senco workshop

Senco Workshop Term 4

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Senco Workshop. Term 4. Workshop Overview. Any or all of the following … Your needs Teaching techniques in Inclusive Classrooms Teacher Aides – best use of an expensive resource Wellbeing site and Inclusive School Surveys And weaving through the day – smart technology  . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Senco Workshop

Term 4

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Any or all of the following …1. Your needs2. Teaching techniques in Inclusive Classrooms3. Teacher Aides – best use of an expensive

resource4. Wellbeing site and Inclusive School SurveysAnd weaving through the day – smart technology

Workshop Overview

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Teaching techniques in Inclusive Classrooms

• PART 1: General Teaching strategies and their theoretical foundation

• PART 2: Adaptation and Planning 

Thanks To associate professor Jill Bevan Brown for the material in the following slides.  

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Behavioural Theory• A (Antecedents), B (Behaviour), C

(Consequences)• Concentrates on what can be seen• Interventions for problem behaviour –

Functional Behaviour Analysis (FBA).  

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• What was the cause of t he behaviour?• What was the consequence?

Antecedent / Cause



Scenario: Teacher hands out worksheet, child with special needs throws it away and abuses teacher, teacher sends him out of the room

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Student Internal ExternalGets A sense of satisfaction

that they have told the teacher off

Kudos from their classmates that  they have told the teacher off

Avoids Having to do a task that is beyond their ability

Classmates seeing that they can’t do the task

Communicates Aggressive behaviours will meet their needs

Aggressive behaviours produce the   desired outcome

So the student with learning needs…

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• Think of a recent situation with one of your students who has learning needs

• Identify what the student gets, avoids and communicates in that situation

Your turn…

Internal External




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What if the child could do the work but didn’t want to?

Strategies for managing

• Behaviour/learning contract• Social reinforcement              • Activity reinforcement      • Token reinforcement      • Edible reinforcement         • Tactile and sensory reinforcement  • Use FBA to solve a student’s problem you have


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Your turn…

• What other strategies do you use for a behavioural needs student?

• Work in groups and generate ideas

• Share





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Learning Needs Strategies

Task Analysis: the breaking down of a complex task into its parts and arranging these into a hierarchical or logical learning sequence

1. Assessment – where is the difficulty?2. Plan – teaching objectives in area of difficulty3. Teaching sequence that builds on previous


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How to Analyse a Task1. Watch someone 2. Do it yourself3. Researchhttp

:// (but always try out yourself)

4. Identify language, memory or motor skills involved5. Identify prerequisite skills or understandings are needed6. Task timeframe7. Complexity of task : ability of learner & size of learning steps 8. Test drive - preferably a child of the same age

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Analyse: Putting on a T shirt

1. Hold shirt bottom open with right hand

2. Insert left hand into shirt3. With right hand, pull shirt over left

hand so hand comes through sleeve4. Hold shirt bottom with left hand5. Insert right hand into shirt and

through sleeve6. Pull shirt over head7. Pull shirt down (Cook, Klein, Tessier,

2004, p. 262)

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• Use the iPad to help you demonstrate how to do a forward roll.

• Take photos of the sequence• Use the photos to create a book with the

instructions in print and voice.

Your turn …

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Cognitive Approaches to Teaching

Approaches include:• guided imagery, • strategy instruction, • study skills,• reciprocal teaching,• De Bono’s six thinking hats, • whole brain strategies, • brainstorming, • accelerated learning • multiple intelligences.

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Metacognitive strategies

• Cloze exercise, • graphic organisers such as mindmaps,

diagrams & charts, • reciprocal questioning, • marking texts eg highlighting keys


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Your turn …





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What teachers need to do• Identify the child’s level of cognitive development • Examine the demand of the curriculum content

and materials and adapt these or prepare pupils to meet the demands.

• Analyse faulty processes of thinking at the input, elaboration and output phases of lessons

• Use group discussions and direct teaching of strategies to improve thinking processes

• Teach pupils to reflect on and vocalise their own thinking processes

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Teaching Tips

• Observational learning – to gain attention use high status or same age models with skill just slightly higher level of competence

• Draw attention to relevant aspects of modelling. • Rehearsal to aid retention – visualisation or

performance.• In performance provide recall prompts, informative

feedback, time & incentives if student is not motivated to perform

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Teaching Social Skills• Evidence-based strategies • Engagement• Modeling• Rehearsal & Roleplay• DVD, feedback• Puppets• Homework tasks – transfer of training• Whole group/whole class

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Your turn…

• Get into groups • Agree on a social skill you are having issues with at

the moment• Write a script for a short conversation that

positively models this• Practise your script• Either

– Use the iPads and a puppet programme (e.g. sock puppets) to develop the script

– Video yourselves acting out the script.• Present • Analyse

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Part 2: Adaptation and Planning• classroom/centre environment• the amount and complexity of content• method of instruction• intended goals• lesson format• materials used• pacing• performance standards• support structure• daily schedules• evaluation method and criteria• Etc!

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• Break into groups. • Take 2 or 3 of the ideas from this list and talk

about what they mean to you. • Decide on an example of how this is used• Share

Your turn…

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• Work in groups of three• Think of some specific things that are getting in

the way of each child in your room being able to access the learning. For example, not being able to grip a pencil.

• Describe the child and the issue briefly on your paper

• Think of one thing you could do to support the child

• Move around the room and contribute your ideas to other groups’ issues

Your turn…

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Planning for Inclusion• Educational matrix

IEP Goals Literacy Numeracy Theme PE Science Assembly