seismic risk estimation

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P.Grossi dissertation



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    Patricia Grossi



    Systems Engineering

    Presented to the Faculties of the University of Pennsylvania in Partial Fulfillment of

    the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy


    Supervisor of Dissertation

    Graduate Group Chairperson

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  • UMI Number 9976429

    Copyright 2000 by Grossi, Patricia

    All rights reserved.

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    Patricia Grossi


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    To my parents


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    The support o f the National Science Foundation through grant CMS97-14401 and the

    Lillian Beck Fund in the School of Engineering and Applied Science at the University of

    Pennsylvania are both gratefully acknowledged. Additionally, this work has been partially

    supported through the NEHRP Graduate Fellowship in Earthquake Hazard Reduction awarded by

    the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute under a cooperative program funded by the

    Federal Emergency Management Agency.

    The support o f numerous individuals is also gratefully acknowledged. This work could

    not have been completed without the members o f my dissertation committee, others in industry

    working with me as part of the National Science Foundation project, and the respondents to my

    survey. First, I would like to thank the members o f my dissertation committee from the

    University o f Pennsylvania: Paul Kleindorfer and Howard Kunreuther from the Department of

    Operations and Information Management at the Wharton School and G. Anandal ingam and John

    Lepore from the Department o f Systems Engineering. I would especially like to thank Robert

    Whitman from the Massachusetts Institute o f Technology, who so graciously took the time to

    advise me on various aspects of the HAZUS methodology. Also, Weimin Dong of Risk

    Management Solutions, Inc. and Scott Lawson of Durham Technologies, Inc., as part o f the

    National Science Foundation project, provided the necessary material and support for the creation

    of the Scenario Builder and EP Maker software modules used in this work. Finally, the

    anonymous structural engineers and contractors in California who took the time to respond to my

    expert opinion survey provided me with crucial data for this work.

    I would also like to acknowledge the support o f those in the Wharton School and in

    industry with whom I have worked on the Managing Catastrophic Risks project, especially those

    on the Technical Advisory Committee. From the Wharton School, I would like to thank Steveiv

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  • Levy and Jaideep Hebbar for their support. From industry, I would like to acknowledge Karen

    Clark and Nozar Kishi o f Applied Insurance Research, Inc., Dennis Kuzak and Tom Larsen o f

    EQE, and Hemant Shah and Don Windeler of Risk Management Solutions, Inc. for their

    dedication to the project.

    O f course, I must thank my friends, family, and colleagues who have supported me

    throughout the years. The help o f Shelley Brown and Denice Gorte in the Department o f Systems

    Engineering and the support of my extended relatives in the Grossi and Quinn families, has not

    gone unnoticed. Most importantly, the members of my immediate family, Dad, Mom, Jim,

    Teresa, Matt, Julia, and Briana, as well as Mohan and Lara, are my inspiration.


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    Patricia Grossi

    Howard Kunreuther

    In this work, the role of uncertainty in a probabilistic earthquake loss estimation is

    studied. In order to quantify the uncertainty associated with earthquake loss estimation (ELE), a

    sensitivity' analysis is completed, assuming alternative estimates for different parameters and

    models in the ELE process. The parametric and modeling estimates are varied one-by-one and the

    effects on the calculations of average annual loss (AAL) and worst case loss (WCL) are analyzed.

    These losses are generated via a loss exceedance probability (EP) curve. This study is unique in

    that it uses a regional loss estimation model, HAZUS, with pre-processing and post-processing

    software modules to estimate direct economic losses to homeowners and the insurance industry in

    the Oakland, California region. A probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) is mimicked

    through the use o f the pre-processor (Scenario Builder) and post-processor (EP Maker) in the

    study. Within this sensitivity analysis, annual recurrence of earthquakes, attenuation models for

    ground motion, soil mapping schemes, and exposure and vulnerability parameters for residential

    structures are considered. Additionally, techniques to incorporate expert opinion on the

    vulnerability of structures, the benefits of structural mitigation, and the costs o f mitigation into

    the probabilistic seismic risk assessment are introduced. Conclusions are three-fold. First, the

    earthquake loss estimation process is very uncertain, producing estimates of direct economic loss

    that are most sensitive to the ground motion attenuation in the Oakland, California region.

    Second, the residential structural mitigation studied, bolting a low-rise wood frame structure to its

    foundation and bracing its cripple wall, is extremely worthwhile for a homeowner to complete,

    using a straightforward cost-benefit approach. Finally, the homeowner will have to cover thevi

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  • majority o f the loss on an average annual basis under various insurance deductible and limit level



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    COPYRIGHT.............................................................. ii

    DEDICATION.................................................................................................................................. iii

    ACKNOWLEDGMENTS.............................................................................................................. iv

    ABSTRACT____________________________________ vi

    LIST OF TABLES.......................................................................................................................... xii

    LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS____________________________________________________xv

    1 INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................ 1

    1.1 Overview................................................................................................................................... I

    1.2 Scope and Objective.................................................................................................................. 4

    1.3 Organization o f Dissertation....................................................................................................13

    2 UNCERTAINTY IN EARTHQUAKE LOSS ESTIMATION........................................... 15

    2.1 Aleatory versus Epistemic Uncertainty.................................................................................. 15

    2.2 Seismic Hazard M odel.......................................................................................................... 17

    2.2.1 Previous Studies on PSHA Uncertainty........................................................................ 18

    2.2.2 Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis.........................................................................22 Seismic Source Determination.................................................................................. 24 Recurrence Relationship........................................................................................... 27 Estimation o f Ground Motion................................................................................... 30 Probability o f Exceedance.........................................................................................33

    2.3 Previous Studies on Earthquake Loss Estimation................................................................. 35

    2.4 Inventory Exposure Characteristics........................................................................................ 38

    2.5 Damage Estimation.................................................................................................................40

    2.6 Loss Estimation........................................................................................................................43viii

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  • 2.7 Summary................................................................................................................................. 45

    3 HAZUS METHODOLOGY AND SOFTWARE..................................................................46

    3.1 Scenario Builder......................................................................................................................49

    3.1.1 Seismic Source Determination......................................................................................50

    3 .1.2 Recurrence Relationship................................................................................................ 53

    3.1.3 Estimation o f Ground Motion........................................................................................54

    3.1.4 Scenario Builder Input File............................................................................................57

    3.2 HAZUS.................................................................................................................................... 59

    3.2.1 Ground Motion Methodology........................................................................................59 Standardized Response Spectrum............................................................................60 Soil Amplification.....................................................................................................63

    3.2.2 Inventory Exposure Characteristics.............................................................................. 66 Building Capacity Curve.......................................................................................... 68

    3.2.3 Direct Physical Damage................................................................................................70 Building Fragility Curve.......................................................................................... 72

    3.2.4 Direct Economic Losses................................................................................................76

    3.3 EP Maker.................................................................................................................................83

    4 MODEL CITY AND MITIGATION..................................................................................... 88

    4.1 Demographics and Seismic Sources......................................................................................89

    4.2 Residential Building Stock and Mitigation Technique........................................................92

    4.3 Expert Opinion Incorporation................................................................................................97

    4.3.1 Related Research on Vulnerability and Mitigation...................................................... 98

    4.3.2 Expert Opinion Surveys............................................................................................... 101

    4.3.3 Response Rate and Comments..................................................................................... 104ix

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  • 4.3.4 Mean Damage and Cost................................................................................................107

    4.3.5 Distribution Fit.............................................................................................................. 115

