s.e.e.d. 研習手札 - lssh.tp.edu.tlib2/academic/2007/96-04.pdf ·...

S.E.E.D.研習手札 S.E.E.D. 研習手札 鄭素芳、袁正玉 老師 摘要 S.E.E.D.(Seeking Educational Equity and Diversity)「尋求教育的平等與多元」 研習課程探討教師成長經驗,觸角涵蓋多元文化、性別議題與學校制度。問題呈現 從醞釀、啟發、討論到反思、推敲,每個環節所帶來的感動,不僅震撼個人思維、 也挑戰集體觀點。研習過程所接觸到的人、所經歷的訓練,都是極寶貴的經驗。七 天的密集課程,教師經歷多元文化思想的洗禮,體驗靈活的教學活動設計。每位 參加者在研習過程中更了解自己,也認識許多成長背景、文化面貌不同的朋友。 S.E.E.D.研習開拓教師的生命視野、啟發思考角度,為教學帶來新內涵與力量。 關鍵字:教育的平等與多元、成長與環境、「鏡子&窗子」理論、種族和階級、階 層理論、學校與制度

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Page 1: S.E.E.D. 研習手札 - lssh.tp.edu.tlib2/academic/2007/96-04.pdf · 形字音與意義之間的關係,素芳的英文名字mimi原來是出自於曉風女士所編的「蜜 蜜」一書。


S.E.E.D. 研習手札

鄭素芳、袁正玉 老師


S.E.E.D.(Seeking Educational Equity and Diversity)「尋求教育的平等與多元」研習課程探討教師成長經驗,觸角涵蓋多元文化、性別議題與學校制度。問題呈現從醞釀、啟發、討論到反思、推敲,每個環節所帶來的感動,不僅震撼個人思維、也挑戰集體觀點。研習過程所接觸到的人、所經歷的訓練,都是極寶貴的經驗。七天的密集課程,教師經歷多元文化思想的洗禮,體驗靈活的教學活動設計。每位參加者在研習過程中更了解自己,也認識許多成長背景、文化面貌不同的朋友。S.E.E.D.研習開拓教師的生命視野、啟發思考角度,為教學帶來新內涵與力量。


Page 2: S.E.E.D. 研習手札 - lssh.tp.edu.tlib2/academic/2007/96-04.pdf · 形字音與意義之間的關係,素芳的英文名字mimi原來是出自於曉風女士所編的「蜜 蜜」一書。

麗山高中學報 創刊號



Convince me that you have a seed…And I am prepared to expect wonders.

Henry David Thoreau

S.E.E.D.(Seeking Educational Equity and Diversity尋求教育的平等與多元)課程主要目的在於幫助老師重新檢視成長背景,並以新角度評估自己受教育的過程,進而有能力創造出符合學生需求的學校氣氛與課程。研習過程有系統地了解性別、種族階級和制度等社會因素對教育造成的衝擊,引導教育工作者擬出具創意與彈性的課程與教學策略,使教學更具性別尊重、文化平等以及國際觀。


再教育自己並預見一個公正、平和的世界日期 主題 上午 下午 晚上

�月��日 揭幕序曲 參加者報到初識序曲分享成長點滴聲音的百衲被



�月��日 成長與環境 S.E.E.D.工作成員介紹S.E.E.D.討論的基本原則名字的故事多面向的自我


無所不在的壓迫• 內化的壓迫•

�月��日 民族、種族和階級




• 全球化議題再思對話詩文創作


�月��日 階層理論 互動式階層理論呈現分站呈現

休息時間• 如何成為S.E.E.D.研習領導者

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�月��日 學校與制度 個人教學經驗回顧

• 學校裏的階級系統與特權學習經驗差異


�月��日 性別意識 權力和性別的結構

• 權力機制與性傾向、身分認同

• 小組討論、教案呈現

�月��日 建立關係 成長的故事• 小組呈現• 閉幕音樂會燭光之舞


�月�0日 道別祝福 閉幕儀式民族種族和階級─一個印地安女子的告白珍重再見


衛斯理學院的婦女研究中心(Women's Studies Center, Wellesley College, Wellesley, Massachusetts)策劃S.E.E.D.研習營,�00�年剛好屆滿二十年,舉辦地點在加州聖‧安索莫(San Anselmo)的聖‧多明尼克學校(San Domenico)。



整 個 研 習 活 動 由 三 位 共 同 主 持 人 聯 手 策 劃 , 分 別 是 : 珮 姬 麥 金 塔(Peggy McIntosh)、艾密莉絲黛兒(Emily Style)和布蘭妲富萊威斯豪客(Brenda Flyswithhawks)。

研習活動充分運用小組的功能,將所有參與者分為五組,每組有� 三位共同主持人簡介: 珮姬麥金塔(Peggy McIntosh):衛斯理大學婦女研究中心同主持人之一,S.E.E.D.創辦人。

她的階層理論(Phase Theory)解析社會發展過程女性因受不同的重視程度所展現的不同面貌。她是一位充滿淑世熱誠的學者,思維縝密。珮姬對教材教法,有獨到的見解且充滿創意。曾到過亞洲二十八個國家,分享她的理念。

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麗山高中學報 創刊號



七月十三日 揭幕序曲



經過一輪的分享後,主持人要求我們就剛才聽到的所有分享聲音中,選出印象最深刻的一句話,或感受最深刻的字句,寫在書面紙上。寫完之後,再將所有人的紙片一一 貼進平鋪在地板上一塊長方形的巨大地毯中,形成一張聲音印象的百衲被,將所有聲音都融入其中。在這過程中,沒有糾正,沒有好壞,彼此之間是聆聽、尊重、接納和包容。而經過這樣的過程,大家彷彿看到更深層的自己,及彼此內心的小孩,是怎樣跌跌撞撞、踉踉蹌蹌地學著長大、贏得認同,並找到自己的立足點。這個活動成功地打破初識陌生的疆界,雖然不知如何稱呼彼此,但卻找到心

艾密莉絲黛兒(Emily Style):紐澤西州英文老師,並負責統籌多元文化教學。她以「別人的話語,是我們通往其他世界的窗子」為主要概念,提出「鏡子與窗子」理論。個性爽朗親切,工作態度認真。

布蘭妲富萊威斯豪客(Brenda Flyswithhawks):加州聖塔羅莎專科學校(Santa Rosa Jr College,C.A.)心理學教師。印地安血統,舉手投足展現獨特的生命力和恢宏的宇宙觀。話語樸素自然、融合知性與感性又充滿智慧。沉穩內斂、態度從容,她的生平故事,感動每一個聽眾。她是說故事高手,也是成功的心靈捕手。

