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704-948-0231 Saint Mark Catholic Church 14740 Stumptown Road, Huntersville, NC 28078 We, the members of St. Mark Catholic Church, a Faith Community called as one by Christ to serve and witness in His name, seek to celebrate our Faith through service and evangelization to each other, our families and our community.

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Saint Mark Catholic Church 14740 Stumptown Road, Huntersville, NC 28078

We, the members of St. Mark Catholic Church, a Faith Community called as one by Christ to serve and witness in His name, seek to celebrate our Faith through service and evangelization

to each other, our families and our community.

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From the Pastor Today’s readings remind us of the fact that it is God who guides us, and it is God who influences our decisions through the Holy Spirit. Today’s Gospel is again a series of parables shared by our Lord Jesus to

teach us and to explain Holy Scripture.

Jesus tells the Parable of the Weeds and the Wheat, which is relatively clear to us in terms of the facts. However, there is an important point within it that we must acknowledge. When the decision is made to allow the weeds to grow with the wheat, it is clear the separation will occur later, not at that moment. When the decision is made as to what will be harvested and kept and what will be destroyed, that is a decision made by God.

It is somewhat a reflection of another point made in scripture. Today’s Gospel comes to us from the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 13; however, in just a few chapters prior to that (Chapter 7) we are told “Stop judging, that you may not be judged…for as you judge, so will you be judged.” There is no question that there are “weeds” among the flock, but it is not our place to identify them and sort them out. That is the work of God.

As Catholics and Christians we must take care not to be self-righteous and judgmental. Before we call into question someone else’s walk with God, we need to scrutinize and take care of our own. Stewardship is what we do, not what we necessarily think others should do.

Stewardship Corner

Pastoral Ponderings In reviewing the survey, as one might expect, you can get divergent and even contradictory responses. For example, in referring to the homilies, one person writes: “Homilies are outstanding. They are well thought out…[they] encourage me to challenge my faith journey and be ever more present in my faith” vs. “We have been very disappointed in the homilies with regards to their relevance to our daily lives and struggling to attend Mass.” Each individual is at a different place in his or her spiritual life.

With that being said, the task of the homilist is to try to provide a message that elucidates the Scriptures, teaches the faith, and encourages folks to go and live the faith proclaimed. Some of the things that we have been doing over the past several months, following our participation in The Amazing Parish Conference is to have a weekly discussion about the readings for the upcoming Sunday in order to hone in on the common message that we would like to impart. Each priest and deacon has his own particular style, but the hope is that whatever Mass you attend, the message is essentially the same.

We also look for feed back about the past weekend and the message presented. This, of course, takes time and energy, but the dividends have been very good. At least for me, I have a deeper appreciation for the Scriptural theme and being able to hear how others, especially the laity, apply the message to their lives has been extremely beneficial to my preaching.

I think I can speak for all of the preachers in the parish in saying that we are happy for constructive feedback which gives us new insights or makes us aware of particular struggles in the lives of parishioners. So, by all means, don’t hesitate to share your thoughts. While it is true that we cannot cater the homily to every individual, we can certainly work harder to bring the message in a way that can be better grasped and incorporated into daily life.


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Remember in Your Prayers Mass Readings

Please Pray For

Please refer to our website at for additional people in need of prayers.

Michael Alfers Ron Edmondson Sean Henderson Matthew Menton

Joshua Phipps Jim Torpey Katie Winters

Members In the Service Air Force: Lt Col Scott Michael Breece; 2nd Lt Douglas Driscoll; Col Nicola Gismondi; Maj Douglas Lincoln; Capt Ryan Loyd

Army: Sgt Zachary Hands; Spc Katherine Gordon; Capt Laura Hehn, M.D.; Capt Trevor Hehn; Capt. Andrew Nesbitt; Capt Stephen J. Romeo; Kyle Hawk; Josh Wagner

Marines: 1st Lt Sam Camut; LCpl Stephen Delellis; Sgt Andrew Sales; Capt. Matthew Santoli

Navy: Ensign Christopher Hack; Lt Melissa Hillman; LCDR Jordan Mayo; Lt Jenna Hehn Quist; Seaman Bradley Venant

… and all service members not listed.

