self inflate tyres


Post on 11-Sep-2014




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automatic pressure detction and refilling process


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Page 2: Self inflate tyres

Self-inflating Tires :

1. Introduction to How Self-inflating Tires Work

2. Tire-inflation System Basics

3. Central Tire Inflation System4. Tire Maintenance System and AIRGO

5. Meritor Tire Inflation System

6. The Future of Self-inflating Tires


Hummer CTIS lines.

Tweel Airless Tires How Tires Work Da Vinci Tank

Wheels VideoJames Bond has them, Hummers have them, most truckers have them and the military has had them for years. Self-inflating tires allow a vehicle to adjust to the current terrain for ideal performance and safety in those conditions.

Currently, lots of consumer vehicles are equipped with pressure-monitoring systems, but there's no way for the driver to do anything about it without an external air source. There are lots of self-inflating-tire systems on the market, but most of them are only available for commercial and military applications. The exception, of course, is the CTIS system on the Hummer.

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In this article, we're going to learn about some of the tire-inflation systems out there and see when there might be one on the market for us regular people who drive regular cars.

According to AAA, about 80 percent of the cars on the road are driving with one or more tires underinflated. Tires lose air through normal driving (especially after hitting pot holes or curbs), permeation and seasonal changes in temperature. They can lose one or two psi (pounds per square inch) each month in the winter and even more in the summer. And, you can't tell if they're properly inflated just by looking at them. You have to use a tire-pressure gauge. Not only is underinflation bad for your tires, but it's also bad for your gas mileage, affects the way your car handles and is generally unsafe.

When tires are underinflated, the tread wears more quickly.

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According to Goodyear, this equates to 15 percent fewer miles you can drive on them for every 20 percent that they're underinflated. Underinflated tires also overheat more quickly than properly inflated tires, which causes more tire damage. The faded areas below indicate areas of excessive tread wear.

Because tires are flexible, they flatten at the bottom when they roll. This contact patch rebounds to its original shape once it is no longer in contact with the ground. This rebound creates a wave of motion along with some friction. When there is less air in the tire, that wave is larger and the friction created is greater -- and friction creates heat. If enough heat is generated, the rubber that holds the tire's cords together begin to melt and the tire fails. See How Tires Work to learn more.

Because of the extra resistance an underinflated tire has when it rolls, your car's engine has to work harder. AAA statistics show that tires that are underinflated by as little as 2 psi reduce fuel efficiency by 10 percent. Over a year of driving, that can amount

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to several hundred dollars in extra gas purchases.

Werner Adds Meritor Tire Inflation System (MTIS) Across FleetOctober 31, 2011Advances in trucking technology continue to make the roads safer and the jobs easier. Werner Enterprises is adding the Meritor Tire Inflation System (MTIS) to all of its nearly 24,000 trailers. So far, just under 4,000 of Werner’s Wabash National vans have been equipped with this trucking technology from Pressure Systems International.

The MTIS, which is built in San Antonio, Texas, uses compressed air from the braking system to keep the tires properly inflated, thus saving drivers time when they hook up new trailers. Rather than have to check and possibly inflate tires, drivers know that the tires on a trailer with the MTIS require little to no attention.Werner chose Kansas City, Kansas-based Velociti, which specializes in technology deployments, to retrofit the fleet. Velociti is adding the inflation systems in the field to reduce the time that trailers spend in shops (and that drivers spend to get them there). Each retrofit takes four man-hours, as Velociti demonstrated at a recent event at P.S.I. headquarters.Omaha, Nebraska-based Werner Enterprises rose two notches to become the nation’s 11th-largest public trucking company in 2011, according to industry trade magazine Transport Topics. Its four

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divisions are Werner Truckload Transportation Services, Werner Value Added Services, Werner Global Logistics, and Fleet Truck Sales.

Self-Inflating Tires Will Keep You Rolling

It's a well known fact that keeping your tires properly inflated has numerous benefits. But sometimes it's just inconvenient to stop and check and re-pressurize. A new self-inflating tiredesign from Coda Development can fix that and you don't even have to stop.Actually, all you have to do is drive to make sure your tires are properly inflated. Now before the comments start rolling in about how self-inflating tires are nothing new, let me explain how theywork.

Normally, a compressed air tank is used to inflate tires that are too low. This new system uses something called a peristaltic pump to regulate air flow. A

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peristaltic pump is the same kind of pump used in hospitals to deliver medication through an I-V.The system uses a rotating wheel that, as it turns, pushes the tube's contents through one end. The movement causes a low pressure area which pulls more "whatever" into the other end. In Coda's case, the car's   wheel  is the rotating wheel and your air-filled tire plays the part of the tube. A pressure sensitive valve ensures that your tire stays at a constant pressure.

Since the system doesn't require nearly as many parts and is not powered by an outside source, it should be much more reliable and cost less. Coda plans to show off the new technology at the 2008 SAE World Congress in mid April.

How does it works?

The SIT system is based on proven,,highly relaiable peristaltic pump principles. It integrates the tube chamber into the tore wall.

