sample chapter january 2020 ws workbook...3rd quarter numerology: building your truest reality. *the...

WORKBOOK 2 2 2 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 By Tiffany Harelik, MA + Amanda Rieger Green, MPH Illustrated by Sasha Boyle

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Page 1: Sample Chapter January 2020 WS Workbook...3rd Quarter Numerology: Building your truest reality. *The most potent quarter in numerology for 2020 July is an 11/2-Universal Month Master


222222222000002222222022222000022222 2222222222By Tiffany Harelik, MA + Amanda Rieger Green, MPHIllustrated by Sasha Boyle

Page 2: Sample Chapter January 2020 WS Workbook...3rd Quarter Numerology: Building your truest reality. *The most potent quarter in numerology for 2020 July is an 11/2-Universal Month Master

PUTTING THE PLAN IN PLANET! Authors Amanda Rieger Green, MPH, RYT and Tiffany Harelik, MA, RYT are business partners at Wise Skies Advice and Spellbound Publishers.

BRINGING THE ART! Sasha Boyle is a creative director and artist in the metaphysical community.

Sasha Boyle is a creative director and

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INTRODUCTIONWelcome dear Seekers! We wrote this workbook for anyone who is ready to make a shift, optimize their time, and make a difference. We have included all the major Astrological and Numerological events of 2020 with themes for you to consider as you plan your year, along with practical advice to help you along the way.

Putting the plan in planet. It’s ok. You don’t have to know or understand astrology and numerology to use this workbook. We’ve spelled it all out for you, so that everyone from beginners to advanced metaphysical students can make the most of their year.

The alchemical concept is true: As above, so below. The planets, their unique vibrations, and their orbits, combined with numerology, offer a map of the energetic tone of the year. Once you know the layout of the numbers and planets, you’ve got the secret sauce of planning the best year ever.

Remember: you are a beautiful thinker and therefore powerful creator. As you think about the year ahead, you’re sending signals to the cosmos of your deepest dreams, goals and wishes. You can use this workbook to co-create your plans with the divine timing offered in the Astrology and Numerology of 2020.

Every two weeks, like clockwork, the Moon offers you a unique opportunity.We share the big picture themes as well as the day to day shifts. The lunar cycles are a good time to check in with your motives and desires, and measure them against your daily actions. When you know what sign the Moon is in, you add a powerful ingredient to planning your best day.

It’s a leap year! This means we get 366 days to celebrate, plan, scheme, and enjoy in 2020. What will you do with your extra day?

There’s a rare Blue, Full Moon on Halloween! We invite you to fl ip through the pages ahead to explore the unique magic of good timing.

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2020 Numerology Overview “If you build it, they will come.” Decide what you are building this year. Once you have your vision clear, get ready to work on it.

2020 Numerology 2020 is a 4 Universal Year in Numerology 2020 = 2+0+2+0 =4 In Numerology, the numbers and their lessons build upon one another. The 3 Universal energy of creativity from 2019 compliments the 4 Universal energy of building solid foundations. You have to have the idea before you can lay the groundwork, right?

2020 is all about foundations, focus, effi cient processes, and putting plans in place. The 4-year also promotes neatness and a sense of responsibility. This vibration is primarily masculine which contrasts the feminine fl ow of 2019.

Stability, consistency, and routine are a means of fi nding satisfaction, success, and peace. Like it or not there may be an almost overwhelming sense of urgency to get things organized.

This is a great year for:

Designing something built to last

Getting your fi nances in order

Cleaning house

Clearing clutter (mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually)


Establishing better and more effi cient processes (personally and professionally)

Setting and re-setting healthy boundaries

Determining a clear plan of action and following through

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Wise Skies 2020 WorkbookBe mindful of control freak tendencies. Yes, rigid or staunch views and approaches are the shadow side of 4-energy. If you fi nd yourself using a sharpie marker rather than a pencil, consider where you might be able to lighten up.

Remind yourself that it’s okay to change your mind. Think back to last year (2019) when we were collectively in the energy of the 3 creating, connecting and communicating. The 4 energy is less fl uid and tends to get stuck.

Be mindful of obsessive and compulsive behaviors. The energy of the 4 is particularly structured. When things get tense this year, it’s important to invite some fun and playfulness into the day. Be sure to invoke rhythm and balance that helps you fi nd both stability and mobility.

