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  • 8/9/2019 Seminary VioliniS



    Soraya Violini 

    Seminary –  Master in Emergency Early Warning and Response Space Applications.Mario Gulich

    Institute, CONAE. Argentina

    October, 2013

    Deforestation: Change

    Detection in Forest Cover

    using Remote Sensing

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    Chapter 1


    Chapter 2: Forest and Deforestation2.1 Definitions…..…..……………………………………………………………...3

    2.2 Forest and Problem……………...…………………………………………….4

    2.3 Lucha contra la Deforestacion……………………………………………......5

    Chapter 3: Remote Sensing y Deforestation

    3.1 Vegetation Reflectance………….……………………………………..……..11

    3.2 Technical of Change Detection….…………………………………………...14

    Chapter 4

    Conclusions……………………………………………………………………… ..24

    Bibliography……………………………………………………………….... ........25

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    Deforestation: Change Detection in Forests Cover using Remote Sensing


    The conservation and development of forests are vital to the welfare ofhuman beings. Forests management is essential to maintain social, economic and ecological


    Forrest monitoring allows to track their state of health and productivity, in order to

    conduct proper management, according to the state of resources, to enhance their

    functionality and promote conservation.

    Remote sensors, optical and radar, offer the possibility of locating changes in forest

    areas using various analysis techniques, ranging from the purely visual interpretation to the

    implementation of a fully automated algorithm.

    This report is a review of the literature on the techniques used to observe changes in

    forest cover and monitoring through remote sensing. 

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    Deforestation: Change Detection in Forests Cover using Remote Sensing



    Forests provide support for one billion people that live in extreme poverty around

    the world, and provide remunerative employment to more than one hundred million. They

    contain more than 80% of terrestrial biodiversity (FAO, 2012) and provide essential

    environmental services such as soil conservation, watershed management, protection

    against floods and landslides, and provide industrial wood (UN). 

    According to the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) of the UN, it is

    estimated that deforestation and forest degradation rise 12.9 million hectares per year and

    the current area of degraded forest is 850 million hectares. Most of the changes in forest-

     based ecosystems due to: a) conversion of land cover, b) land degradation c) intensification

    of land use (Lambin, 1997). These changes have resulted in coverage to a wide variety of

    ecological impacts, ranging from local to global scale, including changes in productivity

    and forests composition, nutrient dynamics, species diversity, and increased atmospheric

    carbon dioxide (Braswell et al 2003). 

    One way of assessing changes in land use is based on the measurement of changes

    in vegetal and no vegetal cover (Bochco, 2001). Technological progress allows a

    comprehensive understanding of any region of the earth's surface from satellite images

    (Chuvieco et al, 2002). These images of the Earth have been widely used for change

    detection, specifically to the mapping and monitoring deforestation. This has favored

    international efforts to establish permanent programs (Vargas and Chuvieco, 1991). 

    This work is intended as a review to the approaches used to monitor deforestation

     processes, listing and describing the techniques used to observe changes in forest cover and

    monitoring through remote sensing. 

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    Deforestation: Change Detection in Forests Cover using Remote Sensing

    CHAPTER 2 

    Forests and Deforestation

    2.1. Definitions


    The concepts of Forests and Deforestation were and are defined in different ways

    depending on the organization to which we refer. According to FAO (2000) forests and

    natural plantation with canopy cover greater than 10% and a surface to 0.5 ha.; determined

     by the presence of tree and the absence of other predominant land use, which trees should

     be able to reach a minimum height of 5m.

    In Argentina, the law 26.331/07 of Minimum Standards for Environmental

    Protection of Native Forests, defines forests as natural forest ecosystems composed

     predominantly of mature native tree spices, with various species of flora and fauna

    associated, along with the surrounding medium - soil, subsoil, atmosphere, climate, water-,

    forming an interdependent web with its own characteristics and multiple functions, which

    in its natural state, give to the system a dynamic equilibrium condition that provides various

    environmental services to society, as well as diverse natural resources with the possibilityof economic use.