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第二天 七月十四日 成長與環境




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麗山高中學報 創刊號



主持人以一張小鳥站在鳥籠外虎視眈眈被關在鳥籠裡的貓的逗趣照片,畫龍點睛的影射及諷刺我們對權力結構的無知及反被其掌控的無力。許多存在於結構中的壓迫關係,我們早已不知不覺地內化、吸納到我們的性格之中,成為人格或價值觀的一部份。在小組討論時,大家分享平日所經歷或目睹的被壓迫經驗,並歸納成整個社會存在已久卻習而不察的偏見和壓迫,形成一個壓迫之輪(The Wheel of Oppression)包括:精英主義(Elitism)、特權階級(Classism)、種族歧視(Racism)、性別歧視(Sexism)、性傾向歧視(Heterosexism)、同性戀恐懼(Homophobia)、能力歧視(Ableism)、年齡歧視(Ageism)、排外恐懼(Xenophobia)、大人主義(成人的自以為是)(Adultism)等等。在討論與分享的過程中,我們看到自己內在所習以為常的種種情緒、憤怒、自責、困惑等負面情緒, 其實都是將大環境結構中的壓迫內化的結果。而這種內化壓迫關係所造成的主從、上下、強弱對照,都應從此角度加以釐清,進而被突破與消弭。


第三天 七月十五日 民族、種族和階級

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首先,播放長度四分鐘的電視紀錄片「東方人都長得一樣」(All Orientals Look the Same),影片內容很簡單:一個定格鏡頭快速播出一連串來自亞洲各國的人物臉龐,影片裡的旁白快速說出每位人物所來自的國家:日本人、韓國人、台灣人、泰國人、越南人…。密集的人物聚焦,明顯襯托出東方人不同的相貌,影片突顯在白人主導的美國社會,對亞洲人存在著矛盾心結並導致誤解。



進行,活動方式是隨機分組,每五人一組,每位學員寫出自己家庭中最具代表性的菜餚,再把手中寫好菜餚名稱的紙張傳給鄰坐,在一分鐘內寫出對該菜餚的評語或印象,依序傳寫下去,連續五次,直到每張紙上都有小組每位組員的評語。� 傳寫筆記 (passing note exercise) 設計者:珮姬麥金塔(Peggy McIntosh)。此活動過程學員不講話,只在紙上進行對話。每位學員在


組員的評語*實例-民族食物傳寫活動- 主持人:寫出自己家庭中最具代表性的菜餚。 筆者:我家人吃米飯、炒菜、蒸魚、麵湯、水餃… 組員回應- 組員一:隨著時間改變,我嘗試讓自己喜歡上述的食物和其他國際食物。我喜歡全球性的食物而

非地方性食物。 John Williams(學校警安 加州) 組員二:當我在舊金山時,我和朋友每逢週日早上就去珍饈小館,於是開始喜歡上述食物。我弟

弟在台灣認識他的妻子,他們繼續煮你─還有他們喜歡的食物,誰會不喜歡麵湯呢??? Polley Keller Vanasse(教師Massachusetts 麻州) 組員三:我視上述食物為靈魂的食物─這些食物給我身體與心靈養分,這些食物提醒我並非百分

之百的菲律賓人。根據我母親所言,我們家有中國的血緣 Manuel Penaloza(菲裔美籍輔導老師 加州) 組員四:任何時間給我麵和水餃,我都喜歡。這些食物讓我感覺很舒服。在菲律賓,我去一家叫


Raquel David-Ching(菲律賓國際學校退休教師 馬尼拉)

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麗山高中學報 創刊號




同,為我開啟其他文化的視窗,這是很有力量的。」猶太血統的Ruth Katz說道。也有組員表達對彼此的信任,「在小組裡談自己感受,較有安全感」。「聽別人的故事使我容易進入狀況,」一位組員說道。另有組員說:「雖然現實一直衝擊、碰撞,但大家攜手同心思考問題,面對現




「彼此敞開,以自然、健康的態度面對。」另一個人回應。學員輪流表達後,接著觀看影片「有色人種的恐懼」(The Color of Fear)。一位


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支持與了解。尊重每位發言者,悉心聆聽,絕不插嘴。這樣的帶領團體技巧,使學員能侃侃而談、自在地停頓或是自然地發洩。在學員都講完感受後,布蘭妲鼓勵大家利用接下來全體學員合在一起的時候,勇於說出感受讓不同膚色的另一方,有機會更了解彼此。接下來,全體學員共聚一堂,希望更深地認識對方,與被了解的期待已悄然形成。布蘭妲的引言相當動人:「讓我們操練耐心,做我們當做的。創造典範,承傳下去。」她同時朗讀喬依海瑞 (Joy Harjo)所寫的「記得」

,發人深省:� Remember the sky that you were born under,

know each of the star's stories. Remember the moon, know who she is.

I met her in a bar once in Iowa City. Remember the sun's birth at dawn, that is the strongest point of time.

Remember sundown and the giving away to night. Remember your birth, how your mother struggled

to give you form and breath. You are evidence of her life, and her mother's, and hers.

Remember your father. He is your life also. Remember the earth whose skin you are:

red earth, black earth, yellow earth, white earth, brown earth, we are earth.

Remember the plants, trees, animal life who all have their tribes, their families, their histories, too.

Talk to them, listen to them. They are alive poems.

Remember the wind. Remember her voice. She knows the origin of this universe.

I heard her singing Kiowa war dance songs at the corner of Fourth and Central once. Remember that you are all people and that all people are you.

Remember that you are this universe and that this universe is you. Remember that all is in motion, is growing, is you.

Remember that language comes from this. Remember the dance that language is, that life is.

