scott county minnesota government data practices act manual mgdpa dpa

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  • 8/13/2019 Scott County Minnesota Government Data Practices Act Manual MGDPA DPA








    dopted by the Board of ommissioners of cott ounty- ctober 6

  • 8/13/2019 Scott County Minnesota Government Data Practices Act Manual MGDPA DPA



    ble of ontents

    ntroducton 3

    Overvew 4

    I. ollecton of overnment Dt 5

    . lssfcton of overnment Dt 8

    A Daa on Inivials 8B Pblic, Nonpblic, or Proece Nonpblic Daa No on Inivials C Sary Daa 12D Daa on Deceens 3

    ll Request for overnment Dt 14

    A Reqess or Daa - General 14B Reqessor Daa on Inivials by he Daa Sbjec 15C Reqessor Sary Daa 15D. Reqess or Governen Daa by Oher Governen Agencies 16 How Daa Pracices Applies o Conracal Licensing an

    Fning Relaionship wih Governenal niies 16

    V nformton Dsclosure Request Form 7

    A Inoraion Disclosre Reqes 7B. When Coplee 7

    V. ees for opes of overnment Dt 7

    A Copies Provie a No Charge 18B. Copies Provie Wih Charge 18C. Copying Fees 18D Collecion o Copying Fees 19 Fee Schele 19F. Disposiion o Fees 9

    V Assgnment of Desgnee 19

    V Dutes of the Responsble Authorty or Desgnee 19

    A Daa Pracices Annal Repor 19

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    B Proceres or Disseminaion o Daa . 20C. Daa Proecion 20

    V. Access to overnment Dt . . . 20

    A. Who Can Make a Daa Reqes? 20B To Whom Ms a Daa Reqes be Mae? . . . . 20C Reqes or Smmary Daa 2

    X Rig hts of Dt Su ject . . . . . . . 2

    A. Tennessen Warning - Righs o Daa Sbec 2B. Noiicaion o Minors . . . 22C Inorme Consen . 23D. Proceres or Complying wih Daa Reqess rom an Inivial 25 Denial o Reqes or Daa Cor Orers & Sbpoenas . . . 2F. Appeal o Decision o niy o Commissioner o Aminisraion . 2

    X Role of the ommissioner of Admin istrtion 27

    X. onsequences for not omplying with MDPA . . . . 27

    X. Where More nformtion n Be Found . . 28

    FORMS NSRUONS nd DAA PRAES NOEInormaion Disclosre Reqes . 29Nonisclosre Agreemen 30Noice o Righs Tennessen Warning nsrcion Gie 3Noice o Righs Sample Forma or Tennessen Warning 32norme Consen Insrcion Gie 34Inorme Consen or Release o Inormaion . . 35Daa Pracices Noice o o 3

    Appendix A Mi nnesot Sttutes hpter 1 3overnment Dt Prctices Act (201 0) 37

    Appendix B hpter 1 205 - Deprtment of Admi nistrtion

    Dt Privcy Division, Rules overning Dt Prctices . . . 38Appendix Responsile Authorities nd Designees . . 39


  • 8/13/2019 Scott County Minnesota Government Data Practices Act Manual MGDPA DPA


  • 8/13/2019 Scott County Minnesota Government Data Practices Act Manual MGDPA DPA



    The Minnesota Govenment Data Pactices Act egulates the management o all

    govenment data that ae ceated, collected, eceived, o eleased by a govenmententity, no matte what om the data ae in, o how they ae stoed o used.

    Briefly the Act regulates

    what data can be collected who may see o get copies o the data the classiication o speciic types o govenment data the duties o govenment pesonnel in administeing the Act; pocedues o access to the data; pocedues o classiying data as not public civil penalties o violation o the Act and the chaging o ees o copies o govenment data

    Govenment data is eithe data on ndvduas or data not n ndvduals Data onindividuals ae classiied as eithe public, pivate, o conidential Data not onindividuals ae classiied as public nonpublic, o potected nonpublic This classiicationsystem detemines how govenment data ae handled see chat below)

    Data o dividuals Meag of Data o o dividualslassfcato

    Public Available to anyone o Publicany eason

    Available only to the data

    Pivate subect and to anyone Nopublicauthoied by the datasubect o by law to see it

    Conidential Not available to the public Potected Nonpublico the data subect


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    Wht s the Mnnesot overnment Dt Prctces Ache Minnesota Govenent Data Pactces Act MGDPA which is set oth nChapte 13 o Minnesota Statutes and Chapte 1205 o Minnesota Rues, s a

    state aw that contols how govenent data ae collected ceated, stoedmantained used, and disseinated.

    Wht re government dtGovenment data ae al data such as acts, inomaton epots, ecods,mantaned in any ecoded o by govenent entities, incuding counties. Asong as data ae ecoded n soe way by a govenment entty, they aegovenent data no atte what physical om they ae i o how they ae stoedo used. Govenent data ay be stoed on pape msecodsiles, ineectonic om, on audio o video tape, CDs on chats, aps etc. Govenentdata noaly do not nclude menta ipessions, thoughts, o convesations snce

    they ae not ecoded

    Pesons o entties icensed o unded by o unde contact to, a govenment enttyae subect to the MGDPA to the etent specied in the icensng, contact ounding ageement.

    A. Oical ecods ust be kept Mnn Stat 15 17, sud. 1 eques al ocesand agences o the state and all oices and agencies o countes, cities andtowns to make and keep a ecods necessay a u and accuateknowledge o thei oicia activties As noted aove equieents ocolectng ceating, aintanng stong and disseiatig data ae ound n

    the Minnesota Govenent Data Pactices Act and accmpanying Rules inkso locating the govening statute and ules can be oud n Appendices B andC

    B The collection and stoage o public, pivate, an conidential data onndividuals ae imited to that necessay o the adnstation and anagemento pogas speciicaly authoized o andated by the state local goveningbody o the edeal govenent


    1 Annul Report. The publc docuent equied y Mnn. Stat. 305,subd 1, containng the nae o the esponsible authoity and the ndviduadesignee, title and addess and a desciption o each categoy o ecod,ie, o pocess eatng to pivate o conidentia data on indivdualsaintained by the govenent entity.

    Authorzed Representtve. The individual, entity, o peson authoized toact on behal o anothe ndividual, entty o peson. Fo the puposes o the


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    Act the authoied epesentative may include, but is not limited to a) inthe case o a mino a paent o guadian see Section IXB); b) anattoney acting on behal o an individual when the individual has givenwitten inomed consent c) any othe individual entity, o peson givenwitten authoization by the data subect o d) an insue o its

    epesentative, povided that the data subect has given inomed consento the elease o the inomation, e) cout appointed guadianconsevato.

    ourt Order The diection o a udge o othe appopiate pesiding judicialoice, made o enteed in witing o on the ecod in a legal poceeding

    Dt All data collected ceated eceived maintained o disseminated bya govenment entity egadless o its physical om, stoage media, oconditions o use, including but not limited to, pape ecods and ilesmicoilm, compute media o othe pocesses.

