schoellhorn-ap art history. dark ages: the light and learning of rome had gone out for most people....

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Schoellhorn-AP Art History Slide 2 Dark Ages: The light and learning of Rome had gone out for most people. Knowledge of Rome was way beyond people who remained. Life for most people was dark, scary.wars and plagues and barbarians, oh my! Surviving took precedence over studying. The Middle Ages: Between the Fall of Rome and the Renaissance when Classical Styles returned. Medieval Times: Primitive Referring to the Middle Ages Why do we call it the Slide 3 No, not if you were connected to the church. Think about it. Rome has fallen, Christianity survived. Major power trip for the church. Reading the Bible is required for people in the clergy. Therefore, they had to be educated. Classical texts were stored, studied and recopied in monasteries, just not for everyone else. Classics were used in Scholasticism to understand/prove religion. Was it dark for everyone? Slide 4 After Rome fell, land in Europe was up for grabs. Every barbarian group capable moved in (migrated) to get land for themselves. The Huns The Visigoths The Vandals (who sacked Rome) The Vikings Celts controlled Western Europe Germanic people The Madness of the Migration Period Slide 5 Hiberno-Saxon Art: 6 th -8 th centuries (British Isles) Viking Art: 8 th -11 th centuries (Scandinavia) Carolingian Art: 8 th -9 th centuries (France, Germany) Ottonian Art: 10 th -11 th centuries (Germany) The Periods of Medieval Art Slide 6 Slide 7 Christianity was the one thing to unite all the barbarian groups in Europe, making the church very powerful. Barbarian kings fought for the Pope and the church, who gave them the Divine Right to rule. Donations from kings made the Church very wealthy, allowing them to be patrons of the arts. Churches became very blinged out to show power and wealth. Combining Under Christianity Slide 8 Christian Monasteries were the main places of study in the M.As. Scribes and painters worked to copy illuminated manuscripts of the Bible. Illuminated: lit up with pictures, decoration OR brought light/understanding to readers Exterior beauty reflected interior beauty (spirituality) of the words. Originality was not allowed, exact copies only. Demand was high for missionaries who took books to each newly converted place. Pictures helped when most people couldnt read. Monasteries and Manuscripts Slide 9 Codices (Codex): Manuscript books Held up better over travel and use than scrolls. Made of vellum or parchment made from animals. Creating Codices Slide 10 Specific location in a monastery where monks/nuns wrote and illuminated manuscripts. Manuscripts were a team effort. Perfection and beauty were essential for the word of god. Painters Scribes Illustrators Sitting in a Scriptoria Slide 11 Hibernia: Ancient name for Ireland Hiberno-Saxon: Art of the British Isles (Saxons = English, and Hibernians=Irish). Specialized in illuminated manuscripts using styles from a pagan past. The Art of Hibernia Slide 12 Early 5 th century: St. Patrick converts Ireland to Christianity. 486 AD: Rome falls, never conquered Ireland. Ireland remained free of Roman influence and art styles. Pope doesnt even pay attention to Ireland until England conquers it in the 12 th century. Developed a unique Christian style from pagan influences. The Result of St. Patrick Slide 13 The Irish made more monasteries than churches (no basilicas to copy off of) which became centers of learning in Ireland. Scriptoria copied the Bible, works of Apostles, even Classical texts. (gasp) Used these works on missionary trips to convert barbarians to Christianity. Making Monasteries Slide 14 Pre-Christian Celtic polytheistic religions were focused on nature and animal spirits, all of nature was interconnected. Plants, animals, spirits combined in complex patterns. Cant Escape the Pagan Past Slide 15 Horror Vacui: Latin for a fear of empty spaces. Horror: Fear Vaccui: Vacuum, empty space Hibernians definitely feared empty space in art, crowding books with complex patterns to fill up the space. What a Fabulous Phobia! Slide 16 The Book of Darrow, Gospel Book, 7 th century Strictly Irish Style Slide 17 The Celtic Book of Kells, 800.C.E 4 symbols of the gospels on the cover: Ox, Eagle, Lion, Angel Slide 18 Hibernian art uses a specific Animal Style, showing stylized animals in a specific manner or formation. Stylized: designed or created in a specific way (on purpose). Animosity in Animals Slide 19 Ornamentation shows importance of what is being expressed First Gospel of the Bible in which Jesus is born. Chi Rho Iota : Greek abbreviation of Christ. Beauty and detail are used to show importance of the book, not a