possible to trigger directly on the hydrophone waveform to capture all pulses that exceed some small

Membrane hydrophones

are more accurate

but probe hydrophones

are cheaper

Intensity is not measured

directly. It is calculated from

the pressure waveform

To measure Ita, the

contributions from all

pulses in the scanframe must

be included

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pressure. Of course this will miss the contribution from the smallest pulses and can also capture electrical pickup which is not part of the acoustic signal. An analogue alternative is the method developed by Martin (1986) in which the signal from the hydrophone is fi rst amplifi ed in a power amplifi er and then input to a commercial electrical power sensor to measure the time-averaged electrical power generated by the hydrophone without the need for a synchronizing trigger: this is proportional to the temporal-average intensity. A digital equivalent to this is to continuously digitize the hydrophone signal. With both the analogue and digital versions, the electrical noise power should be assessed and, if signifi cant, corrected for. Hydrophone measurement systems

Turnkey commercial hydrophone measurement systems which integrate a measurement tank, positioning system, hydrophone, digital oscilloscope and software are available from Precision Acoustics Ltd, Onda Corporation and Sonora. They are not designed to deal with scanned modes of operation “out of the box” but additional software capture and analysis routines can be writt en to do this. Although they are sometimes mounted on a very large trolley, these systems are essentially more suited to use in a fi xed location (Figure 3.6). A measurement system which is no longer commercially available but is still being used in some centres, and which was designed specifi cally to deal with scanned operating modes, is the NPL Ultrasound Beam Calibrator (Preston; 1988; Shaw and Preston, 1995). This is a sophisticated system, based on a linear array of hydrophone elements whose outputs

Complete hydrophone measurement systems can be bought

Figure 3.6. The UMS3 hydrophone scanning system. Photograph courtesy of Precision Acoustics Ltd.

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are sampled in rapid succession to give an eff ectively real-time profi le of the pressure or intensity distribution across a beam. The array is formed on a PVDF membrane stretched across a support ring, in a similar way to the single element membrane hydrophone described previously. Multielement array hydrophones are available from Precision Acoustics Ltd.

Those preferring to build their own measurement system for lower cost could also look at the approach taken in Newcastle General Hospital (UK). They designed a lightweight and compact system, suitable for transportation by car between base and a hospital site, and by a small trolley within a hospital. Since access to most scanning systems is limited by the need to cause minimal disruption to the normal clinical workload, it was designed to be quick and easy to assemble at the measurement site. It has been used to make measurements on over a thousand combinations of probes and modes on a wide range of diagnostic ultrasound scanners in the north of England. It uses the analogue method developed by Martin (1986) for monitoring Ita in real-time. A block diagram of the system is shown in Figure 3.7.

3.3.2 Measurement of output power

A radiation force balance (RFB) provides a convenient way of measuring the acoustic power from diagnostic equipment in hospital departments. This method makes use of the fact that ultrasound exerts a force on a target that is directly proportional to the total power absorbed or refl htt p://]. It is preferable to use a fl at absorbing target rather than the conical refl ecting target which is sometimes seen. The use of a fl at target simplifi es corrections for non-perpendicular incidence (see below), and allows the distance between the probe and the target to be reduced, thereby reducing errors due to absorption of high frequency harmonics associated with the non-linear propagation of ultrasound waves in water. Conical targets should not be used in focused fi elds (IEC61161, 2006).

The force on an absorbing target is approximately 68 μg per mW of incident power. Since the output power of diagnostic scanners is typically between a few milliwatt s and

Power is best measured using

a calibrated RFB fi tted with

an absorbing target

Figure 3.7. Principle features of the portable “hydrophone in a bucket” system developed in Newcastle.

lected by the target [guidance can be found at

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a few hundred milliwatt s, a balance resolution of 0.01 mg is required for measurements at the lower end of this power range although, with care, a resolution of 0.1 mg is adequate for powers above about 20 mW. This high sensitivity means that air currents and vibrations transmitt ed from the surroundings can be a problem.

The balance calibration should be traceable to national standards (e.g. at the National Physical Laboratory), its performance may be checked using a checksource (a transducer and drive unit that delivers a beam of known acoustic power) or, in some cases, by applying a known weight. The use of a checksource is preferable to weights since it will also verify the acoustic performance of the target. If the ultrasonic fi eld is strongly convergent (e.g. some strongly focused stationary beams), divergent (e.g. sector scanners in scanning mode) or obliquely incident on the target (e.g. angled Doppler or sector scan beams), then an appropriate “cos θ” correction factor should be estimated and applied. With care, an uncertainty of 10–15% is achievable.

Commercial RFBs suitable for the diagnostic power range are available from Onda Corporation, Ohmic Instruments Co. (Easton, PA) and Precision Acoustics. All use a top-loading confi guration (see Figure 3.8): in the fi rst two, the target is suspended in a small water tank; in the third, the target actually forms the water tank in what is sometimes called an “acoustic well” (Sutt on et al., 2003). Some large transducers may not fi t all of these RFBs. Especially when measuring powers less than 50 mW, the transducer must be held solidly in a stationary clamp, the transducer cable should be supported to stop it swinging or moving, and it may be necessary to cover the RFB to protect it from draughts (even a cardboard box can be very eff ective).

It is quite possible to make a RFB. The most important consideration is the need for a high quality absorbing target: the best material for this the 2-layer polyurethane material called “HAM-A” from Precision Acoustics Ltd (Zeqiri and Bickley, 2000).

Several centres still use a design of RFB which is no longer available and which is often called the “Bath Balance” (Perkins, 1989). This was a development of an earlier design by Farmery and Whitt ingham (1978). This is a closed system in which the transducer is placed horizontally against a membrane on the side of a small chamber in which the target hangs from a pivot.

There is a radiation force of about 68 μg per mW of acoustic power

An angle correction may be necessary (e.g. for angled Doppler or scanning sector probes)

Commercial RFBs are available. It is also possible to make an RFB

Figure 3.8. Two schematic RFB confi gurations showing the absorbing well (left) and suspended target (right) types.

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It is possible to use an RFB to determine some forms of the TI. The TI “at surface” is calculated either from total acoustic power or from the power emanating from a 1 cm square region of the transducer face. The use of an RFB with suitable mask allows this latt er quantity to be measured.

3.3.3 Measurement of temperature

The safety standard IEC60601-2-37 (2007) limits the temperature of the transducer surface to less than 50 °C when running in air and to less than 43 °C when in contact with a phantom at 33 °C (for externally applied transducers) or at 37 °C (for internal transducers). It is often these temperature limits (rather than a limit on Ispta or MI) that restrict the acoustic output of a transducer.

The most practical way to check compliance with the limit in air is to use an infared camera, which can be bought for between £1000 and £2000. Lower cost options are to use small wire thermocouples or single-point infra-red themometers but IR cameras have the advantage that the location of the hott est part of the transducer is visible (Figure 3.9) so the measurement process becomes much faster and easier: the hott est part is not always in the middle of the transducer (Hekkenberg and Bezemer, 2004). In addition, thermocouples can perturb the temperature fi eld leading to higher or lower values; and the spot-size on many infra-red thermometers is relatively large (1–2 mm), leading to spatial-averaging. The value of the surface emissivity is usually adjustable on the camera and should be set to give the correct temperature value when the transducer is “cold” i.e. at room temperature before ultrasound is applied. It is often instructive to see how the temperature distribution changes when the operating mode is changed or other scanner controls are adjusted. The measurement should be carried out over 30 min but it is often obvious long before that if the temperature is likely to approach the threshold value.

Measurement of surface temperature with the probe in contact with a phantom (Hekkenberg and Bezemer, 2004; Calvert and Duck, 2006) is more complicated but a phantom to mimic skin over soft tissue is available from the National Physical Laboratory. This consists of an agar gel covered with a layer of silicone rubber and meets the specifi cation of IEC60601-2-37 (2007). A thermal sensor is not usually included, so users must supply their own: fl at, metal fi lm thermocouples have been widely used [e.g. type CO2-K from Omega Engineering, Manchester, (UK)]. Thin wire thermocouples can also be

TI “at surface” can be measured

using an RFB

Tsurf in air can be measured most

conveniently using an

infra-red camera

Tsurf on tissue is estimated using a phantom and

a miniature thermocouple

Figure 3.9. Infra-red images of a linear array transducer operating in B-mode (left—maximum = 27.7 °C), colour-fl ow (centre—maximum = 31.5 °C) and PW Doppler mode (right—maximum = 31.6 °C).

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used but, in either case, it is preferable to avoid type T thermocouples since the thermal conductivity of copper is very high and distorts the temperature fi eld more than other types. Again, it is often instructive to observe how the temperature varies as the scanner controls are adjusted (Figure 3.10).

Thermal phantoms can be made to mimic particular tissue paths and have an important role in evaluating any potential hazard arising from ultrasound-induced heating. Shaw et al. (2011) used a phantom designed to mimic the neonatal head to estimate the temperature rise at several locations in the head due to scanning through the fontanel at typical clinical sett ings. They found that approximately 35% of the confi gurations studied gave a temperature increase at the phantom skin surface in excess of 6 °C in less than 10 min. They also found that there was no useful correlation between the displayed TI and the temperature measured in the phantom: the average skin surface temperature on the phantom was 6 times larger than the average TI value. This is because the model for calculating TI completely ignores the self-heating of the transducer, which is actually the dominant factor governing Tsurf. The use of phantoms is not restricted to measurement of surface temperature (Shaw et al., 1998, 1999; IEC62306, 2006).

3.4 Control settings that give the highest output levelsAwareness of the control sett ings that are likely to give the highest output levels is important both for users wishing to avoid high outputs and reduce the MI or TI value for safety reasons, and to measurers who are trying to maximize the output. Those who look for worst-case values must have an understanding of the operating principles of the particular machine, since the number of diff erent possible combinations of control sett ings can run into millions. The nature and range of controls is constantly changing with the evolution of new scanning features, so provision of a rigid universal protocol is not possible. Controls on some of the newer machines can have quite unexpected eff ects, as manufacturers often arrange for, say, drive voltages or pulse repetition frequencies to change automatically when controls are set in a way which would otherwise cause a particular safety parameter, such as Ispta or TI, to exceed a predetermined limit. However,

Tsurf on tissue is usually much higher than the TI value

Awareness of the control settings is important for users wishing to avoid high outputs and reduce the MI or TI value for safety reasons

Figure 3.10. Example showing the variation in the surface temperature of a 3 MHz linear array transducer as scanner settings are adjusted.








0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20Time (min)



re (°C


B-mode—harmonics on

B-mode—harmonics off

Reduce sectorwidth

Move focus from10 cm to 5 cm

Colour-flow(narrow box)

Colour plusPW Doppler

Gate depth from10 cm to 5 cm

Set image depthto maximum

TIS was 1.9 here

Trying to maximize TIS

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published protocols can provide useful guidance (Henderson et al., 1994; Whitt ingham, 2000; IPEM, 2010) and help to reduce the search to manageable proportions.

Apart from the obvious example of sett ing the output power control to maximum, there are a few general observations that can be made about producing high output levels. In general, the eff ects of controls on output levels depend upon the operating mode, but selecting a deep transmission focus often involves an increase in acoustic power whichever mode is chosen. This is because manufacturers often arrange for the transmission aperture to be increased if a deep transmission focus is selected, in order to maintain a narrow beam width and good sensitivity at depth. Apart from the eff ect of the larger aperture, the drive voltage applied to each element may also be increased to compensate for the greater att enuation anticipated for deep targets. Linear and curvilinear arrays give the greatest opportunity to vary the aperture. For smaller sector scanners and phased arrays, most of the aperture is used even for small depths. The power may not increase so much with display depth, because to do so would result in a higher energy density (and hence excessive temperature) at the transducer face.

When operating in B-mode, the increase in power usually associated with a deep focus sett ing will also increase Ispta. Activation of a write-zoom box is another way by which Ispta is increased, particularly if the box is narrow. Unlike read-zoom, which simply magnifi es part of the stored image, write-zoom involves a selected area being re-scanned at a higher line density. This leads to higher temporal-average intensities, since the probe continues to transmit the same energy per second, but this is restricted to a narrower area. Write-zoom may also lead to a higher pulse repetition frequency, since there is no need to wait for echoes from beyond the box, and this will increase temporal-average power and Ispta even further. Since the transmission focus (or multiple foci) is usually automatically set to lie within the box, the highest Ispta and power levels in B-mode are usually associated with a fairly deep and narrow zoom-box. A similar eff ect, only at generally higher output levels, also occurs with the colour box in colour Doppler modes, e.g. colour-fl ow mapping mode or colour Doppler power mode. Again, this may be less marked for smaller sector scanners and phased arrays than for linear or curvilinear arrays. It is sometimes possible to adjust the sector angle from a sector scanner or phased array. Reducing the angle can often increase the frame rate and so increase Ispta and surface temperature.

Note that the position at which the Ispta occurs is not generally within the zoom-box itself, but rather at a depth close to that of minimum slice thickness. Nevertheless, selection of a zoom-box still increases Ispta, since it reduces the width of the scanned fi eld at all depths, including that at the minimum slice thickness. Also note that, on some machines, if the write-zoom or colour box is moved to the very great depths, the power and Ispta may not be as large as at a less extreme depth sett ing, since the aperture may not be able to expand any further, yet the pulse repetition frequency will be lower.

In stationary beam modes, such as M-mode and spectral Doppler, temporal-average intensities are directly proportional to temporal-peak intensities, provided the pulse

Ispta can be increased

when using the write-

zoom control in B-mode, and with a

narrow colour box in colour

Doppler modes

The position of the highest

intensity in tissue may not be within the

zoom or colour box itself

High power is often

associated with longer

focal depths

Measurement of “worst-

case” settings requires an

understanding of the operating

principles of the particular

machine, since the number of

different possible combinations of control settings

can run into millions

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repetition frequency (prf) remains constant. Thus, with this proviso, control sett ings that maximize pr will be those that also maximize Ispta. A large pr, and hence Ispta, is usually produced if the operator-controlled focus (which acts in the scan plane) is set close to the (fi xed) elevation focus, since this increases the strength of focussing in a three-dimensional sense. However, as discussed above, sett ing the focus (or range-gate in the case of spectral Doppler) to a greater depth may well increase the transmission aperture and drive voltage, and hence produce even greater pressures and intensities near the scan-plane focus. Only practical measurement can establish which of these two eff ects will produce the greatest pr and Ispta.

In spectral Doppler mode, a high Doppler frequency scale sett ing, or the selection of “high prf” mode, is likely to produce a higher power and Ispta. In themselves, these prf-related controls would not be expected to aff ect pr values, but manufacturers sometimes arrange for drive voltages, and hence pressure amplitudes, to be reduced for safety reasons if a high prf is selected. A short range-gate is likely to give higher pr values, since drive voltages are usually reduced as gate length increases, again for safety reasons. The eff ect of range-gate length on power and Ispta is diffi cult to predict, for the same reason.

The use of harmonic imaging modes is often accompanied by higher pr (to generate more non-linearity) leading to greater output power and higher Ispta.

3.5 Acoustic output values

3.5.1 Independent measurements of acoustic outputs

Measurements of acoustic exposure parameters from diagnostic ultrasound systems have long been of interest for assessing their acoustic safety. The fi rst surveys of acoustic outputs to include real-time B-scan array systems (c.f. static B-scanners) were published in 1978 (Carson et al., 1978) and 1985 (Duck et al., 1985), when this technology was relatively new. Although the number of array systems studied in these reports is small (two and four respectively) and some of the measurement methods diff er from those now used, the values are of interest because they are so much lower than those reported more recently for current systems. These early reports are discussed in more detail later.

The most comprehensive surveys of acoustic output values for ultrasound systems using real-time transducers were published or carried out in the 1990s (Duck and Martin, 1991; Henderson et al., 1995; Whitt ingham, 2000). These surveys were carried out in the UK by NHS medical physics departments, independently of the equipment manufacturers and relate to systems in active clinical use at the time of measurement. The measurement methods used were based on the principles described above, i.e. using a PVDF membrane hydrophone in a water bath to measure acoustic pressure and a RFB to measure acoustic power. In all 3 surveys, the active element of the hydrophone used was 0.5 mm in diameter.

In these surveys, the spatial-peak values of pressure and the intensity parameters given were those measured in water at the point in the acoustic fi eld where they achieved their

The highest pr in spectral Doppler mode is commonly associated with the shortest range-gate, and lowest prf. A high Doppler frequency scale setting, or the selection of “high prf” mode, is likely to produce a higher power and Ispta

Several surveys of acoustic exposure parameters were carried out in the 1990s. These reported peak values of pressure and intensity measured in water under worst-case conditions

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maximum value. No derating of values, as used in the measurement and calculation of safety indices (see above) was applied. In each case, the ultrasound system controls, for the particular mode of operation (e.g. B-mode or colour Doppler), were manipulated to achieve the highest value of the parameter of interest (e.g. pr or Ispta), i.e. the worst-case value. As described above, the operating conditions and hydrophone locations required to give worst-case values of pr and Ispta in each mode of operation are likely to be quite diff erent.

For all three surveys, measurement data from all types of real-time transducer (linear/curved array, phased array, mechanical, transcutaneous and intracavity) are combined. The survey by Duck and Martin (1991) included data from 108 real-time transducers and 44 scanners from 19 manufacturers. Pulsed Doppler measurements were from 17 systems from 11 manufacturers. Henderson et al. (1995) studied 82 scanners and 223 transducers from 18 manufacturers. The data from Whitt ingham (2000) related to similarmeasurements made in the period 1995–1998. The survey by Duck and Martin (1991) gave values for peak compression and rarefaction pressures, Ispta, Isppa and acoustic power. As the 2 later surveys gave values only for peak rarefaction pressure, Ispta and acoustic power, values for these 3 parameters are reviewed here to allow identifi cation of trends. Table 3.1 gives the range, median and mean values of peak rarefaction pressure quoted by the three surveys above in real-time B-mode, pulsed Doppler and colour Doppler modes.

Values for peak rarefaction pressure for all modes and surveys are typically in the range 0.5–5 MPa with mean and median values of the order of 2.4 MPa. For each individual survey, there is much overlap in the ranges of pressure values for the three modes of

Mean and median values of pr from the

three 1990s surveys in

3 modes of operation are

of the order of 2.4 MPa, with much overlap in

the ranges of values, but a slow upward


Values of Ispta from the

1990s surveys were highest

in pulsed Doppler mode

(mean > 1 W cm–2) and least

in B-mode. There was a

strong upward trend in Ispta in

B-mode but little change in pulsed Doppler


Table 3.1. Worst-case values of peak rarefaction pressure (MPa) as measured in water. Data taken from Duck and Martin (1991), Henderson et al. (1995) and Whittingham (2000) (1998 survey). The number of transducers for which measurements are included is n.

1991 1995 1998


Range 0.6–4.3 0.4–5.5 0.5–4.6Median 2.1 2.4 2.4Mean 2.1 2.4 2.6n 108 190 100Pulsed Doppler

Range 0.2–3.8 0.7–5.3 0.6–5.5Median 1.6 2.1 2.4Mean 1.8 2.2 2.4n 42 118 82Colour Doppler

Range 0.9–3.9 0.5–4.2 0.8–4.9Median 2.3 2.4 2.6Mean 2.4 2.4 2.8n 18 87 79

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operation, although in the 1991 survey, the mean and median values in pulsed Doppler mode are somewhat lower. Comparison of values across the three surveys shows a gradual trend to higher values and less diff erence between modes of operation.

Table 3.2 gives values for Ispta from the 1991, 1995 and 1998 surveys in B-mode, pulsed Doppler and colour Doppler.

Values for Ispta in all modes and surveys show much wider ranges of values than for peak rarefaction pressure. There are also substantial diff erences in mean and median values for the 3 modes of operation. In the 1991 survey, there is a clear progression in mean values from B-mode to colour Doppler mode to pulsed Doppler mode, with almost an order of magnitude increase between modes. Mean and median values of Ispta in pulsed Doppler are greater than 1 W cm⁻2. High values of Ispta would be expected in pulsed Doppler mode due to the use of a stationary beam, whereas in B-mode, the beam is scanned across the full image and in colour Doppler mode across the region of the colour box. Across the surveys, there is a strong upward trend in Ispta values in B-mode and to a lesser extent in colour Doppler mode, but no clear trend in pulsed Doppler mode.

Table 3.3 gives values for acoustic power from the 1991, 1995, and 1998 surveys in B-mode, pulsed Doppler and colour Doppler. Values for acoustic power show relatively small diff erences between modes with typical mean values being of the order of 100 mW. Typical values for the 1995 and 1998 surveys in B-mode and pulsed Doppler mode are higher than those from the 1991 survey, especially in B-mode.

Table 3.2. Worst-case values of spatial-peak temporal-average intensity (mW cm−2) as mea-sured in water. Data taken from Duck and Martin (1991), Henderson et al. (1995) and Whittingham (2000) (1998 survey). The number of transducers for which measurements are included is n.

1991 1995 1998


Range 0.3–177 0.3–991 4.2–600Median 6.0 34 94Mean 17 106 175n 101 194 100Pulsed Doppler

Range 110–4520 173–9080 214–7500Median 1140 1180 1420Mean 1380 1659 1610n 42 118 82Colour Doppler

Range 25–511 21–2050 27–2030Median 96 290 330Mean 148 344 470n 19 87 79

Values of acoustic power from the 1990s surveys showed small differences between modes with mean values in colour Doppler and pulsed Doppler of the order of 100 mW

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3.5.2 Manufacturer declared acoustic outputs

Although, to the knowledge of the authors, no further independent surveys of acoustic outputs from clinical ultrasound systems have been published since 2000, acoustic output data for more recent models are available from equipment manufacturers. As part of the regulatory systems for medical ultrasound devices in Europe and the USA, manufacturers must declare acoustic output values to demonstrate the acoustic safety of their equipment (see Chapter 10). In the USA, the FDA requires manufacturers to declare maximum values of MI and TI for each transducer and mode of operation and demonstrate that these are within prescribed limits (FDA, 2008). The format of the declaration is essentially the same as that in the international standard IEC60601-2-37 (2007). For medical ultrasound systems to be placed on the market in the European Union, manufacturers must demonstrate compliance with the essential safety req-uirements of the European Medical Devices Directive (European Communities, 1993). Acoustic safety may be demonstrated by declaring acoustic output values in compliance with IEC60601-2-37 (2007) or IEC61157 (2007) although no upper limits are enforced. IEC61157 includes a requirement to declare maximum values for peak rarefaction pressure and Ispta for each transducer and mode of operation. These must be measured in water at the location where they achieve maximum value, with no derating applied and hence may be compared with the independent survey values discussed in the previous section. Martin (2010) has reported values of peak rarefaction pressure (pr) and Ispta from such IEC61157 declarations for ultrasound systems on the market in 2008. These are shown in Table 3.4.

Table 3.3. Worst-case values of acoustic power (mW). Data taken from Duck and Martin (1991), Henderson et al. (1995) and Whittingham (2000) (1998 survey). The number of transducers for which measurements are included is n. No values for acoustic power in colour Doppler mode were given in the 1991 survey.

1991 1995 1998


Range 0.53–350 0.3–285 4–256Median 7.1 75 51Mean 19.1 77.8 64n 51 45 29Pulsed Doppler

Range 8.7–210 10–440 11–324Median 42 100 129Mean 63.5 124 144n 20 39 22

Colour Doppler

Range 15–440 35–295Median 90 118Mean 119 138n 29 22

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In this manufacturer declared data, mean and median values of pr are of the order of 4 MPa, with much overlap between modes in the ranges of values. The highest mean and median values are in colour Doppler and pulsed Doppler modes rather than B-mode. There is still a progression in mean and median values for Ispta from B-mode to colour Doppler to pulsed Doppler but the diff erences between the modes are much smaller than those in the surveys reported earlier. In the declared data, the mean Ispta value in pulsed Doppler is approximately 2.5 times that in B-mode, whereas in the 3 independent surveys, this ratio varies between 9.2 and 81.

As described earlier, it is now more common to characterize the acoustic output of ultrasound systems in terms of safety indices, which indicate the risk of cavitation or heating, rather than using measured exposure parameters such as pressure and intensity. Martin (2010) reported declared values of MI and TI from four ultrasound equipment manufacturers. These are maximum values achievable under worst-case operating conditions.

Under FDA rules, the maximum permitt ed value for MI is 1.9 and the maximum measured value plus the uncertainty in the measurement must be within this limit. For TI, the normal maximum value is 6.0.

Table 3.5 gives manufacturer declared values of MI (combined from 4 manufacturers), TIS, TIB and TIC in B-mode and pulsed Doppler from Martin (2010). The ranges of MI values for B-mode and pulsed Doppler are the same, consistent with the large overlap in ranges for the declared values of pr in Table 3.4. Maximum MI values are less than the permitt ed maximum of 1.9 due to the need to allow for measurement

Mean values of pr declared recently by manufacturers are of the order of 4 MPa, with much overlap between modes. Declared values of Ispta were highest in pulsed Doppler but with much more overlap between modes than in earlier surveys

Table 3.4. Manufacturer declared values for maximum in-water peak rarefaction pressure (pr) and Ispta from Martin (2010). The number of transducers for which measurements are included is n.

pr (MPa) Ispta (mW cm−2)


Range 2.3–6.4 20–1100Median 3.7 273Mean 3.9 341n 79 79Pulsed Doppler

Range 2.1–6.7 271–2830Median 4.2 749Mean 4.2 860n 79 79Colour Doppler

Range 1.4–6.7 51–1480Median 4.2 450Mean 4.1 466n 79 79

Maximum values of MI declared by manufacturers are of the order of 1.25 (mean) in B-mode and pulsed Doppler with ranges extending to 1.7

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uncertainty. The relatively high mean values of MI (of the order of 1.25) suggest that many transducers are capable of producing an MI near to the FDA regulatory limit.

Mean declared values of TIS, TIB and TIC in both modes are much lower than the normal maximum FDA value of 6.0, showing that many transducers are not capable of producing this value. For some transducers, this may be due to the transducer temperature reaching the regulatory limit before a high TI value is achieved. Mean declared values of TIS and TIB in B-mode and TIS in pulsed Doppler mode are all of the order of 1.0, refl ecting the fact that the same mathematical model is used for TIS and TIB for scanned modes (e.g. B-mode) and TIS in unscanned modes for apertures <1 cm2 (e.g. pulsed Doppler). Mean values for TIC in both modes and TIB in pulsed Doppler mode are higher.

ter Haar (2008) reported values for TI and MI obtained from a survey of ultrasound users in the UK. These values were reported in 2 categories: (i) the default values obtained at switch-on or with each new patient and (ii) the maximum values achieved during an individual patient scan. Hence the values from this survey represent typical MI and TI values found in clinical use rather than worst-case system values. In this study, values were reported according to the clinical application of the scan rather than the mode of operation. Of the 48 abdominal scans reported, 44 were B-mode or B-mode with harmonic imaging and 4 included use of colour Doppler. TI values were reported as TIS for 36 scans and TIB for 5. In the obstetric category, 66 scans were reported as B-mode, 30 as colour Doppler and 19 included pulsed Doppler (other reports did not specify mode of operation). TI values were reported as TIS for 20 scans, TIB for 72 scans and TIB/TIS/TIC for 31.

Table 3.6 gives the maximum values of MI and TI recorded during abdominal and obstetric scans. Although the equipment used in this study was not the same as that for manufacturer declared values, both studies related to equipment that was available in 2008. The large overlap in the ranges of the manufacturer and clinical values of MI suggest that the full range of available MI values may be used in clinical practice. Mean values of maximum MI used in clinical practice are of the order of 60–75% of the maximum

Mean manufacturer

declared values of TI are generally much lower than the

FDA limit of 6.0

Maximum values of MI reported during clinical

use cover a similar range to

manufacturer declared

maximum values but are lower on


Table 3.5. Declared values of MI (combined manufacturer values), TIS, TIB and TIC in B-mode and pulsed Doppler mode from Martin (2010).



Range 0.2–1.7 0.5–4.1 0.02–4.0 0.1–5.9Mean 1.25 0.99 0.78 1.7n 177 131 86 92Pulsed Doppler

Range 0.2–1.7 0.08–5.0 0.26–7.0 0.15–6.6Mean 1.23 1.1 2.3 1.8n 147 138 145 87

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available. Direct comparison between clinical and manufacturer declared TI values is more diffi cult due to the mixture of modes of operation and types of TI reported in the clinical study. However, the range and mean TI values reported for abdominal scans were signifi cantly lower than the worst-case manufacturer TI values. Maximum TI values reported for obstetric applications were higher than for abdominal scans, presumably due to the use of pulsed Doppler in many of the cases.

3.5.3 Trends in acoustic outputs

The acoustic output surveys from the 1990s described above showed gradual increases through that decade in mean and median values of peak rarefaction pressure in B-mode, colour Doppler and pulsed Doppler. Mean and median values of Ispta in B-mode and colour Doppler increased more strongly. More recent trends can be revealed by comparing values from these surveys to manufacturer declared values. In making this comparison, it must be taken into account that the measurement equipment used and measurement uncertainties may not be the same. Also the manufacturer values may represent the maximum from a small batch of the same type of transducer and system model. Figure 3.11 shows graphically the range and mean values for peak rarefaction pressure from the 1990s surveys and the manufacturer declared values (from Martin, 2010). Mean manufacturer declared values of pr were of the order of 4 MPa, representing an increase of the order of 50% in mean B-mode and colour Doppler values and 75% in pulsed Doppler since 1998.

Figure 3.12 shows a similar comparison of survey and manufacturer declared values of Ispta in the three modes of operation. In B-mode, the upward trend observed in the 1990s surveys has continued. The mean value in 2010 (341 mW cm⁻2) was almost twice that measured in 1998 (175 mW cm⁻2). However, in pulsed Doppler mode, a downward trend is seen; the mean declared value of Ispta was approximately half that reported in 1998. In colour Doppler mode, the mean Ispta value was similar to that reported in 1998. A further important observation which emerges from this comparison is that the opposing trends in B-mode and pulsed Doppler has resulted in much overlap in the ranges of Ispta values for the three modes of operation. It is no longer the case that Ispta values in pulsed Doppler are many times greater than in B-mode.

Maximum TI values reported for abdominal scans are lower than the maximum B-mode values declared by manufacturers

Peak rarefaction pressures declared by manufacturers (2010) are 50–75% higher than those reported in a 1998 measurement survey

Table 3.6. Maximum values of MI and TI recorded during abdominal and obstetric scans by clinical users (from ter Haar, 2008).

MImax TImax


Range 0.4–1.6 0.1–0.8Mean 0.97 0.56n 48 46Obstetric

Range 0.2–1.6 0.1–2.5Mean 0.74 0.98n 220 167

Maximum Ispta values declared by manufacturers (2010) showed an increase for B-mode but a reduction for pulsed Doppler mode compared to 1998 survey values, resulting in increased overlap in values between modes

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1991 1995 1998 2010

B-mode Pulsed Doppler Colour Doppler

4520 9080 7500

I spta




Figure 3.12. Manufacturer declared values of spatial-peak temporal-average intensity (Ispta) in (2010) compared to 3 previous surveys in B-mode, pulsed Doppler and colour Doppler mode (from Martin, 2010).









1991 1995 1998 2010

p r (M


B-mode Colour DopplerPulsed Doppler

Year of SurveyFigure 3.11. Manufacturer declared values of peak rarefaction pressure (pr) in (2010) compared to 3 previous surveys in B-mode, pulsed Doppler and colour Doppler (from Martin, 2010).

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3.6 DiscussionIn previous years, those carrying out output measurements on scanners have tended to concentrate on fi nding the sett ings which give the maximum output. This is still appropriate for regulatory purposes but, with the extreme complexity of modern scanners, it is debatable whether it is worth the eff ort of trying to identify these sett ings in a hospital environment. They may not even be particularly relevant to hospital users and patients. There are two alternative approaches which seem to be more effi cient and relevant outside of the regulatory environment. The fi rst is to measure the presets. Almost all ultrasound exams start with the selection of a clinical “preset” appropriate for the type of scan being undertaken and, although practice varies between individuals, it is common that relatively few sett ings that aff ect the output (such as display depth and scan mode) are adjusted during the scan. So the output of the preset is a fair representation of the output during a typical scan of that type. The use of the preset also provides a way of reproducing the output confi guration for instance to look for changes over time or following hardware or software upgrades: some presets could be “locked” and dedicated to testing. Testing could involve hydrophone measurements but even simpler testing with an RFB or a thermal phantom would provide useful tests of consistency.

A second approach is to validate the displayed MI and TI values. Limited validation can be carried out using an RFB to measure power, although more thorough validation requires hydrophone measurements. Determination of MI and TI requires a measurement of power and measurements of pr and Ita along the beam-axis. There is a strong case for saying that every medical physics department with an ultrasound responsibility should be capable of validating the displayed indices and should do this as part of acceptance testing when scanners are purchased. Users are expected to make risk-benefi t judgements based on the values displayed and need to be reassured that they are reliable. A system targeted to making only these measurements could be more compact and economical than a more general hydrophone system. A prototype of such a system has been assembled at the National Physical Laboratory.

To ensure the safe use of ultrasound in diagnosis, it is important for clinical users to have some awareness and understanding of the acoustic output of their equipment and how it is aff ected by the way in which they operate it. Review of reported values for acoustic output parameters shows that maximum values for some parameters may now be more than 2 orders of magnitude greater than those reported for the fi rst real-time B-mode transducers. Carson et al. (1978) reported a maximum value for Ispta of 15.9 mW cm⁻2 and Duck et al. (1985) a maximum value of 2.5 mW cm⁻2 for early linear array transducers operating in B-mode. In 2010, a worst-case value in real-time B-mode of 1100 mW cm⁻2

was declared for this parameter by an ultrasound system manufacturer (Martin, 2010). While the developments in ultrasound technology that have taken place over this time scale have resulted in huge improvements in image quality and system performance, it is now clear that they have also resulted in some signifi cant increases in acoustic output levels, particularly in B-mode.

It may be more useful to measure the clinical presets and to validate displayed indices than to try to maximize output

Maximum values for some parameters are more than 100 times greater than those reported for the fi rst real-time B-mode scanners

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The review given above of acoustic output surveys from the 1990s and more recent manufacturer declared outputs showed steady increases in the mean values of peak rarefaction pressure in B-mode, pulsed Doppler and colour Doppler. Such increases would be expected from manufacturers’ eff orts to improve transducer effi ciency and focussing methods, thus allowing the use of higher frequencies for a given application. Acoustic pressure levels are now eff ectively regulated by the FDA through the maximum permitt ed values of MI. MI increases with pr but reduces with the square root of frequency and there is evidence (Martin, 2010) that some manufacturers are working to this regulatory limit, using higher pr values at higher frequencies.

More recent developments in technology may have infl uenced acoustic pressure and MI values. For example, harmonic imaging requires the use of high acoustic pressures to generate harmonics in the pulse waveform via non-linear propagation. Harmonic imaging (Tranquart et al., 1999) may also be associated with higher MI values, as some harmonic imaging methods also require the transmit frequency to be reduced. Shear wave techniques (Bercoff et al., 2004) must make use of the highest permissible output levels to generate acoustic radiation stress in tissues. It is possible that existing regulations may be modifi ed to permit the use of higher outputs.

The largest changes in acoustic output values over the last 20 years have been in Istpa

levels for real-time B-mode. In the 1991 survey, the mean value of this parameter in B-mode was smaller than that in pulsed Doppler by a factor of 84. This would be expected due to the use of a stationary beam in pulsed Doppler mode and the use of relatively long pulses and high prf. However, in the manufacturers’ declared values from 2010, this ratio was reduced to 2.5. While there had been a reduction in the mean value of Ispta in pulsed Doppler mode, the mean value in B-mode had increased from 17 to 341 mW cm⁻2. The 2010 data also showed much overlap in the ranges of values for these 2 modes.

Values for Ispta in B-mode have presumably increased over this time due to improvements in transducer efficiency and focussing methods. New pulse sequencing techniques designed to increase frame rates and the use of longer coded pulses (Chiao and Hao, 2005) would also contribute to this increase. Corresponding increases in the already high values in pulsed Doppler would be restricted by FDA limits on Ispta (Chapter 10).

Maximum achievable TI values declared by manufacturers, on average, are low compared to the FDA normal maximum permitt ed value of 6.0. Mean values of TIS and TIB in B-mode and TIS in pulsed Doppler mode are of the order of 1.0 or less. The mean TIB value declared for pulsed Doppler (2.3) was more than twice this value. Mean values for TIC in B-mode and pulsed Doppler were 1.7 and 1.8. While these values may seem low in relation to the maximum FDA value, they are still signifi cant in acoustic safety terms. For obstetric and neonatal transcranial scanning, the BMUS safety guidelines (BMUS, 2010) recommend that scanning time is restricted for any TI value greater than 0.7. For a TIB of 2.3, it is recommended that the duration of such scans be restricted to 4 min. Maximum TI values used in obstetric scanning as reported by ultrasound users

Some new imaging methods

require higher output:

regulations may eventually

be modifi ed to allow more

effective use of emerging


BMUS recommends that obstetric

scanning time is limited for TI more than 0.7

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(ter Haar, 2008) are more reassuring. The majority of TI values used in obstetric scanning were less than 0.7 with a mean value of 0.44. Of the 231 obstetric scans reported, only three were identifi ed that did not conform to the BMUS guidelines in terms of TI level and scanning time.