2020 Numerology Pro Tip: Open-mindedness and a willingness to work are key ingredients for a fulfi lling year. When things feel too intense, fi nd time for play. Chill out. Let someone off the hook.

2020 Numerology Mantra: When my life isn’t easy, there’s an easier way! I am available for effective solutions and optimal outcomes.

2020 Numerology Journal Prompts:

What does stability feel and look like to me?

When do I feel solid in my thoughts, feelings and actions?

How can I focus my energy this year to accomplish new dreams?

Am I willing to “create” and “communicate” (pulling from 2019’s 3 vibe) healthier boundaries this year? If so, where and how?

When do I feel grounded and clear?

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1st Quarter Numerology: Connect with your soul’s light.

January is a 5-Universal Month Seize opportunities. What to expect: Freedom, adventure, dynamic change. Watch out for unnecessary drama.

February is a 6-Universal Month Practice healthy self-care. What to expect: Compassion, healing and emotional awareness, safety. Watch out for meddling or a need to “fi x.”

March is a 7-Universal Month Quest for meaning.What to expect: Seeking, diving deep, exploring personal and spiritual truths. Watch out for isolating, detaching or stubborn attitudes.

2nd Quarter Numerology: It’s always darkest before the dawn.

April is an 8-Universal Month Channel infi nity.What to expect: Abundance, balancing the internal with the external, risk and reward. Watch out for highs and lows; the energy will be in continual fl ux.

May is a 9-Universal Month Choose the path of integrity. What to expect: Innate wisdom, surrender, humanitarianism and leadership. Watch out for an unnecessary sense of urgency.

June is a 1-Universal Month Embrace your pioneering spirit.What to expect: New beginnings, individuality, momentum, universal oneness. Watch out for too much independence. Two heads are better than one.

3rd Quarter Numerology: Building your truest reality. *The most potent quarter in

numerology for 2020

July is an 11/2-Universal Month Master Number Month! Root to connect.What to expect from the 2 : Partnership, balance, interdependence. What to expect from the 11 (Master Number): Psychic awareness, illumination. Align the human and higher selves. Interconnect your head and your heart. Watch out for people-pleasing.


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Wise Skies 2020 WorkbookAugust is a 3-Universal Month Practice joy!What to expect: Creativity, communication, charisma and fun. Socialize and play. Watch out for overdoing and overindulging.

September is a 4-Universal Month in a 4-Universal Year. Mastery.What to expect: Cleaning house, process, effi ciency, stability, analysis. The devil is in the details this month! Declutter and minimize distractions. Watch out for analysis paralysis or anything that overcomplicates and triggers anxiety.

*Pro tip: This is the month to reassess and take practical action in accomplishing your 2020 goals. Boots on the ground! Tap into this master 2020 number code by organizing your day and setting healthy, supportive boundaries.

4th Quarter Numerology: The past repeats itself and predicts

the future. Pay attention!

October is a 5-Universal Month Seize the moment. What to expect: Freedom, adventure, adaptability, opportunity and travel. Watch out for boredom and unnecessary drama or chaos.

*Pro tip: This month’s energy is a preview into 2021, which will be a 5 Universal Year. This is also the 2nd time we have experienced a 5 Universal Month (think back to January). Take note of how you respond and what you experience.

November is a 6-Universal Month Put your oxygen mask on fi rst and breathe.What to expect: Compassion, self-care, nurture, heightened intuition and unconditional love. Emotions run high. Watch out for gossip, nit-picky or overly controlling attitudes/behaviors.

December is a 7-Universal Month Connect the cosmic dots.What to expect: Seeking, higher-education, soul-searching, truth. This is a highly spiritual month. Watch out for detachment and isolating.

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Our 2020 Astrology mantra and prayer: All is well in our Kingdom. Change is good. Time is on our side.

No one said it was going to be easy. We invite you to use your energy effi ciently, with purpose, that benefi ts the greater good. If you RSVP yes to this invitation - there will be some mini-deaths of the ego along the way. Fear not: you are uniquely qualifi ed to use your experience and training for whatever surfaces.

Refuse to be impatient or intolerant right now.

Look challenges in the eye and smile.

Face life with arms, eyes, and hearts wide open.

We need you on your best behavior, lightworker.