    5 Dt Subect The individual o peson about whom the data is ceated ocollected

    6 Desgnee. Any peson designated by a esponsible authoity a) to be inchage o individual iles o systems containing govenment data and b) toeceive and comply with equests o govenment data

    7 overnment Entty. A state agency, a statewide system o a politicalsubdivision

    8. ndvdul. A natual peson. In the case o a mino o an individual

    adjudged mentally incompetent individual includes a paent guadian anindividual acting as a paent o guadian in the absence o a paent oguadian except that the esponsible authoity shall withhold data ompaents guadians o individuals acting as paents o guadians in theabsence o paents o guadians, upon a equest by the mino i theesponsible authoity detemines that withholding the data would be in thebest inteest o the mino.

    9 nformed onsent The witten consent that must be given by a datasubject to allow disclosue o pivate data egading the individual.

    10 Person Any individual patneship, copoation, association businesstust o legal epesentative o an oganiation

    1 1 Poltcl Subdvson. Any county statutoy o home ule chate cityschool distict, and special distict a town execising powes unde Minn.Stat. Chap. 38 and located in a metopolitan aea and any boad,commission, distict o authoity ceated pusuant to law local odinance ochate povision It includes any nonpoit copoation which is a


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    community action aency oanied to qualiy pubic unds o anynonpoit social sevice aency which peoms sevices unde contact to aovenment entity to the etent that the nonpoit social sevice aency ononpoit copoation colects, stoes, disseminates, and uses data onindividuas because o a contactual eationship with a ovenment entity.

    12 Representtve of the Decedent. The pesona epesentative o an estateo a decedent duin the peod o administaton, o i no pesonalepesentative has been appointed, o ae dischae the suvivin spouse,any child o the decedent, o, i thee ae no suvivi spouse o chiden,the paents o the decedent.

    Requestor The individua, entity, o peson equestin access ando copieso ovenment data

    1 4. Responsble Authorty for ountes Each elected oicial o a county

    shal be the esponsible authoity o the espective ice. An individua whois an employee o the county shall be appointed by te County Boad to bethe esponsible authoity o any data administeed utside the depatmentso elected ocials o a statewide system, the esponsibe authoity is thecommissione o any state depatment, o any eecutive oice desinatedby statute o eecutive ode as esponsible o such system

    15 Rules. "The ules Govenin the nocement o th MinnesotaGovenment ata Pactices Act Minn , Chap. 15 See Appendi B

    16 Stte Agency The state, the Univesity o Minnesota and any oice,

    oice, depatment division, bueau, boad, commission, authoity disticto aency o the state

    1 7 Sttewde System. Any ecodkeepin system in which ovenment datais collected, stoed, disseminated, and used by means o a system commonto one o moe state aencies o moe than one o its political subdivisionso any combination o state aencies and poitical sbdivisions.

    1 8 emporry lssfcton. An application by a state aency statewidesystem, o political subdivision, pusuant to Minn Stat 3.0, which hasbeen appoved by the Commissione o Adiistation to cassiy

    ovenment data not classiied by state statute edeal law as eithepivate o conidential o data on individuals, o nonpublic o potectednonpublic o data not on individuals

    19 ennessen Wrnng. Those ihts as contained in Section IXAcommunicated to an individua asked to supply pivate o conidentia dataconcenin he o himsel


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    o the puposes of these guidelines govenment data s dvded nto fou types;(a) data on ndividuals whch is classified as public pvate o confidential; (b)data not on indivduals which is classfied as publc nonpublic o potectednonpublc; (c) statistical o summay data deived fom data on indviduals n whchindviduals ae not identfed and (d) data on decedents These classfications theciteia fo classification and the desciption of who has access ae as follows


    1 . Public Data on niviuals

    a Definition ll data on ndviduals s publc unless classfied as pivateo confidental

    b Data on niviuals is Public if:

    1 ) statute o fedeal law equies o allows te collection of the dataand does not classify the data as pvate o confdential.

    2 n applcaton fo Tempoay Classification fo pvate o confidentialdata on ndividuals is dsappoved by the Commissione ofdminstation

    The data ae summay o statistical data deived fom data onndividuals

    4) Pivate o confidential data becomes publc in ode to comply withethe udicial o adminstative ules petaining to the conduct of alegal action. (o eample Pivate o confidential data which ispesented in o to the cout and made public y the cout)

    c Access ll publc data on indivduals ae accessble by any pesonregardless of thei nteest in that data.

    2 Private Data on niviuals

    a Definition Pivate data on indviduals ae data which s not accessibleto the public but is accessble to the individual sbect of the data

    b Tennessen Warning cept fo law enfcement investigations aTennessen Wanng must be gven when pivate data s collected fomthe subect of the data (Section IX descbes the Tennessen Waning.)

    Tennessen Waning need not be given when pvate data ae collected


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    fom someone othe than the sbject of the data

    c. Data on nvuals s Prvate f

    state statte o fedeal law epessly classifies the data as not

    accessible to the pblic, bt accessible to th sbject of the data.

    2 Tempoay Classification of pivate has been appoved by theCommissione of dministation and has not epied

    If data ae classified as both pivate and cnfidential by state ofedeal law the data ae pivate

    Access Pivate data on individals ae accessile to

    he individal sbject of the data o the epsentative as athoized

    inwiting (if the sbject is a mino, sally by the sbjects paent ogadian).

    2 Individals, entities, o pesons who have ben given epess wittenpemission by the data sbject. (Section IC descibes InfomedConsent.)

    Pesonnel within the entity whose wok assignment eqies accessas detemined by the esponsible athoity o designee.

    4) Individals, entities, o pesons who sed stoed, and eleased

    govenment data collected pio to gst , 975, with the conditionthat se stoage, and dissemination was not accessible to the pblicbt accessible to the data sbject Use stoage, and elease of thisdata ae limited to the pposes fo which it was oiginally collected.

    ) Individals entities, o pesons fo which a state, local, o fedeal lawathoizes new se o new dissemination of te data

    ) Individals entities, o pesons sbseqent to the collection of thedata and sbseqent to the commnication of the TennessenWaning, when specifically appoved by the Commissione of

    dministation, as necessay to cay ot a fction assigned by law.