AcknowledgementsThe authors would like to acknowledge the contribution of Dr Tony Whitt ingham who wrote the equivalent chapter in the second edition of this book. We have reused some parts of his original chapter.

ReferencesBercoff J, Tanter M, Fink M. 2004. Supersonic shear imaging: a new technique for soft tissue elasticity mapping. IEEE Trans Ultrason Ferroelectr Freq Control, 51, 396–409.BMUS. 2010. Guidelines for the Safe Use of Diagnostic Ultrasound Equipment. Available at: J, Duck FA. 2006. Self-heating of diagnostic ultrasound transducers in air and in contact with tissue mimics. Ultrasound, 14, 100–108.Carson PL, Fischella PS, Oughton TV. 1978. Ultrasonic powers and intensities produced by diagnostic ultrasound equipment. Ultrasound Med Biol, 3, 341–350.Chiao RY, Hao X. 2005. Coded excitation for diagnostic ultrasound: a system developers perspective. IEEE Trans Ultrason Ferroelectr Freq Control, 52, 160–170.Duck FA, Martin K. 1991. Trends in diagnostic ultrasound exposure. Phys Med Biol, 36, 1423–1432.Duck FA, Starritt HC, Aindow JD, Perkins MA, Hawkins AJ. 1985. The output of pulse-echo ultrasound equipment: a survey of powers, pressures and intensities. Br J Radiol, 58, 989–1001.European Communities. 1993. Council directive 93/42/EEC of June 1993 concerning medical devices. Off J Eur Communities, 169.Farmery MJ, Whitt ingham TA. 1978. A portable radiation-force balance for use with diagnostic ultrasonic equipment. Ultrasound Med Biol, 3, 373–379.FDA. 2008. Information for Manufacturers Seeking Marketing Clearance of Diagnostic Ultrasound Systems and Transducers. Rockville, MD: Food and Drug Administration.Hekkenberg RT, Bezemer RA. 2004. On the development of a method to measure the surface temperature of ultrasonic diagnostic transducers. J Phys Conf Ser, 1, 84. doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/1/1/019.Henderson J, Jago J, Willson K, Whitt ingham TA. 1994. Development of protocols for measurement of maximum spatial peak temporal average intensity from scanners operating in pulsed Doppler and colour Doppler modes. Br J Radiol, 67, 716.Henderson J, Willson K, Jago J, Whitt ingham TA. 1995. A survey of the acoustic outputs of diagnostic ultrasound equipment in current clinical use in the Northern Region. Ultrasound Med Biol, 21, 699–705.Hodnett M, Zeqiri B. 2009. A novel sensor for determining ultrasonic intensity. In Proceedings of the 38th Annual Symposium of the Ultrasonic Industry Association (UIA), Muratore R, Hodnett M (editors). doi: 10.1109/UIA.2009.5404029.

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IEC60601-2-37 Edition 2. 2007. Medical Electrical Equipment – Part 2-37: Particular Requirements for the Basic Safety and Essential Performance of Ultrasonic Medical Diagnostic and Monitoring Equipment. Geneva, Switz erland: International Electrotechnical Commission.IEC61157 Edition 2.0. 2007. Standard Means for the Reporting of the Acoustic Output of Medical Diagnostic Ultrasonic Equipment. Geneva, Switz erland: International Electrotechnical Commission.IEC61161 Edition 2.0. 2006. Ultrasonics – Power Measurement – Radiation Force Balances and Performance Requirements. Geneva, Switz erland: International Electro-technical Commission.IEC62127-1 Edition 1.0. 2007. Ultrasonics – Hydrophones – Part 1: Measurement and Characterization of Medical Ultrasonic Fields up to 40 MHz. Geneva, Switz erland: International Electrotechnical Commission.IEC/TS62306 Edition 1.0. 2006. Ultrasonics – Field Characterisation – Test Objects for Determining Temperature Elevation in Diagnostic Ultrasound Fields. Geneva, Switz erland: International Electrotechnical Commission.IEC62359 Edition 2.0. 2010. Ultrasonics – Field Characterization – Test Methods for the Determination of Thermal and Mechanical Indices Related to Medical Diagnostic Ultrasonic Fields. Geneva, Switz erland: International Electrotechnical Commission.IPEM Report 102. 2010. Quality Assurance of Ultrasound Imaging Systems, Stephen Russell (editor). York, UK: Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine.Jago J, Henderson J, Whitt ingham TA, Willson K. 1995. How reliable are manufacturers’ reported acoustic output data? Ultrasound Med Biol, 21, 135–136.Lewin PA, Ziskin MC (editors). 1992. Ultrasonic Exposimetry. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.Martin K. 1986. Portable equipment and techniques for acoustic power output and intensity measurement. In Physics in Medical Ultrasound, Evans JA (editor). London, UK: IPEM.Martin K. 2010. The acoustic safety of new ultrasound technologies. Ultrasound, 18, 110–118.Perkins MA. 1989. A versatile force balance for ultrasound power measurement. Phys Med Biol, 34, 1645–1651.Preston RC. 1988. The NPL ultrasound beam calibrator. IEEE Trans Ultrasonics Ferroelectr Freq Control, 35, 122–138.Preston RC (editor). 1991. Output Measurements for Medical Ultrasound. London, UK: Springer-Verlag.Shaw A, Memoli G, Duck FA, Osborne J, Robinson H, Bartle D, et al. 2011. Neonatal Transcranial Ultrasound – Thermal Hazard and Risk Assessment. NPL Report. Teddington, UK: National Physical Laboratory.Shaw A, Pay NM, Preston RC. 1998. Assessment of the Likely Thermal Index Values for Pulsed Doppler Ultrasonic Equipment – Stage II: Experimental Assessment of Scanner/Transducer Combinations. NPL Report CMAM 12. Teddington, UK: National Physical Laboratory.Shaw A, Pay NM, Preston RC, Bond AD. 1999. A proposed standard thermal test object for medical ultrasound. Ultrasound Med Biol, 25, 121–132.Shaw A, Preston RC. 1995. The NPL ultrasound beam calibrator: cost eff ective measurements to IEC61157. In Proceedings of the World Congress on Ultrasonics, Herbertz J (editor). pp. 923–926.

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Sutt on Y, Shaw A, Zeqiri B. 2003. Measurement of ultrasonic power using an acoustically absorbing well. Ultrasound Med Biol, 29, 1507–1513.Szabo TL. 2004. Ultrasonic exposimetry and acoustic measurements. In Diagnostic Ultrasound Imaging: Inside Out, Szabo TL (editor). Burlington, MA: Elsevier Academic Press.ter Haar G. 2008. Results of a survey of exposure conditions used in ultrasound scans in the U.K., February 2007. Ultrasound, 16, 110–113.ter Haar G, Shaw A, Pye S, Ward B, Bott omley F, Nolan R, et al. 2011. Guidance on reporting ultrasound exposure conditions for bio-eff ects studies. Ultrasound Med Biol, 37, 177–183.Tranquart F, Grenier N, Eder V, Pourcelot L. 1999. Clinical use of ultrasound tissue harmonic imaging. Ultrasound Med Biol, 25, 889–894.Whitt ingham TA. 2000. The acoustic output of diagnostic machines. In The Safe Use of Ultrasound in Medical Diagnosis, ter Haar G, Duck FA (editors). 2nd Edition. London, UK: BMUS/BIR.Wilkens V. 2010a. A thermal technique for local ultrasound intensity measurement: part 1. Sensor concept and prototype calibration. Meas Sci Technol, 21, 115805 (8 pp.).Wilkens V. 2010b. A thermal technique for local ultrasound intensity measurement: part 2. Application to exposimetry on a medical diagnostic device. Meas Sci Technol, 21, 115806 (10 pp.).Zeqiri B, Bickley CJ. 2000. A new anechoic material for medical ultrasonic applications. Ultrasound Med Biol, 26, 481–485.Zeqiri B, Zauhar G, Hodnett M, Barrie J. 2011. Progress in developing a thermal method for measuring the output power of medical transducers that exploits the pyroelectric eff ect. Ultrasonics, 51, 420–424.

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The Safe Use of Ultrasound in Medical Diagnosis

Summary• Developing tissues of the embryo and foetus are particularly susceptible to damage

by heating, and the effects can have serious consequences.• The induction of teratogenic effects depends on a combination of the elevation

above normal physiological temperature and the duration for which the increased temperature is maintained.

• A threshold dose of 0.5 min exposure to an increase of 4 °C above normal body temperature may be hazardous to embryonic and foetal development.

• In late pregnancy, the heated volume is small compared with the size of the foetus, and consequent biological effects may be difficult to detect unless a major neural pathway is perturbed.

• Simple grey scale B-mode imaging is not capable of producing harmful temperature increases in tissue.

• A diagnostic exposure that produces a maximum temperature rise of 1.5 °C above normal physiological levels (37 °C) does not appear to present a risk from thermal effects in humans for an imaging session of less than 30 min.

• There are uncertainties in predicting in situ temperature increases in the embryo and foetus, and it is therefore prudent to use the minimum output consistent with obtaining the required diagnostic information.

4.1 IntroductionThe normal human core temperature is generally accepted to be 37 °C with a diurnal variation of ± 0.5–1 °C (Mellette et al., 1951; Hardy, 1961), although 36.8 ± 0.4 °C may be the true mean for large populations (Mackowiak et al., 1992). Temperature in the human foetus is higher than maternal core body temperature by 0.3–0.5 °C during the entire gestation (Asakura, 2004), but in the third trimester (near-term) the temperature of the

Chapter 4 Ultrasound-induced heating and its biological consequences

Charles C. Church1 and Stanley B. Barnett2

1National Center for Physical Acoustics, University of Mississippi, Oxford, MS, USA2Mona Vale, NSW, Australia

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foetus is higher by 0.5 °C than that of its mother (Macaulay et al., 1992). Biological tissues absorb ultrasound, resulting in heating above normal physiological temperatures, and an increase in temperature of suffi cient magnitude and duration can damage or kill biological tissues. These facts are well known to most professional users of diagnostic ultrasound equipment. However, the details of the relationship between exposure to heat and the resulting eff ects are less well understood, even by those who use ultrasound every day.

Temperature fundamentally aff ects biochemical, physiological and reproductive processes of all living organisms. Mild increases in temperature, of less than 1 °C, may simply slightly accelerate cellular processes with no overall detrimental eff ect. Excessive temperature increase can be lethal (Raaphorst et al., 1979; Dewey et al., 1977; Dewey, 1994). Moderate temperature increases may arrest or retard cell division (Mazza et al., 2004). The eff ects of a moderate rise above normal physiological temperature can have important consequences for developing embryos or foetuses, particularly if the central nervous system is involved. The actively dividing cells of the embryonic and foetal central nervous system are known to be highly susceptible to changes in temperature (Edwards, 1969b; Webster and Edwards, 1984; Shiota, 1982, 1988). Interference with neural tissue is likely to have signifi cant consequences on growth and development.

Medical ultrasonography continues to enjoy increasingly widespread use as an eff ective diagnostic clinical tool. Improvements in resolution and image quality have been particularly valuable in obstetrics. Pulsed Doppler (PD) spectral fl ow analysis and Doppler colour fl ow imaging (CFI) techniques off er the potential to increase diagnostic eff ectiveness and may prove to be valuable diagnostic tools in early pregnancy. There is a growing trend to apply new applications of ultrasound, including Doppler, at earlier stages in pregnancy, although benefi ts have not necessarily been demonstrated. Particularly noteworthy is the recent movement towards use of spectral Doppler to measure foetal heart rate in the fi rst trimester. Owing to the small size of the target, practitioners unfamiliar with the technique may require unnecessarily long exposures to obtain the same data that may be had using older procedures requiring lower outputs. Furthermore, the introduction of novel imaging modalities in ever more sophisticated ultrasound equipment can be accompanied by substantial increases in acoustic output (Martin, 2010). This has important consequences for the risk of producing thermal bio-eff ects as the amount of heat deposited in biological tissue during ultrasonic examinations is directly related to intensity.

Diagnostic ultrasound is assumed to be safe. This opinion is supported by a general lack of independently confi rmed adverse eff ects from ultrasound exposure in mothers or children. However, these conclusions have limited relevance to the way ultrasound is currently used in medicine. For example, there are no epidemiological data relevant to the increased acoustic outputs available with modern equipment (see Chapters 3 and 9). The acoustic outputs of ultrasound scanners in clinical use have increased substantially in recent years and are now capable of producing signifi cant heating eff ects in some applications (WFUMB, 1992, 1998). A report by Henderson et al. (1995) described an increase by a factor of fi ve in the spatial-peak temporal-average intensity (Ispta) from B-mode diagnostic equipment in clinical use in the UK during the period 1991–1995. The total acoustic power output in PD mode doubled during that period. More recent

Elevated temperatures may have deleterious effects on foetal and embryonic cells and tissues

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publications (Duck and Henderson, 1998; Henderson et al., 1997; Whitt ingham, 2000; Martin, 2010) show that the trend for increasing acoustic output has continued to current levels that are capable of producing biologically signifi cant heating.

While maximum outputs have increased, the only eff ective regulatory body, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), has relaxed the upper limit on intensity that can be applied in obstetric ultrasonography in the USA. Under this new scheme (AIUM/NEMA, 1992) equipment that incorporates an output display may deliver acoustic intensity to the embryo or foetus that is almost eight times higher than equipment regulated under the Previous application-specifi c scheme. The rationale for this change is that the responsibility is placed on the ultrasound diagnostician to make risk/benefi t assessments, based on information provided by the equipment output display, and to decide on the appropriate examination exposure conditions for each operating condition. The eff ectiveness of such risk assessment depends on the accuracy of the information given in the output display and on the ability of the diagnostician to understand it.

The American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine and the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (AIUM/NEMA, 1992) developed an Output Display Standard that includes the thermal index (TI) as an approximation of temperature increase on which to assess the potential for thermally mediated biological eff ects. The TI is calculated from the source acoustic power divided by the power needed to raise tissue temperature by 1 °C. Whilst there is obvious merit in a system that encourages the end-user to become aware of safety issues, the TI has some limitations: (a) it does not consider the eff ect of dwell time, i.e. duration of temperature increase at a single point in tissue; and (b) it is virtually impossible to predict maximum temperature increase in heterogeneous tissue with accuracy. It has been shown that the TI can underestimate the actual temperature increase in tissue and that manufacturer estimates of intensity, on which the TI is based, can also be signifi cantly in error (Jago et al., 1995). In an assessment of TI for Doppler equipment Shaw et al. (1998) concluded “The values of TIS and TIB displayed on the scanner should not be taken as the absolute maximum possible temperature rise. The worst-case temperature rise may be three times higher than the displayed value.”

4.2 Mechanism of ultrasound heatingDuring clinical ultrasonographic examinations, an ultrasound beam is transmitt ed into biological tissue. Some of the incident energy is refl ected back from interfaces between biological tissues to produce echographic images while some is absorbed and converted to heat (see Chapter 1). The amount of heat generated depends on the type of examination, the acoustic output and the tissue properties. In particular, heating is mostly dependent upon the ability of the tissue to absorb, rather than refl ect or disperse, ultrasonic energy. For each tissue, this ability is quantifi ed by its acoustic absorption coeffi cient. Generally, more dense materials such as bone and teeth have higher absorption coeffi cients than less dense tissues such as liver or muscle and are, therefore, heated to a greater extent than soft tissue. The absorption coeffi cient of bone may be as much as 50 times greater than most soft tissue. For example, the average value for brain tissue is 0.2 dB cm⁻1 MHz⁻1 while that for mineralized bone is 10 dB cm⁻1 MHz⁻1 (Duck, 1990). As is obvious from the form of the absorption

Increasing acoustic output

levels mean that there

is a greater possibility of biologically signifi cant


The amount of heating

that may be expected is

related to the absorption coeffi cient

The absorption coeffi cient

increases as frequency increases

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coeffi cient, the quantity of thermal energy deposited in tissue by an acoustic wave increases with the frequency of the wave. Thus the higher frequencies used for imaging superfi cial structures will produce a greater temperature rise in a shorter time than will the lower frequencies needed to penetrate to, and image, regions deeper into the body.

Another important factor for thermal bio-eff ects is the rate of ultrasound-induced heating. The rate of heat deposition in bone is an order of magnitude faster than in soft tissue. Therefore, from a safety perspective, the tissue that has the greatest potential for bio-eff ects from ultrasound-induced heating is bone, or developing bone. The extent of risk depends on the acoustic exposure conditions and the sensitivity of the target. Tissues lying close to, or in contact with, bone are also at risk of heating by conduction from the bone. Note that it is particularly important to minimize eye exposures in the foetus and adult due to the relatively low perfusion in the eye, particularly in the lens, which thus has reduced capability for heat dissipation. As actively dividing cells are most susceptible to damage by heat, the foetal cerebral cortex, situated close to the skull bone, is at risk of damage by ultrasound-induced temperature increase.

The volume of heated tissue is determined by the ultrasound beam dimensions. For transcranial insonations the transducer can act as a source of heat and may be an important factor contributing to brain heating (see Chapter 1). The amount of tissue heating that is achieved is limited by the dissipating eff ects of conduction and convection. Blood fl ow plays an important role, such that highly vascular organs such as the liver or kidney are less aff ected by heating than bone, which has relatively poorly developed vasculature. Narrow focused beams that are used in PD and M-mode applications have a large temperature gradient between the centre of the beam and the surrounding tissue, so that heat is rapidly dissipated by conduction. This is especially true at the focus of static beams. In this case vascular perfusion has litt le additional cooling eff ect, i.e. there is minimal reduction of the amount of ultrasound-induced heating (NCRP, 1992).

4.3 Temperature increase from diagnostic ultrasoundThe risk of thermal bio-eff ects in obstetric ultrasound is assessed from the level of heating in susceptible tissues, such as in the central nervous system. As the greatest temperature increase occurs when bone is situated within the ultrasound beam the temperature elevation induced in obstetric exposures depends on the foetal gestational age; bone becomes denser and thicker with advancing foetal development. Using the mouse skull as a model for human foetal insonation, Carstensen et al. (1990) recorded temperature elevations greater than 5 °C after 90 s in anaesthetized animals exposed to ultrasound at an intensity (Ispta) of 1.5 W cm⁻2. The –6 dB focal beam width was 2.75 mm. The greatest temperature increase was observed in older mice where the rate of rise was such that a 4 °C elevation above the baseline temperature was achieved within 15 s of exposure. The maximum ultrasound-induced temperature increase measured after death was approximately 10% higher indicating that blood perfusion in the living animal provided a modest cooling eff ect to counteract the heating. Horder et al. (1998a) showed negligible diff erence between the live and post mortem maximum measured temperature rise at the skull/brain interface in guinea-pig foetuses insonated in utero at 57–61 days of

The extent of thermal risk depends on the heat sensitivity of the target

The sites of greatest potential heating are bone surfaces. In the foetus, the amount of heating to be expected rises with increasing calcifi cation

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gestational age (dga). A mean maximum temperature increase of 4.9 °C was measured at the inner aspect of the skull parietal bone after 120 s exposure to Ispta intensity 2.5 W cm⁻2. The mean maximum temperature increase was 2 °C at 5 mm depth in the brain.

In older foetuses insonated in utero near to term (62–67 dga) the mean maximum temperature increase was reduced by approximately 12% to 4.3 °C as a result of cooling from the more substantially developed cerebral vasculature (Horder et al., 1998b). These studies independently confi rmed that signifi cant temperature increase can be produced in bone and nearby tissue, and that blood fl ow provided minimal cooling eff ects in narrow focussed ultrasound beams such as those used for diagnostic scanning, including obstetric applications. The later studies measured the temperature increase on the inside of the foetal skull adjacent to the cerebral cortex at a biologically signifi cant site. The acoustic exposure conditions were higher than typical values but were, nevertheless, within the published range of outputs of ultrasonographic equipment (Duck and Henderson, 1998; Martin, 2010).

The transducer provides a substantial source of heating, by conduction, in soft tissue examinations (WFUMB, 1992). This is particularly important for pulsed transducers, which are ineffi cient in converting electrical to acoustic energy. Heating is localized close to the transducer. This should be taken into consideration for transcranial examinations where the transducer directly heats bone. There are also implications for safety for intracavitary applications, particularly where there is a trend towards increased power outputs in gynaecological examinations using the endovaginal route. There is a potential risk of inadvertently exposing an unknown pregnancy to heat.

4.4 Effects of ultrasound-induced heatingEstimates of the risk of thermally mediated adverse bio-eff ects of ultrasound are based on data from whole-body hyperthermia studies. However, there may be diff erences in the result of ultrasound-induced heating. When ultrasound energy impinges on biological tissue it results in a temperature rise that is rapid compared to the tens of minutes required to elevate foetal temperature under whole-body heating conditions. Studies of external whole-body heating of rats have reported time constants on the order of 13 min per 1 °C elevation in core temperature (Kimmel et al., 1993). Conventional sources of heating warm the surface of the body, allowing the thermoregulatory system to control core temperature via heat receptors in the skin. Such relatively slow heating can also trigger the synthesis of specifi c heat-shock proteins that may aff ord some degree of thermotolerance to dividing cells (Walsh et al., 1987). However, as this process takes up to 15 min there is insuffi cient time for it to occur as a result of ultrasound-induced heating.

In imaging procedures using scanned beams any single point tissue target is interrogated for only fractions of a second each time the beam sweeps past so that there is litt le opportunity to heat a specifi c tissue target. To achieve signifi cant amounts of heating requires that the ultrasound beam be fi xed in relation to a tissue target so that all the energy in the beam is directed onto that target. This occurs in PD spectral measurement techniques and in some CFI applications, such as, for example, studies of foetal breathing.

Heat loss from perfusion is less

important for narrow beams

The transducer is an important

secondary source of heat

Signifi cant heating by ultrasound

requires a stationary beam

Whole-body hyperthermia

gives slow rates of heating

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The rapid onset of ultrasound-induced heating and its related bio-eff ects was demonstrated in a study showing abnormalities in proliferating bone marrow cells in adult guinea pigs. An original study reported heating to 42.5–43.5 °C (3–4 °C above normal guinea-pig temperature) in a hot-air incubator for 60 min produced bizarre multisegmented nuclear abnormalities in neutrophils extracted from the femurs (Edwards and Penny, 1985). The bone marrow is the main site for blood formation in the third trimester. When the femur was exposed to ultrasound to elevate the temperature in the bone marrow, the same abnormal nuclear division in neutrophils was produced when ultrasound exposure elevated the temperature by 3.5 °C above normal for 4 min (Barnett et al., 1991). This damage threshold is remarkably similar to that for brain anomalies reported in studies using water immersion heating in diff erent animal species, i.e. exposure to a temperature increase of 4 °C for 5 min.

The normal homeostatic processes regulate body temperature by increasing the heart rate and blood fl ow to heated regions of the body. In postnatal life this is carried out through the hypothalamus, which responds to change in the temperature of blood fl owing through it. In a study designed to test whether the foetus is able to detect and respond to localized mild temperature increase, Horder et al. (1998c) insonated the hypothalamus region of the brain of guinea-pig foetuses in utero and measured temperature and foetal heart rate. Insonations for 120 s that produced a temperature increase of 1.5 °C at the sphenoid bone adjacent to the hypothalamus did not elicit a change in the foetal heart rate. Either the foetus is unable to react to localized temperature rise or the extent of temperature increase was not biologically signifi cant. If the latt er inference is correct, it is further evidence that a temperature increase of 1.5 °C above normal body temperature does not present a risk to the embryo or foetus. This is consistent with a recommendation of the WFUMB that “A diagnostic exposure that produces a maximum in situ temperature rise of no more than 1.5 °C above normal physiological levels (37 °C) may be used clinically without reservation on thermal grounds” (WFUMB, 1998).

There is evidence from sensitive studies using embryo culture systems that the eff ects of pulsed ultrasound may be enhanced by a moderate temperature increase (Angles et al., 1990; Barnett et al., 1990). Exposure to ultrasound at a spatial peak, temporal-average intensity (Ispta) of 1.2 W cm–2 for 15 min at normal temperature produced no adverse developmental eff ects. However, when ultrasound was applied together with a modest temperature increase of 1.5 °C (absolute temperature 40 °C) there was a signifi cant retardation of growth and reduction of head:body size. As there are few data on the biological eff ects of interaction of ultrasound with tissues that have a pre-existing temperature elevation, it is prudent to exercise care when using ultrasound in febrile obstetric patients. The published international consensus is that “Care should be taken to avoid unnecessary additional embryonic and foetal risk from ultrasound examination of febrile patients” (WFUMB, 1998).

4.5 Biological effects of hyperthermiaFrom the scientifi c data on biological eff ects of hyperthermia, it is generally accepted that tissues containing a large component of actively dividing cells are particularly sensitive

Abnormal division of neutrophils has been observed following heating by ultrasound

Ultrasound scanning of febrile obstetric patients requires particular care

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to the eff ects of heat (Dewey et al., 1977). Abnormalities in cellular physiology and biochemical processes can occur following an increase in temperature above normal basal levels. The interference with normal rates of enzyme synthesis and reactions can aff ect the way cells grow and divide and may even lead to abnormalities in DNA synthesis and repair processes.

4.5.1 Prenatal animals

A large body of scientifi c data clearly shows that there are critical periods during gestation when the embryo and foetus are susceptible to thermal insult (Bell, 1987; Edwards, 1986, 1993; Edwards et al., 1995; Kimmel et al., 1993). During formation of the embryonic neural plate and closure of the neural tube, perturbations can result in severe neural tube defects, retarded brain development, exencephaly and microphthalmia in guinea pigs (Edwards, 1993). Kimmel et al. (1993) observed craniofacial anomalies and other foetal skeletal anomalies in rats following maternal exposure to increased temperature. Exposure to heat at pre-organogenesis stages in development can result in cardiovascular abnormalities (Edwards, 1993). If the embryo is heated at later stages (e.g. day 13 of gestation in rats) the skeletal and visceral systems can be aff ected. A moderate temperature increase (2 °C above normal), together with exercise, has been shown to induce a range of teratogenic eff ects in rats (Sasaki et al., 1995). Non-specifi c eff ects such as foetal weight reduction are also associated with intrauterine heating or maternal stress. A brief list of eff ects observed in animals, the experimental animal studied and the temperature and duration of the exposure, is given in Table 4.1 (Church and Miller, 2007).

One conclusion that may be drawn from Table 4.1 is that diff erent tissues may have diff erent sensitivity to the heating produced by diagnostic ultrasound (vide Barnett et al., 1997). Actively dividing foetal neural tissue is highly sensitive to damage by heat (Edwards et al., 1995) while adult tissue is generally more resistant and tolerant. If a transient temperature increase arrests mitotic cell division in the brain during embryonic development the resulting neural defi cit may not be restored, although the foetus may continue to develop and appear morphologically normal. Such brain-growth retardation is a common result of hyperthermia in animal experiments (Graham et al., 1998). Developing embryos may mount a protective response to sublethal hyperthermia that temporarily arrests the normal process of cell division. This phenomenon has been observed in the brains of rodents where normal cell division lapsed for up to 8 h following heat treatment (Edwards et al., 1974; Upfold et al., 1989). Meanwhile, heat-shock proteins (hsp) may be synthesized at the expense of normal neural proteins. On recovery, normal cell division resumed with the foetus appearing morphologically normal, albeit smaller and with a substantial neural defi cit. In embryonic development a lapse of a few hours can lead to substantial delay or disturbance in neurological development. Non-deforming retardation of brain growth and reduced learning performance are common abnormalities in the off spring of moderately heat exposed pregnant guinea pigs. These defects can be caused both during early and later foetal growth (Edwards, 1993). In general, embryos are more susceptible to damage than foetuses due to the high rate of cellular activity during organogenesis. However, continually developing organ systems such as the brain remain susceptible to heat throughout pregnancy.

Some stages of development

are more sensitive to

heat damage than others

Actively dividing cells

are particularly sensitive to

thermal damage

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The eff ects of increased temperature on biological systems have been extensively reviewed (Barnett et al., 1994; Edwards, 1993; Miller and Ziskin, 1989; Edwards et al., 2003; Church and Miller, 2007; Abramowicz et al., 2008; O’Brien et al., 2008). In their study, Edwards et al. (2003) made some crucial observations. (1) The relative timing of a particular developmental stage of interest does not scale linearly with the average length of gestation, making extrapolation of animal results to human exposures diffi cult. For example, the thermally sensitive stage of neural tube closure occurs at day 8.5 in the mouse, day 9.5 in the rat, days 13–14 in guinea pigs, and days 20–28 in humans. Similarly, neurogenesis, neural cell migration and the development of bodily structures occurs during days 12–15 in mice, days 13–18 in rats, days 20–35 in guinea pigs, and days 56–126 in humans. (2) The eff ect of a given heating regimen will depend on the stage of gestation at which it occurs, regardless of the species involved. For example, hyperthermia during the period of neural tube closure may result in the death of neuronal cells leading to anencephaly, spina bifi da or encephalocoele, while the same exposure a few days or weeks later (depending on the species) during the period of neuronal cell proliferation for brain development may also

The developing foetus is particularly sensitive to hyperthermia during the period of neural tube closure

Thermal effect Animal/species Temperature (°C) Duration (min.) Source

Abortion Monkey 40.6 72 Hendrickx et al., 1979

Absence of optical vesicles Rat 43.0 7.5 Walsh et al.,

1987Anencephaly Rat 41.0–43.5 40 Edwards, 1968Behavioural anomalies Marmoset 41.5 60 Poswillo

et al., 1974Cardiac and vascular anomalies

Chicken 41.0 3180 Nielson, 1969

Developmental anomalies Rat 42.0 40 Skreb and

Frank, 1963

Exencephaly Mouse 42.3 5 Webster and Edwards, 1984

Eye defects Chicken 41.0 1440 Nielson, 1969Limb, toe & tail defects Rat 41.0–43.5 40 Edwards, 1968

Micrencephaly Guinea pig 43.0 60 Edwards, 1969a,b

Microphthalmia Rat 41.0 60 Germain et al., 1985

Posterior paralysis Mouse 43.0 60 Pennycuik,

1965Resorption Guinea pig 42.9 60 Edwards, 1967

Scoliosis Monkey 40.6 72 Hendrickx et al., 1979

Skeletal defects Marmoset 41.5 60 Poswillo et al., 1974

Tooth defects Rat 38.9 720 Kreshover and Clough, 1953

Table 4.1. Selected thermally induced teratogenic effects (from Church and Miller, 2007).

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kill cells, but the outcome may be micrencephaly (small brain) rather than anencephaly (no or very rudimentary brain), or simply learning disorders not accompanied by obvious structural abnormalities. The interested reader should consult Edwards et al. (2003) and Abramowicz et al. (2008) for more complete discussion of teratogenesis in experimental animals and its relation to potential eff ects in humans.

4.5.2 Prenatal humans

Although relatively few studies on the eff ects of heating during gestation in humans have been published, many of the abnormalities reported in animal studies have also been observed in humans following in utero febrile episodes. For example, Smith et al. (1978) found that maternal febrile illness producing a body temperature above 38.9 °C in early stages of pregnancy was associated with development of foetal anomalies. In a confi rmatory study, Chambers et al. (1998) reported that the off spring of women who had a “high” fever (T ≥ 38.9 °C for at least 24 h) during pregnancy had a increased rate of major malformations, 15.8% compared to 4.5% among controls, as well as an increased incidence of minor malformation. Although none of the diff erences observed were statistically signifi cant, the authors conclude that high maternal fever early in pregnancy is a human teratogen. Similarly, Litt le et al. (1991) demonstrated a statistically signifi cant association between a maternal fever of 38.3 °C for 24 h or more and subsequent abdominal wall defects in their off spring. Retrospective studies indicate that mothers of babies with various malformations of the central nervous system experienced increased prevalence of febrile illness during early pregnancy (Layde et al., 1980; Pleet et al., 1981; Shiota, 1982; Spraggett and Fraser, 1982). For example, Pleet et al. (1981) observed a relationship between maternal hyperthermia during weeks 4–14 of gestation and the induction of defects of the central nervous system (mental defi ciency), altered muscle tone (hypotonia) and facial anomalies such as microphthalmia or cleft lip. Fraser and Skelton (1978) also found an association between microphthalmia and fever during the fi rst trimester. Epidemiological studies by Erickson (1991) and Tikkanen and Heinonen (1991) have shown a relationship between maternal hyperthermia and congenital heart defects. Graham et al. (1998) provide a summary of the relationship between maternal hyperthermia and congenital birth defects. Based on the similarity of responses across species, hyperthermia is strongly suspected of being a teratogen in humans (Edwards, 1986, 2006; Edwards et al., 1995; Shepard, 1982, 1989; Suarez et al., 2004; Morett i et al., 2005).

One report that has had a profound impact on our perception of the potential consequences of foetal hyperthermia is the comprehensive study on the eff ects of hyperthermia in animals and the potential for exposure to diagnostic ultrasound to induce adverse biological eff ects in the foetus that was published by Miller and Ziskin (1989). Two of their conclusions warrant special att ention here: (1) hyperthermic treatment during gestation resulted in teratogenic eff ects whose magnitude varied with exposure temperature and duration such that the higher the temperature of the exposure medium, the shorter the time needed to cause an eff ect; and (2) on a plot of exposure duration versus exposure temperature, a convenient boundary could be drawn below which there were no observed eff ects. The plot referred to in item 2 is

Hyperthermia is a suspected

teratogen in humans

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reproduced here as Figure 4.1. Each point represents either the lowest temperature reported for any duration or the shortest duration for any temperature reported for a given eff ect. A solid line connecting points indicates multiple data points relating to a single study or eff ect. The dashed line defi nes a lower boundary (tref = t43 = 1, see below) for observed biologic eff ects. This analysis was widely read and accepted by the scientifi c (AIUM/NEMA, 1992; NCRP, 1992, 2002; WFUMB, 1992, 1998; BMUS, 2000; Herman and Harris, 2002) and regulatory (FDA, 1997; IEC, 2007) communities. It provided the rationale for concluding that for obstetric diagnostic ultrasound examinations, a temperature elevation of 1 °C or 1.5 °C could be applied for any duration without concern for a thermal bio-eff ect.

However, two signifi cant features of the data underlying Figure 4.1 are easily missed. First, every experiment involved whole-body heating of the maternal animal, generally in either a heated water bath or in a hot-air incubator. This is important because no foetus is heated to the experimental exposure temperature instantaneously. There is always some time lag as the mother’s body att empts to compensate for the sudden increase in environmental temperature, so the actual time that the foetus experiences the exposure temperature used in Figure 4.1 will be less than the duration of exposure. Second, diff erent experim ental anim als have diff erent norm al physiological temperatures. This is important because we do not know whether a 2 °C rise in an animal having a normal temperature of 39 °C, e.g. the

Exposure Duration (min)

1 10 100 100037









e Te



re (


Figure 4.1. Thermally induced biological effects, listed in Table 4 of Miller and Ziskin (1989), that have been reported in the literature and for which the temperature elevation and exposure duration are provided. The dashed line defi nes a lower boundary (t43 = 1) for observed biologic effects. The open square and arrowed “Edwards” indicate the exposure temperature and duration (60 min, 43 °C) for the Edwards (1969b) hyperthermia treatment of pregnant guinea pigs; fi gure taken from Church and Miller (2007).

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guinea pig, will have the same eff ect in an animal with a normal temperature of 37 °C such as the human being. In other words, which is the critical factor, the absolute temperature or the change in temperature? Opinions vary, but consider an extreme example: the pigeon lives its entire life at 43 °C (Edwards, 1986), a temperature that would be fatal to a human in a matt er of days. Therefore, until the question is resolved, prudence dictates that the change in temperature be given greater weight.

4.5.3 Postnatal individuals

Most of the preceding discussion has focused on the eff ects of heating on the embryo or foetus. This is entirely appropriate because prenatal subjects are more sensitive to a wide range of external stimuli than the same individuals would be if the same stimulus occurred later in life. In addition, if a particular ultrasound exposure produces harm in a child or adult, that person can respond in ways that are obvious to the sonographer or physician, but the foetus lacks similar mechanisms for providing direct feedback to the sonographer. While relatively few reports exist relating diagnostic ultrasound exposure conditions to non-foetal thermal eff ects, a recent report by O’Brien et al. (2008) provides a valuable review of the eff ects of hyperthermia in postnatal subjects.

O’Brien et al. (2008) compiled data from a number of sources for temperature thresholds for thermal damage to non-foetal tissue produced by single exposure durations as short as 0.1 s, see their Table 2. Using these data, they were able to construct a boundary below which no thermal damage is observed in non-foetal soft tissue. The data and boundary are shown in Figure 4.2; see O’Brien et al. (2008) for details. The report suggests that for non-foetal soft tissue and for scanning conditions consistent with conventional B-mode ultrasound examinations for which the exposure durations at the same in situ locations would be less than a few seconds, the allowable maximum temperature increase could be relaxed relative to values represented by the conservative boundary line for longer exposures (O’Brien et al., 2008).

