saturn report for sahara

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  • 7/28/2019 Saturn Report for Sahara


    If you are between the ages of 28 and 30 or 56 and 60, the planetSaturnreturns to the spot it occupied

    when you were born. This time is known as your Saturn Return and the changes it brings can be both

    monumental and fundamental. In other words, cosmic taskmaster, Saturn, forces us to assess ourselves in

    the harsh light of day as it makes its way to the place of our birth. Sounds tough, but when this period is

    over, most of us find we are closer to our more authentic selves, and ready for the burgeoning new chapter.

    Promoting growth

    Despite its harsh reputation as bringer of all things bad, Saturn is really just the instigator of change.

    Unfortunately, change often brings with it unpleasant experiences, namely the frustration and pain which are

    known to accompany the period surrounding Saturn Return. In this case, we must recognize that these

    negativeemotionsarent our actual problems, but rather the symptoms of our problems, pointing whats

    actually in need of changing. Like a sore throat preceding a cold or the flu, the upheaval that Saturn wreaks

    is there not to torture us, but to enlighten us. Whatever is actually causing our bad feelings must be dealtwith to make room for a better, healthier self.

    Letting go

    To make the most of your Saturn Return, dont wallow in the emotional insanity it often brings. Try to

    recognize the patterns and ways of being that are highlighted, so you can let them go. Theres no doubt that

    this can (and mostly likely will) be difficult since old habits die hard, and during this time, youre bound to

    want to hurry up and transition already! But you wont find this possible, until all the problems have been

    brought to light and sorted through. Remember, Saturn is the ruling planet of goals, and the main purpose of

    both, and if youre lucky, all three. Your Saturn Return reveals what you truly want for the next phase of your

    life and to remove any impediments from getting it.

    Taking responsibility

    On that note, the most important, universal lesson of all Saturn Returns offers is the importance oftaking

    responsibility for your own life. For the actions you have taken that have created your circumstances and

    your ability to change them going forward. Once youve faced the fire that this transition brings, youll likely

    find the stress lessens. Then youll realize that you feel much more capable than ever before and

    comfortable in your newly transformed skin.

    Saturn is a sign of structure both construction and destruction of structure. Since Libra represents the

    balance, or scales, this can be seen as a collapsing of structures in order to re-assemble them. A smashing

    of the current world order, only to pick up the pieces and rebuild them.

    When Saturn entered Libra, in 1982, we were treated to one of the worst recessions of the 20th century.

    What do we have to look forward to this time? Signs point to an increasing destabilization of the world, andworld economy; a smashing of the old to make way for the new.

    In short, Saturns sojourn in Libra marks the final push before2012, and accompanying destruction of the

    old order. Hold on to something tight.
  • 7/28/2019 Saturn Report for Sahara


    The End of an Era

    AsSaturn in Librainches towards a close, lessons crystallize. What does the ringed one have in store for

    you this month? Read on to find out!


    Relationships have been the Libran Saturns focus in your life. So it follows that in these waning days of the

    transit, youll find yourself clearer than ever about what it is that you need in (and bring to) close

    relationships. Keep it simple.


    Health and well-beingare at the fore as this transit drives to a close. Its not until October that Saturns

    transition to Scorpio completes, and in that time, youre being asked to complete your mastery of efficiency

    from the inside out!


    Your creativity has been brewing and developing over the last three years, Gemini and now youre beginning

    to see the rewards. First and foremost, youre more comfortable in your own skin because you finally know

    your own value.


    If youve been wondering when youd start to see the fruits of your considerable labor over the last few

    years, the time has come, Cancer. However, be warned, those fruits may be more internal than external.

    What they will do however, is prepare you for a new, more obviously rewarding path.


    Youve always been a master networker, Leo, but follow-through isnt always your strong suit. Luckily,

    Saturn in Libra has helped you to improve your communication skills. As the ringed one prepares to move

    on, you can see yourself more clearly with a better understanding of how to be effective.


    Solid financial footing has been the name of your game for a while now, Virgo. This came after building a

    much more solid sense of self-esteem. It was a hard-fought battle, but youve won. Its time to put it to use in

    the real world.


    As Saturn prepares to leave your first house, you may be feeling a sense of regret for things you couldve

    done differently in this life. Let that go. By letting go of your old mistakes, youll be in a better position to

    avoid them in the future the real point of Saturns torment!


    All this introspection hasnt been for naught. Youll finally find yourself able to let go of outdated ways of

    being. Relinquish what doesnt work once and for all so you can move on and enjoy what does!


    Youve been trying to work out where you fit into the world, and as Saturn in Libra draws to a close, youre

    starting to have a sense of that. You finally have a handle on what is expected of you and how to deliver.

  • 7/28/2019 Saturn Report for Sahara


    Saturn in Libra has taught you all about your own limitations. Its been tough. The good news is that only

    with an honest assessment can you strengthen your weaknesses, and play on your strengths. Congrats.