    7) Psant to a cot ode

    8) Individals entities, o pesons as othewise ovided by law


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    Confiential Data on Iniviuals

    a. Definition: Data on individuals ae confidential if made not accessible bythe public and not accessible to the individual sbect of the data bystate statute o fedeal law

    b Tennessen Warning cept fo law enfocement investigations, aTennessen Waning must be given when confidetial data is collectedfom the subect of the data Tennessen Waning is not given whenconfidential data ae collected fom someone othe than the subect ofthe data

    c Data on Iniviuals are Confiential if:

    state o fedeal statute epessly povides that: (a) the data shallnot be available to eithe the public o to the data subect, o (b) the

    data shall not be available to anyone ecept those agencies whichneed the data fo agency puposes

    empoay Classification of confidential has been appoved by theCommissione of dministation and has not epied

    Access Confidential data on individuals ae accessible to:

    Individuals, entities, o pesons who ae autoied by state, local, ofedeal law to gain access

    Pesonnel within the entity whose wok assigment equies accessas detemined by the esponsible authoity, o the designee

    Individuals, entities, o pesons who used, stoed, and disseminatedgovenment data collected pio to ugust , 975, with the conditionthat the data was not accessible to the indiviual subect of the data

    4) Individuals, entities, o pesons fo which a state o fedeal lawauthoies a new use o new dissemination of the data.

    5 Individuals entities, o pesons subsequent to the collection of the

    data and communication of the Tennessen Waning when specificallyappoved by the Commissione of dministation, as necessay, tocay out a function assigned by law

    Pusuant to a cout ode.

    7) Individuals, entities, o pesons as othewise povided fo by law.


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    Publ ic Data Not on niviuals

    a Definition ublc data not on indviduals means data not on individualswhich are accessible to the publc

    b. Data Not on niviuals is Public if:

    statute or federal law does not epressly classify the data as notpublc

    n application for emporay Classifcation for data as nonpublc orprotected nonpublic is not approved by the Commssioner ofdmnistraton

    statute requires the data to be made available to the public

    c Access ublic data not on indivduals are accessble to any personrgardss o their interest n the data

    Nonpublic Data Not on niviuals

    a Definition Nonpublc data not on indivduals means data which are notpublic but are accessble to the subject of the data f any s usedhere the subject of the data means a person as defned in Section lC

    paragraph 0

    b. Data Not on niviuals is Nonpublic if

    state statute or federal law classfes the data as not publc butaccessible to the subject of the data if any.

    Temporay Classifcation of data as nonpublc has been approvedby the Commssioner of dminstration.

    c Access Nonpublc data not on individuals are accessible to:

    The subject of the data i f any.

    ersonnel within the entity whose work assignment requires accessas determined by the responsible authority or designee.

    Individuals entities or persons authorized by statute or federalstatute to gan access

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    4) It is reasonable to conclude that access to the data should be limitedto entities or persons who have the legal authority for access, and toentity staf on a need-to-know basis, that a representative of theorganiation which is the subject of the data may access thenonpublic data and may consent to its release

    5) Pursuant to cour order

    6) Individuas, entities, or persons as otherwise provided by aw.

    Protecte Nonpublic Data Not on niviuals

    a Definition: Protected nonpubic data not on individuals means datawhich are not public and not accessible to the subect of the data, if any.s used here the subject data means a perso as defined in SectionJC, paragraph 10.

    b Data Not on niviuals is Protecte Nonpulic if

    1 ) state statute or federal aw classifies the ata as not accessibe tothe public and not accessibe to the data subject

    The Temporay Classification of governent data as protectednonpubic data has been approved by the Commissioner ofdministration

    c Access Protected nonpublic data not on indivials are accessible to

    Personnel within the entity whose work assignment requires accessas determined by the responsible authority or the designee.

    Individuas, entities, or persons authorized by tatute or federa law togain access.

    Pursuant to a cou order.

    4) Individuas, entities, or persons as otheise provided by law.


    1. Definition: Summary data means statistical records and repors derivedfrom data on individuals, but in which the individuals are not identified andneither their identities nor other characteristics that could uniquey identifythe individua is ascerainable

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    Data is Summary Data if:

    a ll data elements that could link the data to a specific individual havebeen emoved; ND

    b ny list of numbes o othe data which could uniquely identify anindividual is sepaated fom the summay data and is not available topesons who gain access to o possess summay data

    Access Unless classified by a Tempoay Classification summay data aepublic and may be equested by and made available to any individual opeson including a govenmental etity.


    1 Private Data o n Deceents

    a Definition. Upon death pivate and confidential data on an individualshall become espectively pivate data on decedents and confidentialdata on decedents

    b Access:

    1 ) ccess is available to the pesonal epesentative of the estateduing the administation o if no pesonal epesentative thesuviving spouse any child of the decedent o if no spouse ochilden to the paent of the decedent

    tustee appointed in a wongful death action also has access toappopiate pivate data on decedents concening the data subject.

    Confiential Data on Deceents.

    a Definition. Confidential data on decedents means data which pio tothe death of the data subject was classified by statute fedeal law otempoay classification as confidential data.

    b Access. ccess to the data is the same as access to confidential data

    on individuals.

    c The epesentative of the decedent may execise all ights which aeconfeed by the ct on individuals who ae the subjects of confidentialdata in the case of confidential data on decedents

    Release of pivate data on a decedent o confidential data on a decedentmay also be obtained fom a cout following the pocedue outlined in the

    1 3

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    saue Any person may bring an acion in he dsric cou locaed in hecouny where he daa is being mainained o in he case of daamainained by sae agency, in any couny, o auhorize release of privaedaa on decedens or confidenial daa on decedens The cour musexamine he daa and consider wheher he harm o he surviving spouse,

    children, or nexofkin of he deceden, he har o any oher individuaidenified in he daa, or he harm o he public ouweighs he benefi o heperson bringing he acion or he benefi of he public

    Privae daa on decedens and confidenia daa on decedens shal becomepublic when en (0) years have eapsed from he cual or presumed deahof he individual and hiry (30) years have eapse from he creaion of hedaa. For purposes of his deerminaion, an indiidua is presumed o bedead if eiher niney (90) years elapsed since he creaion of he daa, orniney (90) years have eapsed since he individal's bih, whichever isearier excep ha an individual is no presumed o be dead if readily

    avaiabe daa indicaes he individua is si living.


    efer o Secion VI and he Informaion Disclosure eques form when copies arerequesed. While no fee shal be charged for viewing daa, he acua coss ofsearching for and rerieving pubic daa may be charged

    A EQUEST FO DATA - GE NEAL Upon reques o he responsible auhoriyor designee, an auhorized person sha be permied o inspec governmendaa a reasonabe imes and places, and if he pary requess, hey shal be

    informed of he meaning of he daa If he daa requsted are public data noform or writing s necessa and he requestor s o required o identifthemselves. sae a reason for or jusi a request gain aess o pubcgovement daa Suficien informaion o idenify or arify may be ased foro faciiae access o he daa If requesed, pubic da ay be disclosed overhe elephone.

