scoping study on toilet and sludge management in manyani and mwariki low income settlements in...

Scoping Study on toilet and Sludge Management in Manyani and Mwariki Low income Settlements in Nakuru Main Findings BY Misheck Kirimi Edith Kamundi

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Scoping Study on toilet and Sludge Management in Manyani and Mwariki Low income Settlements in Nakuru. Main Findings BY Misheck Kirimi Edith Kamundi. Scoping Study. Objective: Assess the factors contributing to poor sanitation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


PowerPoint Presentation

Scoping Study on toilet and Sludge Management in Manyani and Mwariki Low income Settlements in NakuruMain Findings

BYMisheck KirimiEdith Kamundi1Scoping StudyObjective:Assess the factors contributing to poor sanitationTo analyze the impact of poor sanitation on beneficiaries groups and inclusion/exclusion to other WASH services. Analyze existing and potential sanitation innovations and actors

2MethodologyFocus Group discussionsOthersKey Informant InterviewsCounty governmentNGOsNAWASCOHousehold questionnairesObservations/Transect Walk3Source : NAWASCO

ManyaniMwariki4DemographicsNakuru County is the 4th largest town in Kenya with Nakuru town being the fastest growing town in East Africa at 13% annually ( UN Habitat 2009) Populations statisticsNakuru Town - 500,000Nakuru Low income areas 218,216Mwariki 24,326Manyani A 8894 (County Health Department)5Land OwnershipManyani and Mwariki was originally ranches land acquired by residents into smaller plots up to two (2) acre in size.Over the years, further subdivisions into much smaller 50x100 sizesPlot owners organized into association that lobby for legal statusOwnership is through allotment letters with few having lease titles.Landlords are organized into plot owners associations

6Basic infrastructure Road network from Nakuru town into Manyani and Mwariki settlements is adequateHousing is mostly permanent stone walled, a few semi permanent housing made of mud and timberNumber of households per plot minimum 5 to as many as 150 houses7Water SupplyApproximately 6 % household connection, 66% yard tap connections, 16% water kiosks and 2 pre-paid meters, rest 10% kiosks operated by local including pushcart vendors in a few cases.

Kiosk rate - 20Litre jerry cans - Ksh 2

Vendors - Ksh. 10 to Ksh. 20 per jerry can.

Water Rationing a common few hours a day for specific number days in a week or limits the quantities of water to households per week e.g. in Manyani tenants reported a limit of seven (7) jerry cans per household per week.

To cope, tenants access extra water from vendors supplying water with donkey carts or water kiosks.

8Landlord tenant relationship9Sanitation coverage10Service levelsSanitation coverage in Nakuru is 59% ( county health department)Sewerage coverage is 25% of population served.Number of latrinesMwariki A 1692Manyani A 7700

11Latrine TechnologiesMain technologies in the target settlementsPit latrinesVIP latrines Water bornePour flush into septic and pitsPour flush/WC Sewerage connections - NAWASCO and Private12Technologies 13Latrine Technologies

14Costs of LatrinesA challenge in construction of improved sanitation options was the high cost of constructing a latrine.

In Mwariki A, it cost the landlords Ksh 170,000 for putting up 3 latrines and 3 bathrooms with septic tanks, in addition to the Ksh 10,000 approval fees with the county government.

In Manyani making a sewered connection for one door facility was Ksh 80,000, later on pay sewer monthly charges of 75% of water consumption.

Operations and maintenance were shared among tenants whose consumption was quite high.

15Pit emptyingOperating EnvironmentPractices/ActivitiesConsidered illegalStigma attached to the practiceMost landlords not willing to admit use of pit emptyingNakuru County bylaws, to include promotion of better emptying practicesOrganised into a group with savings Support with protective gearPit emptyingCollaborating with commercial exhausters to support removal of solid waste before exhaustionPrivate Sewer unblocking Emptying/cleaning septic tanksTariffs from Ksh 500 to 15,000 depending on the above activities16Focus on CLTS17Defecation PracticesIt is evident that most residents use toilets

Little open defecations

Practised in open spaces by those few plots within the settlements without toilets, or for those where pit emptying tales too long

