seattle mo nby? e rush 6atzert€¦ · '1 hi' the oregon i daily, journal' portland,...

' 1 Hi' THE OREGON i DAILY, JOURNAL' PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING,' SEPTEMBER ' 8. 1807. ; Cares Tcniai'g Weaknesses. : SEATTLE MO N BY? E N LISTED-T- O 5 RUSH i We refer to that "boon to weak, narronit offering women known - as Dr. Pierce i OAILEY 6ATZERT on mint imp Favorite Proscription. . , . Dr. John Fy fe one of the Editorial SUfI of TbcXclxotio Midical Rinxw ttr : WORK ON UNITED RAILWAYS: LINES of Unicorn root (Heloniai Dioica) whlcn u one of the chief lngredianu of the "Fa-- ' Tonte rresenption r ; !:m vx1:-'.;.- r Large Number of Steamboat Seattle, Wuh.( Bept I, In connection "A remeuT wnicn uTariaDiy acta aa e titer Ina lnvlsorator makes for normal ac- tivity of the entire reproductive ayatem. Be continues'' in Helonlaa wa navaamedlca BMnt which mora fully anawvra tha ihnrr r with the proposod reorganisation of the T7! T?7 1 vTI mited Railways, Portland, Mr. MortU , Men Accept Invitation ; to Attend. purpoaea Man ny etW drug with wMa an, MuVrtnted, In the treatment of diseaaea pe culiar to women It ia seldom that a eaae it ; Tbomeen. ia aa interview today aald that he could not give full particulars T r ' it f i until be conferred with Ma Hoflua Jnl Portland, however, admitting he was WJLXL GO TO JOINTS , aeea which doe not preeent eoma lndlcatlor. for thla remedial agent." Dr. Fyfa further saysi "The following are among the leading Uidlcattoaa for UelonTaa (Unicorn root). Pi- - orischtng In the back, withe leqcorfhtra , atonic (weak) condltkiH. of the renroductli f interested and that it would mean thai f building of, 10 miles of new city and ON UPPER COLUMBIA Hill f Intarurban street railway lines In Pott- - I ,T- 4 ; v vs orrans of iotien. mental depreaaion and Ir land. Nothing further to aay at thla will) chronic dlaaaiea ? inability. sana of womaniconitant Usa reprod t time. "; Handaonw Craft Leaves Alder Street aenaation neat in me region oi ma kii Dock In Command of '.Captain ' Changes in the tfnlted Railway a syn- - nayat Menorrhagia (floodinr), due te a weak ened condition ofthe reproductive ayatem; amenomcaatytrireaaea or absent monthly perlod.VilSTif "roni or accompanying art I dlcate, amounting almoat to a reorganl- - - I nation, ara being made, and It la t e- - Sherman for First Time Since lie built Booked for Excursion. aonocbsi condition or the eifeative orsajnt and Ajfaemlc ( thin blood ) habit! drafting eentAfona la the extreme lower part of the ported that W. D. Hoflua and sMorlts i Thorn sen of Seattla have become lmpor- - aoaoioen. i tant factora Herman Wittenberg, whe If more or less ot the above irmptoms , .( . ji.. ' An inimitable ; style is manifest in the Hat that bears this label. V'1-'- Fifty of Portland' prominent cit i in an acuve man in cue aynaicate, cllned today to make a statement for s Javor t izens, including a. large number of puDiicauon, out aaia important develop- - h6Ain?iAn Alia m i an iuin k i -- ...t steamboat owners, ara today enjoying 1 'J ; ;. men is may oe announced in a lew days. I - At the office of WVD. Hoflua A Co. New shapes and shades' for fab and winter now ready. enuoi wnicji is unicorn root, or ueioniai. and the medical properties of wHJoh it a ride on the hew steamer Bailey Gat-Ber- t. They started from Alder street in the chamber of commerce it waa ( aald Mr. Hoflua wiU arrive In Port- - ! land Saturday, rrora Los Angeles, un-- c til which time no official atatement can most laiiDiuny represents. Of Golden Seal root, another prominent Ingredient of "Favorite Prescription," dock at 10:10 o'clock this morning, with the expectation of returnlnr about I be aecured from any local source. It la o'clock thla evening. The Intention la to vlalt Multnomah Falls and Cane Horn understood that Mr. Hoflua will be In a rror. finiev Eiiing-roo- d, M. I)., of Bon nett Medical College, Chicago, lays: "It la an Important remedy In disorders of bla visit bare, and It la believed he will on the upper Columbia. The Bailey Oatiert will carry her flrat crowd of Dassensers next Sunday. tne womo. in au catarrhal conditions and seneral enfeablemani. it Is useful." poaltlvely connrm the reported tlon of hlmaelf and Mr. Thomaen with Prof. John M. Scndder, M. D.,lste of , the antarpriae. ComplMe Una to Xfflsooro.. when aha leavea on an ezcuralon to Cas- cade locks, and It la for the purpose of seeing how aba worka that Manager Talbot of the D. P. A. N. company, ownera of the boat Invited the guests to take the ride. That they will be pleased with the r . . lwrvj--.- - ' t The United Rallwaya company will J build Ite line to Htllaboro. Seven milea ' of ateel ralla have been purchaaed . throujh Hoflua A Co.; aurveya ara be- - ins completed foe certain changea In icraft Is a foregone conclusion because CSPLClAgasaDr: roA Cincinnati, lays oi uoioen seal root : s "In relation to its general electa on the ays tern, Uurt it no WMdictna in vm obmit uhMi tAar it tueh penaral unanimity opinion. I: la univtrtally regarded as tht tonic useful U alldebilltated state. Prof. R. Bartholow, M. D.. of Jeffersor Medical College, says of Golden Seal : "Valuable In uterine hemorrhage, tnenor rhaaia (floodinr) and consestlva dyamenur rhcea (painful menstruation). Dr. Plercn Favorite ITescrlptlon faith felly reprrfnte all the above named In line is without exception the handsomest craft ever constructed here. Thla morn- ing when she pulled out from her dock the old line and construction work will '. be commenced Immediately. Thla plan, which had been formed, but waa in a into the harbor she looked like a rioat .doubtful atate prior to yesterday's ac- - 1ns palace, her graceful Unea and ' tlon by the city council of Portland, . la Peer of all $3 Hats now xuny determined upon, and no time acrolled upper works standing 'out id bold relief against tHe clear blue sky that formed' the background. - j raster Than Old Ballsy. win Da tost in carrying it forward. "urea the diseases for wlii Sedient "niot. r'; S- - There are now approximately 10 miles of the United Railways company's ; tracks In Portland completed or lq the " ffitffHIII III Tlllll Ihl Mill m,hi h The Bailey Oatsert takea the olaee i tot tha nM ttallav. whlrh fnr vaara nn. crated on the upper river, and la of R. D. Inman, Am. atr Oceanic dock Oliver J. Olaen. Am. n . Tnnnia Pnlm ? fedTn't iTZlZU Completed Track of United Rkliwayg Compaq Laid bn gtret., tich the same dimensions, aunougn tne new cran is npnm i wis iam u ersham ranks with the best electric ; railroad construction work In the weat ter speed tnan ner was not slow. " " manner rather than havlne- - oolaa In 5rA,n.Am- - Albina The hull was designed by J. H. John KedOndOi.Am atr nniinh atraat me acreet. A larce part of the downtown lines Excelsior, Am str.,... Portland Lbr. Co. Lumbar Carriers Un Konte. are laia in solid cement is to 18 lnchea deep. On Flaadera a tree t In the harM pavement the maaalve 114-pou- girder i la admitted by engineera who have ex- -' aminad it. City Xdnaa Operate U Bla Weeks. 1 About1 100 men are now engaged at various points In the city, closing up ? gape In the track conatructlon, putting ' , in croseinrs, switches and frogs,' and . erectlns overhear wlrea and nalea Th Thomas I Wand. Am. str. San Francisco Southwest Corner Fourth and Morrison Streets. course of construction on Twelfth and Pettygrove. Tracks on Flanders and Stark from Twelfth to the river ara completed with the exoeptlpn of some of the street crossings, and these are going in rapidly. Trolley wire for the entire city lines Is now on hand. One of the maaalve frog crosatngs at Flrat and Flandera, for 114-pou- rail, had to be cast and temDered on a ana- - son and constructed by tha Portland Shipbuilding company. The machinery waa designed by W. R. Phtllpa and built' and Installed by the Portland Iron Worka, ao every' bit of the boat la homo manufacture. Her dimensions are: Length 103 H feet; beam, 83 feet Sh will accommodate several hundred pass- engers and waa constructed especially coaster. Am. str San Francisco fu"le M. Piummer, Am. sen. . .Ouaymse I raiis navs oeen laia in a atyia new to local atreet railway conatructlon. No tlea are uaed, but the rails are bound to- - "lr can r rancisco Lettltla, Am. sch.., San Francisco Wresiler, Am. bknt San Pedro Setner every is xeet by steel beams, to the ralla. and tha whnla laM line in thla