    If hee is a reques for copies of daa and he couny s no abe o providecopies a he ime of he reques is made, copies shal e supplied as soon asreasonaby possible

    egardless of where he daa originaes, if i is in a governmen eniyspossession, i is governmen daa and subjec o he ccess provisions of heaw

    The Informaon Dsosre Reqes form sha be omeed for a reqess byhe pb for govemen daa whh s assfed as oher han pb Seepage 29

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    1 . Uo eques ad we access o coies ae aued, e desigee sallovde coies of e ivae o ublic daa o a idividual o e subjec of

    e daa o auoied eeseaive See Mi . 12050500 if a daasubjec is a mio.

    2 Te desgee sall comply imm da ly f asoaly possibl o wi e(1 l woki days of e dae of qu s, if immdiae complac is o asoably possibl Afe a idividual daa subjec as bee sow e vae daa ad

    fomed of s meag, e daa eed o be disclsed o a idvidual fosix ( mos, uless a disue o aco is edig (coceig accuacof daa), o addioal fomaio as bee obaie o a dividual


    1 Uless classfied b a Temoa Classficao suma daa deved fomvae o cofdeial daa o dividuals ae ulc ad e esosibleauoi o desigee sall ovide e summa daa uo e wieeques of a idividual o eso.

    2 Wii e 10) days of c ip of suc eques, e esosible auoi odesigee sall fom e equeso of e coss of eaig e summardaa f a.

    Te esosible auo o e desigee sall

    a. Povide e summa daa equesed; OR

    b. Povide a wie saeme o e equeso descibig a ime scedulefo eaig e equesed daa, cludig eas fo a delas; OR

    c. Povide access o e equeso o e ivae o cofdeial daa so ae equeso ca comile e summa daa Suc access wll beovided ol we e equeso sgs a o-disclosue ageeme; OR

    Povide a we saeme o e equeso saig easos w eequeso's access would comomise ivae o cofdeial daa

    4 A o-dsclosue ageeme (see age 30) is used o oec ecofideiali of goveme daa we e equeso of e summar daaeaes e summar b accessig ivae o cofideial daa oidividuals. A o-disclosue ageeme sall coai a leas e followig


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    a A geneal desciion o he ivae o conidenial daa hich is beingused o eae summay daa.

    b. The uose o hich he summay daa is being eaed

    c. A saemen ha he eques undesands ha he eques may besubec o he cvl o cminal enaly ovisons o he Ac

    The signaue o he eques and he esonsible auhoiy, designee,o eesenaive.


    1 A esonsible auhoiy shall allo anohe esonsible auhoiy access o

    daa classiied as ivae, conidenial, nonublic o oeced nonubliconly hen he access is auhoied o equied by sae o edeal saue

    2 An agency ha sulies govenmen daa unde his secion may equie heequesing agency o ay he acual cos o sulying he daa hen heequesed daa is no ovided in he nomal couse o business and noequied by sae o edeal saue.

    In mos cases, daa shall have he same classiicion in he hands o heagency eceiving i as i had in he agency oviding i, unless heclassiicaion is equied o change o mee dicial o adminisaive

    equiemens When acical and necessay, e agency oviding heequesed inomaion shall indicae he classiicaion o he inomaion

    When acical and necessay, he equesing agency no lised on heTennessen Waning (see age 32) shall obain he inomed consen omhe daa subec(s) o inomaion classiied as ivae o conidenial.


    1 Pusuan o Minn. Sa 1305, subd. , i a eson receves not publc

    ata on nvuals from a government entty because tat person asa contract wt tat entty he eson mus adminise he daa in amanne ha is consisen ih he MGDPA.

    2 Pusuan o Minn Sa. 1305, subd. 11 i a ivae eson collects,receves stores, uses, mantans or ssemnates ata because teperson as a contract wt a government entty to perform any of teenttys functons all o he daa ae subec o he equiemens o he


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    MGDPA ad he coracor mus comply wh he MGDPA requremesThe coracor may be sued uder M. Sa 138, wh cvl remedesTe contract must clearly nform te contractor of teseresponsbltes

    Pursua o M Sa. 13.2 subd 11 f he daa s collecte by anonproft socal servces entty wc performs servces unercontract to a government entty, ad he da s colleced ad usedbecause of ha corac, access o he daa s regulaed by he MGDPA.

    4 If a hrd pay s lcense by a government entity an te lcensure scontone upon complance wt te MGDPA, or f te party asanoter type of contract wt a government ntty he hrd pay ssubjec o he MGDPA o he exe specfed he corac or he lcesgagreeme.


    A NFORMATON DSCLOSURE REQUEST The Iformao Dsclosureeques provdes a record of he requesrs defco formao ad hegoverme daa requesed, as well as he aco ae by he resposbleauhory, or he desgee, ad ay facal rasaco whch occurs. See aexample o page 29

    B WHEN COMPLETED he Iformao Dsclosure epor should be compleedfor all requess by he publc for goverme da classified as priate,confidential nonpublic and ptected nonpublic and for a requests by other

    goement agencies for which the not public data is not utiney shared orpided in the normal course of business


    Pursua o he Mesoa Goverme Daa Pracces Ac ad Sco ouyBoard resoluo, ad uless oherwse provded for by federal law, sae saue orrule, fees for copes of goverme daa shall be deermed by deparmesbased o he coss of provdg such servce, as se forh he Sco ouy FeeSchedule se forh a http://wco scott mn us/CountyFeeSchedule. Fees shall bereasoable ad cosse.




  • 8/13/2019 Scott County Minnesota Government Data Practices Act Manual MGDPA DPA


    A. COES RODED AT NO CHARGE When access is athoied, copiesmay be povided at no chage

    1 When anothe govenment agency o esponsible athoity eqies o

    eqests the ecod/docment copies as pat o the administation andmanagement o an athoized pogam and the copies ae sally povidedas pat o the nomal cose o bsiness

    When ecods docments, boches pamphlets, books epots, o othesimila pblications ae podced o ee distibtio to the pblic. A chagemay be assessed i an individal eqest exceeds omal distibtion.

    When the co odes the eqesting paty to poceed frma paupers

    B COES RODED WTH CHARGE When access is athoized, copies

    shall be povided at the applicable Flat ate o Special ate in the ollowingcicmstances

    1 Othe govenment agencies o esponsible atoities who eqie oeqest ecod docments o pblication copies which ae not sallypovided o epodced as pa o the nomal cose o bsiness

    ecods, docments, boches, pamphlets, books, epots, o othe similapblications that ae not nomally povided o epodced o distibtion tothe pblic

    Pblic data on individals and pblic data not o idividals, paticlalywhen the eqesto is not the sbject o the data.

