sample - celestial legions, the

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  • 8/10/2019 Sample - Celestial Legions, The


    T H E C E L E S T I A L L E G I O N S


    LEGIONSAn ancient race of energy beings, following an im-

    pressive span of technological and social evolution,

    the Gaothoem were one of three species to domi-

    nate the universal core many millions of years ago.During this time, all three civilizations expanded their

    holdings, colonizing new worlds slowly due to the re-

    strictions of sub-light speed technology, increasing

    the breadth of their understanding of the universe,

    and bumping heads with each other in wars that last-

    ed millennia, if not millions of years because of such

    restrictions on traveling between stars.

    The balance of power was rarely stable for

    more than a few dozen millennia, with

    one civilization or another eventually

    inevitablygrowing too big for its current

    dominion or too greedy after viewing its

    neighbors power and territories. Existing

    under constant threat, even from their current

    and ever-changing allies, each race swept

    aside smaller civilizations in their quest for su-

    premacy, spurring on a spike in technological

    advancement unlike the universe had ever

    previously seen.

    The Gaothoem Conclaves more

    mighty rival, the Titonathor Empire,

    sought to permanently upset the

    balance of power in its favor

    by developing a tech-

    nology that wouldallow them to punch

    through reality into

    another dimension,

    creating a wormhole ef-

    fect that would instantly gate

    them anywhere, and thus beat the

    Conclave and Zettex Assemblage to newly discov-

    ered, inhabitable worlds. Unfortunately for the uni-

    verse, no one considered the dimension tunneled

    into to make the gateways would already serve a

    function, in this case as a prison for an evil that pre-

    dated history.

    Unleashed by the wormhole experiment, these

    Fell Hordes (as the ancient darkness came to be

    known) set about destroying everything in their path

    with impossible ease and a total lack of discrimina-

    tion or mercy. Pushed to the brink of extinction, the

    mighty empire was left with no recourse but to call

    upon the Gaothoem Conclave and insect-like Zettex

    for aid. Recognizing the danger to themselves, the

    three intergalactic powers were able to create a

    united force strong enough to drive the darkness

    back beyond the edge of the known universe, but

    not before entire sectors of space were devastated

    and rendered uninhabitable.

    Left weakened by the evil theyd unleashed in

    their territory, the Titonathor Empire was vulnerable

    enough for the Conclave to swoop in and assume

    control over many systems once the war ended.

    Expectedly, this led to many border skirmishes and

    eventually war, with the Zettex officially retaininga position of neutrality while covertly playing both

    sides against each other to their own benefit. When

    this duplicity was uncovered, and the extent of the in-

    fluence it had in keeping the war going learned, both

    the Gaothoem and Titonathor turned on the Zettex.

    Considering the Conclave and Empire had

    pressed each other so badly at the Zettexs secret

    urgings, both struck back with unprecedented fury,

    nearly wiping out their foe in their com-

    bined wrath. The resulting purging had a

    nightmarishly high death toll that finally

    purchased complete and utter peace forthe next several thousand millennia. With

    the betrayers removed, the remaining peo-

    ples of the universal core knew a level of in-

    terracial cooperation and commingling never

    before been seen, yet even a golden age such

    as this could not last forever.

    Following nearly four million years

    of peace, both the Titonathor and

    Gaothoem began to suffer mysteri-

    ous troubles. At first it was just

    a matter of losing contact

    with a few scattered,fringe colonies, but

    this soon elevated

    to entire words being

    scoured clean without a

    sign of ever having been

    inhabited. Each race leapt to

    fault the other, forgetting the costly peace they had

    forged, but their tempers abided long enough for

    an exchange of information to reveal someone or

    something else entirely was to blame. All evidence

    pointed to a new power at work in the universe and

    it was very selective and efficient in its methods, but

    even that conclusion was a mistake. The Gaothoemand the Empire soon learned the perpetrator was

    not a new power at all, but rather an old one re-

    turned for vengeance. So began the Dread War.

    The new enemy was, in fact, the Zettex returned

    from their exile and near-extinction. Armed with a

    seemingly innumerable fleet of ships equipped with

    weapons far beyond anything either the Conclave

    or Empire could muster, the Zettex had also under-

    gone a radical biological evolution mirroring their

    exponential leap forward in technology. Unable to










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    T H E C E L E S T I A L L E G I O N S

    match their foes arsenal and numbers, both races

    suffered every time they met the vengeful Zettex

    in battle. Another alliance was formed against the

    common foe, yet even their combined militaries

    barely slowed the aggressors.

    The Dread War whittled down both surviving uni-

    versal powers to mere fractions of their former size

    and populations, with the Gaothoem Conclave tak-

    ing the brunt of the attacks and only retaining aboutone-tenth their dominion when a terrible decision

    was arrived at. Deciding survival at any cost was bet-

    ter than the alternative, the Conclaves ruling council

    secretly struck a deal with their enemy. In exchange

    for betraying the Titonathor, the Gaothoem would be

    left alone to govern their few remaining star systems

    in peace and without further casualties.

    Utilizing their secret alliance with the Gaothoem,

    the Zettex maintained a pretense of retreat and weak-

    ening battle lines in order to build the Titonathors

    confidence. Finally, at the Gaothoems suggestion,

    and with their morale at its peak and their confidenceovershadowing their caution, the Empire sent the re-

    mainder of its fleet after what their allies had led

    them to believe was a vital weak spot in the Zettexs

    lines. Tragically, it was a ruse set to lure the Empires

    fleet into an empty region of space and away from

    the worlds they should have been protecting.

    In a single moment, millions of Gaothoem

    Lance-class missiles concealed as flotsam, detri-

    tus, and other obstacles of space took advantage

    of the diversion to assail every known remaining

    planet, stronghold, outpost, and colony belong-

    ing to the ally they had deceived in exchange for

    their own security. Each missile had been refitted to

    carry a gift from the Zettex: a gene-tailored, highly

    contagious plague that proved to be 100% terminal

    to the Titonathor race, yet it left every other life form

    unharmed. Victims died horribly as their flesh rottedfrom within, but not before the disease maliciously

    enhanced the sensitivity of the victims nerves a

    hundred fold to drive them mad during their slow

    passing. Within days of the Night of Lances, the

    plague had consumed almost all the Empires pop-

    ulation. What few survivors remained were forced

    to flee to the four corners of the universe and away

    from the plague. The Dread War was finally over.

    True to their word, the Zettex left the Gaothoem

    to rebuild their remaining systems while the victors

    moved to populate the massive void left by the near

    extermination of the Titonathor. Although the Zettex

    could have easily pressed on to take what little re-

    mained of the Conclave, they found the mercy

    of letting the noble Gaothoem live on to suffer the

    shame and guilt of their base betrayal far too invit-

    ing a revenge to be ignored. Even though they had

    survived, every Gaothoem knew they had lost the

    war, and their nobility and honor had been annihi-

    lated as certainly as had the Titonathor Empire.










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    T H E C E L E S T I A L L E G I O N S

    With the Dread War behind them, the remaining

    races of the universal core tried to move on, but

    things were now far different then ever before. The

    Zettex clamped down on space travel, erecting a ty-

    rannical body politic that lorded over the conquered

    systems. Eventually a Grand Chancellor would rise

    to assume control of the Zettex Authority Council

    that, from then on, would act as advisors and rule in

    name only. The Zettex Demesne was unequivocallythepower in the universe and anyone who dared

    defy their authority felt the ferocious fury of their

    unconquerable battle fleet. The universal core had

    finally been tamed and cowed.



    Laid low by the guilt of their betrayal, the cowed

    Conclave watched the remaining Titonathor flee for

    their lives into spaces vastness. The Gaothoemhad considered themselves noble and selfless

    the most enlightened of the universal cores rac-

    eseven if the Titonath Empire, Fell Hordes, and

    now the Zettex Demesne all possessed superior

    technology. This race of sentient energy had hoped

    they had grown beyond such treachery but the

    Gaothoem could fool themselves no longeren-

    lightenment had never been theirs.

    The Gaothoem grieved for their lost honor and

    all Conclave space came to a halt as its citizens

    succumbed to their depression en masse. In less

    than a decade following their betrayal, these majes-

    tic beings were dying in massive numberssimply

    winking out of existence for lack of a desire to

    carry on. Once more, the Gaothoem were on the

    verge of passing beyond the pale of history, and

    they likely would have were it not for the insight of a

    single one of their kind.

    A Gaothoem fleet admiral and Dread War vet-

    eran, TebenQui stepped forward to rally the spirits

    and willpower of a small group of scientific and reli-

    gious leaders among his people, convincing these

    foremost specialists there was only one way for

    their race to both redeem their lost honor and save

    themselves from extinction, and that was to attaina state of true spiritual and physical enlightenment.

    Hoping such evolution would allow them to defeat

    the evil they had helped elevate, these Gaothoem

    select channeled their depression, guilt, and hatred

    into this new cause with the hope of one day eras-

    ing their evils with deeds of equal (if not greater)

    morality, compassion, and justice.

    TebenQuis idea quickly and covertly spread

    throughout what little remained of Conclave territory,

    the Zettex Demesne having already annexed all the

    planets emptied by the ongoing Gaothoem suicides.

    As the fleet admiral had hoped, the survivors clung

    to the idea like a lifeline of hope, driving them to va-

    cate their remaining planets as the Gaothoem race

    converged on Gao Tho, their central world of origin,

    where the council of spiritualists and scientists had

    gathered to fulfill TebenQuis vision for the future.

