second language acquisition(cph)

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  • 7/28/2019 Second Language Acquisition(CPH)


    The Definition of Language

    A language is considered to be a system of

    communicating with other people using sounds,

    symbols and words in expressing a meaning,

    idea or thought. This language can be used in

    many forms, primarily through oral and

    written communications as well as using

    expressions through body language.

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    Communication of thoughts and feelings

    through a system of arbitrary signals, such as

    voice, sounds, gestures, or written symbols.

    Such a system, including its rules for

    combining its components such as words.

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    Such a system as used by a nation, people, or

    other distinct community, often contrasted

    with dialect.

    Body language; kinesics

    Verbal communication

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    The Definition of Critical Period

    It is a term used in biology to refer to a limited

    phase in the development of an organism

    during which a particular activity or

    competency must be acquired if it is to be

    incorporated into the behavior of that


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    Strong version

    It may imply that even if language acquisition

    begins within the critical period it does not

    continue beyond the end of that period.

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    weak version

    The earlier language learning begins after the

    onset of the critical period the more efficient

    it will be, and that beyond a certain point

    language learning potential declines markedly

    even if it does not disappear entirely.

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    Critical Period Hypothesis (CPH)

    Lenneberg (1967) interprets critical period isto be seen as beginning around this age oftwo years: Language cannot begin to develop

    until a certain level of physical maturation andgrowth has been attained. Between the agesof two and three years language emerges byan interaction of maturation and self-

    programmed learning (p.158).

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    Current evidence suggests that there is no

    stage in the infants development when

    language is not in the process of being


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    The general notion that caregiver-child shared

    activity prepares the ground for and is

    continuous with the development of linguistic

    interaction incontrovertible.

    The shared activity commences as soon as the

    child emerges from the womb.

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    The end of the critical period

    The age most posited as the upper limit of the

    critical period is the early teens, the stage at

    which childhood is ending and adolescence,

    with the onset of puberty, beginning.

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    Taking the examples ofGenies case and a

    wild boy of Victors case.

    Genie was physically punished by the father if

    she made any sounds. According to the

    mother, the father and older brother never

    spoke to Genie although they barked at her

    like dogs. The mother was forbidden to

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    spend more than a few minutes with Genie

    during feeding. (Fromkin et al. 1974).

    Nevertheless, her phonological development

    approximated to that of normal children. As

    far as syntax is concerned, Genie learned to

    combine words in three-and four-word strings

    and to produce negative sentences.

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    Broadly, her progress in the acquisition of

    language though slower than is usual,

    parallelled that of normal English-speaking

    children. She can actually understand and

    produce speech, whereas Victors

    communication through language was all but

    confined to the written medium.

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    Genies language development has been

    interpreted as evidence both for and against

    the critical period hypothesis.

    Genie represents a case of first-language

    acquisition after the critical age of puberty.

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    To be sure, her development is laborious and

    incomplete, but the similarities between it

    and normal acquisition outweigh the


    Penfield & Roberts (1959) report that children

    are normally able to re-learn language when

    injury or disease damages speech areas in thedominant

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    Hemisphere, whereas speech recovery inadults is much more problematic, and thatwhereas in young children the speech

    mechanism is frequently transferred withcomplete success from the injured dominanthemisphere to the healthy minor hemisphere,such transfers do not seem to occur in the

    case of adults.

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    Lennebergs conclusion is that the relevant

    neurological development must be completed

    by around age five.

    Vocabulary development continues in a

    natural, almost unnoticed fashion as long as

    one lives and is interested in new things.

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    The evidence most frequently cited in support

    of the claim that a critical period oflanguage

    readiness begins around age two, which

    comes from the language development of

    deaf children, is susceptible to an alternative


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    Other evidence strongly indicates that

    language acquisition is a continuous process

    which begins at birth.

    First language acquisition continues well into

    adulthood and even, at least in some of its

    aspects, into middle and old age.

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    With regard to the weaker version of the

    critical period hypothesis, i.e. the notion that

    language learning capacity peaks early in

    childhood and thereafter declines.

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    Krashens Five Hypotheses

    1. The Acquisition-learning Hypothesis

    2. The Monitor Hypothesis

    3. The Natural Order Hypothesis

    4. The Input Hypothesis

    5. The Affective Filter Hypothesis

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    1. The Acquisition Learning Hypothesis applicable to the process of:

    Internalizing new L2 knowledge

    (acquisition vs. learning)

    Storing such knowledge

    (acquired knowledge for automatic processing andlearnt knowledge for controlled processing)

    Using in actual performance

    (acquired knowledge as the major source of initiating

    both the comprehension and production of utterances)

    *learnt knowledge for use only by the Monitor

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    The Acquisition-learning Hypothesis:

    *Acquisition is a subconscious process

    identical in all important ways to the process

    children utilize, in acquiring their first


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    *Learning is a conscious process that results in

    knowing about language (1985).

