savannah river site surplus facilities available for reuse/67531/metadc... · b. , y efr-tdd-950060...

E F R-T D D- 9 5 0 0 6 0 Savannah River Site Surplus Facilities Available for Reuse by R. M. Clarke Westinghouse Savannah River Company Savannah River Site Aiken, South Carolina 29808 M. B. Owens D. W. Lentz A document prepared for ADVERTISEMENT TO VENDORS DOE Contract No. DE-AC09-89SR18035 This paper was prepared in connection with work done under the above contract number with the U. S. Department of Energy. By acceptance of this paper, the publisher and/or recipient acknowledges the U. S. Government's right to retain a nonexclusive, royalty-free license in and to any copyright covering this paper, along with the right to reproduce and to authorize others to reproduce all or part of the copyrighted paper. ~~~~~~~ ~)IS~-RIBUTION OF THIS DOCUMENT 6 UNLlMlTEa

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Page 1: Savannah River Site Surplus Facilities Available for Reuse/67531/metadc... · b. , Y EFR-TDD-950060 , I .SRS Surplus'Facilities Available for Reuse ', August25,1995 . . Purpose':

E F R-T D D- 9 5 0 0 6 0

Savannah River Site Surplus Facilities Available for Reuse

by R. M. Clarke Westinghouse Savannah River Company Savannah River Site Aiken, South Carolina 29808 M. B. Owens

D. W. Lentz

A document prepared for ADVERTISEMENT TO VENDORS

DOE Contract No. DE-AC09-89SR18035

This paper was prepared in connection with work done under the above contract number with the U. S. Department of Energy. By acceptance of this paper, the publisher and/or recipient acknowledges the U. S. Government's right to retain a nonexclusive, royalty-free license in and to any copyright covering this paper, along with the right to reproduce and to authorize others to reproduce all or part of the copyrighted paper.



Page 2: Savannah River Site Surplus Facilities Available for Reuse/67531/metadc... · b. , Y EFR-TDD-950060 , I .SRS Surplus'Facilities Available for Reuse ', August25,1995 . . Purpose':




This report was prepared as an'account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof.

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Page 3: Savannah River Site Surplus Facilities Available for Reuse/67531/metadc... · b. , Y EFR-TDD-950060 , I .SRS Surplus'Facilities Available for Reuse ', August25,1995 . . Purpose':


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Page 4: Savannah River Site Surplus Facilities Available for Reuse/67531/metadc... · b. , Y EFR-TDD-950060 , I .SRS Surplus'Facilities Available for Reuse ', August25,1995 . . Purpose':


Savannah River Site Surplus . Facilities Available for Reuse


R.M.Clarke r83 -M.B.Owen N&CJ D. W. Lentz’TdL

August 25,1995 8 b

. . . ,


Westinghouse .Savannah .Rivet Company *

. Savannah. River Sit-e Aiken, SC 29808


_____________________- -_ -__ - -__ -__ - - - - PREPARED FOR THE U. S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY UNDER


Page 5: Savannah River Site Surplus Facilities Available for Reuse/67531/metadc... · b. , Y EFR-TDD-950060 , I .SRS Surplus'Facilities Available for Reuse ', August25,1995 . . Purpose':

EFR-TD.D-950060 SRS Surplus-Facilities Available for Reuse

. .

Table of Contents: ,. .

1 Purpose ...... ............................................. .'..... i , . .... ............................................................


2 Surplus Facility Listings .............................................. I: ..............................................

Major Facilities Available for Reuse ....................... : 3 ................................................ 0

Inquiry Form (from MRP 5.21).; ............................... ......... ...........I2 Facility Reuse

Facility Reuse

. \ . . Appendices:

A. Table of Surplus Facilities. &,, - - :.-- - ̂ ..) -.-,-e

r - . - . .*I c :. . . . . r t

B: Table of Non-Contaminated Surplus Facilities ' \


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, Y

EFR-TDD-950060 , I . SRS Surplus'Facilities Available for Reuse ', August25,1995 . .


