scenario group.1 english

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  • 7/31/2019 scenario Group.1 English


    Rachels Apendicities was already done. On as-syifa ward, Tussy and Ipong will make

    bed making preparations post operative for Rachel. First time, tussy do it alone because Ipong

    still busy at nurses room. Suddenly Ipong come to as-syifa ward and she shocks because her

    partner doing the wrong type of bed making.

    Ipong : Hey , this bed for patient apendicities, right?

    Ns.1 : Yeah, why?

    Ns.2 : Are you sure that type of bed making is true?

    I think this is wrong.

    Ns. Tussy : Really? Oh my God, thats my mistake. I really forget.

    Can you help me? Because this patient will come in a moment.

    Ns. afiffah : Of course. Lets do it.

    In surgery room, medical team have done appendicitis for Rachel. Rachel get ready to

    delivered to recovery room.

    dr. nia : We have done this appendicitis for this patient. Lets delivered her to recovery room.

    Ns. alfiana : Okay, doc.

    Mother : Excuse me doctor, how is the surgery?

    dr.X : Sorry Mrs, are you Rachels mother?

    Mother : Yes doctor. Can you tell me the condition of my daughter?

    dr.X : Shes good. But she unconscious because still under anesthesizeeffect. May be she will

    conscious after 1 hour, Mrs.

    Father : Oh, okay doctor. By the way, is everything well done?

    dr.X : Yes. We were doing our best. Emm, sorry Mr. Wahyu I have to go. My patiens is


    Father : Of course. Thank you so much doctor.

    Rachel's parents patiently waiting to realize their child in the recovery room.

    Approximately 1 hour later Rachel then realized. Rachel's father immediately called the nurse to

    tell her that her daughter had been awake.

    Father : excuse me nurse, my daughter Rachel has been awake.

    Ns.3 : really? I am glad to hear that. Lets check her.

    Father : Thank you.

    Ns.3 : With my pleasure.

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    Then Ns.3 come to the recovery room with ns.1 and ns.2

    (Ns. 3 is smiling with Raches Motm)

    Ns.3 : good afternoon Rachel. Im nurse.3. How do you feel after surgery?

    Rachel : I feel so dizzy nurse. My head feels heavy.

    Ns.3 : Dont worry Rachel. Its anesthesia effect. Because of that, I have to know your blood

    pressure and pulse. Sorry, can I have your arm?

    Rachel : Yes nurse, please.

    Ns.3 : Excuse me, I roll up your sleeves.

    Ns. 3 is doing blood pressure and pulse procedure

    (tell with Rachels Mom)

    Ns. 3 : ok maam and sir. I got 90/70 mmHg on blood pressure and 50 time per minutes on

    pulse and the pulse was faster and very weak. Rachels condition already stabile.

    Father : so.. nurse? can we move Rachel to Treatmans room?

    Ns. 3 : of crouse sir

    Mother : Nurse..

    Ns. 3 : yes Maam

    Mother: Rachel said she was hungry. Does she have to eat?

    Ns.3 : begini loh bu.. Rachel kan baru selesai melakukan operasi dan itu biasanya system

    pencernaannya belum berfungsi dgn baik. Jadi, kita belum bisa member dia makan. Oh ya bu..

    jika Rachel telah kentut pertama kali nanti ibu bisa melaporkannya kepada asaya atau perawat

    lain yagn sedg bertugas.

    Mother : Oh yes nurse. Alright then.

    Ns.3 : Oh yes mom, sir, we know Raschel is already awake. so.. We will move Rachel to As-

    Syiwa ward. Before it, let me introduce my friend. They are Tussy and Ipong. They will help me

    on the procedure.

    Father : Yes nurse. Would you mind if I help you?

    Ns.1 : oh.. wed love too. You can help us by holding the linen on there sir.

    Father : Okay nurse.