    The Program Forest Resources Assessment (FRA, 2006) defines deforestation as the

    conversion of forests to other land use or cover reduction, less than 10% of their Total (0.5

    ha.). Also the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)

    defines deforestation as the direct conversion of human-induced forest land to non-forest


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    Deforestation: Change Detection in Forests Cover using Remote Sensing

    2.1.  Forests and Problem 

    The forests of the world cover about 3.4 billion hectares (Figure 1). They are

    sources of raw materials and food, and are critical to maintaining agricultural productivity

    and ecological balance of the entire planet.

    Figure 1: World map of forest distribution.

    Forests and woodlands are varied, from the dense jungles of the tropics to the East

    African savannah woodlands of mangroves to lush boreal and temperate forests.

    In Latin America, tropical forests constitute the largest reserves of this type of

    forests worldwide, but there are disappearing at a rate of about 1.3 percent annually.

    In Argentina, the richest forested regions in species are the Paranaense Forest and

    “Yungas” Forest. By mid 2004 Argentina's native forests spread over approximately

    36 million hectares, this means only 15% of the country. Between 1880 and 2003

    destroyed approximately 78% of native forest cover throughout Argentina.

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    Deforestation: Change Detection in Forests Cover using Remote Sensing

    Figure 2: Phytogeographical regions of Argentina (Cabrera).

    The lack of a system for the continuous monitoring of the forest cover, including

    forest inventory or geographical information system to periodically update the changes in

    land use, prevent obtaining actual figures regarding the disappearance of woodlands. To the

    above, are added, controls inefficient and little or no supervision over the damage to the

    forest cover by total and selective harvesting, authorized annually; therefore, there are no

    updated figures on the extent of commercial forest loss and total deforestation (FAO,


    2.2.  Combating Deforestation

    Concern about the destruction of the world's forests, has increased considerably in

    the past two decades and has led to several initiatives to reverse this trend and develop

    strategies and measures for sustainable forest management (ITTO, 2002).

    World Forestry Program

    In February 1997, the Intergovernmental Panel on Forests (IPF) of the Commission on

    Sustainable Development (CSD) defined the global forest program. He reaffirmed that the

    conservation and sustainable development of forests are matters of international concern.

    La YungaBos ue de Calden

    Selva Misionera

    Bos ue Cha ueño

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    Deforestation: Change Detection in Forests Cover using Remote Sensing

    The Group adopted proposals for action and reach consensus on key issues such as national

    forest programs and forest assessments. Here are some of the major issues and

    recommended actions were the result of the process of IPF:

       National forest programs should be holistic, intersectoral and interactive, and

    consistent with the policies and national and local strategies. Should involve all

    stakeholders, promote secure land tenure and integrate the conservation and

    sustainable use of biological resources.

      Indigenous peoples and local communities have traditional rights to be respected.

    Working with them is essential to identify, preserve and promote traditional

    knowledge related to forests.

      The national forestry research capabilities should be improved and create regional

    and global networks of research to facilitate information exchange, foster

    interdisciplinary research and disseminate the results. Detailed studies are needed of

    the underlying causes of deforestation and environmental degradation.

      You need to have better evaluation methodologies to obtain reliable estimates of all

    forest goods and services, especially those that are not generally traded.

      Measures are needed to improve access to markets for forest goods and services,

    including the reduction of tariff and non-tariff barriers to trade, in accordance with

    existing international obligations and commitments.  It is necessary to adopt innovative methods to make more effective use of existing

    financial mechanisms and generate new and additional resources, both nationally

    and internationally.

      The investment policies and regulations should aim to attract domestic investment

    of foreign and local communities for sustainable forest-based industries,

    reforestation, conservation and protection of forests. The use of appropriate

    economic instruments and incentives and market-based increase income and to

    mobilize domestic financial resources.

      Cooperation should be encouraged in the transfer of technology related to forests,

    through public sector investment and private joint ventures, exchange of

    information and a closer relationship between forestry institutions.

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    Deforestation: Change Detection in Forests Cover using Remote Sensing

      Improving information systems would improve coordination and data sharing on the

    implementation of national forest programs, programming of official development

    assistance, the provision of new and additional financial resources, private sector

    investment and development and technology transfer.