. Purpose':

. The purpose of this document is to provide a current, centralized list, of . .

Savannah 'River Sitk facilities which are surplus . , and available for reuse. These surplus facilities may be made.available for other DOE site missions, 'commercial economic development reuse, or other governmental reuse. SRS procedures also require tEat before new construction can be approved,

' available surplus- facilities are screened for possible reuse in lieu of the - proposed' new construction.

Background Information: \

. .

The Savannah River Site (SRS) was constructed during the early 1950's to produce the basic materials used in the 'fabrication of nuclear weahons. The Site covers 310 square miles in South Carolina. Westinghouse Savannah River Company operates the Site for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). With the end of the Cold War, the Site's primary mission changed from Defense Programs (nuclear materials production) to Environmental ,Management (waste management and environmental . restoration). -



A byproduct of this mission change is the avaiIability of buildings and associated facilities that are now surplus to DOE needs. These facilities are * .

now available for reuse by SRS organizations, other government agencies, 1 and private industry; '

When facilities are no longer needed,. they are declared surplus, and are added to the Surplus Facilities Inventory Assessment (SFIA) database. When surplus :facilities are returned to use, their. status is changed accordingly in the databasd surplus or excess to DOE-SR needs.

SFIA database is official SRsi system for declaring a facility

Reuse of surplus facilities for new activities provides the obvious benefits of saving the user the expense and time of constructing new facilities and benefits the Departqent. of Energy in that surveillance Ad maintenance costs can be eliminated and demolition costs can be deferred. There is also the .

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'EFR-TDD-950060 August 25,1995

.~ . . ._ ~~ _._ ~ .. I


'SRS, Surplus Facilities Available for Reuse, 3

.. I I .

______------------------------------------------------ /

potential for alternative arrangements leading to a facility lease or purchase of suf-plus installed equipment. Commercial leasing has the p6tential for saving DOE-SR millions of dollars annually. The WSRC Economic Development


. .

Division /Economic Development Programs is actively. pursuing onsite commercial ventures, with a primary objective of stimulating local economic development during the present period of SRS downsizing.

\The .WSRC program for the management of surplus facilitjrireuse (WSRC Manual lB, MRP 5.21, Re'use.. of Sur&s FiciIkes),; applies to both government and comniercial ventures. The.Site Facility Reuse & Deactivation Support (SFR&DS) section, Excess Facilitiesf . . and .Reactor Fuel . Storage Programs Division, has the ,responsibility for implementing this

Surplus Facility Listings

Two tables of facilities are presented in the appendices. Table A lists all SRS '

surplus facilities (contaminated and non-contaminated).. The, tables are sorted by SRS area and building number. Basic .information covehg' the facility contamination type (if any), square footage; etc. is provided.

' These Tables were extracted from. the current revision to the Surplus Facilities Inventory Assessment- (SFIA) database. Table,B is a subset o f Table A and contains facilities which are not radiologically contaminated &d are '

either clean or 'have minor' other material contamination. .Shce these *

facilities are not radiologically contaminated, they are more readily' available . with little or no cleariup requitements. .

WSRC dahagement has provided special guidance for reuse of M-Area surplus facilities: The overall strategy is for WSRC to ,co&olidite operations, where-appropriate, arid to relocate to,'areas as M Area is deactivated and.shut d o h . Currently; M-Area @ primarily being proposed for commercial economic development. Accordingly, yithout senior WSRC , ,

, management approval,' WSRC organizations would' normally not move

I ,

m . .


operations' into. M-Area suqhus facilities. . * ,

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4 , - , ,

. ‘EFR-TDD-950060 August 25,1995

SRS Surplus Facilities Available for Reuse

Major Facilities Available for Reuse . .

This section presents a photograph and more detailed information pn‘major’ surplus facilities with the highest potential for reuse. General information coveririg the past facility usage, contamination (if any), and basic physical characteristics, such as the square footage is presented. More detailed information may be obtained from the personnel identified under the Facility Reuse Contacts section.