city, will be in operation hv nelnhar ar, . cial nlan for rroaainff a rurva with a I ariih tne view oi carrying excurison Annie n. ampDeii, Am. acn San Francisco curve, aa the united makes a turn to I crowda to Cascade Locks Sundays. fit solid cement It inches deep, the top of the rail belna level with the surface cf tha pavement The full length of Front street , the Weekdays she will alternate with the ma tert at tnis point while the track of the Portland Railway. Light & Power wniiaato Am. sen Han Francisco Mabel Gale. Am. sch San Francisco Andy Mahonev. Am arh Ran rmu.i steamer Dallea City between thla city and The Dallea, taking the place of company turns to the right. The heavy turn? wia;ni or raua are laid in granite SCHOOL CHILDREN WILL DISPLAY FINE EXHIBIT OF CHOICE ASTERS uioca pavemeni, oouna tosetner and pana oi an awucnes ana rroga are in- terchangeable and of extra temnerad surfaced with cement. Hundreds of steel, so that when worn out thev can . a iii. air nan Francisco S00,1-- ' Am- - BCh San Francisco W. F. Oarms, Am. sch San Pedro Virginia. Ara. sch Port Los Angeles Sn Boats With Cement and General. ' Penniaalon Is ' being secured from .'Front street property owners and ten- - ants to attach trolley line guy wires by ring bolts to the buildings, in order to avoid erecting poles that would prove " to be an obatruotfon In the street. The narrow street permits of qui easy and practical plan of saspendibr the trolley - in this wanner wherever a brick bulld- - Ing at the proper point affords attach- - ment for the guy wire. Henry Wemme.. who is erectlna : a , brick bulldlna on Front street set an ,' example py having ring bolta placed In " the front wall. He aald he preferred that the trolley be suspended In that be changed for new onea without taking tne amau ateamer capital juy wnicn relieved the chartered ateamer Tele- phone afew days ago. The Bailey Oatsert will be In com- mand of Captain F. H. Sherman, with J. C. Hastings ss pilot and Edward Lyons as mats. H. Eddings will be me iracK out oi na cement Dea. Four different tracks are Drovided at TIMrat To.lftl. TTI V,.U XTI-- .l. oarreia or cement have been used In construction of these Unea On streets where there is no pavement T rails are used. Will Wot Disturb raving. The tracks are completed on Petty-grov- e atreet from Cornell road to Twelfth and on Twelfth to Fianiiera Buccleuch, Br. sh Brenn, Fr. bk .Hamburg Hull Multnomah county's school children Flandera street where the United Rallwaya company may make direct purser. Ruben Smith will be chief en- gineer and Jack Maher first assistant. will hava their aster ahow in tha city . .Antwerp .. .London .Hamburg connectlona with the terminal yards of UOlng un the river dinner waaa murope, Br. bk Genevieve Mollnos, Fr. bk Kene Kervller, Fr. sh.... Laennec, Fr. sh hall tomorrow and Saturday and prep- - me narriman ana Mill ml irnaii mm. served at noon and llaht refresh spring exhibition is the reservation of tables for displaying asters grown by adults. It is believed that ths display of older persons will go a great deal toward encouraging the school children in the floral culture. But the exhibits and Stark. The overhead work ia In pan lea. .Swansea Le Pllier. Fr. bk London "th,JRoux-T,Fr- - Hamburg aratlona are being made by the Oregon State Congress of Mothers, who are In rharge, to entertain a large number of ments will be passed around until the boat returns to her dock this evening. Messrs. Edwards snd Fuller, in- spectors of hulls and boilers were w,iiuitiuf. rr. ua Newcastle, E. Samoa. Br. bk Shialda HORSE FALLS BETWEEN GUARDS TELLS STORY OF among those who boarded the steamer this morning and prior to crossing ths gangplank. Captain Edwards presented visitors to the floral display. The ahow will be held oa the third floor of the city hall, beginning, at 2 o'clock and will continue until 9 o'clock Saturday night. Children are urged to . brlnr their DELAYING TRAIN FOR TWO HOURS j. i oucn janaers. siso one or the party, with an Immense bouquet of asters on behalf of Captain Thomas Crang, who repreaenta the Standard OH company inters. Fr. sh .....Newcastle, E. Marechael Turrene. Fr. bk ... Ham burg VUle da Mulhouse, Fr. bk Antwerp Guethary, Fr. bk waTSih- - y..... .!!!!!! : aSiES Br. sh Antwerp Glenesslln. Br. sh Versailles, Fr. bk . ... LeltS General de Bolsdeffre, Fr. bk.. London g!""'1 1? N??rler. i. bk. .. .London ElEAII SWINDLE or tne oiaer persons win not be placed In competition with tha school children for the prises. , The commute in charge of the Show, Mesdames E. B. Col well, R. L. Donald and Millie R Trumbull, will aeU the flowera Saturday evening. The pro- ceeds will be uaed to psy the expenses of the exhibit and to buy aster seeds for next yesr which will be distributed among this season's- - exhibitors. All of the flower work done by tha pupils this yesr will be outlined in a report to be made to the department' ef agriculture of the national government. iiera. i ne oouquei was nanaert Mr. Flanders in return for the one handed Captain Crang when he appeared aa wit. Two men valiantly pulling on neaa at the hearing of the Alliance- - horaa'a tall AIA thai K , . c- - flowers during the morning ao they can be arranged for display snd the Judges begin work early in the afternoon in deciding the prise-winner- s. One of the features of this show and one which was not extended at the ia .Antwerp .TI3 m.-ii- J. nt -- m ' i i 1 a city or ranama collision before the tn a i. V ",LJ0 Antwerp uiuuw. resujies one xrauea BMUierB pscmc train no. i. due tn spectors a few weeks ago. At that time Mr. Flanders as counsel for the under- writers referred to Captain Crang as t tT' 'i. I Portland at 7:80 p. m.. into the city aa liOOa ilOme lOr (f ravel early aa poaalble, but tha horae waa too HHapV&MKJ'''-- ' b,i: ::: Antwerp V Arctic Stream. Rp - o""0!"1" Field J strong, and delayed the train nearly two reach. Finally a detachment was sent back to Clackamaa atatlon to rout out the section crew, and the section handa came to the rescue with a lot of ties and the animal was released. With a mighty yell the passengers and trainmen sought to frighten the horse away up the wagon road, but the animal ran across the road and fell rnto the cattle guard on the opposite side. Two men seised the horse by the tall Just as his front feet reached the edge of the pit, but their efforts to drag him back onlv cauaed htm to mill fnrwini CrOWn Of Tnril. Rr sAls a a Cornll BarC Fr bkV. ?; ! UStwiS Jlllaa nnmn,. f hi. Mr. ttocaereuer. The bouquet forms the centerpiece and chief decoration on the dining table of the Bailey Oatzert today. JETTY BUILDER DROWNS. The train waa already seven hours Utte when It reached nlapliamn WIFE'S RIGHT ARM PUNCHES GREET HUSBAND'S CARESSES Koiieroam .Antwerp Charging that she had been swindled Vin LJ f locfc tnl! J"0"111""-- - A short Coal Sfcipa Za Xonta. ueien. Fr. bk Clsverdon, Br. ah.. WUlseott. Am hlr . .Newcastle, A. ..Newcastle, A. . .Newcastle, A. ..Newcastle, A. . .Newcastle. A. in purchsslng a farm for a home, and foun that a large, able-bodi- ed ho"" , that' tha property that hed been rapre- - had fallen between the rails in a cattle T itJrVV ,erU1, a-.- edra Tt tWrifr?nwaT.dtopp0ed8ed and granite After the train crew had worked for without a house on it Mrs. Nancy C. some time In a vain effort to get the Campbell, a widow, the mother of three horse out of the cattle guard, which la Port Patrick. Br. sh St. Mirren. nr. ah harder, and he went Into the hole with a thud. Tlea were again brought into play, this time as skids. Ropes were tied to the horse and he waa milled nn Heavy Timber Knocks H. Swenson Off Barge Into Sea. Another employe of the government engineer depsrtment was lost off th Columbia river Jetty yesterday after- noon, accord Inr tn rennrta hmnaht hr Though a soft answer may turn away wrath, there are exceptlona to Crillon, Fr. bk .Newcastle, A. Aroencraig, Br. bk. Eugene Schnalriar bv xiI:U?' A . " uui ui wie came guara aner another half hour of work. Care was taken to staer tha animal i,.i,vi vui.uiou, awvaiou an .mugs unn-- 1 m (jh buuui nve reel oeep, a number cu tenbeln's department of the circuit passengers came from tha its M.n.. Rllffnn IP., hi. "'"WMll J, A. S;i."'pii A. the rule, aa proved by the charges made by Courtney N. Davidson against Lil- lian Davidson In a suit for divorce filed in the circuit court this morning. Da court thla moraine: seeklna 15.000 dam ana lent their assistance. Meanwhile Redhill.Br: ... .'