    Ns.2 explains how to move Rachel to a gurney to his father. Ns.1, ns.2, ns.3 and Rachel's

    father prepared to move Rachel to a gurney in accordance with the command ns dr. 2. Dareh

    Ns.2 in Rachel's head, ns.1 in dareah waist, ns. 3 foot area.

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    Ns.2 : Everbody is ready?

    (Ns.1, Ns.3 and Rachel's father nodded his head)

    Ns.2 : when I on three we lift together. Ok? 123.

    Rachel was soon transferred to al-Shifa ward for more intensive treatment. On arrival at the

    ward, she returned in Mobilize the same techniques from the gurney to the bed.

    Ns.2 : Everybody is ready?

    (Ns.1, Ns.3 and Rachel's father nodded his head)

    Ns.2 :like we act before. When I on three we lift together. 123.

    Ns1 Ns 2 & Ns 3 merapikan Rachel

    Ns.2 : sir, ma'am, a moving procedure is done. Both of us will come back, about 2 hours later

    I'll be back to check up Rachels condition. If there is something needed , you can push the bell

    next to bed, or you can call me at the nurse's room.

    Father : Yes nurse. Thank you very much for your help.

    Ns.2 : my pleasure sir. Before I am going. Any question?

    Father : No, I dont

    Ns. 2 : Rachel, maam and sir we go ahead. Take a rest and see ya..

    Four days later. Amanda, a classmate Rachel going to visited the hospital. Amanda come

    with his father. Amandas Father is headmaster on their school. But, Amanda only knew the

    number of Rachel Treatmans Room, she do not know where the room. He and his father had to

    ask a security guard.

    Amanda : Excuse me sir, where is a number 9 of As-syifa room?

    Satpam : Oh as-Shifa was a 3th floor Ms, you could use the lift over there after getting off

    the elevator, you are turn right and just go ahead. And after you passed the second 3-junction,

    turn right again Ms. look on the left part, the second room from the corner is yours.

    Amanda : Thank a lot sir.

    With surely face, Amanda and her father finally find the Rachels room treatment.

    Headmaster : Good evening

    Father : Good evening

    Teacher : I am a headmaster of Rachels school. And She is my daughter Amanda, a

    classmate Rachel.

    Father : Rachel look! your friend on here.

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    Mother : Please sit down Amanda.

    Amanda : Thanks aunt.

    Rachel : Amanda. Is there you?

    Amanda : yes, I am Rachel. How are you?

    Rachel : yeah.. I am not feeling better like this. Hei Amanda, I want back to school faster!

    Pray me yah..

    Amanda : Absolutely Rachel. Our friends are already missing you.

    Teacher : and dont forget a lot of a tasks are waiting for you Rachel. hahaha

    (Amanda's father jokes)

    Rachel : oh Sir, you break my heart.

    Teacher : common I'm just kidding. Just take a rest. And dont worry about school. If there

    is something trouble to follow up your subject, Amanda will teach you. Right Amanda?

    Amanda : Thats right Rachel.

    Rachel : ooh. Thank you so much Amanda, come here please I want to hug you.

    Their conversation for over 1 hour.

    Teacher : Amanda, maybe we should go home now. It was late. Your mom is waiting.

    Amanda : okay, daddy.

    Get well soon rachel. take care and see you on school.

    Amanda and her father leave Rachels room. On the way out of the hospital, Amanda's

    father meet his friend when college.

    Teacher : sorry. Are you B?

    Mr.B : yes, Im

    Headmater : are you remember me?

    Mr. B : em.. uhm.. (thingking mode on) Tedjo? Are you Tedjo?

    Teacher : Yes, I am buddy.

    (shake hand and simple hug)

    Mr.B : long time no see

    Teacher : yeah, last time on your wedding, isnt it ? About 13th

    years ago?

    Mr.B : Yes, it is. How I miss you buddy. Hei, he is my son Rico. Rico He is Uncle

    Tedjo. He is my collegian friend.

