san f ernanclo valley state college olfactory

San Fernano Valley State College OLFACTORY DISCRIMINATION BETWEEN DIPODOMYS II --- MER RIAM! AND DIPODOMYS PAt·U�UNTIUS A thesis submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree o£ Iater of Science in < j Biology by Edward NeaJ irsky June, 1971

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San F ernanclo Valley State College



A thesis submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree o£ t-!IaE:ter of Science in

< j



Edward NeaJ 1v1irsky

June, 1971

The thesis of E�dward ��al Mirsky is approved:

-p·�---- ·--------------

Committee Chairman

San Fernando Valley State College

June , 197 1



I wish to express my appreciation to Dr. George F. Fisler for his

guidance and helpful criticism throughout this study, and for his critical

reading and improvements of this manuscript. I am indebted to Dr. John

Swanson for his many hours 6'1liding me in the chromatographic work and for

his criticism of this manuscript. I am further indebted to Dr. Andrew

Starrett for his radiant humor and for his many useful suggestions.

With sincere gratitude I wish to acknowledge the invaluable coop era­

tion and aid of the following persons: Dr. John Kontogiannis for use of his

shed; J\1iss M. Sue Wensel for printing the photographs; Miss Joyce A.

Hayes and Mr. Russ Sprouse without whom the computer would have been

just another machine; Mrs. Barbara Peet for typing the final manuscript;

and Iny wife Phyllis for aid in every way.

Computations were performed at the San Fernando Valley State College

computation center using a Control Data Corporation 3170 electronic com­

puter. The DAM analytical program was employed.



Page ABSTRACT . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . .. . "' . . . vii

INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

MATERIALS AND METHODS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; • • . 3

Experimental Procedure . . . . . . • . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . 4

Collection of Lipids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . 9

Thin -layer Chromatography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . • . . . . . . . . . 1 1

Histological Techniques . . . . . • . . . . . . . • • . . . • . . . . • . . . • . . . . . . . 12

RE:SUL1"S . ., . . o • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I' . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 14

Activ it)T Experin1el1tS . . 0 • • • • • • • Cl • • • • • • � • e • Cl • • • • • • • • • • • • " • • 14

Chromatographic Analysis . . . . . . . . • • . . . . o • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 16

Histological Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

DISCUSSION AND C ONCLUSIONS . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

LITEltATURE CITED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52






Activity o{ D. !l1�_ETiar_ni i\bles, D. merriami Females ar1cl Qn. J2al���niJ!_0!.:_ltlS Nlales� Ol • • �. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •

. • • • • 2 1

2. Statistical Analysis of the Activity of D. !nerriami Males D. �1_!-�rr1���mi;. Fen,ales and .!2; panaminti�rs Females. . . . .. 24

3. Statistical Analysis of the Activity of D. merriami Males. . 26

-1:. A Comparison of the Activity of D. !nerriami Males Used in Experimental Sets One and Two . . • . . . . . . • • . . . • • . . 28

5. Activity of _Q_. rneJ;E��-mi_ Females . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . � • • . . • • • • 30

6 . Statistical An3.lysis of the Activity of D. merriami Fj e1Y18.. les e (t .. ' • • � • • • e • " " • • ll • • • � • • • • • • · e • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 32

7. /\ctivtty of De �er�j,::trt1i r::e1nales . . . .. . . . . . � . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 34

8. Statistical Ann-lysis of the .Activity of !2: merriami F E.'l11:11E:S .. II " • "" -.1 " • " • • • • • • • fl • • • • • • • • • • • Ill • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • 36

9 . Control Experiment. AcUvity of D. me!riam..J Males. . . .. . 38

10. Control Experiment. Statistical Analysis of the Activity of l)e rnerria.J11i JVIc:1les+ .. '" . " . s . . o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

H. Analytical Results of Thin -layer Chromatography. . . . . . . . . 42


Figure Page

1. Experimental apparatus . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . • . • . . . . . • 44

2 . Thin -layer chromatograph of l ipids . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . 46

3. Parasagittal section of the dorsal skin gland of a D. n1er11iami male • 0 6 6 0 e t e . 0 e e 1!- 0 8 e ,e 6 II e a e 0 0 � II S . e 0 0 6 • • II e 0 ft 6 48

4 . Tangential s ection of the dorsal skin gland of a D . pana.n� male . . . . . . . e • • • 0 , • • • • • • • .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 50






Edward Neal Mirsky

lv1as.ter of Science in Biology

June, 1971

A s eries of experiments was desig11ed to determine the role of the dorsal

skin gland in olfactory discrimination and chemical communication in two

sympatric species of kangaroo rats , Dip_c_:�lomys merriami and Dipodomys

I?ana:r:ni�tinus . Experirnental animals \Vere tested for responses to odors of

the oppo site sex of both species. Thin layer chromatographic studies of

l ip ids of the back and of the dorsal s kin gland, as well as histological s:udies

of the latter, were performed . Results indicate that , at least under the con-

dit ions of these experiments, individuals of D . merri�m� md D . panamintinus

may distinguish bet\veen homospecific and heterospecific individuals by

chemical cues, although the source of the oclor -pmducing d1emical is not

known. Olfactory stimuli probably play a role in establishment of pair bonds

by orienting s earch behavior of both males and females toward conspecifics.

Skin l ip ids alone, however, are not effective as agents of species discrimina­

tion, but may still have a role in chemical communication .



Pheromones are chemical substances that s erve as signal s eliciting be­

havioral reactions in individuals of the same species (Karlson and Luscher,

1959 ) and are important in species recognition and therefore may act as

ethological isolating mechanisms in mammal s . Species of mammals have

their own courtship and mating behavior; in some, behavior has become

ritualized and is often extraordinarily complex (see Eisenberg, 19 6.3; Marter

and Hamilton, 19 66; Tinbergen, 1954) . For the perpetuation of a mammalian

spec ies , it is necessary that there should be means of overcoming innate

aggressions so that the s exes may encounter each other, copulate , and pro­

duc e offspring . Pheromones may be important in this role. Since many re­

views of the l iterature on pheromones and their role in mammalian reproduc­

tive physiology and behavior have been published (Bronson, 19 68; Bruce, 1966;

Ewer, 1968; Mykytowycz , 1970; Ralls , 197 1; Scholtz-Westrum, 1970;

Sebeok, 19 69 ; Whittaker and Feeny, 197 1; Whitten, 1970; Whitten and Bron­

son, 1971) , it is unneces sary to elaborate on this here .