Remember: Things are happening for you, not to you. The challenges you fi nd in 2020 are your biggest medicine: hardship, limitations and restrictions are actually blessings in disguise.

Build to last. Evolutionary change is slow and steady: remove what isn’t working, then take your time to build proper foundations that set you up for success. Trust in a divine process. Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Take the high road for your Soul’s evolution. Pick your battles, and know what you’re fi ghting for. If you’re feeling a sense of urgency, use it to your advantage and not others’ detriments. Look inside for answers instead of forcing people into roles you’ve created.

Wise Investments.Your energy is the currency of your life. Consider where you can make wise investments with your time, heart, and money. Remove all energetic vampires with kindness and clear boundaries.

2020 Astrology Overview

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January 12: Saturn conjunct Pluto This is a major planetary event that happens once every 34 years. Two of the coldest and harshest planets join in the Skies to effect a change this year. You may find hardship, limitations and restrictions are actually blessings in disguise. Remember: things are happening for you, not to you. When times get tough, think outside the box. Find buried treasure from the past. Pay attention to messages in your dreams. This major transit is felt 3-5 weeks in advance of today.

February 20: Jupiter sextile Neptune 1:3Flow, ease, favorable deals, and big magic are available when you reach for them. Entertainment, metaphysical groups, philosophy, and publishing are also key themes. This is the first of three passes, when themes, concepts, ideas, and patterns are introduced. You’ll have a chance to review and revise in July, and find completion in October. Three passes: 2/20, 7/27, 10/12 (felt most strongly 2-3 weeks in advance of each occurrence). (Pssst - if you want to read/write metaphysical books, be sure to check out our sister company:

April 4: Jupiter conjunct Pluto: 1:3Trends in the collective conscience lean towards death, afterlife, enlightenment, and reincarnation. At a personal level, some may be undergoing a mini-death or an end of a phase of life and beginning a whole new way of being. Positive change through suffering, surrendering, growth, and expansion. Some may receive an inheritance, a gift from the past, or pursue metaphysical studies. This is the first of three passes, when a theme is introduced. You’ll have an opportunity for revision and completion as the cycle unfolds: 4/5, 6/30, 11/12 (can be felt 2-3 weeks in advance).

June 28: Mars will be in Aries for over 6 months Mars moves into homesign Aries on June 28th, retrogrades September 10th-November 14th, and ultimately departs from Aries January 7, 2021. If you’ve felt like life is passing you by, it’s time to get going. Make friends with the competitive side of life. This feisty, masculine, and often self-centric energy can manifest in different ways.

Word to the wise: pick your battles. Mars rules war and Aries rules aggression. It’s important to know what you’re fighting for. You’ll likely be aware of people asserting


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themselves more, and life can take on a ‘what’s in it for me’ mood.

While Mars is Retrograde in Aries, you may feel out of touch with your body. There might be a sense of urgency to force events. The invitation is to look inside instead of making things happen externally. Karmically, we may be playing out roles and reactions that didn’t get expressed in past lives. Take the high road for your Soul’s evolution.

June 21 and July 20: Two New Moons in Cancer this SummerJune 21, 2020: New Moon Solar Eclipse in 0-Cancer [6:42:00 AM]July 20, 2020: New Moon in 28-Cancer [5:33:00 PM]

The emphasis shifts to home, homeland, and homeland security this Summer. Remember that the world ‘out there’ is a refl ection of your inner thoughts. Take care of yourself and put the oxygen mask on yourself fi rst, before you can (or rather - in order to - ) help other people.

Intention for when the New Moon is in Cancer: It is my intention that I feel at home, safe and secure in my own skin, trusting my innate wisdom to illuminate my soul journey with meaningful experiences. Make wishes around: your home, trusting your instincts,

and a sense of belonging.

June 30: Jupiter conjunct Pluto 2:3A mini-death or end of a phase makes room for beginning a whole new way of life. Positive change through suffering, surrendering, growth, and expansion. Some may receive an inheritance, a gift from the past, or pursue metaphysical studies. This is the second of three passes, when you have time to revise any themes or patterns that were introduced in April. You’ll have an opportunity for completion as the cycle ends in November. Three passes: 4/5, 6/30, 11/12 (can be felt 2-3 weeks in advance).

