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    Institut for Industrikonomi og Virksomhedsstrategi

    Working Paper 2000-1

    The Resource-Based Tangle:Towards a Sustainable Explanation of

    Competitive Advantage

    Nicolai J FossLINK

    Department of Industrial Economics and Strategy

    Copenhagen Business SchoolHowitzvej 602000 Frederiksberg

    [email protected]

    Thorbjrn KnudsenLINK

    Department of MarketingUniversity of Southern Denmark/Odense University

    Campusvej 555230 Odense MDenmark

    [email protected]

    2nddraft, 21 February 2000

    AcknowledgmentThe critical but encouraging comments of Kirsten Foss and Geoffrey M. Hodgsonare gratefully acknowledged. All errors, obscurities, etc. are entirely ourresponsibility.

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    The Resource-Based Tangle:Towards a Sustainable Explanation of

    Competitive Advantage

    AbstractThe arguably dominant contemporary approach to the analysis ofsustained competitive advantage is the resource-based view. TakingBarney (1991) and Peteraf (1993) as representative summary statementsof the view, we argue that much resource-based research rests onpartial, implicit and problematic assumptions, and that this has led to

    conclusions that are much less general than the proponents of the viewbelieve. As an example, the widely cited value-rareness-inimitabilityor heterogeneity-immobility-ex post and ex ante limits to competitionlists do not stand up to scrutiny. In general, the view suffers from aconfusion of what are necessary conditions for the expression ofsustained competitive advantage and what are additional conditionswhich only serve to give the expression of sustained competitiveadvantage a specific form. We argue that there are only two necessaryconditions for the expression of sustained competitive advantage,namely uncertainty and immobility, and that all other conditions are


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    The arguably key strategy (content) issue has conventionally been seen as the

    creation and sustainability of firm-level competitive advantage. A large

    theoretical and a growing empirical literature exist on the subject. The perhaps

    dominant contemporary approach to the analysis of sustained competitive

    advantage (henceforth,SCA) is the resource-based view (henceforth, the

    RBV), initiated in strategy content research in the mid-1980s by Wernerfelt

    (1984), Rumelt (1984) and Barney (1986), and continued by these and other

    writers (e.g., Amit and Schoemaker 1993; Barney 1991, 1997; Black and Boal 1994;

    Conner 1991; Dierickx and Cool 1989; Grant 1991; Kay 1993; Peteraf 1993; Reed

    and DeFilippi 1990; Wernerfelt 1995; Wernerfelt and Montgomery 1986; Williams

    1992). It is hard to underestimate the strength of the voice of the RBV in the

    present conversation in strategy research. The critique that we shall present in

    this paper is thus not an unfairly harsh critique of a budding research program,

    but rather an overhaul of some of the basic premises of a perspective that has

    been well established in the strategy field for about 15 years, has been dominantfor almost as long, and has gone surprisingly unchallenged.

    Of course, some critical voices have been raised (e.g., Ghemawat 1991;

    Porter 1994; Pedersen 1999). For example, critics have pointed to the RBVs

    neglect of the firms environment and its over-emphasis on uniqueness (of

    resources and strategies), to the chicken-and-egg nature of the problem of

    ascertaining the temporal priority of firm versus industry determinants of

    competitive advantage (e.g., Porter 1994), and, relatedly, to the necessarily dual

    nature of an industry and a firm view of competitive advantage (Ghemawat 1991;

    Pedersen 1999). While we sympathize with these critiques, our critical points are


    First, we shall argue that much RBV research rests on partial and/or implicit

    assumptions and that this has led to a number of problematic conclusions. We

    provide examples of this.

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    Second, we argue that the RBV is characterized by a confusion of necessary

    and additional conditions in the analysis of SCA. Specifically, the RBV has not

    precisely disentangled those fundamental conditions that are always logically

    necessary for the expression of SCA from those additional conditions that are not

    strictly necessary but which may add to the analysis by giving the expression of

    SCA a specific form. An example that may help illustrate this important

    distinction is the formation of prices in a market. Here, certain conditions are

    logically necessary, such as the assumption of the existence of a demand side of

    the market that values the relevant goods. But whether the particular market is

    monopolistic, oligopolistic or competitive is, strictly speaking, not necessaryconditions for the existence and abstract understanding of pricing. Assumptions

    about market structure are what we here call additional conditions, which give

    the expression of market price a specific form.

    Third, a point that is closely related to the two previous ones, but is more

    implicit in the discussion, is that although the RBV has drawn strongly on

    economics, the adoption of economic principles has been rather incomplete. In

    fact, in our view this incompleteness may be an important source of such features

    of the RBV as implicit theorizing (i.e., implicitly working with certain crucial

    assumptions) and the inability to distinguish between necessary and additional

    conditions. Fundamentally, the use of economics in the RBV has not gone

    significantly beyond very basic price theory (Foss 2000).1 Needless to say, there is

    much more to economics than this, and a huge potential with respect to further

    refining and extending RBV reasoning awaits exploitation.

    In order to support these claims, we first summarize the RBV, drawing on

    what may well be the two most quoted and authoritative summary statements of

    the RBV, namely Barney (1991) and Peteraf (1993) (The Resource-Based View of

    Sustained Competitive Advantage). We then present a number of key RBV ideas

    that turn out to be quite problematic when analyzed through the lens of economic

    1 Notable exceptions are Wernerfelt (1984, 1995) and Lippman and Rumelt (1982).

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    reasoning (Some Fundamental Problems in the Resource-Based View). For example,

    many RBV ideas are put forward as general propositions. However, it is often

    easy to construct counter-examples to these (and we shall provide some). In our

    view, this is because the distinction between what are necessary and additional

    conditions for the expression of SCA is confused in the RBV, and, because a

    number of conditions are implicitly stated.

    As an example of the latter, the RBV argues that resources acquired on

    informationally efficient factor markets cannot be sources of SCA (Barney 1986).

    However, nothing is said in the RBV about the institutional basis of trading

    processes in such markets and nothing is said about the characteristics of those

    who bargain on factor markets. However, RBV conclusions strongly depend on

    additional and highly contingent assumptions about trading processes. This is an

    example of both incomplete use of economics and ignorance of the necessary

    conditions for the existence of SCA. As an example of the confusion between

    necessary and additional conditions for the expression of SCA, consider the RBV

    claim that uniqueness of strategies is a necessary condition for the existence of

    SCA (e.g., Barney 1991; Aharoni 1993). However, this may only be so if strategies

    are substitutes; if they are complementary, in the sense that implementing the

    same strategies raise profits (likely within bounds) for the relevant firms, the

    claim is, of course, false. Uniqueness is only required for SCA if the additional

    assumption is made that there are no strategic complements (Bulow et al.1985).

    So, unless the specific additional condition is taken on board, that strategic

    complements are absent, uniqueness of strategies is not a necessary condition forthe existence of SCA. Furthermore, as we shall point out, uniqueness of strategies

    is actually not necessarily a condition for the expression of SCA, even in the

    absence of strategic complements.

    The bottom-line of all this is that competitive outcomes are highly

    dependent on additional conditions regarding competitive activity, bargaining,

    and much else conditions that are seldom or never stated explicitly in the RBV.

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    As a result, RBV frameworks have not yet identified the necessary and sufficient

    conditions for the existence of (sustained) competitive advantage. In fact, we shall

    argue that there are only two such conditions, namely uncertaintyand immobility

    (The Determinants of Competitive Advantage). These are truly necessary in the

    sense that we cannot rationalize SCA without these two concepts. On the other

    hand, they are also the only necessary conditions (i.e., they are sufficient), in the

    sense that regardless of the specific additional conditions that we impute to the

    context of competitive advantage such as the characteristics of competition

    (e.g., Bertrand or Cournot), the specification of trading processes on factor

    markets, the protocol of the game, etc.

    combinations of uncertainty andimmobility may always be chosen so that equilibria with firms that have

    differential competitive advantages (i.e., realize differential profits) can be

    supported. However, a comprehensive strategic framework should also identify

    as many and as precisely as possibly the set of additional conditions which may,

    in real world strategic settings, define the context of competitive advantage.