The tube chamber is kept closed at its lowest point by the normal tire deformation casued by the weight of the vehicle.

As the tires turns against the roads this closure moves along the tube chamber , forcing more air into the tire with each wheel revolution. Simulatneously, it pulls outside air back into the chamber from the other side.

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Can the pressure br adjusted ?

The chamber continuously pushes air into the tire until it reaches its optimal pressure.Then, a managing valve stops the intake of outside air and allows for inside circulation between the tire and the tube chambser , back and forth.

Once the tire pressure fails below its optimal level, the manging vave disables internal air circulation and opens the intake of atmospheric air to activate the inflation again. The managing valve can be either electronic or purely mechanical. The tire pressure can be set during regular maintenance or even by the driver.

As a result, this simple solution ensures that all tires operate at optimal pressure at all times.

What have those tests proven ?

Between the regular tires & rims there is sufficient pressure to enable tire inflation.

The inflation capability doesn’t depend on the speed of the vehicle.

The tube chamnber between the rim & the tire wall is easy to produce wih marginal extra production costs.

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Who benefits from SIT ?

Key benefits to drivers :

SAFTEY Properly inflate tires increase car stability & reduces the danger of the blowouts. They also ensures a car’s proper brkaing distances.


Correct tire pressure leads to lower rolling resistance, siginificantly improving the fuel efficiency. In united states alone, 1.24 billion gallons of fuel per year can be saved by proper tire pressure.


Proper inflation leads to improve the tires life span.


Less carbondixode is released in tho the atmosphere. Less tire debires(The scattered remains of something broken or destroyed) litters the roadways . Fewer scrap tires are generated.

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Drivers have confidence in knowing their tires will always opertate at their optimal pressure. Eliminates the inflation tires at gas stations, for an obviously easier and cleaner solution.

Key Benefits To Mandufacturers:


SIT offers siginificant added value to end consumers.

Its benefits are eay to communicate and relevant to today’s market. LOW VARIABLE COSTS

The SIT system is easy to integrate into the current tire manufacturing process.

Production of SIT tires will be only managerial more expensive than the production of today’s regular tires.


The pressure monitoring systems ( TPMS ) notify the driver when a tire is under-inflated. TPMS are already required in the countries.

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SIT addresses the core problem of the tire undr-inflation directly. It works independently , but also in combination with TPMS. { tire pressure monitoring system}

How It Works: Self-Inflating Tire

Searching for the air hose in the grimiest corner of a neighborhood service station may soon become a thing of the past. With the help of a $1.5 million Department of Energy grant, Goodyear is developing a tire that regulates its own air pressure. Though the company refused to leak details of how the system works, a 2009 patent application shows that the tire employs a pressurized internal tube with inlet and outlet valves. This differs from the automatic inflation system on military vehicles that use onboard compressors. "The Air Maintenance Technology system is powered by the tire itself as it rolls down the road," says Goodyear chief technical officer Jean-Claude Kihn. Underinflation can lead to tire failure and a

possible crash, but in most cases it just wastes fuel. According to Goodyear, underinflation cuts a car's efficiency by 2.5 to 3.3 percent, which, at current fuel prices, effectively adds more than 10 cents per gallon. 

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1. Intake

Air entering the inlet fills a small, high-pressure tube encircling the rim. 

2. Big Push

Air is forced through the inner tube by ground pressure on a low tire. 

3. Inflate

Tire pressure returns to normal as air fills it through the outlet valve. 

4. Vent

Excess air escapes through the inlet port. 

Read more: How It Works: Self-Inflating Tire - Popular Mechanics 


Too many components More costly than the conventional tires.

Requires more maintenance.

Heavier than general vehicle.

The user must have the basic know how of the relation between the pressure and

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road condition.


Self inflating tires are going to be used in the bicycles and motorcycles along with the four or more wheelers through out the world and an era will definitely come soon when there will be only self inflating tires in practice

Reference :

SIT - Self Inflating Tire

SIT – the Self Inflating Tire technology received another prestigious industry award

The SIT technology now holds a unique combination of awards from the world's

most important automotive and tire professional forums.

Press Release, March 2009 - PDF, 28kB

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SIT – the Self Inflating Tire won the prestigious Tire Technology of the

Year award at the TireTechnology Awards for Innovation and Excellence 2009,

which were presented at the Tire Technology Expo in Hamburg, Germany

Media coverage of the event:

"Self-Inflation Tyres Win An Industry Oscar!"



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Official page of the event:

"Now in its ninth year, Tire Technology Expo is the world's most important Tire

Manufacturing Technology Exhibition and Conference. "

Coda Development with SIT was on a shortlist of four nominations for this award

together with Pirelli, Goodyear and Amerityre.

Related quotes:

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During its first public presentation the SIT technology won a

prestigious Technology Awardat the 2008 SAE World Congress in Detroit, USA

Copyright © 2008 Proprietary CODA DEVELOPMENT s.r.o.,

All rights reserved. For informative purposes only.