The main challenge is the adequacy of latrines and quality of latrines18CLTS in Practice.(1)County Department of public health trained various PHOs to implement CLTSCommenced triggering in Mwariki, Pembe mbili in Mwariki already declared ODF, awaiting verification

Enforcement barriers Inadequate access on low income areas Land ownership concernsHarmonization of internal government coordination mechanisms

Proposed StrategiesSanitation and hygiene policy and by laws to address gaps in sanitation such as regularizing pit emptying. County budget allocations for 2014/15/16/17 to support CLTS, infrastructure improvement and demonstration of sanitation optionsImprove on enforcement Lobbying for support through partners to support county strategies

19CLTS in Practice..(2)RRTS (Practical Action and Umande Trust)Trained community mobilisers, PHOs22 villages triggered by December 2013Three (3) declared ODFGood follow up from PHOs and CHWsImproved relationship with partnersAccompanied by intensive hygiene promotionChallengesFocus not spread to schoolsTriggering mostly involving tenants in majorityTenants have no mandate for sanitationallowable sanitation options have high cost for constructionNeed for more intensive hygiene promotion

20Financing sanitation21Existing MechanismsPartnerships with K-rep BankLandlords form a group of at least five (5) persons and open bank accountsSavings of 20% for at least 3weeks before loan is issued, which is held by bank till full loan is approvedAffordable Interest rate of 15% on a reducing balance unlike normal loan that is 18.5% flat rateMembers are the guarantors for loanInitial Loan Approval is done by the groupUmande Trust supports landlords to prepare designs and Bills of quantities which are verified by the BankBank has assigned a special officer for easier follow up of loanRepayment period is 2yearsMaximum approved so far is Ksh 350,000

22Opportunities Scaling up to other settlementsIncluding other aspects of sanitation along the sanitation chainOther banks can get involved

23Crosscutting themes24Solid Waste ManagementPeriod collections in the settlements by licensed operatorsCosts Ksh 30 per month, collected with RentPrivate operators take garbage to municipal dumpsiteChallenge - There is still evidence of indiscriminate disposal in drainages, open spaces25Hand Washing Practices26Gender Issues Menstrual hygiene pits, garbage. No special disposal

Landlords participation mainly by men, due to land ownership structures

Female CHWs sometimes have trouble engaging with older members of opposite sex

Involvement of youth, except in pit emptying should be more emphasized hygiene promotion, reproductive health education27People Living with HIV/AIDS Stigma spread to sharing of latrinesHome based care givers not careful in disposal Mwariki not organized, trouble in advocacyManyani is able to advocate for HIV/AIDS issues due to presence of organized groupsConcern with confidentiality28Elderly and DisabledToilets not design for special needs groups Toilets located at the edges of plots, have to walk a distance if in a big plotLighting is very poor, cannot be easily accessed at night

29DrainageA few drainages in Mwariki and Manyani areasInadequate due to location of settlements downstream of Town.

Maintenance is poor, full of solid waste

Waste water from bathrooms, laundry, flows freely in the settlements

30Sanitation and Climate ChangeIPCC fifth Assessment report identifies informal settlements as most affected by issues of climate change Reasons: Lack of basic infrastructure to deal with inland flooding such as the case of NakuruIncreased temperatures can lead to high risks to health, lack of incomeWater scarcity in most urban low income areas due to congestion water borne sanitation options

31Sector CoordinationICC platform, present with active membersNAWASCO coordination mechanism of NGOsOpportunities:-Engage academia research, student learningMore private sector small enterprises in manufacture of low cost emptying technologies such as gulper

32Conclusions33OpportunitiesMajority of households already on the sanitation ladderInfrastructure into the selected targets to allow for improved sanitation options at settlement levelAbility of landlords to invest in affordable sanitation optionsWilling and enabling working relationship with county governmentExisting financing productSupporting legal framework sanitation policy, county by-lawsExisting coordination structure34BarriersImbalance in number of toilets vis a vis number of households sharingComplex landlord tenant relationshipHigh cost of improved sanitation facilitiesGeological conditions inadequate for pit latrinesLack of knowledge/ignorance on laws, regulations
