scottish young lawyers’ association

Scottish Young Lawyers’ Association Brand, Strategy & Leadership Andrew Otterburn

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Scottish Young Lawyers’ Association. Brand, Strategy & Leadership Andrew Otterburn. BRAND. A brand is the attributes by which a firm identifies itself and is known outside and which reflect the way the firm handles its clients and its staff James Dallas, Dentons. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Scottish Young Lawyers’ Association

Brand, Strategy & Leadership

Andrew Otterburn


A brand is the attributes by which a firm identifies itself and is known outside and which reflect the way the firm handles its

clients and its staff

James Dallas, Dentons

The 3 components of a brand’s vision

Future environment


Brand’s vision

De Chernatony, 2006


• Enduring principles that impact our behaviour

• Consider why you left a previous firm?

• What was it that made you say enough is enough?

• Values of trust, consideration for others

Fiona Westwood – Accelerated Best Practice 2008

Examples of values

Values of consideration, respect for others and

teamwork Values of job satisfaction

Values of security and trust

Values of client service, confidentiality and


Fiona Westwood – Accelerated Best Practice 2008

Using values

• Apply them in practice. For example, values of:

– integrity – behave with openness and honesty

– team work – reward and bonus structure should reflect this

– mutual respect – people must behave in that manner

• Avoid anything that undermines trust and core values

Fiona Westwood – Accelerated Best Practice 2008

What would you say the values of these organisations are:

What would you say the values of these firms are?

• Lindsays

• MacRoberts

• Dundas & Wilson

• Brodies

• Morton Fraser


Successful firms?

• Understand their brand and its values

• Have a plan

• Have leadership

• It is a business

• Are focused on particular markets/sectors


ebay resolves about 60m disputes a year between vendors and buyers via its online dispute console which allows users to track, manage, resolve or

close disputes –

without the use of lawyers.

Richard Susskind

Quindell Portfolio Plc

...Quindell Portfolio Plc

is a provider of sector

leading expertise in

Software, Consulting

and Technology

Enabled Outsourcing in

its key markets being



and their Related

Sectors... Rob Terry


Developing a planWhat is our market?• geographical• sectors

Where are we in that market?

Where are we aiming to be?

What are our values?

What is our overall target market position?

Developing a plan

StructuresLeadership?Key people?

What is our market?• geographical• sectors

Where are we in that market?

Where are we aiming to be?

What are our values?

What is our overall target market position?

Developing a plan

StructuresLeadership?Key people?

Department / team / sector


Merger possibilities?

Technology / outsourcing /


Alliances / networks

What is our market?• geographical• sectors

Where are we in that market?

Where are we aiming to be?

What are our values?

What is our overall target market position?

Developing a plan

StructuresLeadership?Key people?

Department / team / sector


Merger possibilities?

Technology / outsourcing /


Alliances / networks

Getting out and about

Looking for opportunities

Getting there first

What is our market?• geographical• sectors

Where are we in that market?

Where are we aiming to be?

What are our values?

What is our overall target market position?

“You don’t have to be perfect, just discernibly

better than your competitors at the things that

matter most to your clients.”

Andrew Headley



• Leadership

• Management

• Administration

Managers and leaders• Managers administer

• Managers maintain

• Managers ask how & when

• Managers focus on systems & procedures

• Managers rely on control

• Managers take a short term perspective

• Managers accept the status quo

• Managers do things right

Warren Bennis

Managers and leaders• Managers administer

• Managers maintain

• Managers ask how & when

• Managers focus on systems & procedures

• Managers rely on control

• Managers take a short term perspective

• Managers accept the status quo

• Managers do things right

• Leaders innovate

• Leaders develop

• Leaders ask what & why

• Leaders focus on people

• Leaders inspire trust

• Leaders have a longer term perspective

• Leaders challenge the status quo

• Leaders do the right thingsWarren Bennis

Poor managers

• Unmotivated

• Inaccessible

• Gave no praise

• Did not lead by example

• Criticised in public

• Did not deal with problems

• Defensive

• Not team player

• Disorganised

Good managers

• Listened

• Humour

• Led by example

• Protected team

• Good communication:– Work

– Career progression

• Interested

• Celebrated success

• Good role model• Inspired loyalty• Fought our corner• Gave praise• Trust• Decisive• Aware of team• Genuine• Thoughtful• Well organised

3 key factors for success

The right people

The right people

A plan

The right people

A plan



Law Society of Scotland

8 partners + 30 other lawyers

£’000 £’000

Fees 6,453

Departmental salaries 2,268

Partner notional (£100k) 800

Central salaries 705


Gross profit 2,680

Overheads 2,300

Net profit 380

Per partner 48

8 partners + 30 other lawyers

£’000 £’000

Fees 6,453

Departmental salaries 2,268

Partner notional 800

Central salaries 705


Gross profit 2,680

Overheads 2,300

Net profit 380

Per partner 48

30/8 = 3.75

8 partners + 30 other lawyers

£’000 £’000

Fees 6,453

Departmental salaries 2,268

Partner notional 800

Central salaries 705


Gross profit 2,680

Overheads 2,300

Net profit 380

Per partner 48

£6,453,000/ 8 = £806,000

30/8 = 3.75

8 partners + 30 other lawyers

£’000 £’000

Fees 6,453

Departmental salaries 2,268

Partner notional 800

Central salaries 705


Gross profit 2,680

Overheads 2,300

Net profit 380

Per partner 48

£3,773/£6,453 X 100 = 58%

£6,453,000/ 8 = £806,000

30/8 = 3.75

8 partners + 30 other lawyers

£’000 £’000

Fees 6,453

Departmental salaries 2,268

Partner notional 800

Central salaries 705


Gross profit 2,680

Overheads 2,300

Net profit 380

Per partner 48

£3,773/£6,453 X 100 = 58%

£2,300/£6,453 X 100 = 36%

£6,453,000/ 8 = £806,000

30/8 = 3.75

Law Society of Scotland

Law Society of Scotland

Law Society of Scotland

Law Society of Scotland


Core competency

Business & firm management

Client Relationships

People and team management

Personal effectiveness

Technical expertise

Charlie Keeling – Clyde & Co

Scottish Young Lawyers’ Association

Brand, Strategy & Leadership

Andrew Otterburn