4.6 Quantifi cation of heating—thermal doseThere is a well-known relationship between an elevation in temperature above the normal physiological level and the time needed to induce a deleterious eff ect in a biological system (NCRP, 1992, 2002; Edwards et al., 2003; Miller and Ziskin, 1989). Simply put, the higher the temperature rise, the shorter the time needed to produce the eff ect. Dewey et al. (1977) a nd Sapareto and Dewey (1984) s howed that for two exposures at two diff erent temperatures, the ratio of the minimum time t1 required for the lower temperature T1 to produce an eff ect, to the time t2 required for the higher temperature T2 to produce the same eff ect increased by a constant multiple for each degree of temperature diff erence. For example, if the temperature diff erence T2 – T1 = 1 °C, then t1/t2 = R, while if T2 – T1 = 2 °C, then t1/t2 = R

2, etc., where R is the thermal normalization constant. In general, t1/t2 = R

T2–T1 . The time used to quantify thermal exposures is termed the “thermal dose” (tREF):


T Tt tR (4.1)

Thermal dose is used to quantify exposure to heat

and compare thermal effects

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Empirical values of R vary among species, tissues and biological endpoints. They also are temperature-dependent, with R ≈ 2 for T > 43 °C, increasing by a factor of 2–3 for T < 43 °C. For simplicity, the values for R are usually fi xed at R = 2 for T > 43 °C and R = 4 for T < 43 °C (Sapareto and Dewey, 1984; Dewey, 1994).

Miller et al. (2002) solved the problem of normalizing experimental results obtained in animal species having diff erent core temperatures by subtracting the animal’s core temperature Tc from both TREF and T. In this way, Equation 4.1 may be writt en:


T Tt tR (4.2)

where ∆TREF = (TREF– Tc) and ∆T = (T – Tc ). The numerical values of Equations 4.1 and 4.2 are the same, but rather than a fi xed reference temperature, the reference is now writt en in terms of the increase above the animal’s core temperature. The eff ective temperature for a teratological eff ect simply scales from the animal’s normal physiological temperature (Dewey et al., 1977; Raaphorst et al., 1979; Sarge et al., 1995). The transition point for R is assumed to be at a temperature elevation of 6–7 °C. The value of Equation 4.2 is that it normalizes data to a common denominator, the organism’s normal temperature and, thus, allows comparison of data among organisms having diff erent core temperatures (Church and Miller, 2007).

Equation 4.2 can be applied to the data depicted in Figure 4.1 and thus normalize them to the increases above each animal’s normal physiological temperature. The result of

Figure 4.2. Temperature thresholds for damage to non-foetal tissues from single exposures to heat. The solid line represents a conservative boundary for exposure durations in non-foetal soft tissue. See O’Brien et al. (2008) for details.

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Figure 4.3. Thermal-equivalent core temperature elevations versus time. The dashed line is the equivalent lower boundary (t43 = 1) shown in Figure 4.1, and the dotted line is the lower boundary for the “transformed” data. The open triangle shows the lowest positive-result datum, from Kimmel et al. (1993), ΔT = 1.8 °C. The open squares and arrows show the “movement” of the Edwards’ data point from its original location at (60 min, 43 °C) in Figure 4.1 to its “fi nal” location at (8.9 min., 3.5 °C). Adapted from Church and Miller (2007).

normalization is shown in Figure 4.3. Each datum was derived from an analysis of a heating–cooling profi le of a pregnant laboratory animal (rat, mouse or guinea pig) which yielded foetuses with teratologic anomalies (Miller et al., 2002). The original “safe” boundary line in Figure 4.1, i.e. t43 = 1 min, is now given by t43–37 = t6 = 1 min, shown by the dashed line. About half of the data points in Figure 4.3 are below this line, showing that temperature exposures previously considered safe because they fell below the boundary in Figure 4.1, i.e. below t43 = 1 min, are actually potentially harmful. A new “safe” boundary might be drawn at t4.0 = 1 min if it were not for a single point derived from the data of Kimmel et al. (1993). While the data collected by Kimmel et al. (1993) include seemingly minor anomalies and also those with high natural background rates, prudence suggests that the “safe” line be drawn at t3.5 = 1 min in Figure 4.3, as shown by the dott ed line; this is equivalent to t4.0 = 0.5 min.

4.7 Thresholds for biological effectsMost of the early studies on whole-body heating were not designed a priori to identify threshold levels but, instead, set out to demonstrate that severe developmental abnormalities can be produced by heat exposure. In most cases there was no record of

A temperature rise of 3.5 °C for 1 min represents a “safe” thermal

dose to the foetus

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either the temperature elevation or the duration for which it was maintained within the foetus. The heat dose was estimated from the maternal core temperature measured per rectum.

4.7.1 Prenatal individuals

Useful threshold data have been derived from the study by Germain et al. (1985) which used water immersion as a means of rapid body heating and detected encephalocoeles as the adverse developmental outcome. The normal resting temperature for 50 pregnant rats was measured to be 38.5 ± 0.5 °C during daylight (i.e. when less active, resting). The shortest exposure that produced abnormalities was 1 min at a temperature of 43.5 °C (i.e. 5 °C increase above the normal physiological temperature for pregnant rats). The same brain abnormality was observed after 5 min exposure to a temperature elevation of 4 °C. A teratogenic threshold of 4 °C increase in temperature maintained for 5 min was also observed by Sasaki et al. (1995) in which hyperthermia was achieved in pregnant rats made to swim in a water bath. The majority of brain malformations involved microphthalmia and encephalocoeles. The resting core temperature measured in all rats prior to heat treatment was between 38 °C and 39 °C. Other studies have also reported brain anomalies following prenatal exposure to elevated temperature. For example, exencephaly was produced in mice (Webster and Edwards, 1984) following intrauterine exposure to 42.3 °C (equivalent to a 4.3 °C increase above normal body temperature), for 5 min. A similar result was reported by Shiota (1988) for exencephaly in mice exposed to a 4.5 °C increase above normal body temperature for 5 min. Exposure to a whole-body temperature increase of 3.5 °C above normal for 10 min produced exencephaly in mice (Shiota, 1988) and microphthalmia in rats (Edwards et al., 1995).

It is instructive to consider the data from Figure 4.3, for which foetal temperature–time profi les are available, in terms of a dose–response relationship. The percentages of foetuses exhibiting major craniofacial anomalies in the reports by Germain et al. (1985) and Shiota (1988) are plott ed as a function of the thermal dose in Figure 4.4. The best-fi tt ing line through the data intersects the x-axis at approximately 0.5 min, indicating that the data are not inconsistent with the concept of a threshold. Since there is considerable scatt er in the data, the exact value of any threshold cannot be determined with much accuracy. The lower 95% confi dence interval on the fi t intersects the x-axis at about 4.2 min, suggesting that the threshold is no greater than this value.

Naturally one must be cautious when applying these results to the human population. Tens of millions of newborns are scanned in utero each year, and if even a small fraction of ultrasound examinations result in hyperthermia-induced anomalies, this would represent a large number of aff ected individuals (Miller et al., 2002). A similar situation exists when analysing dose–response data and estimating probability of eff ects at low doses of ionizing radiation, in spite of the fact that many more studies have been conducted in that area. With this in mind, the most recent report on the Biological Eff ects of Ionizing Radiation (BEIR VII; NA/NRC, 2006) adopts a linear no-threshold model for estimating risk from low-level exposures.

A temperature rise of 4.0 °C for 0.5 min may represent a threshold for teratological effects

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4.7.2 Postnatal individuals

The thermal exposures required to damage a range of non-foetal tissues have been reported in terms of thermal dose (see below) for a variety of animals and humans (Dewey, 1994; Lyng et al., 1991). These doses are given in Table 4.2 for t43. Since much of the data were obtained from animals having normal physiological temperatures diff erent from that of the human, the doses are also given in terms of a 4 °C temperature rise, t4. It is signifi cant that even the smallest value for t4, 80 min for damage to the kidney, is more than 2 orders of magnitude greater than the “safe” value determined from Figure 4.4 for the induction of major developmental anomalies in the foetus.

4.8 Thermal indexIn order to determine the eff ects of a particular hyperthermic exposure on a particular tissue or organ, it is necessary to know the temperature–time profi le of exposure and also to be able to compare a known level of eff ect produced in the same or similar tissue by a known hyperthermic exposure. This is obviously well beyond what might be expected of any practicing physician or sonographer, no matt er how knowledgeable they may be. To provide some level of guidance to users of diagnostic ultrasound, a joint committ ee

Non-foetal soft tissue is at least

two orders of magnitude less

sensitive to heat than foetal tissue

Figure 4.4. Percentage of foetal defects versus t4.0 based on the results of Germain (G) et al. (1985) in rats, and Shiota (S) (1988) in mice. The author-specifi c designations refer to the maximum temperature increase (ΔT) above the measured normal physiological temperature. The solid line is the best fi t to the data, %Defects = 3.893 t4.0 = 1.852, r2 = 0.604, and the dashed curves give the 95% confi dence interval around the fi t. Adapted from Miller et al. (2002).

Thermal Dose, t4.0 (min)

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 350






5.0,G 4.5,G 4.0,G 3.5,G 3.0,G 2.5,G 4.5,S 3.5,S







tal D


ts (


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of the AIUM, the NEMA, and the FDA was formed to develop an on-screen display to maintain and enhance patient safety. Their work resulted in the creation of two general indices, the mechanical index (MI) and the TI, to provide information to the user on the output level of their machine and how a change in output would aff ect the likelihood of inducing a biological eff ect in the patient. These indices are now part of the regulations governing the manufacture, sale and use of diagnostic equipment in much of the world (FDA, 1997; IEC, 2007, 2010). The MI is discussed in Chapter 5. The TI is discussed in Chapter 2 and below.

The basic defi nition of the TI is:





where W0 is the is the source power of the diagnostic ultrasound system, and Wdeg is the source power required to increase the temperature of a specifi c tissue model by 1 °C. The model assumes a very low level of att enuation (0.3 dB cm⁻1 MHz⁻1), thus it will overestimate the temperature rise expected in real tissue. The TI is conservative in this regard. There are three diff erent categories of TI corresponding to diff erent combinations of soft tissue and bone that are commonly encountered while imaging patients. Each category uses one or more models based on system information, including transducer aperture, acoustic beam dimensions and imaging mode. The categories are TIS for soft-tissue imaging, TIB for imaging in a non-scanning mode when bone is at or near the focus, and TIC for imaging when bone is near the surface, e.g. adult cranial applications (Abbott , 1999).

Two points should be understood in regard to the MI and TI. First, they are not true safety indices in that no particular value is directly related to any quantifi able level of risk of

Table 4.2. Thermal dose values, t43 and t4, for selected tissues (adapted from O’Brien et al., 2008).

Tissue Animal/species Mean core temperature (°C) t43 (min) t4 (min)

Muscle, fat Pig 38.5 240 480

Skin Human, rat, mouse 37, 38, 38 210 3360, 840, 840

Oesophagus Pig 38.5 120 240

Cartilage Rat, mouse 38, 38 120 480

Breast Human 37 100 1600

Bladder Dog, rabbit 38.5, 39 80 160, 80

Small intestine Rat, mouse 38, 38 40 160, 160

Colon Pig, rabbit 38.5, 39 30 60, 30

Liver Dog, rabbit 38.5, 39 30 60, 30

Brain Cat, dog 39, 38.5 25 25, 50

Kidney Mouse 38 20 80

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doing harm to the patient. The MI and TI are output indices because their values are related to specifi c output parameters and transducer (probe) characteristics. However, it is self-evident that output levels are related to risk in some way, even if the connection between the two remains poorly understood. Second, the MI and TI are relative rather than absolute quantities. In other words, an examination performed at a TI of 2 represents greater risk to the patient than the same examination performed at a TI of 1, although the absolute risk is not necessarily known. Although this fact may be unsett ling to some, it is also not particularly important because when properly used, the indices still fulfi ll their goal of helping to ensure patient safety. This is done by application of the ALARA (as low as reasonably achievable) principle (NCRP, 1990), which ultrasound borrows from radiation biology.

A third point may be made in regard to the TI. The TI does not include time as one of its input parameters. This simplifi cation is necessary owing to the severe technical challenges that must be met and the enormous computational overhead required for a diagnostic machine to determine exactly when it began imaging a region of tissue and when it has been moved to a diff erent region. Various possible solutions to the problem have been proposed (Lubbers et al., 2003; Church, 2007; Ziskin, 2010), but none has yet been adopted by any regulatory agency or manufacturer.

4.9 Guidelines for safe use of diagnostic ultrasoundEven though the TI is available on-screen, the user still faces the problem of knowing how long to image a particular tissue or organ. This problem was recently considered by the Safety Group of the British Medical Ultrasound Society (ter Haar, 2010; BMUS, 2010) and by Nelson et al. (2009). Both groups recommended restricting the acoustic output to no more than that actually required to obtain the necessary diagnostic information. The BMUS Safety Group provided two levels of their guidelines, one more basic and easily remembered (for obstetric examinations only), and a second that is more detailed in terms of maximum duration of scanning at each of several values for TI for various, specifi ed applications. Nelson et al. (2009) provided only a relatively simply set of guidelines. The latt er are also, in a few cases, somewhat more conservative in terms of maximum duration for a given TI for obstetric examinations, but they are less conservative for examinations in adults. The guidelines suggested by the two groups for sett ing and monitoring acoustic output during scanning may be summarized as:

4.9.1 Prenatal examinations

1. TI values less than 0.7 [Nelson, <0.5] should be used unless otherwise required, particularly in the fi rst trimester.

2. More generally, TI values less than 0.7 [Nelson, <0.5] likely can be used for scanning times on an extended basis.

3. TI values greater than 0.5 and up to 1 should be limited to scanning times less than 60 [Nelson, <30] min.

4. TI values greater than 2.5 should be limited to scanning times less than 1 min.

The MI and TI enable application

of the ALARA principle to ensure

patient safety

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4.9.2 Postnatal examinations

1. TI values less than 1 [Nelson, <2] likely can be used for scanning times on an extended basis.

2. TI values greater than 1 and up to 1.5 should be limited to scanning times less than 120 min, for 1.5 < TIB ≤ 2.0 to 60 min, for 2.0 < TIB ≤ 2.5 to 15 min, for 2.5 < TIB ≤ 3.0 to 4 min, for 3.0 < TIB ≤ 4.0 to 1 min and for 4.0 < TIB ≤ 5.0 to 15 s. [Nelson states that for thermal indices in the range 2–6 time should be restricted to less than 30 min].

3. TI values greater than 5 [Nelson, >6] should be limited to scanning times less than 5 s [Nelson, 1 min].

4. For neonatal studies, one should consider further limiting exposure levels and durations as developmental processes are continuing.

It is emphasized that these are only suggested guidelines and not rules to be rigidly followed. This is due to the uncertainty regarding the relationship between acoustic output and the induction of biological eff ects. More importantly, it is understood that depending on the scanning conditions and diagnostic requirements of the study, these levels may be exceeded for limited periods to obtain diagnostically useful information and thus to ensure optimal patient care.

4.10 ConclusionsData from animal studies demonstrate that exposure for 0.5 min to a temperature increase of 4 °C above the normal body temperature is potentially hazardous to embryonic and foetal development; exposures longer than 5 min involve signifi cant risk of harm. Temperature increases >4 °C have been measured at or near bone/soft tissue interfaces in the brains of animal foetuses during in utero exposure to conditions similar to those available with PD systems. The eff ects of elevated temperature may be minimized by keeping the time for which the beam passes through any point in tissue as short as possible. The central nervous system of the fi rst-trimester embryo is particularly sensitive to damage and/or modifi cation by heating. The absorption coeffi cient of embryonic tissue is lower than that of bone tissue and as the embryo contains no ossifi ed bone, it has a lower risk of suff ering bio-eff ects from ultrasound-induced heating. Adult tissue is less susceptible to damage from ultrasound-induced temperature rise.

There are few data on the biological eff ects of interaction of ultrasound with tissues that have a pre-existing temperature elevation. The results of specialized studies using rat embryo culture techniques imply that ultrasound-induced biological eff ects can be potentiated by an existing elevated core temperature; however, uncertainties remain about the possibility of synergistic eff ects from such ultrasound interactions. Epidemiology data provide litt le evidence of adverse eff ects following prenatal exposure to diagnostic ultrasound (see Chapter 9). However, there are no data on obstetric exposures with modern ultrasonographic equipment operating with a real-time output display, with which signifi cant temperature increase can be produced.

Output guidelines may be exceeded for a limited time if necessary to obtain diagnostically valuable information

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The Safe Use of Ultrasound in Medical Diagnosis

Summary• Mechanical effects, distinct from thermal effects, are those related to cavitationor

otherinteractionsofultrasoundwithtissuesnotresultinginheating.• Someultrasound imagingmodes, suchas acoustic radiation force impulse (ARFI)

andshearwaveimaging,relyonmechanicaleffectsasasourceofcontrastinimages.• Inertialcavitationcanleadtohightemperatures inandstressesaroundcollapsing

gasbubbles.• Avarietyoflocationsintissueshavedemonstratedeffectsofultrasoundinanimalstudies

buttheincidenceandsignificanceofsucheffectsinhumanshasnotbeendetermined.• Ultrasoundcontrastagentscanprovidesignificantdiagnosticinformationandtheir


5.1 IntroductionDiagnostic ultrasound has become one of the most widely used medical imagingmodalitiesintheworld.Itsportability,relativelylowcostandapparentlackofsubstantialbiologicaleffectshave ledto itsuse inavarietyofmedicaldisciplines.Thebenefitsofultrasoundarewell recognized,and itspositive impactonhealthcare is clear.Despitethelargenumberofsonographicexamsperformedtodate,thereisnoestablishedcasualrelationshipbetweenclinicalapplicationsofdiagnosticultrasoundandbiologiceffectsonthepatientoroperator.

Asultrasound imaging becomesubiquitously available, it is important to understandhowultrasoundpropagationcanaffect tissue.Herewewill concentrateoneffectsnotdirectlyrelatedtotemperatureincreasesintissue,whichwillbetermed“non-thermal”.Whilethermaleffectscanbereadilyunderstoodasbeingassociatedwiththeabsorption

Chapter 5 Non-thermal effects of diagnostic ultrasound

J. Brian Fowlkes1,2 1Department of Radiology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA

2Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA

Non-thermal effects arise from a number of mechanisms.Non-thermal effects may be cavitational or non-cavitational in origin

Cavitation is the activation of small gas bodies

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5 Non-thermal effects of diagnostic ultrasound


of ultrasound energy in tissue, non-thermal eff ects have a variety of source mechanisms, some of which will be discussed here.

The non-thermal eff ects of ultrasound can be divided into two groups, cavitational and non-cavitational. Cavitation is the activation of small pockets of gas or vapour, commonly called gas bodies. In the case of diagnostic ultrasound, it is the variation of pressure in the ultrasound wave that activates these gas bodies. The source of gas bodies can be naturally occurring within the tissue or be exogenous, such as injectable microbubbles used as ultrasound contrast agents. Because of the signifi cant emphasis placed on eff ects ascribed to cavitation, the activation of gas bodies by ultrasound, more att ention will be devoted to this subject in this chapter. However, that does not diminish the potential signifi cance of the other non-cavitational eff ects of ultrasound.

5.2 Mechanical effects

5.2.1 Radiation force

The radiation force exerted on tissue is related to the amount of energy absorbed by the tissue.

(Note that this absorbed energy may be converted to heat and is a source for thermal eff ects as well.) The time-average value of this force per unit volume of tissue is given by:

v2 IFc


where α is the absorption coeffi cient of the medium, I is the acoustic intensity and c is the sound speed. The total force exerted on the tissue can then be given in terms of the total power absorbed from the ultrasound beam W as:



Note that for totally refl ecting interfaces the radiation force is due to the momentum transfer required for the wave refl ection. This condition doubles the local radiation force. It is the acoustic radiation force that is generally examined as a means of producing biological eff ects in tissue.

Given suffi cient power and tissue absorption (or refl ection), there are appreciable forces that occur with the potential for biological eff ects. Another eff ect related to radiation force is acoustic streaming. Liquids can be caused to fl ow as a result of radiation forces. This eff ect has been used in diagnostic application for identifi cation of fl uid-fi lled cysts and their distinction from solid lesions (Nightingale et al., 1998).

Overall, radiation force has seen a surge in medical application with the utilization of the wide dynamic range of the elastic modulus of tissues. Examples (with early references) of these methods include vibroacoustography (Fatemi and Greenleaf, 1998), shear wave elasticity imaging (SWEI) (Sarvazyan et al., 1998), ARFI imaging (Nightingale et al., 2000) and supersonic shear imaging (Bercoff et al., 2004). A review of the topic provides a historic perspective and a more extensive collection of literature (Sarvazyan et al., 2010). Given the actual use of radiation force in diagnostic procedures, the concept of

Radiation force is related to the amount

of energy absorbed by


Acoustic streaming

results from radiation force

in liquids

Radiation force has a number of clinical

applications, e.g. ARFI and


Gas bodies in tissue may occur naturally, or may

be exogenous, as, for example,

injected contrast agent microbubbles

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bio-eff ects needs to be defi ned more in terms of deleterious eff ects, given that by defi nition ultrasound fi elds interact with the tissues. The eff ects can be temporary and without adverse consequence.

Finally, the presence of bubbles can aff ect the local radiation force, increasing the eff ective absorption of the tissue and thereby increasing the radiation force. Radiation force will cause a bubble to move at speeds of ~10 m s–1 in a cellular suspension and damage nearby cells by exposing them to high shear stresses near the bubble (Miller et al., 1991).

5.2.2 Cavitation

Cavitation, the interaction of ultrasound with gas bodies, has been investigated for over a century now, and although we have much understanding of the physical phenomenon, we have less knowledge about its inception in, and interactions with, tissue. The initiation of cavitation is aff ected by a number of parameters including acoustic fi eld parameters [such as centre frequency, pulse repetition frequency (PRF) and pulse duration for pulsed ultrasound], tissue properties (such as density, viscosity and elasticity) and the size of any initial gas bodies (often referred to as the cavitation nuclei). The number and size of these nuclei may be a principal factor in the likelihood of biologic eff ects. Cavitation bubbles may be found only in small numbers and only at selected sites, and the applied acoustic fi eld parameters, particularly the acoustic pressure, will control which nuclei can undergo cavitation. Bubble formation in animals has been modelled (Harvey et al., 1944a,b; Yount, 1979) with some models applied to predict cavitation thresholds.

Cavitation is often separated into types, with some confusion in the nomenclature (Church and Carstensen, 2001). However, inertial cavitation is one classifi cation that is particularly useful and commonly used. Inertial cavitation occurs when the surrounding medium inertia controls the bubble motion (Flynn, 1975). When such cavitation occurs, the bubble collapse can be rapid, with large increases in the temperature inside and immediately surrounding the bubble, and causing signifi cant mechanical stress to materials around the bubble. The prediction of conditions for inertial cavitation is the basis for the mechanical index (MI) (Holland and Apfel, 1989), to be discussed later, commonly used in the output display on diagnostic ultrasound systems. At very high acoustic pressures, beyond those used in diagnostic ultrasound, the bubbles can emulsify tissue (Parsons et al., 2006; Khokhlova et al., 2011). However, cavitation eff ects have also been observed with diagnostic pulses in fl uids (Crum and Fowlkes, 1986; Holland et al., 1992; Carmichael et al., 1986).

Cavitating bubbles can produce a variety of physical eff ects. As mentioned earlier, bubbles will aff ect the radiation force and will move in response to the fi eld. Fluid fl ow immediately around the oscillating bubble, termed microstreaming, will subject cells to a high-velocity gradient as the fl uid fl ow velocity will decrease away from the bubble. Shockwaves, produced by the bubble wall velocity exceeding the sound velocity in the gas and the tissue, will propagate through the tissue surrounding the bubble. Variations in tissue properties, and even within cells depending on the frequency components of the shockwave, will result in diff erential motion and, consequently, local stress (Lokhandwalla et al., 2001; Lokhandwalla and Sturtevant, 2001). The temperature and

Inertial cavitation can lead to high temperature increases and signifi cant stresses in tissue

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pressure increases inside the bubble can produce free radicals, including the disassociation of water molecules from the water vapour in the collapsing bubble (Crum and Fowlkes, 1986; Carmichael et al., 1986; Suslick and Flannigan, 2008; Flint and Suslick, 1991). Bubbles can collapse asymmetrically, resulting in microjets that have been observed in intravital microscopy in small vessels containing ultrasound contrast agent (Chen et al., 2011).

5.3 Mechanical indexThe mechanical index, or MI, was adopted by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine and NEMA as a real-time output display to estimate the potential for inertial cavitation in vivo. The MI is given by:

r.3 cMI p f (5.3)where pr.3 is the rarefactional pressure (in MPa) of the acoustic fi eld derated at 0.3 dB (MHz cm)–1 and fc is the centre frequency (in MHz) of the fi eld.

This index was based on a theoretical examination of the bubble collapse temperatures which could achieve 5000 K, a temperature at which free-radical generation can occur (Holland and Apfel, 1989). The MI is roughly proportional to the mechanical work that can be performed on a bubble in the rarefactional phase of the acoustic fi eld.

The MI is valid under conditions for the onset of inertial cavitation. Below an MI of ~0.4, the physical conditions do not favour bubble growth even in the presence of a broad bubble nuclei distribution in the body, which is the assumption that is made for the MI formulation.

5.4 Observations of bio-effects

5.4.1 Bone

The eff ect of ultrasound on bone growth has been studied for therapeutic applications. Although this is not a diagnostic application, it does use pulsed ultrasound to elicit the response. Pulsed ultrasound (PRF of 100–1000 Hz) has shown effi cacy in fracture healing (Dyson and Brookes, 1983; Wang et al., 1994) and has accelerated the formation of the fracture callus in humans (Leung et al., 2004). The stimulation appears mediated by intracellular calcium signalling (Parvizi et al., 1999, 2002). It is not the megahertz carrier frequency commonly used in these experiments that is important since a 1 kHz squarewave signal produces similar chondrogenesis (Greenleaf et al., 2006). In addition, shock wave devices similar to lithotripters used to disrupt kidney stones accelerate bone growth and healing (Schaden, 1997; Wang et al., 2001). The pulsed nature of these devices makes it unlikely that heating is the mechanism for these eff ects. Vascular damage near developing bone has also been observed due to pulsed ultrasound (Dalecki et al., 1997c) and appeared only at a gestational age after bone formation began. The eff ect has been seen in developing mouse (Dalecki et al., 1999) and rat (Bigelow et al., 2007) foetuses. The requisite acoustic amplitude is above current output limits of diagnostic imaging devices.

Mechanical index estimates

the potential for inertial cavitation

Vascular damage has

been seen near developing

bone in small animal models

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5.4.2 Lung

There are several reports which indicate that ultrasound exposure, using diagnostically relevant acoustic parameters, can produce localized lung haemorrhage in animal models, such as that seen in Figure 5.1 ( Church et al., 2008). Results of these studies have previously been summarized (Church et al., 2008). The eff ects can be confounded by experimental methods where it has been shown that the acoustic impedance condition of the lung is important (O’Brien et al., 2002; Oelze et al., 2008). In fact, there is a suggestion for an alternative to the current MI for the case of the lung (Church and O’Brien, 2007). Table 5.1 is a summary of experimental results involving lung eff ects in animal models (Church et al., 2008). Although the acoustic parameters used to produce these pulmonary eff ects are similar to those used in humans, the eff ects are focal and may not manifest themselves as a signifi cant eff ect in human subjects. It could be argued that subjects with compromised lungs might be at greater risk, but there are no data to address this question.

5.4.3 Intestine

Another location with naturally occurring gas bodies is the intestines. Although imaging through bowel gas is typically avoided, smaller gas bubbles contained within the intestine will not pose an imaging challenge but can still be activated by ultrasound. Using ultrasound near the current output limits as regulated by the FDA, eff ects have been seen in laboratory animals (Dalecki et al., 1995b; Miller and Gies, 1998, 2000).

5.4.4 Neurological development

Marsal (2010) provides an overview of potential neurological development eff ects that have been examined specifi cally in epidemiological studies. Along with the review by Abramowicz et al. (2008b), the indication is that with the possible exception of an increase

Lung haemorrhage in animal models has been observed as a result of ultrasound exposures

Figure 5.1. Appearance of subpleural haemorrhage (darker red area) in rat lung lobe following exposure to diagnostic ultrasound. Scale bar indicates 5.5 mm. [Reproduced with permission from Church et al. (2008)].

Effects have been seen in small animal models when gas-containing bowel is exposed to ultrasound

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Table 5.1. Summary of threshold data for lung haemorrhage. [Reproduced with permission from Church et al. (2008)].

Lung haemorrhage threshold results

Nature of study

Animal Frequency (MHz)

Beamwidth (μm)

PRF (kHz)

Pulse duration (μs)

Exposure duration (s)

pr , in situ (MPa)

Threshold (Zachary et al., 2001)

Mouse 2.8 466 1.0 1.4 10 3.6

Mouse 5.6 448 1.0 1.2 10 3.0

Rat 2.8 466 1.0 1.4 10 2.3

Rat 5.6 448 1.0 1.2 10 2.8

Beamwidth (O’Brien et al., 2001)

Rat 2.8 470 1.0 1.1 10 3.6

Rat 2.8 930 1.0 1.1 10 3.5

Rat 5.6 310 1.0 1.1 10 3.5

Rat 5.6 510 1.0 1.1 10 3.4

Age dependence (O’Brien et al., 2003)

Pig, 5 d 3.1 610 1.0 1.2 10 3.6

Pig, 39 d 3.1 610 1.0 1.2 10 5.8

Pig, 58 d 3.1 610 1.0 1.2 10 2.9

Threshold (O’Brien et al., 2006)

Rabbit 5.6 510 1.0 1.1 10 3.5

Frequency (Child et al., 1990)

Mouse 3.7 NR 0.1 1.0 180 1.4

Threshold (Holland et al., 1996)

Rat 4.0 NR 1.25 1.0 90 2.0

Rat 4.0 NR 0.4 1.0 90 2.5

Pulse length (O’Brien et al., 2003a,b)

Rat 2.8 470 1.0 1.3 10 3.1

Rat 2.8 470 1.0 4.4 10 2.8

Rat 2.8 470 1.0 8.2 10 2.3

Rat 2.8 470 1.0 11.7 10 2.0

Frequency (Child et al., 1990)

Mouse 1.1, U NR 0.1 10.0 180 0.4

Mouse 1.2 NR 0.1 10.0 180 0.7

Mouse 2.3, U NR 0.1 10.0 180 0.6

Mouse 3.5, U NR 0.1 10.0 180 1.3

Mouse 3.7 NR 0.1 10.0 180 1.0

On time (Raeman et al., 1993)

Mouse 1.2 3500 0.017 10.0 180 1.1

Threshold (Frizzell et al., 1994)

Mouse 1.0 1000 0.1 10.0 180 0.4

Mouse 1.0 1000 1.0 10.0 2.4 1.5

Exposure duration (Raeman et al., 1996)

Mouse 2.3, U NR 0.1 10.0 180 0.7

Mouse 2.3, U NR 0.1 10.0 20 0.8

Threshold (Baggs et al., 1996)

Pig 2.3 3000 0.1 10.0 120 0.9

Threshold (Dalecki et al., 1997a)

Pig 2.3 3000 0.1 10.0 120 0.7

Age dependence (Dalecki et al., 1997b)

Mouse, N 1.15 NR 0.1 10.0 180 0.6

Mouse, J 1.15 NR 0.1 10.0 180 0.9

Mouse, A 1.15 NR 0.1 10.0 180 0.7

A indicates adult; J, juvenile; N, neonate; NR, not reported; and U, unfocused transducer.

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incidence of non-right-handedness, there is insuffi cient evidence of an association. Marsal concluded that the epidemiological studies do not indicate abnormal neurological development as a consequence of ultrasound exposure. In the case of handedness, he pointed out some issues with the studies but indicated that they should not be disregarded.

Continuing the topic, Marsal went on to discuss an animal study in which changes in neuronal migration were suggested (Ang et al., 2006). There has been some debate as to whether the experimental conditions can be related to those of human foetal exposure. While acoustic parameters used with the transvaginal probe selected for the study would be those of a commercial ultrasound system, the uninterrupted duration of the exposure, particularly with regard to the relative time for neuronal migration between species, and, importantly, the relative size of the brain to that of the ultrasound beam could lead to eff ects that might not manifest in clinical use. Nonetheless, the study points to the need for further investigation.

5.4.5 Heart

Application of ultrasound to the heart in an animal model has shown that radiation force can reduce the strength of contraction (Dalecki et al., 1993). Ultrasound pulses coincident with cardiac contraction of the frog heart did show this eff ect but only for a minimum pulse duration of 5 ms. This duration is orders of magnitude longer than typical diagnostic pulses with the possible exception of those now being used with acoustic radiation force to measure tissue elastic properties. However, no specifi c evaluation has been performed to investigate this potential eff ect with respect to imaging modes using acoustic radiation force.

5.4.6 Human perception

Humans can perceive radiation force. For example, subjects were able to perceive 10 to 100 ms pulses of 2 MHz ultrasound applied to the forearm when the power was greater than 20 W (Dalecki et al., 1995a). The foetus apparently will respond to the presence of ultrasound during a diagnostic examination (Saeian et al., 1995). It is not clear if this is a response to the sound produced at the PRF (Fatemi et al., 2001), which is in the audible range, or some other interaction with the foetus. It is expected that the sound pressure level is not substantial.

5.4.7 Contrast

There have been several reviews examining the safety of ultrasound contrast agents (ter Haar, 2009; Miller et al., 2008a). Microbubble contrast agents provide an obvious source of cavitation nuclei that would not normally be found in tissue. Based on animal studies, ultrasound exposure of tissues containing microbubble contrast agents can result in bio-eff ects, including haemolysis (Dalecki et al., 1997d), capillary rupture (Miller and Quddus, 2000; Wible et al., 2002), endothelial damage (Kobayashi et al., 2002, 2003), cardiac arrhythmias (van der Wouw, 2000; Li et al., 2003, 2004; Dalecki et al., 2005) and eff ects in the kidney (Miller et al., 2007a,b, 2008b, 2009, 2010a,b; Williams et al., 2007) and the pancreas (Miller et al., 2011). In a review of this research (Miller et al., 2008a), the conclusion drawn was that “the use of high MI values (>0.8) involves rapid gas-body destruction with a potential for bio-eff ects (e.g., PVCs), whereas bio-eff ects have not been observed at low values of (p /   f  < 0.2), which involve minimal gas-body destruction”.

Evidence from small animals indicates that ultrasound can affect the strength of cardiac contractions

Humans can perceive radiation force

The safety and effi cacy of ultrasound microbubble contrast agents is under continuous review

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Certainly, this is consistent with the common practice of low-MI imaging where the output is maintained below levels expected to produce signifi cant contrast disruption as this would eliminate the signal needed for imaging. The exception would be the use of contrast replenishment where the agent is purposely disrupted to monitor its return to the tissue. There are specifi c uses for such imaging, and it will be important to consider the benefi t of the procedure against any potential risk. Recently, there has been a concerted eff ort to summarize and add to the evidence on the safety of ultrasound contrast agents in echocardiology. The FDA issued a “black box” warning for contrast agent use. This precipitated a considerable response from the scientifi c community investigating ultrasound contrast safety. Main et al. (Main, 2009; Main et al., 2009) summarized the results of these studies and concluded that there is substantial evidence to support the safe and eff ective use of ultrasound contrast for the current indicated clinical uses in echocardiology.

5.5 ConclusionsGiven the considerations indicated here and the literature on the topic of non-thermal eff ects of ultrasound similar to that used in diagnostic ultrasound, eff ects have been observed in animal models, although the signifi cance of these and the relationship to the clinical application of ultrasound is unclear. Certainly, there is not suffi cient epidemiologic evidence to conclude a causal relationship between diagnostic ultrasound and adverse bio-eff ects in patients. This is the same conclusion drawn in other reviews (Abramowicz et al., 2008a,b). However, there are reasons why we may actually need to increase acoustic output to achieve diagnostic information that is of value to the patient. For example, acoustic radiation force used to evaluate tissue elasticity may require outputs exceeding those currently regulated by the FDA to be able to perform the procedure in deeper tissues. It is important that we consider this objectively from the standpoint of the benefi t to the patient versus the risk, if any, that exists. We should be addressing these questions out of an obligation to do what is correct for the patient and should even accept some additional risk if necessary. It can be argued that the bigger risk to the patient may reside in the decision to obtain the information by some other imaging modality or to not perform any imaging procedure. This could subject the patient to much greater risks.