Quay ( 1953) and Eisenberg ( 19 63, 1967) have reported that all species of

�podomys (Heteromyidae) exhibit locus specificity in their sandbathing .

These authors suggest that sandbathing can serve the dual function of dressing

the pelage and marking . Quay ( 1953) showed that at least in D . agilis and D .

me�·riami (but not in both sexes of D . heermani and D. deserti), the dorsal

skin gland of males , but not females , increases in size nearly one-hundred


percent during the breeding season . Thus, there is the possibility that the

dorsal skin gland of male kangaroo rats may have a role in marking during

s andbathing and therefore have a function in communication.

Experimental studies of olfactory discrimination between individuals of

closely related mammalian species have 'been conducted by Godfrey (1958),

Moore (1965 ) , and Smith (19 65). Preliminary investigations into the possible

role of odorous secretions of various glands have been reported by Thiessen,

et al. (19 68 , 1969) and Mykytowycz (1958, 1959 , 19 66a, b , c, 19 67) , but only

in one case has a particular behavior been associated with a particular chem ­

ical or group of chemicals (Brownlee , et al . , 19 69 ; Muller - Schwarze, 1969) .

None of thes e investigators , however, has attempted to correlate olfactory

discrimination with the source of the odor . This inve stigation does . To

accomplish this , certain questions concerning species discrimination and

chemical communication with particular reference to the role of the dorsal

skin gland of D. mer:riami and D. _Eanamintinus must be answered . First ,

can individuals of D . merriami and D . panamintinus discriminate between

members of the opposite s ex of these two species by chemical cues alone?

Second, are there any differences betvveen the skin-surface lipids and the

lip ids of the dorsal skin gland which may serve as a basis for olfactory dis ­

crirnination? Finally, can the skin-surface lipids serve as a basi s for

species discrimination?



Two species of kangaroo rats were used in this study, DiiJ.odomE

! merr� Mearns , Merriam kangaroo rat, and Dipodomys panamjntinus

(Grinnell), Mohave kangaroo rat. Individuals ·were captured at two locations

in the Mojave desert near Pearblossom , Cal ifornia, using Sherman l ive-traps

(3" x 3" x 10") baited with wild bird see� and p eanut butter . Animals were

housed individually in the animal care room at San F ernando Valley State


Betvveen 2 July 1970 , and 29 April l97 1 , 60 experiments were performed

testing individuals for response to odors of the opposite sex of each species.

The apparatus (fig . 1) used in these preference experiments was a variation

of the Y -tube apparatus used by Godfrey (1958). It was constructed of ply ­

wood and painted with a white, washable oil base paint (Epoxy) to reduce odor

absorption . The internal dimension of all areas was s ix inches square . The

entrance runway was five feet long; the other three runways were each eight

feet long . To the ends of each of the three eight-foot runways was attached a

ten inch end -compartment . The s ide of the end -compartment common to the

runway had a hole four inches in diameter which was covered with hardware

cloth . At a distance of one -half inch from the common wall and attached to it

was placed a five inch metal plate. This plate , completely covering the hole ,

prevented the test animal from entering the end -compartment . It also pre­

cluded any tactile or visual contact between the test animal and the interior of


the end -compartment .

At eight locations in the floor of the apparatus at the beginning and end of

each runway, a treadle suspended over a microswitch was placed (see "x 's ",

fig . 1) . The switches were s ensitive to a weight of approximately ten grams,

which is considerably less than the u sual weight of the kangaroo rats (32 gms)

used, and when depressed would close the c ircuit to an Esterline-Angus

Operation Recorder (Model AW) . Thus a sequential record of passage

through the runways was obtained . Tests were begun at dusk and run until

the next morning . The first 480 minutes (eight hours) were arbitrarily sel ­

ected as the activity period to be analysed . Records continued after eight

hours were not appreciably different . The chart speed was . 75 inches per

m inute . The data were treated by dividing the eight hour continuous chart

record into half-inch intervals and summing the intervals for each of the

four runways. The distance was multiplied by 1 . 3333 to convert the chart

distance into time in each of the four runways . The time in the central area

of the apparatus was obtained by subtracting the sum of the time in the four

runways from 480 minutes (eight hours) .

Experimenta! 2rocedure . -To determine whether individuals of D .

m erriami and D . panamintinus discriminate between members of the opposite

s ex of these same species by chemical cues alone, two types of experiments

were designed. In the first, two kangaroo rats, one of each species and both

' of the sex opposite to that of the test animal, were placed in the end -compart -

ments to provide a choice . The procedure in these first experiments did not

allow one to distinguish bet\veen olfactory and acoustic communication . Sec ­

ond, the odor left by a kangaroo rat after removal from the end -compartment

was used t{)/provide a choice . This eliminated the possibility of acoustic

communication, but did not establish the source of the odor. In add ition, to

see if lipids have a role in species discrimination and chemical communica­

tion, a third s eries of experiments was conducted using only these lipids

(see beyond for extraction methods ) as the odor sourc e . A table o f random

numbers was used to determine which two of the three end -compartments was

to be used for each test .

Prior to each experiment the equipment was disassembled and vvashed in

soap and warm water to eliminate odors from the previous experiment . No

food or water was placed in the apparatus o There were no other animals in

the test area during an experiment . Also, cages used to transport the ani-·

mals were removed before the experiment was begun.

The apparatus was divided into five areas designated A , B, C , D and E

(fig . 1) . Two xnethods were employed to analyse the data for each experi­

mental set of ten trials : Method I, comparison of activity of the test kangaroo

rats relative to odors in two end -compartments ; and Method II, comparison

of activity of the test kangaroo rats in each o,\ the five areas of the apparatus .

In Method I , the time spent in each of the following areas was totaled and

1 compared statistically: Domain 1, the runway with the odor of the homospe -


c ific kangaroo rat in the end -compartment; Domain 2 , the runway with the

odor of the heterospecific kangaroo rat in the end -compartment; Domain 3,

the runway with the empty end -compartment; Domain 4, area A; and Domain

5 , area E. For Method I I , the time spent in each of the five areas of the

apparatus (A -E) was totaled and compared statistically . It was assumed

that the test animals would distribute tbeir activity randomly in all four run ­

ways of the apparatus if odor were not useful in communication. Student's t­

distribution test for comparison of means was made with the expectation of

equal use of all four runways . The level of s ignificance chosen was 0. 05 .