Mass Intentions Mon, July 24 - St. Sharbel, Makhluf, Priest 7 am † Wieslaw Szczepanski 9 am Venant Family Tue, July 25 - St. James, Apostle 7 am Anita J. Curka 9 am † Jane Depew Wed, July 26 - Sts. Joachim & Anne, Parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary 7 am † Angelo Nicolosi † Stephen Shailor 6:30 pm † Eliseo Rivera Jessica Mendolia Thu, July 27 7 am Lisa Modzelewski 9 am † Edward Kitchell Fri, July 28 7 am † Barbara Field 9 am † Elizabeth Redmond 12:30 pm The Checchi Family (Latin Mass) 7 pm † Roger De la Rosa (Spanish Mass) Sat, July 29 - St. Martha 9 am † Audrey Harrington 5 pm Richard & Janet Laube- 50th Anniversary Sun, July 30 - Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 am † Ed Marinik 9 am St. Mark Parishioners 11 am † Richard & Casey Repko 1 pm Sadop Torrel (Spanish Mass) 5 pm Bennett Family † deceased

Today’s Readings

First Reading — You taught your people that those who are just must likewise be kind (Wisdom 12:13, 16-19). Psalm — Lord, you are good and forgiving (Psalm 86). Second Reading — The Spirit comes to aid us in our weakness (Romans 8:26-27). Gospel — Jesus proposes parables to the crowds, teaching them of the reign of God (Matthew 13:24-43 [24-30]).

The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.

Readings for the Week Mon.: Ex 14:5-18; Ex 15:1bc-6; Mt 12:38-42 Tue.: 2 Cor 4:7-15; Ps 126:1bc-6; Mt 20:20-28 Wed.: Ex 16:1-5, 9-15; Ps 78:18-19, 23-28; Jn 20:1-2, 11-18 Thu.: Ex 19:1-2, 9-11, 16-20b; Dn 3:52-56; Mt 13:10-17 Fri.: Ex 20:1-17; Ps 19:8-11; Mt 13:18-23 Sat.: Ex 24:3-8; Ps 34:2-11; Jn 11:19-27 or Lk 10:38-42 Sun.: 1 Kgs 3:5, 7-12; Ps 119:57, 72, 76-77, 127-130; Rom 8:28-30; Mt 13:44-52 [44-46]

Our Faithful Departed May God’s grace be with the families of our recently deceased:

Marie Bendert, mother of John Bendert.

Pietra Gambino, wife of Luigi Gambino

“Heavenly Father, thank you for the precious gift of life. Help us to cherish and protect this gift, even in the midst of fear, pain and suffering…grant us the humility to accept help when we are in need, and teach us to be merciful to all.”

Every Life is Worth Living prayer card, USCCB

Bereavement Support

Have you recently lost someone you love? Are you having a difficult time dealing with your loss? St. Mark Church Bereavement Ministry now offers faith based support to assist you in this time of sadness. We invite you to join us in our peer support group and let us offer our assistance at this difficult time. The group will meet eight consecutive weeks beginning September 14, 2017. To register or for additional information call Nancy McGahey at 704-608-7067.

If you have a family member who is an active duty military member please send their name, rank and branch to Celi Anatrella at [email protected] or 704-948-0231.

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Respect Life 2017 Marian Rosary Congress

When: Sat., August 12, 2017; 9 am-4 pm Where: St. Gabriel Catholic Church, 3016 Providence Rd., Charlotte,

Please come join us for the 7th annual Diocesan Marian Rosary Congress to help celebrate the 100th year anniversary of Our Lady of Fatima. The Holy Rosary will begin at 9 am followed by Marian talks at 10 am with an outdoor lunch break at noon. We will resume with a procession at 1 pm followed by Holy Mass at 2 pm. This is a free event with both English & Spanish Track.