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EFR-TDD-950060 . SRS 'Surplus -Facilities Availab.le 'for ,Reuse August 25,1995 .

. ......................................................

. R Reactor Facility

De-This large, centrally located facility was co&trjxted between 1953 and 1956, and was shutdown in 1964. It provides ample room for manu.fa&&ng, processing or storage operations. R reactor w&, deactivated, but . .. has received minimum maintenance sin& shutdown. The facility feet of space, mdstly constructed of massive reinforced concrete. It extendsfrom 40 feet bel6w grade to 150 feet-above grade level. The center section of, the facility containing the reactor is

surrounded by the assembly area on one side arid the disassembly area ,on the other. The - assembly area (ground level) is clean a d is approxjmately 25,00O:f&. All three sections

provide large are* suitable for secure storage space. There are several support and. auxiliary 1

buildings ass&ted with the reactor building in&e area, which are gerierally'not ' . radioactively contaminated.

. .

built on seven'floors, with approxkately half a million square

. . - .


~ Type construction- primarily. reinforced concrete constnicted to be blast proof, therefore . \

.\extremely resistant to winds dnd earthquakes. . \ ', .

! T

vscal De#& .

Floor space/Vol-105-R 502,odo 59 ft/ 12 million a' ft; '

Contamination - Ground floor areas are predominahtly clean, radioactive contaminated are* limited to reactor room, disassembly basin area and below ground process areas.

S+rvices- Electrical power, rail and highway access, Low-pressure steam, potable water; sanitary sewage, h e protection are not available.


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. .

Typical for four areas; C-Area Basin is shown, Basins also located in R, P, &d L -Areas. * [Aerial view of basins shown on Reactor datasheet.]

. I

DescriDtion These four large, open basins were constructed to collect water pumped .from the Savannah River to provide cooling water for the reactors. Initial reuse evaluations determined there was potential reuse in forms of aquaculwe.

Phvsical Details .. Type construction- reinforced concrete

,. - Dateconitructed: 1952-54 .

Contamination: None identified; more details can 6e provided for each area upon request.

equal sections (266 ft x 248 f t x 19 t f t deep) by concrete walls, sections can be isolated using existing sluice gates, sloped floor, with bottom draining capability.

.\ Lafge basin-24 Million gallon total capacity, subdivided into three

Location- R, P L & CLAreas, are centrally located in the SRS



. reservation. I


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______-_-__-________-_-- - - -___-_--_- -__-- -~__-___-- -__

Alloy Fabrication Facility, 320-M

SRS Surplus Faciliti'es 'Available for Reuse' August 25,1995 1 .

Photo 93-1703-15 From Northeast

From Southeast

Description This,building was formerly used (19541993) for fabrication . of reactor target.tubes, control rods, &d other &iscellaneous components. The building contains two large production areas, 540.0 and 7200 sq ft., each with'bridge crane akd rollup door access, a chemical' cleaning area with ventilation, 2750 ton hydraulic extrusion. .

. press in the larger production area, and freight elevator to second floor area. A contiguous laboratory wing is ,a separate unit for reuse consideration.. . . ,

Physical Details Type construction- Steel frame with Transite sidirig Date constructed 1953, Floor ~pace::63,000 sq.'ft. Coqtwination: Minimum localized residual contamir;ation by

depleted uranium and chemicals, and asbestos insulation.. Services- Electrical power, low-pressure steam, potable water, chilled

water, instrument ,air, sanitary sewage, fire protection, highway .access , rail access.. Atbackup diesel-generator is also available.

.' Location- M-Area portion of Site Administration, Area, on Site -



boundary. I


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Laboratory Facility, 320-M .

Descrbtion *This.facility was operated from 1953 to 1995 to suppok analytical needs of reactor component fabrication facilities. It contains laboratory modules with ventilation (HEPA filtration also available), offices, and

* a chemical storeroom. A.contiguous process facility is a separate unit for reuse consideration.