    4.3.6 Structural Fragility Curve Development..................................................................... 121 Damage State Probability Matrices........................................................................ 123 Cumulative Lognormal Distributions................................................................... 125 Conversion to Peak Ground Acceleration.............................................................. 129 Intersection o f Demand Spectrum and Capacity Curve........................................130

    4.3.7 Discussion.................................................................................................................... 139

    5 PARAMETERS IN SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS............................................................... 145

    5.1 Seismic Hazard Parameters..................................................................................................147

    5.1.1 Earthquake Recurrence................................................................................................ 149

    5.1.2 Ground Motion Attenuation....................................................................................... 155

    5.1.3 Soil Mapping Schemes............................................................................................... 156

    5.2 Inventory, Damage, and Loss Parameters............................................................................160

    5.2.1 Inventory Exposure...................................................................................................... 161

    5.2.2 Fragility Curves............................................................................................................162

    6 RESULTS.................................................................................................................................168

    6.1 Range of Uncertainty............................................................................................................ 168

    6.2 Expert Opinion Incorporation for Mitigation....................................................................182

    6.3 Cost-Effectiveness o f Mitigation......................................................................................... 187

    6.4 Earthquake Insurance........................................................................................................... 192

    7 CONCLUSIONS..................................................................................................................... 202

    7.1 Summary...............................................................................................................................202

    7.2 Future W ork......................................................................................................................... 206x

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  • 8 Appendices................................................................................................................................. 207

    8.1 Earthquake Measures............................................................................................................ 207

    8.2 Attenuation Relationships.....................................................................................................210

    8.3 EP Maker C ode......................................................................................................................213

    8.4 Scenario Builder Input File................................................................................................. 219

    8.5 Benefits Questionnaire.........................................................................................................221

    8.6 Costs Questionnaire...............................................................................................................224

    8.7 Benefits Data..........................................................................................................................227

    8.8 Costs Data..............................................................................................................................231

    8.9 Distributions...........................................................................................................................232

    8.10 Recurrence Data...................................................................................................................234

    8.11 Soils Data............................................................................................................................. 235

    8.12 Exposure Data...................................................................................................................... 238

    8.13 Summary o f Average Annual Loss.................................................................................... 241

    9 Bibliography............................................................................................................................... 242


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    Table 1.1 Homeowner Losses as a Function of Mitigation and Insurance............................. 12

    Table 1.2 Insurer Losses as a Function of Structural Mitigation. ____........___........___ 13

    Table 3.1 Event Loss Table.............................................................................................................. 47

    Table 3.2 Fault Segment and Property Information.................................................................... 51

    Table 3 3 Scenario Builder Input File............___......................................... 58

    Table 3.4 Regression Coefficients for Fault Rupture................................................................... 59

    Table 3.5 NEHRP Site Classes.........................................................................................................64

    Table 3.6 NEHRP Soil Amplification Factors...............................................................................65

    Table 3.7 Occupancy Classes and Model Building Types............................................................67

    Table 3.8 Drift Ratios and Spectral Displacement for Structural Damage.............................. 73

    Table 3.9 Structural Fragility Curves.............................................................................................75

    Table 3.10 Structure Occupancy Mapping.................................................................................... 76

    Table 3.11 Types of Direct Economic Loss to Residential Structures.......................................77

    Table 3.12 Time Independent Direct Economic Loss Parameters............................................. 80

    Table 3.13 Time Dependent Direct Economic Loss Parameters................................................ 82

    Table 3.14 Aggregation of Direct Economic Losses..................................................................... 84

    Table 4.1 Oakland, California Region Demographics.................................................................90

    Table 4.2 Default RES1 Occupancy Scheme.................................................................................. 93

    Table 4.3 Updated RES1 Occupancy Scheme................................................................................96

    Table 4.4(a) RES1 Occupancy Scheme for Analysis (Before Mitigation)................................ 96

    Table 4.4(b) RES1 Occupancy Scheme for Analysis (After Mitigation).................................. 96

    Table 4.5 Mean Damage Factors.................................................................................................... 100

    Table 4.6 Costs o f Mitigation.......................................................................................................... 101xii

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  • Table 4.7 Survey Respondents' Statistics.....................................................................................104

    Table 4.8 Cases for Mathematical Aggregation.......................................................................... 108

    Table 4.9 Benefits Survey Statistics of MDF.............................................................................. I l l

    Table 4.10 Costs Survey Statistics................................................................................................. 114

    Table 4.11 Beta Distributions Parameters for Damage Data................................................... 117

    Table 4.12 Best Distribution Fit Parameters for Damage Data...............................................119

    Table 4.13 Best Distribution Fit Parameters for Cost Data..................................................... 120

    Table 4.14 Damage Factor State Limits.......................................................................................124

    Table 4.15 Damage State Probability Matrices.......................................................................... 125

    Table 4.16 Cumulative Damage State Probability Matrices.................................................... 126

    Table 4.17 Statistics of Cumulative Lognormal Distributions (MMI)....................................128

    Table 4.18 MMI to PGA Conversion Table................................................................................ 130

    Table 4.19 Statistics of Cumulative Lognormal Distributions (PGA).................................... 130

    Table 4.20 Response Spectrum Demand Parameter Values..................................................... 134

    Table 4.21 Capacity Curve Parameter Values............................................................................ 135

    Table 4.22 Capacity Curve Parameter Values............................................................................ 136

    Table 4.23 Structural Fragility Curve Parameters.................................................................... 138

    Table 5.1 Seismic Fault Source Parameters................................................................................ 150

    Table 5.2 Characteristic Recurrence............................................................................................ 151

    Table 53 Exponential Recurrence................................................................................................ 152

    Table 5.4 Structural Fragility Curve Parameters...................................................................... 164

    Table 5.5 Nonstructural Fragility Curve Parameters................................................................ 166

    Table 6.1 Cases for Range of Uncertainty Calculations.............................................................170

    Table 6.2 Notation for Range of Uncertainty Calculations...................................................... 171xiii

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  • Table 6.3 Summary of Loss Estimates for Case 2 .......... 175

    Table 6.4 Summary of Losses for Case 3........................................... 178

    Table 6.5 Breakdown of Average Annual Loss........................................................................ 180

    Table 6.6 Best Distribution Fit Parameters for Cost Data........................................................ 183

    Table 6.7 Effects o f Mitigation....................................................................................................184

    Table 6.8 Cost-Benefit Analysis of Mitigation...... .......___...___ .... ----------- 189

    Table 6.9 Simulation Results...........................................................................................................191

    Table 6.10 Homeowner Loss as a Function o f Mitigation and Insurance...............................192

    Table 6.11 Insurer Loss as a Function of Structural Mitigation............................................... 193

    Table 6.12 Parameters for Analysis............................................................................................... 194

    Table 6.13 Homeowner Average Annual Loss without Insurance............................................195

    Table 6.14 Homeowner Average Annual Loss with Insurance and No Mitigation......... 197

    Table 6.15 Homeowner Average Annual Loss with Insurance and Mitigation.....................198

    Table 6.16 Insurer Losses................................................................................................................200

    Table 6.17 Percentage Reduction in Insurer Losses................................................................... 201

    Table 7.1 Ranking of Parameters and Models by Range of Uncertainty............................... 203


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    1.1 Overview

    In 1989, two events occurred that had a drastic impact on both the insurance industry and

    the political climate in the United States. Late on September 21, 1989, Hurricane Hugo hit the

    coast of South Carolina, devastating the towns o f Charleston and Myrtle Beach. Insured loss

    estimates totaled $4.2 billion before the storm moved through North Carolina the next day

    (Insurance Information Institute 2000). Less than a month later, on October 17, 1989, the Loma

    Prieta Earthquake hit with a Richter Magnitude o f 7.1 near the town o f Santa Cruz, California.