. "".NeweStS t ins uurae airaaov rnvntana a ih, away from the cattle guards, and the train at laat proceeded, reaching Port- land at 4 o'clock this morning. Six weeks after the marriage, says the complaint, Davidson was about to take his wife on his lap when she scratched bis face and neck until thejf, were covered with blood. Davidson charges that soon after their marriage his wife began to show a violent con- tempt and dislike for him and alleges that her hatred of him was the cause of the treatment he received when- ever he sought to show his affection. Mrs. Davidson Is now with her moth- er st Sterling, Illinois. glne, kicked lustily at everything in Tmwlo n': "ewcasue, A. this mornlrtg. This time the man was knocked into the sea by a large piece of piling and drowned. His name was H. Swenson'1 and it is understood that he has a family of wife and two chil- dren living at Oswego, near here. Swenson was working on a barge, assisting in removing the piling to cars Newcnarla a Henry Villard, Am str. . .Newcastle a niurais, jsor. str. Morovan, Japan vidson alleges tnat ne was married on October 8, and that on the 14th, less than two weeks afterward, when he "took hold of his wife in a gentle manner, attempting to caress her, she, without a word of warning, struck him in the face with her fist.'7 Emily Reed. Am. sh.. .Newcastle, Aus on the trestle when one of the timbers ages from O. H. Palethorpe, Adella Pale- - tborpe, J. B. Labor and Alia Labor. ::: Mrs. Campbell testified that she had a house and several lots at Salem, which she valued at 13,000, but because they were near town she could not keep chickens and cowa as she wished, and she wanted to trade for a place in the country where she could ' grow vege-- , tables and other crops and keep poultry and cattle In order to make a living. . She met . Palethorpe last . November, ' she said, and he told her that he owned a farm in Josephine county of rich. WHEAT ABOUT BURNS IN KEEPING WITH GROWTH OF WHOLE COUNTRY swung aoout and knocked him over. xramp aneamera Sa Boute. board. Efforts to rescue him were un- availing. The tide waa ehhina- - miicklv iMsa, ssor. as fnn.n. African Monarch. Br ss 7? f . Jethon. Mnr 'oil Japan i me iime, ma it is reared tnat tne body was carried out to sea unless it lodged among the rocks and piling of FIRE ESCAPE WIRES . . .oan francisco t.S.Bb Port lM Angelea v.n.i! str...... Teria viinn X7. 11 2an Tnclsco TAKE PRISONERS Art mi I "? f'rancisco i isvet agricuin.rai lana, witn a five-roo- m .'. house, fine spring water and enough of 7 ... ullc,uii, nor. SS . , ,, , Sajl Fr, J. N. Brown, the pioneer merchant of Burns, Oregon, qualified for member- - wu samere Una. it to irrigate tne garden, though lrrlga IS T BE REMOVED . tlon waa not necessary; 10 acres under lhlp In the Oregon Wheat club formed "People are beginning to realise the wealth of the country and development of the land ia progressing at a great rate. When I went to Burns 26 years ago, one could have bought tha whole TO KELLY BUTTE A;: fan Francisco Maverick, San Francisco . cultivation, and enough timber on the by Judge Ellla and "Jim" Kyle at the juo atoace to triad Oratn. MORE CHARTERS CLOSED. Kerr, Glfford A Co. today chartered the French bark Plerrle Lotl to carry a cargo of wheat from here to Europe in the fall. She is now bound for Port- land from Europe with a cargo of ce- ment, consigned to W. P. Fuller A Co. Vessels to carrv awav wheat hava 16.000. rV. was also VTv;,rrir..J I ImPerla' hotel the other day. Mr. Brown waa at the hotel this morning on ius way 10 Ban Francisco where he KbuS: Br: ::::::dJ!2x& i i ; strong f young horses and a buggy, said Mrs. k Campbell. i - The property at Salem waa traded for the Josephine county land, and Mrs. ,. Campbell moved out there, but on her now resides. He haa been at Burns for Chief Campbell Orders Elec- tric Company to Re town for 200. Today it is a thriving little city that promises to develop in keeping with the rest of the Oregon country." Mr. Brown told many Interesting Supreme Court Decision SuT? IS'ft : o been chartered at the rate of three or four a day for some time past and there Admiral rSV-T,- Vi JbV. ' Li ' ' -- Honolulu Brings Compliance With move Them. are aoout enough in sight to take care Stratharvfa rJ il. Ba,n T- - .. v;aiiao of the grain as it will be brought down from the interior. Most of tha vaa. County Court Orders. me past two montns where he saw wheat growing at the rate of 60 bushels an sere. , ... "That Country around Burns Is the ? Tea test in the world." said Mr. Brown oday. "Wheat Was cut t.iere this year that averaged from 36 to 40 bushels an acre and in some places the yield was as high as 60 bushels to the acre. The grain grew to a good height and looked beautiful while in stand. sels are coming, in cargo, but half J a iuries oi tne pioneer days or Harney county and said that as one looks back st the growth of the country under so many disadvantages only surprise can ba felt at the Improvements noted. Mr. Brown will leave tonight for San Fran- cisco where he will remain until June, when he will again come back to Burns for his summer visit. i arrival,. she testified, she found only a j chimney where the house had been, the ?land all "gravel and granite, hilly and s rough Instead of level, the timber all s V logged off, ' leaving barely enough ' to " make 200 cords of wood; no spring and - no water during the greater part of the year, less than two acres under cultl- - i vation and no outbuildings. 1 Mrs. t Campbell savs she anent t4na MARINE NOTES Astoria. Sent. H I1.H..1 . a - "w.ou ncw iiacu rcuvriuy- 10 cum a nere has declared war on the Portland Gen Eleven county JaJI prisoners, who had steamer Francis H. teJSiS! " eral Electric company and "this morn- ing served notice that all wires attached to ffre escapes would have to be re been held at the county jail in the city by Sheriff Stevens pending the supreme court decision of the referen ejnpiy irora nearDy ports. The old American ship Emily Reed wss chartered this morning to bring a cargo of fial from Newcastle, Australia, to this port. She Will csrry about 2,500 tons. The Reed was here about six months ago and took lumber to moved at once orelse be torn off by the firemen. Careless linemen, the chief dum petitions on the prisoners feeding San' Francisco, Sept 5. Arrived Portland" AUrelU " D' rom iaa01. Arrived down at act, were sent to Kelly Butte yesterday 7 moving out to Josephine county, and thea had to store her household effects 1 and ; return to Portland, not having enough ' money to bring her property back with her. Repeated demands have been made for the team that she waa to have had, she said, but she has not says have attached deadly wires to hundreds Of fire eacsnaa In t in PORTLAND REGARDED IN EAST AS MOST SUBSTANTIAL CITY ON COAST afternoon and this morning. - Orders for entering buildings, making It .dangerous MARINE INTELLIGENCE " "iTOinor neaonao. San Francisco. Rant, a e.n.a prisoners made "by the . county court 1 uul upn mem. "Heretofore." said tha nhia - were not compiled with by the sher- iff after Judge Galloway rendered hia teamTer Kalomo. for Portland Port Sent. 1 i..i. t yei eeen tne norses. Additional test! Begular Users Sne to Arrive. morning, "the hydrant man has been inspecting the flra aacanaa K. ... mony is being henrd this afternoon. V decision, the sheriff taking the stand that the new law waa In effect and that Costa Rica. San Francisco.. hay8 changed this somewhat, and now it IS the dutv nr all n k. Astoria, Sept 5. Condition of the bar at 8 a, m., smooth; wind aouth, 10 miles; weather cloudv. in a two-pa- ge article and a strong No other, city will dwarf Portland's ne nad no autnority to turn over the prisoners to the rock pile guards. Breakwater, Coos Bay...... City of Panama, San Fr... R. D. Inman, San Francisco. . .Sept. ...Sept. 7 .Sept. 13 .Sept. 15 .Sept. 15 .Sent. 16 L editorial the Manufacturers' Record of r.iORE Importance in her territory or halt her IQOOR as soon as tne supreme court decision progress toward greatness. Her stature Alesla, orient was -- rendered, the sheriff instructed .Tides at Astoria Today 11:26 a. m., 8.9 feet; 10:60 "jJftS rant T w... . r.A - . Philadelphia, In its issue of August 29 presents, an argument for Portland