sample file - wargame vault · production director alexander fennell playtesting ian belcher, jason...

1 Credits and Contents Copyright Information Battlefield Evolution Advanced Rulebook ©2007 Mongoose Publishing. All rights reserved. Reproduction of of this work by any means without the written permission of the publisher is expressly forbidden. All significant characters, names, places, items, art and text herein are copyrighted by Mongoose Publishing. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United Kingdom. This product is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual people, organisations, places or events is purely coincidental. Printed in the UK. Contents Introduction 2 Building an Army 6 Units 7 Preparation 11 The Game Turn 13 Move Actions 14 Shoot Actions 15 Charge Actions 20 Ready Actions 21 Reactions 22 Structures 24 Air Units 26 More Advanced Rules 31 The EFTF 35 The USMC 39 The MEA 43 The PLA 47 Scenarios 50 Campaigns 63 Making Model Buildings 71 Contact at Qafir 77 Index 88 Campaign Maps 89 Designer Matthew Sprange Editor Richard Ford Cover Art Chris Quilliams Logo Iordanis Lazaridis Proofreading Ted Chang, Bill Swansong Miniatures Manager Ian Barstow Terrain and Miniatures Design Ian Barstow, Danilo Moretti, Adrian Walters Interior Illustrations Nathan Furman, Iordanis Lazaridis, Phil Renne Production Director Alexander Fennell Playtesting Ian Belcher, Jason Bracich, Wayne Bryant, Barry Carter, CyNic, Hashim Hassan, Byram Jennex, Duncan Kendall, Chris Longhurst, Chris Jacques, Agis Neugebauer, Nick Robinson, Ben Rubery, Robert Seitz, Lane Shutt, Maksim- Smelchak, Alan Sowle, Fabian Stiller, Matt Thomason Credits uLTRA uLTRA mODERN tABLETOP cOMBAT mODERN tABLETOP cOMBAT Sample file

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Page 1: Sample file - Wargame Vault · Production Director Alexander Fennell Playtesting Ian Belcher, Jason Bracich, ... Sample file. 4 Introduction UUSMC Shadow RST-V recce SMC Shadow RST-V






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Copyright InformationBattlefi eld Evolution Advanced Rulebook ©2007 Mongoose Publishing. All rights reserved. Reproduction of of this work by any means without the written permission of the publisher is expressly forbidden. All signifi cant characters,

names, places, items, art and text herein are copyrighted by Mongoose Publishing.

This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United Kingdom. This product is a work of fi ction. Any similarity to actual people, organisations, places or events is purely coincidental.

Printed in the UK.


Introduction 2Building an Army 6Units 7Preparation 11The Game Turn 13Move Actions 14Shoot Actions 15Charge Actions 20Ready Actions 21Reactions 22Structures 24Air Units 26More Advanced Rules 31The EFTF 35The USMC 39The MEA 43The PLA 47Scenarios 50Campaigns 63Making Model Buildings 71Contact at Qafi r 77Index 88Campaign Maps 89

DesignerMatthew Sprange

EditorRichard Ford

Cover Art Chris Quilliams

LogoIordanis Lazaridis

Proofreading Ted Chang, Bill Swansong

Miniatures ManagerIan Barstow

Terrain and Miniatures DesignIan Barstow, Danilo Moretti, Adrian Walters

Interior Illustrations Nathan Furman, Iordanis Lazaridis, Phil Renne

Production DirectorAlexander Fennell

PlaytestingIan Belcher, Jason Bracich, Wayne Bryant, Barry Carter, CyNic, Hashim Hassan, Byram Jennex, Duncan Kendall, Chris Longhurst, Chris Jacques, Agis Neugebauer, Nick Robinson, Ben Rubery, Robert Seitz, Lane Shutt, Maksim-Smelchak, Alan Sowle, Fabian Stiller, Matt Thomason




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Page 2: Sample file - Wargame Vault · Production Director Alexander Fennell Playtesting Ian Belcher, Jason Bracich, ... Sample file. 4 Introduction UUSMC Shadow RST-V recce SMC Shadow RST-V







INTRODUCTIONINTRODUCTIONWelcome to the battlefi eld of the near future!

Battlefi eld Evolution is a fast-paced and easy to learn miniatures game, with enough tactical depth to keep you hooked for years. You will command small forces based on real world armies of the near future, and attempt to overwhelm your opponents with tactical skill and a healthy dose of luck!

