sap businessobjects web intelligence 4.1_ calculation engine changes

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  • 8/18/2019 SAP BusinessObjects Web Intelligence 4.1_ Calculation Engine Changes


  • 8/18/2019 SAP BusinessObjects Web Intelligence 4.1_ Calculation Engine Changes


     Aggregation of Merged Data from Business Warehou se (BW)

    Merged dimensions combined with dimension objects

    Custom sorts on merged objects

    Data Ranking

    “Ranked by” option using a dimension which is not in the table

    Ranking data by a dimension, in sections

    Other Functions and Calculation Changes

    Previous() in a cross-table no longer returns values for the first column.

    Measures will ignore incompatible dimensions

    "If" expressions return the same values for formulas and variables referencing formulas

    UNV vs. UNX Count projection function

     Automatic formula rewrite mechanism

     Automatic formul a rewrite mechanism rul es


    IntroductionThe calculation engine for Web Intelligence was updated for Business Objects XI 3.0 and 3.1 to include several corrections

    and improvements. These changes are present in the 4.1 releases.

    This document describes these changes and the way they might affect the calculation results in Web Intelligence documents.


    Where() Operator 

    "Where" operator works on measures

    Prior to XI 3.0, the "Where" operator accurately supported conditions on dimensions or detail objects only. Conditions on

    measures were possible, but did not always return accurate results.

    Web Intelligence XI 3.0 fully supports the usage of measures in "Where" conditions.

    More details can be found in the documentation.


    “Where” operator on measure with a condition on a formula based ona dimension

    Previously, dimensions were incorrectly added to the dimensional context of the condition. Now dimensions are only used fo

    the conditional evaluation.

    =[Revenue] Where ( DataProviderType(DataProvider([Quarter])) = "Universe";))

     when used in a table with [Quarter], the result of the formula with the condtion was processed without [quarter] in the table

    (same value replicated for each different quarter).

     Document migration:

    User can aggregate on the related dimension in the context of the measure (=[Revenue] ForAll([Quarter]) Where (

    DataProviderType(DataProvider([Quarter])) = "Universe";))

     From BI 4.1 SP03, to ensure that you receive results for this formula that correspond to the previous document versions, the

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    system automatically rewrites the formula using an ad-hoc parameter with the “where” operator to specify the dimension to

    take into consideration ((=[Revenue] Where ( DataProviderType(DataProvider([Quarter])) = "Universe";([Quarter]))).

     This functionality is available as of BI 4.1 SP03 for documents created using the following versions:

     XIR2 all releases

    XI3.0 all releases

    XI3.1 SP01 RTM and All FPs

    XI3.1 SP02 RTM and All FPsXI3.1 SP03 RTM

    XI3.1 SP04 RTM

    XI3.1 SP05 RTM

    BI4.0 SP01 RTM and All Patches

    BI4.0 SP02 RTM and All Patches

    BI4.0 SP03 RTM and All Patches

    BI4.0 SP04 RTM and All Patches

     For more details, refer to the Automatic Formula Rewrite section, below.

     Interaction between a context modifier on a measure aggregation andthe “Where” operator 

    Dimensions were incorrectly added as dimensional contexts into the list of dimensions for the context modifiers that have

    been applied to a measure. This problem happened when "where" operators that used conditions on dimensions were used

    on expressions that used measures and context modifiers.


    AggregationFct( [measure] forall([dim1]) ) where ( condition on [dim2])

    Was processed as: AggregationFct( [measure] forall([dim1];[dim2]) ) where ( condition on [dim2])

    Is now processed as: AggregationFct( [measure] forall([dim1]) ) where ( condition on [dim2])

    Interaction between a context modifier on a dimension and the“Where” operator 

    For a “where” operator with a condition on a dimension applied to an expression on a dimension with context modifier, the

    dimension of the condition was incorrectly added to the context modifier.


    [dim 1] in ([dim 2]) where( condition on [dim1]) was

    Interpreted before as: [dim 1] in ([dim 2],[dim1) where( condition on [dim1]) and isInterpreted now as: [dim 1] in ([dim 2]) where( condition on [dim1])


    To get the previous behavior, swap the “where” operator and the context modifier. Example: [dim 1] where( condition on

    [dim1] ) in ([dim 2]).