The area E of the apparatus was disproportionately smaller than the four run ­

ways; therefore , the time spent in it was not expected to be equal to the time

spent in any one of the four runways .

The following procedure was employed for Expe1imental Sets One, Two

and Three .

These experiments were carried out in an unused classroom located in

an air -conditioned building. An experiment was begun by assembling the test

apparatus and masking all seams with tape SJ that the apparatus would be air­

tight . Females of both species were then placed in the end -compartments as

described . A hose connecting a vacuum. system to a nozzle at the center of

the apparatus was then turned on (see fig . 1) . After one hour the test anim,al

was introduced into the apparatus . At this time the vacuum hose was trans­

ferred to the noz7le at the entrance ( see fig . 1). Once the test animal was in


the apparatus and the vacuum attached, the l ights in the room were turned

off and the activity of the test animal recorded .

EXPERIMENTAL SET ONE . Dipodomys merriami males were used as

test animals . Data ax1:�J.ysed by Method I .

EXPERIMENTAL SET TWO . Dipodomys merriarni males were used as

test animals . The s ame ten kangaroo· rats were used as in Experimental Set

One. This provided a control which tested whether previous experience in

the apparatus would influence the choices an animal made on suceeding tests.

Data analysed by Method I .

EXPERIJ\!IENT AL SET THREE. Dipodomys panamintinus males were

used as test animals. Data analysed by Method I .

The following procedure was employed for Experimental Sets Four, Five,

Six and Seven .

These four experiments were conducted in a roofed shed which was

screened on all four s ides . In o rder to fit the apparatus into the shed it was

necessary to shorten the entrance runway to three and one-half feet and to

angle runways B and D toward runway C so that the maximum width was seven

feet . There was no vacuum facility, so it was decided not to s eal the runways

with masking tape .

EXPERIMEI\lT AL SET FOU R . �odomys merriam� females were tested

for their activity in the apparatus with males of both species in the end -com­

partments . Data analysed by Method I .


EXPERIMENTAL SET FIVE . Dipodomys marriami males were tested

for their response to odors only of females of each species . The experiment

was initiated as before; however, after one hour the females were removed

from the ,end -compartment . T:he 'H11i3;e to be tested was then introduced into

the apparatus and the experiment continued as before . Data analysed by

Method I .

EXPERIMENTAL SET SIX . Dipodomys me£!�iami females were tested

for their activity in the apparatus with odor in the end -compartments provided

by skin -surface l ipids of males of both species. Lipids were collected (see

beyond) and poured onto clean filter paper. The activity of the female was

recorded for 180 m inutes (three hours) . The initial area of the apparatus

entered by a female after passing through area E was also recorded . This

data was then statistically analysed in two ways as follows :

Experimental Set Six a . Data analysed by Method I.

Experimental Set Six b . Because of the non -random behavior in

the apparatus , and because chromatographic analysis indicated that

there is no difference between the lipids of males of both species

(see beyond) , a statistical comparison was performed by summing

the time spent in each of the ten possible combinations of Domains .

That is, the time spent in Domain 1 was added to the time spent in

Dmnain 2 . This sum was compared to the sum o f the times in two

other such Domains, producing forty -five comparisons .


EXPERIMENTAL SET SEVEN . A set of ten control experiments was

designed to test cleaning procedures used during the experiment, and to see

if the design of the apparatus prejudiced the results . A female of both

' species was .. placed in the end:,;ec;�mpartments as befme. After one hour the

females were removed and the apparatus washed with soap and warm water.

The apparatus was then reassembled o=md a male .!2_. m�rriami introduced.

His activity was recorded for 18 0 m inutes (three hours) . This data was then

statistically analysed in two ways as follow s :

Experimental Set Seven a. Data analys ed by Method I . This would

s erve as a cleaning control to test whether or not the method. of

cleaning the equipment prior to each experiment was adequate to

eliminate the odor of the previous experiment .

Experimental Set Seven b . Data analysed by Method II . This was

a control to test whether or not there were behavioral character ­

istics of kangaroo rats which the apparatus m ight elicit.

Collection of l ipids . -Samples of lipids were co1lected from kangaroo

rats which were washed the previous evening in acetone . Washing was done

to reduce the amount of free fatty acids which are not a product of the s eba­

ceous glands, but come from triglycerides of the rebaceous glands by the

action of bacteria or endogenous enzymes, or both (Nikkare, 19 65) . Acetone

was chosen because it dissolves l ipids even in the presence of water, and

because it is known to be relatively nonirritating to the skin . Two methods


w ere employed for the collection of lipids . (I). Samples were taken from the

dorsal skin gland of adult male D. merrian:2:_ and Do panamintinus with a

sterile Q-tip dipped in acetone . Samples from ten animals were pooled to

make one sample for thin - layer chromatography . Two pooled samples of

each species were collected, and each spotted onto two chromatographic

plates . The gland area in female kangaroo rats is usually less than one milli -1

meter in length, making it impractical to collect enough lipids . (II).

1 Samples were collected by squirting approximatly 25 ml of acetone over the

back of a kangaroo rat . By this method sufficient s kin -surface lipid was

obtained to allow thin -layer chromatography of a single animal .

Each chromatographic plate consisted of fiv'e spots from each of two

s amples. Two types of samples were collected by this method . (A) . After

removing the lipids from the dorsal skin glands of five male kangaroo rats of

each species, skin -surface lipids of the back were collected . Five such

chromatographic plates \Vere male . It was assumed that each sample repre ­

sented skin -surface lipids and not gland lipid . (B) . Skin- surface lipids were

collected from the backs of five male and five female kangaroo rats of each

species, without previously washing the dorsal skin glands . Care was taken

not to collect from the anal area because of possible contamination by fecal

fats , and glands of the anal area . Ten chromatographic plates were made .

Cholesterol esters of one male of each species were collected (see beyond) .

Each sample was chromatographed twice . Thus ten spots of each sample


were made .

Thin -layer chromat(�graphy . -Conventional techniques of thin -layer

chromatography we1e used ( Stahl , 19 65) . A slurry of 25 gms of s ilica gel G

( E . Merck and Co . ) in 7 0 ml distilled water was layered (0 . 25 mm in thick­

ness) onto 20 x 20 em glass plates with a. Des saga. -B rinkmann applicator .