      Should be clarified the roles and mandates of the relevant international

    organizations and mechanisms to increase cooperation, eliminate gaps and avoid

    duplication (FAO).

    International Tropical Timber Agreement

    The International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) is an intergovernmental

    organization that promotes conservation and sustainable management, sustainable use and

    trade of tropical forest resources. Its 60 members represent about 80 percent of the world'stropical forests and accounted for 90 percent of world trade in tropical timber. Documents

    develop ITTO internationally agreed policy to promote the conservation and sustainable

    management of forests and assists tropical member countries to enable them to adapt such

     policies to local circumstances and to implement them through projects.

    In addition, ITTO collects, analyzes and disseminates data on the production and

    trade of tropical timber and funds a variety of projects and activities for developing

    industries at both community and industrial scales. All projects are funded by voluntarycontributions from members, mainly from consumer member. Since it became operational

    in 1987, ITTO has funded more than 750 projects, pre-projects and activities with a total

    value of over 300 million U.S. dollars. The main donors are the governments of Japan,

    Switzerland and the United States of America.

    Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD)

    Deforestation and forest degradation due to agricultural expansion, conversion to

     pastureland, infrastructure development, fires, destructive logging, including nearly 20 % of

    global emissions of greenhouse gases. 

    Limiting the impact of climate change within limits that society can tolerate, the

    global average temperature must be stabilized within the range of two degrees Celsius

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    Deforestation: Change Detection in Forests Cover using Remote Sensing

    above the current temperature. This is almost impossible without reducing emissions from

    the forest sector, including mitigation measures. 

    The initiative for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD,

    2008), is an effort to create a financial value for the carbon stored in forests. This provides

    incentives to developing countries to reduce emissions from forested lands and invest in

    routes of low-carbon sustainable development. “REDD +" goes beyond deforestation and

    forest degradation, and includes the role of conservation, sustainable management of forests

    and enhancement of forest carbon stocks. 

    Panama is one of the 9 countries in the world with resources approved by the UN

    REDD Program to help design and organize the steps necessary to achieve " readiness" to

    allow the country to be ready to implement activities and mechanisms to reduce emissions.  

    The Joint UN REDD in Panama will contribute to: design a legal framework

    validated for the implementation of the national REDD + strategy , develop an operational

    framework for the implementation of the REDD + strategy , strengthen national capacities

    for the implementation of the REDD + strategy , design system and benefit payments ;

    create a national forest inventory and monitoring carbon ; establish a baseline emissions

    scenario and design a carbon accounting system and emissions information generation . 

    The Joint UN- REDD in Panama defines the minimum of preparation, and supports

    the country to chart a path towards achieving the implementation of REDD +.  

    Native Forest Law

    In late 2007, Argentinian Congress passed Law 26.331 of Minimum Standards for

    Environmental Protection of Native Forests, regulated in February 2009. 

    The Forest Act provides that the provinces will make the land of its native forests

    (OTBN) through a participatory process, categorizes possible uses for forest lands: from

    conservation to the possibility of transformation for agriculture, through sustainable forest

    use. So forest zoning as follows: 

      Category I (red): High conservation value areas that must not be removed or used

    for timber extraction and forest should remain forever. Include nature reserves and

    their surrounding areas, which have outstanding biological values, and / or sites that

     protect important watershed (headwaters of rivers and streams). 

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    Deforestation: Change Detection in Forests Cover using Remote Sensing



    Sensors Remotes y Deforestation

    3.1.  Reflectance de la vegetation

    All geographical elements (forests, crops, rivers lakes, buildings, etc.) transformed

    differentially receiving electromagnetic radiation from the sun. Each object type represents

    a specific type of level in terms of:

    Received Radiation = Reflected Radiation + Radiation Absorbed + Radiation Transmitted

    The variation of reflectance (reflected radiation) as a function of wavelength

    spectral signature called, that is, the function that describes the amount of reflected

    radiation with respect to the wavelength of this radiation, the spectral signature is an

    objector element (Figure 3). 