as Roanoke, San Pedro an'd way'. Jailor Beatty to deliver the prisoners. is aa wen assured ana ner foundation" nermanentlv fired bb tha Arauia. orient l .i I' ir'. " 0 feet .Sept. 17 captains. Every captain is now inspect- ing the buildings in his district con- taining fire escapes and notices to tr,,c company to remove their . charged wires will not be repeated." JSn.tB to,. entertain the Prohibition convention next year when candidates of the party will be "the moat substantial city on the P' M.u y. ui., a. a IBKl, RED LIGHT RESORTS and as a result five prisoners went to the rock pile yesterday afternoon, and aix more this morning. Improvements at the Kelly Butte sub- - Johan foulsan. Ban .Francisco. .Sept. 25 Nicomedla. orient Oct. 1 Numantla, orient Oct. 20 clfio coast" This remarkable attitude ALONG THE WATERFRONT Gibraltar, and she will as steadily grow In greatness as do her lordly pines. Portland owes no portion of her pros- perity , and importance to any kind of a boom -- real estate, mining or immi- gration. She is as solidly of the oldest and moBt Influential !n dustrlal magazine in America Is tha Jall are contemplated by the county The steamer Geo- - W. Elder sails to. resuu or a visit and exhaustive inves- - ..v...,.,a.,u iur presiaent ana vjce pres- - court in oraer to mates room ror an additional number of prisoners at the rock pile. While the referendum waa unsettled, no steps were taken by the Begular liners to Depart, v 3. W. Elder, San Pedro and way. Sept ft Numantla, orient Sept 7 Alliance, Coos Bay .Sept 7 Breakwater, Coos Bay Sept 9 Costa. Rica, San Francisco 8ept 9 Iveepers of Korth End Disor- - 0Oasttl0DylnA,ai!ertthPh,eanrf8! ?hie8Recro. mgnt ror Ban Pedro and way porta The steamer Redondo sailed for Ra on achievenmcnt as- Baltimore or Boa-to- n, and she Is today, therefore, the most substantial city on the Pacific special correspondent. Doaro 01 commissioners Dut tne Mexican nttle yesterday afternoon, several hours supreme court decision has settled the coast. . While I believe that the wild- est dreams of the greatest enthlialnat derJy Jiouses .Notified Be . tail, Licenses Necessary. iate: matter so that the commissioners will Mr. Phenis was in Portland some weeks ago, following extended stays at San Francisco and Los Angeles. From here he want tn Tanimo o ,. ,i e visit Kelly Butte at once to investigate In any of the bustling cities of tha junaii ruuicwi, san r rancisco. . .sept 10 Roanoke. San Pedro and way.... Sept. 12 Arabia, orient Sept 16 Redondo, Seattle Sent is The schooner Alice McDonald Is load- - Mustang Liniment Pacific coast will be mora than tne neeo ror more room. ...a iu iioer latsop mills at Astoria. She will finish in about tan . ;' :i j """" " attle. He has been writing his iro- - County Judge Webster said this morn izea in time, nrnnpni nhnnt h rr.c,...i Alesiu, orient Sept, 25 Nicomedla. orient...., .Oct 10 ing that the improvements will be i . i "a'fi 1 pressions or various places, their re- - CapUin Of Detectives and Inspector sources, methods, and Droanecta. In nun ueveiopment or all this region, all this nation and all the wnrlH vat made at once If they are found nec jwiumrei uii,cr j. umen is at Tongue Point, as is alio' the , Of Police Patrick Bruin created conster- - tne article of August 29 he wrote this essary. It la the intention to arrange discussing Portland be It noted that ho ' nation In the district north of Burnslde awecP'ng statement: has never capitalized the future." tne suojaii so tnat tne worst prisoners can be placed in quarters seDarato "icnui Bunuuiicr ai. 0. aieiBon. The French bark Colonel Villebols de Muriel is discharging coal at the bunk- ers in Astoria. She arrived from New- - Vessels la Port, Ycla, Br. sh Elevator dock Dalgoner, Br. ah ...Columbia No. 2 Bee, Am. sch Willamette I. & 8. Wks Conway Castle, Br. bk Greenwich Slam, Gr. sh Portland Lumber Co. street last nlaht bv Dersonallv: aarvin floes quickly to the very core of the disease and stops the meet deep-se- t, exoruolatlng palna almost Instantly. from those who are- - less dangerous, as well aa to make room for more con hutlee on the keepers of all disorderly J liquor and I intend to see that the law . resortsthat ; they must immediately Is strictly enforced. If the keepers of V caaiiv, Ausirana, aoout ten days ago The little gasoline launch Koos will victs. The subjail now will bold about YOVm MACHINIST 3fADE BOGUS CHECKS 50 men. r3 uoiv ivuiuiivw Aixini 1 nnR hov Alliance, Am atr Supple's yard King Cyrus, Am. sch ......Astoria having sailed In one of the races at the ..Astoria; Astoria, regatta The Koos made the voa ...o u. vi iiquum msoraeriy nouses ignore tne order I ln- - . unless In possession of a retail liquor tend to back the patrol wagon up to x dealer municipal license, their doofs and arrest all persons found As the Jaw specifically, prohibits the in these places. Orders will be issued ;il of liquor in, disorderly houses and to the patrolmen todav ealllna- - thair at. jtseuian. Am. sen... SUIT TO COLLECT vincennes, Fr. bk. Vnrth am .- ,- . a ZiZltZ 7 . T. Jr.'." unoer .1.- - k. a , , .,.11 i . . I - - Antelope Am. sch Foot ofl. ncoln t wtn hlnwlnr .11 (,. .ui. ZLJ' MACCABEES' POLICY Mexican Theodore M. Kartman, a young ma- chinist, waa taken Inte custody in a room over a saloon at First and Mill streets this morning by Patrolman Dick Stuart on a warrant charging him with tention to the matter and they will be required to arrest all violators Of the law UJV iiusiur IWU4 iciau jiyuur 11- - renaes was limited at the last election, with the fee fixed at 1200 a Quarter, the Churchill, Am. sch..., Astoria sixteen hours to run from Yaauina to Numantla. Ger. str Albina Astoria. Queen Alexandra Br. att T.lnntnn I Tha Ui-fIik- .h ,. ... sale of Intoxicants consequently will be "The north end houses are bad enough (Special Plspsteh to Tba Joarnit) Albany. Or.. Sept. 6. 'Mra. Emma C Mustang Liniment St. Nicholas. Am sh Astoria ! ha at AT,Vm"rtT h-- ,? fl1 5'" a thing or toe past jn tne north end uuminim money unoer raise pretenses. The complainant in the case is H. Han Daniels has filed' ! suit in the T.lim St. Louis, Fr. bk.. Pacific Coast bunkers morning, or late tonight fih Compeer, Am. ech..... ,.. .Astoria I reached Aatofla at 12:20 thla Stralhness. Br, as. . Portland Lumber Co. lh bar niiota t i.tnri. tiorJL- - rvn-iiK- ui pum. - - ' "My instructions from Mayor Lane end Chief Gritsmscber are to 'enforce county circuit court against the Knights of the Maccabees for the recovery of 83.000.. the amount of a' Dolicv, carried sen, who alleges that Hertman passed a worthless check on him for $17.60. When arrested Hartman endeavored to destroy one of - the bogus, checks which he le accused ' Of passing, by snatching It from the hands of the t. Nn?r'AAnm-Jhg-''',--vVABtor,- a Plewd.wlth the deciaion handed down wmiuui anowing mem to sell liquor. If there are going to be any special prlvlllges given to any one, the decent, respectable citlsens, who are helping upbuild Portland, should have them and not these vampires of the red light dis- trict" . v The only comment that Chief Grits-mach- er would make on Bruin's reform crusade was: "Did he just find that out f . It took him a Jong time."- - Pott of Columbia bill unrnnatit,.ilni Curea ovary ailmenf of NanorBeaat . :'V that good, honoat ' ' ,' Unlmont ean euraa Ren better. V ' .: the laws lmpsrtlally, snd I would not be living up to my oeth of offloe if I willfully permitted these Immoral places to continue the sale of liquor without a license," said Oartain Bruin today. - , "I have not Hied ' the women lmmedi- - Alice McDonald. Am. sch. . .. ... .Astoria. .westport by her husband, the late Thomas Dan- iels, in that order. She had preylously refuaed an offer to settle by compn-mis- e, It Is claimed there Is a specif io clause . in . the policy disclaiming re- sponsibility tn the event of Suicide. This la the point of contention. They feared ever since the board waa created last eprlpg by the legislature that some prestige would be given to Portland at the expenae of'lhe City, by his revolver before the prisoner would Col. devVilleoois Muriel, Fr. . . bk.. . Astoria surrender the Incriminating check. HArt-- J pay Freeman. Am. ss. ..East. A West man had been drinklns bear, v lionoipu. Am. sch..... ......... .torla ataly te atop dispensing any, f crm . of I anMfiO0ai'v"tAs' it' v' vV

