self image includes… what you think you look like physically. how your personality comes across....


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Post on 16-Jan-2016




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Page 1: Self image includes… What you think you look like physically. How your personality comes across. What kind of person you think you are. What you think
Page 2: Self image includes… What you think you look like physically. How your personality comes across. What kind of person you think you are. What you think

Self image includes…What you think you look like physically.

How your personality comes across.

What kind of person you think you are.

What you think others think of you.

How much you like yourself or you think others like you.

Page 3: Self image includes… What you think you look like physically. How your personality comes across. What kind of person you think you are. What you think

A Biblical Self-Image…

A Biblical Self-Image isn’t based on the subjectivity of our own perceptions or the perceptions of others, but is based on the absolute truth of God’s word.

Page 4: Self image includes… What you think you look like physically. How your personality comes across. What kind of person you think you are. What you think

The rub…

Only 4% of Christian students believe the Bible is the infallible word of God and only 9% of those students believe in absolute truth.

Page 5: Self image includes… What you think you look like physically. How your personality comes across. What kind of person you think you are. What you think
Page 6: Self image includes… What you think you look like physically. How your personality comes across. What kind of person you think you are. What you think
Page 7: Self image includes… What you think you look like physically. How your personality comes across. What kind of person you think you are. What you think
Page 8: Self image includes… What you think you look like physically. How your personality comes across. What kind of person you think you are. What you think
Page 9: Self image includes… What you think you look like physically. How your personality comes across. What kind of person you think you are. What you think
Page 10: Self image includes… What you think you look like physically. How your personality comes across. What kind of person you think you are. What you think
Page 11: Self image includes… What you think you look like physically. How your personality comes across. What kind of person you think you are. What you think
Page 12: Self image includes… What you think you look like physically. How your personality comes across. What kind of person you think you are. What you think
Page 13: Self image includes… What you think you look like physically. How your personality comes across. What kind of person you think you are. What you think
Page 14: Self image includes… What you think you look like physically. How your personality comes across. What kind of person you think you are. What you think
Page 15: Self image includes… What you think you look like physically. How your personality comes across. What kind of person you think you are. What you think
Page 16: Self image includes… What you think you look like physically. How your personality comes across. What kind of person you think you are. What you think

Stats say…

It is obvious that when students are left to determine their self-worth free of any absolute standard, they are then subject to all standards and

their “self” perceptions will unavoidably fall short in multiple

categories of comparisons.

Page 17: Self image includes… What you think you look like physically. How your personality comes across. What kind of person you think you are. What you think

Appearance…The average American woman wears a size 10 or larger

(not a 2 or 3, like your average model).

Twenty years ago, the average model weighed 8% less than the average woman; today, models weigh 23% less.

400-600 advertisements bombard us everyday in magazines, on billboards, on TV, and in newspapers. One in eleven has a direct message about beauty...and that's not even counting the indirect messages.

Page 18: Self image includes… What you think you look like physically. How your personality comes across. What kind of person you think you are. What you think

Appearance…60% of high school girls with eating disorders or related

symptoms do not believe they need counseling.

Eighty percent of 10-year-old American girls diet.

Between 1996 and 1998, teenage cosmetic surgeries nearly doubled, from 13,699 to 24,623. (Source: American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons)

One million teenage boys have eating disorders, and as many as 400,000 are steroid users.

Update: In 2003, almost 336,000 teens 18 or younger had some kind of cosmetic

surgery or procedure, a 50% increase over 2002.

Page 19: Self image includes… What you think you look like physically. How your personality comes across. What kind of person you think you are. What you think


Four central ingredients in our self-image…

A sense of worth




Page 20: Self image includes… What you think you look like physically. How your personality comes across. What kind of person you think you are. What you think

Psalm 139…Four central ingredients in our self-image…A sense of worth (vss. 1-6)

LORD, You have searched me and known me. You know when I sit down and when I stand up; You understand my thoughts from far away. You observe my travels and my rest; You are aware of all my ways. Before a word is on my tongue, You know all about it, LORD. You have encircled me; You have placed Your hand on me. This extraordinary knowledge is beyond me. It is lofty; I am unable to reach it. (HCSB)

Page 21: Self image includes… What you think you look like physically. How your personality comes across. What kind of person you think you are. What you think

Psalm 139…Four central ingredients in our self-image…Love (vss. 7-12, 23)

Where can I go to escape Your Spirit? Where can I flee from Your presence? If I go up to heaven, You are there; if I make my bed in Sheol, You are there. If I live at the eastern horizon or settle at the western limits, even there Your hand will lead me; Your right hand will hold on to me. If I say, "Surely the darkness will hide me, and the light around me will become night“ even the darkness is not dark to You. The night shines like the day; darkness and light are alike to You. (HCSB)

Page 22: Self image includes… What you think you look like physically. How your personality comes across. What kind of person you think you are. What you think

Psalm 139…Four central ingredients in our self-image…Love (vss. 7-12, 23)

Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my concerns. See if there is any offensive way in me; lead me in the everlasting way. (HCSB)

Page 23: Self image includes… What you think you look like physically. How your personality comes across. What kind of person you think you are. What you think

Psalm 139…Four central ingredients in our self-image…Confidence (vss. 13-14)

For it was You who created my inward parts; You knit me together in my mother's womb. I will praise You, because I have been remarkably and wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful, and I know this very well. (HCSB)