    Rico : hy uncle. Nice to meet you (shake hand with tedjo and amanda)

  • 7/31/2019 scenario Group.1 English


    Teacher : Hi buddy! your son is already grow up and he is cute like his mom. By the way,

    she is my daughter. Her name is Amanda. Amanda give your compliments for Uncle Elmi.

    Amanda : how do you do.

    Elmi : how do you do.

    Teacher : after you got married. Have you moving forward to mawar city?

    Elmi : yes, I Have.

    Headmaster : so.. what are you doing? Back to here? Where do you life? Still on Hogwards


    Elmi : haha you are so curious.

    Well, my mother admitted hospital yesterday. So, me and rico just visited her.

    Teacher : I am sorry to hear that. What kind of disease?

    Elmi : Thank you. Her disease is thypoid.

    On the behind of their parents.

    Rico : Amanda, what are you doing here?

    Amanda : I see my classmates, his name is Rachel. He had Appendicitis 5 days ago.

    Rico : Rachel? Rachel Rizky Wanabakti?

    Amanda : yes, She is. Anyway Rachel is my best friend. Do you know her?

    Rico : sure. She is my cousin. I'm closer with her still we were young. You know what?

    On the past, I often leave her when I played bikecycle.

    Amanda : why?

    Rico : yeah.. because she was so sloppy andfainthearted. But now, I hope she becomesbetter ever person. I heard she was a winner on international math olimpiade, isnt she?

    Amanda : Yup, shes one of cleverstudent on my school.

    Rico : she also already have a register on International Boarding school.

    Amanda : yup! Im so proud of her. Although she was busy on organitation but her

    management time is good.

    Teacher : I am happy to meet you and your son but time is already limit. Amandas mom

    is waiting us. Sometimes, if you have a time please come to Oxford Street Number 77.

    Mr.B : Of crouse. May I have your number?

    Headmaster : yes, You have. Call me on 0809899999

    Amanda : See you later Rico

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    Rico : see you later Amanda.

    Meanwhile, the next day at the hospital where Rachel was treated. Ns.1 and the doctor

    came to the infirmary Rachel to tell something

    Doctor : Hello Rachel, how is he today?

    Rachel : okay doc

    Doctor : Doctors want to see Rachel's operations may scar?

    Rachel : Be a doctor, please.

    Doctor : Well, this scar is almost healed Rachel, Rachel is not longer allowed to go home.

    Rachel : benardok? Yeay!!!!!

    Doctor : true, the doctor was lying. This doctor's prescription love ya, I'll take her

    medicine should not lazy, so the wound can be completely healed and not sick-sick again.

    Rachel : oke doctor!!

    Doctor : yes it is, the doctor came out well first. Bye-bye Rachel.

    About 2 hours later, ns1 come back to Rachel's treatment room.

    Ns.1 : hello Rachel.

    Rachel : hello nurse. Nurse, Rachel was bored in the hospital. Rachel when allowed to go

    home nurse?

    Ns.1 : This new nurse came to tell Rachel that Rachel would have allowed home this


    Rachel : really??

    Ns.1 : of course. By the way Rachel, nurse want to talk to mom and dad Rachel for


    Rachel : yeah nurse.

    Ns.1 : mom, dad. I just wanted to tell Rachel to care at home. For

    the operation scar that was not really dry,so when at home later please be guarded

    carefully, especially in the bath, do not let the wound get wet first because then you may

    feel sore and the slower the drying the wound.

    Mother : ok nurse, nurse, I try as much as possible.

    Ns.1 : oh yeah, medicine is also not to forget to drink, continue to eat please eat soft

    things first, yesma'am, like porridge for example.

    Mother : ooh, Let nurse. I will treat him well.

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    Ns.1 : before going home, do not forget to complete the first administrative problems.

    Mother : yes nurse,everything was taken care of Rachel's father.

    Ns.1 : oh ok. Then I excused it Mom.

    1. Ns.12. Ns.23. Ns.34. Doctor5. Mother6. Father7. Rachel8. Satpam => narrator9. Amanda10.Amandas father => teacher11.Rico12.Ricos mom