Most Rev. Bishop Peter Joseph Jugis Fr John Eckert Fr Robin Antonio Mora Casanova Main Celebrant & Homilist English Track Speaker Spanish Track Speaker

Information: Tammy Harris (704) 519-7901 [email protected]

Musical Opportunities We are having auditions and training for all cantors this summer! The cantors are preparing to sing from the lectern! This is for the Saturday 5 pm, Sunday 9 am and Sunday 11 am Masses. More singers for all Masses are welcome! Please contact Laura at [email protected] or 704-948-0231, ext. 106, if you are interested in setting up an audition.

Schola Our Sunday 9 am Mass is the traditional Holy Mass at St. Mark. We are putting together a Schola, a group designed to sing the beautiful Latin and English chants of our rich heritage. We would like a men’s Schola but will also have a women’s as well! This group will sing occasionally at the 9 am Mass and at the Wednesday 6:30 pm Mass. Sixth graders through adult may audition.

Pilgrimage to the Holy Land

Fr. Cory Catron is leading a 10-day pilgrimage to the Holy Land September 10-21, 2017. This trip will include four nights in Jerusalem, three nights at the Sea of Galilee and two nights in Jerusalem.

We will visit Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Jericho, Nazareth, the Sea of Galilee, the Jordan River, and we will have daily Mass at many of these holy sites. Each day, while in Jerusalem, we will have early morning Mass in the Tomb of Christ and on Calvary. We will have a Holy Hour in the Garden of Gethsemane one evening and will experience the real Stations of the Cross. We will see the places where Jesus was born, where He lived and, ultimately, where He died.

Those who are married will get a chance to renew their wedding vows in Cana. We will have a one hour boat ride on the Sea of Galilee and a brown scapular enrollment on Mt Carmel.

For more information or if you have questions, contact Christopher Cross at 704-274-2031. You can also visit the web site at

Parish Life

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Parish Life

Women of Joy Prayer Group and Scripture Study - Fall 2017

Thursday Morning Study Sept. 7 – Dec. 7; 10 am – 12:30 pm Msgr. Kerin Family Center;

Come and be transformed by Sr. Gertrude Gillette’s Study on Humility. Her lecture is based on the work of Dom Bernard Bonowitz OCSO, entitled Saint Bernard’s Three Course Banquet: Humility, Charity and Contemplation in the De Gradibus (Monastic Wisdom Series, Liturgical Press). This book was originally conceived for monks and nuns who had completed their novitiate, but had not yet made their solemn vows. By partaking in this study, we will enjoy one of the purest sources of the Monastic Tradition, which at that depth becomes one with the Gospel itself. There is a non-refundable cost of $40.00 for the Study, not including the book. Affordable babysitting is available for preschool age and younger.

Contact: Cindy Brown, 704-491-3945 Thursday Evening Study Sept. 14 – Dec. 7; 7 – 9 pm Msgr. Kerin Family Center

The evening study is entitled “Who am I to Judge?” By Dr. Edward Sri (Ignatius Press). Pope Francis calls relativism the “spiritual poverty of our times.” This study brings clarity and gives us an important key to responding to relativism effectively through a Catholic moral worldview. There is a non-refundable cost of $25 for the Study.

Contact: Jennifer Creter, 980-253-0882 Registration and additional information for both studies can be found on the St. Mark website at New members are always welcome!

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Knights of Columbus

Monday Night Football Books are Back!!!!

Last year we sold out of the MNF books… Don’t miss out on the fun. Monday Night Football Books are the perfect gift for everyone. For $20 you get 20 chances to win $50. That’s $1,000! $1,000 also goes toward Knights of Columbus charities. YOU WIN! CHARITIES WIN!