    “Where” operator is incorrectly applied when outside of anaggregation expression

    For a “where” operator with a condition on a dimension outside an aggregation function, the “where” condition was incorrectly

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    applied before the aggregation calculation. The condition is now applied after the aggregation with the respect to calculation

    accordingly of the parenthesis.


    AggregationFct ([meas ure]) Where([dim] ..).

    Before, where([dim]) was applied on measure before “agregationFct”.

    Now, “aggregationFct” is applied on [measure] and the “Where” is applied after.

    Migration:To get the previous behavior, move the “Where” expression inside the parenthesis. Example: AggregationFct ([measure]




    NoFilter() function and “In Break” context modifier 

    When using the NoFilter() function, the filters would be applied when they were not supposed to, if an "In Break"parameter was used. This problem has been fixed and the filters are now ignored, as expected. 

    Using filters on object details with multiple valuesDetails can have multiple values. When displayed in a table together with the dimension object which they depend

    on, they could show #MULTIVALUE (when there are multiple detail values for a single dimension value), unless the

    “Avoid duplicate row aggregation” table setting has been checked.

    Filtering on details with multiple values would not select the individual values on rows where they show as

    #MULTIVALUE. To work around this issue, it was then necessary to check the “Avoid duplicate row aggregation”

    table setting.

    This problem has been fixed: when a filter is applied to an object detail where it shows as #MULTIVALUE, this wil

    correctly select the actual value. Example: We have an object [Range]  with a detail [Detail]  which has multiple values:

    We set a filter on [Detail] to select the values “220” (which is part of the #MULTIVALUE) and “350”.

    Before the fix: Error:  the “220” [Detail] value does not  show in the table, although it has been selected in the filter:

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     After the fix:The “220” [Detail] value will correctly show in the table, even when the “Avoid duplicate row

    aggregation” setting is unchecked:

    Versions where this behavior has changed:

    XI 3.1 since SP7 patch 3

    4.1 since SP4 patch 10, SP5 patch 6, SP6 patch 1 and SP7


    Running Calculations

    Running calculations will not reset

     After 4.1 SP03, the runnin g calculations wil l not automatically reset for each n ew section value. As a result, the calculation for

    the first cell of a block for a particular section value instance is based on the last cell value of the block from the previous

    section instance.

    Before 4.1 SP03, the running calculation was reset for each new section value. In the example below, the running sum for 2005 (cell in bold) is independent from the running sum for 2004.


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      After 4.1 SP03, the runnin g calculation for the current section value is based on the calculation from the previous section. In

    the example below the running sum for 2005(cell in bold) is based on the running sum for 2004.



    To keep the original behavior, specify a list of dimensions as a reset parameter (3rd parameter of the function


    =RunningSum([Sales Revenue];([State])).

     From 4.1 SP03, to ensure that you receive results for this formula that correspond to the previous document version, the

    system automatically rewrites this formula accordingly (using the keyword "section" as 2nd operand of the running

    calculation). This function is available only for documents created before XI 2 SP 05.9 versions. For more details, refer to the

    following section "Automatic formula rewrite" .

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    Data order in running calculations

     A run ning calculation was not respecting the order of the data but the default order of the result set. The running calculation

    now takes into account the graphically displayed order of the data (table or chart).

    Running calculations in cross tables and reset context

    By default “Running Sum” is evaluated in a cross-table following a row direction (from left to right row by row).

    With XI.x version, when adding a dimension as reset context (3rd parameter), the “running sum” was improperly evaluated on

    column based direction (from the top to the bottom column after column).

    Now, in this case it is processed following a row direction.

     Example: =RunningSum([Sales revenue];([State])),

     Previously: column direction (wrong) processing:

     New behavior: row direction processing:

    Migration: to get the previou s result (processing by column) with a new version (BI 4.1 SP03), the user can use the value

    COL as 2nd parameter.

     From BI 4.1 SP03.3, to ensure that you receive results for this formula that correspond to the previous documentversions, the system automatically rewrites the formula using an ad-hoc parameter FORCE_COLwith the

    “RunningSum” function to force the process order to column in ther body of the cross-table.

