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Restoring American pride through storytelling MY PRIDE

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Post on 07-Mar-2016




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Project for J448: Advertising Campaigns The goal: to figure out a way to save America's troubled reputation among its own citizens and citizens of the world


  • Restoring American pride through storytelling

    My Pride

  • Christina Blaser Kelly Hall Jewell Kieley Tyler Kirsch Max Radi

  • Christina Blaser Kelly Hall Jewell Kieley Tyler Kirsch Max Radi

  • 12345


    Communication Plan




  • WTable of Contents

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  • ProblemAt some point in recent history the term Proud to be an American was distorted to represent an ignorant, unquestioning and narrow-minded mentality. Today, the pride rooted so deeply in the foundation of this nation no longer resonates with the people living here. The unique story of America lost significance in the deluge of materialism, self-absorption, and competitiveness. A country which experienced so much success is now comprised of a majority of citizens who have lost their sense of humility and become isolated from the global community. We are surrounded by negative news media and focus too much on the depressing stories of greed, corruption, failure and harm. Americans have stopped taking pride in our everyday accomplishments. People dont spend time reflecting on what they are proud of, instead focusing on the difficulties of our lives. Weve stopped reflecting on what weve achieved, where weve come from and what we have to be thankful for.

    Our country is disconnected. We associate with specific political groups, religions, races and geographic regions, but forget where weve come from. We share the same land. We are protected under the same rights. We are bound by our citizenship.

    We are all Americans, and we should not be ashamed to be proud of that.

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  • SolutionRestoring pride for America through storytelling. When we are proud of something we treat it better. When we learn what others are proud of we gain new perspectives and are more willing to change our actions and behaviors. This project allows people to share their stories of pride, learn about fellow citizens, make connections to their own lives and adjust behaviors with others in mind. Increasing the frequency of positive stories and encouraging individuals to slow down their busy routines and consider what they are proud of will shift the importance we place on different issues. Focusing pride as a connecting character trait spans across all demographics, identifies what Americans respect and cherish in life, and invokes an emotional response from audiences.

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  • GoalReminding citizens that we all have something to be proud of. Raising awareness both nationally and internationally of a realistic depiction of America and the people who live here. Bringing people together and allowing them to identify and communicate the range of issues and accomplishments that matter most in their lives. Fostering a community where citizens can learn from one another. Generating a movement that will be reflected to the rest of the word. Restoring American pride.

  • ConceptPride is something we all share. It transcends cultures, territorial borders and time. Lately, those in control have distorted the course of this country and the things we take pride in have been manipulated to the point of embarrassment. Pride is never something a person should be ashamed of, in fact it deserves recognition. It is for this reason that the project is called My Pride. My Pride recognizes the personal experiences that make us all uniquely proud and the common pride we all share. Through personal story telling and interviews, My Pride provides a community for all citizens to connect with one another and share the stories of real, everyday Americans. The goal is restoring pride in America, and since something this large doesnt happen over night, My Pride will use a three stage approach to reach the largest audience.

  • Building Our Pride

    We believe America can best restore its image through storytelling because it allows the great people of this nation to share who they truly are. Conducting interviews and building a database of stories enable the American people to represent themselves in their own words, instead of the policies, brands and decisions that have characterized our nation in the past. Sharing personal stories of pride and achievement allow citizens and members of the rest of the world to connect with the individuals who make our nation so unique.

  • At the core of these stages are the interviews.

    Stage I: The project will begin compiling interviews with the first target audience, adults age 65 and over and people 21 and under, asking participants to respond to one essential question:

    What are you proud of?Contributors can record their own videos and upload them to our site, or locate one of our My Pride Stations and record their stories with the assistance of our onsite experts.

    This phase will also encompass the creation of a website, raising brand awareness and constructing My Pride Stations within community libraries.

    Stage II: After building content and developing a loyal online community we plan to work alongside the influencers of different psychographics to evolve our audience.

    Stage III: Conducting interviews in public and connecting Americans nationwide. Driving people to My Pride Stations in libraries, promoting Pride Cards and My PrideCapsules. Spreading awareness through outdoor, ambient advertising.

  • Video

  • TargetA project of this scale requires the work and collaboration of all citizens to succeed. For this reason, My Pride is divided into three stages consisted of different target audiences.


    Showing that all Americans are connected by linking two seemingly disconnected groups. 65+ 21 and underThese two groups lack constant interaction and often seem like they have nothing in common. By sharing their stories we can connect these people. 65+ tells a story of the past and where America has been, 21 and under provide an insight into the future and where this country is going. Both groups have the potential to learn from each other and demonstrate our American connection. Starting with these two audiences gives the project a solid foundation to grow.

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    Influencers serve as a link to the masses. Celebrity, media, political, inspirational and religious influencers will spread the key messages of the campaign to the general public. These influencers encourage participation among the mass public through their personal participation in the My Pride campaign and their support for the project goals.

