section 3 the crusades and the wider world identify the advanced civilizations that were flourishing...

Section 3 The Crusades and the Wider World Identify the advanced civilizations that were flourishing in 1050. Explain the causes and effects of the Crusades. Summarize how Christians in Spain carried out the Reconquista. Objectives

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Page 1: Section 3 The Crusades and the Wider World Identify the advanced civilizations that were flourishing in 1050. Explain the causes and effects of the Crusades

Section 3

The Crusades and the Wider World

• Identify the advanced civilizations that were flourishing in 1050.

• Explain the causes and effects of the Crusades.

• Summarize how Christians in Spain carried out the Reconquista.


Page 2: Section 3 The Crusades and the Wider World Identify the advanced civilizations that were flourishing in 1050. Explain the causes and effects of the Crusades

Section 3

The Crusades and the Wider World

Terms and People

• Crusades – a series of wars in which Christians battled Muslims for control of lands in the Middle East

• Holy Land – Jerusalem and other places in Palestine where Christians believe Jesus had lived and preached

• Pope Urban II – the pope who urged Christian bishops and nobles to action in the Holy Land, which led to the first Crusade

• Reconquista – the campaign to drive Muslims from the Iberian peninsula

Page 3: Section 3 The Crusades and the Wider World Identify the advanced civilizations that were flourishing in 1050. Explain the causes and effects of the Crusades

Section 3

The Crusades and the Wider World

• Ferdinand and Isabella – Spanish monarchs who made the final push against Muslims in Spain and completed the Reconquista

• Inquisition – a Church court set up to try people accused of heresy

Terms and People (continued)

Page 4: Section 3 The Crusades and the Wider World Identify the advanced civilizations that were flourishing in 1050. Explain the causes and effects of the Crusades

Section 3

The Crusades and the Wider World

How did the Crusades change life in Europe and beyond?

Thousands of Europeans took part in the Crusades. In these wars Christians battled Muslims for control of lands in the Middle East.

The encounters of Europeans in the Middle East increased the pace of change at home.

Page 5: Section 3 The Crusades and the Wider World Identify the advanced civilizations that were flourishing in 1050. Explain the causes and effects of the Crusades

Section 3

The Crusades and the Wider World

• Among them were the Muslims, who spread from Spain to India, and the Buddhists in Asia.

• China, West Africa, and Central America had advanced societies as well.

By 1050, Western Europe was emerging from a period of isolation. Civilizations elsewhere were thriving.

Page 6: Section 3 The Crusades and the Wider World Identify the advanced civilizations that were flourishing in 1050. Explain the causes and effects of the Crusades

Section 3

The Crusades and the Wider World

Hoping to gain power and heal the schism in the Church, Pope Urban II urged bishops and nobles to fight the Turks.

“God wills it!” roared the assembly, and the Crusades began.

In the 1050s, Muslim Turks invaded the Byzantine empire. They extended their power to the Holy Land in Palestine.

Page 7: Section 3 The Crusades and the Wider World Identify the advanced civilizations that were flourishing in 1050. Explain the causes and effects of the Crusades

Section 3

The Crusades and the Wider World

Some were driven by religious zeal, others by a thirst for adventure. Some hoped to win land and wealth.

Crusaders set off for the Holy Land.

Page 8: Section 3 The Crusades and the Wider World Identify the advanced civilizations that were flourishing in 1050. Explain the causes and effects of the Crusades

Section 3

The Crusades and the Wider World

Christian knights captured Jerusalem in 1099, but in 1187, it fell again to the Muslims.

Page 9: Section 3 The Crusades and the Wider World Identify the advanced civilizations that were flourishing in 1050. Explain the causes and effects of the Crusades


Page 10: Section 3 The Crusades and the Wider World Identify the advanced civilizations that were flourishing in 1050. Explain the causes and effects of the Crusades

The First Crusade• On July 15 the

Crusaders went over the city walls and unleashed unbridled carnage– Blood reportedly

ran knee-deep– 70,000 Moslems

were slaughtered– Jews were herded

into a synagogue and burned alive

Page 11: Section 3 The Crusades and the Wider World Identify the advanced civilizations that were flourishing in 1050. Explain the causes and effects of the Crusades