    Property damage was estimated at $6 billion to the surrounding Bay Area (Stover and Coffman

    1993). In order to remain solvent, the insurance industry realized that it needed a better way to

    estimate and manage the losses associated with such natural disasters. Moreover, the Federal

    Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) recognized a need for better catastrophic loss

    estimates for mitigation and emergency planning purposes.

    As a result, over the course of the past decade, advanced tools have emerged that allow

    insurance companies and agencies of the government to more accurately assess their catastrophic

    risk exposures. These software tools utilize advances in Information Technology (IT) and

    Geographic Information Systems (GIS). With the ability to store and manage vast amounts of

    spatially referenced information, GIS is an ideal environment for conducting catastrophic hazard

    and loss studies for large regions. While it is true that catastrophe loss studies were done for

    twenty years prior to this time (eg. earthquake loss estimates in Steinbrugge 1982), this

    advancement in computer technology has created an easier, more cost-effective way to perform

    these studies.


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  • These software tools, known as catastrophic risk models, were developed in two separate

    arenas (Figure 1.1). First, private companies developed models for insurance companies to

    estimate their portfolio losses and individuals to estimate their site-specific losses from either a

    probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) or a deterministic earthquake scenario. Second, the

    federal government developed a regional loss estimation model (HAZUS) to estimate monetary

    losses as well as other types o f losses (eg. casualties and shelter requirements) from an earthquake








    Private Companies

    Catastrophic Risk Modeling

    US Government

    Figure 1.1 Catastrophic Risk Modeling Development

    A few private companies have emerged as leaders in the field of catastrophic risk

    modeling. Those familiar to the author through joint work with the Wharton School include

    Applied Insurance Research, Inc. (AIR), EQECAT, and Risk Management Solutions, Inc. (RMS).

    Each firm has its own software package, analyzing the economic effects from both earthquakes

    and hurricanes in the United States for insurance and reinsurance companies. Furthermore, in

    1997, FEMA released the first version of its own software estimating potential earthquake losses

    in the United States, called HAZUS (Hazards U.S.)- Current development is underway to

    estimate wind (eg. hurricane) and flood hazards using HAZUS.


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  • While the private industrys software and the HAZUS software are intended for different

    audiences, each utilizes the same general methodology to analyze catastrophic earthquake losses.

    The earthquake loss estimation (ELE) methodology is comprised o f four basic stages: (1) define

    the earthquake hazard, (2) define the inventory characteristics, (3) estimate the inventory damage,

    and (4) calculate the economic losses (Figure 1.2).

    Calculate Economic Loss(Expected Loss or WCL to Insurer and Owner)

    Define the Earthquake Hazard(Seismic Sources, Recurrence,

    Attenuation, Soils)

    Define the Inventory Characteristics(Structure Location, Value, Year Built,

    Construction Class, etc.)

    Estimate Inventory Damage(Through Historical Loss Data,

    Engineering Data Expert Opinion)

    Figure 1.2 Steps of Earthquake Loss Estimation

    There are numerous instances in the earthquake loss estimation procedure where

    uncertainty plays a role. Uncertainty is classified by leaders in the field o f seismic hazard analysis

    as either aleatory (i.e. randomness) or epistemic (i.e. lack of knowledge) in nature (Budnitz et al.

    1997). Furthermore, uncertainty has been categorized into modeling uncertainty, due to

    differences between the process being modeled and the simplified model used for analysis, and

    parametric uncertainty, due to differences between actual values o f parameters and estimates for

    analysis. For the four-stage earthquake loss estimation process, there is uncertainty: in the

    seismologicai data used and its interpretation to define the earthquake hazard, in the exposure

    data and vulnerability functions used for damage estimation, and in the costs used in determining


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  • losses. In general, limited scientific information, lower quality data, or limited engineering

    information results in greater variability of expected losses.

    Understanding the uncertainty associated with earthquake losses is very important.

    Similar to other low-probability, high-consequence (LPHC) events, the problem arises when

    decisions need to be made. Decision-making should not be based solely on one average annual

    estimate or expected value o f loss, but should consider the variability associated with the

    estimate. For example, standard deviations, variances or other statistical measures o f spread

    that loss can be from the average are important in decision-making. How widely dispersed the

    losses are in a distribution is a key ingredient to making a well-informed, correct decision. If the

    decision-maker does not appreciate the complexity of the problem and chooses to ignore the

    uncertainties involved, decisions can be made based only on the expected value o f loss and

    difficulties can result.

    For example, an emergency planner in the city o f Oakland, California can use the

    HAZUS software to estimate the number o f displaced households in the city for post-earthquake

    event planning. If he bases his decision only the best or mean estimate o f red tagged (i.e. unsafe)

    homes, though, a number of residents could remain homeless for longer than necessary after a

    severe earthquake. In addition, an insurer can use one of the private industrys software packages

    to analyze his insured losses in a significant earthquake event. If he thinks in terms of the annual

    expected loss only, he could stand to lose his business through insolvency.

    1.2 Scope and Objective

    In this work, the role o f uncertainty in a probabilistic earthquake loss estimation

    methodology is studied. In order to quantify the uncertainty associated with earthquake loss

    estimation (ELE), a sensitivity analysis is completed, assuming alternative estimates for different

    parameters and models in the ELE process. The parametric and modeling estimates are varied4

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  • one-by-one and the effects on the calculations o f expected and worst case losses are analyzed.

    These losses are generated via a loss exceedance probability curve. A loss exceedance probability

    curve, EP(L), is a graphical representation o f the probability that a certain level o f loss will be

    exceeded on an annual basis (Equation 1.1 and Figure 1.3).

    EP(L) = P(Loss > Z,) = 1 F(L) (1.1)

    Probability of Exceedance



    probability = 1 %

    Loss (in Dollars) WCL

    Figure 1J Loss Exceedance Probability Curve

    In Equation 1.1, F(L) denotes the cumulative probability function for the loss or

    P(Loss < L) and the loss exceedance probability curve follows simply as 1 - F(L). In Figure 1.3,

    it is clear that as the probability o f exceedance increases, expected losses will decrease.

    Additionally, two other terms are graphically represented in Figure 1.3: AAL and WCL. AAL is

    the expected loss on an annual basis or Average Annual Loss, and it is the area under the loss

    exceedance probability curve. WCL is the Worst Case Loss, defined as the loss expected one

    percent (1%) o f the time on an annual basis. It is the loss toward the tail end of the curve.1

    1 Note that the term worst case loss, rather than probable maximum loss (PML), is used. The term PML is a well-defined concept in the literature (Steinbrugge 1982) and this distinction is made to avoid confusion.


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  • The goal o f this work is to ascertain the Range o f Uncertainty of Loss, L, over the

    parametric and modeling assumptions, X, denoted RU[L(X)]. L is generalized as a real-value

    performance function defined on X. Further, X is a range of information states over which

    parametric and modeling values vary. In its generalized form, the Range of Uncertainty of/, over

    A'is defined in Equation 1.2.

    /?[/[L(Jr)]=[M axZ(x)| x e X ] - [Min L(x) | x e X ] (1.2)

    In this work, however, the information states, x e X, are limited to two states, defined as

    default and updated. The default state is one in which the HAZUS default value is used in the

    analysis. The updated state is one in which a new parameter or model value is incorporated into

    the analysis (See Chapter Five). Also, L is in terms o f monetary losses. In its simplest form, in

    which A'has two information states, {x

  • This study is unique in that it will use a regional loss estimation model, HAZUS, with

    pre-processing and post-processing software modules to estimate direct economic losses to

    homeowners and the insurance industry in the Oakland, California region. A probabilistic seismic

    hazard analysis (PSHA) is mimicked through the use o f the pre-processor (Scenario Builder) and

    post-processor (EP Maker) in the study. Due to the proprietary nature of the private companies

    software packages, the public domain HAZUS software and methodology is utilized.