The plates were air dried, then heat -activated for at least 3 0 minutes at 120

C , and allowed to coo l . Reference standards and animal l ipids were applied

to the activated chromatographic plates using capillary tubes . Reference

standards used were octa.decane, squalene, cholesterol oleate, cetyl palmi­

tate, free fatty acids, cholesterol palmitate, triolein , oleic acid, and

cholesterol .

Each plate was developed in three successive solvent systems : hexane;

benzene; and hexane, ether, and acetic acid (70 : 30: 1). The l ipids were

visualized by �praying the plates with 5 . O% concentrated sulfuric acid in 100%

ethyl alcohol and then charred by heating at 120° C for five minutes (Downing

et al. , 19 69) .

Separation of the cholesterol esters was accomplished by first developing

the plates as described previously . The area of chromatographed plates con­

taining the cholesterol esters were scraped off with a. razor blade cleaned in

; acetone, Each plate was then sprayed as befon; and charred. Collected

fractions were eluted with petroleum ether and centrifuged to separate the

si l ica gel G. Ead1 sample vvas dried over boiling water and resuspended in


petroleum ether.

Each plate was developed in three successive solvents of freshly distilled

carbon tetrachloride. The chromatographed plates were sprayed with either

5. O% sulfuric acid, or animony tri-chloride, and heated for five minutes at

ll0° C (Stahl, 1965).

Histological techniques. -Microtome sections were made of dorsal skin

glands without extracting the lipids (Procedure I) and following lipid extrac­

tion inherent in paraffin embedding (Procedure II) . A total of 250 slides

were made of five male and three female D. merriami, and two male and one

female D. panamintinus.

Procedure I; the sudan black B technique vvas used for all unsaturated

lipids. Tissue was first fixed in 1% calcium acetate-10% formalin, to pre-

vent loss of polar lipids through extraction by water (Humason, 1967). The

·.tissue was then embedded in 20% aqueous gelatin and sectioned either para­

sagittally or tangentially using a Reichert sliding microtome with a Yomaro

Koki electro -freeze microtome attachment ret at -28° C. Sections were

made at 1� , floated on water, transferred onto clean slides coated with egg

albumin, and dried. The tissue was then stained for 15 minutes in. sudan

black B (Adams, 1969). Some slides were counterstained in hematoxylin

(Humason, 1967).

Procedure II; the hematoxylin and eosin technique, was used to stain

tissue after extraction of lipids. The tissue was embedded in paraffin after


fixation in Zenker's fluid (Humason, 1967). All sections were cut either

parasagittally or tangentially at "f# on a Spencer microtome. TI1e tissue was

then stained in Harris' hematoxylin and countemtained in eosin (Davenport,




Activity experiments. -The test animal entered each compartment dur­

ing the first few minutes of each experiment and thus was exposed to all odors

in the apparatus. After the first half -hour of each experiment, the test

animal tended to remain in a single runway for longer periods of time. The

first half -hour was the time of greatest activity, probably due to exploratory


EXPERIMENTAL SET ON E. 12!:£odon� merriam� males showed no

statistically significant difference in ·their activity within the five Domains

(tables 1 and 2).

EXPERIMENTAL S ET TWO. Dipodomzs merriamj males showed no

statistically significant difference in their activity within the five Domains

on the basis of t -tests (tables 1 and 2) . However, F -ratios (table 3) showed

that samples compared were significantly different (P >. 05). Therefore there

is reason to believe that D. merriami males were not random in their activity

between the runways with the D. merriami female in the end-compartment

and the runway with the D. panamintinus female in the end -compartment.

A comparison of the activity of D. merriami males used in Experimental

Sets One and Two indicate that in only two behavior tests did a kangaroo rat

choose the same Domain in both trials (table tl). Thus previous experience

in the apparatus does not influence the behavior of a kangaroo rat on subse­

quent trials in the same apparatus.

EXP ERIMEJ\lT AL S ET THREE. Dipodo�y_E panamintinus males were not


random in their behavior in the test apparatus, they spent the greatest

amount of time in the runway with the conspecific female in the end -compart­

ment (tables 1 and 2).

EXPERIMENTAL SET FOUR. D�podomy� merriami females spent a

statistically significant greater amount of time in the runway with the con­

specific male in the end -compartment {tables 1 and 2).

EXPERTh.1ENT AL SET F NE. Dipodomys merriami males were not ran­

dom in their activity vvithin the apparatus (tables 1 and 2), the odor left by a

female kangaroo rat is a sufficient stimulus to elicit non -mndom behavior in

the male. It should be pointed out that Experimental Sets One and Two were

conducted during July through September, which is outside of the breeding

season (Quay, 1953) , when�as, this experimental set was conducted during

February, at the beginning of the breeding seas::m. This may acmunt for the

apparent stronger response of male !2.· _merriami to odors left by female D.

merriami than to the females themselves. However, the results are compli­

cated by the possibility of acoustic communication in Experimental Sets One

and Two.

Experimental Set Six a. Dipodomys merriami females were not random

in their behavior in the apparatus. Their behavior was least random with

respect to area E and the runways with the lipids in the end -compartments

; (tables 5 and 6).

Experimental Set Six b. The activity of the females was not random in


the apparatus. Indeed, they spent a statistically significantly shorter time

in the runway with the lipids in the end -compartments. Female D. merriami

also spent significantly more time in area E than would be expected by chance

(tables 7 and 8 ) .

Experimental Sets Seven a and b. Dipodomys merriami males were

statistically random in their activity fQr both methods of analysing the data

(tables 9 and 1 0).

ghromatographic ana!:Jsis. -The lipids of the dorsal skin gland and of

the back were found to be identical in both species. There were no observ­

able differences between the skin-surface lipids of either sex of both species

(table 11; fig. 2). Qualitative tests of the chemical nature of the skin-surface

lipids indicate that they are composed mainly of cholesterol and cholesterol

esters. Fatty acids, triglycerides and particularly wax esters are present in

trace amounts. Squalene, which is a major constituent of human skin -surface

lipids (Downing et al., 19 69), was not present in the kangaroo rats tested.

Analysis of the cholesterol esters indicates that the only ester present in both

species of kangaroo rat appears to be cholesterol palmitate (table 1 1).

These results are similar to those reported by Wheatly and James ( 1957)

for the guinea pig, Cavia porcellus, the laboratory mouse, Mus musculus,

and the laboratory rabbit, which have all been shown to have skin -surface

lipids lacking in squalene and low in triglycerides and fatty acids. Further­

more, the guinea pig was shown to have a high concentration of cholesterol.