    The Zettex moved ever deeper into Conclavespace, claiming abandoned world after aban-

    doned world, wondering when they would finally

    encounter resistance. They penetrated as far as

    Gao Thos moons, upon which they placed obser-

    vation stations, and still there had been no repri-

    sals. Perplexed but content with their bloodless

    conquest, the insectoids settled in and watched as

    most of the remaining Gaothoem disappeared be-

    neath the planets surface without returning, leaving

    nothing but dead cities behind. Victory belonged to

    the Zettex Demesne, now by far the largest power

    in the known universe.

    Over the span of roughly seven million years,the relatively few remaining Gaothoem slowlyworked to hollow concentric layers into Gao Tho, allthe way to the planets molten core. They then linedthese cavernous layers with superconductive mate-rials. Although the process drained the planet of itsnatural resources, the immense endeavor served itspurpose. Deep within Gao Thos bottommost layer,at the planets drained and hollowed heart was con-structed the projects culmination: a great and enig-matic device. As the surviving trillions of Gaothoempacked themselves into the layers above, moving

    their races long plan of penance into its final stage,the Zettex felt a dark shiver run through their hiveconsciousness. Something was about to happenand the Conclave wanted their corruptors to knowit. The last step of their course set, the Gaothoem at

    last turned on their planetary machine.

    Once activated, the bottommost layers device

    fed upon the energies acquired from the removal

    of Gao Thos core and used it to draw the essence

    of the Gaothoem filling the layers above into the

    superconductive materials surrounding them. In a

    single moment these being of energy became as

    one, a shared consciousness of many voices, in-

    fusing their entire planet with their united essence

    and transforming their world into a living reposi-

    tory of their now singular will. The energy backlash

    slashed outwards like the ripples from an incalcula-

    ble stone dropped in a cosmic pond, tearing through

    Gao Thos moons before continuing on through the

    nearest occupied systems. When this phenomenon

    finally reached its utmost extent, nothing remained

    around Gao Tho for nearly on-quarter of a light year

    except the debris of what had been hundreds of

    Zettex-annexed planets.










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    T H E C E L E S T I A L L E G I O N S

    Terrified by the sheer immensity of force required

    to strike such a blow, the Demesne sent a full battle

    fleet into the void surrounding Gao Tho, yet none

    returned. Unmanned probes likewise went missing

    after entering the area of destruction without ever

    transmitting back data. Admittedly outmatched,

    even if they were not sure by what, the Demesne

    declared this entire Dead Zone off limits, erected

    patrols, and created a massive sensor net to en-

    sure the quarantines integrity, a policy that remains

    to this day.

    But what happened with the Gaothoems big

    plan for redemption, you ask?

    Gao Tho was transformed into a giant battery

    of sorts, designed to house not only the unified life

    force of its former inhabitants but also their col-

    lected minds, personalities, and wills. The process

    of uniting the life force of trillions of energy beings

    in this manner is what created the ripple that left

    the Dead Zone in its wake. Despite all the destruc-

    tion this event wrought, it allowed the Gaothoem to

    achieve their ultimate goal of enlightenment.This new existence allowed for a process known

    as transmergence, a state of being by which the

    Gaothoem collective infuses another sentient life

    form with the essence of one of their own kind, al-

    lowing the two to work together and the host to draw

    upon the aliens energy to perform wondrous deeds.

    The Gaothoem planetary consciousness does this

    by telepathically scouring space for beings capable

    of handling such power and the capacity to use it to

    better the cause of life and justice. When an appro-

    priate host is found a single Gaothoem life essence

    is shot into space at speeds unlike anything ortho-

    dox physics can yet explain, and then transmer-

    gence occurs (whether the host wants it or not.)

    A host that accepts its fate reaps great benefits

    from transmergence. Not only may the host tele-

    pathically communicate with the Gaothoem riding

    within, but he may also draw upon the power of the

    latters life force in order to access astounding pow-

    The Collective Consciousnessof Gao Tho

    The unified world-consciousness of Gao Tho does not think as a single mind as one would normally

    couch such a concept. Rather, it operates as a collected instinct that seeks out justice by telepathicallyscanning the universe for subjects likely to be appropriate for transmergence and by empathically urg-ing such individuals to carry out the Gaothoem goal of redemption by bringing benevolent aid to thecosmos. The extent of the collective consciousness intelligence is unknown and untestedit couldmerely be subdued or waiting for the right time to reveal itself, or it could be just what it appears: noth-ing more than emotion and instinct.

    Essentially, Gao Tho is a living planet that will react to anyone invading its space, including atransmerged essence that approaches its reach uninvited. It will first react with a warning by instill-ing intruders with an overwhelming sense of dread and panic. Any uninvited parties who continueonward will then be attacked with absolute ruthlessness, as the Gao Thos instincts include a sense ofself-preservation out of a need to see its goal of redemption completed.

    Communication 20 (Empathy, mental; Power Feats: Subtle 2; Flaws: Emotions only, Only with trans-

    merged beings)Cosmic Energy Control 20 * (Power Feats: Split Attack, Alternate PowersForce Constructs 10 *[Power Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, Progression (object size) 17, Stationary, Tether; Extras: Movable,Perception]; Extras: Perception)

    Emotion Control 15 (Power Feats: Progression [area; 1,420.5 miles] 15; Extras: Burst, Free Action, SelectiveAttack); Despair and fear are the norm, as the Gao Tho rarely has cause to inspire any other emotionswithin those who intrude upon its realm.

    Super-Senses 42(Cosmic Awareness [extended 19, radius], visual [extended 19. radius])

    * Dynamic










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    T H E C E L E S T I A L L E G I O N S

    ers. Although several of these abilities vary from one

    host to the next (why is not known), certain pow-

    ers always manifest, including energy manipulation

    and space flight, enhanced physical attributes, and

    the ability to survive in hostile environments, includ-

    ing the cold vacuum of outer space. The Gaothoem

    works with the host and together they learn how

    to use their new abilities to pursue the cause of

    righteousness and life as a Celestial Legionnaire.

    Unfortunately, a madness born of the inability to

    cope with their fate awaits any host who refuses

    to accept the Gaothoems gift because, so far as

    anyone knows, there is no way to rid someone of atransmerged life essence short of killing the host.

    It is very important to note that not all Gaothoem

    answered TebenQuis call. Many had already fil-

    tered out through the universe to seek their own

    path of redemption while others accepted their lot

    and either winked out of existence, decided to con-

    tinue down the despicable path the great betrayal

    had set them upon to become villains, or hid them-

    selves so they could wallow in their solitary despair.

    Regardless of their reasons or disposition, when-

    ever and wherever encountered Gaothoem that

    have not taken part in the planetary consciousnessof the Celestial Legions are treated with all the fear

    and awe one would expect when encountering the

    walking dead or a living myth.


    One of the triumvirate of races to have once

    dominated the universal core, the Gaothoem are

    sentient beings formed entirely of living, protonic

    energy. Their history was one of nobility, honor, and

    the driving desire to explore and attain new heights

    of scientific achievement, but it came to a tragic

    end with the betrayal of their allies, the Titonathor.

    For most of the race, that dishonorable act would

    lead to transmergence, but for others it meant a no-

    madic life of wandering the universe, seeking a new

    meaning for their existence.

    In their native form, the Gaothoems subcon-

    scious will maintains their energy life force in a co-

    hesive, immortal state. Should the being ever lose

    its desire to live it will simply wink out of existenceby intuitively dissipating its energy into its surround-

    ings. In effect, its will to live literally sustains it.

    This energy form appears as a nascent faint blue

    to violet light that stretches between 5 and 6 feet

    high and half that in width. Lacking a physical form,

    Gaothoem fly about and interact with their environ-

    ment using a limited form of telekinesis.


    When the Gaothoem transformed their worldinto a battery to house their collected conscious-

    nesses and life force, a new power entered the fight

    for universal good and righteousness. To make res-

    titution for past sins, the planetary consciousness

    ejects Gaothoem essences into the ether of space

    so they can find a host and join with it, creating an

    entity of wondrous power and noble calling that

    shall bring all his/her/its power to bear in the name

    of justice and benevolent.

    The Gaothoem Dead Zone

    The act of transmergence created a region devoid of planets for nearly half a light year around GaoTho, the home planet of the Gaothoem. Filling the area is nothing but detritusthe remains of thesystems destroyed by the massive energy ripple released by the planets transformation. For centuriesno one pieced together what happened, but the rise of the Celestial Legions (pg 4) has finally providedthe answer.

    The Zettex Demesne has declared the area entirely off-limits after losing the initial fleet sent to in-vestigate the disaster, and so patrols, sensors stations, and killer satellites now surround the area (nosmall feat or expenditure considering the cordons size.) Nobody except the Zettex are certain if theDemesne is more interested in keeping the curious out or containing whatever it is that dwells in thesectors sole remaining planetary body, but the effect remains the same.

    Pirates, smugglers, rebels, and other scum and riffraff often use the Dead Zones fringe to hidetheir ships, using unavoidable holes in the cordon to slip in and out undetected. Although the debrisis a tempting hideout, risk of capture and fear of what may reside deeper in the region means onlythe bravest or most foolhardy dare do so. Treasure seekers are also common enough, as the belief thatsomething of value musthave survived the destruction of all those planets is strong and prolific, andperhaps they are right. However, nobody who has passed into the Dead Zone beyond maximum sensorrange has ever returned (so far as anyone knows.) Not even the relatively few Gaothoem who did notshare their homeworlds fate will venture into the region for fear of what may be found within.