Based on supposition and projection of real world armies in the near future, this game features new technologies that are just around the corner – you will be among the fi rst to experience how such weapons and equipment can affect the modern battlefi eld from the point of view of a soldier. There are several different armies to collect, each with a wide range of units and tactical abilities

Battlefi eld Evolution is usually played by two people over a table, with each in command of a single army. The fi rst set of armies available are the Middle Eastern Alliance, European Union Coalition, People’s Liberation Army and the United States Marine Corps.

Miniatures GamingMiniatures gaming is a hobby in which players collect armies of model soldiers and vehicles, and then take part in games against like-minded opponents. Played on a table featuring terrain ranging from open fi elds to burnt out city streets, miniatures gaming allows you to act as a general, directing your forces in a cunning battle plan designed to bring you total victory!

You can think of it as chess but;

o With freeform movement – you are not restricted to squares.

o With random elements – troops pinned down by enemy fi re are likely to be in real trouble, but they might surprise you and start fi ghting back.

o With far prettier models!

Using the rules of a miniatures game – aided by a few models, some dice and a tape measure – you will be able to lead your armies across the battlefi eld, dodging a hail of incoming fi re, before unleashing your fi nest troops against your enemy.

The joy of miniatures games like this one is that they are fl exible (no two games will play out quite the same way), challenging (with all the different models you can use there a lot of different tactics possible) and visually appealing (nothing beats the clash of two forces over some nice model terrain). Miniatures gaming is a fascinating hobby that appeals to all ages and walks of life. If these are your fi rst steps into the hobby then you are doubly welcome – you have just found something that may well keep your interest for a long time.

Your local hobby store can be a great resource for learning about the game. Many stores run their own clubs, tournaments and ongoing campaigns, which offer a great chance to fi nd opponents. Additionally, the Internet hosts a cornucopia of sites and forums about miniatures gaming.

Needed For PlayWithin each Battlefi eld Evolution unit box you will fi nd a copy of the basic rules. This volume expands on those rules and present advanced options for your Battlefi eld Evolution games.

In addition to this rulebook, you will also need several other items to begin playing this game. While additional materials such as terrain pieces and counters for various conditions are also useful, they are optional and not required for basic games.

o Two or more players.o A playing surface, such as a tabletop or unobstructed

fl oor space.o A selection of miniatures. o A tape measure or ruler of a minimum 12 inches in

length.o Several six and ten-sided dice (at least two of each).




Page 3: Sample file - Wargame Vault · Production Director Alexander Fennell Playtesting Ian Belcher, Jason Bracich, ... Sample file. 4 Introduction UUSMC Shadow RST-V recce SMC Shadow RST-V







Rolling DiceThis game uses two kinds of dice – the ordinary, humble six-sided dice and the chunky, exotic ten-sided dice. You will fi nd it benefi cial to have perhaps a dozen D6s on hand as it greatly speeds up play. D10s are used more rarely and you should not need more than a couple of these. The size or variety does not matter – they will suffi ce as long as they are six-sided (numbered 1 through 6) and ten-sided (numbered 1 through 10).

You will sometimes be instructed to read the results of dice rolls in different ways. If you are simply told to roll a dice in the rules, roll it as normal and read the number or pips on the top. However, you will sometimes see references telling you to roll 4xD6, 6xD6, 2xD10+1, etc. These are dice shorthand references.

A number before a ‘xD’ tells you how many dice you need to roll. The number after a ‘D’ tells you whether to roll D6s or D10s. For example, 4xD6 means ‘roll four six-sided dice’ (you can see why we shorten it to 4xD6). If there is a ‘+’ after the dice add the number to each dice rolled – so 4xD6+1 would tell you to roll four six-sided dice and add one to the resulting score on each.

Some rules may ask you to add dice rolls together, such as 2xD10+D6. In this case, you would roll two D10s, one at

a time, adding a separate D6 roll to each (the D6 is rolled each time you roll a D10).

Where multiple dice of the same type are rolled and added together it will be noted as the number of dice only, without the ‘x’ symbol. For example, 2D6 (giving you a total of 2 to 12), 3D6 (3 to 18) or 2D10 (2 to 20). A numerical addition (such as the 2 in ‘3D10+2’) is added to the total value. Thus, if you were intended to roll four six-sided dice, add their total together and then add a fi xed value of 1, it would be written as 4D6+1.