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Miller DL, Dou C, Wiggins RC. 2007a. Doppler mode pulse sequences mitigate glomerular capillary hemorrhage in contrast-aided diagnostic ultrasound of rat kidney. IEEE Trans Ultrason Ferroelectr Freq Control, 54, 1802–1810.Miller DL, Dou C, Wiggins RC, Wharram BL, Goyal M, Williams AR. 2007b. An in vivo rat model simulating imaging of human kidney by diagnostic ultrasound with gas-body contrast agent. Ultrasound Med Biol, 33, 129–135.Miller DL, Dou C, Wiggins RC. 2009. Glomerular capillary hemorrhage induced in rats by diagnostic ultrasound with gas-body contrast agent produces intratubular obstruction. Ultrasound Med Biol, 35, 869–877.Miller DL, Dou CY, Wiggins RC. 2010a. Contrast-enhanced diagnostic ultrasound causes renal tissue damage in a porcine model. J Ultrasound Med, 29, 1391–1401.Miller DL, Dou CY, Wiggins RC. 2010b. Gas body effi cacy for glomerular capillary hemorrhage induced by diagnostic ultrasound in rats. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, 57, 167–174.Miller DL, Gies RA. 1998. Gas-body-based contrast agent enhances vascular bioeff ects of 1.09 MHz ultrasound on mouse intestine. Ultrasound Med Biol, 24, 1201–1208.Miller DL, Gies RA. 2000. The infl uence of ultrasound frequency and gas-body composition on the contrast agent-mediated enhancement of vascular bioeff ects in mouse intestine. Ultrasound Med Biol, 26, 307–313.Miller DL, Quddus J. 2000. Diagnostic ultrasound activation of contrast agent gas bodies induces capillary rupture in mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 97, 10179–10184.Miller DL, Thomas RM, Williams AR. 1991. Mechanisms for hemolysis by ultrasonic cavitation in the rotating exposure system. Ultrasound Med Biol, 17, 171–178.Nightingale KR, Kornguth PJ, Trahey GE. 1998. The use of acoustic streaming in breast lesion diagnosis: a clinical study. Ultrasound Med Biol, 25, 75–87.Nightingale KR, Nightingale RW, Palmeri ML, Trahey GE. 2000. A fi nite element model of remote palpation of breast lesions using radiation force: factors aff ecting tissue displacement. Ultrason Imaging, 22, 35–54.O’Brien WD Jr, Kramer JM, Waldrop TG, Frizzell LA, Miller RJ, Blue JP, et al. 2002. Ultrasound-induced lung hemorrhage: role of acoustic boundary conditions at the pleural surface. J Acoust Soc Am, 111, 1102–1109.O’Brien WDJ, Simpson DG, Frizzell LA, Zachary JF. 2001. Superthreshold behavior and threshold estimation of ultrasound-induced lung hemorrhage in adult rats: role of beamwidth. IEEE Trans Ultrason Ferroelectr Freq Control, 48, 1695–1705.O’Brien WDJ, Simpson DG, Frizzell LA, Zachary JF. 2003a. Threshold estimates and superthreshold behavior of ultrasound-induced lung hemorrhage in adult rats: role of pulse duration. Ultrasound Med Biol, 29, 1625–1634.O’Brien WDJ, Simpson DG, Ho MH, Miller RJ, Frizzell LA, Zachary JF. 2003b. Superthreshold behavior and threshold estimation of ultrasound-induced lung hemorrhage in pigs: role of age dependency. IEEE Trans Ultrason Ferroelectr Freq Control, 50, 153–169.O’Brien Jr WD, Yang Y, Simpson DG, Frizzell LA, Miller RJ, Blue Jr JP, et al. 2006. Threshold estimation of ultrasound-induced lung hemorrhage in adult rabbits, and comparison of thresholds in rabbits, rats and mice. Ultrasound Med Biol, 32, 1793–1804.Oelze ML, Miller RJ, Blue Jr JP, Zachary JF, O’Brien Jr WD. 2008. Estimation of the acoustic impedance of lung versus level of infl ation for diff erent species and ages of animals. J Acoust Soc Am, 124, 2340–2352.

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Parsons JE, Cain CA, Abrams GD, Fowlkes JB. 2006. Pulsed cavitational ultrasound therapy for controlled tissue homogenization. Ultrasound Med Biol, 32, 115–129.Parvizi J, Parpura JF, Greenleaf JF, Bolander ME. 2002. Calcium signaling is necessary for ultrasound-stimulated aggrecan synthesis by rat chondrocytes. J Orthop Res, 20, 51–57.Parvizi J, Wu CC, Lewallen DG, Greenleaf JF, Bolander ME. 1999. Low-intensity ultrasound stimulates proteoglycan synthesis in rat chondrocytes by increasing aggrecan gene expression. J Orthop Res, 17, 488–494.Raeman CH, Child SZ, Carstensen EL. 1993. Timing of exposures in ultrasonic hemorrhage of murine lung. Ultrasound Med Biol, 19, 507–512.Raeman CH, Child SZ, Dalecki D, Cox C, Carstensen EL. 1996. Exposure-time dependence of the threshold for ultrasonically induced murine lung hemorrhage. Ultrasound Med Biol, 22, 139–141.Saeian K, Weintraub R, Hagen-Ansert S, Sahn C, Shiota T, Kenny A, et al. 1995. Increased fetal activity and heart rate during and immediately after pulsed Doppler echocardiography. Echocardiography, 12, 71–77.Sarvazyan AP, Rudenko OV, Nyborg WL. 2010. Biomedical applications of radiation force of ultrasound: historical roots and physical basis. Ultrasound Med Biol, 36, 1379–1394.Sarvazyan AP, Rudenko OV, Swanson SD, Fowlkes JB, Emelianov SY. 1998. Shear wave elasticity imaging: a new ultrasonic technology of medical diagnostics. Ultrasound Med Biol, 24, 1419–1435.Schaden W. 1997. Clinical experience with shock wave therapy of pseudarthrosis, delayed fracture healing, and cement-free endoprothesis loosening. In Extracorporeal Shock Waves in Orthopaedics, Siebert W, Buch M (editors). Heidelberg, Germany: Springer-Verlag, pp. 137–148.Suslick KS, Flannigan DJ. 2008. Inside a collapsing bubble: sonoluminescence and the conditions during cavitation. Annu Rev Phys Chem, 59, 659–683.ter Haar G. 2009. Safety and bio-eff ects of ultrasound contrast agents. Med Biol Eng Comput, 47, 893–900.van der Wouw PA. 2000. Premature ventricular contractions during triggered imaging with ultrasound contrast. J Am Soc Echocardiogr, 13, 288–294.Wang C, Chen H, Yang K. 2001. Treatment of nonunions of long bone fractures with shock waves. Clin Orthop Relat Res, 387, 95–101.Wang SJ, Lewallen DG, Bolander ME, Chao EYS, Illstrup DM. 1994. Low-intensity ultrasound treatment increases strength in a rat femoral fracture model. J Orthop Res, 12, 40–47.Wible JH, Galen KP, Wojdyla JK, Hughes MS, Klibanov AL, Brandenburger GH. 2002. Microbubbles induce renal hemorrhage when exposed to diagnostic ultrasound in anesthetized rats. Ultrasound Med Biol, 28, 1535–1546.Williams AR, Wiggins RC, Wharram BL, Goyal M, Dou C, Johnson KJ, et al. 2007. Nephron injury induced by diagnostic ultrasound imaging at high mechanical index with gas body contrast agent. Ultrasound Med Biol, 33, 1336–1344.Yount DE. 1979. Skins of varying permeability: a stabilization mechanism for gas cavitation nuclei. J Acoust Soc Am, 65, 1429–1439.Zachary JF, Frizzell LA, Norrell KS, Blue JP, Miller RJ, O’Brien WDJ. 2001. Temporal and spatial evaluation of lesion reparative responses following superthreshold exposure of rat lung to pulsed ultrasound. Ultrasound Med Biol, 27, 829–839.

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The Safe Use of Ultrasound in Medical Diagnosis

Summary• Radiation force is generated within a material in an acoustic field.• Bio-effects attributed to radiation forces have been observed experimentally in tissue;

these include physical effects and sensory effects.• The volume force generated in diagnostic fields causes biological fluids to stream.• Any radiation force effects produced at diagnostic exposure levels are transitory.• Only under extreme conditions has permanent damage to cells been observed.• Accelerated tissue repair resulting from ultrasound exposure has been attributed to

radiation force.

6.1 IntroductionTraditionally the mechanisms producing ultrasound bio-effects have been classed as either thermal or cavitational. However, there are reports in the literature of bio-effects occurring in situations where heating and cavitation are unlikely to be contributing factors. Radiation force is the most probable mechanism occurring in these circumstances, since low-level radiation forces are exerted whenever an ultrasound beam passes through tissue. Useful reviews can be found in the literature (Duck, 1998; Barnett, 1998; Sarvazyan et al., 2010). This chapter examines aspects of radiation force effects in the context of ultrasound safety. Although the forces resulting from ultrasound propagation are very small indeed, nevertheless some of the effects that they produce can be easily observed under appropriate conditions. One example is acoustic streaming and another is the force exerted on the target of a radiation force balance.

Chapter 6 Radiation force and its possible

biological effects

Hazel C. StarrittRoyal United Hospital, Bath, UK

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6.2 Radiation force

6.2.1 Radiation force at a boundary

Before considering the radiation forces experienced throughout a three-dimensional volume of fl uid or tissue, a simpler situation will be discussed: that of an ultrasound beam passing through a fl uid and reaching a solid surface. The surface could, for example, be a target in a radiation force balance, or in the body it could be an interface between soft tissue and bone, or tissue and air in the lungs. A force is generated at the surface. This tends to push it away from the source of ultrasound. The strength of this push will depend on the details of the surface and of the beam. The shape of the surface, its size in comparison with the acoustic beam, the angle of incidence and the extent to which it absorbs or refl ects the ultrasound beam will infl uence the magnitude and direction of the force. In addition, the intensity or power in the ultrasound beam is a determining factor. So long as the surface extends outside the ultrasound beam, the total radiation force exerted on the surface is proportional to the total acoustic power in the beam. Measurement of this force is a standard method of determining acoustic power.

The force is the integral of the radiation pressure across the surface. At each point the radiation pressure depends on the ratio of the intensity in the beam to the velocity of sound in the fl uid. For a totally absorbing surface perpendicular to the beam, the local radiation pressure is explicitly the local acoustic intensity divided by the speed of sound. Hence the radiation pressure will be greatest on the axis of the beam where the intensity is greatest, and will decrease towards the edges of the beam as the intensity falls off . The radiation pressure profi le does, in fact, vary across the beam in the same manner as the intensity profi le. As a result of this variation in radiation pressure at the surface, shear stress will be generated within an absorber.

6.2.2 Radiation forces in a volume

The next stage is to consider the more complicated situation of what happens within a volume of tissue or fl uid when an ultrasound beam passes through it. An ultrasound beam passing through a material such as soft tissue will lose energy to the material by a process of absorption. As a result, a volumetric internal force that acts in the direction of wave propagation is generated in the material. For a plane wave, the force per unit volume is given by 2αI/c, where c is the speed of sound, I is the local intensity and α is the att enuation coeffi cient. It varies throughout the fi eld as the intensity varies. So, for an unscanned beam (Doppler and M-mode) the volume force is greater at the focus and on the axis of the beam than elsewhere. In addition, because of its dependence on the absorption coeffi cient, the radiation force is greater at higher acoustic frequencies, and varies because of tissue inhomogeneity and non-linear enhancement (see Chapter 2). The situation is very complex, and this makes it diffi cult to carry out a complete theoretical analysis of the forces that are likely to be generated.

The universal presence of radiation force in all ultrasonic fi elds has led to its exploitation in new methods for elastography. For example, acoustic radiation force impulse imaging

An ultrasound beam generates

a force at an interface

Spatial variations in the radiation

pressure at a surface result in shear forces in

an absorber

A volumetric force is established by

energy absorption in an ultrasound

fi eld

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uses short-duration (typically less than 1 ms) acoustic radiation forces to generate localized displacements in tissue, which are detected and used as the basis for the image (Nightingale et al., 2001, 2002). Shear wave elasticity imaging characterizes the shear modulus of the medium by mapping the velocity of shear waves generated by a short-duration acoustic radiation force (Bercoff et al., 2002). These and other similar methods all derive information on the elastic properties of tissue from the detection of small displacements caused by radiation force, whilst still operating at low enough spatial average intensities to lie within international safety constraints for diagnostic ultrasound.

Radiation force is experienced only during the passage of an acoustic pulse. Between pulses no force is generated. For pulsed Doppler and pulse-echo applications the magnitude of the force depends on the pulse-average intensity and not on the time-average intensity. For continuous wave ultrasound systems such as physiotherapy units and foetal heart monitors, the force is proportional to the time-average intensity.

6.3 Acoustic streaming

6.3.1 Introduction

Acoustic streaming results from the generation of a force fi eld in a liquid in the direction of wave propagation. It is a directly observable, bulk movement of liquid away from a transducer that occurs as a result of the absorption of acoustic energy from an ultrasound beam. All absorption processes contribute to this eff ect, including shear and bulk viscosity, relaxation and excess absorption due to non-linear propagation. There have been a number of att empts to predict streaming in plane, progressive waves (Eckart, 1948; Nyborg, 1998) under bounded and free-fi eld conditions although none have modelled the situation in diagnostic ultrasound fully (Kamakura et al., 1995; Mitome et al., 1995). Nevertheless, generalized expressions derived from theoretical models give a good indication of the way in which the velocity of a stream depends upon the characteristics of the acoustic beam and the propagation fl uid. In particular, the fl ow velocity is proportional to the acoustic intensity, the radius of the acoustic beam and the amplitude att enuation coeffi cient associated with all processes of acoustic loss. The maximum velocity reached in a fl uid is limited by viscous forces and by the geometric boundaries of the fl uid space.

6.3.2 Investigation of acoustic streaming in vitro

Acoustic streaming can easily be demonstrated using most diagnostic ultrasound scanners. Measurements of streaming induced using commercial equipment reported by Starritt et al. (1989) yielded a maximum streaming velocity in water of 14 cm s⁻ 1 in the fi eld of a diagnostic scanner operated in pulsed Doppler mode. Figure 6.1 shows a stream produced in water using a single element 3.5 MHz diagnostic transducer operating in pulsed Doppler mode. In imaging fi elds the streaming velocities reported were lower, of the order of 1 cm s⁻1 . Streaming has also been observed in vitro in human blood and in human serum albumin solution. Zauhar et al. (2006) compared acoustic streaming in amniotic fl uid with that in water. They demonstrated that the speed was greater in

Radiation force elastography exploits the universal presence of radiation force in all ultrasound fi elds

Radiation force is experienced only during the passage of an acoustic pulse

Acoustic streaming can be generated in fl uids by an ultrasound beam

Streaming occurs in diagnostic ultrasound beams

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It is very unlikely indeed

that acoustic streaming occurs

in cells and extracellular


amniotic fl uid than in water, because of the diff erence in absorption coeffi cient. However, when using high-amplitude ultrasound pulses, the speeds were very similar, the force being dominated by non-linear absorption eff ects (see Chapter 2).

More sensitive means, such as magnetic resonance imaging, have been used to investigate streaming at low acoustic powers and within restricted spaces (Starritt et al., 2000). In water, streaming velocities as low as 0.1 mm s⁻1 were measured, generated by acoustic powers as low as 1 mW. This is at the lower end of the power levels available from commercial ultrasound equipment operating in Doppler mode (Duck and Henderson, 1998; Martin, 2010). Streaming was also detected within the pores of a coarse sponge. These results imply that streaming is probably occurring within fl uid spaces in vivo during diagnostic ultrasound examinations more frequently than may be appreciated in practice. It is not normally detected, because of the low velocities involved.

Although not often reported in the literature, streaming in fl uid spaces in vivo may be easily observed during scanning when operating at higher intensities. Fluid movement has been reported in breast cysts by Nightingale et al. (1995) and proposed as a diagnostic tool for distinguishing solid from fl uid-fi lled cysts.

It has been postulated that fl uids may be caused to stream within the extracellular spaces and even within cells themselves. There is no experimental evidence to suggest that this happens, and it seems to be extremely unlikely to occur. The creation of a stream requires a fi nite fl uid volume, and it is strongly inhibited by the cohesive forces from the volume boundary, and the viscous forces of the fl uid. The physical environment of cellular fl uids is such that these cohesive forces will be suffi cient to prevent fl uid movement caused by radiation force.

Streaming can be generated at powers as low as 1 mW

Streaming has been observed

in vivo

Figure 6.1. Picture of a stream produced in water in the fi eld of a 3.5 MHz transducer operating in pulsed Doppler mode. (Reproduced from Starritt et al., 1991, with permission).

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6.3.3 Non-linear propagation

The propagation of high-amplitude pulses, such as those used for diagnostic ultrasound, is accompanied by losses that result in extra absorption of ultrasound energy (see Chapter 2). This in turn increases the eff ective att enuation coeffi cient, altering the volumetric force and any fl uid streaming arising from it. If tissue lies behind a fl uid path, radiation forces on this tissue can be enhanced. This arises because a shocked wave, carrying harmonic components generated during propagation through a fl uid, impinges on tissue and results in enhancement of the absorption. Similarly enhanced forces may also operate on tissue in the absence of such a fl uid path, but such eff ects are much weaker.

One factor in any consideration of the signifi cance of acoustic streaming in clinical situations is the time period over which a stream develops. Starritt et al. (1991) found that in water the shortest rise times to establish the stream were of the order of a few hundred milliseconds for unscanned pulsed beams and up to a few seconds for imaging beams. Hartley (1997) reported rise times in water and blood of 200 ms and 80 ms, respectively. It is clear that acoustic streaming becomes established very quickly when an ultrasound beam is applied to a fl uid.

6.4 Radiation force in fl uids and tissuesStreaming is just one potential outcome of the generation of internal stresses in a material caused by the passage of an ultrasound beam. The forces causing fl uids to stream will also be present in soft tissue, but tissue is not free to move in the same way as a fl uid. Some of the eff ects on tissues and fl uids that may arise from these forces are discussed below.

6.4.1 Effects of radiation force on fl uids and cell suspensions

In all bulk fl uids and cell suspensions, the fl uid will move as a result of acoustic streaming. However, it is unlikely that the process of gentle stirring, for example of amniotic fl uid or urine in vivo, will present a biological hazard. Shear forces will occur at the boundary of a stream, but these are unlikely to cause damage to cells in suspension. A simple calculation shows that for a streaming velocity of 10 cm s⁻1 the shear is about 10 Pa at the boundary of a 2 mm stream, which is well below the threshold of 150 kPa for lysis of erythrocytes.

Acoustic streaming has been suggested as the mechanism responsible for observed changes in diff usion across a planar lipid bilayer membrane (Pohl et al., 1993). The thickness of the unstirred layer near the membrane was reduced in the presence of ultrasound, particularly on the side nearest to the transducer. This is a signifi cant fi nding because unstirred boundary layers have an essential role to play in transport across biological membranes. The phenomenon of phonophoresis, that is, the enhancement of diff usion rates caused by ultrasound, is best explained by the eff ect that ultrasound has on the boundary fl uid layers. These eff ects may be further enhanced in the presence of bubbles. In addition, Pohl et al. (1995), suggest that acoustic streaming may explain an observed eff ect of ultrasound on the ability of red blood cells to form aggregates.

Non-linearity can lead to enhanced absorption resulting in increased radiation force and streaming

Streaming can become established in under a second

The forces causing streaming in fl uids are also present within tissue

Shear forces arising from streaming are unlikely to damage cells

Streaming can alter the thickness of unstirred boundary layers

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Preliminary observations of

altered neuronal migration have

been attributed to radiation force

6.4.2 Effects of radiation force on soft tissue

A number of papers report observations of radiation force eff ects on soft tissues. These may be grouped into two categories, as either physical eff ects or sensory eff ects. Physical effects on tissue

Several papers in the literature report physical eff ects on tissue which the authors believe may be bett er explained as radiation force eff ects than thermal or cavitation eff ects. Lizzi et al. (1981) have reported blanching of the choroid of the eye prior to the onset of thermal damage. It has been suggested that this occurred due to radiation force causing compression of the blood vessels. Dalecki et al. (1997a) used an experimental lithotripter to deliver ultrasound pulses to the abdomen of pregnant mice. Pulse amplitudes were in the diagnostic range, but the pulse powers used were higher. The foetal tissue showed evidence of haemorrhage, but only where the soft tissue was near to developing bone or cartilage. The authors suggest that this could result from the relative motion between ossifi ed bone and surrounding soft tissue, caused by radiation force on the bone.

There have been a number of reports of accelerated healing of bone fractures in vivo using low intensity pulsed ultrasound (Kristiansen et al., 1997; Heckman et al., 1994). Although the precise biophysical mechanism is unknown, it has been suggested that it arises from the application of mechanical force to the cellular system. An associated alteration in gene expression has been reported (Yang et al., 1996; Parvisi et al., 1999; see also Chapter 7). Enhancement of soft-tissue regeneration has also been reported using low intensity therapeutic ultrasound (Dyson et al., 1968, 1970). The eff ect, which is greatest during the early stages of regeneration, was not att ributed to heating due to the low intensities employed. Sensory effects on tissue

Several papers have suggested radiation force as the biophysical mechanism for neurosensory responses. Dalecki et al. (1995) have demonstrated that it is possible to feel the radiation forces that are exerted on the skin by an ultrasound beam. Also reported by Dalecki et al. (1997b) was a decrease in aortic pressure caused by ultrasound insonation of frog hearts. The authors demonstrated that radiation force was responsible by showing an equivalent eff ect when the beam was incident on a total absorber in contact with the surface of the heart. A number of papers have reported that the auditory nerve may be directly stimulated by ultrasound (Magee and Davies, 1993). The mechanism is unknown but we can speculate that it is the direct eff ect of the varying force fi eld across the neural structures. Developmental effects

Ang et al. (2006) reported evidence that exposure to ultrasound from a clinical scanner caused partial inhibition of neural migration in the embryonic cerebral cortex of mice. In the absence of evidence suggesting heating or cavitation as the cause, radiation force was proposed as being the most likely mechanism.

Radiation force has been associated with

some physical effects in tissue

The accelerated tissue repair

observed in an acoustic fi eld is

probably due to mechanical forces

Radiation forces can alter

neurosensory responses

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6.5 Pulsed radiation force as a bio-effects mechanismRadiation force is experienced only during the time a pulse is passing through tissue and there is no force between pulses. The magnitude of the force in modes such as pulse echo and pulsed Doppler depends on the pulse-average intensity rather than the time-average intensity. In continuous wave applications such as physiotherapy or foetal heart monitoring the tissue experiences a steady force dependent on the time-averaged intensity.

Traditionally, biological eff ects that show a dependence on time-average intensity are interpreted as being thermal in origin and those that depend on pulse-average intensity or pulse amplitude are explained in terms of cavitation. Once we start to consider radiation force as a possible mechanism it becomes more diffi cult to separate the dependence on exposure factors. Although radiation force eff ects are experienced only during a pulse, and are therefore dependent on pulse amplitude or pulse-average intensity, some of the outcomes, like streaming and some of the sensory eff ects, rely on an integration of the force over time. In this respect they resemble thermal eff ects. However, the time scales can be very diff erent. Acoustic streaming for example is established almost instantaneously, in time scales of less than a second, whereas tissue temperature takes tens of seconds to increase.

Table 6.1 shows the minimum pulse lengths and number of pulses required in order to produce the radiation force eff ects described in the papers reviewed above. It shows that some eff ects can be produced and observed following only a single pulse of ultrasound, while others require the force to be repeated over a number of pulses.

From this table it can be seen that, for example, 200 pulses of about 10 μs duration were required to produce haemorrhage in foetal mouse tissue. Choroid blanching, however, occurred with a single pulse about 100 μs in duration and the cardiac response in frogs was also seen with a single long pulse, 5 ms in duration. In order to sense ultrasound on the skin a repetitive stress is required and similarly, whilst local fl uid movement must be induced by a single pulse, there needs to be a repeated eff ect before it manifests itself as bulk streaming.

In pulsed ultrasound fi elds the radiation force depends on the pulse-average intensity

Radiation force effects occur over a shorter time scale than thermal effects

Some radiation force effects are manifest in a single acoustic pulse

Table 6.1. Minimum ultrasonic pulse duration and number of pulses for radiation force-induced effects.

Effect Pulse length Number of pulses

Haemorrhage at bone/soft tissue interface in mice ≈ 10 μs 200

Choroid blanching 100 μs 1

Tactile sensation 1 ms Repetitive

Cardiac response in frog 5 ms 1

Fluid movement 0.5 μs 1

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6.6 Cellular mechano-transductionCells sense and respond to external forces, by a wide range of mechanisms, yet to be fully understood (Huang et al., 2003). They do so in order to protect themselves from shear, probably the most threatening force, and to adapt their function to altered mechanical environments. It is believed that the cell membrane can sense mechanical forces by means of the molecular agents integrins. This mechano-sensing links extracellular forces to the cytoskeleton, and thus can initiate a cellular response both by gene expression and biochemical change. A broadly homogeneous force may be amplifi ed as a result of local cell–matrix or cell–cell adhesions, with amplifi cation factors of 100 being suggested. The eff ect of haemodynamic shear on the vascular endothelium is the mechanical eff ect subject to the most detailed study (Van Bavel, 2007; Davies, 1995). The critical level of fl uid shear stress for a variety of biological responses is about 1 Pa. Force thresholds associated with other experiments suggest a response threshold of about 1 nN. It may be expected, therefore, that cells can detect, and may respond to, radiation force during many ultrasound diagnostic procedures.

6.7 ConclusionRadiation force eff ects provide a possible explanation for ultrasound bio-eff ects which appear to be non-thermal and non-cavitational in nature. In adult tissue these forces are highly unlikely to be signifi cant compared with the tensile strength of tissue, even that of weak adult tissue. However, in the embryonic stage tissue does not have the structural strength that develops in later foetal and adult life since the intercellular matrix has yet to develop. The period of organogenesis, between 3.5 weeks and 8 weeks gestation in humans, is a period during which cell diff erentiation and migration is occurring, and it is possible that the developing foetus may be more vulnerable to mechanical stress at this time. However, there is insuffi cient evidence to know whether or not the passage of an ultrasound beam could exert suffi cient radiation force to cause permanent displacement of cells. The eff ect of these known radiation forces on cellular mechano-transduction is likewise very unclear. It is therefore important to keep the potential for bio-eff ects arising from radiation forces in mind, particularly when ultrasound scanning is carried out during the fi rst trimester. As previously recommended, it is prudent to reduce the exposure whenever this can be done without compromising diagnostic information.

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Cellular mechano-transduction

pathways will respond to

radiation force in ways that are yet to be understood

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Nightingale KR, Palmeri ML, Nightingale R, Trahey G. 2001. On the feasibility of remote palpation using acoustic radiation force. J Acoust Soc Am, 110, 625–634.Nightingale KR, Soo MS, Nightingale R, Trahey G. 2002. Acoustic radiation force impulse imaging: in vivo demonstration of clinical feasibility. Ultrasound Med Biol, 28, 227–235.Nyborg N. 1998. Acoustic streaming. In Non-linear Acoustics, Hamilton MF, Blackstock DT (editors). New York, NY: Academic Press, pp. 207–231.Parvisi JP, Wu CC, Lewallen DG, Greenleaf JF, Bolander ME. 1999. Low-intensity ultrasound stimulates proteoglycan synthesis in rat chondrocytes by increasing aggrecan gene expression. J Orthop Res, 17, 488–494.Pohl P, Antonenko YN, Rosenfeld E. 1993. Eff ect of ultrasound on the pH profi les in the unstirred layers near planar bilayer lipid membranes measured by microelectrodes. Biochim Biophys Acta, 1152, 155–160.Pohl EE, Rosenfeld EH, Pohl P, Millner R. 1995. Eff ects of ultrasound on agglutination and aggregation of human erythrocytes in vitro. Ultrasound Med Biol, 21, 711–719.Sarvazyan AP, Rudenko OV, Nyborg WL. 2010. Biomedical applications of radiation force of ultrasound: historical roots and physical basis. Ultrasound Med Biol, 36, 1379–1394.Starritt HC, Duck FA, Humphrey VF. 1989. An experimental investigation of streaming in pulsed diagnostic ultrasound beams. Ultrasound Med Biol, 15, 363–373.Starritt HC, Duck FA, Humphrey VF. 1991. Forces acting in the direction of propagation in pulsed ultrasound fi elds. Phys Med Biol, 36, 1465–1474.Starritt HC, Hoad CL, Duck FA, Nassiri DK, Summers IR, Vennart W. 2000. Measurement of acoustic streaming using magnetic resonance. Ultrasound Med Biol. 26, 321–333.Van Bavel E. 2007. Eff ects of shear stress on endothelial cells: possible relevance for ultrasound applications. Prog Biophys Mol Biol, 93, 374–383.Yang KH, Parvizi J, Wang SJ, Lewallen DG, Kinnick RR, Greenleaf JF, et al. 1996. Exposure to low intensity ultrasound increases the aggrecan gene expression in a rat femur fracture model. J Orthop Res, 14, 802–809.Zauhar G, Duck FA, Starritt HC. 2006. Comparison of the acoustic streaming in amniotic fl uid and water in medical ultrasonic beams. Ultraschall Med/Eur J Ultrasound, 14, 152–158.

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The Safe Use of Ultrasound in Medical Diagnosis

SummaryLaboratory experiments carried out in vivo and in vitro allow the following conclusions to be drawn:• In the absence of acoustic cavitation, no cell lysis or loss of reproductive integrity has

been seen.• No effects have been seen when embryos or foetuses are exposed to ultrasound

in utero if the temperature is kept below 41.5 °C.• Observed reduction in birth weight following ultrasound exposure is probably due

to changes in maternal physiology.• Mechanisms which lead to effects observed in vitro may not occur in the same way

in vivo.• Unless an ultrasonic beam is scaled appropriately, a significantly larger fraction of an

experimental animal is exposed than would be the case for a human foetus.

7.1 IntroductionThe interaction of an ultrasonic beam with the tissues through which it passes is an essential prerequisite for production of a diagnostic ultrasound scan. It is, after all, the scattered beam that is used to form an image. It has long been known that ultrasound can induce change in biological tissues, and this is the basis for physiotherapy applications where beneficial changes (which may often be reversible) in cellular function are sought, and in surgery, where cell killing is required. The requirement for the safe use diagnostic ultrasound is that any cellular changes that may occur are reversible and do not constitute a hazard to the individual being scanned. In the quest for information about safety, a number of different experimental models and ultrasonic exposures have been investigated. The resulting literature is somewhat confusing, but a number of conclusions may be drawn, as outlined in this chapter. For a fuller treatment of this topic, the reader is directed to fuller reviews such as those published by NCRP (2002), Miller (2007), ter Haar (2007) or AGNIR (2010).

Chapter 7 Bio-effects—cells and tissues

Gail ter HaarInstitute of Cancer Research, Sutton, UK

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7 Bio-effects—cells and tissues


Cells subjected to simultaneous

heat and ultrasound

exposure may lose their ability

to divide

7.2 Studies of isolated cellsExperiments conducted with single cells can yield useful information about ultrasonically induced changes produced under closely defi ned exposure conditions, in well controlled physiological environments. A number of endpoints have been used. These include “gross” eff ects such as lysis, loss of reproductive ability and damage to cellular ultrastructure, and more subtle eff ects such as altered growth patt erns, chromosomal and functional changes. Care must be taken, however, in extrapolating from results seen with cells exposed to ultrasound in vitro to eff ects that might be expected when cells are subjected to ultrasound in vivo. The aqueous nutrient media required for these cell experiments have a lower threshold for acoustic cavitation induction, and a lower acoustic absorption coeffi cient than would be expected in vivo. Cavitation is therefore more likely, and thermal damage less likely, to occur under these circumstances. The presence of liquid in close contact with the cells may also enhance any eff ects due to acoustic streaming. Thus, the relative importance of physical mechanisms that may result in damage are diff erent when cells are held in vitro from when they exist in intact tissues in vivo. Provided this is realized, useful results may be obtained from such models.

7.2.1 Cell lysis

There is no doubt that ultrasound exposures can lyse cells. Cavitation has been shown by a number of people to be the major mechanism in producing complete cellular destruction (see, for example, Kaufman et al., 1977; Morton et al., 1982; Hallow et al., 2006; Lai et al., 2007). It is not clear that ultrasound can produce cell lysis in the absence of cavitation. It has been shown that the proportion of cells lysed depends on the cellular concentration, high cellular concentrations exhibiting a lower proportion of cells disrupted than low ones (see for example Elwart et al., 1988; Brayman et al., 1996a). This cell density eff ect may be due in part to the higher respiratory consumption of dissolved oxygen, with its concomitant release of CO2 into the suspension medium, thus reducing the probability of cavitation eff ects (Brayman et al., 1992; Carstensen et al., 1993). Lysis appears to be an immediate consequence of ultrasonic exposure, rather than a delayed eff ect. Cells actively undergoing division (in mitosis) are more susceptible to being lysed by a given ultrasonic exposure than those at other stages in the cell cycle (Clarke and Hill, 1969).

7.2.2 Loss of reproductive integrity

The clonogenic assay is a commonly-used measure of toxicity in radiobiology. It is used to assess the ability of a cell to divide and produce viable progeny following an insult. In general, it appears that cells which are not lysed by an ultrasound exposure go on to divide in the same way as their untreated counterparts (Bleaney et al., 1972; Morton et al., 1982). The exception to this appears to lie with cells that are heated (41–45 °C) while being exposed to ultrasound (Li et al., 1977; ter Haar et al., 1980; Feril and Kondo, 2004). These exhibit a loss in reproductive ability that is greater than if the cells were subjected to heat alone. The mechanism for this is not fully understood, but is thought to be non-thermal and non-cavitational in origin (Morton et al., 1983).

The relative importance of

physical damage mechanisms is different when cells are held in

vitro or are in intact tissues in


Cavitation can lead to cell lysis

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7.2.3 Ultrastructural changes

There is a wealth of literature concerned with the eff ects of ultrasound on cellular ultrastructure. A variety of changes have been reported, many of them sublethal or reversible.

The extracellular membrane is an obvious target for study. Ultrasonically induced eff ects have usually manifested themselves as changes in permeability to ion transport. There are several examples of this, including the sublethal alteration in the thymocyte plasma membrane that leads to a decrease in potassium concentration following 1 W cm⁻2

irradiation in vitro at 1.8 MHz (Chapman, 1974) and the reversible increase in calcium uptake in fi broblasts shown by Mortimer and Dyson (1988) [1 MHz, 0.5–1.0 W cm⁻2 Ispta]. These eff ects have been under extensive investigation more recently with an upsurge of interest in ultrasound enhancement of drug and gene delivery (ter Haar, 2007; Deckers and Moonen, 2010).

Organelle damage following ultrasound exposure has been demonstrated using electron microscopy. Mitochondria are the most frequently aff ected. Lysosomal damage has been demonstrated following exposure to intact tissues, with the consequent release of lysosomal enzymes. However, it is not clear whether this is a direct or indirect eff ect of the ultrasound on the lysosomes (Dvorak and Hrazdira, 1966; Hrazdira, 1970; Taylor and Pond, 1972). Dilated rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) and some irregular intracellular lesions in addition to membrane and mitochondrial eff ects have been observed in exposures at intensities lying above the cavitation threshold (Harvey et al., 1975).

In general, in the absence of cavitation, the cell nucleus appears to be unaff ected by ultrasonic exposures. The only lesions that have been reported are slit-like vacuoles at the nuclear membrane (ter Haar et al., 1979).

7.2.4 DNA and chromosomal effects

Ultrasound can degrade DNA in solution. It appears that cavitation is necessary to achieve this, and that the damage is due to the hydrodynamic shear stresses, free-radical formation or excessive heating that may accompany cavitation events (Thacker, 1973; Miller and Thomas, 1995, 1996). As discussed in Chapter 5, such cavitation activity is unlikely to occur during diagnostic ultrasound exposures.

Considerable effort has been expended in looking for ultrasonically induced chromosomal aberrations and for sister chromatid exchange (SCE). The evidence is strong that even up to quite high intensities (100 W cm⁻2) ultrasound does not produce chromosomal damage (see Rott , 1981; EFSUMB, 1994 for comprehensive reviews). Although there have been occasional reports that ultrasound may induce chromosomal eff ects, these have never been independently substantiated by a second investigation, and the vast majority of the literature has yielded negative results. There may, however, be some synergistic eff ect when an ultrasound exposure follows X-irradiation, but not when it precedes it (810 kHz, 3 W cm⁻2; Kunze-Muhl, 1981).

Ultrasound can affect extracellular membrane permeability

Ultrasound affects mitochondria and lysosomes, but not the cell nucleus

DNA damage can only be induced by ultrasound in the presence of acoustic cavitation

Ultrasound does not produce chromosome damage

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SCE analysis is a frequently used assay for the effect of potentially mutagenic agents on mammalian cells (Latt and Schreck, 1980; Gebhart, 1981). Liebeskind et al. (1979) reported that diagnostic ultrasound might be capable of inducing SCEs in vitro. This stimulated a considerable amount of work, with the majority of investigators reporting negative findings even for intensities up to 3.0 W cm⁻2 (3.15 MHz cw). The significance of an increase in SCEs for the cell or whole organism is not properly understood.

7.2.5 Functional changes

Ultrasound exposures may act either to stimulate or inhibit cellular function. For example, ultrasound irradiation of human fi broblasts in vitro may act to increase protein synthesis. Ultrasound has been shown to have considerable eff ect on the synthesis of collagen by fi broblasts both in vitro and in vivo (Dyson and Smalley, 1983; Webster et al., 1979). Harvey et al. (1975) have demonstrated that when primary diploid human fi broblasts were irradiated with 3 MHz ultrasound at an intensity of 0.5 W cm⁻2 in vitro, the amount of protein synthesized was increased. Electron microscopic examination of irradiated cells revealed that, in comparison with control cells, there were more free ribosomes, more dilatation of RER, more cytoplasmic vacuolation, more autophagic vacuoles and more damage to lysosomal membranes and mitochondria. Subsequent work from the same group (Webster et al., 1978, 1980) has shown that cavitation may be involved in producing this stimulation of collagen synthesis. It has also been shown that ultrasound can stimulate the release of histamine by mast cell degranulation (Fyfe and Chahl, 1982), possibly by an increase of calcium ion transport across their membranes (Mortimer and Dyson, 1988).