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    T H E C E L E S T I A L L E G I O N S - G A O T H O E M T E M P L A T E

    Every host ends up with a large burn scar on

    their body following transmergence (usually across

    the chest, if the host has one), a result of so much

    living energy entering and then fusing with a physi-

    cal form. This mark always appears the same,

    somewhat like a merging of three inward-pointing

    triangles centered by a starburstthe point of en-

    try. Many of these initial hosts came to form a loose

    organization of intergalactic agents who took it upon

    themselves to police the universe (whether it want-

    ed it or not) on behalf of the collective conscious-

    ness of Gao Tho. Assuming the mantle of Celestial

    Legionnaires, these transmerged individuals took

    the burn mark of their initiation as their symbol,

    a banner that is now recognized as the Celestial

    Legions herald across the universe.

    Initially the Legion existed only in the loosest

    sense of the word: the hosts forged the means

    to communicate amongst their numbers so they

    could call for aid when needed, but it had no lead-

    ership or structure beyond such rudiments and

    the ambiguously empathic urgings of Gao Thos

    living consciousness. A number of tragedies in-

    volving miscommunication or an inability to agree

    upon a hierarchy and/or an appropriate courseof action in dire situations made it obvious that

    things simply had to change. The Legion had to

    move beyond its infancy into maturity or it would

    never properly achieve its goal of universal justice.

    As the centuries moved on, the Celestial Legion

    became more formal and better organized, to the

    point where the planet-mind of Gao Tho was able

    to refine its ability to empathically transmit to the

    Legionnaires and better communicate its collec-

    tive motives and goals.

    Today, the Celestial Legion is highly organized

    with a rigid command structure that works to en-

    sure the Legionnaires work as efficiently as pos-

    sible. Codes of conduct are in place and senior

    Legionnaires now seek out newly transmerged

    hosts (with the help of Gao Thos expansive empath-

    ic reach) to convince them to sign on and, should

    they enlist, then explain the rules and guide such

    rookies in the use and responsibilities of their pow-

    ers. After a brief mentorship, the new Legionnaire

    is assigned a sector of space to patrol and protect

    (typically their home system, but not always), and

    they are given a means to communicate with their

    superiors if their powers do not already allow for

    it. Of course, membership is not required of a new

    host, but the Legionnaires have become somewhat

    caught up in their self-imposed status as galactic

    police and champions for good, leading to most

    hosts who do not wish to play along being shunned

    and left out in the cold when problems arise.

    Much of the universal core has sagely accept-

    ed the Celestial Legion as an unofficially official

    law enforcement agency that looks after them on

    a sector-wide scale. Acceptance does not neces-

    sarily mean these civilizations agree with or evenenjoy the protection and overseeing, though.

    Many planets and galactic governments downright

    abhor interference in what they consider domes-

    tic affairs, but they accept the Legions interven-

    tion because they really have little choice when it

    comes to disagreeing with individuals who, quite

    often, can literally go head to head with their best

    battleships and come out on top. Unable to openly

    oppose the Legion, most dissident civilizations in-

    stead choose to make life as difficult as possible


    This represents Gaothoem that have not undergone transmergence.


    Computers 4 ranks 1

    Language (Select four) 1

    Knowledge (Select one of the sciences) 8 ranks 2


    Flight 1 (Power Feats: Innate; Extras: Continuous; Flaws: Permanent) 3

    Immunity 13 (Aging, Critical Hits, Life Support, Starvation and Thirst; Power Feats: Innate) 14

    Insubstantial 3 (Power Feats: Innate; Extras: Continuous; Flaws: Permanent) 16

    Super-Senses 2 (Visual [radius]; Power Feats: Innate) 3

    Telekinesis 2 (Power Feats: Innate, Precise; Extras: Free Action) 10


    Noticeable (Flight; unique energy signature) 1

    Vulnerable (Magnetism; major, uncommon) 3










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    T H E C E L E S T I A L L E G I O N S

    for the Legionnaires simply by politely being unco-

    operative and difficult whenever possible.

    Not all interstellar communities are so willingto accept the Legions influence and intervention,however. Some of the more powerful factions in theuniversethe Zettex Demesne, especiallyresistthe Celestial Legion at every turn. Certainly, mostsuch resistors are not as morally questionable asthe Demesne, eithersome are downright reason-able and enlightened, but do not agree with how theLegion conducts itself. Instead, many of these dis-senting factions believe the Celestial Legionnaires

    represent the corrupting influence of power, evenwhen that power is supposedly benevolent in na-ture. Such civilizations do not believe the Legionhas a right to meddle in their affairs, and so theyresist the presence of Legionnaires in their territoryas best they are able.

    Whether seen as noble heroes, tiresome blow-hards, or intrusive outsiders, the grand presencethe Celestial Legion commands on the cosmic

    stage cannot be denied.

    The Legionnaires

    A Legionnaire should protect his assigned sec-tion of space and maintain the peace. Some take amore active role than others, overthrowing tyranni-cal governments and hunting evil no matter whereit hides, while others choose to be more reactionaryand believe the best route is to not interfere in localpolitics and similar events except when absolutelynecessary. There is no set code on such behavior,beyond the need to protect life, granting the individ-ual Legionnaire incredible discretion when it comes

    to such matters.

    Upon activating his cosmic powers, a CelestialLegionnaires body manifests a costume that isunique and suited to their nature rather than allwearing an identical uniform. Despite this individu-ality, however, all such manifested costumes incor-porate the Legions symbol upon it somewhere andwill incorporate a dark star field that twinkles andotherwise reacts to the Legionnaires moods.

    The cosmic energies harnessed and projectedby all Celestial Legionnaires uses the transmergedGaothoem as its focal point, thus rendering the en-ergy in the same light blue to violet range as the

    latters native energy form. The commonly sharedpowers are provided in the Celestial LegionnaireTemplate entry (pg 11), while their true nature andsubconscious causes their remaining powers to besuited to them as an individual, thus allowing theplayer to tailor his character beyond what is out-

    lined in the template.

    THE TRANSMERGENCE PROCESSWhether freshly ejected from the planetary con-

    sciousness or jumping from a dying Legionnaire

    into a new host, the process of Gaothoem essence

    transmergence remains the same: explosive. As the

    essence enters the host, the merging drains the lat-ters body as though struck by a Fatigue 20(Power

    Feats: Slow Fade 2) attack. Whats more, transmer-

    gence releases a blast of explosive energy around

    the host that leaves both the essence and its new

    home unharmed but may damage the surrounding

    area as though struck by a Blast 8(Cosmic energy;

    Extras: Explosion), Reduced Area1 * attack with

    the host at the epicenter.

    * See Better Mousetrap

    Legionnaire Selection

    Gao Thos search for appropriate hosts is very thorough and delves into the subconscious as well asthe conscious mind. Not all subjects of transmergence immediately agree to the path their alien hitch-hiker has laid out for them, but a telepathic scan beforehand means the selection process rarely fails tohit the mark, even if a difficult period of learning and stumbling is required before the host accepts hislot. Nevertheless, this process is not without error.

    Just as some hosts had already chosen a life of heroism before becoming Legionnaires, a few havealso outright refused to join the Gaothoems crusade, opting instead for a normal life. This traps thealien essence until the host dies, after which there is a chance it can jump into a nearby sentient (thesentient host must be within roughly fifty feet and the essence must be in good health.) However, thisis done without the benefit of Gao Thos telepathic selection scan because, once initially ejected fromGao Tho the essence is no longer directly connected to the planetary consciousness and it cannot returnon its own.

    When they know death is upon them, Legionnaires seek a (hopefully) worthy host to be near forwhen the moment comes, but this has occasionally resulted in unworthy (or even villainous) beings un-dergoing the secondary transmergence and then abusing their power, usually driving the Gaothoem es-sence mad in the process. The alternative of dissipation and death does, however, leave the Legionnairelittle choice unless the alien essence is noble enough to give up its own life to ensure its power isnt usedfor evil or selfish ends before a new transmergence occurs.










  • 8/10/2019 Sample - Celestial Legions, The


  • 8/10/2019 Sample - Celestial Legions, The

    9/2612 Whoa! Ive seen some unusual aliens in my day,buddy, but none quite so interesting as that one!

    Real Name:n Saunders

    Aliases:he CelestialLegionnaire

    reat Level:Gamma-E


    Height:feet, 11 in.

    ght:184 lbs



    T H E C E L E S T I A L L E G I O N S - T H E C E L E S T I A L L E G I O N N A I R E ( P L 9 )

    While studying to become an electrical

    engineer in his native England, Brian and

    some friends decided to take a break from

    their studies by renting a cottage in a coun-

    try village for a weekend. After an evening

    of drinking at the local pub, Brians friends

    thought it would be funny to leave their

    much-drunker friend on his own to walk back

    to their rented home, several miles away. While

    staggering down the dirt lanes amongst the fieldsand hills, Brian was knocked from his feet by a

    nearby fiery impact. Too drunk to process the risks

    of doing so, Brian decided to investigate.

    Upon arriving at the impact site, far back from

    the road in the middle of a field, Brian quickly real-

    ized it hadnt been a meteor strike as he originally

    thought, for in the center of a deep, burning fur-

    row in the earth was a purple woman seemingly

    dressed in stars. Daring to approach and help if he

    could, Brian was too late and the woman died even

    as he was lowering himself into the crater. What the

    drunken youth would soon learn was the womanhad been a Celestial Legionnaire and now, her life

    having expired, the Gaothoem essence she carried

    escaped her mortal remains and looked about for

    the nearest available host. Faster than Brians eyes

    could follow, the alien left the corpse and fled into

    his own body, the resulting transmergence erupting

    in the fields second explosion of that night.

