selling the project internally

Project Explorer Project Patrick Caldwell 2/8/13

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Page 1: Selling the project internally

Project Explorer Project Patrick Caldwell


Page 2: Selling the project internally

VisionO The one place to quickly and

efficiently find, manage, and interact with any or all of your project objects

O Adaptable, intuitive, and easy to use

O Built for future needs/capabilities

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User #1 John the Geoscientist at Large Independent

O Daily user of “the Tree”O Has fellow geoscientists with whom he is working

constantly. Some at same level but senior to othersO Tight schedule, “drill baby drill”O Has used Kingdom and other similar tools for “Years”O Constant looking for things he needs. Lots of false

starts when it come to this “work”. Lots of “hunting and pecking”

O Working one area now in much larger project.O 64 years oldO Wears bifocalsO WE ARE DESIGNING FOR HIM IN V1

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User #2 Randy the Consultant

O Daily user of “the Tree”O Geophysicist – one man shopO Has multiple concurrently clients O On each - Comes in for awhile and then perhaps won’t be back

for a month or twoO Constant looking for things he needs. Lots of false starts when it

come to this “work”. Lots of “hunting and pecking”O Has used Kingdom and other similar tools for “Years”O Specializes in Ferdunkulation of migrated fault attributes and

colored inversion. Led the SEG committee ESFFOMFA ( Establishing Standards for Ferdunkulation of Migrated Fault Attributes)

O 64 years oldO Wears bifocalsO WE ARE DESIGNING FOR HIM IN V1

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User #3 Nancy the Data Manager

O Manages the Kingdom environment for SLOC (South Lake Oil Corp)O Supports three geologists and one geophysicists in the OK city officeO Regional project of Midland areaO Has used Kingdom and other similar tools for “Years”O Role includes, data loading, bug “fixing”, teaching users to use

Kingdom “correctly”, liaison with Kingdom Support, licensing, data continuity, and all around go to lady

O Works with corporate IT when issues involved straight technical issues

O Works in Kingdom nearly everyday, among other productsO Constantly interrupted – all day longO Mid 40’s O Extremely organized and detail oriented O Has kids at homeO WE ARE DESIGNING FOR HER IN V1

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User #4 George VP Geosciences - Domestic

O Manages the geoscience group (7 employees)

O Uses Kingdom infrequentlyO Wants to be able to access his employees

work easilyO Has not interpreted since starting here 5

years agoO Sells the work of his group up the chainO Owns budgetO WE ARE JUST KEEPING HIM IN MIND IN V1

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The Challenge - User Pain Points We Will Address

O Too much data - I am drowning in itO I have three or four monitors and I still don’t have enough

space to workO Where in the he**am I?O Where did that one go?O What the he** am I looking at?O I can't see different sets of stuff per view, so I keep having to

toggle stuff on and offO Kingdom makes me use extensive naming conventions to

know what the he** I am looking atO Too many windows, where is the one I wantO Want to more easily share my stuff with coworkersO I have absolutely no time to "learn new things“O It takes too damn long to show stuff

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This is a recurring problem in Kingdom – with the increasing complexity in the data we need more info around each object . Since there is a general lack of info boxes for this purpose we need to put it into the name.

Therefore all object name boxes should be expandable so we can read the whole name.


We need more space for longer names – or flexible windows.

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User Tasks We Will Support

O Manage what and how they will see “stuff”

O Use the tool to do my “real work”O Help them “sell” their workO Help them share / collaborate

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Let them organizeO Grouping

O Long term or short termO Sub groups of groups

O FavoritesO I will show you mine if you show me

yours O Sharing O Pushing and pulling

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Help them organizeO Automation

O Based on queryO New stuff

O Adapt the UI for those “Non oil finding but required” tasks

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Help them find things NOWO The Simplest search

O Two way highlighting and zoom

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Help them find things – “give me all you got”

O Let me spread out and use all the info I have to make a good choice

O VisualsO Allow me to slice and dice as desiredO Let me take up space by showing

multiple things at once

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Use this to do moreits not all about the data

O SessionsO ViewsO Status (new data)O Communication

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Get ‘em started and give them reasons to keep them coming

O A place that they see first that teaches ‘em good

O A place that has enough usefulness that they want to go back over and overO Stuff I have doneO New stuffO Place where I can make good overall

management decisionsO Place where communication happens

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Help them turn on and off stuff


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Do not lose stuff ( lose functionality / break

expectations)O Keep behaviors from the old treeO Keep capabilities from the old tree

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Visualize thisO View roll oversO Visuals – Logs, etc? (certainly in next

gen stuff) O Horizon, grid, fault – mapsO Well – VSD?

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Where did this go / where am I

O Relationships – how is this being used

O On viewsO From views to appO What am I looking at? (Breadcrumbs)

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“IF – THEN”O For this selection, show what my

next steps could be

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If you only have a screwdriver, hammering nails sucks

O Adapt UI to current needsO Hide completely O Search onlyO List only O Full dealO Panes come and panes go, “but the

story is the same”O Make it EASY and INTUITIVE to switch

between these modes

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Why don’t we ship the Preview?

O Several people are using it and we have not heard any complaints

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What's wrong with the old one?

O Let’s match it and call it a day, that is what this project is about correct?

O See next slide “I have not read the stories”

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You can’t do everythingO Context - Arms wavingO This is too complicated, I have not

read the stories but they mostly suck

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Why don’t we ask the users?

O I have a good idea, let’s see what the users want

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Windows Explorer Windows Explorer Windows ExplorerO Everyone loves windows explorer. I

Know because I do.

O Everyone must love getting their teeth cleaned because they all have done it many times.

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Daylights A’ BurningO Hurry up dammit . Didn’t you finish