picture. Chi Rho Iota Page, from the Book of Matthew (In the Book of Kells) Slide 20 Remember: Gospel means good news Note: Nothing explicitly Christian about Irish Gospel manuscripts. Slide 21 Christian: Use of Greek name for Christ, Latin text inside the book. Words of Evangelists included on the intro pages. Celtic (Pagan): Interlocking patterns, horror vaccui, visual harmony. Figures appear, including animals: Mice on the back of cats. (Struggle between good and evil. Huge initials used for spirals and knot decorations. What Makes this Christian and Celtic? Slide 22 Slide 23 Hiberno-Saxon Gospel (English and Irish) Tempera paint on vellum (animal skin) Written by the Bishop of Lindisfarne. Used compasses and straight edges for precision in every detail. Mixing Irish with English: The Lindisfarne Gospels, 700 C.E. Slide 24 Cover of the Lindisfarne Gospels Slide 25 Each Gospel in the Lindisfarne Gospel starts with a portrait of the Evangelists writing their gospel. This came from a Roman tradition of including author portraits in the books: Remember, England HAD been run by the Romans. Saint Matthew Symbolic angel How do you see Byzantine influence here? Revealing the Roman Side.. Slide 26 The other Evangelists Slide 27 What countries make up Scandinavia? Denmark Norway Sweden Never part of the Roman Empire Very strong mythological beliefs Similar to Celtic animal and nature worship Not much art survives but what does is small, personal, reflective of status, power. Scandinavia Sneaks In Slide 28 Slide 29 Norse seamen, entered Europe in 8 th century. Viken: People from the coves Attacked, plundered, raided to all the way to North America Viking ships could sail 200 miles a day. Given a piece of land by the French that became Normandy (For the northmen) to make them back off. The Violent Vikings Slide 30 Most norse or viking art comes from boats or things found on them. Nomadic, sea-faring people, even burials were on boats. Norsemen represented their ships as sea serpents. Used for boats burials as well as journeys. Chiefs were cremated on the ships. Even women could be buried on boats. The Serpents of the Sea Slide 31 The entire Viking Community worked to create ships. Crucial to Viking survival Women wove sails and tapestries Waterproofed by unwashed wool Men carved, built ships with elaborate details. A Society of Ship Makers Slide 32 Strong use of animal style Animals shown in profile and very intimidating More use of applied art (art on functional items): jewelry, textiles, purses etc. Portable objects brought to Europe through trade, conquest. These were boat people, they traveled a lot. Art was used to decorate things they traded or took along on trips. The Style of the Scandinavians Slide 33 Slide 34 Located shortly before World War II (1939) Boat was a grave monument for an Anglo-Saxon King, found in a Burial mound in Suffolk, England. Parallels burial practices described in epics like Beowulf. Evidence of offerings on board for king to take into his after life. Coins, jewels, silver items The Sutton Hoo Burial Ship Slide 35 Cloissone Purse found in the Sutton Hoo Ship Ancient art of decorating metal items with melted glass or enamel. (mosaic meets stained glass) Coins found inside purse helped date the Sutton Hoo burial ship. Portable, decorative art Interlacing designs mixed with stylized animals (medieval) Demonstrates wealth, power of the king buried on the ship. Heroes conquering horrible monsters at sea. The Sutton Hoo Burial Purse Slide 36 Slide 37 75 foot ship, discovered in Oseberg Norway 815-820 CE Paddled by oars and sails Built for travel, not open voyages. Used to bury to women (queen and possibly a servant) Looted of all jewelry, but still showed wealth Dogs, ox and horses sacrificed with the women. The Oseberg Ship Burial Slide 38 Slide 39 The Sea and the Serpent Slide 40 Viking animals are Stylized to be intimidating Ugly, grotesque Bulging eyes Snarling, large teeth Sharp Claws Nostrils flared Meant to be scary, intimidating Animal form + Interlacing pattern = medieval. Ugly Animals Animal Head Post from the Oseberg Ship. Slide 41 Slide 42 486 AD: A German Barbarian group called the Franks invade central Europe. Clovis: First King of the Franks Converts to Christianity Creates the Frankish (French)empire, spreading Chrstianity. Starts the Merovingian dynasty *Fun fact: Merovingians had long blonde hair and believed they descended from the blood line of Jesus the person. The Germans Found France Slide 43 To protect borders of the empire, Merovingian kings placed mayors throughout the empire. Charles Martel (aka the Hammer) of the Carolingian House was the Mayor between Spain and France. Stopped Muslim invasion of Europe at the Battle of Tours. The Merovingian