    While his suddenly-sober mind tried wrapping

    itself around what had happened, a dark figure

    plummeted from the sky. The womans killer had

    arrived and, seeing that her Gaothoem compan-

    ion had already passed on to another, prepared to

    kill the stunned human. Only the timely arrival of

    Legionnaire Droog managed to save Brian from his

    diabolical attacker, Marauder, and together the two

    Legionnaires managed to drive the rogue off.

    Brian now leads a double life as struggling stu-

    dent and space-faring super-hero under Droogs

    sporadic tutelage. He still has much to learn andmore often than not lets his enthusiasm and awe get

    the better of him, allowing himself to be distracted

    by the oddities of his new duties, a fact that Droog is

    still trying to hammer out of him during their training

    sessions. However, Brian shows great promise as a

    Celestial Legionnaire and, with a little maturity and

    experience, Droog believes he may shape up to be

    one of the Legions greatest members (although

    theres no way hed let Brian know that.)

    Quiton-Pol, the transmereged Gaothoem es-

    sence bonded to Brian, is a snobbish perfectionist

    and is thus always pushing its host to constantly im-

    prove. Truth be told, Quiton-Pol was initially unhap-

    py to bond with a being it considers well beneath

    its normal standards, but the Gaothoem is learning

    that Brian has a knack for inspired problem solving,

    and possesses a subdued courage and confidence

    that shines through in the worst of circumstances.

    Appearance:As befitting his self-image as a knight

    in shining armor, Saunders Legionnaire costume

    has manifested as a stylized, futuristic suit resem-

    bling futuristic plate mail, although no additional

    New Power Feat: Costume

    This power feat may be applied to most powers that exert control over energy or matter in someway, moving it about and finely manipulating it at the characters will. As a move action the charactermay utilize this power to make a costume for himself from whatever the power controls, providing theequivalent of Disguise at the powers ranks. The Force Construct power that makes objects of cosmicenergy, for instance, could be used to create a costume from that same energy, whereas Plant Controlcould create a costume of leaves, vines and the like.

    If the power is ever deactivated against the characters will the costume likewise disappears, butpurchasing this power feat at two ranks means the costume persists through anything short of nullifi-cation, even if the character is rendered unconscious or similarly subjected to conditions that terminatethe other aspects of his power.

    Creating a costume in this manner in no way otherwise diminishes the powers potency or ability tofunction normally. However, the costumes appearance and design is not mutable, requiring the powerfeat be taken again and replaced in order to create a new style of costume design in this fashion.

    New Complication: One of Us

    The character does (or did) belong to a group that stresses loyalty and the value of membership be-yond typical reason. Once you are in the group it becomes very intrusive and is a major element in yourlife, making it difficult to walk away without repercussions. In exchange for whatever benefits theremay be for membership, you are at the groups whim and must make the organizations priorities yourown, no matter how bad it may mess up other aspects of your life. Failing to comply with the utmostspeed and ability often means dire consequences.










  • 8/10/2019 Sample - Celestial Legions, The


    T H E C E L E S T I A L L E G I O N S - T H E C E L E S T I A L L E G I O N N A I R E ( P L 9 )

    protection is provided. Much of the armorsplates are covered in the cosmic star field

    pattern brought on by transmergence, and

    the Legions symbol rests squarely upon his

    chest. When not assuming his heroic guise,

    Brian is a somewhat ordinary young man

    with dark, closely cropped hair and a studi-

    ous look about him that is furthered by his

    habit of constantly adjusting his glasses.


    Using Legionnaire Saunders as a PL 10

    player character requires cutting his expend-ed PP back to 150. Here are some sugges-

    tions on doing so:

    Reduce some of his Celestial

    Legionnaire powers back to their original

    template levels (returned PP varies)

    Reduce his attack and/or defense

    modifier(s) by a few points (2 PP per +1)

    Reduce Quiton-Pol to a Level 11 Sidekick

    (2 PP)

    Reduce his abilities by a few points (1 PP

    per ability point)









    Skills:Bluff 2 (+4), Computers 2 (+3), Concentration 4 (+7), Craft (electronic) 4 (+5), Disable

    Device 2 (+3), Knowledge (technology) 4 (+5), Profession (electrical engineer) 1 (+4), Stealth1 (+2/+3)

    Feats:Attack Focus (ranged) 2, Improved Initiative, Sidekick 13 (Quiton-Pol)

    Powers: Communication 16(Mental; Power Feats: Selective; Extras: Area; Flaws: Celestial

    Legionnaires only) || Comprehend 1(languages) || Cosmic Energy Control 10

    *(Gaothoem essence; Power Feats: Costume, Alternate PowersBlast 10 *[Surge blast;

    Power Feats: Progression (area); Extras: Burst; Flaws: Touch] Force Constructs 7 *[Power

    Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, Progression (object size) 2, Precise, Stationary, Tether; Extras:

    Movable; Flaws: Tiring], Regeneration 19 *[Ability, Bruised, Unconscious: 1 round, Injured,

    Staggered, Disabled: 5 minutes, Recovery Bonus +3; Power Feats: Persistent, Regrowth])

    || Enhanced Strength 6 || Enhanced Dexterity 2 || Enhanced Constitution 4

    || Flight 6 || Immunity 11(Life Support, Sleep, Starvation and Thirst) || Protection

    4(Extras: Impervious) || Mind Shield 6 || Space Travel 5 || Super-Senses 4(Visual [extended 4])

    Complications:One of Us (if a player character)

    Drawbacks:Vulnerable(Magnetism; major, uncommon) 3, Weakness(Strong magnetic

    fields; major, uncommon) 3

    Combat:Attack +6 (+8 ranged), Damage +2/+5 (unarmed), +10 (cosmic blast), Defense +7,

    Initiative +5/+6

    Abilities 22 + Skills 5 (20 ranks) + Feats 16 + Powers 88 + Combat 26 + Saves 15

    Drawbacks 6 = 166

    * Dynamic

    Celestial Legionnaire PL 9STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA

    +2/+5 +1/+2 +2/+4 +1 +3 +2

    14/20 12/14 14/18 12 16 14

    Skills: Computers 4 (+7), Language (Aramaic, English,

    Titonath, Zettex), Knowledge (physical sciences) 10 (+13),

    Profession (scientist) 2 (+6)

    Powers: Insubstantial 4 (Power Feats: Innate; Extras:

    Continuous; Flaws: Permanent) || Invisibility(All visu-

    al senses, 8 PP; Power Feats: Innate; Extras: Continuous;

    Flaws: Permanent) || Immunity 14 (Aging, Critical Hits,

    Life Support, Starvation and Thirst, Sleep;Power Feats:Innate) || Mind Shield 10(Power Feats: Innate) ||

    Super-Senses 2(Visual [radius]; Power Feats: Innate)

    Drawbacks:Disability(Bodiless; bonded to host) 4

    Combat:Attack +0, Damage , Defense +0, Initiative +0

    Abilities 2 + Skills 5 (20 ranks) + Powers 59 + Saves

    4 Drawbacks 4 = 62

    Quiton-Pol PL 4/Sidekick Rank 13


    16 (+3) 18 (+4) 14 (+2)

    SAVES Tough Fort Ref Will +8










  • 8/10/2019 Sample - Celestial Legions, The


  • 8/10/2019 Sample - Celestial Legions, The


    T H E C E L E S T I A L L E G I O N S - L E G I O N N A I R E D R O O G ( P L 1 2 )

    Real NDroog


    Threat Delta-E


    Height7 feet, 4



    You think thats the sort of speed that will prevent a time-space singularity from collapsing, destroying a solar sys-

    tem as it goes? I dont think so. Pick up the pace!

    Of an unknown alien spe-

    cies, even Droogs transmerged

    Gaothoem essence, Dreek-

    Tal, has not been able to worm

    his origins out of this enigmatic

    Legionnaire. He (as he has indeed

    identified his gender as male)

    has been a Celestial Legionnaire

    for over five centuries, much of

    which has been acting as a wan-

    dering taskmaster and reigning

    in over-zealous new recruits, a

    self-imposed duty for which he is

    much respected by his fellows.

