school contact details: address: wider school opening telephone: 11/06 ... · 11/06/2020 address:...

Dear Parents and Carers, Following a successful return for many of our Reception children this week, we are now sharing details for our Year 1 Return’ on Monday 15 th June 2020. Our Reception children have adapted to our unusual school environment and ‘life in a bubble’ seamlessly. We are very proud of them all. We are equally proud of our very supportive and accommodating parents and carers for their patience and willingness to follow our school social distancing guidelines. We are now excited to welcome back Year 1. THE YEAR 1 RETURN After seeing many of our Reception children return, we are very excited to see many of our Year 1 faces next Monday. Here a few things which you need to know: 1) You will soon be notified what colour bubble your child will be joining via Class Dojo. 2) By using the tables below you can view the drop-off and collection arrangements for Year 1. 3) By clicking on you can view a Year 1 mini-virtual tour by Year 1 ‘Bubble Leader’ Mrs. Oldfield. 4) When your child returns you will be asked to sign a ‘bubble agreement’ and a ‘collection form’. The agreement is very useful, as it provides lots of information to linked to ‘frequently asked questions’. You can download it from: 5) If you have any questions prior to the return, please phone the school on (01429) 288291 or e-mail: [email protected]. 6) Unfortunately, Class 4 teacher, Mrs. D. Bell, will not be in a school bubble. However, we hope she will soon return to support Year 1. 7) You will notice from the tables below that class spaces have slightly adjusted to those advertised last week. This is to accommodate the Year 6 bubbles. Year 1 Bubbles – Bubble Leader: Mrs. Oldfield. WHITE BUBBLE (familiar faces – Mrs. Sharp and Mrs. Oldfield) Use of Class 9, Year 4 and Adjacent Intervention Space Drop-Off Time and Location Collection Time and Location 9.10am prompt Enter via the ‘Shop Gate’ > and drop-off at the ‘Breakfast Club Entrance’ 3.10pm prompt Enter via the ‘Shop Gate’ > and collect from the ‘Breakfast Club Entrance’ If your child attends Breakfast Club you should enter via the Breakfast Club Entrance. Wider School Opening 11/06/2020 SCHOOL CONTACT DETAILS: Address: Throston Primary School, Flint Walk, Throston Grange, Hartlepool, TS26 0TJ Telephone: (01429) 288291 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Twitter: @throstonprimary Movies:

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Page 1: SCHOOL CONTACT DETAILS: Address: Wider School Opening Telephone: 11/06 ... · 11/06/2020 Address: Throston Primary School, Flint Walk, Throston Grange, Hartlepool, TS26 0TJ (01429)

Dear Parents and Carers, Following a successful return for many of our Reception children this week, we are now sharing details for our ‘Year 1 Return’ on Monday 15th June 2020. Our Reception children have adapted to our unusual school environment and ‘life in a bubble’ seamlessly. We are very proud of them all. We are equally proud of our very supportive and accommodating parents and carers for their patience and willingness to follow our school social distancing guidelines. We are now excited to welcome back Year 1. THE YEAR 1 RETURN After seeing many of our Reception children return, we are very excited to see many of our Year 1 faces next Monday. Here a few things which you need to know:

1) You will soon be notified what colour bubble your child will be joining via Class Dojo.

2) By using the tables below you can view the drop-off and collection arrangements for Year 1.

3) By clicking on you can view a Year 1 mini-virtual tour by Year 1 ‘Bubble Leader’ Mrs. Oldfield.

4) When your child returns you will be asked to sign a ‘bubble agreement’ and a ‘collection form’. The agreement is very useful, as it provides lots of information to linked to ‘frequently asked questions’. You can download it from:

5) If you have any questions prior to the return, please phone the school on (01429) 288291 or e-mail: [email protected].

6) Unfortunately, Class 4 teacher, Mrs. D. Bell, will not be in a school bubble. However, we hope she will soon return to support Year 1.

7) You will notice from the tables below that class spaces have slightly adjusted to those advertised last week. This is to accommodate the Year 6 bubbles.

Year 1 Bubbles – Bubble Leader: Mrs. Oldfield.