Remember. by Joy Harjo

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麗山高中學報 創刊號

















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當天下午四點半再度進行小組討論,針對種族議題深入交流。組員中Chris Nelson是道地白種人,他說:「看到白種人特權(the white privilege)這個詞彙,思緒沸騰。…被檢視是一件好事。但身為白種人,我該怎麼回應?我覺得沮喪。我需要處理自己因特權而擁有的一些東西。」






晚上課程以全球化的再思與對話詩創作為主題。活動內容分兩大主軸:首先,影片播放、情境扮演、討論;其次,對話詩的創作,以二到四人一組,集體創作對話詩並發表,約四十五分鐘。課程開始學員分四排而坐,由一位輔導主持,以《全球化再思》(Rethinking Globalization) 的一段文章做開場白。接著播放「生存與債務(Life and Debt)」影片片段。影片一開始就突顯牙買加是美國人的旅遊天堂,美金在牙買加是強勢貨幣與牙買加元的弱勢形成強烈對比。話題延伸到國際財富分配不均,勞動市場集中於第三世界。這部紀錄片描述全球化資本主義如何箝制弱勢國家,以美國為首的強國主導國際貨幣基金會的運作;再政治力干預,導致牙買加政府債台高築,幣值下貶、銀行倒閉、經濟一蹶不振,舉國付出慘痛的代價。


全球化的議題結束後,接著進行「對話式詩文創作」。輔導Ana Reyes和另一位輔導,示範朗誦她寫的對話詩;耐人回味的文意,加上活潑的眼神、熱情語調和肢體語言,贏得滿堂彩。接著學員分組,針對不同議題創作對話詩。對話詩分組創作時間為三十分鐘,發表時間約十分鐘並無法給所有組員發表的機會,因此採自願制。學員們或以性別、種族或以家庭、語言的差異做主題,創作對話詩。發表的

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麗山高中學報 創刊號


詩作,首首精采,獲得在場人員熱烈回應。正玉和Chris Nelson合作了一首對話詩Speaking Across Languages,以語言隔閡為主題,文句生動貼切─

Speaking Across LanguagesI need to talk to you; do you understand?

I can see how hard you try it, but I'm not sure if I can get it.Sometimes I don’t understand your words.

Sometimes I prefer using my mother tongue to express it.If you use language, I can only hear it.

Because there are many obscure meanings behind the lines.I'm incapable of using your language to demonstrate it.

My language connects and separates us,and I have never had need to learn your language.

I've been convinced to learn your language since everyonekeeps saying that it's the key to the world.

The key to your world is your language. Am I willing to learn this key?You are so much welcomed to visit my world since

it's a great comfort to me, and a profound culture inside my heart.How are you

Ni HowThank youShi ShiehI love you

Wo I NiCindy Yuan & Chris Nelson

第四天 七月十六日 階層理論

主題呈現珮姬麥金塔的理論核心-階層理論,並以講述、表演、駐站介紹的精采方式依序進行,具體呈現,印象深刻。在她的經典之作White Privilege(白人的特權),她高度自覺身處於美國多元文化環境中,所享有的種種特權及優勢地位,並以一個似金字塔型的結構圖,說明社會整體心理結構所呈現的重大問題與不平衡關係。


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在此一嚴肅主題下,呈現方式卻是創意十足、誇張幽默。Peggy依次扮演成五階層出現的各種典型化人物,有自視甚高的精英學者,慧黠認真的賢淑典範,特立獨行的抗議份子,溫和婉約的慈愛形象等,每個角色出現時搭配典型化的服裝、表情、手勢及還原當時氣氛和社會型態,維妙維肖,令人絕倒。身為觀眾的我們,也彷彿成了當年台下歡呼叫囂吹捧支持的群眾。大家一起心照不宣的賣力演出,現場氣氛輕鬆活潑 熱絡有趣。


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麗山高中學報 創刊號


第五天 七月十七日 學校與制度

上午的課程以小組方式,回顧學期最後一天的情形。接著再重新分組,輪流敘述高中以前學校生活中的某一事件。再以類似默劇的「生活塑像(living sculpture)


學員普遍擔任教職,所以表達的內容都很容易引起共鳴。小組活動,八人一組。主持人要大家回憶小時候,從幼稚園到高中階段的某一事件。每位學員敘述時,需依循「四個問題思考原則(Four–question exercise )




� 生活塑像(living sculpture)。用默劇方式呈現。小組成員首先討論要表達的主題,再進一步探討如何表演。表演時需全員上場,且保持靜默。旁白負責說明表演的內涵也擔任指揮/導演的角色。表演方式類似默劇,以集體方式演出且用停格畫面呈現主題。演出時演員靜止不動,就像塑像一般。

� Four–question exercise 用於追溯從前(think back)。以過去的某件事做焦點和小組分享。小組人數以八到十人最理想。主


情境敘述方式:想像你置身在過去一件印象深刻的事情裡。請以「你是誰?還有誰同在?發生了什麼事?你的感受如何?(Where are you? Who else is there? What is happening? How do you feel about it?)」為回答的架構,敘述這件事。為了增加臨場感和真實性,回答時用現在式敘述,以「我現在是…」開頭。

設計者Joan Countrynan

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,兩人一組看圖敘述故事。兼顧個人經驗分享、問題呈現與學習模式體驗。體驗活動令人印象深刻,五位組員分別拿到一張紙條,根據指令做動作。有人動作迅速一下子做完;也有人滿臉狐疑,不知如何是好!有人面面相覷,好像搞不懂自己要做什麼,等到主持人把紙上指令一一說明時,有人笑成一團-原來五人拿到的指令呈現五種典型的學習障礙:音素錯語症(Aphasia)、讀寫障礙(Dyslexia)、注意力不足過動異常(ADHD; Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)、視覺靈敏度(Visual Acuity)和視覺聚焦(Visual Focusing)問題。以學習障礙者的眼光看同樣的內容,產生天壤之別的詮釋方式。本來一頭霧水搞不清狀況,經過實際體驗,才理解何謂學習困難。

接著進行的活動是「鏡子&窗子」理論的實踐。每位學員挑一張圖片,兩人一組。就像照鏡子將所看到的先敘述,再開啟窗子--深入思考和過去生活經驗連結,� 五種教學技巧 每當活動結束,主持人重複提醒大家:一起思考活動內容涵蓋了五種教學技巧─一、全面性教

法(inclusive pedagogy)─顧及參與者的個人需要,情感、背景等因素都涵蓋;二、組織性思考(systemic thinking)─思考學校的功能、延伸更廣更具體的教學方式;三、經驗活動(experiential activity) ─經由經驗敘述,釐清觀點,探索行為背後的意義;四、個人見證(personal testimony) ─分享個人經驗、沉澱自我概念進而彼此鼓勵;五、課程符合「鏡子&窗子」模式(Curriculum as Mirror and Window) ─聽故事就像照鏡子,反射出訊息;同時也開啟窗子,進一步與舊經驗連結,映照出更深入、動人的風景。