    Figure 3: Spectral signatures and resolution of Landsat multispectral bands


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    Deforestation: Change Detection in Forests Cover using Remote Sensing


    Vegetation is a resource with many varieties, and different characteristics depending

    on the species (leaf, stem, trunk, humidity, etc.), and besides that, for living being, are

    subject to change depending on environmental conditions and internal thereof. 

    Healthy vegetation has a low reflectivity in the visible, but with a peak in the green

    color due to chlorophyll and air bags which are generated in the intermediate tissue of

    leaves. This reflectivity is very high in the near infrared due to low energy absorption by

    the plants in this band. Mid-infrared is a particularly important because decrease in those

    wavelengths in which water of the plant absorbs energy. 

    The ill vegetation has decrease of the reflectivity in the infrared, but an increase in

    the red and blue (visible). 

    An additional factor that affects the vegetation, is the amount of wáter it containes.

    When this increases, reflectivity decreases and viceversa (inversely proportional), due to

    the behavior of water with respect to radiation. Mid-infrared shows a particularly important

    decrease in those wavelengths in which wáter contained in plants absorbs energy (Figure


    Figure 4: Reflectivity of vegetation in the spectrum (//

    Vegetation Indexes

    Investigators have developed techniques for qualitatively and quantitatively

    assessing the vegetation from spectral measurements. Vegetation indexes (VIs) take

    advantage of vegetation's reflective contrast (as mentioned before) between the NIR and

    visible red (VIS) wavelengths, sometimes with additional channels included; these are one

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    Deforestation: Change Detection in Forests Cover using Remote Sensing


    of the most widely used remote sensing measurements. Generally, are analyzed the

    reflectance at 660 nm in the red range of the spectrum and the reflectance at 870 nm in the

     NIR range. At higher vegetation vigor, more high contrast between reflectance values in

    these regions.

    Most formulas of vegetation indexes are based on ratios or linear combination and

    exploit differences in the reflectance patterns of green vegetation and other objects. 

    Following a list of the principal Vegetation indexes: 

    Vegetation Indexes Definition

    RVI Ratio Vegetation Índex

    nir  RVI 


    NDVI Normalized Difference Vegetation Index nir r   NDVI nir r  


    PVI Perpendicular Vegetation Index 2



    nir M r Q PVI 



    DVI Difference Vegetation Index

     DVI nir r   

    IPVI Infrared Percentage Vegetation Índex



     NDVI  IPVI 


    WDVIWeighted Difference Vegetation

    *WDVI nir M r    

    SAVISoil Adjusted Vegetation Index

    1nir r  

    SAVI Lnir r L


    TSAVITransformed Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index

    2* *

    * * 1

     B nir B r QTSAVI 

    r B nir Q M X M  


     NIR = value near infrared reflectivity

    R = Value of reflectivity in the red

    L = soil adjustment factor (L = 0.5; Huete 1998)

    M = Slope of the land

    Q = y-intercept of the line of the soil 

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    Deforestation: Change Detection in Forests Cover using Remote Sensing


    3.2.  Change detection techniques

    Satellite images are a valuable tool for quick access to those areas under ecological

    disasters. Their wide coverage area, his ability to quickly view and evaluate the situation of

    those places, where the same consequences of the disaster prevent or hinder other types of

    approach, are key factors in the management of the recovery actions after the event.

    The use of remote sensing in monitoring deforestation processes is performed both

    visual and digital analysis. Among the most interesting approaches should consider

    employing linear spectral mixing analysis , in order to extract sub - pixel information from

     NOAA - AVHRR images ( Braswell et al. , 2003 ; Hlavka and Spanner , 1995 ; Kressler

    and Steinnocher , 1999 ) and software CLASlite ( Asner et al. , 2009 ) , the use of radar

    images , in sectors with very frequent cloud coverage ( Thapa et al. , 2013 ) , multitemporal

    analysis ( Lambien and Ehrlich , 2010 ; Chuvieco , 2002 Chuvieco Vargas , 1991 ).

