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Death of God

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ISBN: 978-1-61813-621-3

Price: ` 214.00

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Death of God

Vipin Patwari


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Author Note

Mr Vipin Patwari was born in the most

scenic place of the word “Kashmir”. He

has done his B.E. in instrumentation and

control from Pune University. He is

currently working in Gurgaon. He is

blessed with a son and a charming wife.

Attaining insights about Religion , God

and supernatural things has always

interested him.


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About the Book

Life turns upside down for a normal young boy having

normal dreams when he is told that he is the incarnation

of God. A struggle begins between those who know that

he is the one that they were looking for and between the

boy who has never experienced anything special about

himself. Will the boy realise his True Destiny or will he

disagree and disown those and continue to live a normal


The book is a work of fiction and in no way intends to

hurt individual, community, sect or religion


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1. Chapter 1 1

2. Chapter 2 20

3. Chapter 3 32

4. Chapter 4 64

5. Chapter 5 83

6. Chapter 6 128

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Vipin Patwari


P Today The hall is filled with the screaming, “One God, Our

Lord”. The hall is full of crying men and women. They

are looking towards the stage. More than five hundred

people would be present in the hall, and the people have

gathered to attend the coronation of “the God”. The hall

is a huge dome-like structure. The entire hall is made of

gold and has paintings and sculptures of gods and

goddesses from all religions. The stage has video

cameras and projectors. People inside look no ordinary

and they are all dressed in robes. Though they are

chanting, “One God, Our Lord,” they all are at peace.

The announcer comes on stage and tells the audience

that “Our God” will be on stage any moment now. The

chanting becomes louder and faster. It is hard to hear any

voice from outside. This is a huge religious

congregation. Five men in long robes enter the stage,

and exactly from the center of the group of five men

emerges a man in a red robe. He walks towards the front

of the stage. He is looking firm and straight. He takes

out his hand from his robe, briefly scans the crowd and

waves at them. The chanting stops and the crowd start to

settle down. The discipline is worth watching. People are

immersed in chanting, but suddenly at a command, they

have stopped chanting and have now taken their

respective seats to hear the man. It is now announced

that Our God would now address his people today. He


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Death of God


continues, “We are honored today to be a part of the

history where we get to listen to the incarnation of the

God. Earlier, we had only read about how God

descended on earth and how people got a chance to

interact with the God. But as humans were not aware of

the incarnation of the God and did not have the

capability to understand that they were actually listening

to the God himself, humans have wasted so many

opportunities that if utilized, every living being would

have been at peace today. With our efforts, we have now

with us our incarnation and we will be concentrating and

listening to each word our Lord says. May I please, with

due permission of the Lord, have the honour of

requesting our dear God to address the world of living

and of dead. Ladies and gentlemen, Our God”!

One and half year ago A strong burst of noise disturbed the peace inside our

flat. Rinkesh and I had been roomies for the last two and

half years now. We could tolerate hostel only for six

months of our first year. It was hard to get even five

peaceful minutes when I would not have to bolt to the

door and expect nobody. Hostel meant continuous

opening and closing of the door. Though we liked

hanging out with mates, we were not so in sync with the

late-night awakening and booze. We decided to move

out so we left the hostel and found this nice one BHK –

one bedroom, hall and kitchen accommodation, which

was not far from our college. I could now sleep

uninterrupted and wake up as per my wish. Also in a

rented flat, we wanted to have freedom and unrestricted

access. Although we had to change twice our

accommodation because of complaint by neighbors but

finally we found this one. Our decision had been good

both in terms of enjoyment, as we now had unrestricted

access to our flat, and for our studies. Friends would

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visit often for night outs or if we had to prepare a meal

and have a party. But now, we were neither expecting

anybody nor we wanted anyone to come to disturb us, as

the next day, we had to appear for our semester exams.

We were studying engineering so we had to prepare a lot

for the exam. The tension was too high for the mind to

think anything else but to finish as much as possible.

This continuous knocking had however broken our

concentration. “Can you please see who that is?”, asked

Rinkesh, without taking his eyes off the book and

continued, “And please don‟t let Mangesh inside. He

would have come with some pranks to waste our time

because he would have finished his study by now”.

