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  • 7/29/2019 SCGA Preview


  • 7/29/2019 SCGA Preview


    The SustainableConcrete Guide



    Andrea J. Schokker, Editor

  • 7/29/2019 SCGA Preview


    Cover photo credits

    Clockwise rom upper le t, cover photos courtesy o Cast Stone Institute, American Shotcrete Association, American Concrete Institute,ilt-Up Concrete Association, [email protected], and American Concrete Pressure Pipe Association

    Te U.S. Green Concrete Council (USGCC) is not responsible or the statements or opinions expressed in its publications. USGCC publications are not able to, norintended to, supplant individual training, responsibility, or judgment o the user, or the supplier, o the inormation presented.

    U.S. Green Concrete Council

    38800 Country Club Drive,

    Farmington Hills, MI 48331 USA

    All rights reserved, including rights o reproduction and use in any orm or by any means, including the making o copies by any photo process, or by any electronic ormechanical device, printed or written or oral, or recording or sound or visual reproduction or or use in any knowledge or retrieval system or device, unless permission

    in writing is obtained rom the copyright proprietors.

    First Edition

    Copyright 2010

    Library o Congress catalog card number: 2010914869

    ISBN: 978-0-87031-401-8


    Ron G. Burg

    TechnicalRex C. Donahey

    Kevin P. MlutkowskiKhaled NahlawiDouglas J. SordylMichael L. Tolen

    ProductionMarie L. Fuller

    DesignRyan M. Jay

    EditingKelli R. Slayden

    Denise E. Wolber


  • 7/29/2019 SCGA Preview


    DedicationNovember 2010

    The transormation toward sustainable development providesthe concrete industry with a tremendous opportunity andresponsibility to inorm stakeholders about our materialsability to not only enhance the built environment or people andcommunities but also to protect our planet as well. Te longevity

    o service o concrete structures continues to be a critical environmentalasset, with benefcial impact on natural resource conservation, landfll use,and CO

    2reduction. In addition, such long-serving structures contribute

    positive social and economic benefts. And, when saeguarding against thedevastation caused by natural or man-made disasters, the resilience oconcrete structures becomes essential or protecting people, protectingcommunities, and protecting our planets resources.

    I extend my gratitude to the Editorial Review Panel o Michael Deane,

    Kevin MacDonald, Aris Papadopoulos, Michael Paul, Richard Stehly,and Wayne rusty or the countless hours they spent providing direction,content, and editorial support or this guide, ater the completion o thefrst Strategies and Examples guide just months beore. My dear riendand colleague, Richard Stehly, who passed away just prior to the publishingo this book, was a visionary and inspired each o us to embrace theopportunity or using concrete in sustainable development. He will bemissed, and his contribution to this guide is one o the many legacies heleaves or us all.

    In compiling this book, the Editorial Review Panel worked with associations,institutes, and organizations that represent concrete materials, products,and construction to qualiy and quantiy concrete applications in regardsto sustainable development. It is to these associations, institutes, andorganizations that have invested so much time, eort, and knowledge tothis industry-wide resource that I dedicate this book; their knowledge andexperience will provide designers and constructors with the inormationand understanding necessary to transorm the built environment. For that,I am grateul. Our industry is grateul.

    Florian G. BarthPresident, U.S. Green Concrete Council


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    5/11The Sustainable Concrete GuideApplications 1

    Introduction ............................................................................................................................................2-5

    Part 1Materials ..................................................................................................................................6-41Chapter 1Water .......................................................................................................................................... 8-10Chapter 2Cement .....................................................................................................................................11-16Chapter 3Supplementary cementitious materials .....................................................................................17-24Chapter 4Aggregates ............................................................................................................................... 25-30Chapter 5Reinorcement ......................................................................................................................... 31-36

    Chapter 6Admixtures ............................................................................................................................... 37-38Chapter 7Other materia ls and technologies ............................................................................................ 39-41

    Part 2Construction ..........................................................................................................................42-60Chapter 8Construction team......................................................................................................................... 44Chapter 9Planning and building inormation modeling ..........................................................................45-48Chapter 10Managing construct ion ......................................................................................................... 49-58Chapter 11Quality control and commissioning ......................................................................................59-60

    Part 3 Applications ........................................................................................................................ 62-128Chapter 12Architectural precast ............................................................................................................. 64-74Chapter 13Cast-in-place ........................................................................................................................ 75-77Chapter 14Cast stone ..............................................................................................................................78-80Chapter 15Foundations ...........................................................................................................................81-82Chapter 16Hardscape/pavement ............................................................................................................. 83-91Chapter 17Insulated orms ......................................................................................................................92-95Chapter 18Masonry .................................................................................................................................96-98Chapter 19Pipe ...................................................................................................................................... 99-105Chapter 20Precast ................................................................................................................................106-114Chapter 21Shotcrete ............................................................................................................................. 115-123Chapter 22ile roo ..................................................................................................................................... 124Chapter 23ilt-up ................................................................................................................................ 125-128

    Part 4 Concrete in Sustainable Structures ..................................................................................... 130-150Chapter 24Integration o concrete structural elements ........................................................................ 132-134Chapter 25Solutions by integration o concrete elements .................................................................... 135-136Chapter 26Maintenance and repair .......................................................................................................137-147Chapter 27Preservation and adaptive reuse .......................................................................................... 148-150

    Part 5Codes ................................................................................................................................. 152-156Chapter 28National, state, and local codes ......................................................................................... 155-156

    Appendi xes...................................................................................................................................... 158-166Appendix AACI Manual o Concrete Practice .....................................................................................159-163Appendix Bechnica l contacts ............................................................................................................. 164-166

    References ........................................................................................................................................168-172

    Index ................................................................................................................................................174-177



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    2 The Sustainable Concrete GuideApplications

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    7/11Introduction 3

    Concrete is the most used constructionmaterial in the world with over 25 billiontons (22.7 billion metric tons) placedeach year (World Business Council orSustainable Development 2009). Tis

    book is the second in a series o guides on sustainableconcrete. Te frst book, Te Sustainable ConcreteGuideStrategies and Examples(Schokker 2010),provides an overview o the aspects or potentialcontributions to sustainability o concrete used in buildings.