    The Resource-based View of Sustained

    Competitive Advantage

    The different components of the RBV view of SCA have been laid down in a

    number of important papers published since the mid-1980s (notably Wernerfelt

    1984; Barney 1986, 1991; Rumelt 1987; Dierickx and Cool 1989). Rather than

    providing a comprehensive literature review of all these contributions, we focus

    on two much cited papers that elegantly and somewhat differently pull together

    in simple frameworks the diverse theoretical components that enter into the RBV

    analysis of SCA. These two papers are Jay Barneys 1991 paper, Firm Resources

    and Sustained Competitive Advantage, and Margaret Peterafs 1993 paper, The

    Cornerstones of Competitive Advantage. We regard these two papers as

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    authoritative summaries of the RBV on SCA, and shall refer to them throughout

    this paper rather than to other RBV papers.2

    Barneys 1991 Analysis

    The RBV is conventionally distinguished from other approaches to strategy

    by taking the individual resource as the unit of analysis when it comes to

    understanding the sources of SCA. Moreover, the RBV is also often characterized

    as a distinctive approach by pointing to its beginning from the factor market side

    rather than from the product market side, again somewhat in contrast to other

    approaches to strategy. Thus, attention is focused on various characteristics of

    resources, including the price at which their services are acquired, in order to

    clarify whether these resources may be sources of SCA.

    However, Barney (1991) begins by formulating the analysis of SCA in terms

    of the strategies that firms implement in product markets. According to Barney,

    one necessary condition for SCA to obtain is uniqueness of product market

    strategies. In other words, only strategies that are not implemented by competitor

    firms can secure a SCA. This would seem to make SCA a product market concept

    (perhaps somewhat in contrast to the usual identification of the RBV with an

    emphasis on factor markets). However, Barney is quick to point out that although

    uniqueness of product market strategies is crucial for the expression of SCA, the

    key to understanding what make strategies valuable and sustain their uniqueness

    lies at a lower level of analysis, namely at the level of resources that a firm needs

    to access and control in order to implement its strategies.

    Barney then goes on to discuss the necessary conditions that resources must

    conform to in order to give rise to valuable and unique strategies, that is, to give

    rise to SCA. Referring to the SWOT framework, Barney defines resources as being

    2 For example, we dont make reference to the paper that is conventionally taken to be thefounding contribution of the RBV, namely Wernerfelt (1984). Further reasons for this is thatWernerfelts paper is perhaps more of a contribution to the diversification literature than to theliterature on competitive advantage, is often cited but surprisingly little used, and does not seem

    to be vulnerable to the critiques of the RBV that we launch.

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    valuable when they help seizing an opportunity in the firms environment or

    when they help neutralizing some threat in that environment, or at least shielding

    the firm against the threat. By resources being rare, Barney seems to have a

    simple counting sense (as distinct from an economic sense) in mind. Thus, if a

    million firms control a certain resource, it is not likely to be rare (even if a billion

    firms badly need the relevant resource). Firms that control valuable and rare

    resources possess a competitive advantage and will be able to implement

    superior strategies.

    While necessary, these two criteria are not sufficient, since they do not

    guarantee that competitive advantage can be enjoyed on a sustained basis. This

    shifts the attention to two additional necessary criteria that resources must

    conform to in order to give rise to a SCA, namely non-imitability and non-

    substitutability. The non-imitability (or more correctly: costly-to-imitate)

    condition directs attention to whether (or more correctly: at which cost)

    competitor firms can acquire or accumulate resources with attributes and levels

    of attributes similar to some desired resource (Barzel 1997) which produces a

    competitive advantage. The non-substitutability (or more correctly: costly-to-

    substitute) condition directs attention to whether (or more correctly: at which

    cost) competitor firms can access resources that will allow them to implement the

    same strategies as some successful firm. This is different from the non-imitability

    condition because it is not here required that the underlying resources that

    substituting firms access are the same as those controlled by the successful firm in

    terms of their composition and level of attributes.

    These two criteria directs attention to the barriers that may block imitation

    and substitution and much research in the RBV has centered on identifying and

    classifying such barriers (e.g., Rumelt 1987; Dierickx and Cool 1989; Reed and

    DeFilippi 1990; Grant 1991). It is also these two criteria that allows Barney to

    define the existence of SCA in terms of situations in which all attempts by

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    competitor firms at imitating or substituting a successful firm have ceased. Thus,

    SCA is seen as a property of some essentially unspecified Nash-equilibrium.3

    Barneys framework is summarized in Figure 1a.4

    XXXXXXXX Insert Figure a and 1b hereXXXXXXXX

    Peterafs 1993 Analysis

    Peterafs analysis of the conditions for SCA, which is summarized in Figure

    1b, is somewhat different from Barneys by more explicitly drawing on basic

    price-theory, specifically the economic analysis of various types of rent.

    Moreover, it directly takes individual resources as the relevant level of analysis,

    rather than strategies.

    According to Peteraf, resources yield a SCA to the firm that controls them

    when they meet four necessary conditions. The first one is that the resource

    should be heterogeneous, where heterogeneity is essentially undefined but may be

    taken to refer to differences in the amount and level of various attributes of the

    resource relative to other resources. The implication is that resources that are

    heterogeneous in this sense will lead to different outcomes when they are used in

    similar productive occupations (e.g., similar manufacturing processes). In

    particular, there will be efficiency differences across resources. These efficiency

    differences translate into differences in rents, both in the Ricardian sense, where

    rents arise as a result of efficiency differences inside the same resource category

    (e.g., land), and in the more standard opportunity cost sense, where rent is the

    difference between the value of the resource in the best and the next-best uses.

    Peteraf adds to this that for the firm to actually be able to reap the economic

    3An idea earlier formalized by Lippman and Rumelt (1982), and going back at least to Demsetz(1973).

    4It should be mentioned that Barney (1997) has later added the efficient organization of resources

    as an independent necessary condition for the expression of SCA.

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    fruits of superior efficiencies, the relevant resources should be characterized by

    imperfect mobilitywhich means that the resource should be relatively specific to

    the firm. The underlying story is that bargaining advantage and mobility is

    directly related. For example, (the owner of) a very mobile resource has an

    advantage with respect to bargaining over the sharing of the surplus (rent) that

    the resources activity in the firm produces, and while the resource may give rise

    to substantial surplus, the firm (i.e., the other input owners) will not be able to

    share very much of this surplus with (the owner of) the resource.

    In addition to the criteria of heterogeneity and imperfect mobility, Peteraf

    focuses on competitive forces that relate to acquisition of resources. Thus,

    following Barney (1986), she argues that resources must be acquired at a price

    below their discounted net present value in order to yield rents/give rise to SCA

    this is the necessary condition of ex ante limits to competition. If this condition is

    not met, future rents will be fully absorbed in the price paid for the resource.

    Finally, Peteraf focuses on ex post limits to competition as a final necessary

    condition for the expression of SCA. This is a more guarded version of Barneys

    (1991) condition of non-imitability, and directs attention to the reasons why

    would-be competitors may find it costly to imitate attractive resources.

    Some Fundamental Problems in

    the Resource-based View

    The above analyses have been widely cited and used,5and we shall take them as

    broadly representative of much RBV work on the sources of SCA. In the

    following paragraphs, we identify problems and ambiguities that are associated

    with these analyses, and argue that these problems and ambiguities stem from

    5 As, for example, participants in Academy of Management and Strategic Management Societymeetings will know.

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    the fact that the analyses often stop short of identifying fundamental causes of

    competitive advantage, and that necessary assumptions are usually not stated or

    even misidentified.