Histological studies.: -Quay (195 4) reports that the dorsal skin gland is

a holocrine gland, derived from basal cells of the gland unit (figs. 3 and 4) .

These cells proliferate to form a hard pillar of secretion which extends

through the neck of the gland. The center of the dorsal skin gland is the area

of greatest development. At the periphery are the sebaceous glands of least

development, showing the transition Hom unmodified to modified gland (fig.

3) . There were no morphological or histological differences observed be­

tween the species studied, except that, generally, the overall gland size is

larger in ;Q_. panamintinus. Glands of the females of both Epedes, though

smaller, are neither morphologically nor histologically different from glands

of the males. These results are consistent with the findings of Quay (1954) .



Difficulties with the design of the experimental apparatus used in this

study make conclusions concerning the role of chemical communication in

1 species discrimination tenuous. Firstly, its size and shape may elicite

maze running behavior in individuals. Secondly, the apparatus may elicite

exploratory behavior. Thirdly, even in experiments where the vacuum was

attached, it cannot be said with certainty that the odors were restricted to

a single runway. If, as Rosenberg (1968) points out, the nose is the most

sensitive chemical detector known, sensitive to a small number of odorous

molecules per receptor cell at threshold, the test animal conceivably may

be receiving threshold olfactory stimulation anyvvhere in the apparatus.

Fourthly, in the central area of the apparatus the test animal was confronted

with several choices, that is, he may stay where he was or go into any one

of four runways. Furthermore, one may assume that odors placed in any

end -compartnwnts will converge in this area, thus providing multiple

chemical excitation. Perhaps being confronted with several choices and

multiple chemical excitation, the test animal chooses to remain in the cen­

tral area.

Under the conditions of the experiments )1owever, individuals of both

sexes of D. merriarni and male D. panamintinus may have discriminated

between homospecific and heterospecific individuals by chemical cues (al­

though the source of these odor-producing chemicals is not known). Time

1 8

spent with the homospecific was usually greater than time spent with the

heterospecific, although, time spent with the homospecHic was often less

than time spent in some other area of the apparatus. Nevertheless, olfactory

stimuli probably play a role in establishment of pair bonds by directing

search behavior of both males and females to con specifics. Indeed, the

similar responses observed for male and female D. merriami. under the con­

ditions of this study suggest that odors may provide stimuli in mate selection.

Unfortunately, these results are difficult to interpret vvithout information on

the social organization systems of the kangaroo rats in their natural en­

vironments (see Manson and Kessler, 1940 ; and Reynold, 19 60 for prelim­

inary reports on social organization).

Evidence presented by Kelly ( 19 69) and Csuti ( 19 69 , 1971) indicates

that there are isolating mechanisms in Dipodomys which would prevent inter­

specific hybridization if sexual promiscuity were to occur between species

in sympatry. Results of the present study suggest that olfaction may be

important in sexual isolation in kangaroo rats.

Chromatographic methods employed for this investigation could not

discern qualitative differences between skin -surface lipids and lipids of the

dorsal skin gland. Furthermore, no differences vvere discerned between the

skin-surface lipids of D. merriami and D. panamintinus or between males

and females. However, there is always the possibility that there is a com­

pound or group of compounds other than lipids which may be important in


species discrimination.

Results of the present study suggest that lipids were not effective as

agents of species discrimination. The results indicate that female D.

men�iami respond to the lipids of males of both species similarly by spend­

ing less time in those runways with these lipids. However, this does not

preclude the possibility that they may have a role in chemical communication

within or between the two species.

Studies such as these may only suggest the purpose a particular be­

havior pattern or chemical compound may serve in the natural environment

of the species. Since the social organization and chemical communication

systems of a species are an adaptive product of interaction of the species

with the environment, laboratory studies should be used largely for the·

erection of hypotheses which may be tested by field studies. Olfaction is

probably only one element of a complex interaction of sensory stimuli where­

by kangaroo rats direct sexual behavior toward members of their own

species, minimizing the likelihood of interspecific hybridization through

species specific discrimination.



Table 1 . Activity of D. merri�E:!:� males (Dm cf), D. merriami_ females (Dm �) and D. panamintinus males (Dp �) with odors in t\vo end -compartments. In Experimental Sets One through Four, t\vo kangaroo rats, one of each species and both of the sex opposite to that of the test animal ·were used to provide a choice. In Experimental Set Five, the experiment was initiated as be­fore, however, after one hour the feinales were removed from the end -compartments. The male D. _r_::wrriami was then introduced into the apparatus and the experiment continued as before. Each experimental set consists of ten 480 minute (eight hour) trials. The time spent in each of the following areas was totaled and compared statistically: Domain 1, the runway with the odor of the homospecific kangaroo rat in the end -compartment. Domain 2, the runway with the odor of the heterospecific kangaroo rat in the end -compartment. Domain 3 , the runway with the empty end -compartment. Domain 4, area A. Domain 5 , area E. (see fig. 1).

i I I

! i i I I

i l !

� -��--J


Table 1 . Activity of Kangaroo Rats


Mean with Standard Ranae Standan:I Error Deviation


Domain 1 15.0 - 367 . 0 130.000 + 45.3:31 143 .350 2 5.0-297.0 5 1.000 + 28 . 239 89 . 301


3 9 . 0 - 388 . 0 1 3 1 . 000 + 44. 490 1 40.689 4 19 . 0 - .139. 0 55.600 + 12.992 41 .08.3


5 23.0 -295.0 lll. 700 + 27.296 8 6.31 6


Domain 1 29 . 0 - 435.0 1 44,200 + 4L1.42 1 1 40 . 47 0 -

2 6.0 - 20 1.0 5 4.000 + 18 . 324 57.9 46 -

3 8. 0 - 242 . 0 79.000 + 34.31 6 108.5 1 7 -

4 3.0 - 350 . 0 ll9 . 500 + 37.680 1 19.154 -

5 20.0 - 309.0 8 3.300 + 27.144 8 5 . 8 37


Domain 1 32.0 - 339.0 190.200 + 27.8 45 88, 05L1 -

2 3.0 - 95.0 49 . 100 + 9 . 7 1 6 30 . 726 -

3 10 . 0 - 95 . 0 45.800 + 8.785 27.780 -·

4 5.0- 33 1.0 1 10.700 + 32.601 103.093 -

5 43 . 0 - 140.0 8 4,200 + 10. 8 16 31± . 205


Domain 1 17 . 0- 3 1LO 162 . 400 + 33. 232 105 . 090 -

2 5.0 - 85 . 0 30 . 700 + 9 . 158 28 . 9 60 --

3 1 4.0 - 303.0 9 0.200 + 27.0 17 85.436 4 3. 0 -338.0 105.800 + 33.922 107 . 272