Due to the overwhelming positive feedback, we’re increasing the number of books this year to 800. That means we will have eight winners each week, awarding $8,000 over the 20 weeks.

You don’t have to know anything about football or even follow the game. All book holders receive an email each Tuesday morning announcing the final score so you don’t have to keep track of anything. Weekly winners also receive a separate email informing them of their winning. Their $50 checks are mailed each week.

To buy your books or if you have questions, contact any member of the Knights or email Ray at [email protected] or call 704-904-3839.

Thank you for helping the Knights support local organizations that assist persons with intellectual disabilities, the aging and dying – Hospice Care, local children – and many other local organizations.

YOUR $20 WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE and you will enjoy this fun program.

La Festa Assunta

The Feast of the Assumption of The Blessed Virgin Mary will be here before you know it. Start planning now to join in celebrating this Holy Day on August 15 with all the members of St. Mark Parish. The Knights of Columbus will sponsor a Mass, Procession and Rosary on the Church grounds with refreshments after.

Men’s Uptown Shelter Volunteers on June 14

Jack Brinker, Jeff Milligan, John Ason, Bruce Milstead, Larry Patterson, Ron Sherwood,Jeremy Roh, Dave Stoughton, Al Shierle and Sergio Miranda served our “famous” meatball dinners to over 120 people.

Third Degree Ceremony When: Sat., Aug. 12 Where: St. Luke’s Parish, 13700 Lawyers Rd. (I-485, exit 47)

Candidates should be there between 11 and 11:30 am. The ceremony will be followed by a light meal and should be finished by 3 pm.

Officers & Directors Meeting When: Mon., July 31; 7 pm Where: Family Center, Room 203

If you are unable to attend this important meeting, please email your updates to Grand Knight Dick Christian by Fri., July 28.

(L-R, 1st Row) Chip Marshal l-Treasurer, Dick Christian - Grand Knight, Brian Lisk - Guard, Richard Clancey -Trustee, Father John Putnam – Chaplain. (2nd Row) Rich Hehn – Recorder, Steve A. Romeo - Deputy GK, Dave Stoughton – Warden, Vince Famularo – Chancellor. (3rd Row) Mark Yelanich – Financial Secretary, Robert Newkirk – Advocate, Earle Markey - Trustee, Tom Battle- Trustee.

Congratulations! Joe Ciuca

Msgr. Joseph A. Kerin Council #12654 “Knight of the Month”

Tom and Leanne Vaccaro Msgr. Joseph A. Kerin Council #12654

“Family of the Month”

New Officers (7/1/17 – 6/30/18)

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Life Teen Recurring Events Contact: Leanne Vaccaro, [email protected], 704-948-0231, Ext. 107

Young at Heart

Date and Time Event Location

Mon & Wed, 1:30 pm SilverSneakers Hall

Mon, 1 pm Alzheimer’s Respite Ministry Rms 200,201

Fri, 12:30 pm SilverSneakers Hall

Sat, 10 am Tai Chi Hall

1st Mon, 6:30 pm Alzheimer’s Caregiver & Support Rm 203

2nd & 4th Tue, 10 am Prayer Shawl Ministry Hall

2nd & 4th Tue, 12:30 pm Shufflers Rm 202

3rd Tue, 1 pm Tripoley Rm 202

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Other Opportunities

Family Honor Leading & Loving Program – For Parents Only

Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Salisbury will be hosting Family Honor’s Leading & Loving program for parents of young children, newborn through early teen. Leading & Loving will help you become more confident and competent in how to raise virtuous children and how to respond to your young child’s questions about the truth and meaning of God’s gift of sexuality. This program presents the beautiful truths of human sexuality, family life and virtue cultivation through the lens of Pope Saint John Paul the II’s Theology of the Body.