. ,

- , Phvsical .Detail$ . . Type construction- Steel frame with.Transite\ siding

Date constructed 1953 Floor space: 13,750 .sq. ft: Contamination: Minimum localized residual contamination by

. I 1 uranium and chemicals, asbestos insulation. Services-, Electrical power, low-pressure steam, potable water, sanitary

sewage, fire protection, highway \ - access, access, I ' HEPA filtered~ exhaust, chilled water, plant instrument'air, and backup diesel-

, *



. generator. '

Location- M-Area portion. of Site Administration Area, on Site boundary. . .


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EFR-TDD-950660 '

. August 25,1995

. , ~,

. SRS Surplus Facilities Available for Reuse , ,

Metallurgical .Laboratory Facility, 322-M . .


. -

Photo 93-1073-22

. , Description This facility was formerly used from 1957 to 1995 to support reactor

. component fabrication facilities. It contains laboratory modules with HEPA exhaust ventilation, offices, and chemical storeroom.

. .

. - Physical Details

Type conshction- Wood frame with Transite siding (originill). Additions- Steel frame, with metal siding;

Date constructed: '1957, with several additions ' noor spack- 11,400 sq A Contamination -' Residual uranium: and che&cal contamination. Services- Electrical power, low-pressure steam, potable water; sanitary

. c

. . .


-sewage, fire protection, plant air, highway and rail access, HEPA filtered exhaust .and backup diesel-generator.

Area, on Site boundary. Location-' Adjacent to 320-M,.M-Area portion of Site Administration

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. -

Description This facility operated from 1954 to 1992 for fabrication of depleted uranium slugs used as targets in the reactors. It contains a large . production area, rollup door access, loading dock, autoclave pit, a chemical cleaning area with ventilation, slug canning equipment, some specialized metalworking equipment in the large production area, tdol storage and warehouse areas, maintenance shops, and office space. This facility has contiguous liquid chemical waste collection, handling and processing equipment.

Type construction- Steel frame with Transite siding Date constructed: 1952, with additions . Total Floor space: 76,000 sq. ft. contamination: Residual contamination by depleted uranium and

Services- Electrical power, low-pressure steam, potable water, plant air, ’ sanitary sewage, fire protection, highway access, rail access, and

Phvsical Details

’’ chemicals, asbestos insulation.

backup diesel-gener a tor.



Location-- M-Area portion of Site Administration Area, on Site

Condition- Minimum repairs required for roof and fire protection



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EFR-TDD-950060 August 25,1995

, SRS Surplus Facilities Available for Reuse

-----------------------------------.------------------- * I

' a Naval Fuels Manufacturing Facility, 247-F.


. . Descridtion

* The Naval Fuels Manufacturing Facility was constructed between 1983 and 1985. It is a structural steel frame building on concrete slab floors. The facility was in the process of startup when it was decided to permanently shut it down. The facility contains a central process core with radiological contamination, a clean vault, a radiologicglly

maintenence shop areas, a, computer room, 'baste processing area, .and a two.story clean administration wing. ;rhe process core is a major

. contaminated laboratory, a warehouse/receiving area, four

portion of the facility. The facility is surrounded by several support buildings.. . ~

, \ -

Physical Details Type construction- Steel frame with prefabricated insulated exterior

Dqte co&tructed: Mid 1980s. ' FIodr space: 95,000 sq. ft. .

walls a

Contamhiation: Some areas are radiologically contaminated; there is

Services- Electrical power, potable water, sanitary .sewage, fire .

Location-- F-Area.

no asbestos containing material

protection, highway access . \


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EFR-TDD-950060 August' 25,1995

P SRS Surplus ,Facilities Available for Reuse ,


Construction Craft Buildings- (717-8P and 717-9L)

w h o t o available.