    Acquisition comes about through meaningful

    interaction in a natural communication setting.

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    The Monitor Hypothesis

    The Monitor Hypothesis states that Learning

    has only one function, and that is as a Monitor

    or editor and that learning comes into play

    only to make changes in the form of ourutterance.

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    Krashens position is that conscious

    knowledge of rules does not help acquisition,

    but only enables the learner to polish up

    what has been acquired throughcommunication.

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    3. The Monitor Hypothesis the device thatlearners use to edit their language performance

    Utilizes learnt knowledge by acting upon andmodifying utterances generated from acquiredknowledge either before or after the utterance, albeitoptional.

    Has limited function in language performance even

    with adultsConditions for its use: sufficient time; form-focused;

    users knowledge of the rule

    *Editing (by feel) can take place using acquired

    competence (but not developed).

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    three conditions for monitor use

    (1) Time: In order to think about and use

    conscious rules effectively, a second language

    performer needs to have sufficient time.

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    (2) Focus on form: To use monitor effectively,

    time is not enough. The performer must also

    be focused on form, or thinking about


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    (3) Know the rule: We can be sure that our

    students are exposed only to a small part of

    the total grammar of the language, and we

    know that even the best students do not learnevery rule they are exposed to (Krashen, 1982,


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    Three types of Monitor users

    Over-users: These are people who attempt to

    monitor all the time, performers who are

    constantly checking their output with their

    conscious knowledge of the second language.

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    Under-users: These are performers who have

    not learned, or if they have learned, prefer not

    to use their conscious knowledge, even when

    conditions allow it. Under-users are typicallyuninfluenced by error correction, can self-

    correct only by using a feel for correctness.

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    The optimal users: Performers who use the

    monitor when it is appropriate and when it

    does not interfere with communication. Many

    optimal users will not use grammar inordinary conversation, where it might

    interfere.(1982, p.19-20)

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    3. The Natural Order Hypothesis

    The hypothesis states that we acquire the

    rules of language in a predictable order, some

    rules tending to come early and others late

    (Krashen, 1985, p.1).

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    2. The Natural Order Hypothesis - learners mayfollow a more or less invariant order in the acquisition of

    formal grammatical features

    Affirms that grammatical structures are acquired in a

    predictable order.

    When the learner is engaged in natural communicationtasks, he will manifest the standard order.

    But when the task requires or permits the use of

    metalinguistic knowledge, a different order will


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    4. The Input Hypothesis

    This hypothesis states that humans acquire

    language in only one wayby understanding

    messages, or by receiving comprehensible

    input We move from i, our current level, toi+1, the next level along the natural order, by

    understanding input containing i+1 (Krashen,

    1985, p. 2).

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    4. Input Hypothesis acquisition takes place as aresult of the learner having understood input that is a

    little beyond the current level of his competence

    (i.e. the i+ 1 level )

    Input that is comprehensible to the learner will

    automatically be at the right level.

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    5. The Affective Filter Hypothesis

    According to this hypothesis, comprehensible

    input may not be utilized by second-language

    acquirers if there is a mental block that

    prevents from them fully profiting from it.

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    The affective filter acts as a barrier to

    acquisition: If the filter is down, the input

    reaches the LAD and becomes acquired

    competence; if the filter is up, the input is

    blocked and does not reach the LAD.

    The filter is that part of the internal processing

    system that subconsciously incoming language

    based on what psychologists call affect: the

    learners motives, needs, attitudes, and

    emotional states.

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    It determines which language models thelearner will select.

    It determines which part of the language will

    be attended to first. It determines when the language acquisition

    efforts should cease.

    It determines how fast a learner can acquire alanguage.

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    5. The Affective Filter Hypothesis - how affectivefactors relate to SLA and the ground of the Acculturation


    As proposed by Dulay and Burt (1977), the filter

    controls how much input the learner comes into

    contact with, and how much input is converted into


    Its affective as its strength is determined based on:


    self-confidenceanxiety state

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    Universal Grammar (UG)

    The Chomskyan generative grammar approachassumes that the first-language learner comes to

    the acquisition task with innate, specifically

    linguistic, knowledge, or Universal Grammar.

    The claim is that certain principles of the human

    mind are, to a degree, biologically determined

    and specialized for language learning.