    C COYNG FEES Copying ees shall be chaged at the Flat ate o theSpecial ate o those ecods, docments, and pblications coveed in SectionB above.

    1 . The Flat ate shall be chaged o all eqested ecods, docments andpblications which ae not othewise identiied in the Scott Conty FeeSchedle as descibed in Section V The cent Flat ate to be chaged iscontained in Section E The Flat ate will be eviewed annally and

    pdated as necessay

    A Special ate will be chaged o copies o eqested ecods, docments,and pblications which ae listed in the Scott Conty Fee Schedle by thedepament in which they ae available.

    A ee may be chaged o emote access to data whee eithe the data othe access is enhanced at the eqest o the peson seeking the data, whichmay be detemined on a case by case basis


  • 8/13/2019 Scott County Minnesota Government Data Practices Act Manual MGDPA DPA


    The actual csts may be charged searcing r and retrievinggvernment data in respnse t a request r the data in electrnic rm,including the cst emplyee time, r making, certiying and electrnicallytransmitting cpies the data r the data, which may be determined n a

    case by case basis.

    5 When cpies are mailed, pstage csts shall be added t the rates listed inSectin E unless alternative arrangements have been made

    D COLLECTON OF COPYNG FEES. Fees shall be cllected bere releasingcpies unless prir arrangements have been made.





    25 cents per page i ewer than 100

    pagesSee Sctt Cunty Fee schedule atcocottmn us CountyFeeSchedule.Individually detemined

    F. DSPOSTON OF FEES. Cpying ees cllected sal be depsited in theapprpriate accunt with the cunty treasurer.


    he respnsible authrity may assign, in writing ne r mre designees Thedesignee is the persn in charge individual iles r systems cntaininggvernment data and wh receives and cmplies with the requests r gvernmentdata. Additinally, the designee shall implement the prvisins the Act therules, and these guidelines and prcedures as directed by the respnsibleauthrity All duties utlined as duties the respnible authrity may bedelegated t the designee.



    1 . The respnsible authrity shall prepare a publc dcument n datacategries. The public dcument will cntain the respnsible authritysname, title, address, and descriptin each categry recrd ile rprcess relating t private r cnidential data maintined by the Cunty

    2 The public dcument shall be updated annually.

    The respnsible authrity shall supply the dcument t the Cmmissiner


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    Administation State of Minnesota, if equested by the CommissioneB. PROCDURS FOR DSSMNATON OF DATA.

    1 . The esponsible authoity shall ensue that each depatment establishespocedues to manage the dissemination of data. Collection stoage, use,

    and dissemination of pivate and confidential data shall be limited to what isnecessay fo the administation and management of pogams authoiedo mandated by the state, county, o the fedeal govenment

    2 Data cannot be collected, stoed, used, o disseminated fo any puposeothe than the pupose stated to the individual when the data was oiginallycollected unless:

    a The data was collected pio to 1975, in which case the data may beused fo the oiginal pupose fo which it was collected o fo anadditional pupose appoved by the Commissione of Administation

    b. Thee is specific authoiation fo the use in state, local, o fedeal law.

    c The additional use has been appoved by the Commissione ofAdministation as necessay to cay out a function designated by law.

    The individual data subject has given an infomed consent fo theadditional use of the data see Infomed Consent Section IX. subd. C).


    The esponsible authoity shall establish pocedues to assue that all data onindividuals ae accuate, complete and cuent fo the pupose fo which it wascollected and establish appopiate secuity safeguads fo all ecodscontaining data on individuals.



    Anyone may execise the ight to access public govenment data by making ad aa equest.


    A data equest must be made to the esponsible authoity o to the appopiatedesignee(s)


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    1 . The epnile authity f an entity mut pepe ummay data upnthe equet f any pen f the equet i in witing and the requetr pay

    for the cot to prepare the data.

    2 The epnile authiy may delegate the pepatin f ummay data tanyne utide f the entity, including the equet, if

    a. That pen' pupe i et fth in witing and te pen agee nt tdicle eleae any f the pivate cfidential data ued tpepae the ummay data; and

    b. If the entity eanaly detemine that the acc will nt cmpmiepivate cnfidential data n individual.

    The entity may equie the equet t pepay te ct f pepaingummay data

    4 n example f a NnDiclue geement i included n page 30.


    A. ENNESSEN WARNNG - ight f uject f Data

    1 Except law enfcement invetigatin, evey depament that cllect

    pivate and cnfidential data fm an individual cening that individualhall, pi t cllecting the data, infm the individual f thei ight a auject f data. Thee ight ae efeed t a th "Tenneen WaningThe ntice mut e given wheneve:

    a gvenment entity requet data

    b The data i equeted fm an individual

    c The data equeted ae private or confidential; a

    The data i about the individualfm whm it i queted

    ll fu f thee cnditin mut e peent ef a Tenneen waningntice mut e given

    Tenneen Waning i nt equied when pivate nd cnfidential data icllected fm an individual wh i nt the uject f te data


  • 8/13/2019 Scott County Minnesota Government Data Practices Act Manual MGDPA DPA


    2. The Tenneen Warnn oni o he ollowin inormaon ha mu beommuniaed o he indivdual rom whom prvae or onidenial daaonernin he individual i olleed.

    a The purpoe and nended ue o he daa The reaon why he daa arerequeed and how will be ued wihn he ollein eniy

    b Wheher he indivdual may reue, or leally required o upply hedaa. The ube ha he rih o know wheher or no /he i requiredby law o provde he daa requeed

    c. Any onequene o he individual o eher upplyn or reuin oupply he daa The eniy i required o ae he onequene knowno he eny a he ime when he noe i iven an

    . The deny o oher peron or ene ha are auhorzed by Jaw oreeive he daa. The noie mu peiially ideny reipien ha areknown o he eniy a he ime he noie i ven

    NOTE In aordane wih he Federal Privay A o 974, any ederal,ae, or loal aeny whih reque an indivdual o dloe heiroal uriy number hall inorm ha indvidual ha diloure imandaory or volunary, by wha auory or oher auhory uh number olied, and wha ue will be made o

    Tenneen Warnin may be eher oral or wren

    a. Oral ommuniaon. Thi no he preerred mehod o ommunanhe Tenneen Warnin However, may be neeary under omerumane. I an oral ommuniaion i neeary he peilanuae ommuniaed mu be in wrien orm and onained in hedepamenal daa prae proedure and he iuaion doumened

    b A wrien ommunaon requrn he inaure o he daa ube (e.,a naure aein ha he individual rom whom prvae or onidenialdaa i olleed ha read and underand heir rh peainin o herequeed daa) The Tenneen Warnn may be inluded on he orm

    ha olle he privae or onidenial daa.