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8. 1807.

; Cares Tcniai'g Weaknesses.:

SEATTLE MO N BY? E N LISTED-T- O 5 RUSH i We refer to that "boon to weak, narronitoffering women known - as Dr. Pierce i


on mint impFavorite Proscription. . , .

Dr. John Fy fe one of the Editorial SUfIof TbcXclxotio Midical Rinxw ttr: WORK ON UNITED RAILWAYS: LINES of Unicorn root (Heloniai Dioica) whlcnu one of the chief lngredianu of the "Fa--'Tonte rresenption r ; !:m vx1:-'.;.-

r Large Number of SteamboatSeattle, Wuh.( Bept I, In connection"A remeuT wnicn uTariaDiy acta aa e titerIna lnvlsorator makes for normal ac-

tivity of the entire reproductive ayatem.Be continues'' in Helonlaa wa navaamedlcaBMnt which mora fully anawvra tha ihnrr

r with the proposod reorganisation of the T7!T?71 vTImited Railways, Portland, Mr. MortU ,Men Accept Invitation ;

to Attend. purpoaea Man ny etW drug with wMa an,MuVrtnted, In the treatment of diseaaea pe

culiar to women It ia seldom that a eaae it

; Tbomeen. ia aa interview today aaldthat he could not give full particulars

T r ' it

fi until be conferred with Ma Hoflua JnlPortland, however, admitting he was WJLXL GO TO JOINTS ,

aeea which doe not preeent eoma lndlcatlor.for thla remedial agent." Dr. Fyfa furthersaysi "The following are among the leadingUidlcattoaa for UelonTaa (Unicorn root). Pi- -

orischtng In the back, withe leqcorfhtra ,

atonic (weak) condltkiH. of the renroductli

f interested and that it would mean thaif building of, 10 miles of new city and ON UPPER COLUMBIAHillf Intarurban street railway lines In Pott- - I ,T- 4 ; v vs

orrans of iotien. mental depreaaion and Irland. Nothing further to aay at thla will) chronic dlaaaiea ?inability.sana of womaniconitantUsa reprodt time. "; Handaonw Craft Leaves Alder Street aenaation neat in me region oi ma kii

Dock In Command of '.Captain' Changes in the tfnlted Railway a syn- -nayat Menorrhagia (floodinr), due te a weakened condition ofthe reproductive ayatem;amenomcaatytrireaaea or absent monthlyperlod.VilSTif "roni or accompanying art

I dlcate, amounting almoat to a reorganl- -

- I nation, ara being made, and It la t e- - Sherman for First Time Since liebuilt Booked for Excursion. aonocbsi condition or the eifeative orsajnt

and Ajfaemlc ( thin blood ) habit! draftingeentAfona la the extreme lower part of the

ported that W. D. Hoflua and sMorltsi Thorn sen of Seattla have become lmpor--

aoaoioen.i tant factora Herman Wittenberg, whe If more or less ot the above irmptoms, .( . ji.. ' An inimitable ; style is manifest in the Hat thatbears this label. V'1-'-Fifty of Portland' prominent citi in an acuve man in cue aynaicate,

cllned today to make a statement for s Javor tizens, including a. large number ofpuDiicauon, out aaia important develop- -h6Ain?iAn Alia m i an iuin k i --...tsteamboat owners, ara today enjoying1 'J; ;.

men is may oe announced in a lew days.I - At the office of WVD. Hoflua A Co. New shapes and shades' for fab and winter now ready.enuoi wnicji is unicorn root, or ueioniai.

and the medical properties of wHJoh ita ride on the hew steamer Bailey Gat-Ber- t.

They started from Alder streetin the chamber of commerce it waa( aald Mr. Hoflua wiU arrive In Port- -! land Saturday, rrora Los Angeles, un-- c

til which time no official atatement canmost laiiDiuny represents.

Of Golden Seal root, another prominentIngredient of "Favorite Prescription,"

dock at 10:10 o'clock this morning, withthe expectation of returnlnr about I

be aecured from any local source. It la o'clock thla evening. The Intention lato vlalt Multnomah Falls and Cane Hornunderstood that Mr. Hoflua will be In a rror. finiev Eiiing-roo- d, M. I)., of Bon

nett Medical College, Chicago, lays:"It la an Important remedy In disorders ofbla visit bare, and It la believed he will

on the upper Columbia.The Bailey Oatiert will carry her

flrat crowd of Dassensers next Sunday. tne womo. in au catarrhal conditionsand seneral enfeablemani. it Is useful."

poaltlvely connrm the reportedtlon of hlmaelf and Mr. Thomaen with Prof. John M. Scndder, M. D.,lste of, the antarpriae.

ComplMe Una to Xfflsooro..

when aha leavea on an ezcuralon to Cas-cade locks, and It la for the purpose ofseeing how aba worka that ManagerTalbot of the D. P. A. N. company,ownera of the boat Invited the guests totake the ride.

That they will be pleased with the

r . . lwrvj--.- - 't The United Rallwaya company willJ build Ite line to Htllaboro. Seven milea' of ateel ralla have been purchaaed. throujh Hoflua A Co.; aurveya ara be- -

ins completed foe certain changea In icraft Is a foregone conclusion because CSPLClAgasaDr: roA

Cincinnati, lays oi uoioen seal root : s

"In relation to its general electa on theaystern, Uurt it no WMdictna in vm obmit uhMitAar it tueh penaral unanimity opinion. I:la univtrtally regarded as tht tonic useful Ualldebilltated state.

Prof. R. Bartholow, M. D.. of JeffersorMedical College, says of Golden Seal :

"Valuable In uterine hemorrhage, tnenorrhaaia (floodinr) and consestlva dyamenurrhcea (painful menstruation).

Dr. Plercn Favorite ITescrlptlon faithfelly reprrfnte all the above named In

line is without exception the handsomestcraft ever constructed here. Thla morn-ing when she pulled out from her dock

the old line and construction work will'. be commenced Immediately. Thla plan,

which had been formed, but waa in a into the harbor she looked like a rioat.doubtful atate prior to yesterday's ac- - 1ns palace, her graceful Unea and' tlon by the city council of Portland, . la Peer of all $3 Hatsnow xuny determined upon, and no timeacrolled upper works standing 'out idbold relief against tHe clear blue skythat formed' the background. - j

raster Than Old Da tost in carrying it forward. "urea the diseases for wliiSedient "niot.

r'; S-

- There are now approximately 10miles of the United Railways company's

; tracks In Portland completed or lq the" ffitffHIII III Tlllll Ihl Mill m,hi hThe Bailey Oatsert takea the olaee

i tot tha nM ttallav. whlrh fnr vaara nn.crated on the upper river, and la of R. D. Inman, Am. atr Oceanic dockOliver J. Olaen. Am. n . Tnnnia Pnlm? fedTn't iTZlZU Completed Track of United Rkliwayg Compaq Laid bn gtret., tich the same dimensions, aunougn tnenew cran is npnm i wis iam uersham ranks with the best electric

; railroad construction work In the weat ter speed tnan nerwas not slow. " "manner rather than havlne-- oolaa In 5rA,n.Am- - AlbinaThe hull was designed by J. H. John KedOndOi.Am atr nniinh atraatme acreet.

A larce part of the downtown lines Excelsior, Am str.,... Portland Lbr. Co.Lumbar Carriers Un Konte.

are laia in solid cement is to 18 lncheadeep. On Flaadera a tree t In the harMpavement the maaalve 114-pou- girder

i la admitted by engineera who have ex- -'

aminad it.City Xdnaa Operate U Bla Weeks.

1 About1 100 men are now engaged atvarious points In the city, closing up

? gape In the track conatructlon, putting'

, in croseinrs, switches and frogs,' and. erectlns overhear wlrea and nalea Th

Thomas I Wand. Am. str. San Francisco Southwest Corner Fourth and Morrison Streets.

course of construction on Twelfth andPettygrove. Tracks on Flanders andStark from Twelfth to the river aracompleted with the exoeptlpn of someof the street crossings, and these aregoing in rapidly. Trolley wire for theentire city lines Is now on hand.