    Valuable and Rare Resources

    The basic RBV aim is to consider the reach of heterogeneous (rather than

    homogeneous) resources as causes of heterogeneous outcomes (i.e., differential

    performance).6 While this is a worthwhile aim, there are reasons to be less

    comfortable with some specific ideas concerning this link between heterogeneous

    resources and outcomes.

    As we saw above, Barney (1991) requires that only resources that are rare,

    valuable, non-imitable, and non-substitutable can be sources of SCA. From an

    economic point of view, this is a partly pleonastic scheme, since resources cannot

    be valuable if they are not rare; thus, a rare resource is a valuable resource (Lewin

    and Phelan 1999; Pedersen 1998). Thus, all the scheme appears to be saying is

    that a resource that is valuable on a sustained basis is a source of SCA, which, of

    course, is a tautology, at least if we think of competitive advantage in terms of

    value creation.7

    One may argue that the charge that Barney (and those who repeat his

    scheme) confuses value and rareness turns on value being defined in terms of

    market price. An alternative interpretation may be to suggest that Barney

    exclusively uses value in reference to the subjective valuation of infra-marginal

    consumers/users. In this case, however, SCA is essentially assumed by limiting6We note in passing that heterogeneity of resources is seldom or never defined. One possibleunderstanding of heterogeneous resources is that these are inputs with different levels of valuedattributes.

    7Furthermore, sustainability of competitive advantage is a matter of whether the uniqueness ofthe relevant resources can be sustained in equilibrium. This depends on the degree of imitabilityand substitutability of the resources. Now, it is not clear that the condition of substitutability isnecessary. From an economic point of view, if resources are functionally substitutable (e.g., canunderlie the same strategy), they should be treated as identical (Lewin and Phelan 1999). In otherwords, substitutability is not an independent necessary condition; it collapses into the hard-to-

    imitate condition.

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    the supply of those resources that produce goods at a cost below the customers

    willingness to pay. So, the scheme now appears to be saying that the lucky few

    holding a resource whose products are valued over the competitive price on a

    sustained basis hold a source of SCA. This re-interpretation does not seem to help

    much in escaping tautological reasoning.

    The important part of the RBV has to do with the distinction between

    homogeneous and heterogeneous resources rather than with the specific

    postulated link between heterogeneous resources and heterogeneous outcomes.

    This is because heterogeneous resources are more likely to be immobile than

    homogenous resources (e.g., they may be more specific), as we shall later explain.

    However, even the emphasis placed on heterogeneity may sometimes be

    misplaced, for example, as when it is claimed that possessing heterogeneous

    resources in an industry is a necessary condition for success (Barney 1991: 104).

    As an example, consider an industry where incumbents control

    homogeneous endowments (resources), but where competition is Cournot and

    high entry barriers exist for whatever reason (it doesnt matter whether these arestrategic or natural). Firms will, of course, earn returns above the competitive

    level, although the resources they control are identical.8 As a related example,

    consider an industry with nidentical units of capacity (each unit being controlled

    by one firm) and given entry barriers. Let y (0< y

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    industry heterogeneity (e.g., Peteraf 1993).

    These toy examples suggest, first, the rather elementary point that industry

    entry barriers must matter for performance, somewhat contrary to the general tenorof the RBV. Second, they suggest the, likewise elementary, point that the form of

    competition matters for competitive outcomes. While resource-based writers are

    generally keenly and critically aware of the role of entry-barriers in accounting for

    performance differences, they have paid little or no attention to the form that inter-

    industry rivalry may take. For example, Peteraf (1993) illustrates her reasoning

    with reference to only a competitive price-taking context that only differs from the

    standard competitive equilibrium model by allowing for some asymmetric

    information on the level of production technology. Surely, it is completely

    acceptable to assume the harshest possible competitive conditions, such as Bertrand

    competition. This may be the case because one wishes to fully concentrate on the

    impact of heterogeneous endowments on performance differences. But this should

    be stated and justified, exactly for the reason that the performance distribution in an

    industry is not just a function of firm-specific resources and industry barriers, but

    also of the form that competition takes in that industry. Unfortunately, RBV

    analyses fail to provide explicit specification of the form of competition despite the

    fact that this additional condition gives distinct shape to the expression of SCA.

    A possible import of the reasoning so far is that the important distinction in

    the analysis of SCA is not really the one between homogeneity and heterogeneity

    per se, but rather the one between mobility and immobility of factors/ resources

    (Baumol et al. 1982). Thus, an industry of firms that are homogeneous in terms of

    the resources they control may nevertheless be characterized by firms with above-

    normal returns if it is costly for potential entrants to compete in that industry. The

    above normal returns may be composed of both rents and profits, but the essence is

    that for some reason it is costly for potential entrants to transfer resources to the

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    industry and set up production.

    The Uniqueness Argument

    The emphasis in the RBV on heterogeneous resources as necessary conditions

    for competitive success is often encountered in a strong(er) version which

    emphasizes uniqueness of strategies. As we have seen this is the case of Barney

    (1991) (if not of Peteraf 1993). To quote one author: [c]ompetitive advantage can

    be achieved if the firm is able to be different. Success is based on using a unique

    strategy. The ability to protect the uniqueness against imitators ensures continued

    success (Aharoni 1993: 31). This emphasis on uniqueness goes back to thefounding fathers of the strategy field, such as Selznick (1957) and Andrews (1971).

    However, it may be at least partly misguided, notably when strategies are


    An important distinction in recent industrial organization economics concerns

    whether firm strategies are substitutes or complements (Bulow et al. 1985; Tirole,

    1988). For example, consider firm Aand firm B, both placed in the same industry.

    If firmAs return from implementing a strategy is increasing in firm Bs return from

    implementation of its strategy and vice versa, then the strategies of the two firms are

    complementary. A special case of this obtains when Aand Bimplement the same

    strategy. This may be the case in network industries (i.e., industries characterized

    by network externalities), in which case incumbents, or a subset of the incumbents,

    may benefit from adopting identical strategies in the sense of achieving returns

    higher than outsiders or compared to the incumbent firms that dont adopt similarstrategies. Or, it may be the case in oligopoly industries in which firms will benefit

    from implementing and enforcing the same pricing strategies. Clearly,

    homogenous resources are a distinct advantage in the latter case, since it eases the

    enforcement of oligopolistic collusion (Tirole 1988). The upshot is that because of

    its emphasis on unique strategies, the RBV (and much of strategy thinking in

    general) implicitly but erroneously assumes that all strategies are substitutes and

    neglects complements. In reality both substituting and complementary strategies

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    matter. However, even if we abstract from strategic complements, further

    problems remain with the RBV analysis of SCA.

    A Theory of Competitive Advantage, or of Rents, or Both?

    So far, we have taken differential competitive advantage to be identical to

    differential profits and/or rents. However, comparing Barney (1991) and Peteraf

    (1993) actually makes it unclear whether the RBV is a theory of competitive

    advantage in the sense of a theory of unique product-market strategies where the

    uniqueness can be sustained in equilibrium (what appears to be Barneys position),

    a theory of the sustainability of rent differentials in equilibrium (what appears to bePeterafs position), or perhaps both?

    This may sound as hair-splitting, but there is a subtle difference here: SCA in

    the sense of sustaining a unique strategy in equilibrium doesnt necessarily imply

    the earning of rents in that equilibrium, and vice versa. For example, a firm may

    persistently implement a unique strategy based on resources acquired in fully

    competitive and informationally efficient factor markets, in which case the firm

    may well have a SCA, but actually only realizes the competitive return. Or, to take

    the inverse case, a firm may adopt the same strategy as a large number of

    competitors, but may still exploit informational advantages or bargaining

    advantages in factor markets or simply be favoured by luck, so that while it doesnt

    have a SCA, it does earn an above-normal return.