Other observed functional changes have been associated with cellular motion. In time lapse photomicrography studies, ultrasonically induced changes in cellular movement that lasted for several generations were reported (Liebeskind et al., 1982). The electrophoretic mobility of cells may be aff ected by ultrasound (Taylor and Newman, 1972) although this refl ects a change in surface cell density arising from an increase in cellular volume. This appears only to occur in vitro in association with cavitation events (Mummery, 1978; Joshi et al., 1973).

7.3 Studies of multicellular organismsA wide range of tissue models has been used for the study of the eff ects of ultrasound on multicellular structures. These include plants, insects, fi sh, small and large animals and man. Only mammalian studies will be highlighted here, although useful information has also been derived from the other models.

7.3.1 Bone effects

The principle cause for concern when bone lies in an ultrasonic beam lies with periosteal heating since att enuation of energy by bone is too high to allow signifi cant

There are confl icting

reports about SCE increase

Ultrasound enhances collagen synthesis

Ultrasound affects cellular

movement and mobility

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penetration at diagnostic frequencies. This heating is likely to provide the limiting factor in physiotherapy or hyperthermia treatments as the periosteum is rich in nerve endings. There is also the possibility of signifi cant bone heating with pulsed Doppler examinations at the maximum available output levels. In the aware human, with normal pain sensitivity, excessive periosteal heating is likely to lead to pain. If the treatment is stopped when pain is felt, then it is probable that damage will be avoided. Of potential pulsed Doppler examinations, those in obstetrics give the most grounds for concern on these thermal grounds as proliferating tissue has been shown to be especially susceptible to thermal injury. In laboratory animals there have been measurements of biological signifi cant temperature rises (> 2 °C) close to the skull bone as a result of ultrasonic exposures (Carstensen et al., 1990; Duggan et al., 1995; Bosward et al., 1993; Horder et al., 1998; see Chapter 4).

There are some reports that ultrasound can accelerate bone healing (Claes and Willie, 2007, Chang et al., 2002, Duarte, 1983). The mechanism for this is not clear. Experimental studies of fracture in rat fi bulae indicate that ultrasonic irradiation during the infl ammatory and early proliferative phases of repair accelerates and enhances healing. Direct ossifi cation, with litt le cartilage production, is seen. Treatment in the late proliferative phase, however, was found to be disadvantageous, cartilage growth being stimulated, with delay to bony union (Dyson and Brookes, 1983). In their study, it was found that 1.5 MHz was more eff ective than 3.0 MHz (Isatp 0.5 W cm⁻2, 2 ms:8 ms, 5 min), and so a non-thermal eff ect is suggested. This fi nding has been repeated by a number of authors. Pilla et al. (1990) showed that the strength of that of intact bone was reached in ultrasonically treated rabbit fi bulae 17 days after osteotomy as compared to 28 days for control animals (1.5 MHz, Isata 0.03 W cm⁻2, 200 μs: 800 μs, 20 min daily). Heckman et al. (1994) demonstrated similar acceleration of healing in a human clinical trial. They treated open fractures of the tibial shaft, and found a signifi cant reduction in the time needed to achieve clinical and radiographic healing (96 ± 4.9 days for the ultrasonically treated group, 154 ± 13.7 days for the control group) (1.5 MHz, Isata 0.03 W cm⁻2, 200 μs:800 μs, daily, starting within 7 days of fracture). There appears to be evidence that it is not only the time at which treatment is started that is important, but also the dose level. Too high an intensity can lead to inhibition of protein synthesis, or, at worst to deleterious eff ects. Tsai et al. (1992) found that whereas 0.5 W cm⁻2 (Isata) signifi cantly accelerated bone repair, 1.0 cm⁻2 (Isata) suppressed the repair process (1.5 MHz, 200 μs, 5–20 min daily). Reher et al. (1997) found in an in vitro study of the eff ect of ultrasound exposure on mouse calveria bone, that whereas 0.1 W cm⁻2 (3 MHz, 2 ms:8 ms, 5 min) stimulated collagen and non-collagenous protein synthesis, intensities of 0.5–2 W cm⁻2 inhibited these. The observed protein synthesis stimulation was att ributed to osteoblastic activity. Yang et al. (1996) found a statistically signifi cant increase in mechanical strength in fractured rat femurs at 0.05 W cm⁻2 (Isata, 0.5 MHz) but not at 0.1 W cm⁻2. They noted a shift in the expression of genes associated with cartilage formation in the treated bones. Aggrecan gene expression was higher than control values on Day 7, but lower than control on Day 21. Wang et al. (1994) found ultrasonically accelerated fracture repair at 21 days in a rat femoral model, but only at 1.5 MHz (Isata 0.03 W cm⁻2, 200 μs: 800 μs) and not at 0.5 MHz.

Bone may be heated by ultrasound

Ultrasound can accelerate bone repair

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7.3.2 Effects on soft tissues

Ultrastructural changes resulting from ultrasonic exposure of intact soft tissues have been described above. Extracellular membranes, lysosomes and mitochondria are the cellular sites most readily aff ected. Ultrasonic exposure of soft-tissue wounds can accelerate healing (Dyson et al., 1968; Dyson, 1990; Young and Dyson, 1990; De Deyne and Kirsch-Volders, 1995). This is probably due to the stimulation of protein synthesis.

Intensities above 1 W cm⁻2 have been shown to produce a variety of eff ects in smooth muscle. These include alteration of contractile activity (Talbert, 1975; ter Haar et al., 1978) and inhibition of action potentials (Hu et al., 1978). These eff ects are thought to be due to acoustic streaming mediated alteration of ion transport across cell membranes.

7.3.3 Effects on blood components and vasculature

The most fragile component of the vasculature is the platelet population. Damage to platelets is important because it carries with it the associated risk of thrombus formation. Williams (1974) and Miller et al. (1979) have shown that platelet damage may be induced in vitro by the shear stresses associated with an ultrasonic exposure, at levels lower than those needed to produce damage to erythrocytes. In the presence of stable bubbles, platelets in suspension in vitro may be damaged at spatial average intensities as low as 0.8 W cm⁻2 (Miller et al., 1979).

In contrast, it appears that erythrocytes are resistant to ultrasonically induced damage. In the presence of collapse (inertial cavitation) haemolysis has been observed (Rooney, 1970; Williams et al., 1970; Wong and Watmough, 1980). ATP may be released at lower spatial average intensities in the presence of non-inertial cavitation (Williams and Miller, 1980).

Whole blood in vivo is continuously fi ltered of impurities, and so is not rich in potential cavitation nuclei. It is therefore very diffi cult to induce cavitation in whole blood. However, Brayman et al. (1996a,b) have demonstrated that it may occur if the acoustic pressure is suffi ciently high (~17 MPa). The addition of gas-fi lled contrast agents to whole or diluted blood may reduce the acoustic pressure thresholds for the production of cavitation to as low as 11 MPa (Miller and Thomas, 1995; 1996; Brayman et al., 1995; Ivey et al., 1995). However, this is still signifi cantly higher than the pressures found in commercial diagnostic scanners.

In vivo att empts to detect damage to blood components has largely proved negative (Williams et al., 1977; Deng et al., 1996; Dalecki et al., 1997; Poliachik et al., 1999). This is perhaps unsurprising since it is to be expected that only a small volume of cells is likely to be aff ected, and any that were would rapidly become diluted by normal cells fl owing into the area. Dalecki et al. (1997) were able to detect a clinically insignifi cant level of haemolysis (<4%) following exposure of mouse blood through the chest wall. At 2.35 MHz only 0.46% haemolysis was detected for a pressure amplitude of 10 MPa.

Ultrasound may stimulate

wound healing

Ultrasound may damage platelets

Erythrocytes are resistant

to ultrasound damage

It is diffi cult to produce

cavitation in whole blood

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Erythrocyte extravasation has been observed following ultrasound exposure of mammalian lungs. This is the subject of extensive review in Chapter 5.

Haemorrhage has been observed close to foetal bone (1.2 MHz; peak positive pressure 4 MPa, peak rarefactional pressure 2.5 MPa) (Dalecki et al., 1999). This has been att ributed to the relative motion between partially ossifi ed bones and surrounding tissues, which may result in damage to the fragile foetal blood vessels. A thermal mechanism has also been suggested (Bigelow et al., 2007).

Damage to the plasma membrane of the luminal aspect of endothelial cells of the blood vessels in the chick embryo and in mouse uterus have been seen following exposure to ultrasonic standing waves in vivo (Dyson et al., 1974; ter Haar et al., 1979).

7.3.4 Consequences of ultrasonic exposure of embryos in utero

The most important question to be considered when the safety of obstetric ultrasound is under consideration is whether ultrasound has any deleterious eff ect on the embryo when irradiated in utero. The literature on this topic has been extensively reviewed (Church and Miller, 2007; NCRP, 2002; Miller et al., 2002; AGNIR, 2010). This question has been addressed through studies into gross teratogenetic eff ects, developmental changes and genetic eff ects. The majority of these studies have been carried out in rats and mice. While these yield some interesting results, there are a number of limitations to these studies. In particular, the acoustic fi eld is diffi cult to quantify in these small animals, and in most cases, the beam may have exposed a large fraction of the animal, with the consequent possibility of whole-body heating (Miller et al., 2002; Edwards et al., 2003).

Raised maternal or foetal temperatures can result in a spectrum of adverse outcomes that aff ect many developing tissues, but especially the developing brain and nervous system. While the likelihood is low, it is possible that pulsed ultrasound could aff ect the integrity of maternal and developing tissues through non-thermal interactions, and especially by cavitational mechanisms when ultrasound contrast agents are present (Abramowicz, 2005).

Whole embryo culture is sometimes used as a model system for the study of external infl uences on embryonic development. Ramnarine et al. (1998) exposed rat embryos in culture to ultrasound with a range of intensity levels at frequencies between 1 MHz and 4 MHz for 30 min. No signifi cant eff ects were found for spatial-peak temporal-average intensities below 4 W cm⁻2 or negative pressures below 1.9 MPa. These levels are higher than used in diagnostic ultrasound machines (see Chapter 3). At higher exposure levels some gross morphological abnormalities such as cephalocaudal fl exion and abnormal head development were observed. Both thermal and cavitational mechanisms were implicated in these findings. A maximum temperature rise of 3.5 °C was observed within the sample holder. Bubbles were produced during the higher ultrasound exposures, indicating that cavitation had occurred. There is no good evidence that cavitation occurs in vivo at diagnostic ultrasound exposure levels. Moreover, 30 min is a longer exposure time than would be expected during clinical examinations (ter Haar, 2008).

Ultrasound effects have been reported in embryo culture

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There have been a large number of studies of the eff ect of ultrasound on embryonic and foetal development following exposure in utero. In general, no abnormalities have been observed in the absence of a temperature rise to levels above 41.5 °C (Shoji et al., 1975; Hara et al., 1977; Hara, 1980). Lele (1979), Edwards (1986, 1993) and Abramowicz et al. (2008) have shown that uterine hyperthermia can lead to a number of teratological eff ects, foetal resorption and growth retardation.

The eff ect of in utero ultrasound exposure on neuronal migration in mice on day 16 of gestation has been studied (Ang et al., 2006). There was no diff erence in brain size or gross cortical architecture when studied 10 days after birth, but there was a statistically signifi cant dose dependent diff erence in neuronal dispersion in animals that had been exposed to ultrasound for 30 min or more, with ~4% more neurons in the experimental group of animals remaining in the deeper neuronal layers after 60 min of exposure. In control animals all neurons had reached the superfi cial layers. A number of important factors must be considered when extrapolating these results to the human. For experimental reasons, the pregnant females required restraint during exposure. This, alone, infl uences neuronal migration, as was shown by the increased dispersion in the sham control animals. There was very litt le ultrasound att enuation in the tissue path overlying the foetal mice, leading to much higher intensities than might be experienced by the human foetus. The whole foetal mouse was exposed, whereas only a small proportion of the human foetus would be using these probes. It is therefore diffi cult to extrapolate these results to human exposures, and their functional signifi cance is diffi cult to judge, since the neurons involved may not persist.

A number of reports have suggested that ultrasonic irradiation in utero may result in foetal weight reduction (O’Brien, 1976; Stolzenberg et al., 1980; Tachibana et al., 1977). Barnett and Williams (1990) concluded that the adverse eff ects seen were caused by changes in maternal physiology produced largely by heating of maternal organs such as the bladder and spine.

The majority of the studies reported in the literature have been conducted at the potentially most sensitive stage of organogenesis (about 8 days in the mouse, 9 days in the rat). Despite this, no adverse eff ects have been seen at exposure levels used diagnostically. It therefore seems unlikely that current obstetric diagnostic ultrasound practice will lead to teratogenic or developmental changes. Available human epidemiological studies reinforce this fi nding (see Chapter 9).

7.4 ConclusionWhile a number of ultrasonically induced changes in biological systems have been reported, it is important that they be assessed in an informed manner. It must be remembered that the mechanisms by which eff ects may be produced in vitro may not carry the same weight as those that operate in vivo. In addition, the diffi culties in scaling ultrasonic beams to an appropriate size for small animal exposures mean that a proportionately much larger fraction of, for example, a rat uterus, is exposed by a stationary beam than is the case for a human foetus.

No effects have been seen in

embryos or foetuses of

experimental animals exposed to ultrasound in


There have been reports

that ultrasound exposures may

lead to reduced birth weight

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Nevertheless, useful information can be gleaned from the existing literature, and while there is currently no good biological evidence which suggests that ultrasound for obstetric examinations should be withheld, constant vigilance and continued, targeted research is essential.

AcknowledgementThis chapter is a revised version of Chapter 7 in the second edition. The contribution of Stan Barnett to that chapter is acknowledged.

ReferencesAbramowicz JS. 2005. Ultrasonographic contrast media: has the time come in obstetrics and gynecology? J Ultrasound Med, 24, 517–531.Abramowicz JS, Barnett SB, Duck FA, Edmonds PD, Hynynen KH, Ziskin MC. 2008. Fetal thermal eff ects of diagnostic ultrasound. J Ultrasound Med, 27, 541–559.AGNIR. 2010. Health Eff ects of Exposure to Ultrasound & Infrasound Advisory Group on Non-ionising Radiation. London, UK: Health Protection Agency.Ang Jr ES, Gluncic V, Duque A, Schafer ME, Rakic P. 2006. Prenatal exposure to ultrasound waves impacts neuronal migration in mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 103, 12903–12910.Barnett SB, Williams AR. 1990. Identifi cation of possible mechanisms responsible for fetal weight reduction in mice following exposure. Ultrasonics, 28, 159–165.Bigelow TA, Miller RJ, Blue JP, O’Brien Jr WD. 2007. Haemorrhage near fetal rat bone exposed to pulsed ultrasound. Ultrasound Med Biol, 33, 311–317.Bleaney BI, Blackbourne P, Kirkley J. 1972. Resistance of CHLF hamster cells to ultrasonic radiation of 1.5 MHz frequency. Br J Radiol, 45, 354–357.Bosward KL, Barnett SB, Wood AKW, Edwards MJ, Kossoff G. 1993. Heating of guinea-pig fetal brain during exposure to pulsed ultrasound. Ultrasound Med Biol, 19, 415–424.Brayman AA, Doida Y, Miller MW. 1992. Apparent contribution of respiratory gas exchange to the in vitro “cell density eff ect” in ultrasonic cell lysis. Ultrasound Med Biol, 18, 701–714.Brayman AA, Azadniv M, Makin IRS, Miller MW, Carstensen EL, Child SZ, et al. 1995. Eff ect of a stabilised microbubble contrast agent on haemolysis of human erythrocytes exposed to high intensity pulsed ultrasound. Echocardiography, 12, 13–21.Brayman AA, Azadniv M, Cox C, Miller MW. 1996a. Haemolysis of Albunex-supplemented, 40% haematocrit human erythrocytes in vitro by 1 MHz pulsed ultrasound: acoustic pressure and pulse length dependence. Ultrasound Med Biol, 22, 927–938.Brayman AA, Church CC, Miller MW. 1996b. Re-evaluation of the concept that high cell concentrations “protect” cells in vitro from ultrasonically induced lysis. Ultrasound Med Biol, 22, 497–514.Carstensen EL, Child SZ, Norton S, Nyborg WL. 1990. Ultrasonic heating of the skull. J Acoust Soc Am, 87, 1310–1317.Carstensen EL, Kelly P, Church CC, Brayman AA, Child SZ, Raeman CH, et al. 1993. Lysis of erythrocytes by exposure to CW ultrasound. Ultrasound Med Biol, 19, 147–165.Chang WH, Sun JS, Chang SP, Lin JC. 2002. Study of thermal eff ects of ultrasound stimulation on fracture healing. Bioelectromagnetics, 23, 256–263.

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The Safe Use of Ultrasound in Medical Diagnosis

Summary• Ultrasound contrast agents are complex drugs consisting of suspended gas bodies.• Post-marketing surveillance has identified adverse events, which led to the inclusion

of new warnings and contraindications in package inserts.• Ultrasonic activation of the gas bodies produces strong echoes, and concentrates

mechanical activity in their vicinity, which can lead to localized biological effects.• Reported bio-effects include subcellular lesions, cell lysis, capillary leakage and

haemorrhage, lethal injury of cardiomyocytes, cardiac arrhythmia, renal tubular obstruction and haematuria.

• The current mechanical index does not provide actual dosimetric information for biological effects when gas-body based contrast agents are used in diagnostic ultrasound.

• The optimum risk-to-benefit ratio may be obtained for the patient through the diligent application of the contraindications, warnings and usage instructions for ultrasound contrast agents.

8.1 IntroductionThe concept of contrast enhancement by an external agent originated early in the evolution of diagnostic imaging by ultrasound. Blood-filled regions often appear empty in an ultrasound image, and provision of material (contrast agent), which brings the image brightness above the normal background of blood or tissue, can yield new diagnostic information. Beginning with observations of contrast from saline injections (Gramiak, 1997), the development of ultrasound contrast agents has progressed to an expanding list of commercially-developed agents which are approved for clinical use. Ultrasound contrast agents are unique in several ways. Since ultrasound images involve echoes, a passive absorptive agent (analogous to the iodinated agents used in X-ray angiography) would be of little value. The ideal contrast agents for ultrasound are suspensions of

Chapter 8The safe use of contrast-enhanced

diagnostic ultrasound

Douglas L. Miller Department of Radiology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA

Modern ultrasound contrast agents consist of suspensions of stabilized microbubbles engineered to persist when in the circulation

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Advanced contrast agents

use low solubility gases and a

stabilizing skin to extend lifetime

microbubbles that can circulate through the body and provide strong pulse echoes. Contrast echocardiography has been shown to be useful in cardiology both for left ventricular boarder delineation and for assessing perfusion of the myocardium (Porter and Xie, 2010). In addition, contrast-enhanced diagnostic ultrasound (CEDUS) is utilized in abdominal organs, particularly for evaluation of liver masses (Cosgrove, 2006; Wilson and Burns, 2010). In this review of safety issues, the advantages and benefi ts of CEDUS will not be described in detail; the reader is referred to several comprehensive books (Nanda et al., 1997; Thomsen et al., 1999; Goldberg et al., 2001) and numerous reviews on specifi c applications.

Since the fi rst review of the safe use of ultrasound contrast agents (Miller, 2000), the progress and adoption of CEDUS has been negatively impacted by safety issues, which are the topic of this update. Ultrasound contrast agents present two distinct types of risks. First, these agents have many of the same potential risk factors as other injectable agents, such as adverse reactions, which have been of concern for regulatory agencies. Second, diagnostic ultrasound pulses not only activate the gas bodies, producing strong and unique echoes for imaging, but can also nucleate ultrasonic cavitation, a potential mechanism for bio-eff ects. Without the addition of such exogenous cavitation nuclei, cavitation thresholds are expected to be high (Church, 2002; Carstensen et al., 2000). Thus, the injection of gas-body based contrast agents into the circulation introduces an entirely novel risk of bio-eff ects for diagnostic ultrasound. Several authoritative reviews of bio-eff ects considerations for CEDUS have been conducted by the National Council on Radiation Protection (NCRP, 2002), the World Federation of Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (Barnett et al., 2007) and the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (Miller et al., 2008a) among others. Unfortunately, the research has not been exhaustive or conclusive, leaving many uncertainties. The purpose of this update is to review recent developments in ultrasound contrast agents, their ultrasonic behaviour, pharmacological safety issues, bio-eff ects research and guidance for the safe use of CEDUS.

8.2 Ultrasound contrast agents and how they work

8.2.1 Gas-body design

Some popular commercial agents, which have been approved for clinical use, are listed in Table 8.1. In addition, other agents are under development and in clinical trails, which may be approved in the near future. The two agents Echovist and Levovist (Schering AG, Berlin) consist of dry galactose particles which are manually reconstituted for use (Schlief et al., 1993). The ultrasonic att enuation produced by Levovist peaks at about 2–3 MHz, indicating a typical bubble size of 2.7 μm. Albunex (Molecular Biosystems, Inc. or Mallinckrodt, Inc.) was created by sonication of a solution of human serum albumin, which produced numerous gas bodies with stable shells of denatured albumin about 15 nm in thickness (Christiansen et al., 1994). Advanced agents have been invented to improve persistence in the circulation. Optison (GE Healthcare, Princeton, NJ, USA) is related to the earlier product Albunex, but contains perfl utren, a gas which is much less soluble in aqueous media than air (Killam and Ditt rich, 1997). The product contains about 5–8 × 108 per ml of gas bodies with a mean diameter range of 3.0–4.5 μm, which

Safety issues for the clinical use of ultrasound

contrast materials include adverse

reactions to the drugs and

biological effects associated

with ultrasonic cavitation

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are stable under refrigeration for several years. Defi nity (Lantheus Medical Imaging, N Billerica, MA, USA) is prepared by shaking a 2 ml vial containing clear liquid and octafl uoropropane gas, which produces a creamy suspension containing 1.2 × 1010 lipid-stabilized microbubbles per ml with a 1.1–3.3 μm mean diameter range. Imagent (Perfl exane Lipid Microsphere, Alliance Pharmaceutical, San Diego, CA, USA) is reconstituted with 10 ml of water, which results in about 109 per ml of lipid-stabilized microbubbles of 6 μm volume-weighted mean diameter. Sonovue (Bracco International, Amsterdam, The Netherlands) is reconstituted from a dry powder with 5 ml of saline, which yields a suspension of 2–5 × 108 lipid-stabilized microbubbles per ml of 1–10 μm diameter with sulphur hexafl uoride gas.

8.2.2 Physics of ultrasound contrast agents

Commercial ultrasound contrast agents consist of gas bodies in a carrier medium. Gas bodies interact with a low-amplitude acoustic pressure wave by pulsating, much like a simple resonant oscillator. The size range required for passage through the circulation, less than about 4 μm radius, fortuitously coincides with the range of strongly responding sizes of bubbles in the MHz frequency range of diagnostic ultrasound. Although the stabilizing shells or skins reduce the pulsation relative to free gaseous microbubbles, measurements of scatt ering have shown that these gas bodies are more eff ective, by orders of magnitude, in producing echoes than are cells of the blood.

At amplitudes relevant to diagnostic imaging, the scatt ered ultrasound includes the second harmonic, which can be exploited in harmonic imaging modes of ultrasound scanners to produce stronger contrast between the agents and tissue (Krishna and Newhouse, 1997). Another useful non-linear signal is the subharmonic, which may have

Contrast gas bodies less than about 4 mm radius can pass through the capillary bed: they also provide strong echoes at diagnostic ultrasound frequencies

Agent designation Stabilization Gas Associated

companyExemplary citation

Echovist Galactose Air Schering AG Schlief et al., 1993

Albunex Albumin Air Mallinckrodt Bleeker et al., 1990

Levovist Galactose Air Schering AG Schlief et al., 1993

Optison Albumin Perfl utren Mallinckrodt Killam and Ditt rich, 1997

Defi nity Lipids Octafl uoropropane ImaRx Pharm. Unger et al., 1997

Sonovue Lipids Sulphur hexafl uoride

Bracco Diagnostics

Schneider et al., 1995

Imagent US Surfactants Perfl exane Alliance Pharm. Matt rey and Pelura, 1997

Table 8.1. A partial listing of ultrasound contrast agents, which have been approved for clinical use.

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advantages over the second harmonic for imaging (Forsberg et al., 2000). The non-linear behaviour can be exploited by using special imaging modes designed to separate the gas-body echoes from normal tissue echoes (Averkiou et al., 2003). These modes can utilize relatively low power to image tissue perfusion with contrast agent in real-time (Cosgrove and Blomley, 2004). The actual tissue blood supply at the capillary level is revealed, which is not possible for non-contrast diagnostic ultrasound imaging.

8.2.3 Gas-body stability and nucleation of inertial cavitation

Although the commercial gas-body contrast agents are stable in storage for extended periods, most are unstable during handling and use. The gas bodies are also susceptible to destruction by ultrasound, because the stabilizing fi lms or shells are fragile (Stride and Saff ari, 2003). At low pulse rarefactional pressure amplitudes (RPAs), the shells can eff ectively prevent expansion, resulting in a one-sided oscillation (Marmott ant et al., 2005). However, at higher amplitudes the gas bodies become unstable, and are eff ectively destroyed by the diagnostic ultrasound. The destruction of the gas bodies can be complex and depends strongly on the ultrasonic RPAs (Shi et al., 2000; Chomas et al., 2001). Basically, however, at modest RPAs the stabilization is lost, which leads to release of free gaseous microbubbles, followed by dissolution at the conclusion of the pulse (Porter et al., 2006).

At the time of destabilization, the liberated microbubble can exhibit a greatly increased echo amplitude. This process can also be viewed as the nucleation of cavitation activity. The possible initiation of inertial cavitation during CEDUS is important because cavitation is a well-known potential mechanism for biological eff ects of ultrasound (see Chapter 5). Secondary mechanisms for bio-eff e cts arising from the cavity dynamics may include: volume pulsation, fragmentation, mechanical displacement and tearing of structures, capillary circumferential stress, formation of destructive liquid jets, acoustic microstreaming, transient hot-spots and creation of free radicals by the extreme temperatures achieved inside microbubbles upon inertial collapse (NCRP, 2002).

Early in the consideration of diagnostic ultrasound safety, Apfel (1982) and Flynn (1982) showed that cavitation was theoretically possible for diagnostic ultrasound. The thresholds for nucleation of cavitation in blood when ideal nuclei were present was analysed by Apfel and Holland (1991). The threshold ranged from about 0.4 MPa at 1 MHz to 1.1 MPa at 10 MHz, which are well within the capabilities of diagnostic ultrasound machines.

8.3 Pharmaceutical considerations and post-marketing surveillance

8.3.1 Drug approval and regulation

The clinical safety and effi cacy of ultrasound contrast agents are evaluated by regulatory agencies before approval for use. These agents carry the general risks of bleeding and infection that pertain to any injection procedure. The agents are approved as injectable

Contrast agents are easily

destroyed by diagnostic

ultrasound, eliminating

the contrast-enhancement phenomenon

Released microbubbles

may act as nuclei for inertial

cavitation, an important

potential mechanism for

biological effects

Microbubble pulsation is

non-linear, which allows special

contrast-specifi c imaging modes


Potential adverse drug reactions to ultrasound

contrast agents have been

detected in the sensitive porcine model of human


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drugs, but are not intended to be pharmacologically active. After intravenous injection, most agents are depleted from the circulation by the lungs or by the reticuloendothelial system, with a potential for adverse reactions. In research, anaphylactoid reactions are rare in rats, but are frequent and severe in swine, which makes this animal a sensitive test subject for drug reactions (e.g. Szebeni et al., 2007). Such reactions are known to occur from ultrasound contrast agents, including Defi nity (Grauer et al., 1996), Albunex (Ostensen et al., 1992) and Sonovue (Bramos et al., 2008). In a recent study of renal bio-eff ects in swine (Miller et al., 2010a, see below), the reactions to contrast agent infusion complicated the experiments with 4 of 48 (8.3%) swine having life-threatening reactions. These reactions occurred even after brief pre-treatment with Diphenhydramine and Dexamethasone as a preventative measure.

The gases used in advanced ultrasound contrast agents can be of concern under some conditions, due to their relatively slow dissolution. In rodents, injection of gas-carrier contrast agents can induce intestinal and hepatic lesions due to the growth of relatively large gas bubbles (Rasmussen et al., 2003; Dirven et al., 2003). In addition, intra-arterial injection of a contrast agent can lead to local blood–brain barrier disruption, without any ultrasound exposure (Mychaskiw et al., 2000). The mechanism of this eff ect is uncertain, but may be related to relatively large gas bodies containing perfl utren gas, which can enter the brain directly by intra-arterial injection without the fi ltering eff ect of lung passage.

Optison and Defi nity were approved for patients with suboptimal echocardiograms in 1997 and 2001, respectively. In post-marketing surveillance, serious adverse events were reported, prompting a re-evaluation of the labelling for these agents in 2007. A “black box” warning of serious cardiopulmonary reactions and contraindications were added to the package inserts. The contraindications were later relaxed, but warnings remain for serious cardiopulmonary reactions, anaphylactoid reactions, systemic embolization in patients with cardiac shunts, high ultrasound mechanical index (MI) (greater than 0.8) and QTc prolongation in the electrocardiogram (ECG). These are noteworthy warnings for clinical diagnostic ultrasound. For example, QTc prolongation has recently become an important factor for drug safety evaluation (Shah, 2005; Whellan et al., 2009). The guideline used by the FDA Center for Drug Evaluation and Research is that a QTc prolongation >20 ms may be of concern (CDER, 2005). The package insert for Defi nity lists a warning that in a preclinical study, a QTc prolongation >30 ms was noted in 29% of subjects (64/221). The revised package inserts are available on line at FDA (2008a) for Optison and FDA (2008b) for Defi nity. Sonovue was approved by the European Medicines Agency in 2001. A post-marketing review in 2004 resulted in an Urgent Safety Restriction issued in 2004, including suppression of the echocardiography indication. A scientifi c discussion is available on line at EMA (2004). The restrictions were later relaxed, and a new European Public Assessment Report issued (EMA, 2008).

8.3.2 Recent epidemiological studies

The restrictions placed in the labelling of contrast agents have been controversial, and have stimulated several retrospective epidemiological studies of possible adverse eff ects. A study was conducted using records of 23,188 investigations using Sonovue

Intra-arterial injection of contrast agents is not recommended for CEDUS examinations

Advanced ultrasound contrast agents have been the subject of regulatory review for serious adverse events reported in post-marketing surveillance

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in abdominal applications (Piscaglia et al., 2006). Adverse events were reported in only 29 cases. No information was available on the prevalence of cardiac disease, the reasons for the examinations, the dose or ultrasound imaging utilized. No comparison was made with non-contrast patients. Kusnetz ky et al. (2008) investigated the incidence of death within 24 h of echocardiography examination in records of 12,475 patients without contrast and 6,196 with Defi nity. The death rate was 0.37% without contrast and 0.42% with contrast, which was not a statistically signifi cant increase. Litt le patient information, such as the reason for the examinations, was available. A large database was used to examine 24 h mortality after echocardiography in a study supported by Lantheus Medical Imaging (Main et al., 2008). Echocardiography was performed during hospitalization in 4,242,712 patients without contrast enhancement and 58,254 (1.4% of the total) with Defi nity enhancement. The contrast dosage or ultrasound examination methods were not specifi ed. The 24 h mortality rates were 1.08% and 1.06% for non-contrast and contrast echocardiography patients, respectively. Multivariate logistic regression analysis indicated that contrast echocardiography patients were 24% less likely to die than patients not receiving a contrast agent (adjusted odds ratio 0.76, 95% confi dence interval 0.70–0.82). However, only crude mortality data (not cause of death) were available for the patients, and the vast majority of patients did not receive ultrasound contrast agent due to clinical contraindications. Records of 5,250 consecutive adult patients were evaluated prospectively for adverse events after dobutamine–atropine stress echocardiography and myocardial contrast echocardiography (MCE) with Sonovue (Aggeli et al., 2008). Patients with unstable angina, acute coronary syndrome in the previous 30 days and other similar criteria were excluded. An average of 2.5 ml of Sonovue was given within 1 min, and 1.7 MHz real-time MCE [mechanical index (MI) = 0.1–0.2] was used with intermitt ent agent-destructive scans (MI = 1.7). There were no reported deaths. A variety of adverse events was reported, with the most prevalent event being dry-mouth (19.8%). The total of cardiac arrhythmia events was 6.3%, including 4% incidence of premature ventricular contractions. There was no comparison with non-contrast patient groups.

8.4 Research on biological effects induced by CEDUS

8.4.1 Bio-effects in vitro

Many in vitro studies of cavitation bio-eff ects have taken advantage of the nucleation ability of ultrasound contrast agents to improve and enhance results (Miller, 2007). These studies reveal the range of potential cellular bio-eff ects with contrast agents, but results are not necessarily directly applicable to in vivo conditions. Only a few studies have employed actual clinical ultrasound machines. Miller and Quddus (2000a) studied cell membrane bio-eff ects in epidermoid cell monolayers scanned using Optison and 3.5 MHz diagnostic ultrasound. The monolayer was located at the top of the vessel during exposure so that the gas bodies would rise to become adjacent to the monolayer. Sonoporation (transient membrane permeabilization) was detected at RPAs as low as 0.23 MPa in pulsed Doppler mode and 0.39 MPa in B-mode. Phagocytic cells grown in monolayers and pre-incubated with Optison to att ach the gas bodies to the cells were lysed by exposure to ultrasound produced by a diagnostic ultrasound machine operated

Recent epidemiological

studies are reassuring that

the 24 h mortality rates were similar

for patients receiving contrast

or non-contrast ultrasound


The thresholds for membrane

injury and lysis in monolayer cells

have been shown to be very low

and proportional to diagnostic

ultrasonic frequency

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in spectral Doppler mode, with an RPA threshold of ~0.2 MPa (Miller and Quddus 2001). In similar experiments using 2-cycle ultrasound pulses, the RPA thresholds for killing phagocytic cells pre-loaded with Optison showed a linear correlation (r2 = 0.982) with frequency over the 1–10 MHz range, increasing with a slope of ~0.06 MPa/MHz (Miller and Dou 2004a). These data are plott e d in Figure 8.1. These pressure thresholds were lower than those for nucleation of inertial cavitation and were proportional to the frequency (not its square root, as expected from the MI, see Figure 8.1). The frequency dependence of gas-body destabilization and cellular bio-eff ects observed for this in vitro system can be modelled by theory for shell stresses and acoustic microstreaming shear stress on cells (Miller and Dou, 2004b). The theory substantiated the observed linear dependence of thresholds on frequency. Owing to the design of this model monolayer system for maximum sensitivity to cellular bio-eff ects, the thresholds observed may approximate the lowest RPAs for which biologically signifi cant bio-eff ects (i.e. cell killing) can be expected for CEDUS.

Figure 8.1. The frequency dependence of in vitro lysis of monolayer cells (diamonds) with contrast agent gas bodies in contact with the cells, determined using simulated diagnostic exposure. Thresholds for glomerular capillary haemorrhage in rat kidney are also plotted for diagnostic ultrasound exposure (open circles) and simulated diagnostic ultrasound (fi lled circles). The straight lines were fi tted to the data by the least-squares method and indicate a strong dependence of CEDUS bio-effects thresholds (approximate proportionality to frequency). For comparison, the US-FDA maximum value of the on-screen mechanical index (MI = 1.9) for diagnostic scanners is also plotted.

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8.4.2 Early research on CEDUS induced bio-effects in vivo

For pulsed ultrasound, the presence of Albunex gas bodies in the circulation enhanced the induction of petechiae in mouse intestine (Miller and Gies, 1998). The occurrence of microvascular injury to rat mesentery was examined by Kobyashi et al. (2002, 2003) using diagnostic ultrasound in an intra-vital preparation. A phased array probe was used at 1.8 MHz RPAs of 0.14 MPa (equivalent mechanical index, eMI ~0.10) or 0.82 MPa (eMI ~0.61) with Levovist or Defi nity. Capillary ruptures and endothelial cell killing were observed in capillaries and venules (but not arterioles) for real-time imaging even for the low-MI sett ing. Micro-vessel rupture was observed to occur with intra-vital microscopy in rat spinotrapezius muscle (Skyba et al., 1998). Optison gas bodies were injected and exposed with a 2.3 MHz diagnostic ultrasound scanner in the harmonic imaging mode resulted in capillary rupture and non-viable cells for eMI values above 0.4. The induction of petechiae and capillary leakage by CEDUS was found in skeletal muscle in vivo by Miller and Quddus (2000b). The beam from a 2.5 MHz diagnostic probe was aimed at the abdomens of anesthetized mice mounted in a water bath to provide conditions simulating human exposure. Muscle petechiae were signifi cantly elevated relative to shams at RPAs above 0.64 MPa (eMI = 0.4). A single image frame was suffi cient to produce petechiae and capillary rupture was also seen in fat, small intestine and Peyers' patches (intestinal lymph nodes).