There are always such people in every college who

consider this as part of their syllabus not to let other

people study, and Mangesh would score very high in

that. Very reluctantly, I got up to open the door. It was

almost midnight, and among the intermittent barking of

dogs, this continuous knocking at our door was very

disturbing. I just hoped that neighbor‟s would not wake

up and create a scene. We were in the middle of our

exams. This was the most difficult time for a B.E.

student. We had such a vast syllabus that it was almost

impossible to cover, and especially the exam night was

the most important. An engineering student can easily

leave an opportunity for sex to grab more chapters. I

opened the door to find Sid on the other side with Nukul.

Sid was Sidharth. He had completed his engineering and

was now working in a software firm. Sid was our credit

card from whom we used to take loans, which usually

used to happen around middle of the month. Moreover,

Sidharth was a friend to Rinkesh since school days.

Although Sid was senior to Rinkesh, they went along

well. They came from same place, and did their

schooling from the same place too. Sidharth was tall and

handsome, and he had made a good use of these

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Death of God


qualities. He was very famous among girls. He had

many girlfriends. He always carried the latest mobile and

was fond of new gadgets, so it was cool to hang out with

him. But all these fascinating things had a price tag, one

of them was that he would not understand that the exam

night was very critical for us and we need to study.

“Hi Sid! I am surprised to see you today. We were not

expecting you and certainly not you Nukul. Shouldn‟t

you be studying today for your exam tomorrow”, I said.

Nukul was in our batch but different branch. Nukul used

to follow Sid and they were very close to each other.

This friendship had resulted in very bad grades for

Nukul in the last semester but that could not affect him

from reducing his interaction with Sid. Sid and Nukul

entered our room. Sid was wearing jeans and blue t-shirt

and was looking fresh as usual. Nukul was in his

pyjamas and t-shirt. Nukul looked tired and it was clear

that Sid forcibly brought him here. Sid quickly scanned

our room, found a chair and sat on it. He told Nukul also

to sit. Nukul saw me and I could see the guilt in his eyes.

It was clear that he had no intention to bring Sid to our

room. I asked Nukul, “Why are you here? Are you ready

for tomorrow?” Before Nukul could answer, Sid said,

“He is ready guys, I have seen his preparation”. Nukul

could not find a place to sit because there were books

and notes everywhere, so he leaned against the wall. I

opened my book and started to read again while Rinkesh

was deeply engrossed in his book. Sid was taking long

breaths. The environment in the room became very

suspicious. I would raise my eyes in between and give a

smile to Sid to tell him that I acknowledge his presence

so that he does not feel disrespected. Sid would smile

back. Fifteen minutes have passed, nobody had said

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Vipin Patwari


anything and there were no sign of them to leave the

room. I was counting the seconds I was wasting and

wishing that these two would depart as soon as possible.

I looked at Rinkesh who was still not bothered to see

Sidharth. The most questionable character in the room

was Nukul. I decided to end the stalemate and again

asked Nukul, “Nukul, please tell me what is going on?”

Sidharth took a notebook lying on the table, folded it and

threw it on Rinkesh. After being hit by the book missile,

Rinkesh tapped his head with his left hand and looked at

Sid and acknowledged him with a “hi!” “Stop reading

dear, no matter how much you cover the subject, you all

are going to fail tomorrow,” said Sid. “Don‟t talk

rubbish, Sid.” I said then continued, “Please, let us

study”. I looked at the watch and said, “We are already

way behind the schedule. I guess, now you just want to

bother us. C‟mon Rinkesh let‟s go to other room”.

“Listen to me Nishant,” said Sid. I replied, “What makes

you think like that? See Sidharth you have a nice job and

body. If we don‟t pass this exam, our career will be

doomed. We will have no job but yes a body, dead

body”. “Stop it Nishant. Listen to us for a moment,” said

Sid. “Look at Rinkesh”. He said pointing towards him.