Mayors Slide 44 Charles Martels son was Peppin the Short. Wanted to be King of the Franks Defeated the Lombards in Northern Italy for the Pope. Crowned new king of the Carolingian Dynasty by the Pope, establishing concept of Divine Right. (Frankish kings rule by permission from God) Peppin Presses the Issue Slide 45 Peppin the Shorts son was named Charles Later named Charlemagne (A.K.A. Charles Magnus, Charles le Magne, Charles the Great). STRONGLY believed in Divine Right. Devout Christian, strongly supported the Pope. Goal: To re-establish the authority of the city of Rome under his care and his influence. To gain more power, gain more land, make more Christians. Created a Christian empire by the Cross and the Sword, staging mass baptisms wherever he conquered. A Short Guy with a Tall Son Slide 46 Charlemagnes Empire Charlemagnes Capitol Slide 47 MENTAL MARKER: 800 AD : The Pope granted a title to Charlemagne on Christmas Day in St. Peters Basilica (to show he still called the shots in Christian Europe and to establish Charlemagne as his protector. Holy: Christian successor to Constantine, first Christian emperor. Roman: Old Roman Empire Emperor: Charlemagne expanded outside of France. Holy Roman Emperor! Slide 48 If Charlemagne was going to recreate a new Rome, he needed all people to be educated and united under common beliefs. Ordered Bibles to be written identically in Latin, therefore his people needed to learn Latin (also the language of the Church). Where do you learn Latin? From Classics of Rome! This began a revival of studying Greek and Roman culture, including art and architecture. The Revival of Rome Slide 49 How does this sculpture show Roman Roots? Slide 50 9 inches tall, bronze Charlemagne or his grandson, Charles the Bald Equestrian figure inspired by Roman Style. Overly large so HE is focus, not the horse. like Marcus Aurelius statue, it was believed to be Constantine Creative appropriation (making it ones own) rather than strictly copying Roman style. Holds the world (orb) in his hands, like Rome. Equestrian Statue of a Carolingian Ruler, 9 th Century The Return of Imperial Imagery Slide 51 An emperor needs an impressive palace. Charlemagnes palace was at his imperial capital in Aachen, Germany. Combined renewed Roman, Christian and Northern styles. Built in hot springs and forests for hunting and swimming. Huge audience hall, chapel and courtroom. Schools, areas for family and advisors. An Imperial Palace Slide 52 Today its called Aix-la- Chapelle Slide 53 To copy the Romans, Charlemagnes architects drew influence from buildings in Ravenna and Rome. Used the Basilica model like St. Peters in Rome which became the standard for Medieval Churches in Europe. Added Westworks: Centralized entrance flanked by two large towers. Remind You of Rome or Ravenna? Westworks: The Two towers in front of a chapel. KEY Carolingian identifier. Slide 54 Designed by Odo of Metz Private worship place for Charlemagne Upper story throne room with massive throne for Charlemagne to watch mass. Modeled after San Vitale which Charlemagne adored after traveling the empire ( Also as passive aggressive competition with the Byzantine empire) Westwork entrance Porphyry columns on inside. Designed to show more strength than beauty ( Which will continue in the Middle Ages). The Palatine (Palace) Chapel at Aachen Slide 55 Floor Plan Palatine Chapel: Is it Central or Axial? Slide 56 What looks Roman here? Slide 57 Slide 58 Octagon Shape (like San Vitale) Ambulatory Clerestory of windows under Octagon Dome. Multicolored stone = Byzantine influence Corinthian columns taken from Rome and Ravenna. Other Parts of the Palatine Chapel Slide 59 Slide 60 Charlemagne was determined to spread Christianity. Believed that for people to understand Christianity and be peaceful, all must be educated. Monasteries were created for worship and creating books, teaching. Became self sufficient communities that were protected and provided everything monks needed (so they could work non- stop) Making More Out of Monasteries Slide 61 During the time of Charlemagne, the Benedictine Order was the standard for monasteries. St. Benedict believed that worldly exposure and too much free time corrupted church members. Designed an order of monasteries where monks, under an Abbott, would spend each hour in useful work, manual labor and reading. ( Made manual labor a positive thing). During the Carolingian Renaissance, they also used time to read and write books, keeping the classics alive in self contained communities. The Benedictine Order Slide 62 Developed under direction of Charlemagne Became standard plan for Medieval Monasteries. The Church was the center of the plan. Separated monks from laity. The St. Gall Plan Slide 63 Church