    A ample orma or a Noie o Rh Tenneen Warnin i on pae 32


    A minor ha he rih o reque ha he eniy whhold privae daareardn her/him rom a paren or uardian. The eniy may require ha


  • 8/13/2019 Scott County Minnesota Government Data Practices Act Manual MGDPA DPA


    he eques be n wng. A wien eques mus incude he easns fwihhding he daa fm he paens guadian and mus be signed byhe min.

    2 Upn eceip f he eques, he espnsibe auhy mus deemine

    whehe hning he eques is in he bes ineess f he mn. Theespnsibe auhiy mus cnsde, a a minimum

    Whehe he min s d and maue enugh epain he easns fhe eques and undesand he cnsequences f making he eques;

    b. Whehe he equesed denia f access he daa may pec hemn fm physica emina ham;

    c Whehe hee is a easn beieve ha he min's easn(s) fdenying access he paen(s) guadians) is easnaby accuae;


    Whehe he naue f he daa s such ha discsing he daa hepaens guadians cud ead physca emna ham hemn Minn ue 1205.0500 cnains he pcedues f he eease fdaa egading mns


    1 Pivae daa n individuas may be used by and eeased any individua pesn by he espnsibe auhy, he desgnee, if he ndivdua subjec

    subjecs f he daa have given nfmed cnsen

    NOTE Infmed cnsen cann auhze a new ppse a new use fcnfidenia daa n indivduas

    2 Pivae daa may be used by and disseminaed any eniy e.g, pcasubdvisin, gvenmen agency ec) if he indivdua subec subecshave gven infmed cnsen

    3 A informed consents sall be in writin.

    Infmed cnsen sha n be deemed have been given by an ndividuasubjec f he daa by he sgnng f any saemen auhizing any pesn agency dscse nfmain abu he individa an nsue sauhized epesenaive, uness he saemen is

    In pain anguage;

    b. Daed;


  • 8/13/2019 Scott County Minnesota Government Data Practices Act Manual MGDPA DPA


    c. Secific in designating the aticula esons o agencies the datasuect is authoizing to disclose infomation eadinag the data suect;

    Secific as to the natue of the infomation the suect is authoizing to

    e disclosed

    e Secific as to the esons o agencies to whom the suect is authoizinginfomation to e disclosed

    f. Secfic as to the uose o uoses fo whic the infomation may eused y any of the aties named in clause e oth at the time of thedisclosue and at any time in the futue; and

    g Secific as to its exiation date which should e within a easonaleeiod of time, not to exceed one 1) yea excet in the case f

    authoizations given in connection with alications fo lfe insuance onon-cancellale o guaanteed enewale healt isuance and identifiedas such, two ) yeas afte the date of the olicy

    5. The infomed consent fo the disclosue of alcohol and dug ause atientecods may e made only if the consent is in witing and exessly statesthe fact that the equest is fo alcohol o dug ause atient ecods. Itshould contain the following:

    The name of the ogam which is to make the dsclosue

    b. The name o title of the eson o oganization to which disclosue is toe made

    c. The name of the atient

    The uose o natue of infomation to e disclosed

    e The extent o natue of infomation to e disclosed;

    f. A statement that the consent is suect to evocation at any time, excetto the extent that action has een taken in eliance theeon and a

    secification of the data event, o condition uon which it will exiewithout exess evocation;

    g. The date on which the consent is signed and

    The signatue of the atient and, when equied, of a eson authoizedto give consent.


  • 8/13/2019 Scott County Minnesota Government Data Practices Act Manual MGDPA DPA


    6 A sample orma ad guide is iluded o pages 3435.


    The resposible auhoriy shall esure ha eah deparme esablishesproedures o omply wih requess or goverme daa i a appropriae adpromp maer

    1 Upo reques o he resposible auhoriy, a idiidual shall be iormedwheher hey are he subje o sored daa o idividuals, ad wheher i islassiied as publi privae or oideial

    The resposible auhoriy shall provide aess he privae or publidaa upo reques by he idividual subje o he daa.

    b A idividual may oes he auray, urre saus or ompleeesso publi or privae daa I he idividual oiies he resposible auhoriyi wriig regardig he aure o he disagreee wih he daa, heresposible auhoriy shall wihi hiy 30) day, eiher orre he daaad aemp o oiy pas reipies o iaurae, iomplee, or ou odae daa iludig reipies amed by he idividual or oiy heidividual ha he resposible auhoriy believe he daa o be orre.Subsequely daa i dispue shall be dislosed oly i he idividual'ssaeme o disagreeme is iluded wih he dislosed daa.

    2 The resposible auhoriy shall prepare a publi dme seig orh i

    wriig he righs o a idividual daa subje ad speii proedures iee i he ouy or aess by he idividual daa subje o publi orprivae daa o idividuals

    . The resposible auhoriy shall omply imm dia l, i possibl wih ar qu s b a idividual who is a daa subj or wihi 10 busiessdas o he dae o he r qu s i a immediae respose is o possibleb Whe a reques is deied, he resposible ahoriy mus iorm he

    idividual daa subje orally a he ime o he reques, ad i wriig, assoo hereaer as possible ad shall ie he ae saue, emporay

    lassiiaio or ederal law o whih he deermiaio is based.

    c The resposible auhoriy shall require he daa ubje o pay he aualoss o makig ad eriyig opies o he daa requesed, exephose exemped i Seio V., subd. A, bu ay o be harged orviewig he daa or separaig privae or oideial daa rom publidaa


  • 8/13/2019 Scott County Minnesota Government Data Practices Act Manual MGDPA DPA


    Th sponsbl authot shal nfo th nddual data subjct of thdatas anng, f qustd to do so


    f th gonnt agnc dtns that th qustng pat s not nttdto data that s pat o confdntal (and nfos th qustng pa ofthat dtnaton and th ason), th pat skng accss to th dataa bng a oton bfo th cout to copl las Th agnc aqust an camea (n chabs) w of th data b th cout to aka dtnaton what f an data a b lasd, und what condtonsand to who

    2 Subpoena a subpona s not a cou od. Sc of a subpona foqustd data that th gonnt agnc dtns s not asab toth qustng pat s not sucnt. n spons to a subpona th cou

    ust b notfd that th data wll not b lasd wthout a cou od Anxap of a Notc s ncludd at pag 36.


    Th nddual has th ght to tak ths stp af both s/h and thcount ha popl copltd al th stps n th data challng pocss.

    Th nddual a appal on th counts dtnaton gadng thaccuac and/o copltnss of th data.