    Youve made it.


    You mayve started this transit three years ago, feeling less than optimistic and deeply introspective. The

    introspection may not have waned, but odds are the pessimism has. Youve been through the grind andgrown into a more positive person. Bravo!


    Saturn has just about completed its transit through your eighth house. You know what you desire in all

    arenas of your life. Youve also finally faced your fear that you need anything or anyone else. You are self-

    sufficient. And now, hopefully, better able to connect in a healthy fashion.

    Money Forecast

    Whats in the Stars?

    Venus enters comfort-loving Leo and flirts with lucky Jupiter. This second in a series of Uranus-Pluto

    squares is difficult, but a trickle-down effect and Mercury, who rules commerce, form some interesting

    angles this month. This will affect contracts and agreements after mid-month. So whats your money

    forecast for September?Get a money forecast of your own with astrologer Psychic Casey ext. 5385.


    Youll love the 20th and 21st.Venus forms a beautiful angle to Uranus, currently in Aries as well as lucky

    Jupiter in Gemini. Buy a lottery ticket, but dont sign any contracts from the 20th on.


    Lucky Jupiter in your solar 2nd house could mean money earned through creativity. From the first week of

    September youll feel encouraged and enlightened, and that leads you to financial happiness.


    Communication is your specialty, so speaking or writing could earn you some cash. Mars highlights hard

    work thats paying off. Socializing with co-workers can actually help.


    Jupiter, Venus and even Mercury all work in your favor. Pushing your career forward will bring you towards

    lasting financial freedom. But resist the urge to rest on your laurelsyoure not quite there yet.

  • 7/28/2019 Saturn Report for Sahara


    Financially speaking, Venus is your friend throughout most of September as she spotlights creativity and

    ingenuity. Since your career may have left you feeling torn between work and home lately, you just may

    come up with a solution that helps you cash in as well.


    This months New Moon in your sign on the 15th puts the focus on the future, especially the coming year. Bythe Full Moon on the 29th, your focus will zero in on shared resources, mortgages or even an inheritance.


    Mars in your solar second house all month means that youll be focusing on spending vs. savings and all

    things budget related. After the 6th, you might come up with some creative solutions that equate to cash in

    your pocket.


    Thanks to Venus transit of your 10th house of career and status, youll be coming up with some innovative,

    cash-producing ideas. Theres a social side to making money, so get out and be seen.


    Your money forecast brightens through your gift of gab thanks to Mercury in Libra mid-month. Also, Venus

    helps to get you noticed by people who can increase your income. Stay sharp.


    Venus in Leo from September 6 through October 3 shines a spotlight on your hidden talents for manifesting

    money. Also, you could get a lucky break when it comes to mortgages, loans or even taxes.


    With Mercury in Virgo, money comes from outside resources and projects. When its joined by the New

    Moon on September 15, it ignites your money motivations. The 26th looks especially good, just dont sign

    agreements on that day.


    Mid-month when Saturn joins Mercury in Libra, youll be overly concerned about money. The Full Moon on

    the 29th brings financial surprises that could go either way. Dont let the planetary chatter distract you, just

    keep pushing through

  • 7/28/2019 Saturn Report for Sahara


    The divine flow of wisdom. From the heaven. Towards theland

    Mars or mangal is one of the powerful planets in Astrology andrepresents power, authority, siblings, wars, military, weapons,

    conflicts, commanders, rulers, violence, mechanical engineering, ego,metals, passion, ambitions, surgery, doctors, surgical instruments,blood, blood banks, physical power and accidents

    Mars (Mangal) : Astronomy

    Red colored Mars or mangal is the 4th planet from the sun. It is the

    nearest outer planet from the earth. It is the 7th largest planet in thesolar system. It is called a red planet because of its red-orange

    appearance. This appearance Is caused by the iron oxide present on

    its surface. The distance between the Mars and Sun is around 141.6million miles. It is smaller than earth and its radius is approximatelyhalf of the radius of Earth. Its mass is 11.2% of the mass of Earth.

    Mars is having the highest mountain in the solar system which is called

    Olympus Mons. Its surface is full of valleys, volcanoes, craters and icecaps on poles.

    Astrology of Mars or Mangal : Importance of Mars in horoscope

    In the studies of Astrology, planet Mangal has been the most potent

    celestial being on account of its unbeatable strength and highdomination upon the horoscope charts of mortal beings. Mangal is the

    masculine planet which expresses all the tough shades of masculineattributes comprising strength of body, dominating attitude,

    aggressiveness, courage, valor, believe on self and full of energy. Onaccount of this it is believed to reflect all of its attributes to the

    individuals enclosed in the confinements of planet Mars. On account ofthe same, Mangal is believed to be the at the place of commander-in-chief in the assembly of nine planets and leads them. For further

    addition to this, Mars has been perceived as the god of war since ages.