     This functionality is available as of BI 4.1 SP03.3 for documents created using the following versions:

     All XI 3.X versions,

    BI 4.0 patch 2.20, 2.21

    BI 4.0 SP5 and all patches

    BI 4.0 SP06 and patches 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4

    BI 4.0 SP07

    BI 4.1

    BI 4.1 SP1 and patch 1.1

     For more details, refer to the section on Automatic Formula Rewrite, below.

    Running sums with reset in cross table footers

    In cross-table footers, the RunningSum() function will sum up the values of its measure

    per row if it is in the row footer 

    per column if it is in the column footer 


    In the following table, we have a running sum of the measure used in the body, in the column and row footers:

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    If this running sum has a reset dimension on one of the cross-table axis, then it will reset its value at the end of this

    axis. On the other axis, the reset dimension will be ignored. For example, in the footer of each row, if the reset

    dimension is [Year]:

    Similarly, with [Quarter], in the footer of each column:

    In previous versions, the running sum in the footer of the other   axis would give unpredictable results. Typically, with

    a reset on [Year] in both the row and column footers, the result in the column footers would be meaningless:

    Versions where this wrong behavior has been corrected:

    XI 3.1 since SP6

    4.0 since SP4



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    Date Functions

    LastDayOfWeek() uses Monday as first day of week

    To respect the ISO 8601 standard, and to be consistent with the DayNumberOfWeek() function, the LastDayOfWeek() function

    now considers Monday as the first day of the week instead of Sunday.


    XI R2: LastDayOfWeek(todate(“05/11/2005”;”MM/dd/yyyy”)) returns 14 May 2005 (Saturday),XI 3.1: LastDayOfWeek(todate(“05/11/2005”;”MM/dd/yyyy”)) returns 15 May 2005 (Sunday).


    To keep the original behavior, use the RelativeDate() function:

    RelativeDate(LastDayOfWeek(todate(“05/11/2005”;”MM/dd/yyyy”)),-1) returns 14 May 2005 (Saturday).

    Wrong time zone for formula with “CurrentDate” and a date field

    The time zone of the server was applied to the “CurrentDate” evaluation (instead of UTC) when used with another date field

    in a formula. It is now evaluated in the UTC time zone.

     “Week” function

    The function “Week” was returning an incorrect number for when the last day of a leap year is a Monday. (This situation

    occurs every 28 years).

    Before update: Week # of Monday December the 31th of 2012 = 53

     After update: Week # of Monday Decembe r the 31th of 20 12 = 1


    “MonthsBetween” function

     A set of days over two months w as considered a month if the starting day # < ending day #  of ending date. This was not

    working for months ending with day 30 (29/28) compared to a month ending with day 31.

    (4.1 SP1 to come) A set of days over two months is now considered a month if the starting day # ending day # .

    Before fix: MonthsBetween(31/03/2008 , 30/04/2008) = 0

     After fix: MonthsBetween(31/03/2008 , 30/04/2008) = 1

    Merged Objects

    Aggregation functions return correct values for original dimensionsinside merged dimensions

    Prior to XI R2 SP06, Web Intelligence did not return a correct result in the body of a table when aggregating an original

    dimension that participates in a merged dimension. (Note that the result is correct when the related dimension is in the table

    or in a free standing cell).

    In the example below, depending on the query , the number of resorts is different. When asked for a count of the resorts from

    query 1 or 2, Web Intelligence returns the total number of resorts for the merged object instead of the individual object.

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     After SP03, the system returns the correct count for the queried objects.


    Aggregation functions can process individual objects inside a mergedobject

    The aggregation function (e.g: Count, Min, Max) applied to an object [A] participating in a merged object, was processed on

    the value set of the merged object instead of the given object [A]. It is now processed on the original object [A] value set.

    Document migration:

    To get the previous behavior, you can replace the original object by the merged object.