EEscriDti *h~~ons t&c t ion craft buildings' were built to

, craftsman, parts and tool storage, administration support persorinel and engineers working on the reactor restart program. The buildings. are typical prefab m,etal buildings using stkel framed construction with' metal siding and roof. The buildings are insulated and each have a number of package ,H&V units servicing the building locatGd at.

I ground level around the building and at. least one large vehicle door. . The. buildings have adequate power supply and potable water supply. The inside of the buildings were completed with two levels of wood frame construction to provide offices, parts and tool storage, break

. areas, etc. This wood construction can not remain in the hading *

sbce it does not m e t NFPA codes. .However, if removed, the building could serve as a l&ge conditioned, warehouse, shop, or other production related function. .

Type of Construction-Prefabricated steel framed metal building with vinyl backed insulation in the walls'and ceiling. Date Constructed: January 1989. Floor Space: 7000 sq. ft. (L-area), 7486 sq.-ft. (P-area)

r Containination: No ,radiological or environmental contamination suspected.. No asbestos contaiihg materials. Services: Electrical power, potablewater, saniGry sewer tap available,

L9tition:' Buildings lo~cated h L-area and P-areas. Other Information: Located in unrestricted. security area for personnel. No TLD's. required but must monitor coming out of, area.



Phvsical Details

H&V. .. I

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'EER-rmD-950060 August 25,1995

I I '

-! SRS Surplus Facilities Available for Reuse / #

Facility Reuse Inquiry Form . ,

I ,

A 1 . sample of theFacility Reuse Inquiry .form (taken from WSRC Manual lB, -MRP 5.21) is included in Appendix C, &d is to be completed'when there is a project or a potential-need for a facility. The completed form will specify the special- -requirements for an individual facility: These requirements could be anything ,

from air conditioned storage space; an-area suitable for office space or some special cranes or equipment to support the new'project. Once received by the Site Facility' Reuse '& Deactivation .(SFR&D) section, the facility requirements will be utilized to attempt to lqcate a suitable facility which meets the specifications. Tours of prospective buildings and negotiatibns will then be ar'ranged as required. ' In' the overall piocess, the SER&D section serves as a broker to match up surplus facilities -with potential facility users. Please refer to WSRC.M*Ual lB, MRP 5.21 when completing the form, 'and direct ariy questions to the appropriate contact listed ,

below. . . , .

k . .

, .

. , Facility Reuse Contacts , \

mere are contacts for inquiiing .~ about faciliq reuse.' The appropriate initial contact is based upon on-site or off-site usage as indicated below: '. '

On-site-contact: Rqdy'Clarke, 707-C, 557-9879 or .

Marley Briins, 707-C, 557-9468-



.. \ .

Off-site cognmercial. or Government users contact: - Cris. W. Van. Hdm, - . I

IJ. S. Department of Enerm savannah, River Operations Office P. 0. Bo%& Building 703-46A Aiken, S. 29802.

. ..

(803) 725-53.13


or . Marc V. Eidson, Manager, Economic Development Progr-ams, Westinghouse Savannah River Company

. P. 0. Box A, Building 999-W Aiken, Si C. 29802 (803) 652-1850 . .



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EFR-TDD-950060 8/25/95



Key: N - No, Y - Yes,, T - Suspect No S - Suspect Yes Table of Surplus Facilities

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EFR-TOO-950060 8/25/95 .


. '








--. Area - B ~ e ! w & . . FacllltyNa!!!-- I--- - ~ ._.--..-_, -. - . . Sletus_.-, . ear Contaminated , R3e Cohstruclion-,Tjp~ ' Floors

-..- ----. 254-002F" --..__ DlEsELGENEmT.oA FACILnY* V-2F. . --- .- . . I Shutdown -.____. 1994 __-._ - N - ~ !,__--_ tW - Other 1 ______. . -, F 284-000F POWERHOUSF~2&-ooOF

No. , Space (112) 600

Abandonec1993 N I N 96 Reinforced Concrete 3 . 30000 .. _.- 2

Surplus Rad? O.ther Dlv.

F I-- -.-- 607-001 F SMlAGETREATMENTP~~IGESTER, -I 607-001F ' _. Ab;anc&n.e_! p93_. K.. ~ ________ N 9s . Reinforced Concrete . 1 ?475 - - . _. . . . Shu~dow?. E!!!?! ._._" N - _- N ..__-- 9s' -- Other .._ .. 1 ' ?!PO

N HL ' Other N / 4 i:?3MM gar: I - . 400

K a 105-001 K BASIN DEIONIZER PAD, 1051K' Standby 1995 Y T , FD Other, - 1 2000 1 .. - - - -- -

Shutdown 1993 N 1 N Other - N 96 Other .1 E??!! -- K .185-000K -- - -. .- ---I ---.. "_. _- _ _ ___ 96- I--_--_.-- - ~ I ? . . - - 6500

v _-_- -- FD _._ Other .L 105-009L SAND FILTER, 105-9L Shutdown 1995 Y S FD Reinforced Concrete 1 ' 900 I- L 106-QOOL --___-- ------ U N D E ~ G ~ S D ~ ~ i N A ~ D ~ A - ~ ~ S T ~ G E T A N I ( 2 h ! o w n 1995 v_ __._.___ S Fi) __., 2 Reinforced ____I_. ~ Concrete _______._ , ~ , 649 L !2!z-oooL.i CooLlNGW!!ERUUJT~EIR* 1074- .---.... ' Shutdown ~ _ - 1995 S - .. T - . - FD -_-. _I Reinforced _-_____ Concrete . 1 1000

Shutdo.wn 1995 N FD Reinforced Concrete ' ,.. 2 . . 5110. 4_- . JO8-001 L EMERGENCY DIESEL ROOM, 108-1L - - - - - -_ ._______I______,____. v_ _._._._-...__I______.__-_.. L- !oezo_o%.. E M E R G E N C v _ O l E ~ R ~ ! l ~ ~ - - - - Shutdown 1995 _.__.-..-. .N-_-. . s-..-.---.. - .

L 108-004L 903 EXHkJSTFAN EMERGENCY DIESEL, 108-4L' . Shutdown 1995 N S I ~ FD Reinforced Concrete 1 320 L-- 1 os:oooL.. %!&4!2COOLING &@-!TANK, 1og-L --̂ -- ' _______. Shutdown - i 9 9 5 --. . S -- - -. S -_--._ ____ FD ---- Reinforced Concrete , 1 :. , 305

240 - --- Shu~down 1995 ' . EL.-.-- T - FD _.-_-_.I Reinforced Concrete. ,_, I . I?? !?

1 . .5P L 152-01 OL TRANSFORMER 300 WA, 152-10L I Shutdown 1995 , N T A) Reinforced Concrete 1 190

.L . 191 -0OOL BOOSTER PUMP BUILDING, 1911 .--._ Shutdown - -- 1995 --- - -_-- N . T I-. " FD Reinforced Concrete- .-. ,_ 2 . , 44!!

.L . . 5oi-oooL CKD'SECURITY DIESEL, ai-~ ---- shutdown^ 1995 . N - T

--. G I 681-006G - PAR POND PUMP HOUSE, 681-0066 H 241-916H _WST STRG TK(FRMRLY 241000H TE16), 241-916!.-.. Shutdown 1993 Y H 242-003H CONCENT_RATE PUMP TANK PIT, 242-3H __ _Shutdown p!Ms _._. , v- _____ .., HL Reinforced'Concrete .

-- - 105-0.1 3K HEAWWATER STORAGE FACILH-Y* i05-13K --.---. . S @ ! b Y --__-_. 1995 S --_ -- S FD --__. _I___.___..._ Other ' L...

K ' .185-001 K CHLORINATOR HOUSE, ---_-_._..-I. 1&1K Shutdown --__. 1993 -_N -.- - 904-088G . RETENTION BASIW'00-K C0NT.n 9o4-886 .I---- :-- --. $!2!!!!!3!:-- 1925- ..-- s

- - -...---.. .--- --_- -.I_- --_ _. . -_


N/A' 1.8MM . .--.I.. -_ . I ._ . ._

cOoLlNGT0~- HOUSE), 1eS-K .2 -,--- _-- I

. FD Reinforced Concrete ' '2 ' 5000

--.------- ------- Shutdown _.--.,. 1995 N ---.. S --I.-- FD -._- Reinforced -----.-I_ Concrete,.-- 1 .L- -- 110-OOOL HELIUM STORAGETANKS, 11GL ' -

L 152-004L SECONDARY SUBST_ATION FOR 704-1.2 & 3-L, 152-4L Shutdown. 1 995 N T FD . Reinforced Concrete_-*

L . 186-0001 COOLING WATER BASIN (25M GALLON), 186-000L Shutdown 1995 T ______ T , FD ~ Reinforced Concrete __ -_ N!A 2zMM-gaj..

. -_ L 614-'002L EFWJENTMONmORlNG BULDING, 614-2L ' ___-_ ' ' Shutdown 1995 - T ' ._ T -___ ' FD . SteelFrame :- -. 1 - ._ _...__

L 152-001 L CONTAINMENT SUBSTATION, 152-1L . - -

-1 50 270

FD - Reinforced Concrete _,__ ~ ._ , . 1 , --- L ' 709-001L FlRETRUCKSHED.7091L Shutdown 1995 N N ' FD . SteelFrame 1 ado

L 715-000L GASOLINE SERVICE STATION-715L * , Shutdown 1995 N s.

L- 723-002L CHANGE BUILDING, 723-2L . . 1 , . 108 L 723-003L CHANGE BUILDING, 723-31. Standby 1995 S T ff Steel Frame ---..

-L 71 1-000L MAINTENANCE.MATL. STORAGE BUILDING, 711-L- Shutdown. 1995 N ' ' s _---___-I____ FD Steel Frame .. ,.. 1 I ._.____ 972 .4 5


M ' 312-000M TANK FARM, 3124 (two 5000 gallon tanks) ' Shutdown 1992 N Y ff Other NIA ~ 1280

.-.- - FD Reinforced Concrete - Shutdown 1995 S . FD' Reinforced Concrete

__I._--- - - - , - 1 --. . - L 717-009L CRAFTBUILDING,L-AFEA . ' _._..__ ____ ~ ____ 1: - ---- ----- .. . - 2 ?!?E! .

. --_- 1995 T FD SteeiFrame 4 --- --.-.- Stand&_- ___-. ~ s ____ -I-- I. - I --I---- - . .- - .




. ! I

. '

Key: N - No, Y - Yes, T - Suspect No S - Suspect Yes Table of Surplus Facilities

Page 2

Page 20: Savannah River Site Surplus Facilities Available for Reuse/67531/metadc... · b. , Y EFR-TDD-950060 , I .SRS Surplus'Facilities Available for Reuse ', August25,1995 . . Purpose':

EFR-TDD-950060 8 /25 /95


D .


Key: N - No, Y - Yes, T -Suspect No S - Suspect Yes


. .

Table of Surplus Facilities , . Page 3

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EFR-TDD-950060 8/25/95


Key: N - No, Y - Yes,, T - Suspect No S - Suspect Yes




Table of Surplus Facilities Page 4

Page 22: Savannah River Site Surplus Facilities Available for Reuse/67531/metadc... · b. , Y EFR-TDD-950060 , I .SRS Surplus'Facilities Available for Reuse ', August25,1995 . . Purpose':

0005 01 15 --.- 009 oos9 0086 SLVZ O O O O E ~ 009 025% t 6 1 002

ooz 1 Qkb

OOOLZ 009 1 1


---. oosz O O L .

002 1 OS€ 1 -_--

> O O L


- . O t P l . O t

089 1


S l O O l ,

I '

Page 23: Savannah River Site Surplus Facilities Available for Reuse/67531/metadc... · b. , Y EFR-TDD-950060 , I .SRS Surplus'Facilities Available for Reuse ', August25,1995 . . Purpose':

. * I EFR-TDD-950060


Key: N - No, Y - Yes, T - Suspect No S - Suspect Yes Table of Clean and Non-Radiologically Contaminated Surplus Facilities


240 I

1716 50



. . 150 270 so0 ??? 7090 .1200

so . !@

, 5110 . 5900

I 240 . ?5?

. . . 440

!5MM -- .. . gal. 440 -

4 5

' 5310 1 4 4 '


. . ... . - .

1512 51 10 51 10

Page 2

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EFR-TDD-950060 . a125195



Key: N - No, Y - Yes, T - Suspect No S - Suspect Yes


Table of Clean and Non-Radiologically Contaminated Surplus Facilities . . Page 3 c

Page 25: Savannah River Site Surplus Facilities Available for Reuse/67531/metadc... · b. , Y EFR-TDD-950060 , I .SRS Surplus'Facilities Available for Reuse ', August25,1995 . . Purpose':


EFR-TDD-950060 . August 25,1995


' SRS Surplus Facilities Available.for Reuse ' ' .4

Facility Reuselnquiry , . (Redun &plSted FA to Maneger, FTWUIO) , '

. * Appendix C Facility Reuse Inquiry Form

. . .

Page 26: Savannah River Site Surplus Facilities Available for Reuse/67531/metadc... · b. , Y EFR-TDD-950060 , I .SRS Surplus'Facilities Available for Reuse ', August25,1995 . . Purpose':

EFR-TDD-950060 August 25,1995

P SRS Surplus Facilities Available for Reuse

1 ’ - 1 I


Appendix C Facility Reuse Inquiry Form hack of fo-)

. .

- ‘ 2 i

Page 27: Savannah River Site Surplus Facilities Available for Reuse/67531/metadc... · b. , Y EFR-TDD-950060 , I .SRS Surplus'Facilities Available for Reuse ', August25,1995 . . Purpose':

- .

, - I .

Distribution: N.'C. Boyter, 991-W .

F. B. Davis, 703-A- I?. D. Grefenstette, 703-A

' C. M. Hammond, 703-A~ .

G. R. Harley, 703-A . H. A. Hamon, 719-4A

. J. N. Herrmann,.703-A . G.K.Hovey,991-W -

S. A. Johnson, 703-A' J.-F. Jordan, 703-F

. G. A. Krist, 7034 . R. Maher, 703-A '

I. B. New, 704-C

- J. L-1 Hardin, 773-A

' E. I?. Rahe, 730-B' A-. B. Scott, 703-A

.M. J. Sujka, 703-A C. W: Thiessen, 703-A

- J. G..Wise, 703-A. S. Wood, 773-A J. G. Erwin, USFS, 760-G J. D. Strawbridge, USE, 760-1G R; I. Nestor, SREI,, 737-A

. L. Brede Jr.,'-WSI, 703-B .


J. C.,Noah, 773-A T. R. Neal, 704-C

. J.R.Yanek,704-C . .

G. H. Clare, 704C C. H. Giuntid; 966W * . G. F. JernigA, 773-41A M. V. Eidson, 999-W R. H. Finley, 707-C : D. W. Len&, 707-C , .

.. -

. M. €3. qVq.!$:pyX - 3 r M: A. B , ~ z < ; < 7 0 7 ~ ~ ~ 8 .

, t, I

511 **-.-E.:- L L ? . . .

R. .M-. Clarke, 7074 C. W. V&Hom, WE, 703-&A- ~

C. A. Everatt, DOE, 704-K M; F. Salazar, .DOE, 704-K, R. D. Jernigan DOE, 730-B T. C. Walker, DOE, 703A M; James, DOE,-~O~-&A File.l010,'707-C ,

, "

. . . *

I . '


". f .-