    Once the content is made available, connections are forming and influencers are promoting the brand, the rest of the American population needs to participate. This stage reaches out to the other citizens of the nation in a mass effort to compile as many stories and contributors as possible.

  • Communication Plan

    Stage 1

    Stage 2

    Stage 3

    Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 YEAR 1

  • Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 YEAR 2

    Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

  • Advertising time period: 2 years Media Budget: $3.5 million dollarsPromotional Activity: Traditional advertising mixed with word of mouth marketing.

    Seasonal useThis will be a two yearlong campaign starting February 1, 2010. This is 12 days before the beginning of the Winter Olympics in Vancouver, Canada. This is a time of international and national pride and the pride campaign will make the most of that feeling. We will implement the first stage of the plan, introducing the website and Pride Stations at libraries at this time. Following the launch of the website and library campaign, we will launch stage two by July 1, 2010. Finally, stage three will launch in February 2011. This will be when advertising and media use is at its highest in the campaign. We will capitalize on the feelings of goodwill and pride for our campaign during these times leading to awareness and action with our campaign.

    Continuous versus flighting ads The media plan will focus on a flighting strategy. Our campaign is a two yearlong event with three stages. Flighting ads allow an advertising mix to ebb and flow with the introduction of stages and events in the campaign.

    Reach vs. FrequencyReach will be the main focus of the campaign. We need to reach as many people in the United States as possible. Our goal is to touch every American, and beyond, with our message of renewing pride. Reach in advertising will allow the message to be heard.

    StrategiesMedia mix and typesTo use a media mix of outdoor/ ambient, print (newspapers and magazines), internet, and libraries for our communication.

    Communication Plan (continued)

  • WEBSITEThe My Pride website will be the heart of the campaign. This is where we will draw the audience to view and participate in the interactive videos, podcasts and activities on the site. A website will enable us to have the greatest reach.

    INTERNET Web ads allow specific placement at inexpensive rates. These advertisements will link directly to the My Pride website. The banner ads will have pride stories that are tailored to the websites unique audience, where the stories will be most effective.

    LIBRARYLibraries were once the heart of a town, a gathering place for people to come together. We will rejuvenate the library system, which will in turn help revive communities. Pride stations will allow a space for people to come together to talk about not only pride, but community issues. Libraries will provide a safe space to learn about the technology and connect people around the country and the world.

    OUTDOOR/ AMBIENT Bus station ads will bring frequency to the campaign for people to see the ads daily. This is an inexpensive and efficient way for people to read other peoples stories of pride and be encouraged to visit the website and participate in sharing their own pride.

    PRINT (NEWSPAPER AND MAGAZINE) Newspapers ads allow us to target an educated, non-internet savvy demographic which will encourage them to visit their local libraries and time capsule opening. Magazines ads have the same goal as newspaper, but are able to target a more narrow target, these ads will be tailored to


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  • Brand IdentityWebsiteLibraries

  • logo


    fontsAvantGardeHelvetica Neue


  • Our interactive website will serve as a database for the recorded videos, and will encourage people to participate in the My Pride campaign. The online community allows people to come together and view the My Pride videos, audio tracks and Pride Cards. Featured on the site is a sec-tion with detailed information on where and how viewers can par-ticipate in the campaign in their local communities. This easy to navigate website will also partner with Flickr so contributors can use their own photo streams to upload pictures of the things they are proud of.


  • Libraries are an under-utilized resource that almost every city has. My PrideStations will be located in different areas of libraries to raise awareness and encourage participation in the campaign. These stations of computer consoles allow people to view or create their own personal My Pride videos. These stations will serve as technology centers where people can learn about the benefits of technology and how to effectively use the Internet. My Pride Stations will also provide an environment where individuals can learn about the history of America, gain pride for our past and offer suggestions for the future.

    My Pride Stations will be run by one My Pride employee. In addition, My Pride hopes partnering with President Obamas College Service Program to allow college students to help run the Stations in return for tuition reductions.

    Library Installation

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  • Influencers

  • My Pride will reach out to key media influencers to encourage celebrity endorsements of the campaign. Celebrities/ media influencers will spread the key messages of the campaign to the general public and encourage participation among the mass public through their personal participation in the My Pride story-telling campaign. The influencers are people with the power to reach the mass public through their respective mediums. My Pride will choose selective members of the media, political, religious, and local figureheads to participate in the creation of content for the My Pride site and promotion of the program to the mass public.

    Television Influencers:My Pride will reach out to the connectors, mavens, and salesmen of broadcast/cable television. Celebrities/influencers will be asked to participate in the My Pride campaign and create content for the My Pride site, as well as, promote the My Pride campaign on their shows, social media networks, and websites.

    Oprah, Code Name: HoprahDemographic: According to Nielsen Media Research, Oprah's audience is predominantly female, white, and over the age of 55. Nationally 7.4 million people watch Oprah daily -- about 2.6% of American households. Four percent of American women (about 5.7 million) watch her daily, compared with 1.2% of men (1.7 million people). Overall, 2% of all 18- to 49-year-olds watch Oprah. Oprah has the highest ratings among older Americans, 3.7 million people age 55 and older watch Oprah, and 2.7 million of these individuals are women. Eleven percent of all older black women watch Oprah, and 7% of all older white women watch the show everyday. Oprah's audience is also predominantly white: 5.9 million of whites watch Oprah, compared with 1.4 million blacks. Her reach among the Hispanic population is tiny -- only about 230,000 Hispanics watch the show daily.