Saladin• In 1175, Saladin brought Egypt

and Muslim Syria under one rule• In 1185, he signed a four-year

truce with the Latin kingdom but the Christians violated it by attacking a Moslem caravan and capturing Saladin’s sister

• He declared a holy war against the Christians and captured Jerusalem in 1187

– His terms were much more generous than those of the Crusaders in 1099

Saladin: one of the few Crusade personalities

generally described favorably by both Eastern

and Western sources

Page 12: Section 3 The Crusades and the Wider World Identify the advanced civilizations that were flourishing in 1050. Explain the causes and effects of the Crusades

The Second Crusade

• This time the Muslims were ready• At Dorylaeum, the Germans were defeated so badly that barely one in

ten Christians survived• At Attalia, nearly every Frenchman was slaughtered• Eventually the Crusaders joined forces and lay siege to Damascus,

but were soundly defeated

Page 13: Section 3 The Crusades and the Wider World Identify the advanced civilizations that were flourishing in 1050. Explain the causes and effects of the Crusades

Third Crusade • Led by Richard the Lionhearted- King of

England– Despite war, eventually they came to a truce with

Saladin, leader of Muslims• Christians (unarmed) would be allowed in city

Page 14: Section 3 The Crusades and the Wider World Identify the advanced civilizations that were flourishing in 1050. Explain the causes and effects of the Crusades

Section 3

The Crusades and the Wider World

The Crusades were not very successful for Europeans.

By 1291, Muslim armies

captured the last

Christian outpost in the

Holy Land.

During the Fourth, they fought other Christians.

During the Third Crusade,

Europeans failed to retake


Page 15: Section 3 The Crusades and the Wider World Identify the advanced civilizations that were flourishing in 1050. Explain the causes and effects of the Crusades

Section 3

The Crusades and the Wider World

A wider worldview developed, and some Europeans set off on a new age of exploration.

The power of monarchs increased.

European economies expanded as trade increased and the use of money became more common.

They left a bitter legacy of religious hatred.

Effects of the Crusades

Page 16: Section 3 The Crusades and the Wider World Identify the advanced civilizations that were flourishing in 1050. Explain the causes and effects of the Crusades

Section 3

The Crusades and the Wider World

The crusading spirit continued in Spain. It was called the Reconquista.

• The goal was to drive Muslims off the Iberian peninsula.

• By 1300, Christians controlled the entire region except Granada.

• Muslim influence continued, however, and shaped the arts and literature in Christian Spain.

Page 17: Section 3 The Crusades and the Wider World Identify the advanced civilizations that were flourishing in 1050. Explain the causes and effects of the Crusades

Section 3

The Crusades and the Wider World

When Ferdinand and Isabella married in 1469, a unified Spain was formed.

• They made the final push against Muslims in Granada.

• Granada fell in 1492. The tradition of relative religious tolerance experienced under the Muslims was at an end.

Page 18: Section 3 The Crusades and the Wider World Identify the advanced civilizations that were flourishing in 1050. Explain the causes and effects of the Crusades

Section 3

The Crusades and the Wider World

Isabella wanted to bring religious unity to Spain.

She had the help of the Inquisition, which tried people accused of heresy. Many who refused to conform were burned at the stake.

She ended tolerance of non-Christian religions. More than 150,000 people fled Spain.

Page 19: Section 3 The Crusades and the Wider World Identify the advanced civilizations that were flourishing in 1050. Explain the causes and effects of the Crusades

Spanish Crusade- The Inquisition 1400

• kick Muslims/ non Christians out of Spain

• Reconquisita- Re –conquering of Spain

• Inquisition – court used to suppress heresy (anyone different from teachings of Church)

• Like a witch hunt against those not Christians

Page 20: Section 3 The Crusades and the Wider World Identify the advanced civilizations that were flourishing in 1050. Explain the causes and effects of the Crusades

Draw your ideas:

• With a partner draw a 4 panel comic strip that depicts the crusades and/or their affect on the cultures involved– You must use one key term

term/person/place in each panel.

Page 21: Section 3 The Crusades and the Wider World Identify the advanced civilizations that were flourishing in 1050. Explain the causes and effects of the Crusades

Section 3

The Crusades and the Wider World

Section Review

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