� 「鏡子&窗子」課程模式〈Curriculum as Mirror and Window〉,鏡子是指眼見(eyesight),依個人對所聽、所看到的事,接收到表達的概念(what it expresses)所呈現的事情表象;窗子則是指洞察力(insight),依眼前所聽、所見和舊生活經驗串連。教育過程應該幫助學生以不同的方式去瞭解世界,學校課程的功用是聯結眼睛所見和內心所想;平衡的教學方式應能引導學生用不同的窗子去看事實。

節錄自艾密莉絲黛兒(Emily Style)著作:Curriculum as Mirror and Window

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麗山高中學報 創刊號



晚間課程包括影片欣賞、經驗分享及手工藝製作。首先,觀賞由輔導員葳拉所製作的紀錄片「磚校傳奇」(The Brick School Legacy )


朱莉‧布瑞克的女兒已經年過九旬,雙眼已瞎,獨居於華盛頓特區。她保有一批將近百年歷史的珍貴照片,記錄當年「磚校」的學生、教職員工和校舍。影片製作人在「磚校」停辦七十年之後,重新追溯當年創校經過,創辦人的無私奉獻、堅持為弱勢族群興學。「磚校」的設立使許多美籍非裔孩子有機會受教育,改變黑人社區的結構,為許多非裔學子開創生命新格局。影片裡,一位九十歲高齡的校友帶著葳拉走在當年「磚校」校園中,追憶一段段動人的歷史─吃苦耐勞的學生、堅持教育理想的老師;年邁校友的見證,穿插精心收集的照片,當年「磚校」的點點滴滴,成功地呈現在觀眾面前。片尾穿插歌曲Lift Ev’ry Voice and Sing─號稱是「美國黑人的國歌」,引發觀眾深深共鳴,當場許多學員跟著唱起來。影片播畢,全體學員自動起立鼓掌,向葳拉致意,氣氛很溫馨。

第六天七月十八日 性別議題



� The Brick School Legacy,片長三十七分鐘。內容敘述北卡羅納州的第一所黑人小學─Brick School,在一八九五年到一九三三年間造就了一批批社會精英。製片人Willa Cofield的努力,使得一段幾乎被遺忘的歷史,重新呈現世人眼前。曾獲美國短片節「優異影片獎」(United States Super � Film + Digital Video Festival:“Special Merit”)。

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下午的團體分享,以Fish Bowl的形式進行,所謂Fish Bowl的進行方式是─想發言的人,坐進預先在教室中央圍成的小圓圈五個人的座位中,依次發言,每人兩分鐘,時間到即輪下一位,時間不得超過,發言完可選擇離開。外圍想發言的人可以坐進已留空的座位中,發言之後可繼續分享。活動一開始先邀請同性戀者、異性戀者參與對談,每人在限定時間內各自表述,再限定各以一分鐘交叉對談,若意見表達完可隨時離開,由想表達意見的其他人接替加入。形式公開而尊重,個人告白感性動人,交叉對談理性認真。許多人在這樣的氣氛中紛紛出櫃現身,敘述自己同性戀傾向在成長過程中遭受的污衊打擊,在感情上被誤解重挫,在職場上被歧視矮化,甚至在家庭中被排斥虐待。



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麗山高中學報 創刊號


第七天 七月十九日 建立關係




打從布蘭妲出生的時刻起,父親就把她抱到戶外星空下,把她獻給星辰,邊唱歌、邊禱告,稱她為「鷹之女」。她自幼以自己的血統為榮,認同自己、認同族人,深信自己屬乎天地,深信守護她的靈隨時隨地聽她的禱告。她身旁有許多寶貝,圓形的生命輪是她隨身攜帶的護身符。醫治烏龜(medicine turtle)、醫袋(medicine bag)也是她習慣帶在身旁的聖物,此外手印石、鷹羽扇、響板、香柏葉,都是她深信不疑的聖物,都具備醫治和保護的能力。




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晚間進行Seed音樂會由肯恩‧米德馬(Ken Medema) �

領大家唱S.E.E.D.主題,串連研習課程精神,肯恩是實力派的唱匠。他的歌喉與歌詞,充份表達活動課程的主題、內涵和S.E.E.D.學員所肩負的使命;他時而詼諧,時而嚴肅的歌唱。近尾聲時,全體學員都拿到一根點燃的小蠟燭順著優雅猶太傳統音樂跳燭光舞(Likrat Shabat)




� 肯恩‧米德馬(Ken Medema)盲人音樂家,現居舊金山。集作曲家、鋼琴家、詩人、演說家於一身。他的拿手絕活是邀請觀眾敘述生平故事後,馬上能根據該故事,創作歌曲即席演唱。許多公司、組織和非營利團體,都找他合作過。他和珮姬是好友;主唱SEED研習的音樂晚會多年。

�0 燭光舞(Likrat Shabat-the candle dance) 以色列人歡迎安息日與光所跳的舞,象徵每個人身上的光和環繞人類的光可以彼此互映。

�� Listen…ListenThey who are quiet hear more

Watch watchThey who observe see more

Be silent be silentThey who are silent begin to understand

Remember respectCarry the light

Run with the windHug the earth

Sow the SEEDSListenWatch

RememberBy Brenda Flyswithhawks

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麗山高中學報 創刊號








七月二十日 閉幕式

就像第一天剛到時,大伙兒繞成一個大圈圈(opening circle)而坐,在尾聲的這刻,又坐成一個大圈圈,這次是閉幕式(closing circle),每位參加者說出心中的話。七天的密集課程每日分早上、下午、晚上一段課程,這樣紮實的課程,四十一人分成五組,每組有兩位輔導,頻頻的小組對談,住宿用餐,全在San Domenico中進行;學員因著課間的對談感情與日俱增,用餐時或課程後常常繼續深談,或講研習內容,或問彼此學校情況。




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來自賓州的英文教師俐茲(Liz Gray)語重心長地說:「第一天報到時,看到主辦單位提供我們每位學員成堆的十八本書和厚厚的活





Style, Emily. S.E.E.D. Seeking Educational Equity and Diversity Field Book The S.E.E.D. Project on Inclusive Curriculum, Wellesley, MA, the Wellesley College Center for Research on Women �00�.