Leading & Loving will be presented in 2 sessions on Friday, July 28 from 7 to 9:15 pm, and Saturday, July 29 from 9 am to 2 pm. Lunch will be provided. There is no charge for this program (though donations will be requested) and childcare will be provided on site. Deadline for registering is Monday, July 24. Space is limited so register online now at For more information contact Vincent Weaver at [email protected] or 864-275-2871.

St. Philip the Apostle Christmas in July

St. Philip the Apostle in Statesville will have a Christmas in July Arts and Crafts Fair on Saturday, July 29, from 10 am to 3 pm. Interested vendors can contact Shevaun Trifaro at 704-883-2922 or [email protected].

Catholic Charities Regional Office Director (Charlotte, NC)

Catholic Charities seeks energetic and innovative administrator/manager to lead multi-service and multilingual main service location in Charlotte, NC. Ideal position for leader with graduate degree, significant cross-cultural awareness, at least five years of human services supervisory experience, and ability to cultivate close working relationships with local Catholic parishes and schools. Cover letter and resume (2 pages maximum) must be submitted electronically by 5 pm on Friday, July 28, 2017 to [email protected]. No telephone calls, please. Job description at

Worldwide Marriage Encounter

Just as a small mustard seed can become a large and elaborate bush, discover how a Worldwide Marriage Encounter (WWME) weekend can encourage our marriage to blossom and provide a lifetime of joy. The next weekends are: Nov 10-12, 2017

in ATLANTIC BEACH, NC and Oct 13-15, 2017 in Myrtle Beach, SC. Early sign up is recommended. For more information visit our website at: or contact us at [email protected] or 704-315-2144.

Stress in Your Marriage?

Retrouvaille is a program for married couples that feel bored, disillusioned, frustrated, or angry in their marriage. Some experience coldness. Others experience conflict in their relationship. Most don’t know how to change the situation. This program has helped many couples experiencing such difficulties. For confidential information or to apply to attend the program beginning with a weekend on September 22, 2017 call 800-470-2230 or email: [email protected] or visit the web site at

Catholic Writers Guild

Are you a writer? The NC Chapter of the Catholic Writers Guild will meet at Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church’s Parish Life Center at 2203 West Market St, Greensboro, NC 27403, at noon on Saturday, August 19, 2017. Please come! Lunch will be served, so come with an appetite! You do not need to be a published author to join our group; just a Catholic, with a love for writing, is all that is required! Our keynote speakers will be Annie Ferguson and Peter Arsenault, speaking about Freelance Writing. For more info, contact Ginny Lieto, at [email protected].

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Anuncios Semanales del Ministerio Hispano


Le damos la bienvenida a la Comunidad Católica de San Marcos a todos los que estén recién llegados a esta área y que estén empezando asistir a nuestra parroquia. Nos alegra que ahora sean parte de nuestra familia parroquial. Por favor tómense unos momentos para pasar por la recepción de la parroquia y registrarse para que así puedan contar con todos los beneficios de estar oficialmente registrados en nuestra parroquia. Los invitamos para que se presenten a nuestros sacerdotes al salir de la Misa. Si desean servir en algún ministerio de liturgia, por favor comunicarse con el coordinador del ministerio en el cual desea servir. Nuestra comunidad está en constante crecimiento y necesitamos de sus dones y talentos. ¡Una vez más, bienvenidos!

Capilla de Adoración Perpetua: Nuestra parroquia tiene la bendición de ser contada entre las pocas parroquias de la Diócesis que tienen adoración perpetua. Los invitamos a que vengan y pasen al menos una hora de su tiempo en Adoración frente a Jesús Sacramentado. “Ahí lo tienes: es Rey de Reyes y Señor de Señores. -Está escondido en el Pan. Se humilló hasta esos extremos por amor a ti”. San Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer

Estudio de Doctrina Católica Todos los jueves de 7 – 9 pm Salón 216 Iglesia San Marcos

Les invitamos a acompañarnos en el grupo de Estudio de Doctrina Católica donde tratamos temas de fe y moral siguiendo los lineamientos del Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica, la Sagrada Biblia y otras fuentes de lectura espiritual. También consideramos asuntos de actualidad y de interés para el fortalecimiento de nuestra formación como propagadores de las enseñanzas de la Iglesia y fermento de fe en nuestra familia y en la comunidad. Para información por favor llamar a Jorge Beltrán al 248-935-4077 o por el correo [email protected].