in Basilica style West Works! Slide 64 Charlemagne insisted Christianity and learning be spread so, books were essential. Religious texts were copied identically without errors, standardized script so everyone learned the same thing. Scribes in monasteries revived Classical books, ideas under Charlemagne. The Big Deal with Books Slide 65 Carolingian Gospels show a return to more realistic, non abstract style of Romans. Less fear of idol worship, figures appear more real. Even creativity was allowed leading to different variations of illustrations. Text had to be identical, pictures did not. The Illuminated Gospels Slide 66 Comparing the Gospels Coronation Gospels, 9 th century Ebbo Gospels, 9 th Century Slide 67 Most people in the Middle Ages couldnt read. Pictures began to be used to tells stories literally. Psalter: Book of Psalms of the Bible Interprets metaphors of the Psalms literally, very difficult to do. Words are acted out, like Charades with energy, animation, realism. Utrecht Psalter, 820-832 C.E. Slide 68 Carolingian art did take some influences from medieval, non- Christian works. Many kings liked to show wealth through metal work, jewels, etc. Gold cover of the Lindau gospels Pearls, jewels, show wealth, power of the church and the empire. Energy, movement, youthful classicism of Christ = Classical influence. The Lindau Gospels Slide 69 Charlemagne named his son, Louis the Pious as his successor, not a good ruler. Louis divided Charlemagnes empire into three parts with the Treaty of Verdun among his sons. Charles the Bald Lothair Louis the German Fighting over land ended the reforms started by Charlemagne, forcing Europe back into the Dark Ages as people worried more about fighting than thinking. All Done After Verdun Slide 70 Louis the German lands (today Germany and Austria) were defeated by the Saxons in 936 AD. First 3 Saxon rulers were named Otto, leading to Ottonian Dynasty. Kicked out Vikings and Hungarians. Took over Northern Italy Reconstructed some of Charlemagnes empire Became the new Holy Roman Emperors. So Long, Louis Slide 71 Strong belief in church and state, since Holy Roman Emperor was so close to the Pope. Very strong religious beliefs. Borrowed art and architecture from Roman, Early Christian and Carolingian styles. Also influenced by Byzantines (Otto II married a Byzantine princess). Ideas of the Ottonians Slide 72 Architecture was the main thing to remain from Carolingian times. Large scale basilicas with Westworks continued. Carrying on the Carolingians Slide 73 Most Ottonian churches burned down from using timber roofs. Really only one remains. Abbey Church of Saint Michaels remains after being destroyed and rebuilt in WWII (ooops). Shows evidence of Roman basilica style. Fire Failures Slide 74 Abbey Church of Saint Michaels, 1001-1033, Germany Slide 75 Bishop Bernward gained fame during the reign of the last Ottonian rulers. Excellent gold and metal worker. Commissioned bronze doors for St. Michaels in Germany Old Testament on the Left, New on the Right Man falls, man rises through Jesus Each piece cast separately. Most ambitious bronze project since Antiquity (the time of Rome). The Bronze Bishop Slide 76 Bishop Bernward Doors, c 1015, Bronze, St. Michaels, Hildesheim, Germany Slide 77 Bernward also created a bronze column with seven bands of relief, telling the story of Jesus life in 24 scenes. What is not on the column is on the doors. Roman monument provided inspiration for Ottonian artists. Can you guess which one? Look Familiar? Slide 78 From 900-1000 AD, Ottonians led the way in artistic developments and a revival of large scale sculpture. Created a new way to show religious faith. Wanted people to develop a real personal relationship with Jesus, not just being saved through baptism and communion. How do you do this through art? Monumental Sculpture: Back in a Big Way Slide 79 Carved wood and painted with gold Monumental in size to make Jesus seem real to the viewer (actually 62)! Commissioned by Archbishop Gero of Cologne for a cathedral, also a reliquary Shows Jesus as a human suffering for the first time ever, not as triumphant hero.Pain is the focus. Makes the viewer feel human feelings towards Jesus (pity, awe) Heavy body, tired face, you almost feel pain in the shoulders, sagging body, blood. Shows Byzantine influence (Remember, Otto II married a Byzantine girl) but is much more real, less gentle. Bearded Christ = suffering Christ. The Gero Crucifix, 970 CE Slide 80 During the migration period, most art was small scale, portable and often personal. Carolingians and Ottonians will return permanency, large scale of Roman art/architecture. Because of Charlemagne, Christianity and the Classics were kept alive in the middle ages. Remember: