school assembly pack

A complete ASSEMBLY PACKAGE for Key Stages 2 and 3, with supporting activities SUITABLE FOR ALL FAITHS Family Holiday Association The charity that gives families a break Everyone Needs A Holiday Everyone Needs A Holiday

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A school assembly resource from the Family Holiday Association


Page 1: School Assembly Pack

A completeASSEMBLYPACKAGE for Key Stages 2 and 3,with supportingactivities


Family Holiday AssociationThe charity that gives families a break

Everyone NeedsA Holiday

Everyone NeedsA Holiday

Family Holiday Association16 Mortimer StreetLondon W1T 3JL Tel: 020 7436 3304 Fax: 020 7323

Registered charity number 800262A company Limited by Guarantee Registered Number 2301337 England

Designed by Cottier & SidawayIllustrations by Alistair Bright

The Family Holiday Association works to promote thequality of family life for those parents and children whoexperience disadvantage as a result of poverty through theprovision and by promoting access to holidays and otherrecreational activities.

Further copies of this assembly package can be downloadedfrom

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Page 2: School Assembly Pack

Family Holiday Association – The charity that gives families a


Page no.

1–4 Assembly contents

5 Assembly follow-up activity

6–8 Pupil literacy activity

9 Answers to pupil literacy activity

10 Supporting activities

11 Useful curriculum links

12 ‘What is a holiday?’ – Key holiday words that

can be copied on to an OHP transparency for

use in assembly or class

13 Information on the Family Holiday Association

14 Fundraising suggestions

15 Sunglasses template

Page 3: School Assembly Pack

Family Holiday Association – The charity that gives families a



Well in advance of the assembly, the teacher selects five children to practice a roleplay, which they will perform in the assembly. The teacher might discuss withcolleagues whether fundraising for the Family Holiday Association could beencouraged.

Teacher: This morning I’ve asked some children to help me with the assembly. I’dlike all of you to watch and listen carefully. (Invite the chosen five children to take up their positions)

It is lunchtime and Jade, William, Josh, Anna and Clare are chatting about whatthey did yesterday.

We are going to pretend that we are watching a video of their conversation and Iam going to press the PAUSE button a couple of times and ask you about what youhave seen and heard. So you will need to concentrate hard!

(Press PLAY)

Jade: That was a great party, William.

William: Thanks, Jade. I’m glad you could all come.

Jade: We wouldn’t have missed it for anything! We’re friends – right? Anyway, Josh will go anywhere for free food!

Josh: Hey, that’s not fair!

William: No, it’s not – is it? …. But it’s true! (Nudges Josh).

Josh: So, I get hungry a lot.

Anna: And thirsty.

Clare: You drank all my coke!

Anna: Yours as well? Josh!

Jade: Oh come on, leave him alone. It was a party. We all had great fun. How did you get that D.J to do the disco?

William: He’s my Dad’s mate. He did it for free.

Jade: Wow! I wish my Dad had friends like that.

Clare: Me too. I’m not sure I can have a party for my birthday.

Anna: Why not Clare?

Clare: Mum says we haven’t got much money since Dad lost his job.

Jade: Never mind – If you can’t have a proper party we can always do something together.

Clare: Really?

Josh: Yeah. Why not?

Jade: If we all get together, I’m sure we can think of something.


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Family Holiday Association – The charity that gives families a



Teacher: Ask the children questions about this scene.

How do the five children feel about each other?What did you learn about them? Who eats and drinks the most? Who is the group ‘leader’? How do they feel about Clare?

Let’s find out more.


Jade: When is your birthday?

Clare: July 27th.

William: That’s just before I go to Florida.

Clare: Florida?

William: Yeah, Mum and Dad have been saving for ages. They say it’s a special

holiday for us kids, but I think they just want to go to Disneyworld.

Anna: Are you going to fly?

William: Well we’re not going to walk!

Josh: Flying’s great – but Mum gets a bit scared and holds Dad’s hand.

Clare: We’re going to Devon in August.

Jade: Thought you said you didn’t have any money?

Clare: That’s true, but Dad said it’s really important to have a holiday. He said heneeds to get away and relax. We’re going to stay with my uncle who lives there.

Anna: I think we’re going camping in the Lake District. Mum wants to go

somewhere where she can chill. She gets really stressed out at work and

needs to relax.

Josh: We went to Alton Towers last year for the day. It was great. I went on

the Nemesis rollercoaster five times.

William: My Dad said he was going to take Mum to France and leave Chris and me at home. He said they needed a break from us – but I know he was joking. He likes family holidays.

Clare: You hope!

William: He was. We got our passport photos last weekend.

Anna: Where are you going Jade?

Jade: Dunno. (Stands up/turns away)


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Family Holiday Association – The charity that gives families a



Teacher: Again, ask the children about the characters. Do you notice any changes? Why has Jade become less involved? [Draw out the conclusion that perhaps Jade won’t be going on holiday] How do youthink she is feeling?

Let’s watch a little more and see if you are right.


William: What’s wrong with Jade?

Josh: Don’t think she’s having a holiday again.

Anna: Why not?

Clare: I don’t think they can afford it.

William: They haven’t had a holiday for years.

Anna: Let’s try and cheer her up.

William, Josh, Clare: Yeah. Come on. (Get up and walk over to Jade.)

Clare: What’s up Jade?

Jade: I’m just fed up with you lot always going on about your great holidays. Iguess I’m jealous.

Josh: Why?

Jade: Well you get to go to all these fantastic places and have great fun. I’mstuck here. I’ve got no one to hang out with. It’s really, really boring. Ieven end up playing football with my brother. How sad is that? I justwish I could have a proper holiday like you lot. It’s just not fair!


Teacher: I think you probably realised why Jade was unhappy.

Lots of us take holidays for granted. We all have holidays such as school holidays –which are times of the year when we don’t have to come to school. But for mostpeople though, a holiday means going somewhere different, relaxing and having fun.

Not everyone can afford to have holidays, either abroad or in this country. Somechildren of your age have never been to the seaside or even left the area where they live.

Fortunately, there are people who help children and their families who cannot affordholidays. A charity called THE FAMILY HOLIDAY ASSOCIATION provides holidays forthousands of children and their families each year.

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Family Holiday Association – The charity that gives families a



EITHER:Perhaps we can help them raise some money so more children can have aholiday? For example.....[teacher to have discussed in advance with colleagues thebest ways of doing this].

OR:If you would like to help them raise money so more children can have a holiday, youcould get together with a few friends to come up with some ideas. Tell your teacherand we’ll see what we can arrange.

OR: We have decided we would like to help them raise some money by...

OR: Go straight into the prayer or reflective moment to conclude the assembly.

Teacher: Let’s pray/think about the lovely holidays we have had and how we hopeone day everyone will be able to have holidays.


Dear Lord, help us to be thankful for all that we have, especially holidays that we are

able to enjoy and share with our family and friends. Help us to appreciate the places

we visit, the fun we have and the relaxation we enjoy on our holidays. Teach us to

be grateful and to realise that there are many families who cannot enjoy holidays

and have the fun we do.



Thought: Many of us enjoy holidays every year when we travel to different places

and have new experiences. People need breaks away to recover from the stresses

and strains of their everyday lives. When we work or study day after day we often

become very tired. We lose patience with those around us, argue more and find it

more difficult to do our normal work. There are many families who are unable to

have holidays at all. When we are planning and enjoying our holidays perhaps we

should think about those who do not have holidays. We can help them by

supporting organisations like the Family Holiday Association.

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Family Holiday Association – The charity that gives families a

Assembly follow-up activity


The play you watched in assembly ended when Jade became upset because herfriends were talking about holidays.

1. What can you remember about the characters? Alongside the names of Jade,William, Josh, Anna and Clare, write two or three adjectives to describe thatperson, or a sentence, to describe them.

2. Why was Jade feeling upset?

3. Now continue the play by writing a script in which the others try to make Jadefeel better, and decide to raise money to help her have a holiday.

Extension ActivityDecide on a fundraising idea for the Family Holiday Association and plan exactlywhat you need to do, and the resources you might need to make it happen.

Curriculum links

English: En3; Writing – 7a, 12PSHE: 2h, 4a, 4f, 4g

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Family Holiday Association – The charity that gives families a

Pupil literacy activity



Holiday Pleasure

Spending money Enjoyment

Cost Rest

Abroad Excitement

Relaxing Different

Transport Weather

Family Friend

Seaside Countryside

Entitlement Break

Fun Sun

Ice-creams Treats

Museums Sandcastles

Curriculum links

English: En3; Writing – lb, 4j, 7a

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Family Holiday Association – The charity that gives families a

Pupil literacy activity


Now answer these questions

1. Think of synonyms (words with the same meaning) for:






2. Turn these words into adjectives:






3. From the list of key holiday words

i) Which word has the most vowels?

ii Which word has the most consonants?

iii) Which word has the fewest letters?

iv) Which word has two As?

v) Which word can also mean ‘damage’?

vi) Which word sounds like another word that means ‘if’?

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Family Holiday Association – The charity that gives families a

Pupil literacy activity


4. Think of antonyms (words with an opposite meaning) for:






5. Turn the words into verbs






6. Put a circle around the words below which are nouns.



Page 11: School Assembly Pack

Family Holiday Association – The charity that gives families a

Answers to pupil literacy activity


1. Think of synonyms (words with the same meaning) for:Cost PriceAbroad OverseasSeaside BeachTransport Carry, VehicleEnjoyment Fun, Pleasure

2. Turn these words into adjectives:Cost CostlyFriend FriendlyFun FunnyPleasure PleasurableRest Restful

3. From the list of key holiday words:i) Which words have the most vowels? Countryside, Entitlement, Excitement,

Pleasure, Pocket Money, Seaside.ii) Which word has the most consonants? Entitlementiii) Which word has the fewest letters? Funiv) Which word has two ‘A’s? Abroadv) Which word can also mean ‘damage’? Breakvi) Which word sounds like another word

which means ‘if’? Whether

4. Think of antonyms (words with an opposite meaning) for:Countryside TownExcitement BoredomFriend EnemyRest Work, PlayDifferent Similar

5. Turn the words into verbs:Relaxing To relaxEnjoyment To enjoyExcitement To exciteDifferent To differFun To have fun

6. Put a circle around the words below which are nouns:

Holiday Relaxing Friend

Pleasure Different Weather

Page 12: School Assembly Pack

Family Holiday Association – The charity that gives families a

Supporting activities


A Brainstorm what a holiday means to the pupils and write a list on the board. Use these asthe basis for a discussion on why holidays are important AND useful.

B Using the theme of ‘Who wants/needs a holiday?’ draw a cartoon type strip of peoplefrom easily identifiable jobs or walks of life with “I do” speech bubbles.

C Divide the class into small groups to consider the proposition: “All people are entitled toholidays.” Groups to report back on the reasons why they agree or disagree with thisstatement.

D Hand out a series of statements on cards about holidays – e.g.

■ Holidays are essential.■ Holidays are a luxury.■ Everyone should have a holiday.■ The government should help those families that cannot afford a holiday.■ Nobody really needs a holiday.■ Parents and children should have separate

holidays.■ Holidays are boring.■ Holidays are a waste of time.

After consideration, give individuals, pairs or groupsone minute to make the case for or against what’s onthe card (perhaps using a one minute buzzer or bell).Is a consensus view possible?

E “My holiday was fantastic.” Interpret this commentthrough a drawing or a cartoon strip.

F Compare entitlements to holidays now with, forexample, entitlement in Victorian Britain and thenmove on to consider why practices have changed ( requirements), and what makes holidays possiblee.g. increased wealth, mass transport (first rail, thencar, now flight) and cheap flights. [Links with Historycurriculum.]

G Discussion/written activity: ‘My ideal holiday’. Then:“How I would help others to have their ideal holiday.”

H Discuss the pattern of school holidays now and theirhistorical origin (e.g. needs of 19th centuryagriculture). Seek views on the possible 4/5 termschool year.

I Enact the script developed in item 3 of the assemblyfollow up activity.

J Find a holiday destination in the UK for every letter ofthe alphabet.

K On a British map mark those places where pupils havebeen for a holiday. Consider any common factorsthese places may have eg a coast, near a NationalPark, site of a theme park.