5 13.0 - 200.0 9 0 . 900 + 15.669 49 . 550 --·------- r_.,,. __


Table 1 . continued

Mean with Standard Range Standa1u Error Deviation


Domain 1 2 . 0 - 428 . 0 1 21.9 00 + 40 . 220 127.187 2 3. 0 - 63.0 18 . 9 00 + 5 . 718 18.083 3 9 . 0: 366.0


109 . 200 + 37.5 8 0 1 1 8 . 840 -

4 5 . 0 ·- 343.0 1 12 . 300 + 40 . 167 127.018 5 9 . 0 - 321 . 0 1 17 . 7 00 + 3 1 . 235 9 8 . 774

Table 2 . Statistical analysis of the activity of D. rnerriarni males, D. merrian2l females and D. panamintinus males. See explana­tion in legend for table 1 . Level of significance (P) = 0. 05 . Degrees of freedom (D. F . ) = 18 .

Table 2. Statistical Analysis of the Activity of Kangaroo Rats

Test EXPERIM ENTAL SET ONE Between (Dm d') Dornains t -statistic Shmificance -------

1 and 2 l. L1792 p (. 1 1 and 3 -0. 0173 p <. 1 1 and 4 1. 5820 p <. 1 1 and 5 0. 3496 p ( .1 2 and 3 -1. 5201 p < . 1 2 and 4 -0. 1415 p <·1 2 and 5 -1. 5404 p <. 1 3 and 4 1. 6333 P<. 1 3 and 5 0. 3755 p (. 1 4 and 5 -1.8558 .I< p (. 05 ---

Test EXPERIMENTAL S ET THREE Between (Dp if) Domains t-statistic Significance

1 and 2 4. 784�1 . 02<.P 1 and 3 4. 9455 . 02<P 1 and 4 1. 854·.3 . H p 0 05 1 and 5 3. 5485 . 02( p 2 and 3 0. 2519 P < . 1 2 and 4 -1.8108 . 1< p (, 05 2 and 5 -2.4141 • 05 { p <. 02 3 and 4 -1. 9222 . 1 <P (. 05 3 and 5 -2. 7558 . 02 <P 4 and 5 0.7715 P<. 1

---------Test Between Domains -----

1 and 2 1 and 3 1 and 4 1 and 5 2 and 3 2 and 4· 2 and 5 3 and 4 3 and 5 4 and 5

EXPERIMENTAL SET FIVE (Dn1 d') t-staUstic Significance

2.5354 . OS<P<. 02 0.2307 p <.1 0. 1689 P< . 1 0.0825 P < . 1

-2. 3755 . OS< P <.02 -2. 3021 . 05 < p (.02 -3. 1114 . 02( p -0.0564 P<.1 -0.1739 P(. 1 -0.1061 p <. 1

EXPERIMENTAL S ET TWO (Dm 0"') t-statistic Significance

1. 8771 . 1 < p <. 05 1. 1615 p (. 1 0. 4240 p <.1 1.1699 p (. 1

-0.6426 p < . 1 -1. 5633 p (. 1 -0. 8946 p (. 1 -0. 7947 p {. 1 -0. 0983 p ( . 1

0.7795 P<. 1

EXPERIMENTAL SET FOUR (Dm 9) t-statistic Si�ificance -

3.8206 . 02 {P 1. 6858 p < • .1 1. 1919 P<. 1 1.9461 . l(P <. 05 .

-2. 0857 .HP ( . 05 -2. 1374 • 05 ( p {. 02 -3.3170 . 02< p -0.3597 p {. 1 -0. 0224 P<. 1

0. 3988 p < . 1



Table 3 . Statistical analysis of the activity of D . merriami males. See explanation in le$end for table 1 . P = 0 . 05 . D . F . = 9 . Largest variance value has been placed in the numerator.

Table 3 . Statistical Analysis of the Activity of D. merriarpJ Males

Test EXPERIMENTAL SET TWO Between Domains F -ratio Significance 1 and 2 5 . 8765 . 02< p 1 and 3 1 . 675 6 P<. 1 1 and 4 1. 3898 P< . 1 1 and 5 2 . 67 8 1 p < . 1 2 and 3 3 . 507 1 . 1 (P < . 05 2 and 4 4 . 2283 . 05 ( p <. 02 2 and 5 2 . 19 43 p (. 1 3 and 4 1 . 2056 P< . 1 3 and 5 1 . 59 8 3 p { . 1 4 and 5 l. 9 2 69 P< .1



Table 4. Control experiments. A comparison of the activity of the same ten D. �males used in Experimental Sets One and Two (table 1), with female D. me�riami and .Q_. 12.ana�int1nus in two end -compartments. Each experimental set consists of ten 480 minute (eight hour) trials. * = test male spent more time in Domain 2 than in Domain 1 . Box around two experimental sets indicates the test animal chose the same area in both experiments.

Expmt . Cat . No. Set 100 ONE

TWO 1 1 1 ONE

TWO 1 16 ONE









Table 4 . Control Experiments . A Comparison of the Activity of D . merriami Males Used in Experimental Sets One and Two

area A area B area C area D

1 16 . 0 135.0 Dp 19 . 0 Dm 45.0 47 . 0 Dm 29 . 0';' 8.0 Dp 87 . 0 69 . 0 38.0 f'l �-'P 297.0 Dm 15 . 0*

350 . 0 Dm 63.0 13.0 Dp 17 . 0 53 . 0 Dni 367 .ot Dp 5 . 0 14 . 0

131 . 0 Dp 201 . 0 13 . 0 Dm 78 . 0* 27 . 0 126.0 Dp 8.0 Dm 27.0

175.0 Dp 60.0 Dm 80.0 69.0 41 . 0 Dp 18 . 0 Dm 10.0':' 388.0· 73 . 0 130 . 0 Dp 35.0 Dm 1 1 1 . 0

9 . 0 Dp 12 . 0 Dm 3 19.0 27 . 0 23 . 0 Dp 19.0 14 . 0 Dm 377 . 0 19.0 Dm 8 1 . 0 Dp 75 . 0 1 69 . 0 70.0 Dm 435 . 0 9.0 Dp 9 . 0 36.0 139.0 Dm 65.0 Dp 5 3.0