8.4.3 Bio-effects in contrast-enhanced echocardiography

Ultrasound contrast agents were initially applied in echocardiography to opacify the left ventricular chamber and improve endocardial border delineation, which remains, at this time, the only indication approved in the USA. In addition, MCE can be used to image perfusion, which includes intermitt ent scans to destroy gas bodies in the myocardial microcirculation (Porter and Xie, 2010). During MCE, increased numbers of premature complexes (PCs) in the ECG were reported in humans with an experimental contrast agent by van der Wouw et al. (2000). Intermitt ent imaging was conducted at 1.66 MHz with a signifi cant increase in PCs to about 1 per minute seen for end-systolic triggering at MI = 1.5, but not at MI = 1.1. Subsequently, this PC-eff ect of MCE has been reported independently (confi rming the observation) in humans using experimental contrast agents (Chapman et al., 2005), in dogs using a commercial agent (Okazaki et al., 2004; Miller et al., 2006), and also in rats with various agents (e.g. Li et al., 2003, 2004; Vancraeynest et al., 2009). The PCs from MCE are important because these provide a clinically observable indication of myocardial perturbation.

The microvascular eff ects of MCE have been examined in several diff erent animal models. Chen et al. (2002) imaged rat hearts at 1.3 MHz with ECG triggering each 4 cardiac cycles with Optison or Defi nity, and found elevations of Troponin T in blood plasma, indicating myocardial damage, after 30 min for MIs of 1.2 and 1.6. Clinical studies of MCE were conducted with Optison and power Doppler imaging at 1.7–1.9 MHz each 1–3 heartbeats at end systole with no consistent changes in cardiac injury markers (Borges et al., 2002; Knebel et al., 2005). However, Vancraeynest et al. (2007) detected a signifi cant release of cardiac

Capillary leakage and rupture in

intestine and skeletal muscle

has been shown to occur in mice for CEDUS, even for single image


MCE with intermittent

contrast destruction can

induce ECG premature

complexes in animals and


MCE can induce microvascular

bio-effects including capillary leakage, capillary

haemorrhage, release of cardiac injury biomarkers,

and transient arrhythmia

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injury biomarkers in humans, including troponin I in a group with 1.3 MHz MCE at an MI of 1.5. In rats, MCE at 1.7 MHz with Optison, Defi nity or Imagent was reported to induce microvascular permeabilization and PCs (Li et al., 2003, 2004). Threshold RPAs above which eff ects were signifi cant were about the same for all three agents, and were 1.0 MPa (eMI = 0.8) for PCs and 0.54 MPa (eMI = 0.41) for capillary haemorrhage. Similar bio-eff ects were seen in a canine model of MCE (Miller et al., 2006), as shown for open-chest imaging in Figure 8.2. The resulting leakage of blue dye and petechiae is shown in Figure 8.3a. Vancraeynest et al. (2009) reported that triggered imaging at high MI with multiple doses of contrast agent over periods up to 30 min resulted in left ventricular dysfunction, ST-segment elevation and even the death of some rats (up to 5 of 6 rats at the longest duration).

Histologically defi ned microlesions with infl ammatory cell infi ltration induced by MCE were reported by Miller et al. (2005a). MCE with 1:4 end-systolic triggering was performed in rats at 1.5 MHz and 2 MPa (eMI = 1.7) with Optison, which induced microvascular leakage, petechiae and cardiomyocytes with contraction band necrosis. Similar bio-eff ects were found histologically by Vancraeynest et al. (2006). The lethal cardiomyocyte injury could be characterized through use of Evans blue dye as a vital stain, as shown in Figure 8.3b (Miller et al., 2005b). The thresholds and exposure response trends were found to be quite similar for PCs and cardiomyocyte death, as shown in Figure 8.4, with a good correlation between these bio-eff ects over a wide range of experimental conditions (Miller et al., 2011). This result was consistent with the hypothesis that the PCs were a physiological response to the lethal cardiomyocyte injury.

8.4.4 Bio-effects of CEDUS in kidney

The kidney appears to be an organ which is especially sensitive to CEDUS associated bio-eff ects, owing to the unique structure of the glomerular capillaries which fi lter liquid into the urinary space and tubules. Wible et al. (2002) found that glomerular

PCs induced by MCE were associated with lethal cardiomyocyte injury and microlesion formation within the myocardium

Figure 8.2. Ultrasound images for an open-chest canine model of MCE with intermittent imaging each 4 beats at end systole. The image on the left shows the normal B-mode image. The image on the right shows the same view after contrast-agent infusion and the accompanying ECG trace shows two PCs occurring just after the image triggers (vertical spikes).

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Figure 8.4. The fl uorescent-cell counts and PCs found for MCE of rat hearts, plotted against the eMI.

Figure 8.3. A canine heart (left) after exposure in an open-chest canine model of MCE showed petechial haemorrhages and leakage of Evans blue dye in the scan plane (scale bar 5 mm). MCE at relatively high RPAs induced lethal cardiomyocyte injury (right) indicated by the fl uorescent red staining in a rat heart after 1 day. The nuclei of all cells present are indicated by the fl uorescent blue staining.

capillary haemorrhage (GCH) was induced by CEDUS in rats. Ultrasound contrast agents including Optison were used with intermitt ent imaging. GCH into the proximal convoluted tubules was visible on the kidney surface within the scanned plane, and was statistically signifi cant for an RPA of 1.26 (eMI = 0.94) at 1.8 MHz. A 1.5 MHz diagnostic exposure system was designed to simulate human clinical exposure in rats (Miller et al., 2007a). Exposure at 1.8 MPa with a 1 s trigger interval for 1 min during infusion of Defi nity

GCH induced by CEDUS

can obstruct and injure the

tubules, and produce clinically

detectable haematuria

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produced of 37% ± 5.0% of the glomeruli in histology at the scan plane, which decreased to an apparent threshold of 0.73 MPa (eMI = 0.6). Examples of the visible haemorrhage on the kidney surface, and of the histological appearance of the GCH are shown in Figure 8.5. The agent dosage used for this study in rats followed the human recommendation in the package insert, but the circulating gas-body dose may have been much less than that which would be delivered in humans, owing to substantial gas-body loss in the small animals (Miller et al., 2010b). The kidney CEDUS in rats produced readily detectable haematuria, which parallelled the incidence of GCH as shown in Figure 8.6 (Williams et al., 2007). In addition, many of the injured nephrons remained fi lled with tightly packed erythrocytes 24 h after imaging, with the degeneration seen in acute tubular necrosis. Histological observation of Bowman’s space showed enlargement and clots, which were indicative of tubular obstruction (Miller et al., 2009). For kidney CEDUS in swine, Jimenez et al. (2008) reported that GCH did not occur with Sonovue; however, the ultrasound probe was placed directly on the kidney, which located the cortex in the near-fi eld of the probe with very low RPAs. In contrast, a study in swine showed that CEDUS using Defi nity did produce GCH in the focal zone, which was comparable to that seen in rats (Miller et al., 2010a).

The frequency dependence of thresholds for GCH induced by CEDUS was examined in rats (Miller et al., 2008b). Diagnostic ultrasound scanners were used for exposure at 1.5, 2.5, 3.2, 5.0 and 7.4 MHz and a laboratory exposure system was used at 1.0, 1.5, 2.25, 3.5, 5.0 and 7.5 MHz. The RPA thresholds for GCH were proportional to the ultrasound frequency (not its square root) at 0.5 MPa/MHz for diagnostic ultrasound and 0.6 MPa/MHz for the laboratory system, as shown in Figure 8.1. These results show that the frequency dependence of the on-screen MI does not have the correct frequency dependence for anticipating the GCH bio-eff ect.

The infl uence of imaging mode on GCH was investigated in rat kidney (Miller et al., 2007b). B-mode fl ash echo imaging (FEI), colour Doppler (CD) FEI and real-time Doppler imaging at 1 frame per second were compared for 2.5 MHz and 2.6 MPa with Defi nity. B-mode induced 38.6% ± 17.1% GCH, while the CD mode gave 19.6% ± 7.4% GCH

Thresholds for GCH have a different frequency dependence than the MI

Figure 8.5. (a) A rat kidney after contrast-enhanced diagnostic ultrasound showing the pattern of petechia within the scan plane, which were visible on the surface of the kidney. (b) A histological section with a Bowman’s space and proximal tubule (arrows) positive for glomerular capillary haemorrhage (GH) and a normal glomerulus (NG) (scale bar 0.1 mm).

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(P < 0.02) and the Doppler mode gave 5.3% ± 3.8% GCH (P < 0.001), respectively. This result was surprising, because the Doppler mode delivered pulses for about 83.5 ms per image, compared to 15.8 ms and 0.53 ms for CD and B-modes, respectively. This fi nding of reduced GCH for slow frame rates suggests that GCH could be minimized in CEDUS examinations by using specially designed pulse-amplitude sequences for agent destruction scans.

8.4.5 Bio-effects of CEDUS in tumours, liver and brain

Contrast-enhanced ultrasound scanning of various tissues can assist in the identifi cation of malignant tumours but might also cause microvascular perturbations. Subcutaneous melanoma tumours in mice, which have an enhanced potential for lung metastasis, were scanned intermitt ently with 1.5 MHz diagnostic ultrasound during or after Defi nity injection (Miller and Dou, 2005). For ultrasound plus contrast agent, observation of a brightening of the tumour image confi rmed the interaction of ultrasound with the contrast agent within the tumour. One day after scanning, the primary tumour was surgically removed, and the possible lung metastasis allowed to develop for 28 days. No signifi cant increase in metastases was seen in the lungs.

The liver is often the subject of ultrasound examinations, and these can be improved by CEDUS. Eff ects of Levovist-aided ultrasound on rat liver was investigated by Shigeta et al. (2004). The on-screen MI values were 1.8 at 8 MHz and 0.7 at 12 MHz, and both were used

Figure 8.6. The percentage of glomeruli in the scan plane with evidence of capillary haemorrhage and the relative haematuria score after CEDUS in rats, plotted against the eMI.

The GCH bio-effect can be reduced by

using special pulse sequences

for contrast destruction

CEDUS did not increase metastasis in

subcutaneous mouse tumours

CEDUS may induce platelet,

hepatic or endothelial cell perturbation in


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on each rat. The transducers were moved to expose the entire liver, which was examined by electron microscopy. Qualitative observation of the specimens revealed increased platelet aggregation and endothelial cell damage in the sinusoids for ultrasound plus contrast agent groups. Levovist was compared to an experimental agent by Shigeta et al. (2005). The gas bodies appeared to be taken up by some Kupff er (phagocytic liver cells) cells. In addition, the hepatic cells had distinct vascularization not seen in the sham or contrast only groups.

The possible alteration of the blood–brain barrier by contrast aided ultrasound was investigated by Schlachetz ki et al. (2002) using Levovist and Optison and by using Sonovue. Transcranial colour coded sonography was performed on human volunteers using a 2–3.5 MHz phased array probe with maximal output sett ings. The contrast agent Magnevist was also injected intravenously, and evidence of microvascular leakage was sought using magnetic resonance imaging of the brain. There were no indications of focal signal enhancement att ributable to extravasation of the Magnevist. Similar clinical research was conducted using Sonovue in patients with small vessel disease using intermitt ent 2.5 MHz imaging with a mean MI of 0.7, and no blood–brain barrier changes were detectable with contrast magnetic resonance imaging (Jungehulsing et al., 2008).

CEDUS induced bio-eff ects may present opportunities for therapeutic benefi ts under special circumstances. Pulsed Doppler ultrasound is used in diagnosis of stroke patients. In patients with occluded middle cerebral artery being treated with tPA, continuous transcranial Doppler monitoring has been shown to improve the outcome of the treatment relative to placebo monitoring (Alexandrov et al., 2004). This suggests that the ultrasound accelerated the thrombolysis. Ultrasound contrast agents may be used to improve transcranial signals, and addition of contrast agent has been tested for the continuous monitoring treatment with encouraging results (Molina et al., 2006; Perren et al., 2008). For example, 2 h of 2 MHz continuous Doppler monitoring during tPA infusion was augmented by Levovist injection in three doses at 2, 20 and 40 min. The 2 h complete recanalization rate was statistically signifi cantly higher in the CEDUS group (54.5%) relative to non-contrast Doppler (40.8%) and to tPA alone (23.9%), with no trend in observed intracranial haemorrhage. The future development of these intriguing stroke treatment methods are presently uncertain, owing to many possible variations in ultrasound application, contrast agent, thrombolytic drug and side eff ects (Rubiera and Alexandrov, 2010).

8.5 DiscussionUltrasound contrast agents are suspensions of gas bodies prepared as an injectable drug. The gas bodies are engineered with stabilizing shells or lipid skins and contain slowly dissolving gasses such as perfl uoropropane or sulphur hexafl uoride. This design provides useful persistence times for the micron-sized gas bodies after intravenous injection, and strong echoes for imaging. CEDUS is valuable for echocardiography and abdominal imaging particularly of the liver and kidneys. CEDUS is primarily used to improve diagnostic value after sub optimal examinations. In addition, these agents also

Transcranial CEDUS does not appear to induce microvascular bio-effects in brain

CEDUS-enhanced thrombolysis may fi nd benefi cial application in stroke treatment

Contrast enhancement brings completely new imaging capabilities to diagnostic ultrasound

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bring a new dimension to diagnostic ultrasound by allowing the imaging of blood fl ow and tissue perfusion without ionizing radiation.

CEDUS also brings completely new patient risks to diagnostic ultrasound. In post-marketing surveillance, contrast agents have been associated with adverse patient reactions. These fi ndings have lead to new contraindications and warning in package inserts. Worrisome concerns include cardiac arrhythmia and anaphylactoid reactions. Recent epidemiology studies have been reassuring in regard to possible fatal reactions within one day, but no information is available from large randomized controlled trials. In addition, destabilization of the gas bodies eff ectively nucleates ultrasonic cavitation from liberated microbubbles, which provides a potent mechanism for biological eff ects not normally associated with diagnostic ultrasound. For low pulse-pressure amplitudes, cellular injury and capillary leakage may occur. With intermitt ent imaging at high diagnostic pressure amplitudes, lethal injury of cardiomyocytes can occur with accompanying PCs in the ECG. In kidney, glomerular capillary rupture can occur leading to tubular obstruction and haematuria. Further research into the possible medical signifi cance of these microscale bio-eff ects would be valuable for patient risk assessment.

The dosimetric characterization of CEDUS examinations has proven to be complex. The theoretical MI and its upper limit for diagnostic ultrasound were established without regard for any bio-eff ects. This exposure index does not relate to the destabilization of the microbubbles (Forsberg et al., 2005) or the frequency dependence of microlesions, which occur well below the upper limit for diagnostic ultrasound, see Figure 8.1 (Miller et al., 2008a,b). Bio-eff ects depend on RPA, agent dose, agent delivery, image mode and tissue properties. Low-MI imaging modes can lead to tissue injury through the use of high RPAs in agent clearance scans. Further consideration of CEDUS by regulatory agencies to develop bett er dosimetric parameters, to recommend specifi c agent-destructive scans that minimize bio-eff ects risk and to provide specifi c guidance on microscale bio-eff ects all would be of value for the advancement of CEDUS.

8.6 ConclusionPhysicians and sonographers should possess a general knowledge of CEDUS safety issues in order to maximize the risk-to-benefi t ratio in medical imaging. Specifi cally, safety issues should be covered in training or certifi cation for CEDUS. Guidance for the performance CEDUS is available in recent publications from the American Society of Echocardiography (Mulvagh et al., 2008) and the European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (Claudon et al., 2008). Strategies for reducing possible ultrasound-induced bio-eff ects may be found in recent safety reviews (Barnett et al., 2007; Miller et al., 2008a; ter Haar, 2009). For a specifi c CEDUS examination the bio-eff ects risk may be minimized generally by keeping the MI for both imaging and contrast destruction less than 0.4, above which level bio-eff ects have been observed (AIUM, 2008). Finally, the contraindications, warnings and usage instructions found in package inserts of ultrasound contrast agents should be followed diligently to minimize patient risks.

Ultrasound contrast agents

can induce adverse patient

reactions and cavitation

activity generated

by diagnostic ultrasound pulses can

induce a range of harmful microscale bio-effects

The on-screen MI provides

little dosimetric guidance for

the safe use of CEDUS aside

from a general indication

of exposure within a specifi c


With training and attention

to safety issues, the benefi ts of CEDUS can be delivered with a minimum of

patient risk

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Nanda NC, Schlief R, Goldberg BB (editors). 1997. Advances in Echo Imaging Using Contrast Enhancement. 2nd Edition. London, UK: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 1–698.NCRP. 2002. Exposure Criteria for Medical Diagnostic Ultrasound: II. Criteria Based on All Known Mechanisms. Report no. 140. Bethesda, MD: National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements, pp. 213–239.Okazaki J, Ishikura F, Asanuma T, Otani K, Beppu S. 2004. Premature ventricular contraction during myocardial contrast echocardiography: relationship with imaging method, acoustic power and dose of contrast agent. J Cardiol, 43, 69–74.Ostensen J, Hede R, Myreng Y, Ege T, Holtz E. 1992. Intravenous injection of Albunex microspheres causes thromboxane mediated pulmonary hypertension in pigs, but not in monkeys or rabbits. Acta Physiol Scand, 144, 307–315.Perren F, Loulidi J, Poglia D, Landis T, Sztajzel R. 2008. Microbubble potentiated transcranial duplex ultrasound enhances IV thrombolysis in acute stroke. J Thromb Thrombolysis, 25, 219–223.Piscaglia F, Bolondi L, Italian Society for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (SIUMB) Study Group on Ultrasound Contrast Agents. 2006. The safety of Sonovue in abdominal applications: retrospective analysis of 23188 investigations. Ultrasound Med Biol, 32, 1369–1375.Porter TM, Smith DA, Holland CK. 2006. Acoustic techniques for assessing the Optison destruction threshold. J Ultrasound Med, 25, 1519–1529.Porter TR, Xie F. 2010. Myocardial perfusion imaging with contrast ultrasound. JACC Cardiovasc Imaging, 3, 176–187.Rasmussen H, Dirven HA, Grant D, Johnsen H, Midtvedt T. 2003. Etiology of cecal and hepatic lesions in mice after administration of gas-carrier contrast agents used in ultrasound imaging. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol, 188, 176–184.Rubiera M, Alexandrov AV. 2010. Sonothrombolysis in the management of acute ischemic stroke. Am J Cardiovasc Drugs, 10, 5–10.Schlachetz ki F, Hölscher T, Koch HJ, Draganski B, May A, Schuierer G, et al. 2002. Observation on the integrity of the blood–brain barrier after microbubble destruction by diagnostic transcranial color-coded sonography. J Ultrasound Med, 21, 419–429.Schlief R, Schurmann R, Balzer T, Zomack M, Niendorf H. 1993. Saccharide based contrast agents. In Advances in Echo Imaging Using Contrast Enhancement, Nanda NC, Schlief R (editors). Dordrecht, the Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 71–96.Schneider M, Arditi M, Barrau M, Brochot J, Broillet A, Bentrone R, et al. 1995. BR1: a new ultrasonographic contrast agent based on sulfur hexafl uoride-fi lled microbubbles. Invest Radiol, 30, 451–457.Shah RR. 2005. Drugs, QTc interval prolongation and fi nal ICH E14 guideline: an important milestone with challenges ahead. Drug Saf, 28, 1009–1028.Shi WT, Forsberg F, Tornes A, Ostensen J, Goldberg BB. 2000. Destruction of contrast microbubbles and the association with inertial cavitation. Ultrasound Med Biol, 26, 1009–1019.Shigeta K, Itoh K, Ookawara S, Taniguchi N, Omoto K. 2004. Endothelial cell injury and platelet aggregation induced by contrast ultrasonography in the rat hepatic sinusoid. J Ultrasound Med, 23, 29–36.Shigeta K, Itoh K, Ookawara S, Taniguchi N, Omoto K. 2005. The eff ects of Levovist and DD-723 in activating platelets and damaging hepatic cells of rats. J Ultrasound Med, 24, 967–974.

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The Safe Use of Ultrasound in Medical Diagnosis

Summary• Systematic reviews of epidemiological studies have shown no association between

prenatal ultrasound and adverse outcomes. • �There� is�a�weak�statistical� significant�association�between�prenatal�ultrasound�and�

being non-right handed.• Most epidemiologic evidence derives from B-mode scanners in commercial use

20–25 years ago, and acoustic outputs from modern scanners are higher. One must acknowledge that the available epidemiological data are limited.

9.1 IntroductionUltrasound has an extraordinary safety record. It has been used in obstetrics for almost four� decades�with� no� proven� harmful� effects.�However,� absence� of� evidence� of� harm�is�not�evidence�of�absence�of�harm.�Thus,�it� is�necessary�to�study�the�effect�of�prenatal�ultrasound� exposure� on� human� populations� directly� before� any� definitive� statements�regarding risk can be made.

Epidemiological studies may be divided into observational and experimental studies (see Figure 9.1). The observational studies are in turn subdivided into descriptive and analytical studies. Descriptive studies are suitable for generating new hypotheses about associations between exposure and disease, whereas analytical studies are designed to test such hypotheses. The simplest descriptive study is the cross-sectional study, in which patients are examined only once. In a longitudinal study, the patients are followed over�time,�but�the�study�is�still�classified�as�hypothesis�generating.�Analytical�studies,�on�the other hand, have a prior hypothesis of a possible association between exposure and disease. They, in turn, are subdivided into cohort and case–control studies depending on whether the scientist starts out with a hypothesis about the exposure or about the disease. In the simplest case–control design, patients are examined only once, whereas

Chapter 9 Epidemiological prenatal

ultrasound studies

Kjell Å. SalvesenDepartment of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Clinical Sciences,

Lund University, Lund, Sweden

The best studies involve randomized controlled trials

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in a cohort study it is necessary to follow patients over time. The randomized controlled trial is regarded as being the best way to examine possible cause–eff ect relationships in human populations. Evidence based medicine is usually derived from systematic review of data obtained from randomized controlled trials and/or observational studies. For interpretation of data derived from epidemiological studies, there is a hierarchy of studies based on study design and the quality of the research methods. Greatest value should be given to systematic reviews of randomized controlled trials, and less to cohort studies, case–control studies and other observational studies (in that order).

Two systematic reviews of epidemiological studies of the safety of ultrasound in pregnancy have been published (Torloni et al., 2009; Whitworth et al., 2010). The literature was searched extensively by the authors of the ISUOG-WHO review (up to October 2007) (Torloni et al., 2009) and the Cochrane review (up to September 2009) (Whitworth et al., 2010). The Cochrane review (Whitworth et al., 2010) included all registered published and ongoing randomized controlled trials and quasi-randomized trials, but no analytical studies. The ISUOG-WHO review (Torloni et al., 2009) included 16 randomized controlled trials, 13 cohort and 12 case–control studies published








controlled trials













Figure 9.1. Classifi cation of epidemiological studies.

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between January 1950 and October 2007 that assessed any type of short- and long-term eff ects of at least one exposure to ultrasound during pregnancy. The authors screened 6716 titles/abstracts and included 61 papers in the systematic review. The outcomes assessed included maternal outcomes, perinatal outcomes, childhood growth, neurological development and school performance, non-right handedness, childhood malignancies, intellectual performance and mental diseases after childhood (Torloni et al., 2009).

This chapter adopts the main results from the ISUOG-WHO systematic review and is expanded with the results from two epidemiological studies published after 2007 (Stålberg et al., 2009; Heikkilä et al., 2011). There is, however, one caveat about the data from epidemiological studies. The acoustic outputs from modern devices have increased 10–15-fold during the last decades (Henderson et al., 1997), and most epidemiologic evidence derives from B-mode scanners in commercial use 20–25 years ago. If adverse eff ects of ultrasound during pregnancy are dose dependent, one must acknowledge that the available epidemiological data are limited.

9.2 Adverse perinatal outcomes

9.2.1 Birth weight

The question of whether ultrasound exposure in utero leads to reduced birth weight has probably been given more att ention than any other perinatal outcome. This may be due to the existence of such an eff ect in some animal models, and/or because it is relatively quick and easy to measure. In 9 controlled trials involving over 35,000 women (Duff 1993; Ewigman et al., 1993; Doppler French study group, 1997; Geerts et al., 1996; Kieler et al., 1998c; Mason et al., 1993; Newnham et al., 2004; Omtz igt et al., 1994; Secher et al., 1986) and 4 cohort studies with another 2000 women (Bellieni et al., 2005; Geerts et al., 2004; Smith, 1984; Stark et al., 1984) exposure to ultrasound during pregnancy did not signifi cantly infl uence the mean birth weight of the off spring. Similarly pooled odds ratios (ORs) from controlled trials and cohort studies do not seem to increase the proportions of low-birth weight children (Torloni et al., 2009).

9.2.2 Perinatal mortality

Perinatal mortality has been regarded as the most important outcome to study in controlled trials related to introducing routine ultrasound screening into antenatal care. Sceptics about new technology argue that if one cannot demonstrate a reduction in perinatal mortality, pregnant women should not be off ered routine ultrasound screening. From a safety perspective it is just as important to demonstrate that ultrasound exposure in pregnancy does not increase perinatal mortality.

Perinatal mortality has been studied in 13 controlled trials (Bakketeig et al., 1984; Crowther et al., 1999; Davies et al., 1992; Duff , 1993; Eik-Nes et al., 2000; Ewigman et al., 1990; Ewigman et al., 1993; Doppler French study group, 1997; Geerts et al., 1996; Omtz igt et al., 1994; Saari-Kemppainen et al., 1990; Secher et al., 1986; Waldenstrøm, 1988). Among 46,553

Evidence based medicine is based on systematic reviews

There is no convincing evidence that ultrasound exposure in utero affects birth weight

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women included in the controlled trials there was a non-signifi cant 14% reduction in perinatal mortality in the ultrasound group [OR 0.86, 95% confi dence interval (CI) 0.70–1.07] (Torloni et al., 2009). A similar non-signifi cant reduction in perinatal mortality (OR 0.89, 95% CI 0.75–1.07) was found in a cohort study of approximately 210,000 Swedish women (Sylvan et al., 2005).

9.2.3 Other perinatal outcomes

Obstetricians and neonatologists commonly assess neonatal morbidity and labour outcomes from the rates of preterm birth, low Apgar score at 5 min and admission to neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). Preterm birth has been studied in 8 controlled trials involving 34,000 women, and no association was found (Torloni et al., 2009). Similarly, for low Apgar score at 5 min (12 controlled trials involving 22,000 women) and admission to NICU (13 controlled trials involving 33,000 women) there were no adverse eff ects of ultrasound during pregnancy (Torloni et al., 2009).

9.3 Childhood malignanciesWhen the outcome under study is rare, such as with childhood malignancies, any approach other than the case–control design is unsuitable. For childhood malignancies there are data from 8 studies including more than 14,000 children (Bunin et al., 1994; Cartwright et al., 1984; Wilson and Waterhouse, 1984; Naumburg et al., 2000; Shu et al., 1994, 2002; Sorahan et al., 1995; Stålberg et al., 2008). No associations between prenatal ultrasound exposure and childhood malignancies have been found (Torloni et al., 2009). Analyses have also been carried out for subgroups of malignancies. For leukaemia there are data from 5 case–control studies with 6334 children (Cartwright et al., 1984; Wilson and Waterhouse, 1984; Naumburg et al., 2000; Shu et al., 1994, 2002), and for central nervous system (CNS) tumours there are data from 3 case–control studies with 1909 children (Bunin et al., 1994; Cartwright et al., 1984; Stålberg et al., 2008). No associations have been found between prenatal ultrasound and leukaemia or CNS tumours.

9.4 Neurological development, dyslexia and speechdevelopmentThese outcomes have been studied in two controlled trials with more than 5200 children (Kieler et al., 1998a; Salvesen et al., 1992; Salvesen et al., 1994), one case–control study with 214 children (Campbell et al., 1993) and one cohort study with 806 children (Stark et al., 1984). The two observational studies (Campbell et al., 1993; Stark et al., 1984) published possible associations between prenatal ultrasound and dyslexia (Stark et al., 1984) and delayed speech development (Campbell et al., 1993). However, the controlled trials found no statistically signifi cant associations between prenatal ultrasound and a long list of outcomes, such as dyslexia, delayed speech, stutt ering, poor vocabulary, referral to speech therapist, various neurological tests, impaired vision or impaired hearing (Torloni et al., 2009). Overall the results suggest that it is unlikely that prenatal ultrasound can “cause harm to the developing foetal brain”.

There is no evidence that

ultrasound exposure in utero affects

perinatal morbidity or


There is no evidence that

ultrasound exposure

in utero is associated

with childhood malignancies

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9.5 School performanceSchool performance has been studied in two controlled trials with almost 6500 children (Salvesen et al., 1992; Stålberg et al., 2009). Salvesen et al. followed up children at 8–9 years and found no association between prenatal ultrasound and poor school performance, including arithmetic scores, spelling, reading comprehension and oral reading (Salvesen et al., 1992). Stålberg et al. followed up children at 15–16 years and found no statistically signifi cant diff erences in school performance for boys or girls according to randomization or exposure to ultrasound in the second trimester (Stålberg et al., 2009). Compared to those who were unexposed, boys exposed to ultrasound had a tendency towards lower mean school grades in general and in physical education, but the diff erences did not reach statistical signifi cance (Stålberg et al., 2009).

9.6 Intellectual performance and mental disease in adult lifeIn a Swedish cohort study of 7999 prenatally ultrasound exposed and 197,829 unexposed men aged 18 years, there was an increased risk of subnormal intellectual performance (OR 1.19, 95% CI 1.12–1.27) among exposed men (Kieler et al., 2005). However, this association was probably confounded by sociogeographical factors, and within pairs of brothers there was no association between ultrasound exposure and intellectual performance. Thus, the authors concluded that “the study failed to demonstrate a clear association between ultrasound and intellectual performance” (Kieler et al., 2005). In another Swedish cohort study of 370,945 individuals there was no association between prenatal ultrasound and schizophrenia (OR 1.47, 95% CI 0.99–2.16) or other psychoses (OR 1.03, 95% CI 0.80–1.33) (Stålberg et al., 2007).

9.7 HandednessThere is, however, one statistically signifi cant association between prenatal ultrasound exposure and behaviour that holds up through all epidemiological studies and systematic reviews. The controversy is handedness.

The fi rst meta-analysis demonstrating an association between ultrasound and non-right handedness was published in 1999 (Salvesen and Eik-Nes, 1999). There was no statistically signifi cant diff erence in the prevalence of non-right handedness between ultrasound screened children and controls (OR 1.13, 95% CI 0.97–1.32), but there was a diff erence in a subgroup analysis of boys (OR 1.26, 95% CI 1.03–1.34) (Salvesen and Eik-Nes, 1999). In the most recent Cochrane review (Whitworth et al., 2010) a conservative approach towards subgroup analyses is advocated. The Cochrane review reports no association between ultrasound and non-right handedness in an intention-to-treat analysis of all children (OR 1.12, 95% CI 0.92–1.36) and abstains from doing a gender specifi c subgroup analysis. The ISUOG-WHO review (Torloni et al., 2009) has adopted a less conservative analytical approach and included two randomized trials (Salvesen et al., 1993a,b; Kieler et al., 1998b) and two cohort studies (Kieler et al., 2001, 2002). The ISUOG-WHO review confi rms the fi ndings from the fi rst meta-analysis (Salvesen and Eik-Nes, 1999), and adds: “When boys

There is no evidence that ultrasound exposure in utero affects neurological development, dyslexia, speech development, school performance, intellectual performance or adult mental disease

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were considered separately, there is a weak association between ultrasound screening and being non-right handed, both in the randomized trials (OR 1.26, 95% CI 1.03–1.34) and in the cohort studies (OR 1.17, 95% CI 1.07–1.28)” (Torloni et al., 2009).

A follow-up study of a Finnish randomized trial was published in 2011 (Heikkilä et al., 2011). At fi rst glance this study appeared reassuring since there is no diff erence in non-right handedness between ultrasound screened children and controls (OR 1.16, 95% CI 0.98–1.37), nor in a subgroup analysis of boys (OR 1.12, 95% CI 0.89–1.41) (Heikkilä et al., 2011). However, when the results of the Finnish trial were included in a new meta-analysis of three randomized controlled trials, there was a statistically signifi cant increased prevalence of non-right handedness in ultrasound screened children compared with controls (OR 1.14, 95% CI 1.02–1.28) (Salvesen, 2011) (Figure 9.2 and Table 9.1). The results in subgroups according to gender were consistent with overall results with no signifi cant diff erences between boys and girls, but among boys the association became stronger when an exploratory analysis according to ultrasound exposure before 19–22 weeks was done (OR 1.30, 95% CI 1.10–1.53) (Salvesen, 2011).

A fi nal conclusion of a possible association between prenatal ultrasound and handedness cannot yet be drawn. According to the data presented in the Cochrane review (Withworth, 2010), there is no statistically signifi cant association between prenatal ultrasound and left-handedness. However, in the most recent meta-analysis including three randomized controlled trials there was a statistically signifi cant association (Salvesen, 2011). If results from cohort studies are accepted (Kieler et al., 2001, 2002), as was done in the

Figure 9.2. Non-right handedness among all children compared according to the randomized groups from three follow-up studies of randomized controlled trials (Heikkilä et al., 2011; Salvesen et al., 1993a; Kieler et al.,1998c).

Table 9.1. Non-right handedness (NRH) according to randomized groups

Ultrasound group (n) Controls (n)

Study NRH Total NRH Total Weight (%)

OR(95% CI)

Heikkilä et al., 2011 353 2112 300 2038 45.9 1.16 (0.98–1,37)

Salvesen et al., 1993a 162 861 120 802 19.5 1.31 (1.02–1.70)

Kieler et al., 1998b 253 1544 240 1508 34.5 1.04 (0.85–1.26)

Total 768 4517 660 4348 100 1.14 (1.02–1.28)

Prenatal ultrasound

is associated with

non-right handedness

in children

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ISUOG-WHO review, the strength of the association was similar for randomized trials and cohort studies (Torloni et al., 2009). Thus, the conclusion must be that fi ve epidemiological studies report a 15% increase in the likelihood of sinistrality (in particular among males), and no other epidemiological evidence contradicts this association.

The discussion of prenatal ultrasound and left-handedness is complex and will not be extended here. An editorial explores this issue in detail (Salvesen, 2002). A statistical association between ultrasound and left-handedness should not lead to the conclusion that ultrasound causes harm to the developing brain. The current biological understanding of handedness is limited and partly contradictory to the epidemiological evidence (Salvesen, 2002).

9.8 ConclusionEpidemiological studies have demonstrated no confi rmed associations between prenatal ultrasound and adverse perinatal outcomes, childhood malignancies, neurological development, dyslexia, speech development, school performance, intellectual performance and adult mental disease. However, there is a weak statistical signifi cant association between prenatal ultrasound and being non-right handed. This does not mean that there must be a causal relationship. We will have to live with uncertainty regarding ultrasound safety in the years to come.

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Ewigman BG, Crane JP, Frigolett o FD, LeFevre M, Bain RP, McNellis D. 1993. Eff ect of prenatal ultrasound screening on perinatal outcome. RADIUS Study Group. N Engl J Med, 329, 821–827.Ewigman BG, LeFevre M, Hesser J. 1990. A randomized trial of routine prenatal ultrasound. Obstet Gynecol, 76, 189–194.Geerts L, Theron AM, Grove D, Theron GB, Odendaal HJ. 2004. A community-based obstetric ultrasound service. Int J Gynaecol Obstet, 84, 23–31.Geerts L, Brand E, Theron G. 1996. Routine ultrasound examinations in South Africa: cost and eff ect on perinatal outcome – a prospective randomised controlled trial. Br J Obstet Gynaecol, 103, 501–507.Henderson J, Whitt ingham TA, Dunn T. 1997. A review of the acoustic output of modern diagnostic ultrasound equipment. BMUS Bull, 10–14.Heikkilä K, Vuoksimaa E, Oksava K, Saari-Kemppainen A, Iivanainen M. 2011. Handedness in the Helsinki ultrasound trial. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol, 37, 638–642. doi: 10.1002/uog.8962.Kieler H, Hellberg D, Nilsson S, Waldenstrøm U, Axelsson O. 1998c. Pregnancy outcome among non-participants in a trial on ultrasound screening. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol, 11, 104–109.Kieler H, Haglund B, Cnatt ingius S, Palmgren J, Axelsson O. 2005. Does prenatal sonography aff ect intellectual performance? Epidemiology, 16, 304–310.Kieler H, Ahlsten G, Haglund B, Salvesen K, Axelsson O. 1998a. Routine ultrasound screening in pregnancy and the children’s subsequent neurologic development. Obstet Gynecol, 91, 750–756.Kieler H, Axelsson O, Haglund B, Nilsson S, Salvesen K. 1998b. Routine ultrasound screening in pregnancy and the children’s subsequent handedness. Early Hum Dev, 50, 233–245.Kieler H, Cnatt ingius S, Haglund B, Palmgren J, Axelsson O. 2001. Sinistrality – a side-eff ect of prenatal sonography: a comparative study of young men. Epidemiology, 12, 618–623.Kieler H, Cnatt ingius S, Palmgren J, Haglund B, Axelsson O. 2002. First trimester ultrasound scans and left-handedness. Epidemiology, 13, 370.Mason GC, Lilford RJ, Porter J, Nelson E, Tyrell S. 1993. Randomised comparison of routine versus highly selective use of Doppler ultrasound in low risk pregnancies. Br J Obstet Gynaecol, 100, 130–133.Naumburg E, Bellocco R, Cnatt ingius S, Hall P, Ekbom A. 2000. Prenatal ultrasound examinations and risk of childhood leukaemia: case–control study. Br Med J, 320, 282–283.Newnham J, Doherty DA, Kendall GE, Zubrick SR, Landau LL, Stanley FJ. 2004. Eff ects of repeated prenatal ultrasound examinations on childhood outcome up to 8 years of age: follow-up of a randomised controlled trial. Lancet, 364, 2038–2044.Omtz igt AM, Reuwer PJ, Bruinse HW. 1994. A randomized controlled trial on the clinical value of umbilical Doppler velocimetry in antenatal care. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 170, 625–634.Saari-Kemppainen A, Karjalainen O, Ylostalo P, Heinonen OP. 1990. Ultrasound screening and perinatal mortality: controlled trial of systematic one-stage screening in pregnancy. Lancet, 336, 387–391.Salvesen KÅ, Vatt en LJ, Bakketeig LS, Eik-Nes SH. 1994. Routine ultrasonography in utero and speech development. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol, 4, 101–103.Salvesen KÅ, Bakketeig LS, Eik-Nes SH, Undheim JO, Økland O. 1992. Routine ultrasonography in utero and school performance at age 8–9 years. Lancet, 339, 85–89.