  • John Stewart/Stephen Colbert, Code Names: Demographics: According to Nielsen, The Daily Show with John Stewart generally has 1.45 to 1.6 million viewers nightly, a high figure for cable television. In demographic terms, the viewership is skewed to a relatively young audience compared to traditional news shows. A 2004 Nielsen Media Research study commissioned by Comedy Central put the median age at 35.

    Bill O'Reilly, Code Name: Bill OPrideilly Bill O'Reilly is the host of the political commentary program The O'Reilly Factor on the Fox News Channel. The O'Reilly Factor remains the top-rated cable news program, averaging 2,650,000 million households per night in April 2009. O'Reilly's radio program had 3.26 million-plus listeners and was carried by more than 400 radio stations. According to the talk radio industry publication Talkers Magazine, O'Reilly was #11 on the "Heavy Hundred", a list of the 100 most important talk show hosts in America. Conservative Internet news site NewsMax's "Top 25 Talk Radio Host" list selected O'Reilly to the #2 spot as most influential host in the nation.

    Political Influencers:My Pride will reach out to political figure heads both at the federal and state level to create and promote the My Pride campaign with the possibility of implementing it in community centers, schools, and local government supported programs.

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  • Pride CardsTime CapsuleOutdoorBanner Ads

  • Participants will have the option to send in My Pride postcards to the My Pride headquarters. These Pride Cards are stamped and postmarked to alleviate any costs for contributors and simplify the process of sharing their stories. My Pride Cars provide a visual or literary representation of what people are proud of, allowing those individuals who are uncomfortable with audio and video recording to share in the project. Pride Cards will be visually stimulating while telling the creators story through pictures and words. Pride Cards will be available for view on the website, and may be used in the creation of promotional materials such as posters, billboards and print advertisements.

    My Pride Cards

  • My Pride Capsule

    The contents of a time capsule are selected carefully and hold significance for the generation or group that buries it. My Pride Capsule celebrations will find time capsules opening nationwide and promote the event, celebrating what people were proud of in the past. Traveling from city to city, My Pride will sponsor the capsule openings and encourage the participation of citizens to provide their own pride objects and memorabilia to be put in our own Pride Capusle which will be buried and unveiled on August 20, 2050

  • My pride is for swimming. I wake up every morning at five and swim for two hours. Ive spent my entire life in the pool, and devoted hundreds of thousands of hours to mastering the art of the water. Im like a fish in an open sea.

    My Pride

    Outdoor bus stations will feature two-sided advertisements promoting My Pride. The outer side, which passersby will see while walking down the street, feature the face of a My Pride partici-pant. The inside, which is seen when waiting in the station, tells the story of what the participant is proud of. After the second stage of the project these bus instillations advertisements will be substi-tuted for outdoor My Pride Stations where people can record their personal messages and contrib-ute to the project.

    Bus Stop Installation

  • Banner Ad

    click here to view banner add

  • I am proud of my wife

    She emotionally and financially supported my decision to go back to school, and urged me to take a full course load. When times were tough and I wanted to quit she refused to let me,

    staying up late into the night to help me study. If it wasnt for her I wouldnt be receiving my college diploma today.

    Michael Binder (Boise, Idaho)

    Learn more about my pride at

  • Budget

    Public Relations (press releases, events, promotions, influencers, pride capsule)

    Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 YEAR 1

    Outdoor (bus stations, billboards)

    Print Ads (Newspapers, Magazines, Pride Cards)

    Internet (banner ads)

    Website: Initial fees (domian name, software development, legal fees)

    Library (Pride Stations in 100 libraries)

    $3.5 Million

  • Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 YEAR 2

    Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 $165,000$553,000$711,000$15,800$20,000


  • Future GrowthAs My Pride grows we plan to incorporate television advertising. This may in-clude My Pride contributors sharing their 30 second stories on a national stage, or other innovative forms of linking the pride of random citizens. Ultimately, we hope to install My Pride Stations into community libraries of smaller and more isolated towns while also finding new, engaging locations in existing cities. The growth of this project will ideally result in citizens with a better understanding for one another and a nation where no one is ever ashamed to say I am proud to be an American.

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  • ConclusionToday the American people are smarter, stronger, more engaged and have the capacity to learn from one another more than ever before. Now its time for Americans to take the reputation of this country into their own hands. The worlds perception of this nation should not be defined by our foreign policy. It should be defined the people themselves.

    Times are tough, but let us rebuild this country the way it was built in the first place: From the ground up. Let the 306 million people of this nation redefine Americas image around the world with our own personalities. Our own emotions. Our own stories. Our own pride.

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