Virgen Peregrina Nuestra Santísima Madre María, la Virgen de Guadalupe, está visitando nuestra comunidad dejando un regalo de amor, paz, fe y esperanza. Si deseas abrir las puertas de tu hogar a nuestra Madre María, puedes inscribirte llamando a Laura Ramírez al teléfono 704-315-4485. Grupo de Oración Carismático Todos los viernes de 7-9 pm Iglesia San Marcos

Todas las semanas tenemos oraciones especiales por nuestra salud y por el bienestar de nuestras familias. Ven a alabar y glorificar el nombre de JESUS.

Para mayor información por favor llame a Juan Carlos Esquivel, 704-885-4201.

Información en Español

Para cualquier información en español, por favor comunicarse con Rosa Jiménez al 704-948-0231 ext. 117 o enviar un correo electrónico a: [email protected].

Horario De Misas Misa Diaria: Lunes, Martes, Jueves y Viernes: 7 am y 9 am Viernes: 7 pm Español Miércoles: 7 am y 6:30 pm Sábados: 9 am Sábado: 5 pm Domingo: 7:30, 9, 11 am 1 pm Español 5 pm Misa de jóvenes


Bautizos: Los padres deben ser feligreses de San Marcos. Los padrinos si son una pareja deben ser católicos practicantes y estar casados por la iglesia. Si no son pareja, deben ser católicos practicantes y tener todos los sacramentos hasta la confirmación. Los padrinos No pueden estar viviendo en unión libre ni estar casados solo por el civil. Los padrinos que no sean de San Marcos deben traer una carta de referencia de la parroquia a la que asisten. Papás y padrinos deben tomar las clases pre-bautismales. Las clases son el segundo sábado del mes de 10am-12pm y el bautizo se celebra el segundo domingo del mes. Si tienen alguna situación en particular, para más información o para registrarse para la clase, por favor ir a la oficina y hablar con Rosa Jimenez. Matrimonio: Por favor contactar a Rosa Jimenez para hacer cita al menos 6 meses antes de la fecha fijada. Por favor no hacer invitaciones ni reservar salón hasta que la fecha sea confirmada en la oficina con el sacerdote que celebrara la boda. Visitas a los enfermos: Tenemos un grupo de personas que visitan con regularidad a los enfermos. Por favor contactar a Rosa Jimenez para dar los datos del enfermo que está pidiendo la visita o comuníquese con Andrea Solórzano al 704-724-0602

Quinceañeras: Tenemos nuevas normas para la celebración de quinceañeras. Por favor comunicarse con Rosa Jimenez para hacer cita para la primera entrevista al menos 9 meses antes de la fecha del cumpleaños.

Presentaciones: Se hacen el cuarto domingo de cada mes. Por favor llamar a la oficina para dar el nombre del bebe que va a ser presentado.

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Anuncios Semanales del Ministerio Hispano