    Visual Analysis

    For the detection of changes, such as deforestation and fragmentation, visual

    interpretation procedure is appropriate since replacing farmland forest represents changes in

    the spectral values of the contrasting images as well as ways that favor their identification

    features (Figure 5). 

    Figure 5: Combinations of color Landsat image Paysandú forestation (//

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    Deforestation: Change Detection in Forests Cover using Remote Sensing


    Linear Spectral Mixing Analysis

    In the mixing model are estimated the proportions of the components of mixed

     pixels, from the spectral response of the components, this model is especially useful in low

    spatial resolution images.

    The Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) is a sensor on board

    the satellite platform of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

    and was originally designed for meteorological applications. However, in recent years, is

    used to monitor the surface of the earth, particularly the vegetation dynamics regional and

    global level (spatial resolution of 1.1 km), using reflective bands (580-680 nm in the visible

    red, 725-1100 nm in the near infrared).

    The use of this sensor may be combined with other high spatial resolution, such as

    Landsat providing more detailed information to calibrate AVHRR data.In Hlavka and Spanner (1995) the model was applied to the radiance (L) of a given

     pixel, considering that DN are a linear function of radiation, which groups coverage that

    wanted to distinguish (clearcutting, forest and succession) has spectral signatures different

    and that the patches contain all three types of covers.



    (3, 2, 1) 

    False Color NIR

    (4, 3, 2) False Color


    (4, 5, 3) 



    (7, 4, 2) 

    Trees and


    Olive Green Red Brown-Orange Various Green

    Crops  Green tolight Green

    Rose to Red Yellowish Various Green

    Wetlands  Dark Greento Black

    Dark Red Black Various Green

    Water  Blue-Green Blue Black Black to DarkBlue


    Areas White to

    Light BlueBlue to Grey Gray-green to


    Soil  White toLight Blue

    Blue to Grey Blue-Green toWhite

    Violet to rose

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    Deforestation: Change Detection in Forests Cover using Remote Sensing


     L (p, b) = Ml(b) * Fl(p) + M2(b) * F2(p) + M3(b) * F 3 b ) + e(p, b) (1) 

    Subject to the constraint

     F l (p) + F2 (p) + F3 (p) = 1

    Where  Ml (b), M2 (b), and M3 (b) are the mean  L values for classes 1, 2, and 3 in

     band b; and Fl (p), F2 (p), and F3 (p) are the fractions of the three classes. The error term e

    (p, b) is a term representing the combined effect of local deviations of  L values of the

    components from their average values. Braswell et al. (2003), applied this technique using

    reflectance data from MISR and MODIS sensors and ISODATA unsupervised

    classification of land use from Landsat ETM + (30 m resolution) of which were recognized

    5 types of cover (Figure 6).

    Figure 6: Observed and predicted values of forest, secondary, and cleared fractionalareas for the reference case in Ruropolis (Braswell et al., 2003).

    For the evaluation of this methodology results, Steinnocher Kessler (1999) propose

    three methods: visual analysis, average squared error calculation and the calculation of theoverflow fraction. The RMS error can be calculated for each pixel or the whole image,

    smaller RMS, better the model. In the third test, the fraction of land cover components

    should be between 0 and 1, if the model is not well-built fractions values are outside this


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    Deforestation: Change Detection in Forests Cover using Remote Sensing


    Other studies estimated the percentage of pixel occupied by forest and no forest in

    MODIS images. Hansen et al. (2008) propose an approach that uses a regional coverage

    MODIS product to calibrate high-resolution Landsat imagery. The method is an automated

    decision tree algorithm that uses an algorism tool to characterize forest cover, evaluate

     presence of clouds and shadows, and generate maps identifying as afforestation those pixels

    with more than 60 % coverage and no afforestation, those with less this value. Then are

     performed Landsat compositions and finally, the maps are elaborated (Figure 7).

    Figure 7: Flow diagram of multi-resolution forest cover mapping and change detectionmethodology where the following text sub headings from the Methods section are highlighted:1) Generate regional MODIS 250 m forest non-forest cover map forest non-forest cover map,2) Georectification/resampling of satellite data, 3) Landsat normalization, 4) Landsat cloudand shadow flagging, 5) Landsat decision tree forest mapping procedure, 6) Landsatcompositing, 7) Landsat forest change mapping (Hansen et al., 2008).