287.0 23 . 0 Dp 43 . 0 Dm 73 . 0 27 . 0 Dm 55 . 0 Dp 5.0 3 65 . 0 99 . 0 Dm 95 . 0 169 . 0 Dp 6.3 . 0 41.0 Dp 20,0 Dm 3 18 . 0 33 . 0

3 . 0 342 . 0 Dm 101.0 6.0

area E

37 . 0 41 . 0 57 . 0

295 . 0 9 6.0 23 . 0

' 13 1.0 1 1 3 . 0

54 . 0 136 . 0

20 . 0 187 . 0 54.0 28 . 0 54 . 0 68.0 28.0

['..) '-()


Table 5 . Activity of D. p1erriami females with odors in two end ­compartments p rovided by skin - surface Lipids of male D . merriami and D. panamintinus . This experimental s et consists of ten 180 minute (three hour) trials. See explanation in legend for table 1.

·--------> - - - · . · · - q ·--·-·� • • • - • • ' . ' -·-�· . " ' j

Table 5 . Activity of D. merr�ami Female


Mean with Range Standard Error


Experimental Set Six a Domain 1 1 . 0 - 87.0 17.500 + 8.490

2 1 . 0- 7 3 . 0 26 . 000 + 8 . 897 3 1 . 0- 67.0 3 1.800 + 9 . 235


4 5 . 0 - 13'4 . 0 5 1 . 900 + 1 6 . 650 5 19 . 0 - 9 3.0 52 . 800+ 7 . 560


Standard Deviation

26 . 846 28 . 135 29 . 204 5 2 . 653 23.906


Table 6 . Statistical analysis of the activity of D. m�riami females . See explanation in legend for table 1 . P = 0. 05. D. F . = 18 .


Table 6 . Statistical Analysis of Activity of D . merriami Females

----Test Experimental Set Six a Between Domains t -statistic Signifiamce

----� ... ..--..-----�

1 and 2 -0 . 69 12 p ( . 1 1 and 3 - 1 . 1400 p (. 1 1 and 4 -1 . 8 406 . 1< p ( . 05 1 and 5 -3 . 1053 . 02< p 2 and 3 -0 . 4523 p < . 1 2 and 4 - 1 . 3720 p < . 1 2 and 5 -2.2955 . 05 ( p ( . 02 3 and 4 - 1 . 0557 p < . 1 3 and 5 - 1.759 6 .1 < p (. 05 4 and 5 -0 . 049 2 P < . 1



Table 7. Activity of D . _!Perriami females with odors in two end­compartments provided by skin - surface lipids of male D . m�_gJ�mi and D. panamintinus . Statistical compari­son performed by summing the time in each of the ten pos sible pairs of Domains in table 2.


Table 7 . Activity of D . merriami Females

Experimental Set Six b . (Dm � )

Mean with Standard Domain Range Standard Error Deviation

1+ 2 2 . 0 - 126 . 0 43 . 500 + 12 . 902 40 . 79 8 1+ 3 2 . 0 - 10 1 . 0 49 . 300 + 1 1 . 7 40 37 . 1 25 1+ 4 15 . 0 - 141 . 0 69 . 400 + 1 6 . 139 59 . 03 6 1+ 5 28 . 0 - 106. 0 7 0 . 300 + 8 . 844 27 . 9 68 2+ 3 2. 0 - 139 . 0 57 . 800 + 14 . 035 44 . 382


2+ 4 14 .. 0 - 140 . 0 7 7 . 9 00 + 13 . 7 12 43 . 362 -

2+ 5 3 0 . 0 - 138 . 0 78 . 800+ 9 . 9 30 3 1 . 400 3+ 4 34. 0 - 143.0 8 3 . 700 + 11 . 614 36 . 7 27 3+ 5 23 . 0 - 152 . 0 8 4 . 600 + 13 . 65 6 43 . 185 4+ 5 39 0 0 - 177 . 0 104. 700 + 16 . 27 1 5 1 . 45 2


Table 8. Statistical analysis of the activity of D. merriami females . See explanation in legend for table 2 . The sum of the time in each of the ten possible combinations of Domains is com ­pared to the time in two other such combinations . Comb ina ­tions not in this table are all P ( . 1 . P = 0 . 05 . D . F . = 18 .


Table 8 . Statistical Analysis of Activity of D. merriami Females

Experimental Set Six b Test Between Combined Domains t -stati stic Sign�j.cance

1 + 2 and 2 + 4 - 1 . 82 7 1 . 1 < P (. 05 1 + 2 and 2 + 5 -2 . 1683 . 05 ( p { . 02 1 + 2 and 3 + 4 -2 . 3 158 • 05 < p < . 02 1 + 2 and 3 + 5 -2 . 18 77 . 05 ( p < . 02 1 + 2 and 4 + 5 - 2 . 9 473 . 02< P 1 + 3 and 3 + 4 -2 . 08 3 1 . 1 < p ( . 05 1 + 3 and 3 + 5 - 1 . 9 602 . 1 < p < . 05 1 + 3 and 4 + 5 -2 . 7612 . 02 < p 1 + 5 and 4 + 5 - 1 . 8575 . 1 < p ( . 05 2 + 3 and 4 + 5 -2 . 18 27 . 05 < p < . 02


Table 9 . Control experiments . Activity of D . merriami males. A female of both species was placed in two end -compartments . Mter one hour the females were removed and the apparatus washed with soap and warm water . The apparatus was then reassembled and a male introduced . Statistical comparisons performed : (a) . Wash control . See explanation in legend for table 1 . (b) . Behavior control . The time spent in the five areas of the appaTatus , A - E (see fig . 1 ) , were totaled and compared statistically . This experimental set consists of ten 1 8 0 m inute (three hour) trial s .

i ·-· "· · · ·····--·- . .... . ...... - . .. ...... -.,. .. . . . ... ...... ......... . . .. J

Table 9 . Control Experiment s . Activity of D . merriami Males

Experimental Set Seven a Domain 1

2 3 4 5

Experimental Set Seven b area A

B c D E

Rano-e Q.