    Now, the convention appears to be to associate competitive advantage with

    above-normal returns rather than with unique product market strategies.

    However, it is easy to see why Barney focuses on unique strategies. Only in this

    way can he uphold an emphasis on unique, firm-specific resources the emphasis

    that is conventionally taken to be the hallmark of the RBV. But as the above

    discussion of complementary strategies has suggested and as we shall later argue in

    more detail, a group of firms in an industry may very well implement exactly the

    same strategies and still earn rents relative to the rest of that industry. The

    emphasis on uniqueness in the RBV is subject to strong qualifications.

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    The RBV Factor Market Argument

    Barneys 1986 analysis of strategic factor markets (mirrored in Peterafs

    notion of ex ante limits to competition) has become very influential. It providesmuch of the justification for the notion that one of the features that distinguish the

    RBV from other strategy approaches is its emphasis on factor markets.

    Nevertheless, the analysis rests on unstated but crucial assumptions (cf. also

    Ghemawat 1991). The main point of Barney (1986) is this: Since factor markets can

    empirically be taken to be at least semi-efficient (in the finance sense), that is, all

    publicly available information will be reflected in market prices, firms can only

    hope to purchase resources at a price lower than the discounted present value if

    they hold some informational advantage or are simply favored by luck. Resources

    acquired in factor markets that are perfectly informationally efficient cannot yield

    rents to firms.

    This argument is not necessarily wrong. Barney presents it as simply an

    application of quite standard economics and finance reasoning. However, in the

    specific formulation adopted by Barney (1986) and by most of those resource-basedwriters (e.g., Peteraf 1993) who apply his reasoning namely that if the demand

    and the supply side on strategic factor markets hold the same information, the price

    of a resource will equal its discounted present value the argument is either

    wrong, or it rests on very specific, but unstated, assumptions.9

    It is true that under symmetric information, bargaining will lead to a

    maximization of joint surplus, and, hence, be efficient. No value will be dissipated

    because of transaction costs and strategic behavior. However, this basic proposition

    does not imply any claimper se about the division of surplus, and certainly not that

    the supply side appropriates all value, as Barney (1986) asserts. It is perfectly

    conceivable that a firm may acquire a resource in an informationally perfect factor

    market at a price below its discounted present value for that firm. It all depends on

    what is asserted about, for example, the competition on both sides of the market,

    9 For example, Ghemawat (1991) interprets Barney (1986) as having a common value auction in

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    the institutional set-up in which trading processes take place, and on factors such as

    the impatience (i.e., time preference) of the traders (Rubinstein 1982; Sutton 1986).

    These factors determine relative bargaining powers and, hence, the distribution of

    surplus between the two sides in the trading processes on factor markets.

    The No Rules for Riches Argument

    Accepting the argument that SCA can only be based on resources that are

    acquired on informationally inefficient factor markets may suggest the seeming

    corollary that competitive advantages cannot be enjoyed from publicly available

    strategic advice (e.g. Barney 1986; Rumelt, Schendel and Teece 1991a; Kay 1993). Inother words, in the presence of (informationally) perfect factor markets, there can

    be no rules for riches. Of course, such an argument rests on the empirical claim

    that factor markets are at least semi-efficient. The economic logic appears to be that

    factor market prices will perfectly adjust, or, even if competitive forces on these

    markets dont push prices of the relevant resources in the right direction, then

    product market competition between numerous firms, all implementing the same

    piece of strategic advice, will quickly compete away any excess profits.


    It is easy to see that this argument can be met with objections similar to those

    we used to criticize the general point that competitive advantage is not ensured by

    resources acquired in perfect strategic factor markets. Thus, suppose that firms

    accept and use advice la only enter markets that grow fast or only enter

    markets where suppliers are in a weak bargaining position. Is this useless advice?

    Only if the advice is associated with post-entry performance distributions that arestrictly dominated by pre-entry performance distributions, or, as a rather extreme

    outcome does not affect the shape of the performance distribution, for example,

    when these are mean-preserving and risk-adjusted.

    But why should this hold in general? Every manager in the economy may

    know, for example, that the suppliers to a certain industry are particularly weak,

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    but there is no reason to suppose that this translates into a general profit

    opportunity. At the limit, it is conceivable that only a single firm, (or even none at

    all), may benefit from the advice, because only this firm has the capability, or

    sufficiently deep pockets, to exploit the advice. As Richardson (1960: 57) pointed

    out, [a] general profit opportunity, which is known to everyone, and equally

    capable of being exploited by everyone, is in an important sense, a profit

    opportunity for no-one in particular. The import of Richardsons point is that an

    analysis of whether firms may benefit from publicly available information simply

    cannot be made in isolation from the specific details of industries, of the relevant

    firms, of capital markets (e.g., there may be rationing on these markets) (Richardson


    Moreover, even abstracting from the above arguments, the no rules for

    riches argument is problematic as a general proposition. To see this consider

    Lippman and Rumelt (1982) (cf. also Mosakowski 1998). In a stochastic equilibrium

    set-up, in which risk-neutral firms can pay a fee to draw from a random

    distribution of possible production functions that determine their costs and

    performance, Lippman and Rumelt showed that firms will not earn any rent on

    average. Thus, the advice to enter the industry is in this setting risk-adjusted and

    mean-preserving. However, choosing not to enter the industry means that firms

    will not earn rents with certainty, whereas the post-entry performance is associated

    with a positive probability of earning rents. As Mosakowski (1998) put it, there are

    at least rules for chancesof riches.

    The Neglect of the Environment

    The much-cited findings of Rumelt (1991) have been widely interpreted as an

    argument that industry doesnt matter. It is, however, important to understand

    what this means and what it doesnt mean. Rumelts findings do indeed point to

    firm heterogeneity playing the major role for the understanding of performance

    distributions. But they do not suggest that the industry and in particular the

    mode of competition in an industry

    can be neglected. As a matter of general

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    modeling practice, it may be wise to begin by assuming the harshest possible kind

    of competition such as Bertrand competition and competitive equilibrium (as in

    Peteraf 1993) since all sorts of behaviors and performances may be rationalized

    by assuming less harsh competition. One might think that assuming, for example,

    Bertrand competition would allow one to black box the environment, as one

    would not seem to have to bother with complicated oligopolistic interdependence.

    Such is not the case. For example, under Bertrand competition, returns come to a

    firm through low costs, as it were. However, profits come to an industry through

    cost heterogeneity. This implies that there is a collective motive to install an

    industrial structure that maximizes cost heterogeneity10

    even if this does not

    minimize costs.

    Thus, the form of competition matters for performance, but so does the

    organization of industry. For example, Farrell et al. (1998) examine the vertical

    organization of complementary activities by analytically separating whether firms

    compete in terms of selling an end product (a system) or whether firms compete

    in terms of selling individual components (that together make up the system).

    Contrary to intuition, even under Bertrand competition, these two ways of

    organizing industry are not perfect substitutes (in terms of overall efficiency and

    firm performances), provided that firm resources (proxied by production costs)

    differ. This means that the organization of industry (here in terms of systems or

    component organization) is a choice variable for firms, and that firms may have an

    incentive to organize industry in such a way that cost heterogeneity is maximized

    (which may not minimize costs). Thus, differential resources clearly matter (in

    fact, the whole analysis of Farrell et al. 1998 requires taking such a starting point),

    but they matter for reasons that are somewhat different from those normally

    identified in the RBV.

    Summing Up

    10Of course, this is associated with all the usual problems of the provision of public and semi-publicgoods.

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    The RBV appears to aspire to being a general theory of SCA. Its propositions

    are put forward as general ones. For example, both Barney and Peteraf assert that

    their frameworks identify the necessary and sufficient conditions for SCA.

