scholarships for international students 2014

1 Scholarships that Accept Applications from International Students AAMC Financing Your Medical Education financing_your_medical_education.html A series of programs to assist students in managing loans and preparing for future financial stability within the Medical field. Deadlines variable. AIA / AAF Minority/Disadvantaged Scholarship http :// www . aia . org / education / AIAB 081881 Grants ranging from $500-$2,500 for high school seniors and first-years who intend to pursue a NAAB-accredited professional degree (5-year BA or BA + MA) in architecture. Applicants must be legal residents of the United States. Deadline: mid-April. Albright Institute Fellowships http :// www . aiar . org / fellowships . html A grant of up to $325,000 in fellowships and awards to 32 recipients who will live at the Albright Institute and study a specific field in archaeology. In addition, 32 Associate Fellows including Senior, Post-Doctoral, and Research Fellows receive funding from other sources. Deadlines variable. Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students who were diagnosed with hearing loss before the age of seven are eligible for a merit-based scholarship ranging from $1,000-$10,000. Deadline: mid-March. Allen Lee Hughes Fellowship http :// www . arenastage . org / education / education - programs / internships - fellowships / Individuals interested in artistic and technical production, arts administration and community engagement. Fellowship provides a modest stipend and is intended to increase participation of people of color in the arts. Deadline: mid-March (summer), mid-April (season). All-USA College Academic Team http :// www . usatoday . com / news / education /2002-11-04- allstars _ x . htm ? Loc = vanity Recognition program for exceptional full-time undergraduates at four-year institutions in the USA and its territories. Recipients named on the First Team each receive a trophy and a $2,500 cash award. Forty more runners-up named to the Second and Third Teams receive certificates. Deadline: late- November. Amelia Earhart Fellowships (Zonta International Foundation) http :// www . zonta . org / WhatWeDo / InternationalPrograms / AmeliaEarhartFellowship . aspx Women of any nationality with a superior academic record and a bachelor's degree in science or engineering. Fellowships carry a stipend of $6,000; approximately 35 are awarded annually. Deadline: mid November. American Architectural Foundation and Sir John Soane's Museum Foundation

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Quite a long list of scholarship oppurtunities for students. Minorities are represented.


1Scholarships that Accept Applications from International StudentsAAMC Financing Your Medical Education series of programs to assist students in managing loans and preparing for future financial sta!ility within the "edical field. #eadlines $aria!le.AIA / AAF Minority/Disadvantaged Scholarshiphttp :// www .aia .org /education /A%A& 0'1''1 (rants ranging from )*00+),-*00 for high school seniors and first+years who intend to pursue a .AA&+accredited professional degree /*+year &A or &A 0 "A1 in architecture. Applicants must !e legal residents of the 2nited 3tates. #eadline: mid+April.Albright Institute Felloshipshttp :// www .aiar .org /fellowships .html A grant of up to )4,*-000 in fellowships and awards to 4, recipients who will li$e at the Al!right %nstitute and studya specific field in archaeology. %n addition- 4, Associate 5ellows including 3enior- 6ost+#octoral- and 7esearch 5ellows recei$e funding from other sources. #eadlines $aria!le.Ale!ander "raham #ell Association for the Deaf and $ard of $earing 3tudents who were diagnosed with hearing loss !efore the age of se$en are eligi!le for a merit+!ased scholarship ranging from )1-000+)10-000. #eadline: mid+"arch.Allen %ee $ughes Felloshiphttp :// www .arenastage .org /education /education +programs /internships +fellowships / %ndi$iduals interested in artistic and technical production- arts administration and community engagement. 5ellowship pro$ides a modest stipend and is intended to increase participation of people of color in the arts. #eadline: mid+"arch /summer1- mid+April /season1.All&'SA College Academic (eamhttp :// www .usatoday .com /news /education /,00,+11+04+ allstars _ 8 .htm 9 :oc ; $anity 7ecognition program for e8ceptional full+time undergraduates at four+year institutions in the 23A and its territories. 7ecipients named on the 5irst omen of any nationality with a superior academic record and a !achelor@s degree in science or engineering. 5ellowships carry a stipend of )6-000A appro8imately 4* are awarded annually. #eadline: mid .o$em!er.American Architectural Foundation and Sir ,ohn Soane-s Museum Foundation (raveling Felloshiphttp :// www .soanefoundation .com /fellowship .html ashington #F for graduating seniors and indi$iduals who ha$e graduated during the past academic year. Applicants must !e eligi!le to work in the 2.3. #eadline: mid+Danuary.Center for 2euroscience at the 'niversity of 1ittsburgh )C2'1+ summer felloshiphttp :// cnup .neuro!io .pitt .edu /training /summer /inde8 .asp8 10+week program in which selected undergraduate students conduct independent research. 3tudent recipients of this competiti$e fellowship will recei$e a stipend of )4-*00 and also will !e pro$ided housing at no cost in a dou!le+ occupancy dormitory on campus. #eadline: mid+5e!ruary.Center for Strategic and International Studies )CSIS+ internshipshttp :// www .csis .org /a!out /Bo!s _ interns / F3%3 offers full and part+time internships in the fall- spring and summer for undergraduates- ad$anced students- and recent graduates who are interested in gaining practical e8perience in pu!lic policy. Applicants must !e eligi!le to work in the 2.3. #eadlines: late August /5all1- late .o$em!er /3pring1- mid+"arch /3ummer1.Charles "4 7och Summer Fello 1rogramhttp :// www .theihs .org /internship _ programs /id .4,J/ default .asp ashington- #F- and at state+!ased policy organi=ations across the country featuring a )1-*00 stipend. Applicants must !e eligi!le to work in the 2.3. #eadline: late+Danuary.Charlotte .4 2ecombe Doctoral Dissertation Felloship!e/Administered !y the >oodrow >ilson .ational 5ellowship 5oundation- the .ewcom!e 5ellowships fund 6h.#. candidates in the humanities and social sciences who are writing dissertations on topics in$ol$ing ethical or religious$alues. Applicants must !e enrolled in a 6h.#. program in the 2nited 3tates. #eadline: mid+.o$em!er.Chevening Scholarship 1rogramhttp://www.che$ening.orgashington "etropolitan Area.Commonealth Scholarshiphttp :// www .csfp +online .org / ?ligi!le for Fommonwealth citi=ens intending to pursue postgraduate study or doctoral study at Fommonwealth uni$ersities. #eadlines $aria!le.DAAD Annual "rantshttp :// www .daad .org /9 p ;*0407 2ndergraduate scholarship eligi!le for foreign nationals attending a 23 institution for an undergraduate degree to study in the 5ederal 7epu!lic of (ermany. Applications in all fields accepted- with the e8ception of dentistry- medicine- pharmacy- and $eterinary medicine.#eadlines $aria!le.Davis&1utter Scholarshipshttp :// www .da$isputter .org / .eed+!ased grants /up to )6-0001 to undergraduate or graduate students acti$ely working for peace and Bustice on campus and/or in the community. #eadline: April 1st.Echoing "reen Foundation Felloships 6ro$ides seed funding and support to more than 4*0 social entrepreneurs with !old ideas for social change in order to launch ground!reaking organi=ations around the world. A stipend of )60-000 for indi$iduals /)J0-000 for ,+ person partnerships1 paid in four equal installments o$er two years. "ust demonstrate sufficient ?nglish fluency to participate in inter$iews and ?choing (reen e$ents. #eadline: sometime in Ecto!er+.o$em!er.Edmund S4 Mus5ie 1h4D4 Felloship