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SAP PS Interview Questions And Answers Guide. Global Guideline.

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SAP PS Interview Questions AndAnswers Guide.

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SAP PS Interview Questions And Answers

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SAP PS Job Interview Preparation Guide.

Question # 1What are settlement rules?

Answer:-Settlement rules are nothing but settling the account for a cost center.Which WBS are account assigned the cost of corresponding WBS should be settled to the respective cost center assigned for that WBS.Settlement rule is assigned in settlement profile in which you will define (like assect)the rules of settlement.Read More Answers.

Question # 2What is Easy Cost Planning?

Answer:-It is another function for planning costs at WBS elements level. It uses the existing Controlling, purchasing or MM data in the form of costing items. Also you can have predefined costing models to simplify repeated entries.Read More Answers.

Question # 3How LSMW and BAPI works?

Answer:-LSMW is an encapsulated data transfer tool. It can providethe same functionality as BDC infact much more but whencoming to techinical perspective most the parameters areencapulated. To listout some of the differences :LSMW is basicaly designed for a fuctional consultant who donot do much coding but need to explore the fuctionalitywhile BDC is designed for a technical consultant.LSMW offers different techinque for migrating data: Directinput ,BAPI,Idoc,Batch input recording. While bdc basicallyuses recording.LSMW mapping is done by SAP while in BDC we have to do itexplicitly .LSMW is basically for standard SAP application while bdcbasically for customized application.Read More Answers.

Question # 4What do you understand by Project?

Answer:-A project is a system which involves 1. project, sub-project, activities & tasks. It will have the good integration with the other modules like MM, Fi/co, & PM modules.Read More Answers.

Question # 5What mean by valuated stock,non valuated stock?

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SAP PS Interview Questions And Answers

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Which cotagiri you are using in po&pr?

Answer:-In Valuated stock every material in stock is managed on aboth a quantity basis and a value basis. The monetary valueof each quantity of material is calculated separately. whilenon valuated material is maintained as per quantity and noton the basis of its value.Read More Answers.

Question # 6How to calculate WIP in PS for all wbs pertaining to that particular project? Any specific T code in ECC 6.0?

Answer:-KKA2 for calculating result Analysis; KKAJ - for calculating WIPRead More Answers.

Question # 7How can PS be linked to COPA? How will the settlement take place in this case (when PS is linked to Controlling through COPA)?

Answer:-Settlement will take place via profitability segmenet . Level 1 WBS should have settlement rule define to be settled to PSG and level 2 WBS should be settled to superior one WBS element .The main one level 1 WBS/ Project will be settled to PSG , and variance will be posted to COPA .Read More Answers.

Question # 8My SAP system will be implemented in May 2008, how do i put past cost/ hours for a project which has started in january?

Answer:-Post the cost incurred from Jan-May via JV (From SAP-FI) directly on WBS.Read More Answers.

Question # 9Explain the "Process how do we convert businessinto sap"?

Answer:-By ASAP Methodology:It has following 5 phases:1. As is to be Study Phase: Means study the process of the company which they are using. Or we can say analysis the business process of company.2. Blueprint phase: In this we have to prepare the flow diagram of the above data which we have collected in first point. Or we can say documentation of the datawhich we have collected from to be study phase.3. Realization Phase: Implementing the collected data in SAP system.4. Final Preparation Phase: In this phase testing has been done on arbitrary data and on actual data. And there are three type of testing is there:a. Unit Testing: Individual Module Testing.b. Integration Testing: Whether every module is communicating with each other or not and finallyc. User Acceptance Test: End User is satisfied by the system or not.5. Go Live and Post Implementation Support: Live usage of system or in Production.Read More Answers.

Question # 10What is Project Management?

Answer:-Project Management is nothing but a Organizing and planning and scheduling software Project-Delevered on time-Software neededNeede for Project Management is,-Project Planning-project Scheduling -Project Costing-Monitoring Reviews-Report Writing and PresentationManually it is Documented and Automated it is Microsoft Project Planner(MPP)Read More Answers.

Question # 11

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SAP PS Interview Questions And Answers

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Explain What is unit costing?

Answer:-Unit costing is a means of recording all the costs - directand indirect - associated with the delivery of services.Total cost of service provision divided by the total amountof service providedRead More Answers.

Question # 12What is Project planning board?

Answer:-Project planning board is a tool within PS that allows you to plan the entire project structure, capacity, resources, dates.Read More Answers.

Question # 13What is Gantt chart?

Answer:-It is a graphical representaion which helps in Scheduling the Project. It can be referred to as a Dash Board which gives details of the Project in terms Budgeting, Actual Costs, Planned Work and Actual Work, Remaining Work, % of Completion. Project Manager can also use this for restricting the activities in terms of SS,FS,SF conditions datewise.Read More Answers.

Question # 14What is relationship in SAP PS?

Answer:-Relationship basically denotes how activities in a networkorder are related to each other.They can be classified into 4 categories - SS (Start-Start), SF(Start-Finish), FF (Finish-Finish), FS (Finish - Start).For 2 activities say A and BSS -->> Both A and B start togetherSF -->> Start of A coincides with finish of B and so on.We can also specify the time gap between which these relationships work. Say in an SS relationship, there can be a 10 minutes gap between start of A and B and so on.Read More Answers.

Question # 15What is milestone triggering?

Answer:-Whenever the confimation of activities done and if the milestne is attached with that particular activity the milstone trigerrs the milstone as per the configuration done and it will do the nilling through SD moduleRead More Answers.

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Management Most Popular Interview Topics.

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2 : Peoplesoft Frequently Asked Interview Questions and Answers Guide.

3 : Project Manager Frequently Asked Interview Questions and Answers Guide.

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5 : Operations Management Frequently Asked Interview Questions and Answers Guide.

6 : SAP Security Frequently Asked Interview Questions and Answers Guide.

7 : SAP ALE IDocs Frequently Asked Interview Questions and Answers Guide.

8 : SAP MM Frequently Asked Interview Questions and Answers Guide.

9 : SAP SD Frequently Asked Interview Questions and Answers Guide.

10 : SAP PP Frequently Asked Interview Questions and Answers Guide.

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* This PDF was generated from at October 14th, 2015

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