school funding reform bursars & business managers briefing – january 2013

School Funding Reform Bursars & Business Managers Briefing – January 2013

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Page 1: School Funding Reform Bursars & Business Managers Briefing – January 2013

School Funding Reform

Bursars & Business Managers Briefing – January 2013

Page 2: School Funding Reform Bursars & Business Managers Briefing – January 2013

Why is the change happening?

The Department for Education’s (DfE) stated objective is to reform the school funding system to make it fairer, simpler, more consistent and transparent.

First step in the move to a national funding formula for schools (2015-16?)

Reallocates the same amount of funding between schools

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Schools Budget-Funding Streams















Dedicated Schools Grant

Sixth Form

Funding (LSC)

Pupil Premium


Central Individual Budget Schools Budget

PVIs, Admissions, Agency etc


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Dedicated Schools Grant - new blocks• Schools – per pupil • High Needs – fixed allocation based on

2012-13• Early years – per pupil

Blocks are not ring fenced – movements between blocks approved by Lead


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What about Pupil Premium?

• Pupil premium remains a separate grant

• Will continue as a credit

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Early Years Block

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What is funded from this block?• PVI providers

• Nursery classes in schools

• Central expenditure on early years pupils

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Early Years

• January pupil count

• No change to 3 & 4 year old funding

• New funding for most needy 2 year olds

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Schools Block

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Schools Block

Delegated to schoolsExcept• Funding for additional school places inc KS1• Funding pooled by maintained schools – inc

contingencies, EALS, Behaviour Support• Historic Commitments - combined services,

CERA, limited redundancy payments• LA statutory duties - Admissions, carbon

reduction commitments, servicing Schools Forums

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Schools Funding Formula – Timetable• Schools Forum started work Nov 2011• Report to Schools Forum recommended

new formula following consultation with schools– 24 September 2012

• Lead member approval – 15 October 2012• Returns to the EFA – 31 Oct 12 & 22 Jan 13• Issue 2013-14 budget shares – late

February 2013 (exc EY & post 16)

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Which factors are no longer allowed?• Teaching & Learning

protection• Most premises factors• School meals • Library service• Insurances• NQTs• School staff• Personalised learning

• KS1 top up• Specialist schools• Statements• Clawbacks and


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Allowable formula factors• Per pupil (Primary, Secondary KS3 and KS4)• Deprivation (Free meals & IDACI)• SEN (prior attainment)• Lump sum (max £200k)• Rates• Split sites• PFI• Additional site factors approved by EFA

Less targeted – less sensitive

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• New pupil count date – October

• All data sets are provided by the DfE

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How was the funding allocated?

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Changes to how you get funding

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Moving into the formula

• Headroom

• Devolved former standards fund grants

• Local Area Partnership Boards

• Former Pupil Retention Grant

• Former NQT adjustments

These were credits and were included in school exemplification baselines

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Replacing statement funding

Statement funding less than £6,000 per statement has been reallocated to all schools based on prior attainment factors

• Targets SEN funding to low achievers• Removes the link between statements and

funding• Brings ESCC in line with most other


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Moving out of the formula

• Key stage 1 top up

• SEN top up i.e. statement funding over £6000

These will be credits

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Key Stage 1 top up

• No calc change April to Aug

• Will be paid as a credit

• New calculation from September

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• MFG will operate for at least 2 years at

-1.5% per pupil (excluding lump sum and new delegation) – Statement funding (excluding de-delegation)

is inside the MFG baseline giving interim protection for schools with comparatively large numbers of statements)

• Gains will be capped at 3% (excluding lump sum and new delegation)

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Growth Fund

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Growth Fund

• Approved by Schools Forum Nov 12

• Funding for additional places required by the authority

• Funding for Key stage 1 top up

Will be a credit

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High Needs block

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What is funded from the block?• Special school and academy places

• Special facility places

• Alternative provision places

• Top up funding schools and FE

• LA responsibilities

• LA spending for special schools and academies

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Top-Up Funding

• Determined by commissioner the LA the school/academy/college

• Designed to meet the individual needs of the pupil over and above place funding

• DfE suggested strongly that LAs develop banded funding systems to determine top-up funding

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• Working group recommendation for a banded funding framework to Schools Forum for banded funding framework – Dec 12

• Schools Forum recommendation to lead member – 21 Jan 13

• Lead Member decision on banded funding framework – 21 Jan 13

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Payment of top up funding• Monthly count

• Paid monthly in arrear

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Top up funding for pupils in mainstream schools

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Top up for mainstream schools • Schools will meet the additional needs of

pupils up to £6000 from their budget shares• Monthly count• Funding follows pupil in year• Pupils with existing statements will

automatically move to the new bandings• New qualifying pupils will be assessed and


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• Pupils with Band B and above statements will assimilate to the new banded funding framework e.g. B = band 2 – School will fund the first £6,000 from budget

share– top up paid by LA will be £1421.88

• New pupils with additional needs costing more than £6,000 will be banded for top up purposes

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Special schools, special units and facilities in maintained schools and academies

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Place funding

• Place funding (Special Facilities and Special Schools) - £10,000

• Place funding (College central) - £8,000

Pupils in special facilities will not be included on the school roll for funding

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Special Schools – calculating top up• Banded funding for the individual pupil

• Plus universal non banded funding

• Plus exceptional non banded funding

• Plus/minus MFG or capping

• Less Place funding £10,000

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Special Facilities – calculating top up • Banded funding for the individual pupil

• Plus universal non banded funding

• Plus/minus MFG or capping

• Less Place funding £10,000

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