He was still not bothered. Sid continued, “You know

Rinkesh, I just adore your concentration”. “Nishant,

please believe him,” said Nukul. These were the first

words spoken by Nukul since he entered our room. He

usually talked less. But this was about our jobs, our

papers tomorrow. He wanted to give him a chance to

explain. “Ok Sid, please tell your story but quick”. I

folded my book and held the position of the page

number where i was reading. “See Nishant, I have

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Death of God


confirmed news. You know about Inamdar sir from

BVTM college, he has set the paper”. The silence in the

room now turned sombre for the first time. “What are

you saying?”, asked Rinkesh. He got up from his seat

and went straight towards Sid. He asked again, “Are you

sure? Who told you Sid?”. I got up, placed my book

silently on the table and leaned against the wall. “So you

mean Sid, since paper is going to be tougher, we should

just throw it away anyway. I don‟t think so. I would

rather say thank you for the kind information, and as a

good friend, I would ask you to please excuse us tonight

so that we can prepare for the subject”. I was expecting a

thundering applause for my speech and also I got up and

went towards the door to tell Sid and Nukul to please

leave. Rinkesh started to cry, “What should we do? We

will fail”. He repeated the same lines and added my

name to it. “We will fail Nishant”. I angrily told Sid,

“Look what you have done. You have broken his

concentration. Are you happy now?” Sid got up from his

seat and said, “I am sorry guys but this is true. We will

leave, come Nukul”. Both of them left. I closed the door

from inside. I tried to console Rinkesh by saying, “Sid

was bluffing, let us continue reading, I will make tea ”.

Rinkesh understood. I went to the kitchen to make tea

for us. While I poured milk in the vessel, Rinkesh came

into the kitchen and asked, “Are you sure we will not

fail?” He was worried to the core. I consoled him and

said, “Yes dear we are prepared, we will rock”. I poured

two cups for us. We sipped tea and started all over again.

Tea acted as a great healer. I thought of informing Sonali

so that she was also prepared but I was confused if the

news would not disturb her concentration or not. Finally,

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Vipin Patwari


I decided to tell her and I took out my mobile and started

typing message. Rinkesh asked, “What are you typing

Nishant? You must be typing to Sonali right ”. “Ya, I am

informing Sonali about this newly developed situation”.

I messaged Sonali about the paper. Sonali was my

girlfriend. I proposed her in first year and we are

together since then. I was committed to her and we had

plans to get married but not until we find decent jobs. I

was pretty satisfied with my love story because it had

excitement, suspense and the most important thing, hard

work to achieve my love. It was after more than a year of

courtship that she finally agreed to go out with me. It

was almost love at first sight for me. She was in

computer science and I was in mechanical. I would think

of ways to entice her, to tell her that there is a guy

named Nishant in this college who was very fond of her.

But being in mechanical branch, I was always

surrounded by bunch of boys, and she being in computer

science, she was always surrounded by bunch of girls. It

was hard to bisect her group and extract her. Desperation

in me to talk to her increased but all ideas flopped.

Finally, I thought that in order to be closer to Sonali, I

would have to read hard in my first year so that I could

change my branch from mechanical to computer science

but unfortunately, I could not score enough for that. My

attraction and weakness for Sonali had grown many

times by then, but Sonali was not showing any signs of

similar attraction towards me. Rinkesh knew about this. I

had even told him once in desperation that I would die if

I could not get her. Rinkesh tried to be mature about this.

He said, “This usually happens to you, whenever you see

an attractive face but then after some time you forget.

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Death of God


You remember Jyotsana in high school. It was because

of your obsession for her that we were beaten up twice,

and if I remember correctly, you couldn‟t live without

her also but you are living fit and healthy now”. “C‟mon

Rinkesh, I am serious this time. You won‟t understand”.

“Earlier I would only flirt. Nobody had ever left an

impact on me before as powerful as she has done. You

will have to help me to get her”. I would wait in the

college lobby for Sonali and also in the canteen for a

glimpse of her. Rinkesh had to drag me many times out

of canteen while I was waiting just to have one look of

Sonali. As my desperation towards Sonali was not dying,

I became less participative in our group. This frustrated

Rinkesh also. He realised that I was serious this time.

“Why don‟t you propose Sonali?” asked Rinkesh. “Oh,

like I had not thought about that. It‟s not easy,” I replied.

“You know Rinkesh, she is different”. Rinkesh gave a

grin and started walking towards the classroom and said,

“That‟s what everybody in love says Nishant , what‟s

new?” I had no reply to this as I myself had pulled legs

of my friends in the past who were in love so I stopped

and let Rinkesh attend his class. I knew that he was right

but she was not like any other; she was different, at least

for me. I used to get a very pleasant vibe whenever she

was around. It was not important for me that I propose or

she agrees to my proposal. I get solace in finding her

around and having a look at her but I know thinking

about her was compounding my problems here. This was

a distraction. I cannot do that forever. I have to find a

way to tell her about my feelings and if she is not

interested, I have to move on otherwise my batch mates

will move on including Sonali. We met in the evening

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Vipin Patwari


for snacks at Rama ki Tapri. Sid would also join us

there. Rinkesh had told Sid about my feelings for Sonali.