One of the maaalve frog crosatngs atFlrat and Flandera, for 114-pou- rail,had to be cast and temDered on a ana- -

son and constructed by tha PortlandShipbuilding company. The machinerywaa designed by W. R. Phtllpa andbuilt' and Installed by the Portland IronWorka, ao every' bit of the boat la homomanufacture. Her dimensions are:Length 103 H feet; beam, 83 feet Shwill accommodate several hundred pass-engers and waa constructed especially

coaster. Am. str San Franciscofu"le M. Piummer, Am. sen. . .Ouaymse I

raiis navs oeen laia in a atyia new tolocal atreet railway conatructlon. Notlea are uaed, but the rails are bound to- - "lr can r ranciscoLettltla, Am. sch.., San FranciscoWresiler, Am. bknt San PedroSetner every is xeet by steel beams,to the ralla. and tha whnla laM

line in thla city, will be in operationhv nelnhar ar, .

cial nlan for rroaainff a rurva with a I ariih tne view oi carrying excurison Annie n. ampDeii, Am. acnSan Franciscocurve, aa the united makes a turn to I crowda to Cascade Locks Sundays.

fit solid cement It inches deep, the topof the rail belna level with the surfacecf tha pavement

The full length of Front street ,theWeekdays she will alternate with thema tert at tnis point while the track

of the Portland Railway. Light & Powerwniiaato Am. sen Han FranciscoMabel Gale. Am. sch San FranciscoAndy Mahonev. Am arh Ran rmu.i

steamer Dallea City between thla cityand The Dallea, taking the place ofcompany turns to the right. The heavyturn? wia;ni or raua are laid in granite


FINE EXHIBIT OF CHOICE ASTERSuioca pavemeni, oouna tosetner and pana oi an awucnes ana rroga are in-

terchangeable and of extra temneradsurfaced with cement. Hundreds of steel, so that when worn out thev can

. a iii. air nan FranciscoS00,1-- ' Am-- BCh San FranciscoW. F. Oarms, Am. sch San PedroVirginia. Ara. sch Port Los Angeles

Sn Boats With Cement and General.

' Penniaalon Is ' being secured from.'Front street property owners and ten- -

ants to attach trolley line guy wiresby ring bolts to the buildings, in orderto avoid erecting poles that would prove

" to be an obatruotfon In the street. Thenarrow street permits of qui easy andpractical plan of saspendibr the trolley

- in this wanner wherever a brick bulld- -Ing at the proper point affords attach- -ment for the guy wire.

Henry Wemme.. who is erectlna : a, brick bulldlna on Front street set an,' example py having ring bolta placed In" the front wall. He aald he preferred

that the trolley be suspended In that

be changed for new onea without taking

tne amau ateamer capital juy wnicnrelieved the chartered ateamer Tele-phone afew days ago.

The Bailey Oatsert will be In com-mand of Captain F. H. Sherman, withJ. C. Hastings ss pilot and EdwardLyons as mats. H. Eddings will be

me iracK out oi na cement Dea.Four different tracks are Drovided at

TIMrat To.lftl. TTI V,.U XTI-- .l.

oarreia or cement have been used Inconstruction of these Unea On streetswhere there is no pavementT rails are used.

Will Wot Disturb raving.The tracks are completed on Petty-grov- e

atreet from Cornell road toTwelfth and on Twelfth to Fianiiera

Buccleuch, Br. shBrenn, Fr. bk

.HamburgHull Multnomah county's school childrenFlandera street where the UnitedRallwaya company may make direct

purser. Ruben Smith will be chief en-gineer and Jack Maher first assistant. will hava their aster ahow in tha city. .Antwerp

. . .London

.Hamburgconnectlona with the terminal yards of UOlng un the river dinner waaa

murope, Br. bkGenevieve Mollnos, Fr. bkKene Kervller, Fr. sh....Laennec, Fr. sh

hall tomorrow and Saturday and prep- -me narriman ana Mill ml irnaii mm. served at noon and llaht refresh

spring exhibition is the reservation oftables for displaying asters grown byadults. It is believed that ths displayof older persons will go a great dealtoward encouraging the school childrenin the floral culture. But the exhibits

and Stark. The overhead work ia In pan lea. .SwanseaLe Pllier. Fr. bk London"th,JRoux-T,Fr- - Hamburg

aratlona are being made by the OregonState Congress of Mothers, who are Inrharge, to entertain a large number of

ments will be passed around until theboat returns to her dock this evening.

Messrs. Edwards snd Fuller, in-spectors of hulls and boilers were w,iiuitiuf. rr. ua Newcastle, E.Samoa. Br. bk ShialdaHORSE FALLS BETWEEN GUARDSTELLS STORY OF among those who boarded the steamerthis morning and prior to crossing thsgangplank. Captain Edwards presented

visitors to the floral display. The ahowwill be held oa the third floor of thecity hall, beginning, at 2 o'clock andwill continue until 9 o'clock Saturdaynight.

Children are urged to . brlnr their

DELAYING TRAIN FOR TWO HOURSj. i oucn janaers. siso one or the party,with an Immense bouquet of asters onbehalf of Captain Thomas Crang, whorepreaenta the Standard OH company

inters. Fr. sh .....Newcastle, E.Marechael Turrene. Fr. bk . . . Ham burgVUle da Mulhouse, Fr. bk AntwerpGuethary, Fr. bk

waTSih- - y..... .!!!!!! : aSiESBr. sh Antwerp

Glenesslln. Br. shVersailles, Fr. bk . . . . LeltSGeneral de Bolsdeffre, Fr. bk.. Londong!""'1 1? N??rler. i. bk. .. .London


or tne oiaer persons win not be placedIn competition with tha school childrenfor the prises. ,

The commute in charge of the Show,Mesdames E. B. Col well, R. L. Donaldand Millie R Trumbull, will aeU theflowera Saturday evening. The pro-ceeds will be uaed to psy the expensesof the exhibit and to buy aster seedsfor next yesr which will be distributedamong this season's- - exhibitors.

All of the flower work done by thapupils this yesr will be outlined in areport to be made to the department' efagriculture of the national government.

iiera. i ne oouquei was nanaert Mr.Flanders in return for the one handedCaptain Crang when he appeared aa wit.Two men valiantly pulling on neaa at the hearing of the Alliance- -horaa'a tall AIA thai K , . c--

flowers during the morning ao they canbe arranged for display snd the Judgesbegin work early in the afternoon indeciding the prise-winner- s.

One of the features of this show andone which was not extended at the

ia .Antwerp.TI3 m.-ii- J. nt -- m ' i i 1 a city or ranama collision before the tna i. V ",LJ0 Antwerpuiuuw. resujies one xrauea BMUierB pscmc train no. i. due tn spectors a few weeks ago. At that time

Mr. Flanders as counsel for the under-writers referred to Captain Crang ast tT' 'i. I Portland at 7:80 p. m.. into the city aa

liOOa ilOme lOr (fravel early aa poaalble, but tha horae waa tooHHapV&MKJ'''-- ' b,i: : : : AntwerpVArctic Stream. Rp - o""0!"1"

Field Jstrong, and delayed the train nearly two

reach. Finally a detachment was sentback to Clackamaa atatlon to rout outthe section crew, and the section handacame to the rescue with a lot of tiesand the animal was released.

With a mighty yell the passengersand trainmen sought to frighten thehorse away up the wagon road, but theanimal ran across the road and fellrnto the cattle guard on the oppositeside.

Two men seised the horse by the tallJust as his front feet reached the edgeof the pit, but their efforts to drag himback onlv cauaed htm to mill fnrwini

CrOWn Of Tnril. Rr sAls a aCornll BarC Fr bkV. ?; ! UStwiSJlllaa nnmn,. f hi.

Mr. ttocaereuer.The bouquet forms the centerpiece and

chief decoration on the dining table ofthe Bailey Oatzert today.


The train waa already seven hoursUtte when It reached nlapliamnWIFE'S RIGHT ARM PUNCHES


.AntwerpCharging that she had been swindled Vin LJ flocfc tnl! J"0"111""--- A short Coal Sfcipa Za Xonta.

ueien. Fr. bkClsverdon, Br. ah..WUlseott. Am hlr

. .Newcastle, A.

..Newcastle, A.

. .Newcastle, A.

..Newcastle, A.

. .Newcastle. A.

in purchsslng a farm for a home, and foun that a large, able-bodi-ed ho""

, that' tha property that hed been rapre-- had fallen between the rails in a cattle

T itJrVV ,erU1,a-.-

edra Tt tWrifr?nwaT.dtopp0ed8edand granite After the train crew had worked forwithout a house on it Mrs. Nancy C. some time In a vain effort to get theCampbell, a widow, the mother of three horse out of the cattle guard, which la

Port Patrick. Br. shSt. Mirren. nr. ah

harder, and he went Into the hole witha thud. Tlea were again brought intoplay, this time as skids. Ropes weretied to the horse and he waa milled nn

Heavy Timber Knocks H. SwensonOff Barge Into Sea.

Another employe of the governmentengineer depsrtment was lost off thColumbia river Jetty yesterday after-noon, accord Inr tn rennrta hmnaht hr

Though a soft answer may turnaway wrath, there are exceptlona toCrillon, Fr. bk .Newcastle, A.Aroencraig, Br. bk.Eugene Schnalriar bv xiI:U?' A

. "uui ui wie came guara aner anotherhalf hour of work.Care was taken to staer tha animal

i,.i,vi vui.uiou, awvaiou an .mugs unn-- 1 m (jh buuui nve reel oeep, a number cutenbeln's department of the circuit passengers came from tha its M.n.. Rllffnn IP., hi. "'"WMll J, A.S;i."'pii A.

the rule, aa proved by the charges madeby Courtney N. Davidson against Lil-

lian Davidson In a suit for divorce filedin the circuit court this morning. Da

court thla moraine: seeklna 15.000 dam ana lent their assistance. Meanwhile Redhill.Br: ... .'. "".NeweStS tins uurae airaaov rnvntana a ih, away from the cattle guards, and thetrain at laat proceeded, reaching Port-land at 4 o'clock this morning.