Page 24: Self image includes… What you think you look like physically. How your personality comes across. What kind of person you think you are. What you think

Psalm 139…Four central ingredients in our self-image…Security (vss. 15-16)

My bones were not hidden from You when I was made in secret, when I was formed in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw me when I was formless; all my days were written in Your book and planned before a single one of them began. (HCSB)

Page 25: Self image includes… What you think you look like physically. How your personality comes across. What kind of person you think you are. What you think

The Process…Practical steps to building a Biblical Self-Image…

Recognize your level of influence

Page 26: Self image includes… What you think you look like physically. How your personality comes across. What kind of person you think you are. What you think

“…“…the human the human child is child is ‘talked into ‘talked into talking’ and talking’ and ‘loved into ‘loved into

loving’ loving’ ‘related into ‘related into believing.believing. ’”’”

“…“…the human the human child is child is ‘talked into ‘talked into talking’ and talking’ and ‘loved into ‘loved into

loving’ loving’ ‘related into ‘related into believing.believing. ’”’”

Page 27: Self image includes… What you think you look like physically. How your personality comes across. What kind of person you think you are. What you think

Out of 14 influences listed

by teens as having ‘a lot’ of

influence on how they think and act,

only one was listed by more

than 50% of teens…

Page 28: Self image includes… What you think you look like physically. How your personality comes across. What kind of person you think you are. What you think

78% of teens acknowledge that parents have a major

impact on their thoughts

and deeds

Page 29: Self image includes… What you think you look like physically. How your personality comes across. What kind of person you think you are. What you think

“In terms of faith, parents were named 3 times as often

(47%) as the next most prolific

source of faith influence (16% -

the church)”

Page 30: Self image includes… What you think you look like physically. How your personality comes across. What kind of person you think you are. What you think

“We must produce in our homes and

community ‘living models’ of the very

biblical truth we want to see incorporated in our kids or they

will eventually reject that truth and walk

away.”Josh McDowell

Page 31: Self image includes… What you think you look like physically. How your personality comes across. What kind of person you think you are. What you think

The Process…Practical steps to building a Biblical Self-Image…

Recognize your level of influence

Teach them what the Bible says

Page 32: Self image includes… What you think you look like physically. How your personality comes across. What kind of person you think you are. What you think

Children’s conceptions of God stem from

day-to-day experiences

with their parents.

Page 33: Self image includes… What you think you look like physically. How your personality comes across. What kind of person you think you are. What you think

The Process…Practical steps to building a Biblical Self-Image…

Recognize your level of influence

Teach them what the Bible says

Practice encouragement, guidance, and support

Page 34: Self image includes… What you think you look like physically. How your personality comes across. What kind of person you think you are. What you think

The Process…Practice encouragement, guidance, and support by…

Appreciating your teenagerTelling your teen that you love himSpending time with your teen

Page 35: Self image includes… What you think you look like physically. How your personality comes across. What kind of person you think you are. What you think

The average born-again church kid

spends an average of only

4½ minutes a day in meaningful

conversation with their father.

Page 36: Self image includes… What you think you look like physically. How your personality comes across. What kind of person you think you are. What you think

The average born-again church kid

spends an average of only

8½ minutes a day in meaningful

conversation with their mother.

Page 37: Self image includes… What you think you look like physically. How your personality comes across. What kind of person you think you are. What you think

The Process…Practice encouragement, guidance, and support by…

Appreciating your teenagerTelling your teen that you love himSpending time with your teenEncouraging your teen to make choicesFostering independence in your childGiving genuine importance to your teen’s opinion and listeningTaking the time to explain reasonsFeeding your teen with positive encouragement

Page 38: Self image includes… What you think you look like physically. How your personality comes across. What kind of person you think you are. What you think

The Process…Practice encouragement, guidance, and support by…

Encouraging your child to try new and challenging activitiesPromoting healthy friendships

Page 39: Self image includes… What you think you look like physically. How your personality comes across. What kind of person you think you are. What you think

The Process…Practical steps to building a Biblical Self-Image…

Recognize your level of influence

Teach them what the Bible says

Practice encouragement, guidance, and support

Avoid damaging negativity

Page 40: Self image includes… What you think you look like physically. How your personality comes across. What kind of person you think you are. What you think

The Process…Avoid damaging negativity by…

Curtailing criticism

Page 41: Self image includes… What you think you look like physically. How your personality comes across. What kind of person you think you are. What you think
Page 42: Self image includes… What you think you look like physically. How your personality comes across. What kind of person you think you are. What you think

The Process…Avoid damaging negativity by…

Curtailing criticismRefraining from using guilt motivationResisting over-protectionRefusing to impose unrealistic regulations

Page 43: Self image includes… What you think you look like physically. How your personality comes across. What kind of person you think you are. What you think

Discipline…A proper teaching on sin should include:

It should teach God’s standards of holy living. (Gal. 5:19-26)

It should show a child how we all fall short of these standards (Rom. 3:23)

It should show a child how valuable he is to God an distinguish between one’s being a sinner and being a worthless person. (1 Cor. 1:1-9)

It should lead the child to Christ, the answer to his sin. (Jn. 3:16; 1:12)

It should encourage the child to be obedient out of the motivation of love, not of guilt. (Eph. 5:1-2; 1 Jn. 4:11-18)

Page 44: Self image includes… What you think you look like physically. How your personality comes across. What kind of person you think you are. What you think