    2 Th qunts fo flng an appal a st out at Mnnsota ulsScton 1205 1600

    Th pocdu whn data a not accuat o coplt

    a. An nddual subct of th data a cotst th accuac ocopltnss of publc o pat data. To xcs ths ght annddual shal not, n wtng, th sponsbl authot dscbng th

    natu of th dsagnt Th sponsbl authot shal, wthn thty30) days th oct th data ound to b naccuat o ncopt and attpt to

    notf past cpnts of naccuat o ncoplt data, ncudngcpnts nad b th nddual; o


  • 8/13/2019 Scott County Minnesota Government Data Practices Act Manual MGDPA DPA


    Noify he idividu h he uhoiy beieves he d o be coecD i dispue shll be discosed oly if he idividu's seme ofdisgeeme is icuded wih he disclosed d

    4. The deemiio of he esposible uhoiy my be ppeed pusu o

    he povisios of he Admiisive Pocedue Ac, i. S 1457 o14.62 d Mi. R. 12516, elig o coesed cses Upo eceip of ppe by idividu he Commissioe of Admiisio shll, befoeissuig he ode d oice of coesed cse eig equied by Mi.Rules, Chp. 14, y o esove he dispue houg educio, cofeececociliio, o pesusio If he pries cose, he Commissioe myefe he me o mediio olowig hese eors, he Commissioeshll dismiss he ppel o issue ode d oice of heig.

    a D o dviduls h hve bee successfully chleged by idividul mus be compleed, coeced, o desoyed by se

    goveme eiy wihou egd o he equiees of Mi. S 1817.

    b Ae compeig, coecig, o desoyig successfuly chlleged d se gecy, poiicl subdivisio, o sewide sysem my ei copy of he Commissioe's ode issued ude Mi. R. Chp 4 o ifo ode ws issued, summy of he dispue bewee he pries hdoes o coi y pricus of he successflly chlleged d


    A. Pusu o Mi. S 1.6, subd 4, he Commissioe of he MiesoDeprme of Admiisio is give he uhoiy o ppove ew uses ddissemiios of pive d cofidei d o idividus.

    Secio 16 of he MGDPA gives he Commissioe cei powes wihegd o ppovig empoy cssificios of d

    C. Secio 172 of he MGDPA gives he ommissne uhoiy o ssueopiios coceig he ighs of d subecs d he cssificio ofgoveme d, which e dvisoy i ue. he ommissioe's AdvisoyOpiios my be foud ipd.s .mus


    A Pusu o Secio 18 of he MGDPA goveme eiy my be sued foviolig y of he Ac's povisios

    Mi S. 19 povides cimi pelies d discipliy cio s


  • 8/13/2019 Scott County Minnesota Government Data Practices Act Manual MGDPA DPA


    exeme as dismissal om bic emoymen o anyone who willyknowingly) vioaes a ovision o he MGDPA.


    A. Goemen enies aways ms ook o he ega adiso(s) fo gidance andega adce on daa pacices isses Ony he legal adviso o an eniy hashe ahoiy and esonsibiiy o ovide seciic legal advice abo heovisions o he MGDPA, and ohe laws, as hey elae o ha eniy.

    1 . Minnesoa Saes Chae 3 he MGDPA) may be ond on he websieo he evis o Saes a: www. gsa mn.s/l g/sa sasp

    2 Minnesoa es, Chae 205, The les Govening Daa Pacices,omlgaed by he Minnesoa Deamen o Admnisaion may be onda he websie w viso .mn.s/al /205


  • 8/13/2019 Scott County Minnesota Government Data Practices Act Manual MGDPA DPA




    REQUESTER NOE:A euest reqency - Pivate aa ndals fter y ha en ow

    2 DDRESS 1! ned) te aa a nfmed ts eag, he da nee nt b dss t y r

    x mts theeafter ues a dspe r at s peg r adda data

    u a be ete.

    3. HE (H n"dei B Yu a be reuire a e ata ss makn certng ad/r

    cm te ie fra eeste

    4 SC HE I SE




    0 n-perso a hoe SubJ. of the daa 0 Not e subj of the data


    PUBC D NON-PUC D ppoved o eie D ppoved in pat (explain in )0 PRVATE D PROTECTED NONPUBC 12 ATHOIZED SGATE0 CONFDENIAL x

    13 REMAKS/COMMETS (If rqustd at s lssfed so s o y cce ss to th s c hoty o so. Ao et y oh mks/ommt pot)

    C DPARMNTDVSION COMPLT WH N FS AR ASSSSD (A receipted copy of ths orm is to be provded to he requester eachtime money is eceived)

    1 FEES: FAT RATE x I 15 0 EES SPECA RAT Coe whe e hn he FLAT RAT o{O OF PAGES) ANDD EE SHDULE s us)

    have eceived fom te above named, te amont indicated opposite mysignatue in payment fo povding the fomaton eqested.


    (% o s tot f ov$) $1B BACE DE ECEIVED BY


    (po comto o coyg $


    1. O Make eckmon oe paale to: ____________________________2. 0 f mailed rn ete form and an fees to:


  • 8/13/2019 Scott County Minnesota Government Data Practices Act Manual MGDPA DPA



    NonDisclosure Agreement

    1 General description of the private or confdential data whch s being used to preparesumary data:

    Purpose for whch summary data is being prepared

    , _representing ______have requested the data descrbed above and or the prposes stated and ulyunderstand that ay be subject to the cvil or criminal penalty provison of theMinnesota Data Practces Act in the event that the prvate or confidential data sdsclosed.

    Mnn Stat Any person who wilfully violates the pvisions ofMinnesota Statutes Chapter , or any rules adopted or regulationpmulgated thereunder is gulty of a misdemeanor Any willful violationof Mnnesota Statutes Chapter by any public employee constitutes justcause r suspension without pay or dismissal of the pblic employee.

    Reuestor o Data Date

    Responsble AuthortyDesgnee Date


  • 8/13/2019 Scott County Minnesota Government Data Practices Act Manual MGDPA DPA



    Min nesota Statutes 1 304, subdivision 2

    The oie ms be give whe:

    Saemes ms be ilded

    om he dvidal ha iom hedividal:

    Coseqees o givighe oie ae:

    Coseqees o not gvighe oie ae:

    A idivdal2. s asked o spply3. Pvae o oideia daa Coeig sel

    All o odios ms b e pese o gge heoe eqeme

    Why he daa is beig oleed ad how

    he ey ieds o se he daa;

    Whehe he idivdal may ese o islegay eqed o sppy he daa;

    Ay oseqees o he idividal oehe sppyig o esg o spply hedaa; ad

    he idey o ohe pesos o eiiesahoized by law o eeive he daa

    Pivae o oideal da o idividals may beoleed soed sed ad eeased asdesbed i he oie wio iabliy o heeiy

    Pivae o oideial da o idividals aobe oleed soed sed o eeased o aypposes ohe ha hose saed i he oeess:

    The idivdal sbje o he daa givesiomed ose

    The Commssioe o Admiisaio givesappoval; o

    A sae o edeal la sbseqelyahoizes o eqies he ew se oelease.