    Normally quiet, when Droog

    speaks it is with purpose and de-

    termined intent, his voice sound-

    ing both booming and hollow as

    though projected from a distance

    rather than from him. He is ex-

    tremely calm and slow to anger,

    but will act with exacting preci-









    Skills:Bluff 2 (+2), Concentration 5 (+8), Intimidate 5 (+5), Knowledge (super-beings)

    4 (+4), Knowledge (tactics) 8 (+8), Language (English, 3 other languages used byaliens in your game), Pilot 1 (+1/+2), Notice 3 (+6)

    Feats:Assessment, Attack Focus (melee) 3, Fearless, Improved Initiative, Leadership,

    Master Plan, Sidekick (Dreek-Tal) 14, Teamwork

    Powers: Communication 18(Mental; Power Feats: Selective; Extras: Area; Flaws:

    Celestial Legionnaires only) 19 || Comprehend 1(languages) || Cosmic

    Energy Control 12 *(Gaothoem essence; Power Feats: Costume, Alternate Powers

    Force Constructs 6 * [Power Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, Progression (object

    size) 2, Precise, Stationary, Tether; Extras: Movable], Regeneration 21 *[Bruised,

    Unconscious: 1 standard action, Ability,: 1 round, Injured, Staggered, Disabled: 5 min-

    utes, Recovery Bonus +3; Power Feats: Persistent, Regrowth]) || Enhanced

    Strength 5 || Enhanced Dexterity 2 || Enhanced Constitution 2 ||

    Flight 7 || Immunity 12(Aging, Life Support, Sleep, Starvation and Thirst) ||

    Protection 4(Extras: Impervious) || Mind Shield 4 || Power Reserve 5

    (Flaws: Full Power) || Space Travel 7 || Super-Senses 6(Visual [extended

    6]) || Super-Strength 3

    Complications:One of Us (if a player character)

    Drawbacks: Vulnerable (Magnetism; major, uncommon) 3, Weakness (Strong

    magnetic fields; major, uncommon) 3

    Combat:Attack +7 (+10 melee), Damage +11/+13 (unarmed), +12 (cosmic blast),

    Defense +6, Initiative +4/+5

    Abilities 44 + Skills 8 (32 ranks) + Feats 23 + Powers 120 + Combat 26 + Saves

    14 Drawbacks 6 = 229

    * Dynamic

    Legionnaire Droog PL 12STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA

    +11/+13 +0/+1 +8/+9 +0 +3 +0

    32/37 10/12 26/28 10 16 10

    Skills:Computers 6 (+11), Language (Droogs tongue, English, Universal

    Common, 5 other languages used by aliens in your game), Knowledge

    (life sciences) 10 (+15), Knowledge (physical sciences) 4 (+9), Knowledge

    (tactics) 4 (+9)

    Powers: Insubstantial 4 (Power Feats: Innate; Extras: Continuous;Flaws: Permanent) || Invisibility(All visual senses, 8 PP; Power

    Feats: Innate; Extras: Continuous; Flaws: Permanent) || Immunity

    14 (Aging, Critical Hits, Life Support, Starvation and Thirst, Sleep;

    Power Feats: Innate) || Mind Shield 10(Power Feats: Innate) ||

    Super-Senses 2(Visual [radius]; Power Feats: Innate)

    Drawbacks:Disability(Bodiless; bonded to host) 4

    Combat:Attack +0, Damage , Defense +0, Initiative +0

    Abilities 2 + Skills 8 (32 ranks) + Powers 59 + Saves 4 Drawbacks

    4 = 69

    Dreek-Tal PL 4/Sidekick Rank 14


    20 (+5) 20 (+5) 12 (+1)

    SAVES Tough Fort Ref Will +9










  • 8/10/2019 Sample - Celestial Legions, The


    T H E C E L E S T I A L L E G I O N S - L E G I O N N A I R E D R O O G ( P L 1 2 )

    sion and direction when the time comes, even if

    called upon to unleash the most brutish of force at

    his disposal.

    The Gaothoem essence bonded to Droog,

    Dreek-Tal, is a cheerful, logical being that takes the

    time to think things through but still tends towards


    Appearance:A hulking being of blue, translucentflesh wrapped around some manner of skeletal

    structure comprised of what appears to be metal

    balls of varying size and composition, Legionnaire

    Droogs race is unknown and, so far as anyone is

    aware, he is unique in this universe.


    Using Droog as a PL 10 player character re-

    quires cutting his expended PP back to 150. Here

    are some suggestions on doing so:

    Reduce some of his Celestial Legionnaire

    powers back to their original, template levels (re-

    turned PP varies)

    Reduce his attack and/or defense

    modifier(s) by a few points (2 PP per +1)

    Reduce Dreek-Tal to a Level 11 Sidekick

    (1 PP)

    Drastically reduce his abilities (1 PP perability point)

    Team-Up Ideas

    The following may give Gamemasters ideas on

    how to incorporate Legionnaire Droog into their


    A CALL TO ARMSIntergalactic war is about to break out between

    two of the sectors most powerful empires and it

    seems everyone is going to be forced to take a side if

    it isnt nipped in the bud. The Celestial Legionnairesare spread too thin to enforce a peace, so theyre

    calling upon the player characters (with whom

    they have previous experiences) to aid in polic-

    ing a neutral commerce planet where the final

    chance at negotiations are taking place. (If

    the heroes cant get there under their own

    power the Legion will send transporta-


    Upon arriving, it will quickly become

    obvious the whole planet is just one

    giant marketplace, leaving its sur-

    rounding space filled with count-less merchant vessels of all

    sorts and sizes, not to men-

    tion the opposing flotillas that

    are now standing down the

    barrels of their opponents

    guns, just waiting for talks to

    degrade and war to be de-

    clared. During the negotia-

    tions the heroes will be kept

    planetside ensuring no one

    supporting one side or an-

    other will stir up trouble that

    will send the galaxy into war.The Legionnaires on-site

    will be too busy keeping the

    fleets in orbit from firing on each

    other (and any suspicious merchant

    vessels caught between them) to do

    much else themselves.

    As the negotiations get under

    way, a number of incidents will

    occur to shake things up: several










  • 8/10/2019 Sample - Celestial Legions, The


    T H E C E L E S T I A L L E G I O N S - L E G I O N N A I R E D R O O G ( P L 1 2 )

    starships belonging to both sides will be sabotaged,

    resulting in hundreds of deaths aboard each of the

    targeted vessels, and assassination attempts will

    be prevented against representatives from all par-

    ties. Tempers will inevitably flare up and the gal-

    axy will teeter on the edge of disaster if the heroes

    cant discover who is able to slip past the paranoid

    security surrounding both delegationswhether

    planetside or aboard their fleet vesselsand enactdeadly strikes meant to instigate the conflict.

    SCHOOL IS IN SESSIONBest used at the start of a new game, one of

    the player characters is a freshly created Celestial

    Legionnaire and Droog has been sent to play the

    role of taskmaster and mentor. As this training goes

    on, the other characters will witness their friends

    growth as an adept Legionnaire and hero, also

    getting caught up in the dangers a member of the

    Celestial Legion must confront even as a neophyte.

    This provides an opportunity for the Gamemaster to

    introduce the player characters to what the settinghas to offer beyond the reach of Earth while provid-

    ing a guide (Droog) to help the heroes out (if neces-

    sary) until the Gamemaster feels they are okay to

    stand on their own two feet.

    BUSHWHACKEDA number of Celestial Legionnaires have dis-

    appeared or been found dead, including several

    of the Legions heaviest hitters. The player char-

    acters will learn this when Legionnaire Droog, a

    being with whom they have previous associations,

    shows up looking for them, beaten and barelyalive. As allies in the past, Droog felt he had no-

    where else to turn while flying through the sector

    on other business when he was ambushed and

    forced to flee by an assailant who didnt even pro-

    vide the Legionnaire the opportunity to identify

    his attacker. Whoever the killer may be, its likely

    Droogs flight will lead him to the player characters

    who will be the only thing standing between the

    recovering Legionnaire and death.



    Whether one of the player characters has been

    initiated via transmergence or not, the Celestial

    Legion is an opportune gateway for the heroes to

    become a part of a much wider gaming universe.

    The easiest and most obvious way to do this is tohave one of the characters go through transmer-

    gence and acquire a mentor to put them through

    their paces and enlighten them to the universe at

    large, although its possible the character will inherit

    a Gaothoem essence by accident (due to proxim-

    ity to a dying Legionnaire) and thus may be left on

    his own to master his powers for quite some time,

    ignorant of his true purpose and status.

    Non-Legionnaires may interact with the Celestial

    Legion as allies who have assisted (and been as-

    sisted by) the former in the past, creating a rela-

    tionship of understanding and mutual assistance.

    The heroes may be called upon to help the Legionfight this or that intergalactic threat, or perhaps to

    act as guides when an enemy of the Legion goes

    to ground on the player characters home turf. It is

    up to the Gamemaster to determine whether or not

    he wants the heroes to feel like they are small fish

    in an incredibly big pond based on how the Legion

    and its agents are presented and interacted with.

    Its also possible to employ the Celestial Legions

    as foes in a game. In such a scenario, the Legions

    may be portrayed as totalitarian agents of a rather

    strict vision of justice that doesnt sit well with the

    player characters when a new Legionnaire is as-signed to Earths sector of space and begins to car-

    ry out his duties with great zeal. This could result in

    Legionnaires interfering in Earths politics, ranging

    from influencing laws they see as unjust to inter-

    ceding in ongoing military conflicts without invita-

    tion or welcome. Such high-handedness would al-

    most certainly raise the ire of many nations, big and

    small, resulting in retaliatory actions that could draw

    the attention of even more Legionnaires who may,

    if things get bad enough, come to believe enacting

    martial law upon the planet would be the only solu-

    tion and means to bring peace to Earth, whether it

    wants it or not.










  • 8/10/2019 Sample - Celestial Legions, The


    K N I G H T S O F T H E P E N TA N G L E


    OF THE


    His lids fluttered open, the light from abovestinging his eyes as though he had slept aneternity. Looking about him, his mailed handraised to shield his sensitive gaze from theblinding light, he saw the surrounding stonestowering over himmonolithic sentinels withhim at their center. A startled gasp followedby a piercing scream drew his attention to anearby group of oddly dressed people, all ofwhom were listening to a man who motionedto the stones about them as though deliveringa sermon or lesson.

    You there, scholar the newly awoken manspoke, his booming voice betraying his famil-iarity with command. What year is this? Theshrieking reply he received before the people fledin all directions with terror drove his eyes widewith surprise. By Jesu the man exclaimed,how long have I slumbered?

    Everyone is familiar with the tale of King Arthur

    and his Knights of the Round Table, just as many

    know he was struck down by his bastard son,

    Mordred, during the battle of Salisbury Plain. The

    legend states that Arthur commanded one of his

    few remaining knights to return his sword, the

    mighty Excalibur, to the Lady of the Lake who had

    first given it to him. Afterward, three Fay sisters ar-

    rived to take Arthur to the Isle of Avalon where he

    would rest in a protected sleep until the Britons had

    need of him once more.