July 27: Jupiter sextile Neptune 2:3 Flow, ease, favorable deals, and big magic are available when you reach for them. Entertainment, metaphysical groups, philosophy, and publishing are also key themes. This is the second pass, when you have an opportunity to revise a theme or review a pattern that surfaced in February. Look for a sense of completion in October. Three passes: 2/20, 7/27, 10/12 (felt most strongly 2-3 weeks in advance of each occurrence). (Pssst - if you want to read/write metaphysical books, be sure to check out our sister company:

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Wise Skies 2020 WorkbookOctober 12: Jupiter sextile Neptune 3:3 Flow, ease, favorable deals, and big magic are available when you reach for them. Entertainment, metaphysical groups, philosophy, and publishing are also key themes. This is the third and final pass, when you have an opportunity to complete a theme or review a pattern from February and July. Three passes: 2/20, 7/27, 10/12 (felt most strongly 2-3 weeks in advance of each occurrence). (Pssst - if you want to read/write metaphysical books, be sure to check out our sister company:

November 12: Jupiter conjunct Pluto 3:3 A mini-death or end of a phase makes room for beginning a whole new way of life. Positive change through suffering, surrendering, growth, and expansion. Some may receive an inheritance, a gift from the past, or pursue metaphysical studies. This is the last of three passes, when you have time to complete any themes or patterns that were introduced in April and June. Three passes: 4/5, 6/30, 11/12 (can be felt 2-3 weeks in advance).

December 21: Jupiter conjunct Saturn The ‘great conjunction’ happens every 19 years and is a major astrological event that shapes the last quarter of 2020, and into 2021. Throughout history, we have seen the rise and fall of notable empires during this transit (elections, spiritual movements, etc). Some believe this combo created the star of Bethlehem the Wise Men followed.

This period can be an auspicious time of moving forward, creating a clearly defined plan for your life, and reaping the benefits of hard work from the previous years. Think about where you can make wise investments with your time, heart, and money. Life has given you experience and training for what is about to unfold before you. Refuse to be impatient or intolerant right now. Our mantra remains: All is well in our Kingdom.

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NOTES, WISHES, IDEASQuestions, Dreams, Missions

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Let freedom ring! The 5 energy will open up new avenues of energy and momentum as we kick off the new year. This energy is ripe for juicy ideas, interesting opportunities, unexpected connections, motivation, and possibly a little luck. This is the month to experience some breakthroughs IF you channel the optimistic and adventurous energy of the 5.

In January, we can have a hard time focusing. If you fi nd yourself easily distracted, tap into the 4-Universal energy of stability and rationality. Plant your feet fi rmly on the ground and raise your head up to the

sky. This is a winning number combo for both playfulness and practicality.

Tip: Take a weekend trip. Plan adventures. Give yourself a reward or something fun to look forward to.

JANUARY INTENTION My soul seeks adventure and freedom, while naturally maintaining stability, accountability, and peace.

January is a 5-Universal Month in a 4-Universal Year1 (January) + 4 (2020) = 5.


Freedom, adventure, dynamic change. Watch out for unnecessary drama and crazy-making behaviors.Funnel your energy in the direction of your 2020 personal goals.


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Wise Skies 2020 WorkbookJanuary Journal Prompts

I am free from ________________________ in 2020. (fi ll in the blank with behaviors, attitudes and routines/actions that limit your personal freedom)

I am free to ______________________ in 2020 (fi ll in the blank with behaviors/attitudes that create more freedom in your life)

Am I able to channel my dynamic energy into something creative and productive? What is that “something”?

Have my desires and dreams shifted since 2019? If so, what do I believe I can manifest from the shifts this month?

Numerology Power DaysJanuary 4th - Take practical action. Follow up + circle back.January 11th - Plant a seed of desire.January 22nd -Find freedom in the process.

Astrology Power Days January 3 - Mars enters SagittariusJanuary 3-4 - Quadrantids Meteor ShowerJanuary 10 - Full Moon Eclipse in Cancer January 13 - Venus enters PiscesJanuary 16 - Mercury enters AquariusJanuary 20 - Sun enters Aquarius January 24- New Moon in Aquarius


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Moon Void of CourseThe Moon goes Void of Course before changing signs. This win-dow can be very short or can last for full days. We often feel foggy, sleepy, and less sharp when the Moon is Void of Course. We have not included it in the workbook, because our customer base lives all over the world. We encourage you to look at your ephemeris or purchase our digital calendar so you can know the exact timing. If you’re noticing sluggish energy and can’t fi gure out why - maybe Luna is about to change signs.