Six weeks after the marriage, saysthe complaint, Davidson was about totake his wife on his lap when shescratched bis face and neck until thejf,were covered with blood. Davidsoncharges that soon after their marriagehis wife began to show a violent con-tempt and dislike for him and allegesthat her hatred of him was the causeof the treatment he received when-ever he sought to show his affection.

Mrs. Davidson Is now with her moth-er st Sterling, Illinois.

glne, kicked lustily at everything in Tmwlo n': "ewcasue, A.

this mornlrtg. This time the man wasknocked into the sea by a large pieceof piling and drowned. His name wasH. Swenson'1 and it is understood thathe has a family of wife and two chil-dren living at Oswego, near here.

Swenson was working on a barge,assisting in removing the piling to cars

Newcnarla aHenry Villard, Am str. . .Newcastle aniurais, jsor. str. Morovan, Japan

vidson alleges tnat ne was married onOctober 8, and that on the 14th,less than two weeks afterward, whenhe "took hold of his wife in a gentlemanner, attempting to caress her, she,without a word of warning, struck himin the face with her fist.'7

Emily Reed. Am. sh.. .Newcastle, Auson the trestle when one of the timbers

ages from O. H. Palethorpe, Adella Pale- -tborpe, J. B. Labor and Alia Labor.

::: Mrs. Campbell testified that she hada house and several lots at Salem, whichshe valued at 13,000, but because theywere near town she could not keepchickens and cowa as she wished, andshe wanted to trade for a place in thecountry where she could ' grow vege--

, tables and other crops and keep poultryand cattle In order to make a living. .

She met . Palethorpe last . November,' she said, and he told her that he owneda farm in Josephine county of rich.


WITH GROWTH OF WHOLE COUNTRYswung aoout and knocked him over. xramp aneamera Sa Boute.board. Efforts to rescue him were un-availing. The tide waa ehhina- - miicklv iMsa, ssor. as fnn.n.African Monarch. Br ss 7? f .Jethon. Mnr 'oil Japani me iime, ma it is reared tnat tnebody was carried out to sea unless itlodged among the rocks and piling of FIRE ESCAPE WIRES

. . .oan franciscot.S.Bb Port lM Angeleav.n.i!str......Teria viinn X7. 11 2an Tnclsco TAKE PRISONERSArt mi I "? f'ranciscoi isvet agricuin.rai lana, witn a five-roo- m

.'. house, fine spring water and enough of 7 ... ullc,uii, nor. SS . , , , , Sajl Fr,J. N. Brown, the pioneer merchant ofBurns, Oregon, qualified for member- - wu samere to irrigate tne garden, though lrrlga IST BE REMOVED. tlon waa not necessary; 10 acres under lhlp In the Oregon Wheat club formed

"People are beginning to realise thewealth of the country and developmentof the land ia progressing at a greatrate. When I went to Burns 26 yearsago, one could have bought tha whole

TO KELLY BUTTEA;: fan FranciscoMaverick, San Francisco. cultivation, and enough timber on the by Judge Ellla and "Jim" Kyle at thejuo atoace to triad Oratn.


Kerr, Glfford A Co. today charteredthe French bark Plerrle Lotl to carry acargo of wheat from here to Europe inthe fall. She is now bound for Port-land from Europe with a cargo of ce-ment, consigned to W. P. Fuller A Co.

Vessels to carrv awav wheat hava

16.000. rV. was also VTv;,rrir..J I ImPerla' hotel the other day. Mr.Brown waa at the hotel this morningon ius way 10 Ban Francisco where he KbuS: Br: ::::::dJ!2x&i i

; strongf young horses and a buggy, said Mrs.k Campbell.

i- The property at Salem waa traded forthe Josephine county land, and Mrs.

,. Campbell moved out there, but on her

now resides. He haa been at Burns forChief Campbell Orders Elec-

tric Company to Re

town for 200. Today it is a thrivinglittle city that promises to develop inkeeping with the rest of the Oregoncountry."

Mr. Brown told many InterestingSupreme Court DecisionSuT?IS'ft : o

been chartered at the rate of three orfour a day for some time past and there Admiral rSV-T,-

Vi JbV.' Li ' ' -- Honolulu Brings Compliance With move Them.are aoout enough in sight to take care Stratharvfa rJ il. Ba,n T- -.. v;aiiaoof the grain as it will be brought downfrom the interior. Most of tha vaa. County Court Orders.

me past two montns where he sawwheat growing at the rate of 60 bushelsan sere. ,

... "That Country around Burns Is the?Tea test in the world." said Mr. Brownoday. "Wheat Was cut t.iere this year

that averaged from 36 to 40 bushels anacre and in some places the yield wasas high as 60 bushels to the acre. Thegrain grew to a good height and lookedbeautiful while in stand.

sels are coming, in cargo, but half J a

iuries oi tne pioneer days or Harneycounty and said that as one looks backst the growth of the country under somany disadvantages only surprise canba felt at the Improvements noted. Mr.Brown will leave tonight for San Fran-cisco where he will remain until June,when he will again come back to Burnsfor his summer visit.

i arrival,. she testified, she found only aj chimney where the house had been, the?land all "gravel and granite, hilly ands rough Instead of level, the timber all

s V logged off, ' leaving barely enough ' to" make 200 cords of wood; no spring and- no water during the greater part of theyear, less than two acres under cultl- -i vation and no outbuildings.1 Mrs. t Campbell savs she anent t4na


Astoria. Sent. H I1.H..1 . a -"w.ou ncw iiacu rcuvriuy- 10 cum a nere has declared war on the Portland GenEleven county JaJI prisoners, who had

steamer Francis H.teJSiS! " Electric company and "this morn-ing served notice that all wires attachedto ffre escapes would have to be re

been held at the county jail in thecity by Sheriff Stevens pending thesupreme court decision of the referen

ejnpiy irora nearDy ports.The old American ship Emily Reedwss chartered this morning to bring acargo of fial from Newcastle, Australia,to this port. She Will csrry about 2,500

tons. The Reed was here about sixmonths ago and took lumber to

moved at once orelse be torn off bythe firemen. Careless linemen, the chiefdum petitions on the prisoners feeding

San' Francisco, Sept 5. ArrivedPortland" AUrelU " D' rom

iaa01. Arrived down atact, were sent to Kelly Butte yesterday

7 moving out to Josephine county, andthea had to store her household effects

1 and ; return to Portland, not havingenough ' money to bring her propertyback with her. Repeated demands havebeen made for the team that she waato have had, she said, but she has not

says have attached deadly wires tohundreds Of fire eacsnaa In t in


MOST SUBSTANTIAL CITY ON COASTafternoon and this morning. - Orders for entering buildings, making It .dangerousMARINE INTELLIGENCE " "iTOinor neaonao.San Francisco. Rant, a e.n.a prisoners made "by the . county court 1 uul upn mem.

"Heretofore." said tha nhia -were not compiled with by the sher-iff after Judge Galloway rendered hiateamTer Kalomo. for PortlandPort Sent. 1 i..i.t yei eeen tne norses. Additional test! Begular Users Sne to Arrive. morning, "the hydrant man has beeninspecting the flra aacanaa K. ...mony is being henrd this afternoon.V decision, the sheriff taking the standthat the new law waa In effect and thatCosta Rica. San Francisco.. hay8 changed this somewhat, and nowit IS the dutv nr all n k.Astoria, Sept 5. Condition of thebar at 8 a, m., smooth; wind aouth, 10miles; weather cloudv.

in a two-pa- ge article and a strong No other, city will dwarf Portland's ne nad no autnority to turn over theprisoners to the rock pile guards.Breakwater, Coos Bay......City of Panama, San Fr...R. D. Inman, San Francisco.

. .Sept....Sept. 7.Sept. 13.Sept. 15.Sept. 15.Sent. 16

L editorial the Manufacturers' Record ofr.iORE Importance in her territory or halt herIQOOR as soon as tne supreme court decisionprogress toward greatness. Her stature Alesla, orient was -- rendered, the sheriff instructed.Tides at Astoria Today11:26 a. m., 8.9 feet; 10:60 "jJftSrant T w... . r.A - .

Philadelphia, In its issue of August 29presents, an argument for Portland as Roanoke, San Pedro an'd way'. Jailor Beatty to deliver the aa wen assured ana ner foundation"

nermanentlv fired bb tha Arauia. orient l .i I' ir'. " 0 feet.Sept. 17

captains. Every captain is now inspect-ing the buildings in his district con-taining fire escapes and notices totr,,c company to remove their .

charged wires will not be repeated."