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Salvesen KÅ, Vatt en LJ, Eik-Nes SH, Hugdahl K, Bakketeig LS. 1993a. Routine ultrasonography in utero and subsequent handedness and neurological development. Br Med J, 307, 159–164.Salvesen KÅ, Eik-Nes SH, Vatt en LJ, Hugdahl K, Bakketeig LS. 1993b. Routine ultrasound scanning in pregnancy – Authors’ reply. BMJ, 307, 1562.Salvesen KÅ, Eik-Nes SH. 1999. Ultrasound during pregnancy and subsequent childhood non-right handedness: a meta-analysis. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol, 13, 241–246.Salvesen KÅ. 2002. Ultrasound and left-handedness: a sinister association? Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol, 19, 217–221.Salvesen KÅ. 2011. Ultrasound in pregnancy and non-right handedness – meta-analysis of randomized trials. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol, 38, 267–271.Secher NJ, Hansen PK, Lenstrup C, Eriksen PS. 1986. Controlled trial of ultrasound screening for light for gestational age (LGA) infants in late pregnancy. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol, 23, 307–313.Shu XO, Jin F, Linet MS, Zheng W, Clemens J, Mills J, et al. 1994. Diagnostic X-ray and ultrasound exposure and risk of childhood cancer. Br J Cancer, 70, 531–536.Shu XO, Pott er JD, Linet MS, Severson RK, Han D, Kersey JH, et al. 2002. Diagnostic X-rays and ultrasound exposure and risk of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia by immunophenotype. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev, 11, 177–185.Smith CB. 1984. Birth weights of fetuses exposed to diagnostic ultrasound. J Ultrasound Med, 3, 395–396.Sorahan T, Lancashire R, Stewart A, Peck I. 1995. Pregnancy ultrasound and childhood cancer: a second report from the Oxford Survey of Childhood Cancers. Br J Obstet Gynaecol, 102, 831–832.Stark C, Orleans M, Haverkamp A, Murphy J. 1984. Short and long term risks after exposure to diagnostic ultrasound in utero. Obstet Gynecol, 63, 194–200.Stålberg K, Haglund B, Axelsson O, Cnatt ingius S, Pfeifer S, Kieler H. 2008. Prenatal ultrasound and the risk of childhood brain tumour and its subtypes. Br J Cancer, 98, 1285–1287.Stålberg K, Haglund B, Axelsson O, Cnatt ingius S, Hultman CM, Kieler H. 2007. Prenatal ultrasound scanning and the risk of schizophrenia and other psychoses. Epidemiology, 18, 577–582.Stålberg K, Axelsson O, Haglund B, Hultman CM, Lambe M, Kieler H. 2009. Prenatal ultrasound exposure and children’s school performance at age 15–16: follow-up of a randomized controlled trial. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol, 34, 297–303.Sylvan K, Ryding EL, Rydhstrom H. 2005. Routine ultrasound screening in the third trimester: a population based study. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand, 84, 1154–1158.Torloni MR, Vedmedovska N, Merialdi M, Betran AP, Allen T, Gonzalez R, et al. 2009. Safety of ultrasonography in pregnancy: WHO systematic review of the literature and meta-analysis. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol, 33, 599–608.Waldenström U, Axelsson O, Nilsson S, Eklund G, Fall O, Lindeberg S, et al. 1988. Eff ects of routine one-stage ultrasound screening in pregnancy: a randomised controlled trial. Lancet, 2, 585–588.Whitworth M, Bricker L, Neilson JP, Dowswell T. 2010. Ultrasound for fetal assessment in early pregnancy. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, (4), Art. No.: CD007058. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD007058.pub2.Wilson LMK, Waterhouse JA. 1984. Obstetric ultrasound and childhood malignancies. Lancet, 2, 997–999.

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The Safe Use of Ultrasound in Medical Diagnosis

Summary• All medical diagnostic ultrasound equipment must be manufactured to conform to

safety standards and regulations.• Separate regulations exist in Europe, in the USA and internationally.• The International Electrotechnical Commission sets international safety standards,

including maximum allowable transducer surface temperatures.• The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) sets upper limits for

ultrasound exposure.• In order to use the highest output levels allowed by the FDA, manufacturers must

display safety indices: the mechanical index and the thermal index.• In Europe, the Medical Devices Directive requires manufacturers to demonstrate

both safety and measurement accuracy.

10.1 IntroductionThe design and manufacture of all medical equipment, including diagnostic ultrasound equipment, is subject to a number of regulatory controls and standards that are intended to ensure that it may be operated safely. The ultrasound equipment industry is now truly international, and as a result the most important regulations are those that have international status, or have an equivalent impact. The three sources of regulations and standards which have effect in the UK are:

1. Standards of the International Electrotechnical Committee (IEC). IEC standards are generally accepted in full as European Standards and also as British Standards.

2. Standards and regulations used in the USA, including those of the US Government Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

3. European directives.

Chapter 10 Safety standards and regulations: the manufacturers’ responsibilities

Francis A. DuckUniversity of Bath, Bath, UK

Ultrasound safety is

subject to national and international

standards and regulations

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Safety standards and regulations: the manufacturers’ responsibilities 10


All ultrasound scanners also must conform to electrical and thermal safety standards

Each of the regulations has a particular primary purpose, which generally distinguishes it from the others. These purposes are set out in Table 10.1 for some of the more important of them. The regulations are referred to by their commonly-used abbreviations. Details are given later in the text. Inspection of Table 10.1 makes clear that there is only one regulation that serves to limit the ultrasound output that transducers may emit, and that is due to the FDA in the USA. Further regulations exist which serve as general standards for safety for all electro-medical equipment, of which ultrasound diagnostic equipment is one part, but which equally apply to such devices.

10.2. International Standards from the International Electrotechnical Commission

10.2.1 IEC60601 Part 1: General safety requirements

The general requirements for the safe design of electro-medical equipment are set out in IEC60601 Part 1 (IEC, 2005). Contained within this standard are requirements for the safe design of mechanical parts, for electrical safety and for thermal safety. Of specifi c importance are the electrical earth leakage current associated with an ultrasound transducer (up to 1 kHz), which for normal condition use is 0.5 mA, and the patient leakage current, limited to 100 mA for general use and to 10 mA for intra-cardiac use. The

Each safety regulation or standard has a different purpose

Table 10.1. The main purposes of some key regulations and standards for diagnostic ultra-sound safety.

Body Regulation or standard Purpose

FDA 510(k) (FDA, 1997) To limit the maximum allowed acoustic output

AIUM/NEMA “Output Display Standard” (AIUM/NEMA, 1998)

To defi ne methods for calculation and display of safety indices

IEC IEC60601 Part 1 (IEC, 2005) To regulate for the safe design and manufacture of all medical equipment, including thermal, electrical and mechanical aspects

IEC IEC60601 Part 2-37 (IEC, 2001) To defi ne display of safety indices, and to limit transducer surface temperature

IEC IEC62359 (IEC, 2006) To defi ne safety indices

EC MDD (European Communities, 1993)

To set general requirements for safety and measurement precision for all medical devices

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10 Safety standards and regulations: the manufacturers’ responsibilities


safe management of heated parts that may make contact with the body is also considered. Particular specifi cations for ultrasound transducers are discussed below.

10.2.2 IEC60601 Part 2-37: Ultrasound diagnostic and monitoring equipment

The IEC standard for diagnostic and monitoring equipment, IEC60601-2-37 (IEC, 2001), sets some further requirements over those set in IEC60601 Part 1. It specifi es how a user shall be informed about potential hazard, through displayed indices related to exposure and safety. This approach to protection casts a responsibility on the user, requiring for its success an appropriate level of training and competence for all practitioners using ultrasound diagnostic equipment. The philosophy and defi nitions for index display are identical to those developed in the USA in the early 1990s, and fi rst published in the so-called “Output Display Standard” (ODS; AIUM/NEMA, 1998) details of which are given in section 10.3. The methods for determination of the safety indices are also published in IEC62359 (IEC, 2006). IEC60601-2-37 also places limits on the allowed temperature of the surface of the transducer (Table 10.2). In air this is 50 °C, considerably higher than the temperature of 43 °C allowed in contact with tissue. Higher increases in temperature are allowed for transducers in contact with the skin than for those used internally, such as transvaginal or intra-rectal probes. These temperatures are not only of theoretical interest, since many scanners can now drive transducers at levels that approach them.

10.3. Regulations and standards from the USA

10.3.1 FDA regulations (510k)

The USA operates its own regulatory structure, through its FDA. These regulations have until now had world-wide impact, because they control the sale of ultrasound equipment in the USA, and the actions of US manufacturers elsewhere in the world. In spite of the emergence of stronger international and, now, European regulations, it seems likely that the FDA regulations will continue to infl uence manufacturers for a considerable time. The current situation in the USA is set out below.

IEC60601-2-37 sets limits to transducer

surface temperatures, and specifi es use of safety


Table 10.2. Limits on surface temperature and surface temperature rise specifi ed by IEC60601-2-37 Amendment 1 (IEC, 2001).

In air On tissue (external use)

On tissue (internal use)

Maximum temperature (°C) 50 43 43

Maximum temperature rise (°C) 27 10 6

FDA regulations

are very infl uential in setting

ultrasound output levels

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Safety standards and regulations: the manufacturers’ responsibilities 10


Within the US Department of Health and Human Services, the FDA receives applications for “market approval” to sell equipment, through a process known as “510(k)” from the code used on earlier guidance documents issued by the FDA. The most recent guidance document was issued in 1997 (FDA, 1997). Two “tracks” are defi ned. These are known as Track 1 and Track 3. A very large proportion of modern equipment is designed according to requirements of Track 3, and so this is given emphasis here. Track 3 gives the provision for exploiting higher time-averaged intensities than those that were available under Track 1. These are allowed provided that the equipment has “real-time labelling” of exposure in accordance with the ODS published by AIUM/NEMA (American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine/National Electrical Manufacturers’ Association) (AIUM/NEMA, 1998). In order to comply, values of mechanical index (MI) and thermal index (TI) must be displayed to the user. Details of the requirements of the ODS are given below.

The upper limits set by the FDA for Track 3 clearance are set out in Table 10.3. Two categories of use are defi ned: one small category is for equipment that is designed for use exclusively for ophthalmology, and the second is for equipment for all other applications, including obstetrics. Limiting values are given for four exposure quantities: derated (i.e. estimated in situ) spatialpeak, temporal-average intensity (Ispta,d), derated spatialpeak, pulse-average intensity (Isppa,d), MI and TI. (The suffi x d is used here to indicate de-rating.) Defi nitions of the two safety indices, MI and TI, are given below.

The limiting values for pulse-average intensity and MI are not independent: provided that either one of them lies below the specifi ed limit then the other is allowed to exceed it. However, the limits TI = 1.9 and Isppa,d = 190 W cm⁻2 are deemed to be approximately equivalent. TI is used to control output only for ophthalmic applications. For any other application, manufacturers are required to provide the FDA with a justifi cation for any use when the TI exceeds 6.0, but no absolute limiting value is specifi ed.

For all quantities the value is not that measured in water but the “estimated in situ” value. This is derived by de-rating the free-fi eld value by 0.3 dB cm⁻1 MHz⁻1. The position of which each quantity is to be calculated is where a derated value is maximum; for time-averaged intensity it is where Ita,d is greatest; for MI it is where the derated pulse-intensity integral is greatest.

Table 10.3. The limits set by the US FDA on acoustic exposure allowed under “Track 3”. At least one of MI and Isppa,d must be lower than the specifi ed limit, but not necessarily both (FDA, 1997).

Derated Ispta,d, (mW cm⁻2)

Derated Isppa,d (W cm⁻2) MI TI

All applications except ophthalmology 720 190 1.9 (6.0)*

Ophthalmology 50 Not specifi ed 0.23 1.0

*NB: The value of TI = 6 is not an upper limit for non-ophthalmic applications. Manufacturers are required to give a justifi cation if conditions exist for which the TI exceeds 6.0.

The FDA sets maximum allowed levels for output exposure. The highest intensities are allowed only if safety indices can be displayed

FDA limits are the same for all clinical uses except for ophthalmology

FDA sets limits using estimated in situ values. These are lower than the equivalent values in water

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10 Safety standards and regulations: the manufacturers’ responsibilities


The changes that were made to the FDA regulations in the early 1990s have meant that higher exposures, commonly associated with Doppler applications, may now exist on equipment intended for obstetric applications, for which the allowed upper limit for time-average intensity has increased about eight times.

Values of other quantities also have to be submitt ed to the FDA. These include total acoustic power, centre frequency, beam dimensions at the focus, position of the measurement, pulse repetition frequency and focal length. Tables giving values for these quantities are often included with the technical documentation supplied with the scanner.


As noted above, FDA Track 3 requires conformance with the AIUM/NEMA ODS (AIUM/NEMA, 1998). The quantities in this standard are derived by calculation from measured acoustic pressure, power, intensity and frequency, and are intended to give guidance as to the possibility that the operating conditions might cause heating or mechanical eff ects. The following defi nitions also form part of IEC standards 60601-2-37 and 62359 (IEC, 2001, 2006).

The MI is calculated from the peak derated rarefaction pressure, pr,d in MPa:



where f is the centre frequency in MHz; MI is given without units.

TI is defi ned as W/Wdeg, where W is the acoustic power and Wdeg is the power required to cause a maximum temperature rise of 1 °C under identical conditions of transducer, beam and tissue. TI is therefore taken to indicate broadly a reasonable estimate of the greatest steady-state temperature rise in degrees Celsius.

There are a number of diff erent formulae for TI. These depend on the expected target, on transducer size, and on whether the beam is scanned or unscanned (see Figure 10.1). There are three TI categories related to three targets: soft tissue (TIS), bone-at-focus (TIB) and adult cranial (TIC).

The formulae for TI can be simplifi ed and summarized by dividing them into two types, those intended to predict temperature rise in soft tissue, and those for bone. In the fi rst case, for soft-tissue heating, the formulae have the form TI = A f W, where f is the acoustic frequency, and W is the acoustic power. The constant A takes defi ned values for the specifi c scan modes and geometry (for example it is 1/210 for B-mode scanning). For exposure of bone, the formulae are of the form TI = B W, where the constant B again takes defi ned values. TI for bone does not depend on the acoustic frequency.

TI formulae also diff er as to where the temperature rise is estimated. For stationary beams, for example for M-mode or spectral pulsed Doppler, greatest temperatures are

The potential for higher

output levels is particularly

important in obstetric


Defi nition of MI

Defi nition of TI

There are three TI categories, for

soft tissue, for bone-at-focus and for cranial


Formulae for soft-tissue TI

depend on frequency: those for bone do not. Both depend on acoustic power

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Safety standards and regulations: the manufacturers’ responsibilities 10


It is not always required to display either MI or TI

Some problems remain with the safety index formulations

reached deeper within the tissue (for example see Figure 10.1b). On the other hand it is assumed that when beams are scanned the greatest heating is at the surface (Figure 10.1a). A thorough discussion of the rationale behind the formulae is given by Abbott (1999).

The ODS also prescribes the conditions for which the safety indices are to be displayed. In general, only one index value needs to be displayed, an index need not be displayed if its value is less than 0.4, and need not be displayed at all if it can never exceed 1.0 under any condition. In fact many manufacturers display values more fully than is strictly required by the ODS, both by showing values below 0.4 and by not restricting the display to a single index value.

TI is based upon calculations of temperature rise in tissue, but must not be considered as an accurate estimate of temperature rise. For example, the assumption that temperature rise can be predicted simply from an analysis of the absorption of ultrasound in tissue has been shown to be false for positions close to the transducer. This is because the transducer itself heats slightly, so warming the adjacent tissue by thermal conduction. Another error relates to the way in which the heating contributions are added together when several

Figure 10.1. Simple models used for the calculation of (a) soft-tissue thermal index (TIS) and the (b) bone-at-focus thermal index, TIB. Soft tissue is modelled as a homogeneous material with an attenuation coeffi cient of 0.3 dB cm⁻1 MHz⁻1. The temperature variation along the axis reaches a maximum close to the transducer for soft-tissue exposure (TIS) and reaches a maximum at the focus for the bone-at-focus exposure (TIB).

Skin Soft tissue


Maximum temperature




Soft tissue






Maximum heating is assumed to be at the surface when imaging, and at depth for Doppler and M-mode

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10 Safety standards and regulations: the manufacturers’ responsibilities


diagnostic modes are used together. An additional diffi culty arises from the incorrect assumption that in situ exposure can be calculated from measurements in water using simple linear assumptions, a problem that can cause underestimation of the MI.

10.4. European Medical Devices DirectiveThe European Communities Medical Devices Directive or MDD (European Communities, 1993) is adopted into the national legal framework of many European member states, including the UK. Each state appoints a Competent Authority. For the UK this is the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA). The Agency designates Notifi ed Bodies whose function is to make assessments of new products under the MDD procedures. Manufacturers can use any appropriate Notifi ed Body within the European Union. A CE mark on a device means that the device satisfi es the requirements essential for it to be fi t for its intended purpose. All medical devices (except custom-made and devices intended for clinical investigations), whether used in private or public hospitals and nursing homes, or sold in retail outlets, must carry the CE marking.

Annex IX of the MDD describes three general classes of equipment and a set of rules for establishing the class of any particular type of equipment. Almost all diagnostic ultrasonic devices lie in Class IIa, because they are “active devices intended for diagnosis”. Class IIb is specifi cally intended for monitoring vital physiological parameters, where the nature of the variations is such that they could result in immediate danger to the patient. Some Doppler devices used during surgery may be deemed to fall into this category. Intravascular ultrasound transducers are usually designated as Class III since they are invasive devices. Initially the manufacturer determines the class of his products, and selects an appropriate Notifi ed Body to carry out the conformity assessment procedure. The assessment in all categories requires appropriate audits of manufacturer’s production quality assurance systems. In addition, there is a provision for examination and testing of products or batches, although this is not mandatory, even for Class III products, provided that the design dossier is submitt ed. It is probable that most medical ultrasound devices gain a CE mark without practical independent assessment, being based substantially on inspection of required documentation. Manufacturers are also required to maintain a post-market surveillance system and report certain types of incidents to a Competent Authority.

The MDD does not give any guidance specifi c to ultrasound emissions. The general statements of Clause 11 (on protection against radiation) and of Clause 12 (on equipment with an energy source) may be taken to apply, however. These require that “Devices shall be designed and manufactured in such a way that exposure to patients . . . shall be reduced as far as possible compatible with the intended purpose, whilst not restricting the application of appropriate specifi ed levels for therapeutic or diagnostic purposes”. Devices may emit hazardous levels of radiation if necessary for a specifi c medical purpose, but it must be possible to control them. Where radiation is “potentially hazardous”, devices must be “fi tt ed, where practicable, with visual displays and/or warnings of such emissions”. Furthermore, “accessible parts of devices . . . must not att ain potentially dangerous temperatures under normal use”. The normal method for a manufacturer to

CE marking for medical equipment

requires conformance

with the EU MDD

Classifi cation of equipment

depends on the level of


Manufacturers must

demonstrate both output

safety and measurement


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Safety standards and regulations: the manufacturers’ responsibilities 10


demonstrate that they have complied with these requirements is to follow procedures laid down in international standards.

ReferencesAbbott JG. 1999. Rationale and derivation of MI and TI—a review. Ultrasound Med Biol, 25, 431–441.American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine/National Electrical Manufacturers Association. 1998. Standard for Real-time Display of Thermal and Mechanical Acoustic Output Indices on Diagnostic Ultrasound Equipment. 2nd Edn. Rockville, MD: AIUM.European Communities. 1993. Council directive 93/42/EEC, of 14 June 1993, concerning medical devices. Off J Eur Communities, 36, L169.Food and Drug Administration: US Department of Health and Human Services. 1997. Information for Manufacturers Seeking Marketing Clearance of Diagnostic Ultrasound Systems and Transducers. Rockville, MD: Center for Devices and Radiological Health.IEC. 2001. IEC60601 Part 2-37: Medical Electrical Equipment: Particular Requirements for the Safety of Ultrasound Diagnostic and Monitoring Equipment 2001 & Amendment 1 2005. Geneva, Switz erland: International Electrotechnical Commission.IEC. 2005. IEC60601 Part 1: Medical Electrical Equipment: General Requirements for Safety and Essential Performance. Geneva, Switz erland: International Electrotechnical Commission.IEC. 2006. IEC62359: Ultrasonics – Field Characterization – Test Methods for the Determination of Thermal and Mechanical Indices Related to Medical Diagnostic Ultrasound Fields. Geneva, Switz erland: International Electrotechnical Commission.

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The Safe Use of Ultrasound in Medical Diagnosis

Summary• The responsibility for risk assessment has migrated from regulatory authorities to

the user.• There is a strong need for continuing education to ensure that appropriate risk/benefit

assessments are made.• Major national ultrasound societies have formulated guidelines for the safe use of

ultrasound in medicine.

11.1 IntroductionThe evolution of ultrasonographic equipment has led to the development of powerful diagnostic devices that are capable of substantial acoustic output. Coincidentally, the method of ensuring safe use of diagnostic ultrasound in medicine has undergone significant change towards a system of self-regulation. This change originated in the USA. This shift in responsibility for risk assessment from a regulatory authority to the user has created an urgent need for responsible attitudes to safety issues. To encourage this approach it is encumbent on authorities, ultrasound societies and expert groups to provide relevant information about the risk of producing biological effects during ultrasonographic procedures. There is a strong need for continuing education to ensure that appropriate risk/benefit assessments are made, based on an understanding of the probability of biological effects occurring with each type of ultrasound procedure. Some types of examinations involve a greater risk of adverse effect than do others. The probability of causing some of these bio-effects can be increased by the presence of gas bubbles such as are used for echo-contrast agents. Also, the sensitivity of the

Chapter 11Guidelines and recommendations for the safe use of diagnostic ultrasound: the user’s responsibilities

Gail ter HaarInstitute of Cancer Research, Sutton, UK

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Guidelines and recommendations 11


tissue target has a signifi cant impact on the type of bio-eff ect and on its consequences for human health.

The relaxation of intensity limits for pre-market approval by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA, 1985, 1993) allows a substantially increased intensity of ultrasound to be delivered to the foetus than was previously allowed. Studies with laboratory animals have shown that signifi cant biological eff ects can be produced from exposures from modern diagnostic equipment operating at maximum output conditions. These issues have been addressed by the World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (WFUMB) in published conclusions and recommendations that represent international consensus on safe use of ultrasound in medicine. Major national ultrasound societies have formulated guidelines for the safe use of ultrasound in medicine. This chapter describes relevant published safety guidelines issued by national and international organizations concerned with the safe and eff ective application of ultrasound in medicine.

An important question that relates to the safe use of ultrasound in medicine is whether it is bett er to limit the acoustic output by law or to rely on optimum patient exposure and appropriate risk/benefi t assessment based on informed use. The latt er option is encouraged by the FDA through its acceptance of equipment output display using the so-called “Track 3” option for pre-market equipment approval (see Chapter 10). However, this option requires eff ort on the part of the user, authorities and ultrasound organizations to disseminate relevant information about potential risk.

The change from a regulated maximum intensity limit to control by personal judgement of the risk/benefi t ratio for each type of examination allows the clinician or ultrasound technologist access to, and control of, potentially substantially higher acoustic outputs than before. It is appropriate that clinicians take the responsibility of risk assessment armed with information on bio-eff ects provided by the scientifi c community, and on equipment output conditions provided by the manufacturer. This increasingly places the responsibility on the end-user to maximize the benefi t of ultrasound examinations, whilst minimizing the risk. Clearly, in order to make valid judgements radiologists and sonographers must be educated about safety issues. Att itudes that assume inherent safety under all conditions, simply because the equipment is commercially available, are inappropriate. Misplaced assumptions that the highest acoustic power always gives the best diagnostic information need to be replaced by an awareness of the relative risks for each application. Ultrasound technologists who have been trained in safety issues are best able to interpret information in the form of an output display, and it is the purpose of this chapter to draw att ention to some important and relevant issues. It is essential that users of ultrasound equipment have an understanding of bio-eff ect mechanisms and are cognizant of the potential risks associated with diff erent modes of operation. The risk/benefi t changes signifi cantly according to the medical reason for undertaking each type of ultrasonographic examination. For example, a current topic of debate is whether or not there is risk, or benefi t, associated with routine use of pulsed Doppler (PD) ultrasound during the fi rst trimester in uncomplicated pregnancy. While there is some uncertainty about the risk/benefi t issues, it is well known that the developing embryo is particularly sensitive to damage by physical insult. It should also be remembered that both the

Appropriate use of safety related “output display” requires user education and dissemination of relevant information about potential risk

The introduction of displayed safety “indices” has resulted in higher available acoustic outputs

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11 Guidelines and recommendations


benefi t and risk depend largely on the skill and competence of the person performing the examination.

There is a large data base of scientifi c papers and review articles on biological eff ects and safety of ultrasound. The WFUMB has published proceedings of symposia off ering conclusions and recommendations on the safe use of ultrasound in medicine. The WFUMB Safety Committ ee has also published relevant scientifi c review papers (Barnett et al., 1994, 1997, 2010). Most national ultrasound societies have a safety committ ee or advisory group whose role is to provide information on the risk of bio-eff ects. Some of these expert groups also issue safety guidelines to promote responsible use of diagnostic ultrasound. Information on bio-eff ects and safety is disseminated through regular scientifi c presentations at medical ultrasound conferences. However, the low audience att endance at bio-eff ects sessions at clinical conferences suggests that the concept of voluntary att ention to safety issues may not be appropriate or eff ective. The situation is made more diffi cult by the unknown number of clinicians and sonographers who practice outside tertiary centres and who do not have any affi liation with ultrasound societies. The purpose of this chapter is to draw att ention to existing safety guidelines and to provide some background information on the current status of knowledge on biophysical aspects of ultrasound interaction.

It is easy to become complacent in the knowledge that medical ultrasonography has enjoyed widespread use as a safe and eff ective diagnostic clinical tool, but it must be remembered that the fact that there is no evidence for harm does not provide evidence of absence of potential to do harm. However, it should be realized that each new technological development introduces new biophysical conditions that require evaluation with regard to safety; for example, echo-contrast agents enhance cavitation and harmonic generation in tissue. Improvements in resolution, grey-scale defi nition and image quality are particularly important in obstetrics. Image quality has been further enhanced with the advent of endovaginal examinations that allow closer access to anatomical structures and visualization of the embryo or foetus without suff ering the beam-interference eff ects, or ultrasound att enuation, caused by overlying abdominal skin, fat and musculature. PD spectral fl ow analysis and Doppler colour fl ow imaging (CFI) techniques off er the potential to increase diagnostic eff ectiveness and may be att ractive for applications in early pregnancy. Meanwhile, there is a developing trend towards prolonged daily use of transcranial PD spectral fl ow measurement in premature infants.

Non-linear harmonic imaging introduces another interesting variable into the potential bio-eff ects equation. Higher-frequency harmonics are generated in tissue by the use of high acoustic pressure amplitudes. In addition the introduction into the ultrasound fi eld of echo-contrast gas bodies can generate harmonics locally. By these processes the non-linear eff ect is enhanced and the potential for biological eff ects may be also increased (see Chapters 2 and 6).

Major ultrasound societies and organizations have paid att ention to the safety of diagnostic ultrasound and progress has been achieved towards identifying international consensus on important issues. In recent years, knowledge of the biophysical eff ects of

Complacency about safety

should be avoided. Each

new technique needs separate


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ultrasound has become a fundamental consideration in the process of sett ing international standards for safety of ultrasound in medicine, an important function of the International Electrotechnical Committ ee (IEC, 1992; see Chapter 10).

It is entirely appropriate to recognize that the scientifi c community does not have all the answers to basic questions, and that fresh questions are generated as new applications develop. This uncertainty may require the introduction of wide safety margins in international standards in order to ensure that risk is minimized.

The regulatory arrangements set up by the FDA in the USA, and its use of the AIUM/NEMA (1992) “Output Display Standard” (ODS) are discussed in Chapter 10. However, there are some important issues that need to be understood when considering the AIUM/NEMA output labelling scheme. The duration of exposure is not included in the index of risk, and this remains an important consideration, particularly for thermally mediated biological eff ects where the damage threshold is defi ned by a combination of temperature increase and time for which it is maintained (see Chapter 3). The higher the temperature increase, the shorter the duration required to produce adverse eff ects. This issue has been examined in detail by international panels of experts during symposia sponsored by the WFUMB. Following its safety symposium in 1996, the WFUMB published a recommendation (WFUMB, 1998) that “ . . . safety guidelines should include an appropriate duration factor”. This aspect of safety issues has been recognized by the IEC in its deliberations towards developing international safety standards.

Another potential limitation of the thermal index (TI) is that it does not take account of patient temperature. This may be an important consideration for obstetrics. A relevant recommendation of the WFUMB (1998) states that “Care should be taken to avoid unnecessary additional embryonic and foetal risk from ultrasound examinations of febrile patients”.

In comparison with thermal mechanisms, gas-body eff ects from diagnostic ultrasound can occur almost instantaneously when the acoustic pressure exceeds a certain threshold value. The ODS does not give any indication of exposure duration or the eff ects on bio-eff ects thresholds of such factors as the presence of gas bodies/contrast agents, patient temperature or non-linear propagation.

The European Committ ee for Ultrasound Radiation Safety (ECURS) has published an informative tutorial paper on the thermal and mechanical indices (EFSUMB, 1996a,b) which draws att ention to some of these problems. As an example, it suggests that the models used for deriving “reasonable worst-case” exposures for the indices may not be adequate to describe fi rst-trimester scanning through a full bladder where the att enuating eff ect of overlying tissue is small. The purpose of the mechanical index (MI) is to predict the likelihood of cavitation type of bio-eff ects where the peak pressure amplitude is a critical parameter. The intended use is for the display of MI to be included in B-mode imaging. However, recent surveys (Duck and Henderson, 1998; Henderson et al., 1997; Martin, 2010) show minimal diff erences in peak pressure values for diff erent modes of operation (see Chapter 3).

Safety indices take no account of the duration of the exposure

TI takes no account of patient temperature

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The importance of an MI, or similar indicator of risk of mechanical damage, is emphasized by recent research fi ndings. Although there is no direct evidence of adverse eff ects in humans (no scientifi cally controlled studies with humans exist) from mechanical bio-eff ects, the scientifi c literature contains a considerable amount of information on both in vitro and in vivo eff ects in lower animals and mammals. The critical acoustic parameter is the in situ rarefaction pressure.

Surveys of acoustic output measurements reported for equipment in clinical use in the UK (Henderson et al., 1997; Whitt ingham, 2000) have indicated that the peak rarefactional (pr) pressure amplitudes for Doppler systems range between 0.6 MPa and 5.5 MPa. A more recent survey of values declared by manufacturers puts this range as 2.1–6.7 MPa (Martin, 2010). For imaging systems, the measured range was 0.5–4.6 MPa, and the declared range was 2.3–6.4 MPa. The observation of haemorrhage in the mouse lung following exposure to pulsed ultrasound (Child et al., 1990) at 1 MPa has demonstrated that these rarefactional pressure amplitudes are suffi cient to lead to adverse biological eff ects in mammalian tissues. It is not certain to what extent these eff ects may occur in humans or their clinical signifi cance (WFUMB, 1998; see Chapter 5).

11.2 International guidelines

11.2.1 World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology

Since 1985, the WFUMB has sponsored a number of symposia on safety and standardization of ultrasound in medicine that have addressed topics related to known mechanisms for producing biological eff ects. These recommendations remain valid today, and are the basis for current recommendations. During these symposia the available scientifi c data base has been critically examined, conclusions drawn and the proceedings subject to widespread international review. As a result the WFUMB has published policy statements and a number of conclusions and recommendations, endorsed as internationally acceptable guidelines for the safe use of diagnostic ultrasound (WFUMB, 1992, 1998). These guidelines are also still valid today. WFUMB policy statement on safety of diagnostic ultrasound

B-mode imaging

Known diagnostic ultrasound equipment as used today for simple B-mode imaging operates at acoustic outputs that are not capable of producing harmful temperature rises. Its use in medicine is therefore not contraindicated on thermal grounds. This includes endoscopic, transvaginal and transcutaneous applications.


It has been demonstrated in experiments with unperfused tissue that some Doppler diagnostic equipment has the potential to produce biologically signifi cant temperature rises, specifi cally at bone/soft tissue interfaces. The eff ects of elevated temperatures may be minimized by keeping the time for which the beam passes through any one point in tissue as short as possible. Where output

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WFUMB conclusions

power can be controlled, the lowest available power level consistent with obtaining the desired diagnostic information should be used. Although the data on humans are sparse, it is clear from animal studies that exposures resulting in temperatures less than 38.5 °C can be used without reservation on thermal grounds. This includes obstetric applications.

Transducer heating

A substantial source of heating may be the transducer itself. Tissue heating from this source is localized to the volume in contact with the transducer.

The fi ndings of the WFUMB symposia on the safety of ultrasound in medicine are published in the scientifi c literature. These reports (WFUMB, 1992, 1998) contain comprehensive lists of conclusions and recommendations on a wide range of biological eff ects. Some of the clinically relevant conclusions and recommendations on the safe use of ultrasound in medicine are given below. WFUMB conclusions

Thermal effects

Developmental abnormalities have been observed in animals when the embryonic or foetal temperature is increased by 2 °C or more above their normal body temperature for extended duration.

Biologically signifi cant temperature increases have been measured, at or near bone/soft tissue interfaces, during exposure to conditions similar to those used in Doppler diagnostic equipment. The eff ects of elevated temperatures may be minimized by keeping the time for which the beam passes through any one point in tissue as short as possible.

Non-thermal effects

Capillary bleeding has been observed in the lung after exposure of neonatal, young and adult mice, swine and adult rats, rabbits and monkeys to diagnostically relevant, pulsed ultrasound. Thresholds for capillary bleeding in adult mice and neonatal and young swine are of the order of 1 MPa at 2 MHz, which is within the range of output values of commercially available diagnostic ultrasound systems.

In the air-fi lled mammalian lung, bleeding from alveolar capillaries has been induced experimentally by ultrasound at diagnostic exposure levels. This eff ect has not been observed in the fl uid-fi lled mammalian foetal lung. There is no direct evidence to date as to whether or not this eff ect can occur in humans. WFUMB recommendations

Thermal effects

A diagnostic exposure that produces a maximum temperature rise of no more than 1.5 °C above normal physiological levels (37 °C) may be used clinically without reservation on thermal grounds.A diagnostic exposure that elevates embryonic and foetal in situ temperature 41 °C (4 °C above normal temperature) for 5 min or more should be considered potentially hazardous.

The risk of adverse eff ects of heating is increased with the duration of exposure. Thus, safety guidelines should include an appropriate duration factor.

WFUMB policy statement

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Care should be taken to avoid unnecessary additional embryonic and foetal risk from ultrasound examinations of febrile patients.

Non-thermal effects

Cavitation: It has been shown experimentally that acoustic cavitation can alter mammalian tissue. The possible occurrence of cavitation, either inertial or non-inertial, should be considered in assessing the safety of diagnostic ultrasound and of other forms of medical ultrasound.

Lung capillary bleeding: Currently available animal data indicate that it is prudent to reduce ultrasound exposure of human postnatal lung to the minimum necessary to obtain the required diagnostic information.

A risk benefi t analysis should be performed if the anticipated acoustic pressure amplitude at the surface of the postnatal lung exceeds 1 MPa.

Contrast agents: Gas bodies introduced by a contrast agent increase the probability of cavitation. A physician should take this into account when considering the benefi t/risk ratio of an examination.

B-mode imaging: When tissue/gas interfaces or contrast agents are not present, the use of B-mode imaging need not be withheld because of concern for ultrasound safety. This statement also applies to endoscopic, transvaginal and transcutaneous applications. When tissue/gas interfaces or contrast agents are present, ultrasound exposure levels and duration should be reduced to the minimum necessary to obtain the required diagnostic information.

As mentioned above, the main area of concern in obstetric ultrasound scanning lies with the use of Doppler in the fi rst trimester. Here several organizations (WFUMB, ISUOG, EFSUMB/AIUM) have agreed a single statement (WFUMB, 2011). This is:

Statement on the Safe Use of Doppler Ultrasound During 11–14 week scans (or earlier in pregnancy)

1. PD (spectral, power and CFI) ultrasound should not be used routinely.2. PD ultrasound may be used for clinical indications such as to refi ne risks for trisomies.3. When performing Doppler ultrasound, the displayed TI should be less than or equal to 1.0 and

exposure time should be kept as short as possible (usually no longer than 5–10 min) and not exceed 60 min.