    While the two books can serve as stand-alone reerences,the Strategies and Examplesbook provides a base o knowl-edge about using concrete to achieve more sustainablebuildings. Tis book,Applications, ocuses on integratingsustainable strategies into the selection o concrete materials,

    constructing with concrete, and identiying uses or amultitude o concrete applications.Te book is divided into fve parts: 1) materials, 2)

    construction, 3) applications, 4) concrete in sustainablestructures, and 5) codes. Part 1 addresses the materialcomponents and their sustainable benefts when usedin the production o concrete. Part 2 covers theconstruction teams role rom production, waste streammanagement, scheduling through quality control, andcommissioning. Part 3 describes the sustainableattributes o various concrete systems and productshighlighted by a list o sustainable attributes or each

    application. Part 4 provides a summary o how concretestructural elements can be integrated into overallbuilding design, as well as solutions to meet typicalbuilding needs. Part 4 a lso covers detailed inormationon maintenance, repair, preservation, and adaptivereuse. Part 5 provides an overview o how sustainablerecommendations are migrated rom voluntaryacceptance to mandatory considerations in codesand standards. Case studies and examples are usedthroughout to demonstrate how sustainable beneftshave been achieved in practice. Te inormation presentedin this book is based on reerenced material rom theindividual organizational members o the Concrete

    Joint Sustainability Initiative (discussed below)with expertise in the various materials, production,

    construction, and applications.Ater a number o years o addressing sustainabil ityindividually, numerous stakeholders in the concreteindustry agreed to advance the sustainable beneftso concrete by orming the Concrete Joint Sustain-ability Initiative (Concrete JSI) in 2009. Concrete

    JSI member organizations agree to contribute to aunifed vision ocused around the social values pro-

    vided by concrete structures. Concrete st ructures asdefned by the Concrete JSI include all vertical andhorizontal applications and all concrete products.

    Tis ocus on concrete structures moves the Concrete

    Photo courtesy of Essroc Cement Corp.

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    8/114 The Sustainable Concrete GuideApplications

    JSI members toward an integrated systems approachto sustainabil ity and is centered on the key values oconcrete structures: Stewardship of Natures Resources Concrete

    can play a vital role in the way we conserve andprotect natural resources in the structures we create

    with it and the processes by which we produce it.

    Concrete oers long-lasting service with minimalmaintenance, along with recycled content and end-o-service recyclability. In its many orms, uses, andstyles, concrete can reduce the need or additionalbuilding materials, operating energy in buildingsand transportation, conversion o undeveloped land,retention ponds, and other traditional storm-watermanagement systems.

    Stewardship of Financial Resources In thecase o concrete, the length o service that results

    Rendering courtesy of Virtual Design & Construction Dept., KLORMAN Construction

    Photo courtesy of Post-ensioning Institute

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    9/11Introduction 5

    rom its durability, the versatility o its design andapplications, the speed o construction, and thein-place perormance all contribute to a return onthe investment. Concrete structures provide long-term savings in operating cost and service lie. Inaddition, their durability, their resistance to damagerom harsh weather, pests and natura l disasters, and

    their low maintenance requirements are benefcial touture owners and users.

    Durability, Safety, and Stability Concrete is alasting material that provides shelter to get throughdisasters with less damage, less loss, and less waste.It connects people to each other through transportationcorridors, gathering places, and monuments. Italso helps ensure that critical services like roads,hospitals, communications, data transmission, andemergency services can remain in operation.

    Aesthetics Aside rom the basic unctionality, thelook and eel o a place inuences how successully itserves its purpose. Concrete is strong and unctional,

    yet its uidity lets the designer adapt it to whateverorm, scale, shape, surace, and texture he canimagine. Beyond a visual aesthetic, designers can useconcrete to aect soundeither through amplifcationor dampening between spaces.

    Nearly 30 organizations are members o the ConcreteJSI, showing a commitment to a unifed systems approachto improving sustainability o concrete structures andin educating engineers, architects, owners, contractors,and the general public. Tis book includes educationalinormation rom members o the Concrete JSI to helpthese decision-makers in understanding the varioussustainable attributes o the many concrete systems thatare available.

    Tis book, Te Sustainable Concrete GuideApplications,its companion bookTe Sustainable Concrete GuideStrategies and Examples, and the Concrete JSI Website,, provide hundredso strategies, resources, and case studies on the use onconcrete in sustainable development.

    Photo courtesy of Portland Cement Association

    Photo courtesy of Cast Stone Institute

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    PART 1


    6 The Sustainable Concrete GuideApplications

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    IntroductionPart 1 addresses the materials (water, cement, supplementary cementitious

    materials [SCMs], aggregates, reinorcement, admixtures, and othermaterials) that are used in the applications presented later in the book.Each o the seven materials chapters provides (as applicable): defnitions,primary sustainable attributes, contributions to longevity and li e cycle,opportunities to reduce/reuse/recycle, industry initiatives, and sources oradditional inormation.