    However, we have identified a number of arguments derived from these

    frameworks where, for example, additional assumptions are required to make the

    argument right. In the next section, we shall argue that the difficulties that we have

    exemplified by criticizing these specific arguments are manifestations of deeper-

    rooted problems with the basic analysis of SCA, as exemplified by Barney (1991)

    and Peteraf (1993). For example, we shall argue that it is possible to have sustained

    interfirm differences in a competitive model with only (demand) uncertainty and

    fixed costs (Lippman et al.1991). More generally and provocatively, we suggest that

    there are only two necessary conditions of SCA, namely uncertainty and

    immobility. On a fundamental analytical level, there is no need to refer to the whole

    armory of, for example, the Peteraf (1993) analysis.11 The main lesson that we draw

    from our examination of RBV arguments is the need to strengthen RBVs

    explanatory bite by separating the necessary conditions for the existence of SCA

    from those additional conditions, which only serve to give the expression of SCA a

    specific form. Put differently, uncertainty and immobility should be the only

    conditions to enter the analysis of SCA as exogenous elements whereas a host of

    additional conditions are candidates for inclusion as endogenous elements. As

    pointed out by Hicks (1979: 22), from the point of view of the theory, an exogenous

    element cannot be an effect, it can only be a cause. It is in this sense that we

    distinguish between necessary and additional conditions. Additional conditions

    may be both cause and effect whereas necessary conditions can only be a cause.

    The Determinants of Competitive Advantage

    11This is not to say that the Peteraf (1993) framework is inconsistent with Lippman, McCardle, andRumelt (1991). For example, it may be argued that the notions of immobility and heterogeneityrelate to the fixed cost component of the Lippman et al.framework and that ex post and ex ante

    limits to competition relate to the uncertainty component. However, the Lippmann et al. analysisgoes beyond the RBV analysis because of its concern with demand-side factors which are neglected

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    Necessity and Causality

    So far, we have pointed to a number of examples where RBV reasoning relies

    on unstated assumptions (e.g., the emphasis on uniqueness and the factor marketargument). As we see it, this is symptomatic of a broader tendency in the RBV of

    not applying sufficient analytical precision. Most fundamentally, we discern what

    we think is a confusion of necessary conditions and what reduces to additional

    conditions that, while useful for focusing and adding realism to the analysis, are

    not strictly necessary for the expression of SCA. The inability to perform this

    separation means that the conditions necessary and sufficient conditions for the

    existence of SCA are not precisely identified and what are only additional

    conditions may become elevated to the state of necessity. An example is

    uniqueness which by some writers (e.g., Aharoni 1993) is taken to be a necessary

    condition for SCA, even if this can only be true in the absence of strategic

    complements (which is an empirical matter; not a logical one).

    One way to see the importance of the distinction between necessary and

    additional conditions is in terms of the causal structure of the explanation of SCA.Of course, the production of a SCA in a firm is, at any point in time, a result of the

    interplay between many interacting causes, both in theory and in reality. However,

    some causes are more fundamental than others, in theory as well as in reality.

    Notably, some causes are necessary for the production of the phenomenon (SCA)

    while others are not. As pointed out by Hicks (1979), one possible litmus test for

    examining whether some cause is more fundamental than another cause is to ask

    whether the former can dissolve the latter. In the present context, this means that

    a SCA may conceptually be produced by the operation of the former (necessary)

    condition, independently of the state of the latter. Conditions that, regardless of

    their particular expression, do not alter the possibility of the existence of SCA

    cannot be candidates for necessary conditions (Hicks, 1979), and, are referred to as

    additional conditions. This is not to deny the explanatory importance of additional

    in the RBV.

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    conditions, however. Clearly, we need statements regarding some additional

    conditions to tailor the analysis to capture what we think are the important aspects

    of any specific phenomenon to be explained.12 To use an example, while we can

    assert that some sunk costs are a necessary condition for the existence of strategic

    entry barriers, whether these costs will actually deter entry depends on additional

    conditions regarding entrants and incumbents beliefs, the size of the sunk costs,


    As a strategy (content) theory, the RBV makes causal arguments about the

    expression of SCA. Essentially, we have criticized representative statements of the

    RBV (namely Barney 1991; Peteraf 1993) for misrepresenting the causal chain

    associated with the expression of SCA. For example, we pointed to instances in

    which the RBV relies on additional conditions that are, however, mistaken for

    necessary conditions of SCA. Our conclusion is that the chain of causal

    determinants of SCA is misidentified in the RBV. This misidentification is

    problematic, not only because the logic of RBV models may be questioned, but also

    because it makes the application of the RBV framework to the real world

    troublesome. For example, empirical research in the RBV is likely to be led astray,

    since the effect of variables that measure necessary conditions of SCA (i.e., those

    that according to logical necessity must be present for SCA to obtain) will influence

    any variable that measures additional conditions (i.e., those that are represented in

    models in order to capture a specific phenomenon) and vice versa. For example, a

    regression analysis that omits a control for additional conditions will typically show

    biased and weaker effects. Or, a regression analysis may show a significant result

    despite the fact that the only independent variables included were some that

    captured additional conditions. However, a replication will inevitably lead to

    incomprehensible results if those variables that reflect necessary conditions

    those omitted in the regression have changed.

    Moreover, the inability in the RBV to get causality right is the underlying

    12 In fact, in section II, we criticized the RBV for not being sufficiently specific about such additionalconditions.

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    source of many of the confusions that we reported in the section II. For example, it

    is incorrectly asserted that heterogeneity is a necessary conditions for the expression

    of SCA (because, as we shall argue, heterogeneity is a derived concept); that

    uniqueness of strategies is a necessary condition for SCA (when this entirely

    depends on the specification of further additional conditions regarding the

    complementarity and substitutability of strategies); that informational inefficiency

    has to exist for SCA to obtain (whereas this depends on further additional

    conditions in terms of institutions, trading processes and traders on factor markets),


    The conclusion is that it is essential to provide a correct specification of the

    causal chain through which SCA is expressed. We pursue this objective in the rest

    of this paper. A main conclusion emerging from the analysis is that the widely

    cited value-rareness-inimitability or heterogeneity-immobility-ex post and ex

    ante limits to competition lists do not stand up to scrutiny. We argue that only

    two conditions are necessary for the expression of competitive advantage, namely

    uncertainty and immobility.13 No further conditions are needed to produce SCA,

    and, all other conditions are additional in the sense that they serve to lend a

    particular form to the expression of SCA. Alternatively, additional conditions such

    as heterogeneity may themselves be expressions of uncertainty and immobility.

    Therefore, additional conditions, including heterogeneity, has an intermediate

    position in the causal chain that produces SCA. In consequence, RBV should apply

    a sharp distinction between necessary and additional conditions for the expression

    of SCA, taking uncertainty and immobility as the only acceptable candidates for

    exogenous elements of explanation. All other conditions should be modeled as

    endogenous14. In order to support the argument that uncertainty and immobility

    13 We are agnostic on the precise meaning of uncertainty. Thus, it may be taken to refer to bothKnightian uncertainty and to risk.

    14 A case in point for the suggested approach is Suttons (1991) theory of market structure.Interestingly, Sutton (1991) begins with immobility and, it may be argued, adds uncertainty (in

    terms of strategic response) in order to arrive at the result that the precondition for the existence ofa concentrated market structure in all situations (even when market size is indefinitely large) is thatboth conditions are present.