    So, taking into consideration a clearly defined list o f parametric and modeling

    uncertainties, in this research, there are four separate questions being addressed.

    1. Which parameters and models in the earthquake loss estimation process give rise to the

    most uncertainty?

    First and most importantly, the primary goal is to discover the sensitivity o f the economic

    loss to the parametric and modeling uncertainties in the earthquake loss estimation (ELE) process.

    If one can rank these uncertainties by their influence on the loss, the most appropriate areas of

    future research and data collection can be recommended to reduce the uncertainty in ELE. In

    other words, the sensitivity analysis completed will offer insight into the magnitude of losses to

    changes in the values of uncertain models and parameters. Moreover, some insights into how

    various parameters and models affect each other will be gained.

    The largest absolute difference or RU value will define the parametric or modeling

    uncertainty most influential in the earthquake loss estimation process and will be ranked first. The

    parametric and modeling uncertainties considered in the analysis include seismic hazard

    estimation parameters and models (earthquake recurrence, ground motion attenuation, soil

    mapping schemes) and inventory, damage, and loss estimation parameters and models (inventory

    exposure of the residential building stock and fragility of certain residential structures before and

    after mitigation).7

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  • The Range of Uncertainty, in its barest form, considers losses to society for a static

    building stock. This study, however, incorporates earthquake mitigation in the form o f structural

    retrofit o f residential buildings and residential earthquake insurance. Therefore, the RU values can

    be dependent on the stakeholders, the building fragility state, and the use of insurance. Thus,

    Equation 1.3 is restated in Equation 1.4 to reflect these dependencies.

    RU[L{X))k = | L{xx (/, j) ) - L(x0 (/, J)) | (1.4)

    Specifically stakeholders, k, denote either the homeowner {HO) or Insurer (/); fragility

    states, /, denote no structural mitigation {0) or structural mitigation (/); and insurance use,./,

    indicates no insurance is in place (0) or insurance is utilized (/). In this way, each RU value

    reflects the incorporation o f mitigation and insurance {eg. 22 = 4 combinations for each

    stakeholder). This leads to question two.

    2. How does one define a param eter in the earthquake loss estimation process so it reflects all

    the information provided by experts? How does one define a parameter in a cost-benefit

    analysis so it reflects all the information provided by experts?

    Expert opinion incorporation is extremely important in the earthquake loss estimation

    process and subsequent cost-benefit analyses of the stakeholders in the analysis. In determining

    the updated parameters in the fragility {eg. damage) curves utilized in the HAZUS

    methodology, the incorporation o f expert opinion into the software is addressed. Specifically, the

    two parameters that define a cumulative lognormal structural fragility curve in HAZUS are

    estimated using the expert opinion o f structural engineers. These are S D,ds < which is the median

    value o f spectral displacement at which building reaches threshold o f structural damage sta ted ,

    and PDfc > {he standard deviation of the normal logarithm of spectral displacement o f damage

    state ds (See Section for more details).


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  • These parameters are defined for pre-1940 low-rise wood frame residential structures

    before and after structural mitigation. Structural mitigation is comprised of bolting the iow-rise

    wood frame structures to their foundation and bracing their cripple walls. The five-step process to

    incorporate expert opinion on the fragility o f these older wood frame homes and the benefits of

    this structural mitigation technique (i.e. reduction in damage) into HAZUS is presented.

    The change in the annual benefits o f mitigation, AB, due to the incorporation of new

    knowledge o f the fragility, x h is the difference between the absolute value o f the annual benefits

    of mitigation in this updated information state and those in the default state, x0. In Equation 1.5,

    considering benefits to society and no insurance (j = 0), i = 0 reflects no mitigation and / = 1

    reflects structural mitigation (i.e. a Boolean indicator of zero or one).

    A = \(AAL(xi(0.0))-AAL(xi(l.0))l - \ (AAL(x0(0,0)) - AAL(x0(l.O)) | (1.5)

    Furthermore, the expert opinion o f contractors experienced in this particular residential

    earthquake retrofit technique (i.e. bracing and bolting) is incorporated into the homeowner cost-

    benefit analysis. Specifically, the estimated cost for the contractor to retrofit an older wood frame

    home, Crotai, or the homeowner to retrofit the structure himself, CKlalenai, is presented and utilized

    in the cost-benefit analysis. These costs, in terms of upfront dollar values, have sample mean

    values, with a distribution surrounding the sample mean for the cost-benefit analysis (See Section

    4.3.4 and 4.3.5). This leads to question three.

    3. Is it beneficial fo r a homeowner in the Oakland, California to mitigate fo r earthquake


    In performing a sensitivity analysis on the parameters and models used in the earthquake

    loss estimation process, the homeowners losses in all cases can be determined. Considering the

    case where insurance is not utilized (J = 0), the RU value for the homeowner is different,


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  • depending on whether structural mitigation is in place (Equations 1.6(a) and 1.6(b)). In the

    equation, / = 0 indicates no mitigation and / = 1 indicates structural mitigation. One of these

    scenarios is chosen for calculation of the RU.

    RU[L{X)} h o = | L(xx( 0.0)) - L(x0( 0,0)) | (1.6 (a))

    RU[L(X)] h o = I L(x\(\.0)) - L(x q ( \ ,0J) | ( 1 .6 (b))

    Further, the point at which it is beneficial for the homeowner to mitigate can be

    established using a net present value (NPV) calculation (Equation 1.7(a)). In this formulation, the

    upfront cost o f mitigation, C, is compared with the annual expected benefits o f mitigation, 4 7 ,

    over the lifetime o f the structure, T.

    NPV = -C 0 + (1.7(a)) t=\ ( 1 + r)

    The upfront cost o f mitigation, CQ, is either Crotai or CUalenal, as previously defined. The

    annual expected benefits of mitigation, BAh are simply the average annual loss (AAL) difference

    between the unmitigated and mitigated losses using the updated information state, Jt/, or the

    default information state, xo (Equation 1.7(b)).

    BtM = [AAL(xx( 0,0)) -AAL(xx(\,0))]h o or [AAL(x0(0.0)) - AAL(x0(\,0))JHO (1.7(b))

    Finally, r is the discount rate and T is the lifetime of the structure (i.e. the time horizon

    ranges from / = 1 to 7). Whenever the NPV in Equation 1.7 is greater than or equal to zero, it will

    be beneficial to the homeowner to mitigate.

    In the HAZUS methodology, direct benefits are defined as the reduction in direct

    economic losses (eg. repair and replacement costs, building content losses, relocation expenses).

    While indirect benefits can also be defined (i.e. reduction in induced damage), direct benefits are

    the focus o f this study. Framing the analysis in this way, this work assesses the robustness o f a


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  • specific residential structural mitigation technique (i.e. bolting and bracing), and the cases in

    which mitigation is monetarily beneficial are assessed. Ideally, all cases will be beneficial to the

    homeowner for a reasonable life o f the structure.

    4. Considering residential earthquake insurance, what are the expected losses to the

    homeowner and the residential insurer in the Oakland, California area?

    Finally, in performing a sensitivity analysis on the parameters and models used in the loss

    estimation process, the homeowners losses and primary insurers losses when insurance is

    purchased (j = I) can be determined. The RU value for the primary insurer will be different when

    the structures are mitigated (/ = I) and when they are unmitigated (/ = 0), as in the case o f the

    homeowner (Equations 1.8(a) and 1.8(b)).

    RU[L(X)] i = | L(x\(0,l)) - L(xq(Q,\))\ (1.8(a))

    RU[L(X)] i = | L(x\(\,\)) - L(x0(\.\))\ (1.8(b))

    Considering various deductible and limit level schemes, the expected losses to

    homeowners and the insurance industry in the region are calculated. The reduction in losses due

    to mitigation is incorporated in the analysis to ascertain the interaction effects o f the structural

    mitigation technique and residential earthquake insurance with the uncertainty in the ELE


    In Table 1.1, the annual losses to the homeowner are laid out in terms o f the expected

    losses, AAL(x\(iJ))ffQ or AAL(xft(iJ))h q , the insurance premiums paid by the homeowner,

    (1 + /y ) - AAL(x\(i,j)) or (1 + /y ) AAL(xq('i, j)~), and the cost of mitigation, a y -C0 . Expected

    losses are calculated using the updated information state,x h or default information state, x0. with

    mitigation (i.e. i = /) or without mitigation (i.e. i = 0), and with insurance (i.e .j = 1) or without

    insurance (i.e .j = 0).


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  • Moreover, premiums paid by the homeowner for residential earthquake insurance are

    proportional to the Annual Average Loss (AAL) for the property covered and then multiplied by

    a loading factor, If, to reflect the administrative costs associated with insurance marketing and

    claims settlement. In this case, the loading factor,//, is taken as 0.5. In other words, premiums are

    1.5 times the total AAL to the residence. Finally, the costs of mitigation,C0, are multiplied by a

    factor, a/, to convert the upfront costs to annualized costs over the lifetime of the structure

    T{a f = ^ +^ ). For example, if T= 30 years and r = 10%, a/= 0.106.

    (1 + r) -1

    Table 1.1 Homeowner Losses as a Function of Mitigation and Insurance

    Losses to Homeowner

    Insurance(/ = /)

    No Insurance

  • Table 1.2 Insurer Losses as a Function of Structural Mitigation

    Losses to Insurer Insurance(/ = /)

    No Insurance

  • detail in this chapter. The updated structural fragility curves developed for use in HAZUS are


    Chapter Five summarizes the parameters used in this sensitivity analysis. Details on the

    default and updated information states of earthquake recurrence, attenuation relationships,

    soil databases, building stock exposure, and fragility of structures before and after mitigation are

    all clearly defined. In all, sixty-four (26 = 64) HAZUS runs are completed for input into the EP

    Maker and loss exceedance probability curves are generated under the different states of


    Chapter Six presents the results o f this analysis. The impact o f uncertainty, mitigation,

    and deductible and limit levels on the homeowner and the residential insurer are presented. The

    average annual loss (AAL) and worst case loss (WCL) are emphasized. Moreover, the ranking of

    the importance of the parameters and models in this analysis is given.

    Finally, Chapter Seven summarizes the conclusions and suggests future developments of

    this work.


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    The earthquake loss estimation process can be delineated in four basic stages: define the

    earthquake hazard, define the inventory characteristics, estimate the inventory damage, and

    calculate the economic loss. Each step gives rise to much uncertainty. Completed research into

    the uncertainty in this area is broken down into two separate sections: estimating the uncertainty

    in probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) and estimating the uncertainty in earthquake loss

    estimation (ELE). A distinction between the two should be emphasized. Probabilistic seismic

    hazard analysis is the determination o f the likelihood that a defined level o f ground motion will

    be exceeded at a site in a certain time period. Earthquake loss estimation is the determination of

    the losses for a region or a site in question for a certain time period using either a deterministic or

    probabilistic seismic hazard analysis. Much has been published on the uncertainty in the

    parameters and models used in seismic hazard analysis, but little has been published on the

    uncertainty in the rest of the earthquake loss estimation process. This chapter reviews the

    earthquake loss estimation process in detail and the uncertainty involved in the methodological

    process. First, a general discussion of aleatory and epistemic uncertainty is given.

    2.1 Aleatory versus Epistemic Uncertainty

    In a report published by leaders in the field of probabilistic seismic hazard analysis

    (Budnitz et al. 1997), uncertainty is defined as either aleatory or epistemic. Aleatory uncertainty

    is "uncertainty that is inherent to the unpredictable nature of future events. It represents unique

    details of source, path, and site response that cannot be quantified before the earthquake occurs.

    Given a model, one cannot reduce the aleatory uncertainty by collection o f additional

    information. One may be able, however, to quantify the aleatory uncertainty better by using

    additional data." Epistemic uncertainty is uncertainty that is due to incomplete knowledge and


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  • data about the physics o f the earthquake process. In principle, epistemic uncertainty can be

    reduced by the collection o f additional information. To extend these definitions to the rest o f the

    earthquake loss estimation process: there are unique details in the vulnerability functions used for

    damage estimation that cannot be quantified before an earthquake occurs (aleatory uncertainty).

    Additionally, there is incomplete knowledge about the inventory site characteristics or exposure

    data used in the analysis (epistemic uncertainty).

    Besides this distinction between aleatory and epistemic uncertainty, a differentiation

    between modeling uncertainty and parametric uncertainty in PSHA is made in Budnitz (1997).

    Modeling uncertainty represents differences between the actual physical process that generates

    the strong earthquake ground motions and the simplified model used to predict ground motions.

    Modeling uncertainty is estimated by comparing model predictions to actual, observed ground

    motions. Parametric uncertainty represents uncertainty in the values of model parameters in

    future earthquakes. Parametric uncertainty is quantified by observing the variation in parameters

    inferred for several earthquakes and/or several recordings. Again, extending these definitions to

    the rest of earthquake loss estimation: there are differences between the actual physical damage to

    structures and the simplified model used to predict damage (modeling uncertainty), as well as

    uncertainty in the values o f parameters estimating repair and replacement cost from future

    earthquakes (parametric uncertainty). Both modeling and parametric uncertainties contain

    aleatory and epistemic uncertainty.

    While the advantage o f differentiating between aleatory and epistemic uncertainty in an

    analysis is clear {i.e. only epistemic uncertainty can be reduced), the necessity o f distinguishing

    between aleatory and epistemic uncertainty is not. As Thomas Hanks and C. Allin Cornell state

    (Hanks and Cornell, 1994):


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  • ...epistemic and aleatory uncertainties are fixed neither in space (across a range

    of models existing in 1997, say) nor in time. What is aleatory uncertainty in one

    model can be epistemic uncertainty in another model, at least in part. And what

    appears to be aleatory uncertainty at the present time may be cast, at least in part,

    into epistemic uncertainty at a later date. As a matter o f practical reality, the trick

    is to make sure that uncertainties are neither ignored nor double counted. The

    possibilities o f doing so with parametrically complex models are large.

    Agreeing with this reasoning, the analysis presented herein is careful not to ignore

    uncertainties. The handling of the sources o f uncertainty is clearly outlined in a logic tree

    framework. Moreover, the framing of the problem to incorporate updated information states is

    implicitly considering epistemic uncertainty, while aleatory uncertainty is ingrained in the

    software methodology itself. With this clear, the next step is to determine which parameters and

    models used in earthquake loss estimation give rise to uncertainty. This begins with a look at the

    seismic hazard model.

    2.2 Seism ic Hazard Model

    The first step in the earthquake loss estimation process is the determination of the seismic

    hazard. The hazard can either be defined as deterministic or probabilistic. Deterministic

    earthquake hazards are defined primarily by their magnitude and epicenter location. These

    hazards include both historical events and user-defined events {i.e. scenario-based events). An

    historical event is a chronicled earthquake occurrence, such as the Northridge earthquake of

    January 17, 1994. A user-defined event is a hypothetical event chosen by the user based on an

    arbitrary choice of earthquake epicenter along a known fault or in an area source.