4. When using Doppler ultrasound for research, teaching and training purposes, the displayed TI should be less than or equal to 1.0 and exposure time should be kept as short as possible (usually no longer than 5–10 min) and not exceed 60 min. Informed consent should be obtained.

5. In educational sett ings, discussion of fi rst trimester pulsed or colour Doppler should be accompanied by information on safety and bio-eff ects (e.g. TI, exposure times and how to reduce the output power).

6. When scanning maternal uterine arteries in the fi rst trimester, there are unlikely to be any foetal safety implications as long as the embryo/foetus lies outside the Doppler ultrasound beam.

WFUMB recommendations


Doppler in the fi rst trimester

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11.2.2 Other international safety guidelines

The other professional Ultrasound societies also issue statements and guidelines relevant to ultrasound safety. Each has its own form of clinical safety statement, but the message is consistent. It is important to understand that these statements on clinical ultrasound safety are not regulatory. They provide essential information and serve a useful role in advising users of the potential risk from certain diagnostic ultrasound procedures. The most recent such statement is from EFSUMB, and is reproduced here. The interested reader is referred to the websites of AIUM, ISUOG and ASUM (Australian Society for Ultrasound in Medicine) for further information. EFSUMB Clinical Safety Statement for Diagnostic Ultrasound (2011)

Diagnostic ultrasound has been widely used in clinical medicine for many years with no proven deleterious eff ects. However, if used imprudently, diagnostic ultrasound is capable of producing harmful eff ects. The range of clinical applications is becoming wider, the number of patients undergoing ultrasound examinations is increasing and new techniques with higher acoustic output levels are being introduced. It is therefore essential to maintain vigilance to ensure the continued safe use of ultrasound.

Ultrasound examinations should only be performed by competent personnel who are trained and updated in safety matt ers. It is also important that ultrasound devices are appropriately maintained.

Ultrasound produces heating, pressure changes and mechanical disturbances in tissue. Diagnostic levels of ultrasound can produce temperature rises that are hazardous to sensitive organs and the embryo/foetus. Biological eff ects of non-thermal origin have been reported in animals but, to date, no such eff ects have been demonstrated in humans, except when a microbubble contrast agent is present.

The TI is an on-screen guide to the user of the potential for tissue heating. The MI is an on-screen guide of the likelihood and magnitude of non-thermal eff ects. Users should regularly check both indices while scanning and should adjust the machine controls to keep them as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA principle) without compromising the diagnostic value of the examination. Where low values cannot be achieved, examination times should kept as short as possible. Guidelines issued by several ultrasound societies are available.

Some modes are more likely than others to produce signifi cant acoustic outputs and, when using these modes, particular care should be taken to regularly check the TI and MI indices. Spectral pulse wave Doppler and Doppler imaging modes (CFI and power Doppler imaging) in particular can produce more tissue heating and hence higher TI values, as can B-mode techniques involving coded transmissions. Tissue harmonic imaging mode can sometimes involve higher MI values. 3D (three dimensional) imaging does not introduce any additional safety considerations, particularly if there are signifi cant pauses during scanning to study or manipulate the reconstructed images. However, 4D scanning (real-time 3D) involves continuous exposure and users should guard against the temptation to prolong examination times unduly in an eff ort to improve the recorded image sequence beyond that which is necessary for diagnostic purposes.

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Ultrasound exposure during pregnancy

The embryo/foetus in early pregnancy is known to be particularly sensitive. In view of this and the fact that there is very litt le information currently available regarding possible subtle biological eff ects of diagnostic levels of ultrasound on the developing human embryo or foetus, care should be taken to limit the exposure time and the thermal and mechanical indices to the minimum commensurate with an acceptable clinical assessment.

Temperature rises are likely to be greatest at bone surfaces and adjacent soft tissues. With increasing mineralization of foetal bones, the possibility of heating sensitive tissues such as brain and spinal cord increases. Extra vigilance is advised when scanning such critical foetal structures, at any stage in pregnancy. Based on scientifi c evidence of ultrasound-induced biological eff ects to date, there is no reason to withhold diagnostic scanning during pregnancy, provided it is medically indicated and is used prudently by fully trained operators. This includes routine scanning of pregnant women. However, Doppler ultrasound examinations should not be used routinely in the fi rst trimester of pregnancy.

The power levels used for foetal heart rate monitoring (cardiotocography) are suffi ciently low that the use of this modality is not contraindicated on safety grounds, even when it is to be used for extended periods.

Safety considerations for other sensitive organs

Particular care should be taken to reduce the risk of thermal and non-thermal eff ects during investigations of the eye and when carrying out neonatal cardiac and cranial investigations.

Ultrasound contrast agents

These usually take the form of stable gas-fi lled microbubbles, which can potentially produce cavitation or microstreaming, the risk of which increases with MI value. Data from small animal models suggest that microvascular damage or rupture is possible. Caution should be considered for the use of ultrasound contrast agents (UCA) in tissues where damage to microvasculature could have serious clinical implications, such as in the brain, the eye and the neonate. As in all diagnostic ultrasound procedures, the MI and TI values should be continually checked and kept as low as possible. It is possible to induce premature ventricular contractions in contrast-enhanced echocardiography when using high MI and end-systolic triggering. Users should take appropriate precautions in these circumstances and avoid cardiac examinations in patients with recent acute coronary syndrome or clinically unstable ischaemic heart disease. The use of contrast agents should be avoided 24 h prior to extra-corporeal shock wave therapy.

In conclusions and recommendations on transvaginal sonography EFSUMB advises that (EFSUMB 1995):

“The absence of long-term, large scale, follow-up studies following fi rst-trimester ultrasound exposures means that care is required in the application of transvaginal

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ultrasonography in early pregnancy. It should only be performed for pure medical reasons that are to the benefi t of the mother and/or the embryo”. British Medical Ultrasound Society

The British Medical Ultrasound Society (BMUS) is the only organization to have published guidelines on the safe use of ultrasound, with explicit recommendations related to the displayed safety indices (BMUS, 2010). This information is shown in Tables 11.1 and 11.2. Figure 11.1 shows a graphical representation providing easy reference for the recommended scanning time at any given TI for obstetric scans. Similar fi gures are available for neonatal transcranial and spinal scans, general neonatal and cardiac scans, and adult transcranial, peripheral vascular and general abdominal scanning. For obstetrics, TIs of 0.7 can be used without restriction, and the recommendation is that those greater than 3 should be avoided. The time limits were reached using the thermal guidelines produced by WFUMB (1998), rounding the times down where appropriate to ensure continued safety. This is discussed in more detail in Chapter 3. In discussing the recommended time restrictions, the Guidelines state that:

“The operator should aim to stay within BMUS recommended scan times. If there is a clinical need to exceed these recommended times, the ALARA principle should still be followed. When overall times longer than those recommended here are essential, the probe should be removed from the patient whenever possible, to minimize exposure.”

11.3 Souvenir scanningAll the societies mentioned above have issued statements about the use or the production of souvenir scans (also known as keepsake, or bonding scans). The message of these statements is that this practice cannot be recommended, giving safety grounds as the basis for this (WFUMB, AIUM, ISUOG, EFSUMB, BMUS). At fi rst sight this may seem to contradict the “clinical” safety statements from these same organizations in which routine scans during pregnancy are said to be safe. An ultrasound scan conducted in a souvenir scanning centre is not inherently more harmful than the same scan conducted for clinical reasons if carried out by a qualifi ed practitioner. The diff erence lies in the perceived benefi t obtained compared to any potential risk. A “routine” obstetric ultrasound scan is conducted with the expectation that it will inform the management of the pregnancy benefi cially, whereas a souvenir scan is carried out solely for “recreational” purposes. A compromise is reached by conceding that providing a “souvenir” image at the end of a clinically indicated scan does not add signifi cantly to any potential risk, and may dissuade the pregnant mother from resorting to a high street “boutique” with unknown skills and qualifi cations to obtain such a scan (Brezinka, 2010; Phillips et al., 2010).

The EFSUMB, ISUOG and WFUMB statements are given below. The EFSUMB statement has been endorsed as BMUS policy.

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ApplicationValues to monitor (A)

TI value MI value

0–0.7 0.7–3.0 >3.0 0–

0.3 >0.3 >0.7

Obstetrics up 10 weeks after LMP (and gynaecology when pregnancy is possible)

TIS and MI

(B) restrict time to0.7 < TIS ≤ 1.0: 60 min1.0 < TIS ≤ 1.5: 30 min1.5 < TIS ≤ 2.0: 15 min2.0 < TIS ≤ 2.5: 4 min2.5 < TIS ≤ 3.0: 1 min

Scanning of an embryo or foetus is not recommended, however briefl y

(E) risk of cavitation with contrast agents

Obstetrics more than 10 weeks after LMP

TIB and MI

(B) restrict time to0.7 < TIB ≤ 1.0: 60 min1.0 < TIB ≤ 1.5: 30 min1.5 < TIB ≤ 2.0: 15 min2.0 < TIB ≤ 2.5: 4 min2.5 < TIB ≤ 3.0: 1 min

Scanning of an embryo or foetus is not recommended, however briefl y

(E) risk of cavitation with contrast agents

Neonatal—transcranial and spinal

TIC and MI

(B) restrict time to0.7 < TIC ≤ 1.0: 60 min1.0 < TIC ≤ 1.5: 30 min1.5 < TIC ≤ 2.0: 15 min2.0 < TIC ≤ 2.5: 4 min2.5 < TIC ≤ 3.0: 1 min

Scanning of an embryo or foetus is not recommended, however briefl y

(E) risk of cavitation with contrast agents

Neonatal—general and cardiac imaging

TIB and MI recom-mended

(C) restrict time to1.0 < TIB ≤ 1.5: 120 min 3.0 < TIB ≤ 4.0 : 1 min1.5 < TIB ≤ 2.0: 60 min 4.0 < TIB ≤ 5.0 : 15 s2.0 < TIB ≤ 2.5: 15 min 5.0 < TIB ≤ 6.0 : 5 s2.5 < TIB ≤ 3.0: 4 min TIB > 6: not recommended.

(D) pos-sibility of minor damage to lung or intestine. Minimize exposure time.

(E) risk of cavitation with contrast agents

Foetal Doppler heart monitoring

TI or MI are not usually available for dedicated foetal heart monitors

The power levels used by dedicated foetal heart monitors are suffi ciently low that the use of this modality is not contraindicated, on safety grounds, even when it is to be used for extended periods

: There is no known reason to restrict scanning times in this region.A: Many scanners allow MI and one of the TI values to be displayed simultaneously: the most appropriate TI value depends on the clinical application.B: TI > 0.7—the overall exposure time (including pauses) of an embryo or foetus or of the neonatal central nervous system should be restricted.C: TI > 1.0—the overall exposure time (including pauses) of other parts of the neonate should be restricted.D: MI > 0.3—there is a possibility of minor damage to neonatal lung or intestine. If such exposure is necessary, try to reduce the exposure time as much as possible.E: MI > 0.7—there is a risk of cavitation if an ultrasound contrast agent containing gas microspheres is being used. There is a theoretical risk of cavitation without the presence of ultrasound contrast agents. The risk increases with MI values above this threshold.

Table 11.1. Recommended exposure time and index values for obstetric and neonatal ultrasound.

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Application Values to monitor (A) TI value MI value

0–1.0 >1.0 0–0.3 >0.7

General abdominal

Peripheral vascular

Unlisted applications

Usually TIB and MI

[use TIC and MI if bone closer than 1 cm; TIS and MI only if bone does not come into the image]

(B) restrict time to1.0 < TIB ≤ 1.5: 120 min1.5 < TIB ≤ 2.0: 60 min2.0 < TIB ≤ 2.5: 15 min2.5 < TIB ≤ 3.0: 4 min3.0 < TIB ≤ 4.0: 1 min4.0 < TIB ≤ 5.0: 15 s5.0 < TIB ≤ 6.0: 5 s TIB>6: not recommended

(C) risk of cavitation with contrast agents

Eye TIS and MI recommended

Scanning of the eye is not recommended

(C) risk of cavitation with contrast agents

Adult transcranial (imaging and stand-alone) (D)

TIC and MI

(B) restrict time to0.7 < TIC ≤ 1.0: 60 min1.0 < TIC ≤ 1.5: 30 min1.5 < TIC ≤ 2.0: 15 min2.0 < TIC ≤ 2.5: 4 min2.5 < TIC ≤ 3.0: 1 minTIC>3: not recommended

(C) risk of cavitation with contrast agents

Peripheral pulse monitoring

TI or MI are not usually available for dedicated peripherial pulse monitoring

The output from CW Doppler devices intended for monitoring peripheral pulses is suffi ciently low that their use is not contraindicated, on safety grounds

: There is no known reason to restrict scanning times in this region.A: Many scanners allow MI and one of the TI values to be displayed simultaneously: the most appropriate TI value depends on the clinical application.B: TI > 1.0—the overall exposure time (including pauses) should be restricted.C: MI > 0.7—there is a risk of cavitation if an ultrasound contrast agent containing gas microspheres is being used. There is a theoretical risk of cavitation without the presence of ultrasound contrast agents. The risk increases with MI values above this threshold.D: Transcranial ultrasound investigations may require higher acoustic output or longer monitoring times than other applications. When times longer than those recommended here are required, it is recommended that monitoring is paused regularly to minimize exposure.

Table 11.2. Recommended exposure time and index values for non-obstetric and non- neonatal ultrasound.

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11.3.1 EFSUMB (2009)

Developments in real-time three-dimensional ultrasonic imaging have led to parents asking for souvenir (keepsake) video recordings of the foetus, sometimes at several stages during the pregnancy. An area of concern is the growth of services designed to provide such images and recordings without any diagnostic element to the scan. Often, such services are unable to provide counselling or off er guidance if signs of a foetal abnormality are unexpectedly revealed. Apart from such services, there many instances of diagnostic scans being prolonged in order to provide such recordings.

Very litt le information is currently available regarding possible subtle biological eff ects of diagnostic levels of ultrasound on the developing human embryo or foetus, and the possibility of developmental eff ects in the brain cannot be ruled out. There is evidence that diagnostic levels of ultrasound can infl uence development of the brain in small animals, although it is not possible to extrapolate this fi nding to the human situation. A balance must always be maintained between diagnostic benefi t and risk to the patient. Therefore, it is diffi cult to justify souvenir or keepsake scanning that has no diagnostic benefi t.

Recommendations:1. Ultrasound scans should not be performed solely for producing souvenir images or recordings

of a foetus or embryo.2. The production of souvenir images or recordings for the parents to keep is reasonable if they

are produced during a diagnostic scan, provided that this does not require the ultrasound exposure to be greater in time or magnitude (as indicated by the displayed MI and TI) than that necessary to produce the required diagnostic information.

3. Att ention is drawn to the recommendation of the EFSUMB Clinical Safety Statement for Diagnostic Ultrasound that ultrasound examinations should be performed only by competent personnel who are trained and updated in ultrasound safety matt ers.

Figure 11.1. Graphical representation of the recommended exposure times at different index values for obstetric ultrasound, as listed in Table 11.1.

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11.3.2 WFUMB Policy Statement on Non-medical Use of Ultrasound (2008)

The WFUMB disapproves of the use of ultrasound for the sole purpose of providing souvenir images of the foetus. Because the safety of an ultrasound examination cannot be assured, the use of ultrasound without medical benefi t should be avoided. Furthermore, ultrasound should be employed only by health professionals who are well trained and updated in ultrasound clinical usage and bio-eff ects. WFUMB Recommendations on Non-medical Use of Ultrasound

• The WFUMB disapproves of the use of ultrasound for the sole purpose of providing keepsake or souvenir images of the foetus.

• Ultrasonography is a medical procedure that should only be carried out in the clinical sett ing where there is a medical indication and when carried out under the supervision of a physician or an expert.

• The use of ultrasound to provide keepsake images or videos of the foetus may be acceptable if it is undertaken as part of the normal clinical diagnostic ultrasound examination, provided that it does not increase exposure to the foetus.

• In the absence of supporting evidence of safety, caution should be used to minimize ultrasound exposure to the foetus.

• When using ultrasound for non-medical reasons the ultrasound equipment display should be used to ensure that TI < 0.5 and MI < 0.3.

• Ultrasound imaging for non-medical reasons is not recommended unless carried out for education, training or demonstration purposes.

• Live scanning of pregnant models for equipment exhibitions at ultrasound congresses is considered a non-medical practice that should be prohibited since it provides no medical benefi t and aff ords potential risk to the foetus.

11.3.3 ISUOG (2009)

ISUOG disapproves of the use of ultrasound for the sole purpose of providing souvenir images of the foetus. There have been no reported incidents of human foetal harm in over 40 years of extensive use of medically indicated and supervised diagnostic ultrasound. Nevertheless, ultrasound involves exposure to a form of energy, so there is the potential to initiate biological eff ects. Some of these eff ects might, under certain circumstances, be detrimental to the developing foetus. Therefore, the uncontrolled use of ultrasound without medical benefi t should be avoided.

11.4 ConclusionProfessional medical ultrasound society websites provide statements and guidelines addressing the continued safe practice of diagnostic ultrasound. These are regularly updated and should be consulted for the most up to date information. Many of these organizations also have rapid response groups whose job it is to provide informed comment when new safety issues arise.

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11 Guidelines and recommendations


AcknowledgementThis chapter is a revised version of Chapter 11 in the second edition. The contribution of Stan Barnett to that chapter is acknowledged.

ReferencesAIUM/NEMA. 1992. Standard for Real-time Display of Thermal and Mechanical Acoustic Output Indices on Diagnostic Ultrasound Equipment. Rockville, MD: American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine.Barnett SB, ter Haar GR, Ziskin MC, Nyborg WL, Maeda K, Bang J. 1994. Current status of research on biophysical eff ects of ultrasound. Ultrasound Med Biol, 20, 205–218.Barnett SB, Rott HD, ter Haar GR, Ziskin MC, Maeda K. 1997. The sensitivity of biological tissue to ultrasound. Ultrasound Med Biol, 23, 805–812.Barnett SB, Abramowicz JS, Ziskin MC, Marsal K, Claudon C. 2010. Safety of nonmedical use of ultrasound. Ultrasound Med Biol, 36, 1209–1212.BMUS. 2010. Guidelines for the safe use of diagnostic ultrasound equipment. Ultrasound, 18, 52–59.Brezinka C. 2010. Non-medical use of ultrasound in pregnancy; ethical issues, patient’s rights and potential mis-use. Ultrasound Med Biol, 36, 1233–1236.Child SZ, Hartman CL, Schery LA, Carstensen EL. 1990. Lung damage from exposure to pulsed ultrasound. Ultrasound Med Biol, 16, 817–825.Duck FA, Henderson J. 1998. Acoustic output of modern ultrasound equipment: is it increasing? In Safety of Diagnostic Ultrasound, Barnett SB, Kossoff G (editors). New York, NY: Parthenon Publishing Group, pp. 15–26.EFSUMB. 1995. European Committ ee for Ultrasound Radiation Safety, Tutorial paper on transvaginal ultrasonography—safety aspects. Eur J Ultrasound, 1, 355–357.EFSUMB. 1996a. European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, Clinical safety statement for diagnostic ultrasound. Report from the European Committ ee for Ultrasound Radiation Safety. Eur J Ultrasound, 3, 283.EFSUMB. 1996b. Tutorial paper: thermal and mechanical indices. European Committ ee for Ultrasound Radiation Safety. Eur J Ultrasound, 4, 145–150.FDA. 1985. 510(k) Guide for Measuring and Reporting Acoustic Output of Diagnostic Ultrasound. Rockville, MD: Food and Drug Administration, Centre for Devices and Radiological Health.FDA. 1993. Revised 510(k) Diagnostic Ultrasound Guidance for 1993. Rockville, MD: Centre for Devices and Radiological Health, US Food and Drug Administration.Henderson J, Whitt ingham TA, Dunn T. 1997. A review of the acoustic output of modern diagnostic ultrasound equipment. BMUS Bull, 5, 10–14.IEC. 1992. Standard 1157: Requirement for the Declaration of Acoustic Output of Medical Diagnostic Equipment. Geneva, Switz erland: International Electrotechnical Commission.Martin K. 2010. The acoustic safety of new ultrasound technologies. Ultrasound, 18, 110–118.Phillips RA, Stratmeyer M, Harris G. 2010. Safety and U.S. regulatory considerations in the non-medical use of medical ultrasound devices. Ultrasound Med Biol, 36, 1224–1228.

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WFUMB. 1992. World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology Symposium on Safety and Standardisation in Medical Ultrasound. Issues and recommendations regarding thermal mechanisms for biological eff ects of ultrasound, Barnett SB, Kossoff G (editors). Ultrasound Med Biol, 18, 731–814.WFUMB. 1998. World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology Symposium on Safety of Ultrasound in Medicine: conclusions and recommendations on thermal and non-thermal mechanisms for biological eff ects of ultrasound, Barnett SB (editor). Ultrasound Med Biol, 24, 1–55.WFUMB. 2011. Statement on the Safe Use of Doppler Ultrasound During 11–14 week scans. Ultrasound Med Biol, 36, 1210.Whitt ingham TA. 2000. The acoustic output of diagnostic machines. In The Safe Use of Ultrasound in Medical Diagnosis, ter Haar G, Duck FA (editors). 2nd Edition. London, UK: The British Medical Ultrasound Society & The British Institute of Radiology, pp.16–31.

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The Safe Use of Ultrasound in Medical Diagnosis

Absorption coefficient: measure of the rate of decrease in the energy of an acoustic wave due to viscosity, thermal effects, chemical relaxation, etc., but excluding scattering. See also Attenuation coefficient

Acoustic cavitation: formation and/or activity of gas-filled bodies in a medium exposed to an acoustic field. Commonly used with regard to cavitation associated with ultrasonic field as well

Acoustic impedance: ratio of acoustic pressure to particle velocity in a medium exposed to an ultrasound wave, equal to the product of density and speed of sound

Acoustic intensity: rate of acoustic energy flow through a unit area normal to the direction of wave propagation

Acoustic streaming: the flow of fluid within an ultrasonic beam, in the direction of wave propagation: originally termed “quartz wind”

AIUM: American Institute for Ultrasound in Medicine

Attenuation coefficient: coefficient that describes the energy lost, by absorption and scattering, when an ultrasonic beam passes through a medium. The intensity absorption coefficient µ of a homogeneous medium is defined for a single frequency by the equation I = I0 e⁻µx, where I0 is the initial intensity and I is the intensity after the beam has travelled distance x. An amplitude attenuation coefficient α can also be defined, where µ = 2α. Units: dB cm⁻1, or Np cm⁻1

ASUM: Australasian Society for Ultrasound in Medicine

BECA: beam calibrator; a device for quantifying acoustic fields. Also referred to as the NPL Ultrasound Beam Calibrator (UBC)

BIR: The British Institute of Radiology

BMUS: The British Medical Ultrasound Society

Cavitation: see Acoustic cavitation

Cavitation nucleus: point (e.g. impurity or structural irregularity in a liquid or soft tissue) from which a gas bubble may grow and oscillate under the action of an ultrasonic field

CEN: Comité Europeén de Normalisation

CENELEC: Comité Europeén de Normalisation Electrotechnique

CFM: colour flow mapping using Doppler shift methods. Sometimes referred to as colour Doppler

Collapse cavitation: see Inertial cavitation


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Contrast agents: agents that can be administered to patients to improve or enhance the diagnostic information in a scan specifi cally for ultrasound by diff erentially altering echogenicity; ultrasound contrast agents usually consist of a suspension of small gas bubbles stabilized against dissolution by the prescence of an encapsulating shell of lipid, protein or polymer

Derating: process by which the att enuating eff ects of overlying structures in an ultrasonic beam are accounted for. See also in situ intensity

ECURS: European Committ ee for Ultrasound Radiation Safety

EFSUMB: European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology

Embryo: unborn off spring in fi rst trimester of pregnancy

ESWL: extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy

Extravasation: leakage of blood cells through vessel walls

FDA: Food and Drug Administration (USA)

Foetus: unborn off spring in second or third trimester of pregnancy

Fluid inertia: the tendency of a moving fl uid to continue with a constant velocity

Free radical: an atom or molecule having at least one unpaired electron and typically unstable and highly reactive. In animal tissue, free, radicals can damage cells and promote the progression of disease

Gas bodies: accumulations of gas; examples include bubbles, intestinal gas and lung alveoli

Hydrophone: device used for measuring acoustic pressure

Hyperthermia: a temperatures above normal

IEC: International Electrotechnical Commission

in situ intensity: intensity at a target. This is usually calculated to take into account the att enuation of overlying tissues

in vitro: literally “in glass”. Used to refer to experiments carried out in the laboratory, in which samples can be studied in isolation from their host

in vivo: used to refer to studies carried out in the intact living organism

Inertial cavitation: activity of a gas body in an acoustic fi eld characterized by rapid growth and subsequent collapse to a very small size, converting sound energy into heat, light, and shock waves. The motion during the collapse phase is governed by the inertia of the surrounding material rather than the acoustic and hydrodynamic pressure, hence “inertial”. Previously referred to as collapse cavitation or transient cavitation

Intensity: see Acoustic intensity

Iob: output beam intensity; the spatial-average intensity at the transducer face

Isata: spatial-average temporal-average intensity

Isppa: spatial-peak pulse-average intensity

Ispta: spatial-peak temporal-average intensity

Ita: temporal-average intensity

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Lysis: cell disruption resulting from extracellular membrane damage

Mechanical index: an output parameter related to the probability of an acoustic fi eld giving rise to cavitation, used as an “on screen” label for the Output Display Standard

MI: see Mechanical index

Microstreaming: highly localized fl uid movement in the vicinity of an oscillating gas body

NCRP: National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (USA)

NEMA: National Electrical Manufacturers Association (USA)

Non-inertial cavitation: activity of a gas body in an acoustic fi eld below the threshold acoustic pressure for inertial cavitation. Previously also known as stable cavitation.

NPL: National Physical Laboratory (UK)

ODS: see Output Display Standard

Output Display Standard: AIUM/NEMA requirement for the display of safety-related indices on the screen of an ultrasonic scanner; the equivalent international standard promulgated by the IEC is “Medical electrical equipment. Part 2-37: Particular requirements for the safety of ultrasonic medical diagnosis and monitoring equipment”, edition 2.0

Peak negative pressure: see Peak rarefaction pressure

Peak rarefaction pressure: maximum negative pressure amplitude in an ultrasonic wave

Petechia: a very small spot of haemorrhage, typically on a surface such as skin or mucous membrane: also called petechial hemorrhage

PPSI: pulse-pressure-squared integral; the integral of the square of the acoustic pressure over one pulse.

prf: pulse repetition frequency

PVDF: polyvinylidine fl uoride; material used as the sensor in some hydrophones

Radiation force: the force experienced by a solid object when it is placed in a progressive ultrasound wave. The force is directed along the beam in the direction of propagation

Resonant bubble: a bubble in an ultrasonic fi eld pulsating at one of its resonant frequencies; the term generally refers to the case for which the response consists of one radial maximum and one radial minimum per acoustic period. The amplitude of oscillation of a bubble is largest at its resonant frequency

Resonant frequency: a frequency of vibration of an object determined by the physical characteristics of the object and characterized at low acoustic intensities by the response of the object being maximal

Scatt ering coeffi cient: coeffi cient defi ning the portion of ultrasonic energy loss that is due to scatt ering. See Att enuation coeffi cient

Sonoporation: ultrasonic induction of pores in the cellular membrane

Spectral Doppler: a pulsed Doppler technique for blood fl ow waveform analysis

Teratogenic eff ects: eff ects resulting in abnormal development of the embryo and foetus

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Thermal index: an output parameter calculated as the ratio of att enuated acoustic power at a specifi ed point to the att enuated acoustic power required to raise the temperature at that point in a specifi c tissue model by 1 °C; used as an “on screen” label for the Output Display Standard

TI: see Thermal index

Transducer: source of ultrasound (also referred to as the “probe”)

Transducer self-heating: heating of an ultrasonic source (probe) due to dissipation of electrical energy within the probe itself

Ultrasound bioeff ects: the biological and physiological consequences of the passage of an ultrasonic wave through tissue

WFUMB: World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology

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The Safe Use of Ultrasound in Medical Diagnosis

AAbsorption, 8, 19, 23, 28, 82Absorption coefficient, 9, 13, 15, 63 Absorption coefficient of bone, 48Acoustic absorption coefficient, 48Acoustic cavitation, 91Acoustic frequencies, 82Acoustic impedance, 7, 16Acoustic intensity, 4, 82Acoustic output (or output)

manufacturer declared values, 36–39regulation, 36, 42surveys, 33–40, 42trends, 39–40values, 33–40, 42

Acoustic power (or power), 10measurement of, 19–20, 28, 33

Acoustic pressure, 5measurement of, 19–21, 25–26, 33peak compression pressure, 19, 34peak rarefaction pressure, 18, 19, 21, 23,

34–37, 39, 40, 42Acoustic radiation force impulse (ARFI),

20, 82Acoustic shock, 11Acoustic streaming, 20, 81, 83, 87AIUM/NEMA, 135, 138ALARA principle, 2Alveoli of the lung, 16Amniotic fluid, 83Attenuation, 8, 21, 32Attentuation coefficient, 7–9, 15, 82, 85

BBackscattered energy, 9Bio-effects, 50, 81, 87, 88, 91Birth weight, 91Blanching of the choroid, 86Blood, 96

Bone, 4, 10, 16, 94, 138Bone healing, 95Bone heating, 95Bone marrow, 51British Medical Ultrasound Society

(BMUS), 151


hydrophone, 25, 26radiation force balance, 28

Cardiac adverse effects, 109, 110, 118Cardiac response, 87Cavitation, 2, 14, 16, 18, 19, 22, 23, 37, 69–72,

75, 81, 92, 93Cell density, 92Cell lysis, 91, 92Cell membrane, 88Cellular function, 94Cellular mechano-transduction, 88CE marking, 24Central nervous system, 63Choroid blanching, 87Chromosomal effects, 93Colour flow imaging, 47, 50Congenital heart defects, 54Contrast agent, 105–114, 116–118Contrast medium, 16Control settings

effects on acoustic output, 31preset, 41worst case, 31, 32

DDerated values, 21–22De-rating, 137Developmental effects, 86Diagnostic ultrasound, 105–118Divergent beam, 29


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DNA, 93Doppler, 82, 148Doppler Ultrasound, 148Dose, 2Dose-response relationship, 59

EEC, 135Echocardiography, 106, 109, 110,

112–113, 117Effi ciency, 15EFSUMB, 149, 154Elastography, 82Electrical earth leakage current, 135Electrical safety, 135Embryos, 97Epidemiology, 125–131Energy deposition, 10European Committ ee for Ultrasound

Radiation Safety (ECURS), 145Exposure, 4Exposure duration, 54Exposure time, 152, 153Extracellular membrane, 93

FFDA. See Food and Drug AdministrationFebrile obstetric patients, 51First trimester, 148Fluid-fi lled cysts, 84Fluid movement, 87Focused beam, 29Focusing, 10Foetal gestational age, 49Foetal neural tissue, 52Foetal weight reduction, 98Food and Drug Administration, 13, 18, 22,

36–38, 42, 43, 134–136, 143510k, 136

Free-fi eld values, 21–22Free radical, 93Frequencies, 4, 5, 49Functional changes, 94

GGas, 8, 14Gene expression, 86Gestation, 52, 54

in humans, 54

Guidelines, 62, 151Guidelines and recommendations, 142

HHaemodynamic shear, 88Haemorrhage, 86, 87Handedness, 127, 129–131Harmonics, 13Hazard, 31Healing of bone fractures, 86Heat conduction, 15Heating, 2, 4, 13, 46, 50

tissue, 18, 19, 21–23transducer self heating, 22, 31transducer surface temperature, 23, 30, 32

Heat shock proteins, 52Homeostatic processes, 51Hydrophone

calibration, 25, 26measurement systems, 27–28membrane, 25, 26, 28, 33preamplifi er, 25probe (needle), 26

Hyperthermia, 51

IIEC. See International Electrotechnical

CommissionIEC60601 Part 2-37, 136Imaging modes

B-mode, 18, 30, 32, 34–42colour fl ow, 30, 32harmonic imaging, 33, 38, 42M-mode, 32pulsed Doppler, 21, 34–40, 42spectral Doppler, 18, 32, 33

Index values, 152, 153In situ exposure, 11, 137Intensity, 10, 82

measurements, 20–21, 26–27, 33spatial-average temporal-average

intensity, 21spatial-peak pulse average intensity, 21spatial-peak temporal-average intensity, 18,

21, 35, 40temporal-average intensity, 21, 26, 27, 32temporal-peak intensity, 19, 20, 32

International Electrotechnical Commission, 22, 23, 25, 26, 28, 30, 36, 134, 135

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International guidelines, 146Intestine, 14, 16Intra-rectal probes, 136ISUOG, 155

LLongitudinal compressional wave, 5Longitudinal waves, 5, 16Lung, 14Lysosomes, 93

MMaternal fever, 54Maternal hyperthermia, 54MDD. See Medical Devices DirectiveMechanical eff ects, 13, 14, 69–72Mechanical index, 2, 11, 61, 71–73, 76, 134, 137,

138, 145, 149defi nition, 22

Mechanical process, 4Medical Devices Directive, 36,

134, 140MHRA, 140MI. See Mechanical indexMitochondria, 93Mitosis, 92M-mode, 10, 49, 82, 138

NNational standards, 26, 29Neonatal ultrasound, 152Neper, 8Neuronal migration, 98Neurosensory responses, 86Non-linear acoustic eff ects, 4Non-linear enhancement, 82Non-linearity coeffi cient, 7Non-linear propagation, 25, 28, 42, 85Non-linear propagation eff ects, 11Non-medical use, 155Non-thermal eff ects, 147, 148

OObstetrics, 152ODS. See Output Display StandardOphthalmology, 137Organogenesis, 88Output Display Standard, 48, 136,

138, 145

PPeak rarefaction pressure, 4Permeability, 93Phantom

thermal, 31, 41Physical eff ects, 86Piezoelectric transducer, 15Plane-wave assumption, 26Power, 82Preset

scanner controls, 41Pressure pulses, 12Propagation, 4Propagation speed, 7Protein synthesis, 94Pulsed Doppler, 10, 47, 49, 50, 63, 95Pulsed radiation force, 87

QQuality assurance (QA), 24

RRadiation force, 70–71, 75, 81, 82Radiation force balance (RFB), 81

calibration, 28target, 28–30

Radiation force in fl uids and tissues, 85Radiation force on soft tissue, 86Radiation pressure, 14Randomized controlled trials, 125, 126, 129–131Rarefaction pressure, 11Refl ection, 7, 16Regulations, 22, 134Renal adverse eff ects, 109Reproductive integrity, 91, 92Risk, 143Risk assessment, 143Risk/benefi t, 143

SSafety guidelines, 42Safety indices, 134Safety standards, 134Scanned transducer, 139Scanning time, 151Scatt er, 8Scatt ering, 8, 9Scatt ering coeffi cient, 9Sensory eff ects, 86

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Shear forces, 85Shear stress, 88Shear wave elasticity imaging (SWEI), 83Shear waves, 16Soft tissues, 4, 8, 96, 138Souvenir scanning, 151Spatial peak, pulse-average intensity, 137Spatial-peak temporal average intensity (Ispta),

10, 47, 137Specifi c heat, 15Spectral pulsed Doppler, 138Standing wave, 6Streaming, 83Surface waves, 16

TTactile sensation, 87Temperature increases, 46, 47, 49, 51, 63Temperature rise, 50, 138, 139Temperatures, 14

tissue, 22, 23transducer face, 18, 23, 32

Temperature thresholds, 57Temperature-time profi les, 59Teratogenic eff ects, 46, 54Thermal, 81Thermal bio-eff ects, 49Thermal conduction, 16Thermal dose, 56, 60, 61Thermal eff ects, 13, 46, 147Thermal exposures, 60Thermal index, 2, 60, 134, 137, 138, 145, 149

bone thermal index (TIB), 23, 37, 38, 42 cranial thermal index (TIC), 23, 37, 38, 42defi nition, 23soft tissue thermal index (TIS), 23, 37, 38, 42

Thermally induced biological eff ects, 55Thermally induced teratogenic eff ects, 53Thermal phantom, 31, 41Thermal safety, 135Thresholds, 58

TI. See Thermal indexTIB, 138TIC, 138Time-averaged acoustic intensity, 15TIS, 138Tissue heating, 15Tissue perfusion, 15Total acoustic power, 4Track 1, 137Track 3, 137, 138, 143Transducer heating, 147Transducers, 15, 50Transducer self-heating

measurement of, 31surface temperature, 31temperature limits, 23, 30temperature rise, 31

Transducer surface temperatures, 134Transmission, 7Trans-vaginal probe, 136Transverse/shear wave, 5

UUltrasound contrast agents (UCA), 69, 70, 72,

75, 76, 150Ultrasound dosimetry, 2Ultrasound heating, 48Ultrasound safety, 125, 126, 131Ultrasound wave propagation, 5Ultrastructural changes, 93Unscanned beam, 10, 82Unscanned transducer, 139

VVasculature, 96

WWavelength, 5, 6Wave propagation speed, 6WFUMB Safety Committ ee, 143–146Worst case values, 31, 34–36, 41