Julio- mes de la Preciosa Sangre Oración de la Sangre de Cristo Señor Jesús, en tu nombre y con el Poder de tu Sangre Preciosa sellamos toda persona, hechos o acontecimientos a través de los cuales el enemigo nos quiera hacer daño. Con el Poder de la Sangre de Jesús sellamos toda potestad destructora en el aire, en la tierra, en el agua, en el fuego, debajo de la tierra, en las fuerzas satánicas de la naturaleza, en los abismos del infierno, y en el mundo en el cual nos movemos hoy. Con el Poder de la Sangre de Jesús rompemos toda interferencia y acción del maligno. Te pedimos Jesús que envíes a nuestros hogares y lugares de trabajo a la Santísima Virgen acompañada de San Miguel, San Gabriel, San Rafael y toda su corte de Santos Ángeles. Con el Poder de la Sangre de Jesús sellamos nuestra casa, todos los que la habitan (nombrar a cada una de ellas), las personas que el Señor enviará a ella, así como los alimentos y los bienes que Él generosamente nos envía para nuestro sustento. Con el Poder de la Sangre de Jesús sellamos tierra, puertas, ventanas, objetos, paredes, pisos y el aire que respiramos, y en fe colocamos un círculo de Su Sangre alrededor de toda nuestra familia. Con el Poder de la Sangre de Jesús sellamos los lugares en donde vamos a estar este día, y las personas, empresas o instituciones con quienes vamos a tratar (nombrar a cada una de ellas). Con el Poder de la Sangre de Jesús sellamos nuestro trabajo material y espiritual, los negocios de toda nuestra familia, y los vehículos, las carreteras, los aires, las vías y cualquier medio de transporte que habremos de utilizar. Con Tu Sangre preciosa sellamos los actos, las mentes y los corazones de todos los habitantes y dirigentes de nuestra Patria a fin de que Tu Paz y Tu Corazón al fin reinen en ella. Te agradecemos Señor por Tu Sangre y por Tu Vida, ya que gracias a Ellas hemos sido salvados y somos preservados de todo lo malo. Amén.

Nuestra Señora de Fátima En celebración de los cien años de las apariciones de nuestra Señora de Fátima, el 13 de cada mes nos reuniremos a las 7pm en la glorieta de la parroquia para rezar el santo Rosario en su honor y como ella lo pidió, para rezar por la conversión de los pecadores empedernidos. Vengan con sus familias y honremos juntos a la Madre del Señor.

Compare Foods Los supermercados Compare Food Store del área de Charlotte donarán 3% del total de sus compras a nuestra parroquia. Hay una caja identificada con el logo de Compare Food Stores en el pasillo de la iglesia cerca de la oficina durante la semana y esa misma caja estará en la entrada de la iglesia los domingos para que usted pueda colocar allí sus recibos. Por favor ayude a nuestra iglesia trayendo sus recibos de Compare Foods Store.

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Mass Schedule

Sun. Masses Sat.: 5 pm Sun.: 7:30 am 9 am* (Signed for the hearing impaired) 11 am* 1 pm (Spanish) 5 pm (Life Teen Mass) * Nursery available during the 9 am and 11 am Sun. Masses. Nursery for Exceptional Children is available during the 9 am Sun. Mass. (Registration is required.)

Spanish: Misa en Español cada Domingo a la 1 pm y cada viernes a las 7 pm Daily Masses Mon., Tue., Thur., Fri., 7 and 9 am Wed., 7 am and 6:30 pm; Sat., 9 am Fri., 12:30 pm Latin Mass; 7 pm Spanish Holy Days: Vigil 7 pm before feast day, 7 am, 9 am, 7 pm on the feast day Live and archived streams of Masses are available via (Liturgy > Watch Mass Live)

Confessions Daily: (45 minutes prior to Mass, ending 15 minutes prior to Mass) 6:15—6:45 am and 8:15—8:45 am Wed.: 6—7:30 pm Fri.: 11:45 am—12:15 pm; 6:15-6:45 pm Sat.: 3—5 pm Sun.: 6:45—7:15 am, 8:15—8:45 am, 10:15—10:45 am, 12:15—12:45 pm (Spanish), 4:15—4:45 pm

Rosary Tue.: 7—7:30 pm (Church) Sat.: Immediately preceding 5 pm Vigil Mass (Church) Sun.: Immediately preceding 7:30 am Mass (Church)

Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration In the Monsignor Bellow Adoration Chapel in the Family Center. For more information email [email protected].

Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena Immediately following the Wed. 6:30 pm Mass

Legion of Mary Prayer and Rosary Immediately following the Fri. 9 am Mass; Legion of Mary meets Thursday evenings at 7 pm, Family Center, Room 120. Contact: Richard Flanigan, 980-275-0456, [email protected]

Hospitalization If you or your loved one are in an area hospital, call the Parish Office to reach one of the Priests. The Priests offer Confession, bring the Holy Eucharist to you or administer the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick.

Baptisms & Weddings The use of the Church for Baptisms, Weddings and other Sacramental events is available to active parishioners. Contact the Parish Office. (Please note that weddings and baptisms cannot be celebrated during Lent.)

St. Mark Parish Directory stmarknc.org14740 Stumptown Rd, Huntersville NC 28078

Parish Office | Mon-Fri, 9 am-4:30 pm Phone: 704-948-0231; Fax: 704-948-8018

Pastor Very Rev. John T. Putnam, JV

Parochial Vicars Rev. Brian Becker Rev. Noah Carter

Deacons Rev. Mr. Richard McCarron Rev. Mr. Thomas McGahey Rev. Mr. Robert Murphy Rev. Mr. Louis Pais Rev. Dr. Ronald Sherwood

Director of Parish Operations Scott Bruno [email protected] 704-948-0231, Ext. 118

Sacristan Henry Hoyt [email protected] 704-948-0231, Ext. 211

Administrative Assistant Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals Tricia McCaa [email protected] 704-948-0231, Ext. 102

Calendar Management Young at Heart Ministry Coordinator Leanne Vaccaro [email protected] 704-948-0231, Ext. 107

Finance Director Florence Moore [email protected] 704-948-0231, Ext. 116

Director of Stewardship Beth Zuhosky [email protected] 704-948-0231, Ext. 136

Music Ministry Director Laura Maclean [email protected] 704-948-0231, Ext. 106

Hispanic Ministry Coordinator Rosa Jimenez [email protected] 704-948-0231, Ext. 117

Annulments Rev. Mr. Louis Pais [email protected] 704-948-0231, Ext. 113

Director of Religious Education Michael Griffith [email protected] 704-948-1306, Ext. 104

Coordinator of Elementary Faith Formation Faye Nye [email protected] 704-948-1306, Ext. 115

Confirmation Coordinator Theresa Benson [email protected] 704-948-1306, Ext. 138

Faith Formation Coordinator Sonnet Bonelli [email protected] 704-948-1306, Ext. 111

High School Ministry Coordinator Sarah Rider [email protected] 704-948-0231, Ext. 105

Preschool Director Amanda Rametta [email protected] 704-948-8015

Preschool Administrative Assistant Emily Bixler [email protected] 704-948-8015

Deaf Ministry Mary Sumeracki [email protected] 704-576-0675

Al-Anon Lisa 704-651-1065

Alcoholics Anonymous Tom 704-604-7739

Bulletin Team [email protected]

Crisis Pregnancy Help Charlotte Center for Women (Catholic): 704-401-9320 Catholic Charities: 704-370-3262 Birthright: 1-800-550-4900

Natural Family Planning Joe and Kathy Hack Teaching Couple #1947; 704-548-1834; [email protected] |

Post Abortion: 1-800-5-WE CARE Be Not Afraid:

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St. MarkParishioners

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961424 St Mark Church (C) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240

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961424 St Mark Church (B) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240



We are proud to be a part of theLake Norman Community and are here to guide and comfort those who have lost a loved one.

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Wojtek LachowskiBroker/Realtor/Parishioner19721 Bethel Church RoadCornelius, NC 28031p. [email protected]

961424 St Mark Church (A)

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704-892-796020017 N. Main St. Cornelius, NC 28031 Parishioners

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Michael Stapleton, Realtor® Mary Stapleton, ParishionerC: (704) 641-3263Email: [email protected] W. Calawba Ave., Suite 104, Cornelius, NC 28031


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