During a Moon Void of Course: Meditate, pray, sing, nap, tune into music, daydream, let someone off the hook.

Do not start new projects or schedule important conversations/meetings.

This Week: December 30 - January 5Stay light: schedule time to write and to play. If you’re in an area where you can go camping, it will be a great weekend to watch for shooting stars - the Quadrantids Meteor Shower will peak Friday and Saturday.

Wednesday, January 1stHappy New Year! The Skies are clear for you to set intentions around simplifi cation and building foundations.

Thursday, January 2nd Moon enters Aries: Focus on right action. Stay hydrated, do something to feel alive, and think before you speak. Crystal Magick: Carnelian (emotional intelligence) & Pyrite (empowered stability + clarity).

Mercury conjunct Jupiter: Good news and good luck abound. This is an ideal time to write and publish books, articles, journals, and market your written words.

Friday, January 3rdFirst Quarter Moon in 12-Aries: Make decisions, start a project, get into action. This yang phase signifi es decision making, determination, and commitment to action.

Mars enters Sagittarius: Make time to play today - physical energy, the ability to go with the fl ow, and spontaneity are highlighted through February 16.

Enjoy the Quadrantids Meteor Shower tonight and Saturday as they peak!

Weekend Vibes:Say thanks to the men in your life, cook dinner at home, be ready to say yes to opportunities. Look for a shooting star - the Quadrantid Meteor Shower is peaking.

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Saturday, January 4th Numerology Power Code Day 5*4: Don’t let an opportunity pass you by today! Take practical action. Follow up and circle back with people. Watch out for overthinking or over-complicating things. With the Moon Void of Course, it’s not an ideal to start something new, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have the conversation.

Moon enters Taurus: Focus on creature comforts and stability. Cook your favorite meal, practice grounding techniques, and work on building something that is made to last. Crystal Magick: Red Jasper (stability) and Rose Quartz (comfort).

Moon Void of Course Alert: check your ephemeris or our digital calendar for exact times in your time zone. We often feel foggy, sleepy, and less sharp during the VOC window. Do not: start new projects or schedule important conversations/meetings during the VOC window. Do: meditate, pray, sing, nap, tune into music, daydream, let someone off the hook.

Be sure to look up and thank your lucky stars! You might see some shooting stars tonight with the Quadrantids Shower.

Sunday, January 5th Mars trine Chiron: Pay it forward to the divine masculine in your life: Dads, brothers, colleagues, uncles, etc. Spiritual warriors, rise up! This is your call to action. “The wound is where the light gets in.” -Rumi

This Week: January 6 - 12The Saturn/Pluto conjunction is upon us. This is a major planetary event that happens once every 34 years. Two of the coldest and harshest planets join in the Skies to effect a change this year. You may find hardship, limitations and restrictions are actually blessings in disguise. Remember: things are happening for you, not to you. When times get tough, think outside the box. Find buried treasure from the past. Pay attention to messages in your dreams. This major transit is felt 3-5 weeks in advance of January 12. Monday, January 6th Get dreamy and gather inspiration for your creative projects: film, record, write, play, produce. Create some extra room in your schedule to recharge through alone time.

Moon Void of Course Alert: check your ephemeris or our digital calendar for exact times in your time zone. We often feel foggy, sleepy, and less sharp during the VOC window. Do not: start new projects or schedule important conversations/meetings during the VOC window. Do: meditate, pray, sing, nap, tune into music,

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daydream, let someone off the hook.

Tuesday, January 7thMoon enters Gemini: Focus on communication. Spend time with friends, write a chapter of your book, and be at peace with multiple options. When in doubt - don’t force decisions. Crystal Magick: Labradorite (consciousness expansion) and Sodalite (mental stimulation + clear communication)

Sun sextile Neptune: Turn dreams into reality, help others, stay grounded. Set something up now that launches or is revisited in May. Look for this same transit on May 10th.

Wednesday, January 8thMercury sextile Neptune This is an auspicious time to launch your book, entertain, explore metaphysical topics, and learn something through the arts. This is a positive transit for sales and marketing. Think happy thoughts. Travel can be exceptionally fulfi lling right now. Set something up now that launches or is revisited in May. Look for this same transit on May 7th.