Natural 1These rules assume that an unmodifi ed roll of ‘1’ on a D6 or D10 is automatically a failure. Even if subsequent bonuses raise the result to above 1, it is still a failed roll. This is referred to as rolling a ‘natural 1’. The natural 1 rule applies to all rolls in this game unless specifi cally mentioned otherwise.

Re-RollsSome special situations may call for you to re-roll a dice. This simply means you ignore the fi rst result rolled and roll the dice again. All modifi ers or conditions that affected the fi rst roll are also present and must be accounted for on the re-roll. You must always accept the result of the second roll, even if it was worse than the fi rst – re-rolls can be used to get you out of a tricky situation but they are never guaranteed! Also, you may only ever re-roll a specifi c dice result once, even if you have multiple opportunities to re-roll a dice result.

Pre-Measuring DistancesYou may always ‘pre-measure’ distances in Battlefi eld Evolution, allowing you to check to see if an enemy is within range before making the decision to fi re, for example.




Page 4: Sample file - Wargame Vault · Production Director Alexander Fennell Playtesting Ian Belcher, Jason Bracich, ... Sample file. 4 Introduction UUSMC Shadow RST-V recce SMC Shadow RST-V







USMC Shadow RST-V recce USMC Shadow RST-V recce vehicles ambush a PLA WZ-551 vehicles ambush a PLA WZ-551

and its dismounted infantryand its dismounted infantry

PLA armour and infantry assault PLA armour and infantry assault USMC positionsUSMC positions

PLA WZ-551 and its dismounted PLA WZ-551 and its dismounted infantryinfantry

A brave MEA gunner prepares A brave MEA gunner prepares to fi re his RPG-29 at the rear of a to fi re his RPG-29 at the rear of a

PLA Type 99 MBTPLA Type 99 MBT




Page 5: Sample file - Wargame Vault · Production Director Alexander Fennell Playtesting Ian Belcher, Jason Bracich, ... Sample file. 4 Introduction UUSMC Shadow RST-V recce SMC Shadow RST-V







USMC with M249 SAWUSMC with M249 SAW PLA InfantrymanPLA Infantryman

MEA Fedayeen SquadMEA Fedayeen Squad

EFTF SAS SectionEFTF SAS Section

MEA Infantry LeaderMEA Infantry LeaderEFTF British SergeantEFTF British SergeantSa


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Page 6: Sample file - Wargame Vault · Production Director Alexander Fennell Playtesting Ian Belcher, Jason Bracich, ... Sample file. 4 Introduction UUSMC Shadow RST-V recce SMC Shadow RST-V








BUILDING AN ARMYBUILDING AN ARMYBefore you can start fi ghting huge and involved battles, you will need to build an army. An army can be as small as a single squad or feature over a hundred soldiers, supported by vehicles, command units and aircraft. You can go on to fi eld a whole company of troops with additional support, limited only by the size of your wargaming table!

Every unit in the game is assigned a points value, as shown on the unit card that it comes packaged with. As you collect units, add their points values together, as this will show you just how large and powerful your army is.

When you come to play a game, the force you use may only be a fraction of your collected army. This is because the points system is used to ensure a fair match between yourself and your opponent. Two forces of approximately the same points value should be roughly equal in power, meaning it will be your skill and tactical ability that will be the deciding factor for victory.

In the basic rules sheet that came with all your unit box sets, we recommended your fi rst battles were played

with forces of no more than 250-500 points each. This advanced rulebook assumes much larger forces are used – we recommend you start aiming to use 2,000 points in each force during a battle, giving you a game that will last up to two hours.

Ultimately, there is no limit to the size of armies that can be played, and you will fi nd that even games involving thousands of points can still be completed within a fairly short period of time, so long as both players are familiar with the rules. The only real restraint is the size of your gaming table, and your ability to actually place all your models on it. However, even games involving armies of 6,000 or 8,000 points can still be realistically played on a 6 ft. by 4 ft. gaming table, though larger forces may require you to use a wider table or even the fl oor!

For now, construct your army using the unit cards as you always have done. Once you have mastered the additional rules found in this book, you can start experimenting with the Army Lists found a few pages onwards, which will provide you with far more options and will allow you to construct more realistic forces.