    Recently, a man clad in plate and chain mail

    appeared out of nowhere in the center of the in-

    ner-most ring at Stonehenge, in full site of a tour-ist group which fled and reported the incident. By

    the time the authorities arrived to investigate the

    incident the mysterious man was long gone, but

    he later resurfaced to combat a plague of evil mon-

    sters (afterward revealed to be the Faynabolg) that

    had been stealing Londons children for some dark

    purpose. During this battle a group of local heroes

    (some were actually vigilantes) came to the mans

    aid to defeat the creatures and set in motion events

    that will forge new legends.

    Claiming to be the Once and Future King, Arthur

    Pendragon, the man wielded a powerful blade that

    he stated to be the incomparable weapon of both

    kings and legend, Excalibur. When the other he-

    roes saw the stranger wielding the blade, it was as

    though a fog was lifted from their minds as memo-

    ries of events and feelings they had never known in

    that lifetime came flooding back to them. The power

    of the sword in the mans hands showed the heroes

    they were in fact the reincarnated Knights of the

    Round Table. Dumbfounded by the understandably

    shocking revelation, the group bypassed the throng

    of reporters and police, escaping to speak with their

    returned liege.










  • 8/10/2019 Sample - Celestial Legions, The


    K N I G H T S O F T H E P E N T A N G L E

    It was at this time that Merlin made himself


    Naturally surprised by the magicians sudden ap-

    pearance amongst them, Arthur and the five heroes

    were even more startled to see that Merlin was now

    a younger man instead of the wizened elder they all

    remembered. The wizard explained to Arthur that

    he and his knights had been revived to fight a great

    evil that could plague not only the British Isles but

    also the world. Merlin further revealed that, although

    history had made no secret of the foretold return of

    Arthur, the magician had managed to keep the des-

    tinies of the Kings knights a secret. The part of the

    legend that was not revealed, told Merlin, was that

    souls of some of the knights and companions were

    to be recycled down through the ages, reincarnated

    within people of great deed and potential heroism

    until such time as they were needed to aid the re-

    turned King, at which point their memories would

    be restored. This time of need is now, claimed the

    youthful Merlin.

    The knights voiced their desire to recreate and

    reassemble the Round Table but their King rejected

    the idea. The Round Table, answered Arthur, hadbeen split by treachery and mistrust long ago and

    now only belonged to the legends. Now was a time

    for a new beginning, a fresh start for a new cause.

    With a point for each of his warriors, with Arthur as

    its center, the pentangle would represent the unity

    and brotherhood of the reunited warriors and their

    heroic cause (whatever it may prove to be.)

    Since that fateful day, the Knights of the Pentangle

    have learned that Morgan Le Fay, Arthurs villainous

    half sister, is the queen of the Faynabolg, the crea-

    tures the knights fought against on the day of their

    awakening and reuniting. Merlin does not know (orwill not say) if Morgan is the evil that Arthur and

    his knights were summoned back to fight, but if she

    is not then combating her malicious purposes will

    serve the knights until things are made more clear.

    The Knights of the Pentangle have now settled

    into a modern fortress of Galahads making, from

    which they can strike out at Morgans evil machina-

    tions or anyone else who would see harm done to

    the British Isles. But all is not well for the Knights

    of the Pentangle, however; old wounds and new

    confusion lingers yet in the triangle between Arthur,

    Guinevere and Lancelot, as well as conflicts that re-side in the relationships between the other knights,

    especially considering the opinions that some of the

    heroes held of one another before their memories

    were reawakened. It seems that the fate of Arthur

    and those that rally to his banner shall forever be

    pressed upon at all sides with intrigue, distrust,

    and discord. All that truly binds the Knights of the

    Pentangle together is honor and their loyalty to their

    King and his cause.


    Galahads once-stately, ancestral manor, locat-

    ed upon the cliffs of Wales, has been renamed and

    redesigned to suit the teams needs. An extensive

    security system including everything from motion

    sensors to infrared-capable video units monitors

    the entire property, spanning nearly 300 acres of

    ocean-side cliffs, bluffs and canyons. Three sto-

    ries tall and several sub-layers deep, the building

    is nearly eight hundred years old and is fortified to

    withstand a siege.

    New Complication:Past Lives

    The remnants of previous lives, be theyreal and full life spans (as may happen withreincarnation) or that of assumed identities,have a way of intruding on your current life.Old enemies, lost loves, and grudges of the

    past pop up at the least convenient momentsto cause you problems.

    Knights BodyArmor (24 PP)

    Galahad has designed and financed a seriesof advanced body armor suits for his teammates.Each suit is constructed from an advanced ce-

    ramic/metal-mesh combination of unknownorigin and is specially fitted for each knight, ac-commodating their physical attributes, size andindividual abilities. The suits appear as a mixbetween medieval plate and chain mail, modernbody armor and something out of a Japanese an-ime movie. Fully environmental when the helmetis attached and its visor is pulled down, each suitalso comes equipped with some useful features.

    Device 6 (Knight of the Pentangle Armor, 30 PP de-vice; 4PP/rank)

    Communication 5 (Radio; Power Feats: Selective;

    Extras: Burst) 11

    Immunity 2 (Suffocation effects) 2

    Protection 7 (Extras: Impervious [3 ranks]) 10

    Sensory Shield3(Auditory, 1 PP/rank) 3

    Super-Senses 5 (Darkvision, Direction Sense,Low-Light Vision, Radio) 5

    Hindered* (Stealth) 1 drawback

    * See Better Mousetrap










  • 8/10/2019 Sample - Celestial Legions, The


    K N I G H T S O F T H E P E N TA N G L E

    Inside, the manor holds bedrooms for all team

    members and Camelots small staff of loyal ser-

    vants, an immense library filled with all manner of

    books (including some on the occult and alchemy), a

    ball room, vaulted dining room, games and billiards

    parlor, garage, an attached tower (70 feet high) for

    Merlin, and any number of other chambers, both

    useful and purely for presentation. Beneath the main

    structure, nearly forty feet underground, Galahadhas built a fully environmental, fortified complex that

    houses training rooms, a fully equipped gymnasium,

    and laboratory, among other things.

    Headquarters: Castle; Size: Huge (62 of 64);

    Toughness: 15; Features: Artificers Lab (any

    combination of traits, 25 PP, +2 design checks,

    5 PP/rank; 2) 7, Barrier (wall; 0) 2, Combat

    Simulator (basic; 3), Combat Simulator (advanced),

    Communications (Basic; 0), Communications

    (Encryption; 0) 2, Communications (Global Net; 0),

    Computers (Basic; 0) 3, Computers (Advanced; 1)

    2, Concealed (electronic; 0) 3, Defense System 6,

    Dock (2) 3, Electronic Counter-Measures 3, EscapeTunnel (DC 30) 3, Fire Prevention System 2, Game

    Room (2), Garage (4) 4, Gym (2), Hangar (4) 4,

    Inventors Lab (any combination of traits, 25 points,

    +2 design checks, 5 EP/rank; 2) 7, Kitchen/Dining

    Hall (3), Library (4), Living Space x 2 (Basic; 1) 1

    ea., Living Space x 8 (Luxury; 2) 1 ea., Motor Pool

    6, Pool (3), Power System (4) 2, Security System

    6, Workshop x 3 (one Craft [electronic], two Craft

    [mechanical]; 2) 2 ea., War Room (2), Workshop x

    2 (2) 1 ea.; Drawbacks:Accessible Bowels (1/4)

    1, Famous1; Cost PP/EP:124/13










  • 8/10/2019 Sample - Celestial Legions, The


    K N I G H T S O F T H E P E N T A N G L E


    BRITAIN S MILITARYDespite the dislike their government gener-

    ally has for the Knights, much of the military

    acknowledges the good Arthur and his war-

    riors have done and will unofficially turn the

    other cheek on most of the heroes activities.Only when doing otherwise would put the public

    at risk or go against direct orders will Britains

    armed forces oppose Arthurs forces.

    THE BRITISH MONARCHYThe Monarchy refuses to even open Arthurs

    claim to be the King of legend returned to debate,

    going so far as to have made several public state-

    ments rejecting its validity. Whether the current

    monarchy feels threatened by a man who could

    possibly hold a claim to the crown that extends

    back far further than their own, or if they truly be-

    lieve Arthur to be nothing more than a charlatan ordeluded would-be-hero, none can say. Unable to

    avoid the popularity that Arthur holds with the pub-

    lic, however, the Monarchy and Prime Minister have

    been forced to (grudgingly) recognize the Knights

    of the Pentangle as an unofficial group of metahu-

    man heroes possessing minimal authority to under-

    take anti-crime activities.

    THE BRITISH PEOPLEMost people do not believe that Arthur and his

    Knights of the Pentangle are indeed the Knights

    of the Round Table and their ruler returned, but

    even so the Knights are largely hailed as heroes

    of the greatest sort. Time and again, King Arthur

    and those who follow him have beaten back and

    vanquished malevolent forces that almost certain-

    ly wouldnt have otherwise been stopped, savingcountless lives in the process. Though controversy

    and opinions abound about the validity of Arthurs

    claim to be who he says he is, the people love him

    regardless and recognize in him and his warriors

    the existence of true heroism.