Moon enters Cancer: Focus on home, or wherever you have a sense of belonging. Do some cooking and nesting, reassure your loved ones that all is well, listen to your inner-knower. Some may want to tap into Crab-energy and recharge through alone time. Crystal Magick: Moonstone

(intuition + connection) and Rhodonite (compassion + emotional balance).

Sun conjunct Mercury: Success, quick wit, and making memories. Good news, bright ideas, and communication fl ow make it a positive time to send newsletters, refi ne your image, launch an ad. This transit occurs seven times in 2020: January 10, February 26, May 4, July 1, August 17, October 25, and December 20.

Thursday, January 9thGo grocery shopping and prepare to hunker down for the weekend if possible. Skies are clear for work or play. Minor delays and emotional outbursts are normal before the Full Moon and Uranus Direct tomorrow. Pack your patience.

Friday, January 10th Full Moon Eclipse in 20-Cancer:Closure, coming home, taking care of your inner child. This phase signifi es the completion of a cycle, endings, and closure. Eclipses can feel like we are living 100 days in 24 hours. Take care of yourself.

Numerology: 11: Intuition 6: Compassion 20: Connection

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Intention: I recognize fears, insecurities, and intimidation as limitations that hold me back from sharing my light, and am willing to open up and let go of any darkness that impedes my light. I feel empowered to shine.

Positive (High) Vibes of the Cancer Full Moon: (Set intentions for closure or

completion in these areas) Home and family Cooking, nurturing and mothering Caring and caregiving Kindness and compassion Emotional intelligence Keen intuition and gut instincts Empathy and sensitivity to others Healing early childhood conditioning Creating space for self-compassion

Challenging (Low) Vibes of the Cancer Full Moon: (What you might intend to remove)

Being controlling Perfectionism Being over-protective Insecurity Obsessiveness Fear of rejection Lack of clear ambitions Being moody or crabby Weekend Vibes: Big changes are afoot. Slow and steady wins the race. Ask, plan, trust, receive.

Saturday, January 11th Master Numerology Code 1*1*1 - The portal is open, the veil is thin. A 111 numerology code is activated today encouraging you to make a wish or plant a seed

of deep desire. Say your dreams and wishes outloud. Trust the universe to conspire in your favor. Be mindful of overactive thoughts and unnecessary analysis. Breathe.

Uranus Direct in 2-Taurus: Anything you’ve been chewing on, reviewing, or revising now receives green lights to move forward. Uranus will retrograde again on August 15.

Moon enters Leo: Focus on playfulness. This is a good time to entertain, take the stage, and engage others to have a little fun. Crystal Magick: Yellow Citrine (empowerment) and Fuchsite (heart-centered joy + inspiration).

Sunday, January 12thSaturn conjunct Pluto: The Saturn/Pluto conjunction is upon us. This is a major planetary event that happens once every 34 years. Two of the coldest and harshest planets join in the Skies to effect a change this year. You may find hardship, limitations and restrictions are actually blessings in disguise. Remember: things are happening for you, not to you. When times get tough, think outside the box. Find buried treasure from the past. Pay attention to messages in your dreams. This major transit is felt 3-5 weeks in advance of January 12.

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Mercury conjunct Saturn: Higher learning, logical conclusions, in-depth communications. Use this time to research, and expect some boredom and delays in travel or shipping merchandise.

Mercury conjunct Neptune: Sleepy, dreamy, and potentially delusional. It’s a good time for artists to write/create, and less ideal for business activity. Set up something now, that you want to launch or revisit when this transit happens again on April 4th.

This week: January 13 - 19Stay organized to thrive.

Monday, January 13thSun conjunct Neptune: Take time out for creativity, meditation, and inspirational activities. Be in the receptive mode and let good things come your way. Do not try new medications, avoid alcohol and stimulants, be cautious as you detox.

Moon enters Virgo: Focus on being of service. Where can you problem solve and organize without getting into analysis paralysis? Crystal Magick: Amazonite (soothing of the mind, body & soul) and Amethyst (clarity + spiritual grounding).

Sun conjunct Saturn: Hard work pays off. Self-development activities and discipline is rewarded.

Venus enters Pisces: Compassion, intuition, and exquisite imagination. The lower vibes of this combo can produce laziness, extreme emotions, and people-pleasing tendencies. Find your cause to stand behind (Venus is in Pisces through February 7).