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麗山高中學報 創刊號


Planting S.E.E.D. in English Classes

AbstractThis paper presents activities which echo with S.E.E.D. pedagogies. Interest and

real life experience are vital elements for classrooms with S.E.E.D. spirits. The activities introduced here enlighten students to appreciate differences and enjoy the similarities of each individual. In the learning process, students build up their language ability and nurture their mental maturity at the same time. With a mission to plant S.E.E.D. in language classes, we try to open up a new window for English teaching. Besides introducing classroom activities originated from the S.E.E.D. workshop, a number of students'works are presented in this paper. These fascinating works vividly reveal students'backgrounds and life experiences.

keywords: English teaching, inclusive pedagogies, experiential activities, personal testimony, systemic thinking, curriculum as “window and mirror”

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Planting S.E.E.D. in English Classes


IntroductionThe �00� S.E.E.D. workshop enlightens us to renew our teaching concepts and

reshape the curriculum contents. We hold the fundamental belief--given the opportunity, learners will inspire, motivate, and learn with one another. Showered by the S.E.E.D. spirits, we become more aware of the power of diversity. We believe uncovering differences as well as similarities brings forth understanding, which leads to inspiring thinking in the classrooms. Conveying ideas and sharing experiences are meaningful to both teachers and students. With a vision, we try to diversify our teaching strategies and plant the S.E.E.D. spirits in English classes.

This paper focuses on the inclusive pedagogies learned in the S.E.E.D. workshop - experiential activities, personal testimony, systemic thinking, and curriculum as "window and mirror." As planters of S.E.E.D., we perceive that motivation can be planted heart-to-heart through elaborately-designed classroom activities. In this paper, we introduce how we employ activities which echo with the S.E.E.D. pedagogies.

In the seeding process, interest and real life experience are chief agents for language learning. Besides introducing activities in English classes originated from the S.E.E.D. workshop, a number of students' works are also presented in this paper. We find these fascinating works vividly reveal students' background and life experiences. They are, in some way, the miniatures of students' individual life books, full of diversity and human touches. Students resonate upon these works with either hearty smiles or warm blinks as if they see the expected genie out of a bottle. The genie generates power to melt frozen hearts and inflames students' passion to share with each other and learn from each other.

To plant S.E.E.D. in English classesEver since we restarted our teaching after the intensive training, we have set our

hearts to design a series of activities derived from what we learned in the S.E.E.D. workshop. We adopt and adjust these activities with an aim to provoking students' thoughts and arousing their language learning interest. These activities are introduced as follows.

I. Experiential activities

A balanced education is committed to affirming the dialogue between the self and the world. In other words, teaching involves students in "great conversation" between

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麗山高中學報 創刊號


various versions of life experiences. Language classrooms may immerse learners in various learning models; also teachers can help students associate learning with their life experiences. Looking at the textbooks of lives is as meaningful as brushing up the English ability. In experiential activities, students associate their own experience with what they learn and are simultaneously exposed to the messages that accurately reflect the diverse world.

A. The living sculpture activity

To employ this activity, the class is divided into six groups. In each group, students raise an issue, and act it out in group in the form of mime. In the end, all of the actors freeze like living sculptures for a couple of seconds. Likewise, they present the solution to the issue. The actors keep silent and the narrator explains the acting to the audience.

Textbook : The World’s Best-loved Advice Giver, Book Five, Far East ReadersTask instructions:

Discuss with your classmates about something bothers/inspires you. The issue might be about your friends, studies, appearances, family, or relationship with people. State your story. Each group selects one story. Present it in the form of “the living sculpture.”

Timing for each step-three minutes for journaling; two minutes for sharing; � minutes for performing the

living sculpture Step one: Think about the happiest thing/the most serious pressure in your growing

process. Start your statement with the patterns below. Write down your script in three minutes.

* The happiest thing in my growing process is… * The most impressive event in my growing process is …Step two: State and share your story with your group members in two minutesStep three: Provide your advice to your partnerStep four: Pen the advice your partner offers youYour story:

Advice from your classmates:

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Planting S.E.E.D. in English Classes


This activity connects students' daily cares with classroom activities. Most students are not good at acting, so their presentations sometimes lose the focus. But, the stories they share and the solutions they provide reflect their real life experiences and values. Student’s story 1:

The most impressive event in my growing process happened when I was in elementary school. One day my classmate, Jack, suddenly disappeared. The teacher and all of my friends were worried about him. Therefore, my teacher asked me to find out Jack. One minute later, I went into the school restroom and I found one door was locked. I knocked on the door, asking, "Is there anybody here?" Nobody answered. I kicked the door in a hurry and still nobody answered. Finally, I exerted all my strength to pull the door. When the door opened, it was really embarrassing and funny because a teacher reading newspapers was behind the door. At that moment, all I could do was run as far as I could. �0� �0

Advice from the peer student:My dear friend,

You should have been more careful when taking actions. Don't be so impulsive next time. But it is kind of you to care about your classmate so much. So, next time if nobody responded you, do not take actions right away. Besides, did you say sorry to that teacher? He was the innocent one and you might have scared him.

�0� 0�

Student’s story 2:

My good friend always has problems with tests. He is so sick of taking tests every day. Test becomes his nightmare. He simply can't get rid of it. How can I help him?!

�0� �� Advice from the peer student:

Tell your friends to take test as a way to check his learning result. Maybe he should be grateful because the faults in his test paper revealed the detail which he had not noticed and studied. Try to remind him that hardworking doesn't certainly lead to success, but the man who wants to succeed must work hard. �0� �0

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麗山高中學報 創刊號


Tips for employing the living sculpture activity-�. The teacher may assign students with performing talents as directors; students with

good articulation and speaking ability as narrators. �. The teacher may proactively arrange a model group to demonstrate the living

sculpture before divide students into groups.

B. The fashion show

The fashion show is designed as an extensive activity for the lesson concerning dressing apprioriately. The class is divided into five groups. Each group consists of a model, a costume designer, a script writer, a narrator, and a sound effect specialist. They can involve themselves in different roles if necessary.

Fashion Show Worksheet:

Work Allocation�. director:�. model:�. custom designer:�. script writer:�. narrator:�. music & sound effect:

Narrator's Script: Reminders:

�. Show time: � minutes per group�. Hand in the work allocation list and script after group discussion.

The day for the Fashion Show became an unforgettable time for students. They prepared prompts, rehearsed at home, and spared no effort to entertain viewers and enjoy themselves as well. On the following day, after the awards were granted, the teacher shared feedbacks with students. Below is teacher's response to the first two groups.

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Planting S.E.E.D. in English Classes


Afterthoughts on Class 302 Fashion ShowGroup One: Onion Peeling Award

Group One presents an elaborate team work. Rain (the model's name) wears multi-functional costumes with earrings on his pierced ears, straw sandals on the big feet, a delicate raincoat ready to be torn apart, and a pair of sunglasses to be disposed anytime. Somehow Rain is like an ONION. You can peel IT anytime. He is too generous to make any complaints about your over-reactions or maltreatment.

Catchy words in the script of Group One: The windbreaker worn inside makes you a potential part-time actor of the Matrix…the raincoat is bug-proof, falling stone-proof, and, most import of all, RAIN-proof!! Group Two: Best Costume Award

This is an incredible team. You work hard to spotlight Bird Man (student's nickname). B. M.'s performances are impressive and we enjoy his extravagant muscle show. Actually, he is too skinny to be a chubby boy. I am inspired by his frogman feet. Flora is an outstanding narrator. The costume designer does a wonderful job, too.

Catchy words in the script of Group Two: The person on stage looks like a detective. Bird Man is the winner of the annual �00� election in India. His big and watery eyes are precious. According to the Brazil study, there are �� percent of people eager to have eyes like his, and �0 percent consider the small eyes of Rain's are more charming. The stupid but shy smile on his face is alluring. Definitely, many girls will have crushes on Bird Man.

After reading the teacher's responses, students are asked to write their feedbacks. Their feedbacks were straight and sincere. Here are two examples.

Rain is so innocent as well as brave on stage. Bird Man's muscle is not sturdy at all. Rambo, Vickie, and Pig Mom are funnier. Group Four are wonderful. Ah-shon's transvestite show is so impressive!

�0� ��

Last Saturday, our group members went to Bo's home to prepare for the show. We were excited about it. So, we devoted ourselves to every detail. We also watched some videos about model's gesture and movement. Besides, we rehearsed the show and practiced how to walk on the runway. The fashion show was a success. Our effort paid.

�0� ��

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Tips for the fashion show-�. Allow the spare time for students to organize and allocate their workload.�. The script should be well-polished before handed in to the teacher. Remind

students to think comprehensively and write with creativity. �. Encourage students to keep work logs or write down the preparation process.4. Involvestudentstovoteforthebestperformerandwritethereflectiontothe

fashion show.�. Video tape the performance, and set an appropriate time to present it.�. Teachers’ feedbacks mean a lot. Encouraging words can booster learning spirits.�. Top off the activity with an award-giving ceremony.

II. Personal testimony

A. Topic inference

Now that S.E.E.D. puts emphasis on learner's life experiences, we try to incorporate this concept into the teaching process. Sometimes the topic of a lesson can be interpreted by a small task. For instance, when teaching an article about handling stress, the teacher spells S-T-R-E-S-S on the board, and invite students to think of what triggers their tension with the beginning letter s, t, r, e, and more words beginning with s. Students' response is efficient and interesting. Below are their interpretations.

S- score, study, scolding, sham testT- test, teacher, time, traffic jam, terrible grades, troubleR- reading, rain, rules, responsibility, relationship, ratS- sickness, schedule, setbackS- stupidity, stomachache, silence

After the topic inference, we try to induce more personal experience about the topic by the following activity.

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Planting S.E.E.D. in English Classes


�. What bothers you most? Tick the item below that causes pressure in your daily life.□ prioritize the things to handle□ weather□ appearance□ money/financial problems□ health problems□ studies/ schoolwork□ relationship How do you usually handle stress? What is your tension reliever?□ Watching TV/movies□ Playing computer games□ Talking with friends □ Taking exercise□ Playing musical instruments, like the piano, the flute, or the drums□ Eating to the heart's content□ Sleeping□ Others____________________Journaling (Writing Exercise): When you are under pressure, how do you usually do with it? (no less than �00 words)

Tips for topic inference-�. The inferred topics can be covered with various topics such as love, friends, money,

home, school, and so forth. �. Group work may be employed while students try to interpret a topic.

B. The extensive writing activity based on personal testimony

Given time and chances, students can explore their inner world by following the flow of their personal imagination and tracing back to their life pattern. Some students are good at picturing their ideals and prospects. The article below is written by a student after she reads Hellen Keller's article Three Days to See and the famous novel, Tuesday with Morries, recommended by teachers. What she reads evidently leaves clues in her composition. Her article also clearly reflects her value. Below is what the student writes.

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If I had only three days to live, I would make the most use of my time. Since my life span would be strictly limited, every single second might turn to be priceless treasure. First, I would spend most of my time with my family and friends. Having long talks with them, saying sorry to those I had done harm to, and we would recall all the hearty memories, laughing and shedding tears together. Greedy as I am, I want to live vigorously in their memories.

Second, I would embrace the nature fully. I would go to the seashore to admire the spectacular scene of sea. I would go to the forest to take a deep breath, enjoying the fresh smell of woods and flowers. I would take a walk through the avenue, appreciating the beauty of the tall evergreen trees, smiling to the wavy leaves. Or, I would just stay at my room, opening the window, and feeling the warm sunshine streaming in and pouring in the tender glow on me.

Finally, I would arrange all my stuff, giving diaries and photos to my family so that they could remember me. I would give clothes to the orphanage and clean up my room. Maybe I would also leave several letters to my beloved family and friends, just wanting to give them some surprises and encouragements.

All the above things were some of my desperate attempts to steal something from death's suitcase, and I am sure I won't regret. After all, death ends a life, not relationship.

�0� �0 Tips for the extensive writing activity based on personal testimony-

�. Help students find the access to doing the reading extensively. Introduce good reading materials to students.

�. Select topic related to what students learn in the textbook.

III. Systemic thinking

The note-taking activityThe S.E.E.D. workshop founder, Peggy McIntosh, created the passing notes activity

which allows a conversation to unfold an idea or personal feedbacks in written form. The task procedures-Step one: On a regular sheet of paper, a student signs the name at a corner; then writes for

one minute in response to a prompt. The prompt could be very specific or very general.

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Planting S.E.E.D. in English Classes


Step two: The writer passes the note to the next person. The writer also receives from the person next to him/her with his/her first writing on it. Read what they have written in response to the prompt, and then respond in any way.

Step three: Pass the paper to the right and receive one from the left. Step four: Return the note to the original writer. Each student reads the note and knows

about the comment from other students. In this task, students probe into the reading and put down their personal testimony

at the same time. No definite answer is expected to each statement or question. In the process, independent and critical thinking is promoted. This task also helps students exert imagination and they may cultivate the critical ability.

In the lesson, the Necklace, the note-passing activity is employed. The leading character pays huge cost for a necklace. Students write their ideas on the note to express their views on dressing up.