    For the most part, the Knights of the Pentangle

    get along with their peers, but there have been sev-

    eral incidents, most of which have concerned he-

    roes who arent willing to recognize the validity of

    the claims made by Arthur or his knights. Such dis-

    believers tend to be British (as most of the heroes

    from non-Commonwealth countries could care less

    what claims the Knights of the Pentangle make, so

    long as they serve justice), and those foreigners that

    have crossed swords with the Knights (sometimes

    literally) have usually done so because Arthur has

    not yet adjusted to many aspects of international

    law and believes his kingship, recognized or not,

    grants him access to places and in degrees hes not

    been approved for through proper channels.










  • 8/10/2019 Sample - Celestial Legions, The


    K N I G H T S O F T H E P E N TA N G L E - A R T H U R P E N D R A G O N ( P L 1 0 )

    Real Name:Arthur


    liases:TheOnce and

    uture King,King of the


    reat Level:Gamma-A

    Unknown,ars to be inlater 30s or

    early 40s

    Height:6 feet, 2 in.

    ght:218 lbs


    Language:dle English

    Id soon as spit thee like a roasting stag as not, but the choice isthine whether thou would surrender or face Excaliburs might!

    After awakening from Avalons healing slumber,

    it did not take Arthur long to realize just how great

    a span of time had passed while he recovered from

    the wound Mordred had inflicted. The world had

    changed around him, transforming from a realm of

    magic and honor into one of technology and self-in-

    terest. Several weeks passed while Arthur covertly

    traveled to a body of clear, calm water that would

    suit his needs: regaining Excalibur and its sheathfrom their safekeeping with the Lady of the Lake.

    With his sword at his hip once more, Arthur se-

    cretly traveled the countryside for a few months

    before finally arriving at London. By chance, soon

    after reaching the city the King stumbled into a pack

    of creatures that had been stealing the citys chil-

    dren for several weeks. The monsters somehow

    recognized the King despite his vagabond disguise

    and attacked immediately.

    Engulfed in battle and suffering from several mi-

    nor wounds, Arthur was startled by the sudden ar-

    rival of five strangers, some of which wielded mag-ic-seeming abilities. Quickly overcoming his shock,

    the King fought on to victory with the newcomers

    aid. However, the strangest moment followed when

    the five newcomers looked upon Excalibur in the

    calm after the fight and were flooded with memories

    of lives that were not their own. Shortly thereafter,

    Arthur was reunited with his beloved tutor (although

    not the Merlin he remembered) and the circle of leg-

    end was complete.

    Since that day, King Arthur and his loyal follow-

    ers have fought to keep Britain safe from Morgan

    and his son, Mordred, following the latters recentreturn. He has also tried to ignore the glanc-

    es that fly between Lancelot and Guinevere

    when they think he cannot see them. Arthur

    cannot deny that things are radically differ-

    ent nowindeed he is no longer even married

    to Guinevere in her current incarnation, but he

    cannot deny he still loves the woman that had

    been his wife centuries earlier. Moments of

    passion have flared up and disappeared just

    as quickly between Arthur and Guinevere, de-

    spite her new appearance, and so it makes the pain

    worse when he later sees her showing the same

    signs of love for his greatest knight.

    Arthur has learned the dangers of destiny and

    hopes the errors and poor decisions of his old life

    may be redeemed and stamped out by the deeds

    of his future. Little prophecy has yet to reveal itself

    concerning why Arthur has returned from Avalon,

    but this time around the King has resolved him-

    self to having to ride the wings of fate instead

    of fighting them in order to do what good he

    may. He has indeed learned the hard les-

    sons of the past.

    Once brash and quick to anger should his tem-

    per be tested, Arthur has grown more patient and

    cautious in his later years, especially since his re-

    turn from Avalon. Compassionate and kind though

    he may be, Arthur has always recognized the ne-

    cessity for the law to govern the actions of man and

    so he realizes that sometimes what is considered

    right by law must be held above what is just and

    honorable in his heart, no matter what pain it maycause to himself personally. A tested warrior and

    proven tactician of tremendous skill, Arthur also re-

    alizes that war sometimes necessitates sacrificing

    ones allies for the greater good, but he is a caring

    commander and will always seek another alterna-

    tive before resorting to this ultimate price.

    Appearance: A man of large, commanding stat-

    ure, Arthur has shoulder length, brownish-blonde

    hair, with a finely trimmed beard and mous-

    tache mounted below piercing, gray eyes. Now

    beyond the years of his youth, Arthurs face is

    flavored with the marks of stress and age, al-










  • 8/10/2019 Sample - Celestial Legions, The


    K N I G H T S O F T H E P E N TA N G L E - A R T H U R P E N D R A G O N ( P L 1 0 )

    though not overly so and certainly not enough to

    make him appear old. A crimson pentangle and rosy

    sword, the symbol of his Knights, is emblazoned

    over his breast and on his right shoulder. Arthur

    also wields a shield bearing the Kings coat of arms,

    three gold crowns stacked vertically, centered upon

    a blue field. This symbol is also centered upon his

    armors forehead.


    Using King Arthur as a PL 10 player characterrequires cutting his expended PP back to 150. Here

    are some suggestions on doing so:

    Reduce the ranks of several feats or do

    away with some altogether (1 PP per rank/feat)

    Reduce his Boostpowers ranks (1 PP/


    Reduce his Deflectpowers ranks (4 PP/


    Remove his Device (force lance) power

    (6 PP)

    Remove his Device (Knight of the

    Pentangle Armor)power (24 PP)

    Remove Kay (25 PP)









    Skills:Bluff 1 (+5), Climb 1 (+4), Concentration 2 (+4), Diplomacy 4 (+8), Handle Animal 3

    (+7), Intimidate 5 (+9), Knowledge (arcane lore) 1 (+1), Knowledge (civics) 2 (+2), Knowledge(tactics) 9 (+9), Knowledge (theology and philosophy) 2 (+2), Language (Brythonic, French,

    Latin, Modern English, Old English/Anglo-Saxon), Notice 2 (+4), Perform (dance) 1 (+5), Ride

    5 (+7), Sense Motive 1 (+3)

    Feats:Assessment, Attack Focus (melee) 2, Attack Specialization (lance, sword) 2, Attractive,

    Benefit (royalty [supposedly]), Diehard, Equipment 7, Fascinate (Bluff, Diplomacy) 2, Improved

    Block 2, Improved Disarm 2, Improved Initiative, Inspire 3, Leadership, Master Plan, Quick

    Draw, Sidekick (Kay) 25, Teamwork, Weapon Break

    Powers: Boost 6 (Mounted attack, melee attack damage, 2 PP/rank; Extras: Free Action;

    Flaws: Personal, Ride Check Required, Only while mounted) || Deflect 4(All ranged attacks,

    2 PP/rank; Extras: Move Action, Reflection, Redirection; Flaws: Only when using Excalibur) ||

    Device 5 (Excalibur, 30 PP arcane device; 3PP/rank) || Device 5 (Excaliburs Scabbard,

    24 PP arcane device; 3PP/rank) || Device 2 (Force Lance, 10 PP device; 3 PP/rank) ||

    Device 6 (Knight of the Pentangle Armor, 30 PP device; 4PP/rank)

    Equipment:Excaliburand Scabbard(see sidebar), Kay(pg 25), Knights of the Pentangle

    Armor(pg 19), Force Lance (see side bar), a large steel shield (+3 dodge/+4 block)

    Complications:Destiny, Enemy (Morgan Le Fay, Mordred), Fame, Honor, Temper (if a player


    Drawbacks:Cultural Awkwardness(modern society; common, minor) 2, Incompetent*

    (Intelligence) 2

    Combat:Attack +6 (+8 melee, +10 sword/lance, +12 Excalibur), Damage +8 (17-20, Excalibur),

    +8 (force lance), +3 (unarmed), Defense +4 (+7 dodge with shield), Initiative +6

    Abilities 30 + Skills 11 (44 ranks) + Feats 55 + Powers 80 + Combat 20 + Saves 13

    Drawbacks 4 = 205

    * See Better Mousetrap

    Arthur Pendragon PL 10STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA

    +3 +2 +3 +0 +2 +4

    17 15 16 10 14 18

    New Complication:Destiny

    Your lifes path is written in the stars and hasset down obligations that fate will force you tofulfill regardless of what freewill you believe youpossessor so youve been told. Whether or notthe prophecies and tales regarding what destinyholds for you are true, other people believe theyare and their expectations and behaviors regard-ing you are defined by that belief. Believe in thisdestiny or nottrue or notyou must bear cer-tain responsibilities and duties tied to this fate.










  • 8/10/2019 Sample - Celestial Legions, The


    K N I G H T S O F T H E P E N TA N G L E - A R T H U R P E N D R A G O N ( P L 1 0 )

    New Drawback: Cultural Awkwardness

    The character is not from the mainstream culture of the society he spends the most time in. Theplayer should decide on the characters native country (or planet or race), which has a drastically dif-ferent culture than within which he is primarily active in. Bigots might get in the way of the character,and the character might not always know things about the setting that natives would automaticallyunderstand. The character is an outsider.

    A minor drawback applies a 5 penalty to interaction skills when relating to members of the culturethe character is unfamiliar with, whereas a moderate drawback is 10 and a major drawback is 15.The drawbacks frequency indicates how often the cultural differences (and thus the penalty) shouldbe applied. Gamemasters should also feel free to apply non-mechanical difficulties brought on by thisdrawback, such as encounters with non-player characters or misunderstandings.