    Alternatively, a probabilistic hazard is considered. In a probabilistic seismic hazard

    analysis (PSHA), all possible seismic sources locations and geometries are determined, the17

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  • maximum magnitude expected from each source is estimated, and the recurrence model or

    frequency of earthquake events for each source is obtained. In this study, a series o f carefully

    selected scenario-based events on established sources are used to mimic a full-blown PSHA (See

    Chapter Three).

    Whether the hazard is defined as deterministic or probabilistic, the last portion needed to

    define the hazard is the attenuation relationship or ground motion expected at certain distances

    from the source for various soil types. In a probabilistic analysis, a further step is to generate a

    ground motion exceedance probability curve, designating the probability of exceeding a particular

    ground motion level at a certain site.

    There are numerous instances in the seismic hazard estimation stage where uncertainty is

    prevalent. The estimation o f parameters and choice o f models to utilize are based on the expert

    opinions o f geologists and seismologists, the manipulation of historical earthquake catalogue

    data, and assumptions in empirically based attenuation and recurrence relationships. Each

    assumption plays a role in the overall uncertainty in the process.

    2.2.1 Previous Studies on PSHA Uncertainty

    In the I980s, two probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) studies were performed,

    estimating the seismic hazard for nuclear power plant sites in the central and eastern United

    States (McGuire et al. 1989; Bemreuter et al. 1989). Both documents produced similar hazard

    curves for the relative seismic hazard, but had drastically different estimates o f absolute hazard

    levels for several plant sites. Because of the discrepancy, much controversy has surrounded

    estimates of seismic hazard. Since this time, the controversy has extended to determining seismic

    hazard through PSHA not only for hazardous facilities in the central and eastern United States,

    but for other structures across the country. Studies completed on the uncertainty encountered in a

    probabilistic seismic hazard analysis have been either qualitative or quantitative in nature.18

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  • Qualitatively, in April o f 1997, a study was published addressing the debate over the

    appropriate way in which to conduct a probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (Budnitz et al. 1997).

    It was a comprehensive study by a group of seven individuals, known as the Senior Seismic

    Hazard Analysis Committee (SSHAC), for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the U.S.

    Department of Energy, and the Electric Power Research Institute. Within this document, the issue

    of uncertainty is addressed in terms of a PSHA, and a distinction is made between aleatory (i.e.

    random) and epistemic (i.e. lack of knowledge) uncertainty, as summarized in Section 2.1.

    The SSHAC define the primary objectives o f a well-done PSHA as: proper and full

    incorporation of uncertainties, inclusion of a range of diverse technical interpretations, and

    consideration o f site-specific knowledge and data sets. Further, complete documentation o f the

    process and results, clear responsibility for the conduct of the study, and a proper peer review are

    all necessary. They recommend that the inputs into a PSHA be derived either using a Technical

    Integrator (TI) approach or a Technical Facilitator/Integrator (TFI) approach. These approaches

    assert that one individual, a TI or TFI, is responsible for incorporating and representing the views

    of the entire scientific community on the technical issue of interest. They give examples of a

    number of techniques that could be utilized in aggregating expert opinions for seismic source

    determination or ground motion estimates. In essence, the SSHAC develop a systematic way in

    which to incorporate subjective information into a model of seismic hazard. In all aspects o f this

    dissertation, every effort is made to follow the guidelines o f the SSHAC report. More

    specifically, the author acts as the Technical Integrator in all aspects of the study.

    As for quantitative analyses completed on the uncertainty in PSHA, the first notable

    study was completed in the early 1980s on the uncertainties associated with the seismic hazard in

    the Northern California Bay Area region (McGuire and Shedlock 1981). Five parameters were

    varied, using a discrete logic tree. The logic tree included: two interpretations o f the mean rupture19

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  • length, three equations for estimating the mean acceleration (ground motion), three estimates of

    the Richter b-value (see Equation 2.4 in Section, three estimates of the maximum

    magnitude, and three estimates o f the expected events per year. These parameters were varied

    over a fault system in the Bay Area that included nineteen faults. The authors conclude that the

    coefficient of variation of the 500-year acceleration ranges from 0.2 to 0.4 in the Northern

    California region. Additionally, they note that determining the largest sources o f uncertainty in

    seismic hazard analysis should be done. In this way, the most appropriate areas for future

    research and data collection can be recommended to reduce the uncertainty associated with

    seismic hazard analysis. They do not, however, indicate their estimates of the most influential

    parameters in the uncertainty analysis.

    More recent publications on quantifying the uncertainty in a probabilistic seismic hazard

    analysis are a series o f papers in the Bulletin o f the Seismological Society o f America by members

    o f the California Department o f Conservation's Division o f Mines and Geology (CDMG). In

    these papers, they assess the uncertainty of ground shaking in the Los Angeles, Ventura, and

    Orange Counties following the Northridge earthquake (Peterson et al. 1996a; Cao et al. 1996;

    Cramer et al. 1996).

    In the first of these publications (Peterson et al. 1996a), representatives o f the CDMG

    update the earthquake source model o f the Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC) with

    new seismological information and present probabilistic seismic hazard maps (10% probability of

    exceedance in 50 years) at two locations, Los Angeles and Northridge. These hazard maps

    represent the ground motion at the two sites, incorporating the statistical uncertainty o f a number

    o f parameters in the analysis. Specifically, they assumed uncertainty in the fault length, fault

    width, slip rate, shear modulus, and recurrence b-value, as well as the uncertainty associated with

    the moment-magnitude, magnitude-rupture, attenuation and magnitude distribution relationships.20

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  • In their analysis, they assessed the impact of each of these parameters on the final ground

    motion estimate, asserting that the slip rate, moment-magnitude relationship, magnitude

    distribution, magnitude-rupture length relationship, and attenuation relationship contribute most

    to the overall uncertainty at the Los Angeles and Northridge sites. Furthermore, they state that, at

    these two locations, earthquake magnitudes between 5.0 and 8.0 and epicenter distances of less

    than 60 km contribute the most to the earthquake hazard. While this final conclusion may be an

    obvious one (Le. epicenters closer to the site will be more damaging), this is an important point to

    keep in mind when developing the earthquake event catalogue for our probabilistic seismic

    hazard analysis.

    In the second of the CDMG publications (Cao et al. 1996), the seismologists developed

    estimates o f background seismicity in Southern California, producing a ground motion map for

    10% probability o f exceedance in fifty years for the area from background events with magnitude

    between 5.0 and 6.5. A distinction between random (aleatory) and modeling (epistemic)

    uncertainties is made, noting that parameters used in the recurrence relationship (b-value)

    incorporate random uncertainties, while the choice of lower (m0) and upper (m) magnitude

    events introduces modeling uncertainties into the analysis. In the end, they present the hazard

    map, again utilizing a Monte Carlo approach to estimating the uncertainty associated with the

    background seismicity o f Southern California.

    In the final paper of this series of publications (Cramer et al. 1996), those involved in the

    analysis used a logic tree approach coupled with Monte Carlo simulation techniques to perform

    the uncertainty analysis of the seismic hazard in Southern California. They considered nine

    separate parameters in the analysis, three having a discrete uncertainty distribution and six having

    a continuous distribution. The continuous distributions are assumed to be normal and the discrete

    distributions assume equal weights among all the outcomes. The parameters include fault length,21

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  • fault width, fault slip rate, attenuation relationship, magnitude-frequency distribution,

    incorporation of blind faults, maximum magnitude, b-value, and the shear modulus o f the earths

    crust. From the final analysis, the seismologists at CDMG assert that the maximum magnitude,

    the choice of attenuation relationship, the magnitude-frequency distribution, and the slip rate are

    the most influential in estimating the uncertainty in seismic hazard.

