scred self newsletter: grounding

Sacred Self: A Spiritually Guided Newsletter February 21, 2012 Grounding is the conscious act of re-aligning ourselves to the Earth. The Earth plays an important role in every living beings life; She sustains us, supports us, is the ground we walk upon, the place that we call home. Her vibration is the one that helps us to know that we are connected, secure, and stable. Being at one with Earth is essential to our life; it is a vibration that makes up part of our whole self. Being grounded does not mean that we are slower, less creative, less fun, hard nosed, or less spiritual…groundedness is what gives us the base, the stability to be fun, creative, and to truly understand and implement our spiritual lessons. Grounding occurs on all levels, when we consciously act to become grounded; it resonates throughout our Whole Self. Our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual selves all come into connection and are balanced through the secured rooting within Earth Mother. Without grounding, we cannot be balanced. All of our systems will be out of whack, we can feel moody, unsettled and out of place in our world. Grounding is not just about spiritual awareness…it is also something that physically our bodies need. As humans we live in between the Earth and the Sky. Our bodies work best with a natural balance of positive and negative charges running through our physical self….now consider this…the sky has a naturally occurring more positive charge and the Earth is naturally more negatively charged. In today’s society, how often are we really and truly physically connected to the Earth? Its not often…with rubber soled shoes and people spending more and more time indoors, we are not receiving the balance of charges that we need to be

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Exploring grounding, why it is important, tips tricks and a free meditation script for you to use!


Page 1: Scred Self Newsletter: Grounding

Sacred Self: A Spiritually Guided NewsletterFebruary 21, 2012

Grounding is the conscious act of re-aligning ourselves to the Earth. The Earth plays an important role in every living beings life; She sustains us, supports us, is the ground we walk upon, the place that we call home. Her vibration is the one that helps us to know that we are connected, secure, and stable. Being at one with Earth is essential to our life; it is a vibration that makes up part of our whole self. Being grounded does not mean that we are slower, less creative, less fun, hard nosed, or less spiritual…groundedness is what gives us the base, the stability to be fun, creative, and to truly understand and implement our spiritual lessons.

Grounding occurs on all levels, when we consciously act to become grounded; it resonates throughout our Whole Self. Our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual selves all come into connection and are balanced through the secured rooting within Earth Mother. Without grounding, we cannot be balanced. All of our systems will be out of whack, we can feel moody, unsettled and out of place in our world.

Grounding is not just about spiritual awareness…it is also something that physically our bodies need. As humans we live in between the Earth and the Sky. Our bodies work best with a natural balance of positive and negative charges running through our physical self….now consider this…the sky has a naturally occurring more positive charge and the Earth is naturally more negatively charged. In today’s society, how often are we really and truly physically connected to the Earth? Its not often…with rubber soled shoes and people spending more and more time indoors, we are not receiving the balance of charges that we need to be healthy and balanced. Connecting to the Earth also helps to protect from inflammation in the body.

Page 2: Scred Self Newsletter: Grounding

Sacred Self: A Spiritually Guided NewsletterFebruary 21, 2012

The Signs and Symptoms of Disconnect lethargic procrastination mood swings depression agitation day dreaming forgetfulness weight gain feeling “empty” or “lost” anxiety dizziness having no follow through-great ideas without any action falling asleep when meditating headache/migraine queasy/nauseous difficulty falling asleep inflammatory dis-ease processes

Page 3: Scred Self Newsletter: Grounding

Sacred Self: A Spiritually Guided NewsletterFebruary 21, 2012

Simple Grounding Tips Walk on the ground barefoot Garden outdoors/in a green house/potted plants in

house** its all about getting your hands into the soil! Stomp your feet, jump up and down Drumming Climb a Tree Touch a Tree/sit under or with its roots Wear red socks or underwear Wear red shoes squats Yoga Eat root veggies Meditate outside Walk/jog outside often Keep the colour red around you Meditation Carry grounding stones such as: hematite, obsidian,

black tourmaline, ruby, onyx or a stone from a favourite place

Visualize yourself as a tree, with roots deep in the Earth Essential oils to help ground: Neroli, Bergamot,

Sandalwood, Cedarwood, Patchouli, Rosewood, Myrrh, Frankincense etc

Reiki: Grounding is an important component of any Reiki session, being grounded by someone else is quite powerful!

Smudging: smudging yourself or having a practitioner do a ceremony for you will ground and connect you to Earth Mother.

Reflexology: brings awareness to our feet and opens the root star chakra’s so that we can be grounded.

Page 4: Scred Self Newsletter: Grounding

Sacred Self: A Spiritually Guided NewsletterFebruary 21, 2012

A Grounding Meditation**Record this meditation for yourself or use it amongst friends so

that everyone can have a full experience

Close yours eyes…..take a deep breath in…..and out….feel your body as it settles in its rhythm….breathing rhythmically in and out, in and out… your breath in visualize a healing white light enter your body, as you exhale allow all tension and stress to leave your body….your mind…breathing in and out….in and out….until there is no tension left in your body, your mind, your heart…..feel yourself as you body becomes heavy with relaxation, your mind is calm and still and your heart open…loving…..See a red light come down from above…allow the light to surround you….this warm vibrant red light… feel protected, secure…balanced….just sit here in this moment…. Now with the Red light surrounding, protecting your body allow your Spirit to step away….your spirit stands up and you are in a beautiful forest… you stand in the forest hear the sounds of nature, the smells of fresh clean air! Stand here and feel yourself standing tall….as if a cord from the sky is running down your spine all the way to the Earth…..and now focus on your feet….feeling the Roots come down your legs and out through the soles of your feet….Roots that are strong and sturdy….sinking deeper and deeper within the Earth……Stand tall…one with the trees around you….one with the forest…with the Earth….feeling her love……… bring your awareness back to the forest around you…feeling rooted and grounded…know that this feel will stay with you…even though you are not staying still like the trees around you….you will remain rooted and securely grounded to Earth Mother….feel joyous in this connection… let yourself come back to your physical self….still protected by the Red light….look down and see how peaceful you are….knowing that you will continue to feel this way even when you return to consciousness….step back to your physical self…..take a deep breath in and out….wiggling your toes and fingers…another deep breath in and out….knowing you will remain connected and grounded…. last deep breath in and out….open you eyes when ready.

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Sacred Self: A Spiritually Guided NewsletterFebruary 21, 2012

Sacred Self: A Spiritually Guided Newsletter is brought to you by Danielle Hughes CRMT Holistic Health Practitioner. This is a weekly publication that explores the various topics of spiritual health and wellness.

comments? suggestions for topics? contact Danielle at [email protected]

Danielle is a Holistic Health Practitioner at Let it Heal Cambridge. She offers Reiki, Indian Head Massage, Bowen Therapy, Hot Stone Massage, Smudging, Axiatonal Alignment, Meditations, Classes and Workshops through this health and wellness centre….specialized spiritual development plans available

Distance Reiki is also available

Let it Heal Cambridge 26 Swastika Trail Cambridge

Page 6: Scred Self Newsletter: Grounding

Sacred Self: A Spiritually Guided NewsletterFebruary 21, 2012