    Excalibur, the Sword of Kings (13 PP)

    The sword of the one true king of the Britons, Excalibur is entirely indestructible with one exception:it will shatter in two if used to perform an evil, prideful or selfish deed, or out of anger. Once broken,only the Lady of the Lake has the knowledge to fix the blade. Forged of some unidentifiable metal thatsheens almost to the point of appearing white, one side of this enchanted blades length reads take meup while the other states cast me away. During combat, these words change to read one edge to

    defend and one edge to defeat.Furthermore, it is rumored, if anyone other than its fated wielder should try to use the sword, the

    Lady of the Lake will intercede with her full wrath (as was learned by Morgan Le Fays champion, theKnight Accolon). If this legend is true then the fact that Arthur now wields the sword bodes ill for thecurrent Monarchy. Arthur has sometimes taken advantage of the legends and awe surrounding thesword to convince others that to hold Excalibur and speak falsely will reveal a liar for what he is, butthis is just a wise ploy by the King, as a liar would be too afraid to touch the sword for fear of the reper-cussions, thus revealing himself by his unwillingness.

    Device 6 (Excalibur, 30 PP device; 3PP/rank)

    Dazzle 5 (vision, 2 PP/rank; Extras: Burst, Free Action; Flaws: Touch, Only when first drawn from itsscabbard) 15

    Strike 5 (Power Feats: Accurate, Improved Critical 3, Mighty; Extras: Penetrating) 15Burn Out *(Excalibur; if used to perform an evil, prideful or selfish deed, or out of anger; uncommon,major) 3

    Power Loss(Excalibur; when sheathed in stone until pulled free by the True King of the Britons) 2

    * See Better Mousetrap

    Excaliburs Scabbard (15 PP)

    Legends say that anyone wearing Excaliburs scabbard shall be kept free from bodily harm, and itwas for this reason that Morgan Le Fay stole and tossed it into a lake following Arthurs triumph overher lover and champion, Accolon. This action, although she did not know it at the time, would latermake it possible for Mordred to strike his telling blow at Salisbury Plain. With Arthurs revival and thereturn of Excalibur, the Lady of the Lake has also given back the scabbard.

    Device 5 (Excaliburs Scabbard, 24 PP device; 3PP/rank)

    Enhanced Fortitude 8 *(Power Feats: Critical Save; Flaws: Limited to poisons/toxins and pain) 5

    Regeneration 18(bruised/unconscious/injured/staggered 1 round, disabled 5 minutes, recovery +4;Power Feats: Diehard, Persistent) 20

    Noticeable (Regeneration; no blood loss from wounds) 1

    * See Better Mousetrap










  • 8/10/2019 Sample - Celestial Legions, The


    Real N


    Threat Beta



    6 feet, 5(should

    Weight2,100 lb


    K N I G H T S O F T H E P E N T A N G L E - K A Y ( P L 6 )

    Kay, Ar thurs Android Steed

    Gifted to Arthur by Galahad at the same time

    Camelot was revealed, Kay is a highly advanced

    robotic horse that has been programmed to re-spect, obey and love Arthur with surprising emotion

    and loyalty. Although Arthur now understands what

    robots and similar examples of technology are (af-

    ter much explaining by both Galahad and Merlin),

    the King found himself returning his Steeds affec-

    tion anyway.

    Appearance:Kay looks like a slightly larger

    than normal war horse made of metal. The an-

    droid possesses all of the usual mannerisms ofa horse (requiring it be handled as such), tainted

    though they are by its intelligence. The design and

    equipment provided in the android are relatively

    simple to operate to accommodate the King, who is

    not used to technology.

    Skills:Acrobatics 2 (+5), Intimidate 1 (+3), Notice 5 (+6), Stealth 4 (+3)

    Powers: Communication 7 (Radio; Power Feats: Selective; Extras: Burst) || Growth 4(Large;

    Power Feats:Innate; Extras: Continuous; Flaws: Permanent) || Leaping 5(jump jets) || Speed

    5 || Super-Movement 1(Sure-Footed) || Super-Senses 16(Sensor suite; Auditory [accurate,

    extended 2], Direction Sense, Distance Sense, Infravision, Low-Light Vision, Radar [extended], Radio,

    Time Sense, Ultra-Hearing) || Super-Strength 2

    Combat:Attack +5 (-1 size), Damage +7 (unarmed), Defense +6 (-1 size), Initiative +3

    Abilities 21 + Skills 3 (12 ranks) + Powers 60 + Combat 26 + Saves 13 = 123

    Kay PL 6/Sidekick Rank 25


    25 (+7) 16 (+3) 6 (-2) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)

    SAVES Tough +7 Fort Ref +7 Will +3

    Arthurs Force Lance (6 PP)

    Another of Galahads inventions, Arthurs force lance is mounted astride Kay within easy reach forwhen the King is mounted. Without power, the device appears solely as the hilt and guard of a typicalmedieval-style war lance, but when activated the rest of the weapon extends outwards from this sec-tion to its full length. The force lance is equipped with an internal power source that encompasses theweapons entire length in a compressed field of kinetic force. When the lance strikes something, thisforce is released outwards and then regenerates so that it may be used again.

    Galahad has also sold one of these weapons to Mentor of Heroes, Ltd. (see Do-Gooders & Daredevils:Good I$ Capitali$m), and it has ended up in the hands of the heroic Dragonknight.

    Device 2 (Force Lance, 10 PP device; 3 PP/rank)

    Strike 5(Power Feats: Extended Reach 2, Knockback 2 *, Mighty)

    * See Better Mousetrap










  • 8/10/2019 Sample - Celestial Legions, The

    23/2626 Grock this, chummer. If you dont light to me as a wizard at leastlight to me as someone who can six-foot you right quick.

    K N I G H T S O F T H E P E N TA N G L E - M E R L I N ( P L 9 )

    Real Name:s unknownhe has anyother than


    Aliases:f the Devil

    reat Level:Gamma-A


    Height:5 feet, 8 in.

    Weight:175 lbs



    Merlin, being the half-breed son of a human sor-ceress and a powerful demon lord, is a man whodefies time. Born in the far future, the wizard hasaged backwards, progressing from the days yetto come into the days long passed, growing oldereven as those around him grow younger. Now ap-pearing as a young man in his early 20s, the Merlinof today is actually less experienced and weaker(although still considerably knowledgeable, wiseand dauntingly powerful) than the one Arthur origi-nally knew. (Indeed, Merlins current experienceswith Arthur today are what will allow the Merlin oflegend to make prophesies for Arthur in the past.)He also speaks with an inflection and terminology

    that does not yet exist in the present, often confus-ing others and making it sound like hes made uphis own slang and nonsense words.

    Thankfully, Merlins backwards aging grants hima certain amount of foresight, a fact that allowedhim to set up contingencies for events that he knewwould arise while he was (is to be?) held captive bythe witch, Vivien. This foresight allowed Merlin tomystical ensure the souls of some of Arthurs clos-est companions and greatest champions would berecycled down through time in order to come to the

    kings aid in a future with a younger Merlin.

    The wizards memory also sometimes seems tobe something less than totally accurate because, inorder to know what happens in the past (periods oftime that he has not yet visited) Merlin must rely uponlegends, rumors and the words of others. As such,Merlin often appears to forget something that some-one has recently told him, ironically making him ap-pear all the more senile the younger the wizard is. Nordoes Merlin reveal to others in the past many detailsabout what he has witnessed in their future for fearthat they shall work to undo what is to come, possiblyunraveling the continuity and fabric of time itself.

    Merlin continues to act in the same capacity thathe always has: he is advisor, teacher and aid to

    Arthur, just as before. Although Merlins current un-derstanding of what happened to Arthur in the past isbased only on the legends that have survived downthrough history (much of which has been distorted oris just plain wrong) and from the Kings own stories,the wizard has first hand knowledge of the evil thathis pupil must now face. Frustrating though it maybe to his lord King and the Knights of the Pentangle,Merlin refuses to reveal any specifics about the evilthat awaits them (and which he has already expe-









    Skills:Bluff 5 (+5), Computers 2 (+7), Concentration 6 (+10), Craft (chemical) 3 (+8), Craft

    (mechanical) 2 (+7), Craft (structural) 2 (+7), Diplomacy 2 (+2), Gather Information 3 (+3),Intimidate 2 (+2), Knowledge (arcane lore) 5 (+10), Knowledge (earth sciences) 2 (+7),

    Knowledge (life sciences) 1 (+6), Knowledge (physical sciences) 2 (+7), Knowledge (super-

    beings) 1 (+6) *, Knowledge (theology and philosophy) 2 (+7), Sense Motive 1 (+5), Sleight of

    Hand 3 (+4), Stealth 4 (+5)

    Feats: Artificer, Dodge Focus 3, Enduring Ritual *, Fascinate (Diplomacy, Intimidate) 2,

    Fearless, Master Plan, Ritualist, Sidekick (Archimedes) 15, Specialization * (Knowledge

    [life sciences]: botany, Knowledge [physical sciences]: astronomy) 2, Trance, Ultimate Skill

    (Knowledge [arcane lore])

    Powers: Astral Form 5 (Power Feats: Selective, Subtle; Flaws: Full Round Action) ||

    Comprehend 2(Animals, Languages) || Immunity1(Aging; Flaws: Slowed down and

    reversed) || Magic 9 **(Blast 9; Power Feats: Alternate Powerschoose 12 spells of the

    Gamemasters preference**) || Super-Senses 22 (Aura Reading, Communication Link

    [mental, Archimedes], Detect Magic [mental, ranged], Magical Awareness [mental, accurate,

    extended, radius], True Sight) || Super-Senses 4 (Precognition; Power Feats: Innate;

    Flaws: Wisdom Check Required)