    With an understanding of the sensitivity of certain parameters in a PSHA, an in-depth

    look into the process itself is needed.

    2.2.2 Probabilistic Seism ic Hazard Analysis

    The beginnings of Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA) are generally attributed

    to C. Allin Cornell (Cornell 1968). PSHA is an analytical methodology that determines the

    likelihood that a specific level o f earthquake-induced ground motion will be exceeded at a given

    location during a future time period (Equation 2.1).

    jV mu aoN{Z)= A-i ! f f i ( m)fi(r )P (Z > z\m,r)drdm (2.1)

    '=1 mQ r=0

    In equation 2.1, N(z) designates the expected number o f times ground motion exceeds

    level Z during time period, /; At is the mean rate of occurrence o f earthquakes between lower and

    upper bound magnitudes being considered in the i h source; f(m ) is the probability density

    distribution of magnitude within source/; and f(r) is the probability density distribution o f source

    distance between the various locations within source / and the site for which the hazard is being

    estimated. Finally, P(Z > z | m, r) is the probability that a given earthquake o f magnitude m and

    epicentral distance r will exceed ground motion level z.

    PSHA is fundamentally different from Deterministic Seismic Hazard Analysis (DSHA)

    in that it carries units of time (Hanks and Cornell 1994). And, the appropriateness of PSHA


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  • versus DSHA has been debated for the last thirty years. Some seismologists believe that in

    determining the mean rates of occurrence o f certain magnitude events from a seismic source, the

    uncertainties are so great that it is best to perform a DSHA. They believe that with estimates of

    ground shaking for a certain magnitude event from a certain distance, no units o f time (i.e. annual

    probability o f recurrence) need to be carried in order to get a picture o f the likely hazard. The

    design earthquake or maximum likely earthquake should be the focus o f an earthquake hazard

    evaluation, especially in siting hazardous facilities (eg. nuclear power plants).

    The steps involved in a probabilistic seismic hazard analysis have been classified

    different ways, but one way is to describe the process in four steps. These include: seismic source

    determination, recurrence relationship for sources, estimation of ground motion at a site due to

    seismic sources, and probability of exceedance o f a certain level of ground motion for the site

    (Figure 2 after Reiter 1990).


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  • A t e iSauice

    S u p L




    ^ ^ U ncertainly in AUetma&ian




    Figure 2.1 Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis Seismic Source Determination

    In seismic source determination, all known faults and tectonic regions are catalogued and

    a seismic source model is defined. This model is a combination of faults, represented as line or

    plane sources, and area sources. Their locations and geometries are identified and the seismicity

    associated with each source is determined. This step usually involves the aggregation of historical

    earthquake occurrence data and it is sorted according to seismic source zone. It is a rather

    laborious and subjective operation. The less amount o f historical accounts available, the more


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  • subjective the source determination. Whenever possible, though, paleoseismic data {i.e. the

    location, timing, and size of prehistoric earthquakes) is used to establish seismic sources.

    The problems associated with source modeling arise from the fact that for many regions,

    there are errors in epicentral locations, especially with older earthquake events. This is primarily

    due to the accuracy, or rather inaccuracy, o f older seismic instruments. Before the establishment

    of the National Earthquake Information Center (NEIC) as a part o f the United States Geological

    Survey (USGS) in the early 1970s, the collection of seismological data from seismographs

    located across the country and around the world was not well coordinated. Today, the NEIC

    collects seismological data on a 24-hour-a-day basis, monitoring events of body wave magnitude

    or mb > 2.5 in the United States (For types of Earthquake Measures, see Appendix 8.1).

    As already mentioned, in 1997, the SSHAC issued a report on the use of expert opinion

    and uncertainty in PSHA. In this report, as with other reports on seismicity in the continental

    United States (Peterson et al. 1996b; Frankel et al. 1996; NIBS 1997), there is a distinction made

    between earthquake activity in the Western United States (WUS) and the Eastern United States

    (EUS). In the WUS, line sources or faults are the primary seismic source type, and in the EUS,

    area sources are the principal seismic source types.

    If the seismic source is a fault line or plane, as in the WUS, a number of parameters may

    be used to define the seismicity of the source. These include the length, width, endpoints, and dip

    angle o f the fault to define its orientation and the style, slip rate, and average displacement on the

    fault (for characteristic faults) to define fault movement. All o f the parameters are based on

    paleoseismic data, historical earthquake records, and/or expert opinion. Paleoseismic data is the

    most reliable source of information, and as previously noted, it is used to define the fault source

    parameters whenever possible. Additionally, data from satellite measurements of the earths

    surface are now influencing choices o f creep (slip) rates along established fault lines (Figure 2.2).25

    Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

  • With these parameters, then, the maximum earthquake magnitude can be defined for each

    fault source. The maximum magnitude is very important to the seismic hazard calculation

    (Cramer et al. 1996). In general, estimating maximum magnitudes can be accomplished through

    empirical relationships from analysis of historical data, slip rate data, or geologic and geodetic

    data. Past research relates fault rupture parameters to maximum earthquake magnitudes. These

    parameters include rupture length and area, maximum surface displacement, and average surface

    displacement (eg: Bonilla etal. 1984; Wells and Coppersmith 1994).

    Historical Expej t PaleoseismicOpinionEarthquake

    Records 'Data Geologic and

    Geodetic DataSatelliteImaging

    Area SourceFault Source



    Figure 2.2 Seismic Source Determination

    The most popular measure of maximum magnitude is the maximum moment magnitude

    earthquake (Mw or simply M). It is the maximum earthquake that can occur on the fault plane,

    based on measurement of the seismic moment, M0 The seismic moment is defined as the seismic

    release on a fault, given in Equation 2.2.

    M 0 =\ i -~DA (2.2)

    The parameter fj, is the modulus of rigidity o f the earths crust (normally taken as 3 x 10"

    dyne/cm2s); D is the average displacement on the fault; and A is the rupture area (i.e. L x IV or


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  • Rupture Length times Width of the fault). Using Equation 2.2, the moment magnitude is

    generated using Hanks and Kanamori (1979) in Equation 2.3:

    M = y lo g io M q - 10.7 (2.3)

    Alternatively, if the seismic source is an area source, things become more complicated.

    Area sources can either be a concentrated zone with a definitive boundary, a regional source with

    a fuzzy boundary, or a background zone, designating changes in the character of seismicity

    between zones (Budnitz et al. 1997). Area sources were developed for use in a PSHA in the

    eastern United States although area sources do exist in the WUS to a limited degree. They are

    simplified representations o f the tectonic history o f a region that is not readily comprehended or

    accepted by the experts. Subsequently, parameters used to define a seismic area source are not

    easily listed, as in the case of a seismic fault source.

    Area sources and their boundaries are based on historical earthquake records, recorded

    changes in regional stress, and expert opinion (Figure 2.2). In determining the maximum

    earthquake magnitude generated from an area source in the EUS, the historical seismicity record

    is very important. This record, along with analogies to similar seismic sources, is the primary

    basis for the maximum magnitude event. In contrast to a fault source, where the determination of

    Mmax is more rigorous {i.e. some estimated empirical relationships do exist), the determination

    of the maximum earthquake magnitude for an area source is more an art than a science

    (Budnitz et al. 1997). Recurrence Relationship

    Once the seismic source model is generated, with an estimation o f the maximum

    magnitude expected from each source, the next step is the establishment o f the recurrence of

    earthquakes for each source based on the given data. Earthquake recurrence relationships estimate


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  • the frequency of occurrence o f magnitude events up to the maximum magnitude. Various

    methods for estimating recurrence relationships o f earthquake events exist, and they are typically

    different for fault sources and area sources.