Curriculum links

A English: En1; Speaking & Listening – 1,2,3

PSHE: 1a, 2a, 4a

B English: En3, Writing 1e, 5b, 9b, 9c, 12

C English: En1; Speaking & Listening – 1,2,3

PSHE: 1a, 2a, 4a

D PSHE: 1a, 2a, 4a, 4b

E English: En3; Writing – 1c, 5b, 9b,9c, 12

F PSHE: 1a, 2a, 4a, 4bHistory: 2b, 2c, 2d

G English: Enl; Speaking & Listening – 1,2,3

PSHE: 1a, 2a, 4a

H English: Enl; Speaking & Listening – 1,2,3

History: 2b, 2c, 2d, 4a, 4b

I English: Enl, 4a, 4b, 4c, 4d


Geography: 2c, 3b, 3g}

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Family Holiday Association – The charity that gives families a

Useful curriculum links



English: En3; Writing – 7a, 12PSHE: 2h, 4a, 4f, 4g


English: En3; Writing – lb, 4j, 7a


A English: En1; Speaking & Listening – 1,2,3PSHE: 1a, 2a, 4a

B English: En3, Writing 1e, 5b, 9b, 9c, 12

C English: En1; Speaking & Listening – 1,2,3PSHE: 1a, 2a, 4a

D PSHE: 1a, 2a, 4a, 4b

E English: En3; Writing – 1c, 5b, 9b, 9c, 12

F PSHE: 1a, 2a, 4a, 4bHistory: 2b, 2c, 2d

G English: Enl; Speaking & Listening – 1,2,3PSHE: 1a, 2a, 4a

H English: Enl; Speaking & Listening – 1,2,3History: 2b, 2c, 2d, 4a, 4b

I English: Enl, 4a, 4b, 4c, 4d


Geography: 2c, 3b, 3g}

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Family Holiday Association – The charity that gives families a

What is a holiday?



A change









Page 15: School Assembly Pack

Family Holiday Association – The charity that gives families a

The Family Holiday Association


WHY IT EXISTS■ Holidays are essential to our emotional and physical well-being, bringing relaxation,

stress relief, a break from routine, an opportunity to re-charge batteries, and thechance to be together.

■ All of us need a break sometimes, especially those coping with problems.

■ Yet difficult circumstances, such as poverty, disability, depression and long-term illnessmean that, each year, over two million families in the UK are excluded from taking aholiday.

WHAT THE FAMILY HOLIDAY ASSOCIATION DOES■ Since 1975 the charity has helped by providing holidays to disadvantaged families that

have not had a holiday for at least 4 years. In 2010, for example, over 2,000 familiesbenefited.

■ Families are referred by Social Services, Health Authority staff, voluntary organisationsand individual schools. Your school could refer a pupil and his/her family. Please seeour website,, for more information.

■ The charity provides holidays to families who desperately need a break. Our grantscover accommodation, contribution to travel and food costs for a one week stay at afamily holiday park run by organisations such as Butlins or Haven, or occasionally at adifferent location of their choice e.g. with relatives.

■ We own a number of static holiday caravans, sited in holiday parks around the UK coast,and each caravan helps provide a minimum of 30 family holidays per year.

■ We also aims to increase the awareness of the scale and scope of the problem ofthe lack of access to holidays.

FUNDING■ The Family Holiday Asssociation is a charity and therefore relies upon the public’s goodwill.

■ It also receives backing from the travel trade, especially through discounted holidays.

■ Should you wish to help, some fundraising ideas are contained in this pack.

■ Further copies of this pack and updated information about the charity can be found onour website:

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Family Holiday Association – The charity that gives families a

Fundraising suggestions


The enclosed template can be used by pupils to make their own sunglasses, andwear as part of a fun, holiday themed non-uniform day.

Here are some other fundraising ideas for schools and individuals:

■ dressing up day in ‘holiday clothes’

■ a sale of unwanted books, toys, games, video, DVDs, etc.

■ a sponsored silence

■ a competition involving a series of favourite holiday scenes from around theworld, which pupils have to identify (they pay a fee to enter and there couldbe a prize for the winners)

■ talent contest

■ pay a small fee for the privilege of telling very silly jokes

■ fashion show

■ sponsored kite flying

■ football match, School versus Staff – spectators pay

■ pupils pay to avoid homework for the day/week

■ yo-yo/spinning top competition

■ sponsored beach walk

■ slippers day (pay to wear your slippers – a particular favourite among schools)

■ collection boxes for unwanted 1p/2p coins

■ biscuit/cake sale (made by pupils)

■ school skateboarding competition

■ a sponsored ‘hop’ – on one leg, of course!

■ involve the pupils’ parents by encouraging them to help fundraise throughevents like the annual school fête, by paying to come to a holiday-themedshow/play etc.

£660 will pay for the cost of a family’s one week break at the seaside.

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Family Holiday Association – The charity that gives families a

Sunglasses template


Trace the sunglasses ontocardboard and cut out.

Add your own designs eg bycolouring or painting