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    are the starting point of this causal chain and thus necessary and sufficient

    conditions for the expression of SCA, we rely heavily on the relevant economics


    Heterogeneity and Performance

    Here, we shall review a sample of relevant studies from the industrial

    organization literature. These are relevant in the sense that they are all taken up

    with examining performance differentials in equilibrium as somehow influenced by

    uncertainty, immobility and heterogeneity. The common consent emerging from

    these studies is that the combined effect of uncertainty and immobility can alwaysproduce heterogeneity in the sense of equilibrium differentials in efficiency

    (average costs). Since the reverse is not always true, they establish the basis for our

    argument that uncertainty and immobility should be seen as necessary conditions

    for the expression of SCA, while persistent heterogeneity in the efficiency

    properties of inputs is best viewed as an additional condition for SCA through

    which the effect of uncertainty and immobility is expressed.

    The upshot of all this is that a careful consideration of the difference between

    necessary conditions and what turns out to be additional conditions, through which

    the necessary conditions act to produce SCA, help avoid misidentification of causes

    and clauses the confusion of which has plagued previous RBV attempts to

    identify the conditions that by necessity underlies SCA.

    Before turning to the review of studies, which establish what we find is an

    unambiguous causal relation between uncertainty, immobility, heterogeneity and

    SCA, we need to consider what is meant by heterogeneity of outcomes. Implicit in

    the RBV is two meanings of outcome heterogeneity, namely (1) efficiency

    differentials (average costs) in equilibrium, or (2) different realized non-zero profits

    (pure profits in excess of the cost of capital). Since the two do not necessarily go

    hand in hand, an explicit distinction is important. Following RBV writers (e.g.

    Peteraf 1993), efficiency differentials in equilibrium may refer to persistent

    differences between incumbents after some level of entry and exit has been

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    allowed for (as in Lippman and Rumelt 1982 and Rumelt 1984). Compared to

    differential efficiencies as a criterion of SCA, non-zero profits is a broader criterion

    since it also includes the case of differences between identical incumbents and

    potential entrants (as in a number of two-stage Cournot-Nash models involving

    sunk costs and perhaps sequential entry, see e.g. Sutton, 1991 and Tirole, 1988). As

    previously indicated, the present paper adopts non-zero profits as the basic

    criterion of SCA. The perhaps most interesting cases, however, are those included

    in the intersection between the two criteria of SCA.

    In the following, we first consider studies which analyse how efficiency

    differentials may emerge, and then consider two models which may be interpreted

    as analyses of how the combination of non-zero profits and efficiency differentials

    may be obtained. The main point of this brief review is that combinations of

    uncertainty and immobility may produce efficiency differentials and/or non-zero

    profits in equilibrium, whether or not resources are heterogeneous.15

    Models of Efficiency Differentials

    The primary thrust of this rather brief review of models of efficiency

    differentials is to establish that heterogeneity is best viewed as an additional

    condition of SCA whereas immobility and uncertainty are necessary conditions.

    Lippman et al.(1991) consider a two-stage model where firms are price takers

    in a competitive environment. In stage one, firms enter the industry by installing

    capacity and paying a fixed cost to do so. In stage two, demand is announced.

    Efficiency increases in fixed costs but because of demand uncertainty, there may be

    room also for the less efficient producers. Since the model establishes heterogeneity

    as an expression of demand uncertainty and immobility, it is clear that the

    necessary conditions for SCA in this model are uncertainty and immobility. By

    contrast, heterogeneity enters as an additional condition in the causal chain that

    15Let us further note that we follow Lippman and Rumelt (1982), Lippman et al.(1991) and Tirole(1988) in expanding the common definition of immobility as functional uniqueness to encompass

    the much wider number of cases where investment in capacity requires an uncertain non-recoverable fee, that is, sunk cost commitments. Consequently, we acknowledge Lippman and

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    produces SCA.

    A study by Mills and Smiths (1996) provides an important extension of

    Lippman et al.(1991) by considering a continuous set of technologies. The choices oftechnology, outputs and prices emerge through a two-stage game: (1) the firms

    simultaneously choose technologies, and (2) the firms play Cournot-Nash, choosing

    outputs given the cost functions previously chosen in stage 1. As in Lippman et al.

    (1991), these embody a trade-off between fixed and variable inputs, and, here

    again, we see how heterogeneity is an expression of the (necessary) conditions,

    uncertainty and immobility.

    The reviewed studies suggest the following conclusion. Within the very wide

    bounds of Lippman et al.s (1991) and Mills and Smiths (1996) analyses, the

    combined effect of immobility and uncertainty may always support an equilibrium

    structure with efficiency differentials. Note that without some level of immobility

    there is no support for efficiency differentials in equilibrium. Moreover, Lippman

    et al.s(1991) analyses shows that uncertainty is a precondition for the existence of

    resource heterogeneity. In other words, uncertainty is a condition that, incombination with immobility, is necessary for the support of the heterogeneity

    which is responsible for efficiency differentials in equilibrium. We next turn to

    consider models that allow not only for efficiency differentials but also for non-zero


    Models of Efficiency Differentials and Non-Zero Profits

    Rumelts (1982) suggestion that immobility and uncertainty are deeply interdependent.

    The purpose of this examination of models where efficiency differentials and

    non-zero-profits go hand in hand is to provide further support of the claim that

    immobility and uncertainty are necessary conditions for the expression of SCA

    while heterogeneity is best viewed as an additional condition.

    Lucas (1978) and Oi (1983) argue that efficiency differentials will emerge in

    equilibrium when inputs are distributed and (quasi)fixed; specifically there is an

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    inelastic supply of managerial talent. In this case, profits are returns to (quasi-)fixed

    factors such as coordinating and monitoring ability. That is, a dispersion of

    entrepreneurial abilities generates an equilibrium size distribution of firms, even if

    all firms face the same production function and supply the same homogeneous

    good. The key to this result is that firm size is bounded by managerial ability,

    which again is limited by the (assumption of) fixed supply of calendar time. In Ois

    (1983) models, more able entrepreneurs have the capacity to convert calendar time

    into relatively larger supplies of managerial coordination effort but, by assumption,

    incur the same loss to monitor work performance as their less able peers. Thus, in

    equilibrium, efficiency differentials and non-zero profits are caused by the

    combined effect of factor immobility and heterogeneity, that is, variation in the

    input distribution of managerial abilities. Note, however, that the variation in

    managerial ability would involve uncertainty had Oi (1983) not explicitly assumed

    away the problem of allocation of entrepreneurial ability across firms and


    Consider further Lippman and Rumelts (1982) analysis of a two-stage model

    of uncertain imitability. In this model, firms are price-takers, risk neutral and

    choose according to expected values. The analysis further assumes fixed industry

    demand, stable technology and homogenous products. Uncertain imitability is

    modeled as a parameter of the firms cost function, which depends on a realization

    of a probability distribution. Each prospective entrant knows the distribution, but

    can only discover its actual cost function by making a nonrecoverable entry fee.

    In the atomistic case, the simplest and perhaps most noteworthy analysis

    provided by Lippman and Rumelt (1982), entry is sequential; each potential entrant

    observes the results realized by previous entrants and receives an independent

    draw from the distribution of cost functions. Given a limit where the realization of

    the random component of the cost function exceeds price, there are non-zero profits

    in equilibrium. Moreover, due to the random component in the cost function,

    efficiency differentials will remain. The prospective entrant expects zero profits but

    some are unfortunate and draws a bad cost function. The unsuccessful prospects

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    die and the survivors share the rents. That is, positive profits are survivor rents, i.e.,

    let all entrants be successful, and profits will be driven down to zero. It is further

    noteworthy that Lippman and Rumelts (1982) analyses demonstrate that even in

    the absence of information asymmetries among competitors, uncertainty (in

    obtaining efficiency) in combination with immobility is enough to produce

    efficiency differentials.