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    Deforestation: Change Detection in Forests Cover using Remote Sensing


    CLASlite Software

    CLASlite is a highly automated system for converting satellite imagery from its

    original format (unprocessed), through calibration, pre-processing, atmospheric correction

    and cloud masking steps, Monte Carlo Spectral Mixture Analysis and expert classificationto obtaining high-resolution images output (Figure 8).

    Figure 8: Automated System CLASlite (

    This tool was designed specifically to support forest monitoring for REDD program.

    Its outputs include maps of percent cover of living and dead vegetation, bare soil and other

    substrates in addition to quantitative measures of the uncertainty in each pixel of the image.

    These maps are interpreted in terms of forest cover, deforestation and forest disturbance

    using automated decision trees.

    The output images CLASlite can enter directly to other screening programs,

    geographic information systems (GIS), Google Earth or other display systems.

    A detail of system processes were described by Asner et al. (2009) (Figure 9):

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    Deforestation: Change Detection in Forests Cover using Remote Sensing


      Initial Image Masking

    Water bodies are masked automatically to be removed in subsequent analyzes. This

    is accomplished by detecting the reflectance properties only of water (reduced from blue to

    near infrared) and by clouds leftovers mask by identifying pixels that appear negative

    reflectance values .

    On Landsat images, it only has the option to hide a portion of the pixels with clouds

    using the thermal band, to reduce the processing time for the next step.

      Sub - pixel Analysis

    The core process is a sub CLASlite - model called AutoMCU (Automated Monte

    Carlo unmixing), which provides a quantitative analysis of the fraction or percent cover (0-

    100 %) of live and dead vegetation and bare substrate within each pixel. Live vegetation or photosynthetic vegetation (PV) has unique spectral properties associated with leaf

     photosynthetic pigments and water content of the canopy. Senescent vegetation fraction is

    called non-photosynthetic vegetation (NPV), is seen in the spectrum as bright surface

    material spectral features associated with carbon compounds from the plant.

    The AutoMCU is based on a probabilistic algorithm that use three spectral libraries

    derived from field measurements and hyperspectral satellite images to decompose each

     pixel image using a linear equation. Iteratively selects a PV, NPV and bare substrate

    spectrum of each library, and the pixel reflectance unmixing in housing constituent

    fractions using the equation. The random selection process is repeated until the solution

    converges to a mean value for each fraction of covered surface.

    To assess performance, pixel by pixel, standard deviation and RMSE images are

    generated, which allows the user to identify areas of concern (Figure 10).

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    Deforestation: Change Detection in Forests Cover using Remote Sensing


    Figure 10: Processing stream for the Automated Monte Carlo

    Unmixing (AutoMCU) sub-model within CLASlite (Asner et al .,


      Secondary Image Masking

    After determining PV fractional coverage, VPN and bare substrate within each pixel

    of the image, there is a secondary masking and a scale change. The masking is applied with

    a threshold value selected by the user based on RMSE derived from the AutoMCU model.

      Deforestation and disturbance mapping (multi-image mode)

    CLASlite includes a fully automated ability to detect the change from a time series

    of images taken from the same geographical area. Analysis of multiple images is the most

    accurate method for detecting the loss of forests (deforestation), the gain (secondary

    regrowth) or degradation (forest disturbance zones persistent).

      Forest Cover Analysis (single-image mode)

    Although it is preferable to use at least two consecutive images to detect

    deforestation and forest disturbance, it is possible to map the forest canopy coverage using

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    Deforestation: Change Detection in Forests Cover using Remote Sensing


    only one image. These images of forest cover often indicate areas of past logging and


      Technical limitations

    CLASlite outputs, especially maps disturbance usually require further analysis in

    order to interpret the specific types of disturbances.


    In areas characterized by constant cloudiness and fog, data from Synthetic

    Aperture Radar are the only alternative for the study of vegetation cover.