5 . 0 - 1 0 1 . 6 2 . 0 -· 1 2 1 . 0 1 . 0 - 58 . 0 3 . 0 - 87 . 0 2 . 0 - 65 . 0

3 . 0 - 8 7 . 0 1 . 0 - 121 . 0 2 . 0 - 101 . 0

14 . 0 - 65 . 0 2 . 0 - 65 . 0


Mean with Standard Standard Error Deviation


39 . 000 + 9 . 433 29 . 829 33 . 000 + 1 1 . 02 1 34 . 85 1 35 . 400 + 6 . 8 64 2 1 . 70 6


40 . 300 + 9 . 7 1 6 40 . 300 -

3 1. 500+ 6 . 766 2 1 . 397

3 4 AOO + 9 . 840 3 1 . 1 17 37 . 900 + 1 1 . 5 46 36 . 5 1 3 3 4 . 600 + 9 . 229 3 4 . 600


4 1 . 600 + 5 . 989 18 . 9 40 3 1 . 500 + 6 .7 66 2 1 . 397


- - ---� •'<·-�.-��---� -�- - · �·--- · -·-· --� .... ____ •. -�-- -- ·· · j

Table 10 . Control experiment . Statistical analysis of the activity of D . merriami males . See explanation in legend for table 4 . P = 0 . 0 5 . D . F . = 1 8 .

i I

Table 1.0 . Control Experiments . Statistical Analysis of the Activity of D . merriami Males - -----

Experimental Set Seven a

Test ' Test Between Between Domains t - statistic Significance Areas t -statistic Sig-nificance

1 and 2 0 . 3585 p { . 1 A and B -0 . 23)7 P ( . 1 1 and 3 0 . 3086 p ( . 1 A and C -0 . 0148 P < . 1 1 and 4 -0 . 0960 p < . 1 A and D - 0 . 6250 p ( . 1 1 and 5 0 . 6461 P < . 1 A and E 0 . 2428 P < . 1 2 and 3 -0 . 1232 p ( . 1 B and C 0 . 2232 p < . 1 2 and 4 -0 . 4424 p < . 1 B and D -0 . 2845 P < . 1 2 and 5 0 . 1778 p { . 1 B and E 0 . 4782 p ( . 1 3 and 4 -0 . 4 1 19 p < . 1 C and D -0 . 6352 p < . 1 3 and 5 0 . 4046 P < . 1 C and E 0 . 2709 P < . 1 4 and 5 0 . 7 432 p < . 1 D and E 1 . 1 177 P < . l



Table 1 1 . Analytical results of thin -layer chromatography of the l ipids of D. E_lerriami and D_. panamintinu s . At least ten spots were made of ead1 sample collected . Samples from the dorsal skin gland were pooled, ten animals in ,each sample . Cholesterol esters were pn�pared from samples from one male of ecch species . MF = major fraction, T = trace, 0 = not detected .

Table 1 1 . Analytical Results of Thin -layer Chromatography

Dorsal Skin Gland

Back Less Gland

Whole Back

Dm d' D� Dm d" DJ2 cl' Dm d' Dm9- Dp o" Dp � Cholesterol MF MF MF MF MF MF MF MF Fatty Acids T T . T T T T T T Triglycericles T T T T T T T T Wax Esters T T T T T T T T Cholesterol Esters MF MF MF MF MF MF MF MF

cholesterol palmitate MF MF cholesterol sterate 0 0 cholesterol acetate 0 0

Sgualene 0 0 0 0 0 0



Figure 1 . Experimental apparatus . After modification to fit into shed . Five areas of apparatus are designated A, B , C , D and E . At eight locations in the floor indicated by "x" are the treadles suspended over mocroswitches . End -compartments are designated a , b and c . The nozzle at the entrance = 1 ; the nozzle to the center of the apparatus == 2 .


. . · ; ...

:,. ·· .

.. ... � -

. . - � " ('� _:'. ·.- r

.. � , . ...


Figure 2 . Thin-layer chromatography of lipids . Separation pe:rformed on silica gel G . Solvents : hexane; benzene ; hexane, eth er ; acetic acid (70 : 30 : 1) . Permanent laboratory records were made by xeroxing the charred plates . A tracing of the xerox copy was photographed to produce this record . C = cholesterol S = s qualene, CP = cholesterol palmitate, CTYP = cetyle palmitate , T = triglyceride .

Top . --Lipids from the back of D . merriami fem�le (Dm �) and D . panare�ntiws fcmale (Dp <_f.) .

Bottom . - Lipids from the back of D . _!P�rriami male (Dm if} and D. panamintinus male (Dp if) .

rl , .. , ,-, ,, " "' ,,.., ,, ... ., , ... , \.- , ... ,_, ( ... , '"

'" .. _,

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l ... , , .... .....

'" , .. .. _, 1..) ,- , ... ... _, \ .,.'

2. 7 ApR 7/ l-In BEN 70 :30 : 1

t') {l ... -, . ( .... .. ) , __ ,

-.,. ... _, "�' \. ) I I ,_,. � -· ,-, r -, , - , , -.. - � , - , , .. , , .... , , , .... �\ (_ ) ', )\ _ _,, _ .... , _ ) ',_.


�-"' " - " - ' ... _, \ . ..'

S C P CYTP �Dp / 2 4

-- - - - -- -.... --, � -... - -.. , - -,,- ..._ ,-, ,- ) _ , '"' � .... , ... __ _ _ .,� ... _, ,.,. __ , ... _,) ,_.,, ... _ , , __ , \_,, - ' ... � 1 ,_, '- """

c s


') , .... , , ..... , , .. \ ,-

. , ... , ... -, ,--

, , ..

, , ... , \. ' I ( J \ , I ) \ 1_1 , _ 1 \_1 \ _ _,

- .... . ,.... .... ... ... ..,_ /

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2.13ApR7 1 l H�� I

,. -. I I ........


;>o : �0 : 1

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Figure 3 . Parasagittal section of the dorsal gland of D . merriami male, showing tra.ns ition f:com groups of hair follicles in unmodified skin to enlarged ho locrine sebaceous glands in the dorsal gland area . The gla_ncl shown is typ ical of the active gland in both species . Sudan black B . Dm d" 9 4 . 15_;.& X 2 4 .

5 0

Figure 4 . Tangential section of dorsal gland of D . panamintinus male, showing holocJine papi lla . Hematoxylin and eos in . Dp c:f' 82 . 7,.,. X 2 1 6 .


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