Teacher's guidance-Fine feathers make fine birds. I (agree/disagree) with the saying. Take________ for


Most students write their ideas with ease. Their comments are down-to-earth. Below are some notes completed by students.

Fine feathers make fine birds. I agree with the saying. Take Rabbit for example. I think of him as the most "tiny" boy. He dresses strangely. For example, he wears sloppy pants and long shirts, highlighting his "extraordinary figure."

Student �: Yeah. I think it is much better for him to wear clothes with vertical stripes. Student �: In this way, he looks taller.Student �: God bless him.Student �: Yes, he is. But he's too thin and too short.Student �: He is so tiny that everyone won't notice him while he wears nothing.

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Fine feathers make fine birds. I agree with the saying. Take Shou Q for example. He usually looks sloppy. But, when he dressed up, he looks smart and sophisticated.

�0� ��Student �: Yes, but his behavior is still weird.Student �: I disagree with the saying. He looks conservative no matter what he wears.Student �: I agree. And I think he is very sloppy.Student �: I don't agree. He doesn't have any sense on style.

Tips for note-taking activity-�. Based on the group size, the teacher may decide to have four or five or six passes.�. The topic can be covered from the hot issues to personal cares.�. Some students are too lazy; they put the same response all the time. Make it a rule for

students to write down different replies to different individuals.

IV. Curriculum as "window and mirror" "Window and mirror" is a vivid metaphor developed by Emily Style. This pedagogy

suggests that an inclusive curriculum provides students with a balance of window—to frame and acknowledge the diverse experiences of peer learners—and mirrors—to reflect the reality and validity of each student. Therefore, teachers should instruct students to note the connection between eyesight and insight. Learning is always personal, and it never takes place in a vacuum; it is always contextual. There is more than one way to see the world. So it is teachers' duty to guide students to look at reality through various windows. Students express their ideas in a way that make the most sense to them. Curriculum as "window and mirror" engages students in "great conversation" between various life textbooks, which reflects the diverse world.

A. The dialogue poem

Even in its simplest forms, it invites us to go beyond what is said to what is implied. By presenting the dialogue poem, we induce students to actively get involved in the idea sharing. The following poems are provided to students who are encouraged to compose their dialogue poems on certain topics.

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Planting S.E.E.D. in English Classes


That's a Family! -A dialogue poem by Noah Chasnoff & Josh Shuster-Lefknowitz

I have a family I have a familyWith a mom and a dad. With two moms and a sister.My parents are divorced. My moms are together.My parents are white. My moms are black and white.I like to go to the beach I like to go on picnics.with my family. I play football with my dad. I play racquetball with my mom.And play scrabble with my mom. And cook with my other mom.I play on the computer with I play Nintendo with my sister.my brother.I go to my parents for help. I go to my parents for help.My brother bugs me. My sister bugs me. And I still love him. And I still love her.My family likes quiet places My family likes loud placeslike the country. Like the movies.My dad is a college couch. My mom works at a library.My mom is on the board My other mom works as a lawyer.of supervisors.I go to James Lick I go to Horace Mann Middle School.Middle School.We need love to live and learn. We need love to live and learn.

Source: Field Book of the S.E.E.D. Workshop, 2006

In the composing process, students are allowed to explore the textbook articles in greater depth by further interpreting the topic or contents. Meanwhile, we also try to acquaint students with more language skills and foster students' language proficiency. By dialogue poem writing, students exert their creativity in response to text or what they have learned. Below are students'works.

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I have a daydream. I had a nightmare.I am happy as if I were in the heaven I was scared like being in the hell.Laugh, and everybody will answer. Cry, and nobody will listen.I dance swiftly in the brightness. I walked and pondered in the darkness.I define happiness as light. I define sorrow as darkness.I want nothing but hope. I want nothing but love.

�0� 0� �0� ��

I had dreamed a dream. I had dreamed a dream.A dream that cheers me up. A dream that frustrated me.Because I became a successful Because I became a loserman in the future. in the future.I owned plenty of fancy I owned nothing but a shabbyhouses, lots of money, and a house and a body with disease.big company.I regard it as a good omen. I regard it as a bad omen.One day, I encountered a One day, I encountered a tsunamiBig earthquake when working when taking a walk along the beach. in my office.Everything turned dark and Everything was overwhelmed by disappeared. waves and destroyed.And then I woke up. And then I woke up.Oh! God! Oh! God!To my relief, it was just To my relief, it was justa dream. a dream.I still put my head I am still in my bed. at school desk.

�0� �� �0� �0

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Planting S.E.E.D. in English Classes


I have a friend. I have a friend.with a kind heart. with white eyes.We always think of her as a squirrel. We always regard her as a bun.I like to chat with her. I like to make fun of her.Sometimes we laugh Sometimes we arguebecause of something because of nothing. Sometimes we cry Sometimes we fightbecause we share our feelings. because we misunderstand each other.I see her as my best friend. I define her as my best friend.She is a girl full of magic power. She is the BOY with legends.Could you find out who she is? Could you find out who she is?Your beloved friend is… Your beloved friend is… Lily. Wu Yu Shuan

��0 0� ��0 ��

I have a friend. I have a friend.His name is Rabbit. His name is Rain.He is like my sister. And he has no Fan.And he has no brain. He is a trouble maker.He likes to lick a cooker. He likes to eat a hamburger.He wants to be monster. He wants to be a spider.He always hits me in class. He is always hit by me in class.Although he makes me cry Although to me he is fineI still love him. I still love to hit him.I regard him as a dragon. I recognize him as a chicken.I go to LSSH. I go to LSSH.We are together. We are together.Life is good. Life is not bad.

�0� Rain �0� Rabbit

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I have a dream. I have a dream. I dream to be a leader. I dream to be a tour guide. A leader that leads all men. A tour guide that has a good command of English and Japanese.Guiding the lost to light. Taking numerous trips to Japan. Bringing happiness to the unhappy. Bringing laughter to the tourists. Helping the poor with my wealth. Knowing the Japanese culture well.Creating a world of liberty, equality, Bringing smiles for everyone.and fraternity. Leading an incredible and colorful life. I have a dream. I have a dream. And the dream will one day And the dream will one day come true.come true. �0� �0 �0� 0�

I have a dream.I dream to be an entrepreneur.An entrepreneur that makes a fortune.Having my own resort and golf course.Obtaining the best prestige.Leading a rich life.I have a dream. And the dream will one day come true. �0� ��

Breakfast BreakfastI have breakfast every day. I have no breakfast every day.My food is always surplus. My belly is always empty.My mother always prepares my breakfast. My mother always lets me prepare breakfast for her.I'm satisfied with my breakfast. I'm always disappointed with my breakfast.Every day after I eat breakfast, Every day I eat nothing and I am full of energy. I am weary and sleepy.I love my mom! Still I love my MOM!