Tuesday, January 14th No news is good news. Skies are clear for work or play.

Wednesday, January 15thMoon enters Libra: Focus on companionship. A new look/haircut/outfi t are equally pleasing as a healing conversation or quality time with your partner in crime. Justice, equality, and fi ne art are also themes to work with. Crystal Magick: Fluorite (clarity + peace) and Blue Apatite (authenticity + balance).

Venus sextile Uranus: Throw a surprise party, network, solve problems. Set yourself up now to launch something in August or to be revisited when this transit passes again on August 18.

Moon Void of Course Alert: check your ephemeris or our digital calendar for exact times in your time zone. We often feel foggy, sleepy, and less sharp during the VOC window. Do not: start new projects or schedule important conversations/meetings during the VOC window. Do: meditate, pray, sing, nap, tune into music, daydream, let someone off the hook.

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Thursday, January 16thMercury enters Aquarius: Listen to your bright ideas and take action, tap into your inner rebel, get passionate about a cause, and raise the vibe. Mercury is in Aquarius through February 3).

Friday, January 17thLast Quarter Moon in 26-Libra: Friendly Cosmic Reminder: you don’t have to be the karma police. This yin phase signifi es receptivity and a willingness to trust, surrender, and let things take their course.

Moon enters Scorpio: Focus on your deepest needs. Review your motives - what drives you? This is a good Moon for planting seeds, as well as going out for a special date, or playing with tarot cards. Spend time connecting to your highest self through visualization and meditation. Crystal Magick: Serpentine (regeneration + psychic stimulation) and Black Tourmaline (energy clearing + security).

Mercury sextile Chiron: Psychic messages - trust your inner knower. Notice patterns and ideas from what goes on this week and revisit them when the transit passes again May 15th.

Moon Void of Course Alert: check your ephemeris or our digital calendar for exact times in your time zone. We often feel foggy, sleepy, and less sharp during the

VOC window. Do not: start new projects or schedule important conversations/meetings during the VOC window. Do: meditate, pray, sing, nap, tune into music, daydream, let someone off the hook.

Weekend Vibes:Lay low. Reminder: Things are happening for you, not to you.

Saturday, January 18thMercury square Uranus: Disruption of peace and plans. This is not a good time to travel, make decisions, or buy electronics. Be prepared to calm your nerves if triggered. What tools do you have to maneuver through fi ascos? See what comes up this weekend - the energy is revisited on August 10th.

Moon enters Sagittarius: Focus on feeling free. Where can you give yourself permission to change your mind? The time is right to study philosophy, be spontaneous, and take a trip. Crystal Magick: Peacock Ore (joyous self expression + inspiration) and Lapis (travel, adventure + freedom).

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This Week: January 20 - 26The energy changes - big risks mean big rewards, but have you set yourself up for success or failure? Diligently clean house (physically and emotionally) to stay sane and focused this week.

Monday, January 20thSun enters Aquarius: Happy Birthday Aquarius! Tap into the friendly, independent, and unconventional Aquarian vibes through February 19.

Tuesday, January 21stSkies are clear for work or play.

Wednesday, January 22ndNumerology Power Code Day 5*4 5 = Freedom 4 = Cleaning house

Watch out for anxiety, limiting beliefs, and self-sabotage. With this combo, the unsettling energy can bubble up to the surface. Do something practical to calm the mind (dishes, laundry, “mundane” chores). Consider what you can declutter (physically, mentally, emotionally), in order to create more freedom. Replace a sense of urgency with being grateful for what you can do that’s right in front of you.

Moon enters Capricorn: Focus on long-term strategies and ambitions. What are you wanting to grow? What stabilizes your future? Spend some time alone to clear your energy.

Crystal Magick: Kyanite (alignment + yin/yang balance) and Garnet (abundance + stabilizing growth).

Sun sextile Chiron: Healing mojo. Consider themes and ideas from this week and revisit them on May 20th when the transit passes a second time.

Thursday, January 23rdSun square Uranus: Expect the unexpected. Surprises and breakthroughs. Consider themes and ideas from this week and revisit them on August 2nd when this transit passes again.

Venus sextile Jupiter: Positive vibes. Smooth sailing with luck, love, money, and moods. Do something now that sets yourself up for success in December. This transit has two passes: January 23, and December 14.