     From BI 4.1 SP03 (patch2 or upper required), to ensure that you receive results for this formula that correspond to the

    previous version, the system automatically rewrites the formula using an ad-hoc function “useMerged” with the aggregation

    expression as a parameter to force the use of the merged dimension. This is available on request on BI 4.1 SP03 for reports

    created with earlier version of XI 3.1 SP03.2. For more details, refer to the following section:Automatic formula rewrite.

     Aggregation on a variable based on individual objects inside a mergedobject

     An aggregation on a variabl e object whose formula is based on an object [A] that is participating in a merged object, w as

    processed based on the merged object instead of the given object [A]. The aggregation is now processed according to the

    given object [A].


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    To get the previous behavior, replace the original object with the merged object.

    Aggregation in free cells of an object participating to a merged object,combined with the Where() operator 

     In free cells, the aggregation function (e.g.: Count, Min, Max) applied to an object [A] participating to a merged object was

    processed on the value set of the merged object instead of the given object [A], when the context of this aggregation was

    modified by the Where() operator.

     Workflow example:

    1. We have a first query “Query1” giving a single value for the [Year] dimension and a second query giving two other 

    values for the same dimension.

    2. When in a table, the formula =Count([Query1].[Year]) Where([Query1].[Quarter]=”Q1”) would return 1, which is the

    correct result.

    3. When in a free cell, the same formula would return 3, which is the result of the merged [Year] dimension (the single

    value from Query1 + the two values from the second query).


    This behavior was found in WebI XI 3.1 SP1 and was corrected in XI 3.1 SP2. 

     A reg ression was found in the fol lowi ng versions, when the “Extend merged dimension values” document setting was


    XI 3.1 SP5 FP5.6

    XI 3.1 SP6 FP6.3 to FP6.5

    XI 3.1 SP7

    This regression was corrected on the same branches, in later patches.

     To get the previous behavior, replace the object with the merged object.


    Aggregation of Merged Data from Business Warehouse (BW) Data fetched from a BW data source have a unique key allowing data with similar values to be treated as different.

     In earlier versions of WebI 4.0, this key was wrongly managed when the data was merged, resulting in spurious

    rows when in a table, such as in the example below.

     Example with [Region] as the merged dimension:

    Since WebI 4.0 SP5 patch 5, this issue has been corrected. The keys are correctly managed and the above table

    will show the properly aggregated data with no additional rows:

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    Versions where this issue has been fixed:

    4.0 SP5 patch 5

    4.0 since SP6

    4.1 since RTM


    Merged dimensions combined with dimension objects

    When using in the same table a merged dimension and an object participating to that merged dimension, Web

    intelligence 4.0 will perform an intersection of the values coming from the merged dimension and the values coming

    from the participating object.

    Example: We have two queries, each of them returning a year dimension, which are merged together:

    When using the merged year with the year from the 1st query, the intersection of the two objects results in the

    values 2004 and 2005, while with the year from the 2nd query, the intersection of the two objects results in the

    values 2005 and 2006:

    In version 4.1, this behavior has been modified and Web Intelligence will perform a union instead of an intersection

    of the values. This new behavior has been implemented to comply with the general behavior of Web Intelligence

    regarding the use of merged dimensions, where the merged dimension always take precedence over any object

    participating to that merge, thus showing all values from the merged object.

    This new behavior results in the same list of values whatever the query where the object comes from. For instance,

    in the above example, this will result in the values 2004, 2005 and 2006 whether the year object comes from the

    1st or the 2nd query:

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    Versions where this behavior has changed:XI 3.1 since SP4 patch 3, SP5 patch 3 and SP6

    4.0 since SP5 patch 15, SP6 patch 10, SP7 patch 6, SP8 patch 1 and SP9

    4.1 since SP1 patch 5, SP2 patch 1 and SP3


    Custom sorts on merged objects

    When defining a custom sort on an object, this custom sort is propagated to all instances of that object in the Web

    Intelligence document. This is not the case with simple ascending or descending sorts, which only apply to the

    block where they are selected.

     When merging custom sorted objects, their custom sorts are disabled. The reason is that objects participating to a

    merge all share the same list of values, which could therefore result in conflicting custom sorts. The custom sorts

    are automatically re-enabled when the object is unmerged.

     Note that it is still possible to define a custom sort on a merged object. This custom sort will apply to all objects

    participating to the merge.


    1) Before merge, [Query 1].[City] has a custom sort showing Chicago before Boston:

    2) After [Query 1].[City] and [Query 2].[City] have been merged, the custom sort on [Query 1].[City] is disabled and

    does not show either on the merged object:

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    In some Web Intelligence versions, the custom sorts are not disabled when objects are merged. Instead, the custom

    sort of the first selected object is applied to the merged object as well as to all participating objects. Because of the

    impact on migrated documents, this wrong behavior has been corrected.

    Versions where the wrong behavior can be found:

    4.1 SP5 up to patch 12, SP6 up to patch 6 and SP7 up to patch 2

    Versions where the correct behavior can be found:

    XI 3.1


    4.1 up to SP4, SP5 since patch 13, SP6 since patch 7, SP7 since patch 3 and since SP8


    Data Ranking 

    “Ranked by” option using a dimension which is not in the table

     Up until 4.0 SP07, a dimension used in the “Ranked by” option of the Ranking functionality is always taken into account, even

    when this dimension is not part of the table where the ranking is applied.

     Example: Ranking the top 2 [Quantity sold] by [Store name]:

      Year State Store name Quantity sold

    2005 New York e-Fashion New York Magnolia   9,990

    2006 New York e-Fashion New York Magnolia   11,651

    2005 California e-Fashion Los Angeles   9,792

    2006 California e-Fashion Los Angeles   9,869

     Behavior until 4.0 SP07: if [Store name] is not part of the table, this will not modify the ranking:

      Year State Quantity sold

    2005 New York 9,990

    2006 New York 11,651

    2005 California 9,792

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    2006 California 9,869

     Starting from 4.0 SP07, if [Store name] is not part of the table, then the “Ranked by” option is ignored and we therefore get a

    different ranking. Note that, in this particular case, the aggregated measures are not sorted ([Quantity sold]):

      Year State Quantity sold

    2006 California   17,769

    2006 New York   19,109


    This behavior change can be found into the following versions:

     In BI 4.0:

    SP07, since Patch 7

    SP08, since Patch 3

    SP09, since Patch 1

    SP10 and all patches

    In BI 4.1:

    SP03, up to Patch 6SP04, up to Patch 3


     Starting from 4.1 SP03 Patch 7, 4.1 SP04 Patch 4 and 4.1 SP05 Patch 1, we are reverting to the original behavior (prior to

    version 4.0 SP07), i.e.: whether or not the dimension used in the "Ranked-by" option is part of the table, this will modify the

    ranking of the table.

    Ranking data by a dimension, in sections

    In Web Intelligence 4.0 prior to SP11, ranked measures were not properly sorted when the data was within a section and

    ranked by a dimension.

     For example: top 3 [Sales revenue] ranked by [State] in the [Year] section:

    When a measure is ranked by a dimension, the sort expression is: =[M] in ([D]), where [M] is the measure and [D] is the

    dimension it is ranked by.

     If in addition the data is within a (sub-)section, then the sort expression becomes: =[M] in ([D], section1; section2, …etc.),

    where section1, section2, etc. are the expressions of the sections containing the data block. This is the sort expression which

    has been fixed and which now gives a correct behavior:

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    The behavior modification can be found into the following versions:

    In BI 4.0, starting from SP11

    In BI 4.1, since SP03 Patch 9, SP04 Patch 7, SP05 Patch 2 and later 

    Note that there is no behavior modification when there is no ranked by dimension defined for the ranking.


    Other Functions and Calculation ChangesPrevious() in a cross-table no longer returns values for the firstcolumn.

    In prior versions, the Previous() function carried the last value in a row over to the first value of the next row in a cross-table.

    This behavior was confusing because there was often no link between the last column of one row and the first column of the


    In the following example, using XI 3.0, the first column in the second row returns the last column in the first row, even though

    there is no link between France and US.

     In XI 3.1, Web Intelligence no longer returns a previous revenue for US in 2004 (since there is none available for that report).

    This change is also applicable when you use Previous with the COL keyword. In this case the last value in a column is not

    carried over as the first value of the next column.

     Measures will ignore incompatible dimensions

    Prior to XI R2 SP03, a measure in a table returned an empty value when the table contained an invalid dimension present in

    the section header.

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    In the example below, Year and Country are incompatible:


     After XI R2 SP03, Web Intelligence returns the measure value calculated u sing the compatible dimensions. In the example

    below, Revenue is calculated by Country:


    "If" expressions return the same values for formulas and variablesreferencing formulas

    The sum of a formula containing an "If" expression will now return the same result as a variable referring to an

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    identical formula.

     As shown in the following table, in XI R2, the s um for the formula if([Year]=”2002”;1;0) returns the sum of the visiblevalues, whereas the sum of the variable referring to the same formula (MyVarIf) returns the sum of the multipleoccurrences of the underlying data (which are hidden).

     If you deselect the “Avoid duplicate row aggregation” option, you can see the duplicated data. 

    In XI R3 and subsequent releases, the system returns the same result for the variable and the formula.


    UNV vs. UNX Count projection function

    When creating a universe in Information Design Tool (IDT) or Universe Design Tool (UDT), each measure object canhave its own projection function. The projection function is the default aggregation used by the Web Intelligencecalculation engine when consuming a measure in a block. The projection function can be a sum (by default), acount, a min, a max, or it can be delegated to the data source. The projection function can also be set to “none”, in

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    which case the Web Intelligence calculation engine will process the measure as a dimension (aggregation byidentical values).

    The “Count” projection function counts the occurrences of each unique value in the list of values of a measure. But i

    is processed differently in the Web Intelligence calculation engine, depending on whether the measure comes from a

    UNV or a UNX universe:

    If the measure comes from a UNV universe, the count aggregation will not take into account the empty values

    of that measure

    If the measure comes from a UNX universe, the count aggregation will take into account its empty values

     As a result, if a UNV universe is exported as a UNX universe, a Web Intelligence document built with that universe

    as a data source might show different results before and after the export operation, if one of its measure objects is

    using a count projection function.

    In a future version of Web Intelligence and IDT, it will be possible to choose between the two count projection

    functions: count with or without empty values.

     Versions where this behavior is observed:

    Since 4.0 (when UNX universes were released for the first time)

    Automatic formula rewrite mechanism Web Intelligence provides an Automatic Formula Rewrite mechanism that automatically modifies a selection of formulas (see

    list below) in a document. The formulas that follow a certain pattern are modified when you open a document migrated from a

    previous version (see above for a list of the applicable versions). After modification the formula returns the same result than

    before the calculation change.

     We then recommend that you save the document so that the modifications are stored in the document, thus completing the

    formula rewrite mechanism.

     The Automatic Formula Rewrite mechanism is available by default for documents migrated to BI 4.1 SP03 for the following

    formula pattern:

    “where with dim as parameter in condition”

    “running calculation reset on section”

    BI 4.1 SP03 (patch2 required)

    “merged object in aggregation function”

    BI 4.1SP03 patch3:

    “running calculation in column”

     The releases that apply for this solution are specified above in the sections.

     Automatic formula rewrite mechanism rules

    The rules to automatically modify the formulas are stored in an XML file called "Formula_migration_rules.xml", located in

    the [installation directory]\[SAP BusinessObjects Version]\[OS]_[PLATEFORM]\config folder.

     For example, on Microsoft Windows:

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      Web Intelligen ce server: (64bits): C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI


      Web Intelligen ce Rich Client (32 bits): C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\SAP BusinessObjects

    Enterprise XI4.0\win32_x86\config


    Modifying this file may have an unexpected impact on all of your Web Intelligence documents. In particular if you enable

    the "force" attribute, the formulas in your documents may be rewritten and introduce behaviors and results that you didnot expect.

     You should never use the "force" attribute for all of your documents. Use it only for specific documents. In order to do

    this you should enable the "force" attribute, open the document, save it and then disable the "force" attribute

    immediately afterwards.

     Note: If you modify the XML file, then you need to restart the server or the application to apply the changes.

     The XML file has the following content:


























    enable=“true” means that the rule is applied, depending on the document version.

    force="true" means that the rule is applied, regardless of the document version.