  • 8/13/2019 Scott County Minnesota Government Data Practices Act Manual MGDPA DPA


    YU GH

    Your Right to PrivacyMinnesota's Goveent Data Practices Act, inn Stat 1 3.04(2) and (3 says you have theright to privacy. These aws also make it easier r you to see the inrmation kept in your le.

    Your Right to Know Wy We Need Your In{rmationWe need inrmation on you r the lowing reasons:

    I To see if you may get a grant or medical help

    2 To decide how much your grant wil be

    3 To see if you need help om Scott County Human Services.

    4 To alow us to get Federa or State nds r the money services or care that you receive.

    5. To help us give you the correct employment or social services

    6 To hep us give you the correct care and treatment of your medical or emotional problems.

    To nd out i f you must pay a e r the services you receive.

    8. To meet ederal State and County reporing rules

    9 To hep schools get money r students

    Your Right to Know How We Use Your InrmationThe iformation we get wl be used by our sta and other agencies alowed to use it by aw Wewil also use it to rer you to other benet programs. If you move to another state or county wewl send some inrmation to them Aer we close your case, we wil eep your le until thelaw ets us desoy it

    Your Right to Refuse to Give In{rmationYou may rese to give us the requested inrmation. However if you rese to give it to us youmay not receive assistance or services.

    Your Right to See In{rmationYou may review al of the inrmation we get about you except inrmation cassied as"condential by law. (Condential inrmation is inrmation such as cerain psychological ormedica evaluations records used to prosecute a crime, etc We cannot share it the person who isthe subject of the data.)


  • 8/13/2019 Scott County Minnesota Government Data Practices Act Manual MGDPA DPA


    Yu hav h gh dsag wh a ha yu h s wg F m maabu yu daa pvacy ghs, as yu w

    Yor Right to Know Who Else Ma See the Jn rmationW may sha h ma w hav abu yu wh h wg pp agcs

    Pp hs agcy wh d s h ma d h bs

    Ay gad h gh s by aw Ay s wh s cudd ud a w awmad a yu sg hs c

    3 . Oh agcs ud cac wh Sctt Cuy uma Svc

    4 Th ca Sca Scuy Ofc

    5 Lca, sa ad da agcs ha pvd jbs ad ag

    6. Th Msa Dpam f Hah f yu yu famy has a cmmcab dsas

    Ah cuy agcy

    8 Sch dscs

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    Yu sgau mas ha yu w abu yu ghs ad ha yu usad hm

    Yu sga Da

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  • 8/13/2019 Scott County Minnesota Government Data Practices Act Manual MGDPA DPA



    . Ene he complee name and adde o he eniy ha mainain heinomaion Include any elevan pogam name a name ile and

    elephone numbe

    8 Ideniy, a peciically a poble, he epo ecod name, o ype oinomaion o ecod ha will be eleaed

    C Ideniy he eniy o agencie o which he inomaion will be eleaed. Includehe name and adde o he eniy. Include elevan a name and ile. Bepeciic

    D Decibe peciically and compleely he pupoe( o eeking he clien'inomed conen and he new ue( o which he inoaion will be pu

    E. Decibe peciically and compleely he known conequence o eleaing heinomaion.

    Decibe peciically and compleely he known coneqence o no eleainghe inomaion.

    G Inuc he peon o ign he conen and ene he dae on which he coneni igned.

    H a geneal ule a paen o guadian' ignaue hold be obained when he

    ubec i unde he age o 8 o ha a legally appoined guadian; howevepeciic equiemen o obaining conen o eeae daa in heecicumance vary Instructons for completng ths poton of the formwthn your partcula entty shou ld be developed consultaton wth theCou nty Attorney's offce.


  • 8/13/2019 Scott County Minnesota Government Data Practices Act Manual MGDPA DPA




    to discoseto

    (Name of indiidual authorizing release)

    (Name of indiidual, entit or person holding reord)

    (Name of indiidual entit or person to reeie the information)

    the following information:

    for the purpose of:

    I us h y os o u s /o vy ws o sos wiho y wi os ss ohws ovi o y s o lw s h o his is ls h i y suj o h islos wiho ywi os I lso s h I y vok his os y x o hx h o hs i li o i h i y v, hs os xisuoly i o y o s si low, whihv is li

    Specification of the date or condition upon which this consent expires

    Executedthis day of 20- (Signature of indiidual authorizing release)

    (Signature of wness)

    (Signature of parent, guardian, orauthorized representatie when required)


  • 8/13/2019 Scott County Minnesota Government Data Practices Act Manual MGDPA DPA



    I have been subpoenaed to testi bere this Court. I have been advised by

    the Ofce of the Scott County Attoey to provide the llowing inrmation to theCour:

    The data I have been requested to provide includes data which is

    classied as private data, as dened by Minnesota Statutes, Chapter

    13, the Minnesota Govement Data Practices Act. ursuant to

    Minnesota Statute 1303 and Minnesota Rule 205.000 subp, 5,

    the Cour's attention is called to this classication. he Data

    Practices Act requires that I may disclose this data only if the data

    subject has given written consent, a statute allows disclosure, or a

    court orders disclosure If this Cour orders me to provide this private

    data I will do so.


  • 8/13/2019 Scott County Minnesota Government Data Practices Act Manual MGDPA DPA





    To read a copy of the current law, go to thefolloing ebsite:

    w leg.state on "etrieve an Entire Chapter;

    n "Chapter Box, type 13 and

    Lastly c li ck on "Get Chapter.

  • 8/13/2019 Scott County Minnesota Government Data Practices Act Manual MGDPA DPA





    State of MnnesotaDepa rtment of Adm nstrat on

    Data Prvacy Dvson

    o read a cu rrent copy of th s sect on please g o to

    the foll owng webste

    www revisor leg state mn us /arue/1 205

  • 8/13/2019 Scott County Minnesota Government Data Practices Act Manual MGDPA DPA




    Respons ib le Authorities an d Desi gn ees

    Responsble Authority: Gay L Sheonouny Adinisao

    Designee Lezie VeiionDepuy ouny Adinisao

    Complance Ocer Susan K Mc NeisHead, ivi Division, ouny Aoneys OficeLaw Libay Tusee

    Responsible Autorty fo Divsions:

    Sheis Oficeouniy Sevicespoyee eaionsHeah & Huan SevicesInfoaion TechnoogyOfc of Mg & udge

    Dean OpazLezie Veiionack Keeudih uiedMaiyn McaeKevin Eswoh

    hief DepuyDivision HeadDivision HeadDepuy Div HeadDivision HeadDivision Head