WHITE BUBBLE (familiar faces – Mrs. Sharp and Mrs. Oldfield) Use of Class 9, Year 4 and Adjacent Intervention Space

Drop-Off Time and Location Collection Time and Location 9.10am prompt

Enter via the ‘Shop Gate’ > and drop-off at the ‘Breakfast Club Entrance’

3.10pm prompt Enter via the ‘Shop Gate’ > and collect from the

‘Breakfast Club Entrance’ If your child attends Breakfast Club you should enter via the Breakfast Club Entrance.

Wider School Opening 11/06/2020

SCHOOL CONTACT DETAILS: Address: Throston Primary School, Flint Walk, Throston Grange, Hartlepool, TS26 0TJ Telephone: (01429) 288291 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Twitter: @throstonprimary Movies:

Page 2: SCHOOL CONTACT DETAILS: Address: Wider School Opening Telephone: 11/06 ... · 11/06/2020 Address: Throston Primary School, Flint Walk, Throston Grange, Hartlepool, TS26 0TJ (01429)

BRONZE BUBBLE (familiar face - Mrs. Martin) Use of Class 5, Year 2

Drop-Off Time and Location Collection Time and Location 9.10am

Enter and Leave via the Main Entrance (using the gate opposite the main school office)

3.10pm Enter and Leave via the Main Entrance (using the

gate opposite the main school office)

SILVER BUBBLE (familiar face - Mrs. Davies) Use of Class 6, Year 2

Drop-Off Time and Location Collection Time and Location 9.00am

Enter and Leave via the Main Entrance (using the gate opposite the main school office)

3.00pm Enter and Leave via the Main Entrance (using the

gate opposite the main school office) THE YEAR 6 RETURN Next week we will provide details for our Year 6 children returning on Monday 22nd June 2020. We are planning on having three bubbles: Emerald – Mrs. Ord – Using Class 7, Year 3. Ruby – Mr. Molyneux – Using Class 8, Year 3. Sapphire – Mrs. A. Samuel – Using Class 10, Year 4. We are working very closely with secondary schools to use materials that will aid transition, and are still discussing the possibility of a visit. We will soon be contacting parents/carers of the children not returning to us, to see if they can support our plans to create a ‘Leavers Movie’. We also have special ‘TOP SECRET’ plans ahead of the distribution of our Year 6 Hoodies. NURSERY RETURN Unfortunately, with the creation of five Key Worker Bubbles, three Reception Bubbles, three Year 1 Bubbles and three Year 6 bubbles, we do not have sufficient space or staff for Nursery to return this half-term. I know this will be very disappointing news to many parents and carers but to ensure social distancing we cannot exceed our current numbers. Please be reassured we are looking at other ways to support our Nursery children as you can see below:

• NEW TO NURSERY: Mrs. Bloomfield will be offering to arrange a virtual meeting for the parents and carers of Nursery children due to start in the autumn term before the summer holidays. Mrs. Bloomfield will also provide a ‘Starting Nursery’ booklet to be completed over the summer holidays.

• THE CURRENT NURSERY: Mrs. Bloomfield will continue to support those in Nursery via home learning

as best as possible until the summer holidays.

• MOVING INTO RECEPTION: In a bid to support our Nursery children moving into Reception, we will be creating a ‘Transition Movie’ and providing transition materials for you and your child to complete.

Page 3: SCHOOL CONTACT DETAILS: Address: Wider School Opening Telephone: 11/06 ... · 11/06/2020 Address: Throston Primary School, Flint Walk, Throston Grange, Hartlepool, TS26 0TJ (01429)

• NEW TO RECEPTION AND THROSTON PRIMARY: Mrs. Tate will be offering to arrange a virtual meeting for the parents and carers of children (not from our Nursery) due to start Reception in the autumn term before the summer holidays.

• SURPRISES: We also have a few surprises lined up for those leaving us and those graduating to Reception.

HOME LEARNING With many teachers now teaching full-time in bubbles, you will start to notice that differing staff will be responding on Class Dojo (for messages and portfolios). Class teachers will of course keep on checking their Class Dojo whenever possible. WHOLE SCHOOL RETURN

I wish I was writing about a whole school return; it is clear from parental comments the strain on home learning is growing week by week. We are currently investigating using Microsoft Teams to provide face-to-face contact in addition to our weekly tasks. We hope this approach will help support home learning. We will keep you posted. Stay Safe, Mark Atkinson, Head Teacher.