    Mars or Mangal has his orbit around Sun for 687days as spendingapprox 57. 25days in each zodiac sign. The cycle of Mars enters the

    life of an individual at the age of 28 to 33yrs for the first time andthen secondly, at the age of 63 to 68yrs which comes back third time

    at the age of 98 to 103yrs.

  • 7/28/2019 Saturn Report for Sahara


    Mangal rules over Aries and Scorpio zodiac signs. It is exalted in

    Capricorn. It is exalted in Virgo and debilitated in Cancer. Sun, Moon,Jupiter are friends of it while Mars and Venus are neutral towards it.

    Saturn, Rahu, Ketu is the enemy of Mars

    Mangal is considered malefic in Vedic astrology but the result of itvaries from person to person according to the it's placements in a

    particular house, it's lordship and according to the ascendant ofhoroscope of a particular person. Mangal is particularly benefic for

    Cancer and Leo ascendant people as it a yoga karaka planet for theseascendants. For Aries and Scorpio ascendant people, Mangal is the

    ascendant lord so it is the very benefic planet for these people. In case

    of houses, Mars placement in 3rd,6th, 10th and 11th houses isconsidered good. It is particularly powerful in 10th house as it gets

    directional strength in this house. Mangal' s placements in kendrasother than 10th house are not considered good except it is ascendant

    lord or the yoga karaka planets. An exalted Mars would cause it'sincreased qualities in person's life while a debilitated Mars would cause

    degradation in every quality provided by the mars

    The powerful, exalted, well placed Mars can cause great self strengthand believe, hastiness and ambitious behaviors, also possess the

    shades of legitimacy, justice, proper management, administrative

    abilities, principles, sense of purpose and independent attitude. Theperson with the powerful mars would be ambitious, having high self-

    esteem, self-belief and many virtues. He would be having good

    leadership skills. The person would be fearless and put lot of efforts tomake his life better. The person would be having lesser or no malice inheart and would help others at the house of need. He would always

    defend his own rights or the rights of underdogs. This mangal wouldhelp him rise in life giving him a powerful position. He would be good

    in romance and would be expressive of his feelings.

    On the other side, if the Mangal is malefic or akaraka or debilitated for

    the horoscope or ill-placed or debilitated then the ill-impacts of it arealso very severe. Mars placed in 8th house cause accidents and in 5th

    house, it cause delay and obstruction in child birth. The general resultsof a malefic mars includes obstructions, hurdles, breaks, accidents,

    quarrels, lack of determination and self-belief, timidity, bad family life,mental tensions, depression, wounds injuries and blood related


  • 7/28/2019 Saturn Report for Sahara


    Manglik dosha or Mangal dosh

    The most profound ill-impact of mangal is in form of manglik dosha.Manglik dosha is formed when it is placed either in 1st house, 4thhouse, 7th house , 8th house or 12th house. This dosha cause delay in

    marriage, bad marital life, disputes, quarrels in marital life, divorceand even the death of spouse. However, these results varies according

    to the strength of manglik dosha in one's horoscope and imbalance ofmanglik dosha in the horoscope of the bride and groom. If the mars is

    placed in 1st house or 7th hosue, the manglik dosha will be mostsevere. The manglik dosha by the rest of the placements are weaker in


    Body Parts and Diseases controlled by Mangal

    The zodiac in which mars is placed in a horoscope is the mars sign ofthe person. Mars sign decides the dignity of this planet in the

    horoscope. In Human Body, it rules the head, blood, muscles, pinealgland genitals, bladder, cervix, anus, genito-urinary tract, prostate

    gland. The ill-placed mangal may cause Headache, migraine, sinusproblems, head colds, nosebleeds, fever, inflammation, haemorrhage,

    high blood pressure, eruptions, burns, scalds, insect bites and stings

    Expression of Mars or Mangal

    Planet Mars or mangal is the explicit expression of aggression and wars which

    is followed by victory in the battle due to high domination and potency. Mars is

    known to be a red planet due to its high cluster of heat and anger. Besides this,

    Mars or mangal plays the role of commander in the solar system on account of

    his strong domination.

    Mars is the vivid expression of leadership attitude and domination over thesurroundings and so on expresses the supreme strength of mind and physique.

    Mars is the expression of explosive heat which relates to the destruction of

    lives around.

    Blessings of Mars or Mangal

  • 7/28/2019 Saturn Report for Sahara


    Planet Mars or mangal is the most potent celestial body which reflects the same

    potency upon the natives of land and bestow them the strength of mind with a

    strong believe upon themselves and makes them dominate over the rest as he

    do himself.

    Mars endows his natives with the leadership attributes makes them lead theroad towards the success in the path of life. Mars people are born with

    governing and ruling qualities along with the blend of supremacy in their

    attitude as the blessings of the ruling planet.

    People endowed with a well placed Mangal are destined to the high mount of

    fame and success along with the shine of affluence and respect.