JSn.tB to,. entertain theProhibition convention next yearwhen candidates of the party will be

"the moat substantial city on the P' M.u y. ui., a. a IBKl,RED LIGHT RESORTSand as a result five prisoners wentto the rock pile yesterday afternoon,and aix more this morning.

Improvements at the Kelly Butte sub- -

Johan foulsan. Ban .Francisco. .Sept. 25Nicomedla. orient Oct. 1Numantla, orient Oct. 20

clfio coast" This remarkable attitude ALONG THE WATERFRONT

Gibraltar, and she will as steadily growIn greatness as do her lordly pines.Portland owes no portion of her pros-perity , and importance to any kind ofa boom --real estate, mining or immi-gration. She is as solidly

of the oldest and moBt Influential !ndustrlal magazine in America Is tha Jall are contemplated by the county

The steamer Geo- - W. Elder sails to.resuu or a visit and exhaustive inves- - ..v...,.,a.,u iur presiaent ana vjce pres- -court in oraer to mates room ror anadditional number of prisoners at therock pile. While the referendum waaunsettled, no steps were taken by the

Begular liners to Depart, v3. W. Elder, San Pedro and way. Sept ftNumantla, orient Sept 7Alliance, Coos Bay .Sept 7Breakwater, Coos Bay Sept 9Costa. Rica, San Francisco 8ept 9

Iveepers of Korth End Disor- - 0Oasttl0DylnA,ai!ertthPh,eanrf8! ?hie8Recro. mgnt ror Ban Pedro and way portaThe steamer Redondo sailed for Ra

on achievenmcnt as- Baltimore or Boa-to- n,

and she Is today, therefore, themost substantial city on the Pacificspecial correspondent. Doaro 01 commissioners Dut tne Mexicannttle yesterday afternoon, several hours supreme court decision has settled thecoast. . While I believe that the wild-est dreams of the greatest enthlialnat

derJy Jiouses .Notified Be. tail, Licenses Necessary. iate: matter so that the commissioners will

Mr. Phenis was in Portland someweeks ago, following extended staysat San Francisco and Los Angeles.From here he want tn Tanimo o ,. ,i e visit Kelly Butte at once to investigateIn any of the bustling cities of tha

junaii ruuicwi, san r rancisco. . .sept 10Roanoke. San Pedro and way.... Sept. 12Arabia, orient Sept 16Redondo, Seattle Sent is

The schooner Alice McDonald Is load- - Mustang LinimentPacific coast will be mora than tne neeo ror more room....a iu iioer latsop mills at Astoria.She will finish in about tan .;' :i j"""" " attle. He has been writing his iro- - County Judge Webster said this mornizea in time, nrnnpni nhnnt h rr.c,...i Alesiu, orient Sept, 25

Nicomedla. orient...., .Oct 10ing that the improvements will bei . i "a'fi 1 pressions or various places, their re--CapUin Of Detectives and Inspector sources, methods, and Droanecta. In

nun ueveiopment or all this region, allthis nation and all the wnrlH vat made at once If they are found necjwiumrei uii,cr j. umen isat Tongue Point, as is alio' the, Of Police Patrick Bruin created conster- - tne article of August 29 he wrote this essary. It la the intention to arrangediscussing Portland be It noted that ho' nation In the district north of Burnslde awecP'ng statement: has never capitalized the future." tne suojaii so tnat tne worst prisoners

can be placed in quarters seDarato"icnui Bunuuiicr ai. 0. aieiBon.The French bark Colonel Villebols deMuriel is discharging coal at the bunk-ers in Astoria. She arrived from New- -

Vessels la Port,Ycla, Br. sh Elevator dockDalgoner, Br. ah ...Columbia No. 2Bee, Am. sch Willamette I. & 8. WksConway Castle, Br. bk GreenwichSlam, Gr. sh Portland Lumber Co.

street last nlaht bv Dersonallv: aarvin

floes quickly to thevery core of thedisease and stopsthe meet deep-se- t,

exoruolatlng palnaalmost Instantly.

from those who are- - less dangerous, aswell aa to make room for more conhutlee on the keepers of all disorderly J liquor and I intend to see that the law

. resortsthat ; they must immediately Is strictly enforced. If the keepers of Vcaaiiv, Ausirana, aoout ten days agoThe little gasoline launch Koos will victs. The subjail now will bold aboutYOVm MACHINIST

3fADE BOGUS CHECKS 50 men.r3 uoiv ivuiuiivw Aixini 1 nnR hovAlliance, Am atr Supple's yardKing Cyrus, Am. sch ......Astoria having sailed In one of the races at the..Astoria; Astoria, regatta The Koos made the

voa ...o u. vi iiquum msoraeriy nouses ignore tne order I ln- -. unless In possession of a retail liquor tend to back the patrol wagon up to

x dealer municipal license, their doofs and arrest all persons foundAs the Jaw specifically, prohibits the in these places. Orders will be issued;il of liquor in, disorderly houses and to the patrolmen todav ealllna- - thair at.jtseuian. Am. sen... SUIT TO COLLECTvincennes, Fr. bk.Vnrth a m .- ,- . a ZiZltZ 7 . T. Jr.'." unoer

.1.- - k. a , , .,.11 i . . I - - Antelope Am. sch Foot ofl. ncoln t wtn hlnwlnr .11 (,. .ui. ZLJ' MACCABEES' POLICY MexicanTheodore M. Kartman, a young ma-

chinist, waa taken Inte custody in aroom over a saloon at First and Millstreets this morning by Patrolman DickStuart on a warrant charging him with

tention to the matter and they will berequired to arrest all violators Of thelaw

UJV iiusiur IWU4 iciau jiyuur 11- -renaes was limited at the last election,with the fee fixed at 1200 a Quarter, the

Churchill, Am. sch..., Astoria sixteen hours to run from Yaauina toNumantla. Ger. str Albina Astoria.Queen Alexandra Br. att T.lnntnn I Tha Ui-fIik- .h ,. of Intoxicants consequently will be "The north end houses are bad enough (Special Plspsteh to Tba Joarnit)Albany. Or.. Sept. 6. 'Mra. Emma C Mustang LinimentSt. Nicholas. Am sh Astoria ! ha at AT,Vm"rtT h-- ,? fl1 5'"a thing or toe past jn tne north end uuminim money unoer raise pretenses.

The complainant in the case is H. Han Daniels has filed' ! suit in the T.limSt. Louis, Fr. bk.. Pacific Coast bunkers morning, or late tonight fihCompeer, Am. ech..... , . . .Astoria I reached Aatofla at 12:20 thlaStralhness. Br, as. . Portland Lumber Co. lh bar niiota t i.tnri. tiorJL--

rvn-iiK- ui pum. - -

' "My instructions from Mayor Laneend Chief Gritsmscber are to 'enforce

county circuit court against the Knightsof the Maccabees for the recovery of83.000.. the amount of a' Dolicv, carried

sen, who alleges that Hertman passeda worthless check on him for $17.60.

When arrested Hartman endeavoredto destroy one of - the bogus, checkswhich he le accused ' Of passing, bysnatching It from the hands of the t.Nn?r'AAnm-Jhg-''',--vVABtor,- a Plewd.wlth the deciaion handed down

wmiuui anowing mem to sell liquor.If there are going to be any specialprlvlllges given to any one, the decent,respectable citlsens, who are helpingupbuild Portland, should have them andnot these vampires of the red light dis-trict" .v The only comment that Chief Grits-mach- er

would make on Bruin's reformcrusade was: "Did he just find thatout f . It took him a Jong time."- -

Pott of Columbia bill unrnnatit,.ilni

Curea ovary ailmenfof NanorBeaat . :'Vthat good, honoat '

',' Unlmont ean euraa

Ren better. V '

.: the laws lmpsrtlally, snd I would notbe living up to my oeth of offloe if Iwillfully permitted these Immoral placesto continue the sale of liquor without alicense," said Oartain Bruin today. - ,

"I have not Hied ' the women lmmedi- -

Alice McDonald. Am. sch. . . . ... .Astoria..westport

by her husband, the late Thomas Dan-iels, in that order. She had preylouslyrefuaed an offer to settle by compn-mis-e,

It Is claimed there Is a specif ioclause . in . the policy disclaiming re-sponsibility tn the event of Suicide.This la the point of contention.

They feared ever since the board waacreated last eprlpg by the legislaturethat some prestige would be given toPortland at the expenae of'lhe City, by

his revolver before the prisoner would Col. devVilleoois Muriel, Fr.. .bk..


Astoriasurrender the Incriminating check. HArt--J pay Freeman. Am. ss. ..East. A Westman had been drinklns bear, v lionoipu. Am. sch..... ......... .torlaataly te atop dispensing any, fcrm . of IanMfiO0ai'v"tAs'