    Again we see that the combined effect of immobility and uncertainty produces

    efficiency differentials in equilibrium. Since the existence of input heterogeneity is

    an expression of immobility and uncertainty (cf. Lippman et al. 1991) and the

    obverse is clearly not true, the reviewed studies suggest that there are only two

    necessary conditions for SCA (in the sense of efficiency differentials in

    equilibrium).16 Note that the reviewed studies explicitly deal with those cases that

    are traditionally considered illuminating by RBV writers, that is, where

    intraindustry differences in efficiency among firms are supported in equilibrium.

    Since most interesting cases in addition to immobility also require uncertainty to

    support equilibria with efficiency differentials, and since heterogeneity when not

    assumed away is an expression of uncertainty and immobility, we submit that

    uncertainty and immobility should be identified as the necessary conditions for the

    expression of SCA. Those further assumptions necessary to make the analysis

    explicit and which may be included to address a particular problem are referred to

    as additional conditions.

    The Resource-Based View and the Fundamental Determinants of Sustained

    Competitive Advantage

    We shall now tie our argument that only two conditions are necessary for the

    expression of SCA, namely uncertainty and immobility, to the RBV. To begin with,

    recall the Peteraf (1993) approach to SCA, which identifies heterogeneity,

    16One could further argue, as we did in our toy examples, that immobility is sometimes all it takesto produce non-zero equilibrium profits. So, even in the absence of uncertainty, non zero-profits

    and thus efficiency differentials between identical incumbents and competitive industries may existin the presence of immobility. While this is certainly true, such a result, simply obtained byassumption, is not very interesting, an issue we shall have more to say about in the following.

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    immobility and barriers to ex postand ex antecompetition as four conditions that all

    are needed to produce SCA. Our argument is, however, that this is a

    misspecification. As we have seen, immobility is a necessary condition for the

    expression of heterogeneity, whereas the reverse is not necessarily true (cf.

    Lippman et al. 1991). Similarly, uncertainty is a necessary condition for the

    expression of ex anteand ex postbarriers to competition (Lippman and Rumelt 1982;

    Rumelt 1987) while the reverse does not always hold. This is summarized in Figure


    XXXXXXXX Insert Figure 2 hereXXXXXXXX

    Uncertainty and immobility are fundamental in the sense that they are both

    necessary for the expression of SCA. This also implies that, regardless of what

    specific (additional) assumptions we make with respect to, for example,

    characteristics of inputs (e.g., homogeneity or heterogeneity) and the characteristics

    of competition (e.g., Bertrand or Cournot), there are always combinations of

    uncertainty and immobility such that we can sustain equilibria with firms that have

    differential competitive advantages. We here comment on immobility and

    uncertainty, the two necessary conditions for the expression of SCA.

    1st necessary condition: Immobility. As previously noted, immobility simply

    refers to sunk cost commitments (Lippman et al. 1991). Asset specificity and

    complementarities are closely connected to this as immobility allows the firm to

    engage in signaling, for example, to demonstrate commitment to certain market

    positions (Archibald et al. 1986; Ghemawat 1991; Porter 1980). Immobility is a

    necessary condition for, and perhaps the most fundamental determinant of,

    competitive advantage.17 To see this, consider a situation with initially

    17 In the resource-based framework (Peteraf 1993), immobility is likewise seen as a condition for

    sustained competitive advantage, but here attention is only focused on the effects of inputsbargaining positions, whereas the commitment effects of immobility are neglected.

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    heterogeneous inputs. Under full mobility, competition will immediately equalize

    all returns across firms. Adding uncertainty to this does not change anything.

    Thus, as suggested in Archibald et al. (1986), Lippman et al. (1991) and a host of

    other studies, in the absence of immobility, SCA (as positive profits or efficiency

    differentials) is simply not possible.

    2nd necessary condition: Uncertainty. Abstracting from the case in which all

    inputs are exogenously given, uncertainty is a necessary condition for competitive

    advantage. Uncertainty implies that there is almost surely a difference between the

    price of inputs and their realized value, even if the demand side and the supply

    sides on factor markets hold similar probability distributions over prices and values

    (i.e., they have different point estimates). Another factor market aspect of

    uncertainty relates to uncertain imitability (Lippman and Rumelt 1982), where,

    for example, imitability may be modeled as a parameter of the firms cost function

    which depends on a realization of a probability distribution. Likewise, product

    market uncertainty (i.e., demand uncertainty) influences competitive advantage by

    introducing deviations in realized productive efficiencies (Lippman et al.1991). As

    we have noted previously, uncertainty is a necessary determinant of competitive

    advantage in most interesting cases, that is, those which encompass intra-industry

    equilibrium differences in efficiency.

    Apart from the trivial cases where above-normal profits are essentially

    assumed, uncertainty may be dispensed with in models that assume input

    heterogeneity (as in Ois 1983 models). This is no reason to suggest that

    uncertainty and heterogeneity is on par, however. Thus, according to Lippman et

    al. (1991), uncertainty may generally be viewed as a determinant of resource

    heterogeneity. Since the obverse is not true, we define uncertainty as a necessary

    condition for SCA but note that it might be suspended with by assumption of, for

    example, input heterogeneity and entry barriers in combination with excess


    As previously mentioned, however, we follow Lippman and Rumelt (1982) inviewing immobility and uncertainty as deeply interdependent, a further reason that

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    we suggest both must be viewed as two necessary conditions for the expression of

    SCA. For example, Lippman and Rumelt (1982) note that in the absence of

    uncertainty, the creation of a unique (immobile) resource could be repeated and its

    uniqueness destroyed.

    Additional Conditions

    Recall that we defined additional conditions as those causal mechanisms that

    add to the explanation without being strictly necessary, i.e., those elements of the

    causal chain which serve to shape the two necessary conditions in the expression of

    SCA. This is not to say that such additional conditions are unimportant. As wehave argued, understanding, for example, the nature of competitive activity in an

    industry may be essential for explaining the sustainability of competitive

    advantages in that industry. However, we criticized much RBV reasoning for the

    tendency to implicitly entangle the two necessary conditions and the additional

    conditions through which SCA is expressed.

    Although in principle, the set of additional conditions is unbounded, we

    illustrate what we mean by additional conditions by focusing briefly on three

    important analytical categories that are particularly pertinent to the understanding

    of SCA. These are (1) the characteristics of competition, (2) information

    asymmetries and (3) input characteristics.

    The characteristics of competition. This category refers to such dimensions as

    whether competition is Bertrand or Cournot, whether firm strategies are

    complements or substitutes, the costs of colluding in an industry, the sequencing of

    entry into an industry, the contents of strategies, the nature of trading processes on

    factor markets, assumptions regarding preferences etc. in short, many of those

    factors that may be put under the rubric of the protocol of any underlying game

    within which competitive interactions are embedded (at least in a stylized fashion),

    that is to say, the specification of interaction amongst agents.

    Information asymmetries. This category refers to the characteristics of agents

    information sets, that is, what they know about previous and/ or simultaneous

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    and/ or future moves of other agents and/ or Nature, and what can be taken to be

    private, mutual or common knowledge.

    Input characteristics. This category refers to the fundamental distinctionbetween homogeneous and heterogeneous inputs, whether inputs are assumed to

    be given initially or are created, and whether they are of a stand-alone nature or


    Regardless of what additional conditions are subscribed to, at least with

    respect to those contained in the above list(s), any combination of uncertainty and

    immobility may sustain an equilibrium where firms experience SCA.

    XXXXXXXX Insert Figure 3 hereXXXXXXXX

    Perhaps it should be noted that heterogeneity, in Figure 3, is present under the

    heading of input characteristics. Also recall that we hold the opinion that the set of

    additional conditions is unbounded. Therefore, the list of additional conditions is

    not meant to be exhaustive. As Lippman and Rumelt (1982: p. 420) noted, it may

    never be possible to produce a finite unambiguous list of the factors of production

    responsible for the success of ... firms. With the slight change that we explicitly

    suggest immobility and uncertainty as necessary conditions for the expression of

    SCA, Lippman and Rumelts (1982) unbounded list comprise part of what we refer

    to as additional conditions.