“See Nishant, I am your senior here, the best time to

make a girlfriend is now, the earlier you make the move,

the better are your chances to latch on. You cannot do

that forever if you believe that she is the one. You have

to talk to her. Go there man, what worse will happen?

She will reject you, you will regret, and we will wash it

off with beer. But move the pendulum, hit the chord, do

something. Don‟t propose, don‟t use the „L‟ word, but

becoming friends is that difficult?” I looked at the

powerful and the most needed words oozing out of

Sidharth‟s mouth. I went towards the cup of tea, and

drank it like whisky and promised myself that I will now

tell her. Rinkesh was also in agreement. Sid said,

“Usually it‟s Rinkesh who is always asking for

suggestions but today for change it is you Nishant”.

Rinskesh said to me, “I know Anjali, she is in the same

class as her, I can arrange her mobile number and then

you can WhatsApp her and start chatting with her”. “No

WhatsApp, no mobile no Facebook Rinkesh, these

things are so fake and I don‟t want them in my love

story and believe me Sonali would not be impressed. I

know what to do”. “Good,” said Sid. “And what about

Anjali Rinkesh? When are you going to introduce me to

her?” That meeting at Rama ki Tapri turned helpful.

Earlier I had heard from seniors that all major problems

in life would be solved here. I now believe in this. “So

what is your plan?”, asked Sid. “I gave a deep thought. I

think we have to start from the basics and we have to do

it differently. I have been looking at her in the college

but she was always surrounded by other girls. Therefore,

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Death of God


my area has to be outside college so that first I get to

know where she is putting up and with whom. Then a

fair idea about the routine, where she is usually going in

the evening, little details like how is she topping up her

mobile”. “Way to go brother,” said Rinkesh. Rinkesh

liked my approach but Sid was not convinced. “So you

will propose her when the whole college could have

done already? How much time! Nishant? Act fast, act

like the army, Ambush attack and away”. I looked with

discontent. We waved our hands in air to Rama, which

was a message to stamp our today‟s expense in our

running account. I now started to make plans. I knew it

has to be away from the college, and the first thing I

could think of was her place of stay. I asked Rinkesh to

get Sonali‟s address through Anjali. As a good friend,

Rinkesh provided me the address. “This address is not

far, Rinkesh”. I thought now I had a good chance, but it

was already midnight, I bid good night to Rinkesh and

went under the sheet for the project love was about to

start the next day. Next evening, I went to the place

where her PG was located. I found the famous coffee

house in the market of that area. I went inside the coffee

house and found a seat near a window, overlooking the

market. That seat was giving a complete and clear view

of the road and the market. I ordered coffee for myself

and took that seat. I looked at my watch. It was already

half past six. “Sonali should be home by now,” I

thought. I patiently waited for her while sipping coffee.

One hour had passed, I decided to leave and call it a day.

As I stood up, I could see Sonali walking on the road

and just nearing the coffee house. As per the plan, I had

to remain casual but I kept on looking at her while she

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Vipin Patwari


passed the coffee house. She looked stunning. I thanked

God and left the coffee house calling the day as

successful. After that, I would spend hours in that coffee

house next to her PG, so that I could have a chance to

see her. The angle of tilt of her eyes while she passed the

coffee house had definitely increased towards me. It is

also a known fact that girls have a gifted sense, they scan

their eyes and minds continuously and log all the data of

staring and caring men all around. Then, they filter out

those who are interested in them and in those in whom

they are interested. They also know the intention of a

person by looking at them, if it is lover or just voyeur. I

was not sure if Sonali had any feelings for me. She had

not yet given me any vibes. However, I hoped that she

would at least recognise my presence. As I made it a

routine to come to the coffee house and have a look at

her while she passed the coffee house, Sonali saw that,

so her gut feeling was now confirmed and so she became

more conscious of my presence. Somehow, Sonali also

liked me and cherished my presence, but she was always

conservative while looking at me and giving me a clear

glance or make an eye contact. I continued this routine

for a full semester. It was after four months and almost

one hundred coffee mugs later that I was able to

establish a contact with Sonali. Well that contact was not

a verbal or physical, but a loving one. We started

contacting with a sign language. Though we would still

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