�0� �� �0� Y.M.D.

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Planting S.E.E.D. in English Classes


The dialogue poems can be flexibly applied in any topic. It is a good gadget for post-reading activity. The following poem is an example. After reading the story, An Appointment of Love, students compose dialogue poems as a sequel.I am John Blandford. I am Hollis Meynell.I am a soldier. I am a model.I knew a woman a few months ago. I knew a man a few months ago.I want to know her more I want to ignore himbecause her letters gives me courage. because his response letters make me feel he is a silly guy.I want to know how she looks like. I want to refuse his invitation to meet each other.She must be beautiful. He must look awkward.She must be intelligent and mature. He must be superficial and childish.When I saw her… When I saw him…Oh! She looks so different from Oh! He looks so different from what I had imagined. what I had expected.I don't want to see her anymore. I want to know more about him.

�0� �� �0� ��In the composing process, students tend to appreciate the richness and variety of

language they are trying to master. By co-writing, they support each other and share the feeling with their peer learners. Tips for employing the dialogue poem activity-�. Allow students to find their partners in pair or in group. To make sure the work

quality, each group consists members less than four. �. Publicize the good works. Students cherish the chance to be made known for their

good performances. �. Invite the writer to recite his/her own poems. Students particularly appreciate "the

voice from the author."

B. The part two story based on "window and mirror" theory

In this activity, students are encouraged to write a part two story after they finish reading a story. Their personal growing experience should be involved in the story. To maintain the literacy of "window and mirror," students should relate the second part story to what they previously knew-their background or something they are familiar with. After pondering for a while, students reveal their potential and creativity. The sequels they compose are even more touching than the original version.

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Planting S.E.E.D. in English Classes


The first story is composed by a student from a missionary family. The second story is written by a student who used to get hooked on the computer games. Both works vividly reflects the writers' background and growing experience.

Tips for the part two story based on “window and mirror” theory-Publicize the good works. Invite the writer to read the story in class. Another option

is to publish students' works anonymously. Encourage students to guess who the writers is.

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C. Personal profile composing

In the senior English course, we encourage the seniors to make brief introductions of themselves. Students' works are assembled to become a special collection- their Class Book, a souvenir of graduation. Students download the sample posted on our school webpage; then add their personal information to complete the profile. In general, most students finish this task with flying colors. (The framework for personal profile)childhood ambition: fondest memory: soundtrack: retreat: wildest dream:

proudest moment: biggest challenge: alarm clock: perfect day: favorite movie: inspiration: my life: ten words that best describe me:five things I am most proud of:my favorite food:something everyone should know about me:three things I would like to accomplish in the university: what I like most about our class:My graduation reflection:

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Planting S.E.E.D. in English Classes


(Student's work) �0��� Childhood ambition: To talk with aliens. Fondest memory: Playing with my older brother when we were little. Soundtrack: Any music about opera or classic music. Retreat: Picnic and camp in the woods.Wildest dream: Be a student in NTU. Proudest moment: Winning the Major's Prize. Biggest challenge: To improve my math grades. Alarm clock: �:00 a.m. ~�:�0 a.m. (Hope I can sleep more.)Perfect day: Nice weather, doing everything is lucky and helping people in the same day. Favorite movie: Click, Blood Diamond, Kong fu, Titanic, Ocean Twelve….etc. Inspiration: My family who give me directions to be a good girl.My life: Is variable and exciting.Ten words that best describe me: Optimistic, positive, easy-going, humorous, sincere,

loyal, frugal, sympathetic, considerate, passionate. Five things I am most proud of: I have a harmony home. I am a good student. I have interest in any new thing. I take no effort to complete my work. I can see everything in different perspective.My favorite food: Taiwanese cuisine, what my mom and aunt made. (Carry, fried rice, strawberry…etc.) Something everyone should know about me: I am a good friend to be trust.Three things I would like to accomplish in the university: Be a good speaker can speak three languages. (English, Spanish and French.) Polish my writing skill. Be confident.What I like most about our class: Innocent and humorous.My graduation reflection: Thanks for teaching me how to be more mature.

Tips for the personal profile composing-�. The worksheet is posted on the web site (http://pc��.lssh.tp.edu.tw/finaldown/hits.

php?kid=�)for students to download it. �. Students' work is posted on the website http://www�.lssh.tw/~seed/

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The seeds we sow today determine the kind of fruit we'll reap tomorrow. We believe those who love teaching and care for students are sowing seeds that, in time, will yield a harvest. In the S.E.E.D. classroom, students not just achieve language proficiency but also find an access to exploring and expressing themselves. Evidently, teaching is a challenge, yet we teachers may not feel drained, for we will embrace an abundant journey if we keep fetching the living water by planting the S.E.E.D. with zeal and creativity.

In the S.E.E.D. workshop, the creative curriculum inspired us to try every possible means to make the teaching process ablaze. Individual differences and personal experience are the center of our activities. In these activities, we stimulate students to develop linguistic and cognitive skills. To makes English classes lively and full of human touches, we also relate language learning to life experience and interpersonal mutual understanding. These activities cultivate students' insight and help them grow up with a sensible heart.

With a mission to plant S.E.E.D. in high school English classes, we open up a new window for English teaching. While applying S.E.E.D. activities, we are flabbergasted by the vitality of students who show more confidence in expressing personal traits in the learning process. As we take a glance from the seeding process, a vision emerges in our hearts-

The seed brings forth flowers when it grows.The flower turns into fruit when the wind blows.This report, like the wind, conveys our concepts and thoughts. As planters of S.E.E.D.,

we expect the wind to take the S.E.E.D. widespread.


Cathy L. Nelson and Kim A. Wilson. An Anthology-Seeding the Process of Multicultural Education Plymouth, MN, the Minnesota Inclusiveness Program, ����.

Logan, Judy. Teaching Stories, New York, Kodansha America, Inc. ����.Style, Emily. S.E.E.D. Seeking Educational Equity and Diversity Field Book The S.E.E.D.

Project on Inclusive Curriculum, Wellesley, MA, the Wellesley College Center for Research on Women �00�.

Style, Emily. S.E.E.D. Reading Sampler The S.E.E.D. Project on Inclusive Curriculum, the Wellesley Center for Women , �00�.