    There is a further issue, however, regarding the level at which immobility is

    effective, that is, at the level of products, firms, product groups or industries.

    Often, product-specific capital is modelled as a vehicle of firm-specific capital but

    even in a free entry equilibrium when this is not the case, positive profits can be

    obtained (cf. Archibald et al.1986). So, here we meet a further issue that demands

    attention in providing appropriate additional conditions. Let us briefly illustrate by

    considering the possibility of equilibria with non-zero profits in models with free

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    In the case of free entry in which firms sell undifferentiated goods, there exists

    a potential for non-zero profits which emerges when the ratio of minimum efficientscale to market demand raises above some threshold (Archibald et al.1986; Sutton,

    1991). Also in the case of monopolistic competition, where preferences are defined

    over a finite or countably infinite set of goods (Archibald et al.s 1986 non-address

    models), equilibria which reveal differential non-zero profits can be contrived by

    assuming that one product can only have one producer. Then, if any good is not a

    perfectly symmetrical substitute for any other good, positive equilibrium profits are

    possible (Spence 1976). These examples show that product-specific capital is only a

    source of positive profits when indivisibility is introduced by some level of

    minimum efficient scale with respect to demand (immobility) or, in the

    monopolistic case, when some rather arbitrary assumptions to the same effect

    (minimum efficient scale) are introduced. Without essentially assuming the result

    by introducing minimum efficient scale (introducing immobility), positive profits

    will be dissipated by entrants (see e.g. Archibald et al. 1986; Dixit 1980). In

    consequence, strategic behaviour is not an issue here since rents either will be

    dissipated by entrants or, by assumption, are impossible to dissipate. As

    aforementioned, impossibility by assumption may in effect substitute for

    uncertainty in yielding equilibria with positive profits (as in our previously

    contrived toy examples).18

    In free entry models where preferences are defined over the appropriate

    continuum of goods (Archibald et al.s 1986 address models), positive profits are

    possible in equilibrium when firms behave non-strategically and capital is lumpy

    18Further examples of models where free entry may be associated with non-zero profit equilibriaare found in Eaton (1976), Salop (1976), Sheppard et al. (1992) and Sutton (1991). Kaldor (1935)provides an early example. Note that models in this spirit ususally view the emergence of non-zeroprofit equilibria as undesirable. Moreover, when non-zero equilibria do emerge, the underlyingcause is indivisible fixed costs (due to the integer-problem which may break the symmetry-assumption necessary to produce non-zero equilibria), plus additional conditions which introduce

    heterogeneity. For example, in Sheppard et al.(1992), non-zero profit equilibria emerge due to fixedspatial locations (immobility) in association with heterogeneity of spatial regions.

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    and takes on a specific address, i.e., when immobility refers to the situation where

    product specific capital is also firm-specific capital. Due to firm-level resource

    immobility, equilibrium rents emerge when firms behave non-strategically.

    However, in contrast to non-address models, where rents were dissipated or

    unassailable, these rents will induce strategic behaviour with respect to specific

    capital. So, in the case where agents engage in strategic behaviour, it turns out that

    the emergence of positive profits hinges on lumpy firm-specific capital (firm-level

    immobility) and expectations (uncertainty), e.g. regarding relocation when capital


    Apart from providing further illustration of our identification of immobility

    and uncertainty as necessary conditions for the expression of SCA, these examples

    show the crucial importance in carefully and explicitly stating the additional

    conditions that must accompany any statement about the possibility of SCA. This

    particular illustration concerned the level at which immobility is effective, however,

    our point is a general one which, for example, also includes the particular source of

    uncertainty, e.g. demand uncertainty, uncertainty associated with acquisition of

    production-capital, plant relocation uncertainty, etc. Irrespective of the particular

    source of immobility or uncertainty, the thrust of our argument is that efficiency

    differentials and/ or positive profits may exist in equilibrium in a very broad range

    of models whenever these twin determinants of SCA are present, a suggestion we

    find more or less explicitly conveyed in many previous studies (some of which we

    have reviewed), but perhaps most succinctly in Demsetz (1973).

    Moreover, models that rely on the combined effect of immobility and

    uncertainty goes a long way to explain heterogeneity in equilibrium distributions of

    size, concentration and behaviour in empirical data (see e.g. Demsetz 1973; Oi

    1983). Also more recent evidence as, for example, presented in Caves (1998)

    review refers to causes for heterogeneity in equilibrium that may readily be

    reconciled under the twin determinants of immobility (e.g. complementary, lumpy

    and discrete assets) and uncertainty (e.g. disturbances that continually affect an

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    assets productivity)19.


    During the last decade, the RBV has emerged as the dominant approach to strategy

    content theory. An indication of this is the frequency with which the value-

    rareness-inimitability or heterogeneity-immobility-ex post and ex ante limits to

    competition litanies are now echoed in the journals and professional gatherings.

    As we have indicated, these lists of conditions do not really stand up to scrutiny.

    One problem is that these lists lead to logical problems in the identification of

    causes of SCA, where necessary and additional conditions are confused. Moreover,

    we have argued that there is a number of derived mistakes, such as what we called

    the uniqueness fallacy, the no-rules-for-riches nihilism, etc. In addition,

    empirical research may be harmed (e.g., in the sense of difficulties of replication) by

    incorrect identification of the causal chain which explains the expression of SCA

    (i.e., confusing mediator, moderator and independent variables).

    To escape triviality, models in strategy research and elsewhere, require some

    distance between assumptions and conclusions. And managing to create distance

    between assumptions and conclusions again requires that one gets causality right.

    Otherwise, the door is opened for assuming the result or introducing ad hoc

    assumptions to the same effect. To some extent, the RBV may be accused of

    introducing too little distance between assumptions and outcomes. If, for example,

    heterogeneous cost functions are simply assumed from the outset, one is not too

    surprised when the analyst concludes that heterogeneity in outcomes will be the

    19Caves (1998) further points to the essential issue of relating (im)mobility to its determinants inbasic conditions of demand and technology. We agree and further add that uncertainty is aubiquitous feature associated with market demand and technology. It should be noted, however,that Caves (1998) defines mobility in operational terms referring to the standard measure ofmobility where the increment in activity levels (output and employment) between t and t+1 isdivided by activity levels at t. Whereas this mobility definition may suit the need for collecting

    observable data, it also begs support by identification of underlying causes. In general terms, wesubmit that these should be found in immobility (sunk cost commitments) and uncertainty (related

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    result. We believe that beginning with only uncertainty and immobility as

    necessary conditions for the expression of SCA introduces more distance between

    assumptions and conclusions than what presently obtains in the RBV. In addition,

    beginning with only these two conditions, rather than the larger set of conditions

    usually embraced by RBV-writers, has the added benefit of parsimony. In terms of

    modeling practice, the suggestion is to begin with immobility and uncertainty as

    exogenous variables and consider the appropriate set of additional conditions as

    endogenous variables.

    Thus, in sum, our contribution in this paper is to perform an overhaul of the

    basic RBV analysis, and in this connection to introduce a distinction between

    necessary conditions for the expression of SCA and additional conditions that are

    not strictly necessary for the expression of SCA but serve the important purpose of

    adding focus, particularity and realism to the analysis.

    This results in a simpler and clearer causal structure, avoids the existing

    ambiguities in the RBV, and should pave the way for more rigorous theoretical

    contributions and applicable empirical research. Perhaps a first step towards asustainable resource-based explanation of SCA.

    to demand or technology).

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    Figure 1a

    The Barney 1991 framework

    Figure 1b

    The Peteraf 1993 framework

    Value Rareness








    Ex post

    limits to


    Ex ante

    limits to