    According Thapa et al. (2013), the radar images ALOS - PALSAR (L-band) HH

    -HV polarization and angle of 34.3 °, are highly applicable to the characterization of

    several tropical forests.Image segmentation is used and applied thresholds for discriminating between

    types of soil coverage on the basis of backscattered HH and HV bands. Another

    segmentation technique, multiresolution is applied in order to minimize heterogeneity and

    maximize homogeneity.

    The segmentation procedure begins with a pixel of a single image object and

    repeatedly merges in pairs in several loops to larger units, provided that an upper threshold

    of homogeneity that cannot be exceeded locally. Then the objects in the image are labeled

     by establishing standards for different types of land cover (Figure 11).

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    Deforestation: Change Detection in Forests Cover using Remote Sensing


    Figure 11: Four land cover maps (A. 2007, B. 2008, C. 2009, and D. 2010) and locations of

    concession and conservation areas including deforested landscape observed in 2007e2010 (E).

    Multitemporal Analysis

    Multitemporal analysis techniques from satellite imagery to track deforestation

     provide a useful source for the management of the territories affected by this phenomenon.

    The analysis is based on the interpretation and comparison of images from different dates

    and different sensors (Landsat and Spot).

    In the case of multi-sensor studies, you should keep in mind that the images should

     be compatible. For this, it’s  necessary to proceed with the normal pre-processing

    (radiometric calibration, geometric and atmospheric correction setting) before starting the

    multitemporal analysis.

    For the study of deforestation is useful to use transformations of images that

    reinforce plant component as indexes normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI ) (

    critical value for ground cover around 0.1 and 0.5 dense vegetation ) indicating the state of

    vitality of vegetation, reducing its value with the loss of vitality and facilitating the

    identification of areas of forest cover changes . With a histogram segmentation, forest cover

    of each image obtained from NDVI, defined categories of interest (afforestation andreforestation). Are obtained thus, binary maps of each date and multitemporal crossover is

     performed to identify themselves with the changes and / or changes in the vegetation in the

    area (Chuvieco, 2002 Chuvieco Vargas, 1991).

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    Deforestation: Change Detection in Forests Cover using Remote Sensing


    Figure 13: Sample "funnel" to detect hot spots of deforestation (Lambin y Ehrlich, 1997).

    Two variables highly related to deforestation processes can be derived directly from

    large-scale maps of land cover such as that are produced by the TREES project (maps with

     NOAA-AVHRR images 1.1 km resolution): the proportion of land cover and the spatial

    fragmentation of these ones.

    Maps are developed of areas that have high prior probability of deforestation,

    according to a single variable and overlaps through a GIS. With the aim of increasing the

     precision of hot spots, variables are combined (not more than 4 variables) according tological relationships (high density presence of fires with high rates of growth of the

     population) (Lambin, 1997). 

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    Deforestation: Change Detection in Forests Cover using Remote Sensing




    The conservation and management of forests are very important for the

    development of human life. However, this is only possible if conservation measures

    contemplate economic and social situations unfair in different countries. Developing

    countries are those with the largest areas of tropical forests but also have countless

    economic and social needs, so that, forest conservation is not a priority and in many cases,

    are an obstacle development of economic activities such as agriculture, oil extraction,

    extraction of minerals and timber.

    The forest conservation policies have to offer financial compensation, to involve

    communities (especially indigenous peoples), should be established based on multi-

    disciplinary and jurisdictional studies and must be applied consistently at all scales, but

    mostly it is necessary to adopt innovative techniques in order to make more efficient the

    use of resources, since the monitoring of forest tracts to measure deforestation, degradation

    and / or evolution of the forests are not easy.

    In this sense, the remote sensors offer a quick and low cost way to map thousands of

    acres per day to monitoring deforestation, logging and other disturbances, as well as,

    following the recovery of forests. The access to images is becoming easier and cheaper and

    analysis techniques range from visual to those fully automated and can when applied to

    optical (spectral values) and radar sensors (backscatter values ).

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    Deforestation: Change Detection in Forests Cover using Remote Sensing



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