Friday, January 24thMoon enters Aquarius: Focus on freedom. Fighting for a cause, working with the collective consciousness, and being unique are all favorable themes to work with when the Moon is in Aquarius. Crystal Magick: Aquamarine (purity, truth + freedom) and Hematite (stress relief + stamina).

Moon Void of Course Alert: check your ephemeris or our digital calendar for exact times in your time zone. We often feel foggy, sleepy, and less sharp during the

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VOC window. Do not: start new projects or schedule important conversations/meetings during the VOC window. Do: meditate, pray, sing, nap, tune into music, daydream, let someone off the hook.

New Moon in 4-AquariusThis phase signifies new beginnings. Where do you need to hit the reset button? What new projects do you want to start? Make wishes around the collective consciousness, friends, future, and understanding within 8 hours of the New Moon becoming exact.

Numerology: 7: Connect the cosmic dots 11: Insights & Downloads 4: Practical action

Intention: I surround myself with inspirational people and recognize the extraordinary in the ordinary.

Positive (High) Vibes of the Aquarius New Moon:(Make wishes in these areas)

Empowering groupsHuman rightsOut of the box thinkingFuturistic inventionsCuriosity and innovationNetworkingBeing honest with yourself and others

Challenging (Low) Vibes of the Aquarius New Moon:(What you might wish to remove)

Being overwhelmedAloof behaviorSelf-righteousnessBeing flakeyJudgmental attitudes

Weekend Vibes:Work hard on Saturday, rest on Sunday.

Saturday, January 25thMercury sextile Mars: Mental agility. Your mind is on cheetah speed right now. Take time to write, journal, and process large amounts of information quickly. Anything you start now can be revisited when this transit occurs again April 19.

Moon Void of Course Alert: check your ephemeris or our digital calendar for exact times in your time zone. We often feel foggy, sleepy, and less sharp during the VOC window. Do not: start new projects or schedule important conversations/meetings during the VOC window. Do: meditate, pray, sing, nap, tune into music, daydream, let someone off the hook.

Sunday, January 26thMoon enters Pisces : Focus on compassion. Plan a little time to make a healthy escape into music, a good book, a long nap, or volunteerism. Crystal Magick: Blue Lace Agate (healing + calm) and Chevron Amethyst (peace of mind + dream/meditation enhancement).

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This Week: January 27 - 31Proceed with caution this week. Hang out with people you want to emulate. Take the high road. Be prepared for delays and confusion.

Monday, January 27thVenus square Mars: Passions and tensions can result in volatility. This is not a good time to make purchases or have important conversations. Lay low and play it safe. Look for themes and be ready to respond differently in the future. This transit makes three passes this year: January 27, June 3, and September 4.

Venus conjunct Neptune: Look for magic. Work with your dream-team.

Tuesday, January 28thMars square Neptune: Caution lights: Poison, toxins, deception, confusion.

Wednesday, January 29thMoon enters Aries: Focus on action and look for areas where you can take responsibility. Stay hydrated, do something to feel alive, and think before you speak. Crystal Magick: Carnelian (emotional intelligence) and Pyrite (empowered stability + clarity).

Mars sesquisquare Uranus: Feeling unheard, irritable, or frustrated? Friendly Cosmic Reminder: You don’t have to sacrifi ce yourself to get what you want.

Moon Void of Course Alert: check your ephemeris or our digital calendar for exact times in your time zone. We often feel foggy, sleepy, and less sharp during the VOC window. Do not: start new projects or schedule important conversations/meetings during the VOC window. Do: meditate, pray, sing, nap, tune into music, daydream, let someone off the hook.

Thursday, January 30thSkies are still heated. Reminder: Things are happening for you, not to you. What challenges came up this month? How did you handle them? Is there anything you would like to have done differently?

Friday, January 31stRevisit your monthly goals and 2020 goals. How are things lining up for you? What new information do you have? Where do you need to pause, pivot, and fi nd a new solution?

Moon Void of Course Alert: check your ephemeris or our digital calendar for exact times in your time zone. We often feel foggy, sleepy, and less sharp during the VOC window. Do not: start new projects or schedule important conversations/meetings during the VOC window. Do: meditate, pray, sing, nap, tune into music, daydream, let someone off the hook.