    For fault sources, recurrence relationships are generally established from historical

    earthquake records and geologic data (Figure 2.3). Historical records are used to establish a

    recurrence curve for smaller magnitude events, while geologic data is used to estimate the

    recurrence of larger events (i.e. characteristic events). In general, the slip rate and the mean return

    period are two important parameters that are used to generate a recurrence relationship. The slip

    rate, in millimeters per year, is the rate at which each side o f the fault plane moves relative to the

    other. In this way, fault movement is modeled as a continual process and the rate at which the

    fault displaces relates how quickly stress is building up in the fault.

    The mean return period, in years, is the average recurrence rate or interval o f earthquake

    events, based on a certain magnitude event. When performing a PSHA, mean return periods need

    to be generated for all magnitudes considered in the analysis (i.e. f j (m) in Equation 2.1).

    Establishing a recurrence relationship is typically done using one or more of competing models:

    the Gutenberg-Richter relationship, the bounded exponential model, or the characteristic

    earthquake model (Youngs and Coppersmith 1985).

    The most popular recurrence model is the Gutenberg-Richter magnitude-distribution

    relationship. In the mid-I950s, Gutenberg and Richter discovered that the number o f earthquake

    events occurring in a region is often log-linearly related to the magnitude of earthquakes (i.e.

    f ( m ) ~ I0~bm). The unbounded form of the equation (Richter 1958) is given in Equation 2.4.

    N(m) = \0a'bM (2.4)


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  • In this equation, for a given time period, N(m) is the cumulative number o f earthquakes

    of magnitude m or greater, where M designates moment magnitude, and a and b are constants.

    The parameter a describes the severity of seismic activity; large values for a indicate a large

    number of events over time. The parameter b (i.e. Richter b-value as mentioned in Section 2.2.1)

    describes the relative frequency of smaller events to larger ones; large values for b imply that

    small earthquakes occur much more frequently than large ones. Using historical earthquake data,

    methods for determining the values for a and b include the method of least squares fit or the

    maximum likelihood method (Weichert 1980).

    Alternatively, the bounded, or truncated, exponential model explicitly assumes a

    maximum magnitude event in its calculation. In this model, the recurrence relationship considers

    an upper bound on the magnitude, m, as well as a lower bound, m0- The common assumption is

    that earthquake events occur on a fault source within a specified time period at a relative

    frequency, f ( m ) , which is of the form:

    / (m) - for mQ < m < mu (2.5)

    One form of the model, first proposed by Cornell and Van Marke (1969), is a truncated,

    shifted exponential distribution, which is renormalized (Equation 2.6). The cumulative number of

    earthquakes of magnitude m or greater, N(m), in a given time period is limited between mu and


    - P ( m - m 0 ) _ - P ( m u - m 0 )N{m) = N{m0 )-------------- - (2.6)

    | _ e P \ m u ~ m o )

    In contrast to the exponential recurrence relationship, the characteristic earthquake model

    assumes a characteristic or same-size earthquake frequency density, usually banded at or near

    the maximum earthquake magnitude, mu. Historically, this type of model is used less frequently,


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  • but it is actually more appropriate to use for certain individual faults, particularly in California

    (Youngs and Coppersmith 1985). Furthermore, recent work done in estimating ground shaking

    probabilities uses a combination of the two recurrence models for earthquake magnitude-

    frequency distributions of certain fault segments (Peterson et al. 1996b).




    Area SourceFault Source

    Recurrencef(m )

    Figure 2 3 Earthquake Recurrence

    As in the case o f determining maximum magnitude events for seismic area sources, the

    recurrence relationships derived for area sources are complicated. They rely heavily on historical

    earthquake data and expert opinion (Figure 2.3). With an expert reviewing these historical

    records, seismicity rates can be derived for each magnitude level of the area sources. In the

    SSHAC report (Budnitz et al. 1997), it is suggested that a truncated exponential magnitude-

    distribution relationship is valid, and the values for a and b should be determined using the

    maximum likelihood method. Estimation o f Ground Motion

    Now, once the recurrence relationship is established for the various sources, a ground

    motion attenuation function is used to describe the decay o f seismic waves from the source with

    distance for a given earthquake magnitude. Seismic waves decrease in amplitude and change

    frequency content as they travel away from their source due to various geological reasons {eg.30

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  • soil type, existence o f land basins, etc). With this geological information, the ground motion as a

    function of the distance from the earthquake source and the magnitude o f the event is calculated

    ( f i ( m )and f j ( r ) in Equation 2.1). But, different ground motion measures can be utilized,

    including peak ground acceleration {PGA), peak ground velocity {PGV) and peak ground

    displacement (PGD), or spectral acceleration (SA), spectral velocity (.SV), and spectral

    displacement (SD). Notably, SA, Sy, and Sn are simply related to each other in terms of the period,

    T, or frequency, at, o f a single-degree-of-freedom system (For more details, see Section

    and Equations 3.7 and 3.8).

    While PSHA studies can characterize ground motion at a site using a few different

    measures, the most popular method is peak ground acceleration with a few response spectra

    ordinates. PGA is defined as the maximum absolute magnitude o f a ground acceleration time

    series, while a response spectrum describes the maximum response of a building as a function of

    period for a given level o f damping. The SSHAC report (Budnitz et al. 1997) debates the

    appropriateness of using PGA, as well as ordinates o f response spectra. They note that the

    response spectrum has been accepted as the standard in defining earthquake motions, citing the

    Uniform Building Codes use o f standardized response spectra shapes for structural design. But,

    they do state the following:

    It is recommended that the representation of seismic hazard as a function of

    structural frequency be obtained directly through attenuation functions (or equal

    formulations) that predict spectral acceleration as a function of structural

    frequency, rather than using a fixed spectral shape anchored to a value of PG A

    Ground motion is characterized by the magnitude of the earthquake event, the distance

    from source to site, and the local site characteristics (Equation 2.7 and Figure 2.4). In this


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  • equation, z is the ground motion measure (eg. PGA or SA), m is the magnitude, r designates the

    distance from source to site, and s is a local soil condition parameter.

    z = f ( m , r , s ) (2.7)

    As in the case o f determining seismic sources and their recurrence relationships, a

    distinction is made between ground motion prediction in the WUS (which contains primarily fault

    sources) and the EUS (which contains primarily area sources). The magnitude measures used in

    historical earthquake records are different in each region. Historically, the earthquake magnitude

    scale used in the WUS is the moment magnitude, M, while the common recorded earthquake

    magnitude scale in the EUS is body wave magnitude, mb (For comparison o f Earthquake

    Measures, see Appendix 8.1).

    Distance Local Soil Magnitude (Source to Site) Conditions

    Area SourceFault Source

    Ground Motionz

    Figure 2.4 Ground Motion Estimation

    For the distance from source to site, the distinction between the hypocentral (focal)

    distance and the epicentral distance is important (Figure 2.5). The hypocentral distance is the

    distance from the site to the hypocenter o f the earthquake, the actual point of energy release

    below the earths surface. The epicentral distance is the distance from the site to the epicenter, the

    point vertically above the hypocenter. Clearly, the epicenter is the projection o f the hypocenter on

    the ground surface.


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